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[08/12] incubator-distributedlog git commit: Release 0.4.0-incubating
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/bookkeeper.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/bookkeeper.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60fbf1
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+layout: default
+# Top navigation
+top-nav-group: admin-guide
+top-nav-pos: 6
+top-nav-title: BookKeeper
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: bookkeeper
+sub-nav-pos: 6
+sub-nav-title: BookKeeper
+.. contents:: BookKeeper
+For reliable BookKeeper service, you should deploy BookKeeper in a cluster.
+Run from bookkeeper source
+The version of BookKeeper that DistributedLog depends on is not the official opensource version.
+It is twitter's production version `4.3.4-TWTTR`, which is available in ``. 
+We are working actively with BookKeeper community to merge all twitter's changes back to the community.
+The major changes in Twitter's bookkeeper includes:
+- BOOKKEEPER-670_: Long poll reads and LastAddConfirmed piggyback. It is to reduce the tailing read latency.
+- BOOKKEEPER-759_: Delay ensemble change if it doesn't break ack quorum constraint. It is to reduce the write latency on bookie failures.
+- BOOKKEEPER-757_: Ledger recovery improvements, to reduce the latency on ledger recovery.
+- Misc improvements on bookie recovery and bookie storage.
+.. _BOOKKEEPER-670:
+.. _BOOKKEEPER-759:
+.. _BOOKKEEPER-757:
+To build bookkeeper, run:
+1. First checkout the bookkeeper source code from twitter's branch.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ git clone bookkeeper   
+2. Build the bookkeeper package:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ cd bookkeeper 
+    $ mvn clean package assembly:single -DskipTests
+However, since `bookkeeper-server` is one of the dependency of `distributedlog-service`.
+You could simply run bookkeeper using same set of scripts provided in `distributedlog-service`.
+In the following sections, we will describe how to run bookkeeper using the scripts provided in
+Run from distributedlog source
+First of all, build DistributedLog:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests
+The configuration file `bookie.conf` under `distributedlog-service/conf` is a template of production
+configuration to run a bookie node. Most of the configuration settings are good for production usage.
+You might need to configure following settings according to your environment and hardware platform.
+By default, the service port is `3181`, where the bookie server listens on. You can change the port
+to whatever port you like by modifying the following setting.
+    bookiePort=3181
+You need to configure following settings according to the disk layout of your hardware. It is recommended
+to put `journalDirectory` under a separated disk from others for performance. It is okay to set
+`indexDirectories` to be same as `ledgerDirectories`. However, it is recommended to put `indexDirectories`
+to a SSD driver for better performance.
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs its write ahead log
+    journalDirectory=/tmp/data/bk/journal
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs ledger snapshots
+    ledgerDirectories=/tmp/data/bk/ledgers
+    # Directory in which index files will be stored.
+    indexDirectories=/tmp/data/bk/ledgers
+To better understand how bookie nodes work, please check bookkeeper_ website for more details.
+You need to configure following settings to point the bookie to the zookeeper server that it is using.
+You need to make sure `zkLedgersRootPath` exists before starting the bookies.
+    # Root zookeeper path to store ledger metadata
+    # This parameter is used by zookeeper-based ledger manager as a root znode to
+    # store all ledgers.
+    zkLedgersRootPath=/messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers
+    # A list of one of more servers on which zookeeper is running.
+    zkServers=localhost:2181
+Stats Provider
+Bookies use `StatsProvider` to expose its metrics. The `StatsProvider` is a pluggable library to
+adopt to various stats collecting systems. Please check monitoring_ for more details.
+.. _monitoring: ./monitoring
+    # stats provide - use `codahale` metrics library
+    statsProviderClass=org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.CodahaleMetricsServletProvider
+    ### Following settings are stats provider related settings
+    # Exporting codahale stats in http port `9001`
+    codahaleStatsHttpPort=9001
+Index Settings
+- `pageSize`: size of a index page in ledger cache, in bytes. If there are large number
+  of ledgers and each ledger has fewer entries, smaller index page would improve memory usage.
+- `pageLimit`: The maximum number of index pages in ledger cache. If nummber of index pages
+  reaches the limitation, bookie server starts to swap some ledgers from memory to disk.
+  Increase this value when swap becomes more frequent. But make sure `pageLimit*pageSize`
+  should not be more than JVM max memory limitation.
+Journal Settings
+- `journalMaxGroupWaitMSec`: The maximum wait time for group commit. It is valid only when
+  `journalFlushWhenQueueEmpty` is false.
+- `journalFlushWhenQueueEmpty`: Flag indicates whether to flush/sync journal. If it is `true`,
+  bookie server will sync journal when there is no other writes in the journal queue.
+- `journalBufferedWritesThreshold`: The maximum buffered writes for group commit, in bytes.
+  It is valid only when `journalFlushWhenQueueEmpty` is false.
+- `journalBufferedEntriesThreshold`: The maximum buffered writes for group commit, in entries.
+  It is valid only when `journalFlushWhenQueueEmpty` is false.
+Setting `journalFlushWhenQueueEmpty` to `true` will produce low latency when the traffic is low.
+However, the latency varies a lost when the traffic is increased. So it is recommended to set
+`journalMaxGroupWaitMSec`, `journalBufferedEntriesThreshold` and `journalBufferedWritesThreshold`
+to reduce the number of fsyncs made to journal disk, to achieve sustained low latency.
+Thread Settings
+It is recommended to configure following settings to align with the cpu cores of the hardware.
+    numAddWorkerThreads=4
+    numJournalCallbackThreads=4
+    numReadWorkerThreads=4
+    numLongPollWorkerThreads=4
+As `bookkeeper-server` is shipped as part of `distributedlog-service`, you could use the ``
+script to start `bookie` as daemon thread.
+Start the bookie:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start bookie --conf /path/to/bookie/conf
+Stop the bookie:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/ stop bookie
+Please check bookkeeper_ website for more details.
+.. _bookkeeper:
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/hardware.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/hardware.rst
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+layout: default
+# Top navigation
+top-nav-group: admin-guide
+top-nav-pos: 3
+top-nav-title: Hardware
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: hardware
+sub-nav-pos: 3
+sub-nav-title: Hardware
+.. contents:: Hardware
+Figure 1 describes the data flow of DistributedLog. Write traffic comes to `Write Proxy`
+and the data is replicated in `RF` (replication factor) ways to `BookKeeper`. BookKeeper
+stores the replicated data and keeps the data for a given retention period. The data is
+read by `Read Proxy` and fanout to readers.
+In such layered architecture, each layer has its own responsibilities and different resource
+requirements. It makes the capacity and cost model much clear and users could scale
+different layers independently.
+.. figure:: ../images/costmodel.png
+   :align: center
+   Figure 1. DistributedLog Cost Model
+There are different metrics measuring the capability of a service instance in each layer
+(e.g a `write proxy` node, a `bookie` storage node, a `read proxy` node and such). These metrics
+can be `rps` (requests per second), `bps` (bits per second), `number of streams` that a instance
+can support, and latency requirements. `bps` is the best and simple factor on measuring the
+capability of current distributedlog architecture.
+Write Proxy
+Write Proxy (WP) is a stateless serving service that writes and replicates fan-in traffic into BookKeeper.
