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-                <h1 id="operator-development-guide">Operator Development Guide</h1>
-<p>Operators are basic building blocks of an application built to run on
-Apache Apex platform. An application may consist of one or more
-operators each of which define some logical operation to be done on the
-tuples arriving at the operator. These operators are connected together
-using streams forming a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). In other words, a streaming
-application is represented by a DAG that consists of operations (called operators) and
-data flow (called streams).</p>
-<p>In this document we will discuss details on how an operator works and
-its internals. This document is intended to serve the following purposes</p>
-<li><strong><a href="#apex_operators">Apache Apex Operators</a></strong> - Introduction to operator terminology and concepts.</li>
-<li><strong><a href="#writing_custom_operators">Writing Custom Operators</a></strong> - Designing, coding and testing new operators from scratch.  Includes code examples.</li>
-<li><strong><a href="#operator_reference">Operator Reference</a></strong> - Details of operator internals, lifecycle, and best practices and optimizations.</li>
-<hr />
-<h1 id="apache-apex-operators">Apache Apex Operators <a name="apex_operators"></a></h1>
-<h2 id="operators-what-in-a-nutshell">Operators - “What” in a nutshell</h2>
-<p>Operators are independent units of logical operations which can
-contribute in executing the business logic of a use case. For example,
-in an ETL workflow, a filtering operation can be represented by a single
-operator. This filtering operator will be responsible for doing just one
-task in the ETL pipeline, i.e. filter incoming tuples. Operators do not
-impose any restrictions on what can or cannot be done as part of a
-operator. An operator may as well contain the entire business logic.
-However, it is recommended, that the operators are light weight
-independent tasks, in
-order to take advantage of the distributed framework that Apache Apex
-provides. The structure of a streaming application shares resemblance
-with the way CPU pipelining works. CPU pipelining breaks down the
-computation engine into different stages viz. instruction fetch,
-instruction decode, etc. so that each of them can perform their task on
-different instructions
-parallely. Similarly,
-Apache Apex APIs allow the user to break down their tasks into different
-stages so that all of the tasks can be executed on different tuples
-<p><img alt="" src="../images/operator/image05.png" /></p>
-<h2 id="operators-how-in-a-nutshell">Operators - “How” in a nutshell</h2>
-<p>An Apache Apex application runs as a YARN application. Hence, each of
-the operators that the application DAG contains, runs in one of the
-containers provisioned by YARN. Further, Apache Apex exposes APIs to
-allow the user to request bundling multiple operators in a single node,
-a single container or even a single thread. We shall look at these calls
-in the reference sections [cite reference sections]. For now, consider
-an operator as some piece of code that runs on some machine of a YARN
-<h2 id="types-of-operators">Types of Operators</h2>
-<p>An operator works on one tuple at a time. These tuples may be supplied
-by other operators in the application or by external sources,
-such as a database or a message bus. Similarly, after the tuples are
-processed, these may be passed on to other operators, or stored into an external system. 
-Therea are 3 type of operators based on function: </p>
-<li><strong>Input Adapter</strong> - This is one of the starting points in
-    the application DAG and is responsible for getting tuples from an
-    external system. At the same time, such data may also be generated
-    by the operator itself, without interacting with the outside
-    world. These input tuples will form the initial universe of
-    data that the application works on.</li>
-<li><strong>Generic Operator</strong> - This type of operator accepts input tuples from
-    the previous operators and passes them on to the following operators
-    in the DAG.</li>
-<li><strong>Output Adapter</strong> - This is one of the ending points in the application
-    DAG and is responsible for writing the data out to some external
-    system.</li>
-<p>Note: There can be multiple operators of all types in an application
-<h2 id="operators-position-in-a-dag">Operators Position in a DAG</h2>
-<p>We may refer to operators depending on their position with respect to
-one another. For any operator opr (see image below), there are two types of operators.</p>
-<li><strong>Upstream operators</strong> - These are the operators from which there is a
-    directed path to opr in the application DAG.</li>
-<li><strong>Downstream operators</strong> - These are the operators to which there is a
