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Posted to by Oleg Konovalov <> on 2006/03/27 15:26:12 UTC

Handling SQL Transformer exceptions


I am trying to fix the bug in the Cocoon 2.0 application:
- it is not handling exceptions from SQLTransformer in the GUI,
need to show user an error that Insert failed.

Here is an exception we often get:
ERROR   (2006-03-24) 15:29.31:855   [sitemap.transformer.sql] (/myapp) Thread-11/SQLTransformer$Query: Caught a SQLException
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (MBRDEV.UKC_ASSOC_COT) violated
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(

Here is a simplified version of my XSL:
<xsl:template match="/">
        <title><xsl:value-of select='$table'/><xsl:text> modification</xsl:text></title>

<xsl:template name='doInsert'>
    <xsl:param name='row'/>
    <xsl:param name='table'/>
            <xsl:text>insert into </xsl:text>
            <xsl:value-of select='$table'/>
    <!-- This is the code I added to handle that exception which is supposed to show it to the user -->
    <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  
        <xsl:call-template name='buildErrorMessage'>
            <xsl:with-param name='row' select='.'/>
            <xsl:with-param name='message'><xsl:text>ERROR: Can not insert the row into the database (not recorded)</xsl:text></xsl:with-param>

Am I doing it right and in correct place ("This is the code...") ?

For some reason it doesn't seem to work (maybe that condition is false: "count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"  ?)

Sorry for the newbie question. Any help is very appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

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Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by

I don't use Actions and prefer custom transformers so that the 'pipeline' 
model remains relatively straightforward. Consequently, I was assuming 
this was a part of  a matcher pipeline e.g.

<map:match pattern="query">
        <map:generate src="xml/icmap_upload_config.xml"/>
        <map:transform src="xml/icmap/convert-icmap.xsl">
                <map:parameter name="id" value="id"/>
                <map:parameter name="table" value="table"/>
        <map:transform type="sql">
                <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="mbrdb"/>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Clearly, you have the support job from hell! And it is looking that your 
difficulties are beyond the scope of this mailing list. Are you in the UK?

Try producing a test matecer as above and this might get you into the 
system such that you have a fighting chance of maintaining it.

Good Luck

Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Oleg Konovalov <> 
31/03/2006 15:38
Please respond to


Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions


No, I don't get anything in the IE browser (it gives me the same screen 
with no errors),
regular HTML in the View Source.

Here is a whole act block:
                         <map:aggregate element="root">
                             <map:part src="xml/icmap_upload_config.xml" 
                         <map:transform type="hssf"/>
                        <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/convert-icmap.xsl"> 
 <!-- that is where Insert in giving me SQL Exception -->
                            <map:parameter name="current_user_id" 
                            <map:parameter name="table" 
                        <map:transform type="sql">
                            <map:parameter name="use-connection" 
                        <map:serialize type="xml"/>        <!-- for debug 
src="xslt/icmap/sql_error_check.xsl"  label="debug1"/>   <!-- added 
SQLException check -->
                        <!--map:serialize type="xml"/-->  <!-- for debug 
                        <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/icmap_admin.xsl"/>
                        <map:serialize type="html"/>

It is a part of another act.

Also, if I do in the browser: 
http://localhost/membership/icmap/sql_error_check?debug1 , getting:
The requested URI "/membership/icmap/sql_error_check" was not found.
although both my new sql_error_check.xsl and convert-icmap.xsl are in the 
same directory (membership/xslt/icmap).
Don't understand why I get this error.

 <map:view from-label="debug1" name="debug1">
            <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Could you please answer my question regarding Template name from my last 
Thank you in advance,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 3:52:14 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Hi Oleg, 

>>>>>>>>>>>I tried putting I tried putting <map:serialize type="xml"/> 
between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything. 
between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything. 
In your sitemap pipeline you should try just having three stages :- 

1) Set up your sql as the generator, 
2) Transform using the SQLTransformer 
3)  terminate the pipeline with <map:serialize type="xml"/> 

If you don't see anything (make sure you use the browser view source) then 
something more fundamental is amiss, 

Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Oleg Konovalov <> 
31/03/2006 05:51 

Please respond to


Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

A little correction:
the full path to the error structure I need to populate in case of error 
/root/upload/page/content/error (/message)

And I have that root template:
 <xsl:template match="/">

But the condition to find SQLException in that template is:
<xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"> 

So what is a template name I should use, "error"  ?  

Thank you,

----- Original Message ----
From: Oleg Konovalov <>
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:36:26 PM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions


(sorry, was busy with more urgent problems)

No, I don't have mainTemplate XML element, in fact I replaced template 
name with:
<xsl:template match='sht:Row'> 
Not sure it is right.  What happens if there are SQL Exceptions from SQL 
Transformer, where do Exceptions go in XML?
which template should be used?.

I tried putting <map:serialize type="xml"/> between SQLTransformer and my 
SQL checking file - Didn't get anything.

Tried: <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/sql_error_check.xsl"  label="debug1"
/> and in URL put ?debug1

Nope, nothing in the browser.

>Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors 
into html. You can find the file at build\ webapp\ stylesheets\ system\ 
I didn't understand that. I don't have any error2html.xslt.  Please 

Please help ! 
Thank you in advance,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:59:48 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

As Askild points out you are triggering on an XML element called 
mainTemplate. If you have not output this from your XSL setup stage prior 
to the SQLTransform stage you cannot trigger on it.  It might be worth 
taking some time to 'get your head around' the declarative nature of  XSLT 
and the way that Cocoon pipelines work. 

The best way to do this is have a look at the content of the pipeline at 
each stage by defining a view. You can pass in a parameter from your URL 
to make Cocoon halt pipeline processing at any stage and render the 
pipeline contents back to the browser. This is how most people debug their 
pipelines and is invaluable during development. If you don't know how to 
define a view just serialize the output after the SQLTransform as 
type="xml" and look at the content. 

Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors 
into html. You can find the file at build\ webapp\ stylesheets\ system\ 

Hope this helps and you don't abandon Cocoon because it takes a 
declarative, separation of concerns approach which is orthogonal (at right 
angles) to the more common imperative one. 
Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Askild Aaberg Olsen <> 
28/03/2006 07:36 

Please respond to


Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Oleg Konovalov wrote:
> Warrell,
> So what you are saying is that I can not do SQL exception (or error) 
> handling inside that SQL transformer
> and have to do it from outside (and after the transformer itself).
Yes, that's what he says. The stylesheet preparing the SQL have no 
knowledge of the actuall call. How could it, since the call has yet to 
be made?
> That is a pity, because in the same sql transformer file I have lots 
> of column validations
> which call it to show user errors, so it would be very convenient.
You can reuse templates in different stylesheets, so it should not be to 
much trouble to refactor.
> OK, so here is my new transformer. Please tell me if it looks OK to you.
> Have inserted it right after SQL Trasformer [before presentation 
> Still doesn't work.
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>            <!-- Created to > 
handle SQLExceptions during DB insert or update -->
> <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' 
>         xmlns:xsl=''
>         xmlns:sql="">
> <xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/>
> <xsl:template match="/">
>     <page> 
>         <content>
>             <xsl:apply-templates/>
This says: "Process all element-nodes below root"
>         </content>
>     </page>
> </xsl:template>
> <xsl:template match='mainTemplate'>
This says: "Match an element node named mainTemplate (<mainTemplate/>)". 
Do you have this element in your stream?
>     <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  <!-- Do SQLExceptions > 
check -->
>         <error> 
>             <message>ERROR: Can not insert/update the record into the 
> database (not recorded)</message> 
>         </error> 
>     </xsl:if>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> Thank you,
> Oleg.
Hope this helps.


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This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for 
the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to 
advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor 
make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes 
steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should 
carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by Oleg Konovalov <>.

No, I don't get anything in the IE browser (it gives me the same screen with no errors),
regular HTML in the View Source.

Here is a whole act block:
                         <map:aggregate element="root">
                             <map:part src="xml/icmap_upload_config.xml" element="upload"/>
                         <map:transform type="hssf"/>
                        <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/convert-icmap.xsl">  <!-- that is where Insert in giving me SQL Exception -->
                            <map:parameter name="current_user_id" value="{../userid}"/>
                            <map:parameter name="table" value="industry_code_map_table"/>
                        <map:transform type="sql">
                            <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="mbrdb"/>
                        <map:serialize type="xml"/>        <!-- for debug -->
                        <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/sql_error_check.xsl"  label="debug1"/>   <!-- added SQLException check -->
                        <!--map:serialize type="xml"/-->  <!-- for debug -->                       
                        <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/icmap_admin.xsl"/>
                        <map:serialize type="html"/>

It is a part of another act.

Also, if I do in the browser: http://localhost/membership/icmap/sql_error_check?debug1 , getting:
The requested URI "/membership/icmap/sql_error_check" was not found.
although both my new sql_error_check.xsl and convert-icmap.xsl are in the same directory (membership/xslt/icmap).
Don't understand why I get this error.

 <map:view from-label="debug1" name="debug1">
            <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Could you please answer my question regarding Template name from my last e-mail.
Thank you in advance,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 3:52:14 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Hi Oleg, 
>>>>>>>>>>>I tried putting I tried putting <map:serialize type="xml"/> between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything. between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything. 
In your sitemap pipeline you should try just having three stages :- 
1) Set up your sql as the generator, 
2) Transform using the SQLTransformer 
3)  terminate the pipeline with <map:serialize type="xml"/> 
If you don't see anything (make sure you use the browser view source) then something more fundamental is amiss, 
     Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: Northleigh House
 Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:
   Oleg Konovalov <>  31/03/2006 05:51    Please respond to
    To   cc
 Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions 
A little correction:
 the full path to the error structure I need to populate in case of error is:
 /root/upload/page/content/error (/message)
 And I have that root template:
   <xsl:template match="/">
 But the condition to find SQLException in that template is:
 <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"> 
So what is a template name I should use, "error"  ?  
Thank you,

