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Posted to by on 2017/10/20 21:01:00 UTC

[03/22] ambari git commit: Revert "AMBARI-21955. Update React version to 15.6.2 to get MIT license. (Sanket Shah via yusaku)"
diff --git a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/ComponentDetailView.jsx b/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/ComponentDetailView.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b3ed69..0000000
--- a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/ComponentDetailView.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import BaseContainer from './BaseContainer';
-import SearchLogs from '../components/SearchLogs';
-import TopologyREST from '../rest/TopologyREST';
-import {Accordion, Panel,OverlayTrigger, Tooltip} from 'react-bootstrap';
-import TopologyGraph from '../components/TopologyGraph';
-import {
-  Table,
-  Thead,
-  Th,
-  Tr,
-  Td,
-  unsafe
-} from 'reactable';
-import CommonPagination from '../components/CommonPagination';
-import {Link} from 'react-router';
-import {toastOpt,pageSize} from '../utils/Constants';
-import Utils from '../utils/Utils';
-import FSReactToastr from '../components/FSReactToastr';
-import CommonNotification from '../components/CommonNotification';
-import Breadcrumbs from '../components/Breadcrumbs';
-import CommonWindowPanel from '../components/CommonWindowPanel';
-import Modal from '../components/FSModel';
-import ProfilingView from '../components/ProfilingView';
-import CommonExpanded from '../components/CommonExpanded';
-export default class ComponentDetailView extends Component {
-  constructor(props){
-    super(props);
-    this.state = {
-      componentDetail: {},
-      inputStatsActivePage: 1,
-      outputStatsActivePage: 1,
-      executorStatsActivePage: 1,
-      componentErrorsActivePage: 1,
-      selectedWindowKey : {label : 'All time' , value : ':all-time'},
-      windowOptions : [],
-      systemFlag : false,
-      debugFlag : false,
-      outputStatsFilter : '',
-      executorStatsFilter : '',
-      componentErrorsFilter : '',
-      expandInputStats : true,
-      expandOutputStats : true,
-      expandExecutorStats : true,
-      expandComponentErrors : true
-    };
-    this.fetchDetails();
-  }
-  fetchDetails(){
-    const {selectedWindowKey,systemFlag} = this.state;
-    TopologyREST.getTopologyComponentDetail(,,selectedWindowKey.value,systemFlag).then((res) => {
-      let stateObj={};
-      stateObj.componentDetail = res;
-      stateObj.spoutFlag = stateObj.componentDetail.componentType === 'spout' ? true: false;
-      stateObj.samplingPct = stateObj.componentDetail.samplingPct;
-      stateObj.windowOptions = Utils.populateWindowsOptions(stateObj.spoutFlag ? stateObj.componentDetail.spoutSummary : stateObj.componentDetail.boltStats);
-      if(stateObj.windowOptions.length === 0){
-        stateObj.windowOptions = [{label : 'All time', value : ':all-time'}];
-      }
-      stateObj.selectedWindowKey = {label : stateObj.componentDetail.windowHint || 'All time', value : stateObj.componentDetail.window || ':all-time'};
-      stateObj.topologyStatus = stateObj.componentDetail.topologyStatus;
-      stateObj.debugFlag = stateObj.componentDetail.debug;
-      this.setState(stateObj);
-    });
-  }
-  getLinks(){
-    const {componentDetail} = this.state;
-    var links = [
-      {link: '#/', title: 'Dashboard'},
-      {link: '#/topology', title: 'Topology Listing'},
-      {link: '#/topology/'+componentDetail.topologyId, title: || ""},
-      {link: 'javascript:void(0);', title: || ""}
-    ];
-    return links;
-  }
-  renderStatsRow(){
-    const {componentDetail,spoutFlag} = this.state;
-    const statsArr = componentDetail.spoutSummary || componentDetail.boltStats;
-    if(statsArr){
-      return, i){
-        return (
-          <tr key={i}>
-            <td>{stats.windowPretty}</td>
-            <td>{stats.emitted}</td>
-            <td>{stats.transferred}</td>
-            {spoutFlag ? <td>{stats.completeLatency}</td> : null}
-            {!spoutFlag ? <td>{stats.executeLatency}</td> : null}
-            {!spoutFlag ? <td>{stats.executed}</td> : null}
-            {!spoutFlag ? <td>{stats.processLatency}</td> : null}
-            <td>{stats.acked}</td>
-            <td>{stats.failed}</td>
-          </tr>
-        );
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  handleFilter(type,event){
-    let tempState = _.cloneDeep(this.state);
-    tempState[type+'Filter'] =;
-    this.setState(tempState);
-  }
-  callBackFunction(type,eventKey){
-    let tempState = _.cloneDeep(this.state);
-    tempState[type+'ActivePage'] = eventKey;
-    this.setState(tempState);
-  }
-  getContent(type, noDataText){
-    const activePage = this.state[type+'ActivePage'];
-    const fiterValue = this.state[type+'Filter'];
-    const typeArr = this.state.componentDetail[type];
-    const key = type === 'outputStats'
-                  ? 'stream'
-                  : type === 'executorStats'
-                    ? 'id'
-                    : type === 'inputStats'
-                      ? 'component'
-                      : 'errorTime';
-    const FilteredEntities = Utils.filterByKey(typeArr || [],fiterValue,key);
-    const PaginationObj = {
-      activePage: activePage,
-      pageSize,
-      filteredEntities : FilteredEntities
-    };
-    const placeholder = type === 'inputStats'
-                        ? 'Search By Component'
-                        : type === 'outputStats'
-                          ? 'Search By Stream'
