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svn commit: r883365 [7/47] - in /lucene/mahout/trunk: ./ examples/ matrix/ matrix/src/ matrix/src/main/ matrix/src/main/java/ matrix/src/main/java/org/ matrix/src/main/java/org/apache/ matrix/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/ matrix/src/main/java/org/ap...

Added: lucene/mahout/trunk/matrix/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/jet/stat/
--- lucene/mahout/trunk/matrix/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/jet/stat/ (added)
+++ lucene/mahout/trunk/matrix/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/jet/stat/ Mon Nov 23 15:14:26 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+Copyright � 1999 CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose 
+is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and 
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. 
+CERN makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. 
+It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
+package org.apache.mahout.jet.stat;
+import org.apache.mahout.colt.list.DoubleArrayList;
+import org.apache.mahout.colt.list.IntArrayList;
+ * Basic descriptive statistics.
+ *
+ * @author
+ * @author
+ * @version 0.91, 08-Dec-99
+ */
+ * @deprecated until unit tests are in place.  Until this time, this class/interface is unsupported.
+ */
+public class Descriptive extends Object {
+ * Makes this class non instantiable, but still let's others inherit from it.
+ */
+protected Descriptive() {}
+ * Returns the auto-correlation of a data sequence.
+ */
+public static double autoCorrelation(DoubleArrayList data, int lag, double mean, double variance) {
+	int N = data.size();
+	if (lag >= N) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lag is too large");
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double run = 0;
+	for( int i=lag; i<N; ++i)
+		run += (elements[i]-mean)*(elements[i-lag]-mean);
+	return (run/(N-lag)) / variance;
+ * Checks if the given range is within the contained array's bounds.
+ * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>to!=from-1 || from&lt;0 || from&gt;to || to&gt;=size()</tt>.
+ */
+protected static void checkRangeFromTo(int from, int to, int theSize) {
+	if (to==from-1) return;
+	if (from<0 || from>to || to>=theSize)
+		throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("from: "+from+", to: "+to+", size="+theSize);
+ * Returns the correlation of two data sequences.
+ * That is <tt>covariance(data1,data2)/(standardDev1*standardDev2)</tt>.
+ */
+public static double correlation(DoubleArrayList data1, double standardDev1, DoubleArrayList data2, double standardDev2) {
+  return covariance(data1,data2)/(standardDev1*standardDev2);
+ * Returns the covariance of two data sequences, which is 
+ * <tt>cov(x,y) = (1/(size()-1)) * Sum((x[i]-mean(x)) * (y[i]-mean(y)))</tt>.
+ * See the <A HREF=""> math definition</A>.
+ */
+public static double covariance(DoubleArrayList data1, DoubleArrayList data2) {
+	int size = data1.size();
+	if (size != data2.size() || size == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	double[] elements1 = data1.elements();
+	double[] elements2 = data2.elements();
+	double sumx=elements1[0], sumy=elements2[0], Sxy=0;
+	for (int i=1; i<size; ++i) {
+		double x = elements1[i];
+		double y = elements2[i];
+		sumx += x;
+		Sxy += (x - sumx/(i+1))*(y - sumy/i);
+		sumy += y;
+		// Exercise for the reader: Why does this give us the right answer?
+	}
+	return Sxy/(size-1);
+ * Both covariance versions yield the same results but the one above is faster 
+ */
+private static double covariance2(DoubleArrayList data1, DoubleArrayList data2) {
+	int size = data1.size();
+	double mean1 = Descriptive.mean(data1);
+	double mean2 = Descriptive.mean(data2);
+	double covariance = 0.0D;
+	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+		double x = data1.get(i);
+		double y = data2.get(i);
+		covariance += (x - mean1) * (y - mean2);
+	}
+	return covariance / (double) (size-1);
+ * Durbin-Watson computation.
+ */
+public static double durbinWatson(DoubleArrayList data) {
+	int size = data.size();
+	if (size < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("data sequence must contain at least two values.");
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double run = 0;
+	double run_sq = 0;
+	run_sq = elements[0] * elements[0];
+	for(int i=1; i<size; ++i) {
+		double x = elements[i] - elements[i-1];
+		run += x*x;
+		run_sq += elements[i] * elements[i];
+	}
+	return run / run_sq;
+ * Computes the frequency (number of occurances, count) of each distinct value in the given sorted data.
+ * After this call returns both <tt>distinctValues</tt> and <tt>frequencies</tt> have a new size (which is equal for both), which is the number of distinct values in the sorted data.
+ * <p>
+ * Distinct values are filled into <tt>distinctValues</tt>, starting at index 0.
+ * The frequency of each distinct value is filled into <tt>frequencies</tt>, starting at index 0.
+ * As a result, the smallest distinct value (and its frequency) can be found at index 0, the second smallest distinct value (and its frequency) at index 1, ..., the largest distinct value (and its frequency) at index <tt>distinctValues.size()-1</tt>.
+ *
+ * <b>Example:</b>
+ * <br>
+ * <tt>elements = (5,6,6,7,8,8) --> distinctValues = (5,6,7,8), frequencies = (1,2,1,2)</tt>
+ *
+ * @param sortedData the data; must be sorted ascending.
+ * @param distinctValues a list to be filled with the distinct values; can have any size.
+ * @param frequencies      a list to be filled with the frequencies; can have any size; set this parameter to <tt>null</tt> to ignore it.
+ */
+public static void frequencies(DoubleArrayList sortedData, DoubleArrayList distinctValues, IntArrayList frequencies) {
+	distinctValues.clear();
+	if (frequencies!=null) frequencies.clear();
+	double[] sortedElements = sortedData.elements();
+	int size = sortedData.size();
+	int i=0;
+	while (i<size) {
+		double element = sortedElements[i];
+		int cursor = i;
+		// determine run length (number of equal elements)
+		while (++i < size  &&  sortedElements[i]==element);
+		int runLength = i - cursor;
+		distinctValues.add(element);
+		if (frequencies!=null) frequencies.add(runLength);
+	}
+ * Returns the geometric mean of a data sequence.
+ * Note that for a geometric mean to be meaningful, the minimum of the data sequence must not be less or equal to zero.
+ * <br>
+ * The geometric mean is given by <tt>pow( Product( data[i] ), 1/size)</tt>
+ * which is equivalent to <tt>Math.exp( Sum( Log(data[i]) ) / size)</tt>.
+ */
+public static double geometricMean(int size, double sumOfLogarithms) {
+	return Math.exp(sumOfLogarithms/size);
+	// this version would easily results in overflows
+	//return Math.pow(product, 1/size);
+ * Returns the geometric mean of a data sequence.
+ * Note that for a geometric mean to be meaningful, the minimum of the data sequence must not be less or equal to zero.
+ * <br>
+ * The geometric mean is given by <tt>pow( Product( data[i] ), 1/data.size())</tt>.
+ * This method tries to avoid overflows at the expense of an equivalent but somewhat slow definition:
+ * <tt>geo = Math.exp( Sum( Log(data[i]) ) / data.size())</tt>.
+ */
+public static double geometricMean(DoubleArrayList data) {
+	return geometricMean(data.size(), sumOfLogarithms(data,0,data.size()-1));
+ * Returns the harmonic mean of a data sequence.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements in the data sequence.
+ * @param sumOfInversions <tt>Sum( 1.0 / data[i])</tt>.
+ */
+public static double harmonicMean(int size, double sumOfInversions) {
+	return size / sumOfInversions;
+ * Incrementally maintains and updates minimum, maximum, sum and sum of squares of a data sequence.
+ *
+ * Assume we have already recorded some data sequence elements 
+ * and know their minimum, maximum, sum and sum of squares.
+ * Assume further, we are to record some more elements 
+ * and to derive updated values of minimum, maximum, sum and sum of squares.
+ * <p>
+ * This method computes those updated values without needing to know the already recorded elements.
+ * This is interesting for interactive online monitoring and/or applications that cannot keep the entire huge data sequence in memory.
+ * <p>
+ * <br>Definition of sumOfSquares: <tt>sumOfSquares(n) = Sum ( data[i] * data[i] )</tt>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param data the additional elements to be incorporated into min, max, etc.
+ * @param from the index of the first element within <tt>data</tt> to consider.
+ * @param to the index of the last element within <tt>data</tt> to consider.
+ * The method incorporates elements <tt>data[from], ..., data[to]</tt>.
+ * @param inOut the old values in the following format:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><tt>inOut[0]</tt> is the old minimum.
+ * <li><tt>inOut[1]</tt> is the old maximum.
+ * <li><tt>inOut[2]</tt> is the old sum.
+ * <li><tt>inOut[3]</tt> is the old sum of squares.
+ * </ul>
+ * If no data sequence elements have so far been recorded set the values as follows 
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><tt>inOut[0] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY</tt> as the old minimum.
+ * <li><tt>inOut[1] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY</tt> as the old maximum.
+ * <li><tt>inOut[2] = 0.0</tt> as the old sum.
+ * <li><tt>inOut[3] = 0.0</tt> as the old sum of squares.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @return the updated values filled into the <tt>inOut</tt> array.
+ */
+public static void incrementalUpdate(DoubleArrayList data, int from, int to, double[] inOut) {
+	checkRangeFromTo(from,to,data.size());
+	// read current values
+	double min = inOut[0];
+	double max = inOut[1];
+	double sum = inOut[2];
+	double sumSquares = inOut[3];
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	for (; from<=to; from++) {
+		double element = elements[from];
+		sum += element;
+		sumSquares += element*element;
+		if (element < min) min = element;
+		if (element > max) max = element;
+		/*
+		double oldDeviation = element - mean;
+		mean += oldDeviation / (N+1);
+		sumSquaredDeviations += (element-mean)*oldDeviation; // cool, huh?
+		*/
+		/*
+		double oldMean = mean;
+		mean += (element - mean)/(N+1);
+		if (N > 0) {
+			sumSquaredDeviations += (element-mean)*(element-oldMean); // cool, huh?
+		}
+		*/
+	}
+	// store new values
+	inOut[0] = min;
+	inOut[1] = max;
+	inOut[2] = sum;
+	inOut[3] = sumSquares;
+	// At this point of return the following postcondition holds:
+	// data.size()-from elements have been consumed by this call.
+ * Incrementally maintains and updates various sums of powers of the form <tt>Sum(data[i]<sup>k</sup>)</tt>.
+ *
+ * Assume we have already recorded some data sequence elements <tt>data[i]</tt>
+ * and know the values of <tt>Sum(data[i]<sup>from</sup>), Sum(data[i]<sup>from+1</sup>), ..., Sum(data[i]<sup>to</sup>)</tt>.
+ * Assume further, we are to record some more elements 
+ * and to derive updated values of these sums.
+ * <p>
+ * This method computes those updated values without needing to know the already recorded elements.
+ * This is interesting for interactive online monitoring and/or applications that cannot keep the entire huge data sequence in memory.
+ * For example, the incremental computation of moments is based upon such sums of powers:
+ * <p>
+ * The moment of <tt>k</tt>-th order with constant <tt>c</tt> of a data sequence,
+ * is given by <tt>Sum( (data[i]-c)<sup>k</sup> ) / data.size()</tt>.
+ * It can incrementally be computed by using the equivalent formula
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>moment(k,c) = m(k,c) / data.size()</tt> where
+ * <br><tt>m(k,c) = Sum( -1<sup>i</sup> * b(k,i) * c<sup>i</sup> * sumOfPowers(k-i))</tt> for <tt>i = 0 .. k</tt> and
+ * <br><tt>b(k,i) = </tt>{@link org.apache.mahout.jet.math.Arithmetic#binomial(long,long) binomial(k,i)} and
+ * <br><tt>sumOfPowers(k) = Sum( data[i]<sup>k</sup> )</tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * @param data the additional elements to be incorporated into min, max, etc.