 ----- Original Message ----
 From: Oleg Konovalov <>
 Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:36:26 PM
 Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions
 (sorry, was busy with more urgent problems)
 No, I don't have mainTemplate XML element, in fact I replaced template name with:
 <xsl:template match='sht:Row'>   
 Not sure it is right.  What happens if there are SQL Exceptions from SQL Transformer, where do Exceptions go in XML?
 which template should be used?.
 I tried putting <map:serialize type="xml"/> between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything.
 Tried: <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/sql_error_check.xsl"  label="debug1"/> and in URL put ?debug1
 Nope, nothing in the browser.
 >Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors into html. You can find the file at build\   webapp\   stylesheets\   system\   >error2html.xslt 
 I didn't understand that. I don't have any error2html.xslt.  Please elaborate.
 Please help ! 
Thank you in advance,

 ----- Original Message ----
 Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:59:48 AM
 Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions
 As Askild points out you are triggering on an XML element called mainTemplate. If you have not output this from your XSL setup stage prior to the SQLTransform stage you cannot trigger on it.  It might be worth taking some time to 'get your head around' the declarative nature of  XSLT and the way that Cocoon pipelines work. 
 The best way to do this is have a look at the content of the pipeline at each stage by defining a view. You can pass in a parameter from your URL to make Cocoon halt pipeline processing at any stage and render the pipeline contents back to the browser. This is how most people debug their pipelines and is invaluable during development. If you don't know how to define a view just serialize the output after the SQLTransform as type="xml" and look at the content. 
 Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors into html. You can find the file at build\   webapp\   stylesheets\   system\   error2html.xslt 
 Hope this helps and you don't abandon Cocoon because it takes a declarative, separation of concerns approach which is orthogonal (at right angles) to the more common imperative one.    Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: Northleigh House
 Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

    Askild Aaberg Olsen <>  28/03/2006 07:36  
    Please respond to
    To    cc
 Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions 

 Oleg Konovalov wrote:
 > Warrell,
 > So what you are saying is that I can not do SQL exception (or error) 
 > handling inside that SQL transformer
 > and have to do it from outside (and after the transformer itself).
 Yes, that's what he says. The stylesheet preparing the SQL have no 
 knowledge of the actuall call. How could it, since the call has yet to 
 be made?
 > That is a pity, because in the same sql transformer file I have lots 
 > of column validations
 > which call it to show user errors, so it would be very convenient.
 You can reuse templates in different stylesheets, so it should not be to 
 much trouble to refactor.
 > OK, so here is my new transformer. Please tell me if it looks OK to you.
 > Have inserted it right after SQL Trasformer [before presentation screen.]
 > Still doesn't work.
 > <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>            <!-- Created to > handle SQLExceptions during DB insert or update -->
 > <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'    
 >         xmlns:xsl=''
 >         xmlns:sql="">
 > <xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/>
 > <xsl:template match="/">
 >     <page>       
 >         <content>
 >             <xsl:apply-templates/>
 This says: "Process all element-nodes below root"
 >         </content>
 >     </page>
 > </xsl:template>
 > <xsl:template match='mainTemplate'>
 This says: "Match an element node named mainTemplate (<mainTemplate/>)". 
 Do you have this element in your stream?
 >     <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  <!-- Do SQLExceptions > check -->
 >         <error>       
 >             <message>ERROR: Can not insert/update the record into the 
 > database (not recorded)</message>           
 >         </error>       
 >     </xsl:if>
 > </xsl:template>
 > </xsl:stylesheet>
 > Thank you,
 > Oleg.
 Hope this helps.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:
 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should carry out your own checks before opening any attachment.  

 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by
Hi Oleg,

>>>>>>>>>>>I tried putting I tried putting <map:serialize type="xml"/> 
between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything. 
between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything.
In your sitemap pipeline you should try just having three stages :-

1) Set up your sql as the generator,
2) Transform using the SQLTransformer
3)  terminate the pipeline with <map:serialize type="xml"/>

If you don't see anything (make sure you use the browser view source) then 
something more fundamental is amiss,


Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Oleg Konovalov <> 
31/03/2006 05:51
Please respond to


Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

A little correction:
the full path to the error structure I need to populate in case of error 
/root/upload/page/content/error (/message)

And I have that root template:
  <xsl:template match="/">

But the condition to find SQLException in that template is:
<xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"> 

So what is a template name I should use, "error"  ? 
Thank you,

----- Original Message ----
From: Oleg Konovalov <>
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:36:26 PM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions


(sorry, was busy with more urgent problems)

No, I don't have mainTemplate XML element, in fact I replaced template 
name with:
<xsl:template match='sht:Row'> 
Not sure it is right.  What happens if there are SQL Exceptions from SQL 
Transformer, where do Exceptions go in XML?
which template should be used?.

I tried putting <map:serialize type="xml"/> between SQLTransformer and my 
SQL checking file - Didn't get anything.

Tried: <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/sql_error_check.xsl"  label="debug1"
/> and in URL put ?debug1

Nope, nothing in the browser.

>Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors 
into html. You can find the file at build\ webapp\ stylesheets\ system\ 
I didn't understand that. I don't have any error2html.xslt.  Please 

Please help !
Thank you in advance,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:59:48 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

As Askild points out you are triggering on an XML element called 
mainTemplate. If you have not output this from your XSL setup stage prior 
to the SQLTransform stage you cannot trigger on it.  It might be worth 
taking some time to 'get your head around' the declarative nature of  XSLT 
and the way that Cocoon pipelines work. 

