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Posted to by Philippe Lhoste <> on 2011/02/12 18:51:31 UTC

Re: Pivot, Scala, Gradle, Life, the Universe and Everything

On 28/01/2011 14:05, Greg Brown wrote:
>> Not sure how to do that with pure BXML files.
> You can't do it purely with BXML, but since you are using Scala, you
> must be writing classes anyways. Take a look at the Hello World
> tutorial for an example of implementing the Application interface.

Even with Scala, when we have a pure BXML, we want to be able to run it 
directly, as we do in Java.

I think I made a mistake, taking the path a bit too high in the bin 
folder, or something.
The Gradle task is:

task runB(type: JavaExec) {
   description = 'To run the BXML scripts. Pass the name as 
   main = 'org.apache.pivot.wtk.ScriptApplication'
   classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
   args "--src=/${basePath}/${sampleName}.bxml"

and now it works well, both with pure BXML and those using some Java 
(now Scala) classes.

>>> Could be a JVM issue. Might also be related to the use of a
>>> volatile image for buffering. Try setting
>>> -Dorg.apache.pivot.wtk.disablevolatilebuffer=false when you start
>>> your app.
>> I wasn't clear, I think: the issues I saw was on the online demos,
>> the applets. And yes, it might be related to the version of Java I
>> use.
> No, you were clear - I just didn't think it through. Are you using a
> Dell by any chance? I think that some of the other users who have
> reported this issue were using Dell hardware.

Indeed a Dell computer at work (an old one) and a modern HP at home, 
both with ATI cards (not the best ones...).

Making (slow) progress on converting tutorials. Of course, I skip the 
pure BXML ones, as there is nothing to convert.
Just did the Localization one, I made a fr version while I was at it. 
(Attached, feel free to use it.)

I have fun converting Java loops to Scala comprehensions, like

for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) {
     if (fonts[i].canDisplayUpTo(sampleResource) == -1) {
         theme.setFont(fonts[i].deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 12));


fonts find (_.canDisplayUpTo(sampleResource) == -1) foreach {
   f => theme.setFont(f.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 12))

I had to ask help on the scala-user list for this one, as Scala doesn't 
have break built in.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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