+ * @param from the index of the first element within <tt>data</tt> to consider.
+ * @param to the index of the last element within <tt>data</tt> to consider.
+ * The method incorporates elements <tt>data[from], ..., data[to]</tt>.
+ * 
+ * @param inOut the old values of the sums in the following format:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><tt>sumOfPowers[0]</tt> is the old <tt>Sum(data[i]<sup>fromSumIndex</sup>)</tt>.
+ * <li><tt>sumOfPowers[1]</tt> is the old <tt>Sum(data[i]<sup>fromSumIndex+1</sup>)</tt>.
+ * <li>...
+ * <li><tt>sumOfPowers[toSumIndex-fromSumIndex]</tt> is the old <tt>Sum(data[i]<sup>toSumIndex</sup>)</tt>.
+ * </ul>
+ * If no data sequence elements have so far been recorded set all old values of the sums to <tt>0.0</tt>.
+ *
+ * @return the updated values filled into the <tt>sumOfPowers</tt> array.
+ */
+public static void incrementalUpdateSumsOfPowers(DoubleArrayList data, int from, int to, int fromSumIndex, int toSumIndex, double[] sumOfPowers) {
+	int size = data.size();
+	int lastIndex = toSumIndex - fromSumIndex;
+	if (from > size || lastIndex+1 > sumOfPowers.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	// optimized for common parameters
+	if (fromSumIndex==1) { // handle quicker
+		if (toSumIndex==2) { 
+			double[] elements = data.elements();
+			double sum = sumOfPowers[0];
+			double sumSquares = sumOfPowers[1];
+			for (int i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) {
+				double element = elements[i];
+				sum += element;
+				sumSquares += element*element;
+				//if (element < min) min = element;
+				//else if (element > max) max = element;
+			}
+			sumOfPowers[0] += sum;
+			sumOfPowers[1] += sumSquares;
+			return;
+		}
+		else if (toSumIndex==3) { 
+			double[] elements = data.elements();
+			double sum = sumOfPowers[0];
+			double sumSquares = sumOfPowers[1];
+			double sum_xxx = sumOfPowers[2];
+			for (int i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) {
+				double element = elements[i];
+				sum += element;
+				sumSquares += element*element;
+				sum_xxx += element*element*element;
+				//if (element < min) min = element;
+				//else if (element > max) max = element;
+			}
+			sumOfPowers[0] += sum;
+			sumOfPowers[1] += sumSquares;
+			sumOfPowers[2] += sum_xxx;
+			return;
+		}
+		else if (toSumIndex==4) { // handle quicker
+			double[] elements = data.elements();
+			double sum = sumOfPowers[0];
+			double sumSquares = sumOfPowers[1];
+			double sum_xxx = sumOfPowers[2];
+			double sum_xxxx = sumOfPowers[3];
+			for (int i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) {
+				double element = elements[i];
+				sum += element;
+				sumSquares += element*element;
+				sum_xxx += element*element*element;
+				sum_xxxx += element*element*element*element;
+				//if (element < min) min = element;
+				//else if (element > max) max = element;
+			}
+			sumOfPowers[0] += sum;
+			sumOfPowers[1] += sumSquares;
+			sumOfPowers[2] += sum_xxx;
+			sumOfPowers[3] += sum_xxxx;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if (fromSumIndex==toSumIndex || (fromSumIndex >= -1 && toSumIndex <= 5)) { // handle quicker
+		for (int i=fromSumIndex; i<=toSumIndex; i++) {
+			sumOfPowers[i-fromSumIndex] += sumOfPowerDeviations(data,i,0.0,from,to);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// now the most general case:
+	// optimized for maximum speed, but still not quite quick
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	for (int i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) {
+		double element = elements[i];
+		double pow = Math.pow(element,fromSumIndex);
+		int j=0;
+		for (int m=lastIndex; --m >= 0; ) {
+			sumOfPowers[j++] += pow;
+			pow *= element;
+		}
+		sumOfPowers[j] += pow;
+	}
+	// At this point of return the following postcondition holds:
+	// data.size()-fromIndex elements have been consumed by this call.
+ * Incrementally maintains and updates sum and sum of squares of a <i>weighted</i> data sequence.
+ *
+ * Assume we have already recorded some data sequence elements 
+ * and know their sum and sum of squares.
+ * Assume further, we are to record some more elements 
+ * and to derive updated values of sum and sum of squares.
+ * <p>
+ * This method computes those updated values without needing to know the already recorded elements.
+ * This is interesting for interactive online monitoring and/or applications that cannot keep the entire huge data sequence in memory.
+ * <p>
+ * <br>Definition of sum: <tt>sum = Sum ( data[i] * weights[i] )</tt>.
+ * <br>Definition of sumOfSquares: <tt>sumOfSquares = Sum ( data[i] * data[i] * weights[i])</tt>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param data the additional elements to be incorporated into min, max, etc.
+ * @param weights the weight of each element within <tt>data</tt>.
+ * @param from the index of the first element within <tt>data</tt> (and <tt>weights</tt>) to consider.
+ * @param to the index of the last element within <tt>data</tt> (and <tt>weights</tt>) to consider.
+ * The method incorporates elements <tt>data[from], ..., data[to]</tt>.
+ * @param inOut the old values in the following format:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><tt>inOut[0]</tt> is the old sum.
+ * <li><tt>inOut[1]</tt> is the old sum of squares.
+ * </ul>
+ * If no data sequence elements have so far been recorded set the values as follows 
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><tt>inOut[0] = 0.0</tt> as the old sum.
+ * <li><tt>inOut[1] = 0.0</tt> as the old sum of squares.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @return the updated values filled into the <tt>inOut</tt> array.
+ */
+public static void incrementalWeightedUpdate(DoubleArrayList data, DoubleArrayList weights, int from, int to, double[] inOut) {
+	int dataSize = data.size();
+	checkRangeFromTo(from,to,dataSize);
+	if (dataSize != weights.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("from="+from+", to="+to+", data.size()="+dataSize+", weights.size()="+weights.size());
+	// read current values
+	double sum = inOut[0];
+	double sumOfSquares = inOut[1];
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double[] w = weights.elements();
+	for (int i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) {
+		double element = elements[i];
+		double weight = w[i];
+		double prod = element*weight;
+		sum += prod;
+		sumOfSquares += element * prod;
+	}
+	// store new values
+	inOut[0] = sum;
+	inOut[1] = sumOfSquares;
+	// At this point of return the following postcondition holds:
+	// data.size()-from elements have been consumed by this call.
+ * Returns the kurtosis (aka excess) of a data sequence.
+ * @param moment4 the fourth central moment, which is <tt>moment(data,4,mean)</tt>.
+ * @param standardDeviation the standardDeviation.
+ */
+public static double kurtosis(double moment4, double standardDeviation) {
+	return -3 + moment4 / (standardDeviation * standardDeviation * standardDeviation * standardDeviation);
+ * Returns the kurtosis (aka excess) of a data sequence, which is <tt>-3 + moment(data,4,mean) / standardDeviation<sup>4</sup></tt>.
+ */
+public static double kurtosis(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double standardDeviation) {
+	return kurtosis(moment(data,4,mean), standardDeviation);
+ * Returns the lag-1 autocorrelation of a dataset; 
+ * Note that this method has semantics different from <tt>autoCorrelation(..., 1)</tt>;
+ */
+public static double lag1(DoubleArrayList data, double mean) {
+	int size = data.size();
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double r1 ;
+	double q = 0 ;
+	double v = (elements[0] - mean) * (elements[0] - mean) ;
+	for (int i = 1; i < size ; i++) {
+		double delta0 = (elements[i-1] - mean);
+		double delta1 = (elements[i] - mean);
+		q += (delta0 * delta1 - q)/(i + 1);
+		v += (delta1 * delta1 - v)/(i + 1);
+	}
+	r1 = q / v ;
+	return r1;
+ * Returns the largest member of a data sequence.
+ */
+public static double max(DoubleArrayList data) {
+	int size = data.size();
+	if (size==0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double max = elements[size-1];
+	for (int i = size-1; --i >= 0;) {
+		if (elements[i] > max) max = elements[i];
+	}
+	return max;
+ * Returns the arithmetic mean of a data sequence; 
+ * That is <tt>Sum( data[i] ) / data.size()</tt>.
+ */
+public static double mean(DoubleArrayList data) {
+	return sum(data) / data.size();
+ * Returns the mean deviation of a dataset.
+ * That is <tt>Sum (Math.abs(data[i]-mean)) / data.size())</tt>.
+ */
+public static double meanDeviation(DoubleArrayList data, double mean) {
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	int size = data.size();
+	double sum=0;
+	for (int i=size; --i >= 0;) sum += Math.abs(elements[i]-mean);
+	return sum/size;
+ * Returns the median of a sorted data sequence.
+ *
+ * @param sortedData the data sequence; <b>must be sorted ascending</b>.
+ */
+public static double median(DoubleArrayList sortedData) {
+	return quantile(sortedData, 0.5);
+	/*
+	double[] sortedElements = sortedData.elements();
+	int n = sortedData.size();
+	int lhs = (n - 1) / 2 ;
+	int rhs = n / 2 ;
+	if (n == 0) return 0.0 ;
+	double median;
+	if (lhs == rhs) median = sortedElements[lhs] ;
+	else median = (sortedElements[lhs] + sortedElements[rhs])/2.0 ;
+	return median;
+	*/
+ * Returns the smallest member of a data sequence.
+ */
+public static double min(DoubleArrayList data) {
+	int size = data.size();
+	if (size==0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double min = elements[size-1];
+	for (int i = size-1; --i >= 0;) {
+		if (elements[i] < min) min = elements[i];
+	}
+	return min;
+ * Returns the moment of <tt>k</tt>-th order with constant <tt>c</tt> of a data sequence,
+ * which is <tt>Sum( (data[i]-c)<sup>k</sup> ) / data.size()</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param sumOfPowers <tt>sumOfPowers[m] == Sum( data[i]<sup>m</sup>) )</tt> for <tt>m = 0,1,..,k</tt> as returned by method {@link #incrementalUpdateSumsOfPowers(DoubleArrayList,int,int,int,int,double[])}.
+ *			In particular there must hold <tt>sumOfPowers.length == k+1</tt>.
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence.
+ */
+public static double moment(int k, double c, int size, double[] sumOfPowers) {
+	double sum=0;
+	int sign = 1;
+	for (int i=0; i<=k; i++) {
+		double y;
+		if (i==0) y = 1;
+		else if (i==1) y = c;
+		else if (i==2) y = c*c;
+		else if (i==3) y = c*c*c;
+		else y = Math.pow(c, i);
+		//sum += sign * 
+		sum += sign * org.apache.mahout.jet.math.Arithmetic.binomial(k,i) * y * sumOfPowers[k-i];
+		sign = -sign;
+	}
+	/*
+	for (int i=0; i<=k; i++) {
+		sum += sign * org.apache.mahout.jet.math.Arithmetic.binomial(k,i) * Math.pow(c, i) * sumOfPowers[k-i];
+		sign = -sign;
+	}
+	*/
+	return sum/size;
+ * Returns the moment of <tt>k</tt>-th order with constant <tt>c</tt> of a data sequence,
+ * which is <tt>Sum( (data[i]-c)<sup>k</sup> ) / data.size()</tt>.
+ */
+public static double moment(DoubleArrayList data, int k, double c) {
+	return sumOfPowerDeviations(data,k,c) / data.size();
+ * Returns the pooled mean of two data sequences.
+ * That is <tt>(size1 * mean1 + size2 * mean2) / (size1 + size2)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param size1 the number of elements in data sequence 1.
+ * @param mean1 the mean of data sequence 1.
+ * @param size2 the number of elements in data sequence 2.
