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[01/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

Repository: cordova-docs
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master de821170a -> e37518654
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
index 50d8ec7..fb3ed8f 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Questa guida Mostra come modificare progetti iOS per l'aggiornamento da versioni
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/aggiornamento percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti di CLI:
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Per i progetti di CLI:
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/aggiornamento percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti di CLI:
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ platform add ios`.
 5.  Copia il `config.xml` nel `www` directory e rimuovere eventuali definizioni di plugin. Modificare le impostazioni qui invece di directory della piattaforma.
-6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
+6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
 7.  Costruire e testare.
@@ -132,25 +132,25 @@ platform add ios`.
 6.  Aggiornare il riferimento allo script di Cordova nel tuo `www/index.html` file (e qualsiasi altro file che contengono il riferimento allo script) per puntare al nuovo `cordova.js` file.
 7.  Aggiornare qualsiasi `<plugin>` nel tag il `config.xml` del file di `<feature>` tag. Nota esistenti `<plugin>` tag ancora lavorare, ma sono deprecati. È possibile copiare queste informazioni nel `config.xml` file per un nuovo progetto. Ad esempio:
             <plugin name="LocalStorage" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
             <!-- other plugins -->
         <!-- change to: (note that a <feature> tag is on the same level as <plugins> -->
         <feature name="LocalStorage">
             <param name="ios-package" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
         <!-- other <feature> tags -->
 8.  Eliminare il `CordovaLib` directory e copia il `CordovaLib` dalla nuovo progetto directory nella directory radice del progetto.
 9.  Aggiungere questi due quadri al progetto:
         OpenAL ImageIO
 10. Aggiornare la destinazione del progetto **Costruire impostazioni**. Sotto **Collegamento → altre bandiere del Linker**, modificare **"- Obj - C"** per essere **"-ObjC"**.
@@ -297,14 +297,14 @@ platform add ios`.
 10. Convertire il `Cordova.plist` del file di `config.xml` , eseguendo lo script `bin/cordova\_plist\_to\_config\_xml` su file di progetto.
 11. Aggiungere il plugin InAppBrowser per tuo `config.xml` , aggiungendo questo tag sotto `<cordova><plugins>` :
         < nome plugin = "InAppBrowser" value = "CDVInAppBrowser" / >
 12. Nota che i plugin di Objective-C sono *non* whitelisted piu '. Alla whitelist le connessioni con la whitelist app, è necessario impostare il `User-Agent` intestazione del collegamento alla stesso user-agent come principale Cordova WebView. È possibile ottenere ciò accedendo la `userAgent` Proprietà fuori il view controller principale. Il Vista-Regolatore principale ( `CDVViewController` ) ha anche un `URLisAllowed` metodo per verificare se un URL passa la whitelist.
 13. Modifiche del dispositivo API:
     *   Per iOS, il device utilizzato per restituire `iPhone` , `iPad` o `iPod Touch` ; ora restituisce (correttamente)`iOS`.
     *   Per iOS, (ormai obsoleto per tutte le piattaforme) utilizzato per restituire il nome del dispositivo dell'utente (ad esempio ' iPhone 5 ′ su Shazron '); ora restituisce quale device utilizzato per restituire: `iPhone` , `iPad` o`iPod Touch`.
     *   Per tutte le piattaforme, c'è una nuova proprietà denominata device.model; Questo metodo restituisce il modello di dispositivo specifico, ad esempio `iPad2,5` (per altre piattaforme, questo restituisce ciò che per restituire).
@@ -324,17 +324,17 @@ platform add ios`.
 6.  Aggiornare il riferimento allo script di Cordova nel tuo `www/index.html` file (e qualsiasi altro file che contengono il riferimento allo script) per puntare al nuovo `cordova-2.2.0.js` file.
 7.  Aggiornare (o sostituire, se non hai mai cambiato il file) tua `MainViewController.m` secondo quello dal nuovo progetto:
     *   Aggiornato → viewWillAppear
 8.  Copia il `cordova` dalla nuovo progetto directory nella directory radice del progetto. In 2.2.0, questo ha un aggiornato script 'emulare'.
 9.  Successivamente, aggiornare il `CordovaLib` Sub-progetto di riferimento. A partire da Cordova 2.1.0, non stiamo utilizzando la variabile CORDOVALIB Xcode piu ' quando si fa riferimento dove `CordovaLib` risiede, ora il riferimento è un riferimento di file assoluto.
     1.  Lanciare terminal. app
     2.  Vai al percorso dove avete installato Cordova (vedi punto 1), nella `bin` sottodirectory
     3.  Eseguire lo script qui sotto dove il primo parametro è il percorso del progetto `.xcodeproj` file:
         `update_cordova_subproject path/to/your/project/xcodeproj`
 **Nota**: In 2.2.0, il `bin/create` lo script copia nella `CordovaLib` Sub-progetto nel progetto. Per avere lo stesso tipo di installazione, basta copiare il diritto `CordovaLib` nella directory del progetto e aggiornamento il `CordovaLib` sottoprogetto percorso (relativo al progetto) in Xcode File ispettore.
@@ -356,12 +356,12 @@ Con Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` è stato aggiornato per utilizzare il **Conteggi
 6.  Aggiornare il riferimento allo script di Cordova nel tuo `www/index.html` file (e qualsiasi altro file che contengono il riferimento allo script) per puntare al nuovo `cordova-2.1.0.js` file.
 7.  Aggiornare (o sostituire, se non hai mai cambiato il file) tua `AppDelegate.m` secondo quello dal nuovo progetto:
     *   Modificato → applicazione: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
     *   Aggiunto → applicazione: supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:
 8.  Aggiornare (o sostituire, se non hai mai cambiato il file) tua `MainViewController.m` secondo quello dal nuovo progetto:
     *   Aggiunto → viewWillAppear
 9.  Copia il `cordova` dalla nuovo progetto directory nella directory radice del progetto. In 2.1.0, questo ha gli script aggiornati per supportare i percorsi con spazi.
@@ -369,11 +369,11 @@ Con Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` è stato aggiornato per utilizzare il **Conteggi
 10. Rimuovere il `VERSION` file di riferimento dal progetto (*non* quello in`CordovaLib`).
 11. Successivamente, aggiornare il `CordovaLib` Sub-progetto di riferimento. A partire da Cordova 2.1.0, non stiamo utilizzando la variabile CORDOVALIB Xcode piu ' quando si fa riferimento dove `CordovaLib` risiede, ora il riferimento è un riferimento di file assoluto.
     1.  Lanciare terminal. app
     2.  Vai al percorso dove avete installato Cordova (vedi punto 1), nella `bin` sottodirectory
     3.  Eseguire lo script qui sotto dove il primo parametro è il percorso del progetto `.xcodeproj` file:
         `update_cordova_subproject percorso/per/your/progetto/xcodeproj`
 ## All'aggiornamento 1.9.0 progetti a 2.0.0
@@ -405,15 +405,15 @@ Con Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` è stato aggiornato per utilizzare il **Conteggi
 13. Compilare il progetto, si dovrebbero ottenere alcuni errori relativi alla `#import` direttive.
 14. Per la `#import` Errori, cambiare eventuali importazioni basata sulla citazione in questo stile:
         #import "CDV.h"
     a questo stile basato su staffe:
         #import <Cordova/CDV.h>
     e rimuovere qualsiasi `#ifdef` wrapper intorno a qualsiasi Cordova importazioni, non sono piu ' necessari (le importazioni sono ora unificate)
 15. Compilare il progetto, ancora una volta, e non dovrebbe avere alcuna `#import` Errori.
@@ -451,18 +451,18 @@ Con Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` è stato aggiornato per utilizzare il **Conteggi
 31. Selezionare l' **icona del progetto** nel Navigatore progetto, selezionare la **destinazione**, quindi scegliere la scheda **Impostazioni di compilazione** .
 32. Ricerca di **percorsi di ricerca di intestazione**. Per tale impostazione, aggiungere questi tre valori, incluse le virgolette:
 33. Ricerca per **altre bandiere del Linker**. Per tale impostazione, aggiungere questo valore:
         -weak_framework CoreFoundation
 34. Compilare il progetto, deve compilare e collegare **senza** problemi.
@@ -523,13 +523,13 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad display retin
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.5.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i nuovi `MainViewController` e `AppDelegate` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -588,9 +588,9 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad display retin
 17. Premere il pulsante **Aggiungi** nella finestra **Aggiungi file...** .
 18. Nel vostro `AppDelegate.h` , `AppDelegate.m` , e `MainViewController.h` i file, sostituire l'intero `#ifdef PHONEGAP_FRAMEWORK` bloccare con:
         #import "CDVDeprecated.h"
 19. Fare clic sull' **icona progetto** in Navigatore progetto, selezionare la **destinazione**, quindi selezionare la scheda **Impostazioni di compilazione** .
@@ -647,9 +647,9 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad display retin
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.3.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
         AppDelegate.h AppDelegate.m MainViewController.h MainViewController.m MainViewController.xib
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -670,9 +670,9 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad display retin
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.2.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
         AppDelegate.h AppDelegate.m MainViewController.h MainViewController.m MainViewController.xib
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -693,9 +693,9 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad display retin
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.1.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
         AppDelegate.h AppDelegate.m MainViewController.h MainViewController.m MainViewController.xib
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -716,9 +716,9 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad display retin
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.0.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
         AppDelegate.h AppDelegate.m MainViewController.h MainViewController.m MainViewController.xib
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -739,9 +739,9 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad display retin
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 0.9.6-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
         AppDelegate.h AppDelegate.m MainViewController.h MainViewController.m MainViewController.xib
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -751,4 +751,4 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad display retin
 8.  Aggiungere una nuova voce sotto `Plugins` nel tuo `PhoneGap.plist` file. La chiave è `com.phonegap.battery` e il valore è`PGBattery`.
-9.  Integrare il codice specifico del progetto che hai nel tuo backup `AppDelegate.h` e `AppDelegate.m` in nuovi file di AppDelegate.
\ No newline at end of file
+9.  Integrare il codice specifico del progetto che hai nel tuo backup `AppDelegate.h` e `AppDelegate.m` in nuovi file di AppDelegate.
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
index 1de4c3b..1a297be 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Questa guida Mostra come modificare i progetti Windows Phone 8, eseguire l'aggio
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/update percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti di CLI:
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Per i progetti creati con il cordova CLI:
 Per i progetti non creati con la CLI di cordova, eseguire:
         bin\update < project_path >
 ## Aggiornamento a 3.1.0 da 3.0.0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Per i progetti creati con il cordova CLI:
 Per i progetti non creati con la CLI di cordova, eseguire:
         bin\update <project_path>
 ## Aggiornamento per il CLI (3.0.0) da 2.9.0
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ platform add wp8`.
 4.  Copiare o sovrascrivere qualsiasi nativi beni dal progetto originale (`SplashScreen`, `ApplicationIcon`, ecc.), avendo cura di aggiungere nuovi file al file `csproj`. Windows telefoniche compilazioni di progetto all'interno della directory `platforms\wp8`.
-5.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
+5.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
 6.  Costruire e testare.
@@ -92,4 +92,4 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 5.  Costruire e testare.
-**Nota**: tutti i core API vengono rimossi dalla versione 3.0 di Cordova e devono essere installate separatamente come plugin. Per ulteriori informazioni su come riattivare queste caratteristiche in un flusso di lavoro non-CLI, vedere utilizzando Plugman per gestire i plugin.
\ No newline at end of file
+**Nota**: tutti i core API vengono rimossi dalla versione 3.0 di Cordova e devono essere installate separatamente come plugin. Per ulteriori informazioni su come riattivare queste caratteristiche in un flusso di lavoro non-CLI, vedere utilizzando Plugman per gestire i plugin.
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
index 518f2ee..3cf9fee 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Per i progetti creati con il cordova CLI:
 Per i progetti non creati con la CLI di cordova, eseguire:
         bin\update <project_path>
 ## Aggiornamento a 3.1.0 da 3.0.0
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Per i progetti creati con il cordova CLI:
 Per i progetti non creati con la CLI di cordova, eseguire:
         bin\update <project_path>
 ## Aggiornamento per il CLI (3.0.0) da 2.9.0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ platform add wp7 wp8`.
 4.  Copiare o sovrascrivere qualsiasi attività nativo dal progetto originale ( `SplashScreen` , `ApplicationIcon` , ecc), rendendo sicuri di aggiungere nuovi file per il `.csproj` file. Windows build di progetto all'interno del telefono al `platforms\wp7` o `platforms\wp8` directory.
-5.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
+5.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
 6.  Costruire e testare.
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.9.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.8.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.7.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.6.1.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.6.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.5.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.4.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.3.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: È possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.2.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
@@ -416,9 +416,9 @@ Nella finestra Esplora soluzioni di Visual Studio:
 3.  Tasto destro del mouse su **riferimenti** e scegliere **Aggiungi riferimento**.
 4.  Passare alla nuova distribuzione e aggiungere il `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` file.
     **Nota**: è possibile visualizzare la versione della DLL cliccando col tasto destro sul riferimento e selezionando **Proprietà**.
 5.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.1.0.js` nel vostro progetto. (Essere sicuri che è contrassegnato come contenuto).
-6.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-1.1.0.js` file.
\ No newline at end of file
+6.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-1.1.0.js` file.
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/support/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/support/
index 9eae267..43f683e 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/support/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/support/
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato il set di strumenti di sviluppo e disposi
-          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plug-in<br />Interfaccia</a>
+          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plugin<br />Interfaccia</a>
         <td data-col="amazon-fireos" class="y">
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/platform_plugin_versioning_ref/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/platform_plugin_versioning_ref/
index 1f737f4..7f20a93 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/platform_plugin_versioning_ref/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/platform_plugin_versioning_ref/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Uno scenario dove salvare/ripristinare funzionalità tornare utile è in grandi
 Per salvare una piattaforma, si utilizza il comando seguente:
     $ cordova platform add <platform[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
 Dopo aver eseguito il comando precedente, il file config. XML risultante è simile:
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Dopo aver eseguito il comando precedente, il file config. XML risultante è simi
         <engine name="android" spec="~4.0.0" />
 Alcuni esempi:
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Alcuni esempi:
 La '--save ' bandiera sopra descritto è utile solo quando si ricorda di usarlo durante l'aggiunta di piattaforma. Se avete un progetto preesistente e si desidera salvare tutte le piattaforme attualmente aggiunta nel progetto, è possibile utilizzare:
     $ cordova platform save
 ### Aggiornamento / rimozione di piattaforme
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ La '--save ' bandiera sopra descritto è utile solo quando si ricorda di usarlo
     $ cordova platform update <platform[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
     $ cordova platform remove <platform> --save
 Alcuni esempi:
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Si supponga che il file config. XML contiene la seguente voce:
         <engine name="android" spec="3.7.0" />
 Se si esegue il comando **'cordova platform add android'** (nessuna versione/cartella/git_url specificato), verrà installata la piattaforma 'android@3.7.0' (come Estratto dal file config. Xml).
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Se si esegue il comando **'cordova platform add android'** (nessuna versione/car
 Per salvare un plugin, si utilizza il comando seguente:
     $ cordova plugin add <plugin[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
 Dopo aver eseguito il comando precedente, il file config. XML risultante è simile:
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ Dopo aver eseguito il comando precedente, il file config. XML risultante è simi
         <plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" spec="~1.0.0" />
 Alcuni esempi:
   * **'cordova plugin Aggiungi cordova-plugin-console - Risparmia'** => recupera la versione bloccata del plugin console, si aggiunge al progetto e quindi aggiorna il file config. XML.
   * **'cordova plugin Aggiungi cordova-plugin-console@0.2.13 - Risparmia'** => Recupera il plugin android, versione 0.2.13 da npm, si aggiunge al progetto e quindi aggiornamenti config. XML.
-  * **'cordova plugin Aggiungi - Risparmia'** => cloni il repository git di plugin console specificato, aggiunge il plug-in console al progetto, quindi aggiorna il file config. XML e scegliere la versione git-url specificato.
+  * **'cordova plugin Aggiungi - Risparmia'** => cloni il repository git di plugin console specificato, aggiunge il plugin console al progetto, quindi aggiorna il file config. XML e scegliere la versione git-url specificato.
   * **'cordova plugin aggiungere c: / percorso/per/console/plugin-- Salva'** => Recupera il plugin console dalla directory specificata, si aggiunge al progetto, quindi gli aggiornamenti config. XML e punto alla directory.
 ### Massa plugin di risparmio su un progetto esistente
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Alcuni esempi:
 La '..--salvare ' bandiera sopra descritto è utile solo quando si ricorda di usarlo durante l'aggiunta di plugin. Se avete un progetto preesistente e si desidera salvare tutti attualmente aggiunto plugin nel progetto, è possibile utilizzare:
     $ cordova plugin save
 ### Aggiornamento / rimozione plugin
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ La '..--salvare ' bandiera sopra descritto è utile solo quando si ricorda di us
     $ cordova plugin update <plugin[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
     $ cordova plugin remove <plugin> --save
 Alcuni esempi:
@@ -162,6 +162,6 @@ Si supponga che il file config. XML contiene la seguente voce:
         <plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" spec="0.2.11" />
     </ xml>
-Se si esegue il comando **'cordova plugin Aggiungi cordova-plugin-console'** (nessuna versione/cartella/git_url specificato), verrà installato il plugin 'cordova-plugin-console@0.2.11' (come Estratto dal file config. Xml).
\ No newline at end of file
+Se si esegue il comando **'cordova plugin Aggiungi cordova-plugin-console'** (nessuna versione/cartella/git_url specificato), verrà installato il plugin 'cordova-plugin-console@0.2.11' (come Estratto dal file config. Xml).
diff --git a/www/docs/ja/6.x/cordova/plugins/ b/www/docs/ja/6.x/cordova/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 57bef61..0000000
--- a/www/docs/ja/6.x/cordova/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: プラグイン Api
-# プラグイン Api
-コルドバの Api は、最小限のセットが付属し、プロジェクトのプラグインを必要とするどのような余分な Api を追加します。
-[Npm][1] (サード パーティのプラグインを含む) すべての既存のプラグインを介して検索することができます。.
- [1]:
-コアプラグイン コルドバの伝統的なセット次のとおりです。
-*   [バッテリの状態][2]
-    > デバイスのバッテリのステータスを監視します。
-*   [カメラ][3]
-    > デバイスのカメラを使用して写真をキャプチャします。
-*   [コンソール][4]
-    > Console.log() に追加機能を追加します。
-*   [連絡先][5]
-    > デバイスの連絡先データベースで動作します。
-*   [デバイス][6]
-    > デバイス固有の情報を収集します。
-*   [デバイスの動き (加速度)][7]
-    > デバイスのモーション センサーをタップします。
-*   [デバイスの向き (コンパス)][8]
-    > デバイスが指している方向を取得します。
-*   [ダイアログ ボックス][9]
-    > 視覚デバイス通知。
-*   [ファイル ・ システム][10]
-    > Java スクリプトの設定をネイティブのファイル システムにフックします。
-*   [ファイルの転送][11]
-    > Java スクリプトの設定をネイティブのファイル システムにフックします。
-*   [地理位置情報][12]
-    > アプリケーションの場所を認識させます。
-*   [グローバリゼーション][13]
-    > ロケールに固有のオブジェクトの表現を有効にします。
-*   [InAppBrowser][14]
-    > 別のアプリ内ブラウザー インスタンスで Url を起動します。
-*   [メディア][15]
-    > 記録し、オーディオ ファイルを再生します。
-*   [メディアをキャプチャします。][16]
-    > デバイスのメディア ・ キャプチャ ・ アプリケーションを使用してメディア ファイルをキャプチャします。
-*   [ネットワーク情報 (接続)][17]
-    > ネットワークの状態、および携帯電話のネットワーク情報をすばやく確認します。
-*   [スプラッシュ スクリーン][18]
-    > アプリケーションのスプラッシュ スクリーンを非表示。
-*   [振動][19]
-    > デバイスを振動する API です。
-*   [ステータスバー][20]
-    > 表示、非表示、ステータス バーの背景を構成するための API。
-*   [ホワイト リスト][21]
-    > ホワイト リスト ネットワーク要求するプラグインです。アプリケーションを持っているすべてのネットワーク要求をインストールする必要があります。
-*   [従来のホワイト リスト][22]
-    > うちリッピングされ、プラグインのホワイト リストを変更する前に、ホワイト リストの古いスタイルを使用するプラグインです。
- [2]:
- [3]:
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- [15]:
- [16]:
- [17]:
- [18]:
- [19]:
- [20]:
- [21]:
- [22]:
-これらのプラグインのドキュメントの翻訳を英語以外の言語はプラグイン github レポジトリに行くと、docs フォルダーで探して発見ことができます。
\ No newline at end of file
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-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: 플러그인 Api
-# 플러그인 Api
-코르도바 api, 최소한의 세트와 함께 제공 하 고 프로젝트 추가 플러그인을 통해 필요한 어떤 추가 Api.
-[Npm][1] 에 (를 포함 하 여 제 3 자 플러그인) 모든 기존 플러그인을 통해 검색할 수 있습니다..
- [1]:
-코어 코르 도우 바 플러그인의 전통적인 세트는 다음과 같습니다.
-*   [배터리 상태][2]
-    > 단말기의 배터리의 상태를 모니터링 합니다.
-*   [카메라][3]
-    > 사진을 단말기의 카메라를 사용 하 여 캡처.
-*   [콘솔][4]
-    > Console.log()에 추가 기능을 추가 합니다.
-*   [연락처][5]
-    > 장치 연락처 데이터베이스와 함께 작동 합니다.
-*   [장치][6]
-    > 장치 특정 정보를 수집 합니다.
-*   [장치 동작 (가 속도계)][7]
-    > 소자의 모션 센서로 누릅니다.
-*   [장치 방향 (나침반)][8]
-    > 장치 가리키는 방향을 가져옵니다.
-*   [대화 상자][9]
-    > 시각적 장치 알림입니다.
-*   [파일 시스템][10]
-    > 자바 스크립트를 통해 기본 파일 시스템에 연결 합니다.
-*   [파일 전송][11]
-    > 자바 스크립트를 통해 기본 파일 시스템에 연결 합니다.
-*   [지리적 위치][12]
-    > 응용 프로그램 위치를 인식 하 게 합니다.
-*   [세계화][13]
-    > 로케일에 특정 개체의 표현을 가능 하 게 합니다.
-*   [InAppBrowser][14]
-    > 다른 응용 프로그램에서 브라우저 인스턴스에 Url을 시작 합니다.
-*   [미디어][15]
-    > 녹음 한 오디오 파일을 재생 합니다.
-*   [미디어 캡처][16]
-    > 장치의 미디어 캡처 응용 프로그램을 사용 하 여 미디어 파일을 캡처하십시오.
-*   [네트워크 정보 (연결)][17]
-    > 신속 하 게 네트워크 상태 및 셀룰러 네트워크 정보를 확인 합니다.
-*   [Splashscreen][18]
-    > 표시 및 응용 프로그램 시작 화면을 숨깁니다.
-*   [진동][19]
-    > 장치를 진동 하는 API.
-*   [상태 표시줄][20]
-    > 표시, 숨기기 및 상태 표시줄 배경을 구성 하는 API.
-*   [허용 된 사이트 목록][21]
-    > 플러그인 화이트 리스트 네트워크 요청을 합니다. 응용 프로그램에서 모든 네트워크 요청을 설치 해야 합니다.
-*   [기존 화이트 리스트][22]
-    > 찢 어 고 허용 된 사이트 목록은 플러그인에서 변경 하기 전에 화이트 리스트의 오래 된 스타일을 사용 하는 플러그인.
- [2]:
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- [9]:
- [10]:
- [11]:
- [12]:
- [13]:
- [14]:
- [15]:
- [16]:
- [17]:
- [18]:
- [19]:
- [20]:
- [21]:
- [22]:
-이러한 플러그인 워드 프로세서의 비 영어 번역 플러그인 github repos가 docs 폴더에 보고 하 여 찾을 수 있습니다.
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diff --git a/www/docs/pl/6.x/cordova/plugins/ b/www/docs/pl/6.x/cordova/plugins/
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index db5d2c1..0000000
--- a/www/docs/pl/6.x/cordova/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: Plugin API
-# Plugin API
-Cordova statki rezygnować minimalny zestaw interfejsów API, i projekty dodać jakie dodatkowe API, wymagają one za pomocą wtyczek.
-Możesz przeszukiwać wszystkie istniejące pluginy (w tym zewnętrznych wtyczek) w [npm][1].
- [1]:
-Tradycyjny zestaw podstawowych Cordova wtyczki są następująco:
-*   [Stan baterii][2]
-    > Monitorowanie stanu baterii urządzenia.
-*   [Aparat][3]
-    > Przechwytywanie zdjęcia za pomocą aparatu urządzenia.
-*   [Konsoli][4]
-    > Dodać dodatkowe zdolności do console.log().
-*   [Kontakty][5]
-    > Praca z bazą danych kontaktowych urządzenia.
-*   [Urządzenia][6]
-    > Zebrać konkretne informacje o urządzeniu.
-*   [Ruch urządzenie (akcelerometr)][7]
-    > Wykorzystać czujnik ruchu urządzenia.
-*   [Urządzenie orientacji (kompas)][8]
-    > Uzyskania kierunku, który wskazuje urządzenie.
-*   [Dialogi][9]
-    > Powiadomienia wizualne urządzenie.
-*   [System plików][10]
-    > Hak do natywnego systemu poprzez JavaScript.
-*   [Transfer plików][11]
-    > Hak do natywnego systemu poprzez JavaScript.
-*   [Geolocation][12]
-    > Uświadomić lokalizacji aplikacji.
-*   [Globalizacja][13]
-    > Włączyć reprezentację obiekty specyficzne dla ustawień regionalnych.
-*   [InAppBrowser][14]
-    > Uruchomienie adresów URL w innej instancji w app przeglądarki.
-*   [Media][15]
-    > Nagrywać i odtwarzać pliki audio.
-*   [Media Capture][16]
-    > Przechwytywać pliki multimedialne za pomocą urządzenia multimedialne przechwytywania.
-*   [Informacje o sieci (połączenia)][17]
-    > Szybko sprawdzić stan sieci i informacje o sieci komórkowej.
-*   [Ekranu powitalnego][18]
-    > Pokaż i Ukryj ekran powitalny aplikacji.
-*   [Wibracje][19]
-    > Interfejs API do wibrować urządzenia.
-*   [Pasek stanu][20]
-    > API dla Wyświetlono, ukrywanie i konfigurowania tła paska stanu.
-*   [Biała][21]
-    > Plugin do białej listy sieci żądań. Należy zainstalować do każdego żądania sieciowe w aplikacji.
-*   [Dziedzictwo biała][22]
-    > Wtyczki do wykorzystania starego stylu Biała, zanim został wyrwane i zmienił w białej wtyczki.
- [2]:
- [3]:
- [4]:
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- [7]:
- [8]:
- [9]:
- [10]:
- [11]:
- [12]:
- [13]:
- [14]:
- [15]:
- [16]:
- [17]:
- [18]:
- [19]:
- [20]:
- [21]:
- [22]:
-Non-angielski tłumaczenie tych dokumentów plugin można znaleźć przechodząc do wtyczki github repo i patrząc w folderze docs
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diff --git a/www/docs/pl/6.x/guide/support/ b/www/docs/pl/6.x/guide/support/
index dfd62dd..395b8ed 100644
--- a/www/docs/pl/6.x/guide/support/
+++ b/www/docs/pl/6.x/guide/support/
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Poniżej przedstawiono zestaw narzędzi i urządzeń interfejsów API dostępne
-          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plug-in<br />Interfejs</a>
+          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plugin<br />Interfejs</a>
         <td data-col="amazon-fireos" class="y">
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-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: API плагинов
-# API плагинов
-Cordova поставляется с минимальным набором APIs, и проекты которым необходимы дополнительные API, добавляют их через плагины.
-Вы можете искать по все существующим плагинам (в том числе сторонние плагины) на [npm][1].
- [1]:
-Традиционный набор плагинов Cordova следующий:
-*   [Состояние батареи][2]
-    > Отслеживает статус батареи устройства.
-*   [Камера][3]
-    > Получает фото используя камеру устройства.
-*   [Консоль][4]
-    > Добавление дополнительных возможностей к console.log().
-*   [Контакты][5]
-    > Взаимодействует с книгой контактов на устройстве.
-*   [Устройство][6]
-    > Получает информацию об устройстве.
-*   [Движение устройства (Акселерометр)][7]
-    > Используйте датчик движения устройства.
-*   [Ориентация устройства (Компас)][8]
-    > Получите направление в котором указывает устройство.
-*   [Диалоги][9]
-    > Визуальные уведомления на устройстве.
-*   [Файловая система][10]
-    > Подключитесь к файловой системе устройства с помощью JavaScript.
-*   [Передача файлов][11]
-    > Подключитесь к файловой системе устройства с помощью JavaScript.
-*   [Географическое положение][12]
-    > Пусть ваше приложение знает свое местоположение.
-*   [Глобализация][13]
-    > Добавляет представление объектов в виде принятом для выбранной локали.
-*   [Внутренний браузер][14]
-    > Открывает URL-адреса в другом окне браузера внутри приложения.
-*   [Аудио и видео][15]
-    > Записывайте и проигрывайте аудиофайлы.
-*   [Захват аудио и видео][16]
-    > Создавайте медиа-файлы используя приложения по захвату медиа, на устройстве.
-*   [Информацию о сети (подключение)][17]
-    > Быстро проверьте состояние сети интернет, и информацию о сети сотовой связи.
-*   [Заставка][18]
-    > Показывайте и прячьте экран заставки приложения.
-*   [Вибрация][19]
-    > API для вибрации устройства.
-*   [Строка состояния][20]
-    > API-интерфейс для отображения, скрытия и настройке фона строки состояния.
-*   [Список разрешенных ресурсов][21]
-    > Плагин для разрешение сетевых запросов. Должен быть установлен если вы хотите иметь возможность делать любые сетевые запросы в вашем приложении.
-*   [Устаревший список разрешенных ресурсов][22]
-    > Плагин для использования старого стиля списка разрешенных ресурсов, прежде чем он был удален из платфор и изменил в виде текущего плагина списка разрешеных ресурсов.
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-Переводы с английского документации этих плагинов можно найти, перейдя в репозитории github плагина и посмотрев в папке docs
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-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: Plugin API
-# Plugin API
-Cordova ladij z minimalen nabor vmesnikov API, in projektov dodajte Kaj ekstra API, ki zahtevajo prek plugins.
-Lahko poiščete s pomočjo vseh obstoječih plugins uporabo [Plugin registra][1].
- [1]:
-Tradicionalni sklop Cordova plugins, so naslednji:
-*   [Stanje baterije][2]
-    > Spremlja stanje baterije naprave.
-*   [Kamero][3]
-    > Zajem fotografij z uporabo naprave kamera.
-*   [Stiki][4]
-    > Delo z bazo podatkov kontaktne naprave.
-*   [Naprava][5]
-    > Zbrati določene informacije o napravi.
-*   [Naprava gibanja (pospeškov)][6]
-    > Pokrije zaznavalo naprave.
-*   [Naprava usmerjenost (Kompas)][7]
-    > Pridobitev smer, ki kaže naprave.
-*   [Pogovorna okna][8]
-    > Vizualne naprave obvestila.
-*   [Datotečni sistem][9]
-    > Trnek v rojsten pila sistem prek JavaScript.
-*   [Prenos datotek][10]
-    > Trnek v rojsten pila sistem prek JavaScript.
-*   [Geolocation][11]
-    > Ozavestiti vloge lokacijo.
-*   [Globalizacija][12]
-    > Omogočiti predstavitev predmeta, značilne za področne nastavitve.
-*   [InAppBrowser][13]
-    > Launch URL-jev v drugem primerku brskalnika v app.
-*   [Media][14]
-    > Snemanje in predvajanje zvočnih datotek.
-*   [Mediji zajema][15]
-    > Zajemanje predstavnostne datoteke z uporabo naprave media zajem vlog.
-*   [Omrežju informacij (povezava)][16]
-    > Hitro preverite stanje omrežja in mobilnega omrežja podatki.
-*   [Splashscreen][17]
-    > Prikaz in skrivanje aplikacije brizg zaslon.
-*   [Vibracij][18]
-    > API vibrirajo naprave.
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-Non-angleški prevodi teh dokumentov plugin je mogoče najti z iskanjem na starejše različice Cordova dokumentacije. Uporabite spustni meni zelo top-desno na tej spletni strani za preklop različice.
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+++ b/www/docs/sl/6.x/guide/support/
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Naslednje prikazuje nabor razvojna orodja in naprave API na voljo za vsak mobiln
-          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plug-in<br />Vmesnik</a>
+          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plugin<br />Vmesnik</a>
         <td data-col="amazon-fireos" class="y">
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-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: 外掛程式的 Api
-# 外掛程式的 Api
-科爾多瓦船與一組最小的 Api,和專案添加哪些額外的 Api,它們需要通過外掛程式。
-您可以搜索通過所有現有的外掛程式 (包括協力廠商外掛程式) 對[新公共管理][1].
- [1]:
-*   [電池狀態][2]
-    > 監視設備的電池的狀態。
-*   [相機][3]
-    > 捕獲照片使用的設備的相機。
-*   [主控台][4]
-    > 向 console.log() 添加額外的功能。
-*   [連絡人][5]
-    > 與設備接觸資料庫的工作。
-*   [設備][6]
-    > 收集設備特定資訊。
-*   [設備運動 (加速度計)][7]
-    > 進入設備的動作感應器。
-*   [設備的方向 (指南針)][8]
-    > 獲取該設備指向的方向。
-*   [對話方塊][9]
-    > 視覺設備通知。
-*   [檔案系統][10]
-    > 掛接到本機檔案系統通過 JavaScript。
-*   [檔案傳輸][11]
-    > 掛接到本機檔案系統通過 JavaScript。
-*   [地理位置][12]
-    > 使意識到您應用程式的位置。
-*   [全球化][13]
-    > 啟用特定于地區設定的物件表示的形式。
-*   [InAppBrowser][14]
-    > 在另一個應用程式中的瀏覽器實例中啟動的 Url。
-*   [媒體][15]
-    > 錄製和播放音訊檔。
-*   [媒體捕獲][16]
-    > 擷取裝置的媒體捕獲應用程式使用的媒體檔案。
-*   [網路資訊 (連接)][17]
-    > 快速檢查網路狀態和蜂窩網路的資訊。
-*   [閃屏][18]
-    > 顯示和隱藏的應用程式的初始螢幕。
-*   [振動][19]
-    > 振動設備的 API。
-*   [顯示狀態列][20]
-    > 顯示、 隱藏和配置狀況欄背景的 API。
-*   [白名單][21]
-    > 白名單網路請求外掛程式。必須安裝在您的應用程式中有任何網路請求。
-*   [舊式的白名單][22]
-    > 一個外掛程式來之前它被撕開了,並且改變白名單外掛程式中使用舊式的白名單。
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- [18]:
- [19]:
- [20]:
- [21]:
- [22]:
-通過去外掛程式 github 回購和尋找在 docs 資料夾中可以找到這些外掛程式文檔的非英語翻譯
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-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-whitelist
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-# cordova-plugin-whitelist
-This plugin implements a whitelist policy for navigating the application webview on Cordova 4.0
-:warning: Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Supported Cordova Platforms
-* Android 4.0.0 or above
-## Navigation Whitelist
-Controls which URLs the WebView itself can be navigated to. Applies to
-top-level navigations only.
-Quirks: on Android it also applies to iframes for non-http(s) schemes.
-By default, navigations only to `file://` URLs, are allowed. To allow others URLs, you must add `<allow-navigation>` tags to your `config.xml`:
-    <!-- Allow links to -->
-    <allow-navigation href="*" />
-    <!-- Wildcards are allowed for the protocol, as a prefix
-         to the host, or as a suffix to the path -->
-    <allow-navigation href="*://**" />
-    <!-- A wildcard can be used to whitelist the entire network,
-         over HTTP and HTTPS.
-         *NOT RECOMMENDED* -->
-    <allow-navigation href="*" />
-    <!-- The above is equivalent to these three declarations -->
-    <allow-navigation href="http://*/*" />
-    <allow-navigation href="https://*/*" />
-    <allow-navigation href="data:*" />
-## Intent Whitelist
-Controls which URLs the app is allowed to ask the system to open.
-By default, no external URLs are allowed.
-On Android, this equates to sending an intent of type BROWSEABLE.
-This whitelist does not apply to plugins, only hyperlinks and calls to ``.
-In `config.xml`, add `<allow-intent>` tags, like this:
-    <!-- Allow links to web pages to open in a browser -->
-    <allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
-    <allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
-    <!-- Allow links to to open in a browser -->
-    <allow-intent href="*" />
-    <!-- Wildcards are allowed for the protocol, as a prefix
-         to the host, or as a suffix to the path -->
-    <allow-intent href="*://**" />
-    <!-- Allow SMS links to open messaging app -->
-    <allow-intent href="sms:*" />
-    <!-- Allow tel: links to open the dialer -->
-    <allow-intent href="tel:*" />
-    <!-- Allow geo: links to open maps -->
-    <allow-intent href="geo:*" />
-    <!-- Allow all unrecognized URLs to open installed apps
-         *NOT RECOMMENDED* -->
-    <allow-intent href="*" />
-## Network Request Whitelist
-Controls which network requests (images, XHRs, etc) are allowed to be made (via cordova native hooks).
-Note: We suggest you use a Content Security Policy (see below), which is more secure.  This whitelist is mostly historical for webviews which do not support CSP.
-In `config.xml`, add `<access>` tags, like this:
-    <!-- Allow images, xhrs, etc. to -->
-    <access origin="" />
-    <access origin="" />
-    <!-- Access to the subdomain -->
-    <access origin="" />
-    <!-- Access to all the subdomains on -->
-    <access origin="http://*" />
-    <!-- Enable requests to content: URLs -->
-    <access origin="content:///*" />
-    <!-- Don't block any requests -->
-    <access origin="*" />
-Without any `<access>` tags, only requests to `file://` URLs are allowed. However, the default Cordova application includes `<access origin="*">` by default.
-Note: Whitelist cannot block network redirects from a whitelisted remote website (i.e. http or https) to a non-whitelisted website. Use CSP rules to mitigate redirects to non-whitelisted websites for webviews that support CSP.
-Quirk: Android also allows requests to by default, since this is required for TalkBack to function properly.
-### Content Security Policy
-Controls which network requests (images, XHRs, etc) are allowed to be made (via webview directly).
-On Android and iOS, the network request whitelist (see above) is not able to filter all types of requests (e.g. `<video>` & WebSockets are not blocked). So, in addition to the whitelist, you should use a [Content Security Policy]( `<meta>` tag on all of your pages.
-On Android, support for CSP within the system webview starts with KitKat (but is available on all versions using Crosswalk WebView).
-Here are some example CSP declarations for your `.html` pages:
-    <!-- Good default declaration:
-        * gap: is required only on iOS (when using UIWebView) and is needed for JS->native communication
-        * is required only on Android and is needed for TalkBack to function properly
-        * Disables use of eval() and inline scripts in order to mitigate risk of XSS vulnerabilities. To change this:
-            * Enable inline JS: add 'unsafe-inline' to default-src
-            * Enable eval(): add 'unsafe-eval' to default-src
-    -->
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">
-    <!-- Allow everything but only from the same origin and -->
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'">
-    <!-- This policy allows everything (eg CSS, AJAX, object, frame, media, etc) except that 
-        * CSS only from the same origin and inline styles,
-        * scripts only from the same origin and inline styles, and eval()
-    -->
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'">
-    <!-- Allows XHRs only over HTTPS on the same domain. -->
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' https:">
-    <!-- Allow iframe to -->
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'">
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-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-cli/index.html
-title: CLI Reference
-description: Learn how to use Cordova CLI commands and their options.
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Cordova Command-line-interface (CLI) Reference
-## Syntax
-cordova <command> [options] -- [platformOpts]
-## Global Command List
-These commands are available at all times.
-| Command  | Description
-| create | Create a project
-| help <command> | Get help for a command
-## Project Command List
-These commands are supported when the current working directory is a valid Cordova project.
-| Command      | Description
-| info         | Generate project information
-| requirements | Checks and print out all the installation requirements for platforms specified
-| platform     | Manage project platforms
-| plugin       | Manage project plugins
-| prepare      | Copy files into platform(s) for building
-| compile      | Build platform(s)
-| clean        | Cleanup project from build artifacts
-| run          | Run project (including prepare && compile)
-| serve        | Run project with a local webserver (including prepare)
-## Common options
-These options apply to all cordova-cli commands.
-| Option               | Description
-| -d or --verbose      | Pipe out more verbose output to your shell. You can also subscribe to `log` and `warn` events if you are consuming `cordova-cli` as a node module by calling `cordova.on('log', function() {})` or `cordova.on('warn', function() {})`.
-| -v or --version      | Print out the version of your `cordova-cli` install.
-| --no-update-notifier | Will disable updates check. Alternatively set `"optOut": true` in `~/.config/configstore/update-notifier-cordova.json` or set `NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER` environment variable with any value (see details in [update-notifier docs](
-|--nohooks             | Suppress executing hooks (taking RegExp hook patterns as parameters)
-## Platform-specific options
-Certain commands have options (`platformOpts`) that are specific to a particular platform. They can be provided to the cordova-cli with a '--' separator that stops the command parsing within the cordova-lib module and passes through rest of the options for platforms to parse.   
-## Examples
--  This example demonstrates how cordova-cli can be used to create a project with the `camera` plugin and run it for `android` platform. In particular, platform specific options like `--keystore` can be provided:
-        # Create a cordova project
-        cordova create myApp com.myCompany.myApp myApp
-        cd myApp
-        # Add camera plugin to the project and remember that in config.xml
-        cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera --save
-        # Add android platform to the project and remember that in config.xml
-        cordova platform add android --save
-        # Check to see if your system is configured for building android platform.
-        cordova requirements android
-        # Build the android and emit verbose logs.
-        cordova build android --verbose
-        # Run the project on the android platform.
-        cordova run android
-        # Build for android platform in release mode with specified signing parameters.
-        cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\android.keystore" --storePassword=android --alias=mykey
-## cordova create command
-### Synopsis
-Create the directory structure for the Cordova project in the specified path.
-### Syntax
-cordova create path [id [name [config]]] [options]
-| Value | Description   |
-| path  |  Directory which should not already exist. Cordova will create this directory. For more details on the directory structure, see below. |
-| id    | _Default_: `io.cordova.hellocordova` <br/>  Reverse domain-style identifier that maps to `id` attirbute of `widget` element in `config.xml`. This can be changed but there may be code generated using this value, such as Java package names. It is recommended that you select an appropriate value.  |
-| name  | _Default_: `HelloCordova` <br/> Application's display title that maps `name` element in `config.xml` file. This can be changed but there may be code generated using this value, such as Java class names. The default value is `HelloCordova`, but it is recommended that you select an appropriate value. |
-| config | JSON string whose key/values will be included in `<path>`/.cordova/config.json |
-### Options
-| Option | Description |
-| --template |  Use a custom template located locally, in NPM, or GitHub. |
-| --copy-from\|--src | _Deprecated_ <br/> Use --template instead. Specifies a directory from which to copy the current Cordova project. |
-|--link-to | Symlink to specified `www` directory without creating a copy. |
-### Directory structure
-A Cordova application created with `cordova-cli` will have the following directory structure:
-|-- config.xml
-|-- hooks/
-|-- merges/
-| | |-- android/
-| | |-- windows/
-| | |-- ios/
-|-- www/
-|-- platforms/
-| |-- android/
-| |-- windows/
-| |-- ios/
--- plugins/
-#### config.xml
-Configures your application and allows you to customize the behavior of your project. See also [config.xml reference documentation][config.xml ref]
-#### www/
-Contains the project's web artifacts, such as .html, .css and .js files. As a cordova application developer, most of your code and assets will go here. They will be copied on a `cordova prepare` to each platform's www directory. The www source directory is reproduced within each platform's subdirectory, appearing for example in `platforms/ios/www` or `platforms/android/assets/www`. Because the CLI constantly copies over files from the source www folder, you should only edit these files and not the ones located under the platforms subdirectories. If you use version control software, you should add this source www folder, along with the merges folder, to your version control system.
-#### platforms/
-Contains all the source code and build scripts for the platforms that you add to your project.
-> **WARNING:** When using the CLI to build your application, you should not edit any files in the /platforms/ directory unless you know what you are doing, or if documentation specifies otherwise. The files in this directory are routinely overwritten when preparing applications for building, or when plugins are re-installed.
-#### plugins/
-Any added plugins will be extracted or copied into this directory.
-#### hooks/
-This directory may contains scripts used to customize cordova-cli commands. Any scripts you add to these directories will be executed before and after the commands corresponding to the directory name. Useful for integrating your own build systems or integrating with version control systems.
-Refer to [Hooks Guide] for more information.
-#### merges/
-Platform-specific web assets (HTML, CSS and JavaScript files) are contained within appropriate subfolders in this directory. These are deployed during a `prepare` to the appropriate native directory.  Files placed under `merges/` will override matching files in the `www/` folder for the relevant platform. A quick example, assuming a project structure of:
-|-- ios/
-| -- app.js
-|-- android/
-| -- android.js
--- app.js
-After building the Android and iOS projects, the Android application will contain both `app.js` and `android.js`. However, the iOS application will only contain an `app.js`, and it will be the one from `merges/ios/app.js`, overriding the "common" `app.js` located inside `www/`.
-#### Version control
-It is recommended not to check in `platforms/` and `plugins/` directories into version control as they are considered a build artifact. Instead, you should save the platform/plugin spec in the `config.xml` and they will be downloaded when on the machine when `cordova prepare` is invoked.
-### Examples
-- Create a Cordova project in `myapp` directory using the specified ID and display name:
-        cordova create myapp com.mycompany.myteam.myapp MyApp
-- Create a Cordova project with a symlink to an existing `www` directory. This can be useful if you have a custom build process or existing web assets that you want to use in your Cordova app:
-        cordova create myapp --link-to=../www
-## cordova platform command
-### Synopsis
-Manage cordova platforms - allowing you to add, remove, update, list and check for updates. Running commands to add or remove platforms affects the contents of the project's platforms directory.
-### Syntax
-cordova {platform | platforms} [
-    add <platform-spec> [...] {--save | link=<path> } |
-    {remove | rm}  platform [...] |
-    {list | ls}  |
-    check |
-    save ]
-| Sub-command           | Option | Description |
-| add `<platform-spec>` [...] |  | Add specified platforms |
-|     | --save                   | Save `<platform-spec>` into `config.xml` after installing them using `<engine>` tag |
-|     | --link=`<path>`          | When `<platform-spec>` is a local path, links the platform library directly instead of making a copy of it (support varies by platform; useful for platform development)
-| remove `<platform>` [...] |    | Remove specified platforms |
-|     | --save                   | Delete specified platforms from `config.xml` after removing them |
-| update `platform` [...] |      | Update specified platforms |
-|     | --save                   | Updates the version specified in `config.xml` |
-| list |                         | List all installed and available platforms |
-| check |                        | List platforms which can be updated by `cordova-cli platform update` |
-| save  |                        | Save `<platform-spec>` of all platforms added to config.xml |
-### Platform-spec
-There are a number of ways to specify a platform:
-<platform-spec> : platform[@version] | path | url[#commit-ish]
-| Value | Description |
-| platform  | Platform name e.g. android, ios, windows etc. to be added to the project. Every release of cordova CLI pins a version for each platform. When no version is specified this version is used to add the platform. |
-| version   | Major.minor.patch version specifier using semver |
-| path      | Path to a directory or tarball containing a platform |
-| url       | URL to a git repository or tarball containing a platform |
-| commit-ish | Commit/tag/branch reference. If none is specified, 'master' is used |
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows (8.1, Phone 8.1, UWP - Windows 10)
-- Blackberry10
-- Ubuntu
-- Browser
-### Deprecated Platforms
-- Amazon-fireos (use Android platform instead)
-- WP8 (use Windows platform instead)
-- Windows 8.0 (use older versions of cordova)
-- Firefox OS (use older versions of cordova)
-### Examples
-- Add pinned version of the `android` and `ios` platform and save the downloaded version to `config.xml`:
-        cordova platform add android ios --save
-- Add `android` platform with [semver]( version ^5.0.0 and save it to `config.xml`:
-        cordova platform add android@^5.0.0 --save
-- Add platform by cloning the specified git repo and checkout to the `4.0.0` tag:
-        cordova platform add
-- Add platform using a local directory named `android`:
-        cordova platform add ../android
-- Add platform using the specified tarball:
-        cordova platform add ../cordova-android.tgz
-- Remove `android` platform from the project and from `config.xml`:
-        cordova platform rm android --save
-- List available and installed platforms with version numbers. This is useful to find version numbers when reporting issues:
-        cordova platform ls
-- Save versions of all platforms currently added to the project to `config.xml`.
-        cordova platform save
-## cordova plugin command
-### Synopsis
-Manage project plugins
-### Syntax
-cordova {plugin | plugins} [
-    add <plugin-spec> [..] {--searchpath=<directory> | --noregistry | --link | --save | --browserify} |
-    {remove | rm} {<pluginid> | <name>} --save |
-    {list | ls} |
-    search [<keyword>] |
-    save |
-| Sub-command | Option | Description
-| add `<plugin-spec>` [...] |     | Add specified plugins
-|       |--searchpath `<directory>` | When looking up plugins by ID, look in this directory and each of its subdirectories before hitting the registry. Multiple search paths can be specified. Use ':' as a separator in *nix based systems and ';' for Windows.
-|       |--noregistry             | Don't search the registry for plugins.
-|       |--link                   | When installing from a local path, creates a symbolic link instead of copying files. The extent to which files are linked varies by platform. Useful for plugin development.
-|       |--save                   | Save the `<plugin-spec>` as part of the `plugin` element  into `config.xml`.
-|       |--browserify             | Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime.
-| remove `<pluginid>|<name>` [...]| | Remove plugins with the given IDs/name.
-|       |--save                    | Remove the specified plugin from config.xml
-|list                           |  | List currently installed plugins
-|search `[<keyword>]` [...]     |  | Search for plugins matching the keywords
-|save                           |  | Save `<plugin-spec>` of all plugins currently added to the project
-### Plugin-spec
-There are a number of ways to specify a plugin:
-    <plugin-spec> : pluginID[@version]|directory|url[#commit-ish][:subdir]
-| Value       | Description
-| plugin      | Plugin id (id of plugin in npm registry or in --searchPath)
-| version     | Major.minor.patch version specifier using semver
-| directory   | Directory containing plugin.xml
-| url         | Url to a git repository containing a plugin.xml
-| commit-ish  | Commit/tag/branch reference. If none is specified, 'master' is used
-| subdir      | Sub-directory to find plugin.xml for the specified plugin.
-### Examples
-- Add `cordova-plugin-camera` and `cordova-plugin-file` to the project and save it to `config.xml`. Use `../plugins` directory to search for the plugins.
-        cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera cordova-plugin-file --save --searchpath ../plugins
-- Add `cordova-plugin-camera` with [semver]( version ^2.0.0 and save it to `config.xml`:
-        cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera@^2.0.0 --save
-- Clone the specified git repo, checkout to tag `2.1.0`, look for plugin.xml in the `plugin` directory, and add it to the project. Save the `plugin-spec` to `config.xml`:
-        cordova plugin add --save
-- Add the plugin from the specified local directory:
-        cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-camera
-- Add the plugin from the specified tarball file:
-        cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-camera.tgz --save
-- Remove the plugin from the project and the `config.xml`:
-        cordova plugin rm camera --save
-- List all plugins installed in the project:
-        cordova plugin ls
-## cordova prepare command
-### Synopsis
-Transforms config.xml metadata to platform-specific manifest files, copies icons & splashscreens,
-copies plugin files for specified platforms so that the project is ready to build with each native SDK.
-### Syntax
-cordova prepare [<platform> [..]]
-     [--browserify]
-| Option     | Description
-| `<platform> [..]` | Platform name(s) to prepare. If not specified, all platforms are built.
-|--browserify | Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime.
-## cordova compile command
-### Synopsis
-`cordova compile` is a subset of the [cordova build command](#cordova-build-command).
-It only performs the compilation step without doing prepare. It's common to invoke `cordova build` instead of this command - however, this stage is useful to allow extending using [hooks][Hooks guide].
-cordova build [<platform> [...]]
-    [--debug|--release]
-    [--device|--emulator|--target=<targetName>]
-    [--buildConfig=<configfile>]
-    [--browserify]
-    [-- <platformOpts>]
-For detailed documentation see [cordova build command](#cordova-build-command) docs below.
-## cordova build command
-### Synopsis
-Shortcut for `cordova prepare` + `cordova compile` for all/the specified platforms. Allows you to build the app for the specified platform.
-### Syntax
-cordova build [<platform> [...]]
-    [--debug|--release]
-    [--device|--emulator]
-    [--buildConfig=<configfile>]
-    [--browserify]
-    [-- <platformOpts>]
-| Option     | Description
-| `<platform> [..]` | Platform name(s) to build. If not specified, all platforms are built.
-| --debug    | Perform a debug build. This typically translates to debug mode for the underlying platform being built.
-| --release  | Perform a release build. This typically translates to release mode for the underlying platform being built.
-| --device   | Build it for a device
-| --emulator | Build it for an emulator. In particular, the platform architecture might be different for a device Vs emulator.
-| --buildConfig=`<configFile>` | Default: build.json in cordova root directory. <br/> Use the specified build configuration file. `build.json` file is used to specify paramaters to customize the app build process esecially related to signing the package.
-| --browserify | Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime
-| `<platformOpts>` | To provide platform specific options, you must include them after `--` separator. Review platform guide docs for more details.
-### Examples
-- Build for `android` and `windows` platform in `debug` mode for deployment to device:
-        cordova build android windows --debug --device
-- Build for `android` platform in `release` mode and use the specified build configuration:
-        cordova build android --release --buildConfig=..\myBuildConfig.json
-- Build for `android` platform in release mode and pass custom platform options to android build process:
-        cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\android.keystore" --storePassword=android --alias=mykey
-## cordova run command
-### Synopsis
-Prepares, builds (unless `--nobuild` is specified) and deploys app on specified platform devices/emulators. If a device is connected it will be used, unless an eligible emulator is already running.
-cordova run [<platform> [...]]
-    [--list | --nobuild ]
-    [--device|--emulator|--target=<targetName>]
-    [--buildConfig=<configfile>]
-    [--browserify]
-    [-- <platformOpts>]
-| Option     | Description
-| `<platform> [..]` | Platform name(s) to run. If not specified, all platforms are run.
-|--nobuild   | Skip building
-|--debug     | Deploy a debug build. This is the default behavior unless `--release` is specified.
-|--release   | Deploy a release build
-|--device    | Deploy to a device
-|--emulator  | Deploy to an emulator
-|--target    | Deploy to a specific target emulator/device. Use `--list` to display target options
-| --list     | Lists available targets. Displays both device and emulator deployment targets unless specified
-| --buildConfig=`<configFile>` | Default: build.json in cordova root directory. <br/> Use the specified build configuration file. `build.json` file is used to specify paramaters to customize the app build process esecially related to signing the package.
-| --browserify | Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime
-| `<platformOpts>` | To provide platform specific options, you must include them after `--` separator. Review platform guide docs for more details.
-- Run a release build of current cordova project on `android` platform emulator named `Nexus_5_API_23_x86`. Use the spcified build configuration when running:
-        cordova run android --release --buildConfig=..\myBuildConfig.json --target=Nexus_5_API_23_x86
-- Run a debug build of current cordova project on `android` platform using a device or emulator (if no device is connected). Skip doing the build:
-        cordova run android --nobuild
-- Run a debug build of current cordova project on an `ios` device:
-        cordova run ios --device
-- Enumerate names of all the connected devices and available emulators that can be used to run this app:
-        cordova run ios --list
-## cordova emulate command
-### Synopsis
-Alias for `cordova run --emulator`. Launches the emulator instead of device.
-See [cordova run command docs](#cordova-run-command) for more details.
-## cordova clean command
-### Synopsis
-Cleans the build artifacts for the specified platform, or all platforms by running platform-specific build cleanup.
-### Syntax
-cordova clean [<platform> [...]]
-### Example
-- Clean `android` platform build artifiacts:
-        cordova clean android
-## cordova requirements command
-### Synopsis
-Checks and print out all the requirements for platforms specified (or all platforms added
-to project if none specified). If all requirements for each platform are met, exits with code 0
-otherwise exits with non-zero code.
-This can be useful when setting up a machine for building a particular platform.
-### Syntax
-cordova requirements android
-## cordova info command
-### Synopsis
-Print out useful information helpful for submitting bug
-reports and getting help.  Creates an info.txt file at the
-base of your project.
-### Syntax
-cordova info
-## cordova serve command
-### Synopsis
-Run a local web server for www/ assets using specified `port` or default of 8000. Access projects at: `http://HOST_IP:PORT/PLATFORM/www`
-### Syntax
-cordova serve [port]
-## cordova help command
-### Synopsis
-Show syntax summary, or the help for a specific command.
-### Syntax
-cordova help [command]
-cordova [command] -h
-cordova -h [command]
-[Hooks guide]:
-[config.xml ref]:
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/appdev/hooks/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/appdev/hooks/
index 454f2e5..8fb4818 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/appdev/hooks/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/appdev/hooks/
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ Cordova supports the following hook types:
 <!-- START HTML -->
 <table class="hooks" width="100%">
+    <col width="20%">
+    <col width="30%">
+    <col width="50%">
             <th>Hook Type</th>
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ Cordova supports the following hook types:
             <th data-col="beforeplatformadd">before_platform_add</th>
-            <td data-col="code" rowspan="2"><code>cordova platform add</code></td>
+            <td data-col="code" rowspan="2" ><code>cordova platform add</code></td>
             <td rowspan="2" class="description" data-col="description">To be executed before and after adding a platform.</td>
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ Cordova supports the following hook types:
             <th data-col="beforeprepare">before_prepare</th>
-            <td data-col="code" rowspan="2"><code>cordova prepare</code><br/><code>cordova platform add</code><br/><code>cordova run</code></td>
+            <td data-col="code" rowspan="2"><code>cordova prepare</code><br/><code>cordova platform add</code><br/><code>cordova build</code><br/><code>cordova run</code></td>
             <td rowspan="2" data-col="description">To be executed before and after preparing your application.</td>
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ Cordova supports the following hook types:
             <th data-col="beforecompile">before_compile</th>
-            <td data-col="code" rowspan="2"><code>cordova compile</code><br/><code>cordova run</code></td>
+            <td data-col="code" rowspan="2"><code>cordova compile</code><br/><code>cordova build</code></td>
             <td rowspan="2" data-col="description">To be executed before and after compiling your application.</td>
@@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ Cordova supports the following hook types:
             <th data-col="beforebuild">before_build</th>
-            <td data-col="code" rowspan="2"><code>cordova build</code><br/><code>cordova run</code></td>
+            <td data-col="code" rowspan="2"><code>cordova build</code></td>
             <td rowspan="2" data-col="description">To be executed before and after building your application.</td>
@@ -193,36 +196,40 @@ Cordova supports the following hook types:
 Hooks could be defined in project's `config.xml` using `<hook>` elements, for example:
-    <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/appBeforeBuild.bat" />
-    <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/appBeforeBuild.js" />
-    <hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/appBeforePluginInstall.js" />
+<hook type="before_build" src="scripts/appBeforeBuild.bat" />
+<hook type="before_build" src="scripts/appBeforeBuild.js" />
+<hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/appBeforePluginInstall.js" />
-    <platform name="android">
-        <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/wp8/appAndroidBeforeBuild.bat" />
-        <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/wp8/appAndroidBeforeBuild.js" />
-        <hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/wp8/appWP8BeforePluginInstall.js" />
-        ...
-    </platform>
+<platform name="android">
+    <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/wp8/appAndroidBeforeBuild.bat" />
+    <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/wp8/appAndroidBeforeBuild.js" />
+    <hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/wp8/appWP8BeforePluginInstall.js" />
+    ...
-    <platform name="windows">
-        <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/windows/appWinBeforeBuild.bat" />
-        <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/windows/appWinBeforeBuild.js" />
-        <hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/windows/appWinBeforePluginInstall.js" />
-        ...
-    </platform>
+<platform name="windows">
+    <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/windows/appWinBeforeBuild.bat" />
+    <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/windows/appWinBeforeBuild.js" />
+    <hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/windows/appWinBeforePluginInstall.js" />
+    ...
 ### Plugin hooks (plugin.xml)
 As a plugin developer you can define hook scripts using `<hook>` elements in a `plugin.xml` like that:
-    <hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/beforeInstall.js" />
-    <hook type="after_build" src="scripts/afterBuild.js" />
+<hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/beforeInstall.js" />
+<hook type="after_build" src="scripts/afterBuild.js" />
-    <platform name="android">
-        <hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/androidBeforeInstall.js" />
-        <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/androidBeforeBuild.js" />
-        ...
-    </platform>
+<platform name="android">
+    <hook type="before_plugin_install" src="scripts/androidBeforeInstall.js" />
+    <hook type="before_build" src="scripts/androidBeforeBuild.js" />
+    ...
 `before_plugin_install`, `after_plugin_install`, `before_plugin_uninstall` plugin hooks will be fired
 exclusively for the plugin being installed/uninstalled.
@@ -231,8 +238,10 @@ exclusively for the plugin being installed/uninstalled.
 To execute custom action when corresponding hook type is fired, use hook type as a name for a subfolder inside 'hooks' directory and place you script file here, for example:
-    # script file will be automatically executed after each build
-    hooks/after_build/after_build_custom_action.js
+# script file will be automatically executed after each build
 When using these hooks, they will always be run as executable files, not as loadable JavaScript modules.
@@ -261,30 +270,36 @@ If there are hooks associated with `before_platform_add`, `after_platform_add`,
 `before_plugin_install` and `after_plugin_install` (and assuming you have one plugin installed on your project),
 adding a new platform will execute the hooks in the following order:
-    before_platform_add
-        before_prepare
-        after_prepare
-        before_plugin_install
-        after_plugin_install
-    after_platform_add
+    before_prepare
+    after_prepare
+    before_plugin_install
+    after_plugin_install
 ##### Example 2 (cordova build)
 If there are hooks associated with `before_prepare`, `after_prepare`, `before_compile`, `after_compile`, `before_build`
 and `after_build` - running a build command will execute the hooks in the following order:
-    before_build
-        before_prepare
-        after_prepare
-        before_compile
-        after_compile
-    after_build
+    before_prepare
+    after_prepare
+    before_compile
+    after_compile
 ## Script Interface
 ### Windows Quirks
 If you are working on Windows, and in case your hook (Javascript/Non-Javascript)scripts aren't bat files (which is recommended, if you want your scripts to work in non-Windows operating systems) Cordova CLI will expect a shebang line as the first line for it to know the interpreter it needs to use to launch the script. The shebang line should match the following example:
-    #!/usr/bin/env [name_of_interpreter_executable]
+#!/usr/bin/env [name_of_interpreter_executable]
 ### Javascript
@@ -373,35 +388,39 @@ size of generated .apk file for Android platform.
 Create blank Cordova app and add the following definition to `config.xml` to
 tell Cordova to run `afterBuild.js` script after each platform build.
-    <hook type="after_build" src="scripts/afterBuild.js" />
+<hook type="after_build" src="scripts/afterBuild.js" />
 Create `scripts/afterBuild.js` file and add the following implementation.
 We use async version of `fs.stat` method to demonstrate how async functionality
 could be done via hooks.
-    module.exports = function(ctx) {
-        // make sure android platform is part of build
-        if (ctx.opts.platforms.indexOf('android') < 0) {
-            return;
+module.exports = function(ctx) {
+    // make sure android platform is part of build
+    if (ctx.opts.platforms.indexOf('android') < 0) {
+        return;
+    }
+    var fs = ctx.requireCordovaModule('fs'),
+        path = ctx.requireCordovaModule('path'),
+        deferral = ctx.requireCordovaModule('q').defer();
+    var platformRoot = path.join(ctx.opts.projectRoot, 'platforms/android');
+    var apkFileLocation = path.join(platformRoot, 'build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk');
+    fs.stat(apkFileLocation, function(err,stats) {
+        if (err) {
+                deferral.reject('Operation failed');
+        } else {
+            console.log('Size of ' + apkFileLocation + ' is ' + stats.size +' bytes');
+            deferral.resolve();
-        var fs = ctx.requireCordovaModule('fs'),
-            path = ctx.requireCordovaModule('path'),
-            deferral = ctx.requireCordovaModule('q').defer();
+    });
-        var platformRoot = path.join(ctx.opts.projectRoot, 'platforms/android');
-        var apkFileLocation = path.join(platformRoot, 'build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk');
-        fs.stat(apkFileLocation, function(err,stats) {
-            if (err) {
-                 deferral.reject('Operation failed');
-            } else {
-                console.log('Size of ' + apkFileLocation + ' is ' + stats.size +' bytes');
-                deferral.resolve();
-            }
-        });
-        return deferral.promise;
-    };
+    return deferral.promise;
 Parameter `ctx` in example above is passed by Cordova and represents execution
 context such as script full path, target platform, command-line arguments, etc and
@@ -410,11 +429,13 @@ for more details.
 You can now add android platform and execute build.
-    cordova platform add android
-    ..
-    cordova build
-    ..
-    Size of path\to\app\platforms\android\build\outputs\apk\android-debug.apk is 1821193 bytes
+cordova platform add android
+cordova build
+Size of path\to\app\platforms\android\build\outputs\apk\android-debug.apk is 1821193 bytes
 More good usage examples could be found in [Three Hooks Your Cordova Phone Gap Project needs][Devgirl_Hooks_Link]
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/appdev/whitelist/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/appdev/whitelist/
index 1b4b4b4..674cd16 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/appdev/whitelist/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/appdev/whitelist/
@@ -42,31 +42,41 @@ enable network access to specific domains. For projects that rely on
 the CLI workflow described in [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html), this file is
 located in the project's top-level directory. Otherwise for
 platform-specific development paths, locations are listed in the
-sections below. 
+sections below.
 The following examples demonstrate `<access>` whitelist syntax:
 * Access to [][2]:
-        <access origin="" />
+    ```xml
+    <access origin="" />
+    ```
 * Access to the secure [][3] (`https://`):
-        <access origin="" />
+    ```xml
+    <access origin="" />
+    ```
 * Access to the subdomain [][4]:
-        <access origin="" />
+    ```xml
+    <access origin="" />
+    ```
 * Access to all the subdomains on [][2], for example
   [][5] and [][6]:
-        <access origin="http://*" />
+    ```xml
+    <access origin="http://*" />
+    ```
 * Access to _all_ domains, for example, [][2] and
-        <access origin="*" />
+    ```xml
+    <access origin="*" />
+    ```
   This is the default value for newly created CLI projects.
@@ -88,7 +98,7 @@ prior to 4.0.0, see older versions of this documentation.
 ## iOS Whitelisting
-`Cordova-ios` version 4.0 and greater does **not** require the [cordova-plugin-whitelist][wlp] plugin to be installed, however it's configuration details apply to iOS too. The `<allow-intent>` and `<allow-navigation>` tags are _new_ for cordova-ios 4.x and greater, see the [cordova-plugin-whitelist][wlp] documentation for details on the usage of these tags. 
+`Cordova-ios` version 4.0 and greater does **not** require the [cordova-plugin-whitelist][wlp] plugin to be installed, however it's configuration details apply to iOS too. The `<allow-intent>` and `<allow-navigation>` tags are _new_ for cordova-ios 4.x and greater, see the [cordova-plugin-whitelist][wlp] documentation for details on the usage of these tags.
 For cordova-ios versions prior to 4.0.0, see the older versions of this documentation.
@@ -96,8 +106,8 @@ For cordova-ios versions prior to 4.0.0, see the older versions of this document
 The `<access>` and `<allow-navigation>` tags support these two new attributes below, which have their equivalents in ATS:
-    1. minimum-tls-version (String, defaults to 'TLSv1.2')
-    2. requires-forward-secrecy (Boolean, defaults to 'true')
+1. minimum-tls-version (String, defaults to 'TLSv1.2')
+2. requires-forward-secrecy (Boolean, defaults to 'true')
 See the [ATS Technote]( for details.
@@ -113,33 +123,34 @@ ways:
   Alternatively, all web security may be disabled using the
   `WebSecurity` preference described in BlackBerry Configuration:
-        <preference name="websecurity" value="disable" />
+    ```xml
+    <preference name="websecurity" value="disable" />
+    ```
 * As an alternative to setting `*.domain`, set an additional
   `subdomains` attribute to `true`. It should be set to `false` by
-  default. For example, the following allows access to ``,
-  ``, and ``:
+  default.
-        <access origin="" subdomains="true" />
+    ```xml
+    <!-- Narrows access to -->
+    <access origin="" subdomains="false" />
-  The following narrows access to ``:
+    <!-- Allows access to and -->
+    <access origin="" subdomains="true" />
-        <access origin="" subdomains="false" />
+    <!-- Allows access to all domains, including the local `file://` protocol -->
+    <access origin="*" subdomains="true" />
+    ```
-  Specify access to all domains, including the local `file://`
-  protocol:
-        <access origin="*" subdomains="true" />
-(For more information on support, see BlackBerry's documentation on the
-[access element][8].)
+For more information on support, see BlackBerry's documentation on the
+[access element][8].
 ## Windows Phone Whitelisting
 The whitelisting rules for Windows Phone 8 are found in the
 app's `config.xml` file.
-[wlp]: ../../../cordova-plugin-whitelist/
+[wlp]: ../../../reference/cordova-plugin-whitelist/
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/cli/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/cli/
index 1b9e432..022a497 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/cli/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/cli/
@@ -29,24 +29,25 @@ interface (CLI). For detailed reference on Cordova command-line, review the [CLI
 ## Installing the Cordova CLI
-The Cordova command-line tool is distributed as an npm package. 
+The Cordova command-line tool is distributed as an npm package.
 To install the `cordova` command-line tool, follow these steps:
 1. Download and install [Node.js]( On
    installation you should be able to invoke `node` and `npm` on your
-   command line. 
+   command line.
 1. (Optional) Download and install a [git client](, if you don't
    already have one. Following installation, you should be able to invoke `git`
-   on your command line. The CLI uses it to download assets when they are referenced using a url to a git repo. 
+   on your command line. The CLI uses it to download assets when they are referenced using a url to a git repo.
 1. Install the `cordova` module using `npm` utility of Node.js. The `cordova`
    module will automatically be downloaded by the `npm` utility.
    * on OS X and Linux:
-            $ sudo npm install -g cordova
+       ```bash
+       $ sudo npm install -g cordova
+       ```
        On OS X and Linux, prefixing the `npm` command with
        `sudo` may be necessary to install this development utility in
@@ -58,8 +59,9 @@ To install the `cordova` command-line tool, follow these steps:
        available on using `npm` without `sudo`, if you desire to do that.
    * on Windows:
-            C:\>npm install -g cordova
+       ```
+       C:\>npm install -g cordova
+       ```
    The `-g` flag above tells `npm` to install `cordova` globally. Otherwise
    it will be installed in the `node_modules` subdirectory of the current
@@ -73,33 +75,41 @@ To install the `cordova` command-line tool, follow these steps:
 Go to the directory where you maintain your source code, and create a cordova project:
-        $ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
+$ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
-This creates the required directory structure for your cordova app. By default, the `cordova create` script generates a skeletal web-based application whose home page is the project's `www/index.html` file. 
+This creates the required directory structure for your cordova app. By default, the `cordova create` script generates a skeletal web-based application whose home page is the project's `www/index.html` file.
 ###See Also
-- [Cordova create command reference documentation](../../cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-create-command)
-- [Cordova project directory structure](../../cordova-cli/index.html#directory-structure)
+- [Cordova create command reference documentation][cdv_create]
+- [Cordova project directory structure][cdv_dir]
 ## Add Platforms
 All subsequent commands need to be run within the project's directory,
 or any subdirectories:
-        $ cd hello
+$ cd hello
 Add the platforms that you want to target your app. We will add the 'ios' and 'android' platform and ensure they get saved to `config.xml`:
-        $ cordova platform add ios --save
-        $ cordova platform add android --save
+$ cordova platform add ios --save
+$ cordova platform add android --save
 To check your current set of platforms:
-        $ cordova platform ls
+$ cordova platform ls
 Running commands to add or remove platforms affects the contents of
 the project's _platforms_ directory, where each specified platform
-appears as a subdirectory. 
+appears as a subdirectory.
 > Note: When using the CLI to build your application, you should
 _not_ edit any files in the `/platforms/` directory. The files
@@ -107,7 +117,7 @@ in this directory are routinely overwritten when preparing
 applications for building, or when plugins are re-installed.
 ###See Also
-- [Cordova platform command reference documentation](../../cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-platform-command)
+- [Cordova platform command reference documentation][cdv_platform]
 ##Install pre-requrisites for building
 To build and run apps, you need to install SDKs for each platform you wish to target. Alternatively, if you are using browser for development you can use `browser` platform which does not require any platform SDKs.
@@ -115,17 +125,17 @@ To build and run apps, you need to install SDKs for each platform you wish to ta
 To check if you satisfy requirements for building the platform:
-    $ cordova requirements
-    Requirements check results for android:
-    Java JDK: installed .
-    Android SDK: installed
-    Android target: installed android-19,android-21,android-22,android-23,Google Inc.:Google APIs:19,Google Inc.:Google APIs (x86 System Image):19,Google Inc.:Google APIs:23
-    Gradle: installed
-    Requirements check results for ios:
-    Apple OS X: not installed
-    Cordova tooling for iOS requires Apple OS X
-    Error: Some of requirements check failed
+$ cordova requirements
+Requirements check results for android:
+Java JDK: installed .
+Android SDK: installed
+Android target: installed android-19,android-21,android-22,android-23,Google Inc.:Google APIs:19,Google Inc.:Google APIs (x86 System Image):19,Google Inc.:Google APIs:23
+Gradle: installed
+Requirements check results for ios:
+Apple OS X: not installed
+Cordova tooling for iOS requires Apple OS X
+Error: Some of requirements check failed
 ###See Also
@@ -135,19 +145,23 @@ To check if you satisfy requirements for building the platform:
 ## Build the App
-By default, `cordova create` script generates a skeletal web-based application whose start page is the project's `www/index.html` file. Any 
-initialization should be specified as part of the [deviceready][DeviceReadyEvent] event handler defined in `www/js/index.js`.  
+By default, `cordova create` script generates a skeletal web-based application whose start page is the project's `www/index.html` file. Any
+initialization should be specified as part of the [deviceready][DeviceReadyEvent] event handler defined in `www/js/index.js`.
 Run the following command to build the project for _all_ platforms:
-        $ cordova build
+$ cordova build
 You can optionally limit the scope of each build to specific platforms - 'ios' in this case:
-        $ cordova build ios
+$ cordova build ios
 ###See Also
-- [Cordova build command reference documentation](../../dev/cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-build-command)
+- [Cordova build command reference documentation][cdv_build]
 ##Test the App
@@ -157,8 +171,9 @@ screen and see how it interacts with many platform features.  Run a
 command such as the following to rebuild the app and view it within a
 specific platform's emulator:
-        $ cordova emulate android
+$ cordova emulate android
 ![]({{ site.baseurl }}/static/img/guide/cli/android_emulate_init.png)
@@ -171,32 +186,38 @@ launch from the home screen:
 Alternately, you can plug the handset into your computer and test the
 app directly:
-        $ cordova run android
+$ cordova run android
 Before running this command, you need to set up the device for
-testing, following procedures that vary for each platform. 
+testing, following procedures that vary for each platform.
 ###See Also
 - [Setting up Android emulator](../../guide/platforms/android/index.html#setting-up-an-emulator)
-- [Cordova run command reference documentation](../../cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-run-command)
-- [Cordova emulate command reference documentation](../../cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-emulate-command)
+- [Cordova run command reference documentation][cdv_run]
+- [Cordova emulate command reference documentation][cdv_emulate]
 ## Add Plugins
-You can modify the default generated app to take advantage of standard web technologies, 
+You can modify the default generated app to take advantage of standard web technologies,
 but for the app to access device-level features, you need to add plugins.
-A _plugin_ exposes a Javascript API for native SDK functionality. Plugins are typically hosted on 
+A _plugin_ exposes a Javascript API for native SDK functionality. Plugins are typically hosted on
 npm and you can search for them on the [plugin search page](/plugins/). Some key APIs are provided by the Apache Cordova open source project and these are referred to as [Core Plugin APIs]. You can also use the CLI to launch the search page:
-        $ cordova plugin search camera
+$ cordova plugin search camera
 To add the camera plugin, we will specify the npm package name for the camera plugin:
-      $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
-      Fetching plugin "cordova-plugin-camera@~2.1.0" via npm
-      Installing "cordova-plugin-camera" for android
-      Installing "cordova-plugin-camera" for ios
+$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
+Fetching plugin "cordova-plugin-camera@~2.1.0" via npm
+Installing "cordova-plugin-camera" for android
+Installing "cordova-plugin-camera" for ios
 Plugins can also be added using a directory or a git repo.
@@ -209,12 +230,14 @@ add plugins separately for each platform. (For more information, see
 Use `plugin ls` (or `plugin list`, or `plugin` by itself) to view
 currently installed plugins. Each displays by its identifier:
-        $ cordova plugin ls 
-        cordova-plugin-camera 2.1.0 "Camera"
-        cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.2.1 "Whitelist"
+$ cordova plugin ls
+cordova-plugin-camera 2.1.0 "Camera"
+cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.2.1 "Whitelist"
 ###See Also
-- [Cordova plugin command reference documentation](../../cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-plugin-command)
+- [Cordova plugin command reference documentation][cdv_plugin]
 - [Cordova plugin search page](/plugins/)
 - [Core Plugin APIs]
@@ -236,9 +259,9 @@ font size for Android devices:
 * Edit the `www/index.html` file, adding a link to an additional CSS
   file, `overrides.css` in this case:
+    ```html
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/overrides.css" />
+    ```
 * Optionally create an empty `www/css/overrides.css` file, which would
   apply for all non-Android builds, preventing a missing-file error.
@@ -248,9 +271,9 @@ font size for Android devices:
   12-point default font size specified within `www/css/index.css`, for
+    ```css
     body { font-size:14px; }
+    ```
 When you rebuild the project, the Android version features the custom
 font size, while others remain unchanged.
@@ -268,23 +291,39 @@ button.
 After installing the `cordova` utility, you can always update it to
 the latest version by running the following command:
-        $ sudo npm update -g cordova
+$ sudo npm update -g cordova
 Use this syntax to install a specific version:
-        $ sudo npm install -g cordova@3.1.0-0.2.0
+$ sudo npm install -g cordova@3.1.0-0.2.0
 Run `cordova -v` to see which version is currently running. To find the latest released cordova version, you can run:
-        $ npm info cordova version
+$ npm info cordova version
 To update platform that you're targeting:
-        $ cordova platform update android --save
-        $ cordova platform update ios --save
-        ...etc.
+$ cordova platform update android --save
+$ cordova platform update ios --save
 [DeviceReadyEvent]: ../../cordova/events/events.html#deviceready
-[BackButtonEvent]: ../../cordova/events/events.html#backbutton
-[CLI reference]: ../../cordova-cli/index.html
+[BackButtonEvent]:  ../../cordova/events/events.html#backbutton
 [Core Plugin APIs]: ../../guide/support/index.html#core-plugin-apis
+[CLI reference]: ../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html
+[cdv_create]:    ../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-create-command
+[cdv_dir]:       ../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#directory-structure
+[cdv_platform]:  ../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-platform-command
+[cdv_run]:       ../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-run-command
+[cdv_emulate]:   ../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-emulate-command
+[cdv_plugin]:    ../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-plugin-command
+[cdv_build]:     ../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-build-command
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/hybrid/plugins/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/hybrid/plugins/
index c0d1a7f..e1f3cd8 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/hybrid/plugins/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/hybrid/plugins/
@@ -44,13 +44,12 @@ For each corresponding native interface, see the list at the end of
 this section.
 In addition to these instructions, when preparing to write a plugin it
-is best to look over
-[existing plugins](
+is best to look over [existing plugins](
 for guidance.
 ## Building a Plugin
-Application developers use the CLI's [plugin add command](../../../cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-plugin-add-command) to add a plugin to a project. The
+Application developers use the CLI's [plugin add command][cdv_plugin] to add a plugin to a project. The
 argument to that command is the URL for a _git_ repository containing
 the plugin code.  This example implements Cordova's Device API:
@@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ correctly for each platform.  Install `plugman` with the following
 You need an valid app source directory, such as the top-level `www`
 directory included in a default CLI-generated project as described in
-[Create your first app](../../cli/index.html) guide.  
+[Create your first app](../../cli/index.html) guide.
 Then run a command such as the following to test whether iOS
 dependencies load properly:
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ plugin's JavaScript however you like, but you need to call
 `cordova.exec` to communicate with the native platform, using the
 following syntax:
     cordova.exec(function(winParam) {},
                  function(error) {},
@@ -160,18 +159,22 @@ Here is how each parameter works:
 This example shows one way to implement the plugin's JavaScript
-        window.echo = function(str, callback) {
-            cordova.exec(callback, function(err) {
-                callback('Nothing to echo.');
-            }, "Echo", "echo", [str]);
-        };
+    window.echo = function(str, callback) {
+        cordova.exec(callback, function(err) {
+            callback('Nothing to echo.');
+        }, "Echo", "echo", [str]);
+    };
 In this example, the plugin attaches itself to the `window` object as
 the `echo` function, which plugin users would call as follows:
-        window.echo("echome", function(echoValue) {
-            alert(echoValue == "echome"); // should alert true.
-        });
+    window.echo("echome", function(echoValue) {
+        alert(echoValue == "echome"); // should alert true.
+    });
 Look at the last three arguments to the `cordova.exec` function. The
 first calls the `Echo` _service_, a class name. The second requests
@@ -198,33 +201,48 @@ listed below, and each builds on the simple Echo Plugin example above:
 ## Publishing Plugins
-Once you develop your plugin, you may want to publish and share it
-with the community. You can publish your plugin to any `npmjs`-based
-registry, but the recommended one is the [NPM registry](
-Please read our [publishing plugins to npm guide](
-__NOTE__: [Cordova plugin registry]( is
-moving to a read-only state. `publish`/
-`unpublish` commands have been removed from `plugman`, so you'll need to
-use corresponding `npm` commands.
-Other developers can install your plugin automatically using either `plugman`
- or the Cordova CLI.  (For details on each development path, see
- [Using Plugman to Manage Plugins](../../../plugin_ref/plugman.html) and [The Command-Line Interface reference](../../../cordova-cli/index.html).)
+You can publish your plugin to any `npmjs`-based registry, but the recommended one is the [NPM registry]( Other developers can install your plugin automatically using either `plugman` or the Cordova CLI.
 To publish a plugin to NPM registry you need to follow steps below:
+  * install the `plugman` CLI:
+    ```bash
+    $ npm install -g plugman
+    ```
   * create `package.json` file for your plugin:
-        $ plugman createpackagejson /path/to/your/plugin
+    ```bash
+    $ plugman createpackagejson /path/to/your/plugin
+    ```
   * publish it:
-        $ npm adduser # that is if you don't have an account yet
-        $ npm publish /path/to/your/plugin
+    ```bash
+    $ npm adduser # that is if you don't have an account yet
+    $ npm publish /path/to/your/plugin
+    ```
+For more details on npm usage refer to [publishing a npm package]( on the NPM documentation site.
+## Integrating with Plugin Search
+To surface the plugin in [Cordova Plugin Search](/plugins/), add the `ecosystem:cordova` keyword to the `package.json` file of your plugin before publishing.
+To indicate support for a particular platform add a keyword with the `<platformName>` as `**cordova-<platformName>**` to the list of keywords in package.json.
+Plugman's `createpackagejson` command does this for you, but if you did not use it to generate your `package.json`, you should manually edit it as shown below.
+For example, for a plugin that supports android, iOS & Windows, the keywords in package.json should include:
+    "keywords": [
+      "ecosystem:cordova",
+      "cordova-android",
+      "cordova-ios",
+      "cordova-windows"
+    ]
-That is it!
+For more detailed example of a package.json, review the [package.json file of cordova-plugin-device](
-Running `plugman --help` lists other available registry-based
+[cdv_plugin]: ../../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#cordova-plugin-command
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/overview/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/overview/
index 6dc9ede..33fcb74 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/overview/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/overview/
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ other and bindings to standard device APIs. This enables you to invoke native
 code from JavaScript. 
 Apache Cordova project maintains a set of plugins called the 
-[Core Plugins](../guide/support/index.html#core-plugin-apis). These core 
+[Core Plugins](../support/index.html#core-plugin-apis). These core 
 plugins provide your application to access device capabilities such as 
 battery, camera, contacts, etc.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index af54741..5edd3cc 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ command-line tools in your development workflow.  You need to install
 the Android SDK regardless of whether you want to use these
 platform-centered shell tools or cross-platform Cordova CLI for
 development. For a comparison of the two development paths, see the
-[Overview](../../overview/index.html#development-paths).  For details on the CLI, see [Cordova CLI Reference].
+[Overview](../../overview/index.html#development-paths). For details on
+the CLI, see [Cordova CLI Reference][cli_reference].
 ## Requirements and Support
@@ -112,16 +112,22 @@ On a Mac or Linux, you can use a text editor to create or modify the
 `~/.bash_profile` file. To set an environment variable, add a line that
 uses `export` like so (substitute the path with your local installation):
-        export ANDROID_HOME=/Development/android-sdk/
+export ANDROID_HOME=/Development/android-sdk/
 To update your `PATH`, add a line resembling the following
 (substitute the paths with your local Android SDK installation's location):
-        export PATH=${PATH}:/Development/android-sdk/platform-tools:/Development/android-sdk/tools
+export PATH=${PATH}:/Development/android-sdk/platform-tools:/Development/android-sdk/tools
 Reload your terminal to see this change reflected or run the following command:
-        $ source ~/.bash_profile
+$ source ~/.bash_profile
 #### Windows
@@ -150,7 +156,6 @@ reopen any command prompt windows after making changes to see them reflected
 ## Project Configuration
 ### Setting up an Emulator
@@ -164,7 +169,9 @@ for configuring the emulator and setting up hardware acceleration.
 Once your AVD is configured correctly, you should be able to see it by running
 this command from within a Cordova project:
-    $ cordova run --list
+$ cordova run --list
 ### Configuring Gradle
@@ -192,14 +199,14 @@ You can set these properties in one of four ways:
   1. By setting environment variables like so:
-      ```
+      ```bash
       $ export ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_cdvMinSdkVersion=20
       $ cordova build android
-  ```
+      ```
   2. By using the `--gradleArg` flag in your Cordova `build` or `run` commands:
-      ```
+      ```bash
       $ cordova run android -- --gradleArg=-PcdvMinSdkVersion=20
@@ -215,8 +222,8 @@ You can set these properties in one of four ways:
   4. By extending `build.gradle` via a [`build-extras.gradle` file](#extending-build-gradle)
     and setting the property like so:
-      ```
-      # In <your-project>/platforms/android/build-extras.gradle
+      ```groovy
+      // In <your-project>/platforms/android/build-extras.gradle
       ext.cdvMinSdkVersion = 20
@@ -238,19 +245,50 @@ recommended that you copy it over via a script attached to the `before_build`
 Here's an example:
-    # Example build-extras.gradle
-    # This file is included at the beginning of `build.gradle`
-    ext.cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile = '../../'
+// Example build-extras.gradle
+// This file is included at the beginning of `build.gradle`
+ext.cdvDebugSigningPropertiesFile = '../../'
-    # When set, this function allows code to run at the end of `build.gradle`
-    ext.postBuildExtras = {
-        android.buildTypes.debug.applicationIdSuffix = '.debug'
-    }
+// When set, this function allows code to run at the end of `build.gradle`
+ext.postBuildExtras = {
+    android.buildTypes.debug.applicationIdSuffix = '.debug'
 Note that plugins can also include `build-extras.gradle` files via:
-    <framework src="some.gradle" custom="true" type="gradleReference" />
+<framework src="some.gradle" custom="true" type="gradleReference" />
+### Setting the Version Code
+To change the [version code]( for your app's generated apk,
+set the `android-versionCode` attribute in the widget element of your application's
+[config.xml file](../../../config_ref/index.html). If the `android-versionCode` is not set, the
+version code will be determined using the `version` attribute. For example,
+if the version is `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`:
+versionCode = MAJOR * 10000 + MINOR * 100 + PATCH
+If your application has enabled the `cdvBuildMultipleApks` Gradle property (see
+[Setting Gradle Properties](#setting-gradle-properties)), the version code of your app
+will also be multiplied by 10 so that the last digit of the code can be used
+to indicate the architecture the apk was built for. This multiplication will happen
+regardless of whether the version code is taken from the `android-versionCode`
+attribute or generated using the `version`. Be aware that some plugins added to your
+project (including cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview) may set this Gradle property
+**Please Note:** When updating the `android-versionCode` property, it is unwise to
+increment the version code taken from built apks. Instead, you should increment
+the code based off the value in your `config.xml` file's `android-versionCode`
+attribute. This is because the `cdvBuildMultipleApks` property causes the version code
+to be multiplied by 10 in the built apks and thus using that value will cause your next
+version code to be 100 times the original, etc.
 ## Signing an App
@@ -269,7 +307,11 @@ To sign an app, you need the following parameters:
 | Type of the Keystore  | `--keystoreType`  | *Default: auto-detect based on file extension*<br>Either pkcs12 or jks
 These parameters can be specified using the command line arguments above to
-the [Cordova CLI](../../../cordova-cli/index.html) `build` or `run` commands.
+the [Cordova CLI][cli_reference] `build` or `run` commands.
+__Note__: You should use double `--` to indicate that these are platform-specific arguments, for example:
+`cordova run android --release -- --keystore=../my-release-key.keystore --storePassword=password --alias=alias_name --password=password`.
 ### Using build.json
@@ -277,24 +319,26 @@ Alternatively, you could specify them in a build configuration file (`build.json
 using the `--buildConfig` argument to the same commands. Here's a sample of a
 build configuration file:
-    {
-         "android": {
-             "debug": {
-                 "keystore": "..\android.keystore",
-                 "storePassword": "android",
-                 "alias": "mykey1",
-                 "password" : "password",
-                 "keystoreType": ""
-             },
-             "release": {
-                 "keystore": "..\android.keystore",
-                 "storePassword": "",
-                 "alias": "mykey2",
-                 "password" : "password",
-                 "keystoreType": ""
-             }
-         }
-     }
+    "android": {
+        "debug": {
+            "keystore": "../android.keystore",
+            "storePassword": "android",
+            "alias": "mykey1",
+            "password" : "password",
+            "keystoreType": ""
+        },
+        "release": {
+            "keystore": "../android.keystore",
+            "storePassword": "",
+            "alias": "mykey2",
+            "password" : "password",
+            "keystoreType": ""
+        }
+    }
 For release signing, passwords can be excluded and the build system will issue a
 prompt asking for the password.
@@ -320,7 +364,6 @@ keyPassword=SECRET2
 `storePassword` and `keyPassword` are optional, and will be prompted for if omitted.
 ## Debugging
 For details on the debugging tools that come packaged with the Android SDK, see
@@ -329,7 +372,6 @@ Additionally, Android's developer documentation for [debugging web apps](http://
 provides an introduction for debugging the portion of your app running in the
 ### Opening a Project in Android Studio
 Cordova for Android projects can be opened in the Android IDE, [Android Studio](
@@ -366,7 +408,6 @@ for more details.
 ![]({{ site.baseurl }}/static/img/guide/platforms/android/asdk_import_done.png)
 ## Platform Centered Workflow
 cordova-android includes a number of scripts that allow the platform to be used
@@ -378,7 +419,7 @@ development path, you must still configure the Android SDK environment
 as described in [Requirements and Support](#requirements-and-support)
-For each of the scripts discussed below, refer to [Cordova CLI Reference] for more information on their
+For each of the scripts discussed below, refer to [Cordova CLI Reference][cli_reference] for more information on their
 arguments and usage. Each script has a name that matches the corresponding CLI
 command. For example, `cordova-android/bin/create` is equivalent to
 `cordova create`.
@@ -390,7 +431,9 @@ To get started, either download the cordova-android package from
 To create a project using this package, run the `create` script in the `bin`
-    $ cordova-android/bin/create ...
+$ cordova-android/bin/create ...
 The created project will have a folder named `cordova` inside that contains
 scripts for the project-specific Cordova commands (e.g. `run`, `build`, etc.).
