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Posted to by Edoardo Galdi <> on 2001/06/20 17:50:24 UTC

BUG ?!?!

Hello to everybody!
I found that the output of the EcsScreen tag is bound to that of the JetspeedNavigation tag (I'm working with the 1.3a1 version of Jetspeed).
Is it a bug? If not, why?

In any case, if someone would like to unbind those should modify the EcsScreenTag class making a flush of the output stream of the pageContext object before generating the output of the screenElement object.

current version:

public class EcsScreenTag extends TagSupport 
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException 
        RunData data = (RunData)pageContext.getAttributeJspService.RUNDATA,PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);    
            ConcreteElement screenElement = (ConcreteElement)data.getRequest().getAttribute("screen_ECS");

        catch (Exception e)
            String message = "Error processing ecs screen (EcsScreenTag)";
            Log.error(message, e);
                data.getOut().print("Error processing ecs screen  (EcsScreenTag)");
            catch( ioe) {}    
        return SKIP_BODY;

newer version:

public class EcsScreenTag extends TagSupport 
    public int doStartTag() throws JspException 
        RunData data = (RunData)pageContext.getAttributeJspService.RUNDATA,PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);    
            ConcreteElement screenElement = (ConcreteElement)data.getRequest().getAttribute("screen_ECS");
            pageContext.getOut().flush();                               <================== ADDED LINE
        catch (Exception e)
            String message = "Error processing ecs screen (EcsScreenTag)";
            Log.error(message, e);
                data.getOut().print("Error processing ecs screen  (EcsScreenTag)");
            catch( ioe) {}    
        return SKIP_BODY;

Bye, Edo.