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Posted to by BO WAN <> on 2015/03/25 02:44:44 UTC

Nested AjaxFormLoop Implementation


I'm writing to see if anyone could help me with some issues with nested
AjaxFormLoop. This is my first time using mailing list so please let me
know if I'm doing anything wrong.

I am developing a page which has 4 levels of nested AjaxFormLoop and
currently trying to get the 2nd level (which is also the first nested
level) to work. Let's call the outer loop "outerLoop" and the inner one
"innerLoop". The issue is: I have one dedicated encoder for each
"innerLoop" (the encoders also have reference to the actual server side
object list). However, I don't have a way to let each "innerLoop" know
which encoder is for them.

1. Is there a workaround for this or I'm using encoder in a wrong way?
2. Is it possible to implement nested AjaxFormLoop?

*More details:*
1. My form can successfully load and render from server side objects.
2. When the form was loading, the "innerLoop" can correctly get their own
encoders by accessing using "outerLoop"'s "value" variable.
3. After the form was rendered, the "value" variable of "outerLoop" is set
to null, and this is where I start to get trouble.
4. When "OnAddRowFromInnerLoop" is invoked, I can figure out which is the
"parent outer loop item" as I'm using "t:context", but this doesn't help
with encoder.

Please let me know if I should write some code to demo (as the actual code
is a bit lengthy) the problem or describe this issue clearer or better.

Thanks for you time and help!

Yours sincerely,
Bo Wan