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[02/15] zookeeper git commit: update.



Branch: refs/heads/jenkins-tools
Commit: bd56e0c8b0f1f9889aba5a9a933ec70051ca312e
Parents: 11bdb63
Author: Michael Han <>
Authored: Mon Apr 10 13:36:35 2017 -0700
Committer: Michael Han <>
Committed: Mon Apr 10 13:36:35 2017 -0700

 zk-test-report/ | 270 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 270 insertions(+)
diff --git a/zk-test-report/ b/zk-test-report/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..661494c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zk-test-report/
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+# To disable 'invalid constant name' warnings.
+# pylint: disable=import-error
+# Testing environment may not have all dependencies.
+This script uses Jenkins REST api to collect test result(s) of given build/builds and generates
+flakyness data about unittests.
+Print help: -h
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import re
+import requests
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from jinja2 import Template
+# If any of these strings appear in the console output, it's a build one should probably ignore
+# for analyzing failed/hanging tests.
+    "Slave went offline during the build",  # Machine went down, can't do anything about it.
+    "The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye",  # JVM crashed.
+PATTERN_FAILED_TEST = re.compile('(.*)- FAILED (.*)')
+PATTERN_SUCCEED_TEST = re.compile('(.*)- SUCCEEDED (.*)')
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def analyze_build(build_url):
+    response = requests.get(build_url)
+    if response.status_code != 200:
+        print "Error getting consoleText. Response = {} {}".format(
+            response.status_code, response.reason)
+        return
+    all_tests_set = set()
+    failed_tests_set = set()
+    print len(response.content)
+    for line in response.content.splitlines():
+        ans = PATTERN_RUNNING_TEST.match(line)
+        if ans:
+            print ans
+            test_case =
+            if test_case in all_tests_set:
+                print ("ERROR! Multiple tests with same name '{}'. Might get wrong results "
+                       "for this test.".format(test_case))
+            else:
+                all_tests_set.add(test_case)
+        ans = PATTERN_FAILED_TEST.match(line)
+        if ans:
+            test_case =
+            failed_tests_set.add(test_case)
+        for bad_string in BAD_RUN_STRINGS:
+            if re.match(".*" + bad_string + ".*", line):
+                print "Bad string found in build:\n > {}".format(line)
+                return
+    print "Result > total tests: {:4}   failed : {:4}".format(
+        len(all_tests_set), len(failed_tests_set))
+    return [all_tests_set, failed_tests_set]
+def generate_report(build_url):
+    """
+    Given build_url of an executed build, analyzes its console text, and returns
+    [list of all tests, list of failed tests].
+    Returns None if can't get console text or if there is any other error.
+    """
+"Analyzing %s", build_url)
+    response = requests.get(build_url + "/api/json").json()
+    if response["building"]:
+"Skipping this build since it is in progress.")
+        return {}
+    build_result = analyze_build(build_url + "/consoleText")
+    if not build_result:
+"Ignoring build %s", build_url)
+        return
+    return build_result
+def parse_cli_args(cli_args):
+    job_urls = cli_args.urls
+    excluded_builds_arg = cli_args.excluded_builds
+    max_builds_arg = cli_args.max_builds
+    if excluded_builds_arg is not None and len(excluded_builds_arg) != len(job_urls):
+        raise Exception("Number of --excluded-builds arguments should be same as that of --urls "
+                        "since values are matched.")
+    if max_builds_arg is not None and len(max_builds_arg) != len(job_urls):
+        raise Exception("Number of --max-builds arguments should be same as that of --urls "
+                        "since values are matched.")
+    final_expanded_urls = []
+    for (i, job_url) in enumerate(job_urls):
+        max_builds = 10000  # Some high number
+        if max_builds_arg is not None and max_builds_arg[i] != 0:
+            max_builds = int(max_builds_arg[i])
+        excluded_builds = []
+        if excluded_builds_arg is not None and excluded_builds_arg[i] != "None":
+            excluded_builds = [int(x) for x in excluded_builds_arg[i].split(",")]
+        response = requests.get(job_url + "/api/json").json()
+        if response.has_key("activeConfigurations"):
+            for config in response["activeConfigurations"]:
+                final_expanded_urls.append({'url':config["url"], 'max_builds': max_builds,
+                                            'excludes': excluded_builds})
+        else:
+            final_expanded_urls.append({'url':job_url, 'max_builds': max_builds,
+                                        'excludes': excluded_builds})
+    return final_expanded_urls
+# Set of timeout/failed tests across all given urls.
+all_timeout_tests = set()
+all_failed_tests = set()
+all_hanging_tests = set()
+# Contains { <url> : { <bad_test> : { 'all': [<build ids>], 'failed': [<build ids>],
+#                                     'timeout': [<build ids>], 'hanging': [<builds ids>] } } }
+url_to_bad_test_results = OrderedDict()
+# Iterates over each url, gets test results and prints flaky tests.
