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Posted to by Ceki Gülcü <> on 2005/01/20 15:51:25 UTC

Endre's requirements WAS: [POLL] Splitting log4j.jar by dependency


Thanks to a recent contribution by Yoav Shapira, log4j can pick up any 
env-entry value specified in web.xml
and perform variable substitution.

In web.xml


In your config file


   <jndiSubstitutionProperty name="BASE"/>

   <appender name="A" class="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender>
     <param name="File" value="${BASE}/log.txt"/>

If you are using log4j 1.3-alpha5, the directive is

   <jndiSubstitutionProperty jndiName="BASE"/>

In CVS head, this was changed to:

   <jndiSubstitutionProperty name="BASE"/>

I think the above provides an answer to your requirements quoted below.

At 03:09 PM 1/17/2005, Endre Stølsvik wrote:

>A feature that I'd -really- appreciate from the servlet-spec, is some kind
>of "log-dir" variable, that log4j could use as root for its configuration.
>   In one of our apps, I've made a special variable that is set by the app
>to the mandatory servlet container provided "temp dir", unless you've set
>it yourself: $<productname>.log.dir. Using this, you can now configure all
>your file appenders relatively. If you don't provide the variable using -D
>switches (or whatever), you get the logfiles in the temp dir, while if you
>do set it, you'll get them where you want. This is nice - the log files do
>have somewhere to go in any case.
>   (Another feature I'd love, is -extremly- simple: a way to know the
>context name (the "specific subset of the server's URL namespace") when
>the application is starting up, typically from the ServletContext. Now you
>only get it when a request actually comes in. This in particular related
>to the logging, logfile-location and config-location.
>   ServletContext javadoc: There is one context per "web application" per
>Java Virtual Machine. (A "web application" is a collection of servlets and
>content installed under a specific subset of the server's URL namespace
>such as /catalog and possibly installed via a .war file.) )

Ceki Gülcü

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