@@ -405,7 +448,6 @@ To install plugins in this project, use the [Cordova Plugman Utility](../../../p
 Refer to [this](./upgrade.html) article for instructions to upgrade your
 `cordova-android` version.
 ## Lifecycle Guide
 ### Cordova and Android
@@ -532,7 +574,7 @@ external activity made prior to the activity being destroyed.
 The payload for the `resume` event adheres to the following format:
     action: "resume",
     pendingResult: {
@@ -708,4 +750,4 @@ on your device or emulator to simulate low memory scenarios. You should always
 do some amount of testing with this setting enabled to make sure that your
 application is properly maintaining state.
-[Cordova CLI Reference]: ../../../cordova-cli/index.html
+[cli_reference]: ../../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html

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[05/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

Posted by
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-device-motion/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-device-motion/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c6dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-device-motion/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-device-motion
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-device-motion
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-device-motion
+This plugin provides access to the device's accelerometer. The accelerometer is
+a motion sensor that detects the change (_delta_) in movement relative to the
+current device orientation, in three dimensions along the _x_, _y_, and _z_
+Access is via a global `navigator.accelerometer` object.
+Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(navigator.accelerometer);
+    }
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-motion
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+## Methods
+- navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration
+- navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration
+- navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch
+## Objects
+- Acceleration
+## navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration
+Get the current acceleration along the _x_, _y_, and _z_ axes.
+These acceleration values are returned to the `accelerometerSuccess`
+callback function.
+    navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration(accelerometerSuccess, accelerometerError);
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(acceleration) {
+        alert('Acceleration X: ' + acceleration.x + '\n' +
+              'Acceleration Y: ' + acceleration.y + '\n' +
+              'Acceleration Z: ' + acceleration.z + '\n' +
+              'Timestamp: '      + acceleration.timestamp + '\n');
+    }
+    function onError() {
+        alert('onError!');
+    }
+    navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration(onSuccess, onError);
+### Browser Quirks
+Values for X, Y, Z motion are all randomly generated in order to simulate the accelerometer.
+### Android Quirks
+The accelerometer is called with the `SENSOR_DELAY_UI` flag, which limits the maximum readout frequency to something between 20 and 60 Hz, depending on the device. Values for __period__ corresponding to higher frequencies will result in duplicate samples. More details can be found in the [Android API Guide](
+### iOS Quirks
+- iOS doesn't recognize the concept of getting the current acceleration at any given point.
+- You must watch the acceleration and capture the data at given time intervals.
+- Thus, the `getCurrentAcceleration` function yields the last value reported from a `watchAccelerometer` call.
+## navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration
+Retrieves the device's current `Acceleration` at a regular interval, executing
+the `accelerometerSuccess` callback function each time. Specify the interval in
+milliseconds via the `acceleratorOptions` object's `frequency` parameter.
+The returned watch ID references the accelerometer's watch interval,
+and can be used with `navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch` to stop watching the
+    var watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(accelerometerSuccess,
+                                                           accelerometerError,
+                                                           accelerometerOptions);
+- __accelerometerOptions__: An object with the following optional keys:
+  - __period__: requested period of calls to accelerometerSuccess with acceleration data in Milliseconds. _(Number)_ (Default: 10000)
+###  Example
+    function onSuccess(acceleration) {
+        alert('Acceleration X: ' + acceleration.x + '\n' +
+              'Acceleration Y: ' + acceleration.y + '\n' +
+              'Acceleration Z: ' + acceleration.z + '\n' +
+              'Timestamp: '      + acceleration.timestamp + '\n');
+    }
+    function onError() {
+        alert('onError!');
+    }
+    var options = { frequency: 3000 };  // Update every 3 seconds
+    var watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(onSuccess, onError, options);
+### iOS Quirks
+The API calls the success callback function at the interval requested,
+but restricts the range of requests to the device between 40ms and
+1000ms. For example, if you request an interval of 3 seconds,
+(3000ms), the API requests data from the device every 1 second, but
+only executes the success callback every 3 seconds.
+## navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch
+Stop watching the `Acceleration` referenced by the `watchID` parameter.
+    navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch(watchID);
+- __watchID__: The ID returned by `navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration`.
+###  Example
+    var watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(onSuccess, onError, options);
+    // ... later on ...
+    navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch(watchID);
+## Acceleration
+Contains `Accelerometer` data captured at a specific point in time.
+Acceleration values include the effect of gravity (9.81 m/s^2), so that when a
+device lies flat and facing up, _x_, _y_, and _z_ values returned should be
+`0`, `0`, and `9.81`.
+### Properties
+- __x__:  Amount of acceleration on the x-axis. (in m/s^2) _(Number)_
+- __y__:  Amount of acceleration on the y-axis. (in m/s^2) _(Number)_
+- __z__:  Amount of acceleration on the z-axis. (in m/s^2) _(Number)_
+- __timestamp__: Creation timestamp in milliseconds. _(DOMTimeStamp)_
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+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-device-orientation
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-device-orientation
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-device-orientation
+This plugin provides access to the device's compass. The compass is a sensor
+that detects the direction or heading that the device is pointed, typically
+from the top of the device.  It measures the heading in degrees from 0 to
+359.99, where 0 is north.
+Access is via a global `navigator.compass` object.
+Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(navigator.compass);
+    }
+Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-orientation
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8 (if available in hardware)
+- Windows 8
+## Methods
+- navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading
+- navigator.compass.watchHeading
+- navigator.compass.clearWatch
+## navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading
+Get the current compass heading. The compass heading is returned via a `CompassHeading`
+object using the `compassSuccess` callback function.
+    navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading(compassSuccess, compassError);
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(heading) {
+        alert('Heading: ' + heading.magneticHeading);
+    };
+    function onError(error) {
+        alert('CompassError: ' + error.code);
+    };
+    navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading(onSuccess, onError);
+## navigator.compass.watchHeading
+Gets the device's current heading at a regular interval. Each time the heading
+is retrieved, the `headingSuccess` callback function is executed.
+The returned watch ID references the compass watch interval. The watch
+ID can be used with `navigator.compass.clearWatch` to stop watching the navigator.compass.
+    var watchID = navigator.compass.watchHeading(compassSuccess, compassError, [compassOptions]);
+`compassOptions` may contain the following keys:
+- __frequency__: How often to retrieve the compass heading in milliseconds. _(Number)_ (Default: 100)
+- __filter__: The change in degrees required to initiate a watchHeading success callback. When this value is set, __frequency__ is ignored. _(Number)_
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(heading) {
+        var element = document.getElementById('heading');
+        element.innerHTML = 'Heading: ' + heading.magneticHeading;
+    };
+    function onError(compassError) {
+        alert('Compass error: ' + compassError.code);
+    };
+    var options = {
+        frequency: 3000
+    }; // Update every 3 seconds
+    var watchID = navigator.compass.watchHeading(onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Browser Quirks
+Values for current heading are randomly generated in order to simulate the compass.
+### iOS Quirks
+Only one `watchHeading` can be in effect at one time in iOS.  If a
+`watchHeading` uses a filter, calling `getCurrentHeading` or
+`watchHeading` uses the existing filter value to specify heading
+changes. Watching heading changes with a filter is more efficient than
+with time intervals.
+### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
+- `filter` is not supported.
+### Android Quirks
+- No support for `filter`.
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+- No support for `filter`.
+### Tizen Quirks
+- No support for `filter`.
+### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+- No support for `filter`.
+## navigator.compass.clearWatch
+Stop watching the compass referenced by the watch ID parameter.
+    navigator.compass.clearWatch(watchID);
+- __watchID__: The ID returned by `navigator.compass.watchHeading`.
+### Example
+    var watchID = navigator.compass.watchHeading(onSuccess, onError, options);
+    // ... later on ...
+    navigator.compass.clearWatch(watchID);
+## CompassHeading
+A `CompassHeading` object is returned to the `compassSuccess` callback function.
+### Properties
+- __magneticHeading__: The heading in degrees from 0-359.99 at a single moment in time. _(Number)_
+- __trueHeading__: The heading relative to the geographic North Pole in degrees 0-359.99 at a single moment in time. A negative value indicates that the true heading can't be determined.  _(Number)_
+- __headingAccuracy__: The deviation in degrees between the reported heading and the true heading. _(Number)_
+- __timestamp__: The time at which this heading was determined.  _(DOMTimeStamp)_
+### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
+- `trueHeading` is not supported, but reports the same value as `magneticHeading`
+- `headingAccuracy` is always 0 because there is no difference between the `magneticHeading` and `trueHeading`
+### Android Quirks
+- The `trueHeading` property is not supported, but reports the same value as `magneticHeading`.
+- The `headingAccuracy` property is always 0 because there is no difference between the `magneticHeading` and `trueHeading`.
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+- The `trueHeading` property is not supported, but reports the same value as `magneticHeading`.
+- The `headingAccuracy` property is always 0 because there is no difference between the `magneticHeading` and `trueHeading`.
+### iOS Quirks
+- The `trueHeading` property is only returned for location services enabled via `navigator.geolocation.watchLocation()`.
+- For iOS 4 devices and above, heading factors in the device's current orientation, and does not reference its absolute position, for apps that supports that orientation.
+## CompassError
+A `CompassError` object is returned to the `compassError` callback function when an error occurs.
+### Properties
+- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
+### Constants
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+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-device/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-device
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-device
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-device
+This plugin defines a global `device` object, which describes the device's hardware and software.
+Although the object is in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(device.cordova);
+    }
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
+## Properties
+- device.cordova
+- device.model
+- device.platform
+- device.uuid
+- device.version
+- device.manufacturer
+- device.isVirtual
+- device.serial
+## device.cordova
+Get the version of Cordova running on the device.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+- OSX
+## device.model
+The `device.model` returns the name of the device's model or
+product. The value is set by the device manufacturer and may be
+different across versions of the same product.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+- OSX
+### Quick Example
+    // Android:    Nexus One       returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
+    //             Motorola Droid  returns "voles"
+    // BlackBerry: Torch 9800      returns "9800"
+    // Browser:    Google Chrome   returns "Chrome"
+    //             Safari          returns "Safari"
+    // iOS:     for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. See
+    // OSX:                        returns "x86_64"
+    // 
+    var model = device.model;
+### Android Quirks
+- Gets the [product name]( instead of the [model name](, which is often the production code name. For example, the Nexus One returns `Passion`, and Motorola Droid returns `voles`.
+### Tizen Quirks
+- Returns the device model assigned by the vendor, for example, `TIZEN`
+### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+- Returns the device model specified by the manufacturer. For example, the Samsung Focus returns `SGH-i917`.
+## device.platform
+Get the device's operating system name.
+    var string = device.platform;
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+- OSX
+### Quick Example
+    // Depending on the device, a few examples are:
+    //   - "Android"
+    //   - "BlackBerry 10"
+    //   - "browser"
+    //   - "iOS"
+    //   - "WinCE"
+    //   - "Tizen"
+    //   - "Mac OS X"
+    var devicePlatform = device.platform;
+### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
+Windows Phone 7 devices report the platform as `WinCE`.
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+Windows Phone 8 devices report the platform as `Win32NT`.
+## device.uuid
+Get the device's Universally Unique Identifier ([UUID](
+    var string = device.uuid;
+### Description
+The details of how a UUID is generated are determined by the device manufacturer and are specific to the device's platform or model.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+- OSX
+### Quick Example
+    // Android: Returns a random 64-bit integer (as a string, again!)
+    //          The integer is generated on the device's first boot
+    //
+    // BlackBerry: Returns the PIN number of the device
+    //             This is a nine-digit unique integer (as a string, though!)
+    //
+    // iPhone: (Paraphrased from the UIDevice Class documentation)
+    //         Returns the [UIDevice identifierForVendor] UUID which is unique and the same for all apps installed by the same vendor. However the UUID can be different if the user deletes all apps from the vendor and then reinstalls it.
+    // Windows Phone 7 : Returns a hash of device+current user,
+    // if the user is not defined, a guid is generated and will persist until the app is uninstalled
+    // Tizen: returns the device IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI is a number
+    // unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone.
+    var deviceID = device.uuid;
+### iOS Quirk
+The `uuid` on iOS uses the identifierForVendor property. It is unique to the device across the same vendor, but will be different for different vendors and will change if all apps from the vendor are deleted and then reinstalled.
+Refer [here]( for details.
+The UUID will be the same if app is restored from a backup or iCloud as it is saved in preferences. Users using older versions of this plugin will still receive the same previous UUID generated by another means as it will be retrieved from preferences.
+### OSX Quirk
+The `uuid` on OSX is generated automatically if it does not exist yet and is stored in the `standardUserDefaults` in the `CDVUUID` property. 
+### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+The `uuid` for Windows Phone 7 requires the permission
+`ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE`.  Microsoft will likely deprecate this
+property soon.  If the capability is not available, the application
+generates a persistent guid that is maintained for the duration of the
+application's installation on the device.
+## device.version
+Get the operating system version.
+    var string = device.version;
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android 2.1+
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+- OSX
+### Quick Example
+    // Android:    Froyo OS would return "2.2"
+    //             Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
+    //             Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
+    //
+    // BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
+    //
+    // Browser:    Returns version number for the browser
+    //
+    // iPhone:     iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
+    //
+    // Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
+    // Windows 8: return the current OS version, ex on Windows 8.1 returns 6.3.9600.16384
+    // Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
+    // OSX:        El Capitan would return "10.11.2"
+    //
+    var deviceVersion = device.version;
+## device.manufacturer
+Get the device's manufacturer.
+    var string = device.manufacturer;
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android 
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+### Quick Example
+    // Android:    Motorola XT1032 would return "motorola"
+    // BlackBerry: returns "BlackBerry"
+    // iPhone:     returns "Apple"
+    //
+    var deviceManufacturer = device.manufacturer;
+## device.isVirtual
+whether the device is running on a simulator.
+    var isSim = device.isVirtual;
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android 2.1+
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- OSX 
+### OSX Quirk
+The `isVirtual` property on OS X always returns false.
+## device.serial
+Get the device hardware serial number ([SERIAL](
+    var string = device.serial;
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- OSX
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index 0000000..ca4e113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-dialogs/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-dialogs
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-dialogs
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-dialogs
+This plugin provides access to some native dialog UI elements
+via a global `navigator.notification` object.
+Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(navigator.notification);
+    }
+Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs
+## Methods
+- `navigator.notification.alert`
+- `navigator.notification.confirm`
+- `navigator.notification.prompt`
+- `navigator.notification.beep`
+## navigator.notification.alert
+Shows a custom alert or dialog box.  Most Cordova implementations use a native
+dialog box for this feature, but some platforms use the browser's `alert`
+function, which is typically less customizable.
+    navigator.notification.alert(message, alertCallback, [title], [buttonName])
+- __message__: Dialog message. _(String)_
+- __alertCallback__: Callback to invoke when alert dialog is dismissed. _(Function)_
+- __title__: Dialog title. _(String)_ (Optional, defaults to `Alert`)
+- __buttonName__: Button name. _(String)_ (Optional, defaults to `OK`)
+### Example
+    function alertDismissed() {
+        // do something
+    }
+    navigator.notification.alert(
+        'You are the winner!',  // message
+        alertDismissed,         // callback
+        'Game Over',            // title
+        'Done'                  // buttonName
+    );
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+- There is no built-in browser alert, but you can bind one as follows to call `alert()` in the global scope:
+        window.alert = navigator.notification.alert;
+- Both `alert` and `confirm` are non-blocking calls, results of which are only available asynchronously.
+### Firefox OS Quirks:
+Both native-blocking `window.alert()` and non-blocking `navigator.notification.alert()` are available.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+`navigator.notification.alert('text', callback, 'title', 'text')` callback parameter is passed the number 1.
+## navigator.notification.confirm
+Displays a customizable confirmation dialog box.
+    navigator.notification.confirm(message, confirmCallback, [title], [buttonLabels])
+- __message__: Dialog message. _(String)_
+- __confirmCallback__: Callback to invoke with index of button pressed (1, 2, or 3) or when the dialog is dismissed without a button press (0). _(Function)_
+- __title__: Dialog title. _(String)_ (Optional, defaults to `Confirm`)
+- __buttonLabels__: Array of strings specifying button labels. _(Array)_  (Optional, defaults to [`OK,Cancel`])
+### confirmCallback
+The `confirmCallback` executes when the user presses one of the
+buttons in the confirmation dialog box.
+The callback takes the argument `buttonIndex` _(Number)_, which is the
+index of the pressed button. Note that the index uses one-based
+indexing, so the value is `1`, `2`, `3`, etc.
+### Example
+    function onConfirm(buttonIndex) {
+        alert('You selected button ' + buttonIndex);
+    }
+    navigator.notification.confirm(
+        'You are the winner!', // message
+         onConfirm,            // callback to invoke with index of button pressed
+        'Game Over',           // title
+        ['Restart','Exit']     // buttonLabels
+    );
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+- There is no built-in browser function for `window.confirm`, but you can bind it by assigning:
+        window.confirm = navigator.notification.confirm;
+- Calls to `alert` and `confirm` are non-blocking, so the result is only available asynchronously.
+### Windows Quirks
+- On Windows8/8.1 it is not possible to add more than three buttons to MessageDialog instance.
+- On Windows Phone 8.1 it's not possible to show dialog with more than two buttons.
+### Firefox OS Quirks:
+Both native-blocking `window.confirm()` and non-blocking `navigator.notification.confirm()` are available.
+## navigator.notification.prompt
+Displays a native dialog box that is more customizable than the browser's `prompt` function.
+    navigator.notification.prompt(message, promptCallback, [title], [buttonLabels], [defaultText])
+- __message__: Dialog message. _(String)_
+- __promptCallback__: Callback to invoke with index of button pressed (1, 2, or 3) or when the dialog is dismissed without a button press (0). _(Function)_
+- __title__: Dialog title _(String)_ (Optional, defaults to `Prompt`)
+- __buttonLabels__: Array of strings specifying button labels _(Array)_ (Optional, defaults to `["OK","Cancel"]`)
+- __defaultText__: Default textbox input value (`String`) (Optional, Default: empty string)
+### promptCallback
+The `promptCallback` executes when the user presses one of the buttons
+in the prompt dialog box. The `results` object passed to the callback
+contains the following properties:
+- __buttonIndex__: The index of the pressed button. _(Number)_ Note that the index uses one-based indexing, so the value is `1`, `2`, `3`, etc.
+- __input1__: The text entered in the prompt dialog box. _(String)_
+### Example
+    function onPrompt(results) {
+        alert("You selected button number " + results.buttonIndex + " and entered " + results.input1);
+    }
+    navigator.notification.prompt(
+        'Please enter your name',  // message
+        onPrompt,                  // callback to invoke
+        'Registration',            // title
+        ['Ok','Exit'],             // buttonLabels
+        'Jane Doe'                 // defaultText
+    );
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Android Quirks
+- Android supports a maximum of three buttons, and ignores any more than that.
+- On Android 3.0 and later, buttons are displayed in reverse order for devices that use the Holo theme.
+### Windows Quirks
+- On Windows prompt dialog is html-based due to lack of such native api.
+### Firefox OS Quirks:
+Both native-blocking `window.prompt()` and non-blocking `navigator.notification.prompt()` are available.
+## navigator.notification.beep
+The device plays a beep sound.
+    navigator.notification.beep(times);
+- __times__: The number of times to repeat the beep. _(Number)_
+### Example
+    // Beep twice!
+    navigator.notification.beep(2);
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
+- Amazon Fire OS plays the default __Notification Sound__ specified under the __Settings/Display & Sound__ panel.
+### Android Quirks
+- Android plays the default __Notification ringtone__ specified under the __Settings/Sound & Display__ panel.
+### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+- Relies on a generic beep file from the Cordova distribution.
+### Tizen Quirks
+- Tizen implements beeps by playing an audio file via the media API.
+- The beep file must be short, must be located in a `sounds` subdirectory of the application's root directory, and must be named `beep.wav`.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b698b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-file-transfer
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-file-transfer
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-file-transfer
+This plugin allows you to upload and download files.
+This plugin defines global `FileTransfer`, `FileUploadOptions` constructors. Although in the global scope, they are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(FileTransfer);
+    }
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- Firefox OS**
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8*
+- Windows
+\* _Do not support `onprogress` nor `abort()`_
+\** _Do not support `onprogress`_
+# FileTransfer
+The `FileTransfer` object provides a way to upload files using an HTTP
+multi-part POST or PUT request, and to download files.
+## Properties
+- __onprogress__: Called with a `ProgressEvent` whenever a new chunk of data is transferred. _(Function)_
+## Methods
+- __upload__: Sends a file to a server.
+- __download__: Downloads a file from server.
+- __abort__: Aborts an in-progress transfer.
+## upload
+- __fileURL__: Filesystem URL representing the file on the device or a [data URI]( For backwards compatibility, this can also be the full path of the file on the device. (See [Backwards Compatibility Notes](#backwards-compatibility-notes) below)
+- __server__: URL of the server to receive the file, as encoded by `encodeURI()`.
+- __successCallback__: A callback that is passed a `FileUploadResult` object. _(Function)_
+- __errorCallback__: A callback that executes if an error occurs retrieving the `FileUploadResult`. Invoked with a `FileTransferError` object. _(Function)_
+- __options__: Optional parameters _(Object)_. Valid keys:
+  - __fileKey__: The name of the form element.  Defaults to `file`. (DOMString)
+  - __fileName__: The file name to use when saving the file on the server.  Defaults to `image.jpg`. (DOMString)
+  - __httpMethod__: The HTTP method to use - either `PUT` or `POST`. Defaults to `POST`. (DOMString)
+  - __mimeType__: The mime type of the data to upload.  Defaults to `image/jpeg`. (DOMString)
+  - __params__: A set of optional key/value pairs to pass in the HTTP request. (Object, key/value - DOMString)
+  - __chunkedMode__: Whether to upload the data in chunked streaming mode. Defaults to `true`. (Boolean)
+  - __headers__: A map of header name/header values. Use an array to specify more than one value.  On iOS, FireOS, and Android, if a header named Content-Type is present, multipart form data will NOT be used. (Object)
+- __trustAllHosts__: Optional parameter, defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, it accepts all security certificates. This is useful since Android rejects self-signed security certificates. Not recommended for production use. Supported on Android and iOS. _(boolean)_
+### Example
+    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a text file on the device,
+    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file.txt
+    var win = function (r) {
+        console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
+        console.log("Response = " + r.response);
+        console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
+    }
+    var fail = function (error) {
+        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
+        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
+        console.log("upload error target " +;
+    }
+    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
+    options.fileKey = "file";
+    options.fileName = fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+    options.mimeType = "text/plain";
+    var params = {};
+    params.value1 = "test";
+    params.value2 = "param";
+    options.params = params;
+    var ft = new FileTransfer();
+    ft.upload(fileURL, encodeURI(""), win, fail, options);
+### Example with Upload Headers and Progress Events (Android and iOS only)
+    function win(r) {
+        console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
+        console.log("Response = " + r.response);
+        console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
+    }
+    function fail(error) {
+        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
+        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
+        console.log("upload error target " +;
+    }
+    var uri = encodeURI("");
+    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
+    options.fileKey="file";
+    options.fileName=fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
+    options.mimeType="text/plain";
+    var headers={'headerParam':'headerValue'};
+    options.headers = headers;
+    var ft = new FileTransfer();
+    ft.onprogress = function(progressEvent) {
+        if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
+          loadingStatus.setPercentage(progressEvent.loaded /;
+        } else {
+          loadingStatus.increment();
+        }
+    };
+    ft.upload(fileURL, uri, win, fail, options);
+## FileUploadResult
+A `FileUploadResult` object is passed to the success callback of the
+`FileTransfer` object's `upload()` method.
+### Properties
+- __bytesSent__: The number of bytes sent to the server as part of the upload. (long)
+- __responseCode__: The HTTP response code returned by the server. (long)
+- __response__: The HTTP response returned by the server. (DOMString)
+- __headers__: The HTTP response headers by the server. (Object)
+  - Currently supported on iOS only.
+### iOS Quirks
+- Does not support `responseCode` or `bytesSent`.
+### Browser Quirks
+- __withCredentials__: _boolean_ that tells the browser to set the withCredentials flag on the XMLHttpRequest
+## download
+- __source__: URL of the server to download the file, as encoded by `encodeURI()`.
+- __target__: Filesystem url representing the file on the device. For backwards compatibility, this can also be the full path of the file on the device. (See [Backwards Compatibility Notes](#backwards-compatibility-notes) below)
+- __successCallback__: A callback that is passed  a `FileEntry` object. _(Function)_
+- __errorCallback__: A callback that executes if an error occurs when retrieving the `FileEntry`. Invoked with a `FileTransferError` object. _(Function)_
+- __trustAllHosts__: Optional parameter, defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, it accepts all security certificates. This is useful because Android rejects self-signed security certificates. Not recommended for production use. Supported on Android and iOS. _(boolean)_
+- __options__: Optional parameters, currently only supports headers (such as Authorization (Basic Authentication), etc).
+### Example
+    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a path on the device,
+    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/downloads/
+    var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
+    var uri = encodeURI("");
+        uri,
+        fileURL,
+        function(entry) {
+            console.log("download complete: " + entry.toURL());
+        },
+        function(error) {
+            console.log("download error source " + error.source);
+            console.log("download error target " +;
+            console.log("upload error code" + error.code);
+        },
+        false,
+        {
+            headers: {
+                "Authorization": "Basic dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
+            }
+        }
+    );
+### WP8 Quirks
+- Download requests is being cached by native implementation. To avoid caching, pass `if-Modified-Since` header to download method.
+### Browser Quirks
+- __withCredentials__: _boolean_ that tells the browser to set the withCredentials flag on the XMLHttpRequest
+## abort
+Aborts an in-progress transfer. The onerror callback is passed a FileTransferError object which has an error code of `FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR`.
+### Example
+    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a text file on the device,
+    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file.txt
+    var win = function(r) {
+        console.log("Should not be called.");
+    }
+    var fail = function(error) {
+        // error.code == FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR
+        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
+        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
+        console.log("upload error target " +;
+    }
+    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
+    options.fileKey="file";
+    options.fileName="myphoto.jpg";
+    options.mimeType="image/jpeg";
+    var ft = new FileTransfer();
+    ft.upload(fileURL, encodeURI(""), win, fail, options);
+    ft.abort();
+## FileTransferError
+A `FileTransferError` object is passed to an error callback when an error occurs.
+### Properties
+- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below. (Number)
+- __source__: URL to the source. (String)
+- __target__: URL to the target. (String)
+- __http_status__: HTTP status code.  This attribute is only available when a response code is received from the HTTP connection. (Number)
+- __body__ Response body. This attribute is only available when a response is received from the HTTP connection. (String)
+- __exception__: Either e.getMessage or e.toString (String)
+### Constants
+- 1 = `FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR`
+- 2 = `FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR`
+- 3 = `FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR`
+- 4 = `FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR`
+- 5 = `FileTransferError.NOT_MODIFIED_ERR`
+## Windows Quirks
+- The plugin implementation is based on [BackgroundDownloader]([BackgroundUploader](, which entails the latency issues on Windows devices (creation/starting of an operation can take up to a few seconds). You can use XHR or [HttpClient]( as a quicker alternative for small downloads.
+## Backwards Compatibility Notes
+Previous versions of this plugin would only accept device-absolute-file-paths as the source for uploads, or as the target for downloads. These paths would typically be of the form:
+    /var/mobile/Applications/<application UUID>/Documents/path/to/file  (iOS)
+    /storage/emulated/0/path/to/file                                    (Android)
+For backwards compatibility, these paths are still accepted, and if your application has recorded paths like these in persistent storage, then they can continue to be used.
+These paths were previously exposed in the `fullPath` property of `FileEntry` and `DirectoryEntry` objects returned by the File plugin. New versions of the File plugin however, no longer expose these paths to JavaScript.
+If you are upgrading to a new (1.0.0 or newer) version of File, and you have previously been using `entry.fullPath` as arguments to `download()` or `upload()`, then you will need to change your code to use filesystem URLs instead.
+`FileEntry.toURL()` and `DirectoryEntry.toURL()` return a filesystem URL of the form:
+    cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file
+which can be used in place of the absolute file path in both `download()` and `upload()` methods.
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index 0000000..4bf1453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-file/
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-file
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-file
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-file
+This plugin implements a File API allowing read/write access to files residing on the device.
+This plugin is based on several specs, including :
+The HTML5 File API
+The (now-defunct) Directories and System extensions
+Although most of the plugin code was written when an earlier spec was current:
+It also implements the FileWriter spec :
+For usage, please refer to HTML5 Rocks' excellent [FileSystem article.](
+For an overview of other storage options, refer to Cordova's
+[storage guide](
+This plugin defines global `cordova.file` object.
+Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(cordova.file);
+    }
+Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- OS X
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8*
+- Windows 8*
+- Windows*
+- Browser
+\* _These platforms do not support `FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer` nor `FileWriter.write(blob)`._
+## Where to Store Files
+As of v1.2.0, URLs to important file-system directories are provided.
+Each URL is in the form _file:///path/to/spot/_, and can be converted to a
+`DirectoryEntry` using `window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL()`.
+* `cordova.file.applicationDirectory` - Read-only directory where the application
+  is installed. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_, _windows_)
+* `cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory` - Root directory of the application's
+  sandbox; on iOS & windows this location is read-only (but specific subdirectories [like
+  `/Documents` on iOS or `/localState` on windows] are read-write). All data contained within
+  is private to the app. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_)
+* `cordova.file.dataDirectory` - Persistent and private data storage within the
+  application's sandbox using internal memory (on Android, if you need to use
+  external memory, use `.externalDataDirectory`). On iOS, this directory is not
+  synced with iCloud (use `.syncedDataDirectory`). (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _windows_)
+* `cordova.file.cacheDirectory` -  Directory for cached data files or any files
+  that your app can re-create easily. The OS may delete these files when the device
+  runs low on storage, nevertheless, apps should not rely on the OS to delete files
+  in here. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_, _windows_)
+* `cordova.file.externalApplicationStorageDirectory` - Application space on
+  external storage. (_Android_)
+* `cordova.file.externalDataDirectory` - Where to put app-specific data files on
+  external storage. (_Android_)
+* `cordova.file.externalCacheDirectory` - Application cache on external storage.
+  (_Android_)
+* `cordova.file.externalRootDirectory` - External storage (SD card) root. (_Android_, _BlackBerry 10_)
+* `cordova.file.tempDirectory` - Temp directory that the OS can clear at will. Do not
+  rely on the OS to clear this directory; your app should always remove files as
+  applicable. (_iOS_, _OSX_, _windows_)
+* `cordova.file.syncedDataDirectory` - Holds app-specific files that should be synced
+  (e.g. to iCloud). (_iOS_, _windows_)
+* `cordova.file.documentsDirectory` - Files private to the app, but that are meaningful
+  to other application (e.g. Office files). Note that for _OSX_ this is the user's `~/Documents` directory. (_iOS_, _OSX_)
+* `cordova.file.sharedDirectory` - Files globally available to all applications (_BlackBerry 10_)
+## File System Layouts
+Although technically an implementation detail, it can be very useful to know how
+the `cordova.file.*` properties map to physical paths on a real device.
+### iOS File System Layout
+| Device Path                                    | `cordova.file.*`            | `iosExtraFileSystems` | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | sync | private |
+| `/var/mobile/Applications/<UUID>/`             | applicationStorageDirectory | -                     | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;``               | applicationDirectory        | bundle                | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`www/`     | -                           | -                     | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Documents/`                 | documentsDirectory          | documents             | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes  |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`NoCloud/` | -                           | documents-nosync      | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | No   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Library`                    | -                           | library               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes? |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`NoCloud/` | dataDirectory               | library-nosync        | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | No   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Cloud/`   | syncedDataDirectory         | -                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes  |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Caches/`  | cacheDirectory              | cache                 | r/w  |     Yes*    |  Yes\*\*\*| No   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`tmp/`                       | tempDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |     No\*\*  |  Yes\*\*\*| No   |   Yes   |
+  \* Files persist across app restarts and upgrades, but this directory can
+     be cleared whenever the OS desires. Your app should be able to recreate any
+     content that might be deleted.
+\*\* Files may persist across app restarts, but do not rely on this behavior. Files
+     are not guaranteed to persist across updates. Your app should remove files from
+     this directory when it is applicable, as the OS does not guarantee when (or even
+     if) these files are removed.
+\*\*\* The OS may clear the contents of this directory whenever it feels it is
+     necessary, but do not rely on this. You should clear this directory as
+     appropriate for your application.
+### Android File System Layout
+| Device Path                                     | `cordova.file.*`            | `AndroidExtraFileSystems` | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
+| `file:///android_asset/`                        | applicationDirectory        |                           | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
+| `/data/data/<app-id>/`                          | applicationStorageDirectory | -                         | r/w  |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`cache`                       | cacheDirectory              | cache                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files`                       | dataDirectory               | files                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Documents` |                             | documents                 | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
+| `<sdcard>/`                                     | externalRootDirectory       | sdcard                    | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Android/data/<app-id>/`      | externalApplicationStorageDirectory | -                 | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`cache`     | externalCacheDirectry       | cache-external            | r/w  |     Yes     |     No\*\*|   No    |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files`     | externalDataDirectory       | files-external            | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
+\* The OS may periodically clear this directory, but do not rely on this behavior. Clear
+   the contents of this directory as appropriate for your application. Should a user
+   purge the cache manually, the contents of this directory are removed.
+\*\* The OS does not clear this directory automatically; you are responsible for managing
+     the contents yourself. Should the user purge the cache manually, the contents of the
+     directory are removed.
+**Note**: If external storage can't be mounted, the `cordova.file.external*`
+properties are `null`.
+### BlackBerry 10 File System Layout
+| Device Path                                                  | `cordova.file.*`            | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
+| `file:///accounts/1000/appdata/<app id>/`                    | applicationStorageDirectory | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`app/native`                               | applicationDirectory        | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`data/webviews/webfs/temporary/local__0`   | cacheDirectory              | r/w  |     No      |     Yes   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`data/webviews/webfs/persistent/local__0`  | dataDirectory               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
+| `file:///accounts/1000/removable/sdcard`                     | externalRemovableDirectory  | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
+| `file:///accounts/1000/shared`                               | sharedDirectory             | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
+*Note*: When application is deployed to work perimeter, all paths are relative to /accounts/1000-enterprise.
+### OS X File System Layout
+| Device Path                                      | `cordova.file.*`            | `iosExtraFileSystems` | r/w? |  OS clears | private |
+| `/Applications/<appname>.app/`                   | -                           | bundle                | r    |     N/A   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Content/Resources/`     | applicationDirectory        | -                     | r    |     N/A   |   Yes   |
+| `~/Library/Application Support/<bundle-id>/`     | applicationStorageDirectory | -                     | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files/`                 | dataDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
+| `~/Documents/`                                   | documentsDirectory          | documents             | r/w  |     No    |    No   |
+| `~/Library/Caches/<bundle-id>/`                  | cacheDirectory              | cache                 | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
+| `/tmp/`                                          | tempDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |    Yes\*  |   Yes   |
+| `/`                                              | rootDirectory               | root                  | r/w  |    No\*\* |    No   |
+**Note**: This is the layout for non sandboxed applications. I you enable sandboxing, the `applicationStorageDirectory` will be below ` ~/Library/Containers/<bundle-id>/Data/Library/Application Support`.
+\* Files persist across app restarts and upgrades, but this directory can
+     be cleared whenever the OS desires. Your app should be able to recreate any
+     content that might be deleted. You should clear this directory as
+     appropriate for your application.
+\*\* Allows access to the entire file system. This is only available for non sandboxed apps.
+### Windows File System Layout
+| Device Path                                           | `cordova.file.*`            | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
+| `ms-appdata:///`                                      | applicationDirectory        | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`local/`                            | dataDirectory               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`temp/`                             | cacheDirectory              | r/w  |     No      |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`temp/`                             | tempDirectory               | r/w  |     No      |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
+| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`roaming/`                          | syncedDataDirectory         | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
+\* The OS may periodically clear this directory
+## Android Quirks
+### Android Persistent storage location
+There are multiple valid locations to store persistent files on an Android
+device. See [this page](
+for an extensive discussion of the various possibilities.
+Previous versions of the plugin would choose the location of the temporary and
+persistent files on startup, based on whether the device claimed that the SD
+Card (or equivalent storage partition) was mounted. If the SD Card was mounted,
+or if a large internal storage partition was available (such as on Nexus
+devices,) then the persistent files would be stored in the root of that space.
+This meant that all Cordova apps could see all of the files available on the
+If the SD card was not available, then previous versions would store data under
+`/data/data/<packageId>`, which isolates apps from each other, but may still
+cause data to be shared between users.
+It is now possible to choose whether to store files in the internal file
+storage location, or using the previous logic, with a preference in your
+application's `config.xml` file. To do this, add one of these two lines to
+    <preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Internal" />
+    <preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />
+Without this line, the File plugin will use `Internal` as the default. If
+a preference tag is present, and is not one of these values, the application
+will not start.
+If your application has previously been shipped to users, using an older (pre-
+3.0.0) version of this plugin, and has stored files in the persistent filesystem,
+then you should set the preference to `Compatibility` if your config.xml does not specify a location for the persistent filesystem. Switching the location to
+"Internal" would mean that existing users who upgrade their application may be
+unable to access their previously-stored files, depending on their device.
+If your application is new, or has never previously stored files in the
+persistent filesystem, then the `Internal` setting is generally recommended.
+### Slow recursive operations for /android_asset
+Listing asset directories is really slow on Android. You can speed it up though, by
+adding `src/android/build-extras.gradle` to the root of your android project (also
+requires cordova-android@4.0.0 or greater).
+## iOS Quirks
+- `cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory` is read-only; attempting to store
+  files within the root directory will fail. Use one of the other `cordova.file.*`
+  properties defined for iOS (only `applicationDirectory` and `applicationStorageDirectory` are
+  read-only).
+- `FileReader.readAsText(blob, encoding)`
+  - The `encoding` parameter is not supported, and UTF-8 encoding is always in effect.
+### iOS Persistent storage location
+There are two valid locations to store persistent files on an iOS device: the
+Documents directory and the Library directory. Previous versions of the plugin
+only ever stored persistent files in the Documents directory. This had the
+side-effect of making all of an application's files visible in iTunes, which
+was often unintended, especially for applications which handle lots of small
+files, rather than producing complete documents for export, which is the
+intended purpose of the directory.
+It is now possible to choose whether to store files in the documents or library
+directory, with a preference in your application's `config.xml` file. To do this,
+add one of these two lines to `config.xml`:
+    <preference name="iosPersistentFileLocation" value="Library" />
+    <preference name="iosPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />
+Without this line, the File plugin will use `Compatibility` as the default. If
+a preference tag is present, and is not one of these values, the application
+will not start.
+If your application has previously been shipped to users, using an older (pre-
+1.0) version of this plugin, and has stored files in the persistent filesystem,
+then you should set the preference to `Compatibility`. Switching the location to
+`Library` would mean that existing users who upgrade their application would be
+unable to access their previously-stored files.
+If your application is new, or has never previously stored files in the
+persistent filesystem, then the `Library` setting is generally recommended.
+## Firefox OS Quirks
+The File System API is not natively supported by Firefox OS and is implemented
+as a shim on top of indexedDB.
+* Does not fail when removing non-empty directories
+* Does not support metadata for directories
+* Methods `copyTo` and `moveTo` do not support directories
+The following data paths are supported:
+* `applicationDirectory` - Uses `xhr` to get local files that are packaged with the app.
+* `dataDirectory` - For persistent app-specific data files.
+* `cacheDirectory` - Cached files that should survive app restarts (Apps should not rely
+on the OS to delete files in here).
+## Browser Quirks
+### Common quirks and remarks
+- Each browser uses its own sandboxed filesystem. IE and Firefox use IndexedDB as a base.
+All browsers use forward slash as directory separator in a path.
+- Directory entries have to be created successively.
+For example, the call `fs.root.getDirectory('dir1/dir2', {create:true}, successCallback, errorCallback)`
+will fail if dir1 did not exist.
+- The plugin requests user permission to use persistent storage at the application first start.
+- Plugin supports `cdvfile://localhost` (local resources) only. I.e. external resources are not supported via `cdvfile`.
+- The plugin does not follow ["File System API 8.3 Naming restrictions"](
+- Blob and File' `close` function is not supported.
+- `FileSaver` and `BlobBuilder` are not supported by this plugin and don't have stubs.
+- The plugin does not support `requestAllFileSystems`. This function is also missing in the specifications.
+- Entries in directory will not be removed if you use `create: true` flag for existing directory.
+- Files created via constructor are not supported. You should use entry.file method instead.
+- Each browser uses its own form for blob URL references.
+- `readAsDataURL` function is supported, but the mediatype in Chrome depends on entry name extension,
+mediatype in IE is always empty (which is the same as `text-plain` according the specification),
+the mediatype in Firefox is always `application/octet-stream`.
+For example, if the content is `abcdefg` then Firefox returns `data:application/octet-stream;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`,
+IE returns `data:;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`, Chrome returns `data:<mediatype depending on extension of entry name>;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`.
+- `toInternalURL` returns the path in the form `file:///persistent/path/to/entry` (Firefox, IE).
+Chrome returns the path in the form `cdvfile://localhost/persistent/file`.
+### Chrome quirks
+- Chrome filesystem is not immediately ready after device ready event. As a workaround you can subscribe to `filePluginIsReady` event.
+window.addEventListener('filePluginIsReady', function(){ console.log('File plugin is ready');}, false);
+You can use `window.isFilePluginReadyRaised` function to check whether event was already raised.
+- window.requestFileSystem TEMPORARY and PERSISTENT filesystem quotas are not limited in Chrome.
+- To increase persistent storage in Chrome you need to call `window.initPersistentFileSystem` method. Persistent storage quota is 5 MB by default.
+- Chrome requires `--allow-file-access-from-files` run argument to support API via `file:///` protocol.
+- `File` object will be not changed if you use flag `{create:true}` when getting an existing `Entry`.
+- events `cancelable` property is set to true in Chrome. This is contrary to the [specification](
+- `toURL` function in Chrome returns `filesystem:`-prefixed path depending on application host.
+For example, `filesystem:file:///persistent/somefile.txt`, `filesystem:http://localhost:8080/persistent/somefile.txt`.
+- `toURL` function result does not contain trailing slash in case of directory entry.
+Chrome resolves directories with slash-trailed urls correctly though.
+- `resolveLocalFileSystemURL` method requires the inbound `url` to have `filesystem` prefix. For example, `url` parameter for `resolveLocalFileSystemURL`
+should be in the form `filesystem:file:///persistent/somefile.txt` as opposed to the form `file:///persistent/somefile.txt` in Android.
+- Deprecated `toNativeURL` function is not supported and does not have a stub.
+- `setMetadata` function is not stated in the specifications and not supported.
+- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of SYNTAX_ERR(code: 8) on requesting of a non-existant filesystem.
+- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of PATH_EXISTS_ERR(code: 12) on trying to exclusively create a file or directory, which already exists.
+- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of  NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR(code: 6) on trying to call removeRecursively on the root file system.
+- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of NOT_FOUND_ERR(code: 1) on trying to moveTo directory that does not exist.
+### IndexedDB-based impl quirks (Firefox and IE)
+- `.` and `..` are not supported.
+- IE does not support `file:///`-mode; only hosted mode is supported (http://localhost:xxxx).
+- Firefox filesystem size is not limited but each 50MB extension will request a user permission.
+IE10 allows up to 10mb of combined AppCache and IndexedDB used in implementation of filesystem without prompting,
+once you hit that level you will be asked if you want to allow it to be increased up to a max of 250mb per site.
+So `size` parameter for `requestFileSystem` function does not affect filesystem in Firefox and IE.
+- `readAsBinaryString` function is not stated in the Specs and not supported in IE and does not have a stub.
+- `file.type` is always null.
+- You should not create entry using DirectoryEntry instance callback result which was deleted.
+Otherwise, you will get a 'hanging entry'.
+- Before you can read a file, which was just written you need to get a new instance of this file.
+- `setMetadata` function, which is not stated in the Specs supports `modificationTime` field change only.
+- `copyTo` and `moveTo` functions do not support directories.
+- Directories metadata is not supported.
+- Both Entry.remove and directoryEntry.removeRecursively don't fail when removing
+non-empty directories - directories being removed are cleaned along with contents instead.
+- `abort` and `truncate` functions are not supported.
+- progress events are not fired. For example, this handler will be not executed:
+writer.onprogress = function() { /*commands*/ };
+## Upgrading Notes
+In v1.0.0 of this plugin, the `FileEntry` and `DirectoryEntry` structures have changed,
+to be more in line with the published specification.
+Previous (pre-1.0.0) versions of the plugin stored the device-absolute-file-location
+in the `fullPath` property of `Entry` objects. These paths would typically look like
+    /var/mobile/Applications/<application UUID>/Documents/path/to/file  (iOS)
+    /storage/emulated/0/path/to/file                                    (Android)
+These paths were also returned by the `toURL()` method of the `Entry` objects.
+With v1.0.0, the `fullPath` attribute is the path to the file, _relative to the root of
+the HTML filesystem_. So, the above paths would now both be represented by a `FileEntry`
+object with a `fullPath` of
+    /path/to/file
+If your application works with device-absolute-paths, and you previously retrieved those
+paths through the `fullPath` property of `Entry` objects, then you should update your code
+to use `entry.toURL()` instead.
+For backwards compatibility, the `resolveLocalFileSystemURL()` method will accept a
+device-absolute-path, and will return an `Entry` object corresponding to it, as long as that
+file exists within either the `TEMPORARY` or `PERSISTENT` filesystems.
+This has particularly been an issue with the File-Transfer plugin, which previously used
+device-absolute-paths (and can still accept them). It has been updated to work correctly
+with FileSystem URLs, so replacing `entry.fullPath` with `entry.toURL()` should resolve any
+issues getting that plugin to work with files on the device.
+In v1.1.0 the return value of `toURL()` was changed (see [CB-6394](
+to return an absolute 'file://' URL. wherever possible. To ensure a 'cdvfile:'-URL you can use `toInternalURL()` now.
+This method will now return filesystem URLs of the form
+    cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file
+which can be used to identify the file uniquely.
+## cdvfile protocol
+`cdvfile://localhost/persistent|temporary|another-fs-root*/path/to/file` can be used for platform-independent file paths.
+cdvfile paths are supported by core plugins - for example you can download an mp3 file to cdvfile-path via `cordova-plugin-file-transfer` and play it via `cordova-plugin-media`.
+__*Note__: See [Where to Store Files](#where-to-store-files), [File System Layouts](#file-system-layouts) and [Configuring the Plugin](#configuring-the-plugin-optional) for more details about available fs roots.
+To use `cdvfile` as a tag' `src` you can convert it to native path via `toURL()` method of the resolved fileEntry, which you can get via `resolveLocalFileSystemURL` - see examples below.
+You can also use `cdvfile://` paths directly in the DOM, for example:
+<img src="cdvfile://localhost/persistent/img/logo.png" />
+__Note__: This method requires following Content Security rules updates:
+* Add `cdvfile:` scheme to `Content-Security-Policy` meta tag of the index page, e.g.:
+  - `<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: `**cdvfile:**` 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">`
+* Add `<access origin="cdvfile://*" />` to `config.xml`.
+**Converting cdvfile:// to native path**
+resolveLocalFileSystemURL('cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp4', function(entry) {
+    var nativePath = entry.toURL();
+    console.log('Native URI: ' + nativePath);
+    document.getElementById('video').src = nativePath;
+**Converting native path to cdvfile://**
+resolveLocalFileSystemURL(nativePath, function(entry) {
+    console.log('cdvfile URI: ' + entry.toInternalURL());
+**Using cdvfile in core plugins**
+```javascript, 'cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp3', function (entry) { ...
+var my_media = new Media('cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp3', ...);;
+#### cdvfile quirks
+- Using `cdvfile://` paths in the DOM is not supported on Windows platform (a path can be converted to native instead).
+## List of Error Codes and Meanings
+When an error is thrown, one of the following codes will be used.
+| Code | Constant                      |
+|    1 | `NOT_FOUND_ERR`               |
+|    2 | `SECURITY_ERR`                |
+|    3 | `ABORT_ERR`                   |
+|    4 | `NOT_READABLE_ERR`            |
+|    5 | `ENCODING_ERR`                |
+|    7 | `INVALID_STATE_ERR`           |
+|    8 | `SYNTAX_ERR`                  |
+|   10 | `QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR`          |
+|   11 | `TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR`           |
+|   12 | `PATH_EXISTS_ERR`             |
+## Configuring the Plugin (Optional)
+The set of available filesystems can be configured per-platform. Both iOS and
+Android recognize a <preference> tag in `config.xml` which names the
+filesystems to be installed. By default, all file-system roots are enabled.
+    <preference name="iosExtraFilesystems" value="library,library-nosync,documents,documents-nosync,cache,bundle,root" />
+    <preference name="AndroidExtraFilesystems" value="files,files-external,documents,sdcard,cache,cache-external,root" />
+### Android
+* `files`: The application's internal file storage directory
+* `files-external`: The application's external file storage directory
+* `sdcard`: The global external file storage directory (this is the root of the SD card, if one is installed). You must have the `android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE` permission to use this.
+* `cache`: The application's internal cache directory
+* `cache-external`: The application's external cache directory
+* `root`: The entire device filesystem
+Android also supports a special filesystem named "documents", which represents a "/Documents/" subdirectory within the "files" filesystem.
+### iOS
+* `library`: The application's Library directory
+* `documents`: The application's Documents directory
+* `cache`: The application's Cache directory
+* `bundle`: The application's bundle; the location of the app itself on disk (read-only)
+* `root`: The entire device filesystem
+By default, the library and documents directories can be synced to iCloud. You can also request two additional filesystems, `library-nosync` and `documents-nosync`, which represent a special non-synced directory within the `/Library` or `/Documents` filesystem.

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[13/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

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diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/config_ref/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/config_ref/
index bf93519..f15491e 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/config_ref/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/config_ref/
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ For projects created with the Cordova CLI (described in [The
 Command-Line Interface](../guide/cli/index.html)), this file can be found in the top-level
-        app/config.xml
 Note that before version 3.3.1-0.2.0, the file existed at `app/www/config.xml`,
 and that having it here is still supported.
@@ -42,9 +44,11 @@ When using the CLI to build a project, versions of this file are
 passively copied into various `platforms/` subdirectories.
 For example:
-        app/platforms/ios/AppName/config.xml
-        app/platforms/blackberry10/www/config.xml
-        app/platforms/android/res/xml/config.xml
 In addition to the various configuration options detailed below, you
 can also configure an application's core set of images for each target
@@ -57,53 +61,55 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
    ---------------- | ------------
    id(string) | *Required* <br/> Specifies the app's reverse-domain identifier, and the `version` its full version number expressed in major/minor/patch notation.
    version(string) | *Required* <br/> Full version number expressed in major/minor/patch notation.
-   versionCode(string) | ==Android== <br/> Alternative version for Android. For further details, see [Android versioning](
+   android-versionCode(string) | ==Android== <br/> Alternative version for Android. Sets the [version code]( for the application. See [the Android guide](../guide/platforms/android/index.html#setting-the-version-code) for information on how this attribute may be modified.
    ios-CFBundleVersion(string) |  ==iOS== <br/> Alternative version for iOS. For further details, see [iOS versioning](
    osx-CFBundleVersion(string) |  ==OS X== <br/> Alternative version for OS X. For further details, see [OS X versioning](
-   packageVersion(string) |   ==Windows== <br/> Alternative version for Windows. For futher details, see [Windows versioning](
+   windows-packageVersion(string) |   ==Windows== <br/> Alternative version for Windows. For futher details, see [Windows versioning](
    packageName(string) | *Default: Cordova.Example* <br/> ==Windows== <br/> Package name for Windows.
    xmlns(string) | *Required* <br/> Namespace for the config.xml document.
    xmlns:cdv(string) | *Required* <br/> Namespace prefix.
-    <widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
-    </widget>
+   ```xml
+   <!-- Android -->
+   <widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" version="0.0.1" android-versionCode="0.1.3" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
+   </widget>
-    <!-- Android -->
-    <widget versionCode="0.1.3">
-    </widget>
+   <!-- iOS -->
+   <widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" version="0.0.1" ios-CFBundleVersion="0.1.3" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
+   </widget>
-    <!-- iOS -->
-    <widget ios-CFBundleVersion="0.1.3">
-    </widget>
+   <!-- Windows -->
+   <widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" version="0.0.1" windows-packageVersion="0.1.3" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
+   </widget>
-    <!-- Windows -->
-    <widget packageVersion="0.1.3">
-    </widget>
-    <!-- OS X -->
-    <widget osx-CFBundleVersion="0.1.3">
-    </widget>
+   <!-- OS X -->
+   <widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" version="0.0.1" osx-CFBundleVersion="0.1.3" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
+   </widget>
+   ```
 ## name
    Specifies the app's formal name, as it appears on the device's home screen and within app-store interfaces.
-    <widget ...>
-        <name>HelloCordova</name>
-    </widget>
+   ```xml
+   <widget ...>
+       <name>HelloCordova</name>
+   </widget>
+   ```
 ## description
    Specifies metadata that may appear within app-store listings.
-    <widget ...>
-        <description>A sample Apache Cordova application</description>
-    </widget>
+   ```xml
+   <widget ...>
+       <description>A sample Apache Cordova application</description>
+   </widget>
+   ```
 ## author
    Specifies contact information that may appear within app-store lisitngs.
@@ -115,9 +121,11 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
-    <widget ...>
-        <author email="" href=""></author>
-    </widget>
+   ```xml
+   <widget ...>
+       <author email="" href=""></author>
+   </widget>
+   ```
 ## content
@@ -131,10 +139,11 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
-    <widget ...>
-        <content src="startPage.html"></content>
-    </widget>
+   ```xml
+   <widget ...>
+       <content src="startPage.html"></content>
+   </widget>
+   ```
 ## access
    Defines the set of external domains the app is allowed to communicate with. The default value shown above allows it to access any server.
@@ -148,13 +157,15 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
-    <widget ...>
-        <access origin="*"></content>
-    </widget>
+   ```xml
+   <widget ...>
+       <access origin="*"></content>
+   </widget>
-    <widget ...>
-        <access origin=""></content>
-    </widget>
+   <widget ...>
+       <access origin=""></content>
+   </widget>
+   ```
 ## allow-navigation
@@ -163,15 +174,17 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
    Attributes(type) | Description
    ----------------- | ------------
    href(string) | *Required* <br/> Defines the set of external domains the WebView is allowed to navigate to.
-   See the cordova-plugin-whitelist [cordova-plugin-whitelist](../cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html#navigation-whitelist) for details.
+   See the cordova-plugin-whitelist [cordova-plugin-whitelist][whitelist_navigation] for details.
-    <!-- Allow links to -->
-    <allow-navigation href="*" />
+   ```xml
+   <!-- Allow links to -->
+   <allow-navigation href="*" />
-    <!-- Wildcards are allowed for the protocol, as a prefix to the host, or as a suffix to the path -->
-    <allow-navigation href="*://**" />
+   <!-- Wildcards are allowed for the protocol, as a prefix to the host, or as a suffix to the path -->
+   <allow-navigation href="*://**" />
+   ```
 ## allow-intent
    Controls which URLs the app is allowed to ask the system to open. By default, no external URLs are allowed.
@@ -179,30 +192,50 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
    Attributes(type) | Description
    ----------------- | ------------
    href(string) | *Required* <br/> Defines which URLs the app is allowed to ask the system to open.
-   See the cordova-plugin-whitelist [cordova-plugin-whitelist](../cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html#intent-whitelist) for details.  
+   See the cordova-plugin-whitelist [cordova-plugin-whitelist][whitelist_intent] for details.
-    <allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
-    <allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
-    <allow-intent href="tel:*" />
-    <allow-intent href="sms:*" />
+   ```xml
+   <allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
+   <allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
+   <allow-intent href="tel:*" />
+   <allow-intent href="sms:*" />
+   ```
 ## engine
-   Specifies what platform to restore during a prepare. For more details, see the [Platforms & Plugins Version Management](../platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html).
+   Specifies details about what platform to restore during a prepare.
    Attributes(type) | Description
    ----------------- | ------------
    name(string) | *Required* <br/> Name of the platform to be restored
-   spec(string) | *Required* <br/> Version of the platform to be restored
+   spec(string) | *Required* <br/> Details about the platform to be restored. This could be a ```major.minor.patch``` version number, a directory containing the platform or a url pointing to a git repository. This information will be used to retrieve the platform code to restore from NPM, a local directory or a git repository. See [Platform Spec][platform_spec] for further details.
+   Examples:
+   ```xml
+   <engine name="android" spec="" />
+   <engine name="ios" spec="^4.0.0" />
+   ```
+## plugin
+   Specifies details about what plugin to restore during a prepare.
+   Attributes(type) | Description
+   ----------------- | ------------
+   name(string) | *Required* <br/> Name of the plugin to be restored
+   spec(string) | *Required* <br/> Details about the plugin to be restored. This could be a ```major.minor.patch``` version number, a directory containing the plugin or a url pointing to a git repository. This information will be used to retrieve the plugin code to restore from NPM, a local directory or a git repository. See [Plugin Spec][plugin_spec] for further details.
-    <engine name="android" spec="^4.0.0" />
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" spec="^1.1.0" />
+   <plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" spec="" />
+   ```
 ## preference
    Sets various options as pairs of name/value attributes. Each preference's name is case-insensitive. Many preferences are unique to specific platforms,
-   and will be indicated as such.  
+   and will be indicated as such.
    Attributes(type) | Description
    ----------------- | ------------
@@ -211,9 +244,8 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
    android-maxSdkVersion(integer) | *Default: Not Specified* <br/> ==Android== <br/> Sets the `maxSdkVersion` attribute of the `<uses-sdk>` tag in the project's `AndroidManifest.xml` (see [here][uses-sdk]).
    android-minSdkVersion(integer) | *Default: Dependent on cordova-android Version* <br/> ==Android== <br/> Sets the `minSdkVersion` attribute of the `<uses-sdk>` tag in the project's `AndroidManifest.xml` (see [here][uses-sdk]).
    android-targetSdkVersion(integer) | *Default: Dependent on cordova-android Version* <br/> ==Android== <br/> Sets the `targetSdkVersion` attribute of the `<uses-sdk>` tag in the project's `AndroidManifest.xml` (see [here][uses-sdk]).
-   AppendUserAgent(string) | ==Android== <br/> If set, the value will append to the end of old UserAgent of webview. When using with OverrideUserAgent, this value will be ignored.
-   AppendUserAgent(string) | ==iOS== <br/> If set, the value will append to the end of old UserAgent of webview. When using with OverrideUserAgent, this value will be ignored.
-   BackgroundColor(string) | ==Android== ==BlackBerry== ==Windows== <br/> Supports a four-byte hex value, with the first byte representing the alpha channel, and standard RGB values for the following three bytes.
+   AppendUserAgent(string) | ==Android== ==iOS== <br/> If set, the value will append to the end of old UserAgent of webview. When using with OverrideUserAgent, this value will be ignored.
+   BackgroundColor(string) | ==Android== ==BlackBerry== ==Windows== <br/> Sets the app's background color. Supports a four-byte hex value, with the first byte representing the alpha channel, and standard RGB values for the following three bytes. <br/> For Windows, the alpha channel is ignored.
    BackupWebStorage(string) | *Default: cloud* <br/> Allowed values: none, local, cloud. <br/> ==iOS== <br/>  Set to cloud to allow web storage data to backup via iCloud. Set to local to allow only local backups via iTunes sync. Set to none prevent web storage backups.
    ChildBrowser(string) | *Default: enable* <br/> ==BlackBerry== <br/> Disables child browser windows. By default, apps launch a secondary browser window to display resources accessed via or by specifying a _blank anchor target. Specify disable to override this default behavior.
    CordovaWebViewEngine(string) | *Default: CDVUIWebViewEngine* <br/> ==iOS== <br/> This sets the WebView engine plugin to be used to render the host app. The plugin must conform to the CDVWebViewEngineProtocol protocol. The 'value' here should match the 'feature' name of the WebView engine plugin that is installed. This preference usually would be set by the WebView engine plugin that is installed, automatically.
@@ -236,7 +268,7 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
    MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay(boolean) | *Default: true* <br/> ==iOS== <br/> Set to false to prevent Air Play from being used in this view. Available in default UIWebView and WKWebView.
    MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction(boolean) | *Default: false* <br/> ==iOS== <br/> Set to true to prevent HTML5 videos or audios from playing automatically with the autoplay attribute or via JavaScript.
    Min/Max Version(Regex) | ==Windows== <br/> Allowed values: **/(Microsoft.+? &#124; Windows.+?)-(MinVersion &#124; MaxVersionTested)/i** <br/> Identifies the ecosystems and their min/max versions the app is compatible with. There are three parts to each value: the **SDK**, the **version restriction**, and the **version value**.  These preferences are detected by beginning with `Windows` or `Microsoft` and ending in `-MinVersion` or `-MaxVersionTested`: <ul><li>The **SDK** defines what specialized platform you want to target.  The default is `Windows.Universal`.  Valid values for these are defined in the AppxManifest schema, in the `Package/Depednencies/TargetPlatform` elements.</li><li>The **version restriction** defines application compatibility rules.  For example, if the `-MinVersion` is set to, then OS versions which don't support at least of the corresponding SDK won't be able to load it. Similarly you can also use `-MaxVersionTested` which specifies the hig
 hest-tested version of the SDK. If a new version of the corresponding SDK is released, it will run in compatibility mode for the specified version.</li><li>The **version value** is a 4-integer tuple in the form of **.</li></ul> If no preferences of these types are specified in your config.xml file, then Windows.Universal version will be chosen by default.
-   Orientation(string) | *Default: default* <br/> Allowed values: default, landscape, portrait <br/> Allows you to lock orientation and prevent the interface from rotating in response to changes in orientation. <br/> **NOTE:** The default value means Cordova will strip the orientation preference entry from the platform's manifest/configuration file allowing the platform to fallback to its default behavior. For iOS, to specify both portrait & landscape mode you would use the platform specific value 'all'.
+   Orientation(string) | *Default: default* <br/> Allowed values: default, landscape, portait <br/> Allows you to lock orientation and prevent the interface from rotating in response to changes in orientation. <br/> **NOTE:** The default value means Cordova will strip the orientation preference entry from the platform's manifest/configuration file allowing the platform to fallback to its default behavior. For iOS, to specify both portrait & landscape mode you would use the platform specific value 'all'.
    OSXLocalStoragePath(string) | ==OS X **4.0.0**== <br/> *Default: `~/Library/Application Support/{}`* <br/> Sets the directory for the local storage path.
    OverrideUserAgent(string) | ==Android== <br/> If set, the value will replace the old UserAgent of webview. It is helpful to identify the request from app/browser when requesting remote pages. Use with caution, this may causes compitiable issue with web servers. For most cases, use AppendUserAgent instead.
    PageLength(float) | *Default: 0* <br/> ==iOS== <br/> The size of each page, in points, in the direction that the pages flow. When PaginationMode is right to left or left to right, this property represents the width of each page. When PaginationMode is topToBottom or bottomToTop, this property represents the height of each page. The default value is 0, which means the layout uses the size of the viewport to determine the dimensions of the page.
@@ -252,73 +284,82 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
    UIWebViewDecelerationSpeed(string) | *Default: normal* <br/> Allowed values: normal, fast <br/> ==iOS== <br/> This property controls the deceleration speed of momentum scrolling. normal is the default speed for most native apps, and fast is the default for Mobile Safari.
    WebSecurity(string) | *Default: enable* <br/> ==BlackBerry== <br/> Set to disable to override web security settings, allowing access to remote content from unknown sources. This preference is intended as a development convenience only, so remove it before packaging the app for distribution. For the released app, all URIs should be known and whitelisted using the <access> element, described in the Domain Whitelist Guide.
    WindowSize(string) | *Default: auto* <br/> ==OS X **4.0.0**== <br/> Sets the size of the application window. <br/> Accepts the format `WxH` for a specific width and height or the special values `auto` and `fullscreen`. The latter will open a borderless window spanning the entire desktop area. Please note, that this is different from the _normal_ OS X fullscreen mode, which would never span multiple displays. <br/> **Note**: The global cordova `fullscreen` preference has no effect in OS X.
+   WindowsDefaultUriPrefix(string) | ==Windows== <br/> Allowed values: `ms-appx://`, `ms-appx-web://` <br/>  Identifies whether you want your app to target the local context or remote context as its startup URI. When building for Windows 10, the default is the remote context (`ms-appx-web://`). <br/> In order to have a local-mode application that is not impacted by Remote Mode capability restrictions, you must set this preference to `ms-appx://` and not declare any `<access>` elements with remote URIs. The local mode is the default for Windows 8.1
+   WindowsStoreDisplayName(string) | ==Windows== <br/> A friendly name for the publisher that can be displayed to users.
+   WindowsStoreIdentityName(string) | ==Windows== <br/> Identity name used for Windows store. The identity defines a globally unique identifier for a package. A package identity is represented as a tuple of attributes of the package. See the [identity page on the package manifest schema reference]( for further details.
+   WindowsStorePublisherName(string) | ==Windows== <br/> Publisher Display Name.
+   WindowsToastCapable(boolean) | *Default: false* <br/> ==Windows== <br/> A value of ```true``` indicates that the app is allowed to provide 'toast notifications'.
    deployment-target(string) | ==iOS== <br/> This sets the IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in the build, which ultimately tranlsates to the MinimumOSVersion in the ipa. For more details please refer to Apple's documentation on Deployment Target Settings
    target-device(string) | *Default: universal* <br/> Allowed values: handset, tablet, universal <br/> ==iOS== <br/> This property maps directly to TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY in the xcode project. Note that if you target universal (which is the default) you will need to supply screen shots for both iPhone and iPad or your app may be rejected.
    windows-phone-target-version(string) | ==Windows== <br/> Sets the version of Windows Phone for which the package (resulting from ```cordova build```) will target. If none is specified, it will be set to the same version as ```windows-target-version``` (if found).
    windows-target-version(string) | ==Windows== <br/> Sets the version of Windows for which the package (resulting from ```cordova build```) will target. If none is specified, it will be set to '8.1'.
-   WindowsDefaultUriPrefix(string) | ==Windows== <br/> Allowed values: `ms-appx://`, `ms-appx-web://` <br/>  Identifies whether you want your app to target the local context or remote context as its startup URI. When building for Windows 10, the default is the remote context (`ms-appx-web://`). <br/> In order to have a local-mode application that is not impacted by Remote Mode capability restrictions, you must set this preference to `ms-appx://` and not declare any `<access>` elements with remote URIs. The local mode is the default for Windows 8.1
-    <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true"/>
-    <preference name="Fullscreen" value="true" />
-    <preference name="BackgroundColor" value="0xff0000ff"/>
-    <preference name="HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar" value="true"/>
-    <preference name="Orientation" value="landscape" />
-    <!-- iOS only preferences -->
-    <preference name="EnableViewportScale" value="true"/>
-    <preference name="MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay" value="false"/>
-    <preference name="MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction" value="true"/>
-    <preference name="AllowInlineMediaPlayback" value="true"/>
-    <preference name="BackupWebStorage" value="local"/>
-    <preference name="TopActivityIndicator" value="white"/>
-    <preference name="SuppressesIncrementalRendering" value="true"/>
-    <preference name="GapBetweenPages" value="0"/>
-    <preference name="PageLength" value="0"/>
-    <preference name="PaginationBreakingMode" value="page"/>
-    <preference name="PaginationMode" value="unpaginated"/>
-    <preference name="UIWebViewDecelerationSpeed" value="fast" />
-    <preference name="ErrorUrl" value="myErrorPage.html"/>
-    <preference name="OverrideUserAgent" value="Mozilla/5.0 My Browser" />
-    <preference name="AppendUserAgent" value="My Browser" />
-    <preference name="target-device" value="universal" />
-    <preference name="deployment-target" value="7.0" />
-    <preference name="CordovaWebViewEngine" value="CDVUIWebViewEngine" />
-    <preference name="SuppressesLongPressGesture" value="true" />
-    <preference name="Suppresses3DTouchGesture" value="true" />
-    <!-- Android only preferences -->
-    <preference name="KeepRunning" value="false"/>
-    <preference name="LoadUrlTimeoutValue" value="10000"/>
-    <preference name="InAppBrowserStorageEnabled" value="true"/>
-    <preference name="LoadingDialog" value="My Title,My Message"/>
-    <preference name="ErrorUrl" value="myErrorPage.html"/>
-    <preference name="ShowTitle" value="true"/>
-    <preference name="LogLevel" value="VERBOSE"/>
-    <preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleTop"/>
-    <preference name="DefaultVolumeStream" value="call" />
-    <preference name="OverrideUserAgent" value="Mozilla/5.0 My Browser" />
-    <preference name="AppendUserAgent" value="My Browser" />
-    <!-- Windows only preferences -->
-    <preference name="windows-phone-target-version" value="8.1" />
-    <preference name="windows-target-version" value="8.1" />
-    <preference name="Windows.Universal" value="10.0.10240.0" />
-    <preference name="WindowsDefaultUriPrefix" value="ms-appx://"" />
-    <preference name="Windows.Mobile-MaxVersionTested" value="10.0.10031.0" />
-    <preference name="Windows.Universal-MinVersion" value="" />
-    <!-- BlackBerry only preferences -->
-    <preference name="ChildBrowser" value="disable"/>
-    <preference name="PopupBlocker" value="enable"/>
-    <preference name="WebSecurity" value="disable"/>
-    <!-- OS X only preferences -->
-    <preference name="HideMousePointer" value="5"/>
-    <preference name="OSXLocalStoragePath" value="~/.myapp/database"/>
-    <preference name="WindowSize" value="800x400"/>
-    <preference name="EnableWebGL" value="true"/>
+   ```xml
+   <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true"/>
+   <preference name="Fullscreen" value="true" />
+   <preference name="BackgroundColor" value="0xff0000ff"/>
+   <preference name="HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar" value="true"/>
+   <preference name="Orientation" value="landscape" />
+   <!-- iOS only preferences -->
+   <preference name="EnableViewportScale" value="true"/>
+   <preference name="MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay" value="false"/>
+   <preference name="MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction" value="true"/>
+   <preference name="AllowInlineMediaPlayback" value="true"/>
+   <preference name="BackupWebStorage" value="local"/>
+   <preference name="TopActivityIndicator" value="white"/>
+   <preference name="SuppressesIncrementalRendering" value="true"/>
+   <preference name="GapBetweenPages" value="0"/>
+   <preference name="PageLength" value="0"/>
+   <preference name="PaginationBreakingMode" value="page"/>
+   <preference name="PaginationMode" value="unpaginated"/>
+   <preference name="UIWebViewDecelerationSpeed" value="fast" />
+   <preference name="ErrorUrl" value="myErrorPage.html"/>
+   <preference name="OverrideUserAgent" value="Mozilla/5.0 My Browser" />
+   <preference name="AppendUserAgent" value="My Browser" />
+   <preference name="target-device" value="universal" />
+   <preference name="deployment-target" value="7.0" />
+   <preference name="CordovaWebViewEngine" value="CDVUIWebViewEngine" />
+   <preference name="SuppressesLongPressGesture" value="true" />
+   <preference name="Suppresses3DTouchGesture" value="true" />
+   <!-- Android only preferences -->
+   <preference name="KeepRunning" value="false"/>
+   <preference name="LoadUrlTimeoutValue" value="10000"/>
+   <preference name="InAppBrowserStorageEnabled" value="true"/>
+   <preference name="LoadingDialog" value="My Title,My Message"/>
+   <preference name="ErrorUrl" value="myErrorPage.html"/>
+   <preference name="ShowTitle" value="true"/>
+   <preference name="LogLevel" value="VERBOSE"/>
+   <preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleTop"/>
+   <preference name="DefaultVolumeStream" value="call" />
+   <preference name="OverrideUserAgent" value="Mozilla/5.0 My Browser" />
+   <preference name="AppendUserAgent" value="My Browser" />
+   <!-- Windows only preferences -->
+   <preference name="windows-phone-target-version" value="8.1" />
+   <preference name="windows-target-version" value="8.1" />
+   <preference name="Windows.Universal" value="10.0.10240.0" />
+   <preference name="WindowsDefaultUriPrefix" value="ms-appx://"" />
+   <preference name="Windows.Mobile-MaxVersionTested" value="10.0.10031.0" />
+   <preference name="Windows.Universal-MinVersion" value="" />
+   <preference name="WindowsStoreIdentityName" value="Cordova.Example.ApplicationDataSample" />
+   <preference name="WindowsStorePublisherName" value="CN=Contoso Corp, O=Contoso Corp, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US" />
+   <preference name="WindowsToastCapable" value="true" />
+   <!-- BlackBerry only preferences -->
+   <preference name="ChildBrowser" value="disable"/>
+   <preference name="PopupBlocker" value="enable"/>
+   <preference name="WebSecurity" value="disable"/>
+   <!-- OS X only preferences -->
+   <preference name="HideMousePointer" value="5"/>
+   <preference name="OSXLocalStoragePath" value="~/.myapp/database"/>
+   <preference name="WindowSize" value="800x400"/>
+   <preference name="EnableWebGL" value="true"/>
+   ```
 ## feature
    If you use the CLI to build applications, you use the plugin command to enable device APIs. This does not modify the top-level config.xml file, so the <feature> element does not apply to your workflow. If you work directly in an SDK and using the platform-specific config.xml file as source, you use the <feature> tag to enable device-level APIs and external plugins. They often appear with custom values in platform-specific config.xml files. See the API Reference for details on how to specify each feature. See
@@ -341,26 +382,28 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
-    <!-- Here is how to specify the Device API for Android projects -->
-    <feature name="Device">
-        <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.device.Device" />
-    </feature>
+   ```xml
+   <!-- Here is how to specify the Device API for Android projects -->
+   <feature name="Device">
+       <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.device.Device" />
+   </feature>
-    <!-- Here's how the element appears for iOS projects -->
-    <feature name="Device">
-        <param name="ios-package" value="CDVDevice" />
-        <param name="onload" value="true" />
-    </feature>
+   <!-- Here's how the element appears for iOS projects -->
+   <feature name="Device">
+       <param name="ios-package" value="CDVDevice" />
+       <param name="onload" value="true" />
+   </feature>
-    <!-- Here's how the element appears for OS X projects -->
-    <feature name="Device">
-        <param name="osx-package" value="CDVDevice" />
-        <param name="onload" value="true" />
-    </feature>
+   <!-- Here's how the element appears for OS X projects -->
+   <feature name="Device">
+       <param name="osx-package" value="CDVDevice" />
+       <param name="onload" value="true" />
+   </feature>
+   ```
 ## platform
-   When using the CLI to build applications, it is sometimes necessary to specify preferences or other elements specific to a particular platform. Use the <platform> element to specify configuration that should only appear in a single platform-specific config.xml file.  
+   When using the CLI to build applications, it is sometimes necessary to specify preferences or other elements specific to a particular platform. Use the <platform> element to specify configuration that should only appear in a single platform-specific config.xml file.
    Attributes(type) | Description
    ----------------- | ------------
@@ -368,9 +411,11 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
-    <platform name="android">
-        <preference name="Fullscreen" value="true" />
-    </platform>
+   ```xml
+   <platform name="android">
+       <preference name="Fullscreen" value="true" />
+   </platform>
+   ```
 ## hook
    Represents your custom script which will be called by Cordova when
@@ -385,37 +430,44 @@ platform. See [Customize icons topic](images.html) for more information.
-    <hook type="after_plugin_install" src="scripts/afterPluginInstall.js" />
+   ```xml
+   <hook type="after_plugin_install" src="scripts/afterPluginInstall.js" />
+   ```
 # Sample config.xml
   Below is a sample config.xml file:
-    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-    <widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
-        <name>HelloCordova</name>
-        <description>
-            A sample Apache Cordova application that responds to the deviceready event.
-        </description>
-        <author email="" href="">
-            Apache Cordova Team
-        </author>
-        <content src="index.html" />
-        <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" version="1" />
-        <access origin="*" />
-        <allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
-        <allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
-        <allow-intent href="tel:*" />
-        <allow-intent href="sms:*" />
-        <allow-intent href="mailto:*" />
-        <allow-intent href="geo:*" />
-        <platform name="android">
-            <allow-intent href="market:*" />
-        </platform>
-        <platform name="ios">
-            <allow-intent href="itms:*" />
-            <allow-intent href="itms-apps:*" />
-        </platform>
-    </widget>
+  ```xml
+  <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+  <widget id="io.cordova.hellocordova" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
+      <name>HelloCordova</name>
+      <description>
+          A sample Apache Cordova application that responds to the deviceready event.
+      </description>
+      <author email="" href="">
+          Apache Cordova Team
+      </author>
+      <content src="index.html" />
+      <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="1" />
+      <access origin="*" />
+      <allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
+      <allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
+      <allow-intent href="tel:*" />
+      <allow-intent href="sms:*" />
+      <allow-intent href="mailto:*" />
+      <allow-intent href="geo:*" />
+      <platform name="android">
+          <allow-intent href="market:*" />
+      </platform>
+      <platform name="ios">
+          <allow-intent href="itms:*" />
+          <allow-intent href="itms-apps:*" />
+      </platform>
+  </widget>
+  ```
+[platform_spec]:        ../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#platform-spec
+[plugin_spec]:          ../reference/cordova-cli/index.html#plugin-spec
+[whitelist_navigation]: ../reference/cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html#navigation-whitelist
+[whitelist_intent]:     ../reference/cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html#intent-whitelist
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/cordova/events/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/cordova/events/
index 69d6dea..5e6e4ba 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/cordova/events/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/cordova/events/
@@ -27,49 +27,53 @@ The application code could add listeners for these events. For example:
 **HTML File**
-    <!DOCTYPE html>
-    <html>
-      <head>
-        <title>Device Ready Example</title>
-        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova.js"></script>
-        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="example.js"></script>
-      </head>
-      <body onload="onLoad()">
-      </body>
-    </html>
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+    <head>
+    <title>Device Ready Example</title>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="example.js"></script>
+    </head>
+    <body onload="onLoad()">
+    </body>
 **JS File**
-    // example.js file
-    // Wait for device API libraries to load
-    //
-    function onLoad() {
-        document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    }
+// example.js file
+// Wait for device API libraries to load
+function onLoad() {
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    // device APIs are available
-    //
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        document.addEventListener("pause", onPause, false);
-        document.addEventListener("resume", onResume, false);
-        document.addEventListener("menubutton", onMenuKeyDown, false);
-        // Add similar listeners for other events
-    }
+// device APIs are available
+function onDeviceReady() {
+    document.addEventListener("pause", onPause, false);
+    document.addEventListener("resume", onResume, false);
+    document.addEventListener("menubutton", onMenuKeyDown, false);
+    // Add similar listeners for other events
-    function onPause() {
-        // Handle the pause event
-    }
+function onPause() {
+    // Handle the pause event
-    function onResume() {
-        // Handle the resume event
-    }
+function onResume() {
+    // Handle the resume event
-    function onMenuKeyDown() {
-        // Handle the menubutton event
-    }
+function onMenuKeyDown() {
+    // Handle the menubutton event
-    // Add similar event handlers for other events
+// Add similar event handlers for other events
 **Note**: Applications typically should use `document.addEventListener` to attach an event listener once the [deviceready](#deviceready)
@@ -209,11 +213,13 @@ callback function called immediately.
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        // Now safe to use device APIs
-    }
+function onDeviceReady() {
+    // Now safe to use device APIs
 ## pause
@@ -222,11 +228,13 @@ typically when the user switches to a different application.
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("pause", onPause, false);
+document.addEventListener("pause", onPause, false);
-    function onPause() {
-        // Handle the pause event
-    }
+function onPause() {
+    // Handle the pause event
 ### iOS Quirks
@@ -251,11 +259,13 @@ The `resume` event fires when the native platform pulls the application out from
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("resume", onResume, false);
+document.addEventListener("resume", onResume, false);
-    function onResume() {
-        // Handle the resume event
-    }
+function onResume() {
+    // Handle the resume event
 ### iOS Quirks
@@ -282,12 +292,14 @@ to `YES`. To run when locked on iOS 4, this setting does not matter.
 as `alert()` need to be wrapped in a `setTimeout()` call with a
 timeout value of zero, or else the app hangs. For example:
-        document.addEventListener("resume", onResume, false);
-        function onResume() {
-           setTimeout(function() {
-                  // TODO: do your thing!
-                }, 0);
-        }
+    ```javascript
+    document.addEventListener("resume", onResume, false);
+    function onResume() {
+        setTimeout(function() {
+                // TODO: do your thing!
+            }, 0);
+    }
+    ```
 ### Android Quirks
@@ -303,11 +315,13 @@ back-button behavior.
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackKeyDown, false);
+document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackKeyDown, false);
-    function onBackKeyDown() {
-        // Handle the back button
-    }
+function onBackKeyDown() {
+    // Handle the back button
 ## menubutton
@@ -316,11 +330,13 @@ overrides the default menu button behavior.
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("menubutton", onMenuKeyDown, false);
+document.addEventListener("menubutton", onMenuKeyDown, false);
-    function onMenuKeyDown() {
-        // Handle the back button
-    }
+function onMenuKeyDown() {
+    // Handle the back button
 ## searchbutton
@@ -330,11 +346,13 @@ listener for the 'searchbutton' event.
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("searchbutton", onSearchKeyDown, false);
+document.addEventListener("searchbutton", onSearchKeyDown, false);
-    function onSearchKeyDown() {
-        // Handle the search button
-    }
+function onSearchKeyDown() {
+    // Handle the search button
 ## startcallbutton
@@ -343,11 +361,13 @@ the default start call behavior you can register an event listener for the `star
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("startcallbutton", onStartCallKeyDown, false);
+document.addEventListener("startcallbutton", onStartCallKeyDown, false);
-    function onStartCallKeyDown() {
-        // Handle the start call button
-    }
+function onStartCallKeyDown() {
+    // Handle the start call button
 ## endcallbutton
@@ -356,11 +376,13 @@ default end call behavior.
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("endcallbutton", onEndCallKeyDown, false);
+document.addEventListener("endcallbutton", onEndCallKeyDown, false);
-    function onEndCallKeyDown() {
-        // Handle the end call button
-    }
+function onEndCallKeyDown() {
+    // Handle the end call button
 ## volumedownbutton
@@ -369,11 +391,13 @@ the default volume down behavior you can register an event listener for the `vol
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("volumedownbutton", onVolumeDownKeyDown, false);
+document.addEventListener("volumedownbutton", onVolumeDownKeyDown, false);
-    function onVolumeDownKeyDown() {
-        // Handle the volume down button
-    }
+function onVolumeDownKeyDown() {
+    // Handle the volume down button
 ## volumeupbutton
@@ -382,11 +406,13 @@ the default volume up behavior you can register an event listener for the `volum
 ### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("volumeupbutton", onVolumeUpKeyDown, false);
+document.addEventListener("volumeupbutton", onVolumeUpKeyDown, false);
-    function onVolumeUpKeyDown() {
-        // Handle the volume up button
-    }
+function onVolumeUpKeyDown() {
+    // Handle the volume up button
 [AndroidLifeCycleGuide]: ../../guide/platforms/android/lifecycle.html
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/cordova/storage/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/cordova/storage/
index 384f46a..8f89c8c 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/cordova/storage/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/cordova/storage/
@@ -22,51 +22,306 @@ title: Storage
 # Storage
-> An overview of storage options for Cordova.
 Several storage APIs are available for Cordova applications.
-See [html5rocks][Html5RocksStorage], for a more complete overview and examples.
+See html5rocks [storage overview][Html5RocksStorageOverview] and
+[tutorial][Html5RocksStorageTutorial], for a more complete overview and
+Each API offers advantages and disadvantages, which are summarized here. You
+should choose whichever best suits your needs. You can also use several
+different approaches within a single application for different purposes.
 ## LocalStorage
-Also known as _web storage_, _simple storage_, or by its alternate
-_session storage_ interface, this API provides synchronous key/value
-pair storage, and is available in underlying WebView implementations.
-Refer to the [W3C spec][W3CSpecStorage] for details.
+Local storage provides simple, synchronous key/value pair storage, and is
+supported by the underlying WebView implementations on all Cordova
+### Usage Summary
+Local storage can be accessed via `window.localStorage`. The following code
+snippet shows the most important methods exposed by the returned `Storage` object:
+var storage = window.localStorage;
+var value = storage.getItem(key); // Pass a key name to get its value.
+storage.setItem(key, value) // Pass a key name and its value to add or update that key.
+storage.removeItem(key) // Pass a key name to remove that key from storage.
+For more information, see:
+- [W3C: Spec][W3CSpecStorage]
+- [MDN: Storage API][MDNStorage]
+- [MDN: Storage Guide][MDNStorageGuide]
+### Advantages
+- Supported by all Cordova platforms.
+- Its simple, synchronous API means it is easy to use.
+### Disadvantages
+- Only stores strings, so complex data structures have to be serialized,
+  and only data that can be serialized can be stored.
+- Performs poorly with large amounts of data. In particular:
+    - The lack of indexing means searches require manually iterating all data.
+    - Storing large or complex items is slow due to the need to serialize/de-serialize.
+    - Synchronous API means calls will lock up the user interface.
+- Limited total amount of storage (typically around 5MB).
+- iOS stores `localStorage` data in a location that may be cleaned out by
+  the OS when space is required.
 ## WebSQL
-This API is available in the underlying WebView.
-The [Web SQL Database Specification][WebSQLDatabaseSpecification]
-offers more full-featured database tables accessed via SQL queries.
+WebSQL provides an API for storing data in a structured database that can
+be queried using a standard SQL syntax (specifically, [SQLite][SQLite]).
+As such, it provides all the power (and complexity) of SQL.
-The following platforms support WebSQL:
+It is supported by the underlying WebView on the following Cordova platforms:
 - Android
 - BlackBerry 10
 - iOS
+### Usage Summary
+The entry point into creating or opening a database is the `window.openDatabase()` method:
+var db = window.openDatabase(name, version, displayName, estimatedSize);
+- **name** (string): The unique name of the database, as it will be stored in disk.
+- **version** (string): The version of the database.
+- **displayName** (string): A human friendly name for the database, which
+  the system will use if it needs to describe your database to the user
+  (for example, when requesting permission to increase the size of the database).
+- **estimatedSize** (number): The expected maximum size of the database, in bytes.
+  As the database increases in size, the user may be prompted for permission. If
+  you make a reasonable first guess, the user is likely to be prompted less often.
+The returned `Database` object provides a `transaction()` method (or `readTransaction()`
+to optimize read-only transactions) that let's you create a failure-safe transaction:
+var db = window.openDatabase(name, version, displayName, estimatedSize);
+db.transaction(function (tx) {
+    tx.executeSql(sqlStatement, valueArray, function (tx, result) {
+        console.log(result);
+    }, function (error) {
+        console.log(error);
+    });
+For more information, see:
+- [W3C: Spec][WebSQLDatabaseSpecification]
+- [TutorialsPoint: WebSQL Guide][TutorialsPointWebSQL]
+For a good introduction to the SQL language, see:
+- [w3schools: Introduction to SQL][w3schoolsSQL]
+### Working with database versions
+When opening an existing database, if the specified version does not match
+the version of the database, an exception will be thrown and the database
+will not open. However, if you specify an empty string for the version, the
+database will open regardless of its current version (and you can query the
+current version via `db.version`). Be wary, however - if the database is
+being created, it will be created with its version set to an empty string.
+### Advantages
+- Good performance - data can be indexed to provide fast searches, and
+  asynchronous API means it doesn't lock up the user interface.
+- Robustness from using a transactional database model.
+- Support for versioning.
+### Disadvantages
+- Not supported by all Cordova platforms.
+- More complex to work with than *LocalStorage* or *IndexedDB*.
+- The API is deprecated. It is unlikely to ever be supported on platforms
+  that don't currently support it, and it may be removed from platforms that do.
+- Imposes a rigid structure that must be defined up-front.
+- Limited total amount of storage (typically around 5MB).
 ## IndexedDB
-This API is available in the underlying WebView.
-[Indexed DB][IndexedDB] offers more features
-than LocalStorage but fewer than WebSQL.
+The goal of the IndexedDB API is to combine the strengths of the LocalStorage
+and WebSQL APIs, while avoiding their weaknesses. IndexedDB lets you store
+arbitrary JavaScript objects (provided they are supported by the [structured clone algorithm][StructuredCloneAlgorithm]),
+indexed with a key. It provides some of the benefits of SQL tables, without
+constraining the structure or needing to define it up front.
-The following platforms support IndexedDB:
+IndexedDB provides a simple and easy to understand data model, much like LocalStorage.
+But unlike LocalStorage, you can create multiple databases, with multiple stores per
+database, and its asynchronous API and search indexes provide performance benefits.
+IndexedDB is supported by the underlying WebView on the following Cordova platforms:
 - BlackBerry 10
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows 8
+- Windows (with some limitations)
+- Android (4.4 and above)
+### Windows Limitations
+Windows platform support for IndexedDB is incomplete. For example, it lacks
+the following features:
+- Not available in web workers.
+- Doesn't support array keyPaths.
+- Doesn't support array keys.
+- Doesn't support object lookup via compound index.
+### Usage Summary
+- IndexedDB works asynchronously - you request a particular database
+  operation, then get notified of the result via a DOM event.
+- When you make a request, you get a request object, which provides `onerror`
+  and `onsuccess` events, as well as properties such as `result`, `error`
+  and `readyState`.
+The following code snippet demonstrates some simple usage of IndexedDB:
+var db;
+var databaseName = 'myDB';
+var databaseVersion = 1;
+var openRequest =, databaseVersion);
+openRequest.onerror = function (event) {
+    console.log(openRequest.errorCode);
+openRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
+    // Database is open and initialized - we're good to proceed.
+    db = openRequest.result;
+    displayData();
+openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {
+    // This is either a newly created database, or a new version number
+    // has been submitted to the open() call.
+    var db =;
+    db.onerror = function () {
+        console.log(db.errorCode);
+    };
+    // Create an object store and indexes. A key is a data value used to organize
+    // and retrieve values in the object store. The keyPath option identifies where
+    // the key is stored. If a key path is specified, the store can only contain
+    // JavaScript objects, and each object stored must have a property with the
+    // same name as the key path (unless the autoIncrement option is true).
+    var store = db.createObjectStore('customers', { keyPath: 'customerId' });
+    // Define the indexes we want to use. Objects we add to the store don't need
+    // to contain these properties, but they will only appear in the specified
+    // index of they do.
+    //
+    // syntax: store.createIndex(indexName, keyPath[, parameters]);
+    //
+    // All these values could have duplicates, so set unique to false
+    store.createIndex('firstName', 'firstName', { unique: false });
+    store.createIndex('lastName', 'lastName', { unique: false });
+    store.createIndex('street', 'street', { unique: false });
+    store.createIndex('city', 'city', { unique: false });
+    store.createIndex('zipCode', 'zipCode', { unique: false });
+    store.createIndex('country', 'country', { unique: false });
+    // Once the store is created, populate it
+    store.transaction.oncomplete = function (event) {
+        // The transaction method takes an array of the names of object stores
+        // and indexes that will be in the scope of the transaction (or a single
+        // string to access a single object store). The transaction will be
+        // read-only unless the optional 'readwrite' parameter is specified.
+        // It returns a transaction object, which provides an objectStore method
+        // to access one of the object stores that are in the scope of this
+        //transaction.
+        var customerStore = db.transaction('customers', 'readwrite').objectStore('customers');
+        customers.forEach(function (customer) {
+            customerStore.add(customer);
+        });
+    };
+function displayData() {
+For more information, see:
+- [W3C: Spec][W3CIndexedDB]
+- [MDN: IndexedDB API Reference][MDNIndexedDBAPI]
+- [MDN: IndexedDB Basic Concepts][MDNIndexedDBBasicConcepts]
+- [MDN: Using IndexedDB Guide][MDNUsingIndexedDB]
+### Advantages
+- Good performance - asynchronous API won't block the UI, and indexing provides
+  good search performance.
+- Simple data model easier to learn than SQL.
+- More flexible structure than WebSQL.
+- Multiple databases and object stores provides more structure than LocalStorage.
+- Robustness from using a transactional database model.
+- Support for versioning.
+### Disadvantages
+- Not supported on iOS.
+- Complex API with nested callbacks.
+- Limited total amount of storage (typically around 5MB).
 ## Plugin-Based Options
-In addition to the storage APIs listed above, the
-[File API][FileAPI] allows you to cache data on the local file system.  Other
-[Cordova plugins][CordovaPlugins] provide similar storage options.