+ * @param mean2 the mean of data sequence 2.
+ */
+public static double pooledMean(int size1, double mean1, int size2, double mean2) {
+	return (size1 * mean1 + size2 * mean2) / (size1 + size2);
+ * Returns the pooled variance of two data sequences.
+ * That is <tt>(size1 * variance1 + size2 * variance2) / (size1 + size2)</tt>;
+ *
+ * @param size1 the number of elements in data sequence 1.
+ * @param variance1 the variance of data sequence 1.
+ * @param size2 the number of elements in data sequence 2.
+ * @param variance2 the variance of data sequence 2.
+ */
+public static double pooledVariance(int size1, double variance1, int size2, double variance2) {
+	return (size1 * variance1 + size2 * variance2) / (size1 + size2);
+ * Returns the product, which is <tt>Prod( data[i] )</tt>.
+ * In other words: <tt>data[0]*data[1]*...*data[data.size()-1]</tt>.
+ * This method uses the equivalent definition:
+ * <tt>prod = pow( exp( Sum( Log(x[i]) ) / size(), size())</tt>.
+ */
+public static double product(int size, double sumOfLogarithms) {
+	return Math.pow(Math.exp(sumOfLogarithms/size), size);
+ * Returns the product of a data sequence, which is <tt>Prod( data[i] )</tt>.
+ * In other words: <tt>data[0]*data[1]*...*data[data.size()-1]</tt>.
+ * Note that you may easily get numeric overflows.
+ */
+public static double product(DoubleArrayList data) {
+	int size = data.size();
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double product = 1;
+	for (int i=size; --i >= 0;) product *= elements[i];
+	return product;
+ * Returns the <tt>phi-</tt>quantile; that is, an element <tt>elem</tt> for which holds that <tt>phi</tt> percent of data elements are less than <tt>elem</tt>.
+ * The quantile need not necessarily be contained in the data sequence, it can be a linear interpolation.
+ * @param sortedData the data sequence; <b>must be sorted ascending</b>.
+ * @param phi the percentage; must satisfy <tt>0 &lt;= phi &lt;= 1</tt>.
+ */
+public static double quantile(DoubleArrayList sortedData, double phi) {
+	double[] sortedElements = sortedData.elements();
+	int n = sortedData.size();
+	double index = phi * (n - 1) ;
+	int lhs = (int)index ;
+	double delta = index - lhs ;
+	double result;
+	if (n == 0) return 0.0 ;
+	if (lhs == n - 1) {
+		result = sortedElements[lhs] ;
+	}
+	else {
+		result = (1 - delta) * sortedElements[lhs] + delta * sortedElements[lhs + 1] ;
+	}
+	return result ;
+ * Returns how many percent of the elements contained in the receiver are <tt>&lt;= element</tt>.
+ * Does linear interpolation if the element is not contained but lies in between two contained elements.
+ *
+ * @param sortedList the list to be searched (must be sorted ascending).
+ * @param element the element to search for.
+ * @return the percentage <tt>phi</tt> of elements <tt>&lt;= element</tt> (<tt>0.0 &lt;= phi &lt;= 1.0)</tt>.
+ */
+public static double quantileInverse(DoubleArrayList sortedList, double element) {
+	return rankInterpolated(sortedList,element) / sortedList.size();
+ * Returns the quantiles of the specified percentages.
+ * The quantiles need not necessarily be contained in the data sequence, it can be a linear interpolation.
+ * @param sortedData the data sequence; <b>must be sorted ascending</b>.
+ * @param percentages the percentages for which quantiles are to be computed.
+ * Each percentage must be in the interval <tt>[0.0,1.0]</tt>.
+ * @return the quantiles.
+ */
+public static DoubleArrayList quantiles(DoubleArrayList sortedData, DoubleArrayList percentages) {
+	int s = percentages.size();
+	DoubleArrayList quantiles = new DoubleArrayList(s);
+	for (int i=0; i < s; i++) {
+		quantiles.add(quantile(sortedData, percentages.get(i)));
+	}
+	return quantiles;
+ * Returns the linearly interpolated number of elements in a list less or equal to a given element.
+ * The rank is the number of elements <= element.
+ * Ranks are of the form <tt>{0, 1, 2,..., sortedList.size()}</tt>.
+ * If no element is <= element, then the rank is zero.
+ * If the element lies in between two contained elements, then linear interpolation is used and a non integer value is returned.
+ *
+ * @param sortedList the list to be searched (must be sorted ascending).
+ * @param element the element to search for.
+ * @return the rank of the element.
+ */
+public static double rankInterpolated(DoubleArrayList sortedList, double element) {
+	int index = sortedList.binarySearch(element);
+	if (index >= 0) { // element found
+		// skip to the right over multiple occurances of element.
+		int to = index+1;
+		int s = sortedList.size();
+		while (to<s && sortedList.get(to)==element) to++;
+		return to;
+	}
+	// element not found
+	int insertionPoint = -index-1;
+	if (insertionPoint == 0 || insertionPoint==sortedList.size()) return insertionPoint;
+	double from = sortedList.get(insertionPoint-1);
+	double to = sortedList.get(insertionPoint);
+	double delta = (element-from) / (to-from); //linear interpolation
+	return insertionPoint + delta;
+ * Returns the RMS (Root-Mean-Square) of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>Math.sqrt(Sum( data[i]*data[i] ) / data.size())</tt>.
+ * The RMS of data sequence is the square-root of the mean of the squares of the elements in the data sequence.
+ * It is a measure of the average "size" of the elements of a data sequence.
+ *
+ * @param sumOfSquares <tt>sumOfSquares(data) == Sum( data[i]*data[i] )</tt> of the data sequence.
+ * @param size the number of elements in the data sequence.
+ */
+public static double rms(int size, double sumOfSquares) {
+	return Math.sqrt(sumOfSquares/size);
+ * Returns the sample kurtosis (aka excess) of a data sequence.
+ *
+ * Ref: R.R. Sokal, F.J. Rohlf, Biometry: the principles and practice of statistics
+ * in biological research (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1998, 3rd edition)
+ * p. 114-115.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence.
+ * @param moment4 the fourth central moment, which is <tt>moment(data,4,mean)</tt>.
+ * @param sampleVariance the <b>sample variance</b>.
+ */
+public static double sampleKurtosis(int size, double moment4, double sampleVariance) {
+	 int    n=size;
+	 double s2=sampleVariance; // (y-ymean)^2/(n-1)
+	 double m4 = moment4*n;    // (y-ymean)^4
+	 return m4*n*(n+1) / ((n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)*s2*s2)
+		  - 3.0*(n-1)*(n-1)/((n-2)*(n-3));
+ * Returns the sample kurtosis (aka excess) of a data sequence.
+ */
+public static double sampleKurtosis(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double sampleVariance) {
+	 return sampleKurtosis(data.size(),moment(data,4,mean), sampleVariance);
+ * Return the standard error of the sample kurtosis.
+ *
+ * Ref: R.R. Sokal, F.J. Rohlf, Biometry: the principles and practice of statistics
+ * in biological research (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1998, 3rd edition)
+ * p. 138.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence.
+ */
+public static double sampleKurtosisStandardError(int size) {
+	 int n=size;
+	 return Math.sqrt( 24.0*n*(n-1)*(n-1)/((n-3)*(n-2)*(n+3)*(n+5)) );
+ * Returns the sample skew of a data sequence.
+ *
+ * Ref: R.R. Sokal, F.J. Rohlf, Biometry: the principles and practice of statistics
+ * in biological research (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1998, 3rd edition)
+ * p. 114-115.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence.
+ * @param moment3 the third central moment, which is <tt>moment(data,3,mean)</tt>.
+ * @param sampleVariance the <b>sample variance</b>.
+ */
+public static double sampleSkew(int size, double moment3, double sampleVariance) {
+	 int    n=size;
+	 double s=Math.sqrt(sampleVariance); // sqrt( (y-ymean)^2/(n-1) )
+	 double m3 = moment3*n;    // (y-ymean)^3
+	 return n*m3 / ((n-1)*(n-2)*s*s*s);
+ * Returns the sample skew of a data sequence.
+ */
+public static double sampleSkew(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double sampleVariance) {
+	 return sampleSkew(data.size(), moment(data,3,mean), sampleVariance);
+ * Return the standard error of the sample skew.
+ *
+ * Ref: R.R. Sokal, F.J. Rohlf, Biometry: the principles and practice of statistics
+ * in biological research (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1998, 3rd edition)
+ * p. 138.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence.
+ */
+public static double sampleSkewStandardError(int size) {
+	 int n=size;
+	 return Math.sqrt( 6.0*n*(n-1)/((n-2)*(n+1)*(n+3)) );
+ * Returns the sample standard deviation.
+ *
+ * Ref: R.R. Sokal, F.J. Rohlf, Biometry: the principles and practice of statistics
+ * in biological research (W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1998, 3rd edition)
+ * p. 53.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence.
+ * @param sampleVariance the <b>sample variance</b>.
+ */
+public static double sampleStandardDeviation(int size, double sampleVariance) {
+	 double s, Cn;
+	 int    n=size;
+	 // The standard deviation calculated as the sqrt of the variance underestimates
+	 // the unbiased standard deviation.
+	 s=Math.sqrt(sampleVariance);
+	 // It needs to be multiplied by this correction factor.
+	 if (n>30) {
+		Cn = 1 + 1.0/(4*(n-1)); // Cn = 1+1/(4*(n-1));
+	 } else {
+		Cn = Math.sqrt((n-1)*0.5)*Gamma.gamma((n-1)*0.5)/Gamma.gamma(n*0.5);
+	 }
+	 return Cn*s;
+ * Returns the sample variance of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>(sumOfSquares - mean*sum) / (size - 1)</tt> with <tt>mean = sum/size</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence. 
+ * @param sum <tt>== Sum( data[i] )</tt>.
+ * @param sumOfSquares <tt>== Sum( data[i]*data[i] )</tt>.
+ */
+public static double sampleVariance(int size, double sum, double sumOfSquares) {
+	double mean = sum / size;
+	return (sumOfSquares - mean*sum) / (size - 1);
+ * Returns the sample variance of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>Sum ( (data[i]-mean)^2 ) / (data.size()-1)</tt>.
+ */
+public static double sampleVariance(DoubleArrayList data, double mean) {
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	int size = data.size();	
+	double sum = 0 ;
+	// find the sum of the squares 
+	for (int i = size; --i >= 0; ) {
+		double delta = elements[i] - mean;
+		sum += delta * delta;
+	}
+	return sum / (size-1);
+ * Returns the sample weighted variance of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>(sumOfSquaredProducts  -  sumOfProducts * sumOfProducts / sumOfWeights) / (sumOfWeights - 1)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param sumOfWeights <tt>== Sum( weights[i] )</tt>. 
+ * @param sumOfProducts <tt>== Sum( data[i] * weights[i] )</tt>.
+ * @param sumOfSquaredProducts <tt>== Sum( data[i] * data[i] * weights[i] )</tt>.
+ */
+public static double sampleWeightedVariance(double sumOfWeights, double sumOfProducts, double sumOfSquaredProducts) {
+	return (sumOfSquaredProducts  -  sumOfProducts * sumOfProducts / sumOfWeights) / (sumOfWeights - 1);
+ * Returns the skew of a data sequence.
+ * @param moment3 the third central moment, which is <tt>moment(data,3,mean)</tt>.
+ * @param standardDeviation the standardDeviation.
+ */
+public static double skew(double moment3, double standardDeviation) {
+	return moment3 / (standardDeviation * standardDeviation * standardDeviation);
+ * Returns the skew of a data sequence, which is <tt>moment(data,3,mean) / standardDeviation<sup>3</sup></tt>.