-                          : type === 'executorStats'
-                            ? 'Search By Id'
-                            : 'Search By Time';
-    return <div>
-            <div className="input-group col-sm-4">
-              <input type="text"  onKeyUp={this.handleFilter.bind(this,type)} className="form-control" placeholder={placeholder} />
-              <span className="input-group-btn">
-                <button className="btn btn-primary" type="button"><i className="fa fa-search"></i></button>
-              </span>
-            </div>
-            {
-              this['get'+type+'Table'](FilteredEntities, activePage, noDataText)
-            }
-            {
-              (FilteredEntities.length !== 0
-                ? <CommonPagination  {...PaginationObj} callBackFunction={this.callBackFunction.bind(this,type)} tableName={type}/>
-                : '')
-            }
-          </div>;
-  }
-  getinputStatsTable(FilteredEntities, activePage, noDataText){
-    const {componentDetail,spoutFlag} = this.state;
-    return (
-    <Table className="table no-margin"  noDataText={noDataText}  currentPage={activePage-1} itemsPerPage={pageSize}>
-      <Thead>
-        <Th column="component">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The ID assigned to a the Component by the Topology.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Component</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="stream">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The name of the Tuple stream given in the Topolgy, or &#34;default&#34; if none was given.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Stream</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="executeLatency">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time a Tuple spends in the execute method. The execute method may complete without sending an Ack for the tuple.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Execute Latency (ms)</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="executed">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of incoming Tuples processed.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Executed</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="processLatency">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time it takes to Ack a Tuple after it is first received.  Bolts that join, aggregate or batch may not Ack a tuple until a number of other Tuples have been received.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Process Latency (ms)</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="acked">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuples acknowledged by this Bolt.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Acked</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="failed">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of tuples Failed by this Bolt.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Failed</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-      </Thead>
-      {
-, (d,i) => {
-          return (
-            <Tr key={i}>
-              <Td column="component">{d.component}</Td>
-              <Td column="stream">{}</Td>
-              <Td column="executeLatency">{d.executeLatency}</Td>
-              <Td column="executed">{d.executed}</Td>
-              <Td column="processLatency">{d.processLatency}</Td>
-              <Td column="acked">{d.acked}</Td>
-              <Td column="failed">{d.failed}</Td>
-            </Tr>
-          );
-        })
-      }
-    </Table>
-    );
-  }
-  getoutputStatsTable(FilteredEntities, activePage, noDataText){
-    const {componentDetail,spoutFlag} = this.state;
-    return(
-    <Table className="table no-margin"  noDataText={noDataText}  currentPage={activePage-1} itemsPerPage={pageSize}>
-      <Thead>
-        <Th column="stream">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The name of the Tuple stream given in the Topolgy, or &#34;default&#34; if none was given.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Stream</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="emitted">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuples emitted.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Emitted</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="transferred">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuples emitted that sent to one or more bolts.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Transferred</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        {
-          spoutFlag
-          ? [
-            <Th key={1} column="completeLatency">
-              <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time a Tuple &#34;tree&#34; takes to be completely processed by the Topology. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.</Tooltip>}>
-                 <span>Complete Latency (ms)</span>
-              </OverlayTrigger>
-            </Th>,
-            <Th key={2} column="acked">
-              <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuple &#34;trees&#34; successfully processed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.</Tooltip>}>
-                 <span>Acked</span>
-              </OverlayTrigger>
-            </Th>,
-            <Th key={3} column="failed">
-              <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuple &#34;trees&#34; that were explicitly failed or timed out before acking was completed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.</Tooltip>}>
-                 <span>Failed</span>
-              </OverlayTrigger>