-    directed path from opr in the application DAG.</li>
-<p>Note that there are no cycles formed in the application DAG.</p>
-<p><img alt="" src="../images/operator/image00.png" /></p>
-<h2 id="ports">Ports</h2>
-<p>Operators in a DAG are connected together via directed flows
-called streams. Each stream has end-points located on the operators
-called ports. Therea are 2 types of ports.</p>
-<li><strong>Input Port</strong> - This is a port through which an operator accepts input
-    tuples from an upstream operator.</li>
-<li><strong>Output port</strong> - This is a port through which an operator passes on the
-    processed data to downstream operators.</li>
-<p>Looking at the number of input ports, an Input Adapter is an operator
-with no input ports, a Generic operator has both input and output ports,
-while an Output Adapter has no output ports. At the same time, note that
-an operator may act as an Input Adapter while at the same time have an
-input port. In such cases, the operator is getting data from two
-different sources, viz. the input stream from the input port and an
-external source.</p>
-<p><img alt="" src="../images/operator/image02.png" /></p>
-<hr />
-<h2 id="how-operator-works">How Operator Works</h2>
-<p>An operator passes through various stages during its lifetime. Each
-stage is an API call that the Streaming Application Master makes for an
-operator.  The following figure illustrates the stages through which an
-operator passes.</p>
-<p><img alt="" src="../images/operator/image01.png" /></p>
-<li>The <em>setup()</em> call initializes the operator and prepares itself to
-    start processing tuples.</li>
-<li>The <em>beginWindow()</em> call marks the beginning of an application window
-    and allows for any processing to be done before a window starts.</li>
-<li>The <em>process()</em> call belongs to the <em>InputPort</em> and gets triggered when
-    any tuple arrives at the Input port of the operator. This call is
-    specific only to Generic and Output adapters, since Input Adapters
-    do not have an input port. This is made for all the tuples at the
-    input port until the end window marker tuple is received on the
-    input port.</li>
-<li>The <em>emitTuples()</em> is the counterpart of <em>process()</em> call for Input
-    Adapters.
-    This call is used by Input adapters to emit any tuples that are
-    fetched from the external systems, or generated by the operator.
-    This method is called continuously until the pre-configured window
-    time is elapsed, at which the end window marker tuple is sent out on
-    the output port.</li>
-<li>The <em>endWindow()</em> call marks the end of the window and allows for any
-    processing to be done after the window ends.</li>
-<li>The <em>teardown()</em> call is used for gracefully shutting down the
-    operator and releasing any resources held by the operator.</li>
-<h1 id="developing-custom-operators">Developing Custom Operators <a name="writing_custom_operators"></a></h1>
-<h2 id="about-this-tutorial">About this tutorial</h2>
-<p>This tutorial will guide the user towards developing a operator from
-scratch. It includes all aspects of writing an operator including
-design, code and unit testing.</p>
-<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
-<p>In this tutorial, we will design and write, from scratch, an operator
-called Word Count. This operator will accept tuples of type String,
-count the number of occurrences for each word appearing in the tuple and
-send out the updated counts for all the words encountered in the tuple.
-Further, the operator will also accept a file path on HDFS which will
-contain the stop-words which need to be ignored when counting
-<h2 id="design">Design</h2>
-<p>Design of the operator must be finalized before starting to write an
-operator. Many aspects including the functionality, the data sources,
-the types involved etc. need to be first finalized before writing the
-operator. Let us dive into each of these while considering the Word
-Count operator.</p>
-<h3 id="functionality">Functionality</h3>
-<p>We can define the scope of operator functionality using the following
-<li>Parse the input tuple to identify the words in the tuple</li>
-<li>Identify the stop-words in the tuple by looking up the stop-word
-    file as configured</li>
-<li>For each non-stop-word in the tuple, count the occurrences in that
-    tuple and add it to a global counts</li>
-<p>Let’s consider an example. Suppose we have the following tuples flow
-into the Word Count operator.</p>
-<li><em>Humpty dumpty sat on a wall</em></li>
-<li><em>Humpty dumpty had a great fall</em></li>
-<p>Initially counts for all words is 0. Once the first tuple is processed,
-the counts that must be emitted are:</p>
-<pre><code class="java">humpty - 1
-dumpty - 1
-sat - 1
-wall - 1
-<p>Note that we are ignoring the stop-words, “on” and “a” in this case.