+ */
+public static double skew(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double standardDeviation) {
+	return skew(moment(data,3,mean), standardDeviation);
+ * Splits (partitions) a list into sublists such that each sublist contains the elements with a given range.
+ * <tt>splitters=(a,b,c,...,y,z)</tt> defines the ranges <tt>[-inf,a), [a,b), [b,c), ..., [y,z), [z,inf]</tt>.
+ * <p><b>Examples:</b><br>
+ * <ul>
+ * <tt>data = (1,2,3,4,5,8,8,8,10,11)</tt>.
+ * <br><tt>splitters=(2,8)</tt> yields 3 bins: <tt>(1), (2,3,4,5) (8,8,8,10,11)</tt>.
+ * <br><tt>splitters=()</tt> yields 1 bin: <tt>(1,2,3,4,5,8,8,8,10,11)</tt>.
+ * <br><tt>splitters=(-5)</tt> yields 2 bins: <tt>(), (1,2,3,4,5,8,8,8,10,11)</tt>.
+ * <br><tt>splitters=(100)</tt> yields 2 bins: <tt>(1,2,3,4,5,8,8,8,10,11), ()</tt>.
+ * </ul>
+ * @param sortedList the list to be partitioned (must be sorted ascending).
+ * @param splitters the points at which the list shall be partitioned (must be sorted ascending).
+ * @return the sublists (an array with <tt>length == splitters.size() + 1</tt>.
+ * Each sublist is returned sorted ascending.
+ */
+public static DoubleArrayList[] split(DoubleArrayList sortedList, DoubleArrayList splitters) {
+	// assertion: data is sorted ascending.
+	// assertion: splitValues is sorted ascending.
+	int noOfBins = splitters.size() + 1;
+	DoubleArrayList[] bins = new DoubleArrayList[noOfBins];
+	for (int i=noOfBins; --i >= 0;) bins[i] = new DoubleArrayList();
+	int listSize = sortedList.size();
+	int nextStart = 0;
+	int i=0;
+	while (nextStart < listSize && i < noOfBins-1) {
+		double splitValue = splitters.get(i);
+		int index = sortedList.binarySearch(splitValue);
+		if (index < 0) { // splitValue not found
+			int insertionPosition = -index - 1;
+			bins[i].addAllOfFromTo(sortedList,nextStart,insertionPosition-1);
+			nextStart = insertionPosition;
+		}
+		else { // splitValue found
+			// For multiple identical elements ("runs"), binarySearch does not define which of all valid indexes is returned.
+			// Thus, skip over to the first element of a run.
+			do {
+				index--;
+			} while (index >= 0 && sortedList.get(index) == splitValue);
+			bins[i].addAllOfFromTo(sortedList,nextStart,index);
+			nextStart = index + 1;
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	// now fill the remainder
+	bins[noOfBins-1].addAllOfFromTo(sortedList,nextStart,sortedList.size()-1);
+	return bins;
+ * Returns the standard deviation from a variance.
+ */
+public static double standardDeviation(double variance) {
+	return Math.sqrt(variance);
+ * Returns the standard error of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>Math.sqrt(variance/size)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements in the data sequence.
+ * @param variance the variance of the data sequence.
+ */
+public static double standardError(int size, double variance) {
+	return Math.sqrt(variance/size);
+ * Modifies a data sequence to be standardized.
+ * Changes each element <tt>data[i]</tt> as follows: <tt>data[i] = (data[i]-mean)/standardDeviation</tt>.
+ */
+public static void standardize(DoubleArrayList data, double mean, double standardDeviation) {
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	for (int i=data.size(); --i >= 0;) elements[i] = (elements[i]-mean)/standardDeviation;
+ * Returns the sum of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>Sum( data[i] )</tt>.
+ */
+public static double sum(DoubleArrayList data) {
+	return sumOfPowerDeviations(data,1,0.0);
+ * Returns the sum of inversions of a data sequence,
+ * which is <tt>Sum( 1.0 / data[i])</tt>.
+ * @param data the data sequence.
+ * @param from the index of the first data element (inclusive).
+ * @param to the index of the last data element (inclusive).
+ */
+public static double sumOfInversions(DoubleArrayList data, int from, int to) {
+	return sumOfPowerDeviations(data,-1,0.0,from,to);
+ * Returns the sum of logarithms of a data sequence, which is <tt>Sum( Log(data[i])</tt>.
+ * @param data the data sequence.
+ * @param from the index of the first data element (inclusive).
+ * @param to the index of the last data element (inclusive).
+ */
+public static double sumOfLogarithms(DoubleArrayList data, int from, int to) {
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double logsum = 0;
+	for (int i=from-1; ++i <= to;) logsum += Math.log(elements[i]);
+	return logsum;
+ * Returns <tt>Sum( (data[i]-c)<sup>k</sup> )</tt>; optimized for common parameters like <tt>c == 0.0</tt> and/or <tt>k == -2 .. 4</tt>.
+ */
+public static double sumOfPowerDeviations(DoubleArrayList data, int k, double c) {
+	return sumOfPowerDeviations(data,k,c,0,data.size()-1);
+ * Returns <tt>Sum( (data[i]-c)<sup>k</sup> )</tt> for all <tt>i = from .. to</tt>; optimized for common parameters like <tt>c == 0.0</tt> and/or <tt>k == -2 .. 5</tt>.
+ */
+public static double sumOfPowerDeviations(final DoubleArrayList data, final int k, final double c, final int from, final int to) {
+	final double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double sum = 0;
+	double v;
+	int i;
+	switch (k) { // optimized for speed
+		case -2: 
+			if (c==0.0) for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]; sum += 1/(v*v); }
+			else for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]-c; sum += 1/(v*v); }
+			break;
+		case -1:
+			if (c==0.0) for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) sum += 1/(elements[i]);
+			else for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) sum += 1/(elements[i]-c);
+			break;
+		case 0: 
+			sum += to-from+1;
+			break;
+		case 1: 
+			if (c==0.0) for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) sum += elements[i];
+			else for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) sum += elements[i]-c;
+			break;
+		case 2: 
+			if (c==0.0) for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]; sum += v*v; }
+			else for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]-c; sum += v*v; }
+			break;
+		case 3: 
+			if (c==0.0) for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]; sum += v*v*v; }
+			else for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]-c; sum += v*v*v; }
+			break;
+		case 4: 
+			if (c==0.0) for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]; sum += v*v*v*v; }
+			else for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]-c; sum += v*v*v*v; }
+			break;
+		case 5: 
+			if (c==0.0) for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]; sum += v*v*v*v*v; }
+			else for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) { v = elements[i]-c; sum += v*v*v*v*v; }
+			break;
+		default:
+			for (i=from-1; ++i<=to; ) sum += Math.pow(elements[i]-c, k);
+			break;
+	}
+	return sum;
+ * Returns the sum of powers of a data sequence, which is <tt>Sum ( data[i]<sup>k</sup> )</tt>.
+ */
+public static double sumOfPowers(DoubleArrayList data, int k) {
+	return sumOfPowerDeviations(data,k,0);
+ * Returns the sum of squared mean deviation of of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>variance * (size-1) == Sum( (data[i] - mean)^2 )</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence. 
+ * @param variance the variance of the data sequence.
+ */
+public static double sumOfSquaredDeviations(int size, double variance) {
+	return variance * (size-1);
+ * Returns the sum of squares of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>Sum ( data[i]*data[i] )</tt>.
+ */
+public static double sumOfSquares(DoubleArrayList data) {
+	return sumOfPowerDeviations(data,2,0.0);
+ * Returns the trimmed mean of a sorted data sequence.
+ *
+ * @param sortedData the data sequence; <b>must be sorted ascending</b>.
+ * @param mean the mean of the (full) sorted data sequence.
+ * @left the number of leading elements to trim.
+ * @right the number of trailing elements to trim.
+ */
+public static double trimmedMean(DoubleArrayList sortedData, double mean, int left, int right) {
+	int N = sortedData.size();
+	if (N==0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty data.");
+	if (left+right >= N) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough data.");
+	double[] sortedElements = sortedData.elements();
+	int N0=N;
+	for(int i=0; i<left; ++i)
+		mean += (mean-sortedElements[i])/(--N);
+	for(int i=0; i<right; ++i)
+		mean += (mean-sortedElements[N0-1-i])/(--N);
+	return mean;
+ * Returns the variance from a standard deviation.
+ */
+public static double variance(double standardDeviation) {
+	return standardDeviation * standardDeviation;
+ * Returns the variance of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>(sumOfSquares - mean*sum) / size</tt> with <tt>mean = sum/size</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of elements of the data sequence. 
+ * @param sum <tt>== Sum( data[i] )</tt>.
+ * @param sumOfSquares <tt>== Sum( data[i]*data[i] )</tt>.
+ */
+public static double variance(int size, double sum, double sumOfSquares) {
+	double mean = sum / size;
+	return (sumOfSquares - mean*sum) / size;
+ * Returns the weighted mean of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt> Sum (data[i] * weights[i]) / Sum ( weights[i] )</tt>.
+ */
+public static double weightedMean(DoubleArrayList data, DoubleArrayList weights) {
+	int size = data.size();
+	if (size != weights.size() || size == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	double[] elements = data.elements();
+	double[] theWeights = weights.elements();
+	double sum = 0.0;
+	double weightsSum = 0.0;
+	for (int i=size; --i >= 0; ) {
+		double w = theWeights[i];
+		sum += elements[i] * w;
+		weightsSum += w;
+	}
+	return sum/weightsSum;
+ * Returns the weighted RMS (Root-Mean-Square) of a data sequence.
+ * That is <tt>Sum( data[i] * data[i] * weights[i]) / Sum( data[i] * weights[i] )</tt>,
+ * or in other words <tt>sumOfProducts / sumOfSquaredProducts</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param sumOfProducts <tt>== Sum( data[i] * weights[i] )</tt>.
+ * @param sumOfSquaredProducts <tt>== Sum( data[i] * data[i] * weights[i] )</tt>.
+ */
+public static double weightedRMS(double sumOfProducts, double sumOfSquaredProducts) {
+	return sumOfProducts / sumOfSquaredProducts;
+ * Returns the winsorized mean of a sorted data sequence.
+ *
+ * @param sortedData the data sequence; <b>must be sorted ascending</b>.
+ * @param mean the mean of the (full) sorted data sequence.
+ * @left the number of leading elements to trim.
+ * @right the number of trailing elements to trim.
+ */
+public static double winsorizedMean(DoubleArrayList sortedData, double mean, int left, int right) {
+	int N = sortedData.size();
+	if (N==0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty data.");
+	if (left+right >= N) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough data.");
+	double[] sortedElements = sortedData.elements();
+	double leftElement = sortedElements[left];
+	for(int i=0; i<left; ++i)
+		mean += (leftElement-sortedElements[i])/N;
+	double rightElement = sortedElements[N-1-right];
+	for(int i=0; i<right; ++i)
+		mean += (rightElement-sortedElements[N-1-i])/N;
+	return mean;

Added: lucene/mahout/trunk/matrix/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/jet/stat/
--- lucene/mahout/trunk/matrix/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/jet/stat/ (added)
+++ lucene/mahout/trunk/matrix/src/main/java/org/apache/mahout/jet/stat/ Mon Nov 23 15:14:26 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+Copyright 1999 CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose 
+is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and 
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. 
+CERN makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. 
+It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
+package org.apache.mahout.jet.stat;
+import org.apache.mahout.jet.math.Polynomial;
+ * Gamma and Beta functions.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Implementation:</b>
+ * <dt>
+ * Some code taken and adapted from the <A HREF="">Java 2D Graph Package 2.4</A>,
+ * which in turn is a port from the <A HREF="">Cephes 2.2</A> Math Library (C).