+### FileSystem API
+The FileSystem API was a W3C spec that was implemented by Chrome, but not other
+browsers. It provides APIs to store and retrieve data on the local file system,
+and is described in some detail in an excellent [html5rocks article][Html5RocksFileSystemTutorial].
+While the API is not supported natively by any Cordova platform, the [File plugin][FileAPI]
+provides an extensive implementation that is available across all Cordova platforms.
+### SQLite Plugin
+The SQLite plugin provides an API virtually identical to WebSQL described above.
+The main differences are:
+- It is available with support for the Windows platform.
+- It effectively has no size limitations.
+It is available in the following variations:
+* **[cordova-sqlite-storage][SQLiteStorage]** - core version that relies
+  on native SQLite implementation. As such, it is only available for iOS
+  and Android platforms.
+* **[cordova-sqlite-ext][SQLiteExt]** - extended version with additional
+  features including support for Windows and REGEXP support on Android and iOS.
+* **[cordova-sqlite-evfree][SQLiteEVFree]** - similar to *cordova-sqlite-ext*
+  but with improved memory handling. Available under GPL v3 or commercial license.
+### Other Plugins
+Search [Cordova plugins][CordovaPlugins] for other plugins that provide
+alternative storage options.
 [CordovaPlugins]: {{ site.baseurl }}/plugins
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eb7fdd..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-battery-status
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-battery-status
-This plugin provides an implementation of an old version of the [Battery Status Events API](
-It adds the following three `window` events:
-* batterystatus
-* batterycritical
-* batterylow
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-battery-status
-## batterystatus
-This event fires when the percentage of battery charge changes by at
-least 1 percent, or if the device is plugged in or unplugged.
-The battery status handler is passed an object that contains two
-- __level__: The percentage of battery charge (0-100). _(Number)_
-- __isPlugged__: A boolean that indicates whether the device is plugged in. _(Boolean)_
-Applications typically should use `window.addEventListener` to
-attach an event listener after the `deviceready` event fires.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- iOS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 only)
-- Tizen
-- Firefox OS
-- Browser
-### Android and Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-- Warning: the Android + Fire OS implementations are greedy and prolonged use will drain the user's battery. 
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-Windows Phone 7 does not provide native APIs to determine battery
-level, so the `level` property is unavailable.  The `isPlugged`
-parameter _is_ supported.
-### Windows Quirks
-Windows Phone 8.1 does not support `isPlugged` parameter.
-The `level` parameter _is_ supported.
-### Browser Quirks
-Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox and Opera. 
-### Example
-    window.addEventListener("batterystatus", onBatteryStatus, false);
-    function onBatteryStatus(info) {
-        // Handle the online event
-        console.log("Level: " + info.level + " isPlugged: " + info.isPlugged);
-    }
-## batterycritical
-The event fires when the percentage of battery charge has reached the
-critical battery threshold. The value is device-specific.
-The `batterycritical` handler is passed an object that contains two
-- __level__: The percentage of battery charge (0-100). _(Number)_
-- __isPlugged__: A boolean that indicates whether the device is plugged in. _(Boolean)_
-Applications typically should use `window.addEventListener` to attach
-an event listener once the `deviceready` event fires.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- iOS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Tizen
-- Firefox OS
-- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 only)
-- Browser
-### Windows Quirks
-Windows Phone 8.1 will fire `batterycritical` event regardless of plugged state as it is not supported.
-### Example
-    window.addEventListener("batterycritical", onBatteryCritical, false);
-    function onBatteryCritical(info) {
-        // Handle the battery critical event
-        alert("Battery Level Critical " + info.level + "%\nRecharge Soon!");
-    }
-### Browser Quirks
-Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox and Opera. 
-## batterylow
-The event fires when the percentage of battery charge has reached the
-low battery threshold, device-specific value.
-The `batterylow` handler is passed an object that contains two
-- __level__: The percentage of battery charge (0-100). _(Number)_
-- __isPlugged__: A boolean that indicates whether the device is plugged in. _(Boolean)_
-Applications typically should use `window.addEventListener` to
-attach an event listener once the `deviceready` event fires.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- iOS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Tizen
-- Firefox OS
-- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 only)
-- Browser
-### Windows Quirks
-Windows Phone 8.1 will fire `batterylow` event regardless of plugged state as it is not supported.
-### Example
-    window.addEventListener("batterylow", onBatteryLow, false);
-    function onBatteryLow(info) {
-        // Handle the battery low event
-        alert("Battery Level Low " + info.level + "%");
-    }
-### Browser Quirks
-Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox and Opera.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32e2ef3..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-camera/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-camera
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-camera
-This plugin defines a global `` object, which provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from
-the system's image library.
-Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(;
-    }
-## Installation
-This requires cordova 5.0+
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
-Older versions of cordova can still install via the __deprecated__ id
-    cordova plugin add
-It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
-    cordova plugin add
-## How to Contribute
-Contributors are welcome! And we need your contributions to keep the project moving forward. You can [report bugs](, improve the documentation, or [contribute code](
-There is a specific [contributor workflow]( we recommend. Start reading there. More information is available on [our wiki](
-:warning: **Found an issue?** File it on [JIRA issue tracker](
-**Have a solution?** Send a [Pull Request](
-In order for your changes to be accepted, you need to sign and submit an Apache [ICLA]( (Individual Contributor License Agreement). Then your name will appear on the list of CLAs signed by [non-committers]( or [Cordova committers](
-**And don't forget to test and document your code.**
-## This documentation is generated by a tool
-:warning: Run `npm install` in the plugin repo to enable automatic docs generation if you plan to send a PR.  
-[jsdoc-to-markdown]( is used to generate the docs.  
-Documentation consists of template and API docs produced from the plugin JS code and should be regenerated before each commit (done automatically via [husky](, running `npm run gen-docs` script as a `precommit` hook - see `package.json` for details).
-# API Reference
-* [camera](#module_camera)
-    * [.getPicture(successCallback, errorCallback, options)](#module_camera.getPicture)
-    * [.cleanup()](#module_camera.cleanup)
-    * [.onError](#module_camera.onError) : <code>function</code>
-    * [.onSuccess](#module_camera.onSuccess) : <code>function</code>
-    * [.CameraOptions](#module_camera.CameraOptions) : <code>Object</code>
-* [Camera](#module_Camera)
-    * [.DestinationType](#module_Camera.DestinationType) : <code>enum</code>
-    * [.EncodingType](#module_Camera.EncodingType) : <code>enum</code>
-    * [.MediaType](#module_Camera.MediaType) : <code>enum</code>
-    * [.PictureSourceType](#module_Camera.PictureSourceType) : <code>enum</code>
-    * [.PopoverArrowDirection](#module_Camera.PopoverArrowDirection) : <code>enum</code>
-    * [.Direction](#module_Camera.Direction) : <code>enum</code>
-* [CameraPopoverHandle](#module_CameraPopoverHandle)
-* [CameraPopoverOptions](#module_CameraPopoverOptions)
-<a name="module_camera"></a>
-## camera
-<a name="module_camera.getPicture"></a>
-### camera.getPicture(successCallback, errorCallback, options)
-Takes a photo using the camera, or retrieves a photo from the device's
-image gallery.  The image is passed to the success callback as a
-base64-encoded `String`, or as the URI for the image file.
-The `camera.getPicture` function opens the device's default camera
-application that allows users to snap pictures by default - this behavior occurs,
-when `Camera.sourceType` equals [`Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA`](#module_Camera.PictureSourceType).
-Once the user snaps the photo, the camera application closes and the application is restored.
-If `Camera.sourceType` is `Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY` or
-`Camera.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM`, then a dialog displays
-that allows users to select an existing image.  The
-`camera.getPicture` function returns a [`CameraPopoverHandle`](#module_CameraPopoverHandle) object,
-which can be used to reposition the image selection dialog, for
-example, when the device orientation changes.
-The return value is sent to the [`cameraSuccess`](#module_camera.onSuccess) callback function, in
-one of the following formats, depending on the specified
-- A `String` containing the base64-encoded photo image.
-- A `String` representing the image file location on local storage (default).
-You can do whatever you want with the encoded image or URI, for
-- Render the image in an `<img>` tag, as in the example below
-- Save the data locally (`LocalStorage`, [Lawnchair](, etc.)
-- Post the data to a remote server
-__NOTE__: Photo resolution on newer devices is quite good. Photos
-selected from the device's gallery are not downscaled to a lower
-quality, even if a `quality` parameter is specified.  To avoid common
-memory problems, set `Camera.destinationType` to `FILE_URI` rather
-than `DATA_URL`.
-__Supported Platforms__
-- Android
-- BlackBerry
-- Browser
-- Firefox
-- FireOS
-- iOS
-- Windows
-- WP8
-- Ubuntu
-More examples [here](#camera-getPicture-examples). Quirks [here](#camera-getPicture-quirks).
-**Kind**: static method of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
-| Param | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| successCallback | <code>[onSuccess](#module_camera.onSuccess)</code> |  |
-| errorCallback | <code>[onError](#module_camera.onError)</code> |  |
-| options | <code>[CameraOptions](#module_camera.CameraOptions)</code> | CameraOptions |
-```js, cameraError, cameraOptions);
-<a name="module_camera.cleanup"></a>
-### camera.cleanup()
-Removes intermediate image files that are kept in temporary storage
-after calling [`camera.getPicture`](#module_camera.getPicture). Applies only when the value of
-`Camera.sourceType` equals `Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA` and the
-`Camera.destinationType` equals `Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI`.
-__Supported Platforms__
-- iOS
-**Kind**: static method of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
-```js, onFail);
-function onSuccess() {
-    console.log("Camera cleanup success.")
-function onFail(message) {
-    alert('Failed because: ' + message);
-<a name="module_camera.onError"></a>
-### camera.onError : <code>function</code>
-Callback function that provides an error message.
-**Kind**: static typedef of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
-| Param | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| message | <code>string</code> | The message is provided by the device's native code. |
-<a name="module_camera.onSuccess"></a>
-### camera.onSuccess : <code>function</code>
-Callback function that provides the image data.
-**Kind**: static typedef of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
-| Param | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| imageData | <code>string</code> | Base64 encoding of the image data, _or_ the image file URI, depending on [`cameraOptions`](#module_camera.CameraOptions) in effect. |
-// Show image
-function cameraCallback(imageData) {
-   var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
-   image.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
-<a name="module_camera.CameraOptions"></a>
-### camera.CameraOptions : <code>Object</code>
-Optional parameters to customize the camera settings.
-* [Quirks](#CameraOptions-quirks)
-**Kind**: static typedef of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| quality | <code>number</code> | <code>50</code> | Quality of the saved image, expressed as a range of 0-100, where 100 is typically full resolution with no loss from file compression. (Note that information about the camera's resolution is unavailable.) |
-| destinationType | <code>[DestinationType](#module_Camera.DestinationType)</code> | <code>FILE_URI</code> | Choose the format of the return value. |
-| sourceType | <code>[PictureSourceType](#module_Camera.PictureSourceType)</code> | <code>CAMERA</code> | Set the source of the picture. |
-| allowEdit | <code>Boolean</code> | <code>true</code> | Allow simple editing of image before selection. |
-| encodingType | <code>[EncodingType](#module_Camera.EncodingType)</code> | <code>JPEG</code> | Choose the  returned image file's encoding. |
-| targetWidth | <code>number</code> |  | Width in pixels to scale image. Must be used with `targetHeight`. Aspect ratio remains constant. |
-| targetHeight | <code>number</code> |  | Height in pixels to scale image. Must be used with `targetWidth`. Aspect ratio remains constant. |
-| mediaType | <code>[MediaType](#module_Camera.MediaType)</code> | <code>PICTURE</code> | Set the type of media to select from.  Only works when `PictureSourceType` is `PHOTOLIBRARY` or `SAVEDPHOTOALBUM`. |
-| correctOrientation | <code>Boolean</code> |  | Rotate the image to correct for the orientation of the device during capture. |
-| saveToPhotoAlbum | <code>Boolean</code> |  | Save the image to the photo album on the device after capture. |
-| popoverOptions | <code>[CameraPopoverOptions](#module_CameraPopoverOptions)</code> |  | iOS-only options that specify popover location in iPad. |
-| cameraDirection | <code>[Direction](#module_Camera.Direction)</code> | <code>BACK</code> | Choose the camera to use (front- or back-facing). |
-<a name="module_Camera"></a>
-## Camera
-<a name="module_Camera.DestinationType"></a>
-### Camera.DestinationType : <code>enum</code>
-**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| DATA_URL | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Return base64 encoded string |
-| FILE_URI | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Return file uri (content://media/external/images/media/2 for Android) |
-| NATIVE_URI | <code>number</code> | <code>2</code> | Return native uri (eg. asset-library://... for iOS) |
-<a name="module_Camera.EncodingType"></a>
-### Camera.EncodingType : <code>enum</code>
-**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| JPEG | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Return JPEG encoded image |
-| PNG | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Return PNG encoded image |
-<a name="module_Camera.MediaType"></a>
-### Camera.MediaType : <code>enum</code>
-**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| PICTURE | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Allow selection of still pictures only. DEFAULT. Will return format specified via DestinationType |
-| VIDEO | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Allow selection of video only, ONLY RETURNS URL |
-| ALLMEDIA | <code>number</code> | <code>2</code> | Allow selection from all media types |
-<a name="module_Camera.PictureSourceType"></a>
-### Camera.PictureSourceType : <code>enum</code>
-**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| PHOTOLIBRARY | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Choose image from picture library (same as SAVEDPHOTOALBUM for Android) |
-| CAMERA | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Take picture from camera |
-| SAVEDPHOTOALBUM | <code>number</code> | <code>2</code> | Choose image from picture library (same as PHOTOLIBRARY for Android) |
-<a name="module_Camera.PopoverArrowDirection"></a>
-### Camera.PopoverArrowDirection : <code>enum</code>
-Matches iOS UIPopoverArrowDirection constants to specify arrow location on popover.
-**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
-| Name | Type | Default |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| ARROW_UP | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | 
-| ARROW_DOWN | <code>number</code> | <code>2</code> | 
-| ARROW_LEFT | <code>number</code> | <code>4</code> | 
-| ARROW_RIGHT | <code>number</code> | <code>8</code> | 
-| ARROW_ANY | <code>number</code> | <code>15</code> | 
-<a name="module_Camera.Direction"></a>
-### Camera.Direction : <code>enum</code>
-**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| BACK | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Use the back-facing camera |
-| FRONT | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Use the front-facing camera |
-<a name="module_CameraPopoverOptions"></a>
-## CameraPopoverOptions
-iOS-only parameters that specify the anchor element location and arrow
-direction of the popover when selecting images from an iPad's library
-or album.
-Note that the size of the popover may change to adjust to the
-direction of the arrow and orientation of the screen.  Make sure to
-account for orientation changes when specifying the anchor element
-| Param | Type | Default | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| [x] | <code>Number</code> | <code>0</code> | x pixel coordinate of screen element onto which to anchor the popover. |
-| [y] | <code>Number</code> | <code>32</code> | y pixel coordinate of screen element onto which to anchor the popover. |
-| [width] | <code>Number</code> | <code>320</code> | width, in pixels, of the screen element onto which to anchor the popover. |
-| [height] | <code>Number</code> | <code>480</code> | height, in pixels, of the screen element onto which to anchor the popover. |
-| [arrowDir] | <code>[PopoverArrowDirection](#module_Camera.PopoverArrowDirection)</code> | <code>ARROW_ANY</code> | Direction the arrow on the popover should point. |
-<a name="module_CameraPopoverHandle"></a>
-## CameraPopoverHandle
-A handle to an image picker popover.
-__Supported Platforms__
-- iOS
-var cameraPopoverHandle =, onFail,
-    destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
-    sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
-    popoverOptions: new CameraPopoverOptions(300, 300, 100, 100, Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY)
-// Reposition the popover if the orientation changes.
-window.onorientationchange = function() {
-    var cameraPopoverOptions = new CameraPopoverOptions(0, 0, 100, 100, Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY);
-    cameraPopoverHandle.setPosition(cameraPopoverOptions);
-## `camera.getPicture` Errata
-#### Example <a name="camera-getPicture-examples"></a>
-Take a photo and retrieve it as a base64-encoded image:
-, onFail, { quality: 50,
-        destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL
-    });
-    function onSuccess(imageData) {
-        var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
-        image.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
-    }
-    function onFail(message) {
-        alert('Failed because: ' + message);
-    }
-Take a photo and retrieve the image's file location:
-, onFail, { quality: 50,
-        destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI });
-    function onSuccess(imageURI) {
-        var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
-        image.src = imageURI;
-    }
-    function onFail(message) {
-        alert('Failed because: ' + message);
-    }
-#### Preferences (iOS)
--  __CameraUsesGeolocation__ (boolean, defaults to false). For capturing JPEGs, set to true to get geolocation data in the EXIF header. This will trigger a request for geolocation permissions if set to true.
-        <preference name="CameraUsesGeolocation" value="false" />
-#### Amazon Fire OS Quirks <a name="camera-getPicture-quirks"></a>
-Amazon Fire OS uses intents to launch the camera activity on the device to capture
-images, and on phones with low memory, the Cordova activity may be killed.  In this
-scenario, the image may not appear when the cordova activity is restored.
-#### Android Quirks
-Android uses intents to launch the camera activity on the device to capture
-images, and on phones with low memory, the Cordova activity may be killed.  In this
-scenario, the result from the plugin call will be delivered via the resume event.
-See [the Android Lifecycle guide](
-for more information. The `pendingResult.result` value will contain the value that
-would be passed to the callbacks (either the URI/URL or an error message). Check
-the `pendingResult.pluginStatus` to determine whether or not the call was
-#### Browser Quirks
-Can only return photos as base64-encoded image.
-#### Firefox OS Quirks
-Camera plugin is currently implemented using [Web Activities](
-#### iOS Quirks
-Including a JavaScript `alert()` in either of the callback functions
-can cause problems.  Wrap the alert within a `setTimeout()` to allow
-the iOS image picker or popover to fully close before the alert
-    setTimeout(function() {
-        // do your thing here!
-    }, 0);
-#### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
-Invoking the native camera application while the device is connected
-via Zune does not work, and triggers an error callback.
-#### Tizen Quirks
-Tizen only supports a `destinationType` of
-`Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI` and a `sourceType` of
-## `CameraOptions` Errata <a name="CameraOptions-quirks"></a>
-#### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-- Any `cameraDirection` value results in a back-facing photo.
-- Ignores the `allowEdit` parameter.
-- `Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY` and `Camera.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM` both display the same photo album.
-#### Android Quirks
-- Any `cameraDirection` value results in a back-facing photo.
-- **`allowEdit` is unpredictable on Android and it should not be used!** The Android implementation of this plugin tries to find and use an application on the user's device to do image cropping. The plugin has no control over what application the user selects to perform the image cropping and it is very possible that the user could choose an incompatible option and cause the plugin to fail. This sometimes works because most devices come with an application that handles cropping in a way that is compatible with this plugin (Google Plus Photos), but it is unwise to rely on that being the case. If image editing is essential to your application, consider seeking a third party library or plugin that provides its own image editing utility for a more robust solution.
-- `Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY` and `Camera.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM` both display the same photo album.
-- Ignores the `encodingType` parameter if the image is unedited (i.e. `quality` is 100, `correctOrientation` is false, and no `targetHeight` or `targetWidth` are specified). The `CAMERA` source will always return the JPEG file given by the native camera and the `PHOTOLIBRARY` and `SAVEDPHOTOALBUM` sources will return the selected file in its existing encoding.
-#### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- Ignores the `quality` parameter.
-- Ignores the `allowEdit` parameter.
-- `Camera.MediaType` is not supported.
-- Ignores the `correctOrientation` parameter.
-- Ignores the `cameraDirection` parameter.
-#### Firefox OS Quirks
-- Ignores the `quality` parameter.
-- `Camera.DestinationType` is ignored and equals `1` (image file URI)
-- Ignores the `allowEdit` parameter.
-- Ignores the `PictureSourceType` parameter (user chooses it in a dialog window)
-- Ignores the `encodingType`
-- Ignores the `targetWidth` and `targetHeight`
-- `Camera.MediaType` is not supported.
-- Ignores the `correctOrientation` parameter.
-- Ignores the `cameraDirection` parameter.
-#### iOS Quirks
-- When using `destinationType.FILE_URI`, photos are saved in the application's temporary directory. The contents of the application's temporary directory is deleted when the application ends.
-- When using `destinationType.NATIVE_URI` and `sourceType.CAMERA`, photos are saved in the saved photo album regardless on the value of `saveToPhotoAlbum` parameter.
-#### Tizen Quirks
-- options not supported
-- always returns a FILE URI
-#### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-- Ignores the `allowEdit` parameter.
-- Ignores the `correctOrientation` parameter.
-- Ignores the `cameraDirection` parameter.
-- Ignores the `saveToPhotoAlbum` parameter.  IMPORTANT: All images taken with the wp7/8 cordova camera API are always copied to the phone's camera roll.  Depending on the user's settings, this could also mean the image is auto-uploaded to their OneDrive.  This could potentially mean the image is available to a wider audience than your app intended.  If this a blocker for your application, you will need to implement the CameraCaptureTask as documented on msdn : [](
-You may also comment or up-vote the related issue in the [issue tracker](
-- Ignores the `mediaType` property of `cameraOptions` as the Windows Phone SDK does not provide a way to choose videos from PHOTOLIBRARY.

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diff --git a/www/_data/toc/zh-6-x-manual.yml b/www/_data/toc/zh-6-x-manual.yml
index 7dcb3c5..8574e97 100644
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+++ b/www/_data/toc/zh-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,18 +1,140 @@
-- {name: "\u8F14\u52A9\u7DDA", url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: "\u6982\u8FF0", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u5E73\u81FA\u652F\u63F4", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u547D\u4EE4\u5217\u4ECB\u9762", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u5E73\u81FA\u6307\u5357", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u4F7F\u7528 Plugman \u4F86\u7BA1\u7406\u5916\u639B\u7A0B\u5F0F", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: "Config.xml \u6A94", url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u5716\u793A\u548C\u555F\u52D5\u756B\u9762", url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: "\u5D4C\u5165 WebViews", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u5916\u639B\u7A0B\u5F0F\u958B\u767C\u6307\u5357", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u5916\u639B\u7A0B\u5F0F\u898F\u7BC4", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: "\u96B1\u79C1\u6307\u5357", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u5B89\u5168\u6307\u5357", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u5E73\u81FA\u548C\u5916\u639B\u7A0B\u5F0F\u7248\u672C\u7BA1\u7406", url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u767D\u540D\u55AE\u6307\u5357", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u5B58\u5132", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/storage/storage.html'}
-- {name: "\u4E8B\u4EF6", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: "\u5916\u639B\u7A0B\u5F0F\u7684 Api", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
diff --git a/www/docs/de/6.x/cordova/plugins/ b/www/docs/de/6.x/cordova/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
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-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: Plugin APIs
-# Plugin APIs
-Cordova mit einen minimalen Satz von APIs und Projekte hinzufügen, was zusätzliche APIs, die sie durch Plugins erfordern.
-Sie können alle vorhandenen Plugins (einschließlich Drittanbieter Plug-ins) auf [npm][1] durchsuchen.
- [1]:
-Der traditionelle Kern Cordova Plugins sind wie folgt:
-*   [Batteriestatus][2]
-    > Überwachen Sie den Status des Geräts Batterie.
-*   [Kamera][3]
-    > Ein Foto mit der Gerätekamera zu erfassen.
-*   [Konsole][4]
-    > Fügen Sie zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, zu console.log().
-*   [Kontakte][5]
-    > Arbeiten Sie mit der Geräte-Kontaktdatenbank.
-*   [Gerät][6]
-    > Gerät bestimmte Informationen zu sammeln.
-*   [Bewegung Gerät (Beschleunigungssensor)][7]
-    > Tippen Sie in das Gerät Weg-und/oder Geschwindigkeitsgeber.
-*   [Orientierung des Geräts (Kompass)][8]
-    > Erhalten Sie die Richtung, die das Gerät verweist.
-*   [Dialoge][9]
-    > Visuelle Gerätebenachrichtigungen.
-*   [Dateisystem][10]
-    > Haken Sie in native Dateisystem durch JavaScript.
-*   [File-Transfer][11]
-    > Haken Sie in native Dateisystem durch JavaScript.
-*   [Geolocation][12]
-    > Machen Sie Ihre Anwendung Lage bewusst.
-*   [Globalisierung][13]
-    > Aktivieren Sie die Darstellung von Objekten, die spezifisch für ein Gebietsschema.
-*   [InAppBrowser][14]
-    > URLs in einer anderen in-app Browserinstanz zu starten.
-*   [Medien][15]
-    > Aufzeichnen und Wiedergeben von audio-Dateien.
-*   [Medien erfassen][16]
-    > Media-Dateien mithilfe des Geräts Media Capture-Anwendungen zu erfassen.
-*   [Netzwerkinformationen (Verbindung)][17]
-    > Der Netzwerkstatus und Mobilfunknetz Informationen schnell zu überprüfen.
-*   [SplashScreen][18]
-    > Ein- und Ausblenden der Splash-Screen Anwendungen.
-*   [Vibration][19]
-    > Eine API, das Gerät zu vibrieren.
-*   [StatusBar][20]
-    > Eine API zum Anzeigen, ausblenden und Konfigurieren der Status Bar Hintergrund.
-*   [Whitelist][21]
-    > Ein Plugin zur Whitelist Netzwerkanforderungen. Müssen installieren, um alle Netzwerkanforderungen in Ihren Anwendungen haben.
-*   [Ältere Whitelist][22]
-    > Ein Plugin, um den alten Stil der weißen Liste zu verwenden, bevor es war herausgerissen und in die Whitelist-Plugin geändert.
- [2]:
- [3]:
- [4]:
- [5]:
- [6]:
- [7]:
- [8]:
- [9]:
- [10]:
- [11]:
- [12]:
- [13]:
- [14]:
- [15]:
- [16]:
- [17]:
- [18]:
- [19]:
- [20]:
- [21]:
- [22]:
-Nicht-englische Übersetzungen über diese Plugin-Docs können gefunden werden, indem Sie das Plugin Github Repos und suchen in den Ordner "Docs"
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diff --git a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/appdev/security/ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/appdev/security/
index 44ab9dd..221ac25 100644
--- a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/appdev/security/
+++ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/appdev/security/
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ Die folgende Anleitung beinhaltet einige bewährte Sicherheitsmethoden, die Sie,
 *   Lesen und verstehen der [Whitelist-Guide](../whitelist/index.html)
-*   Domain-Whitelist funktioniert nicht auf Android API 10 und unten und WP8 für Iframes und XMLHttpRequest. Dies bedeutet ein Angreifer kann einer beliebigen Domäne in einem Iframe laden und jedes Skript auf dieser Seite in Iframe direkt auf Cordova JavaScript-Objekte und die entsprechenden native Java-Objekte zugreifen kann. Sie sollten dies in Betracht ziehen, beim Erstellen von Anwendungen für diese Plattformen. In der Praxis bedeutet dies, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Ziel einer höher als 10 Android API und, wenn möglich nicht Iframe zu verwenden, um externe Inhalte - laden das InAppBrowser-Plugin oder andere Drittanbieter Plug-ins verwenden.
+*   Domain-Whitelist funktioniert nicht auf Android API 10 und unten und WP8 für Iframes und XMLHttpRequest. Dies bedeutet ein Angreifer kann einer beliebigen Domäne in einem Iframe laden und jedes Skript auf dieser Seite in Iframe direkt auf Cordova JavaScript-Objekte und die entsprechenden native Java-Objekte zugreifen kann. Sie sollten dies in Betracht ziehen, beim Erstellen von Anwendungen für diese Plattformen. In der Praxis bedeutet dies, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Ziel einer höher als 10 Android API und, wenn möglich nicht Iframe zu verwenden, um externe Inhalte - laden das InAppBrowser-Plugin oder andere Drittanbieter Plugins verwenden.
 ## Iframes und die Id Rückrufmechanismus
-Wenn Inhalte in einem Iframe aus einer Whitelist-Domäne bereitgestellt werden, haben diese Domäne Zugriff auf die native Cordova-Brücke. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie ein Drittanbieter-Werbe-Netzwerk Whitelist und dienen diese anzeigen über ein Iframe, ist es möglich, dass eine böswillige Anzeige ist aus Iframe ausbrechen und bösartige Aktionen ausführen können. Aus diesem Grund sollten Sie in der Regel nicht Iframes verwenden, wenn Sie den Server steuern, der den Iframe-Inhalt hostet. Beachten Sie, dass es Drittanbieter Plug-ins zur Verfügung gibt, um Werbe-Netzwerke zu unterstützen. Beachten Sie, dass diese Aussage nicht für iOS, nämlich alles gilt, einschließlich der Iframe Verbindungen abfängt.
+Wenn Inhalte in einem Iframe aus einer Whitelist-Domäne bereitgestellt werden, haben diese Domäne Zugriff auf die native Cordova-Brücke. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie ein Drittanbieter-Werbe-Netzwerk Whitelist und dienen diese anzeigen über ein Iframe, ist es möglich, dass eine böswillige Anzeige ist aus Iframe ausbrechen und bösartige Aktionen ausführen können. Aus diesem Grund sollten Sie in der Regel nicht Iframes verwenden, wenn Sie den Server steuern, der den Iframe-Inhalt hostet. Beachten Sie, dass es Drittanbieter Plugins zur Verfügung gibt, um Werbe-Netzwerke zu unterstützen. Beachten Sie, dass diese Aussage nicht für iOS, nämlich alles gilt, einschließlich der Iframe Verbindungen abfängt.
 ## Zertifikat fixieren
 Cordova unterstützt keine wahre Zertifikat zu fixieren. Das größte Hindernis für das ist ein Mangel an systemeigenen APIs in Android zum Abfangen des SSL-Verbindungen um die Überprüfung des Zertifikats des Servers ausführen. (Obwohl es fixieren auf Android in Java mit JSSE Zertifikat kann, die Webview auf Android in C++ geschrieben ist und Server-Verbindungen für Sie, indem die Webview verarbeitet werden, ist also es nicht möglich, Java und JSSE es zu verwenden.) Da Apache Cordova über mehrere Plattformen hinweg konsistent APIs bieten soll, bricht nicht mit einer Funktion in eine größere Plattform die Konsistenz.
-Es gibt Möglichkeiten zur Angleichung Zertifikat fixieren, z. B. Überprüfung, dass die öffentlichen Schlüssel des Servers (Fingerabdruck) der erwartete Wert ist, wenn die Anwendung gestartet wird oder zu anderen verschiedenen Zeiten während der Lebensdauer der Anwendung. Es gibt Drittanbieter Plug-ins zur Cordova, die das tun kann. Jedoch ist dies nicht dasselbe wie wahre Zertifikat fixieren, die automatisch den erwarteten Wert auf jede Verbindung zu dem Server überprüft.
+Es gibt Möglichkeiten zur Angleichung Zertifikat fixieren, z. B. Überprüfung, dass die öffentlichen Schlüssel des Servers (Fingerabdruck) der erwartete Wert ist, wenn die Anwendung gestartet wird oder zu anderen verschiedenen Zeiten während der Lebensdauer der Anwendung. Es gibt Drittanbieter Plugins zur Cordova, die das tun kann. Jedoch ist dies nicht dasselbe wie wahre Zertifikat fixieren, die automatisch den erwarteten Wert auf jede Verbindung zu dem Server überprüft.
 ## Selbstsignierte Zertifikate
@@ -70,19 +70,19 @@ Beim Ausführen von Cordova auf Android verwenden `android:debuggable="true"` in
 ### Verwenden Sie keine Android Gingerbread!
-*   Legen Sie Ihr höher als 10 min-Ziel-Sdk-Niveau. API 10 ist Lebkuchen und Lebkuchen wird nicht mehr von Google oder Geräte-Herstellern unterstützt und wird daher nicht empfohlen von Cordova-Team. 
-*   Lebkuchen nachweislich unsicher und einer der wichtigsten gezielte mobile OSs [][2]. 
-*   Die Whitelist auf Android funktioniert nicht mit Lebkuchen oder niedriger. Dies bedeutet, dass ein Angreifer schädlichen Code in einem Iframe geladen werden kann, das müsste dann Zugriff auf alle von Cordova-APIs und können, dass der Zugang zu persönliche Daten stehlen, SMS-Nachrichten an Premium-Rate-Nummern zu schicken und andere böswillige Aktionen durchzuführen. 
+*   Legen Sie Ihr höher als 10 min-Ziel-Sdk-Niveau. API 10 ist Lebkuchen und Lebkuchen wird nicht mehr von Google oder Geräte-Herstellern unterstützt und wird daher nicht empfohlen von Cordova-Team.
+*   Lebkuchen nachweislich unsicher und einer der wichtigsten gezielte mobile OSs [][2].
+*   Die Whitelist auf Android funktioniert nicht mit Lebkuchen oder niedriger. Dies bedeutet, dass ein Angreifer schädlichen Code in einem Iframe geladen werden kann, das müsste dann Zugriff auf alle von Cordova-APIs und können, dass der Zugang zu persönliche Daten stehlen, SMS-Nachrichten an Premium-Rate-Nummern zu schicken und andere böswillige Aktionen durchzuführen.
 ### InAppBrowser für externe Links verwenden
-*   Verwenden Sie die InAppBrowser beim Öffnen von Links zu externen Websites. Das ist viel sicherer als Whitelisting eines Domain-namens und einschließlich der Inhalte direkt in der Anwendung, da die InAppBrowser der native Browser-Sicherheits-Features verwenden und nicht die Website geben auf Ihre Cordova-Umgebung Zugriff. Selbst wenn Sie der Website Dritter Vertrauen und direkt in Ihre Anwendung aufnehmen, kann diese Websites Dritter schädlichen Webinhalten verknüpfen. 
+*   Verwenden Sie die InAppBrowser beim Öffnen von Links zu externen Websites. Das ist viel sicherer als Whitelisting eines Domain-namens und einschließlich der Inhalte direkt in der Anwendung, da die InAppBrowser der native Browser-Sicherheits-Features verwenden und nicht die Website geben auf Ihre Cordova-Umgebung Zugriff. Selbst wenn Sie der Website Dritter Vertrauen und direkt in Ihre Anwendung aufnehmen, kann diese Websites Dritter schädlichen Webinhalten verknüpfen.
 ### Validieren Sie alle Benutzereingaben
-*   Überprüfen Sie immer alle Eingaben, die die Anwendung akzeptiert. Dazu gehören Benutzernamen, Kennwörter, Termine, hochgeladen Medien usw.. Da ein Angreifer Ihr HTML und JS Vermögen (entweder durch Dekompilierung der Anwendung oder mithilfe von debugging-Tools wie Chrome://inspect) manipulieren könnte, sollten diese Validierung auch auf Ihrem Server durchgeführt werden, insbesondere vor der Übergabe der Daten an einen Back-End-Dienst. 
+*   Überprüfen Sie immer alle Eingaben, die die Anwendung akzeptiert. Dazu gehören Benutzernamen, Kennwörter, Termine, hochgeladen Medien usw.. Da ein Angreifer Ihr HTML und JS Vermögen (entweder durch Dekompilierung der Anwendung oder mithilfe von debugging-Tools wie Chrome://inspect) manipulieren könnte, sollten diese Validierung auch auf Ihrem Server durchgeführt werden, insbesondere vor der Übergabe der Daten an einen Back-End-Dienst.
 *   Andere Quellen, wo die Daten überprüft werden sollten: Benutzerdokumente, Kontakte, push-Benachrichtigungen
 ### Sensible Daten nicht zwischenspeichern
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ Beim Ausführen von Cordova auf Android verwenden `android:debuggable="true"` in
 ### Verwenden Sie keine eval(), es sei denn, Sie wissen was Sie tun
-*   Die JavaScript-Funktion eval() hat eine lange Geschichte, die missbraucht werden. Benutze es falsch kann Ihren Code für Injection-Angriffen, Debuggen von Schwierigkeiten und langsamer Ausführung von Code öffnen. 
+*   Die JavaScript-Funktion eval() hat eine lange Geschichte, die missbraucht werden. Benutze es falsch kann Ihren Code für Injection-Angriffen, Debuggen von Schwierigkeiten und langsamer Ausführung von Code öffnen.
 ### Nicht davon ausgehen Sie, dass der Quellcode sicher ist
-*   Da eine Anwendung von Cordova aus HTML und JavaScript basiert, die in einem einheitlichen Container gepackt bekommen, sollten Sie nicht Ihr Code sicher sein. Es ist möglich, reverse Engineering eine Cordova-Anwendung. 
+*   Da eine Anwendung von Cordova aus HTML und JavaScript basiert, die in einem einheitlichen Container gepackt bekommen, sollten Sie nicht Ihr Code sicher sein. Es ist möglich, reverse Engineering eine Cordova-Anwendung.
 ## Empfohlene Artikel und andere Ressourcen
@@ -105,4 +105,4 @@ Beim Ausführen von Cordova auf Android verwenden `android:debuggable="true"` in
- [5]:
\ No newline at end of file
+ [5]:
diff --git a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/cli/ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/cli/
index d4ac64c..446a659 100644
--- a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/cli/
+++ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/cli/
@@ -60,23 +60,23 @@ Installieren der `cordova` Command-line tool, gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:
 *   auf OS X und Linux:
             $ sudo npm install -g cordova
     Auf OS X und Linux voranstellen der `npm` mit Befehl `sudo` kann erforderlich sein, um diese Entwicklung zu installieren-Dienstprogramm in andere Art eingeschränkt Verzeichnisse wie `/usr/local/share` . Wenn Sie für das Installationsverzeichnis Schreibrechte oder das optionale Nvm/Kirchenschiff-Tool verwenden, können Sie möglicherweise auslassen der `sudo` Präfix. Es gibt [Weitere Tipps][3] zur Verwendung von `npm` ohne `sudo` , wenn Sie das tun wollen.
 *   unter Windows:
             C:\>npm install -g cordova
     Das `-g` Flag oben teilt `npm` Installieren `cordova` weltweit. Andernfalls wird es installiert werden, der `node_modules` Unterverzeichnis des aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis.
     Möglicherweise müssen Sie Hinzufügen der `npm` Verzeichnis in Ihrem `PATH` weltweit installierten Inanspruchnahme `npm` Module. Unter Windows `npm` in der Regel finden Sie unter `C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm` . Auf OS X und Linux kann es in der Regel bei gefunden werden`/usr/local/share/npm`.
     Das Installationsprotokoll kann Fehler für alle deinstallierten Platform SDKs erzeugen.
     Nach der Installation sollte man laufen `cordova` in der Befehlszeile keine Argumente und es sollte Hilfetext drucken.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Installieren der `cordova` Command-line tool, gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:
 Gehe in das Verzeichnis wo verwalten Sie Ihren Quellcode, und führen Sie einen Befehl wie den folgenden:
         $ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
 Es kann einige Zeit dauern für den Befehl abgeschlossen, also etwas Geduld. Ausführen des Befehls mit der `-d` Option zeigt Informationen über den Fortschritt.
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Das dritte Argument `HelloWorld` bietet die Anwendung Anzeigetitel. Dieses Argum
 Alle nachfolgenden Befehle müssen in das Verzeichnis des Projekts oder eines der Unterverzeichnisse innerhalb des Bereichs ausgeführt werden:
         $ cd hello
 Bevor Sie das Projekt erstellen, müssen Sie eine Reihe von Zielplattformen angeben. Ihre Fähigkeit, diese Befehle ausführen hängt davon ab, ob Ihre Maschine jede SDK unterstützt, und ob Sie bereits installiert jedes SDK. Führen Sie einen der folgenden von einem Mac:
@@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ Bevor Sie das Projekt erstellen, müssen Sie eine Reihe von Zielplattformen ange
         $ cordova platform add android
         $ cordova platform add blackberry10
         $ cordova platform add firefoxos
 Führen Sie einen aus einer Windows-Maschine, wo verschiedene Versionen des Betriebssystems Windows Phone *wp* bezeichnet:
         $ Cordova Plattform hinzufügen wp8 $ Cordova Plattform hinzufügen Fügen Sie $ Cordova Plattform Windows Amazon-Fireos $ Cordova Plattform hinzufügen android $ Cordova Plattform hinzufügen blackberry10 $ Cordova Plattform hinzufügen Firefoxos
 Führen Sie diese um Ihren aktuellen Satz von Plattformen zu überprüfen:
         $ cordova platforms ls
 (Beachten Sie die `platform` und `platforms` Befehle werden synonym verwendet.)
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Führen Sie einen der folgenden Synonym Befehle, eine Plattform zu entfernen:
         $ cordova platform remove blackberry10
         $ cordova platform rm amazon-fireos
         $ cordova platform rm android
 Ausführen Befehle hinzufügen oder Entfernen von Plattformen wirkt sich auf den Inhalt des Verzeichnis des Projekts *Plattformen* , wo jede angegebene Plattform als Unterverzeichnis angezeigt wird. Das *Www* -Quellverzeichnis wird wiedergegeben in jede Plattform-Unterverzeichnis, erscheinen zum Beispiel in `platforms/ios/www` oder `platforms/android/assets/www` . Da die CLI ständig über Dateien aus dem *Www* -Quellordner kopiert, sollten Sie nur diese Dateien und nicht diejenigen, die die *Plattformen* Unterverzeichnisse unterhalb bearbeiten. Wenn Sie Software für die Versionskontrolle verwenden, sollten Sie diese Quelle *Www* Ordner, zusammen mit Ordner *führt* zu Ihrem Versionsverwaltungssystem hinzufügen. (Weitere Informationen zum *verschmilzt* -Ordner finden Sie im Abschnitt Anpassen von jeder Plattform).
@@ -146,18 +146,18 @@ In der Standardeinstellung der `cordova create` Skript generiert eine Skeletts W
 Führen Sie den folgenden Befehl, um das Projekt iterativ zu erstellen:
         $ cordova build
 Dies erzeugt plattformspezifischer Code innerhalb des Projekts `platforms` Unterverzeichnis. Optional können Sie den Bereich der einzelnen Builds auf bestimmten Plattformen einschränken:
         $ cordova build ios
 Der `cordova build` Befehl ist eine Kurzform für die folgenden, die in diesem Beispiel auch auf einer einzigen Plattform ausgerichtet ist:
         $ cordova prepare ios
         $ cordova compile ios
 In diesem Fall einmal ausführen `prepare` , können Sie Apples Xcode SDK als Alternative zu ändern und kompilieren Sie den Plattform-spezifischen Code, die in Cordova generiert `platforms/ios` . Sie können den gleichen Ansatz mit anderen Plattformen SDKs.
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ In diesem Fall einmal ausführen `prepare` , können Sie Apples Xcode SDK als Al
 SDKs für mobile Plattformen kommen oft mit Emulatoren, die ein Gerätebild ausgeführt, so dass Sie können starten Sie die app aus dem home-Bildschirm und Interaktion mit vielen Plattformfeatures gebündelt. Führen Sie einen Befehl wie den folgenden erstellen Sie die Anwendung neu und innerhalb einer bestimmten Plattform Emulator anzeigen:
         $ cordova emulate android
 Einige mobilen Plattformen emulieren ein bestimmtes Gerät wie das iPhone für iOS-Projekte in der Standardeinstellung. Für die anderen Plattformen müssen Sie zuerst ein Gerät mit einem Emulator zuordnen.
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Folgende oben mit den `cordova emulate` Befehl aktualisiert das Emulator-Bild, u
 Alternativ können Sie schließen den Hörer an den Computer und testen die app direkt:
         $ cordova run android
 Bevor Sie diesen Befehl ausführen, müssen Sie das Gerät zum Testen einrichten nach Verfahren, die für jede Plattform variieren. In Android und Amazon-Feuer-OS-Geräte müssten Sie eine Option **USB-debugging** auf dem Gerät zu aktivieren, und vielleicht einen USB-Treiber je nach Ihrer Entwicklung-Environmnent. Einzelheiten über jede Plattform Anforderungen finden Sie unter Plattform Guides.
@@ -201,83 +201,83 @@ Ein *Plugin* ist ein Add-on-Code, die eine Schnittstelle zu systemeigenen Kompon
 Ab der Version 3.0 beim Erstellen eines Projekts Cordova hat es irgendwelche Plugins vorhanden keinen. Dies ist das neue Standardverhalten. Alle Plugins, die Sie wünschen, die auch die Core-Plugins muss explizit hinzugefügt werden.
-Eine Liste dieser Plugins, einschließlich zusätzliche Drittanbieter Plug-ins der Gemeinschaft finden Sie in der Registrierung unter [][7]. Die CLI können Sie Plugins aus dieser Registrierung suchen. Z. B. Suche nach `bar` und `code` erzeugt ein einzelnes Ergebnis, die beide Begriffe als groß-und Kleinschreibung Teilzeichenfolgen entspricht:
+Eine Liste dieser Plugins, einschließlich zusätzliche Drittanbieter Plugins der Gemeinschaft finden Sie in der Registrierung unter [][7]. Die CLI können Sie Plugins aus dieser Registrierung suchen. Z. B. Suche nach `bar` und `code` erzeugt ein einzelnes Ergebnis, die beide Begriffe als groß-und Kleinschreibung Teilzeichenfolgen entspricht:
         $ cordova plugin search bar code
         com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner - Scans Barcodes
 Nur bei der Suche nach der `bar` Erträge und weiteres Ergebnis:
         cordova-plugin-statusbar - Cordova StatusBar Plugin
 Der `cordova plugin add` Befehl müssen Sie das Repository für den Plugin-Code angeben. Hier sind Beispiele für die Verwendung der CLI die app Features hinzugefügt:
 *   Grundlegenden Geräteinformationen (Device-API):
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
 *   Netzwerkverbindung und Batterie-Veranstaltungen:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-battery-status
 *   Beschleunigungssensor, Kompass und Geolocation:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-motion
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-orientation
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
 *   Kamera, Medien-Wiedergabe und Aufnahme:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media-capture
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media
 *   Zugriff auf Dateien auf Gerät oder Netzwerk (File API):
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer
 *   Benachrichtigung per Dialogfeld oder Vibration:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration
 *   Kontakte:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-contacts
 *   Globalisierung:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization
 *   SplashScreen:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
 *   Neue Browserfenster öffnen (InAppBrowser):
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
 *   Debug-Konsole:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console
 **Hinweis**: die CLI fügt Plugin-Code entsprechend für jede Plattform. Wenn Sie mit Low-Level-Shell-Werkzeugen oder Platform SDKs wie in der [Übersicht](../overview/index.html) beschrieben entwickeln wollen, müssen Sie das Plugman-Dienstprogramm zum Hinzufügen von Plugins separat für jede Plattform ausführen. (Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Using Plugman zu Plugins verwalten.)
@@ -285,68 +285,68 @@ Verwendung `plugin ls` (oder `plugin list` , oder `plugin` von selbst) derzeit a
         $ cordova plugin ls    # or 'plugin list'
         [ 'cordova-plugin-console' ]
 Um ein Plugin zu entfernen, finden Sie es durch den gleichen Bezeichner, der in der Liste angezeigt wird. Zum Beispiel, ist hier, wie Sie Unterstützung für eine Debug-Konsole aus einer Release-Version entfernen würde:
         $ cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-console
         $ cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-console    # same
 Sie können Batch-entfernen oder Hinzufügen von Plugins durch mehr als ein Argument für jeden Befehl angeben:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console cordova-plugin-device
 ## Erweiterte Plugin-Optionen
 Wenn Sie eine Plugin hinzufügen, können mehrere Optionen Sie angeben, wo Sie das Plugin zu holen. Die obigen Beispiele verwenden eine bekannte `` Registrierung und das Plugin wird angegeben durch die `id` :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console
 Die `id` kann auch die Plugin-Versionsnummer, angefügt nach enthalten einen `@` Charakter. Die `latest` Version ist ein Alias für die aktuellste Version. Zum Beispiel:
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console@latest
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console@0.2.1
 Wenn das Plugin nicht registriert ist `` aber befindet sich in einem anderen Git Repository, Sie können eine Alternative URL angeben:
         $ cordova plugin add
 Das Git-Beispiel oben holt das Plugin vom Ende des Zweiges master, aber eine Alternative Git-Ref z. B. einen Tag oder Zweig kann angehängt werden, nach einem `#` Charakter:
 Installieren von einem Tag:
         $ cordova plugin add
 oder einer Zweigniederlassung:
         $ cordova plugin add
 oder Git-Ref wäre auch ein bestimmtes Commit:
         $ cordova plugin add
 Wenn das Plugin (und seine Datei `plugin.xml` ) in einem Unterverzeichnis innerhalb der Git Repo ist, können Sie es mit einem `:` -Zeichen angeben. Beachten Sie, dass das Zeichen `#` noch benötigt wird:
         $ cordova plugin add
 Sie können auch die Git-Ref und das Unterverzeichnis kombinieren:
         $ cordova plugin add
 Alternativ geben Sie einen lokalen Pfad in das Pluginverzeichnis die Datei `plugin.xml` enthaltenen:
         $ cordova plugin add ../my_plugin_dir
 ## Verwendung von *merges* , auf jeder Plattform anpassen
@@ -355,16 +355,16 @@ Während Cordova auf einfache Weise eine app für viele verschiedene Plattformen
 Stattdessen bietet das Verzeichnis der obersten Ebene `merges` einen Ort um Vermögenswerte auf bestimmten Plattformen bereitstellen anzugeben. Jedes plattformspezifischen Unterverzeichnis innerhalb `merges` spiegelt die Verzeichnisstruktur des `www` Source-Trees, sodass Sie überschreiben oder Dateien nach Bedarf hinzufügen. Hier ist beispielsweise, wie Sie verwendet `merges` zur Erhöhung der Standardschriftgrad für Android und Amazon Fire OS Geräte könnten:
 *   Bearbeiten Sie die `www/index.html` Datei, Hinzufügen eines Links zu einer weiteren CSS-Datei `overrides.css` in diesem Fall:
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/overrides.css" />
 *   Erstellen Sie optional ein leeres `www/css/overrides.css` Datei, die für alle nicht-Android Builds, einen fehlende Datei-Fehler zu verhindern, gelten würden.
 *   Erstellen einer `css` Unterverzeichnis innerhalb `merges/android` , fügen Sie eine entsprechende `overrides.css` Datei. Angeben von CSS, die den angegebenen innerhalb 12-Punkt-Standard-Schriftgrad überschreibt `www/css/index.css` , zum Beispiel:
         body { font-size:14px; }
 Wenn Sie das Projekt neu erstellen, verfügt die Android Version die benutzerdefinierte Schriftgröße, während andere unverändert bleiben.
@@ -376,17 +376,17 @@ Cordova verfügt über ein paar globale Befehle, die Ihnen helfen können, wenn
     $ cordova help
     $ cordova        # same
 Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie weitere detaillierte Hilfe zu einem bestimmten Befehl. Zum Beispiel:
     $ cordova run --help
 Der `Info` -Befehl erzeugt eine Liste von potentiell nützliche Details, wie derzeit installierten Plattformen und Plugins, für jede Plattform SDK-Versionen und Versionen der CLI und `node.js`:
     $ cordova info
 Es stellt die Informationen zum Bildschirm und erfasst die Ausgabe in einer lokalen `info.txt` Datei.
@@ -397,17 +397,17 @@ Es stellt die Informationen zum Bildschirm und erfasst die Ausgabe in einer loka
 Nach der Installation des Dienstprogramms `cordova` , können Sie immer auf die neueste Version aktualisieren, indem Sie Ausführen den folgenden Befehl verwenden:
         $ sudo npm update -g cordova
 Verwenden Sie diese Syntax, um eine bestimmte Version zu installieren:
         $ sudo npm install -g cordova@3.1.0-0.2.0
 `cordova -v` um zu sehen, welche Version aktuell ausgeführt wird ausgeführt. Führen Sie den Befehl `npm info` für eine längere Liste enthält, die die aktuelle Version und anderen verfügbaren Versionsnummern:
         $ npm info cordova
 Cordova 3.0 ist die erste Version, die in diesem Abschnitt beschriebenen Befehlszeilenschnittstelle unterstützt. Wenn Sie von einer Version vor 3.0 aktualisieren, müssen Sie ein neues Projekt erstellen, wie oben beschrieben, dann die ältere Anwendung Vermögenswerte in der obersten Ebene `Www` -Verzeichnis kopieren. Gegebenenfalls stehen weitere Informationen zum Upgrade auf 3.0 in den Plattform-Führern. Sobald Sie ein auf die Befehlszeilenschnittstelle `cordova upgrade` und `npm update` verwenden, auf um dem Laufenden zu bleiben, sind die dort beschriebenen zeitaufwändigen Verfahren nicht mehr relevant.
diff --git a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/next/ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/next/
index a2d9bca..d9f6290 100644
--- a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/next/
+++ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/next/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Dieses Handbuch enthält die folgenden Themen:
 *   Benutzeroberfläche
 *   Besondere Überlegungen
 *   Halten
-*   Anfordern von Hilfe 
+*   Anfordern von Hilfe
 # Best Practices-Cordova-app-Entwicklung
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Dieses Handbuch enthält die folgenden Themen:
 Zuallererst - sollten Ihre Cordova-Anwendungen das Design SPA (Single Seite Anwendung) annehmen. Lose definiert, ist ein SPA eine Client-Anwendung, die aus einer Anforderung einer Webseite ausgeführt wird. Der Benutzer lädt einen Anfangssatz von Ressourcen (HTML, CSS und JavaScript) und weitere Updates (zeigt eine neue Ansicht, Laden von Daten) erfolgt über AJAX. Thermen werden häufig für komplexere clientseitige Anwendungen verwendet. Google Mail ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür. Laden Sie Google Mail e-Mail-Ansichten, Bearbeitung und Organisation erfolgen alle durch Aktualisierung das DOM statt tatsächlich die aktuelle Seite zu verlassen um ein völlig neues laden.
-Mit einem SPA kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre Anwendung in effizienter Weise zu organisieren, aber es hat auch bestimmte Vorteile für Cordova Anwendungen. Eine Cordova-Anwendung muss warten, für das Deviceready-Ereignis ausgelöst, bevor alle Plug-ins verwendet werden kann. Wenn Sie keinen SPA verwenden und Ihre Benutzer klickt, um von einer Seite zur anderen zu gehen, müssen Sie warten für Deviceready erneut ausgelöst, bevor Sie machen über ein Plugin zu verwenden. Dies ist einfach zu vergessen, da Ihre Anwendung größer wird.
+Mit einem SPA kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre Anwendung in effizienter Weise zu organisieren, aber es hat auch bestimmte Vorteile für Cordova Anwendungen. Eine Cordova-Anwendung muss warten, für das Deviceready-Ereignis ausgelöst, bevor alle Plugins verwendet werden kann. Wenn Sie keinen SPA verwenden und Ihre Benutzer klickt, um von einer Seite zur anderen zu gehen, müssen Sie warten für Deviceready erneut ausgelöst, bevor Sie machen über ein Plugin zu verwenden. Dies ist einfach zu vergessen, da Ihre Anwendung größer wird.
 Selbst wenn Sie nicht mithilfe von Cordova, wird mobile Application erstellen, ohne die Verwendung einer einzelnen Seitenarchitektur Leistung auswirken. Dies ist denn Navigieren zwischen den Seiten erforderlich sein, Vermögenswerte, Skripte, etc. neu geladen werden. Auch wenn diese Vermögenswerte zwischengespeichert werden, wird es Sie noch Leistungsprobleme.
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Beachten Sie, dass die Online- und offline-Veranstaltungen sowie die Netzwerk-Ve
 Wenn das vorhandene Projekt erstellt wurde, mithilfe von Cordova 3.x, können Sie das Projekt aktualisieren, indem Folgendes ausgeben:
     cordova platform update platform-name ios, android, etc.
 Wenn das vorhandene Projekt, unter einer Version vor Cordova erstellt wurde 3.x, es wäre wohl am besten ein neues Cordova-3.x-Projekt erstellen und kopieren Sie dann des vorhandenen Projekts Code und Vermögenswerte in das neue Projekt. Typische Schritte:
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Hinweis: einige Plugins kompatibel mit der neuen Version von Cordova möglicherw
 Ab Cordova 3.4 gibt es keinen Mechanismus für die Aktualisierung geänderte Plugins mithilfe eines einzelnen Befehls. Stattdessen entfernen Sie das Plugin zu, und fügen Sie sie zurück zu Ihrem Projekt und die neue Version installiert werden:
     Cordova Plugin Rm com.some.plugin Cordova Plugin hinzufügen com.some.plugin
 Achten Sie darauf, das aktualisierte Plugin Dokumentation, zu kontrollieren, Sie benötigen, um Ihren Code zum Arbeiten mit der neuen Version anzupassen. Auch, doppelt überprüfen, die die neue Version des Plugins mit Ihrem Projekt Version von Cordova.
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Testen Ihrer Anwendungen ist super wichtig. Das Cordova-Team nutzt Jasmin aber W
 Es ist nicht ungewöhnlich, dass desktop-Browsern und Gerät-Simulatoren/Emulatoren verwenden Sie beim Entwickeln einer Anwendung von Cordova. Allerdings ist es unglaublich wichtig, dass Sie Ihre Anwendung auf so viele physische Geräte testen wie du nur kannst:
-*   Simulatoren sind genau das: Simulatoren. Beispielsweise Ihre Anwendung in der iOS-Simulator ohne Probleme funktionieren, aber es möglicherweise nicht auf einem echten Gerät (vor allem in bestimmten Umständen, wie etwa einen Speichermangel-Zustand). Oder Ihre app versäumen tatsächlich auf dem Simulator, während es auf einem echten Gerät einwandfrei funktioniert. 
+*   Simulatoren sind genau das: Simulatoren. Beispielsweise Ihre Anwendung in der iOS-Simulator ohne Probleme funktionieren, aber es möglicherweise nicht auf einem echten Gerät (vor allem in bestimmten Umständen, wie etwa einen Speichermangel-Zustand). Oder Ihre app versäumen tatsächlich auf dem Simulator, während es auf einem echten Gerät einwandfrei funktioniert.
 *   Emulatoren sind genau das: Emulatoren. Sie repräsentieren nicht, wie gut Ihre app auf einem physischen Gerät ausgeführt werden. Einige Emulatoren können beispielsweise Ihre app mit einer verstümmelten Anzeige gerendert, während ein echtes Gerät kein Problem hat. (Wenn Sie dieses Problem auftritt, deaktivieren Sie den Host GPU im Emulator.)
 *   Simulatoren sind in der Regel schneller als Ihr physisches Gerät. Emulatoren sind auf der anderen Seite im allgemeinen langsamer. Beurteilen Sie die Leistung Ihrer Anwendung nicht, von wie es in einem Simulator oder einen Emulator durchführt. Beurteilen Sie die Leistung Ihrer Anwendung von wie es auf ein Spektrum an realen Geräten läuft.
 *   Es ist unmöglich, ein gutes Gefühl dafür, wie Ihre app auf Ihrem Touch reagiert, mit einem Simulator oder einen Emulator. Stattdessen kann die app auf einem echten Gerät ausgeführt Probleme mit den Größen der Elemente der Benutzeroberfläche, Reaktionsfähigkeit, usw. hinweisen.
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ Weinre erstellt einen lokalen Server, der einen remote-Debug-Client für Ihre Co
 Erstellen einer Anwendung Cordova sieht schön auf mobile eine Herausforderung sein kann, vor allem für Entwickler. Viele Menschen haben ein UI-Framework verwenden, um dies zu erleichtern. Hier ist eine kurze Liste der Optionen, die Sie betrachten möchten.
 *   [jQuery Mobile][9] - jQuery Mobile erhöht automatisch Ihre Layout für mobile Optimierung. Es behandelt auch einen SPA für Sie automatisch erstellen.
-*   [Ionische][20] -dieser leistungsstarke UI-Framework hat tatsächlich eigene CLI Projekterstellung zu behandeln. 
-*   [Ratsche][21] - geholt Ihnen durch die Menschen, die Bootstrap erstellt. 
+*   [Ionische][20] -dieser leistungsstarke UI-Framework hat tatsächlich eigene CLI Projekterstellung zu behandeln.
+*   [Ratsche][21] - geholt Ihnen durch die Menschen, die Bootstrap erstellt.
 *   [Kendo UI][5] - Open-Source-UI und Application Framework von Telerik.
 *   [DECKLACK][22]
 *   [ReactJS][7]
@@ -255,4 +255,4 @@ Die folgenden Links sind die besten Orte, um Hilfe zu Cordova zu erhalten:
 *   PhoneGap Google Group: [! Forum/Phonegap][28] diese Google Group war das alte Support-Forum als Cordova noch PhoneGap genannt wurde. Zwar gibt es noch eine Menge von Cordova-Benutzer, die dieser Gruppe häufig, hat die Gemeinde Cordova mit Schwerpunkt weniger auf diese Gruppe und stattdessen StackOverflow Unterstützung geäußert
 *   Meetup: <> - betrachten Sie suchen nach einer lokalen Cordova/PhoneGap Meetup-Gruppe
- [28]:!forum/phonegap
\ No newline at end of file
+ [28]:!forum/phonegap
diff --git a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/overview/ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/overview/
index 59ec9f0..3f5706d 100644
--- a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/overview/
+++ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/overview/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Die Anwendung selbst wird als eine Web-Seite implementiert, standardmäßig eine
 Der Cordova-fähigen WebView kann die Anwendung mit der gesamten [Benutzeroberfläche](../next/index.html) bereitstellen. Auf einigen Plattformen kann es auch eine Komponente innerhalb einer größeren, Hybridanwendung sein, die die WebView mit nativen Komponenten mischt. (Siehe Einbettung Webansichten für Details.)
-Eine *Plugin* -Schnittstelle steht für Cordova und systemeigenen Komponenten miteinander kommunizieren. Dadurch können mit systemeigenen Code aus JavaScript aufrufen. Im Idealfall sind die JavaScript-APIs für systemeigenen Code konsistent mehrere Geräteplattformen. Ab der Version 3.0 bieten Plugins Bindungen an standard-Device-APIs. Drittanbieter Plug-ins bieten zusätzliche Bindungen an Funktionen nicht notwendigerweise auf allen Plattformen. Sie können finden diese Drittanbieter Plug-ins in der [Plugin-Registry][3] und in Ihrer Anwendung verwenden. Sie können auch eigene Plugins entwickeln, wie in der Plugin-Entwicklung-Handbuch beschrieben. Plugins, z. B. möglicherweise erforderlich für die Kommunikation zwischen Cordova und benutzerdefinierte systemeigenen Komponenten.
+Eine *Plugin* -Schnittstelle steht für Cordova und systemeigenen Komponenten miteinander kommunizieren. Dadurch können mit systemeigenen Code aus JavaScript aufrufen. Im Idealfall sind die JavaScript-APIs für systemeigenen Code konsistent mehrere Geräteplattformen. Ab der Version 3.0 bieten Plugins Bindungen an standard-Device-APIs. Drittanbieter Plugins bieten zusätzliche Bindungen an Funktionen nicht notwendigerweise auf allen Plattformen. Sie können finden diese Drittanbieter Plugins in der [Plugin-Registry][3] und in Ihrer Anwendung verwenden. Sie können auch eigene Plugins entwickeln, wie in der Plugin-Entwicklung-Handbuch beschrieben. Plugins, z. B. möglicherweise erforderlich für die Kommunikation zwischen Cordova und benutzerdefinierte systemeigenen Komponenten.
@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ Die Installation von Cordova variieren abhängig vom obigen Workflow, die Sie w
 *   Plattform-zentrierte Workflow: finden Sie die Plattform-Handbüchern.
-Nach der Installation von Cordova, empfiehlt es sich, dass Sie die Plattform-Führer für die mobilen Plattformen überprüfen, die Sie für entwickeln werden. Es wird auch empfohlen, dass Sie auch die Privatsphäre Guide, Sicherheit und die nächsten Schritte überprüfen. Konfigurieren von Cordova, finden Sie in der Datei config.xml Datei. JavaScript native Funktion auf einem Gerät zugreifen, finden Sie in der Plugin-APIs. Und finden Sie in den anderen enthalten wie nötig.
\ No newline at end of file
+Nach der Installation von Cordova, empfiehlt es sich, dass Sie die Plattform-Führer für die mobilen Plattformen überprüfen, die Sie für entwickeln werden. Es wird auch empfohlen, dass Sie auch die Privatsphäre Guide, Sicherheit und die nächsten Schritte überprüfen. Konfigurieren von Cordova, finden Sie in der Datei config.xml Datei. JavaScript native Funktion auf einem Gerät zugreifen, finden Sie in der Plugin-APIs. Und finden Sie in den anderen enthalten wie nötig.
diff --git a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index 4e3ce13..6e284e9 100644
--- a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Gibt es bestimmte Schritte benötigt, um wichtige Änderungen in 4.0.0 nutzen. Z
 Für nicht-CLI-Projekte führen:
         bin/update path/to/project
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ CLI-Projekte:
 Alle Whitelist-Funktionalität ist jetzt via Plugin implementiert. Ohne Plugin ist Ihre Anwendung nicht mehr durch eine Whitelist geschützt, nach dem Upgrade auf 4.0.0. Cordova hat zwei Whitelist-Plugins, die verschiedene Ebenen des Schutzes zur Verfügung zu stellen.
 1.  `Cordova-Plugin-Whitelist` Plugin *(empfohlen)*
     *   Dieses Plugin wird dringend empfohlen, da es sicherer und konfigurierbar als die Whitelist in früheren Versionen ist,
     *   Siehe [Cordova-Plugin-Whitelist][1] für Details auf die Konfigurationsänderungen erforderlich
     *   Ausführung: `cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview`
 2.  `Cordova-Plugin-Legacy-Whitelist` plugin
     *   Dieses Plugin bietet das Whitelist-Verhalten wie in früheren Versionen. Siehe [Cordova-Plugin-Legacy-whitelist][2]
     *   Keine Konfigurationsänderungen sind erforderlich, aber es bietet weniger Schutz als die empfohlenen plugin
     *   Ausführung: `cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist`
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Alle Whitelist-Funktionalität ist jetzt via Plugin implementiert. Ohne Plugin i
 Standardmäßig wird Ihre Anwendung weiterhin das System verwenden WebView vom Gerät zur Verfügung gestellt. Wenn Sie den Zebrastreifen WebView stattdessen verwenden möchten, fügen Sie einfach das Zebrastreifen-Plugin:
     cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
 Das Plugin hinzufügen, erhalten Ihre app den Zebrastreifen WebView ordnungsgemäß installiert und konfiguriert.
@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ Das Plugin hinzufügen, erhalten Ihre app den Zebrastreifen WebView ordnungsgem
 Wenn Ihre app macht Verwendung von einen Splash-Screen Funktionalität zu einem Plugin verschoben wurde. Die Konfigurationsoptionen für Begrüßungsbildschirme sind unverändert. Der einzige Upgrade Schritt benötigt, ist das Plugin hinzufügen:
     cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
 ## Upgrade von 3.6.0 auf 3.7.1
 Für nicht-CLI-Projekte führen:
         bin/update path/to/project
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Für Projekte, die mit Cordova CLI erstellt wurden:
 Für Projekte, die nicht mit der Cordova CLI erstellt ausgeführt:
         bin/update <project_path>
 **WARNUNG:** Auf Android 4.4 - Android 4.4.3, Erstellen einer Datei input-Element mit type="file" wird nicht im Dialog Datei Picker. Dies ist eine Regression mit Chrom auf Android und das Problem reproduzierbar in der Standalone-Chrome-Browser auf Android (siehe die empfohlene Problemumgehung besteht darin die FileTransfer und Datei-Plugins für Android 4.4 verwenden. Sie können für ein OnClick-Ereignis aus der Eingabetyp type="file" und dann pop-up eine Dateiauswahl UI. Um die Formulardaten mit dem Upload zu binden, können Sie JavaScript Formularwerte FileTransfer macht die mehrteilige POST-Anforderung an.
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Für Projekte, die mit Cordova CLI erstellt wurden:
 Für Projekte, die nicht mit der Cordova CLI erstellt ausgeführt:
         bin/update <project_path>
 ## Upgrade auf die CLI (3.0.0) aus 2.9.0
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ Für Projekte, die nicht mit der Cordova CLI erstellt ausgeführt:
 3.  Kopieren Sie nativen Android Vermögen aus dem `res`-Verzeichnis zum neuen Projekt.
-4.  Kopieren Sie über alle Plug-ins, die Sie aus der `src`-Unterverzeichnissen in das neue Projekt installiert.
+4.  Kopieren Sie über alle Plugins, die Sie aus der `src`-Unterverzeichnissen in das neue Projekt installiert.
 5.  Achten Sie darauf, alle aktualisieren veraltet `<plugin>` Verweise aus der alten Datei `"config.xml"` auf der neuen `<feature>` Spezifikation.
 6.  Alle Verweise auf das `org.apache.cordova.api`-Paket `org.apache.cordova` zu aktualisieren.
     **Hinweis**: alle Core APIs wurden entfernt und als Plugins installiert sein. Einzelheiten finden Sie unter der Verwendung von Plugman zum Verwalten von Plugins-Anleitung.
 ## Ein Upgrade auf 2.9.0 von 2.8.0
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ In der 2.0.0 Release, die Datei `config.xml` kombiniert und ersetzt `cordova.xml
 6.  Update `res/xml/plugins.xml` entsprechend`framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
-Aufgrund der Einführung des `CordovaWebView` in die 1.9.0 release, Drittanbieter Plug-ins funktionieren nicht. Diese Plugins müssen einen Kontext aus dem `CordovaInterface` mit `getContext()` oder `getActivity()`. Wenn Sie kein erfahrener Android-Entwickler sind, bitte kontaktieren Sie den Plugin-Betreuer und fügen Sie diese Aufgabe auf ihre Bug-Tracker.
+Aufgrund der Einführung des `CordovaWebView` in die 1.9.0 release, Drittanbieter Plugins funktionieren nicht. Diese Plugins müssen einen Kontext aus dem `CordovaInterface` mit `getContext()` oder `getActivity()`. Wenn Sie kein erfahrener Android-Entwickler sind, bitte kontaktieren Sie den Plugin-Betreuer und fügen Sie diese Aufgabe auf ihre Bug-Tracker.
 ## Ein Upgrade auf 1.8.0 von 1.8.0
@@ -497,4 +497,4 @@ Aufgrund der Einführung des `CordovaWebView` in die 1.9.0 release, Drittanbiete
 5.  Aktualisieren Sie den HTML-Code um die neue `Phonegap-1.0.0.js` -Datei verwenden.
-6.  Fügen Sie die `res/xml/plugins.xml` entsprechend `framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
\ No newline at end of file
+6.  Fügen Sie die `res/xml/plugins.xml` entsprechend `framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
diff --git a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index 1b07786..d46691c 100644
--- a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Für Projekte, die mit Cordova CLI erstellt wurden:
 Für Projekte, die nicht mit der Cordova CLI erstellt ausgeführt:
         bin/update <project_path>
 ## Upgrade von 3.0.0 auf 3.1.0
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Für Projekte, die mit Cordova CLI erstellt wurden:
 Für Projekte, die nicht mit der Cordova CLI erstellt ausgeführt:
         bin/update <project_path>
 ## Upgrade auf die CLI (3.0.0) von 2.9.0
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ platform add android`.
 5.  Achten Sie darauf, alle veraltet aktualisieren `<plugin>` Referenzen aus Ihrem alten `config.xml` Datei an den neuen `<feature>` Spezifikation.
 6.  Aktualisieren Sie alle Verweise auf die `org.apache.cordova.api` Paket ist`org.apache.cordova`.
     **Hinweis**: alle Core APIs wurden entfernt und als Plugins installiert sein. Einzelheiten finden Sie unter der Verwendung von Plugman zum Verwalten von Plugins-Anleitung.
 ## Ein Upgrade auf 2.9.0 von 2.8.0
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Die 2.0.0 release, die `config.xml` Datei kombiniert und ersetzt `cordova.xml` u
 6.  Update `res/xml/plugins.xml` entsprechend`framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
-Durch die Einführung der `CordovaWebView` in der 1.9.0 Release, Drittanbieter Plug-ins funktionieren nicht. Diese Plugins brauchen, um einen Kontext aus dem `CordovaInterface` mit `getContext()` oder `getActivity()` . Wenn Sie kein erfahrener Android-Entwickler sind, bitte kontaktieren Sie den Plugin-Betreuer und fügen Sie diese Aufgabe auf ihre Bug-Tracker.
+Durch die Einführung der `CordovaWebView` in der 1.9.0 Release, Drittanbieter Plugins funktionieren nicht. Diese Plugins brauchen, um einen Kontext aus dem `CordovaInterface` mit `getContext()` oder `getActivity()` . Wenn Sie kein erfahrener Android-Entwickler sind, bitte kontaktieren Sie den Plugin-Betreuer und fügen Sie diese Aufgabe auf ihre Bug-Tracker.
 ## Ein Upgrade auf 1.8.0 von 1.8.0
@@ -433,4 +433,4 @@ Durch die Einführung der `CordovaWebView` in der 1.9.0 Release, Drittanbieter P
 5.  Aktualisieren Sie den HTML-Code um das neue `phonegap-1.0.0.js` Datei.
-6.  Fügen Sie die `res/xml/plugins.xml` entsprechend`framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
\ No newline at end of file
+6.  Fügen Sie die `res/xml/plugins.xml` entsprechend`framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
diff --git a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/support/ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/support/
index ee72fdf..e354704 100644
--- a/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/support/
+++ b/www/docs/de/6.x/guide/support/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ title: Plattformunterstützung
 # Plattformunterstützung
-Im folgenden wird die Gruppe von Entwicklungs-Tools und APIs verfügbar-Gerät für jede mobile Plattform. Das Gerät, das APIs hier aufgelistet werden bereitgestellt von Core-Plugins, zusätzliche APIs über [Drittanbieter Plug-ins][1]verfügbar sind. Spaltenüberschriften die CLI Stenographie Namen angezeigt.
+Im folgenden wird die Gruppe von Entwicklungs-Tools und APIs verfügbar-Gerät für jede mobile Plattform. Das Gerät, das APIs hier aufgelistet werden bereitgestellt von Core-Plugins, zusätzliche APIs über [Drittanbieter Plugins][1]verfügbar sind. Spaltenüberschriften die CLI Stenographie Namen angezeigt.
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Im folgenden wird die Gruppe von Entwicklungs-Tools und APIs verfügbar-Gerät f
-          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plug-in<br />Schnittstelle</a>
+          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plugin<br />Schnittstelle</a>
         <td data-col="amazon-fireos" class="y">
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/config_ref/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/config_ref/
index 22722d1..c6f302c 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/config_ref/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/config_ref/
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ src           | *Required* <br/> Location of the image file, relative to your pr
 platform      | *Optional* <br/> Target platform
 width         | *Optional* <br/> Icon width in pixels
 height        | *Optional* <br/> Icon height in pixels
-density       | *Optional* <br/> Specified icon density (Android Specific)
+density       | *Optional* <br/> ==Android== <br/> Specified icon density
+target        | *Optional* <br/> ==Windows== <br/> Destination filename for the image file and all its' MRT companions
 The following configuration can be used to define single default icon
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ different screen resolutions.
     <platform name="android">
-        <!-- 
+        <!--
             ldpi    : 36x36 px
             mdpi    : 48x48 px
             hdpi    : 72x72 px
@@ -119,6 +120,45 @@ different screen resolutions.
 - [App icon and image size guidelines](
+For Windows the recommended approach to define app icons is to use `target` attribute.
+    <platform name="windows">
+        <icon src="res/windows/storelogo.png" target="StoreLogo" />
+        <icon src="res/windows/smalllogo.png" target="Square30x30Logo" />
+        <icon src="res/Windows/Square44x44Logo.png" target="Square44x44Logo" />
+        <icon src="res/Windows/Square70x70Logo.png" target="Square70x70Logo" />
+        <icon src="res/Windows/Square71x71Logo.png" target="Square71x71Logo" />
+        <icon src="res/Windows/Square150x150Logo.png" target="Square150x150Logo" />
+        <icon src="res/Windows/Square310x310Logo.png" target="Square310x310Logo" />
+        <icon src="res/Windows/Wide310x150Logo.png" target="Wide310x150Logo" />
+    </platform>
+where `source` is the path to the icon which needs to be added.
+Please note that Windows platform handles MRT icons automatically, so if you specify `src="res/windows/storelogo.png"` the following files will be copied into app's `images` folder: `res/windows/storelogo.scale-100.png`, `res/windows/storelogo.scale-200.png`, etc.
+The `target` attribute specifies the base name for resultant icons. For every icon file destination filename is calculated as `target + '.' + MRT_qualifiers + extension(src)`. For the icons to display properly in resultant app every `target` value should be the one of icon filenames, defined in application's `.appxmanifest` file.
+Summarizing the above, using `target` attribute it is possible to:
+  * define a group of icons for different device scale factors using single `<icon ...>` element, for example:
+    <icon src="res/Windows/AppListIcon.png" target="Square44x44Logo" />
+  which is equivalent to the following lines:
+    <icon src="res/Windows/Square44x44Logo.scale-100.png" width="44" height="44" />
+    <icon src="res/Windows/Square44x44Logo.scale-150.png" width="66" height="66" />
+    <icon src="res/Windows/Square44x44Logo.scale-200.png" width="88" height="88" />
+    <icon src="res/Windows/Square44x44Logo.scale-240.png" width="106" height="106" />
+  * define icons with scale factors other than `scale-100` and `scale-240` (and any other MRT qualifiers)
+Though it is not recommended but is still possible to define icons using `width` and `height` attributes:
     <platform name="windows">
         <icon src="res/windows/logo.png" width="150" height="150" />
@@ -135,8 +175,10 @@ different screen resolutions.
         <icon src="res/Windows/Wide310x150Logo.scale-240.png" width="744" height="360" />
 ###See Also:
-- [Windows platform guidelines for icons](
+- [Windows 10 platform guidelines for icons](
+- [Windows 8.1 tiles and icons sizes](
 ##Windows Phone 8 (WP8 Platform)
@@ -148,4 +190,4 @@ different screen resolutions.
-[splashscreen_plugin]: ../cordova-plugin-splashscreen/
\ No newline at end of file
+[splashscreen_plugin]: ../reference/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/

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[03/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

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diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-media/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-media/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55b8aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-media/
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-media
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-media
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-media
+This plugin provides the ability to record and play back audio files on a device.
+__NOTE__: The current implementation does not adhere to a W3C
+specification for media capture, and is provided for convenience only.
+A future implementation will adhere to the latest W3C specification
+and may deprecate the current APIs.
+This plugin defines a global `Media` Constructor.
+Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(Media);
+    }
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media
+## Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Tizen
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+## Windows Phone Quirks
+- Only one media file can be played back at a time.
+## Media
+    var media = new Media(src, mediaSuccess, [mediaError], [mediaStatus]);
+### Parameters
+- __src__: A URI containing the audio content. _(DOMString)_
+- __mediaSuccess__: (Optional) The callback that executes after a `Media` object has completed the current play, record, or stop action. _(Function)_
+- __mediaError__: (Optional) The callback that executes if an error occurs. _(Function)_
+- __mediaStatus__: (Optional) The callback that executes to indicate status changes. _(Function)_
+__NOTE__: `cdvfile` path is supported as `src` parameter:
+var my_media = new Media('cdvfile://localhost/temporary/recording.mp3', ...);
+### Constants
+The following constants are reported as the only parameter to the
+`mediaStatus` callback:
+- `Media.MEDIA_NONE`     = 0;
+- `Media.MEDIA_STARTING` = 1;
+- `Media.MEDIA_RUNNING`  = 2;
+- `Media.MEDIA_PAUSED`   = 3;
+- `Media.MEDIA_STOPPED`  = 4;
+### Methods
+- `media.getCurrentPosition`: Returns the current position within an audio file.
+- `media.getDuration`: Returns the duration of an audio file.
+- ``: Start or resume playing an audio file.
+- `media.pause`: Pause playback of an audio file.
+- `media.release`: Releases the underlying operating system's audio resources.
+- `media.seekTo`: Moves the position within the audio file.
+- `media.setVolume`: Set the volume for audio playback.
+- `media.startRecord`: Start recording an audio file.
+- `media.stopRecord`: Stop recording an audio file.
+- `media.stop`: Stop playing an audio file.
+### Additional ReadOnly Parameters
+- __position__: The position within the audio playback, in seconds.
+    - Not automatically updated during play; call `getCurrentPosition` to update.
+- __duration__: The duration of the media, in seconds.
+## media.getCurrentPosition
+Returns the current position within an audio file.  Also updates the `Media` object's `position` parameter.
+    media.getCurrentPosition(mediaSuccess, [mediaError]);
+### Parameters
+- __mediaSuccess__: The callback that is passed the current position in seconds.
+- __mediaError__: (Optional) The callback to execute if an error occurs.
+### Quick Example
+    // Audio player
+    //
+    var my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
+    // Update media position every second
+    var mediaTimer = setInterval(function () {
+        // get media position
+        my_media.getCurrentPosition(
+            // success callback
+            function (position) {
+                if (position > -1) {
+                    console.log((position) + " sec");
+                }
+            },
+            // error callback
+            function (e) {
+                console.log("Error getting pos=" + e);
+            }
+        );
+    }, 1000);
+## media.getDuration
+Returns the duration of an audio file in seconds. If the duration is unknown, it returns a value of -1.
+    media.getDuration();
+### Quick Example
+    // Audio player
+    //
+    var my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
+    // Get duration
+    var counter = 0;
+    var timerDur = setInterval(function() {
+        counter = counter + 100;
+        if (counter > 2000) {
+            clearInterval(timerDur);
+        }
+        var dur = my_media.getDuration();
+        if (dur > 0) {
+            clearInterval(timerDur);
+            document.getElementById('audio_duration').innerHTML = (dur) + " sec";
+        }
+    }, 100);
+## media.pause
+Pauses playing an audio file.
+    media.pause();
+### Quick Example
+    // Play audio
+    //
+    function playAudio(url) {
+        // Play the audio file at url
+        var my_media = new Media(url,
+            // success callback
+            function () { console.log("playAudio():Audio Success"); },
+            // error callback
+            function (err) { console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: " + err); }
+        );
+        // Play audio
+        // Pause after 10 seconds
+        setTimeout(function () {
+            my_media.pause();
+        }, 10000);
+    }
+Starts or resumes playing an audio file.
+### Quick Example
+    // Play audio
+    //
+    function playAudio(url) {
+        // Play the audio file at url
+        var my_media = new Media(url,
+            // success callback
+            function () {
+                console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");
+            },
+            // error callback
+            function (err) {
+                console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: " + err);
+            }
+        );
+        // Play audio
+    }
+### iOS Quirks
+- __numberOfLoops__: Pass this option to the `play` method to specify
+  the number of times you want the media file to play, e.g.:
+        var myMedia = new Media("")
+{ numberOfLoops: 2 })
+- __playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked__: Pass in this option to the `play`
+  method to specify whether you want to allow playback when the screen
+  is locked.  If set to `true` (the default value), the state of the
+  hardware mute button is ignored, e.g.:
+        var myMedia = new Media("")
+{ playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked : false })
+- __order of file search__: When only a file name or simple path is
+  provided, iOS searches in the `www` directory for the file, then in
+  the application's `documents/tmp` directory:
+        var myMedia = new Media("audio/beer.mp3")
+  // first looks for file in www/audio/beer.mp3 then in <application>/documents/tmp/audio/beer.mp3
+## media.release
+Releases the underlying operating system's audio resources.
+This is particularly important for Android, since there are a finite amount of
+OpenCore instances for media playback. Applications should call the `release`
+function for any `Media` resource that is no longer needed.
+    media.release();
+### Quick Example
+    // Audio player
+    //
+    var my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
+    my_media.stop();
+    my_media.release();
+## media.seekTo
+Sets the current position within an audio file.
+    media.seekTo(milliseconds);
+### Parameters
+- __milliseconds__: The position to set the playback position within the audio, in milliseconds.
+### Quick Example
+    // Audio player
+    //
+    var my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
+    // SeekTo to 10 seconds after 5 seconds
+    setTimeout(function() {
+        my_media.seekTo(10000);
+    }, 5000);
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- Not supported on BlackBerry OS 5 devices.
+## media.setVolume
+Set the volume for an audio file.
+    media.setVolume(volume);
+### Parameters
+- __volume__: The volume to set for playback.  The value must be within the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- iOS
+### Quick Example
+    // Play audio
+    //
+    function playAudio(url) {
+        // Play the audio file at url
+        var my_media = new Media(url,
+            // success callback
+            function() {
+                console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");
+            },
+            // error callback
+            function(err) {
+                console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: "+err);
+        });
+        // Play audio
+        // Mute volume after 2 seconds
+        setTimeout(function() {
+            my_media.setVolume('0.0');
+        }, 2000);
+        // Set volume to 1.0 after 5 seconds
+        setTimeout(function() {
+            my_media.setVolume('1.0');
+        }, 5000);
+    }
+## media.startRecord
+Starts recording an audio file.
+    media.startRecord();
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+### Quick Example
+    // Record audio
+    //
+    function recordAudio() {
+        var src = "myrecording.mp3";
+        var mediaRec = new Media(src,
+            // success callback
+            function() {
+                console.log("recordAudio():Audio Success");
+            },
+            // error callback
+            function(err) {
+                console.log("recordAudio():Audio Error: "+ err.code);
+            });
+        // Record audio
+        mediaRec.startRecord();
+    }
+### Android Quirks
+- Android devices record audio in Adaptive Multi-Rate format. The specified file should end with a _.amr_ extension.
+- The hardware volume controls are wired up to the media volume while any Media objects are alive. Once the last created Media object has `release()` called on it, the volume controls revert to their default behaviour. The controls are also reset on page navigation, as this releases all Media objects.
+### iOS Quirks
+- iOS only records to files of type _.wav_ and returns an error if the file name extension is not correct.
+- If a full path is not provided, the recording is placed in the application's `documents/tmp` directory. This can be accessed via the `File` API using `LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY`. Any subdirectory specified at record time must already exist.
+- Files can be recorded and played back using the documents URI:
+        var myMedia = new Media("documents://beer.mp3")
+### Windows Quirks
+- Windows devices can use MP3, M4A and WMA formats for recorded audio. However in most cases it is not possible to use MP3 for audio recording on _Windows Phone 8.1_ devices, because an MP3 encoder is [not shipped with Windows Phone](
+- If a full path is not provided, the recording is placed in the `AppData/temp` directory. This can be accessed via the `File` API using `LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY` or `ms-appdata:///temp/<filename>` URI.
+- Any subdirectory specified at record time must already exist.
+### Tizen Quirks
+- Not supported on Tizen devices.
+## media.stop
+Stops playing an audio file.
+    media.stop();
+### Quick Example
+    // Play audio
+    //
+    function playAudio(url) {
+        // Play the audio file at url
+        var my_media = new Media(url,
+            // success callback
+            function() {
+                console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");
+            },
+            // error callback
+            function(err) {
+                console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: "+err);
+            }
+        );
+        // Play audio
+        // Pause after 10 seconds
+        setTimeout(function() {
+            my_media.stop();
+        }, 10000);
+    }
+## media.stopRecord
+Stops recording an audio file.
+    media.stopRecord();
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+### Quick Example
+    // Record audio
+    //
+    function recordAudio() {
+        var src = "myrecording.mp3";
+        var mediaRec = new Media(src,
+            // success callback
+            function() {
+                console.log("recordAudio():Audio Success");
+            },
+            // error callback
+            function(err) {
+                console.log("recordAudio():Audio Error: "+ err.code);
+            }
+        );
+        // Record audio
+        mediaRec.startRecord();
+        // Stop recording after 10 seconds
+        setTimeout(function() {
+            mediaRec.stopRecord();
+        }, 10000);
+    }
+### Tizen Quirks
+- Not supported on Tizen devices.
+## MediaError
+A `MediaError` object is returned to the `mediaError` callback
+function when an error occurs.
+### Properties
+- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
+- __message__: An error message describing the details of the error.
+### Constants
+- `MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED`        = 1
+- `MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK`        = 2
+- `MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE`         = 3
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-network-information/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-network-information/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-network-information/
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-network-information
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-network-information
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-network-information
+This plugin provides an implementation of an old version of the
+[Network Information API](
+It provides information about the device's cellular and
+wifi connection, and whether the device has an internet connection.
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker][Apache Cordova issue tracker].
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Tizen
+- Windows
+- Firefox OS
+# Connection
+> The `connection` object, exposed via `navigator.connection`,  provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection.
+## Properties
+- connection.type
+## Constants
+- Connection.UNKNOWN
+- Connection.ETHERNET
+- Connection.WIFI
+- Connection.CELL_2G
+- Connection.CELL_3G
+- Connection.CELL_4G
+- Connection.CELL
+- Connection.NONE
+## connection.type
+This property offers a fast way to determine the device's network
+connection state, and type of connection.
+### Quick Example
+    function checkConnection() {
+        var networkState = navigator.connection.type;
+        var states = {};
+        states[Connection.UNKNOWN]  = 'Unknown connection';
+        states[Connection.ETHERNET] = 'Ethernet connection';
+        states[Connection.WIFI]     = 'WiFi connection';
+        states[Connection.CELL_2G]  = 'Cell 2G connection';
+        states[Connection.CELL_3G]  = 'Cell 3G connection';
+        states[Connection.CELL_4G]  = 'Cell 4G connection';
+        states[Connection.CELL]     = 'Cell generic connection';
+        states[Connection.NONE]     = 'No network connection';
+        alert('Connection type: ' + states[networkState]);
+    }
+    checkConnection();
+### API Change
+Until Cordova 2.3.0, the `Connection` object was accessed via
+``, after which it was changed to
+`navigator.connection` to match the W3C specification.  It's still
+available at its original location, but is deprecated and will
+eventually be removed.
+### iOS Quirks
+- <iOS7 can't detect the type of cellular network connection.
+    - `navigator.connection.type` is set to `Connection.CELL` for all cellular data.
+### Windows Phone Quirks
+- When running in the emulator, always detects `navigator.connection.type` as `Connection.UNKNOWN`.
+- Windows Phone can't detect the type of cellular network connection.
+    - `navigator.connection.type` is set to `Connection.CELL` for all cellular data.
+### Windows Quirks
+- When running in the Phone 8.1 emulator, always detects `navigator.connection.type` as `Connection.ETHERNET`.
+### Tizen Quirks
+- Tizen can only detect a WiFi or cellular connection.
+    - `navigator.connection.type` is set to `Connection.CELL_2G` for all cellular data.
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+- Firefox OS can't detect the type of cellular network connection.
+    - `navigator.connection.type` is set to `Connection.CELL` for all cellular data.
+### Browser Quirks
+- Browser can't detect the type of network connection.
+`navigator.connection.type` is always set to `Connection.UNKNOWN` when online.
+# Network-related Events
+## offline
+The event fires when an application goes offline, and the device is
+not connected to the Internet.
+    document.addEventListener("offline", yourCallbackFunction, false);
+### Details
+The `offline` event fires when a previously connected device loses a
+network connection so that an application can no longer access the
+Internet.  It relies on the same information as the Connection API,
+and fires when the value of `connection.type` becomes `NONE`.
+Applications typically should use `document.addEventListener` to
+attach an event listener once the `deviceready` event fires.
+### Quick Example
+    document.addEventListener("offline", onOffline, false);
+    function onOffline() {
+        // Handle the offline event
+    }
+### iOS Quirks
+During initial startup, the first offline event (if applicable) takes at least a second to fire.
+### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
+When running in the Emulator, the `connection.status` is always unknown, so this event does _not_ fire.
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+The Emulator reports the connection type as `Cellular`, which does not change, so the event does _not_ fire.
+## online
+This event fires when an application goes online, and the device
+becomes connected to the Internet.
+    document.addEventListener("online", yourCallbackFunction, false);
+### Details
+The `online` event fires when a previously unconnected device receives
+a network connection to allow an application access to the Internet.
+It relies on the same information as the Connection API,
+and fires when the `connection.type` changes from `NONE` to any other
+Applications typically should use `document.addEventListener` to
+attach an event listener once the `deviceready` event fires.
+### Quick Example
+    document.addEventListener("online", onOnline, false);
+    function onOnline() {
+        // Handle the online event
+    }
+### iOS Quirks
+During initial startup, the first `online` event (if applicable) takes
+at least a second to fire, prior to which `connection.type` is
+### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
+When running in the Emulator, the `connection.status` is always unknown, so this event does _not_ fire.
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+The Emulator reports the connection type as `Cellular`, which does not change, so events does _not_ fire.
+[Apache Cordova issue tracker]:
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db451ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-splashscreen
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-splashscreen
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-splashscreen
+This plugin displays and hides a splash screen during application launch.