+The capability of a write proxy instance is purely dominated by the *OUTBOUND* network bandwidth,
+which is reflected as incoming `Write Throughput` and `Replication Factor`.
+Calculating the capacity of Write Proxy (number of instances of write proxies) is pretty straightforward.
+The formula is listed as below.
+    Number of Write Proxies = (Write Throughput) * (Replication Factor) / (Write Proxy Outbound Bandwidth)
+As it is bandwidth bound, we'd recommend using machines that have high network bandwith (e.g 10Gb NIC).
+The cost estimation is also straightforward.
+    Bandwidth TCO ($/day/MB) = (Write Proxy TCO) / (Write Proxy Outbound Bandwidth)
+    Cost of write proxies = (Write Throughput) * (Replication Factor) / (Bandwidth TCO)
+DistributedLog is not CPU bound. You can run an instance with 8 or 12 cores just fine.
+There's a fair bit of caching. Consider running with at least 8GB of memory.
+This is a stateless process, disk performances are not relevant.
+Depending on your throughput, you might be better off running this with 10Gb NIC. In this scenario, you can easily achieves 350MBps of writes.
+BookKeeper is the log segment store, which is a stateful service. There are two factors to measure the
+capability of a Bookie instance: `bandwidth` and `storage`. The bandwidth is majorly dominated by the
+outbound traffic from write proxy, which is `(Write Throughput) * (Replication Factor)`. The storage is
+majorly dominated by the traffic and also `Retention Period`.
+Calculating the capacity of BookKeeper (number of instances of bookies) is a bit more complicated than Write
+Proxy. The total number of instances is the maximum number of the instances of bookies calculated using
+`bandwidth` and `storage`.
+    Number of bookies based on bandwidth = (Write Throughput) * (Replication Factor) / (Bookie Inbound Bandwidth)
+    Number of bookies based on storage = (Write Throughput) * (Replication Factor) * (Replication Factor) / (Bookie disk space)
+    Number of bookies = maximum((number of bookies based on bandwidth), (number of bookies based on storage))
+We should consider both bandwidth and storage when choosing the hardware for bookies. There are several rules to follow:
+- A bookie should have multiple disks.
+- The number of disks used as journal disks should have similar I/O bandwidth as its *INBOUND* network bandwidth. For example, if you plan to use a disk for journal which I/O bandwidth is around 100MBps, a 1Gb NIC is a better choice than 10Gb NIC.
+- The number of disks used as ledger disks should be large enough to hold data if retention period is typical long.
+The cost estimation is straightforward based on the number of bookies estimated above.
+    Cost of bookies = (Number of bookies) * (Bookie TCO)
+Read Proxy
+Similar as Write Proxy, Read Proxy is also dominated by *OUTBOUND* bandwidth, which is reflected as incoming `Write Throughput` and `Fanout Factor`.
+Calculating the capacity of Read Proxy (number of instances of read proxies) is also pretty straightforward.
+The formula is listed as below.
+    Number of Read Proxies = (Write Throughput) * (Fanout Factor) / (Read Proxy Outbound Bandwidth)
+As it is bandwidth bound, we'd recommend using machines that have high network bandwith (e.g 10Gb NIC).
+The cost estimation is also straightforward.
+    Bandwidth TCO ($/day/MB) = (Read Proxy TCO) / (Read Proxy Outbound Bandwidth)
+    Cost of read proxies = (Write Throughput) * (Fanout Factor) / (Bandwidth TCO)
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/loadtest.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/loadtest.rst
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+layout: default
+# Top navigation
+top-nav-group: admin-guide
+top-nav-pos: 2
+top-nav-title: Load Test
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: performance
+sub-nav-pos: 2
+sub-nav-title: Load Test
+.. contents:: Load Test
+Load Test
+Under distributedlog-benchmark you will find a set of applications intended for generating large amounts of load in a distributedlog cluster. These applications are suitable for load testing, performance testing, benchmarking, or even simply smoke testing a distributedlog cluster.
+The dbench script can run in several modes:
+1. bkwrite - Benchmark the distributedlog write path using the core library
+2. write - Benchmark the distributedlog write path, via write proxy, using the thin client
+3. read - Benchmark the distributedlog read path using the core library
+Running Dbench
+The distributedlog-benchmark binary dbench is intended to be run simultaneously from many machines with identical settings. Together, all instances of dbench comprise a benchmark job. How you launch a benchmark job will depend on your operating environment. We recommend using a cluster scheduler like aurora or kubernetes to simplify the process, but tools like capistrano can also simplify this process greatly.
+The benchmark script can be found at
+    distributedlog-benchmark/bin/dbench
+Arguments may be passed to this script via environment variables. The available arguments depend on the execution mode. For an up to date list, check the script itself.
+Write to Proxy with Thin Client
+The proxy write test (mode = `write`) can be used to send writes to a proxy cluster to be written to a set of streams.
+For example to use the proxy write test to generate 10000 requests per second across 10 streams using 50 machines, run the following command on each machine.
+    STREAM_NAME_PREFIX=loadtest_
+    BENCHMARK_DURATION=60 # minutes
+    DL_NAMESPACE=<dl namespace>
+    distributedlog-benchmark/bin/dbench write
+Write to BookKeeper with Core Library
+The core library write test (mode = `bkwrite`) can be used to send writes to directly to bookkeeper using the core library.
+For example to use the core library write test to generate 100MBps across 10 streams using 100 machines, run the following command on each machine.
+    STREAM_NAME_PREFIX=loadtest_
+    BENCHMARK_DURATION=60 # minutes
+    DL_NAMESPACE=<dl namespace>
+    INITIAL_RATE=1024
+    MSG_SIZE=1024
+    distributedlog-benchmark/bin/dbench bkwrite
+Read from BookKeeper with Core Library
+The core library read test (mode = `read`) can be used to read directly from bookkeeper using the core library.
+For example to use the core library read test to read from 10 streams on 100 instances, run the following command on each machine.
+    STREAM_NAME_PREFIX=loadtest_
+    BENCHMARK_DURATION=60 # minutes
+    DL_NAMESPACE=<dl namespace>
+    TRUNCATION_INTERVAL=60 # seconds
+    distributedlog-benchmark/bin/dbench read
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/main.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/main.rst
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index 0000000..5fb7a3a
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+title: "Admin Guide"
+layout: guide
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: admin-guide
+sub-nav-parent: _root_
+sub-nav-group-title: Admin Guide
+sub-nav-pos: 1
+sub-nav-title: Admin Guide
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/monitoring.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/monitoring.rst
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index 0000000..59645c1
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+++ b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/monitoring.rst
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+layout: default
+# Top navigation
+top-nav-group: admin-guide
+top-nav-pos: 4
+top-nav-title: Monitoring
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: monitoring
+sub-nav-pos: 4
+sub-nav-title: Monitoring
+.. contents:: Monitoring
+DistributedLog uses the stats library provided by Apache BookKeeper for reporting metrics in
+both the server and the client. This can be configured to report stats using pluggable stats
+provider to integrate with your monitoring system.
+Stats Provider
+`StatsProvider` is a provider that provides different kinds of stats logger for different scopes.
+The provider is also responsible for reporting its managed metrics.
+    // Create the stats provider
+    StatsProvider statsProvider = ...;
+    // Start the stats provider
+    statsProvider.start(conf);
+    // Stop the stats provider
+    statsProvider.stop();
+Stats Logger
+A scoped `StatsLogger` is a stats logger that records 3 kinds of statistics
+under a given `scope`.