-            </Th>
-          ]
-          : <Th key={4} column=""></Th>
-        }
-      </Thead>
-      {
-, (d,i) => {
-          return (
-            <Tr key={i}>
-              <Td column="stream">{}</Td>
-              <Td column="emitted">{d.emitted}</Td>
-              <Td column="transferred">{d.transferred}</Td>
-              {
-                spoutFlag
-                ? [
-                  <Td key={i+'completeLatency'} column="completeLatency">{d.completeLatency}</Td>,
-                  <Td key={i+'acked'} column="acked">{d.acked}</Td>,
-                  <Td key={i+'failed'} column="failed">{d.failed}</Td>
-                ]
-                : null
-              }
-            </Tr>
-          );
-        })
-      }
-    </Table>
-    );
-  }
-  getexecutorStatsTable(FilteredEntities, activePage, noDataText){
-    const {componentDetail,spoutFlag} = this.state;
-    return(
-    <Table className="table no-margin"  noDataText={noDataText}  currentPage={activePage-1} itemsPerPage={pageSize}>
-      <Thead>
-        <Th column="id">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The unique executor ID.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Id</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="uptime">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The length of time an Executor (thread) has been alive.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Uptime</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="port">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The hostname reported by the remote host. (Note that this hostname is not the result of a reverse lookup at the Nimbus node.) Click on it to open the logviewer page for this Worker.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Host:Port</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="emitted">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuples emitted.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Emitted</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="transferred">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuples emitted that sent to one or more bolts.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Transferred</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        {!spoutFlag ?
-        [
-          <Th key={1} column="capacity">
-            <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">If this is around 1.0, the corresponding Bolt is running as fast as it can, so you may want to increase the Bolt's parallelism. This is (number executed * average execute latency) / measurement time.</Tooltip>}>
-               <span>Capacity (last 10m)</span>
-            </OverlayTrigger>
-          </Th>,
-          <Th key={2} column="executeLatency">
-            <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time a Tuple spends in the execute method. The execute method may complete without sending an Ack for the tuple.</Tooltip>}>
-               <span>Execute Latency (ms)</span>
-            </OverlayTrigger>
-          </Th>,
-          <Th key={3} column="executed">
-            <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of incoming Tuples processed.</Tooltip>}>
-               <span>Executed</span>
-            </OverlayTrigger>
-          </Th>,
-          <Th key={4} column="processLatency">
-            <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time it takes to Ack a Tuple after it is first received.  Bolts that join, aggregate or batch may not Ack a tuple until a number of other Tuples have been received.</Tooltip>}>
-               <span>Process Latency (ms)</span>
-            </OverlayTrigger>
-          </Th>,
-          <Th key={5} column="completeLatency">
-            <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time a Tuple &#34;tree&#34; takes to be completely processed by the Topology. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.</Tooltip>}>
-               <span>Complete Latency (ms)</span>
-            </OverlayTrigger>
-          </Th>
-        ] : <Th column="completeLatency">
-              <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time a Tuple &#34;tree&#34; takes to be completely processed by the Topology. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.</Tooltip>}>
-                 <span>Complete Latency (ms)</span>
-              </OverlayTrigger>
-            </Th>
-        }
-        <Th column="acked">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuple &#34;trees&#34; successfully processed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Acked</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="failed">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuple &#34;trees&#34; that were explicitly failed or timed out before acking was completed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Failed</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="workerLogLink">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Dumps</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Dumps</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-      </Thead>
-      {
-, (d,i) => {
-          return (
-            <Tr key={i}>
-              <Td column="id">{}</Td>
-              <Td column="uptime">{d.uptime}</Td>
-              <Td column="port">
-                <a href={d.workerLogLink} target="_blank"> {}:{d.port} </a>
-              </Td>
-              <Td column="emitted">{d.emitted}</Td>
-              <Td column="transferred">{d.transferred}</Td>
-              {!spoutFlag ?