+expanded_urls = parse_cli_args(args)
+for url_max_build in expanded_urls:
+    url = url_max_build["url"]
+    excludes = url_max_build["excludes"]
+    json_response = requests.get(url + "/api/json").json()
+    if json_response.has_key("builds"):
+        builds = json_response["builds"]
+"Analyzing job: %s", url)
+    else:
+        builds = [{'number' : json_response["id"], 'url': url}]
+"Analyzing build : %s", url)
+    build_id_to_results = {}
+    num_builds = 0
+    build_ids = []
+    build_ids_without_tests_run = []
+    for build in builds:
+        build_id = build["number"]
+        if build_id in excludes:
+            continue
+        result = generate_report(build["url"])
+        if not result:
+            continue
+        if len(result[0]) > 0:
+            build_id_to_results[build_id] = result
+        else:
+            build_ids_without_tests_run.append(build_id)
+        num_builds += 1
+        build_ids.append(build_id)
+        if num_builds == url_max_build["max_builds"]:
+            break
+    # Collect list of bad tests.
+    bad_tests = set()
+    for build in build_id_to_results:
+        [_, failed_tests, timeout_tests, hanging_tests] = build_id_to_results[build]
+        all_timeout_tests.update(timeout_tests)
+        all_failed_tests.update(failed_tests)
+        # Note that timedout tests are already included in failed tests.
+        bad_tests.update(failed_tests.union(hanging_tests))
+    # For each bad test, get build ids where it ran, timed out, failed or hanged.
+    test_to_build_ids = {key : {'all' : set(), 'timeout': set(), 'failed': set(),
+                                'hanging' : set(), 'bad_count' : 0}
+                         for key in bad_tests}
+    for build in build_id_to_results:
+        [all_tests, failed_tests, timeout_tests, hanging_tests] = build_id_to_results[build]
+        for bad_test in test_to_build_ids:
+            is_bad = False
+            if all_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
+                test_to_build_ids[bad_test]["all"].add(build)
+            if timeout_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
+                test_to_build_ids[bad_test]['timeout'].add(build)
+                is_bad = True
+            if failed_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
+                test_to_build_ids[bad_test]['failed'].add(build)
+                is_bad = True
+            if hanging_tests.issuperset([bad_test]):
+                test_to_build_ids[bad_test]['hanging'].add(build)
+                is_bad = True
+            if is_bad:
+                test_to_build_ids[bad_test]['bad_count'] += 1
+    # Calculate flakyness % and successful builds for each test. Also sort build ids.
+    for bad_test in test_to_build_ids:
+        test_result = test_to_build_ids[bad_test]
+        test_result['flakyness'] = test_result['bad_count'] * 100.0 / len(test_result['all'])
+        test_result['success'] = (test_result['all'].difference(
+            test_result['failed'].union(test_result['hanging'])))
+        for key in ['all', 'timeout', 'failed', 'hanging', 'success']:
+            test_result[key] = sorted(test_result[key])
+    # Sort tests in descending order by flakyness.
+    sorted_test_to_build_ids = OrderedDict(
+        sorted(test_to_build_ids.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]['flakyness'], reverse=True))
+    url_to_bad_test_results[url] = sorted_test_to_build_ids
+    if len(sorted_test_to_build_ids) > 0:
+        print "URL: {}".format(url)
+        print "{:>60}  {:10}  {:25}  {}".format(
+            "Test Name", "Total Runs", "Bad Runs(failed/timeout/hanging)", "Flakyness")
+        for bad_test in sorted_test_to_build_ids:
+            test_status = sorted_test_to_build_ids[bad_test]
+            print "{:>60}  {:10}  {:7} ( {:4} / {:5} / {:5} )  {:2.0f}%".format(
+                bad_test, len(test_status['all']), test_status['bad_count'],
+                len(test_status['failed']), len(test_status['timeout']),
+                len(test_status['hanging']), test_status['flakyness'])
+    else:
+        print "No flaky tests founds."
+        if len(build_ids) == len(build_ids_without_tests_run):
+            print "None of the analyzed builds have test result."
+    print "Builds analyzed: {}".format(build_ids)
+    print "Builds without any test runs: {}".format(build_ids_without_tests_run)
+    print ""
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('--urls', metavar='URL', action='append', required=True,
+                        help='Urls to analyze')
+    parser.add_argument('--excluded-builds', metavar='n1,n2', action='append',
+                        help='List of build numbers to exclude (or "None"). Not required, '
+                        'but if specified, number of uses should be same as that of --urls '
+                        'since the values are matched.')
+    parser.add_argument('--max-builds', metavar='n', action='append', type=int,
+                        help='The maximum number of builds to use (if available on jenkins). Specify '
+                        'should be same as that of --urls since the values are matched.')
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Prints more logs.", action="store_true")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.verbose:
+        logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    all_bad_tests = all_hanging_tests.union(all_failed_tests)
+    dev_support_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    with open(os.path.join(dev_support_dir, "flaky-dashboard-template.html"), "r") as f:
+        template = Template(
+    with open("dashboard.html", "w") as f:
+        datetime = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
+        f.write(template.render(datetime=datetime, bad_tests_count=len(all_bad_tests),
+                                results=url_to_bad_test_results))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()