+A `StatsLogger` could be either created by obtaining from stats provider with
+the scope name:
+    StatsProvider statsProvider = ...;
+    StatsLogger statsLogger = statsProvider.scope("test-scope");
+Or created by obtaining from a stats logger with a sub scope name:
+    StatsLogger rootStatsLogger = ...;
+    StatsLogger subStatsLogger = rootStatsLogger.scope("sub-scope");
+All the metrics in a stats provider are managed in a hierarchical of scopes.
+    // all stats recorded by `rootStatsLogger` are under 'root'
+    StatsLogger rootStatsLogger = statsProvider.scope("root");
+    // all stats recorded by 'subStatsLogger1` are under 'root/scope1'
+    StatsLogger subStatsLogger1 = statsProvider.scope("scope1");
+    // all stats recorded by 'subStatsLogger2` are under 'root/scope2'
+    StatsLogger subStatsLogger2 = statsProvider.scope("scope2");
+A `Counter` is a cumulative metric that represents a single numerical value. A **counter**
+is typically used to count requests served, tasks completed, errors occurred, etc. Counters
+should not be used to expose current counts of items whose number can also go down, e.g.
+the number of currently running tasks. Use `Gauges` for this use case.
+To change a counter, use:
+    StatsLogger statsLogger = ...;
+    Counter births = statsLogger.getCounter("births");
+    // increment the counter
+    // decrement the counter
+    births.dec();
+    // change the counter by delta
+    births.add(-10);
+    // reset the counter
+    births.reset();
+A `Gauge` is a metric that represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down.
+Gauges are typically used for measured values like temperatures or current memory usage, but also
+"counts" that can go up and down, like the number of running tasks.
+To define a gauge, stick the following code somewhere in the initialization:
+    final AtomicLong numPendingRequests = new AtomicLong(0L);
+    StatsLogger statsLogger = ...;
+    statsLogger.registerGauge(
+        "num_pending_requests",
+        new Gauge<Number>() {
+            @Override
+            public Number getDefaultValue() {
+                return 0;
+            }
+            @Override
+            public Number getSample() {
+                return numPendingRequests.get();
+            }
+        });
+The gauge must always return a numerical value when sampling.
+Metrics (OpStats)
+A `OpStats` is a set of metrics that represents the statistics of an `operation`. Those metrics
+include `success` or `failure` of the operations and its distribution (also known as `Histogram`).
+It is usually used for timing.
+    StatsLogger statsLogger = ...;
+    OpStatsLogger writeStats = statsLogger.getOpStatsLogger("writes");
+    long writeLatency = ...;
+    // register success op
+    writeStats.registerSuccessfulEvent(writeLatency);
+    // register failure op
+    writeStats.registerFailedEvent(writeLatency);
+Available Stats Providers
+All the available stats providers are listed as below:
+* Twitter Science Stats (deprecated)
+* Twitter Ostrich Stats (deprecated)
+* Twitter Finagle Stats
+* Codahale Stats
+Twitter Science Stats
+Use following dependency to enable Twitter science stats provider.
+   <dependency>
+     <groupId>org.apache.bookkeeper.stats</groupId>
+     <artifactId>twitter-science-provider</artifactId>
+     <version>${bookkeeper.version}</version>
+   </dependency>
+Construct the stats provider for clients.
+    StatsProvider statsProvider = new TwitterStatsProvider();
+    DistributedLogConfiguration conf = ...;
+    // starts the stats provider (optional)
+    statsProvider.start(conf);
+    // all the dl related stats are exposed under "dlog"
+    StatsLogger statsLogger = statsProvider.getStatsLogger("dlog");
+    DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder.newBuilder()
+        .uri(...)
+        .conf(conf)
+        .statsLogger(statsLogger)
+        .build();
+    ...
+    // stop the stats provider (optional)
+    statsProvider.stop();
+Expose the stats collected by the stats provider by configuring following settings:
+    // enable exporting the stats
+    statsExport=true
+    // exporting the stats at port 8080
+    statsHttpPort=8080
+If exporting stats is enabled, all the stats are exported by the http endpoint.
+You could curl the http endpoint to check the stats.
+    curl -s <host>:8080/vars
+check ScienceStats_ for more details.
+.. _ScienceStats:
+Twitter Ostrich Stats
+Use following dependency to enable Twitter ostrich stats provider.
+   <dependency>
+     <groupId>org.apache.bookkeeper.stats</groupId>
+     <artifactId>twitter-ostrich-provider</artifactId>
+     <version>${bookkeeper.version}</version>
+   </dependency>
+Construct the stats provider for clients.
+    StatsProvider statsProvider = new TwitterOstrichProvider();
+    DistributedLogConfiguration conf = ...;
+    // starts the stats provider (optional)
+    statsProvider.start(conf);
+    // all the dl related stats are exposed under "dlog"
+    StatsLogger statsLogger = statsProvider.getStatsLogger("dlog");
+    DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder.newBuilder()
+        .uri(...)
+        .conf(conf)
+        .statsLogger(statsLogger)
+        .build();
+    ...
+    // stop the stats provider (optional)
+    statsProvider.stop();
+Expose the stats collected by the stats provider by configuring following settings:
+    // enable exporting the stats
+    statsExport=true
+    // exporting the stats at port 8080
+    statsHttpPort=8080
+If exporting stats is enabled, all the stats are exported by the http endpoint.
+You could curl the http endpoint to check the stats.
+    curl -s <host>:8080/stats.txt
+check Ostrich_ for more details.
+.. _Ostrich:
+Twitter Finagle Metrics
+Use following dependency to enable bridging finagle stats receiver to bookkeeper's stats provider.
+All the stats exposed by the stats provider will be collected by finagle stats receiver and exposed
+by Twitter's admin service.
+   <dependency>
+     <groupId>org.apache.bookkeeper.stats</groupId>
+     <artifactId>twitter-finagle-provider</artifactId>
+     <version>${bookkeeper.version}</version>
+   </dependency>
+Construct the stats provider for clients.
+    StatsReceiver statsReceiver = ...; // finagle stats receiver
+    StatsProvider statsProvider = new FinagleStatsProvider(statsReceiver);
+    DistributedLogConfiguration conf = ...;
+    // the stats provider does nothing on start.
+    statsProvider.start(conf);
+    // all the dl related stats are exposed under "dlog"
+    StatsLogger statsLogger = statsProvider.getStatsLogger("dlog");
+    DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder.newBuilder()
+        .uri(...)
+        .conf(conf)
+        .statsLogger(statsLogger)
+        .build();
+    ...
+    // the stats provider does nothing on stop.
+    statsProvider.stop();
+check `finagle metrics library`__ for more details on how to expose the stats.
+.. _TwitterServer:
+__ TwitterServer_
+Codahale Metrics
+Use following dependency to enable Twitter ostrich stats provider.
+   <dependency>
+     <groupId>org.apache.bookkeeper.stats</groupId>
+     <artifactId>codahale-metrics-provider</artifactId>
+     <version>${bookkeeper.version}</version>
+   </dependency>
+Construct the stats provider for clients.