+ * Most Cephes code (missing from the 2D Graph Package) directly ported.
+ *
+ * @author
+ * @version 0.9, 22-Jun-99
+ */
+ * @deprecated until unit tests are in place.  Until this time, this class/interface is unsupported.
+ */
+public class Gamma extends org.apache.mahout.jet.math.Constants {
+ * Makes this class non instantiable, but still let's others inherit from it.
+ */
+protected Gamma() {}
+ * Returns the beta function of the arguments.
+ * <pre>
+ *                   -     -
+ *                  | (a) | (b)
+ * beta( a, b )  =  -----------.
+ *                     -
+ *                    | (a+b)
+ * </pre>
+ */
+static public double beta(double a, double b) throws ArithmeticException {
+	double y;
+	y = a + b;
+	y = gamma(y);
+	if( y == 0.0 ) return 1.0;
+	if( a > b ) {
+		y = gamma(a)/y;
+		y *= gamma(b);
+	}
+	else {
+		y = gamma(b)/y;
+		y *= gamma(a);
+	}
+	return(y);
+ * Returns the Gamma function of the argument.
+ */
+static public double gamma(double x) throws ArithmeticException {
+double P[] = {
+			   1.60119522476751861407E-4,
+			   1.19135147006586384913E-3,
+			   1.04213797561761569935E-2,
+			   4.76367800457137231464E-2,
+			   2.07448227648435975150E-1,
+			   4.94214826801497100753E-1,
+			   9.99999999999999996796E-1
+			  };
+double Q[] = {
+			   -2.31581873324120129819E-5,
+				5.39605580493303397842E-4,
+			   -4.45641913851797240494E-3,
+				1.18139785222060435552E-2,
+				3.58236398605498653373E-2,
+			   -2.34591795718243348568E-1,
+				7.14304917030273074085E-2,
+				1.00000000000000000320E0
+			   };
+//double MAXGAM = 171.624376956302725;
+//double LOGPI  = 1.14472988584940017414;
+double p, z;
+int i;
+double q = Math.abs(x);
+if( q > 33.0 ) {
+   if( x < 0.0 ) {
+		p = Math.floor(q);
+	if( p == q ) throw new ArithmeticException("gamma: overflow");
+	i = (int)p;
+	z = q - p;
+	if( z > 0.5 ) {
+		p += 1.0;
+		z = q - p;
+	}
+	z = q * Math.sin( Math.PI * z );
+	if( z == 0.0 ) throw new ArithmeticException("gamma: overflow");
+	z = Math.abs(z);
+	z = Math.PI/(z * stirlingFormula(q) );
+		return -z;
+   } else {
+	return stirlingFormula(x);
+   }
+ }
+ z = 1.0;
+   while( x >= 3.0 ) {
+  	     x -= 1.0;
+	 z *= x;
+   }
+   while( x < 0.0 ) {
+	 if( x == 0.0 ) {
+			throw new ArithmeticException("gamma: singular");
+		 } else
+	 if( x > -1.E-9 ) {
+			 return( z/((1.0 + 0.5772156649015329 * x) * x) );
+		 }
+	 z /= x;
+	 x += 1.0;
+   }
+   while( x < 2.0 ) {
+	 if( x == 0.0 ) {
+			throw new ArithmeticException("gamma: singular");
+		 } else
+	 if( x < 1.e-9 ) {
+  	        return( z/((1.0 + 0.5772156649015329 * x) * x) );
+		 }
+	 z /= x;
+	 x += 1.0;
+	if( (x == 2.0) || (x == 3.0) ) 	return z;
+	x -= 2.0;
+	p = Polynomial.polevl( x, P, 6 );
+	q = Polynomial.polevl( x, Q, 7 );
+	return  z * p / q;
+ * Returns the Incomplete Beta Function evaluated from zero to <tt>xx</tt>; formerly named <tt>ibeta</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param aa the alpha parameter of the beta distribution.
+ * @param bb the beta parameter of the beta distribution.
+ * @param xx the integration end point.
+ */
+public static double incompleteBeta( double aa, double bb, double xx ) throws ArithmeticException {
+		double a, b, t, x, xc, w, y;
+		boolean flag;
+		if( aa <= 0.0 || bb <= 0.0 ) throw new 
+						  ArithmeticException("ibeta: Domain error!");
+		if( (xx <= 0.0) || ( xx >= 1.0) ) {
+  	       if( xx == 0.0 ) return 0.0;
+   	       if( xx == 1.0 ) return 1.0;
+		   throw new ArithmeticException("ibeta: Domain error!");
+	    }
+		flag = false;
+		if( (bb * xx) <= 1.0 && xx <= 0.95) {
+	        t = powerSeries(aa, bb, xx);
+		    return t;
+	    }
+		w = 1.0 - xx;
+		/* Reverse a and b if x is greater than the mean. */
+		if( xx > (aa/(aa+bb)) ) {
+	       flag = true;
+	       a = bb;
+	       b = aa;
+	       xc = xx;
+	       x = w;
+	    } else {
+  	       a = aa;
+	       b = bb;
+	       xc = w;
+	       x = xx;
+	    }
+		if( flag  && (b * x) <= 1.0 && x <= 0.95) {
+ 	       t = powerSeries(a, b, x);
+	       if( t <= MACHEP ) 	t = 1.0 - MACHEP;
+	       else  		        t = 1.0 - t;
+		   return t;
+	    }
+		/* Choose expansion for better convergence. */
+		y = x * (a+b-2.0) - (a-1.0);
+		if( y < 0.0 )
+	                  w = incompleteBetaFraction1( a, b, x );
+		else
+	                  w = incompleteBetaFraction2( a, b, x ) / xc;
+		/* Multiply w by the factor
+		   a      b   _             _     _
+		  x  (1-x)   | (a+b) / ( a | (a) | (b) ) .   */
+		y = a * Math.log(x);
+		t = b * Math.log(xc);
+		if( (a+b) < MAXGAM && Math.abs(y) < MAXLOG && Math.abs(t) < MAXLOG ) {
+	        t = Math.pow(xc,b);
+	        t *= Math.pow(x,a);
+	        t /= a;
+	        t *= w;
+	        t *= gamma(a+b) / (gamma(a) * gamma(b));
+			if( flag ) {
+ 	           if( t <= MACHEP ) 	t = 1.0 - MACHEP;
+	           else  		        t = 1.0 - t;
+	        }
+			return t;
+	    }
+		/* Resort to logarithms.  */
+		y += t + logGamma(a+b) - logGamma(a) - logGamma(b);
+		y += Math.log(w/a);
+		if( y < MINLOG )
+	                    t = 0.0;
+		else
+	                    t = Math.exp(y);
+		if( flag ) {
+ 	           if( t <= MACHEP ) 	t = 1.0 - MACHEP;
+	           else  		        t = 1.0 - t;
+	    }
+		return t;
+   }   
+ * Continued fraction expansion #1 for incomplete beta integral; formerly named <tt>incbcf</tt>.
+ */
+static double incompleteBetaFraction1( double a, double b, double x ) throws ArithmeticException {
+	   double xk, pk, pkm1, pkm2, qk, qkm1, qkm2;
+	   double k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8;
+	   double r, t, ans, thresh;
+	   int n;
+	   k1 = a;
+	   k2 = a + b;
+	   k3 = a;
+	   k4 = a + 1.0;
+	   k5 = 1.0;
+	   k6 = b - 1.0;
+	   k7 = k4;
+	   k8 = a + 2.0;
+	   pkm2 = 0.0;
+	   qkm2 = 1.0;
+	   pkm1 = 1.0;
+	   qkm1 = 1.0;
+	   ans = 1.0;
+	   r = 1.0;
+	   n = 0;
+	   thresh = 3.0 * MACHEP;
+	   do {
+	      xk = -( x * k1 * k2 )/( k3 * k4 );
+	      pk = pkm1 +  pkm2 * xk;
+	      qk = qkm1 +  qkm2 * xk;
+	      pkm2 = pkm1;
+	      pkm1 = pk;
+	      qkm2 = qkm1;
+	      qkm1 = qk;
+	      xk = ( x * k5 * k6 )/( k7 * k8 );
+	      pk = pkm1 +  pkm2 * xk;
+	      qk = qkm1 +  qkm2 * xk;
+	      pkm2 = pkm1;
+	      pkm1 = pk;
+	      qkm2 = qkm1;
+	      qkm1 = qk;
+	      if( qk != 0 )		r = pk/qk;
+	      if( r != 0 ) {
+		       t = Math.abs( (ans - r)/r );
+		       ans = r;
+		  }	else
+		       t = 1.0;
+	      if( t < thresh ) return ans;
+	      k1 += 1.0;
+		  k2 += 1.0;
+	  	  k3 += 2.0;
+	  	  k4 += 2.0;
+	  	  k5 += 1.0;
+	  	  k6 -= 1.0;
+	  	  k7 += 2.0;
+	  	  k8 += 2.0;
+	  	  if( (Math.abs(qk) + Math.abs(pk)) > big ) {
+	  		pkm2 *= biginv;
+	  		pkm1 *= biginv;
+	  		qkm2 *= biginv;
+	  		qkm1 *= biginv;
+		  }
+	  	  if( (Math.abs(qk) < biginv) || (Math.abs(pk) < biginv) ) {
+	  		pkm2 *= big;
+	  		pkm1 *= big;
+	  		qkm2 *= big;
+	  		qkm1 *= big;
+		  }
+	   } while( ++n < 300 );
+	return ans;
+   }   
+ * Continued fraction expansion #2 for incomplete beta integral; formerly named <tt>incbd</tt>.
+ */
+static double incompleteBetaFraction2( double a, double b, double x ) throws ArithmeticException {
+		 double xk, pk, pkm1, pkm2, qk, qkm1, qkm2;
+		 double k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8;
+		 double r, t, ans, z, thresh;
+		 int n;
+		 k1 = a;
+		 k2 = b - 1.0;
+		 k3 = a;
+		 k4 = a + 1.0;
+		 k5 = 1.0;
+		 k6 = a + b;
+		 k7 = a + 1.0;;
+		 k8 = a + 2.0;
+		 pkm2 = 0.0;
+		 qkm2 = 1.0;
+		 pkm1 = 1.0;
+		 qkm1 = 1.0;
+		 z = x / (1.0-x);
+		 ans = 1.0;
+		 r = 1.0;
+		 n = 0;
+		 thresh = 3.0 * MACHEP;
+		 do {
+	         xk = -( z * k1 * k2 )/( k3 * k4 );
+	         pk = pkm1 +  pkm2 * xk;
+	         qk = qkm1 +  qkm2 * xk;
+	         pkm2 = pkm1;
+	         pkm1 = pk;
+	         qkm2 = qkm1;
+	         qkm1 = qk;
+	         xk = ( z * k5 * k6 )/( k7 * k8 );
+	         pk = pkm1 +  pkm2 * xk;
+	         qk = qkm1 +  qkm2 * xk;
+	         pkm2 = pkm1;
+	         pkm1 = pk;
+	         qkm2 = qkm1;
+	         qkm1 = qk;
+	         if( qk != 0 )  r = pk/qk;
+	         if( r != 0 ) {
+		         t = Math.abs( (ans - r)/r );
+		         ans = r;
+		     } else
+		         t = 1.0;
+	         if( t < thresh ) return ans;
+	         k1 += 1.0;
+	         k2 -= 1.0;
+	         k3 += 2.0;
+	         k4 += 2.0;
+	         k5 += 1.0;
+	         k6 += 1.0;
+	         k7 += 2.0;
+	         k8 += 2.0;
+	         if( (Math.abs(qk) + Math.abs(pk)) > big ) {
+		        pkm2 *= biginv;
+		        pkm1 *= biginv;
+		        qkm2 *= biginv;
+		        qkm1 *= biginv;
+		     }
+	         if( (Math.abs(qk) < biginv) || (Math.abs(pk) < biginv) ) {
+		        pkm2 *= big;
+		        pkm1 *= big;
+		        qkm2 *= big;
+		        qkm1 *= big;
+		     }
+	    } while( ++n < 300 );
+		return ans;
+	 }
+ * Returns the Incomplete Gamma function; formerly named <tt>igamma</tt>.