The best way to do this is have a look at the content of the pipeline at 
each stage by defining a view. You can pass in a parameter from your URL 
to make Cocoon halt pipeline processing at any stage and render the 
pipeline contents back to the browser. This is how most people debug their 
pipelines and is invaluable during development. If you don't know how to 
define a view just serialize the output after the SQLTransform as 
type="xml" and look at the content. 

Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors 
into html. You can find the file at build\ webapp\ stylesheets\ system\ 

Hope this helps and you don't abandon Cocoon because it takes a 
declarative, separation of concerns approach which is orthogonal (at right 
angles) to the more common imperative one.
Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Askild Aaberg Olsen <> 
28/03/2006 07:36 

Please respond to


Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Oleg Konovalov wrote:
> Warrell,
> So what you are saying is that I can not do SQL exception (or error) 
> handling inside that SQL transformer
> and have to do it from outside (and after the transformer itself).
Yes, that's what he says. The stylesheet preparing the SQL have no 
knowledge of the actuall call. How could it, since the call has yet to 
be made?
> That is a pity, because in the same sql transformer file I have lots 
> of column validations
> which call it to show user errors, so it would be very convenient.
You can reuse templates in different stylesheets, so it should not be to 
much trouble to refactor.
> OK, so here is my new transformer. Please tell me if it looks OK to you.
> Have inserted it right after SQL Trasformer [before presentation 
> Still doesn't work.
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>            <!-- Created to > 
handle SQLExceptions during DB insert or update -->
> <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' 
>         xmlns:xsl=''
>         xmlns:sql="">
> <xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/>
> <xsl:template match="/">
>     <page> 
>         <content>
>             <xsl:apply-templates/>
This says: "Process all element-nodes below root"
>         </content>
>     </page>
> </xsl:template>
> <xsl:template match='mainTemplate'>
This says: "Match an element node named mainTemplate (<mainTemplate/>)". 
Do you have this element in your stream?
>     <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  <!-- Do SQLExceptions > 
check -->
>         <error> 
>             <message>ERROR: Can not insert/update the record into the 
> database (not recorded)</message> 
>         </error> 
>     </xsl:if>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> Thank you,
> Oleg.
Hope this helps.


To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for 
the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to 
advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor 
make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes 
steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should 
carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for 
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make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes 
steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should 
carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by Oleg Konovalov <>.
A little correction:
 the full path to the error structure I need to populate in case of error is:
 /root/upload/page/content/error (/message)
 And I have that root template:
   <xsl:template match="/">
 But the condition to find SQLException in that template is:
  <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"> 
 So what is a template name I should use, "error"  ?  
Thank you,

----- Original Message ----
From: Oleg Konovalov <>
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 3:36:26 PM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

<!-- DIV {margin:0px} -->Warrell,

(sorry, was busy with more urgent problems)

No, I don't have mainTemplate XML element, in fact I replaced template name with:
<xsl:template match='sht:Row'>   
Not sure it is right.  What happens if there are SQL Exceptions from SQL Transformer, where do Exceptions go in XML?
which template should be used?.

I tried putting <map:serialize type="xml"/> between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything.

Tried: <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/sql_error_check.xsl"  label="debug1"/> and in URL put ?debug1

Nope, nothing in the browser.

>Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors into html. You can find the file at build\ webapp\ stylesheets\ system\ >error2html.xslt 
I didn't understand that. I don't have any error2html.xslt.  Please elaborate.

Please help !
Thank you in advance,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:59:48 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

As Askild points out you are triggering on an XML element called mainTemplate. If you have not output this from your XSL setup stage prior to the SQLTransform stage you cannot trigger on it.  It might be worth taking some time to 'get your head around' the declarative nature of  XSLT and the way that Cocoon pipelines work. 
The best way to do this is have a look at the content of the pipeline at each stage by defining a view. You can pass in a parameter from your URL to make Cocoon halt pipeline processing at any stage and render the pipeline contents back to the browser. This is how most people debug their pipelines and is invaluable during development. If you don't know how to define a view just serialize the output after the SQLTransform as type="xml" and look at the content. 
Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors into html. You can find the file at build\ webapp\ stylesheets\ system\ error2html.xslt 
Hope this helps and you don't abandon Cocoon because it takes a declarative, separation of concerns approach which is orthogonal (at right angles) to the more common imperative one.
      Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: Northleigh House
 Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:
   Askild Aaberg Olsen <>  28/03/2006 07:36    Please respond to
     To   cc
 Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions 
Oleg Konovalov wrote:
 > Warrell,
 > So what you are saying is that I can not do SQL exception (or error) 
 > handling inside that SQL transformer
 > and have to do it from outside (and after the transformer itself).
 Yes, that's what he says. The stylesheet preparing the SQL have no 
 knowledge of the actuall call. How could  it, since the call has yet to 
 be made?
 > That is a pity, because in the same sql transformer file I have lots 
 > of column validations
 > which call it to show user errors, so it would be very convenient.
 You can reuse templates in different stylesheets, so it should not be to 
 much trouble to refactor.
 > OK, so here is my new transformer. Please tell me if it looks OK to you.
 > Have inserted it right after SQL Trasformer [before presentation screen.]
 > Still doesn't work.
 > <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>            <!-- Created to > handle SQLExceptions during DB insert or update -->
 > <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'    
 >         xmlns:xsl=''
 >          xmlns:sql="">
 > <xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/>
 > <xsl:template match="/">
 >     <page>       
 >         <content>
 >             <xsl:apply-templates/>
 This says: "Process all element-nodes below root"
 >         </content>
 >     </page>
 > </xsl:template>
 > <xsl:template match='mainTemplate'>
 This says: "Match an element node named mainTemplate (<mainTemplate/>)". 
 Do you have this element in your stream?
 >     <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  <!-- Do SQLExceptions > check -->
 >         <error>        
 >             <message>ERROR: Can not insert/update the record into the 
 > database (not recorded)</message>           
 >         </error>       
 >     </xsl:if>
 > </xsl:template>
 > </xsl:stylesheet>
 > Thank you,
 > Oleg.
 Hope this helps.
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 For additional commands, e-mail:

 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by Oleg Konovalov <>.

(sorry, was busy with more urgent problems)

No, I don't have mainTemplate XML element, in fact I replaced template name with:
<xsl:template match='sht:Row'>   
Not sure it is right.  What happens if there are SQL Exceptions from SQL Transformer, where do Exceptions go in XML?
which template should be used?.

I tried putting <map:serialize type="xml"/> between SQLTransformer and my SQL checking file - Didn't get anything.

Tried: <map:transform src="xslt/icmap/sql_error_check.xsl"  label="debug1"/> and in URL put ?debug1

Nope, nothing in the browser.

>Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors into html. You can find the file at build\ webapp\ stylesheets\ system\ >error2html.xslt 
I didn't understand that. I don't have any error2html.xslt.  Please elaborate.

Please help !
Thank you in advance,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:59:48 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

As Askild points out you are triggering on an XML element called mainTemplate. If you have not output this from your XSL setup stage prior to the SQLTransform stage you cannot trigger on it.  It might be worth taking some time to 'get your head around' the declarative nature of  XSLT and the way that Cocoon pipelines work. 
The best way to do this is have a look at the content of the pipeline at each stage by defining a view. You can pass in a parameter from your URL to make Cocoon halt pipeline processing at any stage and render the pipeline contents back to the browser. This is how most people debug their pipelines and is invaluable during development. If you don't know how to define a view just serialize the output after the SQLTransform as type="xml" and look at the content. 
Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors into html. You can find the file at build\  webapp\  stylesheets\  system\  error2html.xslt 
Hope this helps and you don't abandon Cocoon because it takes a declarative, separation of concerns approach which is orthogonal (at right angles) to the more common imperative one.
     Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: Northleigh House
 Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:
   Askild Aaberg Olsen <>  28/03/2006 07:36    Please respond to
    To   cc
 Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions 
Oleg Konovalov wrote:
 > Warrell,
 > So what you are saying is that I can not do SQL exception (or error) 
 > handling inside that SQL transformer
 > and have to do it from outside (and after the transformer itself).
 Yes, that's what he says. The stylesheet preparing the SQL have no 
 knowledge of the actuall call. How could it, since the call has yet to 
 be made?
 > That is a pity, because in the same sql transformer file I have lots 
 > of column validations
 > which call it to show user errors, so it would be very convenient.
 You can reuse templates in different stylesheets, so it should not be to 
 much trouble to refactor.
 > OK, so here is my new transformer. Please tell me if it looks OK to you.
 > Have inserted it right after SQL Trasformer [before presentation screen.]
 > Still doesn't work.
 > <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>            <!-- Created to > handle SQLExceptions during DB insert or update -->
 > <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'    
 >         xmlns:xsl=''
 >         xmlns:sql="">
 > <xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/>
 > <xsl:template match="/">
 >     <page>       
 >         <content>
 >             <xsl:apply-templates/>
 This says: "Process all element-nodes below root"
 >         </content>
 >     </page>
 > </xsl:template>
 > <xsl:template match='mainTemplate'>
 This says: "Match an element node named mainTemplate (<mainTemplate/>)". 
 Do you have this element in your stream?
 >     <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  <!-- Do SQLExceptions > check -->
 >         <error>       
 >             <message>ERROR: Can not insert/update the record into the 
 > database (not recorded)</message>           
 >         </error>       
 >     </xsl:if>
 > </xsl:template>
 > </xsl:stylesheet>
 > Thank you,
 > Oleg.
 Hope this helps.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by
As Askild points out you are triggering on an XML element called 
mainTemplate. If you have not output this from your XSL setup stage prior 
to the SQLTransform stage you cannot trigger on it.  It might be worth 
taking some time to 'get your head around' the declarative nature of  XSLT 
and the way that Cocoon pipelines work.

The best way to do this is have a look at the content of the pipeline at 
each stage by defining a view. You can pass in a parameter from your URL 
to make Cocoon halt pipeline processing at any stage and render the 
pipeline contents back to the browser. This is how most people debug their 
pipelines and is invaluable during development. If you don't know how to 
define a view just serialize the output after the SQLTransform as 
type="xml" and look at the content.

Then have a look at how the default system stylesheet transforms errors 
into html. You can find the file at 

Hope this helps and you don't abandon Cocoon because it takes a 
declarative, separation of concerns approach which is orthogonal (at right 
angles) to the more common imperative one.

Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Askild Aaberg Olsen <> 
28/03/2006 07:36
Please respond to


Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Oleg Konovalov wrote:
> Warrell,
> So what you are saying is that I can not do SQL exception (or error) 
> handling inside that SQL transformer
> and have to do it from outside (and after the transformer itself).
Yes, that's what he says. The stylesheet preparing the SQL have no 
knowledge of the actuall call. How could it, since the call has yet to 
be made?
> That is a pity, because in the same sql transformer file I have lots 
> of column validations
> which call it to show user errors, so it would be very convenient.
You can reuse templates in different stylesheets, so it should not be to 
much trouble to refactor.
> OK, so here is my new transformer. Please tell me if it looks OK to you.
> Have inserted it right after SQL Trasformer [before presentation 
> Still doesn't work.
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>            <!-- Created to 
> handle SQLExceptions during DB insert or update -->
> <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' 
>         xmlns:xsl=''
>         xmlns:sql="">
> <xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/>
> <xsl:template match="/">
>     <page> 
>         <content>
>             <xsl:apply-templates/>
This says: "Process all element-nodes below root"
>         </content>
>     </page>
> </xsl:template>
> <xsl:template match='mainTemplate'>
This says: "Match an element node named mainTemplate (<mainTemplate/>)". 
Do you have this element in your stream?
>     <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  <!-- Do SQLExceptions 
> check -->
>         <error> 
>             <message>ERROR: Can not insert/update the record into the 
> database (not recorded)</message> 
>         </error> 
>     </xsl:if>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> Thank you,
> Oleg.
Hope this helps.


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This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for 
the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to 
advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor 
make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes 
steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should 
carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by Askild Aaberg Olsen <>.
Oleg Konovalov wrote:
> Warrell,
> So what you are saying is that I can not do SQL exception (or error) 
> handling inside that SQL transformer
> and have to do it from outside (and after the transformer itself).
Yes, that's what he says. The stylesheet preparing the SQL have no 
knowledge of the actuall call. How could it, since the call has yet to 
be made?
> That is a pity, because in the same sql transformer file I have lots 
> of column validations
> which call it to show user errors, so it would be very convenient.
You can reuse templates in different stylesheets, so it should not be to 
much trouble to refactor.
> OK, so here is my new transformer. Please tell me if it looks OK to you.
> Have inserted it right after SQL Trasformer [before presentation screen.]
> Still doesn't work.
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>            <!-- Created to 
> handle SQLExceptions during DB insert or update -->
> <xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'    
>         xmlns:xsl=''
>         xmlns:sql="">
> <xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/>
> <xsl:template match="/">
>     <page>       
>         <content>
>             <xsl:apply-templates/>
This says: "Process all element-nodes below root"
>         </content>
>     </page>
> </xsl:template>
> <xsl:template match='mainTemplate'>
This says: "Match an element node named mainTemplate (<mainTemplate/>)". 
Do you have this element in your stream?
>     <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  <!-- Do SQLExceptions 
> check -->
>         <error>       
>             <message>ERROR: Can not insert/update the record into the 
> database (not recorded)</message>           
>         </error>       
>     </xsl:if>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> Thank you,
> Oleg.
Hope this helps.


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Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by Oleg Konovalov <>.

So what you are saying is that I can not do SQL exception (or error) handling inside that SQL transformer
and have to do it from outside (and after the transformer itself).
That is a pity, because in the same sql transformer file I have lots of column validations
which call it to show user errors, so it would be very convenient.

OK, so here is my new transformer. Please tell me if it looks OK to you.
Have inserted it right after SQL Trasformer [before presentation screen.]
Still doesn't work.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>            <!-- Created to handle SQLExceptions during DB insert or update -->
<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0'     

<xsl:output method='xml' indent='yes'/>

<xsl:template match="/">

<xsl:template match='mainTemplate'>
    <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  <!-- Do SQLExceptions check -->
            <message>ERROR: Can not insert/update the record into the database (not recorded)</message>            


Thank you,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 10:19:10 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Hi Oleg, 
Thanks for clearing that up. Have you put that error-handling code in the stage of the pipeline that follows the SQL transform? The XML document after your SQLTrnsformer stage will consist of Error elements so you will have to provide templates for them if you want to handle them. That is, if the XSL that outputs the <sql:query> elements is in query.xsl then the error handling should be in process.xsl 
        <map:transform src="query.xsl"/> 
        <map:transform type="sql"> 
                <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="db"/> 
        <map:transform src="process.xsl"/> 
Of course, you will also provide templates for the <sql:row> elements generated when there are no errors! 
Hope this helps
     Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: Northleigh House
 Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:
   Oleg Konovalov <>  27/03/2006 15:59    Please respond to
    To   cc
 Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions 
 >I don't think that you can call this a 'bug in Cocoon'!
 I meant, a bug in my app (DB problem is not shown to the user and not handled, just fails to insert and let user guess what happened). 
  I use Cocoon 2.0.4, not 2.1. Would it mean any difference for handling SQLTransformer exceptions ? 
Thank you,