-              [
-                <Td key={i+'capacity'} column="capacity">{d.capacity}</Td>,
-                <Td key={i+'executeLatency'} column="executeLatency">{d.executeLatency}</Td>,
-                <Td key={i+'executed'} column="executed">{d.executed}</Td>,
-                <Td key={i+'processLatency'} column="processLatency">{d.processLatency}</Td>
-              ] : null}
-              <Td column="completeLatency">{d.completeLatency}</Td>
-              <Td column="acked">{d.acked}</Td>
-              <Td column="failed">{d.failed}</Td>
-              <Td column="workerLogLink">
-                <a href={d.workerLogLink.split('/log')[0]+'/dumps/''/'':'+d.port} target="_blank" className="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><i className="fa fa-file-text"></i></a>
-              </Td>
-            </Tr>
-          );
-        })
-      }
-    </Table>
-    );
-  }
-  getcomponentErrorsTable(FilteredEntities, activePage, noDataText){
-    const {componentDetail} = this.state;
-    return(
-    <Table className="table no-margin"  noDataText={noDataText}  currentPage={activePage-1} itemsPerPage={pageSize}>
-      <Thead>
-        <Th column="errorTime">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Time</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Time</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="errorPort">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Host:Port</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Host:Port</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-        <Th column="error">
-          <OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Error</Tooltip>}>
-             <span>Error</span>
-          </OverlayTrigger>
-        </Th>
-      </Thead>
-      {
-, (d,i) => {
-          return (
-            <Tr key={i}>
-              <Td column="errorTime">{d.errorTime}</Td>
-              <Td column="errorPort">{d.errorPort}</Td>
-              <Td column="error">{d.error}</Td>
-            </Tr>
-          );
-        })
-      }
-    </Table>
-    );
-  }
-  handleWindowChange = (obj) => {
-    if(!_.isEmpty(obj)){
-      this.setState({selectedWindowKey : obj}, () => {
-        this.fetchDetails();
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  handleModelAction = (modalType,action) => {
-    if(action === 'save'){
-      switch(modalType){
-      case 'debugModelRef' : this.handleDebugSave(modalType,'enable');;
-        break;
-      default :,modalType);
-        break;
-      }
-    } else{
-      switch(modalType){
-      case 'debugModelRef' :,modalType,'callBack').then((res) => {
-        this.setState({debugFlag : !this.state.debugFlag});
-      });
-        break;
-      default :,modalType);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  debugEnableConfirmBox = (confirm,modalType) => {
-    if(!confirm){
-{title: 'Do you really want to stop debugging this topology ?"'}).then((confirmBox) => {
-        this.setState({debugSimplePCT : 0}, () => {
-          this.handleDebugSave(modalType,'disable');
-          confirmBox.cancel();
-        });
-      }, () => {
-        this.setState({debugFlag : true});
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  handleDebugSave = (modal,toEnableFlag) => {
-    const {samplingPct,componentDetail} = this.state;
-    const componentID = componentDetail.topologyId+'/component/';
-    TopologyREST.postDebugTopology(componentID,toEnableFlag,samplingPct).then((result) => {
-      if(result.errorMessage !== undefined){
-        this.setState({samplingPct : componentDetail.samplingPct});
-        FSReactToastr.error(
-          <CommonNotification flag="error" content={result.errorMessage}/>, '', toastOpt);
-      } else {
-        FSReactToastr.success(<strong>Debugging enabled successfully.</strong>);
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  toggleSystem = (toggleStatus) => {
-    let stateObj = _.cloneDeep(this.state);
-    stateObj[toggleStatus] = !stateObj[toggleStatus];
-    this.setState(stateObj,() => {
-      if(toggleStatus === 'debugFlag'){
-        !stateObj.debugFlag ? this.debugEnableConfirmBox(stateObj.debugFlag,'debugModelRef') :;
-      } else {
-        this.fetchDetails();
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  inputTextChange = (type,e) => {
-    let stateObj = _.cloneDeep(this.state);
-    stateObj[type] =;
-    this.setState(stateObj);
-  }
-  handleProfiling = () => {
-  }
-  commonOnSelectFunction = (type) => {
-    let tempState = _.cloneDeep(this.state);
-    tempState['expand'+type] = !tempState['expand'+type];
-    this.setState(tempState);
-  }
-  render(){
-    const {componentDetail, InputStatsActivePage, OutputStatsActivePage, ExecutorStatsActivePage, ErrorStatsActivePage,
-      inputStatsFilter, outputStatsFilter, executorStatsFilter, errorStatsFilter,
-    selectedWindowKey,windowOptions,systemFlag,debugFlag,topologyStatus,spoutFlag,samplingPct,expandInputStats,expandOutputStats,
-    expandComponentErrors,expandExecutorStats} = this.state;
-    const inputStatsPanelHead = <h4> Input Stats ({componentDetail.windowHint})
-                              <CommonExpanded  expandFlag={expandInputStats}/></h4>;
-    const outputStatsHead = <h4> Output Stats ({componentDetail.windowHint})
-                            <CommonExpanded  expandFlag={expandOutputStats}/></h4>;
-    const executorStatsPanelHead = <h4> Executor Stats ({componentDetail.windowHint})
-                            <CommonExpanded  expandFlag={expandExecutorStats}/></h4>;
-    const componentErrorsPanelHead = <h4> Error Stats ({componentDetail.windowHint})
-                              <CommonExpanded  expandFlag={expandComponentErrors}/></h4>;
-    return (