+ * @param a the parameter of the gamma distribution.
+ * @param x the integration end point.
+ */
+static public double incompleteGamma(double a, double x) 
+						 throws ArithmeticException {
+		double ans, ax, c, r;
+		if( x <= 0 || a <= 0 ) return 0.0;
+		if( x > 1.0 && x > a ) return 1.0 - incompleteGammaComplement(a,x);
+	   /* Compute  x**a * exp(-x) / gamma(a)  */
+		ax = a * Math.log(x) - x - logGamma(a);
+		if( ax < -MAXLOG ) return( 0.0 );
+		ax = Math.exp(ax);
+		/* power series */
+		r = a;
+		c = 1.0;
+		ans = 1.0;
+		do {
+  	    r += 1.0;
+	    c *= x/r;
+	    ans += c;
+	}
+		while( c/ans > MACHEP );
+		return( ans * ax/a );
+	 }
+ * Returns the Complemented Incomplete Gamma function; formerly named <tt>igamc</tt>.
+ * @param a the parameter of the gamma distribution.
+ * @param x the integration start point.
+ */
+static public double incompleteGammaComplement( double a, double x ) throws ArithmeticException {
+		double ans, ax, c, yc, r, t, y, z;
+		double pk, pkm1, pkm2, qk, qkm1, qkm2;
+		if( x <= 0 || a <= 0 ) return 1.0;
+		if( x < 1.0 || x < a ) return 1.0 - incompleteGamma(a,x);
+		ax = a * Math.log(x) - x - logGamma(a);
+		if( ax < -MAXLOG ) return 0.0;
+		ax = Math.exp(ax);
+		/* continued fraction */
+		y = 1.0 - a;
+		z = x + y + 1.0;
+		c = 0.0;
+		pkm2 = 1.0;
+		qkm2 = x;
+		pkm1 = x + 1.0;
+		qkm1 = z * x;
+		ans = pkm1/qkm1;
+		do {
+  	    c += 1.0;
+	    y += 1.0;
+	    z += 2.0;
+	    yc = y * c;
+	    pk = pkm1 * z  -  pkm2 * yc;
+	    qk = qkm1 * z  -  qkm2 * yc;
+	    if( qk != 0 ) {
+		r = pk/qk;
+		t = Math.abs( (ans - r)/r );
+		ans = r;
+	    } else
+		t = 1.0;
+	    pkm2 = pkm1;
+	    pkm1 = pk;
+	    qkm2 = qkm1;
+	    qkm1 = qk;
+	    if( Math.abs(pk) > big ) {
+		pkm2 *= biginv;
+		pkm1 *= biginv;
+		qkm2 *= biginv;
+		qkm1 *= biginv;
+	    }
+	} while( t > MACHEP );
+		return ans * ax;
+	 }
+ * Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function; formerly named <tt>lgamma</tt>.
+ */
+public static double logGamma(double x) throws ArithmeticException {
+	double p, q, w, z;
+		 double A[] = {
+					   8.11614167470508450300E-4,
+					   -5.95061904284301438324E-4,
+						7.93650340457716943945E-4,
+					   -2.77777777730099687205E-3,
+						8.33333333333331927722E-2
+					   };
+		 double B[] = {
+					   -1.37825152569120859100E3,
+					   -3.88016315134637840924E4,
+					   -3.31612992738871184744E5,
+					   -1.16237097492762307383E6,
+					   -1.72173700820839662146E6,
+					   -8.53555664245765465627E5
+					   };
+		 double C[] = {
+					   /* 1.00000000000000000000E0, */
+					   -3.51815701436523470549E2,
+					   -1.70642106651881159223E4,
+					   -2.20528590553854454839E5,
+					   -1.13933444367982507207E6,
+					   -2.53252307177582951285E6,
+					   -2.01889141433532773231E6
+					  };
+		 if( x < -34.0 ) {
+  	   q = -x;
+	   w = logGamma(q);
+	   p = Math.floor(q);
+	   if( p == q ) throw new ArithmeticException("lgam: Overflow");
+	   z = q - p;
+	   if( z > 0.5 ) {
+		p += 1.0;
+		z = p - q;
+ 	   }
+	   z = q * Math.sin( Math.PI * z );
+	   if( z == 0.0 ) throw new 
+							   ArithmeticException("lgamma: Overflow");
+	   z = LOGPI - Math.log( z ) - w;
+	   return z;
+	 }
+		 if( x < 13.0 ) {
+  	   z = 1.0;
+	   while( x >= 3.0 ) {
+		x -= 1.0;
+		z *= x;
+	   }
+	   while( x < 2.0 ) {
+		if( x == 0.0 ) throw new 
+								ArithmeticException("lgamma: Overflow");
+		z /= x;
+		x += 1.0;
+	   }
+	   if( z < 0.0 ) z = -z;
+	   if( x == 2.0 ) return Math.log(z);
+	   x -= 2.0;
+	   p = x * Polynomial.polevl( x, B, 5 ) / Polynomial.p1evl( x, C, 6);
+ 	   return( Math.log(z) + p );
+	 }
+		 if( x > 2.556348e305 ) throw new 
+						  ArithmeticException("lgamma: Overflow");
+		 q = ( x - 0.5 ) * Math.log(x) - x + 0.91893853320467274178;
+		 //if( x > 1.0e8 ) return( q );
+		 if( x > 1.0e8 ) return( q );
+		 p = 1.0/(x*x);
+		 if( x >= 1000.0 )
+	     q += ((   7.9365079365079365079365e-4 * p
+		      - 2.7777777777777777777778e-3) *p
+		     + 0.0833333333333333333333) / x;
+		 else
+	     q += Polynomial.polevl( p, A, 4 ) / x;
+		 return q;
+	 }
+ * Power series for incomplete beta integral; formerly named <tt>pseries</tt>.
+ * Use when b*x is small and x not too close to 1.  
+ */
+static double powerSeries( double a, double b, double x ) throws ArithmeticException {
+	double s, t, u, v, n, t1, z, ai;
+	ai = 1.0 / a;
+	u = (1.0 - b) * x;
+	v = u / (a + 1.0);
+	t1 = v;
+	t = u;
+	n = 2.0;
+	s = 0.0;
+	z = MACHEP * ai;
+	while( Math.abs(v) > z ) {
+	       u = (n - b) * x / n;
+	       t *= u;
+	       v = t / (a + n);
+	       s += v; 
+	       n += 1.0;
+	    }
+	s += t1;
+	s += ai;
+	u = a * Math.log(x);
+	if( (a+b) < MAXGAM && Math.abs(u) < MAXLOG ) {
+	        t = Gamma.gamma(a+b)/(Gamma.gamma(a)*Gamma.gamma(b));
+	        s = s * t * Math.pow(x,a);
+	    } else {
+	       t = Gamma.logGamma(a+b) - Gamma.logGamma(a) - Gamma.logGamma(b) + u + Math.log(s);
+	       if( t < MINLOG ) 	s = 0.0;
+	       else  	            s = Math.exp(t);
+	    }
+	return s;
+ * Returns the Gamma function computed by Stirling's formula; formerly named <tt>stirf</tt>.
+ * The polynomial STIR is valid for 33 <= x <= 172.
+ */
+static double stirlingFormula(double x) throws ArithmeticException {
+		double STIR[] = {
+					 7.87311395793093628397E-4,
+					-2.29549961613378126380E-4,
+					-2.68132617805781232825E-3,
+					 3.47222221605458667310E-3,
+					 8.33333333333482257126E-2,
+					};
+		double MAXSTIR = 143.01608;
+		double w = 1.0/x;
+		double  y = Math.exp(x);
+		w = 1.0 + w * Polynomial.polevl( w, STIR, 4 );
+		if( x > MAXSTIR ) {
+	       /* Avoid overflow in Math.pow() */
+	       double v = Math.pow( x, 0.5 * x - 0.25 );
+	       y = v * (v / y);
+	} else {
+			   y = Math.pow( x, x - 0.5 ) / y;
+	}
+		y = SQTPI * y * w;
+		return y;
+	 }

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+Copyright 1999 CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose 
+is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and 
+that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. 
+CERN makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. 
+It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
+package org.apache.mahout.jet.stat;
+import org.apache.mahout.jet.math.Polynomial;
+ * Custom tailored numerical integration of certain probability distributions.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Implementation:</b>
+ * <dt>
+ * Some code taken and adapted from the <A HREF="">Java 2D Graph Package 2.4</A>,
+ * which in turn is a port from the <A HREF="">Cephes 2.2</A> Math Library (C).
+ * Most Cephes code (missing from the 2D Graph Package) directly ported.
+ *
+ * @author
+ * @author
+ * @version 0.91, 08-Dec-99
+ */
+ * @deprecated until unit tests are in place.  Until this time, this class/interface is unsupported.
+ */
+public class Probability extends org.apache.mahout.jet.math.Constants {
+	/*************************************************
+	 *    COEFFICIENTS FOR METHOD  normalInverse()   *
+	 *************************************************/
+	/* approximation for 0 <= |y - 0.5| <= 3/8 */
+	protected static final double P0[] = {
+		-5.99633501014107895267E1,
+		 9.80010754185999661536E1,
+		-5.66762857469070293439E1,
+		 1.39312609387279679503E1,
+		-1.23916583867381258016E0,
+		};
+	protected static final double Q0[] = {
+		/* 1.00000000000000000000E0,*/
+		 1.95448858338141759834E0,
+		 4.67627912898881538453E0,
+		 8.63602421390890590575E1,
+		-2.25462687854119370527E2,
+		 2.00260212380060660359E2,
+		-8.20372256168333339912E1,
+		 1.59056225126211695515E1,
+		-1.18331621121330003142E0,
+		};
+	/* Approximation for interval z = sqrt(-2 log y ) between 2 and 8
+	 * i.e., y between exp(-2) = .135 and exp(-32) = 1.27e-14.
+	 */
+	protected static final double P1[] = {
+		 4.05544892305962419923E0,
+		 3.15251094599893866154E1,
+		 5.71628192246421288162E1,
+		 4.40805073893200834700E1,
+		 1.46849561928858024014E1,
+		 2.18663306850790267539E0,
+		-1.40256079171354495875E-1,
+		-3.50424626827848203418E-2,
+		-8.57456785154685413611E-4,
+		};
+	protected static final double Q1[] = {
+		/*  1.00000000000000000000E0,*/
+		 1.57799883256466749731E1,
+		 4.53907635128879210584E1,
+		 4.13172038254672030440E1,
+		 1.50425385692907503408E1,
+		 2.50464946208309415979E0,
+		-1.42182922854787788574E-1,
+		-3.80806407691578277194E-2,
+		-9.33259480895457427372E-4,
+		};
+	/* Approximation for interval z = sqrt(-2 log y ) between 8 and 64
+	 * i.e., y between exp(-32) = 1.27e-14 and exp(-2048) = 3.67e-890.
+	 */
+	protected static final double  P2[] = {
+		  3.23774891776946035970E0,
+		  6.91522889068984211695E0,
+		  3.93881025292474443415E0,
+		  1.33303460815807542389E0,
+		  2.01485389549179081538E-1,
+		  1.23716634817820021358E-2,
+		  3.01581553508235416007E-4,
+		  2.65806974686737550832E-6,
+		  6.23974539184983293730E-9,
+		};
+	protected static final double  Q2[] = {
+		/*  1.00000000000000000000E0,*/
+		  6.02427039364742014255E0,
+		  3.67983563856160859403E0,
+		  1.37702099489081330271E0,
+		  2.16236993594496635890E-1,
+		  1.34204006088543189037E-2,
+		  3.28014464682127739104E-4,
+		  2.89247864745380683936E-6,
+		  6.79019408009981274425E-9,
+		};
+ * Makes this class non instantiable, but still let's others inherit from it.