+    StatsProvider statsProvider = new CodahaleMetricsProvider();
+    DistributedLogConfiguration conf = ...;
+    // starts the stats provider (optional)
+    statsProvider.start(conf);
+    // all the dl related stats are exposed under "dlog"
+    StatsLogger statsLogger = statsProvider.getStatsLogger("dlog");
+    DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder.newBuilder()
+        .uri(...)
+        .conf(conf)
+        .statsLogger(statsLogger)
+        .build();
+    ...
+    // stop the stats provider (optional)
+    statsProvider.stop();
+Expose the stats collected by the stats provider in different ways by configuring following settings.
+Check Codehale_ on how to configuring report endpoints.
+    // How frequent report the stats
+    codahaleStatsOutputFrequencySeconds=...
+    // The prefix string of codahale stats
+    codahaleStatsPrefix=...
+    //
+    // Report Endpoints
+    //
+    // expose the stats to Graphite
+    codahaleStatsGraphiteEndpoint=...
+    // expose the stats to CSV files
+    codahaleStatsCSVEndpoint=...
+    // expose the stats to Slf4j logging
+    codahaleStatsSlf4jEndpoint=...
+    // expose the stats to JMX endpoint
+    codahaleStatsJmxEndpoint=...
+check Codehale_ for more details.
+.. _Codehale:
+Enable Stats Provider on Bookie Servers
+The stats provider used by *Bookie Servers* is configured by setting the following option.
+    // class of stats provider
+    statsProviderClass="org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.CodahaleMetricsProvider"
+Check the Metrics_ reference page for the metrics exposed by DistributedLog.
+.. _Metrics: ../user_guide/references/metrics
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/operations.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/operations.rst
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+layout: default
+# Top navigation
+top-nav-group: admin-guide
+top-nav-pos: 1
+top-nav-title: Operations
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: operations
+sub-nav-pos: 1
+sub-nav-title: Operations
+.. contents:: DistributedLog Operations
+DistributedLog Operations
+Feature Provider
+DistributedLog uses a `feature-provider` library provided by Apache BookKeeper for managing features
+dynamically at runtime. It is a feature-flag_ system used to proportionally control what features
+are enabled for the system. In other words, it is a way of altering the control in a system without
+restarting it. It can be used during all stages of development, its most visible use case is on
+production. For instance, during a production release, you can enable or disable individual features,
+control the data flow through the system, thereby minimizing risk of system failure in real time.
+.. _feature-flag:
+This `feature-provider` interface is pluggable and easy to integrate with any configuration management
+`FeatureProvider` is a provider that manages features under different scopes. The provider is responsible
+for loading features dynamically at runtime. A `Feature` is a numeric flag that control how much percentage
+of this feature will be available to the system - the number is called `availability`.
+ => returns the name of this feature
+    Feature.availability() => returns the availability of this feature
+    Feature.isAvailable() => returns true if its availability is larger than 0; otherwise false
+It is easy to obtain a feature from the provider by just providing a feature name.
+    FeatureProvider provider = ...;
+    Feature feature = provider.getFeature("feature1"); // returns the feature named 'feature1'
+The `FeatureProvider` is scopable to allow creating features in a hierarchical way. For example, if a system
+is comprised of two subsystems, one is *cache*, while the other one is *storage*. so the features belong to
+different subsystems can be created under different scopes.
+    FeatureProvider provider = ...;
+    FeatureProvider cacheFeatureProvider = provider.scope("cache");
+    FeatureProvider storageFeatureProvider = provider.scope("storage");
+    Feature writeThroughFeature = cacheFeatureProvider.getFeature("write_through");
+    Feature duralWriteFeature = storageFeatureProvider.getFeature("dural_write");
+    // so the available features under `provider` are: (assume scopes are separated by '.')
+    // - 'cache.write_through'
+    // - 'storage.dural_write'
+The feature provider could be passed to `DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder` when building the namespace,
+thereby it would be used for controlling the features exposed under `DistributedLogNamespace`.
+    FeatureProvider rootProvider = ...;
+    FeatureProvider dlFeatureProvider = rootProvider.scope("dlog");
+    DistributedLogNamespace namespace = DistributedLogNamespaceBuilder.newBuilder()
+        .uri(uri)
+        .conf(conf)
+        .featureProvider(dlFeatureProvider)
+        .build();
+The feature provider is loaded by reflection on distributedlog write proxy server. You could specify
+the feature provider class name as below. Otherwise it would use `DefaultFeatureProvider`, which disables
+all the features by default.
+    featureProviderClass=org.apache.distributedlog.feature.DynamicConfigurationFeatureProvider
+Configuration Based Feature Provider
+Beside `DefaultFeatureProvider`, distributedlog also provides a file-based feature provider - it loads
+the features from properties files.
+All the features and their availabilities are configured in properties file format. For example,
+    cache.write_through=100
+    storage.dural_write=0
+You could configure `featureProviderClass` in distributedlog configuration file by setting it to
+`org.apache.distributedlog.feature.DynamicConfigurationFeatureProvider` to enable file-based feature
+provider. The feature provider will load the features from two files, one is base config file configured
+by `fileFeatureProviderBaseConfigPath`, while the other one is overlay config file configured by
+`fileFeatureProviderOverlayConfigPath`. Current implementation doesn't differentiate these two files
+too much other than the `overlay` config will override the settings in `base` config. It is recommended
+to have a base config file for storing the default availability values for your system and dynamically
+adjust the availability values in overlay config file.
+    featureProviderClass=org.apache.distributedlog.feature.DynamicConfigurationFeatureProvider
+    fileFeatureProviderBaseConfigPath=/path/to/base/config
+    fileFeatureProviderOverlayConfigPath=/path/to/overlay/config
+    // how frequent we reload the config files
+    dynamicConfigReloadIntervalSec=60
+Available Features
+Check the Features_ reference page for the features exposed by DistributedLog.
+.. _Features: ../user_guide/references/features
+A CLI is provided for inspecting DistributedLog streams and metadata.
+.. code:: bash
+   dlog
+   JMX enabled by default
+   Usage: dlog <command>
+   where command is one of:
+       local               Run distributedlog sandbox
+       example             Run distributedlog example
+       tool                Run distributedlog tool
+       proxy_tool          Run distributedlog proxy tool to interact with proxies
+       balancer            Run distributedlog balancer
+       admin               Run distributedlog admin tool
+       help                This help message
+   or command is the full name of a class with a defined main() method.
+   Environment variables:
+       DLOG_LOG_CONF        Log4j configuration file (default $HOME/src/distributedlog/distributedlog-service/conf/
+       DLOG_EXTRA_OPTS      Extra options to be passed to the jvm
+       DLOG_EXTRA_CLASSPATH Add extra paths to the dlog classpath
+These variable can also be set in conf/
+Create a stream
+To create a stream:
+.. code:: bash
+   dlog tool create -u <DL URI> -r <STREAM PREFIX> -e <STREAM EXPRESSION>
+List the streams
+To list all the streams under a given DistributedLog namespace:
+.. code:: bash
+   dlog tool list -u <DL URI>
+Show stream's information
+To view the metadata associated with a stream:
+.. code:: bash
+   dlog tool show -u <DL URI> -s <STREAM NAME>
+Dump a stream
+To dump the items inside a stream:
+.. code:: bash
+   dlog tool dump -u <DL URI> -s <STREAM NAME> -o <START TXN ID> -l <NUM RECORDS>
+Delete a stream
+To delete a stream, run:
+.. code:: bash
+   dlog tool delete -u <DL URI> -s <STREAM NAME>
+Truncate a stream
+Truncate the streams under a given DistributedLog namespace. You could specify a filter to match the streams that you want to truncate.