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker][Apache Cordova issue tracker].
+## Installation
+    // npm hosted (new) id
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
+    // you may also install directly from this repo
+    cordova plugin add
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+## Preferences
+#### config.xml
+-  __SplashScreen__ (string). The resource name which is used for the displaying splash screen. Different platforms use values for this.
+        <preference name="SplashScreen" value="resourcename" />
+-  __AutoHideSplashScreen__ (boolean, default to `true`). Indicates wherether hide splash screen automatically or not. Splash screen hidden after amount of time specified in the `SplashScreenDelay` preference.
+        <preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="true" />
+-  __SplashScreenDelay__ (number, default to 3000). Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before automatically hide splash screen.
+        <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" />
+### Android Quirks
+In your `config.xml`, you need to add the following preferences:
+    <preference name="SplashScreen" value="foo" />
+    <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" />
+    <preference name="SplashMaintainAspectRatio" value="true|false" />
+    <preference name="SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" value="true|false" />
+Where foo is the name of the splashscreen file, preferably a 9 patch file. Make sure to add your splashcreen files to your res/xml directory under the appropriate folders. The second parameter represents how long the splashscreen will appear in milliseconds. It defaults to 3000 ms. See [Icons and Splash Screens](
+for more information.
+"SplashMaintainAspectRatio" preference is optional. If set to true, splash screen drawable is not stretched to fit screen, but instead simply "covers" the screen, like CSS "background-size:cover". This is very useful when splash screen images cannot be distorted in any way, for example when they contain scenery or text. This setting works best with images that have large margins (safe areas) that can be safely cropped on screens with different aspect ratios.
+The plugin reloads splash drawable whenever orientation changes, so you can specify different drawables for portrait and landscape orientations.
+"SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" preference is also optional and defaults to `true`. When set to `true` splash screen will only appear on application launch. However, if you plan to use `` to close application and force splash screen appear on next launch, you should set this property to `false` (this also applies to closing the App with Back button).
+### Browser Quirks
+You can use the following preferences in your `config.xml`:
+    <platform name="browser">
+        <preference name="SplashScreen" value="/images/browser/splashscreen.jpg" /> <!-- defaults to "/img/logo.png" -->
+        <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" /> <!-- defaults to "3000" -->
+        <preference name="SplashScreenBackgroundColor" value="green" /> <!-- defaults to "#464646" -->
+        <preference name="ShowSplashScreen" value="false" /> <!-- defaults to "true" -->
+        <preference name="SplashScreenWidth" value="600" /> <!-- defaults to "170" -->
+        <preference name="SplashScreenHeight" value="300" /> <!-- defaults to "200" -->
+    </platform>
+__Note__: `SplashScreen` value should be absolute in order to work in a sub-page.
+### Android and iOS Quirks
+- `FadeSplashScreen` (boolean, defaults to `true`): Set to `false` to
+  prevent the splash screen from fading in and out when its display
+  state changes.
+        <preference name="FadeSplashScreen" value="false"/>
+- `FadeSplashScreenDuration` (float, defaults to `3000`): Specifies the
+  number of milliseconds for the splash screen fade effect to execute.
+        <preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="3000"/>
+Note also that this value used to be seconds, and not milliseconds, so values less than 30 will still be treated as seconds. ( Consider this a deprecated patch that will disapear in some future version. )
+_Note_: `FadeSplashScreenDuration` is included into `SplashScreenDelay`, for example if you have `<preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" />` and `<preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="1000"/>` defined in `config.xml`:
+- 00:00 - splashscreen is shown
+- 00:02 - fading has started
+- 00:03 - splashscreen is hidden
+Turning the fading off via `<preference name="FadeSplashScreen" value="false"/>` technically means fading duration to be `0` so that in this example the overall splash delay will still be 3 seconds.
+_Note_: This only applies to the app startup - you need to take the fading timeout into account when manually showing/hiding the splashscreen in the code:
+window.setTimeout(function () {
+    navigator.splashscreen.hide();
+}, splashDuration - fadeDuration);
+- `ShowSplashScreenSpinner` (boolean, defaults to `true`): Set to `false`
+  to hide the splash-screen spinner.
+        <preference name="ShowSplashScreenSpinner" value="false"/>
+## Methods
+- splashscreen.hide
+## splashscreen.hide
+Dismiss the splash screen.
+    navigator.splashscreen.hide();
+### BlackBerry 10, WP8, iOS Quirk
+The `config.xml` file's `AutoHideSplashScreen` setting must be
+`false`. To delay hiding the splash screen for two seconds, add a
+timer such as the following in the `deviceready` event handler:
+        setTimeout(function() {
+            navigator.splashscreen.hide();
+        }, 2000);
+Displays the splash screen.
+Your application cannot call `` until the app has
+started and the `deviceready` event has fired. But since typically the splash
+screen is meant to be visible before your app has started, that would seem to
+defeat the purpose of the splash screen.  Providing some configuration in
+`config.xml` will automatically `show` the splash screen immediately after your
+app launch and before it has fully started and received the `deviceready`
+event. See [Icons and Splash Screens](
+for more information on doing this configuration. For this reason, it is
+unlikely you need to call `` to make the splash
+screen visible for app startup.
+[Apache Cordova issue tracker]:
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-statusbar/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-statusbar/
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+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-statusbar/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-statusbar
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-statusbar
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-statusbar
+> The `StatusBar` object provides some functions to customize the iOS and Android StatusBar.
+:warning: Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+This installation method requires cordova 5.0+
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-statusbar
+Older versions of cordova can still install via the __deprecated__ id
+    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.statusbar
+It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
+    cordova plugin add
+#### config.xml
+-  __StatusBarOverlaysWebView__ (boolean, defaults to true). On iOS 7, make the statusbar overlay or not overlay the WebView at startup.
+        <preference name="StatusBarOverlaysWebView" value="true" />
+- __StatusBarBackgroundColor__ (color hex string, no default value). On iOS 7, set the background color of the statusbar by a hex string (#RRGGBB) at startup. If this value is not set, the background color will be transparent.
+        <preference name="StatusBarBackgroundColor" value="#000000" />
+- __StatusBarStyle__ (status bar style, defaults to lightcontent). On iOS 7, set the status bar style. Available options default, lightcontent, blacktranslucent, blackopaque.
+        <preference name="StatusBarStyle" value="lightcontent" />
+### Android Quirks
+The Android 5+ guidelines specify using a different color for the statusbar than your main app color (unlike the uniform statusbar color of many iOS 7+ apps), so you may want to set the statusbar color at runtime instead via `StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString` or `StatusBar.backgroundColorByName`. One way to do that would be:
+if (cordova.platformId == 'android') {
+    StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#333");
+Hiding at startup
+During runtime you can use the StatusBar.hide function below, but if you want the StatusBar to be hidden at app startup, you must modify your app's Info.plist file.
+Add/edit these two attributes if not present. Set **"Status bar is initially hidden"** to **"YES"** and set **"View controller-based status bar appearance"** to **"NO"**. If you edit it manually without Xcode, the keys and values are:
+	<key>UIStatusBarHidden</key>
+	<true/>
+	<key>UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance</key>
+	<false/>
+This plugin defines global `StatusBar` object.
+Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(StatusBar);
+    }
+- StatusBar.overlaysWebView
+- StatusBar.styleDefault
+- StatusBar.styleLightContent
+- StatusBar.styleBlackTranslucent
+- StatusBar.styleBlackOpaque
+- StatusBar.backgroundColorByName
+- StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString
+- StatusBar.hide
+- StatusBar.isVisible
+#### config.xml
+            <feature name="StatusBar">
+                <param name="ios-package" value="CDVStatusBar" onload="true" />
+            </feature>
+On iOS 7, make the statusbar overlay or not overlay the WebView.
+    StatusBar.overlaysWebView(true);
+On iOS 7, set to false to make the statusbar appear like iOS 6. Set the style and background color to suit using the other functions.
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+Quick Example
+    StatusBar.overlaysWebView(true);
+    StatusBar.overlaysWebView(false);
+Use the default statusbar (dark text, for light backgrounds).
+    StatusBar.styleDefault();
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
+Use the lightContent statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds).
+    StatusBar.styleLightContent();
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
+Use the blackTranslucent statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds).
+    StatusBar.styleBlackTranslucent();
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
+Use the blackOpaque statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds).
+    StatusBar.styleBlackOpaque();
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
+On iOS 7, when you set StatusBar.statusBarOverlaysWebView to false, you can set the background color of the statusbar by color name.
+    StatusBar.backgroundColorByName("red");
+Supported color names are:
+    black, darkGray, lightGray, white, gray, red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, magenta, orange, purple, brown
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Android 5+
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
+Sets the background color of the statusbar by a hex string.
+    StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#C0C0C0");
+CSS shorthand properties are also supported.
+    StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#333"); // => #333333
+    StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#FAB"); // => #FFAABB
+On iOS 7, when you set StatusBar.statusBarOverlaysWebView to false, you can set the background color of the statusbar by a hex string (#RRGGBB).
+On WP7 and WP8 you can also specify values as #AARRGGBB, where AA is an alpha value
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Android 5+
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
+Hide the statusbar.
+    StatusBar.hide();
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Android
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
+Shows the statusbar.
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Android
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
+Read this property to see if the statusbar is visible or not.
+    if (StatusBar.isVisible) {
+    	// do something
+    }
+Supported Platforms
+- iOS
+- Android
+- Windows Phone 7
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows Phone 8.1
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-vibration/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-vibration/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..551f98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-vibration/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-vibration
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-vibration
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-vibration
+This plugin aligns with the W3C vibration specification
+This plugin provides a way to vibrate the device.
+This plugin defines global objects including `navigator.vibrate`.
+Although in the global scope, they are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(navigator.vibrate);
+    }
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration
+## Supported Platforms
+navigator.vibrate,<br />
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
+navigator.notification.vibrateWithPattern<br />
+- Android
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
+## vibrate (recommended)
+This function has three different functionalities based on parameters passed to it.
+###Standard vibrate
+Vibrates the device for a given amount of time.
+    navigator.vibrate(time)
+    navigator.vibrate([time])
+-__time__: Milliseconds to vibrate the device. _(Number)_
+    // Vibrate for 3 seconds
+    navigator.vibrate(3000);
+    // Vibrate for 3 seconds
+    navigator.vibrate([3000]);
+####iOS Quirks
+- __time__: Ignores the specified time and vibrates for a pre-set amount of time.
+    navigator.vibrate(3000); // 3000 is ignored
+####Windows and Blackberry Quirks
+- __time__: Max time is 5000ms (5s) and min time is 1ms
+    navigator.vibrate(8000); // will be truncated to 5000
+###Vibrate with a pattern (Android and Windows only)
+Vibrates the device with a given pattern
+    navigator.vibrate(pattern);   
+- __pattern__: Sequence of durations (in milliseconds) for which to turn on or off the vibrator. _(Array of Numbers)_
+    // Vibrate for 1 second
+    // Wait for 1 second
+    // Vibrate for 3 seconds
+    // Wait for 1 second
+    // Vibrate for 5 seconds
+    navigator.vibrate([1000, 1000, 3000, 1000, 5000]);
+####Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- vibrate(pattern) falls back on vibrate with default duration
+###Cancel vibration (not supported in iOS)
+Immediately cancels any currently running vibration.
+    navigator.vibrate(0)
+    navigator.vibrate([])
+    navigator.vibrate([0])
+Passing in a parameter of 0, an empty array, or an array with one element of value 0 will cancel any vibrations.
+## *notification.vibrate (deprecated)
+Vibrates the device for a given amount of time.
+    navigator.notification.vibrate(time)
+- __time__: Milliseconds to vibrate the device. _(Number)_
+### Example
+    // Vibrate for 2.5 seconds
+    navigator.notification.vibrate(2500);
+### iOS Quirks
+- __time__: Ignores the specified time and vibrates for a pre-set amount of time.
+        navigator.notification.vibrate();
+        navigator.notification.vibrate(2500);   // 2500 is ignored
+## *notification.vibrateWithPattern (deprecated)
+Vibrates the device with a given pattern.
+    navigator.notification.vibrateWithPattern(pattern, repeat)
+- __pattern__: Sequence of durations (in milliseconds) for which to turn on or off the vibrator. _(Array of Numbers)_
+- __repeat__: Optional index into the pattern array at which to start repeating (will repeat until canceled), or -1 for no repetition (default). _(Number)_
+### Example
+    // Immediately start vibrating
+    // vibrate for 100ms,
+    // wait for 100ms,
+    // vibrate for 200ms,
+    // wait for 100ms,
+    // vibrate for 400ms,
+    // wait for 100ms,
+    // vibrate for 800ms,
+    // (do not repeat)
+    navigator.notification.vibrateWithPattern([0, 100, 100, 200, 100, 400, 100, 800]);
+## *notification.cancelVibration (deprecated)
+Immediately cancels any currently running vibration.
+    navigator.notification.cancelVibration()
+*Note - due to alignment with w3c spec, the starred methods will be phased out
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..342bc57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-whitelist/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-whitelist
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-whitelist
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+# cordova-plugin-whitelist
+This plugin implements a whitelist policy for navigating the application webview on Cordova 4.0
+:warning: Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Supported Cordova Platforms
+* Android 4.0.0 or above
+## Navigation Whitelist
+Controls which URLs the WebView itself can be navigated to. Applies to
+top-level navigations only.
+Quirks: on Android it also applies to iframes for non-http(s) schemes.
+By default, navigations only to `file://` URLs, are allowed. To allow others URLs, you must add `<allow-navigation>` tags to your `config.xml`:
+    <!-- Allow links to -->
+    <allow-navigation href="*" />
+    <!-- Wildcards are allowed for the protocol, as a prefix
+         to the host, or as a suffix to the path -->
+    <allow-navigation href="*://**" />
+    <!-- A wildcard can be used to whitelist the entire network,
+         over HTTP and HTTPS.
+         *NOT RECOMMENDED* -->
+    <allow-navigation href="*" />
+    <!-- The above is equivalent to these three declarations -->
+    <allow-navigation href="http://*/*" />
+    <allow-navigation href="https://*/*" />
+    <allow-navigation href="data:*" />
+## Intent Whitelist
+Controls which URLs the app is allowed to ask the system to open.
+By default, no external URLs are allowed.
+On Android, this equates to sending an intent of type BROWSEABLE.
+This whitelist does not apply to plugins, only hyperlinks and calls to ``.
+In `config.xml`, add `<allow-intent>` tags, like this:
+    <!-- Allow links to web pages to open in a browser -->
+    <allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
+    <allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
+    <!-- Allow links to to open in a browser -->
+    <allow-intent href="*" />
+    <!-- Wildcards are allowed for the protocol, as a prefix
+         to the host, or as a suffix to the path -->
+    <allow-intent href="*://**" />
+    <!-- Allow SMS links to open messaging app -->
+    <allow-intent href="sms:*" />
+    <!-- Allow tel: links to open the dialer -->
+    <allow-intent href="tel:*" />
+    <!-- Allow geo: links to open maps -->
+    <allow-intent href="geo:*" />
+    <!-- Allow all unrecognized URLs to open installed apps
+         *NOT RECOMMENDED* -->
+    <allow-intent href="*" />
+## Network Request Whitelist
+Controls which network requests (images, XHRs, etc) are allowed to be made (via cordova native hooks).
+Note: We suggest you use a Content Security Policy (see below), which is more secure.  This whitelist is mostly historical for webviews which do not support CSP.
+In `config.xml`, add `<access>` tags, like this:
+    <!-- Allow images, xhrs, etc. to -->
+    <access origin="" />
+    <access origin="" />
+    <!-- Access to the subdomain -->
+    <access origin="" />
+    <!-- Access to all the subdomains on -->
+    <access origin="http://*" />
+    <!-- Enable requests to content: URLs -->
+    <access origin="content:///*" />
+    <!-- Don't block any requests -->
+    <access origin="*" />
+Without any `<access>` tags, only requests to `file://` URLs are allowed. However, the default Cordova application includes `<access origin="*">` by default.
+Note: Whitelist cannot block network redirects from a whitelisted remote website (i.e. http or https) to a non-whitelisted website. Use CSP rules to mitigate redirects to non-whitelisted websites for webviews that support CSP.
+Quirk: Android also allows requests to by default, since this is required for TalkBack to function properly.
+### Content Security Policy
+Controls which network requests (images, XHRs, etc) are allowed to be made (via webview directly).
+On Android and iOS, the network request whitelist (see above) is not able to filter all types of requests (e.g. `<video>` & WebSockets are not blocked). So, in addition to the whitelist, you should use a [Content Security Policy]( `<meta>` tag on all of your pages.
+On Android, support for CSP within the system webview starts with KitKat (but is available on all versions using Crosswalk WebView).
+Here are some example CSP declarations for your `.html` pages:
+    <!-- Good default declaration:
+        * gap: is required only on iOS (when using UIWebView) and is needed for JS->native communication
+        * is required only on Android and is needed for TalkBack to function properly
+        * Disables use of eval() and inline scripts in order to mitigate risk of XSS vulnerabilities. To change this:
+            * Enable inline JS: add 'unsafe-inline' to default-src
+            * Enable eval(): add 'unsafe-eval' to default-src
+    -->
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">
+    <!-- Allow everything but only from the same origin and -->
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'">
+    <!-- This policy allows everything (eg CSS, AJAX, object, frame, media, etc) except that 
+        * CSS only from the same origin and inline styles,
+        * scripts only from the same origin and inline styles, and eval()
+    -->
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'">
+    <!-- Allows XHRs only over HTTPS on the same domain. -->
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' https:">
+    <!-- Allow iframe to -->
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'">
diff --git a/www/docs/es/6.x/cordova/plugins/ b/www/docs/es/6.x/cordova/plugins/
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-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: Plugin APIs
-# Plugin APIs
-Cordova naves con un mínimo conjunto de APIs, y proyectos añadir qué APIs adicionales que necesitan a través de plugins.
-Usted puede buscar a través de todos los plugins existentes (incluidos los plugins de terceros) en [npm][1].
- [1]:
-El conjunto tradicional de núcleo Cordova plugins son como sigue:
-*   [Estado de la batería][2]
-    > Monitorear el estado de la batería del dispositivo.
-*   [Cámara][3]
-    > Capturar una foto con la cámara del dispositivo.
-*   [Consola][4]
-    > Añadir capacidad adicional a console.log().
-*   [Contactos][5]
-    > Trabajar con la base de datos de contacto de dispositivos.
-*   [Dispositivo][6]
-    > Reunir información específica del dispositivo.
-*   [Movimiento de dispositivo (acelerómetro)][7]
-    > Puntee en sensor de movimiento del dispositivo.
-*   [Orientación de dispositivo (brújula)][8]
-    > Obtener la dirección que apunta el dispositivo.
-*   [Los cuadros de diálogo][9]
-    > Notificaciones de dispositivo visual.
-*   [FileSystem][10]
-    > Enganche en el sistema de archivo nativo a través de JavaScript.
-*   [Transferencia de archivos][11]
-    > Enganche en el sistema de archivo nativo a través de JavaScript.
-*   [Geolocalización][12]
-    > Conocer la ubicación de su aplicación.
-*   [Globalización][13]
-    > Permiten la representación de objetos específicos de una configuración regional.
-*   [InAppBrowser][14]
-    > Lanzamiento de URLs en otra instancia del explorador en la aplicación.
-*   [Los medios de comunicación][15]
-    > Grabar y reproducir archivos de audio.
-*   [Captura de los medios de comunicación][16]
-    > Capturar archivos de medios usando las aplicaciones de captura de los medios de comunicación del dispositivo.
-*   [Información de red (conexión)][17]
-    > Comprobar rápidamente el estado de la red e información de la red celular.
-*   [SplashScreen][18]
-    > Mostrar / ocultar la pantalla de presentación de solicitudes.
-*   [Vibración][19]
-    > Una API para que vibre el dispositivo.
-*   [Barra de estado][20]
-    > Una API para mostrar, ocultando y configurar fondo de barra de estado.
-*   [Lista blanca][21]
-    > Un plugin para peticiones de red blanca. Debe instalar para tener cualquier petición de red en sus aplicaciones.
-*   [Legado Whitelist][22]
-    > Un plugin para usar el viejo estilo de lista blanca antes de que era arrancado y cambió en el complemento de la lista blanca.
- [2]:
- [3]:
- [4]:
- [5]:
- [6]:
- [7]:
- [8]:
- [9]:
- [10]:
- [11]:
- [12]:
- [13]:
- [14]:
- [15]:
- [16]:
- [17]:
- [18]:
- [19]:
- [20]:
- [21]:
- [22]:
-Las traducciones de Inglés de estos documentos plugin pueden encontrarse visitando los repositorios github plugin y buscando en la carpeta docs
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diff --git a/www/docs/es/6.x/guide/support/ b/www/docs/es/6.x/guide/support/
index 449365b..4393827 100644
--- a/www/docs/es/6.x/guide/support/
+++ b/www/docs/es/6.x/guide/support/
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ A continuación muestra el conjunto de herramientas de desarrollo y dispositivo
-          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plug-in<br />Interface</a>
+          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plugin<br />Interface</a>
         <td data-col="amazon-fireos" class="y">
diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/cordova/plugins/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/cordova/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c78115..0000000
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/cordova/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
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-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: Plugin API
-# Plugin API
-Cordova est livré avec un ensemble minimal d'API, et projets ajoutent quelles API supplémentaire dont ils ont besoin grâce à des plugins.
-Vous pouvez rechercher parmi tous les plugins existants (y compris les plugins tiers) sur [NPM][1].
- [1]:
-L'ensemble traditionnel de plugins de Cordova core sont les suivantes :
-*   [État de la batterie][2]
-    > Surveiller l'état de la batterie de l'appareil.
-*   [Appareil photo][3]
-    > Capturer une photo en utilisant la caméra de l'appareil.
-*   [Console][4]
-    > Ajoutez des capacités supplémentaires à console.log().
-*   [Contacts][5]
-    > Travailler avec la base de données contacts périphériques.
-*   [Dispositif][6]
-    > Recueillir de l'information spécifique de périphérique.
-*   [Mouvement de dispositif (accéléromètre)][7]
-    > Puiser dans le détecteur de mouvement de l'appareil.
-*   [Dispositif Orientation (boussole)][8]
-    > Obtenir de la direction qui pointe vers l'appareil.
-*   [Boîtes de dialogue][9]
-    > Notifications de l'appareil visuel.
-*   [Système de fichiers][10]
-    > Crochet dans le système de fichier natif via JavaScript.
-*   [Transfert de fichiers][11]
-    > Crochet dans le système de fichier natif via JavaScript.
-*   [Géolocalisation][12]
-    > Sensibilisez votre emplacement de l'application.
-*   [Mondialisation][13]
-    > Permettre la représentation d'objets spécifiques aux paramètres régionaux.
-*   [InAppBrowser][14]
-    > Lancer URL dans une autre instance du navigateur en app.
-*   [Media][15]
-    > Enregistrer et lire des fichiers audio.
-*   [Capture de médias][16]
-    > Capturer les fichiers multimédias à l'aide des applications de capture pour le multimédia de l'appareil.
-*   [Informations réseau (connexion)][17]
-    > Vérifier rapidement l'état du réseau et informations de réseau cellulaire.
-*   [SplashScreen][18]
-    > Afficher et masquer l'écran de démarrage des applications.
-*   [Vibration][19]
-    > Une API à vibrer l'appareil.
-*   [StatusBar][20]
-    > Une API pour montrer, cacher et configuration fond barre de statut.
-*   [Liste blanche][21]
-    > Un plugin pour les requêtes réseau liste blanche. Devez installer pour que toutes les demandes réseau dans vos applications.
-*   [Liste d'autorisation héritée][22]
-    > Un plugin pour utiliser l'ancien style de liste blanche avant d'être arraché et changé dans le plugin whitelist.
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-Non anglais traductions de ces documents plugin se trouve en allant sur le plugin github repos et à la recherche dans le dossier docs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/cli/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/cli/
index caa4268..7065163 100644
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/cli/
+++ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/cli/
@@ -60,23 +60,23 @@ Pour installer le `cordova` de ligne de commande outil, procédez comme suit :
 *   sur OS X et Linux :
             $ sudo npm install -g cordova
     Sur OS X et Linux, faisant précéder la `npm` commande avec `sudo` peut être nécessaire d'installer cette évolution utilitaire dans autrement limité répertoires tels que `/usr/local/share` . Si vous utilisez l'outil optionnel nvm/nef ou avez accès en écriture sur le répertoire d'installation, vous pourrez omettre la `sudo` préfixe. Il y a [plus de conseils][3] sur l'utilisation `npm` sans `sudo` , si vous désirez le faire.
 *   sur Windows :
             C:\>npm install -g cordova
     Le `-g` option ci-dessus indique `npm` pour installer `cordova` dans le monde. Dans le cas contraire il sera installé dans le `node_modules` sous-répertoire du répertoire de travail courant.
     Vous devrez peut-être ajouter le `npm` répertoire à votre `PATH` pour BENEFICIER installés dans le monde `npm` modules. Sous Windows, `npm` peut habituellement être trouvé à `C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm` . Sur OS X et Linux, il peut généralement être trouvé à`/usr/local/share/npm`.
     Le journal d'installation peut générer des erreurs pour n'importe quelle plateforme désinstallé SDK.
     Après installation, vous devriez être en mesure d'exécuter `cordova` sur la ligne de commande avec aucun argument et il doit imprimer le texte d'aide.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Pour installer le `cordova` de ligne de commande outil, procédez comme suit :
 Allez dans le répertoire où vous conservez votre code source et exécutez une commande comme suit :
         $ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
 Il peut prendre un certain temps pour la commande pour terminer, alors soyez patient. L'exécution de la commande avec le `-d` option affiche des informations sur ses progrès.
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Le troisième argument `HelloWorld` fournit le titre d'affichage de l'applicatio
 Toutes les commandes suivantes doivent être exécutées dans le répertoire du projet ou les sous-répertoires dans sa portée :
         $ cd hello
 Avant que vous pouvez générer le projet, vous devez spécifier un jeu de plates-formes cibles. Votre capacité d'exécuter ces commandes dépend de savoir si votre ordinateur prend en charge chaque SDK, et si vous avez déjà installé chaque SDK. Courir à chacun d'entre eux d'un Mac :
@@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ Avant que vous pouvez générer le projet, vous devez spécifier un jeu de plate
         $ cordova platform add android
         $ cordova platform add blackberry10
         $ cordova platform add firefoxos
 Courir à chacun d'entre eux depuis une machine Windows, où *wp* se réfère aux différentes versions du système d'exploitation Windows Phone :
         plate-forme cordova $ ajouter wp8 $ cordova plate-forme ajouter windows plate-forme cordova $ ajouter amazon-fireos plateforme de cordova $ ajouter $ android plate-forme cordova ajoutez blackberry10 $ cordova plate-forme ajouter firefoxos
 Exécutez-le pour vérifier votre noyau de plateformes :
         $ cordova platforms ls
 (Note du `platform` et `platforms` commandes sont synonymes.)
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Exécutez une des commandes suivantes synonymes d'enlever une plate-forme :
         $ cordova platform remove blackberry10
         $ cordova platform rm amazon-fireos
         $ cordova platform rm android
 Exécution de commandes pour ajouter ou supprimer des affects de plates-formes le contenu du répertoire de *plates-formes* du projet, où chaque plate-forme spécifiée apparaît comme un sous-répertoire. Le répertoire de source *www* est reproduit dans le sous-répertoire de la plate-forme, qui apparaît par exemple dans `platforms/ios/www` ou `platforms/android/assets/www` . Parce que la CLI constamment des copies des fichiers du dossier source *www* , vous devez uniquement modifier ces fichiers et pas ceux situés dans les sous-répertoires de *plates-formes* . Si vous utilisez un logiciel de contrôle de version, vous devez ajouter ce dossier *www* source, ainsi que le dossier *se confond* , à votre système de contrôle de version. (On trouvera dans la section personnaliser chaque plate-forme ci-dessous plus d'informations sur le dossier *fusionne* .)
@@ -146,18 +146,18 @@ Par défaut, le `cordova create` script génère une squelettique application we
 Exécutez la commande suivante pour générer itérativement le projet :
         $ cordova build
 Cela génère un code spécifique à la plateforme au sein du projet `platforms` sous-répertoire. Vous pouvez éventuellement restreindre la portée de chaque génération de plates-formes spécifiques :
         $ cordova build ios
 Le `cordova build` commande est un raccourci pour la suivante, qui, dans cet exemple, est également visé à une plate-forme unique :
         $ cordova prepare ios
         $ cordova compile ios
 Dans ce cas, une fois que vous exécutez `prepare` , vous pouvez utiliser Apple Xcode SDK comme alternative pour modifier et compiler le code spécifique à la plateforme qui génère de Cordova dans `platforms/ios` . Vous pouvez utiliser la même approche avec les kits de développement logiciel des autres plates-formes.
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Dans ce cas, une fois que vous exécutez `prepare` , vous pouvez utiliser Apple
 Kits de développement logiciel pour les plates-formes mobiles sont souvent livrés avec les émulateurs qui exécutent un élément image, afin que vous pouvez lancer l'application depuis l'écran d'accueil et voir comment il interagit avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités de la plate-forme. Exécuter une commande telle que la suivante pour reconstruire l'app et il découvre au sein de l'émulateur une spécifique de la plate-forme :
         $ cordova emulate android
 Certaines plates-formes mobiles émulent un périphérique par défaut, tels que l'iPhone pour les projets de l'iOS. Pour d'autres plateformes, vous devrez tout d'abord associer un périphérique avec un émulateur.
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Suivi auprès du `cordova emulate` commande actualise l'image de l'émulateur po
 Alternativement, vous pouvez brancher le combiné dans votre ordinateur et tester l'application directement :
         $ cordova run android
 Avant d'exécuter cette commande, vous devez mettre en place le dispositif de test, suivant des procédures qui varient pour chaque plate-forme. Dans les appareils Android et OS feu Amazon, vous devrez activer une option de **Débogage USB** sur l'appareil et peut-être ajouter un pilote USB selon votre environnement de développement. Consultez les [Guides de la plate-forme](../platforms/index.html) pour plus de détails sur les exigences de chaque plateforme.
@@ -199,85 +199,85 @@ Un *plugin* est un peu de code complémentaire qui fournit une interface pour le
-Depuis la version 3.0, lorsque vous créez un projet de Cordova il n'a pas les plug-ins présents. C'est le nouveau comportement par défaut. Les plug-ins que vous désirez, même les plugins de base, doivent être ajoutés explicitement.
+Depuis la version 3.0, lorsque vous créez un projet de Cordova il n'a pas les plugins présents. C'est le nouveau comportement par défaut. Les plugins que vous désirez, même les plugins de base, doivent être ajoutés explicitement.
 On trouvera une liste de ces plugins, y compris les plugins tiers supplémentaires fournies par la Communauté, dans le registre à [][7]. Vous pouvez utiliser l'interface CLI à la recherche de plugins de ce registre. Par exemple, la recherche de `bar` et `code` produit un résultat unique qui correspond à ces deux termes comme des sous-chaînes insensible à la casse :
         $ cordova plugin search bar code
         com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner - Scans Barcodes
 Vous cherchez seulement le `bar` à terme les rendements et résultats supplémentaires :
         cordova-plugin-statusbar - Cordova StatusBar Plugin
 Le `cordova plugin add` commande nécessite vous permet de spécifier le référentiel pour le code du plugin. Voici des exemples d'utilisation de l'interface CLI pour ajouter des fonctionnalités à l'application :
 *   Informations de base périphérique (Device API) :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
 *   Connexion réseau et événements de la batterie :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-battery-status
 *   Accéléromètre, boussole et géolocalisation :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-motion
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-orientation
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
 *   Appareil photo, lecture et Capture :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media-capture
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media
 *   Accéder aux fichiers sur un périphérique réseau (fichier API) :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer
 *   Notification via la boîte de dialogue ou de vibration :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration
 *   Contacts :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-contacts
 *   Mondialisation :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization
 *   SplashScreen :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
 *   Fenêtres ouvertes du navigateur nouvelle (InAppBrowser) :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
 *   Console de débogage :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console
 **NOTE**: le CLI ajoute le code du plugin comme il convient pour chaque plate-forme. Si vous souhaitez développer avec les outils de bas niveau coque ou plate-forme SDK tel que discuté dans l'aperçu, vous devez exécuter l'utilitaire Plugman pour ajouter des plugins séparément pour chaque plate-forme. (Pour plus d'informations, voir Plugman à l'aide à gérer les Plugins).
@@ -285,68 +285,68 @@ Utilisation `plugin ls` (ou `plugin list` , ou `plugin` en soi) à Découvre act
         $ cordova plugin ls    # or 'plugin list'
         [ 'cordova-plugin-console' ]
 Pour supprimer un plugin, faire référence à elle par le même identificateur qui apparaît dans la liste. Par exemple, voici comment vous enlèverait le soutien pour une console de débogage d'une version :
         $ cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-console
         $ cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-console    # same
 Vous pouvez lot-supprimer ou ajouter des plugins en spécifiant plusieurs arguments pour chaque commande :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console cordova-plugin-device
 ## Options du Plugin avancé
 Lors de l'ajout d'un plugin, plusieurs options vous permettent de spécifier où aller chercher le plugin. Les exemples ci-dessus utilisent un célèbre `` Registre, ainsi que le plugin est spécifiée par la `id` :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console
 Le `id` peut également inclure le numéro de version du plugin, reproduite après un `@` caractère. La `latest` version est un alias pour la version la plus récente. Par exemple :
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console@latest
         $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console@0.2.1
 Si le plugin n'est pas inscrite au `` mais se trouve dans un autre dépôt git, vous pouvez spécifier une URL de substitution :
         $ cordova plugin add
 L'exemple de git ci-dessus récupère le plugin depuis la fin de la branche master, mais un autre git-Réf tel une balise ou une branche peut être ajoutée après un `#` caractère :
 Installer à partir d'une balise :
         $ cordova plugin add
 ou une succursale :
         $ cordova plugin add
 ou git-Réf pourrait également être une validation particulière :
         $ cordova plugin add
 Si le plugin (et son fichier `plugin.xml` ) sont dans un sous-répertoire dans le repo git, vous pouvez le spécifier avec un caractère `:` . Notez que le caractère `#` est toujours nécessaire :
         $ cordova plugin add
 Vous pouvez également combiner le git-Réf tant le sous-répertoire :
         $ cordova plugin add
 Vous pouvez également spécifier un chemin d'accès local vers le répertoire de plugin qui contient le fichier `plugin.xml` :
         $ cordova plugin add ../my_plugin_dir
 ## À l'aide de *fusionne* pour personnaliser chaque plate-forme
@@ -355,16 +355,16 @@ Alors que Cordoue vous permet de déployer facilement une application pour de no
 Au lieu de cela, le répertoire de niveau supérieur `merges` offre un endroit pour spécifier des actifs de déployer sur des plates-formes spécifiques. Chaque sous-répertoire `merges`, correspondant à une plate-forme donnée, reflète la structure du répertoire source `www`, ce qui vous permet de surcharger ou ajouter des fichiers au besoin. Par exemple, voici comment vous pourriez utilisations `merges` pour augmenter la taille de police par défaut pour les appareils Android et Amazon Fire OS :
 *   Modifier la `www/index.html` fichier, en ajoutant un lien vers un fichier CSS supplémentaire, `overrides.css` dans ce cas :
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/overrides.css" />
 *   Créer éventuellement un vide `www/css/overrides.css` fichier, qui s'applique pour toutes les versions non-Android, empêchant une erreur de fichier manquant.
 *   Créer un `css` sous-répertoire dans `merges/android` , puis ajoutez un correspondant `overrides.css` fichier. Spécifier CSS qui remplace la taille de police de 12 points par défaut spécifiée dans `www/css/index.css` , par exemple :
         body { font-size:14px; }
 Lorsque vous régénérez le projet, la version Android dispose de la taille de police personnalisée, tandis que d'autres restent inchangés.
@@ -376,17 +376,17 @@ Cordoue possède quelques commandes globales, qui peuvent vous aider si vous êt
     $ cordova help
     $ cordova        # same
 En outre, vous pouvez obtenir une aide plus détaillée sur une commande spécifique. Par exemple :
     $ cordova run --help
 La commande `infos` produit une liste des informations potentiellement utiles, tels que les plates-formes actuellement installés et plugins, des versions pour chaque plate-forme SDK et versions de la CLI et `node.js`:
     $ cordova info
 Celle-ci présente l'information à l'écran et capture la sortie dans un fichier local `info.txt` .
@@ -397,17 +397,17 @@ Celle-ci présente l'information à l'écran et capture la sortie dans un fichie
 Après l'installation de l'utilitaire de `cordova` , vous pouvez toujours mettre à jour vers la dernière version en exécutant la commande suivante :
         $ sudo npm update -g cordova
 Utilisez cette syntaxe pour installer une version spécifique :
         $ sudo npm install -g cordova@3.1.0-0.2.0
 Exécutez `cordova -v` pour voir quelle version est en cours d'exécution. Exécutez la commande `npm info` pour obtenir une liste plus longue qui inclut la version actuelle ainsi que d'autres numéros de version disponible :
         $ npm info cordova
 Cordova 3.0 est la première version à supporter l'interface de ligne de commande décrite dans cette section. Si vous mettez à jour depuis une version antérieure à 3.0, vous devez créer un nouveau projet, tel que décrit ci-dessus, puis copiez les actifs les plus âgés de l'application dans le répertoire de niveau supérieur `www` . Le cas échéant, plus amples détails au sujet de la mise à niveau vers 3.0 sont disponibles dans les [Guides de la plate-forme](../platforms/index.html). Une fois que vous passer à l'interface de ligne de commande de `cordova` et utilisez `mise à jour de la NGP` se pour tenir au courant, les plus longues procédures décrits là ne sont plus pertinentes.

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[04/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

Posted by
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-geolocation/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-geolocation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d656549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-geolocation/
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-geolocation
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-geolocation
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-geolocation
+This plugin provides information about the device's location, such as
+latitude and longitude. Common sources of location information include
+Global Positioning System (GPS) and location inferred from network
+signals such as IP address, RFID, WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses,
+and GSM/CDMA cell IDs. There is no guarantee that the API returns the
+device's actual location.
+This API is based on the
+[W3C Geolocation API Specification](,
+and only executes on devices that don't already provide an implementation.
+__WARNING__: Collection and use of geolocation data
+raises important privacy issues.  Your app's privacy policy should
+discuss how the app uses geolocation data, whether it is shared with
+any other parties, and the level of precision of the data (for
+example, coarse, fine, ZIP code level, etc.).  Geolocation data is
+generally considered sensitive because it can reveal user's
+whereabouts and, if stored, the history of their travels.
+Therefore, in addition to the app's privacy policy, you should
+strongly consider providing a just-in-time notice before the app
+accesses geolocation data (if the device operating system doesn't do
+so already).  That notice should provide the same information noted
+above, as well as obtaining the user's permission (e.g., by presenting
+choices for __OK__ and __No Thanks__).  For more information, please
+see the [Privacy Guide](
+This plugin defines a global `navigator.geolocation` object (for platforms
+where it is otherwise missing).
+Although the object is in the global scope, features provided by this plugin
+are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log("navigator.geolocation works well");
+    }
+## Installation
+This requires cordova 5.0+ ( current stable 1.0.0 )
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
+Older versions of cordova can still install via the deprecated id ( stale 0.3.12 )
+    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
+It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
+    cordova plugin add
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Tizen
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows
+## Methods
+- navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition
+- navigator.geolocation.watchPosition
+- navigator.geolocation.clearWatch
+## Objects (Read-Only)
+- Position
+- PositionError
+- Coordinates
+## navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition
+Returns the device's current position to the `geolocationSuccess`
+callback with a `Position` object as the parameter.  If there is an
+error, the `geolocationError` callback is passed a
+`PositionError` object.
+    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geolocationSuccess,
+                                             [geolocationError],
+                                             [geolocationOptions]);
+### Parameters
+- __geolocationSuccess__: The callback that is passed the current position.
+- __geolocationError__: _(Optional)_ The callback that executes if an error occurs.
+- __geolocationOptions__: _(Optional)_ The geolocation options.
+### Example
+    // onSuccess Callback
+    // This method accepts a Position object, which contains the
+    // current GPS coordinates
+    //
+    var onSuccess = function(position) {
+        alert('Latitude: '          + position.coords.latitude          + '\n' +
+              'Longitude: '         + position.coords.longitude         + '\n' +
+              'Altitude: '          + position.coords.altitude          + '\n' +
+              'Accuracy: '          + position.coords.accuracy          + '\n' +
+              'Altitude Accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy  + '\n' +
+              'Heading: '           + position.coords.heading           + '\n' +
+              'Speed: '             + position.coords.speed             + '\n' +
+              'Timestamp: '         + position.timestamp                + '\n');
+    };
+    // onError Callback receives a PositionError object
+    //
+    function onError(error) {
+        alert('code: '    + error.code    + '\n' +
+              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
+    }
+    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);
+### Android Quirks
+If Geolocation service is turned off the `onError` callback is invoked after `timeout` interval (if specified).
+If `timeout` parameter is not specified then no callback is called.
+## navigator.geolocation.watchPosition
+Returns the device's current position when a change in position is detected.
+When the device retrieves a new location, the `geolocationSuccess`
+callback executes with a `Position` object as the parameter.  If
+there is an error, the `geolocationError` callback executes with a
+`PositionError` object as the parameter.
+    var watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(geolocationSuccess,
+                                                      [geolocationError],
+                                                      [geolocationOptions]);
+### Parameters
+- __geolocationSuccess__: The callback that is passed the current position.
+- __geolocationError__: (Optional) The callback that executes if an error occurs.
+- __geolocationOptions__: (Optional) The geolocation options.
+### Returns
+- __String__: returns a watch id that references the watch position interval. The watch id should be used with `navigator.geolocation.clearWatch` to stop watching for changes in position.
+### Example
+    // onSuccess Callback
+    //   This method accepts a `Position` object, which contains
+    //   the current GPS coordinates
+    //
+    function onSuccess(position) {
+        var element = document.getElementById('geolocation');
+        element.innerHTML = 'Latitude: '  + position.coords.latitude      + '<br />' +
+                            'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude     + '<br />' +
+                            '<hr />'      + element.innerHTML;
+    }
+    // onError Callback receives a PositionError object
+    //
+    function onError(error) {
+        alert('code: '    + error.code    + '\n' +
+              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
+    }
+    // Options: throw an error if no update is received every 30 seconds.
+    //
+    var watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onSuccess, onError, { timeout: 30000 });
+## geolocationOptions
+Optional parameters to customize the retrieval of the geolocation
+    { maximumAge: 3000, timeout: 5000, enableHighAccuracy: true };
+### Options
+- __enableHighAccuracy__: Provides a hint that the application needs the best possible results. By default, the device attempts to retrieve a `Position` using network-based methods. Setting this property to `true` tells the framework to use more accurate methods, such as satellite positioning. _(Boolean)_
+- __timeout__: The maximum length of time (milliseconds) that is allowed to pass from the call to `navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition` or `geolocation.watchPosition` until the corresponding `geolocationSuccess` callback executes. If the `geolocationSuccess` callback is not invoked within this time, the `geolocationError` callback is passed a `PositionError.TIMEOUT` error code. (Note that when used in conjunction with `geolocation.watchPosition`, the `geolocationError` callback could be called on an interval every `timeout` milliseconds!) _(Number)_
+- __maximumAge__: Accept a cached position whose age is no greater than the specified time in milliseconds. _(Number)_
+### Android Quirks
+If Geolocation service is turned off the `onError` callback is invoked after `timeout` interval (if specified).
+If `timeout` parameter is not specified then no callback is called.
+## navigator.geolocation.clearWatch
+Stop watching for changes to the device's location referenced by the
+`watchID` parameter.
+    navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchID);
+### Parameters
+- __watchID__: The id of the `watchPosition` interval to clear. (String)
+### Example
+    // Options: watch for changes in position, and use the most
+    // accurate position acquisition method available.
+    //
+    var watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onSuccess, onError, { enableHighAccuracy: true });
+    // ...later on...
+    navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchID);
+## Position
+Contains `Position` coordinates and timestamp, created by the geolocation API.
+### Properties
+- __coords__: A set of geographic coordinates. _(Coordinates)_
+- __timestamp__: Creation timestamp for `coords`. _(DOMTimeStamp)_
+## Coordinates
+A `Coordinates` object is attached to a `Position` object that is
+available to callback functions in requests for the current position.
+It contains a set of properties that describe the geographic coordinates of a position.
+### Properties
+* __latitude__: Latitude in decimal degrees. _(Number)_
+* __longitude__: Longitude in decimal degrees. _(Number)_
+* __altitude__: Height of the position in meters above the ellipsoid. _(Number)_
+* __accuracy__: Accuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters. _(Number)_
+* __altitudeAccuracy__: Accuracy level of the altitude coordinate in meters. _(Number)_
+* __heading__: Direction of travel, specified in degrees counting clockwise relative to the true north. _(Number)_
+* __speed__: Current ground speed of the device, specified in meters per second. _(Number)_
+###  Amazon Fire OS Quirks
+__altitudeAccuracy__: Not supported by Android devices, returning `null`.
+### Android Quirks
+__altitudeAccuracy__: Not supported by Android devices, returning `null`.
+## PositionError
+The `PositionError` object is passed to the `geolocationError`
+callback function when an error occurs with navigator.geolocation.
+### Properties
+- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
+- __message__: Error message describing the details of the error encountered.
+### Constants
+- `PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED`
+  - Returned when users do not allow the app to retrieve position information. This is dependent on the platform.
+  - Returned when the device is unable to retrieve a position. In general, this means the device is not connected to a network or can't get a satellite fix.
+- `PositionError.TIMEOUT`
+  - Returned when the device is unable to retrieve a position within the time specified by the `timeout` included in `geolocationOptions`. When used with `navigator.geolocation.watchPosition`, this error could be repeatedly passed to the `geolocationError` callback every `timeout` milliseconds.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-globalization/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-globalization/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c4906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-globalization/
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-globalization
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-globalization
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-globalization
+This plugin obtains information and performs operations specific to the user's
+locale, language, and timezone. Note the difference between locale and language:
+locale controls how numbers, dates, and times are displayed for a region, while
+language determines what language text appears as, independently of locale settings.
+Often developers use locale to set both settings, but there is no reason a user
+couldn't set her language to "English" but locale to "French", so that text is
+displayed in English but dates, times, etc., are displayed as they are in France.
+Unfortunately, most mobile platforms currently do not make a distinction between
+these settings.
+This plugin defines global `navigator.globalization` object.
+Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(navigator.globalization);
+    }
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization
+## Objects
+- GlobalizationError
+## Methods
+- navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage
+- navigator.globalization.getLocaleName
+- navigator.globalization.dateToString
+- navigator.globalization.stringToDate
+- navigator.globalization.getDatePattern
+- navigator.globalization.getDateNames
+- navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime
+- navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek
+- navigator.globalization.numberToString
+- navigator.globalization.stringToNumber
+- navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern
+- navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern
+## navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage
+Get the BCP 47 language tag for the client's current language.
+    navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(successCallback, errorCallback);
+### Description
+Returns the BCP-47 compliant language identifier tag to the `successCallback`
+with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
+property with a `String` value.
+If there is an error getting the language, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en-US` language, this should display a
+popup dialog with the text `language: en-US`:
+    navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(
+        function (language) {alert('language: ' + language.value + '\n');},
+        function () {alert('Error getting language\n');}
+    );
+### Android Quirks
+- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code, upper case ISO 3166-1
+country code and variant separated by hyphens. Examples: "en", "en-US", "US"
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
+of the regional variant corresponding to the "Language" setting, separated by
+a hyphen.
+- Note that the regional variant is a property of the "Language" setting and
+not determined by the unrelated "Country/Region" setting on Windows Phone.
+### Windows Quirks
+- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
+of the regional variant corresponding to the "Language" setting, separated by
+a hyphen.
+### Browser Quirks
+- Falls back on getLocaleName
+## navigator.globalization.getLocaleName
+Returns the BCP 47 compliant tag for the client's current locale setting.
+    navigator.globalization.getLocaleName(successCallback, errorCallback);
+### Description
+Returns the BCP 47 compliant locale identifier string to the `successCallback`
+with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
+property with a `String` value. The locale tag will consist of a two-letter lower
+case language code, two-letter upper case country code, and (unspecified) variant
+code, separated by a hyphen.
+If there is an error getting the locale, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en-US` locale, this displays a popup
+dialog with the text `locale: en-US`.
+    navigator.globalization.getLocaleName(
+        function (locale) {alert('locale: ' + locale.value + '\n');},
+        function () {alert('Error getting locale\n');}
+    );
+### Android Quirks
+- Java does not distinguish between a set "langauge" and set "locale," so this
+method is essentially the same as `navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage()`.
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
+of the regional variant corresponding to the "Regional Format" setting, separated
+by a hyphen.
+### Windows Quirks
+- Locale setting can be changed in Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region
+-> Region -> Formats -> Format,
+and in Settings -> Region -> Regional Format on Windows Phone 8.1.
+### Browser Quirks
+- IE returns the locale of operating system. Chrome and Firefox return browser language tag.
+## navigator.globalization.dateToString
+Returns a date formatted as a string according to the client's locale and timezone.
+    navigator.globalization.dateToString(date, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
+### Description
+Returns the formatted date `String` via a `value` property accessible
+from the object passed as a parameter to the `successCallback`.
+The inbound `date` parameter should be of type `Date`.
+If there is an error formatting the date, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
+The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
+    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
+The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or `full`.
+The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and time`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+If the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a popup
+dialog with text similar to `date: 9/25/2012 4:21PM` using the default
+    navigator.globalization.dateToString(
+        new Date(),
+        function (date) { alert('date: ' + date.value + '\n'); },
+        function () { alert('Error getting dateString\n'); },
+        { formatLength: 'short', selector: 'date and time' }
+    );
+### Android Quirks
+- `formatLength` options are a subset of Unicode
+  [UTS #35]( The default option
+  `short` depends on a user selected date format within
+  `Settings -> System -> Date & time -> Choose date format`,
+  which provide a `year` pattern only with 4 digits, not 2 digits.
+  This means that it is not completely aligned with
+  [ICU](
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
+- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
+- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+### Windows Quirks
+- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
+- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
+- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+### Browser Quirks
+- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
+- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+- `time` selector supports `full` and `short` formatLength only.
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+- `formatLength` is not distinguishing `long` and `full`
+- only one method of displaying date (no `long` or `full` version)
+## navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern
+Returns a pattern string to format and parse currency values according
+to the client's user preferences and ISO 4217 currency code.
+     navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern(currencyCode, successCallback, errorCallback);
+### Description
+Returns the pattern to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
+as a parameter. That object should contain the following properties:
+- __pattern__: The currency pattern to format and parse currency values.  The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
+- __code__: The ISO 4217 currency code for the pattern. _(String)_
+- __fraction__: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting currency. _(Number)_
+- __rounding__: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting. _(Number)_
+- __decimal__: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
+- __grouping__: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
+The inbound `currencyCode` parameter should be a `String` of one of
+the ISO 4217 currency codes, for example 'USD'.
+If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale and the selected
+currency is United States Dollars, this example displays a popup
+dialog with text similar to the results that follow:
+    navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern(
+        'USD',
+        function (pattern) {
+            alert('pattern: '  + pattern.pattern  + '\n' +
+                  'code: '     + pattern.code     + '\n' +
+                  'fraction: ' + pattern.fraction + '\n' +
+                  'rounding: ' + pattern.rounding + '\n' +
+                  'decimal: '  + pattern.decimal  + '\n' +
+                  'grouping: ' + pattern.grouping);
+        },
+        function () { alert('Error getting pattern\n'); }
+    );
+Expected result:
+    pattern: $#,##0.##;($#,##0.##)
+    code: USD
+    fraction: 2
+    rounding: 0
+    decimal: .
+    grouping: ,
+### Windows Quirks
+- Only 'code' and 'fraction' properties are supported
+## navigator.globalization.getDateNames
+Returns an array of the names of the months or days of the week,
+depending on the client's user preferences and calendar.
+    navigator.globalization.getDateNames(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
+### Description
+Returns the array of names to the `successCallback` with a
+`properties` object as a parameter. That object contains a `value`
+property with an `Array` of `String` values. The array features names
+starting from either the first month in the year or the first day of
+the week, depending on the option selected.
+If there is an error obtaining the names, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
+The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
+    {type:'wide', item:'months'}
+The value of `options.type` can be `narrow` or `wide`.
+The value of `options.item` can be `months` or `days`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this example displays
+a series of twelve popup dialogs, one per month, with text similar to
+`month: January`:
+    navigator.globalization.getDateNames(
+        function (names) {
+            for (var i = 0; i < names.value.length; i++) {
+                alert('month: ' + names.value[i] + '\n');
+            }
+        },
+        function () { alert('Error getting names\n'); },
+        { type: 'wide', item: 'months' }
+    );
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+- `options.type` supports a `genitive` value, important for some languages.
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- The array of months contains 13 elements.
+- The returned array may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+### Windows Quirks
+- The array of months contains 12 elements.
+- The returned array may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+### Browser Quirks
+- Date names are not completely aligned with ICU.
+- The array of months contains 12 elements.
+## navigator.globalization.getDatePattern
+Returns a pattern string to format and parse dates according to the
+client's user preferences.
+    navigator.globalization.getDatePattern(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
+### Description
+Returns the pattern to the `successCallback`. The object passed in as
+a parameter contains the following properties:
+- __pattern__: The date and time pattern to format and parse dates. The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
+- __timezone__: The abbreviated name of the time zone on the client. _(String)_
+- __utc_offset__: The current difference in seconds between the client's time zone and coordinated universal time. _(Number)_
+- __dst_offset__: The current daylight saving time offset in seconds between the client's non-daylight saving's time zone and the client's daylight saving's time zone. _(Number)_
+If there is an error obtaining the pattern, the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`.
+The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following values:
+    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
+The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or
+`full`.  The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this example displays
+a popup dialog with text such as `pattern: M/d/yyyy h:mm a`:
+    function checkDatePattern() {
+        navigator.globalization.getDatePattern(
+            function (date) { alert('pattern: ' + date.pattern + '\n'); },
+            function () { alert('Error getting pattern\n'); },
+            { formatLength: 'short', selector: 'date and time' }
+        );
+    }
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- The `formatLength` supports only `short` and `full` values.
+- The `pattern` for `date and time` pattern returns only full datetime format.
+- The `timezone` returns the full time zone name.
+- The `dst_offset` property is not supported, and always returns zero.
+- The pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+### Windows Quirks
+- The `formatLength` supports only `short` and `full` values.
+- The `pattern` for `date and time` pattern returns only full datetime format.
+- The `timezone` returns the full time zone name.
+- The `dst_offset` property is not supported, and always returns zero.
+- The pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+### Browser Quirks
+- The 'pattern' property is not supported and returns empty string.
+- Only Chrome returns 'timezone' property. Its format is "Part of the world/{City}".
+Other browsers return empty string.
+## navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek
+Returns the first day of the week according to the client's user
+preferences and calendar.
+    navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek(successCallback, errorCallback);
+### Description
+The days of the week are numbered starting from 1, where 1 is assumed
+to be Sunday.  Returns the day to the `successCallback` with a
+`properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
+property with a `Number` value.
+If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a
+popup dialog with text similar to `day: 1`.
+    navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek(
+        function (day) {alert('day: ' + day.value + '\n');},
+        function () {alert('Error getting day\n');}
+    );
+###	Windows Quirks
+- On Windows 8.0/8.1 the value depends on user' calendar preferences. On Windows Phone 8.1
+the value depends on current locale.
+### Browser Quirks
+- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
+## navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern
+Returns a pattern string to format and parse numbers according to the client's user preferences.
+    navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
+### Description
+Returns the pattern to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
+as a parameter. That object contains the following properties:
+- __pattern__: The number pattern to format and parse numbers.  The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
+- __symbol__: The symbol to use when formatting and parsing, such as a percent or currency symbol. _(String)_
+- __fraction__: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting numbers. _(Number)_
+- __rounding__: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting. _(Number)_
+- __positive__: The symbol to use for positive numbers when parsing and formatting. _(String)_
+- __negative__: The symbol to use for negative numbers when parsing and formatting. _(String)_
+- __decimal__: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
+- __grouping__: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
+If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`.
+The `options` parameter is optional, and default values are:
+    {type:'decimal'}
+The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this should display a
+popup dialog with text similar to the results that follow:
+    navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern(
+        function (pattern) {alert('pattern: '  + pattern.pattern  + '\n' +
+                                  'symbol: '   + pattern.symbol   + '\n' +
+                                  'fraction: ' + pattern.fraction + '\n' +
+                                  'rounding: ' + pattern.rounding + '\n' +
+                                  'positive: ' + pattern.positive + '\n' +
+                                  'negative: ' + pattern.negative + '\n' +
+                                  'decimal: '  + pattern.decimal  + '\n' +
+                                  'grouping: ' + pattern.grouping);},
+        function () {alert('Error getting pattern\n');},
+        {type:'decimal'}
+    );
+    pattern: #,##0.###
+    symbol: .
+    fraction: 0
+    rounding: 0
+    positive:
+    negative: -
+    decimal: .
+    grouping: ,
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- The `pattern` property is not supported, and returns an empty string.
+- The `fraction` property is not supported, and returns zero.
+### Windows Quirks
+- The `pattern` property is not supported, and returns an empty string.
+### Browser Quirks
+- getNumberPattern is supported in Chrome only; the only defined property is `pattern`.
+## navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime
+Indicates whether daylight savings time is in effect for a given date
+using the client's time zone and calendar.
+    navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(date, successCallback, errorCallback);
+### Description
+Indicates whether or not daylight savings time is in effect to the
+`successCallback` with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object
+should have a `dst` property with a `Boolean` value. A `true` value
+indicates that daylight savings time is in effect for the given date,
+and `false` indicates that it is not.
+The inbound parameter `date` should be of type `Date`.
+If there is an error reading the date, then the `errorCallback`
+executes. The error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+During the summer, and if the browser is set to a DST-enabled
+timezone, this should display a popup dialog with text similar to
+`dst: true`:
+    navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(
+        new Date(),
+        function (date) {alert('dst: ' + date.dst + '\n');},
+        function () {alert('Error getting names\n');}
+    );
+## navigator.globalization.numberToString
+Returns a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences.
+    navigator.globalization.numberToString(number, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
+### Description
+Returns the formatted number string to the `successCallback` with a
+`properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
+property with a `String` value.
+If there is an error formatting the number, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
+The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
+    {type:'decimal'}
+The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a popup
+dialog with text similar to `number: 3.142`:
+    navigator.globalization.numberToString(
+        3.1415926,
+        function (number) {alert('number: ' + number.value + '\n');},
+        function () {alert('Error getting number\n');},
+        {type:'decimal'}
+    );
+### Windows Quirks
+- Windows 8.0 does not support number rounding, therefore values will not be rounded automatically.
+- On Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 fractional part is being truncated instead of rounded in case of `percent` number type therefore fractional digits count is set to 0.
+- `percent` numbers are not grouped as they can't be parsed in stringToNumber if grouped.
+### Browser Quirks
+- `currency` type is not supported.
+## navigator.globalization.stringToDate
+Parses a date formatted as a string, according to the client's user
+preferences and calendar using the time zone of the client, and
+returns the corresponding date object.
+    navigator.globalization.stringToDate(dateString, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
+### Description
+Returns the date to the success callback with a `properties` object as
+a parameter. That object should have the following properties:
+- __year__: The four digit year. _(Number)_
+- __month__: The month from (0-11). _(Number)_
+- __day__: The day from (1-31). _(Number)_
+- __hour__: The hour from (0-23). _(Number)_
+- __minute__: The minute from (0-59). _(Number)_
+- __second__: The second from (0-59). _(Number)_
+- __millisecond__: The milliseconds (from 0-999), not available on all platforms. _(Number)_
+The inbound `dateString` parameter should be of type `String`.
+The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following
+    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
+The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or
+`full`.  The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and
+If there is an error parsing the date string, then the `errorCallback`
+executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
+error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+- Browser
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a
+popup dialog with text similar to `month:8 day:25 year:2012`. Note
+that the month integer is one less than the string, as the month
+integer represents an array index.
+    navigator.globalization.stringToDate(
+        '9/25/2012',
+        function (date) {alert('month:' + date.month +
+                               ' day:'  +   +
+                               ' year:' + date.year  + '\n');},
+        function () {alert('Error getting date\n');},
+        {selector: 'date'}
+    );
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
+- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
+- The inbound `dateString` parameter should be formed in compliance with a pattern returned by getDatePattern.
+This pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+### Windows Quirks
+- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
+- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
+- The inbound `dateString` parameter should be formed in compliance with a pattern returned by getDatePattern.
+This pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+### Browser Quirks
+- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
+- Inbound string should be aligned with `dateToString` output format and may not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
+- `time` selector supports `full` and `short` formatLength only.
+## navigator.globalization.stringToNumber
+Parses a number formatted as a string according to the client's user
+preferences and returns the corresponding number.
+    navigator.globalization.stringToNumber(string, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
+### Description
+Returns the number to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
+as a parameter. That object should have a `value` property with a
+`Number` value.
+If there is an error parsing the number string, then the
+`errorCallback` executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a
+parameter. The error's expected code is
+The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following
+    {type:'decimal'}
+The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this should display a
+popup dialog with text similar to `number: 1234.56`:
+    navigator.globalization.stringToNumber(
+        '1234.56',
+        function (number) {alert('number: ' + number.value + '\n');},
+        function () {alert('Error getting number\n');},
+        {type:'decimal'}
+    );
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- In case of `percent` type the returned value is not divided by 100.
+### Windows Quirks
+- The string must strictly conform to the locale format. For example, percent symbol should be
+separated by space for 'en-US' locale if the type parameter is 'percent'.
+- `percent` numbers must not be grouped to be parsed correctly.
+## GlobalizationError
+An object representing a error from the Globalization API.
+### Properties
+- __code__:  One of the following codes representing the error type _(Number)_
+  - `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`: 0
+  - `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`: 1
+  - `GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR`: 2
+  - `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`: 3
+- __message__:  A text message that includes the error's explanation and/or details. _(String)_
+### Description
+This object is created and populated by Cordova, and returned to a callback in the case of an error.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+When the following error callback executes, it displays a
+popup dialog with the text similar to `code: 3` and `message:`
+    function errorCallback(error) {
+        alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +
+              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
+    };
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f0d306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
+This plugin provides a web browser view that displays when calling ``.
+    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
+The `` function is defined to be a drop-in replacement
+for the `` function.  Existing `` calls can use the
+InAppBrowser window, by replacing
+ =;
+The InAppBrowser window behaves like a standard web browser,
+and can't access Cordova APIs. For this reason, the InAppBrowser is recommended
+if you need to load third-party (untrusted) content, instead of loading that
+into the main Cordova webview. The InAppBrowser is not subject to the
+whitelist, nor is opening links in the system browser.
+The InAppBrowser provides by default its own GUI controls for the user (back,
+forward, done).
+For backwards compatibility, this plugin also hooks ``.
+However, the plugin-installed hook of `` can have unintended side
+effects (especially if this plugin is included only as a dependency of another
+plugin).  The hook of `` will be removed in a future major release.
+Until the hook is removed from the plugin, apps can manually restore the default
+    delete // Reverts the call back to it's prototype's default
+Although `` is in the global scope, InAppBrowser is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(" works well");
+    }
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
+If you want all page loads in your app to go through the InAppBrowser, you can
+simply hook `` during initialization.  For example:
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+ =;
+    }
+Opens a URL in a new `InAppBrowser` instance, the current browser
+instance, or the system browser.
+    var ref =, target, options);
+- __ref__: Reference to the `InAppBrowser` window. _(InAppBrowser)_
+- __url__: The URL to load _(String)_. Call `encodeURI()` on this if the URL contains Unicode characters.
+- __target__: The target in which to load the URL, an optional parameter that defaults to `_self`. _(String)_
+    - `_self`: Opens in the Cordova WebView if the URL is in the white list, otherwise it opens in the `InAppBrowser`.
+    - `_blank`: Opens in the `InAppBrowser`.
+    - `_system`: Opens in the system's web browser.
+- __options__: Options for the `InAppBrowser`. Optional, defaulting to: `location=yes`. _(String)_
+    The `options` string must not contain any blank space, and each feature's name/value pairs must be separated by a comma. Feature names are case insensitive. All platforms support the value below:
+    - __location__: Set to `yes` or `no` to turn the `InAppBrowser`'s location bar on or off.
+    Android only:
+    - __hidden__: set to `yes` to create the browser and load the page, but not show it. The loadstop event fires when loading is complete. Omit or set to `no` (default) to have the browser open and load normally.
+    - __clearcache__: set to `yes` to have the browser's cookie cache cleared before the new window is opened
+    - __clearsessioncache__: set to `yes` to have the session cookie cache cleared before the new window is opened
+    - __zoom__: set to `yes` to show Android browser's zoom controls, set to `no` to hide them.  Default value is `yes`.
+    - __hardwareback__: set to `yes` to use the hardware back button to navigate backwards through the `InAppBrowser`'s history. If there is no previous page, the `InAppBrowser` will close.  The default value is `yes`, so you must set it to `no` if you want the back button to simply close the InAppBrowser.
+    - __mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction__: Set to `yes` to prevent HTML5 audio or video from autoplaying (defaults to `no`).
+    iOS only:
+    - __closebuttoncaption__: set to a string to use as the __Done__ button's caption. Note that you need to localize this value yourself.
+    - __disallowoverscroll__: Set to `yes` or `no` (default is `no`). Turns on/off the UIWebViewBounce property.
+    - __hidden__: set to `yes` to create the browser and load the page, but not show it. The loadstop event fires when loading is complete. Omit or set to `no` (default) to have the browser open and load normally.
+    - __clearcache__: set to `yes` to have the browser's cookie cache cleared before the new window is opened
+    - __clearsessioncache__: set to `yes` to have the session cookie cache cleared before the new window is opened
+    - __toolbar__:  set to `yes` or `no` to turn the toolbar on or off for the InAppBrowser (defaults to `yes`)
+    - __enableViewportScale__:  Set to `yes` or `no` to prevent viewport scaling through a meta tag (defaults to `no`).
+    - __mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction__: Set to `yes` to prevent HTML5 audio or video from autoplaying (defaults to `no`).
+    - __allowInlineMediaPlayback__: Set to `yes` or `no` to allow in-line HTML5 media playback, displaying within the browser window rather than a device-specific playback interface. The HTML's `video` element must also include the `webkit-playsinline` attribute (defaults to `no`)
+    - __keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction__: Set to `yes` or `no` to open the keyboard when form elements receive focus via JavaScript's `focus()` call (defaults to `yes`).
+    - __suppressesIncrementalRendering__: Set to `yes` or `no` to wait until all new view content is received before being rendered (defaults to `no`).
+    - __presentationstyle__:  Set to `pagesheet`, `formsheet` or `fullscreen` to set the [presentation style]( (defaults to `fullscreen`).
+    - __transitionstyle__: Set to `fliphorizontal`, `crossdissolve` or `coververtical` to set the [transition style]( (defaults to `coververtical`).
+    - __toolbarposition__: Set to `top` or `bottom` (default is `bottom`). Causes the toolbar to be at the top or bottom of the window.
+    Windows only:
+    - __hidden__: set to `yes` to create the browser and load the page, but not show it. The loadstop event fires when loading is complete. Omit or set to `no` (default) to have the browser open and load normally.
+    - __fullscreen__: set to `yes` to create the browser control without a border around it. Please note that if __location=no__ is also specified, there will be no control presented to user to close IAB window.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows 8 and 8.1
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Browser
+### Example
+    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
+    var ref2 ='ハングル'), '_blank', 'location=yes');
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+As plugin doesn't enforce any design there is a need to add some CSS rules if
+opened with `target='_blank'`. The rules might look like these
+``` css
+.inAppBrowserWrap {
+  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
+  color: rgba(235,235,235,1.0);
+.inAppBrowserWrap menu {
+  overflow: auto;
+  list-style-type: none;
+  padding-left: 0;
+.inAppBrowserWrap menu li {
+  font-size: 25px;
+  height: 25px;
+  float: left;
+  margin: 0 10px;
+  padding: 3px 10px;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  color: #ccc;
+  display: block;
+  background: rgba(30,30,30,0.50);
+.inAppBrowserWrap menu li.disabled {
+	color: #777;
+### Windows Quirks
+Windows 8.0, 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 don't support remote urls to be opened in the Cordova WebView so remote urls are always showed in the system's web browser if opened with `target='_self'`.
+On Windows 10 if the URL is NOT in the white list and is opened with `target='_self'` it will be showed in the system's web browser instead of InAppBrowser popup.
+Similar to Firefox OS IAB window visual behaviour can be overridden via `inAppBrowserWrap`/`inAppBrowserWrapFullscreen` CSS classes
+### Browser Quirks
+- Plugin is implemented via iframe,
+- Navigation history (`back` and `forward` buttons in LocationBar) is not implemented.
+## InAppBrowser
+The object returned from a call to ``.
+### Methods
+- addEventListener
+- removeEventListener
+- close
+- show
+- executeScript
+- insertCSS
+## InAppBrowser.addEventListener
+> Adds a listener for an event from the `InAppBrowser`.
+    ref.addEventListener(eventname, callback);
+- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window _(InAppBrowser)_
+- __eventname__: the event to listen for _(String)_
+  - __loadstart__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` starts to load a URL.
+  - __loadstop__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` finishes loading a URL.
+  - __loaderror__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` encounters an error when loading a URL.
+  - __exit__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` window is closed.
+- __callback__: the function that executes when the event fires. The function is passed an `InAppBrowserEvent` object as a parameter.
+### InAppBrowserEvent Properties
+- __type__: the eventname, either `loadstart`, `loadstop`, `loaderror`, or `exit`. _(String)_
+- __url__: the URL that was loaded. _(String)_
+- __code__: the error code, only in the case of `loaderror`. _(Number)_
+- __message__: the error message, only in the case of `loaderror`. _(String)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows 8 and 8.1
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Browser
+### Browser Quirks
+`loadstart` and `loaderror` events are not being fired.
+### Quick Example
+    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
+    ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function(event) { alert(event.url); });
+## InAppBrowser.removeEventListener
+> Removes a listener for an event from the `InAppBrowser`.
+    ref.removeEventListener(eventname, callback);
+- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window. _(InAppBrowser)_
+- __eventname__: the event to stop listening for. _(String)_
+  - __loadstart__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` starts to load a URL.
+  - __loadstop__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` finishes loading a URL.
+  - __loaderror__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` encounters an error loading a URL.
+  - __exit__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` window is closed.
+- __callback__: the function to execute when the event fires.
+The function is passed an `InAppBrowserEvent` object.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows 8 and 8.1
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Browser
+### Quick Example
+    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
+    var myCallback = function(event) { alert(event.url); }
+    ref.addEventListener('loadstart', myCallback);
+    ref.removeEventListener('loadstart', myCallback);
+## InAppBrowser.close
+> Closes the `InAppBrowser` window.
+    ref.close();
+- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window _(InAppBrowser)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows 8 and 8.1
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Browser
+### Quick Example
+    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
+    ref.close();
+> Displays an InAppBrowser window that was opened hidden. Calling this has no effect if the InAppBrowser was already visible.
+- __ref__: reference to the InAppBrowser window (`InAppBrowser`)
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows 8 and 8.1
+- Browser
+### Quick Example
+    var ref ='', '_blank', 'hidden=yes');
+    // some time later...
+## InAppBrowser.executeScript
+> Injects JavaScript code into the `InAppBrowser` window
+    ref.executeScript(details, callback);
+- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window. _(InAppBrowser)_
+- __injectDetails__: details of the script to run, specifying either a `file` or `code` key. _(Object)_
+  - __file__: URL of the script to inject.
+  - __code__: Text of the script to inject.
+- __callback__: the function that executes after the JavaScript code is injected.
+    - If the injected script is of type `code`, the callback executes
+      with a single parameter, which is the return value of the
+      script, wrapped in an `Array`. For multi-line scripts, this is
+      the return value of the last statement, or the last expression
+      evaluated.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows 8 and 8.1
+- Browser
+### Quick Example
+    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
+    ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function() {
+        ref.executeScript({file: "myscript.js"});
+    });
+### Browser Quirks
+- only __code__ key is supported.
+### Windows Quirks
+Due to [MSDN docs]( the invoked script can return only string values, otherwise the parameter, passed to __callback__ will be `[null]`.
+## InAppBrowser.insertCSS
+> Injects CSS into the `InAppBrowser` window.
+    ref.insertCSS(details, callback);
+- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window _(InAppBrowser)_
+- __injectDetails__: details of the script to run, specifying either a `file` or `code` key. _(Object)_
+  - __file__: URL of the stylesheet to inject.
+  - __code__: Text of the stylesheet to inject.
+- __callback__: the function that executes after the CSS is injected.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows
+### Quick Example
+    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
+    ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function() {
+        ref.insertCSS({file: "mystyles.css"});
+    });
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc5d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+# cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist
+This plugin implements the Cordova 3.6 Whitelist policy for Cordova 4.0.
+Please use cordova-plugin-whitelist instead, as it's more secure.
+Supported on:
+- cordova-android@4.0.0
+- cordova-ios@4.0.0
+## Usage:
+Use `<access>` tags, just as in previous versions of Cordova.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-media-capture/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-media-capture/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd6b295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-media-capture/
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-media-capture
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-media-capture
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-media-capture
+This plugin provides access to the device's audio, image, and video capture capabilities.
+__WARNING__: Collection and use of images, video, or
+audio from the device's camera or microphone raises important privacy
+issues.  Your app's privacy policy should discuss how the app uses
+such sensors and whether the data recorded is shared with any other
+parties.  In addition, if the app's use of the camera or microphone is
+not apparent in the user interface, you should provide a just-in-time
+notice before the app accesses the camera or microphone (if the
+device operating system doesn't do so already). That notice should
+provide the same information noted above, as well as obtaining the
+user's permission (e.g., by presenting choices for __OK__ and __No
+Thanks__).  Note that some app marketplaces may require your app to
+provide just-in-time notice and obtain permission from the user prior
+to accessing the camera or microphone.  For more information, please
+see the Privacy Guide.
+This plugin defines global `navigator.device.capture` object.
+Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(navigator.device.capture);
+    }
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media-capture
+## Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+## Objects
+- Capture
+- CaptureAudioOptions
+- CaptureImageOptions
+- CaptureVideoOptions
+- CaptureCallback
+- CaptureErrorCB
+- ConfigurationData
+- MediaFile
+- MediaFileData
+## Methods
+- capture.captureAudio
+- capture.captureImage
+- capture.captureVideo
+- MediaFile.getFormatData
+## Properties
+- __supportedAudioModes__: The audio recording formats supported by the device. (ConfigurationData[])
+- __supportedImageModes__: The recording image sizes and formats supported by the device. (ConfigurationData[])
+- __supportedVideoModes__: The recording video resolutions and formats supported by the device. (ConfigurationData[])
+## capture.captureAudio
+> Start the audio recorder application and return information about captured audio clip files.
+    navigator.device.capture.captureAudio(
+        CaptureCB captureSuccess, CaptureErrorCB captureError,  [CaptureAudioOptions options]
+    );
+### Description
+Starts an asynchronous operation to capture audio recordings using the
+device's default audio recording application.  The operation allows
+the device user to capture multiple recordings in a single session.
+The capture operation ends when either the user exits the audio
+recording application, or the maximum number of recordings specified
+by `CaptureAudioOptions.limit` is reached.  If no `limit` parameter
+value is specified, it defaults to one (1), and the capture operation
+terminates after the user records a single audio clip.
+When the capture operation finishes, the `CaptureCallback` executes
+with an array of `MediaFile` objects describing each captured audio
+clip file.  If the user terminates the operation before an audio clip
+is captured, the `CaptureErrorCallback` executes with a `CaptureError`
+object, featuring the `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES` error
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+    // capture callback
+    var captureSuccess = function(mediaFiles) {
+        var i, path, len;
+        for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
+            path = mediaFiles[i].fullPath;
+            // do something interesting with the file
+        }
+    };
+    // capture error callback
+    var captureError = function(error) {
+        navigator.notification.alert('Error code: ' + error.code, null, 'Capture Error');
+    };
+    // start audio capture
+    navigator.device.capture.captureAudio(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit:2});
+### iOS Quirks
+- iOS does not have a default audio recording application, so a simple user interface is provided.
+### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+- Windows Phone 7 does not have a default audio recording application, so a simple user interface is provided.
+## capture.captureImage
+> Start the camera application and return information about captured image files.
+    navigator.device.capture.captureImage(
+        CaptureCB captureSuccess, CaptureErrorCB captureError, [CaptureImageOptions options]
+    );
+### Description
+Starts an asynchronous operation to capture images using the device's
+camera application.  The operation allows users to capture more than
+one image in a single session.
+The capture operation ends either when the user closes the camera
+application, or the maximum number of recordings specified by
+`CaptureImageOptions.limit` is reached.  If no `limit` value is
+specified, it defaults to one (1), and the capture operation
+terminates after the user captures a single image.
+When the capture operation finishes, it invokes the `CaptureCB`
+callback with an array of `MediaFile` objects describing each captured
+image file.  If the user terminates the operation before capturing an
+image, the `CaptureErrorCB` callback executes with a `CaptureError`
+object featuring a `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES` error code.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Browser
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
+Invoking the native camera application while your device is connected
+via Zune does not work, and the error callback executes.
+### Browser Quirks
+Works in Chrome, Firefox and Opera only (since IE and Safari doesn't supports
+navigator.getUserMedia API)
+Displaying images using captured file's URL available in Chrome/Opera only.
+Firefox stores captured images in IndexedDB storage (see File plugin documentation),
+and due to this the only way to show captured image is to read it and show using its DataURL.
+### Example
+    // capture callback
+    var captureSuccess = function(mediaFiles) {
+        var i, path, len;
+        for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
+            path = mediaFiles[i].fullPath;
+            // do something interesting with the file
+        }
+    };
+    // capture error callback
+    var captureError = function(error) {
+        navigator.notification.alert('Error code: ' + error.code, null, 'Capture Error');
+    };
+    // start image capture
+    navigator.device.capture.captureImage(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit:2});
+## capture.captureVideo
+> Start the video recorder application and return information about captured video clip files.
+    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(
+        CaptureCB captureSuccess, CaptureErrorCB captureError, [CaptureVideoOptions options]
+    );
+### Description
+Starts an asynchronous operation to capture video recordings using the
+device's video recording application.  The operation allows the user
+to capture more than one recordings in a single session.
+The capture operation ends when either the user exits the video
+recording application, or the maximum number of recordings specified
+by `CaptureVideoOptions.limit` is reached.  If no `limit` parameter
+value is specified, it defaults to one (1), and the capture operation
+terminates after the user records a single video clip.
+When the capture operation finishes, it the `CaptureCB` callback
+executes with an array of `MediaFile` objects describing each captured
+video clip file.  If the user terminates the operation before
+capturing a video clip, the `CaptureErrorCB` callback executes with a
+`CaptureError` object featuring a
+`CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES` error code.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+    // capture callback
+    var captureSuccess = function(mediaFiles) {
+        var i, path, len;
+        for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
+            path = mediaFiles[i].fullPath;
+            // do something interesting with the file
+        }
+    };
+    // capture error callback
+    var captureError = function(error) {
+        navigator.notification.alert('Error code: ' + error.code, null, 'Capture Error');
+    };
+    // start video capture
+    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit:2});
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- Cordova for BlackBerry 10 attempts to launch the __Video Recorder__ application, provided by RIM, to capture video recordings. The app receives a `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED` error code if the application is not installed on the device.
+## CaptureAudioOptions
+> Encapsulates audio capture configuration options.
+### Properties
+- __limit__: The maximum number of audio clips the device user can record in a single capture operation.  The value must be greater than or equal to 1 (defaults to 1).
+- __duration__: The maximum duration of an audio sound clip, in seconds.
+### Example
+    // limit capture operation to 3 media files, no longer than 10 seconds each
+    var options = { limit: 3, duration: 10 };
+    navigator.device.capture.captureAudio(captureSuccess, captureError, options);
+### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
+- The `duration` parameter is not supported.  Recording lengths cannot be limited programmatically.
+### Android Quirks
+- The `duration` parameter is not supported.  Recording lengths can't be limited programmatically.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- The `duration` parameter is not supported.  Recording lengths can't be limited programmatically.
+- The `limit` parameter is not supported, so only one recording can be created for each invocation.
+### iOS Quirks
+- The `limit` parameter is not supported, so only one recording can be created for each invocation.
+## CaptureImageOptions
+> Encapsulates image capture configuration options.
+### Properties
+- __limit__: The maximum number of images the user can capture in a single capture operation. The value must be greater than or equal to 1 (defaults to 1).
+### Example
+    // limit capture operation to 3 images
+    var options = { limit: 3 };
+    navigator.device.capture.captureImage(captureSuccess, captureError, options);
+### iOS Quirks
+- The __limit__ parameter is not supported, and only one image is taken per invocation.
+## CaptureVideoOptions
+> Encapsulates video capture configuration options.
+### Properties
+- __limit__: The maximum number of video clips the device's user can capture in a single capture operation.  The value must be greater than or equal to 1 (defaults to 1).
+- __duration__: The maximum duration of a video clip, in seconds.
+### Example
+    // limit capture operation to 3 video clips
+    var options = { limit: 3 };
+    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, options);
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- The __duration__ property is ignored, so the length of recordings can't be limited programmatically.
+### iOS Quirks
+- The __limit__ property is ignored.  Only one video is recorded per invocation.
+### Android Quirks
+- Android supports an additional __quality__ property, to allow capturing video at different qualities.  A value of `1` ( the default ) means high quality and value of `0` means low quality, suitable for MMS messages.
+  See [here]( for more details.
+### Example ( Android w/ quality )
+    // limit capture operation to 1 video clip of low quality
+    var options = { limit: 1, quality: 0 };
+    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, options);
+## CaptureCB
+> Invoked upon a successful media capture operation.
+    function captureSuccess( MediaFile[] mediaFiles ) { ... };
+### Description
+This function executes after a successful capture operation completes.
+At this point a media file has been captured, and either the user has
+exited the media capture application, or the capture limit has been
+Each `MediaFile` object describes a captured media file.
+### Example
+    // capture callback
+    function captureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
+        var i, path, len;
+        for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
+            path = mediaFiles[i].fullPath;
+            // do something interesting with the file
+        }
+    };
+## CaptureError
+> Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed media capture operation.
+### Properties
+- __code__: One of the pre-defined error codes listed below.
+### Constants
+- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR`: The camera or microphone failed to capture image or sound.
+- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_APPLICATION_BUSY`: The camera or audio capture application is currently serving another capture request.
+- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT`: Invalid use of the API (e.g., the value of `limit` is less than one).
+- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES`: The user exits the camera or audio capture application before capturing anything.
+- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED`: The requested capture operation is not supported.
+## CaptureErrorCB
+> Invoked if an error occurs during a media capture operation.
+    function captureError( CaptureError error ) { ... };
+### Description
+This function executes if an error occurs when trying to launch a
+media capture operation. Failure scenarios include when the capture
+application is busy, a capture operation is already taking place, or
+the user cancels the operation before any media files are captured.
+This function executes with a `CaptureError` object containing an
+appropriate error `code`.
+### Example
+    // capture error callback
+    var captureError = function(error) {
+        navigator.notification.alert('Error code: ' + error.code, null, 'Capture Error');
+    };
+## ConfigurationData
+> Encapsulates a set of media capture parameters that a device supports.
+### Description
+Describes media capture modes supported by the device.  The
+configuration data includes the MIME type, and capture dimensions for
+video or image capture.
+The MIME types should adhere to [RFC2046](  Examples:
+- `video/3gpp`
+- `video/quicktime`
+- `image/jpeg`
+- `audio/amr`
+- `audio/wav`
+### Properties
+- __type__: The ASCII-encoded lowercase string representing the media type. (DOMString)
+- __height__: The height of the image or video in pixels.  The value is zero for sound clips. (Number)
+- __width__: The width of the image or video in pixels.  The value is zero for sound clips. (Number)
+### Example
+    // retrieve supported image modes
+    var imageModes = navigator.device.capture.supportedImageModes;
+    // Select mode that has the highest horizontal resolution
+    var width = 0;
+    var selectedmode;
+    for each (var mode in imageModes) {
+        if (mode.width > width) {
+            width = mode.width;
+            selectedmode = mode;
+        }
+    }
+Not supported by any platform.  All configuration data arrays are empty.
+## MediaFile.getFormatData
+> Retrieves format information about the media capture file.
+    mediaFile.getFormatData(
+        MediaFileDataSuccessCB successCallback,
+        [MediaFileDataErrorCB errorCallback]
+    );
+### Description
+This function asynchronously attempts to retrieve the format
+information for the media file.  If successful, it invokes the
+`MediaFileDataSuccessCB` callback with a `MediaFileData` object.  If
+the attempt fails, this function invokes the `MediaFileDataErrorCB`
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows 8
+- Windows
+### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
+The API to access media file format information is limited, so not all
+`MediaFileData` properties are supported.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+Does not provide an API for information about media files, so all
+`MediaFileData` objects return with default values.
+### Android Quirks
+The API to access media file format information is limited, so not all
+`MediaFileData` properties are supported.
+### iOS Quirks
+The API to access media file format information is limited, so not all
+`MediaFileData` properties are supported.
+## MediaFile
+> Encapsulates properties of a media capture file.
+### Properties
+- __name__: The name of the file, without path information. (DOMString)
+- __fullPath__: The full path of the file, including the name. (DOMString)
+- __type__: The file's mime type (DOMString)
+- __lastModifiedDate__: The date and time when the file was last modified. (Date)
+- __size__: The size of the file, in bytes. (Number)
+### Methods
+- __MediaFile.getFormatData__: Retrieves the format information of the media file.
+## MediaFileData
+> Encapsulates format information about a media file.
+### Properties
+- __codecs__: The actual format of the audio and video content. (DOMString)
+- __bitrate__: The average bitrate of the content.  The value is zero for images. (Number)
+- __height__: The height of the image or video in pixels. The value is zero for audio clips. (Number)
+- __width__: The width of the image or video in pixels. The value is zero for audio clips. (Number)
+- __duration__: The length of the video or sound clip in seconds. The value is zero for images. (Number)
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+No API provides format information for media files, so the
+`MediaFileData` object returned by `MediaFile.getFormatData` features
+the following default values:
+- __codecs__: Not supported, and returns `null`.
+- __bitrate__: Not supported, and returns zero.
+- __height__: Not supported, and returns zero.
+- __width__: Not supported, and returns zero.
+- __duration__: Not supported, and returns zero.
+### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
+Supports the following `MediaFileData` properties:
+- __codecs__: Not supported, and returns `null`.
+- __bitrate__: Not supported, and returns zero.
+- __height__: Supported: image and video files only.
+- __width__: Supported: image and video files only.
+- __duration__: Supported: audio and video files only
+### Android Quirks
+Supports the following `MediaFileData` properties:
+- __codecs__: Not supported, and returns `null`.
+- __bitrate__: Not supported, and returns zero.
+- __height__: Supported: image and video files only.
+- __width__: Supported: image and video files only.
+- __duration__: Supported: audio and video files only.
+### iOS Quirks
+Supports the following `MediaFileData` properties:
+- __codecs__: Not supported, and returns `null`.
+- __bitrate__: Supported on iOS4 devices for audio only. Returns zero for images and videos.
+- __height__: Supported: image and video files only.
+- __width__: Supported: image and video files only.
+- __duration__: Supported: audio and video files only.

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+title: CLI Reference
+description: Learn how to use Cordova CLI commands and their options.
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Cordova Command-line-interface (CLI) Reference
+## Syntax
+cordova <command> [options] -- [platformOpts]
+## Global Command List
+These commands are available at all times.
+| Command  | Description
+| create | Create a project
+| help <command> | Get help for a command
+## Project Command List
+These commands are supported when the current working directory is a valid Cordova project.
+| Command      | Description
+| info         | Generate project information
+| requirements | Checks and print out all the installation requirements for platforms specified
+| platform     | Manage project platforms
+| plugin       | Manage project plugins
+| prepare      | Copy files into platform(s) for building
+| compile      | Build platform(s)
+| clean        | Cleanup project from build artifacts
+| run          | Run project (including prepare && compile)
+| serve        | Run project with a local webserver (including prepare)
+## Common options
+These options apply to all cordova-cli commands.
+| Option               | Description
+| -d or --verbose      | Pipe out more verbose output to your shell. You can also subscribe to `log` and `warn` events if you are consuming `cordova-cli` as a node module by calling `cordova.on('log', function() {})` or `cordova.on('warn', function() {})`.
+| -v or --version      | Print out the version of your `cordova-cli` install.
+| --no-update-notifier | Will disable updates check. Alternatively set `"optOut": true` in `~/.config/configstore/update-notifier-cordova.json` or set `NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER` environment variable with any value (see details in [update-notifier docs](
+|--nohooks             | Suppress executing hooks (taking RegExp hook patterns as parameters)
+## Platform-specific options
+Certain commands have options (`platformOpts`) that are specific to a particular platform. They can be provided to the cordova-cli with a '--' separator that stops the command parsing within the cordova-lib module and passes through rest of the options for platforms to parse.   
+## Examples
+-  This example demonstrates how cordova-cli can be used to create a project with the `camera` plugin and run it for `android` platform. In particular, platform specific options like `--keystore` can be provided:
+        # Create a cordova project
+        cordova create myApp com.myCompany.myApp myApp
+        cd myApp
+        # Add camera plugin to the project and remember that in config.xml
+        cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera --save
+        # Add android platform to the project and remember that in config.xml
+        cordova platform add android --save
+        # Check to see if your system is configured for building android platform.
+        cordova requirements android
+        # Build the android and emit verbose logs.
+        cordova build android --verbose
+        # Run the project on the android platform.
+        cordova run android
+        # Build for android platform in release mode with specified signing parameters.
+        cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\android.keystore" --storePassword=android --alias=mykey
+## cordova create command
+### Synopsis
+Create the directory structure for the Cordova project in the specified path.
+### Syntax
+cordova create path [id [name [config]]] [options]
+| Value | Description   |
+| path  |  Directory which should not already exist. Cordova will create this directory. For more details on the directory structure, see below. |
+| id    | _Default_: `io.cordova.hellocordova` <br/>  Reverse domain-style identifier that maps to `id` attirbute of `widget` element in `config.xml`. This can be changed but there may be code generated using this value, such as Java package names. It is recommended that you select an appropriate value.  |
+| name  | _Default_: `HelloCordova` <br/> Application's display title that maps `name` element in `config.xml` file. This can be changed but there may be code generated using this value, such as Java class names. The default value is `HelloCordova`, but it is recommended that you select an appropriate value. |
+| config | JSON string whose key/values will be included in `<path>`/.cordova/config.json |
+### Options
+| Option | Description |
+| --template |  Use a custom template located locally, in NPM, or GitHub. |
+| --copy-from\|--src | _Deprecated_ <br/> Use --template instead. Specifies a directory from which to copy the current Cordova project. |
+|--link-to | Symlink to specified `www` directory without creating a copy. |
+### Directory structure
+A Cordova application created with `cordova-cli` will have the following directory structure:
+|-- config.xml
+|-- hooks/
+|-- merges/
+| | |-- android/
+| | |-- windows/
+| | |-- ios/
+|-- www/
+|-- platforms/
+| |-- android/
+| |-- windows/
+| |-- ios/
+|-- plugins/
+  |--cordova-plugin-camera/
+#### config.xml
+Configures your application and allows you to customize the behavior of your project. See also [config.xml reference documentation][config.xml ref]
+#### www/
+Contains the project's web artifacts, such as .html, .css and .js files. As a cordova application developer, most of your code and assets will go here. They will be copied on a `cordova prepare` to each platform's www directory. The www source directory is reproduced within each platform's subdirectory, appearing for example in `platforms/ios/www` or `platforms/android/assets/www`. Because the CLI constantly copies over files from the source www folder, you should only edit these files and not the ones located under the platforms subdirectories. If you use version control software, you should add this source www folder, along with the merges folder, to your version control system.
+#### platforms/
+Contains all the source code and build scripts for the platforms that you add to your project.
+> **WARNING:** When using the CLI to build your application, you should not edit any files in the /platforms/ directory unless you know what you are doing, or if documentation specifies otherwise. The files in this directory are routinely overwritten when preparing applications for building, or when plugins are re-installed.