-    <BaseContainer>
-      <Breadcrumbs links={this.getLinks()} />
-      <SearchLogs
-        id={}
-      />
-      <div className="row">
-        <div className="col-sm-12">
-          <div className="box filter">
-            <div className="box-body form-horizontal">
-              <CommonWindowPanel KYC="componentView" selectedWindowKey={selectedWindowKey} windowOptions={windowOptions}  systemFlag={systemFlag} debugFlag={debugFlag} handleWindowChange={this.handleWindowChange.bind(this)} toggleSystem={this.toggleSystem.bind(this)} topologyStatus={topologyStatus} handleProfiling={this.handleProfiling.bind(this)}/>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div className="row">
-        <div className="col-sm-4">
-          <div className="summary-tile">
-            <div className="summary-title">Component Summary</div>
-            <div className="summary-body">
-              <div className="form-group">
-                <label className="col-sm-4 control-label">ID:</label>
-                <div className="col-sm-8">
-                  <p className="form-control-static" style={{'word-wrap' : 'break-word'}}>{}</p>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div className="form-group">
-                <label className="col-sm-4 control-label">Topology:</label>
-                <div className="col-sm-8">
-                  <p className="form-control-static">{}</p>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div className="form-group">
-                <label className="col-sm-4 control-label">Executors:</label>
-                <div className="col-sm-8">
-                  <p className="form-control-static">{componentDetail.executors}</p>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div className="form-group">
-                <label className="col-sm-4 control-label">Tasks:</label>
-                <div className="col-sm-8">
-                  <p className="form-control-static">{componentDetail.tasks}</p>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div className="form-group">
-                <label className="col-sm-4 control-label">Debug:</label>
-                <div className="col-sm-8">
-                  <p className="form-control-static"><a href={componentDetail.eventLogLink} target="_blank">events</a></p>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div className="col-sm-8">
-          <div className="stats-tile">
-            <div className="stats-title">{spoutFlag ? "Spout Stats" : "Bolt Stats"}</div>
-            <div className="stats-body">
-              <table className="table table-enlarge">
-                <thead>
-                  <tr>
-                    <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The past period of time for which the statistics apply.</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Window</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th>
-                    <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuples emitted.</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Emitted</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th>
-                    <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of Tuples emitted that sent to one or more bolts.</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Transferred</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th>
-                    {spoutFlag ? <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time a Tuple "tree" takes to be completely processed by the Topology. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Complete Latency (ms)</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th> : null}
-                    {!spoutFlag ? <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time a Tuple spends in the execute method. The execute method may complete without sending an Ack for the tuple.</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Execute Latency (ms)</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th> : null}
-                    {!spoutFlag ? <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The number of incoming Tuples processed.</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Executed</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th> : null}
-                    {!spoutFlag ? <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The average time it takes to Ack a Tuple after it is first received.  Bolts that join, aggregate or batch may not Ack a tuple until a number of other Tuples have been received.</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Process Latency (ms)</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th> : null}
-                    <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">{spoutFlag ? 'The number of Tuple "trees" successfully processed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.' : "The number of Tuples acknowledged by this Bolt."}</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Acked</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th>
-                    <th>
-                      <OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">{spoutFlag ? 'The number of Tuple "trees" that were explicitly failed or timed out before acking was completed. A value of 0 is expected if no acking is done.' : "The number of tuples Failed by this Bolt."}</Tooltip>}>
-                         <span>Failed</span>
-                      </OverlayTrigger>
-                    </th>
-                  </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                  {this.renderStatsRow()}
-                </tbody>
-              </table>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      {componentDetail.inputStats
-        ?