+There is a difference between the ``truncate`` and ``delete`` command. When you issue a ``truncate``, the data will be purge without removing the streams. A ``delete`` will delete the stream. You can pass the flag ``-delete`` to the ``truncate`` command to also delete the streams.
+.. code:: bash
+   dlog tool truncate -u <DL URI>
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+layout: default
+# Top navigation
+top-nav-group: admin-guide
+top-nav-pos: 2
+top-nav-title: Performance Tuning
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: performance
+sub-nav-pos: 2
+sub-nav-title: Performance Tuning
+.. contents:: Performance Tuning
+Performance Tuning
+(describe how to tune performance, critical settings)
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/vagrant.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/vagrant.rst
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+Sample Deployment using vagrant
+This file explains vagrant deployment.
+1. Vagrant: From
+2. vagrant-hostmanager plugin: From
+1. Create a snapshot using ./scripts/snapshot
+2. Run vagrant up from the root directory of the enlistment
+3. Vagrant brings up a zookeepers with machine names: zk1,zk2, .... with IP addresses,,....
+4. Vagrant brings the bookies with machine names: bk1,bk2, ... with IP addresses,,....
+5. The script will also start writeproxies at distributedlog://$PUBLIC_ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESSES/messaging/distributedlog/mynamespace as the namespace. If you want it to point to a different namespace/port/shard, please update the ./vagrant/ script.
+6. If you want to run the client on the host machine, please add these node names and their IP addresses to the /etc/hosts file on the host.
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/zookeeper.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/admin_guide/zookeeper.rst
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+layout: default
+# Top navigation
+top-nav-group: admin-guide
+top-nav-pos: 5
+top-nav-title: ZooKeeper
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: zookeeper
+sub-nav-pos: 5
+sub-nav-title: ZooKeeper
+To run a DistributedLog ensemble, you'll need a set of Zookeeper
+nodes. There is no constraints on the number of Zookeeper nodes you
+need. One node is enough to run your cluster, but for reliability
+purpose, you should run at least 3 nodes.
+DistributedLog leverages zookeepr `multi` operations for metadata updates.
+So the minimum version of zookeeper is 3.4.*. We recommend to run stable
+zookeeper version `3.4.8`.
+Run ZooKeeper from distributedlog source
+Since `zookeeper` is one of the dependency of `distributedlog-service`. You could simply
+run `zookeeper` servers using same set of scripts provided in `distributedlog-service`.
+In the following sections, we will describe how to run zookeeper using the scripts provided
+in `distributedlog-service`.
+First of all, build DistributedLog:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests
+The configuration file `zookeeper.conf.template` under `distributedlog-service/conf` is a template of
+production configuration to run a zookeeper node. Most of the configuration settings are good for
+production usage. You might need to configure following settings according to your environment and
+hardware platform.
+You need to configure the zookeeper servers form this ensemble as below:
+    server.1=;
+Please check zookeeper_ website for more configurations.
+You need to configure following settings according to the disk layout of your hardware.
+It is recommended to put `dataLogDir` under a separated disk from others for performance.
+    # the directory where the snapshot is stored.
+    dataDir=/tmp/data/zookeeper
+    # where txlog  are written
+    dataLogDir=/tmp/data/zookeeper/txlog
+As `zookeeper` is shipped as part of `distributedlog-service`, you could use the ``
+script to start `zookeeper` as daemon thread.
+Start the zookeeper:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start zookeeper /path/to/zookeeper.conf
+Stop the zookeeper:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/ stop zookeeper
+Please check zookeeper_ website for more details.
+.. _zookeeper:
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/basics/introduction.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/basics/introduction.rst
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+# Top navigation
+top-nav-group: user-guide
+top-nav-pos: 1
+top-nav-title: Introduction
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: user-guide
+sub-nav-parent: user-guide
+sub-nav-id: introduction
+sub-nav-pos: 1
+sub-nav-title: Introduction
+layout: default
+.. contents:: DistributedLog Overview
+DistributedLog (DL) is a high performance replicated log service.
+It offers durability, replication and strong consistency, which provides a fundamental building block
+for building reliable distributed systems, e.g replicated-state-machines, general pub/sub systems,
+distributed databases, distributed queues and etc.
+DistributedLog maintains sequences of records in categories called *Logs* (aka *Log Streams*).
+The processes that write records to a DL log are *writers*, while the processes that read
+from logs and process the records are *readers*.
+.. figure:: ../images/softwarestack.png
+   :align: center
+   Figure 1. DistributedLog Software Stack
+A **log** is an ordered, immutable sequence of *log records*.
+.. figure:: ../images/datamodel.png
+   :align: center
+   Figure 2. Anatomy of a log stream
+Log Records
+Each **log record** is a sequence of bytes.
+**Log records** are written sequentially into a *log stream*, and will be assigned with
+a unique sequence number *called* **DLSN** (DistributedLog Sequence Number). Besides *DLSN*,
+applications could assign its own sequence number while constructing log records. The
+application defined sequence number is called **TransactionID** (*txid*). Either *DLSN*
+or *TransactionID* could be used for positioning readers to start reading from a specific
+*log record*.
+Log Segments
+A **log** is broken down into *segments*, which each log segment contains its subset of
+records. **Log segments** are distributed and stored in a log segment store (e.g Apache BookKeeper).
+DistributedLog rolls the log segments based on configured rolling policy - either a configurable
+period of time (e.g. every 2 hours) or a configurable maximum size (e.g. every 128MB).
+So the data of logs will be divided into equal-sized *log segments* and distributed evenly
+across log segment storage nodes. It allows the log to scale beyond a size that will fit on
+a single server and also spread read traffic among the cluster.
+The data of logs will either be kept forever until application *explicitly* truncates or be retained
+for a configurable period of time. **Explicit Truncation** is useful for building replicated
+state machines such as distributed databases. They usually require strong controls over when
+the data could be truncated. **Time-based Retention** is useful for real-time analytics. They only
+care about the data within a period of time.
+The *log streams* belong to same organization are usually categorized and managed under
+a **namespace**. A DL **namespace** is basically for applications to locate where the
+*log streams* are. Applications could *create* and *delete* streams under a namespace,
+and also be able to *truncate* a stream to given sequence number (either *DLSN* or *TransactionID*).
+Writers write data into the logs of their choice. All the records are
+appended into the logs in order. The sequencing is done by the writer,
+which means there is only one active writer for a log at a given time.
+DL guarantees correctness when two writers attempt writing to
+to a same log when network partition happens - via fencing mechanism
+in log segment store.
+The log writers are served and managed in a service tier called *Write Proxy*.
+The *Write Proxy* is used for accepting fan-in writes from large number
+of clients. Details on **Fan-in and Fan-out** can be found further into this doc.
+Readers read records from the logs of their choice, starting from a provided
+position. The provided position could be either *DLSN* or *TransactionID*.
+The readers will read records in strict order from the logs. Different readers
+could read records starting from different positions in a same log.
+Unlike other pub/sub systems, DistributedLog doesn't record/manage readers' positions.