+#### plugins/
+Any added plugins will be extracted or copied into this directory.
+#### hooks/
+This directory may contains scripts used to customize cordova-cli commands. Any scripts you add to these directories will be executed before and after the commands corresponding to the directory name. Useful for integrating your own build systems or integrating with version control systems.
+Refer to [Hooks Guide] for more information.
+#### merges/
+Platform-specific web assets (HTML, CSS and JavaScript files) are contained within appropriate subfolders in this directory. These are deployed during a `prepare` to the appropriate native directory.  Files placed under `merges/` will override matching files in the `www/` folder for the relevant platform. A quick example, assuming a project structure of:
+|-- ios/
+| -- app.js
+|-- android/
+| -- android.js
+-- app.js
+After building the Android and iOS projects, the Android application will contain both `app.js` and `android.js`. However, the iOS application will only contain an `app.js`, and it will be the one from `merges/ios/app.js`, overriding the "common" `app.js` located inside `www/`.
+#### Version control
+It is recommended not to check in `platforms/` and `plugins/` directories into version control as they are considered a build artifact. Instead, you should save the platform/plugin spec in the `config.xml` and they will be downloaded when on the machine when `cordova prepare` is invoked.
+### Examples
+- Create a Cordova project in `myapp` directory using the specified ID and display name:
+        cordova create myapp com.mycompany.myteam.myapp MyApp
+- Create a Cordova project with a symlink to an existing `www` directory. This can be useful if you have a custom build process or existing web assets that you want to use in your Cordova app:
+        cordova create myapp --link-to=../www
+## cordova platform command
+### Synopsis
+Manage cordova platforms - allowing you to add, remove, update, list and check for updates. Running commands to add or remove platforms affects the contents of the project's platforms directory.
+### Syntax
+cordova {platform | platforms} [
+    add <platform-spec> [...] {--save | link=<path> } |
+    {remove | rm}  platform [...] |
+    {list | ls}  |
+    check |
+    save ]
+| Sub-command           | Option | Description |
+| add `<platform-spec>` [...] |  | Add specified platforms |
+|     | --save                   | Save `<platform-spec>` into `config.xml` after installing them using `<engine>` tag |
+|     | --link=`<path>`          | When `<platform-spec>` is a local path, links the platform library directly instead of making a copy of it (support varies by platform; useful for platform development)
+| remove `<platform>` [...] |    | Remove specified platforms |
+|     | --save                   | Delete specified platforms from `config.xml` after removing them |
+| update `platform` [...] |      | Update specified platforms |
+|     | --save                   | Updates the version specified in `config.xml` |
+| list |                         | List all installed and available platforms |
+| check |                        | List platforms which can be updated by `cordova-cli platform update` |
+| save  |                        | Save `<platform-spec>` of all platforms added to config.xml |
+### Platform-spec
+There are a number of ways to specify a platform:
+<platform-spec> : platform[@version] | path | url[#commit-ish]
+| Value | Description |
+| platform  | Platform name e.g. android, ios, windows etc. to be added to the project. Every release of cordova CLI pins a version for each platform. When no version is specified this version is used to add the platform. |
+| version   | Major.minor.patch version specifier using semver |
+| path      | Path to a directory or tarball containing a platform |
+| url       | URL to a git repository or tarball containing a platform |
+| commit-ish | Commit/tag/branch reference. If none is specified, 'master' is used |
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows (8.1, Phone 8.1, UWP - Windows 10)
+- Blackberry10
+- Ubuntu
+- Browser
+### Deprecated Platforms
+- Amazon-fireos (use Android platform instead)
+- WP8 (use Windows platform instead)
+- Windows 8.0 (use older versions of cordova)
+- Firefox OS (use older versions of cordova)
+### Examples
+- Add pinned version of the `android` and `ios` platform and save the downloaded version to `config.xml`:
+        cordova platform add android ios --save
+- Add `android` platform with [semver]( version ^5.0.0 and save it to `config.xml`:
+        cordova platform add android@^5.0.0 --save
+- Add platform by cloning the specified git repo and checkout to the `4.0.0` tag:
+        cordova platform add
+- Add platform using a local directory named `android`:
+        cordova platform add ../android
+- Add platform using the specified tarball:
+        cordova platform add ../cordova-android.tgz
+- Remove `android` platform from the project and from `config.xml`:
+        cordova platform rm android --save
+- List available and installed platforms with version numbers. This is useful to find version numbers when reporting issues:
+        cordova platform ls
+- Save versions of all platforms currently added to the project to `config.xml`.
+        cordova platform save
+## cordova plugin command
+### Synopsis
+Manage project plugins
+### Syntax
+cordova {plugin | plugins} [
+    add <plugin-spec> [..] {--searchpath=<directory> | --noregistry | --link | --save | --browserify | --force} |
+    {remove | rm} {<pluginid> | <name>} --save |
+    {list | ls} |
+    search [<keyword>] |
+    save |
+| Sub-command | Option | Description
+| add `<plugin-spec>` [...] |     | Add specified plugins
+|       |--searchpath `<directory>` | When looking up plugins by ID, look in this directory and each of its subdirectories before hitting the registry. Multiple search paths can be specified. Use ':' as a separator in *nix based systems and ';' for Windows.
+|       |--noregistry             | Don't search the registry for plugins.
+|       |--link                   | When installing from a local path, creates a symbolic link instead of copying files. The extent to which files are linked varies by platform. Useful for plugin development.
+|       |--save                   | Save the `<plugin-spec>` as part of the `plugin` element  into `config.xml`.
+|       |--browserify             | Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime.
+|       |--force                  | _Introduced in version 6.1._ Forces copying source files from the plugin even if the same file already exists in the target directory.
+| remove `<pluginid>|<name>` [...]| | Remove plugins with the given IDs/name.
+|       |--save                    | Remove the specified plugin from config.xml
+|list                           |  | List currently installed plugins
+|search `[<keyword>]` [...]     |  | Search for plugins matching the keywords
+|save                           |  | Save `<plugin-spec>` of all plugins currently added to the project
+### Plugin-spec
+There are a number of ways to specify a plugin:
+    <plugin-spec> : pluginID[@version]|directory|url[#commit-ish][:subdir]
+| Value       | Description
+| plugin      | Plugin id (id of plugin in npm registry or in --searchPath)
+| version     | Major.minor.patch version specifier using semver
+| directory   | Directory containing plugin.xml
+| url         | Url to a git repository containing a plugin.xml
+| commit-ish  | Commit/tag/branch reference. If none is specified, 'master' is used
+| subdir      | Sub-directory to find plugin.xml for the specified plugin.
+### Examples
+- Add `cordova-plugin-camera` and `cordova-plugin-file` to the project and save it to `config.xml`. Use `../plugins` directory to search for the plugins.
+        cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera cordova-plugin-file --save --searchpath ../plugins
+- Add `cordova-plugin-camera` with [semver]( version ^2.0.0 and save it to `config.xml`:
+        cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera@^2.0.0 --save
+- Clone the specified git repo, checkout to tag `2.1.0`, look for plugin.xml in the `plugin` directory, and add it to the project. Save the `plugin-spec` to `config.xml`:
+        cordova plugin add --save
+- Add the plugin from the specified local directory:
+        cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-camera
+- Add the plugin from the specified tarball file:
+        cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-camera.tgz --save
+- Remove the plugin from the project and the `config.xml`:
+        cordova plugin rm camera --save
+- List all plugins installed in the project:
+        cordova plugin ls
+## cordova prepare command
+### Synopsis
+Transforms config.xml metadata to platform-specific manifest files, copies icons & splashscreens,
+copies plugin files for specified platforms so that the project is ready to build with each native SDK.
+### Syntax
+cordova prepare [<platform> [..]]
+     [--browserify]
+| Option     | Description
+| `<platform> [..]` | Platform name(s) to prepare. If not specified, all platforms are built.
+|--browserify | Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime.
+## cordova compile command
+### Synopsis
+`cordova compile` is a subset of the [cordova build command](#cordova-build-command).
+It only performs the compilation step without doing prepare. It's common to invoke `cordova build` instead of this command - however, this stage is useful to allow extending using [hooks][Hooks guide].
+cordova build [<platform> [...]]
+    [--debug|--release]
+    [--device|--emulator|--target=<targetName>]
+    [--buildConfig=<configfile>]
+    [--browserify]
+    [-- <platformOpts>]
+For detailed documentation see [cordova build command](#cordova-build-command) docs below.
+## cordova build command
+### Synopsis
+Shortcut for `cordova prepare` + `cordova compile` for all/the specified platforms. Allows you to build the app for the specified platform.
+### Syntax
+cordova build [<platform> [...]]
+    [--debug|--release]
+    [--device|--emulator]
+    [--buildConfig=<configfile>]
+    [--browserify]
+    [-- <platformOpts>]
+| Option     | Description
+| `<platform> [..]` | Platform name(s) to build. If not specified, all platforms are built.
+| --debug    | Perform a debug build. This typically translates to debug mode for the underlying platform being built.
+| --release  | Perform a release build. This typically translates to release mode for the underlying platform being built.
+| --device   | Build it for a device
+| --emulator | Build it for an emulator. In particular, the platform architecture might be different for a device Vs emulator.
+| --buildConfig=`<configFile>` | Default: build.json in cordova root directory. <br/> Use the specified build configuration file. `build.json` file is used to specify paramaters to customize the app build process esecially related to signing the package.
+| --browserify | Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime
+| `<platformOpts>` | To provide platform specific options, you must include them after `--` separator. Review platform guide docs for more details.
+### Examples
+- Build for `android` and `windows` platform in `debug` mode for deployment to device:
+        cordova build android windows --debug --device
+- Build for `android` platform in `release` mode and use the specified build configuration:
+        cordova build android --release --buildConfig=..\myBuildConfig.json
+- Build for `android` platform in release mode and pass custom platform options to android build process:
+        cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\android.keystore" --storePassword=android --alias=mykey
+## cordova run command
+### Synopsis
+Prepares, builds (unless `--nobuild` is specified) and deploys app on specified platform devices/emulators. If a device is connected it will be used, unless an eligible emulator is already running.
+cordova run [<platform> [...]]
+    [--list | --nobuild ]
+    [--device|--emulator|--target=<targetName>]
+    [--buildConfig=<configfile>]
+    [--browserify]
+    [-- <platformOpts>]
+| Option     | Description
+| `<platform> [..]` | Platform name(s) to run. If not specified, all platforms are run.
+|--nobuild   | Skip building
+|--debug     | Deploy a debug build. This is the default behavior unless `--release` is specified.
+|--release   | Deploy a release build
+|--device    | Deploy to a device
+|--emulator  | Deploy to an emulator
+|--target    | Deploy to a specific target emulator/device. Use `--list` to display target options
+| --list     | Lists available targets. Displays both device and emulator deployment targets unless specified
+| --buildConfig=`<configFile>` | Default: build.json in cordova root directory. <br/> Use the specified build configuration file. `build.json` file is used to specify paramaters to customize the app build process esecially related to signing the package.
+| --browserify | Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify instead of runtime
+| `<platformOpts>` | To provide platform specific options, you must include them after `--` separator. Review platform guide docs for more details.
+- Run a release build of current cordova project on `android` platform emulator named `Nexus_5_API_23_x86`. Use the spcified build configuration when running:
+        cordova run android --release --buildConfig=..\myBuildConfig.json --target=Nexus_5_API_23_x86
+- Run a debug build of current cordova project on `android` platform using a device or emulator (if no device is connected). Skip doing the build:
+        cordova run android --nobuild
+- Run a debug build of current cordova project on an `ios` device:
+        cordova run ios --device
+- Enumerate names of all the connected devices and available emulators that can be used to run this app:
+        cordova run ios --list
+## cordova emulate command
+### Synopsis
+Alias for `cordova run --emulator`. Launches the emulator instead of device.
+See [cordova run command docs](#cordova-run-command) for more details.
+## cordova clean command
+### Synopsis
+Cleans the build artifacts for the specified platform, or all platforms by running platform-specific build cleanup.
+### Syntax
+cordova clean [<platform> [...]]
+### Example
+- Clean `android` platform build artifiacts:
+        cordova clean android
+## cordova requirements command
+### Synopsis
+Checks and print out all the requirements for platforms specified (or all platforms added
+to project if none specified). If all requirements for each platform are met, exits with code 0
+otherwise exits with non-zero code.
+This can be useful when setting up a machine for building a particular platform.
+### Syntax
+cordova requirements android
+## cordova info command
+### Synopsis
+Print out useful information helpful for submitting bug
+reports and getting help.  Creates an info.txt file at the
+base of your project.
+### Syntax
+cordova info
+## cordova serve command
+### Synopsis
+Run a local web server for www/ assets using specified `port` or default of 8000. Access projects at: `http://HOST_IP:PORT/PLATFORM/www`
+### Syntax
+cordova serve [port]
+## cordova help command
+### Synopsis
+Show syntax summary, or the help for a specific command.
+### Syntax
+cordova help [command]
+cordova [command] -h
+cordova -h [command]
+[Hooks guide]:
+[config.xml ref]:
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-battery-status/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-battery-status/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74a9818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-battery-status/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-battery-status
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-battery-status
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-battery-status
+This plugin provides an implementation of an old version of the [Battery Status Events API][w3c_spec]. It adds the following three events to the `window` object:
+* batterystatus
+* batterycritical
+* batterylow
+Applications may use `window.addEventListener` to attach an event listener for any of the above events after the `deviceready` event fires.
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-battery-status
+## Status object
+All events in this plugin return an object with the following properties:
+- __level__: The battery charge percentage (0-100). _(Number)_
+- __isPlugged__: A boolean that indicates whether the device is plugged in. _(Boolean)_
+## batterystatus event
+Fires when the battery charge percentage changes by at least 1 percent, or when the device is plugged in or unplugged. Returns an [object][status_object] containing battery status.
+### Example
+    window.addEventListener("batterystatus", onBatteryStatus, false);
+    function onBatteryStatus(status) {
+        console.log("Level: " + status.level + " isPlugged: " + status.isPlugged);
+    }
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- iOS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Windows Phone 7 and 8
+- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 only)
+- Firefox OS
+- Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)
+### Quirks: Android &amp; Amazon Fire OS
+**Warning**: the Android and Fire OS implementations are greedy and prolonged use will drain the device's battery.
+### Quirks: Windows Phone 7 &amp; Windows Phone 8
+The `level` property is _not_ supported on Windows Phone 7 because the OS does not provide native APIs to determine battery level. The `isPlugged` parameter _is_ supported.
+### Quirks: Windows Phone 8.1
+The `isPlugged` parameter is _not_ supported on Windows Phone 8.1. The `level` parameter _is_ supported.
+## batterylow event
+Fires when the battery charge percentage reaches the low charge threshold. This threshold value is device-specific. Returns an [object][status_object] containing battery status.
+### Example
+    window.addEventListener("batterylow", onBatteryLow, false);
+    function onBatteryLow(status) {
+        alert("Battery Level Low " + status.level + "%");
+    }
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- iOS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 only)
+- Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)
+### Quirks: Windows Phone 8.1
+The `batterylow` event fires on Windows Phone 8.1 irrespective of whether the device is plugged in or not. This happens because the OS does not provide an API to detect whether the device is plugged in.
+## batterycritical event
+Fires when the battery charge percentage reaches the critical charge threshold. This threshold value is device-specific. Returns an [object][status_object] containing battery status.
+### Example
+    window.addEventListener("batterycritical", onBatteryCritical, false);
+    function onBatteryCritical(status) {
+        alert("Battery Level Critical " + status.level + "%\nRecharge Soon!");
+    }
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- iOS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 only)
+- Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)
+### Quirks: Windows Phone 8.1
+The `batterycritical` event fires on Windows Phone 8.1 irrespective of whether the device is plugged in or not. This happens because the OS does not provide an API to detect whether the device is plugged in.
+[status_object]: #status-object
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-camera/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-camera/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6c91d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-camera/
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-camera
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-camera
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-camera
+This plugin defines a global `` object, which provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from
+the system's image library.
+Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(;
+    }
+## Installation
+This requires cordova 5.0+
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
+Older versions of cordova can still install via the __deprecated__ id
+    cordova plugin add
+It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
+    cordova plugin add
+## How to Contribute
+Contributors are welcome! And we need your contributions to keep the project moving forward. You can [report bugs](, improve the documentation, or [contribute code](
+There is a specific [contributor workflow]( we recommend. Start reading there. More information is available on [our wiki](
+:warning: **Found an issue?** File it on [JIRA issue tracker](
+**Have a solution?** Send a [Pull Request](
+In order for your changes to be accepted, you need to sign and submit an Apache [ICLA]( (Individual Contributor License Agreement). Then your name will appear on the list of CLAs signed by [non-committers]( or [Cordova committers](
+**And don't forget to test and document your code.**
+## This documentation is generated by a tool
+:warning: Run `npm install` in the plugin repo to enable automatic docs generation if you plan to send a PR.  
+[jsdoc-to-markdown]( is used to generate the docs.  
+Documentation consists of template and API docs produced from the plugin JS code and should be regenerated before each commit (done automatically via [husky](, running `npm run gen-docs` script as a `precommit` hook - see `package.json` for details).
+# API Reference
+* [camera](#module_camera)
+  * [.getPicture(successCallback, errorCallback, options)](#module_camera.getPicture)
+  * [.cleanup()](#module_camera.cleanup)
+  * [.onError](#module_camera.onError) : <code>function</code>
+  * [.onSuccess](#module_camera.onSuccess) : <code>function</code>
+  * [.CameraOptions](#module_camera.CameraOptions) : <code>Object</code>
+* [Camera](#module_Camera)
+  * [.DestinationType](#module_Camera.DestinationType) : <code>enum</code>
+  * [.EncodingType](#module_Camera.EncodingType) : <code>enum</code>
+  * [.MediaType](#module_Camera.MediaType) : <code>enum</code>
+  * [.PictureSourceType](#module_Camera.PictureSourceType) : <code>enum</code>
+  * [.PopoverArrowDirection](#module_Camera.PopoverArrowDirection) : <code>enum</code>
+  * [.Direction](#module_Camera.Direction) : <code>enum</code>
+* [CameraPopoverHandle](#module_CameraPopoverHandle)
+* [CameraPopoverOptions](#module_CameraPopoverOptions)
+<a name="module_camera"></a>
+## camera
+<a name="module_camera.getPicture"></a>
+### camera.getPicture(successCallback, errorCallback, options)
+Takes a photo using the camera, or retrieves a photo from the device's
+image gallery.  The image is passed to the success callback as a
+Base64-encoded `String`, or as the URI for the image file.
+The `camera.getPicture` function opens the device's default camera
+application that allows users to snap pictures by default - this behavior occurs,
+when `Camera.sourceType` equals [`Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA`](#module_Camera.PictureSourceType).
+Once the user snaps the photo, the camera application closes and the application is restored.
+If `Camera.sourceType` is `Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY` or
+`Camera.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM`, then a dialog displays
+that allows users to select an existing image.  The
+`camera.getPicture` function returns a [`CameraPopoverHandle`](#module_CameraPopoverHandle) object,
+which can be used to reposition the image selection dialog, for
+example, when the device orientation changes.
+The return value is sent to the [`cameraSuccess`](#module_camera.onSuccess) callback function, in
+one of the following formats, depending on the specified
+- A `String` containing the Base64-encoded photo image.
+- A `String` representing the image file location on local storage (default).
+You can do whatever you want with the encoded image or URI, for
+- Render the image in an `<img>` tag, as in the example below
+- Save the data locally (`LocalStorage`, [Lawnchair](, etc.)
+- Post the data to a remote server
+__NOTE__: Photo resolution on newer devices is quite good. Photos
+selected from the device's gallery are not downscaled to a lower
+quality, even if a `quality` parameter is specified.  To avoid common
+memory problems, set `Camera.destinationType` to `FILE_URI` rather
+than `DATA_URL`.
+__Supported Platforms__
+- Android
+- BlackBerry
+- Browser
+- Firefox
+- FireOS
+- iOS
+- Windows
+- WP8
+- Ubuntu
+More examples [here](#camera-getPicture-examples). Quirks [here](#camera-getPicture-quirks).
+**Kind**: static method of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| successCallback | <code>[onSuccess](#module_camera.onSuccess)</code> |  |
+| errorCallback | <code>[onError](#module_camera.onError)</code> |  |
+| options | <code>[CameraOptions](#module_camera.CameraOptions)</code> | CameraOptions |
+```js, cameraError, cameraOptions);
+<a name="module_camera.cleanup"></a>
+### camera.cleanup()
+Removes intermediate image files that are kept in temporary storage
+after calling [`camera.getPicture`](#module_camera.getPicture). Applies only when the value of
+`Camera.sourceType` equals `Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA` and the
+`Camera.destinationType` equals `Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI`.
+__Supported Platforms__
+- iOS
+**Kind**: static method of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
+```js, onFail);
+function onSuccess() {
+    console.log("Camera cleanup success.")
+function onFail(message) {
+    alert('Failed because: ' + message);
+<a name="module_camera.onError"></a>
+### camera.onError : <code>function</code>
+Callback function that provides an error message.
+**Kind**: static typedef of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| message | <code>string</code> | The message is provided by the device's native code. |
+<a name="module_camera.onSuccess"></a>
+### camera.onSuccess : <code>function</code>
+Callback function that provides the image data.
+**Kind**: static typedef of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
+| Param | Type | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| imageData | <code>string</code> | Base64 encoding of the image data, _or_ the image file URI, depending on [`cameraOptions`](#module_camera.CameraOptions) in effect. |
+// Show image
+function cameraCallback(imageData) {
+   var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
+   image.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
+<a name="module_camera.CameraOptions"></a>
+### camera.CameraOptions : <code>Object</code>
+Optional parameters to customize the camera settings.
+* [Quirks](#CameraOptions-quirks)
+**Kind**: static typedef of <code>[camera](#module_camera)</code>  
+| Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| quality | <code>number</code> | <code>50</code> | Quality of the saved image, expressed as a range of 0-100, where 100 is typically full resolution with no loss from file compression. (Note that information about the camera's resolution is unavailable.) |
+| destinationType | <code>[DestinationType](#module_Camera.DestinationType)</code> | <code>FILE_URI</code> | Choose the format of the return value. |
+| sourceType | <code>[PictureSourceType](#module_Camera.PictureSourceType)</code> | <code>CAMERA</code> | Set the source of the picture. |
+| allowEdit | <code>Boolean</code> | <code>true</code> | Allow simple editing of image before selection. |
+| encodingType | <code>[EncodingType](#module_Camera.EncodingType)</code> | <code>JPEG</code> | Choose the  returned image file's encoding. |
+| targetWidth | <code>number</code> |  | Width in pixels to scale image. Must be used with `targetHeight`. Aspect ratio remains constant. |
+| targetHeight | <code>number</code> |  | Height in pixels to scale image. Must be used with `targetWidth`. Aspect ratio remains constant. |
+| mediaType | <code>[MediaType](#module_Camera.MediaType)</code> | <code>PICTURE</code> | Set the type of media to select from.  Only works when `PictureSourceType` is `PHOTOLIBRARY` or `SAVEDPHOTOALBUM`. |
+| correctOrientation | <code>Boolean</code> |  | Rotate the image to correct for the orientation of the device during capture. |
+| saveToPhotoAlbum | <code>Boolean</code> |  | Save the image to the photo album on the device after capture. |
+| popoverOptions | <code>[CameraPopoverOptions](#module_CameraPopoverOptions)</code> |  | iOS-only options that specify popover location in iPad. |
+| cameraDirection | <code>[Direction](#module_Camera.Direction)</code> | <code>BACK</code> | Choose the camera to use (front- or back-facing). |
+<a name="module_Camera"></a>
+## Camera
+<a name="module_Camera.DestinationType"></a>
+### Camera.DestinationType : <code>enum</code>
+**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
+| Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| DATA_URL | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Return base64 encoded string. DATA_URL can be very memory intensive and cause app crashes or out of memory errors. Use FILE_URI or NATIVE_URI if possible |
+| FILE_URI | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Return file uri (content://media/external/images/media/2 for Android) |
+| NATIVE_URI | <code>number</code> | <code>2</code> | Return native uri (eg. asset-library://... for iOS) |
+<a name="module_Camera.EncodingType"></a>
+### Camera.EncodingType : <code>enum</code>
+**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
+| Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| JPEG | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Return JPEG encoded image |
+| PNG | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Return PNG encoded image |
+<a name="module_Camera.MediaType"></a>
+### Camera.MediaType : <code>enum</code>
+**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
+| Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| PICTURE | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Allow selection of still pictures only. DEFAULT. Will return format specified via DestinationType |
+| VIDEO | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Allow selection of video only, ONLY RETURNS URL |
+| ALLMEDIA | <code>number</code> | <code>2</code> | Allow selection from all media types |
+<a name="module_Camera.PictureSourceType"></a>
+### Camera.PictureSourceType : <code>enum</code>
+**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
+| Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| PHOTOLIBRARY | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Choose image from picture library (same as SAVEDPHOTOALBUM for Android) |
+| CAMERA | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Take picture from camera |
+| SAVEDPHOTOALBUM | <code>number</code> | <code>2</code> | Choose image from picture library (same as PHOTOLIBRARY for Android) |
+<a name="module_Camera.PopoverArrowDirection"></a>
+### Camera.PopoverArrowDirection : <code>enum</code>
+Matches iOS UIPopoverArrowDirection constants to specify arrow location on popover.
+**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
+| Name | Type | Default |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| ARROW_UP | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | 
+| ARROW_DOWN | <code>number</code> | <code>2</code> | 
+| ARROW_LEFT | <code>number</code> | <code>4</code> | 
+| ARROW_RIGHT | <code>number</code> | <code>8</code> | 
+| ARROW_ANY | <code>number</code> | <code>15</code> | 
+<a name="module_Camera.Direction"></a>
+### Camera.Direction : <code>enum</code>
+**Kind**: static enum property of <code>[Camera](#module_Camera)</code>  
+| Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| BACK | <code>number</code> | <code>0</code> | Use the back-facing camera |
+| FRONT | <code>number</code> | <code>1</code> | Use the front-facing camera |
+<a name="module_CameraPopoverOptions"></a>
+## CameraPopoverOptions
+iOS-only parameters that specify the anchor element location and arrow
direction of the popover when selecting images from an iPad's library
or album.
Note that the size of the popover may change to adjust to the
direction of the arrow and orientation of the screen.  Make sure to
account for orientation changes when specifying the anchor element
+| Param | Type | Default | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- | --- |
+| [x] | <code>Number</code> | <code>0</code> | x pixel coordinate of screen element onto which to anchor the popover. |
+| [y] | <code>Number</code> | <code>32</code> | y pixel coordinate of screen element onto which to anchor the popover. |
+| [width] | <code>Number</code> | <code>320</code> | width, in pixels, of the screen element onto which to anchor the popover. |
+| [height] | <code>Number</code> | <code>480</code> | height, in pixels, of the screen element onto which to anchor the popover. |
+| [arrowDir] | <code>[PopoverArrowDirection](#module_Camera.PopoverArrowDirection)</code> | <code>ARROW_ANY</code> | Direction the arrow on the popover should point. |
+<a name="module_CameraPopoverHandle"></a>
+## CameraPopoverHandle
+A handle to an image picker popover.
+__Supported Platforms__
+- iOS
+var cameraPopoverHandle =, onFail,
+    destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
+    sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
+    popoverOptions: new CameraPopoverOptions(300, 300, 100, 100, Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY)
+// Reposition the popover if the orientation changes.
+window.onorientationchange = function() {
+    var cameraPopoverOptions = new CameraPopoverOptions(0, 0, 100, 100, Camera.PopoverArrowDirection.ARROW_ANY);
+    cameraPopoverHandle.setPosition(cameraPopoverOptions);
+## `camera.getPicture` Errata
+#### Example <a name="camera-getPicture-examples"></a>
+Take a photo and retrieve the image's file location:
+, onFail, { quality: 50,
+        destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI });
+    function onSuccess(imageURI) {
+        var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
+        image.src = imageURI;
+    }
+    function onFail(message) {
+        alert('Failed because: ' + message);
+    }
+Take a photo and retrieve it as a Base64-encoded image:
+    /**
+     * Warning: Using DATA_URL is not recommended! The DATA_URL destination
+     * type is very memory intensive, even with a low quality setting. Using it
+     * can result in out of memory errors and application crashes. Use FILE_URI
+     * or NATIVE_URI instead.
+     */
+, onFail, { quality: 25,
+        destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL
+    });
+    function onSuccess(imageData) {
+        var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
+        image.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
+    }
+    function onFail(message) {
+        alert('Failed because: ' + message);
+    }
+#### Preferences (iOS)
+-  __CameraUsesGeolocation__ (boolean, defaults to false). For capturing JPEGs, set to true to get geolocation data in the EXIF header. This will trigger a request for geolocation permissions if set to true.
+        <preference name="CameraUsesGeolocation" value="false" />
+#### Amazon Fire OS Quirks <a name="camera-getPicture-quirks"></a>
+Amazon Fire OS uses intents to launch the camera activity on the device to capture
+images, and on phones with low memory, the Cordova activity may be killed.  In this
+scenario, the image may not appear when the Cordova activity is restored.
+#### Android Quirks
+Android uses intents to launch the camera activity on the device to capture
+images, and on phones with low memory, the Cordova activity may be killed.  In this
+scenario, the result from the plugin call will be delivered via the resume event.
+See [the Android Lifecycle guide][android_lifecycle]
+for more information. The `pendingResult.result` value will contain the value that
+would be passed to the callbacks (either the URI/URL or an error message). Check
+the `pendingResult.pluginStatus` to determine whether or not the call was
+#### Browser Quirks
+Can only return photos as Base64-encoded image.
+#### Firefox OS Quirks
+Camera plugin is currently implemented using [Web Activities][web_activities].
+#### iOS Quirks
+Including a JavaScript `alert()` in either of the callback functions
+can cause problems.  Wrap the alert within a `setTimeout()` to allow
+the iOS image picker or popover to fully close before the alert
+    setTimeout(function() {
+        // do your thing here!
+    }, 0);
+#### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
+Invoking the native camera application while the device is connected
+via Zune does not work, and triggers an error callback.
+#### Tizen Quirks
+Tizen only supports a `destinationType` of
+`Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI` and a `sourceType` of
+## `CameraOptions` Errata <a name="CameraOptions-quirks"></a>
+#### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
+- Any `cameraDirection` value results in a back-facing photo.
+- Ignores the `allowEdit` parameter.
+- `Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY` and `Camera.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM` both display the same photo album.
+#### Android Quirks
+- Any `cameraDirection` value results in a back-facing photo.
+- **`allowEdit` is unpredictable on Android and it should not be used!** The Android implementation of this plugin tries to find and use an application on the user's device to do image cropping. The plugin has no control over what application the user selects to perform the image cropping and it is very possible that the user could choose an incompatible option and cause the plugin to fail. This sometimes works because most devices come with an application that handles cropping in a way that is compatible with this plugin (Google Plus Photos), but it is unwise to rely on that being the case. If image editing is essential to your application, consider seeking a third party library or plugin that provides its own image editing utility for a more robust solution.
+- `Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY` and `Camera.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM` both display the same photo album.
+- Ignores the `encodingType` parameter if the image is unedited (i.e. `quality` is 100, `correctOrientation` is false, and no `targetHeight` or `targetWidth` are specified). The `CAMERA` source will always return the JPEG file given by the native camera and the `PHOTOLIBRARY` and `SAVEDPHOTOALBUM` sources will return the selected file in its existing encoding.
+#### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- Ignores the `quality` parameter.
+- Ignores the `allowEdit` parameter.
+- `Camera.MediaType` is not supported.
+- Ignores the `correctOrientation` parameter.
+- Ignores the `cameraDirection` parameter.
+#### Firefox OS Quirks
+- Ignores the `quality` parameter.
+- `Camera.DestinationType` is ignored and equals `1` (image file URI)
+- Ignores the `allowEdit` parameter.
+- Ignores the `PictureSourceType` parameter (user chooses it in a dialog window)
+- Ignores the `encodingType`
+- Ignores the `targetWidth` and `targetHeight`
+- `Camera.MediaType` is not supported.
+- Ignores the `correctOrientation` parameter.
+- Ignores the `cameraDirection` parameter.
+#### iOS Quirks
+- When using `destinationType.FILE_URI`, photos are saved in the application's temporary directory. The contents of the application's temporary directory is deleted when the application ends.
+- When using `destinationType.NATIVE_URI` and `sourceType.CAMERA`, photos are saved in the saved photo album regardless on the value of `saveToPhotoAlbum` parameter.
+#### Tizen Quirks
+- options not supported
+- always returns a FILE URI
+#### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
+- Ignores the `allowEdit` parameter.
+- Ignores the `correctOrientation` parameter.
+- Ignores the `cameraDirection` parameter.
+- Ignores the `saveToPhotoAlbum` parameter.  IMPORTANT: All images taken with the WP8/8 Cordova camera API are always copied to the phone's camera roll.  Depending on the user's settings, this could also mean the image is auto-uploaded to their OneDrive.  This could potentially mean the image is available to a wider audience than your app intended. If this is a blocker for your application, you will need to implement the CameraCaptureTask as [documented on MSDN][msdn_wp8_docs]. You may also comment or up-vote the related issue in the [issue tracker][wp8_bug].
+- Ignores the `mediaType` property of `cameraOptions` as the Windows Phone SDK does not provide a way to choose videos from PHOTOLIBRARY.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-console/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-console/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..127a041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-console/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-console
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-console
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-console
+This plugin is meant to ensure that console.log() is as useful as it can be.
+It adds additional function for iOS, Ubuntu, Windows Phone 8, and Windows. If
+you are happy with how console.log() works for you, then you probably
+don't need this plugin.
+This plugin defines a global `console` object.
+Although the object is in the global scope, features provided by this plugin
+are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log("console.log works well");
+    }
+## Installation
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console
+### Android Quirks
+On some platforms other than Android, console.log() will act on multiple
+arguments, such as console.log("1", "2", "3"). However, Android will act only
+on the first argument. Subsequent arguments to console.log() will be ignored.
+This plugin is not the cause of that, it is a limitation of Android itself.
+## Supported Methods
+The plugin support following methods of the `console` object:
+- `console.log`
+- `console.error`
+- `console.exception`
+- `console.warn`
+- ``
+- `console.debug`
+- `console.assert`
+- `console.dir`
+- `console.dirxml`
+- `console.time`
+- `console.timeEnd`
+- `console.table`
+## Partially supported Methods
+Methods of the `console` object which implemented, but behave different from browser implementation:
+- ``
+- `console.groupCollapsed`
+The grouping methods are just log name of the group and don't actually indicate grouping for later
+calls to `console` object methods.
+## Not supported Methods
+Methods of the `console` object which are implemented, but do nothing:
+- `console.clear`
+- `console.trace`
+- `console.groupEnd`
+- `console.timeStamp`
+- `console.profile`
+- `console.profileEnd`
+- `console.count`
+## Supported formatting
+The following formatting options available:
+Format chars:
+*  `%j` - format arg as JSON
+*  `%o` - format arg as JSON
+*  `%c` - format arg as `''`. No color formatting could be done.
+*  `%%` - replace with `'%'`
+Any other char following `%` will format its arg via `toString()`.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-contacts/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-contacts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26c89ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/reference/cordova-plugin-contacts/
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+edit_link: ''
+title: cordova-plugin-contacts
+plugin_name: cordova-plugin-contacts
+plugin_version: master
+<!-- WARNING: This file is generated. See fetch_docs.js. -->
+# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+#         distributed with this work for additional information
+#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#         under the License.
+[![Build Status](](
+# cordova-plugin-contacts
+This plugin defines a global `navigator.contacts` object, which provides access to the device contacts database.
+Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
+    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
+    function onDeviceReady() {
+        console.log(navigator.contacts);
+    }
+__WARNING__: Collection and use of contact data raises
+important privacy issues.  Your app's privacy policy should discuss
+how the app uses contact data and whether it is shared with any other
+parties.  Contact information is considered sensitive because it
+reveals the people with whom a person communicates.  Therefore, in
+addition to the app's privacy policy, you should strongly consider
+providing a just-in-time notice before the app accesses or uses
+contact data, if the device operating system doesn't do so
+already. That notice should provide the same information noted above,
+as well as obtaining the user's permission (e.g., by presenting
+choices for __OK__ and __No Thanks__).  Note that some app
+marketplaces may require the app to provide a just-in-time notice and
+obtain the user's permission before accessing contact data.  A
+clear and easy-to-understand user experience surrounding the use of
+contact data helps avoid user confusion and perceived misuse of
+contact data.  For more information, please see the [Privacy Guide](
+Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
+## Installation
+This requires cordova 5.0+ ( current stable v1.0.0 )
+    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-contacts
+Older versions of cordova can still install via the __deprecated__ id ( stale v0.2.16 )
+    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.contacts
+It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
+    cordova plugin add
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+Create __www/manifest.webapp__ as described in
+[Manifest Docs](
+Add relevant permisions.
+There is also a need to change the webapp type to "privileged"  - [Manifest Docs](
+__WARNING__: All privileged apps enforce [Content Security Policy]( which forbids inline script. Initialize your application in another way.
+	"type": "privileged",
+	"permissions": {
+		"contacts": {
+			"access": "readwrite",
+			"description": "Describe why there is a need for such permission"
+		}
+	}
+### Windows Quirks
+**Prior to Windows 10:** Any contacts returned from `find` and `pickContact` methods are readonly, so your application cannot modify them.
+`find` method available only on Windows Phone 8.1 devices.
+**Windows 10 and above:** Contacts may be saved and will be saved to app-local contacts storage.  Contacts may also be deleted.
+### Windows 8 Quirks
+Windows 8 Contacts are readonly. Via the Cordova API Contacts are not queryable/searchable, you should inform the user to pick a contact as a call to contacts.pickContact which will open the 'People' app where the user must choose a contact.
+Any contacts returned are readonly, so your application cannot modify them.
+## navigator.contacts
+### Methods
+- navigator.contacts.create
+- navigator.contacts.find
+- navigator.contacts.pickContact
+### Objects
+- Contact
+- ContactName
+- ContactField
+- ContactAddress
+- ContactOrganization
+- ContactFindOptions
+- ContactError
+- ContactFieldType
+## navigator.contacts.create
+The `navigator.contacts.create` method is synchronous, and returns a new `Contact` object.
+This method does not retain the Contact object in the device contacts
+database, for which you need to invoke the `` method.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+### Example
+    var myContact = navigator.contacts.create({"displayName": "Test User"});
+## navigator.contacts.find
+The `navigator.contacts.find` method executes asynchronously, querying the
+device contacts database and returning an array of `Contact` objects.
+The resulting objects are passed to the `contactSuccess` callback
+function specified by the __contactSuccess__ parameter.
+The __contactFields__ parameter specifies the fields to be used as a
+search qualifier.  A zero-length __contactFields__ parameter is invalid and results in
+`ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR`. A __contactFields__ value of
+`"*"` searches all contact fields.
+The __contactFindOptions.filter__ string can be used as a search
+filter when querying the contacts database.  If provided, a
+case-insensitive, partial value match is applied to each field
+specified in the __contactFields__ parameter.  If there's a match for
+_any_ of the specified fields, the contact is returned. Use __contactFindOptions.desiredFields__
+parameter to control which contact properties must be returned back.
+Supported values for both __contactFields__ and __contactFindOptions.desiredFields__ parameters are enumerated in [`ContactFieldType`](#contactfieldtype) object.
+### Parameters
+- __contactFields__: Contact fields to use as a search qualifier. _(DOMString[])_ [Required]
+- __contactSuccess__: Success callback function invoked with the array of Contact objects returned from the database. [Required]
+- __contactError__: Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs. [Optional]
+- __contactFindOptions__: Search options to filter navigator.contacts. [Optional]
+	Keys include:
+	- __filter__: The search string used to find navigator.contacts. _(DOMString)_ (Default: `""`)
+	- __multiple__: Determines if the find operation returns multiple navigator.contacts. _(Boolean)_ (Default: `false`)
+    - __desiredFields__: Contact fields to be returned back. If specified, the resulting `Contact` object only features values for these fields. _(DOMString[])_ [Optional]
+    - __hasPhoneNumber__(Android only): Filters the search to only return contacts with a phone number informed. _(Boolean)_ (Default: `false`)
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10)
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(contacts) {
+        alert('Found ' + contacts.length + ' contacts.');
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert('onError!');
+    };
+    // find all contacts with 'Bob' in any name field
+    var options      = new ContactFindOptions();
+    options.filter   = "Bob";
+    options.multiple = true;
+    options.desiredFields = [];
+    options.hasPhoneNumber = true;
+    var fields       = [navigator.contacts.fieldType.displayName,];
+    navigator.contacts.find(fields, onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Windows Quirks
+- `__contactFields__` is not supported and will be ignored. `find` method will always attempt to match the name, email address, or phone number of a contact.
+## navigator.contacts.pickContact
+The `navigator.contacts.pickContact` method launches the Contact Picker to select a single contact.
+The resulting object is passed to the `contactSuccess` callback
+function specified by the __contactSuccess__ parameter.
+### Parameters
+- __contactSuccess__: Success callback function invoked with the single Contact object. [Required]
+- __contactError__: Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs. [Optional]
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+    navigator.contacts.pickContact(function(contact){
+            console.log('The following contact has been selected:' + JSON.stringify(contact));
+        },function(err){
+            console.log('Error: ' + err);
+        });
+### Android Quirks
+This plugin launches an external Activity for picking contacts. See the
+[Android Lifecycle Guide](
+for an explanation of how this affects your application. If the plugin returns
+its result in the `resume` event, then you must first wrap the returned object
+in a `Contact` object before using it. Here is an example:
+function onResume(resumeEvent) {
+    if(resumeEvent.pendingResult) {
+        if(resumeEvent.pendingResult.pluginStatus === "OK") {
+            var contact = navigator.contacts.create(resumeEvent.pendingResult.result);
+            successCallback(contact);
+        } else {
+            failCallback(resumeEvent.pendingResult.result);
+        }
+    }
+## Contact
+The `Contact` object represents a user's contact.  Contacts can be
+created, stored, or removed from the device contacts database.
+Contacts can also be retrieved (individually or in bulk) from the
+database by invoking the `navigator.contacts.find` method.
+__NOTE__: Not all of the contact fields listed above are supported on
+every device platform.  Please check each platform's _Quirks_ section
+for details.
+### Properties
+- __id__: A globally unique identifier. _(DOMString)_
+- __displayName__: The name of this Contact, suitable for display to end users. _(DOMString)_
+- __name__: An object containing all components of a persons name. _(ContactName)_
+- __nickname__: A casual name by which to address the contact. _(DOMString)_
+- __phoneNumbers__: An array of all the contact's phone numbers. _(ContactField[])_
+- __emails__: An array of all the contact's email addresses. _(ContactField[])_
+- __addresses__: An array of all the contact's addresses. _(ContactAddress[])_
+- __ims__: An array of all the contact's IM addresses. _(ContactField[])_
+- __organizations__: An array of all the contact's organizations. _(ContactOrganization[])_
+- __birthday__: The birthday of the contact. _(Date)_
+- __note__: A note about the contact. _(DOMString)_
+- __photos__: An array of the contact's photos. _(ContactField[])_
+- __categories__:  An array of all the user-defined categories associated with the contact. _(ContactField[])_
+- __urls__:  An array of web pages associated with the contact. _(ContactField[])_
+### Methods
+- __clone__: Returns a new `Contact` object that is a deep copy of the calling object, with the `id` property set to `null`.
+- __remove__: Removes the contact from the device contacts database, otherwise executes an error callback with a `ContactError` object.
+- __save__: Saves a new contact to the device contacts database, or updates an existing contact if a contact with the same __id__ already exists.
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+### Save Example
+    function onSuccess(contact) {
+        alert("Save Success");
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert("Error = " + contactError.code);
+    };
+    // create a new contact object
+    var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
+    contact.displayName = "Plumber";
+    contact.nickname = "Plumber";            // specify both to support all devices
+    // populate some fields
+    var name = new ContactName();
+    name.givenName = "Jane";
+    name.familyName = "Doe";
+ = name;
+    // save to device
+### Clone Example
+        // clone the contact object
+        var clone = contact.clone();
+ = "John";
+        console.log("Original contact name = " +;
+        console.log("Cloned contact name = " +;
+### Remove Example
+    function onSuccess() {
+        alert("Removal Success");
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert("Error = " + contactError.code);
+    };
+    // remove the contact from the device
+    contact.remove(onSuccess,onError);
+### Android 2.X Quirks
+- __categories__:  Not supported on Android 2.X devices, returning `null`.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __id__: Assigned by the device when saving the contact.
+### FirefoxOS Quirks
+- __categories__: Partially supported. Fields __pref__ and __type__ are returning `null`
+- __ims__: Not supported
+- __photos__: Not supported
+### iOS Quirks
+- __displayName__: Not supported on iOS, returning `null` unless there is no `ContactName` specified, in which case it returns the composite name, __nickname__ or `""`, respectively.
+- __birthday__: Must be input as a JavaScript `Date` object, the same way it is returned.
+- __photos__: Returns a File URL to the image, which is stored in the application's temporary directory.  Contents of the temporary directory are removed when the application exits.
+- __categories__:  This property is currently not supported, returning `null`.
+### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
+- __displayName__: When creating a contact, the value provided for the display name parameter differs from the display name retrieved when finding the contact.
+- __urls__: When creating a contact, users can input and save more than one web address, but only one is available when searching the contact.
+- __phoneNumbers__: The _pref_ option is not supported. The _type_ is not supported in a _find_ operation. Only one `phoneNumber` is allowed for each _type_.
+- __emails__: The _pref_ option is not supported. Home and personal references same email entry. Only one entry is allowed for each _type_.
+- __addresses__: Supports only work, and home/personal _type_. The home and personal _type_ reference the same address entry. Only one entry is allowed for each _type_.
+- __organizations__: Only one is allowed, and does not support the _pref_, _type_, and _department_ attributes.
+- __note__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __ims__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __birthdays__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __categories__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __remove__: Method is not supported
+### Windows Quirks
+- __photos__: Returns a File URL to the image, which is stored in the application's temporary directory.
+- __birthdays__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __categories__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __remove__: Method is only supported in Windows 10 or above.
+## ContactAddress
+The `ContactAddress` object stores the properties of a single address
+of a contact.  A `Contact` object may include more than one address in
+a `ContactAddress[]` array.
+### Properties
+- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactAddress` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
+- __type__: A string indicating what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)_
+- __formatted__: The full address formatted for display. _(DOMString)_
+- __streetAddress__: The full street address. _(DOMString)_
+- __locality__: The city or locality. _(DOMString)_
+- __region__: The state or region. _(DOMString)_
+- __postalCode__: The zip code or postal code. _(DOMString)_
+- __country__: The country name. _(DOMString)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+    // display the address information for all contacts
+    function onSuccess(contacts) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
+            for (var j = 0; j < contacts[i].addresses.length; j++) {
+                alert("Pref: "         + contacts[i].addresses[j].pref          + "\n" +
+                    "Type: "           + contacts[i].addresses[j].type          + "\n" +
+                    "Formatted: "      + contacts[i].addresses[j].formatted     + "\n" +
+                    "Street Address: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].streetAddress + "\n" +
+                    "Locality: "       + contacts[i].addresses[j].locality      + "\n" +
+                    "Region: "         + contacts[i].addresses[j].region        + "\n" +
+                    "Postal Code: "    + contacts[i].addresses[j].postalCode    + "\n" +
+                    "Country: "        + contacts[i].addresses[j].country);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert('onError!');
+    };
+    // find all contacts
+    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
+    options.filter = "";
+    options.multiple = true;
+    var filter = ["displayName", "addresses"];
+    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Android 2.X Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false` on Android 2.X devices.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported on BlackBerry devices, returning `false`.
+- __type__: Partially supported.  Only one each of _Work_ and _Home_ type addresses can be stored per contact.
+- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns a concatenation of all BlackBerry address fields.
+- __streetAddress__: Supported.  Returns a concatenation of BlackBerry __address1__ and __address2__ address fields.
+- __locality__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __city__ address field.
+- __region__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __stateProvince__ address field.
+- __postalCode__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __zipPostal__ address field.
+- __country__: Supported.
+### FirefoxOS Quirks
+- __formatted__: Currently not supported
+### iOS Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `false`.
+- __formatted__: Currently not supported.
+### Windows Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported
+## ContactError
+The `ContactError` object is returned to the user through the
+`contactError` callback function when an error occurs.
+### Properties
+- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
+### Constants
+- `ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR` (code 0)
+- `ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR` (code 1)
+- `ContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR` (code 2)
+- `ContactError.PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR` (code 3)
+- `ContactError.IO_ERROR` (code 4)
+- `ContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR` (code 5)
+- `ContactError.OPERATION_CANCELLED_ERROR` (code 6)
+- `ContactError.PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR` (code 20)
+## ContactField
+The `ContactField` object is a reusable component that represents
+contact fields generically.  Each `ContactField` object contains a
+`value`, `type`, and `pref` property.  A `Contact` object stores
+several properties in `ContactField[]` arrays, such as phone numbers
+and email addresses.
+In most instances, there are no pre-determined values for a
+`ContactField` object's __type__ attribute.  For example, a phone
+number can specify __type__ values of _home_, _work_, _mobile_,
+_iPhone_, or any other value that is supported by a particular device
+platform's contact database.  However, for the `Contact` __photos__
+field, the __type__ field indicates the format of the returned image:
+__url__ when the __value__ attribute contains a URL to the photo
+image, or _base64_ when the __value__ contains a base64-encoded image
+### Properties
+- __type__: A string that indicates what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)_
+- __value__: The value of the field, such as a phone number or email address. _(DOMString)_
+- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactField` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+        // create a new contact
+        var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
+        // store contact phone numbers in ContactField[]
+        var phoneNumbers = [];
+        phoneNumbers[0] = new ContactField('work', '212-555-1234', false);
+        phoneNumbers[1] = new ContactField('mobile', '917-555-5432', true); // preferred number
+        phoneNumbers[2] = new ContactField('home', '203-555-7890', false);
+        contact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
+        // save the contact
+### Android Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __type__: Partially supported.  Used for phone numbers.
+- __value__: Supported.
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+### iOS Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+### Windows Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+## ContactName
+Contains different kinds of information about a `Contact` object's name.
+### Properties
+- __formatted__: The complete name of the contact. _(DOMString)_
+- __familyName__: The contact's family name. _(DOMString)_
+- __givenName__: The contact's given name. _(DOMString)_
+- __middleName__: The contact's middle name. _(DOMString)_
+- __honorificPrefix__: The contact's prefix (example _Mr._ or _Dr._) _(DOMString)_
+- __honorificSuffix__: The contact's suffix (example _Esq._). _(DOMString)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Amazon Fire OS
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(contacts) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
+            alert("Formatted: "  + contacts[i].name.formatted       + "\n" +
+                "Family Name: "  + contacts[i].name.familyName      + "\n" +
+                "Given Name: "   + contacts[i].name.givenName       + "\n" +
+                "Middle Name: "  + contacts[i].name.middleName      + "\n" +
+                "Suffix: "       + contacts[i].name.honorificSuffix + "\n" +
+                "Prefix: "       + contacts[i].name.honorificSuffix);
+        }
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert('onError!');
+    };
+    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
+    options.filter = "";
+    options.multiple = true;
+    filter = ["displayName", "name"];
+    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Android Quirks
+- __formatted__: Partially supported, and read-only.  Returns a concatenation of `honorificPrefix`, `givenName`, `middleName`, `familyName`, and `honorificSuffix`.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns a concatenation of BlackBerry __firstName__ and __lastName__ fields.
+- __familyName__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __lastName__ field.
+- __givenName__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __firstName__ field.
+- __middleName__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __honorificPrefix__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __honorificSuffix__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+### FirefoxOS Quirks
+- __formatted__: Partially supported, and read-only.  Returns a concatenation of `honorificPrefix`, `givenName`, `middleName`, `familyName`, and `honorificSuffix`.
+### iOS Quirks
+- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns iOS Composite Name, but is read-only.
+### Windows Quirks
+- __formatted__: This is the only name property, and is identical to `displayName`, and `nickname`
+- __familyName__: not supported
+- __givenName__: not supported
+- __middleName__: not supported
+- __honorificPrefix__: not supported
+- __honorificSuffix__: not supported
+## ContactOrganization
+The `ContactOrganization` object stores a contact's organization
+properties.  A `Contact` object stores one or more
+`ContactOrganization` objects in an array.
+### Properties
+- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactOrganization` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
+- __type__: A string that indicates what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)
+- __name__: The name of the organization. _(DOMString)_
+- __department__: The department the contract works for. _(DOMString)_
+- __title__: The contact's title at the organization. _(DOMString)_
+### Supported Platforms
+- Android
+- BlackBerry 10
+- Firefox OS
+- iOS
+- Windows Phone 8
+- Windows (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
+### Example
+    function onSuccess(contacts) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
+            for (var j = 0; j < contacts[i].organizations.length; j++) {
+                alert("Pref: "      + contacts[i].organizations[j].pref       + "\n" +
+                    "Type: "        + contacts[i].organizations[j].type       + "\n" +
+                    "Name: "        + contacts[i].organizations[j].name       + "\n" +
+                    "Department: "  + contacts[i].organizations[j].department + "\n" +
+                    "Title: "       + contacts[i].organizations[j].title);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    function onError(contactError) {
+        alert('onError!');
+    };
+    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
+    options.filter = "";
+    options.multiple = true;
+    filter = ["displayName", "organizations"];
+    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
+### Android 2.X Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported by Android 2.X devices, returning `false`.
+### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported by BlackBerry devices, returning `false`.
+- __type__: Not supported by BlackBerry devices, returning `null`.
+- __name__: Partially supported.  The first organization name is stored in the BlackBerry __company__ field.
+- __department__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+- __title__: Partially supported.  The first organization title is stored in the BlackBerry __jobTitle__ field.
+### Firefox OS Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported
+- __type__: Not supported
+- __department__: Not supported
+- Fields __name__ and __title__ stored in __org__ and __jobTitle__.
+### iOS Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `false`.
+- __type__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `null`.
+- __name__: Partially supported.  The first organization name is stored in the iOS __kABPersonOrganizationProperty__ field.
+- __department__: Partially supported.  The first department name is stored in the iOS __kABPersonDepartmentProperty__ field.
+- __title__: Partially supported.  The first title is stored in the iOS __kABPersonJobTitleProperty__ field.
+### Windows Quirks
+- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
+- __type__: Not supported, returning `null`.
+## ContactFieldType
+The `ContactFieldType` object is an enumeration of possible field types, such as `'phoneNumbers'` or `'emails'`, that could be used to control which contact properties must be returned back from `contacts.find()` method (see `contactFindOptions.desiredFields`), or to specify fields to search in (through `contactFields` parameter). Possible values are:
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.addresses`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.birthday`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.categories`
+- ``
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.department`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.displayName`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.emails`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.familyName`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.formatted`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.givenName`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.honorificPrefix`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.honorificSuffix`
+- ``
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.ims`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.locality`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.middleName`
+- ``
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.nickname`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.note`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.organizations`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.phoneNumbers`
+- ``
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.postalCode`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.region`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.streetAddress`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.title`
+- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.urls`

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[08/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

Posted by
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index a30d2f8..719c102 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ overrides one of its `execute` methods.
 The plugin's JavaScript interface uses the `cordova.exec` method as
-        exec(<successFunction>, <failFunction>, <service>, <action>, [<args>]);
+exec(<successFunction>, <failFunction>, <service>, <action>, [<args>]);
 This marshals a request from the WebView to the Android native side,
 effectively calling the `action` method on the `service` class, with
 additional arguments passed in the `args` array.
@@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ application's `res/xml/config.xml` file. See Application Plugins for
 more information on how to use the `plugin.xml` file to inject this
 `feature` element:
-        <feature name="<service_name>">
-            <param name="android-package" value="<full_name_including_namespace>" />
-        </feature>
+<feature name="<service_name>">
+    <param name="android-package" value="<full_name_including_namespace>" />
 The service name matches the one used in the JavaScript `exec` call.
 The value is the Java class's fully qualified namespace identifier.
@@ -67,18 +69,22 @@ One instance of a plugin object is created for the life of each
 referenced by a call from JavaScript, unless `<param>` with an `onload`
 `name` attribute is set to `"true"` in `config.xml`. For example,
-    <feature name="Echo">
-        <param name="android-package" value="<full_name_including_namespace>" />
-        <param name="onload" value="true" />
-    </feature>
+<feature name="Echo">
+    <param name="android-package" value="<full_name_including_namespace>" />
+    <param name="onload" value="true" />
 Plugins should use the `initialize` method for their start-up logic.
-    @Override
-    public void initialize(CordovaInterface cordova, CordovaWebView webView) {
-        super.initialize(cordova, webView);
-        // your init code here
-    }
+public void initialize(CordovaInterface cordova, CordovaWebView webView) {
+    super.initialize(cordova, webView);
+    // your init code here
 Plugins also have access to Android lifecycle events and can handle them
 by extending one of the provided methods (`onResume`, `onDestroy`, etc).
@@ -96,15 +102,17 @@ Whatever is dispatched to the plugin with JavaScript's `exec` function
 is passed into the plugin class's `execute` method. Most `execute`
 implementations look like this:
-        @Override
-        public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
-            if ("beep".equals(action)) {
-                this.beep(args.getLong(0));
-                callbackContext.success();
-                return true;
-            }
-            return false;  // Returning false results in a "MethodNotFound" error.
-        }
+public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
+    if ("beep".equals(action)) {
+        this.beep(args.getLong(0));
+        callbackContext.success();
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;  // Returning false results in a "MethodNotFound" error.
 The JavaScript `exec` function's `action` parameter corresponds to a
 private class method to dispatch with optional parameters.
@@ -121,40 +129,44 @@ does the `execute` method.  If you need to interact with the user
 interface, you should use the [Activity's `runOnUiThread`][ref-runonuithread]
 method like so:
-        @Override
-        public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
-            if ("beep".equals(action)) {
-                final long duration = args.getLong(0);
-                cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
-                    public void run() {
-                        ...
-                        callbackContext.success(); // Thread-safe.
-                    }
-                });
-                return true;
+public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
+    if ("beep".equals(action)) {
+        final long duration = args.getLong(0);
+        cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                ...
+                callbackContext.success(); // Thread-safe.
-            return false;
-        }
+        });
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
 If you do not need to run on the UI thread, but do not wish to block the
 `WebCore` thread either, you should execute your code using the Cordova
 [`ExecutorService`][ref-executor] obtained with `cordova.getThreadPool()` like
-        @Override
-        public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
-            if ("beep".equals(action)) {
-                final long duration = args.getLong(0);
-                cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
-                    public void run() {
-                        ...
-                        callbackContext.success(); // Thread-safe.
-                    }
-                });
-                return true;
+public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
+    if ("beep".equals(action)) {
+        final long duration = args.getLong(0);
+        cordova.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
+            public void run() {
+                ...
+                callbackContext.success(); // Thread-safe.
-            return false;
-        }
+        });
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
 ## Adding Dependency Libraries
@@ -183,50 +195,54 @@ To match the JavaScript interface's _echo_ feature described in
 Application Plugins, use the `plugin.xml` to inject a `feature`
 specification to the local platform's `config.xml` file:
-        <platform name="android">
-            <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
-                <feature name="Echo">
-                    <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.plugin.Echo"/>
-                </feature>
-            </config-file>
+<platform name="android">
+    <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
+        <feature name="Echo">
+            <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.plugin.Echo"/>
+        </feature>
+    </config-file>
-            <source-file src="src/android/" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/plugin" />
-        </platform>
+    <source-file src="src/android/" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/plugin" />
 Then add the following to the `src/android/` file:
-        package org.apache.cordova.plugin;
-        import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin;
-        import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext;
+package org.apache.cordova.plugin;
-        import org.json.JSONArray;
-        import org.json.JSONException;
-        import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin;
+import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext;
-        /**
-         * This class echoes a string called from JavaScript.
-         */
-        public class Echo extends CordovaPlugin {
+import org.json.JSONArray;
+import org.json.JSONException;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
-            @Override
-            public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
-                if (action.equals("echo")) {
-                    String message = args.getString(0);
-                    this.echo(message, callbackContext);
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            }
+* This class echoes a string called from JavaScript.
+public class Echo extends CordovaPlugin {
+public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException {
+    if (action.equals("echo")) {
+        String message = args.getString(0);
+        this.echo(message, callbackContext);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
-            private void echo(String message, CallbackContext callbackContext) {
-                if (message != null && message.length() > 0) {
-                    callbackContext.success(message);
-                } else {
-                    callbackContext.error("Expected one non-empty string argument.");
-                }
-            }
-        }
+private void echo(String message, CallbackContext callbackContext) {
+    if (message != null && message.length() > 0) {
+        callbackContext.success(message);
+    } else {
+        callbackContext.error("Expected one non-empty string argument.");
+    }
 The necessary imports at the top of the file extends the class from
 `CordovaPlugin`, whose `execute()` method it overrides to receive
@@ -268,9 +284,11 @@ the permissions, and these permissions need to be added to the Android Manifest.
 accomplished by using the `config.xml` to inject these permissions in the `AndroidManifest.xml` file.
 The example below uses the Contacts permission.
-        <config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/*">
-            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
-        </config-file>
+<config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/*">
+    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
 ### Runtime Permissions (Cordova-Android 5.0.0+)
@@ -284,72 +302,87 @@ documentation [here][permissions-guide].
 As far as a plugin is concerned, the permission can be requested by calling the permission method, which signature is as follows:
-        cordova.requestPermission(CordovaPlugin plugin, int requestCode, String permission);
+cordova.requestPermission(CordovaPlugin plugin, int requestCode, String permission);
 To cut down on verbosity, it's standard practice to assign this to a local static variable:
-    public static final String READ = Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS;
+public static final String READ = Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS;
 It is also standard practice to define the requestCode as follows:
-    public static final int SEARCH_REQ_CODE = 0;
+public static final int SEARCH_REQ_CODE = 0;
 Then, in the exec method, the permission should be checked:
-            if(cordova.hasPermission(READ))
-            {
-                search(executeArgs);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                getReadPermission(SEARCH_REQ_CODE);
-            }
+    search(executeArgs);
+    getReadPermission(SEARCH_REQ_CODE);
 In this case, we just call requestPermission:
-    protected void getReadPermission(int requestCode)
-    {
-        cordova.requestPermission(this, requestCode, READ);
-    }
+protected void getReadPermission(int requestCode)
+    cordova.requestPermission(this, requestCode, READ);
 This will call the activity and cause a prompt to appear asking for the permission.  Once the user has the permission, the result must be handled with the `onRequestPermissionResult` method, which
 every plugin should override.  An example of this can be found below:
-    public void onRequestPermissionResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions,
-                                             int[] grantResults) throws JSONException
+public void onRequestPermissionResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions,
+                                         int[] grantResults) throws JSONException
+    for(int r:grantResults)
-        for(int r:grantResults)
+        if(r == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED)
-            if(r == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED)
-            {
-                this.callbackContext.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR, PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR));
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        switch(requestCode)
-        {
-            case SEARCH_REQ_CODE:
-                search(executeArgs);
-                break;
-            case SAVE_REQ_CODE:
-                save(executeArgs);
-                break;
-            case REMOVE_REQ_CODE:
-                remove(executeArgs);
-                break;
+            this.callbackContext.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR, PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR));
+            return;
+    switch(requestCode)
+    {
+        case SEARCH_REQ_CODE:
+            search(executeArgs);
+            break;
+        case SAVE_REQ_CODE:
+            save(executeArgs);
+            break;
+        case REMOVE_REQ_CODE:
+            remove(executeArgs);
+            break;
+    }
 The switch statement above would return from the prompt and depending on the requestCode that was passed in, it would call the method.  It should be noted that permission prompts may stack if the execution is not handled correctly, and that this should be avoided.
 In addition to asking for permission for a single permission, it is also possible to request permissions for an entire group by defining the permissions array, as what is done with the Geolocation plugin:
-    String [] permissions = { Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION };
+String [] permissions = { Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION };
 Then when requesting the permission, all that needs to be done is the following:
-    cordova.requestPermissions(this, 0, permissions);
+cordova.requestPermissions(this, 0, permissions);
 This requests the permissions specified in the array.  It's a good idea to provide a publicly accessible permissions array since this can be used by plugins that use your plugin as a
 dependency, although this is not required.
@@ -413,7 +446,7 @@ Instead, this replacement `CallbackContext` will return the result as part of th
 [`resume`][event-resume] event that is fired when the application resumes. The
 payload of the [`resume`][event-resume] event follows this structure:
     action: "resume",
     pendingResult: {
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index d6dd685..c5c2865 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ version of the CLI.
 The best way to upgrade to 5.X.X is to simply remove the Android platform from
 your project and re-add it with the new version. For example,
 cordova platform remove android
 cordova platform add android@5.X.X
@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ discouraged).
 Alternatively, you may attempt to use the platform update script. For non-CLI
 projects, run:
-        bin/update path/to/project
+bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ For non-core plugins, you can verify if a plugin requests a
 `plugin.xml` file. If the plugin uses Android permissions, you will see entries
 in `plugin.xml` that declare them. For example:
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PERMISSION_NAME" />
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ Where `PERMISSION_NAME` is replaced with the name of an Android permission.
 The `plugin.xml` file can be found in the plugin's folder in your Cordova
 project (e.g. `plugins/example-plugin/plugin.xml`). Consult the documentation of
 any plugins using dangerous permissions to determine what steps need to be taken
-to ensure **cordova-android 5.0.0+** compatibility.  
+to ensure **cordova-android 5.0.0+** compatibility.
 ## Upgrading to 4.0.0
@@ -95,7 +97,9 @@ changes in 4.0.0.  First, the common upgrade steps are needed as below.
 For non-CLI projects, run:
-        bin/update path/to/project
+bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
@@ -127,7 +131,9 @@ By default, your app will continue to use the system WebView provided by the
 device.  If you wish to use the Crosswalk WebView instead, simply add the
 Crosswalk plugin:
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
+cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
 Upon adding the plugin, your app will get the Crosswalk WebView installed and
 configured correctly.
@@ -137,13 +143,17 @@ If your app makes use of a splash screen, that functionality has been moved to
 a plugin.  The configuration options for splash screens are unchanged.  The only
 upgrade step required is to add the plugin:
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
+cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
 ## Upgrading to 3.7.1 from 3.6.0
 For non-CLI projects, run:
-        bin/update path/to/project
+bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index 24bcf12..b07ac6a 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -91,16 +91,16 @@ legacy `CordovaActivity` component that pre-dates the 1.9 release.
         public void startActivityForResult(CordovaPlugin command, Intent intent, int requestCode) {
             this.activityResultCallback = command;
             this.activityResultKeepRunning = this.keepRunning;
             // If multitasking turned on, then disable it for activities that return results
             if (command != null) {
                 this.keepRunning = false;
             // Start activity
             super.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);
-        }   
+        }
          * Called when an activity you launched exits, giving you the requestCode you started it with,
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry/
index c608bb8..9d0bab2 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry/
@@ -338,14 +338,16 @@ Updating just the `www` directory:
 6. Update the `www/plugins.xml` file. Two plugins changed their
    namespace/service label. Change the old entries for the Capture and
    Contact plugins from:
-        <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
-        <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
+   <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```
-        <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
-        <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
+   <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```
 Updating the sample directory (ie, updating using the ant tools):
@@ -366,14 +368,16 @@ Updating the sample directory (ie, updating using the ant tools):
 8. Open the `www` directory and update the `plugins.xml` file. Two plugins
    changed their namespace/service label. Change the old entries for the
    Capture and Contact plugins from:
-         <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
-         <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
+   <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```
-         <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
-         <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
+   <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```
 - To upgrade to 1.8.0, please go from 1.7.0
@@ -395,14 +399,16 @@ Updating just the `www` directory:
 6. Update the `www/plugins.xml` file. Two plugins changed their
    namespace/service label. Change the old entries for the Capture and
    Contact plugins from:
-        <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
-        <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
+   <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```
-        <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
-        <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
+   <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```
 Updating the sample directory (ie, updating using the ant tools):
@@ -423,12 +429,13 @@ Updating the sample directory (ie, updating using the ant tools):
 8. Open the `www` directory and update the `plugins.xml` file. Two plugins
    changed their namespace/service label. Change the old entries for the
    Capture and Contact plugins from:
-         <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
-         <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
+   <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```
-         <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
-         <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```xml
+   <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
+   <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+   ```
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
index 9ffa87f..ce2d5c3 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
@@ -32,15 +32,17 @@ File]( for information on globa
   to display resources accessed via `` or by specifying a
   `_blank` anchor target. Specify `disable` to override this default
-        <preference name="ChildBrowser" value="disable"/>
+  ```xml
+  <preference name="ChildBrowser" value="disable"/>
+  ```
 - `PopupBlocker` (`enable` or the default `disable`): Enables the
   popup blocker, which prevents calls to ``. By default,
   popups display in a child browser window. Setting the preference to
   `enable` prevents it from displaying at all.
-        <preference name="PopupBlocker" value="enable"/>
+  ```xml
+  <preference name="PopupBlocker" value="enable"/>
+  ```
 - `WebSecurity` (`disable` or the default `enable`): Set to `disable`
   to override web security settings, allowing access to remote content
@@ -49,6 +51,6 @@ File]( for information on globa
   distribution.  For the released app, all URIs should be known and
   whitelisted using the `<access>` element, described in the Domain
   [Whitelist Guide](../../appdev/whitelist/index.html).
-        <preference name="WebSecurity" value="disable"/>
+  ```xml
+  <preference name="WebSecurity" value="disable"/>
+  ```
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
index a6063d3..0ce8760 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ For BlackBerry 10, you need to install the SDK regardless of whether
 you want to use the cross-platform Cordova CLI for development, or a
 narrower set of platform-centered command-line tools.  For a
 comparison of the two development paths, see the [Overview](../../overview/index.html).  For
-details on each, see [Cordova CLI Reference] and the BlackBerry 10
+details on each, see [Cordova CLI Reference][cli] and the BlackBerry 10
 Shell Tool Guide.
 ## Requirements
@@ -75,46 +75,52 @@ On Windows:
 * Go to __My Computer &rarr; Properties &rarr; Advanced &rarr; Environment Variables__.
 * Append the Native SDK's install directory to the PATH, for example:
-        ;C:\bbndk\host_10_1_0_132\win32\x86\usr\bin\
+  ```
+  ;C:\bbndk\host_10_1_0_132\win32\x86\usr\bin\
+  ```
 On Mac and Linux:
 * Edit the `~/.bash_profile` file, adding a line such as the
   following, depending on where the Native SDK was installed:
+    ```bash
+    export PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/bbndk/host_10_1_0_132/darwin/x86/usr/bin/
-        $ export PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/bbndk/host_10_1_0_132/darwin/x86/usr/bin/
-  or for the 10.2 Native SDK:
-        $ export PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/
+    # or for the 10.2 Native SDK:
+    export PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/
+    ```
 * Run the following to apply the change in the current session:
-        $ source ~/.bash_profile
+    ```bash
+    $ source ~/.bash_profile
+    ```
 If you got any environmental problem, using the Native SDK from the command line, execute the appropriate file for your platform, located within the installation path:
 * On Windows &rarr; MS-DOS shell:
-        C:\> \bbndk\bbndk-env_xx_xx_xx_xxxx.bat
+  ```
+  C:\> \bbndk\bbndk-env_xx_xx_xx_xxxx.bat
+  ```
 * On Windows &rarr; git bash shell:
-        $ `\bbndk\bbndk-env_xx_xx_xx_xxxx.bat`
+  ```
+  $ `\bbndk\bbndk-env_xx_xx_xx_xxxx.bat`
+  ```
 * On Linux &rarr; Installed as root user:
-        $ `./opt/bbndk/`
+  ```bash
+  $ `./opt/bbndk/`
+  ```
 * On Linux &rarr; Installed as non-root user:
-        $ `./home/username/bbndk/`
+  ```bash
+  $ `./home/username/bbndk/`
+  ```
 * On Mac:
-        $ `/Developer/SDKs/bbndk/`
+  ```bash
+  $ `/Developer/SDKs/bbndk/`
+  ```
 ## Set up for Signing
@@ -132,17 +138,21 @@ download page.
 The final step is to generate a signing certificate:
-    $ blackberry-keytool -genkeypair -storepass <password> -author 'Your Name’
+$ blackberry-keytool -genkeypair -storepass <password> -author 'Your Name’
 ## Create a Project
 Use the `cordova` utility to set up a new project, as described in
-[Cordova CLI Reference]. For example, in a source-code directory:
+[Cordova CLI Reference][cli]. For example, in a source-code directory:
-        $ cordova create hello com.example.hello
-        $ cd hello
-        $ cordova platform add blackberry10
-        $ cordova build
+$ cordova create hello com.example.hello
+$ cd hello
+$ cordova platform add blackberry10
+$ cordova build
 ## Deploy to Emulator
@@ -170,16 +180,19 @@ command, in this case invoked from the project top-level directory,
 associates a target named _emu_ with the IP address displayed above.
 * On Windows:
-        $ platforms\blackberry10\cordova\target.bat add emu -t simulator
+  ```
+  $ platforms\blackberry10\cordova\target.bat add emu -t simulator
+  ```
 * On Mac/Linux:
-        $ platforms/blackberry10/cordova/target add emu -t simulator
+  ```bash
+  platforms/blackberry10/cordova/target add emu -t simulator
+  ```
 Then, run the `emulate` command to view the app:
-        $ cordova emulate blackberry10
+$ cordova emulate blackberry10
 ## Deploy to Device
@@ -194,12 +207,14 @@ Run the target command-line utility to associate a name with an IP
 address, device password and PIN.
 * On Windows:
-        $ platforms\blackberry10\cordova\target.bat add mydevice -t device --password 123456 --pin FFFF972E
+  ```
+  $ platforms\blackberry10\cordova\target.bat add mydevice -t device --password 123456 --pin FFFF972E
+  ```
 * On Mac/Linux:
-        $ platforms/blackberry10/cordova/target add mydevice -t device --password 123456 --pin FFFF972E
+  ```bash
+  $ platforms/blackberry10/cordova/target add mydevice -t device --password 123456 --pin FFFF972E
+  ```
@@ -209,19 +224,23 @@ where:
 Then, run the `run` command to view the app:
-        $ cordova run blackberry10
+$ cordova run blackberry10
 If a debug token is not yet set up for the device, an error message
 prompts you to use the platform run script with the password you
 provided when registering for signing keys.
 * On Windows:
-        $ platforms\blackberry10\cordova\run.bat --device --keystorepass mysecret
+  ```
+  $ platforms\blackberry10\cordova\run.bat --device --keystorepass mysecret
+  ```
 * On Mac/Linux:
-        $ platforms/blackberry10/cordova/run --device --keystorepass mysecret
+  ```bash
+  $ platforms/blackberry10/cordova/run --device --keystorepass mysecret
+  ```
 ## Debugging with WebInspector
@@ -239,7 +258,9 @@ _.bar_ package file suitable for testing on a device or simulator.
 Use `--release` to create a release version suitable for distribution
 through BlackBerry World.
-    $ cordova build --release --keystorepass <signing password>
+$ cordova build --release --keystorepass <signing password>
 The `--keystorepass` option specifies the password you defined when
 configuring your computer to sign applications.
@@ -257,16 +278,20 @@ command, in this case invoked from the project top-level directory,
 associates a target named _emu_ with an IP address.
 * On Windows:
-        $ platforms\blackberry10\cordova\build.bat --release --keystorepass mysecret
+  ```
+  $ platforms\blackberry10\cordova\build.bat --release --keystorepass mysecret
+  ```
 * On Mac/Linux:
-        $ platforms/blackberry10/cordova/build --release --keystorepass mysecret
+  ```bash
+  $ platforms/blackberry10/cordova/build --release --keystorepass mysecret
+  ```
 Once the target is defined, you can provide it to the run command using
-    $ cordova run blackberry10 --target=emu
+$ cordova run blackberry10 --target=emu
-[Cordova CLI Reference]: ../../../cordova-cli/index.html
+[cli]: ../../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
index c6d02d5..a20b5b8 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
@@ -32,11 +32,13 @@ platform and back.
 The Echo plugin basically returns whatever string the `window.echo`
 function sends from JavaScript:
-        window.echo = function(str, callback) {
-            cordova.exec(callback, function(err) {
-                callback('Nothing to echo.');
-            }, "Echo", "echo", [str]);
-        };
+window.echo = function(str, callback) {
+    cordova.exec(callback, function(err) {
+        callback('Nothing to echo.');
+    }, "Echo", "echo", [str]);
 A Cordova plugin for BlackBerry 10 contains both JavaScript and native
 code, which communicate with each other through a framework provided
@@ -63,37 +65,41 @@ features constants and utility functions available from within native
 code. The plugin must be derived from `JSExt`, which is defined in
 `plugin.h`. That is, you must implement the following class:
-        class JSExt
-        {
-        public:
-            virtual ~JSExt() {};
-            virtual string InvokeMethod( const string& strCommand ) = 0;
-            virtual bool CanDelete( void ) = 0;
-        private:
-            std::string m_id;
-        };
+class JSExt
+    virtual ~JSExt() {};
+    virtual string InvokeMethod( const string& strCommand ) = 0;
+    virtual bool CanDelete( void ) = 0;
+    std::string m_id;
 The extension should include the `plugin.h` header file. In the `Echo`
 example, you use `JSExt` as follows in the `echo_js.hpp` file:
-        #include "../public/plugin.h"
-        #include <string>
+#include "../public/plugin.h"
+#include <string>
-        #ifndef ECHO_JS_H_
-        #define ECHO_JS_H_
+#ifndef ECHO_JS_H_
+#define ECHO_JS_H_
-        class Echo : public JSExt
-        {
-        public:
-            explicit Echo(const std::string& id);
-            virtual ~Echo();
-            virtual std::string InvokeMethod(const std::string& command);
-            virtual bool CanDelete();
-        private:
-            std::string m_id;
-        };
+class Echo : public JSExt
+    explicit Echo(const std::string& id);
+    virtual ~Echo();
+    virtual std::string InvokeMethod(const std::string& command);
+    virtual bool CanDelete();
+    std::string m_id;
-        #endif // ECHO_JS_H_
+#endif // ECHO_JS_H_
 The `m_id` attribute contains the `JNEXT` id for the object, which is
 passed to the class as an argument to the constructor. It is needed
@@ -107,20 +113,22 @@ object's methods should execute.  These methods are implemented in
 `echo_js.cpp`. Here is the `InvokeMethod` function for the `Echo`
-        string Echo::InvokeMethod(const string& command) {
+string Echo::InvokeMethod(const string& command) {
-            //parse command and args from string
-            int index = command.find_first_of(" ");
-            string strCommand = command.substr(0, index);
-            string strValue = command.substr(index + 1, command.length());
+    //parse command and args from string
+    int index = command.find_first_of(" ");
+    string strCommand = command.substr(0, index);
+    string strValue = command.substr(index + 1, command.length());
-            // Determine which function should be executed
-            if (strCommand == "echo") {
-                return strValue;
-            } else {
-                return "Unsupported Method";
-            }
-        }
+    // Determine which function should be executed
+    if (strCommand == "echo") {
+        return strValue;
+    } else {
+        return "Unsupported Method";
+    }
 The native plugin must also implement the following callback
@@ -134,10 +142,12 @@ supported by JNEXT. JNEXT uses this function to determine the set of
 classes that JNEXT can instantiate. The `Echo` plugin implements the
 following in `echo_js.cpp`:
-        char* onGetObjList() {
-            static char name[] = "Echo";
-            return name;
-        }
+char* onGetObjList() {
+    static char name[] = "Echo";
+    return name;
 The `onCreateObject ` function takes two parameters. The first is the
 name of the requested class to be created from the JavaScript side,
@@ -146,12 +156,14 @@ parameter is the class's unique object id. This method returns a
 pointer to the created plugin object. The `Echo` plugin implements the
 following in `echo_js.cpp`:
-        JSExt* onCreateObject(const string& className, const string& id) {
-            if (className == "Echo") {
-                return new Echo(id);
-            }
-            return NULL;
-        }
+JSExt* onCreateObject(const string& className, const string& id) {
+    if (className == "Echo") {
+        return new Echo(id);
+    }
+    return NULL;
 ## Creating the Plugin's JavaScript
@@ -172,14 +184,16 @@ through the `Cordova.exec` function. The `client.js` needs to invoke
 the `exec` function and provide the necessary arguments. The `Echo`
 plugin implements the following in the `client.js` file:
-        var service = "org.apache.cordova.blackberry.echo",
-            exec = cordova.require("cordova/exec");
+var service = "org.apache.cordova.blackberry.echo",
+    exec = cordova.require("cordova/exec");
-        module.exports = {
-            echo: function (data, success, fail) {
-                exec(success, fail, service, "echo", { data: data });
-            }
-        };
+module.exports = {
+    echo: function (data, success, fail) {
+        exec(success, fail, service, "echo", { data: data });
+    }
 The `index.js` component uses JNEXT to interact with the native
 side. Attaching a constructor function named `Echo` to JNEXT allows
@@ -189,12 +203,16 @@ you to perform the following key operations using the `init` function:
   the required module must match the name of a shared library file
   (`.so` file):
-        JNEXT.require("libecho")
+    ```javascript
+    JNEXT.require("libecho")
+    ```
 - Create an object by using an acquired module and save the ID that's
   returned by the call:
-        self.m_id = JNEXT.createObject("libecho.Echo");
+    ```javascript
+    self.m_id = JNEXT.createObject("libecho.Echo");
+    ```
   When the application calls the `echo` function in `client.js`, that
   call in turn calls the `echo` function in `index.js`, where the
@@ -203,18 +221,22 @@ you to perform the following key operations using the `init` function:
   `JSON.stringfy()` and encoded as a `URIcomponent`, you must call the
-        data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(;
+data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(;
 You can now send the data back, as in the following:
-        module.exports = {
-            echo: function (success, fail, args, env) {
-                var result = new PluginResult(args, env),
-                data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(,
-                response = echo.getInstance().echo(data);
-                result.ok(response, false);
-            }
-        };
+module.exports = {
+    echo: function (success, fail, args, env) {
+        var result = new PluginResult(args, env),
+        data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(,
+        response = echo.getInstance().echo(data);
+        result.ok(response, false);
+    }
 ## Plugin Architecture
@@ -241,18 +263,20 @@ sign.
 The `plugin.xml` file contains the extension's namespace and other
 metadata. Set up the `Echo` plugin as follows:
-        <plugin xmlns=""
-            id="org.apache.cordova.blackberry.echo"
-            version="1.0.0">
-            <js-module src="www/client.js">
-                <merges target="navigator" />
-            </js-module>
-            <platform name="blackberry10">
-                <source-file src="src/blackberry10/index.js" />
-                <lib-file src="src/blackberry10/native/device/" arch="device" />
-                <lib-file src="src/blackberry10/native/simulator/" arch="simulator" />
-                <config-file target="www/config.xml" parent="/widget">
-                    <feature name="org.apache.cordova.blackberry.echo" value="org.apache.cordova.blackberry.echo" />
-                </config-file>
-            </platform>
-        </plugin>
+<plugin xmlns=""
+    id="org.apache.cordova.blackberry.echo"
+    version="1.0.0">
+    <js-module src="www/client.js">
+        <merges target="navigator" />
+    </js-module>
+    <platform name="blackberry10">
+        <source-file src="src/blackberry10/index.js" />
+        <lib-file src="src/blackberry10/native/device/" arch="device" />
+        <lib-file src="src/blackberry10/native/simulator/" arch="simulator" />
+        <config-file target="www/config.xml" parent="/widget">
+            <feature name="org.apache.cordova.blackberry.echo" value="org.apache.cordova.blackberry.echo" />
+        </config-file>
+    </platform>
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
index 197d1dd..b209e10 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ arguments.
 The `create` command creates a new project:
-        bin/create <path-to-project> <project-package> <project-name>
+bin/create <path-to-project> <project-package> <project-name>
@@ -71,7 +73,9 @@ or set a target as the default target.
 ### Add a Target
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/target add <name> <ip-address> [-t | --type <device | simulator>] [-p | --password <password>] [--pin <device-pin>]
+<path-to-project>/cordova/target add <name> <ip-address> [-t | --type <device | simulator>] [-p | --password <password>] [--pin <device-pin>]
@@ -91,11 +95,15 @@ where
 ### Remove a Target
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/target remove <name>
+<path-to-project>/cordova/target remove <name>
 ### Set a Target as the Default
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/target default <name>
+<path-to-project>/cordova/target default <name>
 ## Build the App
@@ -105,7 +113,9 @@ in debug mode (which produces an unsigned .bar file).
 ### Build the App in Release Mode
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/build release [-k | --keystorepass <password>] [-b | --buildId <number>] [-p | --params <params-JSON-file>]
+<path-to-project>/cordova/build release [-k | --keystorepass <password>] [-b | --buildId <number>] [-p | --params <params-JSON-file>]
@@ -117,7 +127,9 @@ where
 ### Build the Project in Debug Mode
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/build debug [<target>] [-k | --keystorepass <password>] [-p | --params <params-JSON-file>]  [-ll | --loglevel <error|warn|verbose>]
+<path-to-project>/cordova/build debug [<target>] [-k | --keystorepass <password>] [-p | --params <params-JSON-file>]  [-ll | --loglevel <error|warn|verbose>]
@@ -147,7 +159,9 @@ installed a debug token, if that target is a BlackBerry device), you
 can run the script with no arguments, and the script packages your
 app and deploys it to the default target. For example:
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/build debug
+<path-to-project>/cordova/build debug
 ## Run the App
@@ -155,7 +169,9 @@ The `run` command deploys the app's most recent build on the specified
 BlackBerry device or an emulator. To deploy your app, you need to
 specify a target for the device or emulator:
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/run <target>
+<path-to-project>/cordova/run <target>
 ...where `<target> `specifies the name of a previously added target.
 If `<target>` is a device, then it must be connected to your computer
@@ -166,16 +182,24 @@ via USB cable, or else over the same Wi-Fi network as your computer.
 The `target` command allows you to add and remove plugins.  To fetch a
 locally hosted plugin:
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/plugin fetch <path-to-plugin>
+<path-to-project>/cordova/plugin fetch <path-to-plugin>
 View a list of installed plugins:
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/plugin ls
+<path-to-project>/cordova/plugin ls
 Add a plugin:
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/plugin add <name>
+<path-to-project>/cordova/plugin add <name>
 Remove a plugin:
-        <path-to-project>/cordova/plugin rm <name>
+<path-to-project>/cordova/plugin rm <name>
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
index c821e4f..fe9f282 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ version of the CLI.
 For non-CLI projects, run:
         bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
 1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html).
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ For CLI projects:
 ## Upgrading to 3.2.0 from 3.1.0
-For projects that were created with the cordova CLI: 
+For projects that were created with the cordova CLI:
 1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html).
 2. Run `cordova platform update blackberry`
 For projects not created with the cordova CLI, run:
         bin/update <project_path>
@@ -438,13 +438,17 @@ Updating the sample directory (i.e., updating using the ant tools):
    changed their namespace/service label. Change the old entries for the
    Capture and Contact plugins from:
-         <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
-         <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```xml
+    <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
+    <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```
-   To:
+    To:
-         <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
-         <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```xml
+    <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
+    <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```
 - To upgrade to 1.8.0, please go from 1.7.0
@@ -467,13 +471,17 @@ Updating just the `www` directory:
    namespace/service label. Change the old entries for the Capture and
    Contact plugins from:
-        <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
-        <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```xml
+    <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
+    <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```
-   To:
+    To:
-        <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
-        <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```xml
+    <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
+    <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```
 Updating the sample directory (i.e., updating using the ant tools):
@@ -495,11 +503,14 @@ Updating the sample directory (i.e., updating using the ant tools):
    changed their namespace/service label. Change the old entries for the
    Capture and Contact plugins from:
-         <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
-         <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
-   To:
+    ```xml
+    <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
+    <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```
-         <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
-         <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    To:
+    ```xml
+    <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
+    <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
+    ```
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
index 5a9c45d..997b9be 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ development workflow. You need to install the SDK tools regardless of
 whether you want to use these platform-centered shell tools
 or cross-platform Cordova CLI for development. For a comparison of the two
 development paths, see the [Overview](../../overview/index.html#development-paths).
-For details on the CLI, see [Cordova CLI Reference].
+For details on the CLI, see [Cordova CLI Reference][cli].
 ## Requirements and Support
@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ There are two ways to download Xcode:
 Once Xcode is installed, several command-line tools need to be enabled
 for Cordova to run. From the command line, run:
-``` xcode-select --install```
+$ xcode-select --install
 ### Deployment Tools
@@ -71,8 +73,10 @@ to launch iOS apps into the iOS Simulator and iOS Device from the command-line.
 To install them, run the following from command-line terminal:
-        $ npm install -g ios-sim
-        $ npm install -g ios-deploy
+$ npm install -g ios-sim
+$ npm install -g ios-deploy
 ## Project Configuration
@@ -160,25 +164,27 @@ Alternatively, you could specify them in a build configuration file (`build.json
 using the `--buildConfig` argument to the same commands. Here's a sample of a
 build configuration file:
-    {
-         "ios": {
-             "debug": {
-                 "codeSignIdentity": "iPhone Development",
-                 "provisioningProfile": "926c2bd6-8de9-4c2f-8407-1016d2d12954"
-             },
-             "release": {
-                 "codeSignIdentity": "iPhone Distribution",
-                 "provisioningProfile": "70f699ad-faf1-4adE-8fea-9d84738fb306"
-             }
-         }
+    "ios": {
+        "debug": {
+            "codeSignIdentity": "iPhone Development",
+            "provisioningProfile": "926c2bd6-8de9-4c2f-8407-1016d2d12954"
+        },
+        "release": {
+            "codeSignIdentity": "iPhone Distribution",
+            "provisioningProfile": "70f699ad-faf1-4adE-8fea-9d84738fb306"
+        }
 ### Using xcrun
 You can also sign from the command line using the following command:
-    xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v /home/user/app/build/device/ -o /home/user/app/build/device/MyApp.ipa --sign "iPhone Development" --embed "7151ab45-6085-4ea1-9bcd-022b5cebe44b"
+xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v /home/user/app/build/device/ -o /home/user/app/build/device/MyApp.ipa --sign "iPhone Development" --embed "7151ab45-6085-4ea1-9bcd-022b5cebe44b"
 ## Debugging
@@ -217,7 +223,7 @@ as described in [Requirements and Support](#link-requirements-and-support)
 For each of the scripts discussed below, refer to
- [Cordova CLI Reference] for more information on their
+ [Cordova CLI Reference][cli] for more information on their
 arguments and usage. Each script has a name that matches the corresponding CLI
 command. For example, `cordova-ios/bin/create` is equivalent to
 `cordova create`.
@@ -229,11 +235,15 @@ To get started, either download the cordova-ios package from
 To create a project using this package, run the `create` script in the `bin`
-    $ cordova-ios/bin/create ...
+$ cordova-ios/bin/create ...
 To run the app, use the `run` script in the `bin` folder:
-    $ cordova-ios/bin/run
+$ cordova-ios/bin/run
 The created project will have a folder named `cordova` inside that contains
 scripts for the project-specific Cordova commands (e.g. `run`, `build`, etc.).
@@ -249,4 +259,4 @@ Refer to [this](./upgrade.html) article for instructions to upgrade your ```cord
 (Mac®, OS X®, Apple®, Xcode®, App Store℠, iPad®, iPhone®, iPod® and  Finder® are Trademarks of Apple Inc.)
-[Cordova CLI Reference]: ../../../cordova-cli/index.html
+[cli]: ../../../reference/cordova-cli/index.html
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
index 9dcc255..abf945b 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ registered as a `<feature>` tag in the named application directory's
 The JavaScript portion of a plugin uses the `cordova.exec` method as
-        exec(<successFunction>, <failFunction>, <service>, <action>, [<args>]);
+exec(<successFunction>, <failFunction>, <service>, <action>, [<args>]);
 This marshals a request from the `UIWebView` to the iOS native side,
 effectively calling the `action` method on the `service` class, with
@@ -50,9 +52,11 @@ Specify the plugin as a `<feature>` tag in your Cordova-iOS
 application's project's `config.xml` file, using the `plugin.xml` file
 to inject this markup automatically, as described in [Plugin Development Guide][plugin-dev]:
-        <feature name="LocalStorage">
-            <param name="ios-package" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
-        </feature>
+<feature name="LocalStorage">
+    <param name="ios-package" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
 The feature's `name` attribute should match what you specify as the
 JavaScript `exec` call's `service` parameter. The `value` attribute
@@ -68,16 +72,18 @@ One instance of a plugin object is created for the life of each
 referenced by a call from JavaScript, unless `<param>` with an `onload`
 `name` attribute is set to `"true"` in `config.xml`. For example,
-        <feature name="Echo">
-            <param name="ios-package" value="Echo" />
-            <param name="onload" value="true" />
-        </feature>
+<feature name="Echo">
+    <param name="ios-package" value="Echo" />
+    <param name="onload" value="true" />
 Plugins should use the `pluginInitialize` method for their startup logic.
