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Posted to by Brian Behlendorf <> on 1998/05/21 00:40:28 UTC

the bug database

(to all new-httpd folks, even the lurkers)

Some of you may know about the Apache bug database, but many probably don't.

The Apache bug database is a WWW-based interface to a GNATS back-end for
tracking bug reports that come in.  The database is viewable by anyone at - you can free-text search it, and you can see the
trail of messages back and forth between Apache developers and bug reporters.

The bug database is maintained by a group of volunteers.  This group can be
arbitrarily sized - membership in the core developer's group is not
essential to having the ability to edit the bug database.  Anyone can
respond to a report; and with a name/password combination I can give you,
you can also act on behalf of the Apache Group in answering bugs.

We need your help.  There are not enough resources to answer & deal with
all the bug reports in the bug database, let alone to actually implement
fixes for the problems reported.  Yesterday I drank a really big cup of
espresso and spent about 16 hours cleaning up a good number of reports; but
even then was limited in what I could do as many reports were about areas
of the code I wasn't qualified to speak about (like the proxy module, or

We need people who are willing to look over the reports, close up the ones
which are a simple answer or are a request for configuration assistance
(which we only answer if it's really easy to do so, otherwise pointing
people to comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix) but more importantly, we need
people willing to look at the open or analysed reports and provide patches
for the problems people report.

All PR's should resolve to one of two end-states: either "suspended" (in
the case of "wishlist" or "when someone gets around to it" features to be
added) or "closed" (meaning, the user's problem has been solved).  Any bug
report that has been responded to should be in "analyzed" state, and those
who respond should personally see to getting the PR into one of those two
states.  Finally, any bug report where the reporter was asked for feedback
or more info but did not provide it within 4 weeks should be closed.

I am happy to create more accounts for people to act as official bug
database maintainers, though the less visible you've been on this list the
more scrutiny I'll put on you.  All bug database volunteers should realize
that even though reporters aren't paying for their services, treating them
with respect is essential (e.g., calling someone stupid is usually

Ah yes, and finally, anyone can (and is encouraged to) join the
apache-bugdb mailing list.  All bug reports, and responses to reports, are
emailed to this list, so it is completely sufficient to simply monitor this
list and respond to messages you are knowlegeable about.  All responses, if
the Subject: line is dealt with correctly and CC'd to,
will be added to the bug report in the database.

Coming in the future: a better back-end for the bug database, and parallel
databases for the spin-off projects.



pure chewing satisfaction