-Also note that as a rule, we’ll ignore the case of the words when
-counting occurrences.</p>
-<p>Similarly, after the second tuple is processed, the counts that must be
-emitted are:</p>
-<pre><code class="java">humpty - 2
-dumpty - 2
-great - 1
-fall - 1
-<p>Again, we ignore the words <em>“had”</em> and <em>“a”</em> since these are stop-words.</p>
-<p>Note that the most recent count for any word is correct count for that
-word. In other words, any new output for a word, invalidated all the
-previous counts for that word.</p>
-<h3 id="inputs">Inputs</h3>
-<p>As seen from the example above, the following inputs are expected for
-the operator:</p>
-<li>Input stream whose tuple type is String</li>
-<li>Input HDFS file path, pointing to a file containing stop-words</li>
-<p>Only one input port is needed. The stop-word file will be small enough
-to be read completely in a single read. In addition this will be a one
-time activity for the lifetime of the operator. This does not need a
-separate input port.</p>
-<p><img alt="" src="../images/operator/image03.png" /></p>
-<h3 id="outputs">Outputs</h3>
-<p>We can define the output for this operator in multiple ways.</p>
-<li>The operator may send out the set of counts for which the counts
-    have changed after processing each tuple.</li>
-<li>Some applications might not need an update after every tuple, but
-    only after a certain time duration.</li>
-<p>Let us try and implement both these options depending on the
-configuration. Let us define a boolean configuration parameter
-<em>“sendPerTuple”</em>. The value of this parameter will indicate whether the
-updated counts for words need to be emitted after processing each
-tuple (true) or after a certain time duration (false).</p>
-<p>The type of information the operator will be sending out on the output
-port is the same for all the cases. This will be a <em>&lt; key, value &gt;</em> pair,
-where the key is the word while, the value is the latest count for that
-word. This means we just need one output port on which this information
-will go out.</p>
-<p><img alt="" src="../images/operator/image04.png" /></p>
-<h2 id="configuration">Configuration</h2>
-<p>We have the following configuration parameters:</p>
-<li><em>stopWordFilePath</em> - This parameter will store the path to the stop
-    word file on HDFS as configured by the user.</li>
-<li><em>sendPerTuple</em> - This parameter decides whether we send out the
-    updated counts after processing each tuple or at the end of a
-    window. When set to true, the operator will send out the updated
-    counts after each tuple, else it will send at the end of
-    each window.</li>
-<h2 id="code">Code</h2>
-<p>The source code for the tutorial can be found here:</p>
-<p><a href=""></a></p>
-<h1 id="operator-reference">Operator Reference <a name="operator_reference"></a></h1>
-<h3 id="the-operator-class">The Operator Class</h3>
-<p>The operator will exist physically as a class which implements the
-Operator interface. This interface will require implementations for the
-following method calls:</p>
-<li>setup(OperatorContext context)</li>
-<li>beginWindow(long windowId)</li>
-<p>In order to simplify the creation of an operator, Apache Apex
-library also provides a base class “BaseOperator” which has empty
-implementations for these methods. Please refer to the <a href="#apex_operators">Apex Operators</a> section and the
-<a href="#operator_reference">Reference</a> section for details on these.</p>
-<p>We extend the class “BaseOperator” to create our own operator
-<pre><code class="java">public class WordCountOperator extends BaseOperator
-<h3 id="class-operator-properties">Class (Operator) properties</h3>
-<p>We define the following class variables:</p>
-<li><em>sendPerTuple</em> - Configures the output frequency from the operator</li>
-<pre><code class="java">private boolean sendPerTuple = true; // default
-<li><em>stopWordFilePath</em> - Stores the path to the stop words file on HDFS</li>
-<pre><code class="java">private String stopWordFilePath; // no default
-<li><em>stopWords</em> - Stores the stop words read from the configured file</li>
-<pre><code class="java">private transient String[] stopWords;
-<li><em>globalCounts</em> - A Map which stores the counts of all the words
-    encountered so far. Note that this variable is non transient, which
-    means that this variable is saved as part of the checkpoint and can be recovered in event of a crash.</li>
-<pre><code class="java">private Map&lt;String, Long&gt; globalCounts;
-<li><em>updatedCounts</em> - A Map which stores the counts for only the most
-    recent tuple(s). sendPerTuple configuration determines whether to store the most recent or the recent
-    window worth of tuples.</li>
-<pre><code class="java">private transient Map&lt;String, Long&gt; updatedCounts;