 ----- Original Message ----
 Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 8:54:35 AM
 Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions
 Hi Oleg, 
 I don't think that you can call this a 'bug in Cocoon'! Do you really mean a Cocoon 2.0 version or just generally version 2 of Cocoon? 
 It seems you are building a generic DB query tool so I suppose the following is not appropriate but I would argue that this is not the desired way to use the SQLTransformer since the overall Application design should prevent any constraints ever being violated. In my view, such Constraints are fundamental rules that are there to define the parameters of the system and not just as a last line of defence or for the creation of indexes. However,  to handle such Processing Exceptions in Cocoon you should take a look at :- 
 if, of course, you are using Cocoon 2.1. 
 Hope this helps 
 Warrell    Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: Northleigh House
 Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

    Oleg Konovalov <>  27/03/2006 14:26  
    Please respond to
 cocoon list <>    cc
 Handling SQL Transformer exceptions 

 I am trying to fix the bug in the Cocoon 2.0 application:
 - it is not handling exceptions from SQLTransformer in the GUI,
 need to show user an error that Insert failed.
 Here is an exception we often get:
 ERROR   (2006-03-24) 15:29.31:855   [sitemap.transformer.sql] (/myapp) Thread-11/SQLTransformer$Query: Caught a SQLException
 java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (MBRDEV.UKC_ASSOC_COT) violated
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
 Here is a simplified version of my XSL:
 <xsl:template match="/">
        <title><xsl:value-of select='$table'/><xsl:text> modification</xsl:text></title>
 <xsl:template name='doInsert'>
    <xsl:param name='row'/>
    <xsl:param name='table'/>
            <xsl:text>insert into </xsl:text>
            <xsl:value-of select='$table'/>
    <!-- This is the code I added to handle that exception which is supposed to show it to the user -->
    <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  
        <xsl:call-template name='buildErrorMessage'>
            <xsl:with-param name='row' select='.'/>
            <xsl:with-param name='message'><xsl:text>ERROR: Can not insert the row into the database (not recorded)</xsl:text></xsl:with-param>
 Am I doing it right and in correct place ("This is the code...") ?
 For some reason it doesn't seem to work (maybe that condition is false: "count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"  ?)
 Sorry for the newbie question. Any help is very appreciated.
 Thank you in advance,
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 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should carry out your own checks before opening any attachment.  

 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by
Hi Oleg,

Thanks for clearing that up. Have you put that error-handling code in the 
stage of the pipeline that follows the SQL transform? The XML document 
after your SQLTrnsformer stage will consist of Error elements so you will 
have to provide templates for them if you want to handle them. That is, if 
the XSL that outputs the <sql:query> elements is in query.xsl then the 
error handling should be in process.xsl

        <map:transform src="query.xsl"/>
        <map:transform type="sql">
                <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="db"/>
        <map:transform src="process.xsl"/>

Of course, you will also provide templates for the <sql:row> elements 
generated when there are no errors!

Hope this helps

Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Oleg Konovalov <> 
27/03/2006 15:59
Please respond to


Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions


>I don't think that you can call this a 'bug in Cocoon'!
I meant, a bug in my app (DB problem is not shown to the user and not 
handled, just fails to insert and let user guess what happened). 
 I use Cocoon 2.0.4, not 2.1. Would it mean any difference for handling 
SQLTransformer exceptions ?
Thank you,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 8:54:35 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Hi Oleg, 

I don't think that you can call this a 'bug in Cocoon'! Do you really mean 
a Cocoon 2.0 version or just generally version 2 of Cocoon? 

It seems you are building a generic DB query tool so I suppose the 
following is not appropriate but I would argue that this is not the 
desired way to use the SQLTransformer since the overall Application design 
should prevent any constraints ever being violated. In my view, such 
Constraints are fundamental rules that are there to define the parameters 
of the system and not just as a last line of defence or for the creation 
of indexes. However,  to handle such Processing Exceptions in Cocoon you 
should take a look at :- 

if, of course, you are using Cocoon 2.1. 

Hope this helps 

Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Oleg Konovalov <> 
27/03/2006 14:26 

Please respond to

cocoon list <> 

Handling SQL Transformer exceptions


I am trying to fix the bug in the Cocoon 2.0 application:
- it is not handling exceptions from SQLTransformer in the GUI,
need to show user an error that Insert failed.

Here is an exception we often get:
ERROR   (2006-03-24) 15:29.31:855   [sitemap.transformer.sql] (/myapp) 
Thread-11/SQLTransformer$Query: Caught a SQLException
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (MBRDEV.UKC_ASSOC_COT) 
   at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(

Here is a simplified version of my XSL:
<xsl:template match="/">
       <title><xsl:value-of select='$table'/><xsl:text> 

<xsl:template name='doInsert'>
   <xsl:param name='row'/>
   <xsl:param name='table'/>
           <xsl:text>insert into </xsl:text>
           <xsl:value-of select='$table'/>
   <!-- This is the code I added to handle that exception which is 
supposed to show it to the user -->
   <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"> 
       <xsl:call-template name='buildErrorMessage'>
           <xsl:with-param name='row' select='.'/>
           <xsl:with-param name='message'><xsl:text>ERROR: Can not insert 
the row into the database (not recorded)</xsl:text></xsl:with-param>

Am I doing it right and in correct place ("This is the code...") ?

For some reason it doesn't seem to work (maybe that condition is false: 
"count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"  ?)

Sorry for the newbie question. Any help is very appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

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This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for 
the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to 
advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor 
make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes 
steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should 
carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for 
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make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes 
steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should 
carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by Oleg Konovalov <>.

