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Posted to by Meethu Mathew <> on 2018/01/03 07:05:03 UTC

More than 2 notebooks in R failing with error sparkr intrepreter not responding


I have met with a strange issue in running R notebooks in zeppelin(0.7.2).
Spark intrepreter is in per note Scoped mode and spark version is 1.6.2

Please find the steps below to reproduce the issue:
1. Create a notebook (Note1) and run any r code in a paragraph. I ran the
following code.

> %r
> rdf <- data.frame(c(1,2,3,4))
> colnames(rdf) <- c("myCol")
> sdf <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, rdf)
> withColumn(sdf, "newCol", sdf$myCol * 2.0)
2.  Create another notebook (Note2) and run any r code in a paragraph. I
ran the same code as above.

Till now everything works fine.

3. Create third notebook (Note3) and run any r code in a paragraph. I ran
the same code. This notebook fails with the error

> org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterException: sparkr is not
> responding

 What I understood from the analysis is that  the process created for
sparkr interpreter is not getting killed properly and this makes every
third model to throw an error while executing. The process will be killed
on restarting the sparkr interpreter and another 2 models could be executed
successfully. ie, For every third model run using the sparkr interpreter,
the error is thrown. We suspect this as a limitation with zeppelin.

Please help to solve this issue

Meethu Mathew

Re: More than 2 notebooks in R failing with error sparkr intrepreter not responding

Posted by Meethu Mathew <>.
Hi Jeff,

PFB the interpreter log.

INFO [2018-01-03 12:10:05,960] ({pool-2-thread-9}
Logging.scala[logInfo]:58) - Starting HTTP Server
 INFO [2018-01-03 12:10:05,961] ({pool-2-thread-9}[doStart]:272) - jetty-8.y.z-SNAPSHOT
 INFO [2018-01-03 12:10:05,963] ({pool-2-thread-9}[doStart]:338) - Started SocketConnector@
 INFO [2018-01-03 12:10:05,963] ({pool-2-thread-9}
Logging.scala[logInfo]:58) - Successfully started service 'HTTP class
server' on port 58989.
 INFO [2018-01-03 12:10:06,094] ({dispatcher-event-loop-1}
Logging.scala[logInfo]:58) - Removed broadcast_1_piece0 on localhost:42453
in memory (size: 854.0 B, free: 511.1 MB)
 INFO [2018-01-03 12:10:07,049] ({pool-2-thread-9}[createRScript]:353) - File
/tmp/zeppelin_sparkr-5046601627391341672.R created
ERROR [2018-01-03 12:10:17,051] ({pool-2-thread-9}[run]:188) - Job
*org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterException: sparkr is not
responding *

R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30) -- "Single Candle"
Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)

> hashCode <- as.integer(args[1])

> port <- as.integer(args[2])

> libPath <- args[3]

> version <- as.integer(args[4])

> rm(args)

> print(paste("Port ", toString(port)))
 "Port  58063"

> print(paste("LibPath ", libPath))

 "LibPath  /home/meethu/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/R/lib"

> .libPaths(c(file.path(libPath), .libPaths()))

> library(SparkR)

Attaching package: ‘SparkR’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    cov, filter, lag, na.omit, predict, sd, var

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    colnames, colnames<-, endsWith, intersect, rank, rbind, sample,
    startsWith, subset, summary, table, transform

> SparkR:::connectBackend("localhost", port, 6000)
A connection with
description "->localhost:58063"
mode        "wb"
text        "binary"
opened      "opened"
can read    "yes"
can write   "yes"

> # scStartTime is needed by R/pkg/R/sparkR.R

> assign(".scStartTime", as.integer(Sys.time()), envir =

> # getZeppelinR

> *.zeppelinR = SparkR:::callJStatic("org.apache.zeppelin.spark.ZeppelinR",
"getZeppelinR", hashCode)*

at org.apache.zeppelin.spark.ZeppelinR.request(
at org.apache.zeppelin.spark.ZeppelinR.eval(
at org.apache.zeppelin.scheduler.FIFOScheduler$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
 INFO [2018-01-03 12:10:17,070] ({pool-2-thread-9}[jobFinished]:137) - Job
remoteInterpretJob_1514961605951 finished by scheduler
 INFO [2018-01-03 12:39:22,664] ({Spark Context Cleaner}
Logging.scala[logInfo]:58) - Cleaned accumulator 2