+ */
+protected Probability() {}
+ * Returns the area from zero to <tt>x</tt> under the beta density
+ * function.
+ * <pre>
+ *                          x
+ *            -             -
+ *           | (a+b)       | |  a-1      b-1
+ * P(x)  =  ----------     |   t    (1-t)    dt
+ *           -     -     | |
+ *          | (a) | (b)   -
+ *                         0
+ * </pre>
+ * This function is identical to the incomplete beta
+ * integral function <tt>Gamma.incompleteBeta(a, b, x)</tt>.
+ *
+ * The complemented function is
+ *
+ * <tt>1 - P(1-x)  =  Gamma.incompleteBeta( b, a, x )</tt>;
+ *
+ */
+static public double beta(double a, double b, double x ) {
+	return Gamma.incompleteBeta( a, b, x );
+ * Returns the area under the right hand tail (from <tt>x</tt> to
+ * infinity) of the beta density function.
+ * 
+ * This function is identical to the incomplete beta
+ * integral function <tt>Gamma.incompleteBeta(b, a, x)</tt>.
+ */
+static public double betaComplemented(double a, double b, double x ) {
+	return Gamma.incompleteBeta( b, a, x );
+ * Returns the sum of the terms <tt>0</tt> through <tt>k</tt> of the Binomial
+ * probability density.
+ * <pre>
+ *   k
+ *   --  ( n )   j      n-j
+ *   >   (   )  p  (1-p)
+ *   --  ( j )
+ *  j=0
+ * </pre>
+ * The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete
+ * beta integral is employed, according to the formula
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>y = binomial( k, n, p ) = Gamma.incompleteBeta( n-k, k+1, 1-p )</tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * All arguments must be positive, 
+ * @param k end term.
+ * @param n the number of trials.
+ * @param p the probability of success (must be in <tt>(0.0,1.0)</tt>).
+ */
+static public double binomial(int k, int n, double p) {
+	if( (p < 0.0) || (p > 1.0) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if( (k < 0) || (n < k) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if( k == n ) return( 1.0 );
+	if( k == 0 ) return Math.pow( 1.0-p, n-k );
+	return Gamma.incompleteBeta( n-k, k+1, 1.0 - p );
+ * Returns the sum of the terms <tt>k+1</tt> through <tt>n</tt> of the Binomial
+ * probability density.
+ * <pre>
+ *   n
+ *   --  ( n )   j      n-j
+ *   >   (   )  p  (1-p)
+ *   --  ( j )
+ *  j=k+1
+ * </pre>
+ * The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete
+ * beta integral is employed, according to the formula
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>y = binomialComplemented( k, n, p ) = Gamma.incompleteBeta( k+1, n-k, p )</tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * All arguments must be positive, 
+ * @param k end term.
+ * @param n the number of trials.
+ * @param p the probability of success (must be in <tt>(0.0,1.0)</tt>).
+ */
+static public double binomialComplemented(int k, int n, double p) {
+	if( (p < 0.0) || (p > 1.0) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if( (k < 0) || (n < k) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if( k == n ) return( 0.0 );
+	if( k == 0 ) return 1.0 - Math.pow( 1.0-p, n-k );
+	return Gamma.incompleteBeta( k+1, n-k, p );
+ * Returns the area under the left hand tail (from 0 to <tt>x</tt>)
+ * of the Chi square probability density function with
+ * <tt>v</tt> degrees of freedom.
+ * <pre>
+ *                                  inf.
+ *                                    -
+ *                        1          | |  v/2-1  -t/2
+ *  P( x | v )   =   -----------     |   t      e     dt
+ *                    v/2  -       | |
+ *                   2    | (v/2)   -
+ *                                   x
+ * </pre>
+ * where <tt>x</tt> is the Chi-square variable.
+ * <p>
+ * The incomplete gamma integral is used, according to the
+ * formula
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>y = chiSquare( v, x ) = incompleteGamma( v/2.0, x/2.0 )</tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * The arguments must both be positive.
+ *
+ * @param v degrees of freedom.
+ * @param x integration end point.
+ */
+static public double chiSquare(double v, double x) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	if( x < 0.0 || v < 1.0 ) return 0.0;
+	return Gamma.incompleteGamma( v/2.0, x/2.0 );
+ * Returns the area under the right hand tail (from <tt>x</tt> to
+ * infinity) of the Chi square probability density function
+ * with <tt>v</tt> degrees of freedom.
+ * <pre>
+ *                                  inf.
+ *                                    -
+ *                        1          | |  v/2-1  -t/2
+ *  P( x | v )   =   -----------     |   t      e     dt
+ *                    v/2  -       | |
+ *                   2    | (v/2)   -
+ *                                   x
+ * </pre>
+ * where <tt>x</tt> is the Chi-square variable.
+ *
+ * The incomplete gamma integral is used, according to the
+ * formula
+ *
+ * <tt>y = chiSquareComplemented( v, x ) = incompleteGammaComplement( v/2.0, x/2.0 )</tt>.
+ *
+ *
+ * The arguments must both be positive.
+ *
+ * @param v degrees of freedom.
+ */
+static public double chiSquareComplemented(double v, double x) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	if( x < 0.0 || v < 1.0 ) return 0.0;
+	return Gamma.incompleteGammaComplement( v/2.0, x/2.0 );
+ * Returns the error function of the normal distribution; formerly named <tt>erf</tt>.
+ * The integral is
+ * <pre>
+ *                           x 
+ *                            -
+ *                 2         | |          2
+ *   erf(x)  =  --------     |    exp( - t  ) dt.
+ *              sqrt(pi)   | |
+ *                          -
+ *                           0
+ * </pre>
+ * <b>Implementation:</b>
+ * For <tt>0 <= |x| < 1, erf(x) = x * P4(x**2)/Q5(x**2)</tt>; otherwise
+ * <tt>erf(x) = 1 - erfc(x)</tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * Code adapted from the <A HREF="">Java 2D Graph Package 2.4</A>,
+ * which in turn is a port from the <A HREF="">Cephes 2.2</A> Math Library (C).
+ *
+ * @param x the argument to the function.
+ */
+static public double errorFunction(double x) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	double y, z;
+	final double T[] = {
+					 9.60497373987051638749E0,
+					 9.00260197203842689217E1,
+					 2.23200534594684319226E3,
+					 7.00332514112805075473E3,
+					 5.55923013010394962768E4
+					};
+	final double U[] = {
+				   //1.00000000000000000000E0,
+					 3.35617141647503099647E1,
+					 5.21357949780152679795E2,
+					 4.59432382970980127987E3,
+					 2.26290000613890934246E4,
+					 4.92673942608635921086E4
+					};
+	if( Math.abs(x) > 1.0 ) return( 1.0 - errorFunctionComplemented(x) );
+	z = x * x;
+	y = x * Polynomial.polevl( z, T, 4 ) / Polynomial.p1evl( z, U, 5 );
+	return y;
+ * Returns the complementary Error function of the normal distribution; formerly named <tt>erfc</tt>.
+ * <pre>
+ *  1 - erf(x) =
+ *
+ *                           inf. 
+ *                             -
+ *                  2         | |          2
+ *   erfc(x)  =  --------     |    exp( - t  ) dt
+ *               sqrt(pi)   | |
+ *                           -
+ *                            x
+ * </pre>
+ * <b>Implementation:</b>
+ * For small x, <tt>erfc(x) = 1 - erf(x)</tt>; otherwise rational
+ * approximations are computed.
+ * <p>
+ * Code adapted from the <A HREF="">Java 2D Graph Package 2.4</A>,
+ * which in turn is a port from the <A HREF="">Cephes 2.2</A> Math Library (C).
+ *
+ * @param a the argument to the function.
+ */
+static public double errorFunctionComplemented(double a) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	double x,y,z,p,q;
+	double P[] = {
+					 2.46196981473530512524E-10,
+					 5.64189564831068821977E-1,
+					 7.46321056442269912687E0,
+					 4.86371970985681366614E1,
+					 1.96520832956077098242E2,
+					 5.26445194995477358631E2,
+					 9.34528527171957607540E2,
+					 1.02755188689515710272E3,
+					 5.57535335369399327526E2
+					};
+	double Q[] = {
+					//1.0
+					  1.32281951154744992508E1,
+					  8.67072140885989742329E1,
+					  3.54937778887819891062E2,
+					  9.75708501743205489753E2,
+					  1.82390916687909736289E3,
+					  2.24633760818710981792E3,
+					  1.65666309194161350182E3,
+					  5.57535340817727675546E2
+					 };
+	double R[] = {
+					  5.64189583547755073984E-1,
+					  1.27536670759978104416E0,
+					  5.01905042251180477414E0,
+					  6.16021097993053585195E0,
+					  7.40974269950448939160E0,
+					  2.97886665372100240670E0
+					 };
+	double S[] = {
+					//1.00000000000000000000E0, 
+					  2.26052863220117276590E0,
+					  9.39603524938001434673E0,
+					  1.20489539808096656605E1,
+					  1.70814450747565897222E1,
+					  9.60896809063285878198E0,
+					  3.36907645100081516050E0
+					 };
+	if( a < 0.0 )   x = -a;
+	else            x = a;
+	if( x < 1.0 )   return 1.0 - errorFunction(a);
+	z = -a * a;
+	if( z < -MAXLOG ) {
+		 if( a < 0 )  return( 2.0 );
+		 else         return( 0.0 );
+	}
+	z = Math.exp(z);
+	if( x < 8.0 ) {
+	  p = Polynomial.polevl( x, P, 8 );
+	  q = Polynomial.p1evl( x, Q, 8 );
+	} else {
+	  p = Polynomial.polevl( x, R, 5 );
+	  q = Polynomial.p1evl( x, S, 6 );
+	}
+	y = (z * p)/q;
+	if( a < 0 ) y = 2.0 - y;
+	if( y == 0.0 ) {
+			if( a < 0 ) return 2.0;
+			else        return( 0.0 );
+	 }
+	return y;
+ * Returns the integral from zero to <tt>x</tt> of the gamma probability
+ * density function.
+ * <pre>
+ *                x
+ *        b       -
+ *       a       | |   b-1  -at
+ * y =  -----    |    t    e    dt
+ *       -     | |
+ *      | (b)   -
+ *               0
+ * </pre>
+ * The incomplete gamma integral is used, according to the
+ * relation
+ *
+ * <tt>y = Gamma.incompleteGamma( b, a*x )</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param a the paramater a (alpha) of the gamma distribution.
+ * @param b the paramater b (beta, lambda) of the gamma distribution.
+ * @param x integration end point.
+ */
+static public double gamma(double a, double b, double x ) {
+	if( x < 0.0 ) return 0.0;
+	return Gamma.incompleteGamma(b, a*x);
+ * Returns the integral from <tt>x</tt> to infinity of the gamma
+ * probability density function:
+ * <pre>
+ *               inf.
+ *        b       -
+ *       a       | |   b-1  -at
+ * y =  -----    |    t    e    dt
+ *       -     | |
+ *      | (b)   -
+ *               x
+ * </pre>
+ * The incomplete gamma integral is used, according to the
+ * relation
+ * <p>
+ * y = Gamma.incompleteGammaComplement( b, a*x ).
+ *
+ * @param a the paramater a (alpha) of the gamma distribution.
+ * @param b the paramater b (beta, lambda) of the gamma distribution.