>I don't think that you can call this a 'bug in Cocoon'!
I meant, a bug in my app (DB problem is not shown to the user and not handled, just fails to insert and let user guess what happened). 
 I use Cocoon 2.0.4, not 2.1. Would it mean any difference for handling SQLTransformer exceptions ?
Thank you,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 8:54:35 AM
Subject: Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Hi Oleg, 
I don't think that you can call this a 'bug in Cocoon'! Do you really mean a Cocoon 2.0 version or just generally version 2 of Cocoon? 
It seems you are building a generic DB query tool so I suppose the following is not appropriate but I would argue that this is not the desired way to use the SQLTransformer since the overall Application design should prevent any constraints ever being violated. In my view, such Constraints are fundamental rules that are there to define the parameters of the system and not just as a last line of defence or for the creation of indexes. However,  to handle such Processing Exceptions in Cocoon you should take a look at :- 
if, of course, you are using Cocoon 2.1. 
Hope this helps 
     Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: Northleigh House
 Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:
   Oleg Konovalov <>  27/03/2006 14:26    Please respond to
 cocoon list <>   cc
 Handling SQL Transformer exceptions 
 I am trying to fix the bug in the Cocoon 2.0 application:
 - it is not handling exceptions from SQLTransformer in the GUI,
 need to show user an error that Insert failed.
 Here is an exception we often get:
 ERROR   (2006-03-24) 15:29.31:855   [sitemap.transformer.sql] (/myapp) Thread-11/SQLTransformer$Query: Caught a SQLException
 java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (MBRDEV.UKC_ASSOC_COT) violated
     at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
 Here is a simplified version of my XSL:
 <xsl:template match="/">
         <title><xsl:value-of select='$table'/><xsl:text> modification</xsl:text></title>
 <xsl:template name='doInsert'>
     <xsl:param name='row'/>
     <xsl:param name='table'/>
             <xsl:text>insert into </xsl:text>
             <xsl:value-of select='$table'/>
     <!-- This is the code I added to handle that exception which is supposed to show it to the user -->
     <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0">  
         <xsl:call-template name='buildErrorMessage'>
             <xsl:with-param name='row' select='.'/>
             <xsl:with-param name='message'><xsl:text>ERROR: Can not insert the row into the database (not recorded)</xsl:text></xsl:with-param>
 Am I doing it right and in correct place ("This is the code...") ?
 For some reason it doesn't seem to work (maybe that condition is false: "count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"  ?)
 Sorry for the newbie question. Any help is very appreciated.
 Thank you in advance,
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

 This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the persons addressed. If it has come to you in error please reply to advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should carry out your own checks before opening any attachment. 

Re: Handling SQL Transformer exceptions

Posted by
Hi Oleg,

I don't think that you can call this a 'bug in Cocoon'! Do you really mean 
a Cocoon 2.0 version or just generally version 2 of Cocoon?

It seems you are building a generic DB query tool so I suppose the 
following is not appropriate but I would argue that this is not the 
desired way to use the SQLTransformer since the overall Application design 
should prevent any constraints ever being violated. In my view, such 
Constraints are fundamental rules that are there to define the parameters 
of the system and not just as a last line of defence or for the creation 
of indexes. However,  to handle such Processing Exceptions in Cocoon you 
should take a look at :-

if, of course, you are using Cocoon 2.1.

Hope this helps


Warrell Harries | IT Services, West Sussex County Council | Location: 
Northleigh House
Office: +44 (0) 1243-756837 | Email:

Oleg Konovalov <> 
27/03/2006 14:26
Please respond to

cocoon list <>

Handling SQL Transformer exceptions


I am trying to fix the bug in the Cocoon 2.0 application:
- it is not handling exceptions from SQLTransformer in the GUI,
need to show user an error that Insert failed.

Here is an exception we often get:
ERROR   (2006-03-24) 15:29.31:855   [sitemap.transformer.sql] (/myapp) 
Thread-11/SQLTransformer$Query: Caught a SQLException
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (MBRDEV.UKC_ASSOC_COT) 
    at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(

Here is a simplified version of my XSL:
<xsl:template match="/">
        <title><xsl:value-of select='$table'/><xsl:text> 

<xsl:template name='doInsert'>
    <xsl:param name='row'/>
    <xsl:param name='table'/>
            <xsl:text>insert into </xsl:text>
            <xsl:value-of select='$table'/>
    <!-- This is the code I added to handle that exception which is 
supposed to show it to the user -->
    <xsl:if test="count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"> 
        <xsl:call-template name='buildErrorMessage'>
            <xsl:with-param name='row' select='.'/>
            <xsl:with-param name='message'><xsl:text>ERROR: Can not insert 
the row into the database (not recorded)</xsl:text></xsl:with-param>

Am I doing it right and in correct place ("This is the code...") ?

For some reason it doesn't seem to work (maybe that condition is false: 
"count(//sql:error[1]) > 0"  ?)

Sorry for the newbie question. Any help is very appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

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This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for 
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advise us but you should not read it, copy it, show it to anyone else nor 
make any other use of its content.   West Sussex County Council takes 
steps to ensure e-mails and attachments are virus-free but you should 
carry out your own checks before opening any attachment.