+It leaves the tracking responsibility to applications, as different applications
+might have different requirements on tracking and coordinating positions. It is hard
+to get it right with a single approach. For example, distributed databases might store
+the reader positions along with SSTables, so they would resume applying transactions
+from the positions stored in SSTables. Tracking reader positions could easily be done
+in application level using various stores (e.g. ZooKeeper, file system, or key/value stores).
+The log records could be cached in a service tier called *Read Proxy*, to serve
+a large number of readers.
+Fan-in and Fan-out
+The core of DistributedLog supports single-writer, multiple-readers semantics. The service layer
+built on top of the *DistributedLog Core* to support large scale of number of writers and readers.
+The service layer includes **Write Proxy** and **Read Proxy**. **Write Proxy** manages
+the writers of logs and fail over them when machines are failed. It allows supporting
+which don't care about the log ownership by aggregating writes from many sources (aka *Fan-in*).
+**Read Proxy** optimize reader path by caching log records in cases where hundreds or
+thousands of readers are consuming a same log stream.
+At a high level, DistributedLog gives the following guarantees:
+* Records written by a writer to a log will be appended in the order they are written. That is, if a record *R1* is written by same writer as a record *R2*, *R1* will have a smaller sequence number than *R2*.
+* Readers see records in the same order they were written to the log.
+* All records are persisted on disk before acknowledgments, to gurantee durability.
+* For a log with replication factor of N, DistributedLog tolerates up to N-1 server failures without losing any records.
+More details on these guarantees are given in the [design section](
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/css/main.scss b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/css/main.scss
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+@import url(,300);
diff --git a/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/deployment/cluster.rst b/website/docs/0.4.0-incubating/deployment/cluster.rst
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+title: Cluster Setup
+top-nav-group: deployment
+top-nav-pos: 1
+top-nav-title: Cluster Setup
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: cluster-deployment
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-group-title: Cluster Setup
+sub-nav-pos: 1
+sub-nav-title: Cluster Setup
+layout: default
+.. contents:: This page provides instructions on how to run **DistributedLog** in a fully distributed fashion.
+Cluster Setup & Deployment
+This section describes how to run DistributedLog in `distributed` mode.
+To run a cluster with DistributedLog, you need a Zookeeper cluster and a Bookkeeper cluster.
+To build DistributedLog, run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   mvn clean install -DskipTests
+Or run `./scripts/snapshot` to build the release packages from current source. The released
+packages contain the binaries for running `distributedlog-service`, `distributedlog-benchmark`
+and `distributedlog-tutorials`.
+NOTE: we run the following instructions from distributedlog source code after
+running `mvn clean install`.  And assume `DL_HOME` is the directory of
+distributedlog source.
+(If you already have a zookeeper cluster running, you could skip this section.)
+We could use the `` and the `zookeeper.conf.template` to demonstrate run a 1-node
+zookeeper ensemble locally.
+Create a `zookeeper.conf` from the `zookeeper.conf.template`.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ cp distributedlog-service/conf/zookeeper.conf.template distributedlog-service/conf/zookeeper.conf
+Configure the settings in `zookeeper.conf`. By default, it will use `/tmp/data/zookeeper` for storing
+the zookeeper data. Let's create the data directories for zookeeper.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ mkdir -p /tmp/data/zookeeper/txlog
+Once the data directory is created, we need to assign `myid` for this zookeeper node.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ echo "1" > /tmp/data/zookeeper/myid
+Start the zookeeper daemon using ``.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start zookeeper ${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/zookeeper.conf
+You could verify the zookeeper setup using `zkshell`.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    // ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog zkshell ${zkservers}
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog zkshell localhost:2181
+    Connecting to localhost:2181
+    Welcome to ZooKeeper!
+    JLine support is enabled
+    WATCHER::
+    WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls /
+    [zookeeper]
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1]
+Please refer to the `ZooKeeper Guide`_ for more details on setting up zookeeper cluster.
+.. _ZooKeeper Guide: ../admin_guide/zookeeper
+(If you already have a bookkeeper cluster running, you could skip this section.)
+We could use the `` and the `bookie.conf.template` to demonstrate run a 3-nodes
+bookkeeper cluster locally.
+Create a `bookie.conf` from the `bookie.conf.template`. Since we are going to run a 3-nodes
+bookkeeper cluster locally. Let's make three copies of `bookie.conf.template`.
+.. code-block:: bash
+    $ cp distributedlog-service/conf/bookie.conf.template distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-1.conf
+    $ cp distributedlog-service/conf/bookie.conf.template distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-2.conf
+    $ cp distributedlog-service/conf/bookie.conf.template distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-3.conf
+Configure the settings in the bookie configuraiont files.
+First of all, choose the zookeeper cluster that the bookies will use and set `zkServers` in
+the configuration files.
+    zkServers=localhost:2181
+Choose the zookeeper path to store bookkeeper metadata and set `zkLedgersRootPath` in the configuration
+files. Let's use `/messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers` in this instruction.
+    zkLedgersRootPath=/messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers
+Format bookkeeper metadata
+(NOTE: only format bookkeeper metadata when first time setting up the bookkeeper cluster.)
+The bookkeeper shell doesn't automatically create the `zkLedgersRootPath` when running `metaformat`.
+So using `zkshell` to create the `zkLedgersRootPath`.
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog zkshell localhost:2181
+    Connecting to localhost:2181
+    Welcome to ZooKeeper!
+    JLine support is enabled
+    WATCHER::
+    WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] create /messaging ''
+    Created /messaging
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1] create /messaging/bookkeeper ''
+    Created /messaging/bookkeeper
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 2] create /messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers ''
+    Created /messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 3]
+If the `zkLedgersRootPath`, run `metaformat` to format the bookkeeper metadata.
+    $ BOOKIE_CONF=${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-1.conf ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog bkshell metaformat
+    Are you sure to format bookkeeper metadata ? (Y or N) Y
+Add Bookies
+Once the bookkeeper metadata is formatted, it is ready to add bookie nodes to the cluster.
+Configure Ports
+Configure the ports that used by bookies.
+    # Port that bookie server listen on
+    bookiePort=3181
+    # Exporting codahale stats
+    185 codahaleStatsHttpPort=9001
+    # Port that bookie server listen on
+    bookiePort=3182
+    # Exporting codahale stats
+    185 codahaleStatsHttpPort=9002
+    # Port that bookie server listen on
+    bookiePort=3183
+    # Exporting codahale stats
+    185 codahaleStatsHttpPort=9003
+Configure Disk Layout
+Configure the disk directories used by a bookie server by setting following options.
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs its write ahead log
+    journalDirectory=/tmp/data/bk/journal
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs ledger snapshots
+    ledgerDirectories=/tmp/data/bk/ledgers
+    # Directory in which index files will be stored.
+    indexDirectories=/tmp/data/bk/ledgers
+As we are configuring a 3-nodes bookkeeper cluster, we modify the following settings as below:
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs its write ahead log
+    journalDirectory=/tmp/data/bk-1/journal
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs ledger snapshots
+    ledgerDirectories=/tmp/data/bk-1/ledgers
+    # Directory in which index files will be stored.
+    indexDirectories=/tmp/data/bk-1/ledgers
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs its write ahead log
+    journalDirectory=/tmp/data/bk-2/journal
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs ledger snapshots
+    ledgerDirectories=/tmp/data/bk-2/ledgers
+    # Directory in which index files will be stored.
