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Posted to by Pedro Domínguez <> on 2012/08/10 08:50:39 UTC

Problem with Spell check and Language configuration in oo 3.4


I have updated the openoffice from 3.3 to 3.4 version and now I can't spell 
check my documents.
I have four servers with windows 2003 server, here is where the users 
connect to the OO, with a movil profile. With the older version (3.3) never 
had a problem with this, while now it is impossible to do.
If I login to the server with one local user, I can spell check the 
I tried to change the paths, to install another time the dictionary, copy 
the dictionary files from one user to other, I checked all the permissions 
files, but I don't know what is the problem.
I'm not suscribed to this distribution list, but in this forum:
the people said me, that I could send you an email.

Thanks a lot.

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Re: Problem with Spell check and Language configuration in oo 3.4

Posted by Andrea Pescetti <>.
Pedro Domínguez wrote:
> I have updated the openoffice from 3.3 to 3.4 version and now I can't
> spell check my documents.
> I have four servers with windows 2003 server, here is where the users
> connect to the OO, with a movil profile. With the older version (3.3)
> never had a problem with this, while now it is impossible to do.

It might be that this is just another occurrence of the profile 
conversion problem. See
to learn how you can reset/rename your user profile (which is not your 
Windows roaming profile, but just a subdirectory of it). See "Known 
issues" at 
(draft page, 3.4.1 is not released yet) for more.

> If I login to the server with one local user, I can spell check the
> document.

Perhaps this works simply because the local user did not have traces of 
a previous OpenOffice installation.