-<li><em>input</em> - The input port for the operator. The type of this input port
-    is String which means it will only accept tuples of type String. The
-    definition of an input port requires implementation of a method
-    called process(String tuple), which should have the processing logic
-    for the input tuple which  arrives at this input port. We delegate
-    this task to another method called processTuple(String tuple). This
-    helps in keeping the operator classes extensible by overriding the
-    processing logic for the input tuples.</li>
-<pre><code class="java">public transient DefaultInputPort&lt;String&gt; input = new    
-    @Override
-    public void process(String tuple)
-    {
-        processTuple(tuple);
-    }
-<li>output - The output port for the operator. The type of this port is
-    Entry &lt; String, Long &gt;, which means the operator will emit &lt; word,
-    count &gt; pairs for the updated counts.</li>
-<pre><code class="java">public transient DefaultOutputPort &lt;Entry&lt;String, Long&gt;&gt; output = new
-<h3 id="the-constructor">The Constructor</h3>
-<p>The constructor is the place where we initialize the non-transient data
-structures, since
-constructor is called just once per activation of an operator. With regards to Word Count operator, we initialize the globalCounts variable in the constructor.</p>
-<pre><code class="java">globalCounts = Maps.newHashMap();
-<h3 id="setup-call">Setup call</h3>
-<p>The setup method is called only once during an operator lifetime and its purpose is to allow 
-the operator to set itself up for processing incoming streams. Transient objects in the operator are
-not serialized and checkpointed. Hence, it is essential that such objects initialized in the setup call. 
-In case of operator failure, the operator will be redeployed (most likely on a different container). The setup method called by the Apache Apex engine allows the operator to prepare for execution in the new container.</p>
-<p>The following tasks are executed as part of the setup call:</p>
-<li>Read the stop-word list from HDFS and store it in the
-    stopWords array</li>
-<li>Initialize updatedCounts variable. This will store the updated
-    counts for words in most recent tuples processed by the operator.
-    As a transient variable, the value will be lost when operator fails.</li>
-<h3 id="begin-window-call">Begin Window call</h3>
-<p>The begin window call signals the start of an application window. With 
-regards to Word Count Operator, we are expecting updated counts for the most recent window of
-data if the sendPerTuple is set to false. Hence, we clear the updatedCounts variable in the begin window
-call and start accumulating the counts till the end window call.</p>
-<h3 id="process-tuple-call">Process Tuple call</h3>
-<p>The processTuple method is called by the process method of the input
-port, input. This method defines the processing logic for the current
-tuple that is received at the input port. As part of this method, we
-identify the words in the current tuple and update the globalCounts and
-the updatedCounts variables. In addition, if the sendPerTuple variable
-is set to true, we also emit the words and corresponding counts in
-updatedCounts to the output port. Note that in this case (sendPerTuple =
-true), we clear the updatedCounts variable in every call to
-<h3 id="end-window-call">End Window call</h3>
-<p>This call signals the end of an application window. With regards to Word
-Count Operator, we emit the updatedCounts to the output port if the
-sendPerTuple flag is set to false.</p>
-<h3 id="teardown-call">Teardown call</h3>
-<p>This method allows the operator to gracefully shut down itself after
-releasing the resources that it has acquired. With regards to our operator,
-we call the shutDown method which shuts down the operator along with any
-downstream operators.</p>
-<h2 id="testing-your-operator">Testing your Operator</h2>
-<p>As part of testing our operator, we test the following two facets:</p>
-<li>Test output of the operator after processing a single tuple</li>
-<li>Test output of the operator after processing of a window of tuples</li>
-<p>The unit tests for the WordCount operator are available in the class We simulate the behavior of the engine by
-using the test utilities provided by Apache Apex libraries. We simulate
-the setup, beginWindow, process method of the input port and
-endWindow calls and compare the output received at the simulated output
-<li>Invoke constructor; non-transients initialized.</li>
-<li>Copy state from checkpoint -- initialized values from step 1 are
-<h1 id="malhar-operator-library">Malhar Operator Library</h1>
-<p>To see the full list of Apex Malhar operators along with related documentation, visit <a href="">Apex Malhar on Github</a></p>
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