 Plugins with long-running requests or background activities such as media
-playback, listeners, or that maintain internal state should implement 
-the `onReset` method to cancel those long-running requests or to clean up 
+playback, listeners, or that maintain internal state should implement
+the `onReset` method to cancel those long-running requests or to clean up
 after those activities.
 The method runs when the `UIWebView` navigates to a new page or refreshes, which
 reloads the JavaScript.
@@ -91,18 +97,20 @@ class look like?  Whatever is dispatched to the plugin with
 JavaScript's `exec` function is passed into the corresponding plugin
 class's `action` method. A plugin method has this signature:
-        - (void)myMethod:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
-        {
-            CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = nil;
-            NSString* myarg = [command.arguments objectAtIndex:0];
-            if (myarg != nil) {
-                pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK];
-            } else {
-                pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR messageAsString:@"Arg was null"];
-            }
-            [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];
-        }
+- (void)myMethod:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
+    CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = nil;
+    NSString* myarg = [command.arguments objectAtIndex:0];
+    if (myarg != nil) {
+        pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK];
+    } else {
+        pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR messageAsString:@"Arg was null"];
+    }
+    [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];
 For more details, see
  [CDVInvokedUrlCommand.h][CDVInvokedUrlCommand.h], [CDVPluginResult.h][CDVPluginResult.h],
@@ -113,7 +121,9 @@ and [CDVCommandDelegate.h][CDVCommandDelegate.h].
 You can use `CDVPluginResult` to return a variety of result types back to
 the JavaScript callbacks, using class methods that follow this pattern:
-        + (CDVPluginResult*)resultWithStatus:(CDVCommandStatus)statusOrdinal messageAs...
++ (CDVPluginResult*)resultWithStatus:(CDVCommandStatus)statusOrdinal messageAs...
 You can create `String`, `Int`, `Double`, `Bool`, `Array`,
 `Dictionary`, `ArrayBuffer`, and `Multipart` types. You can also leave
@@ -139,50 +149,55 @@ To match the JavaScript interface's _echo_ feature described in
 Application Plugins, use the `plugin.xml` to inject a `feature`
 specification to the local platform's `config.xml` file:
-        <platform name="ios">
-            <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
-                <feature name="Echo">
-                    <param name="ios-package" value="Echo" />
-                </feature>
-            </config-file>
-        </platform>
+<platform name="ios">
+    <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
+        <feature name="Echo">
+            <param name="ios-package" value="Echo" />
+        </feature>
+    </config-file>
 Then we would add the following `Echo.h` and `Echo.m` files to the
 `Plugins` folder within the Cordova-iOS application directory:
-        /********* Echo.h Cordova Plugin Header *******/
-        #import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
+/********* Echo.h Cordova Plugin Header *******/
+#import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
-        @interface Echo : CDVPlugin
+@interface Echo : CDVPlugin
-        - (void)echo:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;
+- (void)echo:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command;
-        @end
-        /********* Echo.m Cordova Plugin Implementation *******/
+/********* Echo.m Cordova Plugin Implementation *******/
-        #import "Echo.h"
-        #import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
+#import "Echo.h"
+#import <Cordova/CDVPlugin.h>
-        @implementation Echo
+@implementation Echo
-        - (void)echo:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
-        {
-            CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = nil;
-            NSString* echo = [command.arguments objectAtIndex:0];
+- (void)echo:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
+    CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = nil;
+    NSString* echo = [command.arguments objectAtIndex:0];
-            if (echo != nil && [echo length] > 0) {
-                pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsString:echo];
-            } else {
-                pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR];
-            }
+    if (echo != nil && [echo length] > 0) {
+        pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsString:echo];
+    } else {
+        pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR];
+    }
-            [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];
-        }
+    [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];
-        @end
 The necessary imports at the top of the file extends the class from
 `CDVPlugin`.  In this case, the plugin only supports a single `echo`
@@ -214,17 +229,19 @@ interface. If your plugin requires a great deal of processing or
 requires a blocking call, you should use a background thread. For
-        - (void)myPluginMethod:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
-        {
-            // Check command.arguments here.
-            [self.commandDelegate runInBackground:^{
-                NSString* payload = nil;
-                // Some blocking logic...
-                CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsString:payload];
-                // The sendPluginResult method is thread-safe.
-                [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];
-            }];
-        }
+- (void)myPluginMethod:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
+    // Check command.arguments here.
+    [self.commandDelegate runInBackground:^{
+        NSString* payload = nil;
+        // Some blocking logic...
+        CDVPluginResult* pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK messageAsString:payload];
+        // The sendPluginResult method is thread-safe.
+        [self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult callbackId:command.callbackId];
+    }];
 ## Debugging iOS Plugins
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
index c12150c..83219e3 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ Apple App Store, you should use the latest shipped version of the iOS SDK, which
 For non-CLI projects, run:
-        bin/update path/to/project
+bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
 1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html).
@@ -48,8 +50,10 @@ For CLI projects:
 For non-CLI projects, run:
-        bin/update path/to/project
+bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
 1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html).
@@ -60,8 +64,10 @@ For CLI projects:
 For non-CLI projects, run:
-        bin/update path/to/project
+bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
 1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html).
@@ -72,27 +78,31 @@ For CLI projects:
 For non-CLI projects, run:
-        bin/update path/to/project
+bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
 1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html).
 2. Run `cordova platform update ios`
 ## Upgrading 3.0.0 Projects to 3.1.0
 For non-CLI projects, run:
-        bin/update path/to/project
+bin/update path/to/project
 For CLI projects:
 1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html).
 2. Run `cordova platform update ios`
 iOS 7 Issues:
 1. Remove `width=device-width, height=device-height` from the
@@ -190,23 +200,27 @@ yourself. See [Using Plugman to Manage Plugins](../../../plugin_ref/plugman.html
    deprecated. You can copy this information in the `config.xml` file
    for a new project. For example:
-        <plugins>
-            <plugin name="LocalStorage" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
-            <!-- other plugins -->
-        </plugins>
-        <!-- change to: (note that a <feature> tag is on the same level as <plugins> -->
-        <feature name="LocalStorage">
-    	    <param name="ios-package" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
-    	</feature>
-    	<!-- other <feature> tags -->
+    ```xml
+    <plugins>
+        <plugin name="LocalStorage" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
+        <!-- other plugins -->
+    </plugins>
+    <!-- change to: (note that a <feature> tag is on the same level as <plugins> -->
+    <feature name="LocalStorage">
+        <param name="ios-package" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
+    </feature>
+    <!-- other <feature> tags -->
+    ```
 8. Delete the `CordovaLib` directory, and copy the `CordovaLib` directory from the new project into your project's root directory.
 9. Add these two frameworks to your project:
-        OpenAL
-        ImageIO
+    ```
+    OpenAL
+    ImageIO
+    ```
 10. Update your project's target __Build Settings__. Under __Linking &rarr; Other Linker Flags__, edit __"-Obj-C"__ to be __"-ObjC"__.
@@ -334,7 +348,9 @@ yourself. See [Using Plugman to Manage Plugins](../../../plugin_ref/plugman.html
 11. Add the InAppBrowser plugin to the `config.xml`, by adding this tag under `<cordova><plugins>`:
-        <plugin name="InAppBrowser" value="CDVInAppBrowser" />
+    ```xml
+    <plugin name="InAppBrowser" value="CDVInAppBrowser" />
+    ```
 12. Note that Objective-C plugins are _not_ whitelisted anymore. To whitelist your connections with the app whitelist, you need to set the `User-Agent` header of the connection to the same user-agent as the main Cordova WebView.
 You can get this by accessing the `userAgent` property off the main view-controller. The main view-controller (`CDVViewController`) also has a `URLisAllowed` method for you to check whether a URL passes the whitelist.
@@ -368,7 +384,9 @@ You can get this by accessing the `userAgent` property off the main view-control
     2. Go to the location where you installed Cordova (see Step 1), in the `bin` subdirectory
     3. Run the script below where the first parameter is the path to your project's `.xcodeproj` file:
-        `update_cordova_subproject path/to/your/project/xcodeproj`
+        ```
+        update_cordova_subproject path/to/your/project/xcodeproj
+        ```
 __NOTE__: In 2.2.0, the `bin/create` script copy in the `CordovaLib` sub-project into your project. To have the same kind of setup, just copy in the right `CordovaLib` into your project directory, and update the `CordovaLib` sub-project location (relative to the project) in the Xcode File Inspector.
@@ -404,7 +422,9 @@ With Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` has been upgraded to use __Automatic Reference
     2. Go to the location where you installed Cordova (see Step 1), in the `bin` subdirectory
     3. Run the script below where the first parameter is the path to your project's `.xcodeproj` file:
-        `update_cordova_subproject path/to/your/project/xcodeproj`
+        ```
+        update_cordova_subproject path/to/your/project/xcodeproj
+        ```
 ## Upgrading 1.9.0 Projects to 2.0.0
@@ -438,11 +458,15 @@ With Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` has been upgraded to use __Automatic Reference
 14. For the `#import` errors, change any quote-based imports in this style:
-        #import "CDV.h"
+    ```objective_c
+    #import "CDV.h"
+    ```
     to this brackets-based style:
-        #import <Cordova/CDV.h>
+    ```objective_c
+    #import <Cordova/CDV.h>
+    ```
     and remove any `#ifdef` wrappers around any Cordova imports, they are not needed anymore (the imports are now unified)
@@ -482,15 +506,19 @@ With Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` has been upgraded to use __Automatic Reference
 32. Search for __Header Search Paths__. For that setting, append these three values, including quotes:
-        "$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/usr/local/lib/include"
+    ```bash
+    "$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/usr/local/lib/include"
-        "$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/include"
+    "$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/include"
-        "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)"
+    ```
 33. Search for __Other Linker Flags__. For that setting, append this value:
-        -weak_framework CoreFoundation
+    ```bash
+    -weak_framework CoreFoundation
+    ```
 34. Build your project, it should compile and link with __no issues__.
@@ -551,11 +579,13 @@ If you intend on using the Capture API, you will need the new __iPad retina-disp
 4. Copy these files from the new project into your 1.5.0-based project directory on disk, replacing any old files (backup your files first from step 2 above):
-        AppDelegate.h
-        AppDelegate.m
-        MainViewController.h
-        MainViewController.m
-        Cordova.plist
+    ```
+    AppDelegate.h
+    AppDelegate.m
+    MainViewController.h
+    MainViewController.m
+    Cordova.plist
+    ```
 5. Add all the new `MainViewController` and `AppDelegate` files into your Xcode project.
@@ -618,7 +648,9 @@ If you intend on using the Capture API, you will need the new __iPad retina-disp
 18. In the `AppDelegate.h`, `AppDelegate.m`, and `MainViewController.h` files, replace the whole `#ifdef PHONEGAP_FRAMEWORK` block with:
-        #import "CDVDeprecated.h"
+    ```objective_c
+    #import "CDVDeprecated.h"
+    ```
 19. Click on the __project icon__ in the Project Navigator, select your __Target__, then select the __Build Settings__ tab.
@@ -680,11 +712,13 @@ If you intend on using the Capture API, you will need the new __iPad retina-disp
 4. Copy these files from the new project into your 1.3.0-based project directory on disk, replacing any old files (backup your files first from step 2 above):
-        AppDelegate.h
-        AppDelegate.m
-        MainViewController.h
-        MainViewController.m
-        MainViewController.xib
+    ```
+    AppDelegate.h
+    AppDelegate.m
+    MainViewController.h
+    MainViewController.m
+    MainViewController.xib
+    ```
 5. Add all the `MainViewController` files into your Xcode project.
@@ -707,11 +741,13 @@ If you intend on using the Capture API, you will need the new __iPad retina-disp
 4. Copy these files from the new project into your 1.2.0-based project directory on disk, replacing any old files (backup your files first from step 2 above):
-        AppDelegate.h
-        AppDelegate.m
-        MainViewController.h
-        MainViewController.m
-        MainViewController.xib
+    ```
+    AppDelegate.h
+    AppDelegate.m
+    MainViewController.h
+    MainViewController.m
+    MainViewController.xib
+    ```
 5. Add all the `MainViewController` files into your Xcode project.
@@ -734,11 +770,13 @@ If you intend on using the Capture API, you will need the new __iPad retina-disp
 4. Copy these files from the new project into your 1.1.0-based project directory on disk, replacing any old files (backup your files first from step 2 above):
-        AppDelegate.h
-        AppDelegate.m
-        MainViewController.h
-        MainViewController.m
-        MainViewController.xib
+    ```
+    AppDelegate.h
+    AppDelegate.m
+    MainViewController.h
+    MainViewController.m
+    MainViewController.xib
+    ```
 5. Add all the `MainViewController` files into your Xcode project.
@@ -761,11 +799,13 @@ If you intend on using the Capture API, you will need the new __iPad retina-disp
 4. Copy these files from the new project into your 1.0.0-based project directory on disk, replacing any old files (backup your files first from step 2 above):
-        AppDelegate.h
-        AppDelegate.m
-        MainViewController.h
-        MainViewController.m
-        MainViewController.xib
+    ```
+    AppDelegate.h
+    AppDelegate.m
+    MainViewController.h
+    MainViewController.m
+    MainViewController.xib
+    ```
 5. Add all the `MainViewController` files into your Xcode project.
@@ -788,11 +828,13 @@ If you intend on using the Capture API, you will need the new __iPad retina-disp
 4. Copy these files from the new project into your 0.9.6-based project directory on disk, replacing any old files (backup your files first from step 2 above):
-        AppDelegate.h
-        AppDelegate.m
-        MainViewController.h
-        MainViewController.m
-        MainViewController.xib
+    ```
+    AppDelegate.h
+    AppDelegate.m
+    MainViewController.h
+    MainViewController.m
+    MainViewController.xib
+    ```
 5. Add all the `MainViewController` files into your Xcode project.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
index 9e78208..829dd15 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
@@ -83,10 +83,12 @@ package.
    Optionally within the __Project Navigator__, move them under the
    __Frameworks__ group:
-        AssetsLibrary.framework
-        CoreLocation.framework
-        CoreGraphics.framework
-        MobileCoreServices.framework
+    ```
+    AssetsLibrary.framework
+    CoreLocation.framework
+    CoreGraphics.framework
+    MobileCoreServices.framework
+    ```
 1. Expand __Target Dependencies__, the top box with that label if
    there's more than one box.
@@ -107,10 +109,12 @@ package.
 1. Search for __Header Search Paths__. For that setting, add these
    three values below, including the quotes:
-        "$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/usr/local/lib/include"        
-        "$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/include"
-        "$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_NAME)/include"
-        "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)"
+    ```
+    "$(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/usr/local/lib/include"
+    "$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/include"
+    "$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_NAME)/include"
+    ```
     As of Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` has been upgraded to use
     __Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)__. You don't need to upgrade
@@ -124,38 +128,54 @@ package.
 1. Add the following header:
-        #import <Cordova/CDVViewController.h>
+    ```objective_c
+    #import <Cordova/CDVViewController.h>
+    ```
 1. Instantiate a new `CDVViewController` and retain it somewhere,
    e.g., to a class property:
-        CDVViewController* viewController = [CDVViewController new];
+    ```objective_c
+    CDVViewController* viewController = [CDVViewController new];
+    ```
 1. Optionally, set the `wwwFolderName` property, which defaults to `www`:
-        viewController.wwwFolderName = @"myfolder";
+    ```objective_c
+    viewController.wwwFolderName = @"myfolder";
+    ```
 1. Optionally, set the start page in the `config.xml` file's
    `<content>` tag, either a local file:
-        <content src="index.html" />
+    ```xml
+    <content src="index.html" />
+    ```
     ...or a remote site:
-        <content src="" />
+    ```xml
+    <content src="" />
+    ```
 1. Optionally, set the `useSplashScreen` property, which defaults to
-        viewController.useSplashScreen = YES;
+    ```objective_c
+    viewController.useSplashScreen = YES;
+    ```
 1. Set the __view frame__. Always set this as the last property:
-        viewController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480);
+    ```objective_c
+    viewController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480);
+    ```
 1. Add Cleaver to the view:
-        [myView addSubview:viewController.view];
+    ```objective_c
+    [myView addSubview:viewController.view];
+    ```
 ## Adding HTML, CSS and JavaScript Assets
@@ -173,11 +193,13 @@ package.
    in the previous section) when instantiating the
-        /*
-         if you created a folder called 'myfolder' and
-         you want the file 'mypage.html' in it to be
-         the startPage
-        */
-        viewController.wwwFolderName = @"myfolder";
-        viewController.startPage = @"mypage.html"
+    ```objective_c
+    /*
+        if you created a folder called 'myfolder' and
+        you want the file 'mypage.html' in it to be
+        the startPage
+    */
+    viewController.wwwFolderName = @"myfolder";
+    viewController.startPage = @"mypage.html"
+    ```
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/osx/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/osx/
index 9ff467c..8a496ed 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/osx/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/osx/
@@ -40,41 +40,48 @@ File]( for information on globa
 ## Details
 ### HideMousePointer
-(integer, defaults to _disabled_)    
+(integer, defaults to _disabled_)
 Idle duration in seconds after which the mouse pointer should be hidden.
 Set it to `0` for immediate.
 Example: hide mouse pointer after 5 seconds:
-    <preference name="HideMousePointer" value="5"/>
+<preference name="HideMousePointer" value="5"/>
 ### OSXLocalStoragePath
-(string, defaults to `~/Library/Application Support/{}`)    
+(string, defaults to `~/Library/Application Support/{}`)
 Sets the directory for the local storage path.
 Example: use custom path:
-    <preference name="OSXLocalStoragePath" value="~/.myapp/database"/>
+<preference name="OSXLocalStoragePath" value="~/.myapp/database"/>
 ### WindowSize
-(string, defaults to `auto`)      
+(string, defaults to `auto`)
 Defines the size of the application window in the format `WxH` or the special values `auto` and
 `fullscreen`. The latter will open a borderless window spanning the entire desktop area. Please note,
 that this is different from the _normal_ OS X fullscreen mode, which would never span multiple displays.
 Example: set the window size to 800 x 400:
-    <preference name="WindowSize" value="800x400"/>
+<preference name="WindowSize" value="800x400"/>
 > **Note**: The global cordova `fullscreen` preference is not supported.
 ### EnableWebGL
-(boolean, defaults to `false`)    
-If set to `true` it enables WebGL on the webview. 
+(boolean, defaults to `false`)
+If set to `true` it enables WebGL on the webview.
 Example: enable WebGL
-    <preference name="EnableWebGL" value="true" />
+<preference name="EnableWebGL" value="true" />
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--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/osx/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/osx/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ includes the OS X SDK (Software Development Kit). To submit apps to
 the Apple App Store℠ requires the latest versions of the Apple tools.
 You can test all of the Cordova features using the XCode or any other
-IDE such as [JetBrain's AppCode](, but 
+IDE such as [JetBrain's AppCode](, but
 you need to use XCode to sign before submitting to the
 App Store. To sign the apps, you must also be a member of Apple's
 [OS X Developer Program](
@@ -67,16 +67,20 @@ __Install__ button next to the __Command Line Tools__ listing.
 Use the `cordova` utility to set up a new project, as described in The
 Cordova [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html). For example, in a source-code directory:
-        $ cordova create hello com.example.hello "HelloWorld"
-        $ cd hello
-        $ cordova platform add osx
-        $ cordova prepare              # or "cordova build"
+$ cordova create hello com.example.hello "HelloWorld"
+$ cd hello
+$ cordova platform add osx
+$ cordova prepare              # or "cordova build"
 ## Run the app
 To run the app on your desktop:
-        $ cordova run
+$ cordova run
 And you should see a bordered window with the example app:
@@ -87,13 +91,13 @@ options.
 ## Open a Project in the SDK
-Once osx platform is added to your project, you can open it from 
+Once osx platform is added to your project, you can open it from
 within Xcode. Double-click to open the `hello/platforms/osx/HelloWorld.xcodeproj`
 file. The screen should look like this:
 ![]({{ site.baseurl }}/static/img/guide/platforms/osx/helloworld_project.png)
-> **TIP**  
+> **TIP**
 > You can also use the `open` command to open the XCode project directly
 > from the command line:
 > ```
@@ -110,7 +114,7 @@ Cordova, and Xcode issues warnings about them when you build and
 deploy an application.
 __Missing Headers__: Compilation errors relating to missing headers
-result from problems with the build location, and can be fixed 
+result from problems with the build location, and can be fixed
 via Xcode preferences:
 1. Select __Xcode &rarr; Preferences &rarr; Locations__.
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index daa2a79..9efaf7d 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ubuntu/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/ubuntu/
@@ -66,12 +66,16 @@ Add the Ubuntu Cordova
 [Personal Package Archive](
 to your Ubuntu system:
-    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cordova-ubuntu/ppa
-    $ sudo apt-get update
+$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cordova-ubuntu/ppa
+$ sudo apt-get update
 Install cordova-cli package (and its dependencies):
-    $ sudo apt-get install cordova-cli
+$ sudo apt-get install cordova-cli
 ## Project Workflow
@@ -80,25 +84,36 @@ Install cordova-cli package (and its dependencies):
 Creates an app in a `hello` directory whose display name is
-    $ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
+$ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
 ### Move into the Project Directory
-    $ cd hello
+$ cd hello
 ### Add the Ubuntu Platform
-    $ cordova platform add ubuntu
+$ cordova platform add ubuntu
 ### Build for Ubuntu
-    $ cordova build ubuntu
+$ cordova build ubuntu
 ### Run the App
-    $ cordova run ubuntu
+$ cordova run ubuntu
 ### Add the Camera Plugin
-    $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
+$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera

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[07/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

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diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/win8/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/win8/
index 7a6ee17..408d533 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/win8/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/win8/
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ title: Windows Platform Guide
 # Windows Platform Guide
-This guide shows how to set up your SDK development environment to build 
-and deploy Cordova apps for Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1, and 
-Windows 10 Universal App Platform.  It shows how to use either shell tools 
-to generate and build apps, or the cross-platform Cordova CLI. (See the [Overview](../../overview/index.html#development-paths) for a comparison of these 
-development options.) This section also shows how to modify Cordova apps 
-within Visual Studio. Regardless of [which](../../overview/index.html#development-paths) approach you take, you need to 
+This guide shows how to set up your SDK development environment to build
+and deploy Cordova apps for Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1, and
+Windows 10 Universal App Platform.  It shows how to use either shell tools
+to generate and build apps, or the cross-platform Cordova CLI. (See the [Overview](../../overview/index.html#development-paths) for a comparison of these
+development options.) This section also shows how to modify Cordova apps
+within Visual Studio. Regardless of [which](../../overview/index.html#development-paths) approach you take, you need to
 install the Visual Studio SDK, as described below.
 Developers wishing to target Windows Phone 8 should use the wp8 platform,
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ on how to support IE along with comparable WebKit browsers.
 To develop apps for Windows platform you need:
-- A Windows 8.1, 32 or 64-bit machine (_Home_, _Pro_, or _Enterprise_ editions) 
-  with minimum 4 GB of RAM along with [Visual Studio 2015]( 
+- A Windows 8.1, 32 or 64-bit machine (_Home_, _Pro_, or _Enterprise_ editions)
+  with minimum 4 GB of RAM along with [Visual Studio 2015](
   or Visual Studio 2013.  An evaluation version of Windows 8.1 Enterprise is
   available from the
   [Microsoft Developer Network](
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ To develop apps for Windows 10:
   [Visual Studio 2015]( or higher.
 App compatibility is determined by the OS that the app targeted.  Apps are forwardly-compatible
-but not backwardly-compatible, so an app targeting Windows 10 cannot run on 8.1, but 
+but not backwardly-compatible, so an app targeting Windows 10 cannot run on 8.1, but
 an app built for 8.1 can run on 10.
 Cordova apps targeting Windows can be developed on a Mac, either by running a
@@ -70,18 +70,18 @@ Windows development environment on a Mac:
 - [VMWare Fusion](
 - [Parallels Desktop](
 - [Boot Camp](
 ## Installing the Requirements
 Install any edition of
 [Visual Studio]( matching the version
-requirements listed above.  
+requirements listed above.
 <br/><p align="center"><img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/static/img/guide/platforms/win8/win8_installSDK.png" /></p><br/>
-For Windows 10, the Visual Studio installer has an option to install tools to 
+For Windows 10, the Visual Studio installer has an option to install tools to
 build Universal Windows Apps.  You must ensure that this option is selected
 when installing to install the required SDK.
@@ -92,29 +92,33 @@ when installing to install the required SDK.
 After installation, you should be ready to develop apps targetting Windows platform. Refer to [Create your first app](../../cli/index.html) guide for details.
 By default the `cordova build` command produces two packages: Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1.
-To upgrade Windows package to version 10 the following configuration setting must be 
+To upgrade Windows package to version 10 the following configuration setting must be
 added to configuration file (`config.xml`).
-        <preference name="windows-target-version" value="10.0" />
+<preference name="windows-target-version" value="10.0" />
 Once you add this setting `build` command will start producing Windows 10 packages.
 ### Considerations for target Windows version
 Windows 10 supports a new "Remote" mode for Cordova apps (and HTML apps in general). This mode enables
-apps to have much more freedom with respect to use of DOM manipulation and common web patterns such as the use 
-of inline script, but does so by reducing the set of capabilities your app may use when 
+apps to have much more freedom with respect to use of DOM manipulation and common web patterns such as the use
+of inline script, but does so by reducing the set of capabilities your app may use when
 submitted to the public Windows Store. For more information about Windows 10 and Remote Mode, look at
 the [Understanding Remote Mode vs Local Mode](#understanding-remote-mode-vs-local-mode) section.
-When using Remote Mode, developers are encouraged to apply a Content Security Policy (CSP) to their application 
+When using Remote Mode, developers are encouraged to apply a Content Security Policy (CSP) to their application
 to prevent script injection attacks.
 ### The --appx parameter
 You may decide that you want to build a particular version of your application targeting a particular OS (for example, you might have set that you want to target Windows 10, but you want to build for Windows Phone 8.1).  To do this, you can use the `--appx` parameter:
-        > cordova build windows -- --appx=8.1-phone
+cordova build windows -- --appx=8.1-phone
 The build system will ignore the preference set in config.xml for the target Windows version and strictly build a package for Windows Phone 8.1.
@@ -124,21 +128,29 @@ Valid values for the `--appx` flag are `8.1-win`, `8.1-phone`, and `uap` (for Wi
 To deploy Windows package:
-        > cordova run windows -- --win  # explicitly specify Windows as deployment target
-        > cordova run windows # `run` uses Windows package by default
+cordova run windows -- --win  # explicitly specify Windows as deployment target
+cordova run windows # `run` uses Windows package by default
 To deploy Windows Phone package:
-        > cordova run windows -- --phone  # deploy app to Windows Phone 8.1 emulator
-        > cordova run windows --device -- --phone  # deploy app to connected device
+cordova run windows -- --phone  # deploy app to Windows Phone 8.1 emulator
+cordova run windows --device -- --phone  # deploy app to connected device
-This command will give you the list of all available targets: 
+This command will give you the list of all available targets:
-        > cordova run windows --list
+cordova run windows --list
 This allows you to run the application on a specific device or emulator, in this case "Emulator 8.1 720p 4.7 inch"
-        > cordova run windows --target="Emulator 8.1 720P 4.7 inch" -- --phone       
+cordova run windows --target="Emulator 8.1 720P 4.7 inch" -- --phone
 You can also use __cordova run --help__ to see additional build and run options.
@@ -234,24 +246,26 @@ cordova build -- --packageCertificateKeyFile="platforms\windows\CordovaApp_Tempo
 Alternatively, these values could be specified using a build configuration file (build.json) using CLI (--buildConfig). A sample build configuration file:
-    {
-        "windows": {
-            "debug": {
-                "packageCertificateKeyFile": "platforms\\windows\\CordovaApp_TemporaryKey.pfx"
-            },
-            "release": {
-                "packageCertificateKeyFile": "c:\\path-to-key\\keycert.pfx",
-                "packageThumbprint": "ABCABCABCABC123123123123",
-                "publisherId": ", L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"
-            }
+    "windows": {
+        "debug": {
+            "packageCertificateKeyFile": "platforms\\windows\\CordovaApp_TemporaryKey.pfx"
+        },
+        "release": {
+            "packageCertificateKeyFile": "c:\\path-to-key\\keycert.pfx",
+            "packageThumbprint": "ABCABCABCABC123123123123",
+            "publisherId": ", L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US"
 There is also support to mix and match command line arguments and parameters in build.json file. Values from the command line arguments will get precedence.
 ### Creating a certificate key
 Signing is required for distributing and installing Windows Store apps. This process is normally handled by Visual Studio when you deploy a package for release. To do this without Visual Studio we need to create our own certificates. [This]( article has instructions on how to do that.
 Once you have the pfx file created and provided to build.json file, you might get the following error: "The key file may be password protected. To correct this, try to import the certificate manually into the current user's personal certificate  store.". In order to import it you have to use [certutil][2] from an admin prompt:
 `certutil -user -p PASSWORD -importPFX`
@@ -264,7 +278,9 @@ Where:
 Once installed, next step is to add packageThumbprint and packageCertificateKeyFile to build.json. In order to find the packageThumbprint, search for the CommonName you've associated with the certificate:
-`powershell -Command " & {dir -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | where { $_.Subject -like \"**\" }}"`
+powershell -Command " & {dir -path cert:\LocalMachine\My | where { $_.Subject -like \"**\" }}"
 Once these final values are provided. Cordova should successfully package and sign the app.
@@ -284,7 +300,7 @@ If you want to use Cordova's Windows-centered shell tools in conjunction with th
   are available in `package/bin` directory. (Consult the
   __README__ file if necessary for more detailed directions.)
-These shell tools allow you to create, build, and run Windows apps. Each cordova command corresponds to one of these shell tool scripts. 
+These shell tools allow you to create, build, and run Windows apps. Each cordova command corresponds to one of these shell tool scripts.
 For example, the lower-level shell-tool approach corresponding to `cordova create HelloWorld` is:
@@ -295,7 +311,7 @@ C:\path\to\cordova-windows\package\bin\create.bat C:\path\to\new\hello HelloWorl
 Similarly for `cordova build --debug`:
-C:\path\to\project\cordova\build.bat --debug   
+C:\path\to\project\cordova\build.bat --debug
 ## Upgrading
@@ -304,27 +320,29 @@ Refer to [this](upgrade.html) article for instructions to upgrade your `cordova-
 ## Supporting Toasts
-Windows requires an app manifest capability declaration in order to support 
-toast notifications.  When using the `cordova-plugin-local-notifications` 
+Windows requires an app manifest capability declaration in order to support
+toast notifications.  When using the `cordova-plugin-local-notifications`
 plugin, or any other plugin that is attempting to use toast notifications,
-add the following preference to your config.xml to enable it to publish 
+add the following preference to your config.xml to enable it to publish
 toast notifications, unless the plugin makes that change on it's own:
-    <preference name="WindowsToastCapable" value="true" />
+<preference name="WindowsToastCapable" value="true" />
 This preference sets the corresponding flag in your app manifest. Plugins
-should do the work necessary to configure the appearance of the 
+should do the work necessary to configure the appearance of the
 displayed notifications.
 ## Understanding Remote Mode vs Local Mode
 Windows 10 introduces a new feature called "Remote mode" for HTML applications. Prior to it, Windows 8.1 apps
-worked on what is now termed as "Local Mode" in Windows 10, in which HTML Applications have full access to the native 
-Windows API surface and capabilities. Local Mode disallows inline script in order to prevent script injection attacks, 
+worked on what is now termed as "Local Mode" in Windows 10, in which HTML Applications have full access to the native
+Windows API surface and capabilities. Local Mode disallows inline script in order to prevent script injection attacks,
 which could result in leaking personally-identifiable information due to malicious code. It also requires developers who
 perform DOM manipulation to do so within an explicit context
-Remote Mode eliminates those requirements, which makes it possible to use unmodified libraries like jQuery 
+Remote Mode eliminates those requirements, which makes it possible to use unmodified libraries like jQuery
 or AngularJS directly in your code, without any changes.  To do so, it removes your ability to declare certain
 capabilities when certifying your app in the Windows Store.  The removal of these capabilities usually doesn't
 prevent accessing certain functionality, but it might require the use of a different combination of APIs or tactics.
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--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/win8/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/win8/
@@ -22,35 +22,29 @@ title: Windows Plugins
 # Windows Plugins
-This section provides details for how to implement a plugin for use in 
-a Windows Store app. Before reading this, see Create your fist plugin for 
-an overview of the plugin's structure and its common JavaScript interface. 
-This section continues to demonstrate the sample _echo_ plugin that 
-communicates from the Cordova webview to the native platform and back.
+This section provides details for how to implement a plugin for use in
+a Windows Store app for Windows 8.1 phone and desktop, and Universal Windows Platform (Windows 10+). Before reading this, see [Create your fist plugin](../../hybrid/plugins/index.html) for an overview of the plugin's structure and its common JavaScript interface. This section continues to demonstrate the sample _echo_ plugin that communicates from the Cordova webview to the native platform and back.
 ## Creating a Windows Plugin in JavaScript
-These instructions are to create a pure JavaScript plugin.
+Windows Cordova plugins are essentially a thin wrapper around existing WinJS provided functions, but assuming you will want to define your JS common interface for multiple devices, you will typically have one JS file that provides the API:
-Windows Cordova plugins are essentially a thin wrapper around existing WinJS provided functions, but assuming you will want to define your JS common interface for multiple devices, you will typically have one JS file that provides the API.
-    // inside file echoplugin.js
-    var EchoPlugin = {
-        // the echo function calls successCallback with the provided text in strInput
-        // if strInput is empty, it will call the errorCallback
-        echo:function(successCallback, errorCallback, strInput) {
-            cordova.exec(successCallback,errorCallback,"EchoPlugin","echo",[strInput]);
-        }
+// inside file echoplugin.js
+var EchoPlugin = {
+    // the echo function calls successCallback with the provided text in strInput
+    // if strInput is empty, it will call the errorCallback
+    echo:function(successCallback, errorCallback, strInput) {
+        cordova.exec(successCallback,errorCallback,"EchoPlugin","echo",[strInput]);
-## The Cordova exec proxy
 The `cordova.exec` function is defined differently on every platform, this is because each platform has it's own way of communicating between the application js code, and the native wrapper code. But in the case of Windows, there is no native wrapper, so the exec call is there for consistency. So even though you could write the Windows specific code as a part of plugin's common JS code directly, this is not recommended and plugin authors should use the same exec API for Windows as for other platforms. This way the plugin API becomes consistent and you can also take advantage of any parameter checking, or other common code provided by developers who were working on other platforms.
 On Windows, cordova provides a proxy that you can use to register an object that will handle all cordova.exec calls to an API. So in our case, we will assume that the code in `echoplugin.js` is handling cross platform relevant JavaScript, and we can simply write a proxy for Windows.
 // in file echoplugin.js
 window.echo = function(str, callback) {
     cordova.exec(callback, function(err) {
@@ -59,7 +53,7 @@ window.echo = function(str, callback) {
 // in file echopluginProxy.js
     echo:function(successCallback,errorCallback,strInput) {
@@ -77,111 +71,120 @@ The `echoplugin.js` file will forward the `echo` function call to this proxy thr
 The plugin.xml file will have the settings required for our plugin. In this case, we want to add our `echoplugin.js` file in the `www` directory and the `echopluginProxy.js` file inside the `windows` source code of our application. Details of these elements can be found in the [Plugin.xml](../../plugin_ref/spec.html) reference.
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-    <plugin xmlns=""
-        id="echoplugin"
-        version="0.1.0">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<plugin xmlns=""
+    id="echoplugin"
+    version="0.1.0">
-        <js-module src="www/echoplugin.js" name="echoplugin">
-            <clobbers target="window.echoplugin" />
-        </js-module>
+    <js-module src="www/echoplugin.js" name="echoplugin">
+        <clobbers target="window.echoplugin" />
+    </js-module>
-        <!-- windows -->
-        <platform name="windows">
-            <js-module src="src/windows/echopluginProxy.js" name="EchoProxy">
-                <merges target="" />
-            </js-module>
-        </platform>
+    <!-- windows -->
+    <platform name="windows">
+        <js-module src="src/windows/echopluginProxy.js" name="EchoProxy">
+            <merges target="" />
+        </js-module>
+    </platform>
-        <!-- other platforms -->
+    <!-- other platforms -->
-    </plugin>
 This gives us a working Windows JavaScript plugin that uses a common file ( echoplugin.js ) and uses a proxy to provide the Windows only portion of implementation ( echopluginProxy.js ). So how do we add native/managed code to this? Well we are going to start the same, the only difference will be what we do inside in echopluginProxy methods.
-## How WinJS accesses native/managed code
+## Creating a Windows Plugin in C++ or managed code.
-In Windows, WinJS authored apps are able to interact with native code, this inter-op is available for Windows Runtime Components. The details are numerous, and this guide will only cover the basics. Microsoft provides much more info [here](
+In Windows, Javascript authored apps are able to interop with native (C++) and managed code (C#, VB) by creating a Windows runtime component. You can learn the basics here and checkout more details in guides on MSDN:
+- [Creating Windows Runtime Components in C# and Visual Basic](
+- [Creating Windows Runtime Components in C++](
 When you create your Windows Runtime Component, any class that is defined as `public ref class sealed` is considered an 'activatable class' and will be callable from JavaScript.
-    // in your header file .h
-    namespace EchoRuntimeComponent
+// in your header file .h
+namespace EchoRuntimeComponent
+    public ref class EchoPluginRT sealed
-        public ref class EchoPluginRT sealed 
-        {
-            public:
-            static Platform::String^ Echo(Platform::String^ input);
-        }
+        public:
+        static Platform::String^ Echo(Platform::String^ input);
-    // in the implementation file .cpp
-    using namespace EchoRuntimeComponent;
-    using namespace Platform;
+// in the implementation file .cpp
+using namespace EchoRuntimeComponent;
+using namespace Platform;
-    Platform::String^ EchoPluginRT::Echo(Platform::String^ input)
+Platform::String^ EchoPluginRT::Echo(Platform::String^ input)
+    if(input->IsEmpty())
-        if(input->IsEmpty()) 
-        {
-            return "Error: input string is empty.";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return input->ToString() + "echo";
-        }
+        return "Error: input string is empty.";
+    else
+    {
+        return input->ToString() + "echo";
+    }
 Now in order for us to call the native code, we use the namespace, classname, and lowerCamelCase the method we are calling.
 var res = EchoRuntimeComponent.EchoPluginRT.echo("boom");
 Moving this to our echopluginProxy.js file, we get:
-    // in file echopluginProxy.js
-    cordova.commandProxy.add("EchoPlugin",{
-        echo:function(successCallback,errorCallback,strInput) {
-            var res = EchoRuntimeComponent.EchoPluginRT.echo(strInput);
-            if(res.indexOf("Error") == 0) {
-                errorCallback(res);
-            }
-            else {
-                successCallback(res);
-            }
+// in file echopluginProxy.js
+    echo:function(successCallback, errorCallback, strInput) {
+        var res = EchoRuntimeComponent.EchoPluginRT.echo(strInput);
+        if(res.indexOf("Error") == 0) {
+            errorCallback(res);
-    });
+        else {
+            successCallback(res);
+        }
+    }
 And that's it, we have an end to end C++ backed js callable plugin for use in Apache Cordova Windows!
-## Considerations
+### Considerations
 - The callback is typically async, so calling the callback right away is probably not expected by the caller. In practice, if the call is not async, you should at least use a javascript timeout to force the callback to be called asynchronously.
-- Activatable classes can be used to do event dispatching, async callbacks, passing your own object types, arrays, collections, overloaded methods and much more. Refer [here]( for details.
+- Activatable classes can be used to do event dispatching, async callbacks, passing your own object types, arrays, collections, overloaded methods and much more. Refer to [Creating Windows Runtime Components in C++]( for details.
-## Defining your plugin
+### Defining your plugin in plugin.xml
 Now that we have a working plugin, we need to revisit the plugin definition from earlier so we can publish it. We can now add the runtime component as a framework, through the `<framework>` tag inside our platfrom settings. Note that the output type of a WindowsRuntimeComponent can be either .winmd or .dll
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-    <plugin xmlns=""
-        id="echoplugin"
-        version="0.2.0">
-        <js-module src="www/echoplugin.js" name="echoplugin">
-            <clobbers target="window.echoplugin" />
-        </js-module>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<plugin xmlns=""
+    id="echoplugin"
+    version="0.2.0">
-        <!-- windows -->
-        <platform name="windows">
-            <js-module src="src/windows/echopluginProxy.js" name="EchoProxy">
-                <merges target="" />
-            </js-module>
-            <framework src="src/windows/EchoRuntimeComponent.winmd" custom="true"/>
-        </platform>
+    <js-module src="www/echoplugin.js" name="echoplugin">
+        <clobbers target="window.echoplugin" />
+    </js-module>
-        <!-- other platforms -->
+    <!-- windows -->
+    <platform name="windows">
+        <js-module src="src/windows/echopluginProxy.js" name="EchoProxy">
+            <merges target="" />
+        </js-module>
+        <framework src="src/windows/EchoRuntimeComponent.winmd" custom="true"/>
+    </platform>
-    </plugin>
+    <!-- other platforms -->
-That's it, you now have a distributable plugin that you can share with the world!
\ No newline at end of file
+That's it, you now have a distributable plugin that you can share with the world!
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index cc39ee3..6afb707 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/win8/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/platforms/win8/
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ For upgrading from `windows` version 4.0.0 or higher, run `cordova platform upda
 For projects not created with the cordova CLI, run:
-        bin\update <project_path>
+bin\update <project_path>
 # Upgrading Windows 8
@@ -38,19 +39,21 @@ version of the CLI.
 ## Upgrade to 4.0.0 from 3.1.0 or later
-For projects that were created with the cordova CLI: 
+For projects that were created with the cordova CLI:
-1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html). 
+1. Update the `cordova` CLI version. See [The Command-Line Interface](../../cli/index.html).
 2. Run `cordova platform update windows8`.
 For projects not created with the cordova CLI, run:
-        bin\update <project_path>
+bin\update <project_path>
 ## Upgrade to 3.1.0
-Cordova CLI support for Windows 8 was introduced in Cordova 3.1.0. To upgrade, we suggest creating a new Cordova CLI project and moving over all necessary assets.  
+Cordova CLI support for Windows 8 was introduced in Cordova 3.1.0. To upgrade, we suggest creating a new Cordova CLI project and moving over all necessary assets.
 ## Upgrade to 2.9.0 from 2.8.0
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ The following commands should be done from within Visual Studio to be sure that
 The following commands should be done from within Visual Studio to be sure that the any project references are updated/deleted.
-1. Remove `cordova-2.7.0.js` from the project's `www` directory. 
+1. Remove `cordova-2.7.0.js` from the project's `www` directory.
 2. Add `cordova.js` file from the source to the project's `www` directory. (Note that the file no longer contains a version number in the filename.)
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/support/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/support/
index 8d4af80..9ccfe0a 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/support/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/guide/support/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
         <th><a href="../cli/index.html">cordova<br/>CLI</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y">Mac, Windows, Linux</td>
-        <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y">Mac, Windows</td>
+        <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y">Mac, Windows, Linux</td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y">Mac</td>
         <td data-col="ubuntu"        class="y">Ubuntu</td>
         <td data-col="winphone8"  class="y">Windows</td>
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-device-motion/">Accelerometer</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-device-motion/">Accelerometer</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-battery-status/">BatteryStatus</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-battery-status/">BatteryStatus</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-camera/">Camera</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-camera/">Camera</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-media-capture/">Capture</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-media-capture/">Capture</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-device-orientation/">Compass</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-device-orientation/">Compass</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y">(3GS+)</td>
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-network-information/">Connection</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-network-information/">Connection</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-contacts/">Contacts</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-contacts/">Contacts</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-device/">Device</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-device/">Device</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-file">File</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-file">File</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-file-transfer/">File Transfer</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/">File Transfer</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y">* Do not support onprogress nor abort</td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-geolocation/">Geolocation</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-geolocation/">Geolocation</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-globalization/">Globalization</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-globalization/">Globalization</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/">InAppBrowser</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/">InAppBrowser</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-media/">Media</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-media/">Media</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-dialogs/">Notification</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-dialogs/">Notification</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-splashscreen/">Splashscreen</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/">Splashscreen</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-statusbar/">Status Bar</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-statusbar/">Status Bar</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="n"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ CLI's shorthand names.
-        <th><a href="../../cordova-plugin-vibration/">Vibration</a></th>
+        <th><a href="../../reference/cordova-plugin-vibration/">Vibration</a></th>
         <td data-col="android"    class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="blackberry10" class="y"></td>
         <td data-col="ios"        class="y"></td>
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/platform_plugin_versioning_ref/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/platform_plugin_versioning_ref/
index 3e2c6f6..e07d05c 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/platform_plugin_versioning_ref/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/platform_plugin_versioning_ref/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ title: Platforms and Plugins Version Management
 # Platforms and Plugins Version Management
-From version 4.3.0 onwards, Cordova provides the ability to save and restore platforms and plugins. 
+From version 4.3.0 onwards, Cordova provides the ability to save and restore platforms and plugins.
 This feature allows developers to save and restore their app to a known state without having to check in all of the platform and plugin source code.
@@ -36,16 +36,19 @@ One scenario where save/restore capabilities come in handy is in large teams tha
 ### Saving platforms
 To save a platform, you issue the following command :
-    $ cordova platform add <platform[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
+$ cordova platform add <platform[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
 After running the above command, the resulting config.xml looks like :
-    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-        ...
-        <engine name="android" spec="~4.0.0" />
-        ...
-    </xml>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+    ...
+    <engine name="android" spec="~4.0.0" />
+    ...
 Some examples :
@@ -58,14 +61,18 @@ Some examples :
 The '--save' flag described above is only useful when you remember to use it during the platform addition.
 If you have a pre-existing project and you want to save all the currently added platforms in your project, you can use :
-    $ cordova platform save
+$ cordova platform save
 ### Updating / Removing platforms
 It is also possible to update/delete from config.xml during the commands 'cordova platform update' and 'cordova platform remove' :
-    $ cordova platform update <platform[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
-    $ cordova platform remove <platform> --save
+$ cordova platform update <platform[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
+$ cordova platform remove <platform> --save
 Some examples :
   * **'cordova platform update android --save'** => In addition to updating the android platform to the pinned version, update config.xml entry
@@ -84,11 +91,13 @@ Example:
 Suppose your config.xml file contains the following entry:
-    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-        ...
-        <engine name="android" spec="3.7.0" />
-        ...
-    </xml>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+    ...
+    <engine name="android" spec="3.7.0" />
+    ...
 If you run the command **'cordova platform add android'** (no version/folder/git_url specified), the platform 'android@3.7.0' (as retrieved from config.xml) will be installed.
@@ -102,15 +111,19 @@ _(The plugin commands are a mirror of the platform commands)_
 ### Saving plugins
 To save a plugin, you issue the following command :
-    $ cordova plugin add <plugin[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
+$ cordova plugin add <plugin[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
 After running the above command, the resulting config.xml looks like :
-    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-        ...
-        <plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" spec="~1.0.0" />
-        ...
-    </xml>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+    ...
+    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" spec="~1.0.0" />
+    ...
 Some examples :
@@ -124,14 +137,18 @@ Some examples :
 The '--save' flag described above is only useful when you remember to use it during the plugin addition.
 If you have a pre-existing project and you want to save all currently added plugins in the project, you can use :
-    $ cordova plugin save
+$ cordova plugin save
 ### Updating / Removing plugins
 It is also possible to update/delete from config.xml during the commands 'cordova plugin update' and 'cordova plugin remove' :
-    $ cordova plugin update <plugin[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
-    $ cordova plugin remove <plugin> --save
+$ cordova plugin update <plugin[@<version>] | directory | git_url> --save
+$ cordova plugin remove <plugin> --save
 Some examples :
   * **'cordova plugin update cordova-plugin-console --save'** => In addition to updating the console plugin to the pinned version, update config.xml entry
@@ -150,11 +167,13 @@ Example:
 Suppose your config.xml file contains the following entry:
-    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-        ...
-        <plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" spec="0.2.11" />
-        ...
-    </ xml>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+    ...
+    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" spec="0.2.11" />
+    ...
+</ xml>
 If you run the command **'cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console'** (no version/folder/git_url specified), the plugin 'cordova-plugin-console@0.2.11' (as retrieved from config.xml) will be installed.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/plugin_ref/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/plugin_ref/
index b7449fb..1dfc352 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/plugin_ref/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/plugin_ref/
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ listed on the Platform guides page.
 Once you have installed Plugman and have created a Cordova project, you can start adding plugins to the platform with:
-    $ plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin <name|url|path> [--plugins_dir <directory>] [--www <directory>] [--variable <name>=<value> [--variable <name>=<value> ...]]
+$ plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin <name|url|path> [--plugins_dir <directory>] [--www <directory>] [--variable <name>=<value> [--variable <name>=<value> ...]]
 Using minimum parameters, this command installs a plugin into a cordova project. You must specify a platform and cordova project location for that platform. You also must specify a plugin, with the different `--plugin` parameter forms being:
@@ -92,7 +94,9 @@ Other parameters:
 To uninstall a plugin, you simply pass the `--uninstall` flag and provide the plugin ID.
-    $ plugman --uninstall --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin <id> [--www <directory>] [--plugins_dir <directory>]
+$ plugman --uninstall --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin <id> [--www <directory>] [--plugins_dir <directory>]
 ## Help Commands
@@ -100,21 +104,27 @@ To uninstall a plugin, you simply pass the `--uninstall` flag and provide the pl
 Plugman features a global help command which may help you if you get stuck or are experiencing problems. It will display
 a list of all available Plugman commands and their syntax:
-    plugman -help
-    plugman  # same as above
+plugman -help
+plugman  # same as above
-   **NOTE**: `plugman -help` may show some additional registry-related commands. These commands are for plugin developers and may not be implemented on third-party plugin registries.
+**NOTE**: `plugman -help` may show some additional registry-related commands. These commands are for plugin developers and may not be implemented on third-party plugin registries.
 You can also append the `--debug|-d` flag to any Plugman command to run that command in verbose mode, which will display
 any internal debugging messages as they are emitted and may help you track down problems like missing files.
-    # Adding Android battery-status plugin to "myProject":
-    plugman -d --platform android --project myProject --plugin cordova-plugin-battery-status
+# Adding Android battery-status plugin to "myProject":
+plugman -d --platform android --project myProject --plugin cordova-plugin-battery-status
 Finally, you can use the `--version|-v` flag to see which version of Plugman you are using.
-    plugman -v
+plugman -v
 ## Registry Actions
@@ -126,20 +136,26 @@ third-party plugin registries.
 You can use Plugman to search the [Plugin registry]( for plugin id's that match the given space separated list of keywords.
-    plugman search <plugin keywords>
+plugman search <plugin keywords>
 ### Changing the Plugin Registry
 You can get or set the URL of the current plugin registry that plugman is using. Generally you should leave this set at unless you want to use a third party plugin registry.
-    plugman config set registry <url-to-registry>
-    plugman config get registry
+plugman config set registry <url-to-registry>
+plugman config get registry
 ### Get Plugin Information
 You can get information about any specific plugin stored in the plugin repository with:
-    plugman info <id>
+plugman info <id>
 This will contact the plugin registry and fetch information such as the plugin's version number.
@@ -152,72 +168,108 @@ platform, and reference the platform's project directory.
 * cordova-plugin-battery-status
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-battery-status`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-battery-status
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-camera
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-camera`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-camera
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-console
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-console`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-console
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-contacts
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-contacts`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-contacts
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-device
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-device`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-device
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-device-motion (accelerometer)
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-device-motion`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-device-motion
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-device-orientation (compass)
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-device-orientation`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-device-orientation
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-dialogs
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-dialogs`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-dialogs
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-file
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-file`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-file
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-file-transfer
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-file-transfer`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-file-transfer
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-geolocation
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-geolocation`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-geolocation
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-globalization
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-globalization`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-globalization
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-inappbrowser`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-media
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-media`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-media
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-media-capture
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-media-capture`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-media-capture
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-network-information
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-network-information`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-network-information
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-splashscreen
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-splashscreen`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-splashscreen
+    ```
 * cordova-plugin-vibration
-    `plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-vibration`
+    ```bash
+    plugman --platform <ios|android|blackberry10|wp8> --project <directory> --plugin cordova-plugin-vibration
+    ```
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/plugin_ref/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/plugin_ref/
index 3d06e6c..e4d99cd 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/plugin_ref/
+++ b/www/docs/en/6.x/plugin_ref/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   version(string) | *Required* <br/> A version number for the plugin. [Semver]( syntax is supported.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <plugin xmlns=""
@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   platform(string) | **For custom frameworks only** <br/> *Required* <br/> The platforms your framework supports. You may use the wildcard `*` to say supported for all platforms, specify multiple with a pipe character like `android|ios|blackberry10` or just a single platform like `android`.
-  ```
+  ```xml
     <engine name="cordova-android" version="=1.8.0" />
   Engine elements may also specify fuzzy matches using '>', '>=' etc. to avoid repetition, and to reduce maintenance when the underlying platform is updated.
-  ```
+  ```xml
     <engine name="cordova-android" version=">=1.8.0" />
-  </engines>  
+  </engines>
   The `<engine>` tags also has default support for all of the main platforms Cordova exists on. Specifying the cordova engine tag means that all versions of Cordova on any platform must satisfy the engine version attribute. You may also list specific platforms and their versions in order to override the catch-all cordova engine:
-  ```
+  ```xml
     <engine name="cordova" version=">=1.7.0" />
     <engine name="cordova-android" version=">=1.8.0" />
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   Custom frameworks example:
-  ```
+  ```xml
     <engine name="my_custom_framework" version="1.0.0" platform="android" scriptSrc="path_to_my_custom_framework_version"/>
     <engine name="another_framework" version=">0.2.0" platform="ios|android" scriptSrc="path_to_another_framework_version"/>
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   The `name` element is used to specify the name of the plugin. This element does not (yet) handle localization.
-  ```
+  ```xml
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   The `description` element is used to specify the description of the plugin. This element does not (yet) handle localization.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <description>Foo plugin description</description>
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   The content of the `author` element contains the name of the plugin author.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <author>Foo plugin author</author>
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   The content of the `keywords` element contains comma separated keywords to describe the plugin.
-  ```
+  ```xml
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   This element is used to specify the license of the plugin.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <license>Apache 2.0 License</license>
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   src(string) | *Required* <br/>  Where the file or directory is located in the plugin package, relative to the `plugin.xml` document. If a file does not exist at the specified src location, the CLI stops and reverses the installation process, issues a notification about the conflict, and exits with a non-zero code.
   target(string) | *Required* <br/> Where the file or directory should be located in the Cordova app, relative to the `www` directory. If a file already exists at the target location, the CLI stops and reverses the installation process, issues a notification about the conflict, and exits with a non-zero code.
-  Examples: 
-  ```
+  Examples:
+  ```xml
   <!-- a single file, to be copied in the root directory -->
   <asset src="www/foo.js" target="foo.js" />
   <!-- a directory, also to be copied in the root directory -->
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   Assets can be targeted to subdirectories as well. This will create the `js/experimental` directory within the `www` directory, unless already present, and copy the `new-foo.js` file and renames it to `foo.js`.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <asset src="www/new-foo.js" target="js/experimental/foo.js" />
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   When installing a plugin with the example below, socket.js is copied to `www/plugins/my-plugin-id/socket.js`, and added as an entry to `www/cordova_plugins.js`. At load time, code in `cordova.js` uses XHR to read each file and inject a `<script>` tag into HTML.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <js-module src="socket.js" name="Socket">
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   target(string) | The namespace where module.exports gets inserted to.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <js-module src="socket.js" name="Socket">
     <clobbers target="chrome.socket" />
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   target(string) | The namespace which module.exports gets merged to.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <js-module src="socket.js" name="Socket">
     <merges target="chrome.socket" />
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   Allowed within `<js-module>` element. It implies that your code should be specified with `cordova.require`, but not installed on the `window` object. This is useful when initializing the module, attaching event handlers or otherwise. You can only have up to one `<runs/>` tag. Note that including a `<runs/>` with `<clobbers/>` or `<merges/>` is redundant, since they also `cordova.require` your module.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <js-module src="socket.js" name="Socket">
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   version(string) | The version of the plugin depended on. Semver syntax is supported.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <dependency id="cordova-plugin-someplugin" url="" commit="428931ada3891801" subdir="some/path/here" />
   <dependency id="cordova-plugin-someplugin" version="1.0.1">
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   name(string) | *Required* <br/> Allowed values: ios, android, blackberry10, amazon-fireos, wp8, windows <br/> Identifies a platform as supported, associating the element's children with that platform.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <platform name="android">
     <!-- android-specific elements -->
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   compiler-flags(string) | ==iOS== <br/> If set, assigns the specified compiler flags for the particular source file.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <!-- android -->
   <source-file src="src/android/" target-dir="src/com/alunny/foo" />
   <!-- ios -->
@@ -281,12 +281,12 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   For iOS:
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <header-file src="CDVFoo.h" />
 ### resource-file
   This is like `<source-file>` element, but specifically for platforms such as iOS and Android that distinguish between source files, headers, and resources.
   Attributes(type) | Description
@@ -300,12 +300,12 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   For Android:
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <resource-file src="FooPluginStrings.xml" target="res/values/FooPluginStrings.xml" />
   For Windows:
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <resource-file src="src/windows/win81/MobServices.pri" target="win81/MobServices.pri" device-target="windows" versions="8.1" arch="x64"/>
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
-  For XML: 
-  ```
+  For XML:
+  ```xml
   <config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/manifest/application">
       <activity android:name="" android:label="@string/app_name">
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
-  For `plist`: 
-  ```
+  For `plist`:
+  ```xml
   <config-file target="*-Info.plist" parent="CFBundleURLTypes">
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   For windows-specific attributes:
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <config-file target="package.appxmanifest" parent="/Package/Capabilities" versions="<8.1.0">
       <Capability Name="picturesLibrary" />
       <DeviceCapability Name="webcam" />
@@ -357,14 +357,14 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
       <DeviceCapability Name="webcam" />
-  The above example will set pre-8.1 platforms (Windows 8, specifically) to require the `webcam` device capability and the `picturesLibrary` general capability, and apply the `webcam` device capability only to Windows 8.1 projects that build for Windows Phone.  Windows desktop 8.1 systems are unmodified. 
+  The above example will set pre-8.1 platforms (Windows 8, specifically) to require the `webcam` device capability and the `picturesLibrary` general capability, and apply the `webcam` device capability only to Windows 8.1 projects that build for Windows Phone.  Windows desktop 8.1 systems are unmodified.
 ### plugins-plist
-  Specifies a key and value to append to the correct `AppInfo.plist` file in an iOS Cordova project. This is _outdated_ as it only applies to cordova-ios 2.2.0 and below. Use the `<config-file>` tag for newer versions of Cordova. 
+  Specifies a key and value to append to the correct `AppInfo.plist` file in an iOS Cordova project. This is _outdated_ as it only applies to cordova-ios 2.2.0 and below. Use the `<config-file>` tag for newer versions of Cordova.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <plugins-plist key="Foo" string="CDVFoo" />
@@ -380,13 +380,13 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   versions(string) | ==windows== <br/> Indicates that the `<SDKReference>` should only be included when building for versions that match the specified version string. Value can be any valid node semantic version range string.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <lib-file src="src/BlackBerry10/native/device/" arch="device" />
   <lib-file src="src/BlackBerry10/native/simulator/" arch="simulator" />
   For Windows:
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <lib-file src="Microsoft.WinJS.2.0, Version=1.0" arch="x86" />
   <lib-file src="Microsoft.WinJS.2.0, Version=1.0" versions=">=8.1" />
   <lib-file src="Microsoft.WinJS.2.0, Version=1.0" target="phone" />
@@ -404,22 +404,22 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   weak(boolean) | *Default: false* <br/> Indicates whether the framework should be weakly linked.
   type(string) | Indicates the type of framework to add.
   parent(string) | *Default: .* <br/> Sets the relative path to the directory containing the sub-project to which to add the reference. The default, `.`, implies the application project.
-  arch(string) | ==windows== <br/> Allowed values: `x86`, `x64` or `ARM`. <br/> Indicates that the framework should only be included when building for the specified architecture. 
+  arch(string) | ==windows== <br/> Allowed values: `x86`, `x64` or `ARM`. <br/> Indicates that the framework should only be included when building for the specified architecture.
   device-target(string) | ==windows== <br/> Allowed values: `win` (or `windows`), `phone` or `all`. <br/>  Indicates that the framework should only be included when building for the specified target device type.
   versions(string) | ==windows== <br/> Indicates that the framework should only be included when building for versions that match the specified version string. Value can be any valid node semantic version range string.
   target-dir(string) | ==windows== <br/>  Indicates a subdirectory into which the framework should be copied. In practice, this is most important when plugin contains different framework versions for different chip architectures or device targets, but which have the same name. This allows you to specify different subfolders for each framework version so that they don't overlap each other.
-  For iOS: 
-  ```
+  For iOS:
+  ```xml
   <framework src="libsqlite3.dylib" />
   <framework src="social.framework" weak="true" />
   <framework src="relative/path/to/my.framework" custom="true" />
   On Android (as of cordova-android@4.0.0), framework tags are used to include Maven dependencies, or to include bundled library projects.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <!-- Depend on latest version of GCM from play services -->
   <framework src="" />
   <!-- Depend on v21 of appcompat-v7 support library -->
@@ -429,17 +429,17 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   Framework can also be used to have custom .gradle files sub-included into the main project's .gradle file:
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <framework src="relative/path/rules.gradle" custom="true" type="gradleReference" />
   On Windows, using `custom='true'` and `type='projectReference'` will add a reference to the project which will be added to the compile+link steps of the cordova project.  This essentially is the only way currently that a 'custom' framework can target multiple architectures as they are explicitly built as a dependency by the referencing cordova application.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <framework src="path/to/project/LibProj.csproj" custom="true" type="projectReference"/>
   Examples of using these Windows specific attributes:
-  ```  
+  ```xml
   <framework src="src/windows/example.dll" arch="x64" />
   <framework src="src/windows/example.dll" versions=">=8.0" />
   <framework src="src/windows/example.vcxproj" type="projectReference" target="win" />
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   Additional information provided to users. This is useful when you require extra steps that can't be easily automated or are beyond the CLI's scope. The contents of this tag gets printed out when the CLI installs the plugin.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   You need to install __Google Play Services__ from the `Android Extras` section using the Android SDK manager (run `android`).
@@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   Represents your custom script which will be called by Cordova when certain action occurs (for example, after plugin is added or platform prepare logic is invoked). This is useful when you need to extend default Cordova functionality. See [Hooks Guide](../guide/appdev/hooks/index.html) for more information.
-  Example: 
-  ```
+  Example:
+  ```xml
   <hook type="after_plugin_install" src="scripts/afterPluginInstall.js" />
@@ -475,13 +475,13 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   In certain cases, a plugin may need to make configuration changes dependent on the target application. For example, to register for C2DM on Android, an app whose package id is `my-app-id` would require a permission such as:
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <uses-permission android:name="my-app-id.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"/>
   In such cases where the content inserted from the `plugin.xml` file is not known ahead of time, variables can be indicated by a dollar-sign followed by a series of capital letters, digits, or underscores. For the above example, the `plugin.xml` file would include this tag:
-  ```  
+  ```xml
   <uses-permission android:name="$PACKAGE_NAME.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"/>
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   Plugman can request users to specify a plugin's required variables. For example, API keys for C2M and Google Maps can be specified as a command-line argument:
-  ```
+  ```bash
   plugman --platform android --project /path/to/project --plugin name|git-url|path --variable API_KEY=!@CFATGWE%^WGSFDGSDFW$%^#$%YTHGsdfhsfhyer56734
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
 ## preference
   As seen in the previous section, sometimes plugin might require user to specify values for their variables. To make those variable mandatory, the `<platform>` tag needs to contain
-  a `<preference>` tag. 
+  a `<preference>` tag.
   The CLI checks that these required preferences are passed in.  If not, it should warn the user how to pass the variable in and exit with a non-zero code.
   Attributes(type) | Description
@@ -507,6 +507,6 @@ Plugin.xml file defines the structure and settings required for your plugin. It
   default(string) | Default value of the variable. If present, its value will be used and no error will be emitted in case user does not enter any value.
-  ```
+  ```xml
   <preference name="API_KEY" default="default-value" />

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[10/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

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diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c4b3a..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
-This plugin provides a web browser view that displays when calling ``.
-    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
-The `` function is defined to be a drop-in replacement
-for the `` function.  Existing `` calls can use the
-InAppBrowser window, by replacing
- =;
-The InAppBrowser window behaves like a standard web browser,
-and can't access Cordova APIs. For this reason, the InAppBrowser is recommended
-if you need to load third-party (untrusted) content, instead of loading that
-into the main Cordova webview. The InAppBrowser is not subject to the
-whitelist, nor is opening links in the system browser.
-The InAppBrowser provides by default its own GUI controls for the user (back,
-forward, done).
-For backwards compatibility, this plugin also hooks ``.
-However, the plugin-installed hook of `` can have unintended side
-effects (especially if this plugin is included only as a dependency of another
-plugin).  The hook of `` will be removed in a future major release.
-Until the hook is removed from the plugin, apps can manually restore the default
-    delete // Reverts the call back to it's prototype's default
-Although `` is in the global scope, InAppBrowser is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(" works well");
-    }
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
-If you want all page loads in your app to go through the InAppBrowser, you can
-simply hook `` during initialization.  For example:
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
- =;
-    }
-Opens a URL in a new `InAppBrowser` instance, the current browser
-instance, or the system browser.
-    var ref =, target, options);
-- __ref__: Reference to the `InAppBrowser` window. _(InAppBrowser)_
-- __url__: The URL to load _(String)_. Call `encodeURI()` on this if the URL contains Unicode characters.
-- __target__: The target in which to load the URL, an optional parameter that defaults to `_self`. _(String)_
-    - `_self`: Opens in the Cordova WebView if the URL is in the white list, otherwise it opens in the `InAppBrowser`.
-    - `_blank`: Opens in the `InAppBrowser`.
-    - `_system`: Opens in the system's web browser.
-- __options__: Options for the `InAppBrowser`. Optional, defaulting to: `location=yes`. _(String)_
-    The `options` string must not contain any blank space, and each feature's name/value pairs must be separated by a comma. Feature names are case insensitive. All platforms support the value below:
-    - __location__: Set to `yes` or `no` to turn the `InAppBrowser`'s location bar on or off.
-    Android only:
-    - __hidden__: set to `yes` to create the browser and load the page, but not show it. The loadstop event fires when loading is complete. Omit or set to `no` (default) to have the browser open and load normally.
-    - __clearcache__: set to `yes` to have the browser's cookie cache cleared before the new window is opened
-    - __clearsessioncache__: set to `yes` to have the session cookie cache cleared before the new window is opened
-    - __zoom__: set to `yes` to show Android browser's zoom controls, set to `no` to hide them.  Default value is `yes`.
-    - __hardwareback__: set to `yes` to use the hardware back button to navigate backwards through the `InAppBrowser`'s history. If there is no previous page, the `InAppBrowser` will close.  The default value is `yes`, so you must set it to `no` if you want the back button to simply close the InAppBrowser.
-    - __mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction__: Set to `yes` to prevent HTML5 audio or video from autoplaying (defaults to `no`).
-    iOS only:
-    - __closebuttoncaption__: set to a string to use as the __Done__ button's caption. Note that you need to localize this value yourself.
-    - __disallowoverscroll__: Set to `yes` or `no` (default is `no`). Turns on/off the UIWebViewBounce property.
-    - __hidden__: set to `yes` to create the browser and load the page, but not show it. The loadstop event fires when loading is complete. Omit or set to `no` (default) to have the browser open and load normally.
-    - __clearcache__: set to `yes` to have the browser's cookie cache cleared before the new window is opened
-    - __clearsessioncache__: set to `yes` to have the session cookie cache cleared before the new window is opened
-    - __toolbar__:  set to `yes` or `no` to turn the toolbar on or off for the InAppBrowser (defaults to `yes`)
-    - __enableViewportScale__:  Set to `yes` or `no` to prevent viewport scaling through a meta tag (defaults to `no`).
-    - __mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction__: Set to `yes` to prevent HTML5 audio or video from autoplaying (defaults to `no`).
-    - __allowInlineMediaPlayback__: Set to `yes` or `no` to allow in-line HTML5 media playback, displaying within the browser window rather than a device-specific playback interface. The HTML's `video` element must also include the `webkit-playsinline` attribute (defaults to `no`)
-    - __keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction__: Set to `yes` or `no` to open the keyboard when form elements receive focus via JavaScript's `focus()` call (defaults to `yes`).
-    - __suppressesIncrementalRendering__: Set to `yes` or `no` to wait until all new view content is received before being rendered (defaults to `no`).
-    - __presentationstyle__:  Set to `pagesheet`, `formsheet` or `fullscreen` to set the [presentation style]( (defaults to `fullscreen`).
-    - __transitionstyle__: Set to `fliphorizontal`, `crossdissolve` or `coververtical` to set the [transition style]( (defaults to `coververtical`).
-    - __toolbarposition__: Set to `top` or `bottom` (default is `bottom`). Causes the toolbar to be at the top or bottom of the window.
-    Windows only:
-    - __hidden__: set to `yes` to create the browser and load the page, but not show it. The loadstop event fires when loading is complete. Omit or set to `no` (default) to have the browser open and load normally.
-    - __fullscreen__: set to `yes` to create the browser control without a border around it. Please note that if __location=no__ is also specified, there will be no control presented to user to close IAB window.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows 8 and 8.1
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Browser
-### Example
-    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
-    var ref2 ='ハングル'), '_blank', 'location=yes');
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-As plugin doesn't enforce any design there is a need to add some CSS rules if
-opened with `target='_blank'`. The rules might look like these
-``` css
-.inAppBrowserWrap {
-  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
-  color: rgba(235,235,235,1.0);
-.inAppBrowserWrap menu {
-  overflow: auto;
-  list-style-type: none;
-  padding-left: 0;
-.inAppBrowserWrap menu li {
-  font-size: 25px;
-  height: 25px;
-  float: left;
-  margin: 0 10px;
-  padding: 3px 10px;
-  text-decoration: none;
-  color: #ccc;
-  display: block;
-  background: rgba(30,30,30,0.50);
-.inAppBrowserWrap menu li.disabled {
-	color: #777;
-### Windows Quirks
-Windows 8.0, 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 don't support remote urls to be opened in the Cordova WebView so remote urls are always showed in the system's web browser if opened with `target='_self'`.
-On Windows 10 if the URL is NOT in the white list and is opened with `target='_self'` it will be showed in the system's web browser instead of InAppBrowser popup.
-Similar to Firefox OS IAB window visual behaviour can be overridden via `inAppBrowserWrap`/`inAppBrowserWrapFullscreen` CSS classes
-### Browser Quirks
-- Plugin is implemented via iframe,
-- Navigation history (`back` and `forward` buttons in LocationBar) is not implemented.
-## InAppBrowser
-The object returned from a call to ``.
-### Methods
-- addEventListener
-- removeEventListener
-- close
-- show
-- executeScript
-- insertCSS
-## InAppBrowser.addEventListener
-> Adds a listener for an event from the `InAppBrowser`.
-    ref.addEventListener(eventname, callback);
-- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window _(InAppBrowser)_
-- __eventname__: the event to listen for _(String)_
-  - __loadstart__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` starts to load a URL.
-  - __loadstop__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` finishes loading a URL.
-  - __loaderror__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` encounters an error when loading a URL.
-  - __exit__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` window is closed.
-- __callback__: the function that executes when the event fires. The function is passed an `InAppBrowserEvent` object as a parameter.
-### InAppBrowserEvent Properties
-- __type__: the eventname, either `loadstart`, `loadstop`, `loaderror`, or `exit`. _(String)_
-- __url__: the URL that was loaded. _(String)_
-- __code__: the error code, only in the case of `loaderror`. _(Number)_
-- __message__: the error message, only in the case of `loaderror`. _(String)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows 8 and 8.1
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Browser
-### Browser Quirks
-`loadstart` and `loaderror` events are not being fired.
-### Quick Example
-    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
-    ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function(event) { alert(event.url); });
-## InAppBrowser.removeEventListener
-> Removes a listener for an event from the `InAppBrowser`.
-    ref.removeEventListener(eventname, callback);
-- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window. _(InAppBrowser)_
-- __eventname__: the event to stop listening for. _(String)_
-  - __loadstart__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` starts to load a URL.
-  - __loadstop__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` finishes loading a URL.
-  - __loaderror__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` encounters an error loading a URL.
-  - __exit__: event fires when the `InAppBrowser` window is closed.
-- __callback__: the function to execute when the event fires.
-The function is passed an `InAppBrowserEvent` object.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows 8 and 8.1
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Browser
-### Quick Example
-    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
-    var myCallback = function(event) { alert(event.url); }
-    ref.addEventListener('loadstart', myCallback);
-    ref.removeEventListener('loadstart', myCallback);
-## InAppBrowser.close
-> Closes the `InAppBrowser` window.
-    ref.close();
-- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window _(InAppBrowser)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows 8 and 8.1
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Browser
-### Quick Example
-    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
-    ref.close();
-> Displays an InAppBrowser window that was opened hidden. Calling this has no effect if the InAppBrowser was already visible.
-- __ref__: reference to the InAppBrowser window (`InAppBrowser`)
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows 8 and 8.1
-- Browser
-### Quick Example
-    var ref ='', '_blank', 'hidden=yes');
-    // some time later...
-## InAppBrowser.executeScript
-> Injects JavaScript code into the `InAppBrowser` window
-    ref.executeScript(details, callback);
-- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window. _(InAppBrowser)_
-- __injectDetails__: details of the script to run, specifying either a `file` or `code` key. _(Object)_
-  - __file__: URL of the script to inject.
-  - __code__: Text of the script to inject.
-- __callback__: the function that executes after the JavaScript code is injected.
-    - If the injected script is of type `code`, the callback executes
-      with a single parameter, which is the return value of the
-      script, wrapped in an `Array`. For multi-line scripts, this is
-      the return value of the last statement, or the last expression
-      evaluated.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows 8 and 8.1
-- Browser
-### Quick Example
-    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
-    ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function() {
-        ref.executeScript({file: "myscript.js"});
-    });
-### Browser Quirks
-- only __code__ key is supported.
-### Windows Quirks
-Due to [MSDN docs]( the invoked script can return only string values, otherwise the parameter, passed to __callback__ will be `[null]`.
-## InAppBrowser.insertCSS
-> Injects CSS into the `InAppBrowser` window.
-    ref.insertCSS(details, callback);
-- __ref__: reference to the `InAppBrowser` window _(InAppBrowser)_
-- __injectDetails__: details of the script to run, specifying either a `file` or `code` key. _(Object)_
-  - __file__: URL of the stylesheet to inject.
-  - __code__: Text of the stylesheet to inject.
-- __callback__: the function that executes after the CSS is injected.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows
-### Quick Example
-    var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
-    ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function() {
-        ref.insertCSS({file: "mystyles.css"});
-    });
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index d010d30..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-# cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist
-This plugin implements the Cordova 3.6 Whitelist policy for Cordova 4.0.
-Please use cordova-plugin-whitelist instead, as it's more secure.
-Supported on:
-- cordova-android@4.0.0
-- cordova-ios@4.0.0
-## Usage:
-Use `<access>` tags, just as in previous versions of Cordova.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index f68fd18..0000000
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@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-media-capture
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-media-capture
-This plugin provides access to the device's audio, image, and video capture capabilities.
-__WARNING__: Collection and use of images, video, or
-audio from the device's camera or microphone raises important privacy
-issues.  Your app's privacy policy should discuss how the app uses
-such sensors and whether the data recorded is shared with any other
-parties.  In addition, if the app's use of the camera or microphone is
-not apparent in the user interface, you should provide a just-in-time
-notice before the app accesses the camera or microphone (if the
-device operating system doesn't do so already). That notice should
-provide the same information noted above, as well as obtaining the
-user's permission (e.g., by presenting choices for __OK__ and __No
-Thanks__).  Note that some app marketplaces may require your app to
-provide just-in-time notice and obtain permission from the user prior
-to accessing the camera or microphone.  For more information, please
-see the Privacy Guide.
-This plugin defines global `navigator.device.capture` object.
-Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.device.capture);
-    }
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media-capture
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-## Objects
-- Capture
-- CaptureAudioOptions
-- CaptureImageOptions
-- CaptureVideoOptions
-- CaptureCallback
-- CaptureErrorCB
-- ConfigurationData
-- MediaFile
-- MediaFileData
-## Methods
-- capture.captureAudio
-- capture.captureImage
-- capture.captureVideo
-- MediaFile.getFormatData
-## Properties
-- __supportedAudioModes__: The audio recording formats supported by the device. (ConfigurationData[])
-- __supportedImageModes__: The recording image sizes and formats supported by the device. (ConfigurationData[])
-- __supportedVideoModes__: The recording video resolutions and formats supported by the device. (ConfigurationData[])
-## capture.captureAudio
-> Start the audio recorder application and return information about captured audio clip files.
-    navigator.device.capture.captureAudio(
-        CaptureCB captureSuccess, CaptureErrorCB captureError,  [CaptureAudioOptions options]
-    );
-### Description
-Starts an asynchronous operation to capture audio recordings using the
-device's default audio recording application.  The operation allows
-the device user to capture multiple recordings in a single session.
-The capture operation ends when either the user exits the audio
-recording application, or the maximum number of recordings specified
-by `CaptureAudioOptions.limit` is reached.  If no `limit` parameter
-value is specified, it defaults to one (1), and the capture operation
-terminates after the user records a single audio clip.
-When the capture operation finishes, the `CaptureCallback` executes
-with an array of `MediaFile` objects describing each captured audio
-clip file.  If the user terminates the operation before an audio clip
-is captured, the `CaptureErrorCallback` executes with a `CaptureError`
-object, featuring the `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES` error
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-    // capture callback
-    var captureSuccess = function(mediaFiles) {
-        var i, path, len;
-        for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
-            path = mediaFiles[i].fullPath;
-            // do something interesting with the file
-        }
-    };
-    // capture error callback
-    var captureError = function(error) {
-        navigator.notification.alert('Error code: ' + error.code, null, 'Capture Error');
-    };
-    // start audio capture
-    navigator.device.capture.captureAudio(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit:2});
-### iOS Quirks
-- iOS does not have a default audio recording application, so a simple user interface is provided.
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-- Windows Phone 7 does not have a default audio recording application, so a simple user interface is provided.
-## capture.captureImage
-> Start the camera application and return information about captured image files.
-    navigator.device.capture.captureImage(
-        CaptureCB captureSuccess, CaptureErrorCB captureError, [CaptureImageOptions options]
-    );
-### Description
-Starts an asynchronous operation to capture images using the device's
-camera application.  The operation allows users to capture more than
-one image in a single session.
-The capture operation ends either when the user closes the camera
-application, or the maximum number of recordings specified by
-`CaptureImageOptions.limit` is reached.  If no `limit` value is
-specified, it defaults to one (1), and the capture operation
-terminates after the user captures a single image.
-When the capture operation finishes, it invokes the `CaptureCB`
-callback with an array of `MediaFile` objects describing each captured
-image file.  If the user terminates the operation before capturing an
-image, the `CaptureErrorCB` callback executes with a `CaptureError`
-object featuring a `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES` error code.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
-Invoking the native camera application while your device is connected
-via Zune does not work, and the error callback executes.
-### Browser Quirks
-Works in Chrome, Firefox and Opera only (since IE and Safari doesn't supports
-navigator.getUserMedia API)
-Displaying images using captured file's URL available in Chrome/Opera only.
-Firefox stores captured images in IndexedDB storage (see File plugin documentation),
-and due to this the only way to show captured image is to read it and show using its DataURL.
-### Example
-    // capture callback
-    var captureSuccess = function(mediaFiles) {
-        var i, path, len;
-        for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
-            path = mediaFiles[i].fullPath;
-            // do something interesting with the file
-        }
-    };
-    // capture error callback
-    var captureError = function(error) {
-        navigator.notification.alert('Error code: ' + error.code, null, 'Capture Error');
-    };
-    // start image capture
-    navigator.device.capture.captureImage(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit:2});
-## capture.captureVideo
-> Start the video recorder application and return information about captured video clip files.
-    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(
-        CaptureCB captureSuccess, CaptureErrorCB captureError, [CaptureVideoOptions options]
-    );
-### Description
-Starts an asynchronous operation to capture video recordings using the
-device's video recording application.  The operation allows the user
-to capture more than one recordings in a single session.
-The capture operation ends when either the user exits the video
-recording application, or the maximum number of recordings specified
-by `CaptureVideoOptions.limit` is reached.  If no `limit` parameter
-value is specified, it defaults to one (1), and the capture operation
-terminates after the user records a single video clip.
-When the capture operation finishes, it the `CaptureCB` callback
-executes with an array of `MediaFile` objects describing each captured
-video clip file.  If the user terminates the operation before
-capturing a video clip, the `CaptureErrorCB` callback executes with a
-`CaptureError` object featuring a
-`CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES` error code.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-    // capture callback
-    var captureSuccess = function(mediaFiles) {
-        var i, path, len;
-        for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
-            path = mediaFiles[i].fullPath;
-            // do something interesting with the file
-        }
-    };
-    // capture error callback
-    var captureError = function(error) {
-        navigator.notification.alert('Error code: ' + error.code, null, 'Capture Error');
-    };
-    // start video capture
-    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit:2});
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- Cordova for BlackBerry 10 attempts to launch the __Video Recorder__ application, provided by RIM, to capture video recordings. The app receives a `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED` error code if the application is not installed on the device.
-## CaptureAudioOptions
-> Encapsulates audio capture configuration options.
-### Properties
-- __limit__: The maximum number of audio clips the device user can record in a single capture operation.  The value must be greater than or equal to 1 (defaults to 1).
-- __duration__: The maximum duration of an audio sound clip, in seconds.
-### Example
-    // limit capture operation to 3 media files, no longer than 10 seconds each
-    var options = { limit: 3, duration: 10 };
-    navigator.device.capture.captureAudio(captureSuccess, captureError, options);
-### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-- The `duration` parameter is not supported.  Recording lengths cannot be limited programmatically.
-### Android Quirks
-- The `duration` parameter is not supported.  Recording lengths can't be limited programmatically.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- The `duration` parameter is not supported.  Recording lengths can't be limited programmatically.
-- The `limit` parameter is not supported, so only one recording can be created for each invocation.
-### iOS Quirks
-- The `limit` parameter is not supported, so only one recording can be created for each invocation.
-## CaptureImageOptions
-> Encapsulates image capture configuration options.
-### Properties
-- __limit__: The maximum number of images the user can capture in a single capture operation. The value must be greater than or equal to 1 (defaults to 1).
-### Example
-    // limit capture operation to 3 images
-    var options = { limit: 3 };
-    navigator.device.capture.captureImage(captureSuccess, captureError, options);
-### iOS Quirks
-- The __limit__ parameter is not supported, and only one image is taken per invocation.
-## CaptureVideoOptions
-> Encapsulates video capture configuration options.
-### Properties
-- __limit__: The maximum number of video clips the device's user can capture in a single capture operation.  The value must be greater than or equal to 1 (defaults to 1).
-- __duration__: The maximum duration of a video clip, in seconds.
-### Example
-    // limit capture operation to 3 video clips
-    var options = { limit: 3 };
-    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, options);
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- The __duration__ property is ignored, so the length of recordings can't be limited programmatically.
-### iOS Quirks
-- The __limit__ property is ignored.  Only one video is recorded per invocation.
-### Android Quirks
-- Android supports an additional __quality__ property, to allow capturing video at different qualities.  A value of `1` ( the default ) means high quality and value of `0` means low quality, suitable for MMS messages.
-  See [here]( for more details.
-### Example ( Android w/ quality )
-    // limit capture operation to 1 video clip of low quality
-    var options = { limit: 1, quality: 0 };
-    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, options);
-## CaptureCB
-> Invoked upon a successful media capture operation.
-    function captureSuccess( MediaFile[] mediaFiles ) { ... };
-### Description
-This function executes after a successful capture operation completes.
-At this point a media file has been captured, and either the user has
-exited the media capture application, or the capture limit has been
-Each `MediaFile` object describes a captured media file.
-### Example
-    // capture callback
-    function captureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
-        var i, path, len;
-        for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
-            path = mediaFiles[i].fullPath;
-            // do something interesting with the file
-        }
-    };
-## CaptureError
-> Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed media capture operation.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the pre-defined error codes listed below.
-### Constants
-- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR`: The camera or microphone failed to capture image or sound.
-- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_APPLICATION_BUSY`: The camera or audio capture application is currently serving another capture request.
-- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT`: Invalid use of the API (e.g., the value of `limit` is less than one).
-- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES`: The user exits the camera or audio capture application before capturing anything.
-- `CaptureError.CAPTURE_NOT_SUPPORTED`: The requested capture operation is not supported.
-## CaptureErrorCB
-> Invoked if an error occurs during a media capture operation.
-    function captureError( CaptureError error ) { ... };
-### Description
-This function executes if an error occurs when trying to launch a
-media capture operation. Failure scenarios include when the capture
-application is busy, a capture operation is already taking place, or
-the user cancels the operation before any media files are captured.
-This function executes with a `CaptureError` object containing an
-appropriate error `code`.
-### Example
-    // capture error callback
-    var captureError = function(error) {
-        navigator.notification.alert('Error code: ' + error.code, null, 'Capture Error');
-    };
-## ConfigurationData
-> Encapsulates a set of media capture parameters that a device supports.
-### Description
-Describes media capture modes supported by the device.  The
-configuration data includes the MIME type, and capture dimensions for
-video or image capture.
-The MIME types should adhere to [RFC2046](  Examples:
-- `video/3gpp`
-- `video/quicktime`
-- `image/jpeg`
-- `audio/amr`
-- `audio/wav`
-### Properties
-- __type__: The ASCII-encoded lowercase string representing the media type. (DOMString)
-- __height__: The height of the image or video in pixels.  The value is zero for sound clips. (Number)
-- __width__: The width of the image or video in pixels.  The value is zero for sound clips. (Number)
-### Example
-    // retrieve supported image modes
-    var imageModes = navigator.device.capture.supportedImageModes;
-    // Select mode that has the highest horizontal resolution
-    var width = 0;
-    var selectedmode;
-    for each (var mode in imageModes) {
-        if (mode.width > width) {
-            width = mode.width;
-            selectedmode = mode;
-        }
-    }
-Not supported by any platform.  All configuration data arrays are empty.
-## MediaFile.getFormatData
-> Retrieves format information about the media capture file.
-    mediaFile.getFormatData(
-        MediaFileDataSuccessCB successCallback,
-        [MediaFileDataErrorCB errorCallback]
-    );
-### Description
-This function asynchronously attempts to retrieve the format
-information for the media file.  If successful, it invokes the
-`MediaFileDataSuccessCB` callback with a `MediaFileData` object.  If
-the attempt fails, this function invokes the `MediaFileDataErrorCB`
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-The API to access media file format information is limited, so not all
-`MediaFileData` properties are supported.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-Does not provide an API for information about media files, so all
-`MediaFileData` objects return with default values.
-### Android Quirks
-The API to access media file format information is limited, so not all
-`MediaFileData` properties are supported.
-### iOS Quirks
-The API to access media file format information is limited, so not all
-`MediaFileData` properties are supported.
-## MediaFile
-> Encapsulates properties of a media capture file.
-### Properties
-- __name__: The name of the file, without path information. (DOMString)
-- __fullPath__: The full path of the file, including the name. (DOMString)
-- __type__: The file's mime type (DOMString)
-- __lastModifiedDate__: The date and time when the file was last modified. (Date)
-- __size__: The size of the file, in bytes. (Number)
-### Methods
-- __MediaFile.getFormatData__: Retrieves the format information of the media file.
-## MediaFileData
-> Encapsulates format information about a media file.
-### Properties
-- __codecs__: The actual format of the audio and video content. (DOMString)
-- __bitrate__: The average bitrate of the content.  The value is zero for images. (Number)
-- __height__: The height of the image or video in pixels. The value is zero for audio clips. (Number)
-- __width__: The width of the image or video in pixels. The value is zero for audio clips. (Number)
-- __duration__: The length of the video or sound clip in seconds. The value is zero for images. (Number)
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-No API provides format information for media files, so the
-`MediaFileData` object returned by `MediaFile.getFormatData` features
-the following default values:
-- __codecs__: Not supported, and returns `null`.
-- __bitrate__: Not supported, and returns zero.
-- __height__: Not supported, and returns zero.
-- __width__: Not supported, and returns zero.
-- __duration__: Not supported, and returns zero.
-### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-Supports the following `MediaFileData` properties:
-- __codecs__: Not supported, and returns `null`.
-- __bitrate__: Not supported, and returns zero.
-- __height__: Supported: image and video files only.
-- __width__: Supported: image and video files only.
-- __duration__: Supported: audio and video files only
-### Android Quirks
-Supports the following `MediaFileData` properties:
-- __codecs__: Not supported, and returns `null`.
-- __bitrate__: Not supported, and returns zero.
-- __height__: Supported: image and video files only.
-- __width__: Supported: image and video files only.
-- __duration__: Supported: audio and video files only.
-### iOS Quirks
-Supports the following `MediaFileData` properties:
-- __codecs__: Not supported, and returns `null`.
-- __bitrate__: Supported on iOS4 devices for audio only. Returns zero for images and videos.
-- __height__: Supported: image and video files only.
-- __width__: Supported: image and video files only.
-- __duration__: Supported: audio and video files only.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7425df9..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-media/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-media
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-media
-This plugin provides the ability to record and play back audio files on a device.
-__NOTE__: The current implementation does not adhere to a W3C
-specification for media capture, and is provided for convenience only.
-A future implementation will adhere to the latest W3C specification
-and may deprecate the current APIs.
-This plugin defines a global `Media` Constructor.
-Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(Media);
-    }
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-media
-## Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Tizen
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-## Windows Phone Quirks
-- Only one media file can be played back at a time.
-## Media
-    var media = new Media(src, mediaSuccess, [mediaError], [mediaStatus]);
-### Parameters
-- __src__: A URI containing the audio content. _(DOMString)_
-- __mediaSuccess__: (Optional) The callback that executes after a `Media` object has completed the current play, record, or stop action. _(Function)_
-- __mediaError__: (Optional) The callback that executes if an error occurs. _(Function)_
-- __mediaStatus__: (Optional) The callback that executes to indicate status changes. _(Function)_
-__NOTE__: `cdvfile` path is supported as `src` parameter:
-var my_media = new Media('cdvfile://localhost/temporary/recording.mp3', ...);
-### Constants
-The following constants are reported as the only parameter to the
-`mediaStatus` callback:
-- `Media.MEDIA_NONE`     = 0;
-- `Media.MEDIA_STARTING` = 1;
-- `Media.MEDIA_RUNNING`  = 2;
-- `Media.MEDIA_PAUSED`   = 3;
-- `Media.MEDIA_STOPPED`  = 4;
-### Methods
-- `media.getCurrentPosition`: Returns the current position within an audio file.
-- `media.getDuration`: Returns the duration of an audio file.
-- ``: Start or resume playing an audio file.
-- `media.pause`: Pause playback of an audio file.
-- `media.release`: Releases the underlying operating system's audio resources.
-- `media.seekTo`: Moves the position within the audio file.
-- `media.setVolume`: Set the volume for audio playback.
-- `media.startRecord`: Start recording an audio file.
-- `media.stopRecord`: Stop recording an audio file.
-- `media.stop`: Stop playing an audio file.
-### Additional ReadOnly Parameters
-- __position__: The position within the audio playback, in seconds.
-    - Not automatically updated during play; call `getCurrentPosition` to update.
-- __duration__: The duration of the media, in seconds.
-## media.getCurrentPosition
-Returns the current position within an audio file.  Also updates the `Media` object's `position` parameter.
-    media.getCurrentPosition(mediaSuccess, [mediaError]);
-### Parameters
-- __mediaSuccess__: The callback that is passed the current position in seconds.