PFB the output of the command  *ps -ef | grep /usr/lib/R/bin/exec/R*

meethu    6647  6470  0 12:09 pts/1    00:00:00 /usr/lib/R/bin/exec/R
--no-save --no-restore -f /tmp/zeppelin_sparkr-1100854828050763213.R --args
214655664 58063 /home/meethu/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/R/lib 10601
meethu    6701  6470  0 12:09 pts/1    00:00:00 /usr/lib/R/bin/exec/R
--no-save --no-restore -f /tmp/zeppelin_sparkr-4152305170353311178.R --args
1642312173 58063 /home/meethu/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/R/lib 10601
meethu    6745  6470  0 12:10 pts/1    00:00:00 /usr/lib/R/bin/exec/R
--no-save --no-restore -f /tmp/zeppelin_sparkr-5046601627391341672.R --args
1158632477 58063 /home/meethu/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/R/lib 10601

Meethu Mathew

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Jeff Zhang <> wrote:

> Could you check the interpreter log ?
> Meethu Mathew <>于2018年1月3日周三 下午3:05写道:
>> Hi,
>> I have met with a strange issue in running R notebooks in zeppelin(0.7.2).
>> Spark intrepreter is in per note Scoped mode and spark version is 1.6.2
>> Please find the steps below to reproduce the issue:
>> 1. Create a notebook (Note1) and run any r code in a paragraph. I ran the
>> following code.
>>> %r
>>> rdf <- data.frame(c(1,2,3,4))
>>> colnames(rdf) <- c("myCol")
>>> sdf <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, rdf)
>>> withColumn(sdf, "newCol", sdf$myCol * 2.0)
>> 2.  Create another notebook (Note2) and run any r code in a paragraph. I
>> ran the same code as above.
>> Till now everything works fine.
>> 3. Create third notebook (Note3) and run any r code in a paragraph. I
>> ran the same code. This notebook fails with the error
>>> org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterException: sparkr is not
>>> responding
>>  What I understood from the analysis is that  the process created for
>> sparkr interpreter is not getting killed properly and this makes every
>> third model to throw an error while executing. The process will be killed
>> on restarting the sparkr interpreter and another 2 models could be executed
>> successfully. ie, For every third model run using the sparkr interpreter,
>> the error is thrown. We suspect this as a limitation with zeppelin.
>> Please help to solve this issue
>> Regards,
>> Meethu Mathew

Re: More than 2 notebooks in R failing with error sparkr intrepreter not responding

Posted by Jeff Zhang <>.
Could you check the interpreter log ?

Meethu Mathew <>于2018年1月3日周三 下午3:05写道:

> Hi,
> I have met with a strange issue in running R notebooks in zeppelin(0.7.2).
> Spark intrepreter is in per note Scoped mode and spark version is 1.6.2
> Please find the steps below to reproduce the issue:
> 1. Create a notebook (Note1) and run any r code in a paragraph. I ran the
> following code.
>> %r
>> rdf <- data.frame(c(1,2,3,4))
>> colnames(rdf) <- c("myCol")
>> sdf <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, rdf)
>> withColumn(sdf, "newCol", sdf$myCol * 2.0)
> 2.  Create another notebook (Note2) and run any r code in a paragraph. I
> ran the same code as above.
> Till now everything works fine.
> 3. Create third notebook (Note3) and run any r code in a paragraph. I ran
> the same code. This notebook fails with the error
>> org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterException: sparkr is not
>> responding
>  What I understood from the analysis is that  the process created for
> sparkr interpreter is not getting killed properly and this makes every
> third model to throw an error while executing. The process will be killed
> on restarting the sparkr interpreter and another 2 models could be executed
> successfully. ie, For every third model run using the sparkr interpreter,
> the error is thrown. We suspect this as a limitation with zeppelin.
> Please help to solve this issue
> Regards,
> Meethu Mathew