+    indexDirectories=/tmp/data/bk-2/ledgers
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs its write ahead log
+    journalDirectory=/tmp/data/bk-3/journal
+    # Directory Bookkeeper outputs ledger snapshots
+    ledgerDirectories=/tmp/data/bk-3/ledgers
+    # Directory in which index files will be stored.
+    indexDirectories=/tmp/data/bk-3/ledgers
+Format bookie
+Once the disk directories are configured correctly in the configuration file, use
+`bkshell bookieformat` to format the bookie.
+    BOOKIE_CONF=${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-1.conf ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog bkshell bookieformat
+    BOOKIE_CONF=${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-2.conf ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog bkshell bookieformat
+    BOOKIE_CONF=${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-3.conf ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog bkshell bookieformat
+Start bookie
+Start the bookie using ``.
+    SERVICE_PORT=3181 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start bookie --conf ${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-1.conf
+    SERVICE_PORT=3182 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start bookie --conf ${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-2.conf
+    SERVICE_PORT=3183 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start bookie --conf ${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-3.conf
+Verify whether the bookie is setup correctly. You could simply check whether the bookie is showed up in
+zookeeper `zkLedgersRootPath`/available znode.
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog zkshell localhost:2181
+    Connecting to localhost:2181
+    Welcome to ZooKeeper!
+    JLine support is enabled
+    WATCHER::
+    WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls /messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers/available
+    [,,, readonly]
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1]
+Or check if the bookie is exposing the stats at port `codahaleStatsHttpPort`.
+    // ping the service
+    $ curl localhost:9001/ping
+    pong
+    // checking the stats
+    curl localhost:9001/metrics?pretty=true
+Stop bookie
+Stop the bookie using ``.
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/ stop bookie
+    // Example:
+    $ SERVICE_PORT=3181 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ stop bookie
+    doing stop bookie ...
+    stopping bookie
+    Shutdown is in progress... Please wait...
+    Shutdown completed.
+Turn bookie to readonly
+Start the bookie in `readonly` mode.
+    $ SERVICE_PORT=3181 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start bookie --conf ${DL_HOME}/distributedlog-service/conf/bookie-1.conf --readonly
+Verify if the bookie is running in `readonly` mode.
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog zkshell localhost:2181
+    Connecting to localhost:2181
+    Welcome to ZooKeeper!
+    JLine support is enabled
+    WATCHER::
+    WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls /messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers/available
+    [,, readonly]
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1] ls /messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers/available/readonly
+    []
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 2]
+Please refer to the `BookKeeper Guide`_ for more details on setting up bookkeeper cluster.
+.. _BookKeeper Guide: ../admin_guide/bookkeeper
+Create Namespace
+After setting up a zookeeper cluster and a bookkeeper cluster, you could provision DL namespaces
+for applications to use.
+Provisioning a DistributedLog namespace is accomplished via the `bind` command available in `dlog tool`.
+Namespace is bound by writing bookkeeper environment settings (e.g. the ledger path, bkLedgersZkPath,
+or the set of Zookeeper servers used by bookkeeper, bkZkServers) as metadata in the zookeeper path of
+the namespace DL URI. The DL library resolves the DL URI to determine which bookkeeper cluster it
+should read and write to. 
+The namespace binding has following features:
+- `Inheritance`: suppose `distributedlog://<zkservers>/messaging/distributedlog` is bound to bookkeeper
+  cluster `X`. All the streams created under `distributedlog://<zkservers>/messaging/distributedlog`,
+  will write to bookkeeper cluster `X`.
+- `Override`: suppose `distributedlog://<zkservers>/messaging/distributedlog` is bound to bookkeeper
+  cluster `X`. You want streams under `distributedlog://<zkservers>/messaging/distributedlog/S` write
+  to bookkeeper cluster `Y`. You could just bind `distributedlog://<zkservers>/messaging/distributedlog/S`
+  to bookkeeper cluster `Y`. The binding to `distributedlog://<zkservers>/messaging/distributedlog/S`
+  only affects streams under `distributedlog://<zkservers>/messaging/distributedlog/S`.
+Create namespace binding using `dlog tool`. For example, we create a namespace
+`distributedlog://` pointing to the
+bookkeeper cluster we just created above.
+    $ distributedlog-service/bin/dlog admin bind \\
+        -dlzr \\
+        -dlzw \\
+        -s \\
+        -bkzr \\
+        -l /messaging/bookkeeper/ledgers \\
+        -i false \\
+        -r true \\
+        -c \\
+        distributedlog://
+    No bookkeeper is bound to distributedlog://
+    Created binding on distributedlog://
+- Configure the zookeeper cluster used for storing DistributedLog metadata: `-dlzr` and `-dlzw`.
+  Ideally `-dlzr` and `-dlzw` would be same the zookeeper server in distributedlog namespace uri.
+  However to scale zookeeper reads, the zookeeper observers sometimes are added in a different
+  domain name than participants. In such case, configuring `-dlzr` and `-dlzw` to different
+  zookeeper domain names would help isolating zookeeper write and read traffic.
+- Configure the zookeeper cluster used by bookkeeper for storing the metadata : `-bkzr` and `-s`.
+  Similar as `-dlzr` and `-dlzw`, you could configure the namespace to use different zookeeper
+  domain names for readers and writers to access bookkeeper metadatadata.
+- Configure the bookkeeper ledgers path: `-l`.
+- Configure the zookeeper path to store DistributedLog metadata. It is implicitly included as part
+  of namespace URI.
+Write Proxy
+A write proxy consists of multiple write proxies. They don't store any state locally. So they are
+mostly stateless and can be run as many as you can.
+Different from bookkeeper, DistributedLog tries not to configure any environment related settings
+in configuration files. Any environment related settings are stored and configured via `namespace binding`.
+The configuration file should contain non-environment related settings.
+There is a `write_proxy.conf` template file available under `distributedlog-service` module.
+Run write proxy
+A write proxy could be started using `` script under `distributedlog-service`.
+    WP_SHARD_ID=${WP_SHARD_ID} WP_SERVICE_PORT=${WP_SERVICE_PORT} WP_STATS_PORT=${WP_STATS_PORT} ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start writeproxy
+- `WP_SHARD_ID`: A non-negative integer. You don't need to guarantee uniqueness of shard id, as it is just an
+  indicator to the client for routing the requests. If you are running the `write proxy` using a cluster scheduler
+  like `aurora`, you could easily obtain a shard id and use that to configure `WP_SHARD_ID`.
+- `WP_SERVICE_PORT`: The port that write proxy listens on.
+- `WP_STATS_PORT`: The port that write proxy exposes stats to a http endpoint.
+Please check `distributedlog-service/conf/` for more environment variables on configuring write proxy.
+- `WP_CONF_FILE`: The path to the write proxy configuration file.
+- `WP_NAMESPACE`: The distributedlog namespace that the write proxy is serving for.
+For example, we start 3 write proxies locally and point to the namespace created above.
+    $ WP_SHARD_ID=1 WP_SERVICE_PORT=4181 WP_STATS_PORT=20001 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start writeproxy
+    $ WP_SHARD_ID=2 WP_SERVICE_PORT=4182 WP_STATS_PORT=20002 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start writeproxy
+    $ WP_SHARD_ID=3 WP_SERVICE_PORT=4183 WP_STATS_PORT=20003 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start writeproxy
+The write proxy will announce itself to the zookeeper path `.write_proxy` under the dl namespace path.