-- __mediaError__: (Optional) The callback to execute if an error occurs.
-### Quick Example
-    // Audio player
-    //
-    var my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
-    // Update media position every second
-    var mediaTimer = setInterval(function () {
-        // get media position
-        my_media.getCurrentPosition(
-            // success callback
-            function (position) {
-                if (position > -1) {
-                    console.log((position) + " sec");
-                }
-            },
-            // error callback
-            function (e) {
-                console.log("Error getting pos=" + e);
-            }
-        );
-    }, 1000);
-## media.getDuration
-Returns the duration of an audio file in seconds. If the duration is unknown, it returns a value of -1.
-    media.getDuration();
-### Quick Example
-    // Audio player
-    //
-    var my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
-    // Get duration
-    var counter = 0;
-    var timerDur = setInterval(function() {
-        counter = counter + 100;
-        if (counter > 2000) {
-            clearInterval(timerDur);
-        }
-        var dur = my_media.getDuration();
-        if (dur > 0) {
-            clearInterval(timerDur);
-            document.getElementById('audio_duration').innerHTML = (dur) + " sec";
-        }
-    }, 100);
-## media.pause
-Pauses playing an audio file.
-    media.pause();
-### Quick Example
-    // Play audio
-    //
-    function playAudio(url) {
-        // Play the audio file at url
-        var my_media = new Media(url,
-            // success callback
-            function () { console.log("playAudio():Audio Success"); },
-            // error callback
-            function (err) { console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: " + err); }
-        );
-        // Play audio
-        // Pause after 10 seconds
-        setTimeout(function () {
-            my_media.pause();
-        }, 10000);
-    }
-Starts or resumes playing an audio file.
-### Quick Example
-    // Play audio
-    //
-    function playAudio(url) {
-        // Play the audio file at url
-        var my_media = new Media(url,
-            // success callback
-            function () {
-                console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");
-            },
-            // error callback
-            function (err) {
-                console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: " + err);
-            }
-        );
-        // Play audio
-    }
-### iOS Quirks
-- __numberOfLoops__: Pass this option to the `play` method to specify
-  the number of times you want the media file to play, e.g.:
-        var myMedia = new Media("")
-{ numberOfLoops: 2 })
-- __playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked__: Pass in this option to the `play`
-  method to specify whether you want to allow playback when the screen
-  is locked.  If set to `true` (the default value), the state of the
-  hardware mute button is ignored, e.g.:
-        var myMedia = new Media("")
-{ playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked : false })
-- __order of file search__: When only a file name or simple path is
-  provided, iOS searches in the `www` directory for the file, then in
-  the application's `documents/tmp` directory:
-        var myMedia = new Media("audio/beer.mp3")
-  // first looks for file in www/audio/beer.mp3 then in <application>/documents/tmp/audio/beer.mp3
-## media.release
-Releases the underlying operating system's audio resources.
-This is particularly important for Android, since there are a finite amount of
-OpenCore instances for media playback. Applications should call the `release`
-function for any `Media` resource that is no longer needed.
-    media.release();
-### Quick Example
-    // Audio player
-    //
-    var my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
-    my_media.stop();
-    my_media.release();
-## media.seekTo
-Sets the current position within an audio file.
-    media.seekTo(milliseconds);
-### Parameters
-- __milliseconds__: The position to set the playback position within the audio, in milliseconds.
-### Quick Example
-    // Audio player
-    //
-    var my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
-    // SeekTo to 10 seconds after 5 seconds
-    setTimeout(function() {
-        my_media.seekTo(10000);
-    }, 5000);
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- Not supported on BlackBerry OS 5 devices.
-## media.setVolume
-Set the volume for an audio file.
-    media.setVolume(volume);
-### Parameters
-- __volume__: The volume to set for playback.  The value must be within the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- iOS
-### Quick Example
-    // Play audio
-    //
-    function playAudio(url) {
-        // Play the audio file at url
-        var my_media = new Media(url,
-            // success callback
-            function() {
-                console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");
-            },
-            // error callback
-            function(err) {
-                console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: "+err);
-        });
-        // Play audio
-        // Mute volume after 2 seconds
-        setTimeout(function() {
-            my_media.setVolume('0.0');
-        }, 2000);
-        // Set volume to 1.0 after 5 seconds
-        setTimeout(function() {
-            my_media.setVolume('1.0');
-        }, 5000);
-    }
-## media.startRecord
-Starts recording an audio file.
-    media.startRecord();
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-### Quick Example
-    // Record audio
-    //
-    function recordAudio() {
-        var src = "myrecording.mp3";
-        var mediaRec = new Media(src,
-            // success callback
-            function() {
-                console.log("recordAudio():Audio Success");
-            },
-            // error callback
-            function(err) {
-                console.log("recordAudio():Audio Error: "+ err.code);
-            });
-        // Record audio
-        mediaRec.startRecord();
-    }
-### Android Quirks
-- Android devices record audio in Adaptive Multi-Rate format. The specified file should end with a _.amr_ extension.
-- The hardware volume controls are wired up to the media volume while any Media objects are alive. Once the last created Media object has `release()` called on it, the volume controls revert to their default behaviour. The controls are also reset on page navigation, as this releases all Media objects.
-### iOS Quirks
-- iOS only records to files of type _.wav_ and returns an error if the file name extension is not correct.
-- If a full path is not provided, the recording is placed in the application's `documents/tmp` directory. This can be accessed via the `File` API using `LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY`. Any subdirectory specified at record time must already exist.
-- Files can be recorded and played back using the documents URI:
-        var myMedia = new Media("documents://beer.mp3")
-### Windows Quirks
-- Windows devices can use MP3, M4A and WMA formats for recorded audio. However in most cases it is not possible to use MP3 for audio recording on _Windows Phone 8.1_ devices, because an MP3 encoder is [not shipped with Windows Phone](
-- If a full path is not provided, the recording is placed in the `AppData/temp` directory. This can be accessed via the `File` API using `LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY` or `ms-appdata:///temp/<filename>` URI.
-- Any subdirectory specified at record time must already exist.
-### Tizen Quirks
-- Not supported on Tizen devices.
-## media.stop
-Stops playing an audio file.
-    media.stop();
-### Quick Example
-    // Play audio
-    //
-    function playAudio(url) {
-        // Play the audio file at url
-        var my_media = new Media(url,
-            // success callback
-            function() {
-                console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");
-            },
-            // error callback
-            function(err) {
-                console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: "+err);
-            }
-        );
-        // Play audio
-        // Pause after 10 seconds
-        setTimeout(function() {
-            my_media.stop();
-        }, 10000);
-    }
-## media.stopRecord
-Stops recording an audio file.
-    media.stopRecord();
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-### Quick Example
-    // Record audio
-    //
-    function recordAudio() {
-        var src = "myrecording.mp3";
-        var mediaRec = new Media(src,
-            // success callback
-            function() {
-                console.log("recordAudio():Audio Success");
-            },
-            // error callback
-            function(err) {
-                console.log("recordAudio():Audio Error: "+ err.code);
-            }
-        );
-        // Record audio
-        mediaRec.startRecord();
-        // Stop recording after 10 seconds
-        setTimeout(function() {
-            mediaRec.stopRecord();
-        }, 10000);
-    }
-### Tizen Quirks
-- Not supported on Tizen devices.
-## MediaError
-A `MediaError` object is returned to the `mediaError` callback
-function when an error occurs.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
-- __message__: An error message describing the details of the error.
-### Constants
-- `MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED`        = 1
-- `MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK`        = 2
-- `MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE`         = 3
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index a981161..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-network-information
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-network-information
-This plugin provides an implementation of an old version of the
-[Network Information API](
-It provides information about the device's cellular and
-wifi connection, and whether the device has an internet connection.
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker][Apache Cordova issue tracker].
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Tizen
-- Windows
-- Firefox OS
-# Connection
-> The `connection` object, exposed via `navigator.connection`,  provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection.
-## Properties
-- connection.type
-## Constants
-- Connection.UNKNOWN
-- Connection.ETHERNET
-- Connection.WIFI
-- Connection.CELL_2G
-- Connection.CELL_3G
-- Connection.CELL_4G
-- Connection.CELL
-- Connection.NONE
-## connection.type
-This property offers a fast way to determine the device's network
-connection state, and type of connection.
-### Quick Example
-    function checkConnection() {
-        var networkState = navigator.connection.type;
-        var states = {};
-        states[Connection.UNKNOWN]  = 'Unknown connection';
-        states[Connection.ETHERNET] = 'Ethernet connection';
-        states[Connection.WIFI]     = 'WiFi connection';
-        states[Connection.CELL_2G]  = 'Cell 2G connection';
-        states[Connection.CELL_3G]  = 'Cell 3G connection';
-        states[Connection.CELL_4G]  = 'Cell 4G connection';
-        states[Connection.CELL]     = 'Cell generic connection';
-        states[Connection.NONE]     = 'No network connection';
-        alert('Connection type: ' + states[networkState]);
-    }
-    checkConnection();
-### API Change
-Until Cordova 2.3.0, the `Connection` object was accessed via
-``, after which it was changed to
-`navigator.connection` to match the W3C specification.  It's still
-available at its original location, but is deprecated and will
-eventually be removed.
-### iOS Quirks
-- <iOS7 can't detect the type of cellular network connection.
-    - `navigator.connection.type` is set to `Connection.CELL` for all cellular data.
-### Windows Phone Quirks
-- When running in the emulator, always detects `navigator.connection.type` as `Connection.UNKNOWN`.
-- Windows Phone can't detect the type of cellular network connection.
-    - `navigator.connection.type` is set to `Connection.CELL` for all cellular data.
-### Windows Quirks
-- When running in the Phone 8.1 emulator, always detects `navigator.connection.type` as `Connection.ETHERNET`.
-### Tizen Quirks
-- Tizen can only detect a WiFi or cellular connection.
-    - `navigator.connection.type` is set to `Connection.CELL_2G` for all cellular data.
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- Firefox OS can't detect the type of cellular network connection.
-    - `navigator.connection.type` is set to `Connection.CELL` for all cellular data.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Browser can't detect the type of network connection.
-`navigator.connection.type` is always set to `Connection.UNKNOWN` when online.
-# Network-related Events
-## offline
-The event fires when an application goes offline, and the device is
-not connected to the Internet.
-    document.addEventListener("offline", yourCallbackFunction, false);
-### Details
-The `offline` event fires when a previously connected device loses a
-network connection so that an application can no longer access the
-Internet.  It relies on the same information as the Connection API,
-and fires when the value of `connection.type` becomes `NONE`.
-Applications typically should use `document.addEventListener` to
-attach an event listener once the `deviceready` event fires.
-### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("offline", onOffline, false);
-    function onOffline() {
-        // Handle the offline event
-    }
-### iOS Quirks
-During initial startup, the first offline event (if applicable) takes at least a second to fire.
-### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
-When running in the Emulator, the `connection.status` is always unknown, so this event does _not_ fire.
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-The Emulator reports the connection type as `Cellular`, which does not change, so the event does _not_ fire.
-## online
-This event fires when an application goes online, and the device
-becomes connected to the Internet.
-    document.addEventListener("online", yourCallbackFunction, false);
-### Details
-The `online` event fires when a previously unconnected device receives
-a network connection to allow an application access to the Internet.
-It relies on the same information as the Connection API,
-and fires when the `connection.type` changes from `NONE` to any other
-Applications typically should use `document.addEventListener` to
-attach an event listener once the `deviceready` event fires.
-### Quick Example
-    document.addEventListener("online", onOnline, false);
-    function onOnline() {
-        // Handle the online event
-    }
-### iOS Quirks
-During initial startup, the first `online` event (if applicable) takes
-at least a second to fire, prior to which `connection.type` is
-### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
-When running in the Emulator, the `connection.status` is always unknown, so this event does _not_ fire.
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-The Emulator reports the connection type as `Cellular`, which does not change, so events does _not_ fire.
-[Apache Cordova issue tracker]:
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index 8f5e9c1..0000000
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-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-splashscreen
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-splashscreen
-This plugin displays and hides a splash screen during application launch.
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker][Apache Cordova issue tracker].
-## Installation
-    // npm hosted (new) id
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
-    // you may also install directly from this repo
-    cordova plugin add
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-## Preferences
-#### config.xml
--  __SplashScreen__ (string). The resource name which is used for the displaying splash screen. Different platforms use values for this.
-        <preference name="SplashScreen" value="resourcename" />
--  __AutoHideSplashScreen__ (boolean, default to `true`). Indicates wherether hide splash screen automatically or not. Splash screen hidden after amount of time specified in the `SplashScreenDelay` preference.
-        <preference name="AutoHideSplashScreen" value="true" />
--  __SplashScreenDelay__ (number, default to 3000). Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before automatically hide splash screen.
-        <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" />
-### Android Quirks
-In your `config.xml`, you need to add the following preferences:
-    <preference name="SplashScreen" value="foo" />
-    <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" />
-    <preference name="SplashMaintainAspectRatio" value="true|false" />
-    <preference name="SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" value="true|false" />
-Where foo is the name of the splashscreen file, preferably a 9 patch file. Make sure to add your splashcreen files to your res/xml directory under the appropriate folders. The second parameter represents how long the splashscreen will appear in milliseconds. It defaults to 3000 ms. See [Icons and Splash Screens](
-for more information.
-"SplashMaintainAspectRatio" preference is optional. If set to true, splash screen drawable is not stretched to fit screen, but instead simply "covers" the screen, like CSS "background-size:cover". This is very useful when splash screen images cannot be distorted in any way, for example when they contain scenery or text. This setting works best with images that have large margins (safe areas) that can be safely cropped on screens with different aspect ratios.
-The plugin reloads splash drawable whenever orientation changes, so you can specify different drawables for portrait and landscape orientations.
-"SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" preference is also optional and defaults to `true`. When set to `true` splash screen will only appear on application launch. However, if you plan to use `` to close application and force splash screen appear on next launch, you should set this property to `false` (this also applies to closing the App with Back button).
-### Browser Quirks
-You can use the following preferences in your `config.xml`:
-    <platform name="browser">
-        <preference name="SplashScreen" value="/images/browser/splashscreen.jpg" /> <!-- defaults to "/img/logo.png" -->
-        <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" /> <!-- defaults to "3000" -->
-        <preference name="SplashScreenBackgroundColor" value="green" /> <!-- defaults to "#464646" -->
-        <preference name="ShowSplashScreen" value="false" /> <!-- defaults to "true" -->
-        <preference name="SplashScreenWidth" value="600" /> <!-- defaults to "170" -->
-        <preference name="SplashScreenHeight" value="300" /> <!-- defaults to "200" -->
-    </platform>
-__Note__: `SplashScreen` value should be absolute in order to work in a sub-page.
-### Android and iOS Quirks
-- `FadeSplashScreen` (boolean, defaults to `true`): Set to `false` to
-  prevent the splash screen from fading in and out when its display
-  state changes.
-        <preference name="FadeSplashScreen" value="false"/>
-- `FadeSplashScreenDuration` (float, defaults to `3000`): Specifies the
-  number of milliseconds for the splash screen fade effect to execute.
-        <preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="3000"/>
-Note also that this value used to be seconds, and not milliseconds, so values less than 30 will still be treated as seconds. ( Consider this a deprecated patch that will disapear in some future version. )
-_Note_: `FadeSplashScreenDuration` is included into `SplashScreenDelay`, for example if you have `<preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" />` and `<preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="1000"/>` defined in `config.xml`:
-- 00:00 - splashscreen is shown
-- 00:02 - fading has started
-- 00:03 - splashscreen is hidden
-Turning the fading off via `<preference name="FadeSplashScreen" value="false"/>` technically means fading duration to be `0` so that in this example the overall splash delay will still be 3 seconds.
-_Note_: This only applies to the app startup - you need to take the fading timeout into account when manually showing/hiding the splashscreen in the code:
-window.setTimeout(function () {
-    navigator.splashscreen.hide();
-}, splashDuration - fadeDuration);
-- `ShowSplashScreenSpinner` (boolean, defaults to `true`): Set to `false`
-  to hide the splash-screen spinner.
-        <preference name="ShowSplashScreenSpinner" value="false"/>
-## Methods
-- splashscreen.hide
-## splashscreen.hide
-Dismiss the splash screen.
-    navigator.splashscreen.hide();
-### BlackBerry 10, WP8, iOS Quirk
-The `config.xml` file's `AutoHideSplashScreen` setting must be
-`false`. To delay hiding the splash screen for two seconds, add a
-timer such as the following in the `deviceready` event handler:
-        setTimeout(function() {
-            navigator.splashscreen.hide();
-        }, 2000);
-Displays the splash screen.
-Your application cannot call `` until the app has
-started and the `deviceready` event has fired. But since typically the splash
-screen is meant to be visible before your app has started, that would seem to
-defeat the purpose of the splash screen.  Providing some configuration in
-`config.xml` will automatically `show` the splash screen immediately after your
-app launch and before it has fully started and received the `deviceready`
-event. See [Icons and Splash Screens](
-for more information on doing this configuration. For this reason, it is
-unlikely you need to call `` to make the splash
-screen visible for app startup.
-[Apache Cordova issue tracker]:
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index e7a737e..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-statusbar
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-statusbar
-> The `StatusBar` object provides some functions to customize the iOS and Android StatusBar.
-:warning: Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-This installation method requires cordova 5.0+
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-statusbar
-Older versions of cordova can still install via the __deprecated__ id
-    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.statusbar
-It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
-    cordova plugin add
-#### config.xml
--  __StatusBarOverlaysWebView__ (boolean, defaults to true). On iOS 7, make the statusbar overlay or not overlay the WebView at startup.
-        <preference name="StatusBarOverlaysWebView" value="true" />
-- __StatusBarBackgroundColor__ (color hex string, no default value). On iOS 7, set the background color of the statusbar by a hex string (#RRGGBB) at startup. If this value is not set, the background color will be transparent.
-        <preference name="StatusBarBackgroundColor" value="#000000" />
-- __StatusBarStyle__ (status bar style, defaults to lightcontent). On iOS 7, set the status bar style. Available options default, lightcontent, blacktranslucent, blackopaque.
-        <preference name="StatusBarStyle" value="lightcontent" />
-### Android Quirks
-The Android 5+ guidelines specify using a different color for the statusbar than your main app color (unlike the uniform statusbar color of many iOS 7+ apps), so you may want to set the statusbar color at runtime instead via `StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString` or `StatusBar.backgroundColorByName`. One way to do that would be:
-if (cordova.platformId == 'android') {
-    StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#333");
-Hiding at startup
-During runtime you can use the StatusBar.hide function below, but if you want the StatusBar to be hidden at app startup, you must modify your app's Info.plist file.
-Add/edit these two attributes if not present. Set **"Status bar is initially hidden"** to **"YES"** and set **"View controller-based status bar appearance"** to **"NO"**. If you edit it manually without Xcode, the keys and values are:
-	<key>UIStatusBarHidden</key>
-	<true/>
-	<key>UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance</key>
-	<false/>
-This plugin defines global `StatusBar` object.
-Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(StatusBar);
-    }
-- StatusBar.overlaysWebView
-- StatusBar.styleDefault
-- StatusBar.styleLightContent
-- StatusBar.styleBlackTranslucent
-- StatusBar.styleBlackOpaque
-- StatusBar.backgroundColorByName
-- StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString
-- StatusBar.hide
-- StatusBar.isVisible
-#### config.xml
-            <feature name="StatusBar">
-                <param name="ios-package" value="CDVStatusBar" onload="true" />
-            </feature>
-On iOS 7, make the statusbar overlay or not overlay the WebView.
-    StatusBar.overlaysWebView(true);
-On iOS 7, set to false to make the statusbar appear like iOS 6. Set the style and background color to suit using the other functions.
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-Quick Example
-    StatusBar.overlaysWebView(true);
-    StatusBar.overlaysWebView(false);
-Use the default statusbar (dark text, for light backgrounds).
-    StatusBar.styleDefault();
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
-Use the lightContent statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds).
-    StatusBar.styleLightContent();
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
-Use the blackTranslucent statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds).
-    StatusBar.styleBlackTranslucent();
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
-Use the blackOpaque statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds).
-    StatusBar.styleBlackOpaque();
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
-On iOS 7, when you set StatusBar.statusBarOverlaysWebView to false, you can set the background color of the statusbar by color name.
-    StatusBar.backgroundColorByName("red");
-Supported color names are:
-    black, darkGray, lightGray, white, gray, red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, magenta, orange, purple, brown
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Android 5+
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
-Sets the background color of the statusbar by a hex string.
-    StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#C0C0C0");
-CSS shorthand properties are also supported.
-    StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#333"); // => #333333
-    StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#FAB"); // => #FFAABB
-On iOS 7, when you set StatusBar.statusBarOverlaysWebView to false, you can set the background color of the statusbar by a hex string (#RRGGBB).
-On WP7 and WP8 you can also specify values as #AARRGGBB, where AA is an alpha value
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Android 5+
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
-Hide the statusbar.
-    StatusBar.hide();
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Android
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
-Shows the statusbar.
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Android
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
-Read this property to see if the statusbar is visible or not.
-    if (StatusBar.isVisible) {
-    	// do something
-    }
-Supported Platforms
-- iOS
-- Android
-- Windows Phone 7
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows Phone 8.1
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-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-vibration
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-vibration
-This plugin aligns with the W3C vibration specification
-This plugin provides a way to vibrate the device.
-This plugin defines global objects including `navigator.vibrate`.
-Although in the global scope, they are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.vibrate);
-    }
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration
-## Supported Platforms
-navigator.vibrate,<br />
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
-navigator.notification.vibrateWithPattern<br />
-- Android
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
-## vibrate (recommended)
-This function has three different functionalities based on parameters passed to it.
-###Standard vibrate
-Vibrates the device for a given amount of time.
-    navigator.vibrate(time)
-    navigator.vibrate([time])
--__time__: Milliseconds to vibrate the device. _(Number)_
-    // Vibrate for 3 seconds
-    navigator.vibrate(3000);
-    // Vibrate for 3 seconds
-    navigator.vibrate([3000]);
-####iOS Quirks
-- __time__: Ignores the specified time and vibrates for a pre-set amount of time.
-    navigator.vibrate(3000); // 3000 is ignored
-####Windows and Blackberry Quirks
-- __time__: Max time is 5000ms (5s) and min time is 1ms
-    navigator.vibrate(8000); // will be truncated to 5000
-###Vibrate with a pattern (Android and Windows only)
-Vibrates the device with a given pattern
-    navigator.vibrate(pattern);   
-- __pattern__: Sequence of durations (in milliseconds) for which to turn on or off the vibrator. _(Array of Numbers)_
-    // Vibrate for 1 second
-    // Wait for 1 second
-    // Vibrate for 3 seconds
-    // Wait for 1 second
-    // Vibrate for 5 seconds
-    navigator.vibrate([1000, 1000, 3000, 1000, 5000]);
-####Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- vibrate(pattern) falls back on vibrate with default duration
-###Cancel vibration (not supported in iOS)
-Immediately cancels any currently running vibration.
-    navigator.vibrate(0)
-    navigator.vibrate([])
-    navigator.vibrate([0])
-Passing in a parameter of 0, an empty array, or an array with one element of value 0 will cancel any vibrations.
-## *notification.vibrate (deprecated)
-Vibrates the device for a given amount of time.
-    navigator.notification.vibrate(time)
-- __time__: Milliseconds to vibrate the device. _(Number)_
-### Example
-    // Vibrate for 2.5 seconds
-    navigator.notification.vibrate(2500);
-### iOS Quirks
-- __time__: Ignores the specified time and vibrates for a pre-set amount of time.
-        navigator.notification.vibrate();
-        navigator.notification.vibrate(2500);   // 2500 is ignored
-## *notification.vibrateWithPattern (deprecated)
-Vibrates the device with a given pattern.
-    navigator.notification.vibrateWithPattern(pattern, repeat)
-- __pattern__: Sequence of durations (in milliseconds) for which to turn on or off the vibrator. _(Array of Numbers)_
-- __repeat__: Optional index into the pattern array at which to start repeating (will repeat until canceled), or -1 for no repetition (default). _(Number)_
-### Example
-    // Immediately start vibrating
-    // vibrate for 100ms,
-    // wait for 100ms,
-    // vibrate for 200ms,
-    // wait for 100ms,
-    // vibrate for 400ms,
-    // wait for 100ms,
-    // vibrate for 800ms,
-    // (do not repeat)
-    navigator.notification.vibrateWithPattern([0, 100, 100, 200, 100, 400, 100, 800]);
-## *notification.cancelVibration (deprecated)
-Immediately cancels any currently running vibration.
-    navigator.notification.cancelVibration()
-*Note - due to alignment with w3c spec, the starred methods will be phased out
\ No newline at end of file

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diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/next/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/next/
index f711964..ba69dd9 100644
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/next/
+++ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/next/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Ce guide contient les rubriques suivantes :
 *   Interface utilisateur
 *   Considérations particulières
 *   Jonglant
-*   Obtention d'aide 
+*   Obtention d'aide
 # Développement d'application de meilleures pratiques Cordova
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Ce guide contient les rubriques suivantes :
 Tout d'abord - vos applications Cordova devraient adopter la conception SPA (Single Page Application). Vaguement défini, un SPA est une application côté client qui s'exécute à partir d'une seule demande d'une page web. L'utilisateur charge un ensemble initial de ressources (HTML, CSS et JavaScript), et plus les mises à jour (montrant une nouvelle vue, chargement de données) se fait via AJAX. Stations thermales sont couramment utilisés pour des applications plus complexes de côté client. GMail est un bon exemple de cela. Après avoir chargé GMail, vues de courrier, l'édition et organisation sont tout fait en mettant à jour le DOM au lieu de laisser effectivement la page en cours pour charger un complètement nouveau.
-Utiliser un SPA peut vous aider à organiser votre application de manière plus efficace, mais il a aussi des avantages spécifiques pour des applications de Cordova. Une application de Cordova doit attendre pour l'événement [deviceready](../../cordova/events/events.deviceready.html) au feu avant les plug-ins peuvent être utilisés. Si vous n'utilisez pas un SPA, et votre utilisateur clique pour passer d'une page à l'autre, vous devrez attendre pour [deviceready](../../cordova/events/events.deviceready.html) au feu encore une fois avant de vous faire utiliser un plugin. C'est facile d'oublier que votre application s'agrandit.
+Utiliser un SPA peut vous aider à organiser votre application de manière plus efficace, mais il a aussi des avantages spécifiques pour des applications de Cordova. Une application de Cordova doit attendre pour l'événement [deviceready](../../cordova/events/events.deviceready.html) au feu avant les plugins peuvent être utilisés. Si vous n'utilisez pas un SPA, et votre utilisateur clique pour passer d'une page à l'autre, vous devrez attendre pour [deviceready](../../cordova/events/events.deviceready.html) au feu encore une fois avant de vous faire utiliser un plugin. C'est facile d'oublier que votre application s'agrandit.
 Même si vous choisissez de ne pas utiliser de Cordova, création d'une application mobile sans utiliser une architecture de page unique aura des implications graves performance. C'est parce que la navigation entre les pages exigera des scripts, actifs, etc., pour être rechargé. Même si ces biens sont mis en cache, il y aura toujours des problèmes de performances.
@@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ Notez que les événements en ligne et hors ligne, ainsi que l'API de connexion
 Si votre projet existant a été créé à l'aide de Cordova 3.x, vous pouvez mettre à niveau le projet en émettant ce qui suit :
     Cordova plate-forme mise à jour-nom de la plate-forme ios, android, etc.
 Si votre projet existant a été créé sous une version antérieure à Cordova 3.x, il serait probablement préférable de créer un nouveau projet de 3.x de Cordova et copiez code et les actifs de votre projet existant vers le nouveau projet. Étapes typiques :
 *   Créez un nouveau projet de 3.x Cordova (cordova créer...)
 *   Copiez le dossier www de votre ancien projet vers le nouveau projet
 *   Copier les paramètres de configuration de l'ancien projet vers le nouveau projet
-*   Ajouter les plug-ins utilisés dans l'ancien projet vers le nouveau projet
+*   Ajouter les plugins utilisés dans l'ancien projet vers le nouveau projet
 *   Générez votre projet
 *   Tester, tester, tester !
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Remarque : certains plugins n'est peut-être pas compatibles avec la nouvelle ve
 À partir de Cordova 3.4, il n'y a aucun mécanisme pour la mise à niveau de plugins modifiées à l'aide d'une seule commande. Au lieu de cela, supprimez le plugin et ajouter de nouveau à votre projet, et la nouvelle version sera installée :
     Cordova plugin rm com.some.plugin cordova plugin ajouter com.some.plugin
 N'oubliez pas de vérifier la documentation de la mise à jour du plugin, que vous devrez peut-être modifier votre code pour utiliser la nouvelle version. Aussi, le double de vérifier que la nouvelle version du plugin fonctionne avec la version de votre projet de Cordova.
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Il est super important de tester vos applications. L'équipe de Cordova utilise
 Il n'est pas rare d'utiliser les navigateurs de bureau et de simulateurs/émulateurs de périphérique lors du développement d'une application de Cordova. Toutefois, il est extrêmement important que vous testiez votre application sur les périphériques physiques autant que vous le pouvez :
-*   Les simulateurs sont exactement cela : simulateurs. Par exemple, votre application peut fonctionner dans le simulateur iOS sans problème, mais il peut échouer sur un périphérique réel (en particulier dans certaines circonstances, comme un état de manque de mémoire). Ou, votre application peut ne pas réellement sur le simulateur alors qu'il fonctionne très bien sur un périphérique réel. 
+*   Les simulateurs sont exactement cela : simulateurs. Par exemple, votre application peut fonctionner dans le simulateur iOS sans problème, mais il peut échouer sur un périphérique réel (en particulier dans certaines circonstances, comme un état de manque de mémoire). Ou, votre application peut ne pas réellement sur le simulateur alors qu'il fonctionne très bien sur un périphérique réel.
 *   Émulateurs sont que cela : émulateurs. Ils ne représentent pas bien votre application s'exécute sur un périphérique physique. Par exemple, certains émulateurs peuvent rendre votre application avec un affichage brouillé, alors qu'un véritable appareil n'a aucun problème. (Si vous ne rencontrez pas ce problème, désactivez l'hôte GPU dans l'émulateur.)
 *   Les simulateurs sont généralement plus rapides que votre périphérique physique. En revanche, les émulateurs, sont généralement plus lentes. Ne jugez pas les performances de votre application de comment il se comporte dans un simulateur ou un émulateur. Ne jugez pas les performances de votre application de comment il fonctionne sur un éventail de dispositifs réels.
 *   Il est impossible d'avoir une bonne idée de comment votre application répond à votre contact à l'aide d'un simulateur ou un émulateur. Au lieu de cela, l'application en cours d'exécution sur un périphérique réel peut signaler des problèmes avec les tailles des éléments d'interface utilisateur, réactivité, etc..
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ Weinre crée un serveur local qui peut héberger un client de débogage distant
 Création d'une application de Cordoue qui est très joli sur mobile peut être un défi, surtout pour les développeurs. Beaucoup de gens ont choisi d'utiliser une infrastructure d'interface utilisateur pour faciliter cette opération. Voici une courte liste des options, que vous voudrez peut-être.
 *   [jQuery Mobile][9] - jQuery Mobile améliore automatiquement votre mise en page pour l'optimisation des mobile. Il gère également la création d'un SPA pour vous automatiquement.
-*   [ionique][20] -cette infrastructure d'interface utilisateur puissante a fait son propre indicateur composite avancé pour gérer la création d'un projet. 
-*   [Ratchet][21] - présentée par les personnes qui ont créé le Bootstrap. 
+*   [ionique][20] -cette infrastructure d'interface utilisateur puissante a fait son propre indicateur composite avancé pour gérer la création d'un projet.
+*   [Ratchet][21] - présentée par les personnes qui ont créé le Bootstrap.
 *   [Kendo UI][5] - interface Open source et applicative de Telerik.
 *   [Couche de finition][22]
 *   [ReactJS][7]
@@ -255,4 +255,4 @@ Les liens suivants sont les meilleurs endroits pour obtenir de l'aide pour Cordo
 *   PhoneGap Google Group : [! forum/phonegap][28] ce groupe de Google a été l'ancien forum de soutien lorsque Cordova s'appelait encore PhoneGap. Bien qu'il existe encore beaucoup d'utilisateurs de Cordoue qui fréquentent ce groupe, la communauté de Cordova a exprimé un intérêt en se concentrant moins sur ce groupe et à la place utiliser StackOverflow pour un support
 *   Meetup : <> - pensez à trouver un groupe local de meetup Cordova/PhoneGap
- [28]:!forum/phonegap
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+ [28]:!forum/phonegap
diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/overview/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/overview/
index b73b18f..c07180c 100644
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/overview/
+++ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/overview/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Une interface *plugin* est disponible pour Cordova et les composants natifs de c
-**NOTE**: depuis la version 3.0, lorsque vous créez un projet de Cordova, il n'a pas les plug-ins présents. C'est le nouveau comportement par défaut. Les plug-ins que vous désirez, même les plugins de base, doivent être ajoutés explicitement.
+**NOTE**: depuis la version 3.0, lorsque vous créez un projet de Cordova, il n'a pas les plugins présents. C'est le nouveau comportement par défaut. Les plugins que vous désirez, même les plugins de base, doivent être ajoutés explicitement.
 Cordova ne fournit pas les widgets de l'interface utilisateur ou cadres de MV. Cordova fournit seulement le runtime dans lequel ceux qui peuvent s'exécuter. Si vous souhaitez utiliser les widgets de l'interface utilisateur et/ou un cadre MV *, vous devrez sélectionner celles et les inclure dans votre demande vous-même comme matériel de tierces parties.
@@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ L'installation de Cordova diffèrera selon le flux de travail ci-dessus que vous
 *   Flux de travail axée sur la plate-forme : consultez les [Guides de la plate-forme](../platforms/index.html).
-Après l'installation de Cordova, il est recommandé de consulter les [Guides de la plate-forme](../platforms/index.html) pour les plates-formes mobiles qui vous mettra au point pour. Il est également recommandé que vous examiniez également le [Guide de la vie privée](../appdev/privacy/index.html), sécurité Guide et prochaines étapes. Pour la configuration de Cordova, consultez le fichier config.xml File. Pour accéder à une fonction native sur un périphérique de JavaScript, consultez le Plugin APIs. Et consulter les autres guides inclus tel qu'il est nécessaire.
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+Après l'installation de Cordova, il est recommandé de consulter les [Guides de la plate-forme](../platforms/index.html) pour les plates-formes mobiles qui vous mettra au point pour. Il est également recommandé que vous examiniez également le [Guide de la vie privée](../appdev/privacy/index.html), sécurité Guide et prochaines étapes. Pour la configuration de Cordova, consultez le fichier config.xml File. Pour accéder à une fonction native sur un périphérique de JavaScript, consultez le Plugin APIs. Et consulter les autres guides inclus tel qu'il est nécessaire.
diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index 23a1552..94d214e 100644
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Il y a des mesures spécifiques de mise à niveau indispensable pour tirer parti
 Pour les projets non-CLI, exécutez :
         bin/update path/to/project
 Pour les projets de la CLI :
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ Pour les projets de la CLI :
 Toutes les fonctionnalités de liste blanche sont maintenant implémentée via plugin. Sans un plugin, votre application n'est plus protégée par une liste blanche après mise à niveau vers 4.0.0. Cordova a deux plugins de liste blanche, qui offrent différents niveaux de protection.
 1.  Le plugin de `cordova-plugin-whitelist` *(recommandé)*
     *   Ce plugin est fortement recommandé, car il est plus sûr et plus configurable que la liste blanche dans les versions précédentes
     *   Voir [cordova-plugin-whitelist][1] pour plus de détails sur les modifications de configuration requises
     *   Run : `cordova plugin ajouter cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview`
 2.  Le plugin de `cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist`
     *   Ce greffon fournit le même comportement de la liste blanche que les versions précédentes. Voir [cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist][2]
     *   Aucune modification de configuration est requise, mais il fournit une protection moindre que le plugin recommandé
     *   Run : `cordova plugin ajouter cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist`
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Toutes les fonctionnalités de liste blanche sont maintenant implémentée via p
 Par défaut, votre application continuera d'utiliser le système WebView fournie par l'appareil. Si vous souhaitez utiliser le tableau de concordance WebView au lieu de cela, il suffit d'ajouter le plugin de passage pour piétons :
     cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
 À ajouté le plugin, votre application obtient le passage pour piétons de WebView installé et configuré correctement.
@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ Par défaut, votre application continuera d'utiliser le système WebView fournie
 Si votre application, utilisation d'un écran de démarrage, que la fonctionnalité a été transférée à un plugin. Les options de configuration pour les écrans de démarrage sont inchangées. La seule mise à niveau étape nécessaire consiste à ajouter le plugin :
     cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
 ## Mise à niveau vers 3.7.1 de 3.6.0
 Pour les projets non-CLI, exécutez :
         bin/update path/to/project
 Pour les projets de la CLI :
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Pour les projets qui ont été créés avec le cordova CLI :
 Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
         bin/update <project_path>
 **AVERTISSEMENT :** Sur Android 4.4 - 4.4.3 Android, création d'un fichier d'entrée élément avec type = « file » n'ouvrira pas la boîte de dialogue Sélecteur. Il s'agit d'une régression avec Chrome sur Android et le problème peut être reproduit dans le navigateur de Chrome autonome sur Android (voir la solution de contournement suggérée est d'utiliser le transfert de fichiers et fichiers plugins pour Android 4.4. Vous pouvez écouter un événement onClick du input type = « file » et ensuite apparaître un sélecteur de fichier UI. Afin de relier les données du formulaire avec le téléchargement, vous pouvez utiliser JavaScript pour fixer des valeurs de formulaire à la requête POST plusieurs partie qui fait du transfert de fichiers.
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Pour les projets qui ont été créés avec le cordova CLI :
 Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
         bin/update <project_path>
 ## Mise à niveau à la CLI (3.0.0) de 2.9.0
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
 3.  Copiez tout actif Android native du répertoire `res` au nouveau projet.
-4.  Copier les plug-ins que vous avez installé des `src` de sous-répertoires dans le nouveau projet.
+4.  Copier les plugins que vous avez installé des `src` de sous-répertoires dans le nouveau projet.
 5.  Veillez à mettre à niveau tout déconseillé `< plugin >` références de votre ancien fichier `config.xml` à la nouvelle `<feature>` spécification.
 6.  Mise à jour toutes les références à l'ensemble de `org.apache.cordova.api` pour être `org.apache.cordova`.
     **NOTE** : toutes les principales API ont été supprimées et doit être installé comme plugins. S'il vous plaît voir les Plugman à l'aide à gérer les Plugins Guide pour plus de détails.
 ## Mise à niveau vers 2.9.0 de 2.8.0
@@ -497,4 +497,4 @@ En raison de l'introduction de la `CordovaWebView` dans le 1.9.0 version, plugin
 5.  Mettez à jour votre code HTML permettant d'utiliser le nouveau fichier `phonegap-1.0.0.js`.
-6.  Ajouter le `res/xml/plugins.xml` pour correspondre à `framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
\ No newline at end of file
+6.  Ajouter le `res/xml/plugins.xml` pour correspondre à `framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index 1297b98..3816b40 100644
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Pour les projets qui ont été créés avec le cordova CLI :
 Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
         bin/update <project_path>
 **Avertissement :** Commençant sur Android 4.4, création d'un élément du fichier d'entrée avec type = « file » n'ouvrira pas la boîte de dialogue Sélecteur. Il s'agit d'une régression avec Chrome sur Android et le problème peut être reproduit dans le navigateur de Chrome autonome sur Android (voir la solution de contournement suggérée est d'utiliser le transfert de fichiers et fichiers plugins pour Android 4.4. Vous pouvez écouter un événement onClick du input type = « file » et ensuite apparaître un sélecteur de fichier UI. Afin de relier les données du formulaire avec le téléchargement, vous pouvez utiliser JavaScript pour fixer des valeurs de formulaire à la requête POST plusieurs partie qui fait du transfert de fichiers. Ce bug existe toujours à partir de Android 4.4.2
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Pour les projets qui ont été créés avec le cordova CLI :
 Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
         bin/update <project_path>
 ## Mise à niveau à la CLI (3.0.0) de 2.9.0
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ platform add android`.
 3.  Copier n'importe quel actif Android natif de votre `res` répertoire vers le nouveau projet.
-4.  Copie sur les plug-ins que vous avez installé de la `src` sous-répertoires dans le nouveau projet.
+4.  Copie sur les plugins que vous avez installé de la `src` sous-répertoires dans le nouveau projet.
 5.  Assurez-vous de mettre à niveau tout obsolète `<plugin>` les références de votre ancien `config.xml` fichier pour le nouveau `<feature>` spécification.
 6.  Mise à jour toutes les références à la `org.apache.cordova.api` paquet d'être`org.apache.cordova`.
     **NOTE**: toutes les principales API ont été supprimées et doit être installé comme plugins. S'il vous plaît voir les Plugman à l'aide à gérer les Plugins Guide pour plus de détails.
 ## Mise à niveau vers 2.9.0 de 2.8.0
@@ -435,4 +435,4 @@ En raison de l'introduction de la `CordovaWebView` dans le 1.9.0 libération, pl
 5.  Mettre à jour votre code HTML pour utiliser le nouveau `phonegap-1.0.0.js` fichier.
-6.  Ajouter le `res/xml/plugins.xml` faire correspondre`framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
\ No newline at end of file
+6.  Ajouter le `res/xml/plugins.xml` faire correspondre`framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
index 6d344bf..d35c1f6 100644
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
+++ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Ce guide montre comment modifier des projets Windows Phone 8, mise à niveau d'a
 Pour les projets non-CLI, exécutez :
         bin/update path/to/project
 Pour les projets de la CLI :
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Pour les projets qui ont été créés avec le cordova CLI :
 Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
         bin\update < project_path >
 ## Mise à niveau vers 3.1.0 de 3.0.0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Pour les projets qui ont été créés avec le cordova CLI :
 Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
         bin\update < project_path >
 ## Mise à niveau à la CLI (3.0.0) de 2.9.0
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-4.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+4.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 5.  Générer et tester.
-**NOTE**: tous les core API est supprimés de la version 3.0 de Cordova et doit être installé séparément comme les plugins. Pour plus d'informations sur la façon de réactiver ces fonctionnalités dans un flux de travail non-CLI, voir Plugman à l'aide à gérer les Plugins.
\ No newline at end of file
+**NOTE**: tous les core API est supprimés de la version 3.0 de Cordova et doit être installé séparément comme les plugins. Pour plus d'informations sur la façon de réactiver ces fonctionnalités dans un flux de travail non-CLI, voir Plugman à l'aide à gérer les Plugins.
diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
index 0992d54..b8555c4 100644
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
+++ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/platforms/wp8/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Pour les projets qui ont été créés avec le cordova CLI :
 Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
         bin\update <project_path>
 ## Mise à niveau vers 3.1.0 de 3.0.0
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Pour les projets qui ont été créés avec le cordova CLI :
 Pour les projets ne créés pas avec la CLI de cordova, exécutez :
         bin\update <project_path>
 ## Mise à niveau à la CLI (3.0.0) de 2.9.0
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-4.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+4.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 5.  Générer et tester.
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au fichier .csproj.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au fichier .csproj.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 4.  Copier et remplacer n'importe quel écran de démarrage, ou des images de l'icône.
-5.  Copie sur les plug-ins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
+5.  Copie sur les plugins de la `plugins` répertoire vers le nouveau projet et faire en sorte qu'ils sont également ajoutés au projet VS.
 6.  Générer et tester.
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.9.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.8.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.7.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.6.1.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.6.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.5.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.4.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.3.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.2.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
@@ -416,9 +416,9 @@ Dans la fenêtre de l'Explorateur de solutions de Visual Studio :
 3.  Avec le bouton droit sur **références** et sélectionnez **Ajouter une référence**.
 4.  Accédez à la nouvelle distribution et ajouter le `WP7CordovaClassLib.dll` fichier.
     **Remarque**: vous pouvez visualiser la version de la DLL en faisant un clic droit sur la référence, puis sélectionnez **Propriétés**.
 5.  Copiez le nouveau `cordova-1.1.0.js` dans votre projet. (Assurez-vous qu'elle est marquée en tant que contenu.)
-6.  Mettre à jour votre code HTML pour utiliser le nouveau `cordova-1.1.0.js` fichier.
\ No newline at end of file
+6.  Mettre à jour votre code HTML pour utiliser le nouveau `cordova-1.1.0.js` fichier.
diff --git a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/support/ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/support/
index 1a305e3..dc8383a 100644
--- a/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/support/
+++ b/www/docs/fr/6.x/guide/support/
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Vous trouverez ci-dessous l'ensemble des outils de développement et dispositif
-          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plug-in<br />Interface</a>
+          <a href="../hybrid/plugins/index.html">Plugin<br />Interface</a>
         <td data-col="amazon-fireos" class="y">
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/cordova/plugins/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/cordova/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index 146b452..0000000
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/cordova/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-license: >
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-title: Plugin API
-# Plugin API
-Cordova viene fornito con un set minimo di API e progetti aggiungere cosa extra API richiedono tramite plugin.
-Può cercare attraverso tutti i plugin esistenti (tra cui il plugin di terze parti) su [npm][1].
- [1]:
-Il set tradizionale di nucleo Cordova plugin sono i seguenti:
-*   [Stato della batteria][2]
-    > Monitorare lo stato della batteria del dispositivo.
-*   [Fotocamera][3]
-    > Catturare una foto usando la fotocamera del dispositivo.
-*   [Console][4]
-    > Aggiungere ulteriori capacità console.log().
-*   [Contatti][5]
-    > Lavorare con il database di contatti di dispositivi.
-*   [Dispositivo][6]
-    > Raccogliere informazioni specifiche del dispositivo.
-*   [Movimento di dispositivo (accelerometro)][7]
-    > Sfruttare il sensore di movimento del dispositivo.
-*   [Dispositivo orientamento (bussola)][8]
-    > Ottenere la direzione che il dispositivo sta puntando.
-*   [Finestre di dialogo][9]
-    > Notifiche visive del dispositivo.
-*   [FileSystem][10]
-    > Gancio in file system nativo tramite JavaScript.
-*   [Trasferimento di file][11]
-    > Gancio in file system nativo tramite JavaScript.
-*   [Geolocalizzazione][12]
-    > Sensibilizzare la vostra sede di applicazione.
-*   [Globalizzazione][13]
-    > Attivare la rappresentazione degli oggetti specifici di una lingua.
-*   [InAppBrowser][14]
-    > Lanciare gli URL in un'altra istanza del browser in-app.
-*   [Media][15]
-    > Registrare e riprodurre file audio.
-*   [Acquisizione di media][16]
-    > Catturare i file multimediali utilizzando le applicazioni di cattura multimediale del dispositivo.
-*   [Informazioni di rete (connessione)][17]
-    > Verificare rapidamente lo stato di rete e informazioni della rete cellulare.
-*   [Splashscreen][18]
-    > Mostrare e nascondere la schermata iniziale di applicazioni.
-*   [Vibrazione][19]
-    > Un'API per vibrare il dispositivo.
-*   [StatusBar][20]
-    > Un'API per mostrare, nascondere e la configurazione sfondo barra di stato.
-*   [Whitelist][21]
-    > Un plugin per le richieste di rete whitelist. Necessario installare per avere eventuali richieste di rete nelle applicazioni.
-*   [Whitelist legacy][22]
-    > Un plugin per usare il vecchio stile di whitelist prima è stato strappato fuori e cambiato nel plugin whitelist.
- [2]:
- [3]:
- [4]:
- [5]:
- [6]:
- [7]:
- [8]:
- [9]:
- [10]:
- [11]:
- [12]:
- [13]:
- [14]:
- [15]:
- [16]:
- [17]:
- [18]:
- [19]:
- [20]:
- [21]:
- [22]:
-Traduzioni inglese di questi documenti del plugin possono essere trovati andando ai repository di github plugin e cerca nella cartella docs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/next/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/next/
index c979316..61a4bd3 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/next/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/next/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Questa guida contiene i seguenti argomenti:
 *   Interfaccia utente
 *   Considerazioni speciali
 *   Tenere il passo
-*   Come ottenere aiuto 
+*   Come ottenere aiuto
 # Sviluppo di app migliore pratiche Cordova
@@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ Notare che gli eventi online e offline, così come l'API di connessione di rete
 Se il progetto esistente è stato creato utilizzando Cordova 3. x, è possibile aggiornare il progetto inviando il seguente:
     Cordova piattaforma aggiornamento nome-piattaforma ios, android, ecc.
 Se progetto esistente è stato creato con una versione precedente alla Cordova 3. x, probabilmente sarebbe meglio creare un nuovo progetto di Cordova 3. x e quindi copiare il codice e le attività del progetto esistente al nuovo progetto. Passaggi tipici:
 *   Creare un nuovo progetto di 3. x di Cordova (Cordoba creare...)
 *   Copiare la cartella www dal tuo vecchio progetto per il nuovo progetto
 *   Copiare le impostazioni di configurazione dal vecchio progetto per il nuovo progetto
-*   Aggiungi plug-in utilizzati nel vecchio progetto per il nuovo progetto
+*   Aggiungi plugin utilizzati nel vecchio progetto per il nuovo progetto
 *   Compilare il progetto
 *   Prova, prova, prova!
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Nota: alcuni plugin potrebbero non essere compatibili con la nuova versione di C
 A partire da Cordova 3.4, non non c'è alcun meccanismo per l'aggiornamento del plugin modificato utilizzando un unico comando. Invece, rimuovere il plugin e aggiungere di nuovo al tuo progetto, e la nuova versione sarà installata:
     Cordova plugin rm com.some.plugin cordova plugin aggiungere com.some.plugin
 Essere sicuri di controllare la documentazione del plugin aggiornato, come potrebbe essere necessario regolare il vostro codice di lavorare con la nuova versione. Inoltre, doppia controllare che la nuova versione del plugin funziona con la versione del progetto di Cordova.
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ Testing delle applicazioni è super importante. Il team di Cordova utilizza Jasm
 Non è raro utilizzare browser desktop e simulatori/emulatori durante lo sviluppo di un'applicazione di Cordova. Tuttavia, è incredibilmente importante provare l'app su dispositivi fisici come molti come si può eventualmente:
-*   Simulatori sono proprio questo: simulatori. Ad esempio, l'app può funzionare nel simulatore di iOS senza problemi, ma potrebbe non funzionare su un dispositivo reale (soprattutto in certe circostanze, ad esempio uno stato di memoria bassa). O, l'app potrebbe effettivamente non sul simulatore mentre funziona bene su un dispositivo reale. 
+*   Simulatori sono proprio questo: simulatori. Ad esempio, l'app può funzionare nel simulatore di iOS senza problemi, ma potrebbe non funzionare su un dispositivo reale (soprattutto in certe circostanze, ad esempio uno stato di memoria bassa). O, l'app potrebbe effettivamente non sul simulatore mentre funziona bene su un dispositivo reale.
 *   Gli emulatori sono proprio questo: gli emulatori. Non rappresentano quanto bene l'app verrà eseguito su un dispositivo fisico. Ad esempio, alcuni emulatori possono rendere l'app con un display incomprensibile, mentre un vero dispositivo non ha alcun problema. (Se si verifica questo problema, disattivare l'host GPU nell'emulatore).
 *   Simulatori sono generalmente più veloci di dispositivo fisico. Emulatori, d'altra parte, sono generalmente più lenti. Non giudicare le prestazioni dell'app di come si svolge in un simulatore o un emulatore. Giudicare le prestazioni dell'app di come funziona su una gamma di dispositivi reali.
 *   È impossibile ottenere una buona sensazione per come app risponde al tuo tocco utilizzando un simulatore o un emulatore. Invece, che esegue l'applicazione su un dispositivo reale può segnalare problemi con le dimensioni degli elementi dell'interfaccia utente, reattività, ecc.
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ Weinre crea un server locale che può ospitare un debug remoto client per le app
 Creazione di un'applicazione di Cordova che sembra piacevole su mobile può essere una sfida, soprattutto per gli sviluppatori. Molte persone hanno scelto di utilizzare un framework di interfaccia utente per rendere questo più facile. Ecco un breve elenco di opzioni che si possono prendere in considerazione.
 *   [jQuery Mobile][9] - jQuery Mobile aumenta automaticamente il layout per l'ottimizzazione mobile. Gestisce anche la creazione di una SPA per voi automaticamente.
-*   [ionico][20] -questo potente framework di interfaccia utente in realtà ha la propria CLI per gestire la creazione del progetto. 
-*   [Ratchet][21] - di chi ha creato il Bootstrap. 
+*   [ionico][20] -questo potente framework di interfaccia utente in realtà ha la propria CLI per gestire la creazione del progetto.
+*   [Ratchet][21] - di chi ha creato il Bootstrap.
 *   [Kendo UI][5] - Open source UI e ambito di applicazione da Telerik.
 *   [Topcoat][22]
 *   [ReactJS][7]
@@ -255,4 +255,4 @@ I seguenti link sono i posti migliori per ottenere aiuto per Cordova:
 *   PhoneGap gruppo Google: [!Forum/Leaflet-JS! forum/phonegap][28] questo gruppo di Google è stato il vecchio forum di supporto quando Cordova si chiamava ancora PhoneGap. Mentre ci sono ancora un sacco di utenti di Cordova che frequentano questo gruppo, la comunità di Cordova ha espresso un interesse in concentrandosi meno su questo gruppo e utilizzando invece StackOverflow per supporto
 *   Meetup: <> - prendere in considerazione trovare un gruppo meetup di Cordova/PhoneGap locale
- [28]:!forum/phonegap
\ No newline at end of file
+ [28]:!forum/phonegap
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/android/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
index e14d384..afa9a09 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/android/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Per i progetti creati con il cordova CLI:
 Per i progetti non creati con la CLI di cordova, eseguire:
         bin/update <project_path>
 ## L'aggiornamento a 3.1.0 da 3.0.0
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Per i progetti creati con il cordova CLI:
 Per i progetti non creati con la CLI di cordova, eseguire:
         bin/update <project_path>
 ## Aggiornamento per il CLI (3.0.0) da 2.9.0
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ platform add android`.
 4.  Copiare qualsiasi attività nativo dal tuo vecchio progetto nella directory appropriate sotto `platforms/android` : è la directory dove esiste il tuo progetto di cordova-android nativo.
-5.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
+5.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
 ## Aggiornamento a 3.0.0 da 2.9.0
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ platform add android`.
 5.  Assicurarsi di aggiornare qualsiasi deprecato `<plugin>` riferimenti dal vecchio `config.xml` file per il nuovo `<feature>` specifica.
 6.  Aggiornare tutti i riferimenti per il `org.apache.cordova.api` pacchetto di`org.apache.cordova`.
     **Nota**: tutti i core API sono stati rimossi e devono essere installate come plugin. Per dettagli, vedere la Plugman usando per gestire guida Plugins.
 ## Aggiornamento a 2.9.0 da 2.8.0
@@ -433,4 +433,4 @@ A causa dell'introduzione della `CordovaWebView` nella 1.9.0 rilascio, plugin di
 5.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `phonegap-1.0.0.js` file.
-6.  Aggiungere il `res/xml/plugins.xml` corrispondere`framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
\ No newline at end of file
+6.  Aggiungere il `res/xml/plugins.xml` corrispondere`framework/res/xml/plugins.xml`.
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
index 56e45fb..875e2dc 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Questa guida Mostra come modificare i progetti di BlackBerry per l'aggiornamento
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/update percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti CLI:
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Per i progetti che sono stati creati con la CLI, cordova:
 Per i progetti non creati con la CLI di cordova, eseguire:
         bin/update <project_path>
 ## Aggiornamento a 3.1.0 da 3.0.0
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ platform add blackberry10`.
 5.  Copia il `config.xml` del file nella `www` directory e rimuovere eventuali definizioni di plugin. È necessario modificare le impostazioni qui piuttosto che all'interno della directory di piattaforma.
-6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo plugin contrassegnato 3.0.0 e soprattutto sono compatibili con il CLI.
+6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo plugin contrassegnato 3.0.0 e soprattutto sono compatibili con il CLI.
 7.  Costruire e testare.
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ platform add blackberry10`.
 5.  Copia il `config.xml` file nel `www` directory e rimuovere eventuali definizioni di plugin. È necessario modificare le impostazioni qui piuttosto che all'interno della directory di piattaforma.
-6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
+6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
 7.  Compilazione e test.
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Aggiornamento appena il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.4.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nel `playbook/` directory.
     *   Se BlackBerry 10, quindi aggiornare il file il `qnx/` directory.
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Aggiornando solo il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.3.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nel `playbook/` directory.
     *   Se BlackBerry 10, quindi aggiornare il file il `qnx/` directory.
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ Aggiornamento solo la directory www:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.2.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nella `playbook/` directory.
     *   Se BlackBerry 10, quindi aggiornare il file. js nella `qnx/` directory.
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ Aggiornamento appena il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.1.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nel `playbook/` directory.
 5.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-2.1.0.js` file.
@@ -390,22 +390,22 @@ Aggiornamento appena il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.0.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nel `playbook/` directory.
 5.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-2.0.0.js` file.
 6.  Aggiornamento il `www/plugins.xml` file. Due plugin cambiato la loro etichetta di servizio/spazio dei nomi. Cambiare le vecchie voci per i plugin di cattura e contatto da:
         <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
         <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
         <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
         <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
 Aggiornando la directory di esempio (cioè, aggiornamento usando gli strumenti della formica):
@@ -424,16 +424,16 @@ Aggiornando la directory di esempio (cioè, aggiornamento usando gli strumenti d
 7.  Apri il `www` directory e aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-2.0.0.js` file.
 8.  Apri il `www` directory e aggiornamento il `plugins.xml` file. Due plugin cambiato la loro etichetta di servizio/spazio dei nomi. Cambiare le vecchie voci per i plugin di cattura e contatto da:
          <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
          <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
          <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
          <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
 *   Per aggiornare a 1.8.0, si prega di andare da 1.7.0
@@ -448,22 +448,22 @@ Aggiornando solo il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.8.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nel `playbook/` directory.
 5.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-1.8.0.js` file.
 6.  Aggiornamento il `www/plugins.xml` file. Due plugin cambiato la loro etichetta di servizio/spazio dei nomi. Cambiare le vecchie voci per i plugin di cattura e contatto da:
         <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
         <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
         <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
         <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
 Aggiornare la directory di esempio (vale a dire l'aggiornamento utilizzando gli strumenti di formica):
@@ -482,12 +482,12 @@ Aggiornare la directory di esempio (vale a dire l'aggiornamento utilizzando gli
 7.  Apri il `www` directory e aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-1.8.0.js` file.
 8.  Apri il `www` directory e aggiornamento il `plugins.xml` file. Due plugin cambiato la loro etichetta di servizio/spazio dei nomi. Cambiare le vecchie voci per i plugin di cattura e contatto da:
          <plugin name="Capture" value=""/>
          <plugin name="Contact" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
          <plugin name="Capture" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/>
-         <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+         <plugin name="Contacts" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/>
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
index 9c85ef5..f7e3570 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/blackberry10/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Per i progetti creati con il cordova CLI:
 Per i progetti non creati con la CLI di cordova, eseguire:
         bin/aggiornamento < project_path >
 ## Aggiornamento a 3.1.0 da 3.0.0
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ platform add blackberry10`.
 5.  Copia il `config.xml` del file nella `www` directory e rimuovere eventuali definizioni di plugin. È necessario modificare le impostazioni qui piuttosto che all'interno della directory di piattaforma.
-6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo plugin contrassegnato 3.0.0 e soprattutto sono compatibili con il CLI.
+6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo plugin contrassegnato 3.0.0 e soprattutto sono compatibili con il CLI.
 7.  Costruire e testare.
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ platform add blackberry10`.
 5.  Copia il `config.xml` del file nella `www` directory e rimuovere eventuali definizioni di plugin. È necessario modificare le impostazioni qui piuttosto che all'interno della directory di piattaforma.
-6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
+6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
 7.  Costruire e testare.
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Aggiornamento appena il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.4.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nella `playbook/` directory.
     *   Se BlackBerry 10, quindi aggiornare il file. js nella `qnx/` directory.
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ Aggiornamento appena il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.3.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nella `playbook/` directory.
     *   Se BlackBerry 10, quindi aggiornare il file. js nella `qnx/` directory.
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Aggiornamento solo la directory www:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.2.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nella `playbook/` directory.
     *   Se BlackBerry 10, quindi aggiornare il file. js nella `qnx/` directory.
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Aggiornamento appena il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.1.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nella `playbook/` directory.
 5.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-2.1.0.js` file.
@@ -377,19 +377,19 @@ Aggiornamento appena il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-2.0.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nella `playbook/` directory.
 5.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-2.0.0.js` file.
 6.  Aggiornamento tuo `www/plugins.xml` file. Due plugin cambiato la loro etichetta di servizio/spazio dei nomi. Cambiare le vecchie voci per i plugin di cattura e di contatto da:
         < nome plugin = "Cattura" value=""/ >< plugin nome = "Contatto" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ >
         < nome plugin = "Cattura" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/ >< nome del plugin = value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ "Contatti" >
 Aggiornando la directory di esempio (cioè, aggiornamento usando gli strumenti della formica):
@@ -408,13 +408,13 @@ Aggiornando la directory di esempio (cioè, aggiornamento usando gli strumenti d
 7.  Aperto il `www/` directory e aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-2.0.0.js` file.
 8.  Aperto il `www/` directory e aggiornamento del `plugins.xml` file. Due plugin cambiato la loro etichetta di servizio/spazio dei nomi. Cambiare le vecchie voci per i plugin di cattura e di contatto da:
          < nome plugin = "Cattura" value=""/ >< plugin nome = "Contatto" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ >
          < nome plugin = "Cattura" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/ >< nome del plugin = value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ "Contatti" >
 *   Per aggiornare a 1.8.0, si prega di andare da 1.7.0
@@ -429,19 +429,19 @@ Aggiornamento appena il `www` directory:
 3.  Aggiornare il contenuto del `ext-air/` directory.
 4.  Copiare il nuovo `cordova-1.8.0.js` nel vostro progetto.
     *   Se playbook, quindi aggiornamento il js file nella `playbook/` directory.
 5.  Aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-1.8.0.js` file.
 6.  Aggiornamento tuo `www/plugins.xml` file. Due plugin cambiato la loro etichetta di servizio/spazio dei nomi. Cambiare le vecchie voci per i plugin di cattura e di contatto da:
         < nome plugin = "Cattura" value=""/ >< plugin nome = "Contatto" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ >
         < nome plugin = "Cattura" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/ >< nome del plugin = value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ "Contatti" >
 Aggiornando la directory di esempio (cioè, aggiornamento usando gli strumenti della formica):
@@ -460,9 +460,9 @@ Aggiornando la directory di esempio (cioè, aggiornamento usando gli strumenti d
 7.  Aperto il `www/` directory e aggiorna il tuo HTML per utilizzare il nuovo `cordova-1.8.0.js` file.
 8.  Aperto il `www/` directory e aggiornamento del `plugins.xml` file. Due plugin cambiato la loro etichetta di servizio/spazio dei nomi. Cambiare le vecchie voci per i plugin di cattura e di contatto da:
          < nome plugin = "Cattura" value=""/ >< plugin nome = "Contatto" value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ >
-         < nome plugin = "Cattura" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/ >< nome del plugin = value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ "Contatti" >
\ No newline at end of file
+         < nome plugin = "Cattura" value="org.apache.cordova.capture.MediaCapture"/ >< nome del plugin = value="org.apache.cordova.pim.Contact"/ "Contatti" >
diff --git a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
index 1e8139e..3ed7f67 100644
--- a/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
+++ b/www/docs/it/6.x/guide/platforms/ios/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Questa guida Mostra come modificare progetti iOS per l'aggiornamento da versioni
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/update percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti di CLI:
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Per i progetti di CLI:
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/update percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti di CLI:
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Per i progetti di CLI:
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/update percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti di CLI:
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ Per i progetti di CLI:
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/update percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti di CLI:
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Per i progetti di CLI:
 Per i progetti non-CLI, eseguire:
         bin/update percorso/per/progetto
 Per i progetti di CLI:
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Xcode 5 temi:
 5.  Copiare il `file config. xml` nella directory di `www` e rimuovere eventuali definizioni di plugin. Modificare le impostazioni qui invece di directory della piattaforma.
-6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plug-in che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
+6.  Utilizzare lo strumento CLI di cordova per installare il plugin che è necessario. Si noti che il CLI gestisce tutti i core API come plugin, così che può essere necessario aggiungere. Solo 3.0.0 plugin sono compatibili con il CLI.
 7.  Costruire e testare.
@@ -170,26 +170,26 @@ Xcode 5 temi:
 6.  Aggiornare il riferimento allo script di Cordova nella `www/index.html` file (e qualsiasi altro file che contengono il riferimento allo script) per puntare al nuovo `cordova.js` file.
 7.  Aggiornare qualsiasi tag `<plugin>` nel file `config.xml` il tag `<feature>`. Si noti che tag `<plugin>` esistenti ancora lavorare, ma sono deprecati. È possibile copiare queste informazioni nel file `config. xml` per un nuovo progetto. Per esempio:
             <plugin name="LocalStorage" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
             <!-- other plugins -->
         <!-- change to: (note that a <feature> tag is on the same level as <plugins> -->
         <feature name="LocalStorage">
             <param name="ios-package" value="CDVLocalStorage" />
         <!-- other <feature> tags -->
 8.  Eliminare il `CordovaLib` directory e copia il `CordovaLib` dalla nuovo progetto directory nella directory radice del progetto.
 9.  Aggiungere questi due quadri al progetto:
 10. Aggiornare la destinazione del progetto **Build Settings**. Sotto **link → altre bandiere Linker**, edit **"- Obj - C"** per essere **"-ObjC"**.
@@ -336,14 +336,14 @@ Xcode 5 temi:
 10. Convertire il file `Cordova.plist` in `config. xml`, eseguendo lo script `bin/cordova\_plist\_to\_config\_xml` su file di progetto.
 11. Aggiungere il plugin InAppBrowser per il file `config. xml`, aggiungendo questo tag sotto `< cordova >< plugins >`:
         <plugin name="InAppBrowser" value="CDVInAppBrowser" />
 12. Nota che i plugin di Objective-C sono *non* whitelisted piu '. Alla whitelist le connessioni con la whitelist app, è necessario impostare l'intestazione dell `User-Agent` della connessione per lo stesso user-agent come principale Cordova WebView. È possibile ottenere ciò accedendo alla proprietà `userAgent` spegne la vista-controllore principale. Il controller principale-vista (`CDVViewController`) ha anche un metodo `URLisAllowed` per verificare se un URL passa la whitelist.
 13. Modifiche del dispositivo API:
     *   Per iOS, il device utilizzato per restituire `iPhone`, `iPad` o `iPod Touch`; ora restituisce (correttamente) `iOS`.
     *   Per iOS, (ormai obsoleto per tutte le piattaforme) utilizzato per restituire il nome del dispositivo dell'utente (ad esempio ' iPhone 5 ′ su Shazron '); ora restituisce quale device utilizzato per restituire: `iPhone`, `iPad` o `iPod Touch`.
     *   Per tutte le piattaforme, c'è una nuova proprietà denominata device.model; Questo metodo restituisce il modello di dispositivo specifico, ad esempio `iPad2, 5` (per altre piattaforme, questo restituisce ciò che per restituire).
@@ -363,17 +363,17 @@ Xcode 5 temi:
 6.  Aggiornare il riferimento allo script di Cordova nel file `www/index.html` (e qualsiasi altro file che contengono il riferimento allo script) che punti al nuovo file `cordova-2.2.0.js`.
 7.  Aggiornare (o sostituire, se non hai mai cambiato il file) la `MainViewController.m` secondo quello dal nuovo progetto:
     *   Aggiornato → viewWillAppear
 8.  Copiare la directory di `cordova` dal nuovo progetto nella directory radice del progetto. In 2.2.0, questo ha un aggiornato script 'emulare'.
 9.  Successivamente, aggiornare il riferimento al sotto-progetto `CordovaLib`. A partire da Cordova 2.1.0, non stiamo utilizzando la variabile CORDOVALIB Xcode piu ' quando fa riferimento a dove risiede il `CordovaLib`, il riferimento è un riferimento di file assoluto ora.
     1.  Lanciare Terminal. app
     2.  Vai al percorso dove avete installato Cordova (vedi punto 1), nella sottodirectory `bin`
     3.  Eseguire lo script sotto dove il primo parametro è il percorso per il file del progetto `.xcodeproj`:
         `update_cordova_subproject path/to/your/project/xcodeproj`
 **Nota**: In 2.2.0, `bin/creare` script copia del progetto sub-`CordovaLib` nel vostro progetto. Per avere lo stesso tipo di installazione, basta copiare nella destra `CordovaLib` nella directory del progetto e aggiornare la posizione del sotto-progetto `CordovaLib` (relativo al progetto) in Ispettore File Xcode.
@@ -395,12 +395,12 @@ Con Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` è stato aggiornato per utilizzare il **Automati
 6.  Aggiornare il riferimento allo script di Cordova nel file `www/index.html` (e qualsiasi altro file che contengono il riferimento allo script) che punti al nuovo file `cordova-2.1.0.js`.
 7.  Aggiornare (o sostituire, se non hai mai cambiato il file) la `AppDelegate.m` secondo quello dal nuovo progetto:
     *   Edited → application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
     *   Added → application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:
 8.  Aggiornare (o sostituire, se non hai mai cambiato il file) la `MainViewController.m` secondo quello dal nuovo progetto:
     *   Added → viewWillAppear
 9.  Copiare la directory di `cordova` dal nuovo progetto nella directory radice del progetto. In 2.1.0, questo ha gli script aggiornati per supportare i percorsi con spazi.
@@ -408,11 +408,11 @@ Con Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` è stato aggiornato per utilizzare il **Automati
 10. Rimuovere il riferimento al file `VERSION` dal progetto (*non* quello in `CordovaLib`).
 11. Successivamente, aggiornare il riferimento al sotto-progetto `CordovaLib`. A partire da Cordova 2.1.0, non stiamo utilizzando la variabile CORDOVALIB Xcode piu ' quando fa riferimento a dove risiede il `CordovaLib`, il riferimento è un riferimento di file assoluto ora.
     1.  Lanciare Terminal. app
     2.  Vai al percorso dove avete installato Cordova (vedi punto 1), nella sottodirectory `bin`
     3.  Eseguire lo script sotto dove il primo parametro è il percorso per il file del progetto `.xcodeproj`:
         `update_cordova_subproject path/to/your/project/xcodeproj`
 ## All'aggiornamento 1.9.0 progetti a 2.0.0
@@ -444,15 +444,15 @@ Con Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` è stato aggiornato per utilizzare il **Automati
 13. Compilare il progetto, si dovrebbero ottenere alcuni errori relativi alle direttive `#import`.
 14. Per gli errori di `#import`, modificare eventuali importazioni basata sulla citazione in questo stile:
         #import "CDV.h"
     a questo stile basato su staffe:
         #import <Cordova/CDV.h>
     e rimuovere eventuali `#ifdef` wrapper intorno a qualsiasi importazione di Cordova, non sono piu ' necessari (le importazioni sono ora unificate)
 15. Compilare nuovamente il progetto, e non dovrebbe avere alcun errori `#import`.
@@ -490,18 +490,18 @@ Con Cordova 2.1.0, `CordovaLib` è stato aggiornato per utilizzare il **Automati
 31. Selezionare l' **project icon** nel Navigatore progetto, selezionare il **Target** del progetto, quindi selezionare la scheda **Build Settings**.
 32. Ricerca di **Header Search Paths**. Per tale impostazione, aggiungere questi tre valori, incluse le virgolette:
 33. Ricerca per **Other Linker Flags**. Per tale impostazione, aggiungere questo valore:
         -weak_framework CoreFoundation
 34. Compilare il progetto, deve compilare e collegare **senza** problemi.
@@ -562,13 +562,13 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad retina-displa
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.5.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i nuovi file di `MainViewController` e `AppDelegate` nel vostro progetto in Xcode.
@@ -627,9 +627,9 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad retina-displa
 17. Premere il pulsante **Add** nella finestra **Add Files...**.
 18. In `AppDelegate.h`, `AppDelegate.m` e `MainViewController.h` file, sostituire il blocco intero `#ifdef PHONEGAP_FRAMEWORK` con:
         #import "CDVDeprecated.h"
 19. Selezionare l' **project icon** nel Navigatore progetto, selezionare il **Target** del progetto, quindi selezionare la scheda **Build Settings**.
@@ -686,13 +686,13 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad retina-displa
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.3.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -713,13 +713,13 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad retina-displa
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.2.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -740,13 +740,13 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad retina-displa
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.1.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -767,13 +767,13 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad retina-displa
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 1.0.0-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -794,13 +794,13 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad retina-displa
 3.  Creare un nuovo progetto. Alcuni dei beni da questo nuovo progetto sarà necessario.
 4.  Copiare questi file dal nuovo progetto nella directory 0.9.6-based del progetto su disco, sostituendo qualsiasi vecchi file (backup i file prima dal passo 2 sopra):
 5.  Aggiungere tutti i `MainViewController` i file nel progetto Xcode.
@@ -810,4 +810,4 @@ Se si intende usare l'API di cattura, è necessario i nuovo **iPad retina-displa
 8.  Aggiungere una nuova voce sotto `Plugins` nella `PhoneGap.plist` file. La chiave è `com.phonegap.battery` e il valore è`PGBattery`.
-9.  Integrare il codice specifico del progetto che hai nel tuo backup `AppDelegate.h` e `AppDelegate.m` in nuovi file di AppDelegate.
\ No newline at end of file
+9.  Integrare il codice specifico del progetto che hai nel tuo backup `AppDelegate.h` e `AppDelegate.m` in nuovi file di AppDelegate.

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[12/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

Posted by
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8e60b8..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-console/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-console
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-console
-This plugin is meant to ensure that console.log() is as useful as it can be.
-It adds additional function for iOS, Ubuntu, Windows Phone 8, and Windows. If
-you are happy with how console.log() works for you, then you probably
-don't need this plugin.
-This plugin defines a global `console` object.
-Although the object is in the global scope, features provided by this plugin
-are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log("console.log works well");
-    }
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console
-### Android Quirks
-On some platforms other than Android, console.log() will act on multiple
-arguments, such as console.log("1", "2", "3"). However, Android will act only
-on the first argument. Subsequent arguments to console.log() will be ignored.
-This plugin is not the cause of that, it is a limitation of Android itself.
-## Supported Methods
-The plugin support following methods of the `console` object:
-- `console.log`
-- `console.error`
-- `console.exception`
-- `console.warn`
-- ``
-- `console.debug`
-- `console.assert`
-- `console.dir`
-- `console.dirxml`
-- `console.time`
-- `console.timeEnd`
-- `console.table`
-## Partially supported Methods
-Methods of the `console` object which implemented, but behave different from browser implementation:
-- ``
-- `console.groupCollapsed`
-The grouping methods are just log name of the group and don't actually indicate grouping for later 
-calls to `console` object methods.
-## Not supported Methods
-Methods of the `console` object which are implemented, but do nothing:
-- `console.clear`
-- `console.trace`
-- `console.groupEnd`
-- `console.timeStamp`
-- `console.profile`
-- `console.profileEnd`
-- `console.count`
-## Supported formatting
-The following formatting options available:
-Format chars:
-*  `%j` - format arg as JSON
-*  `%o` - format arg as JSON
-*  `%c` - format arg as `''`. No color formatting could be done.
-*  `%%` - replace with `'%'`
-any other char following `%` will format it's
-arg via `toString()`.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index d6af4a6..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,839 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-contacts
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-contacts
-This plugin defines a global `navigator.contacts` object, which provides access to the device contacts database.
-Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.contacts);
-    }
-__WARNING__: Collection and use of contact data raises
-important privacy issues.  Your app's privacy policy should discuss
-how the app uses contact data and whether it is shared with any other
-parties.  Contact information is considered sensitive because it
-reveals the people with whom a person communicates.  Therefore, in
-addition to the app's privacy policy, you should strongly consider
-providing a just-in-time notice before the app accesses or uses
-contact data, if the device operating system doesn't do so
-already. That notice should provide the same information noted above,
-as well as obtaining the user's permission (e.g., by presenting
-choices for __OK__ and __No Thanks__).  Note that some app
-marketplaces may require the app to provide a just-in-time notice and
-obtain the user's permission before accessing contact data.  A
-clear and easy-to-understand user experience surrounding the use of
-contact data helps avoid user confusion and perceived misuse of
-contact data.  For more information, please see the [Privacy Guide](
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-This requires cordova 5.0+ ( current stable v1.0.0 )
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-contacts
-Older versions of cordova can still install via the __deprecated__ id ( stale v0.2.16 )
-    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.contacts
-It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
-    cordova plugin add
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-Create __www/manifest.webapp__ as described in
-[Manifest Docs](
-Add relevant permisions.
-There is also a need to change the webapp type to "privileged"  - [Manifest Docs](
-__WARNING__: All privileged apps enforce [Content Security Policy]( which forbids inline script. Initialize your application in another way.
-	"type": "privileged",
-	"permissions": {
-		"contacts": {
-			"access": "readwrite",
-			"description": "Describe why there is a need for such permission"
-		}
-	}
-### Windows Quirks
-**Prior to Windows 10:** Any contacts returned from `find` and `pickContact` methods are readonly, so your application cannot modify them.
-`find` method available only on Windows Phone 8.1 devices.
-**Windows 10 and above:** Contacts may be saved and will be saved to app-local contacts storage.  Contacts may also be deleted.
-### Windows 8 Quirks
-Windows 8 Contacts are readonly. Via the Cordova API Contacts are not queryable/searchable, you should inform the user to pick a contact as a call to contacts.pickContact which will open the 'People' app where the user must choose a contact.
-Any contacts returned are readonly, so your application cannot modify them.
-## navigator.contacts
-### Methods
-- navigator.contacts.create
-- navigator.contacts.find
-- navigator.contacts.pickContact
-### Objects
-- Contact
-- ContactName
-- ContactField
-- ContactAddress
-- ContactOrganization
-- ContactFindOptions
-- ContactError
-- ContactFieldType
-## navigator.contacts.create
-The `navigator.contacts.create` method is synchronous, and returns a new `Contact` object.
-This method does not retain the Contact object in the device contacts
-database, for which you need to invoke the `` method.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-### Example
-    var myContact = navigator.contacts.create({"displayName": "Test User"});
-## navigator.contacts.find
-The `navigator.contacts.find` method executes asynchronously, querying the
-device contacts database and returning an array of `Contact` objects.
-The resulting objects are passed to the `contactSuccess` callback
-function specified by the __contactSuccess__ parameter.
-The __contactFields__ parameter specifies the fields to be used as a
-search qualifier.  A zero-length __contactFields__ parameter is invalid and results in
-`ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR`. A __contactFields__ value of
-`"*"` searches all contact fields.
-The __contactFindOptions.filter__ string can be used as a search
-filter when querying the contacts database.  If provided, a
-case-insensitive, partial value match is applied to each field
-specified in the __contactFields__ parameter.  If there's a match for
-_any_ of the specified fields, the contact is returned. Use __contactFindOptions.desiredFields__
-parameter to control which contact properties must be returned back.
-Supported values for both __contactFields__ and __contactFindOptions.desiredFields__ parameters are enumerated in [`ContactFieldType`](#contactfieldtype) object.
-### Parameters
-- __contactFields__: Contact fields to use as a search qualifier. _(DOMString[])_ [Required]
-- __contactSuccess__: Success callback function invoked with the array of Contact objects returned from the database. [Required]
-- __contactError__: Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs. [Optional]
-- __contactFindOptions__: Search options to filter navigator.contacts. [Optional]
-	Keys include:
-	- __filter__: The search string used to find navigator.contacts. _(DOMString)_ (Default: `""`)
-	- __multiple__: Determines if the find operation returns multiple navigator.contacts. _(Boolean)_ (Default: `false`)
-    - __desiredFields__: Contact fields to be returned back. If specified, the resulting `Contact` object only features values for these fields. _(DOMString[])_ [Optional]
-    - __hasPhoneNumber__(Android only): Filters the search to only return contacts with a phone number informed. _(Boolean)_ (Default: `false`)
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows (Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10)
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(contacts) {
-        alert('Found ' + contacts.length + ' contacts.');
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert('onError!');
-    };
-    // find all contacts with 'Bob' in any name field
-    var options      = new ContactFindOptions();
-    options.filter   = "Bob";
-    options.multiple = true;
-    options.desiredFields = [];
-    options.hasPhoneNumber = true;
-    var fields       = [navigator.contacts.fieldType.displayName,];
-    navigator.contacts.find(fields, onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Windows Quirks
-- `__contactFields__` is not supported and will be ignored. `find` method will always attempt to match the name, email address, or phone number of a contact.
-## navigator.contacts.pickContact
-The `navigator.contacts.pickContact` method launches the Contact Picker to select a single contact.
-The resulting object is passed to the `contactSuccess` callback
-function specified by the __contactSuccess__ parameter.
-### Parameters
-- __contactSuccess__: Success callback function invoked with the single Contact object. [Required]
-- __contactError__: Error callback function, invoked when an error occurs. [Optional]
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-    navigator.contacts.pickContact(function(contact){
-            console.log('The following contact has been selected:' + JSON.stringify(contact));
-        },function(err){
-            console.log('Error: ' + err);
-        });
-### Android Quirks
-This plugin launches an external Activity for picking contacts. See the
-[Android Lifecycle Guide](
-for an explanation of how this affects your application. If the plugin returns
-its result in the `resume` event, then you must first wrap the returned object
-in a `Contact` object before using it. Here is an example:
-function onResume(resumeEvent) {
-    if(resumeEvent.pendingResult) {
-        if(resumeEvent.pendingResult.pluginStatus === "OK") {
-            var contact = navigator.contacts.create(resumeEvent.pendingResult.result);
-            successCallback(contact);
-        } else {
-            failCallback(resumeEvent.pendingResult.result);
-        }
-    }
-## Contact
-The `Contact` object represents a user's contact.  Contacts can be
-created, stored, or removed from the device contacts database.
-Contacts can also be retrieved (individually or in bulk) from the
-database by invoking the `navigator.contacts.find` method.
-__NOTE__: Not all of the contact fields listed above are supported on
-every device platform.  Please check each platform's _Quirks_ section
-for details.
-### Properties
-- __id__: A globally unique identifier. _(DOMString)_
-- __displayName__: The name of this Contact, suitable for display to end users. _(DOMString)_
-- __name__: An object containing all components of a persons name. _(ContactName)_
-- __nickname__: A casual name by which to address the contact. _(DOMString)_
-- __phoneNumbers__: An array of all the contact's phone numbers. _(ContactField[])_
-- __emails__: An array of all the contact's email addresses. _(ContactField[])_
-- __addresses__: An array of all the contact's addresses. _(ContactAddress[])_
-- __ims__: An array of all the contact's IM addresses. _(ContactField[])_
-- __organizations__: An array of all the contact's organizations. _(ContactOrganization[])_
-- __birthday__: The birthday of the contact. _(Date)_
-- __note__: A note about the contact. _(DOMString)_
-- __photos__: An array of the contact's photos. _(ContactField[])_
-- __categories__:  An array of all the user-defined categories associated with the contact. _(ContactField[])_
-- __urls__:  An array of web pages associated with the contact. _(ContactField[])_
-### Methods
-- __clone__: Returns a new `Contact` object that is a deep copy of the calling object, with the `id` property set to `null`.
-- __remove__: Removes the contact from the device contacts database, otherwise executes an error callback with a `ContactError` object.
-- __save__: Saves a new contact to the device contacts database, or updates an existing contact if a contact with the same __id__ already exists.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Save Example
-    function onSuccess(contact) {
-        alert("Save Success");
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert("Error = " + contactError.code);
-    };
-    // create a new contact object
-    var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
-    contact.displayName = "Plumber";
-    contact.nickname = "Plumber";            // specify both to support all devices
-    // populate some fields
-    var name = new ContactName();
-    name.givenName = "Jane";
-    name.familyName = "Doe";
- = name;
-    // save to device
-### Clone Example
-        // clone the contact object
-        var clone = contact.clone();
- = "John";
-        console.log("Original contact name = " +;
-        console.log("Cloned contact name = " +;
-### Remove Example
-    function onSuccess() {
-        alert("Removal Success");
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert("Error = " + contactError.code);
-    };
-    // remove the contact from the device
-    contact.remove(onSuccess,onError);
-### Android 2.X Quirks
-- __categories__:  Not supported on Android 2.X devices, returning `null`.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __id__: Assigned by the device when saving the contact.
-### FirefoxOS Quirks
-- __categories__: Partially supported. Fields __pref__ and __type__ are returning `null`
-- __ims__: Not supported
-- __photos__: Not supported
-### iOS Quirks
-- __displayName__: Not supported on iOS, returning `null` unless there is no `ContactName` specified, in which case it returns the composite name, __nickname__ or `""`, respectively.
-- __birthday__: Must be input as a JavaScript `Date` object, the same way it is returned.
-- __photos__: Returns a File URL to the image, which is stored in the application's temporary directory.  Contents of the temporary directory are removed when the application exits.
-- __categories__:  This property is currently not supported, returning `null`.
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- __displayName__: When creating a contact, the value provided for the display name parameter differs from the display name retrieved when finding the contact.
-- __urls__: When creating a contact, users can input and save more than one web address, but only one is available when searching the contact.
-- __phoneNumbers__: The _pref_ option is not supported. The _type_ is not supported in a _find_ operation. Only one `phoneNumber` is allowed for each _type_.
-- __emails__: The _pref_ option is not supported. Home and personal references same email entry. Only one entry is allowed for each _type_.
-- __addresses__: Supports only work, and home/personal _type_. The home and personal _type_ reference the same address entry. Only one entry is allowed for each _type_.
-- __organizations__: Only one is allowed, and does not support the _pref_, _type_, and _department_ attributes.
-- __note__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __ims__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __birthdays__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __categories__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __remove__: Method is not supported
-### Windows Quirks
-- __photos__: Returns a File URL to the image, which is stored in the application's temporary directory.
-- __birthdays__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __categories__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __remove__: Method is only supported in Windows 10 or above.
-## ContactAddress
-The `ContactAddress` object stores the properties of a single address
-of a contact.  A `Contact` object may include more than one address in
-a `ContactAddress[]` array.
-### Properties
-- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactAddress` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
-- __type__: A string indicating what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)_
-- __formatted__: The full address formatted for display. _(DOMString)_
-- __streetAddress__: The full street address. _(DOMString)_
-- __locality__: The city or locality. _(DOMString)_
-- __region__: The state or region. _(DOMString)_
-- __postalCode__: The zip code or postal code. _(DOMString)_
-- __country__: The country name. _(DOMString)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-    // display the address information for all contacts
-    function onSuccess(contacts) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
-            for (var j = 0; j < contacts[i].addresses.length; j++) {
-                alert("Pref: "         + contacts[i].addresses[j].pref          + "\n" +
-                    "Type: "           + contacts[i].addresses[j].type          + "\n" +
-                    "Formatted: "      + contacts[i].addresses[j].formatted     + "\n" +
-                    "Street Address: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].streetAddress + "\n" +
-                    "Locality: "       + contacts[i].addresses[j].locality      + "\n" +
-                    "Region: "         + contacts[i].addresses[j].region        + "\n" +
-                    "Postal Code: "    + contacts[i].addresses[j].postalCode    + "\n" +
-                    "Country: "        + contacts[i].addresses[j].country);
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert('onError!');
-    };
-    // find all contacts
-    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
-    options.filter = "";
-    options.multiple = true;
-    var filter = ["displayName", "addresses"];
-    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Android 2.X Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false` on Android 2.X devices.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported on BlackBerry devices, returning `false`.
-- __type__: Partially supported.  Only one each of _Work_ and _Home_ type addresses can be stored per contact.
-- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns a concatenation of all BlackBerry address fields.
-- __streetAddress__: Supported.  Returns a concatenation of BlackBerry __address1__ and __address2__ address fields.
-- __locality__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __city__ address field.
-- __region__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __stateProvince__ address field.
-- __postalCode__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __zipPostal__ address field.
-- __country__: Supported.
-### FirefoxOS Quirks
-- __formatted__: Currently not supported
-### iOS Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `false`.
-- __formatted__: Currently not supported.
-### Windows Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported
-## ContactError
-The `ContactError` object is returned to the user through the
-`contactError` callback function when an error occurs.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
-### Constants
-- `ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR` (code 0)
-- `ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR` (code 1)
-- `ContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR` (code 2)
-- `ContactError.PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR` (code 3)
-- `ContactError.IO_ERROR` (code 4)
-- `ContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR` (code 5)
-- `ContactError.OPERATION_CANCELLED_ERROR` (code 6)
-- `ContactError.PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR` (code 20)
-## ContactField
-The `ContactField` object is a reusable component that represents
-contact fields generically.  Each `ContactField` object contains a
-`value`, `type`, and `pref` property.  A `Contact` object stores
-several properties in `ContactField[]` arrays, such as phone numbers
-and email addresses.
-In most instances, there are no pre-determined values for a
-`ContactField` object's __type__ attribute.  For example, a phone
-number can specify __type__ values of _home_, _work_, _mobile_,
-_iPhone_, or any other value that is supported by a particular device
-platform's contact database.  However, for the `Contact` __photos__
-field, the __type__ field indicates the format of the returned image:
-__url__ when the __value__ attribute contains a URL to the photo
-image, or _base64_ when the __value__ contains a base64-encoded image
-### Properties
-- __type__: A string that indicates what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)_
-- __value__: The value of the field, such as a phone number or email address. _(DOMString)_
-- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactField` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-        // create a new contact
-        var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
-        // store contact phone numbers in ContactField[]
-        var phoneNumbers = [];
-        phoneNumbers[0] = new ContactField('work', '212-555-1234', false);
-        phoneNumbers[1] = new ContactField('mobile', '917-555-5432', true); // preferred number
-        phoneNumbers[2] = new ContactField('home', '203-555-7890', false);
-        contact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
-        // save the contact
-### Android Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __type__: Partially supported.  Used for phone numbers.
-- __value__: Supported.
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-### iOS Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-### Windows Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-## ContactName
-Contains different kinds of information about a `Contact` object's name.
-### Properties
-- __formatted__: The complete name of the contact. _(DOMString)_
-- __familyName__: The contact's family name. _(DOMString)_
-- __givenName__: The contact's given name. _(DOMString)_
-- __middleName__: The contact's middle name. _(DOMString)_
-- __honorificPrefix__: The contact's prefix (example _Mr._ or _Dr._) _(DOMString)_
-- __honorificSuffix__: The contact's suffix (example _Esq._). _(DOMString)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(contacts) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
-            alert("Formatted: "  + contacts[i].name.formatted       + "\n" +
-                "Family Name: "  + contacts[i].name.familyName      + "\n" +
-                "Given Name: "   + contacts[i].name.givenName       + "\n" +
-                "Middle Name: "  + contacts[i].name.middleName      + "\n" +
-                "Suffix: "       + contacts[i].name.honorificSuffix + "\n" +
-                "Prefix: "       + contacts[i].name.honorificSuffix);
-        }
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert('onError!');
-    };
-    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
-    options.filter = "";
-    options.multiple = true;
-    filter = ["displayName", "name"];
-    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Android Quirks
-- __formatted__: Partially supported, and read-only.  Returns a concatenation of `honorificPrefix`, `givenName`, `middleName`, `familyName`, and `honorificSuffix`.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns a concatenation of BlackBerry __firstName__ and __lastName__ fields.
-- __familyName__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __lastName__ field.
-- __givenName__: Supported.  Stored in BlackBerry __firstName__ field.
-- __middleName__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __honorificPrefix__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __honorificSuffix__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-### FirefoxOS Quirks
-- __formatted__: Partially supported, and read-only.  Returns a concatenation of `honorificPrefix`, `givenName`, `middleName`, `familyName`, and `honorificSuffix`.
-### iOS Quirks
-- __formatted__: Partially supported.  Returns iOS Composite Name, but is read-only.
-### Windows Quirks
-- __formatted__: This is the only name property, and is identical to `displayName`, and `nickname`
-- __familyName__: not supported
-- __givenName__: not supported
-- __middleName__: not supported
-- __honorificPrefix__: not supported
-- __honorificSuffix__: not supported
-## ContactOrganization
-The `ContactOrganization` object stores a contact's organization
-properties.  A `Contact` object stores one or more
-`ContactOrganization` objects in an array.
