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Posted to by Lance Snell <> on 2021/01/26 17:48:43 UTC

Nested documents (parent,child,grandchild), multi-select facets

 Hey all,

I am having trouble finding current examples of multi-select faceting for
nested documents.  Specifically ones with *multiple *levels of nested

Any help/direction would be appreciated.Solr. 8.6

Hopefully my terminology is correct, I'm still new to solr.

My current schema has a parent document, two child documents(siblings), and
a grandchild document.  I am using the JSON API .

Product -> Item-> Price

I created my schema to represent a multi-store, and multi-customer setup.

I am looking for multi-select facets from *each* document.
Product document - General product information.  *Same for all customers*
Item document - Size/Color/etc.  Product variations.  *Same for all
Price document - Customer pricing.  *Unique per customer*
ProductCategory- Ids for linking Product to Store and Catalogs.  *Unique
per customer*

I was attempting to traverse from the child documents upwards, filtering on
( ProductCategory ), (Price/Item), and then finally combine the result of
both to get (Product).
Originally I was using '_nest_path_' for my blockMasks.  However I ended up
adding a 'path' field for each document, thinking this would give me more
control?? (ex. '1.product.item.price', '1.product.item', '1.product',
'2.product.item.price' , '2..product.item', etc. )

Below is my current query.

Currently when I remove the nested {!filters tag=ITEM...}, I get the
correct number of ProductCategory documents.  When I remove the nested
{!filters tag=PRODUCT_CATEGORY...},I get the correct number of Item
When I combine them both, I get *0* results.

Is this because the two nested filters ITEM and PRODUCT_CATEGORY are not
mutually exclusive?  If so could you point or provide an example.


Is this because the ITEM and PRODUCT_CATEGORY filters are not filtering on
the Product documents yet, and they are both children of the Product


Am I not even close??

I thought I had seen some well written examples or videos of this in the
past, but I can't seem to find those examples anymore.   Any
help/direction/links would be greatly appreciated.

    "params": {
        "omitHeader": "true",
        "defType": "edismax",
        "df": "pdocname_txt_en_1",
"pdocname_txt_en_1^2.0 description_txt_en_1^1.5
longDescription_txt_en_1^1.5 custItemNum_txt_en_split_tight_1^1.5"
"pdocname_txt_en_1^3.0 description_txt_en_1^2.0
longDescription_txt_en_1^2.0 custItemNum_txt_en_split_tight_1^3"
        "ps": "2",
        "qs": "2",
        "LIMIT": 0,
"prefixes:ASB000000434166111481 prefixes:ASB00000043416611148All",
//Query entry point for price documents
,   //Query entry point for product category
        "PRICE_FILTER":"fprice:[29 TO 30]",
        "productFQ":"{!parent filters=$pidocFQ which='path:2.product.item'}"
"+{!parent which='path:2.product.item' v=$prdoc_Q2} +{!child
which='path:1.product.productCategory' v=$pcdoc_Q2}"

"prefixes:(ASB000000434166111481 ASB00000043416611148All)",
//product filters
"categoryPrefixes:(ASB000000434166111481 ASB00000043416611148All)",
//productCategory filters
,                                               //item(skudocument) filters
"+(${priceFilters}) +{!child of='path:2.product.item'}{!q.op=AND
, //Item filter query
//ProductCategory filter query
"categoryPrefixes:(ASB000000434166111481 ASB00000043416611148All)
prefixes:(ASB000000434166111481 ASB00000043416611148All) docType:pidoc
docType:pdoc -docType:catdoc -docType:stdoc -docType:cupsd"

"{!parent filters=$itemFQ which='path:2.product.item'}",
//Filter for priceDocument -> itemDocument
        "groupingFilter2":"{!q.op=AND v=$productCategoryFQ}",
//Filter for productCategoryDocument -> productDocument
"{!filters tag=ITEM param=$groupingFilter1} {!filters
tag=PRODUCT_CATEGORY param=$groupingFilter2}"

"*, [child fl=$returnFields limit=-1
childFilter='/productItems/{!filters v=$child_FQ2}']"
    "filter": [

// "${prdoc_Q2} {!parent which='*:* -_nest_path_:\\\\/*' v=$prdoc_Q2}
{!parent which='*:* -_nest_path_:\\\\/productItems\\\\/*' v=$prdoc_Q2}
categoryPrefixes:(ASB000000434166111481 ASB00000043416611148All)"

"_query_:(${prdoc_Q2} ${pcdoc_Q2} docType:pcdoc docType:prdoc
docType:pidoc docType:pdoc)"
        "{!filters tag=MID param=$test v=$baseQ}"
"{!parent which='*:* -_nest_path_:*' score=max v='+docType:prdoc
+{!func}fprice'} asc"
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": "${LIMIT}",
    "facet": {
        "testing": {
            "type": "terms",
            "field": "docType",
            "limit": -1,
            "facet": {
                "parentCount": "unique(_root_)",
                    // "LOW"
        "testing2": {
            "type": "terms",
            "field": "docType",
            "limit": -1,
            "facet": {
                "parentCount": "unique(_root_)",
                    // "LOW"