+ * @param x integration end point.
+ */
+static public double gammaComplemented(double a, double b, double x ) {
+	if( x < 0.0 ) return 0.0;
+	return Gamma.incompleteGammaComplement(b, a*x);
+ * Returns the sum of the terms <tt>0</tt> through <tt>k</tt> of the Negative Binomial Distribution.
+ * <pre>
+ *   k
+ *   --  ( n+j-1 )   n      j
+ *   >   (       )  p  (1-p)
+ *   --  (   j   )
+ *  j=0
+ * </pre>
+ * In a sequence of Bernoulli trials, this is the probability
+ * that <tt>k</tt> or fewer failures precede the <tt>n</tt>-th success.
+ * <p>
+ * The terms are not computed individually; instead the incomplete
+ * beta integral is employed, according to the formula
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>y = negativeBinomial( k, n, p ) = Gamma.incompleteBeta( n, k+1, p )</tt>.
+ *
+ * All arguments must be positive, 
+ * @param k end term.
+ * @param n the number of trials.
+ * @param p the probability of success (must be in <tt>(0.0,1.0)</tt>).
+ */
+static public double negativeBinomial(int k, int n, double p) {
+	if( (p < 0.0) || (p > 1.0) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if(k < 0) return 0.0;
+	return Gamma.incompleteBeta( n, k+1, p );
+ * Returns the sum of the terms <tt>k+1</tt> to infinity of the Negative
+ * Binomial distribution.
+ * <pre>
+ *   inf
+ *   --  ( n+j-1 )   n      j
+ *   >   (       )  p  (1-p)
+ *   --  (   j   )
+ *  j=k+1
+ * </pre>
+ * The terms are not computed individually; instead the incomplete
+ * beta integral is employed, according to the formula
+ * <p>
+ * y = negativeBinomialComplemented( k, n, p ) = Gamma.incompleteBeta( k+1, n, 1-p ).
+ *
+ * All arguments must be positive, 
+ * @param k end term.
+ * @param n the number of trials.
+ * @param p the probability of success (must be in <tt>(0.0,1.0)</tt>).
+ */
+static public double negativeBinomialComplemented(int k, int n, double p) {
+	if( (p < 0.0) || (p > 1.0) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if(k < 0) return 0.0;
+	return Gamma.incompleteBeta( k+1, n, 1.0-p );
+ * Returns the area under the Normal (Gaussian) probability density
+ * function, integrated from minus infinity to <tt>x</tt> (assumes mean is zero, variance is one).
+ * <pre>
+ *                            x
+ *                             -
+ *                   1        | |          2
+ *  normal(x)  = ---------    |    exp( - t /2 ) dt
+ *               sqrt(2pi)  | |
+ *                           -
+ *                          -inf.
+ *
+ *             =  ( 1 + erf(z) ) / 2
+ *             =  erfc(z) / 2
+ * </pre>
+ * where <tt>z = x/sqrt(2)</tt>.
+ * Computation is via the functions <tt>errorFunction</tt> and <tt>errorFunctionComplement</tt>.
+ */
+static public double normal( double a) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	double x, y, z;
+	x = a * SQRTH;
+	z = Math.abs(x);
+	if( z < SQRTH ) y = 0.5 + 0.5 * errorFunction(x);
+	else {
+		y = 0.5 * errorFunctionComplemented(z);
+		if( x > 0 )  y = 1.0 - y;
+	}
+	return y;
+ * Returns the area under the Normal (Gaussian) probability density
+ * function, integrated from minus infinity to <tt>x</tt>.
+ * <pre>
+ *                            x
+ *                             -
+ *                   1        | |                 2
+ *  normal(x)  = ---------    |    exp( - (t-mean) / 2v ) dt
+ *               sqrt(2pi*v)| |
+ *                           -
+ *                          -inf.
+ *
+ * </pre>
+ * where <tt>v = variance</tt>.
+ * Computation is via the functions <tt>errorFunction</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param mean the mean of the normal distribution.
+ * @param variance the variance of the normal distribution.
+ * @param x the integration limit.
+ */
+static public double normal(double mean, double variance, double x) throws ArithmeticException {
+	if (x>0) 
+		return 0.5 + 0.5*errorFunction((x-mean)/Math.sqrt(2.0*variance));
+	else 
+		return 0.5 - 0.5*errorFunction((-(x-mean))/Math.sqrt(2.0*variance));
+ * Returns the value, <tt>x</tt>, for which the area under the
+ * Normal (Gaussian) probability density function (integrated from
+ * minus infinity to <tt>x</tt>) is equal to the argument <tt>y</tt> (assumes mean is zero, variance is one); formerly named <tt>ndtri</tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * For small arguments <tt>0 < y < exp(-2)</tt>, the program computes
+ * <tt>z = sqrt( -2.0 * log(y) )</tt>;  then the approximation is
+ * <tt>x = z - log(z)/z  - (1/z) P(1/z) / Q(1/z)</tt>.
+ * There are two rational functions P/Q, one for <tt>0 < y < exp(-32)</tt>
+ * and the other for <tt>y</tt> up to <tt>exp(-2)</tt>. 
+ * For larger arguments,
+ * <tt>w = y - 0.5</tt>, and  <tt>x/sqrt(2pi) = w + w**3 R(w**2)/S(w**2))</tt>.
+ *
+ */
+static public double normalInverse( double y0) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	double x, y, z, y2, x0, x1;
+	int code;
+	final double s2pi = Math.sqrt(2.0*Math.PI);
+	if( y0 <= 0.0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if( y0 >= 1.0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	code = 1;
+	y = y0;
+	if( y > (1.0 - 0.13533528323661269189) ) { /* 0.135... = exp(-2) */
+		y = 1.0 - y;
+		code = 0;
+	}
+	if( y > 0.13533528323661269189 ) {
+		y = y - 0.5;
+		y2 = y * y;
+		x = y + y * (y2 * Polynomial.polevl( y2, P0, 4)/Polynomial.p1evl( y2, Q0, 8 ));
+		x = x * s2pi; 
+		return(x);
+	}
+	x = Math.sqrt( -2.0 * Math.log(y) );
+	x0 = x - Math.log(x)/x;
+	z = 1.0/x;
+	if( x < 8.0 ) /* y > exp(-32) = 1.2664165549e-14 */
+		x1 = z * Polynomial.polevl( z, P1, 8 )/Polynomial.p1evl( z, Q1, 8 );
+	else
+		x1 = z * Polynomial.polevl( z, P2, 8 )/Polynomial.p1evl( z, Q2, 8 );
+	x = x0 - x1;
+	if( code != 0 )
+		x = -x;
+	return( x );
+ * Returns the sum of the first <tt>k</tt> terms of the Poisson distribution.
+ * <pre>
+ *   k         j
+ *   --   -m  m
+ *   >   e    --
+ *   --       j!
+ *  j=0
+ * </pre>
+ * The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete
+ * gamma integral is employed, according to the relation
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>y = poisson( k, m ) = Gamma.incompleteGammaComplement( k+1, m )</tt>.
+ *
+ * The arguments must both be positive.
+ *
+ * @param k number of terms.
+ * @param mean the mean of the poisson distribution.
+ */
+static public double poisson(int k, double mean) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	if( mean < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if( k < 0 ) return 0.0;
+	return Gamma.incompleteGammaComplement((double)(k+1) ,mean);
+ * Returns the sum of the terms <tt>k+1</tt> to <tt>Infinity</tt> of the Poisson distribution.
+ * <pre>
+ *  inf.       j
+ *   --   -m  m
+ *   >   e    --
+ *   --       j!
+ *  j=k+1
+ * </pre>
+ * The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete
+ * gamma integral is employed, according to the formula
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>y = poissonComplemented( k, m ) = Gamma.incompleteGamma( k+1, m )</tt>.
+ *
+ * The arguments must both be positive.
+ *
+ * @param k start term.
+ * @param mean the mean of the poisson distribution.
+ */
+static public double poissonComplemented(int k, double mean) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	if( mean < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if( k < -1 ) return 0.0;
+	return Gamma.incompleteGamma((double)(k+1),mean);
+ * Returns the integral from minus infinity to <tt>t</tt> of the Student-t 
+ * distribution with <tt>k &gt; 0</tt> degrees of freedom.
+ * <pre>
+ *                                      t
+ *                                      -
+ *                                     | |
+ *              -                      |         2   -(k+1)/2
+ *             | ( (k+1)/2 )           |  (     x   )
+ *       ----------------------        |  ( 1 + --- )        dx
+ *                     -               |  (      k  )
+ *       sqrt( k pi ) | ( k/2 )        |
+ *                                   | |
+ *                                    -
+ *                                   -inf.
+ * </pre>
+ * Relation to incomplete beta integral:
+ * <p>
+ * <tt>1 - studentT(k,t) = 0.5 * Gamma.incompleteBeta( k/2, 1/2, z )</tt>
+ * where <tt>z = k/(k + t**2)</tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * Since the function is symmetric about <tt>t=0</tt>, the area under the
+ * right tail of the density is found by calling the function
+ * with <tt>-t</tt> instead of <tt>t</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param k degrees of freedom.
+ * @param t integration end point.
+ */
+static public double studentT(double k, double t) throws ArithmeticException { 
+	if( k <= 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+	if( t == 0 ) return( 0.5 );
+	double cdf = 0.5 * Gamma.incompleteBeta( 0.5*k, 0.5, k / (k + t * t) );
+	if (t >= 0) cdf = 1.0 - cdf; // fixes bug reported by
+	return cdf;
+ * Returns the value, <tt>t</tt>, for which the area under the
+ * Student-t probability density function (integrated from
+ * minus infinity to <tt>t</tt>) is equal to <tt>1-alpha/2</tt>.
+ * The value returned corresponds to usual Student t-distribution lookup
+ * table for <tt>t<sub>alpha[size]</sub></tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * The function uses the studentT function to determine the return
+ * value iteratively.
+ *
+ * @param alpha probability
+ * @param size size of data set
+ */
+public static double studentTInverse(double alpha, int size) {
+	 double cumProb = 1-alpha/2; // Cumulative probability
+	 double f1,f2,f3;
+	 double x1,x2,x3;
+	 double g,s12;
+	 cumProb = 1-alpha/2; // Cumulative probability
+	 x1 = normalInverse(cumProb);
+	 // Return inverse of normal for large size
+	 if (size > 200) {
+		return x1;
+	 }
+	 // Find a pair of x1,x2 that braket zero
+	 f1 = studentT(size,x1)-cumProb;
+	 x2 = x1; f2 = f1;
+	 do {
+		if (f1>0) {
+		   x2 = x2/2;
+		} else {
+		   x2 = x2+x1;
+		}
+		f2 = studentT(size,x2)-cumProb;
+	 } while (f1*f2>0);
+	 // Find better approximation
+	 // Pegasus-method
+	 do {
+		// Calculate slope of secant and t value for which it is 0.
+		s12 = (f2-f1)/(x2-x1);
+		x3 = x2 - f2/s12;
+		// Calculate function value at x3
+		f3 = studentT(size,x3)-cumProb;
+		if (Math.abs(f3)<1e-8) { // This criteria needs to be very tight!
+		   // We found a perfect value -> return
+		   return x3;
+		}
+		if (f3*f2<0) {
+		   x1=x2; f1=f2;
+		   x2=x3; f2=f3;
+		} else {
+		   g = f2/(f2+f3);
+		   f1=g*f1;
+		   x2=x3; f2=f3;
+		}
+	 } while(Math.abs(x2-x1)>0.001);
+	 if (Math.abs(f2)<=Math.abs(f1)) {
+		return x2;
+	 } else {
+		return x1;
+	 }

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+Tools for basic and advanced statistics: Estimators, Gamma functions, Beta functions, Probabilities, Special integrals,

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