-### Properties
-- __pref__: Set to `true` if this `ContactOrganization` contains the user's preferred value. _(boolean)_
-- __type__: A string that indicates what type of field this is, _home_ for example. _(DOMString)
-- __name__: The name of the organization. _(DOMString)_
-- __department__: The department the contract works for. _(DOMString)_
-- __title__: The contact's title at the organization. _(DOMString)_
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows (Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 devices only)
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(contacts) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
-            for (var j = 0; j < contacts[i].organizations.length; j++) {
-                alert("Pref: "      + contacts[i].organizations[j].pref       + "\n" +
-                    "Type: "        + contacts[i].organizations[j].type       + "\n" +
-                    "Name: "        + contacts[i].organizations[j].name       + "\n" +
-                    "Department: "  + contacts[i].organizations[j].department + "\n" +
-                    "Title: "       + contacts[i].organizations[j].title);
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    function onError(contactError) {
-        alert('onError!');
-    };
-    var options = new ContactFindOptions();
-    options.filter = "";
-    options.multiple = true;
-    filter = ["displayName", "organizations"];
-    navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Android 2.X Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported by Android 2.X devices, returning `false`.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported by BlackBerry devices, returning `false`.
-- __type__: Not supported by BlackBerry devices, returning `null`.
-- __name__: Partially supported.  The first organization name is stored in the BlackBerry __company__ field.
-- __department__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-- __title__: Partially supported.  The first organization title is stored in the BlackBerry __jobTitle__ field.
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported
-- __type__: Not supported
-- __department__: Not supported
-- Fields __name__ and __title__ stored in __org__ and __jobTitle__.
-### iOS Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `false`.
-- __type__: Not supported on iOS devices, returning `null`.
-- __name__: Partially supported.  The first organization name is stored in the iOS __kABPersonOrganizationProperty__ field.
-- __department__: Partially supported.  The first department name is stored in the iOS __kABPersonDepartmentProperty__ field.
-- __title__: Partially supported.  The first title is stored in the iOS __kABPersonJobTitleProperty__ field.
-### Windows Quirks
-- __pref__: Not supported, returning `false`.
-- __type__: Not supported, returning `null`.
-## ContactFieldType
-The `ContactFieldType` object is an enumeration of possible field types, such as `'phoneNumbers'` or `'emails'`, that could be used to control which contact properties must be returned back from `contacts.find()` method (see `contactFindOptions.desiredFields`), or to specify fields to search in (through `contactFields` parameter). Possible values are:
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.addresses`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.birthday`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.categories`
-- ``
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.department`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.displayName`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.emails`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.familyName`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.formatted`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.givenName`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.honorificPrefix`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.honorificSuffix`
-- ``
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.ims`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.locality`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.middleName`
-- ``
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.nickname`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.note`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.organizations`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.phoneNumbers`
-- ``
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.postalCode`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.region`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.streetAddress`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.title`
-- `navigator.contacts.fieldType.urls`
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index 727fbf8..0000000
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-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-device-motion
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-device-motion
-This plugin provides access to the device's accelerometer. The accelerometer is
-a motion sensor that detects the change (_delta_) in movement relative to the
-current device orientation, in three dimensions along the _x_, _y_, and _z_
-Access is via a global `navigator.accelerometer` object.
-Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.accelerometer);
-    }
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-motion
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-## Methods
-- navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration
-- navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration
-- navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch
-## Objects
-- Acceleration
-## navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration
-Get the current acceleration along the _x_, _y_, and _z_ axes.
-These acceleration values are returned to the `accelerometerSuccess`
-callback function.
-    navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration(accelerometerSuccess, accelerometerError);
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(acceleration) {
-        alert('Acceleration X: ' + acceleration.x + '\n' +
-              'Acceleration Y: ' + acceleration.y + '\n' +
-              'Acceleration Z: ' + acceleration.z + '\n' +
-              'Timestamp: '      + acceleration.timestamp + '\n');
-    }
-    function onError() {
-        alert('onError!');
-    }
-    navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration(onSuccess, onError);
-### Browser Quirks
-Values for X, Y, Z motion are all randomly generated in order to simulate the accelerometer.
-### Android Quirks
-The accelerometer is called with the `SENSOR_DELAY_UI` flag, which limits the maximum readout frequency to something between 20 and 60 Hz, depending on the device. Values for __period__ corresponding to higher frequencies will result in duplicate samples. More details can be found in the [Android API Guide](
-### iOS Quirks
-- iOS doesn't recognize the concept of getting the current acceleration at any given point.
-- You must watch the acceleration and capture the data at given time intervals.
-- Thus, the `getCurrentAcceleration` function yields the last value reported from a `watchAccelerometer` call.
-## navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration
-Retrieves the device's current `Acceleration` at a regular interval, executing
-the `accelerometerSuccess` callback function each time. Specify the interval in
-milliseconds via the `acceleratorOptions` object's `frequency` parameter.
-The returned watch ID references the accelerometer's watch interval,
-and can be used with `navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch` to stop watching the
-    var watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(accelerometerSuccess,
-                                                           accelerometerError,
-                                                           accelerometerOptions);
-- __accelerometerOptions__: An object with the following optional keys:
-  - __period__: requested period of calls to accelerometerSuccess with acceleration data in Milliseconds. _(Number)_ (Default: 10000)
-###  Example
-    function onSuccess(acceleration) {
-        alert('Acceleration X: ' + acceleration.x + '\n' +
-              'Acceleration Y: ' + acceleration.y + '\n' +
-              'Acceleration Z: ' + acceleration.z + '\n' +
-              'Timestamp: '      + acceleration.timestamp + '\n');
-    }
-    function onError() {
-        alert('onError!');
-    }
-    var options = { frequency: 3000 };  // Update every 3 seconds
-    var watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(onSuccess, onError, options);
-### iOS Quirks
-The API calls the success callback function at the interval requested,
-but restricts the range of requests to the device between 40ms and
-1000ms. For example, if you request an interval of 3 seconds,
-(3000ms), the API requests data from the device every 1 second, but
-only executes the success callback every 3 seconds.
-## navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch
-Stop watching the `Acceleration` referenced by the `watchID` parameter.
-    navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch(watchID);
-- __watchID__: The ID returned by `navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration`.
-###  Example
-    var watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(onSuccess, onError, options);
-    // ... later on ...
-    navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch(watchID);
-## Acceleration
-Contains `Accelerometer` data captured at a specific point in time.
-Acceleration values include the effect of gravity (9.81 m/s^2), so that when a
-device lies flat and facing up, _x_, _y_, and _z_ values returned should be
-`0`, `0`, and `9.81`.
-### Properties
-- __x__:  Amount of acceleration on the x-axis. (in m/s^2) _(Number)_
-- __y__:  Amount of acceleration on the y-axis. (in m/s^2) _(Number)_
-- __z__:  Amount of acceleration on the z-axis. (in m/s^2) _(Number)_
-- __timestamp__: Creation timestamp in milliseconds. _(DOMTimeStamp)_
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deleted file mode 100644
index ebd58b3..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-device-orientation
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-device-orientation
-This plugin provides access to the device's compass. The compass is a sensor
-that detects the direction or heading that the device is pointed, typically
-from the top of the device.  It measures the heading in degrees from 0 to
-359.99, where 0 is north.
-Access is via a global `navigator.compass` object.
-Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.compass);
-    }
-Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device-orientation
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8 (if available in hardware)
-- Windows 8
-## Methods
-- navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading
-- navigator.compass.watchHeading
-- navigator.compass.clearWatch
-## navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading
-Get the current compass heading. The compass heading is returned via a `CompassHeading`
-object using the `compassSuccess` callback function.
-    navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading(compassSuccess, compassError);
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(heading) {
-        alert('Heading: ' + heading.magneticHeading);
-    };
-    function onError(error) {
-        alert('CompassError: ' + error.code);
-    };
-    navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading(onSuccess, onError);
-## navigator.compass.watchHeading
-Gets the device's current heading at a regular interval. Each time the heading
-is retrieved, the `headingSuccess` callback function is executed.
-The returned watch ID references the compass watch interval. The watch
-ID can be used with `navigator.compass.clearWatch` to stop watching the navigator.compass.
-    var watchID = navigator.compass.watchHeading(compassSuccess, compassError, [compassOptions]);
-`compassOptions` may contain the following keys:
-- __frequency__: How often to retrieve the compass heading in milliseconds. _(Number)_ (Default: 100)
-- __filter__: The change in degrees required to initiate a watchHeading success callback. When this value is set, __frequency__ is ignored. _(Number)_
-### Example
-    function onSuccess(heading) {
-        var element = document.getElementById('heading');
-        element.innerHTML = 'Heading: ' + heading.magneticHeading;
-    };
-    function onError(compassError) {
-        alert('Compass error: ' + compassError.code);
-    };
-    var options = {
-        frequency: 3000
-    }; // Update every 3 seconds
-    var watchID = navigator.compass.watchHeading(onSuccess, onError, options);
-### Browser Quirks
-Values for current heading are randomly generated in order to simulate the compass.
-### iOS Quirks
-Only one `watchHeading` can be in effect at one time in iOS.  If a
-`watchHeading` uses a filter, calling `getCurrentHeading` or
-`watchHeading` uses the existing filter value to specify heading
-changes. Watching heading changes with a filter is more efficient than
-with time intervals.
-### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-- `filter` is not supported.
-### Android Quirks
-- No support for `filter`.
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- No support for `filter`.
-### Tizen Quirks
-- No support for `filter`.
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-- No support for `filter`.
-## navigator.compass.clearWatch
-Stop watching the compass referenced by the watch ID parameter.
-    navigator.compass.clearWatch(watchID);
-- __watchID__: The ID returned by `navigator.compass.watchHeading`.
-### Example
-    var watchID = navigator.compass.watchHeading(onSuccess, onError, options);
-    // ... later on ...
-    navigator.compass.clearWatch(watchID);
-## CompassHeading
-A `CompassHeading` object is returned to the `compassSuccess` callback function.
-### Properties
-- __magneticHeading__: The heading in degrees from 0-359.99 at a single moment in time. _(Number)_
-- __trueHeading__: The heading relative to the geographic North Pole in degrees 0-359.99 at a single moment in time. A negative value indicates that the true heading can't be determined.  _(Number)_
-- __headingAccuracy__: The deviation in degrees between the reported heading and the true heading. _(Number)_
-- __timestamp__: The time at which this heading was determined.  _(DOMTimeStamp)_
-### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-- `trueHeading` is not supported, but reports the same value as `magneticHeading`
-- `headingAccuracy` is always 0 because there is no difference between the `magneticHeading` and `trueHeading`
-### Android Quirks
-- The `trueHeading` property is not supported, but reports the same value as `magneticHeading`.
-- The `headingAccuracy` property is always 0 because there is no difference between the `magneticHeading` and `trueHeading`.
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- The `trueHeading` property is not supported, but reports the same value as `magneticHeading`.
-- The `headingAccuracy` property is always 0 because there is no difference between the `magneticHeading` and `trueHeading`.
-### iOS Quirks
-- The `trueHeading` property is only returned for location services enabled via `navigator.geolocation.watchLocation()`.
-- For iOS 4 devices and above, heading factors in the device's current orientation, and does not reference its absolute position, for apps that supports that orientation.
-## CompassError
-A `CompassError` object is returned to the `compassError` callback function when an error occurs.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
-### Constants
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deleted file mode 100644
index ac57d05..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-device/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-device
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-device
-This plugin defines a global `device` object, which describes the device's hardware and software.
-Although the object is in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(device.cordova);
-    }
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
-## Properties
-- device.cordova
-- device.model
-- device.platform
-- device.uuid
-- device.version
-- device.manufacturer
-- device.isVirtual
-- device.serial
-## device.cordova
-Get the version of Cordova running on the device.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-- OSX
-## device.model
-The `device.model` returns the name of the device's model or
-product. The value is set by the device manufacturer and may be
-different across versions of the same product.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-- OSX
-### Quick Example
-    // Android:    Nexus One       returns "Passion" (Nexus One code name)
-    //             Motorola Droid  returns "voles"
-    // BlackBerry: Torch 9800      returns "9800"
-    // Browser:    Google Chrome   returns "Chrome"
-    //             Safari          returns "Safari"
-    // iOS:     for the iPad Mini, returns iPad2,5; iPhone 5 is iPhone 5,1. See
-    // OSX:                        returns "x86_64"
-    // 
-    var model = device.model;
-### Android Quirks
-- Gets the [product name]( instead of the [model name](, which is often the production code name. For example, the Nexus One returns `Passion`, and Motorola Droid returns `voles`.
-### Tizen Quirks
-- Returns the device model assigned by the vendor, for example, `TIZEN`
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-- Returns the device model specified by the manufacturer. For example, the Samsung Focus returns `SGH-i917`.
-## device.platform
-Get the device's operating system name.
-    var string = device.platform;
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-- OSX
-### Quick Example
-    // Depending on the device, a few examples are:
-    //   - "Android"
-    //   - "BlackBerry 10"
-    //   - "browser"
-    //   - "iOS"
-    //   - "WinCE"
-    //   - "Tizen"
-    //   - "Mac OS X"
-    var devicePlatform = device.platform;
-### Windows Phone 7 Quirks
-Windows Phone 7 devices report the platform as `WinCE`.
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-Windows Phone 8 devices report the platform as `Win32NT`.
-## device.uuid
-Get the device's Universally Unique Identifier ([UUID](
-    var string = device.uuid;
-### Description
-The details of how a UUID is generated are determined by the device manufacturer and are specific to the device's platform or model.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-- OSX
-### Quick Example
-    // Android: Returns a random 64-bit integer (as a string, again!)
-    //          The integer is generated on the device's first boot
-    //
-    // BlackBerry: Returns the PIN number of the device
-    //             This is a nine-digit unique integer (as a string, though!)
-    //
-    // iPhone: (Paraphrased from the UIDevice Class documentation)
-    //         Returns the [UIDevice identifierForVendor] UUID which is unique and the same for all apps installed by the same vendor. However the UUID can be different if the user deletes all apps from the vendor and then reinstalls it.
-    // Windows Phone 7 : Returns a hash of device+current user,
-    // if the user is not defined, a guid is generated and will persist until the app is uninstalled
-    // Tizen: returns the device IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI is a number
-    // unique to every GSM and UMTS mobile phone.
-    var deviceID = device.uuid;
-### iOS Quirk
-The `uuid` on iOS uses the identifierForVendor property. It is unique to the device across the same vendor, but will be different for different vendors and will change if all apps from the vendor are deleted and then reinstalled.
-Refer [here]( for details.
-The UUID will be the same if app is restored from a backup or iCloud as it is saved in preferences. Users using older versions of this plugin will still receive the same previous UUID generated by another means as it will be retrieved from preferences.
-### OSX Quirk
-The `uuid` on OSX is generated automatically if it does not exist yet and is stored in the `standardUserDefaults` in the `CDVUUID` property. 
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-The `uuid` for Windows Phone 7 requires the permission
-`ID_CAP_IDENTITY_DEVICE`.  Microsoft will likely deprecate this
-property soon.  If the capability is not available, the application
-generates a persistent guid that is maintained for the duration of the
-application's installation on the device.
-## device.version
-Get the operating system version.
-    var string = device.version;
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android 2.1+
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-- OSX
-### Quick Example
-    // Android:    Froyo OS would return "2.2"
-    //             Eclair OS would return "2.1", "2.0.1", or "2.0"
-    //             Version can also return update level "2.1-update1"
-    //
-    // BlackBerry: Torch 9800 using OS 6.0 would return ""
-    //
-    // Browser:    Returns version number for the browser
-    //
-    // iPhone:     iOS 3.2 returns "3.2"
-    //
-    // Windows Phone 7: returns current OS version number, ex. on Mango returns 7.10.7720
-    // Windows 8: return the current OS version, ex on Windows 8.1 returns 6.3.9600.16384
-    // Tizen: returns "TIZEN_20120425_2"
-    // OSX:        El Capitan would return "10.11.2"
-    //
-    var deviceVersion = device.version;
-## device.manufacturer
-Get the device's manufacturer.
-    var string = device.manufacturer;
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android 
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-### Quick Example
-    // Android:    Motorola XT1032 would return "motorola"
-    // BlackBerry: returns "BlackBerry"
-    // iPhone:     returns "Apple"
-    //
-    var deviceManufacturer = device.manufacturer;
-## device.isVirtual
-whether the device is running on a simulator.
-    var isSim = device.isVirtual;
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android 2.1+
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- OSX 
-### OSX Quirk
-The `isVirtual` property on OS X always returns false.
-## device.serial
-Get the device hardware serial number ([SERIAL](
-    var string = device.serial;
-### Supported Platforms
-- Android
-- OSX
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9bb1d88..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-dialogs
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-dialogs
-This plugin provides access to some native dialog UI elements
-via a global `navigator.notification` object.
-Although the object is attached to the global scoped `navigator`, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.notification);
-    }
-Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs
-## Methods
-- `navigator.notification.alert`
-- `navigator.notification.confirm`
-- `navigator.notification.prompt`
-- `navigator.notification.beep`
-## navigator.notification.alert
-Shows a custom alert or dialog box.  Most Cordova implementations use a native
-dialog box for this feature, but some platforms use the browser's `alert`
-function, which is typically less customizable.
-    navigator.notification.alert(message, alertCallback, [title], [buttonName])
-- __message__: Dialog message. _(String)_
-- __alertCallback__: Callback to invoke when alert dialog is dismissed. _(Function)_
-- __title__: Dialog title. _(String)_ (Optional, defaults to `Alert`)
-- __buttonName__: Button name. _(String)_ (Optional, defaults to `OK`)
-### Example
-    function alertDismissed() {
-        // do something
-    }
-    navigator.notification.alert(
-        'You are the winner!',  // message
-        alertDismissed,         // callback
-        'Game Over',            // title
-        'Done'                  // buttonName
-    );
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-- There is no built-in browser alert, but you can bind one as follows to call `alert()` in the global scope:
-        window.alert = navigator.notification.alert;
-- Both `alert` and `confirm` are non-blocking calls, results of which are only available asynchronously.
-### Firefox OS Quirks:
-Both native-blocking `window.alert()` and non-blocking `navigator.notification.alert()` are available.
-### BlackBerry 10 Quirks
-`navigator.notification.alert('text', callback, 'title', 'text')` callback parameter is passed the number 1.
-## navigator.notification.confirm
-Displays a customizable confirmation dialog box.
-    navigator.notification.confirm(message, confirmCallback, [title], [buttonLabels])
-- __message__: Dialog message. _(String)_
-- __confirmCallback__: Callback to invoke with index of button pressed (1, 2, or 3) or when the dialog is dismissed without a button press (0). _(Function)_
-- __title__: Dialog title. _(String)_ (Optional, defaults to `Confirm`)
-- __buttonLabels__: Array of strings specifying button labels. _(Array)_  (Optional, defaults to [`OK,Cancel`])
-### confirmCallback
-The `confirmCallback` executes when the user presses one of the
-buttons in the confirmation dialog box.
-The callback takes the argument `buttonIndex` _(Number)_, which is the
-index of the pressed button. Note that the index uses one-based
-indexing, so the value is `1`, `2`, `3`, etc.
-### Example
-    function onConfirm(buttonIndex) {
-        alert('You selected button ' + buttonIndex);
-    }
-    navigator.notification.confirm(
-        'You are the winner!', // message
-         onConfirm,            // callback to invoke with index of button pressed
-        'Game Over',           // title
-        ['Restart','Exit']     // buttonLabels
-    );
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-- There is no built-in browser function for `window.confirm`, but you can bind it by assigning:
-        window.confirm = navigator.notification.confirm;
-- Calls to `alert` and `confirm` are non-blocking, so the result is only available asynchronously.
-### Windows Quirks
-- On Windows8/8.1 it is not possible to add more than three buttons to MessageDialog instance.
-- On Windows Phone 8.1 it's not possible to show dialog with more than two buttons.
-### Firefox OS Quirks:
-Both native-blocking `window.confirm()` and non-blocking `navigator.notification.confirm()` are available.
-## navigator.notification.prompt
-Displays a native dialog box that is more customizable than the browser's `prompt` function.
-    navigator.notification.prompt(message, promptCallback, [title], [buttonLabels], [defaultText])
-- __message__: Dialog message. _(String)_
-- __promptCallback__: Callback to invoke with index of button pressed (1, 2, or 3) or when the dialog is dismissed without a button press (0). _(Function)_
-- __title__: Dialog title _(String)_ (Optional, defaults to `Prompt`)
-- __buttonLabels__: Array of strings specifying button labels _(Array)_ (Optional, defaults to `["OK","Cancel"]`)
-- __defaultText__: Default textbox input value (`String`) (Optional, Default: empty string)
-### promptCallback
-The `promptCallback` executes when the user presses one of the buttons
-in the prompt dialog box. The `results` object passed to the callback
-contains the following properties:
-- __buttonIndex__: The index of the pressed button. _(Number)_ Note that the index uses one-based indexing, so the value is `1`, `2`, `3`, etc.
-- __input1__: The text entered in the prompt dialog box. _(String)_
-### Example
-    function onPrompt(results) {
-        alert("You selected button number " + results.buttonIndex + " and entered " + results.input1);
-    }
-    navigator.notification.prompt(
-        'Please enter your name',  // message
-        onPrompt,                  // callback to invoke
-        'Registration',            // title
-        ['Ok','Exit'],             // buttonLabels
-        'Jane Doe'                 // defaultText
-    );
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-- Windows
-### Android Quirks
-- Android supports a maximum of three buttons, and ignores any more than that.
-- On Android 3.0 and later, buttons are displayed in reverse order for devices that use the Holo theme.
-### Windows Quirks
-- On Windows prompt dialog is html-based due to lack of such native api.
-### Firefox OS Quirks:
-Both native-blocking `window.prompt()` and non-blocking `navigator.notification.prompt()` are available.
-## navigator.notification.beep
-The device plays a beep sound.
-    navigator.notification.beep(times);
-- __times__: The number of times to repeat the beep. _(Number)_
-### Example
-    // Beep twice!
-    navigator.notification.beep(2);
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows 8
-### Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-- Amazon Fire OS plays the default __Notification Sound__ specified under the __Settings/Display & Sound__ panel.
-### Android Quirks
-- Android plays the default __Notification ringtone__ specified under the __Settings/Sound & Display__ panel.
-### Windows Phone 7 and 8 Quirks
-- Relies on a generic beep file from the Cordova distribution.
-### Tizen Quirks
-- Tizen implements beeps by playing an audio file via the media API.
-- The beep file must be short, must be located in a `sounds` subdirectory of the application's root directory, and must be named `beep.wav`.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c7c61f..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-file-transfer
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-file-transfer
-This plugin allows you to upload and download files.
-This plugin defines global `FileTransfer`, `FileUploadOptions` constructors. Although in the global scope, they are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(FileTransfer);
-    }
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Browser
-- Firefox OS**
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8*
-- Windows
-\* _Do not support `onprogress` nor `abort()`_
-\** _Do not support `onprogress`_
-# FileTransfer
-The `FileTransfer` object provides a way to upload files using an HTTP
-multi-part POST or PUT request, and to download files.
-## Properties
-- __onprogress__: Called with a `ProgressEvent` whenever a new chunk of data is transferred. _(Function)_
-## Methods
-- __upload__: Sends a file to a server.
-- __download__: Downloads a file from server.
-- __abort__: Aborts an in-progress transfer.
-## upload
-- __fileURL__: Filesystem URL representing the file on the device or a [data URI]( For backwards compatibility, this can also be the full path of the file on the device. (See [Backwards Compatibility Notes](#backwards-compatibility-notes) below)
-- __server__: URL of the server to receive the file, as encoded by `encodeURI()`.
-- __successCallback__: A callback that is passed a `FileUploadResult` object. _(Function)_
-- __errorCallback__: A callback that executes if an error occurs retrieving the `FileUploadResult`. Invoked with a `FileTransferError` object. _(Function)_
-- __options__: Optional parameters _(Object)_. Valid keys:
-  - __fileKey__: The name of the form element.  Defaults to `file`. (DOMString)
-  - __fileName__: The file name to use when saving the file on the server.  Defaults to `image.jpg`. (DOMString)
-  - __httpMethod__: The HTTP method to use - either `PUT` or `POST`. Defaults to `POST`. (DOMString)
-  - __mimeType__: The mime type of the data to upload.  Defaults to `image/jpeg`. (DOMString)
-  - __params__: A set of optional key/value pairs to pass in the HTTP request. (Object, key/value - DOMString)
-  - __chunkedMode__: Whether to upload the data in chunked streaming mode. Defaults to `true`. (Boolean)
-  - __headers__: A map of header name/header values. Use an array to specify more than one value.  On iOS, FireOS, and Android, if a header named Content-Type is present, multipart form data will NOT be used. (Object)
-- __trustAllHosts__: Optional parameter, defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, it accepts all security certificates. This is useful since Android rejects self-signed security certificates. Not recommended for production use. Supported on Android and iOS. _(boolean)_
-### Example
-    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a text file on the device,
-    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file.txt
-    var win = function (r) {
-        console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
-        console.log("Response = " + r.response);
-        console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
-    }
-    var fail = function (error) {
-        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
-        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
-        console.log("upload error target " +;
-    }
-    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
-    options.fileKey = "file";
-    options.fileName = fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
-    options.mimeType = "text/plain";
-    var params = {};
-    params.value1 = "test";
-    params.value2 = "param";
-    options.params = params;
-    var ft = new FileTransfer();
-    ft.upload(fileURL, encodeURI(""), win, fail, options);
-### Example with Upload Headers and Progress Events (Android and iOS only)
-    function win(r) {
-        console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
-        console.log("Response = " + r.response);
-        console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
-    }
-    function fail(error) {
-        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
-        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
-        console.log("upload error target " +;
-    }
-    var uri = encodeURI("");
-    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
-    options.fileKey="file";
-    options.fileName=fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
-    options.mimeType="text/plain";
-    var headers={'headerParam':'headerValue'};
-    options.headers = headers;
-    var ft = new FileTransfer();
-    ft.onprogress = function(progressEvent) {
-        if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
-          loadingStatus.setPercentage(progressEvent.loaded /;
-        } else {
-          loadingStatus.increment();
-        }
-    };
-    ft.upload(fileURL, uri, win, fail, options);
-## FileUploadResult
-A `FileUploadResult` object is passed to the success callback of the
-`FileTransfer` object's `upload()` method.
-### Properties
-- __bytesSent__: The number of bytes sent to the server as part of the upload. (long)
-- __responseCode__: The HTTP response code returned by the server. (long)
-- __response__: The HTTP response returned by the server. (DOMString)
-- __headers__: The HTTP response headers by the server. (Object)
-  - Currently supported on iOS only.
-### iOS Quirks
-- Does not support `responseCode` or `bytesSent`.
-### Browser Quirks
-- __withCredentials__: _boolean_ that tells the browser to set the withCredentials flag on the XMLHttpRequest
-## download
-- __source__: URL of the server to download the file, as encoded by `encodeURI()`.
-- __target__: Filesystem url representing the file on the device. For backwards compatibility, this can also be the full path of the file on the device. (See [Backwards Compatibility Notes](#backwards-compatibility-notes) below)
-- __successCallback__: A callback that is passed  a `FileEntry` object. _(Function)_
-- __errorCallback__: A callback that executes if an error occurs when retrieving the `FileEntry`. Invoked with a `FileTransferError` object. _(Function)_
-- __trustAllHosts__: Optional parameter, defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, it accepts all security certificates. This is useful because Android rejects self-signed security certificates. Not recommended for production use. Supported on Android and iOS. _(boolean)_
-- __options__: Optional parameters, currently only supports headers (such as Authorization (Basic Authentication), etc).
-### Example
-    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a path on the device,
-    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/downloads/
-    var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
-    var uri = encodeURI("");
-        uri,
-        fileURL,
-        function(entry) {
-            console.log("download complete: " + entry.toURL());
-        },
-        function(error) {
-            console.log("download error source " + error.source);
-            console.log("download error target " +;
-            console.log("upload error code" + error.code);
-        },
-        false,
-        {
-            headers: {
-                "Authorization": "Basic dGVzdHVzZXJuYW1lOnRlc3RwYXNzd29yZA=="
-            }
-        }
-    );
-### WP8 Quirks
-- Download requests is being cached by native implementation. To avoid caching, pass `if-Modified-Since` header to download method.
-### Browser Quirks
-- __withCredentials__: _boolean_ that tells the browser to set the withCredentials flag on the XMLHttpRequest
-## abort
-Aborts an in-progress transfer. The onerror callback is passed a FileTransferError object which has an error code of `FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR`.
-### Example
-    // !! Assumes variable fileURL contains a valid URL to a text file on the device,
-    //    for example, cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file.txt
-    var win = function(r) {
-        console.log("Should not be called.");
-    }
-    var fail = function(error) {
-        // error.code == FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR
-        alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
-        console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
-        console.log("upload error target " +;
-    }
-    var options = new FileUploadOptions();
-    options.fileKey="file";
-    options.fileName="myphoto.jpg";
-    options.mimeType="image/jpeg";
-    var ft = new FileTransfer();
-    ft.upload(fileURL, encodeURI(""), win, fail, options);
-    ft.abort();
-## FileTransferError
-A `FileTransferError` object is passed to an error callback when an error occurs.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below. (Number)
-- __source__: URL to the source. (String)
-- __target__: URL to the target. (String)
-- __http_status__: HTTP status code.  This attribute is only available when a response code is received from the HTTP connection. (Number)
-- __body__ Response body. This attribute is only available when a response is received from the HTTP connection. (String)
-- __exception__: Either e.getMessage or e.toString (String)
-### Constants
-- 1 = `FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR`
-- 2 = `FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR`
-- 3 = `FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR`
-- 4 = `FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR`
-- 5 = `FileTransferError.NOT_MODIFIED_ERR`
-## Windows Quirks
-- The plugin implementation is based on [BackgroundDownloader]([BackgroundUploader](, which entails the latency issues on Windows devices (creation/starting of an operation can take up to a few seconds). You can use XHR or [HttpClient]( as a quicker alternative for small downloads.
-## Backwards Compatibility Notes
-Previous versions of this plugin would only accept device-absolute-file-paths as the source for uploads, or as the target for downloads. These paths would typically be of the form:
-    /var/mobile/Applications/<application UUID>/Documents/path/to/file  (iOS)
-    /storage/emulated/0/path/to/file                                    (Android)
-For backwards compatibility, these paths are still accepted, and if your application has recorded paths like these in persistent storage, then they can continue to be used.
-These paths were previously exposed in the `fullPath` property of `FileEntry` and `DirectoryEntry` objects returned by the File plugin. New versions of the File plugin however, no longer expose these paths to JavaScript.
-If you are upgrading to a new (1.0.0 or newer) version of File, and you have previously been using `entry.fullPath` as arguments to `download()` or `upload()`, then you will need to change your code to use filesystem URLs instead.
-`FileEntry.toURL()` and `DirectoryEntry.toURL()` return a filesystem URL of the form:
-    cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file
-which can be used in place of the absolute file path in both `download()` and `upload()` methods.

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diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad78498..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-file/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-file
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-file
-This plugin implements a File API allowing read/write access to files residing on the device.
-This plugin is based on several specs, including :
-The HTML5 File API
-The (now-defunct) Directories and System extensions
-Although most of the plugin code was written when an earlier spec was current:
-It also implements the FileWriter spec :
-For usage, please refer to HTML5 Rocks' excellent [FileSystem article.](
-For an overview of other storage options, refer to Cordova's
-[storage guide](
-This plugin defines global `cordova.file` object.
-Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(cordova.file);
-    }
-Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- OS X
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8*
-- Windows 8*
-- Windows*
-- Browser
-\* _These platforms do not support `FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer` nor `FileWriter.write(blob)`._
-## Where to Store Files
-As of v1.2.0, URLs to important file-system directories are provided.
-Each URL is in the form _file:///path/to/spot/_, and can be converted to a
-`DirectoryEntry` using `window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL()`.
-* `cordova.file.applicationDirectory` - Read-only directory where the application
-  is installed. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory` - Root directory of the application's
-  sandbox; on iOS & windows this location is read-only (but specific subdirectories [like
-  `/Documents` on iOS or `/localState` on windows] are read-write). All data contained within
-  is private to the app. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_)
-* `cordova.file.dataDirectory` - Persistent and private data storage within the
-  application's sandbox using internal memory (on Android, if you need to use
-  external memory, use `.externalDataDirectory`). On iOS, this directory is not
-  synced with iCloud (use `.syncedDataDirectory`). (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.cacheDirectory` -  Directory for cached data files or any files
-  that your app can re-create easily. The OS may delete these files when the device
-  runs low on storage, nevertheless, apps should not rely on the OS to delete files
-  in here. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.externalApplicationStorageDirectory` - Application space on
-  external storage. (_Android_)
-* `cordova.file.externalDataDirectory` - Where to put app-specific data files on
-  external storage. (_Android_)
-* `cordova.file.externalCacheDirectory` - Application cache on external storage.
-  (_Android_)
-* `cordova.file.externalRootDirectory` - External storage (SD card) root. (_Android_, _BlackBerry 10_)
-* `cordova.file.tempDirectory` - Temp directory that the OS can clear at will. Do not
-  rely on the OS to clear this directory; your app should always remove files as
-  applicable. (_iOS_, _OSX_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.syncedDataDirectory` - Holds app-specific files that should be synced
-  (e.g. to iCloud). (_iOS_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.documentsDirectory` - Files private to the app, but that are meaningful
-  to other application (e.g. Office files). Note that for _OSX_ this is the user's `~/Documents` directory. (_iOS_, _OSX_)
-* `cordova.file.sharedDirectory` - Files globally available to all applications (_BlackBerry 10_)
-## File System Layouts
-Although technically an implementation detail, it can be very useful to know how
-the `cordova.file.*` properties map to physical paths on a real device.
-### iOS File System Layout
-| Device Path                                    | `cordova.file.*`            | `iosExtraFileSystems` | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | sync | private |
-| `/var/mobile/Applications/<UUID>/`             | applicationStorageDirectory | -                     | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;``               | applicationDirectory        | bundle                | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`www/`     | -                           | -                     | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Documents/`                 | documentsDirectory          | documents             | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`NoCloud/` | -                           | documents-nosync      | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | No   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Library`                    | -                           | library               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes? |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`NoCloud/` | dataDirectory               | library-nosync        | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | No   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Cloud/`   | syncedDataDirectory         | -                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Caches/`  | cacheDirectory              | cache                 | r/w  |     Yes*    |  Yes\*\*\*| No   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`tmp/`                       | tempDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |     No\*\*  |  Yes\*\*\*| No   |   Yes   |
-  \* Files persist across app restarts and upgrades, but this directory can
-     be cleared whenever the OS desires. Your app should be able to recreate any
-     content that might be deleted.
-\*\* Files may persist across app restarts, but do not rely on this behavior. Files
-     are not guaranteed to persist across updates. Your app should remove files from
-     this directory when it is applicable, as the OS does not guarantee when (or even
-     if) these files are removed.
-\*\*\* The OS may clear the contents of this directory whenever it feels it is
-     necessary, but do not rely on this. You should clear this directory as
-     appropriate for your application.
-### Android File System Layout
-| Device Path                                     | `cordova.file.*`            | `AndroidExtraFileSystems` | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
-| `file:///android_asset/`                        | applicationDirectory        |                           | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| `/data/data/<app-id>/`                          | applicationStorageDirectory | -                         | r/w  |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`cache`                       | cacheDirectory              | cache                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files`                       | dataDirectory               | files                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Documents` |                             | documents                 | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-| `<sdcard>/`                                     | externalRootDirectory       | sdcard                    | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Android/data/<app-id>/`      | externalApplicationStorageDirectory | -                 | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`cache`     | externalCacheDirectry       | cache-external            | r/w  |     Yes     |     No\*\*|   No    |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files`     | externalDataDirectory       | files-external            | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-\* The OS may periodically clear this directory, but do not rely on this behavior. Clear
-   the contents of this directory as appropriate for your application. Should a user
-   purge the cache manually, the contents of this directory are removed.
-\*\* The OS does not clear this directory automatically; you are responsible for managing
-     the contents yourself. Should the user purge the cache manually, the contents of the
-     directory are removed.
-**Note**: If external storage can't be mounted, the `cordova.file.external*`
-properties are `null`.
-### BlackBerry 10 File System Layout
-| Device Path                                                  | `cordova.file.*`            | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
-| `file:///accounts/1000/appdata/<app id>/`                    | applicationStorageDirectory | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`app/native`                               | applicationDirectory        | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`data/webviews/webfs/temporary/local__0`   | cacheDirectory              | r/w  |     No      |     Yes   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`data/webviews/webfs/persistent/local__0`  | dataDirectory               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-| `file:///accounts/1000/removable/sdcard`                     | externalRemovableDirectory  | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-| `file:///accounts/1000/shared`                               | sharedDirectory             | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-*Note*: When application is deployed to work perimeter, all paths are relative to /accounts/1000-enterprise.
-### OS X File System Layout
-| Device Path                                      | `cordova.file.*`            | `iosExtraFileSystems` | r/w? |  OS clears | private |
-| `/Applications/<appname>.app/`                   | -                           | bundle                | r    |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Content/Resources/`     | applicationDirectory        | -                     | r    |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| `~/Library/Application Support/<bundle-id>/`     | applicationStorageDirectory | -                     | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files/`                 | dataDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
-| `~/Documents/`                                   | documentsDirectory          | documents             | r/w  |     No    |    No   |
-| `~/Library/Caches/<bundle-id>/`                  | cacheDirectory              | cache                 | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
-| `/tmp/`                                          | tempDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |    Yes\*  |   Yes   |
-| `/`                                              | rootDirectory               | root                  | r/w  |    No\*\* |    No   |
-**Note**: This is the layout for non sandboxed applications. I you enable sandboxing, the `applicationStorageDirectory` will be below ` ~/Library/Containers/<bundle-id>/Data/Library/Application Support`.
-\* Files persist across app restarts and upgrades, but this directory can
-     be cleared whenever the OS desires. Your app should be able to recreate any
-     content that might be deleted. You should clear this directory as
-     appropriate for your application.
-\*\* Allows access to the entire file system. This is only available for non sandboxed apps.
-### Windows File System Layout
-| Device Path                                           | `cordova.file.*`            | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
-| `ms-appdata:///`                                      | applicationDirectory        | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`local/`                            | dataDirectory               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`temp/`                             | cacheDirectory              | r/w  |     No      |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`temp/`                             | tempDirectory               | r/w  |     No      |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`roaming/`                          | syncedDataDirectory         | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-\* The OS may periodically clear this directory
-## Android Quirks
-### Android Persistent storage location
-There are multiple valid locations to store persistent files on an Android
-device. See [this page](
-for an extensive discussion of the various possibilities.
-Previous versions of the plugin would choose the location of the temporary and
-persistent files on startup, based on whether the device claimed that the SD
-Card (or equivalent storage partition) was mounted. If the SD Card was mounted,
-or if a large internal storage partition was available (such as on Nexus
-devices,) then the persistent files would be stored in the root of that space.
-This meant that all Cordova apps could see all of the files available on the
-If the SD card was not available, then previous versions would store data under
-`/data/data/<packageId>`, which isolates apps from each other, but may still
-cause data to be shared between users.
-It is now possible to choose whether to store files in the internal file
-storage location, or using the previous logic, with a preference in your
-application's `config.xml` file. To do this, add one of these two lines to
-    <preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Internal" />
-    <preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />
-Without this line, the File plugin will use `Internal` as the default. If
-a preference tag is present, and is not one of these values, the application
-will not start.
-If your application has previously been shipped to users, using an older (pre-
-3.0.0) version of this plugin, and has stored files in the persistent filesystem,
-then you should set the preference to `Compatibility` if your config.xml does not specify a location for the persistent filesystem. Switching the location to
-"Internal" would mean that existing users who upgrade their application may be
-unable to access their previously-stored files, depending on their device.
-If your application is new, or has never previously stored files in the
-persistent filesystem, then the `Internal` setting is generally recommended.
-### Slow recursive operations for /android_asset
-Listing asset directories is really slow on Android. You can speed it up though, by
-adding `src/android/build-extras.gradle` to the root of your android project (also
-requires cordova-android@4.0.0 or greater).
-## iOS Quirks
-- `cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory` is read-only; attempting to store
-  files within the root directory will fail. Use one of the other `cordova.file.*`
-  properties defined for iOS (only `applicationDirectory` and `applicationStorageDirectory` are
-  read-only).
-- `FileReader.readAsText(blob, encoding)`
-  - The `encoding` parameter is not supported, and UTF-8 encoding is always in effect.
-### iOS Persistent storage location
-There are two valid locations to store persistent files on an iOS device: the
-Documents directory and the Library directory. Previous versions of the plugin
-only ever stored persistent files in the Documents directory. This had the
-side-effect of making all of an application's files visible in iTunes, which
-was often unintended, especially for applications which handle lots of small
-files, rather than producing complete documents for export, which is the
-intended purpose of the directory.
-It is now possible to choose whether to store files in the documents or library
-directory, with a preference in your application's `config.xml` file. To do this,
-add one of these two lines to `config.xml`:
-    <preference name="iosPersistentFileLocation" value="Library" />
-    <preference name="iosPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />
-Without this line, the File plugin will use `Compatibility` as the default. If
-a preference tag is present, and is not one of these values, the application
-will not start.
-If your application has previously been shipped to users, using an older (pre-
-1.0) version of this plugin, and has stored files in the persistent filesystem,
-then you should set the preference to `Compatibility`. Switching the location to
-`Library` would mean that existing users who upgrade their application would be
-unable to access their previously-stored files.
-If your application is new, or has never previously stored files in the
-persistent filesystem, then the `Library` setting is generally recommended.
-## Firefox OS Quirks
-The File System API is not natively supported by Firefox OS and is implemented
-as a shim on top of indexedDB.
-* Does not fail when removing non-empty directories
-* Does not support metadata for directories
-* Methods `copyTo` and `moveTo` do not support directories
-The following data paths are supported:
-* `applicationDirectory` - Uses `xhr` to get local files that are packaged with the app.
-* `dataDirectory` - For persistent app-specific data files.
-* `cacheDirectory` - Cached files that should survive app restarts (Apps should not rely
-on the OS to delete files in here).
-## Browser Quirks
-### Common quirks and remarks
-- Each browser uses its own sandboxed filesystem. IE and Firefox use IndexedDB as a base.
-All browsers use forward slash as directory separator in a path.
-- Directory entries have to be created successively.
-For example, the call `fs.root.getDirectory('dir1/dir2', {create:true}, successCallback, errorCallback)`
-will fail if dir1 did not exist.
-- The plugin requests user permission to use persistent storage at the application first start.
-- Plugin supports `cdvfile://localhost` (local resources) only. I.e. external resources are not supported via `cdvfile`.
-- The plugin does not follow ["File System API 8.3 Naming restrictions"](
-- Blob and File' `close` function is not supported.
-- `FileSaver` and `BlobBuilder` are not supported by this plugin and don't have stubs.
-- The plugin does not support `requestAllFileSystems`. This function is also missing in the specifications.
-- Entries in directory will not be removed if you use `create: true` flag for existing directory.
-- Files created via constructor are not supported. You should use entry.file method instead.
-- Each browser uses its own form for blob URL references.
-- `readAsDataURL` function is supported, but the mediatype in Chrome depends on entry name extension,
-mediatype in IE is always empty (which is the same as `text-plain` according the specification),
-the mediatype in Firefox is always `application/octet-stream`.
-For example, if the content is `abcdefg` then Firefox returns `data:application/octet-stream;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`,
-IE returns `data:;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`, Chrome returns `data:<mediatype depending on extension of entry name>;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`.
-- `toInternalURL` returns the path in the form `file:///persistent/path/to/entry` (Firefox, IE).
-Chrome returns the path in the form `cdvfile://localhost/persistent/file`.
-### Chrome quirks
-- Chrome filesystem is not immediately ready after device ready event. As a workaround you can subscribe to `filePluginIsReady` event.
-window.addEventListener('filePluginIsReady', function(){ console.log('File plugin is ready');}, false);
-You can use `window.isFilePluginReadyRaised` function to check whether event was already raised.
-- window.requestFileSystem TEMPORARY and PERSISTENT filesystem quotas are not limited in Chrome.
-- To increase persistent storage in Chrome you need to call `window.initPersistentFileSystem` method. Persistent storage quota is 5 MB by default.
-- Chrome requires `--allow-file-access-from-files` run argument to support API via `file:///` protocol.
-- `File` object will be not changed if you use flag `{create:true}` when getting an existing `Entry`.
-- events `cancelable` property is set to true in Chrome. This is contrary to the [specification](
-- `toURL` function in Chrome returns `filesystem:`-prefixed path depending on application host.
-For example, `filesystem:file:///persistent/somefile.txt`, `filesystem:http://localhost:8080/persistent/somefile.txt`.
-- `toURL` function result does not contain trailing slash in case of directory entry.
-Chrome resolves directories with slash-trailed urls correctly though.
-- `resolveLocalFileSystemURL` method requires the inbound `url` to have `filesystem` prefix. For example, `url` parameter for `resolveLocalFileSystemURL`
-should be in the form `filesystem:file:///persistent/somefile.txt` as opposed to the form `file:///persistent/somefile.txt` in Android.
-- Deprecated `toNativeURL` function is not supported and does not have a stub.
-- `setMetadata` function is not stated in the specifications and not supported.
-- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of SYNTAX_ERR(code: 8) on requesting of a non-existant filesystem.
-- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of PATH_EXISTS_ERR(code: 12) on trying to exclusively create a file or directory, which already exists.
-- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of  NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR(code: 6) on trying to call removeRecursively on the root file system.
-- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of NOT_FOUND_ERR(code: 1) on trying to moveTo directory that does not exist.
-### IndexedDB-based impl quirks (Firefox and IE)
-- `.` and `..` are not supported.
-- IE does not support `file:///`-mode; only hosted mode is supported (http://localhost:xxxx).
-- Firefox filesystem size is not limited but each 50MB extension will request a user permission.
-IE10 allows up to 10mb of combined AppCache and IndexedDB used in implementation of filesystem without prompting,
-once you hit that level you will be asked if you want to allow it to be increased up to a max of 250mb per site.
-So `size` parameter for `requestFileSystem` function does not affect filesystem in Firefox and IE.
-- `readAsBinaryString` function is not stated in the Specs and not supported in IE and does not have a stub.
-- `file.type` is always null.
-- You should not create entry using DirectoryEntry instance callback result which was deleted.
-Otherwise, you will get a 'hanging entry'.
-- Before you can read a file, which was just written you need to get a new instance of this file.
-- `setMetadata` function, which is not stated in the Specs supports `modificationTime` field change only.
-- `copyTo` and `moveTo` functions do not support directories.
-- Directories metadata is not supported.
-- Both Entry.remove and directoryEntry.removeRecursively don't fail when removing
-non-empty directories - directories being removed are cleaned along with contents instead.
-- `abort` and `truncate` functions are not supported.
-- progress events are not fired. For example, this handler will be not executed:
-writer.onprogress = function() { /*commands*/ };
-## Upgrading Notes
-In v1.0.0 of this plugin, the `FileEntry` and `DirectoryEntry` structures have changed,
-to be more in line with the published specification.
-Previous (pre-1.0.0) versions of the plugin stored the device-absolute-file-location
-in the `fullPath` property of `Entry` objects. These paths would typically look like
-    /var/mobile/Applications/<application UUID>/Documents/path/to/file  (iOS)
-    /storage/emulated/0/path/to/file                                    (Android)
-These paths were also returned by the `toURL()` method of the `Entry` objects.
-With v1.0.0, the `fullPath` attribute is the path to the file, _relative to the root of
-the HTML filesystem_. So, the above paths would now both be represented by a `FileEntry`
-object with a `fullPath` of
-    /path/to/file
-If your application works with device-absolute-paths, and you previously retrieved those
-paths through the `fullPath` property of `Entry` objects, then you should update your code
-to use `entry.toURL()` instead.
-For backwards compatibility, the `resolveLocalFileSystemURL()` method will accept a
-device-absolute-path, and will return an `Entry` object corresponding to it, as long as that
-file exists within either the `TEMPORARY` or `PERSISTENT` filesystems.
-This has particularly been an issue with the File-Transfer plugin, which previously used
-device-absolute-paths (and can still accept them). It has been updated to work correctly
-with FileSystem URLs, so replacing `entry.fullPath` with `entry.toURL()` should resolve any
-issues getting that plugin to work with files on the device.
-In v1.1.0 the return value of `toURL()` was changed (see [CB-6394](
-to return an absolute 'file://' URL. wherever possible. To ensure a 'cdvfile:'-URL you can use `toInternalURL()` now.
-This method will now return filesystem URLs of the form
-    cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file
-which can be used to identify the file uniquely.
-## cdvfile protocol
-`cdvfile://localhost/persistent|temporary|another-fs-root*/path/to/file` can be used for platform-independent file paths.
-cdvfile paths are supported by core plugins - for example you can download an mp3 file to cdvfile-path via `cordova-plugin-file-transfer` and play it via `cordova-plugin-media`.
-__*Note__: See [Where to Store Files](#where-to-store-files), [File System Layouts](#file-system-layouts) and [Configuring the Plugin](#configuring-the-plugin-optional) for more details about available fs roots.
-To use `cdvfile` as a tag' `src` you can convert it to native path via `toURL()` method of the resolved fileEntry, which you can get via `resolveLocalFileSystemURL` - see examples below.
-You can also use `cdvfile://` paths directly in the DOM, for example:
-<img src="cdvfile://localhost/persistent/img/logo.png" />
-__Note__: This method requires following Content Security rules updates:
-* Add `cdvfile:` scheme to `Content-Security-Policy` meta tag of the index page, e.g.:
-  - `<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: `**cdvfile:**` 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">`
-* Add `<access origin="cdvfile://*" />` to `config.xml`.
-**Converting cdvfile:// to native path**
-resolveLocalFileSystemURL('cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp4', function(entry) {
-    var nativePath = entry.toURL();
-    console.log('Native URI: ' + nativePath);
-    document.getElementById('video').src = nativePath;
-**Converting native path to cdvfile://**
-resolveLocalFileSystemURL(nativePath, function(entry) {
-    console.log('cdvfile URI: ' + entry.toInternalURL());
-**Using cdvfile in core plugins**
-```javascript, 'cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp3', function (entry) { ...
-var my_media = new Media('cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp3', ...);;
-#### cdvfile quirks
-- Using `cdvfile://` paths in the DOM is not supported on Windows platform (a path can be converted to native instead).
-## List of Error Codes and Meanings
-When an error is thrown, one of the following codes will be used.
-| Code | Constant                      |
-|    1 | `NOT_FOUND_ERR`               |
-|    2 | `SECURITY_ERR`                |
-|    3 | `ABORT_ERR`                   |
-|    4 | `NOT_READABLE_ERR`            |
-|    5 | `ENCODING_ERR`                |
-|    7 | `INVALID_STATE_ERR`           |
-|    8 | `SYNTAX_ERR`                  |
-|   10 | `QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR`          |
-|   11 | `TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR`           |
-|   12 | `PATH_EXISTS_ERR`             |
-## Configuring the Plugin (Optional)
-The set of available filesystems can be configured per-platform. Both iOS and
-Android recognize a <preference> tag in `config.xml` which names the
-filesystems to be installed. By default, all file-system roots are enabled.
-    <preference name="iosExtraFilesystems" value="library,library-nosync,documents,documents-nosync,cache,bundle,root" />
-    <preference name="AndroidExtraFilesystems" value="files,files-external,documents,sdcard,cache,cache-external,root" />
-### Android
-* `files`: The application's internal file storage directory
-* `files-external`: The application's external file storage directory
-* `sdcard`: The global external file storage directory (this is the root of the SD card, if one is installed). You must have the `android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE` permission to use this.
-* `cache`: The application's internal cache directory
-* `cache-external`: The application's external cache directory
-* `root`: The entire device filesystem
-Android also supports a special filesystem named "documents", which represents a "/Documents/" subdirectory within the "files" filesystem.
-### iOS
-* `library`: The application's Library directory
-* `documents`: The application's Documents directory
-* `cache`: The application's Cache directory
-* `bundle`: The application's bundle; the location of the app itself on disk (read-only)
-* `root`: The entire device filesystem
-By default, the library and documents directories can be synced to iCloud. You can also request two additional filesystems, `library-nosync` and `documents-nosync`, which represent a special non-synced directory within the `/Library` or `/Documents` filesystem.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8fbdb4..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-geolocation
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-geolocation
-This plugin provides information about the device's location, such as
-latitude and longitude. Common sources of location information include
-Global Positioning System (GPS) and location inferred from network
-signals such as IP address, RFID, WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses,
-and GSM/CDMA cell IDs. There is no guarantee that the API returns the
-device's actual location.
-This API is based on the
-[W3C Geolocation API Specification](,
-and only executes on devices that don't already provide an implementation.
-__WARNING__: Collection and use of geolocation data
-raises important privacy issues.  Your app's privacy policy should
-discuss how the app uses geolocation data, whether it is shared with
-any other parties, and the level of precision of the data (for
-example, coarse, fine, ZIP code level, etc.).  Geolocation data is
-generally considered sensitive because it can reveal user's
-whereabouts and, if stored, the history of their travels.
-Therefore, in addition to the app's privacy policy, you should
-strongly consider providing a just-in-time notice before the app
-accesses geolocation data (if the device operating system doesn't do
-so already).  That notice should provide the same information noted
-above, as well as obtaining the user's permission (e.g., by presenting
-choices for __OK__ and __No Thanks__).  For more information, please
-see the [Privacy Guide](
-This plugin defines a global `navigator.geolocation` object (for platforms
-where it is otherwise missing).
-Although the object is in the global scope, features provided by this plugin
-are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log("navigator.geolocation works well");
-    }
-## Installation
-This requires cordova 5.0+ ( current stable 1.0.0 )
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
-Older versions of cordova can still install via the deprecated id ( stale 0.3.12 )
-    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
-It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
-    cordova plugin add
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-## Methods
-- navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition
-- navigator.geolocation.watchPosition
-- navigator.geolocation.clearWatch
-## Objects (Read-Only)
-- Position
-- PositionError
-- Coordinates
-## navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition
-Returns the device's current position to the `geolocationSuccess`
-callback with a `Position` object as the parameter.  If there is an
-error, the `geolocationError` callback is passed a
-`PositionError` object.
-    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geolocationSuccess,
-                                             [geolocationError],
-                                             [geolocationOptions]);
-### Parameters
-- __geolocationSuccess__: The callback that is passed the current position.
-- __geolocationError__: _(Optional)_ The callback that executes if an error occurs.
-- __geolocationOptions__: _(Optional)_ The geolocation options.
-### Example
-    // onSuccess Callback
-    // This method accepts a Position object, which contains the
-    // current GPS coordinates
-    //
-    var onSuccess = function(position) {
-        alert('Latitude: '          + position.coords.latitude          + '\n' +
-              'Longitude: '         + position.coords.longitude         + '\n' +
-              'Altitude: '          + position.coords.altitude          + '\n' +
-              'Accuracy: '          + position.coords.accuracy          + '\n' +
-              'Altitude Accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy  + '\n' +
-              'Heading: '           + position.coords.heading           + '\n' +
-              'Speed: '             + position.coords.speed             + '\n' +
-              'Timestamp: '         + position.timestamp                + '\n');
-    };
-    // onError Callback receives a PositionError object
-    //
-    function onError(error) {
-        alert('code: '    + error.code    + '\n' +
-              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
-    }
-    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);
-### Android Quirks
-If Geolocation service is turned off the `onError` callback is invoked after `timeout` interval (if specified).
-If `timeout` parameter is not specified then no callback is called.
-## navigator.geolocation.watchPosition
-Returns the device's current position when a change in position is detected.
-When the device retrieves a new location, the `geolocationSuccess`
-callback executes with a `Position` object as the parameter.  If
-there is an error, the `geolocationError` callback executes with a
-`PositionError` object as the parameter.
-    var watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(geolocationSuccess,
-                                                      [geolocationError],
-                                                      [geolocationOptions]);
-### Parameters
-- __geolocationSuccess__: The callback that is passed the current position.
-- __geolocationError__: (Optional) The callback that executes if an error occurs.
-- __geolocationOptions__: (Optional) The geolocation options.
-### Returns
-- __String__: returns a watch id that references the watch position interval. The watch id should be used with `navigator.geolocation.clearWatch` to stop watching for changes in position.
-### Example
-    // onSuccess Callback
-    //   This method accepts a `Position` object, which contains
-    //   the current GPS coordinates
-    //
-    function onSuccess(position) {
-        var element = document.getElementById('geolocation');
-        element.innerHTML = 'Latitude: '  + position.coords.latitude      + '<br />' +
-                            'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude     + '<br />' +
-                            '<hr />'      + element.innerHTML;
-    }
-    // onError Callback receives a PositionError object
-    //
-    function onError(error) {
-        alert('code: '    + error.code    + '\n' +
-              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
-    }
-    // Options: throw an error if no update is received every 30 seconds.
-    //
-    var watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onSuccess, onError, { timeout: 30000 });
-## geolocationOptions
-Optional parameters to customize the retrieval of the geolocation
-    { maximumAge: 3000, timeout: 5000, enableHighAccuracy: true };
-### Options
-- __enableHighAccuracy__: Provides a hint that the application needs the best possible results. By default, the device attempts to retrieve a `Position` using network-based methods. Setting this property to `true` tells the framework to use more accurate methods, such as satellite positioning. _(Boolean)_
-- __timeout__: The maximum length of time (milliseconds) that is allowed to pass from the call to `navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition` or `geolocation.watchPosition` until the corresponding `geolocationSuccess` callback executes. If the `geolocationSuccess` callback is not invoked within this time, the `geolocationError` callback is passed a `PositionError.TIMEOUT` error code. (Note that when used in conjunction with `geolocation.watchPosition`, the `geolocationError` callback could be called on an interval every `timeout` milliseconds!) _(Number)_
-- __maximumAge__: Accept a cached position whose age is no greater than the specified time in milliseconds. _(Number)_
-### Android Quirks
-If Geolocation service is turned off the `onError` callback is invoked after `timeout` interval (if specified).
-If `timeout` parameter is not specified then no callback is called.
-## navigator.geolocation.clearWatch
-Stop watching for changes to the device's location referenced by the
-`watchID` parameter.
-    navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchID);
-### Parameters
-- __watchID__: The id of the `watchPosition` interval to clear. (String)
-### Example
-    // Options: watch for changes in position, and use the most
-    // accurate position acquisition method available.
-    //
-    var watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onSuccess, onError, { enableHighAccuracy: true });
-    // ...later on...
-    navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchID);
-## Position
-Contains `Position` coordinates and timestamp, created by the geolocation API.
-### Properties
-- __coords__: A set of geographic coordinates. _(Coordinates)_
-- __timestamp__: Creation timestamp for `coords`. _(DOMTimeStamp)_
-## Coordinates
-A `Coordinates` object is attached to a `Position` object that is
-available to callback functions in requests for the current position.
-It contains a set of properties that describe the geographic coordinates of a position.
-### Properties
-* __latitude__: Latitude in decimal degrees. _(Number)_
-* __longitude__: Longitude in decimal degrees. _(Number)_
-* __altitude__: Height of the position in meters above the ellipsoid. _(Number)_
-* __accuracy__: Accuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters. _(Number)_
-* __altitudeAccuracy__: Accuracy level of the altitude coordinate in meters. _(Number)_
-* __heading__: Direction of travel, specified in degrees counting clockwise relative to the true north. _(Number)_
-* __speed__: Current ground speed of the device, specified in meters per second. _(Number)_
-###  Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-__altitudeAccuracy__: Not supported by Android devices, returning `null`.
-### Android Quirks
-__altitudeAccuracy__: Not supported by Android devices, returning `null`.
-## PositionError
-The `PositionError` object is passed to the `geolocationError`
-callback function when an error occurs with navigator.geolocation.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
-- __message__: Error message describing the details of the error encountered.
-### Constants
-- `PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED`
-  - Returned when users do not allow the app to retrieve position information. This is dependent on the platform.
-  - Returned when the device is unable to retrieve a position. In general, this means the device is not connected to a network or can't get a satellite fix.
-- `PositionError.TIMEOUT`
-  - Returned when the device is unable to retrieve a position within the time specified by the `timeout` included in `geolocationOptions`. When used with `navigator.geolocation.watchPosition`, this error could be repeatedly passed to the `geolocationError` callback every `timeout` milliseconds.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1500cf8..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,941 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-globalization
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-globalization
-This plugin obtains information and performs operations specific to the user's
-locale, language, and timezone. Note the difference between locale and language:
-locale controls how numbers, dates, and times are displayed for a region, while
-language determines what language text appears as, independently of locale settings.
-Often developers use locale to set both settings, but there is no reason a user
-couldn't set her language to "English" but locale to "French", so that text is
-displayed in English but dates, times, etc., are displayed as they are in France.
-Unfortunately, most mobile platforms currently do not make a distinction between
-these settings.
-This plugin defines global `navigator.globalization` object.
-Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.globalization);
-    }
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization
-## Objects
-- GlobalizationError
-## Methods
-- navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage
-- navigator.globalization.getLocaleName
-- navigator.globalization.dateToString
-- navigator.globalization.stringToDate
-- navigator.globalization.getDatePattern
-- navigator.globalization.getDateNames
-- navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime
-- navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek
-- navigator.globalization.numberToString
-- navigator.globalization.stringToNumber
-- navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern
-- navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern
-## navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage
-Get the BCP 47 language tag for the client's current language.
-    navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-Returns the BCP-47 compliant language identifier tag to the `successCallback`
-with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
-property with a `String` value.
-If there is an error getting the language, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en-US` language, this should display a
-popup dialog with the text `language: en-US`:
-    navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(
-        function (language) {alert('language: ' + language.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting language\n');}
-    );
-### Android Quirks
-- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code, upper case ISO 3166-1
-country code and variant separated by hyphens. Examples: "en", "en-US", "US"
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
-of the regional variant corresponding to the "Language" setting, separated by
-a hyphen.
-- Note that the regional variant is a property of the "Language" setting and
-not determined by the unrelated "Country/Region" setting on Windows Phone.
-### Windows Quirks
-- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
-of the regional variant corresponding to the "Language" setting, separated by
-a hyphen.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Falls back on getLocaleName
-## navigator.globalization.getLocaleName
-Returns the BCP 47 compliant tag for the client's current locale setting.
-    navigator.globalization.getLocaleName(successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-Returns the BCP 47 compliant locale identifier string to the `successCallback`
-with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
-property with a `String` value. The locale tag will consist of a two-letter lower
-case language code, two-letter upper case country code, and (unspecified) variant
-code, separated by a hyphen.
-If there is an error getting the locale, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en-US` locale, this displays a popup
-dialog with the text `locale: en-US`.
-    navigator.globalization.getLocaleName(
-        function (locale) {alert('locale: ' + locale.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting locale\n');}
-    );
-### Android Quirks
-- Java does not distinguish between a set "langauge" and set "locale," so this
-method is essentially the same as `navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage()`.
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
-of the regional variant corresponding to the "Regional Format" setting, separated
-by a hyphen.
-### Windows Quirks
-- Locale setting can be changed in Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region
--> Region -> Formats -> Format,
-and in Settings -> Region -> Regional Format on Windows Phone 8.1.
-### Browser Quirks
-- IE returns the locale of operating system. Chrome and Firefox return browser language tag.
-## navigator.globalization.dateToString
-Returns a date formatted as a string according to the client's locale and timezone.
-    navigator.globalization.dateToString(date, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the formatted date `String` via a `value` property accessible
-from the object passed as a parameter to the `successCallback`.
-The inbound `date` parameter should be of type `Date`.
-If there is an error formatting the date, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
-    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
-The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or `full`.
-The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and time`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-If the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a popup
-dialog with text similar to `date: 9/25/2012 4:21PM` using the default
-    navigator.globalization.dateToString(
-        new Date(),
-        function (date) { alert('date: ' + date.value + '\n'); },
-        function () { alert('Error getting dateString\n'); },
-        { formatLength: 'short', selector: 'date and time' }
-    );
-### Android Quirks
-- `formatLength` options are a subset of Unicode
-  [UTS #35]( The default option
-  `short` depends on a user selected date format within
-  `Settings -> System -> Date & time -> Choose date format`,
-  which provide a `year` pattern only with 4 digits, not 2 digits.
-  This means that it is not completely aligned with
-  [ICU](
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
-- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
-- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
-- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-- `time` selector supports `full` and `short` formatLength only.
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- `formatLength` is not distinguishing `long` and `full`
-- only one method of displaying date (no `long` or `full` version)
-## navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern
-Returns a pattern string to format and parse currency values according
-to the client's user preferences and ISO 4217 currency code.
-     navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern(currencyCode, successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-Returns the pattern to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
-as a parameter. That object should contain the following properties:
-- __pattern__: The currency pattern to format and parse currency values.  The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
-- __code__: The ISO 4217 currency code for the pattern. _(String)_
-- __fraction__: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting currency. _(Number)_
-- __rounding__: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting. _(Number)_
-- __decimal__: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-- __grouping__: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-The inbound `currencyCode` parameter should be a `String` of one of
-the ISO 4217 currency codes, for example 'USD'.
-If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale and the selected
-currency is United States Dollars, this example displays a popup
-dialog with text similar to the results that follow:
-    navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern(
-        'USD',
-        function (pattern) {
-            alert('pattern: '  + pattern.pattern  + '\n' +
-                  'code: '     + pattern.code     + '\n' +
-                  'fraction: ' + pattern.fraction + '\n' +
-                  'rounding: ' + pattern.rounding + '\n' +
-                  'decimal: '  + pattern.decimal  + '\n' +
-                  'grouping: ' + pattern.grouping);
-        },
-        function () { alert('Error getting pattern\n'); }
-    );
-Expected result:
-    pattern: $#,##0.##;($#,##0.##)
-    code: USD
-    fraction: 2
-    rounding: 0
-    decimal: .
-    grouping: ,
-### Windows Quirks
-- Only 'code' and 'fraction' properties are supported
-## navigator.globalization.getDateNames
-Returns an array of the names of the months or days of the week,
-depending on the client's user preferences and calendar.
-    navigator.globalization.getDateNames(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the array of names to the `successCallback` with a
-`properties` object as a parameter. That object contains a `value`
-property with an `Array` of `String` values. The array features names
-starting from either the first month in the year or the first day of
-the week, depending on the option selected.
-If there is an error obtaining the names, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
-    {type:'wide', item:'months'}
-The value of `options.type` can be `narrow` or `wide`.
-The value of `options.item` can be `months` or `days`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this example displays
-a series of twelve popup dialogs, one per month, with text similar to
-`month: January`:
-    navigator.globalization.getDateNames(
-        function (names) {
-            for (var i = 0; i < names.value.length; i++) {
-                alert('month: ' + names.value[i] + '\n');
-            }
-        },
-        function () { alert('Error getting names\n'); },
-        { type: 'wide', item: 'months' }
-    );
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- `options.type` supports a `genitive` value, important for some languages.
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The array of months contains 13 elements.
-- The returned array may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The array of months contains 12 elements.
-- The returned array may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Date names are not completely aligned with ICU.
-- The array of months contains 12 elements.
-## navigator.globalization.getDatePattern
-Returns a pattern string to format and parse dates according to the
-client's user preferences.
-    navigator.globalization.getDatePattern(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the pattern to the `successCallback`. The object passed in as
-a parameter contains the following properties:
-- __pattern__: The date and time pattern to format and parse dates. The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
-- __timezone__: The abbreviated name of the time zone on the client. _(String)_
-- __utc_offset__: The current difference in seconds between the client's time zone and coordinated universal time. _(Number)_
-- __dst_offset__: The current daylight saving time offset in seconds between the client's non-daylight saving's time zone and the client's daylight saving's time zone. _(Number)_
-If there is an error obtaining the pattern, the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following values:
-    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
-The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or
-`full`.  The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this example displays
-a popup dialog with text such as `pattern: M/d/yyyy h:mm a`:
-    function checkDatePattern() {
-        navigator.globalization.getDatePattern(
-            function (date) { alert('pattern: ' + date.pattern + '\n'); },
-            function () { alert('Error getting pattern\n'); },
-            { formatLength: 'short', selector: 'date and time' }
-        );
-    }
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The `formatLength` supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The `pattern` for `date and time` pattern returns only full datetime format.
-- The `timezone` returns the full time zone name.
-- The `dst_offset` property is not supported, and always returns zero.
-- The pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The `formatLength` supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The `pattern` for `date and time` pattern returns only full datetime format.
-- The `timezone` returns the full time zone name.
-- The `dst_offset` property is not supported, and always returns zero.
-- The pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- The 'pattern' property is not supported and returns empty string.
-- Only Chrome returns 'timezone' property. Its format is "Part of the world/{City}".
-Other browsers return empty string.
-## navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek
-Returns the first day of the week according to the client's user
-preferences and calendar.
-    navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek(successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-The days of the week are numbered starting from 1, where 1 is assumed
-to be Sunday.  Returns the day to the `successCallback` with a
-`properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
-property with a `Number` value.
-If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a
-popup dialog with text similar to `day: 1`.
-    navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek(
-        function (day) {alert('day: ' + day.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting day\n');}
-    );
-###	Windows Quirks
-- On Windows 8.0/8.1 the value depends on user' calendar preferences. On Windows Phone 8.1
-the value depends on current locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
-## navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern
-Returns a pattern string to format and parse numbers according to the client's user preferences.
-    navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the pattern to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
-as a parameter. That object contains the following properties:
-- __pattern__: The number pattern to format and parse numbers.  The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
-- __symbol__: The symbol to use when formatting and parsing, such as a percent or currency symbol. _(String)_
-- __fraction__: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting numbers. _(Number)_
-- __rounding__: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting. _(Number)_
-- __positive__: The symbol to use for positive numbers when parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-- __negative__: The symbol to use for negative numbers when parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-- __decimal__: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-- __grouping__: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and default values are:
-    {type:'decimal'}
-The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this should display a
-popup dialog with text similar to the results that follow:
-    navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern(
-        function (pattern) {alert('pattern: '  + pattern.pattern  + '\n' +
-                                  'symbol: '   + pattern.symbol   + '\n' +
-                                  'fraction: ' + pattern.fraction + '\n' +
-                                  'rounding: ' + pattern.rounding + '\n' +
-                                  'positive: ' + pattern.positive + '\n' +
-                                  'negative: ' + pattern.negative + '\n' +
-                                  'decimal: '  + pattern.decimal  + '\n' +
-                                  'grouping: ' + pattern.grouping);},
-        function () {alert('Error getting pattern\n');},
-        {type:'decimal'}
-    );
-    pattern: #,##0.###
-    symbol: .
-    fraction: 0
-    rounding: 0
-    positive:
-    negative: -
-    decimal: .
-    grouping: ,
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The `pattern` property is not supported, and returns an empty string.
-- The `fraction` property is not supported, and returns zero.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The `pattern` property is not supported, and returns an empty string.
-### Browser Quirks
-- getNumberPattern is supported in Chrome only; the only defined property is `pattern`.
-## navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime
-Indicates whether daylight savings time is in effect for a given date
-using the client's time zone and calendar.
-    navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(date, successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-Indicates whether or not daylight savings time is in effect to the
-`successCallback` with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object
-should have a `dst` property with a `Boolean` value. A `true` value
-indicates that daylight savings time is in effect for the given date,
-and `false` indicates that it is not.
-The inbound parameter `date` should be of type `Date`.
-If there is an error reading the date, then the `errorCallback`
-executes. The error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-During the summer, and if the browser is set to a DST-enabled
-timezone, this should display a popup dialog with text similar to
-`dst: true`:
-    navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(
-        new Date(),
-        function (date) {alert('dst: ' + date.dst + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting names\n');}
-    );
-## navigator.globalization.numberToString
-Returns a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences.
-    navigator.globalization.numberToString(number, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the formatted number string to the `successCallback` with a
-`properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
-property with a `String` value.
-If there is an error formatting the number, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
-    {type:'decimal'}
-The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a popup
-dialog with text similar to `number: 3.142`:
-    navigator.globalization.numberToString(
-        3.1415926,
-        function (number) {alert('number: ' + number.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting number\n');},
-        {type:'decimal'}
-    );
-### Windows Quirks
-- Windows 8.0 does not support number rounding, therefore values will not be rounded automatically.
-- On Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 fractional part is being truncated instead of rounded in case of `percent` number type therefore fractional digits count is set to 0.
-- `percent` numbers are not grouped as they can't be parsed in stringToNumber if grouped.
-### Browser Quirks
-- `currency` type is not supported.
-## navigator.globalization.stringToDate
-Parses a date formatted as a string, according to the client's user
-preferences and calendar using the time zone of the client, and
-returns the corresponding date object.
-    navigator.globalization.stringToDate(dateString, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the date to the success callback with a `properties` object as
-a parameter. That object should have the following properties:
-- __year__: The four digit year. _(Number)_
-- __month__: The month from (0-11). _(Number)_
-- __day__: The day from (1-31). _(Number)_
-- __hour__: The hour from (0-23). _(Number)_
-- __minute__: The minute from (0-59). _(Number)_
-- __second__: The second from (0-59). _(Number)_
-- __millisecond__: The milliseconds (from 0-999), not available on all platforms. _(Number)_
-The inbound `dateString` parameter should be of type `String`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following
-    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
-The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or
-`full`.  The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and
-If there is an error parsing the date string, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a
-popup dialog with text similar to `month:8 day:25 year:2012`. Note
-that the month integer is one less than the string, as the month
-integer represents an array index.
-    navigator.globalization.stringToDate(
-        '9/25/2012',
-        function (date) {alert('month:' + date.month +
-                               ' day:'  +   +
-                               ' year:' + date.year  + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting date\n');},
-        {selector: 'date'}
-    );
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
-- The inbound `dateString` parameter should be formed in compliance with a pattern returned by getDatePattern.
-This pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
-- The inbound `dateString` parameter should be formed in compliance with a pattern returned by getDatePattern.
-This pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
-- Inbound string should be aligned with `dateToString` output format and may not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-- `time` selector supports `full` and `short` formatLength only.
-## navigator.globalization.stringToNumber
-Parses a number formatted as a string according to the client's user
-preferences and returns the corresponding number.
-    navigator.globalization.stringToNumber(string, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the number to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
-as a parameter. That object should have a `value` property with a
-`Number` value.
-If there is an error parsing the number string, then the
-`errorCallback` executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a
-parameter. The error's expected code is
-The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following
-    {type:'decimal'}
-The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this should display a
-popup dialog with text similar to `number: 1234.56`:
-    navigator.globalization.stringToNumber(
-        '1234.56',
-        function (number) {alert('number: ' + number.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting number\n');},
-        {type:'decimal'}
-    );
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- In case of `percent` type the returned value is not divided by 100.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The string must strictly conform to the locale format. For example, percent symbol should be
-separated by space for 'en-US' locale if the type parameter is 'percent'.
-- `percent` numbers must not be grouped to be parsed correctly.
-## GlobalizationError
-An object representing a error from the Globalization API.
-### Properties
-- __code__:  One of the following codes representing the error type _(Number)_
-  - `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`: 0
-  - `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`: 1
-  - `GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR`: 2
-  - `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`: 3
-- __message__:  A text message that includes the error's explanation and/or details. _(String)_
-### Description
-This object is created and populated by Cordova, and returned to a callback in the case of an error.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-When the following error callback executes, it displays a
-popup dialog with the text similar to `code: 3` and `message:`
-    function errorCallback(error) {
-        alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +
-              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
-    };

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[15/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.

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Snapshotting dev to 6.x.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: e37518654a5e22047f0741c3fc975cafc23b536b
Parents: de82117
Author: Dmitry Blotsky <>
Authored: Fri Mar 18 16:33:59 2016 -0700
Committer: Dmitry Blotsky <>
Committed: Sat Mar 19 01:59:25 2016 -0700

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-- {name: "Reisef\xFChrer", url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: "\xDCbersicht", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: "Plattformunterst\xFCtzung", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Die Befehlszeilenschnittstelle', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plattform-Guides', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugins verwalten mithilfe Plugman', url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Die Datei config.xml', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Symbole und Splash-Screens', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: "Einbetten von Webansichten f\xFCr", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin-Entwicklung-Guide', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin-Spezifikation', url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Datenschutz-Guide', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Sicherheitshandbuch', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plattformen und Plugins Versionsmanagement', url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Whitelist-Guide', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: "Die n\xE4chsten Schritte", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/next/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Veranstaltungen', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin APIs', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
diff --git a/www/_data/toc/en-6-x-manual.yml b/www/_data/toc/en-6-x-manual.yml
index 8574e97..5d437bc 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/en-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/en-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
         -   name: "Events"
             url: "cordova/events/events.html"
         -   name: "CLI"
-            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+            url: "reference/cordova-cli/index.html"
         -   name: "Hooks"
             url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
         -   name: "Plugin.xml"
@@ -91,47 +91,47 @@
         -   name: "Plugin APIs"
                 -   name: Battery Status
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
                 -   name: Camera
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
                 -   name: Console
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
                 -   name: Contacts
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
                 -   name: Device
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
                 -   name: Device Motion
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
                 -   name: Device Orientation
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
                 -   name: Dialogs
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
                 -   name: File
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
                 -   name: File Transfer
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
                 -   name: Geolocation
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
                 -   name: Globalization
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
                 -   name: Inappbrowser
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
                 -   name: Media
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
                 -   name: Media Capture
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
                 -   name: Network Information
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
                 -   name: Splashscreen
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
                 -   name: Vibration
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
                 -   name: Statusbar
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
                 -   name: Whitelist
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
                 -   name: Legacy Whitelist
-                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+                    url: "reference/cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
 # -   name: "Tutorials"
 #     children:
 #         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
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index 04f9b28..8574e97 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/es-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/es-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,18 +1,140 @@
-- {name: "Gu\xEDas", url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Resumen', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Soporte de plataformas', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'La interfaz de linea de comandos', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: "Gu\xEDas de plataformas", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Utilizando Plugman para administrar Plugins', url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'El archivo config.xml', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Incrustar WebViews', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: "Gu\xEDa de desarrollo de plugin", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: "Especificaci\xf3n de plugin", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: "Gu\xEDa de privacidad", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: "Gu\xEDa de seguridad", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: "Plataformas y gesti\xF3n de versiones de Plugins", url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "Gu\xEDa de lista blanca", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: "Almacenamiento de informaci\xF3n", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/storage/storage.html'}
-- {name: "Ganchos de gu\xEDa", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/hooks/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Eventos', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin APIs', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
diff --git a/www/_data/toc/fr-6-x-manual.yml b/www/_data/toc/fr-6-x-manual.yml
index 429b26d..8574e97 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/fr-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/fr-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,140 @@
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guides', url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plateforme de Support', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guides de la plate-forme', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Le fichier config.xml', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Icones et Splash Screen', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: "Guide de d\xE9veloppement de plugin", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: "Sp\xE9cification des plugins", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: "Guide de la vie priv\xE9e", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: "Guide de s\xE9curit\xE9", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plates-formes et gestion de Plugins Version', url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guide de la liste blanche', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Stockage', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/storage/storage.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guide de crochets', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/hooks/index.html'}
-- {name: "Prochaines \xE9tapes", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/next/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin API', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
diff --git a/www/_data/toc/it-6-x-manual.yml b/www/_data/toc/it-6-x-manual.yml
index 6c98851..8574e97 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/it-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/it-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,140 @@
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guide', url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Panoramica', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Supporto di piattaforma', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'L&apos;interfaccia della riga di comando', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Piattaforma guide', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'L&apos;utilizzo di Plugman per gestire i plugin', url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Il File config. Xml', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Icone e Splash screen', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Incorporamento visualizzazioni Web', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guida allo sviluppo di plugin', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin Specification', url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guida sulla privacy', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guida alla sicurezza', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Piattaforme e gestione plugin versione', url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guida di whitelist', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Guida di ganci', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/hooks/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Prossimi passi', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/next/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Eventi', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin API', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
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index 8193b5c..8574e97 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/ja-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/ja-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,25 +1,140 @@
-- {name: "\u30AC\u30A4\u30C9", url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: "\u6982\u8981", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30D7\u30E9\u30C3\u30C8\u30D5\u30A9\u30FC\u30E0\u306E\u30B5\u30DD\u30FC\
-    \u30C8", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30B3\u30DE\u30F3\u30C9 \u30E9\u30A4\u30F3 \u30A4\u30F3\u30BF\u30FC\u30D5\
-    \u30A7\u30A4\u30B9", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30D7\u30E9\u30C3\u30C8\u30D5\u30A9\u30FC\u30E0\u306E\u30AC\u30A4\u30C9",
-  url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: "Plugman \u3092\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u3066\u30D7\u30E9\u30B0\u30A4\u30F3\u3092\
-    \u7BA1\u7406\u3059\u308B\u306B\u306F", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: "Config.xml \u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30EB", url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30A2\u30A4\u30B3\u30F3\u3068\u30B9\u30D7\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u753B\
-    \u9762", url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: "\u57CB\u3081\u8FBC\u307F web \u8868\u793A", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30D7\u30E9\u30B0\u30A4\u30F3\u958B\u767A\u30AC\u30A4\u30C9", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30D7\u30E9\u30B0\u30A4\u30F3\u4ED5\u69D8", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: "\u30D7\u30E9\u30A4\u30D0\u30B7\u30FC \u30AC\u30A4\u30C9", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30BB\u30AD\u30E5\u30EA\u30C6\u30A3 \u30AC\u30A4\u30C9", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30D7\u30E9\u30C3\u30C8\u30D5\u30A9\u30FC\u30E0\u3068\u30D7\u30E9\u30B0\
-    \u30A4\u30F3\u306E\u30D0\u30FC\u30B8\u30E7\u30F3\u7BA1\u7406", url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30DB\u30EF\u30A4\u30C8 \u30EA\u30B9\u30C8 \u30AC\u30A4\u30C9", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30B8", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/storage/storage.html'}
-- {name: "\u6B21\u306E\u30B9\u30C6\u30C3\u30D7", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/next/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u30A4\u30D9\u30F3\u30C8", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: "\u30D7\u30E9\u30B0\u30A4\u30F3 Api", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
diff --git a/www/_data/toc/ko-6-x-manual.yml b/www/_data/toc/ko-6-x-manual.yml
index 10165b7..8574e97 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/ko-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/ko-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,21 +1,140 @@
-- {name: "\uAC00\uC774\uB4DC", url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: "\uAC1C\uC694", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uD50C\uB7AB\uD3FC \uC9C0\uC6D0", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uBA85\uB839\uC904 \uC778\uD130\uD398\uC774\uC2A4", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uD50C\uB7AB\uD3FC \uAC00\uC774\uB4DC", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: "Plugman\uB97C \uC0AC\uC6A9 \uD558 \uC5EC \uD50C\uB7EC\uADF8\uC778\uC744\
-    \ \uAD00\uB9AC \uD558", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: "Config.xml \uD30C\uC77C", url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uC544\uC774\uCF58 \uBC0F \uC2DC\uC791 \uD654\uBA74", url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: "WebViews \uD3EC\uD568", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uD50C\uB7EC\uADF8\uC778 \uAC1C\uBC1C \uAC00\uC774\uB4DC", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uD50C\uB7EC\uADF8\uC778 \uBA85\uC138", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: "\uBCF4\uC548 \uAC00\uC774\uB4DC", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uD50C\uB7AB\uD3FC \uBC0F \uD50C\uB7EC\uADF8\uC778 \uBC84\uC804 \uAD00\uB9AC",
-  url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uD654\uC774\uD2B8 \uB9AC\uC2A4\uD2B8 \uAC00\uC774\uB4DC", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uC2A4\uD1A0\uB9AC\uC9C0", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/storage/storage.html'}
-- {name: "\uD6C4\uD06C \uAC00\uC774\uB4DC", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/hooks/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uB2E4\uC74C \uB2E8\uACC4", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/next/index.html'}
-- {name: "\uC774\uBCA4\uD2B8", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: "\uD50C\uB7EC\uADF8\uC778 Api", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
diff --git a/www/_data/toc/pl-6-x-manual.yml b/www/_data/toc/pl-6-x-manual.yml
index 04b476a..8574e97 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/pl-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/pl-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,17 +1,140 @@
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Przewodniki', url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: "Przegl\u0105d", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: "Interfejs wiersza polece\u0144", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: "Platforma przewodnik\xF3w", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: "Za pomoc\u0105 Plugman do zarz\u0105dzania wtyczki", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plik config.xml', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Ikony i ekrany powitalne w aplikacjach', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Osadzanie WebViews', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin rozwoju Przewodnik', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Specyfikacja plugin', url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: "Prywatno\u015Bci Przewodnik", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: "Przewodnik bezpiecze\u0144stwa", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: "Platform i Zarz\u0105dzanie wersjami plugin\xF3w", url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Magazyn', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/storage/storage.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Kolejne kroki', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/next/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Wydarzenia', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin API', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
diff --git a/www/_data/toc/ru-6-x-manual.yml b/www/_data/toc/ru-6-x-manual.yml
index 60d018a..8574e97 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/ru-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/ru-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,41 +1,140 @@
-- {name: "\u0418\u043D\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0443\u043A\u0446\u0438\u0438", url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: "\u0412\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u041F\u043E\u0434\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043C\
-    \u044B\u0435 \u041F\u043B\u0430\u0442\u0444\u043E\u0440\u043C\u044B", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0418\u043D\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0444\u0435\u0439\u0441 \u043A\u043E\u043C\
-    \u0430\u043D\u0434\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u043A\u0438", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0420\u0443\u043A\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u043F\
-    \u043E \u043F\u043E\u0434\u0434\u0435\u0440\u0436\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043C\
-    \u044B\u043C \u043F\u043B\u0430\u0442\u0444\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043C", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0418\u0441\u043F\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0437\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0438\
-    \u0435 Plugman \u0434\u043B\u044F \u0443\u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043B\u0435\u043D\
-    \u0438\u044F \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0448\u0438\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F\u043C\
-    \u0438", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: "\u0424\u0430\u0439\u043B config.xml", url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0418\u043A\u043E\u043D\u043A\u0438 \u0438 \u0437\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\
-    \u0432\u043A\u0438", url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: "\u0418\u043D\u0442\u0435\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044F WebViews",
-  url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0420\u0443\u043A\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u043F\
-    \u043E \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043E\u0442\u043A\u0435 \u043F\u043B\
-    \u0430\u0433\u0438\u043D\u043E\u0432", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0421\u043F\u0435\u0446\u0438\u0444\u0438\u043A\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044F \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0448\u0438\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0439", url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: "\u0420\u0443\u043A\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u043F\
-    \u043E \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0444\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043B\
-    \u044C\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0420\u0443\u043A\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u043F\
-    \u043E \u0431\u0435\u0437\u043E\u043F\u0430\u0441\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438",
-  url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/security/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0423\u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043B\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u0432\u0435\
-    \u0440\u0441\u0438\u044F\u043C\u0438 \u043F\u043B\u0430\u0442\u0444\u043E\u0440\
-    \u043C \u0438 \u043F\u043B\u0430\u0433\u0438\u043D\u043E\u0432", url: !!python/unicode 'platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0418\u043D\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0443\u043A\u0446\u0438\u044F \u043F\u043E\
-    \ \u0434\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0443\u043F\u0443 \u043A \u0432\u043D\u0435\u0448\u043D\
-    \u0438\u043C \u0440\u0435\u0441\u0443\u0440\u0441\u0430\u043C", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0425\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0438\u043B\u0438\u0449\u0435", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/storage/storage.html'}
-- {name: "\u0420\u0443\u043A\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u043F\
-    \u043E \u0445\u0443\u043A\u0430\u043C", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/hooks/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u0448\
-    \u0430\u0433\u0438", url: !!python/unicode 'guide/next/index.html'}
-- {name: "\u0421\u043E\u0431\u044B\u0442\u0438\u044F", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: "API \u043F\u043B\u0430\u0433\u0438\u043D\u043E\u0432", url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:
diff --git a/www/_data/toc/sl-6-x-manual.yml b/www/_data/toc/sl-6-x-manual.yml
index 56a2b0d..8574e97 100644
--- a/www/_data/toc/sl-6-x-manual.yml
+++ b/www/_data/toc/sl-6-x-manual.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,140 @@
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Vodila', url: !!python/unicode ''}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Pregled', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/overview/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Platforma podporo', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/support/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Vmesnik ukazne vrstice', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/cli/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Platforma vodniki', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/platforms/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Uporaba Plugman za upravljanje Plugins', url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/plugman.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Config.xml datoteke', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Ikone in brizg zaslon', url: !!python/unicode 'config_ref/images.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Vdelava spletni pogledi', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin razvoj vodnik', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin specifikacija', url: !!python/unicode 'plugin_ref/spec.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Vodnik o zasebnosti', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/privacy/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Seznam dovoljenih vodnik', url: !!python/unicode 'guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Shranjevanje', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/storage/storage.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Dogodki', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/events/events.html'}
-- {name: !!python/unicode 'Plugin API', url: !!python/unicode 'cordova/plugins/pluginapis.html'}
+-   name: "Introduction"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Overview"
+            url: "guide/overview/index.html"
+#        -   name: "Runtime Architecture"
+#            url:
+#        -   name: "Tooling Architecture"
+#            url:
+-   name: "Create apps"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create your first app"
+            url: "guide/cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Platform support"
+            url: "guide/support/index.html"
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/index.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/home.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/index.html"
+                -   name: "OS X"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/osx/index.html"
+                -   name: "Ubuntu"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ubuntu/index.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/index.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/home.html"
+        -   name: "Manage versions and platforms"
+            url: "platform_plugin_versioning_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Customize icons"
+            url: "config_ref/images.html"
+        -   name: "Automate Tasks"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Store data"
+            url: "cordova/storage/storage.html"
+        -   name: "Manage privacy"
+            url: "guide/appdev/privacy/index.html"
+        -   name: "Manage security"
+            url: "guide/appdev/security/index.html"
+        -   name: "Whitelisting"
+            url: "guide/appdev/whitelist/index.html"
+        -   name: "Publish"
+            url:
+-   name: "Create plugins"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Create a plugin"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/plugins/index.html"
+        -   name: "Register with NPM"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Develop for platforms"
+            children:
+                -   name: "Android"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/android/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Blackberry 10"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/blackberry10/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "iOS"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/ios/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "Windows"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/win8/plugin.html"
+                -   name: "WP8"
+                    url: "guide/platforms/wp8/plugin.html"
+        -   name: "Use Plugman"
+            url: "plugin_ref/plugman.html"
+        -   name: "Debug and test"
+            url:
+-   name: "Advanced Topics"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Embed Cordova in native apps"
+            url: "guide/hybrid/webviews/index.html"
+        -   name: "Pass data from Cordova app to host"
+            url:
+        -   name: "Next Steps"
+            url: "guide/next/index.html"
+-   name: "Reference"
+    children:
+        -   name: "Config.xml"
+            url: "config_ref/index.html"
+        -   name: "Events"
+            url: "cordova/events/events.html"
+        -   name: "CLI"
+            url: "cordova-cli/index.html"
+        -   name: "Hooks"
+            url: "guide/appdev/hooks/index.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin.xml"
+            url: "plugin_ref/spec.html"
+        -   name: "Plugin APIs"
+            children:
+                -   name: Battery Status
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-battery-status/index.html"
+                -   name: Camera
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-camera/index.html"
+                -   name: Console
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-console/index.html"
+                -   name: Contacts
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-contacts/index.html"
+                -   name: Device
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Motion
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-motion/index.html"
+                -   name: Device Orientation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-device-orientation/index.html"
+                -   name: Dialogs
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-dialogs/index.html"
+                -   name: File
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file/index.html"
+                -   name: File Transfer
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-file-transfer/index.html"
+                -   name: Geolocation
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html"
+                -   name: Globalization
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html"
+                -   name: Inappbrowser
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/index.html"
+                -   name: Media
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media/index.html"
+                -   name: Media Capture
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-media-capture/index.html"
+                -   name: Network Information
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-network-information/index.html"
+                -   name: Splashscreen
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-splashscreen/index.html"
+                -   name: Vibration
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-vibration/index.html"
+                -   name: Statusbar
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-statusbar/index.html"
+                -   name: Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-whitelist/index.html"
+                -   name: Legacy Whitelist
+                    url: "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist/index.html"
+# -   name: "Tutorials"
+#     children:
+#         -   name: "Share your app in source control"
+#             url:
+-   name: "Sample Apps"
+    url:

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