+We could verify that the write proxy is running correctly by checking the zookeeper path or checking its stats port.
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog zkshell localhost:2181
+    Connecting to localhost:2181
+    Welcome to ZooKeeper!
+    JLine support is enabled
+    WATCHER::
+    WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
+    [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls /messaging/distributedlog/mynamespace/.write_proxy
+    [member_0000000000, member_0000000001, member_0000000002]
+    $ curl localhost:20001/ping
+    pong
+Add and Remove Write Proxies
+Removing a write proxy is pretty straightforward by just killing the process.
+    WP_SHARD_ID=1 WP_SERVICE_PORT=4181 WP_STATS_PORT=10001 ./distributedlog-service/bin/ stop writeproxy
+Adding a new write proxy is just adding a new host and starting the write proxy
+process as described above.
+Write Proxy Naming
+The `` script starts the write proxy by announcing it to the `.write_proxy` path under
+the dl namespace. So you could use uri in the distributedlog client builder to access the write proxy cluster.
+Verify the setup
+You could verify the write proxy cluster by running tutorials over the setup cluster.
+Create 10 streams.
+    $ ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog tool create -u distributedlog:// -r stream- -e 0-10
+    You are going to create streams : [stream-0, stream-1, stream-2, stream-3, stream-4, stream-5, stream-6, stream-7, stream-8, stream-9, stream-10] (Y or N) Y
+Tail read from the 10 streams.
+    $ ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run org.apache.distributedlog.basic.MultiReader distributedlog:// stream-0,stream-1,stream-2,stream-3,stream-4,stream-5,stream-6,stream-7,stream-8,stream-9,stream-10
+Run record generator over some streams
+    $ ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run org.apache.distributedlog.basic.RecordGenerator 'zk!!/messaging/distributedlog/mynamespace/.write_proxy' stream-0 100
+    $ ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run org.apache.distributedlog.basic.RecordGenerator 'zk!!/messaging/distributedlog/mynamespace/.write_proxy' stream-1 100
+Check the terminal running `MultiReader`. You will see similar output as below:
+    """
+    Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=21044, slotId=0} from stream stream-0
+    """
+    record-1464085079105
+    """
+    Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=21046, slotId=0} from stream stream-0
+    """
+    record-1464085079113
+    """
+    Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=9636, slotId=0} from stream stream-1
+    """
+    record-1464085079110
+    """
+    Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=21048, slotId=0} from stream stream-0
+    """
+    record-1464085079125
+    """
+    Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=9638, slotId=0} from stream stream-1
+    """
+    record-1464085079121
+    """
+    Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=21050, slotId=0} from stream stream-0
+    """
+    record-1464085079133
+    """
+    Received record DLSN{logSegmentSequenceNo=1, entryId=9640, slotId=0} from stream stream-1
+    """
+    record-1464085079130
+    """
+Please refer to the Performance_ page for more details on tuning performance.
+.. _Performance: ../admin_guide/performance
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+title: Docker
+top-nav-group: deployment
+top-nav-pos: 2
+top-nav-title: Docker
+layout: default
+.. contents:: This page provides instructions on how to deploy **DistributedLog** using docker.
+Docker Setup
+1. Docker
+1. Create a snapshot using
+.. code-block:: bash
+    ./scripts/snapshot
+2. Create your own docker image using
+.. code-block:: bash
+    docker build -t <your image name> .
+3. You can run the docker container using
+.. code-block:: bash
+    docker run -e ZK_SERVERS=<zk server list> -e DEPLOY_BK=<true|false> -e DEPLOY_WP=<true|false> <your image name>
+Environment variables
+Following are the environment variables which can change how the docker container runs.
+1. **ZK_SERVERS**: ZK servers running exernally (the container does not run a zookeeper)
+2. **DEPLOY_BOTH**: Deploys writeproxies as well as the bookies
+3. **DEPLOY_WP**: Flag to notify that a writeproxy needs to be deployed
+4. **DEPLOY_BK**: Flag to notify that a bookie needs to be deployed
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+title: Global Cluster Setup
+top-nav-group: deployment
+top-nav-pos: 1
+top-nav-title: Global Cluster Setup
+# Sub-level navigation
+sub-nav-group: admin-guide
+sub-nav-id: cluster-deployment
+sub-nav-parent: admin-guide
+sub-nav-group-title: Global Cluster Setup
+sub-nav-pos: 1
+sub-nav-title: Global Cluster Setup
+layout: default
+.. contents:: This page provides instructions on how to run **DistributedLog** across multiple regions.
+Cluster Setup & Deployment
+Setting up `globally replicated DistributedLog <../user_guide/globalreplicatedlog/main>`_ is very similar to setting up local DistributedLog.
+The most important change is use a ZooKeeper cluster configured across multiple-regions. Once set up, DistributedLog
+and BookKeeper are configured to use the global ZK cluster for all metadata storage, and the system will more or
+less work. The remaining steps are necessary to ensure things like durability in the face of total region failure.
+The key differences with standard cluster setup are summarized below:
+- The zookeeper cluster must be running across all of the target regions, say A, B, C.
+- Region aware placement policy and a few other options must be configured in DL config.
+- DistributedLog clients should be configured to talk to all regions.
+We elaborate on these steps in the following sections.
+Global Zookeeper
+When defining your server and participant lists in zookeeper configuration, a sufficient number of nodes from each
+region must be included.
+Please consult the ZooKeeper documentation for detailed Zookeeper setup instructions.
+DistributedLog Configuration
+In multi-region DistributedLog several DL config changes are needed.
+Placement Policy
+The region-aware placement policy must be configured. Below, it is configured to place replicas across 3 regions, A, B, and C.
+    # placement policy
+    bkc.ensemblePlacementPolicy=org.apache.bookkeeper.client.RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy
+    bkc.reppRegionsToWrite=A;B;C
+    bkc.reppMinimumRegionsForDurability=2
+    bkc.reppEnableDurabilityEnforcementInReplace=true
+    bkc.reppEnableValidation=true
+Connection Timeouts
+In global replicated mode, the proxy nodes will be writing to the entire ensemble, which exists in multiple regions.
+If cross-region latency is higher than local region latency (i.e. if its truly cross-region) then it is advisable to
+use a higher BookKeeper client connection tiemout.
+    # setting connect timeout to 1 second for global cluster
+    bkc.connectTimeoutMillis=1000
+Quorum Size
+It is advisable to run with a larger ensemble to ensure cluster health in the event of region loss (the ensemble
+will be split across all regions).
+The values of these settings will depend on your operational and durability requirements.
+    ensemble-size=9
+    write-quorum-size=9
+    ack-quorum-size=5
+Client Configuration
+Although not required, it is recommended to configure the write client to use all available regions. Several methods
+in DistributedLogClientBuilder can be used to achieve this.
+.. code-block:: java
+    DistributedLogClientBuilder.serverSets
+    DistributedLogClientBuilder.finagleNameStrs
+Additional Steps
+Other clients settings may need to be tuned - for example in the write client, timeouts will likely need to be
+Aside from this however, cluster setup is exactly the same as `single region setup <cluster>`_.
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