-        <Panel expanded={expandInputStats} collapsible header={inputStatsPanelHead} eventKey="1"   onSelect={this.commonOnSelectFunction.bind(this,'InputStats')}>
-          {this.getContent('inputStats', 'No input stats found!')}
-        </Panel>
-        :
-        null
-      }
-      {componentDetail.outputStats
-        ?
-        <Panel  expanded={expandOutputStats} collapsible header={outputStatsHead} eventKey="2"  onSelect={this.commonOnSelectFunction.bind(this,'OutputStats')}>
-          {this.getContent('outputStats', 'No output stats found!')}
-        </Panel>
-        :
-        null
-      }
-      {componentDetail.executorStats
-        ?
-        <Panel  expanded={expandExecutorStats} collapsible header={executorStatsPanelHead} eventKey="3"  onSelect={this.commonOnSelectFunction.bind(this,'ExecutorStats')}>
-          {this.getContent('executorStats', 'No executor stats found!')}
-        </Panel>
-        :
-        null
-      }
-      {componentDetail.componentErrors
-        ?
-        <Panel  expanded={expandComponentErrors} collapsible header={componentErrorsPanelHead} eventKey="4" onSelect={this.commonOnSelectFunction.bind(this,'ComponentErrors')}>
-          {this.getContent('componentErrors', 'No errors found!')}
-        </Panel>
-        :
-        null
-      }
-      {/*Model start here*/}
-      <Modal ref={"debugModelRef"} data-title="Do you really want to debug this topology ? If yes, please, specify sampling percentage."  data-resolve={this.handleModelAction.bind(this,'debugModelRef','save')} data-reject={this.handleModelAction.bind(this,'debugModelRef','hide')}>
-        <input className="form-control" type="number" min={0} max={Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER} value={samplingPct} onChange={this.inputTextChange.bind(this,'samplingPct')}/>
-      </Modal>
-      <Modal ref={"profileModelRef"} hideOkBtn={true} closeLabel="Close" data-title="Profiling & Debugging"  data-resolve={this.handleModelAction.bind(this,'profileModelRef','save')} data-reject={this.handleModelAction.bind(this,'profileModelRef','hide')}>
-        <ProfilingView topologyId={componentDetail.topologyId} executorStats={componentDetail.executorStats} />
-      </Modal>
-    </BaseContainer>
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/Dashboard.jsx b/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/Dashboard.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 295ecbf..0000000
--- a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/Dashboard.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import BaseContainer from './BaseContainer';
-import ClusterSummary from './ClusterSummary';
-import TopologyListing from './TopologyListing';
-import NimbusConfigSummary from './NimbusConfigSummary';
-import SupervisorSummary from './SupervisorSummary';
-export default class Dashboard extends Component {
-  constructor(props) {
-    super(props);
-  }
-  render() {
-    return (
-      <BaseContainer>
-        <div className="row" style={{marginTop: '20px'}}>
-          <div className="col-sm-5">
-            <ClusterSummary />
-          </div>
-          <div className="col-sm-7">
-            <TopologyListing fromDashboard={true} />
-            <SupervisorSummary fromDashboard={true} />
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div className="row">
-            <div className="col-sm-12">
-              <NimbusConfigSummary fromDashboard={true} />
-            </div>
-        </div>
-      </BaseContainer>
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/NimbusConfigSummary.jsx b/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/NimbusConfigSummary.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index cc061b3..0000000
--- a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/NimbusConfigSummary.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import _ from 'lodash';
-import {
-  Table,
-  Thead,
-  Th,
-  Tr,
-  Td,
-  unsafe
-} from 'reactable';
-import FSReactToastr from '../components/FSReactToastr';
-import {toastOpt,pageSize} from '../utils/Constants';
-import TopologyREST from '../rest/TopologyREST';
-import CommonNotification from '../components/CommonNotification';
-import Utils from '../utils/Utils';
-import CommonPagination from '../components/CommonPagination';
-import {Accordion, Panel} from 'react-bootstrap';
-import CommonExpanded from '../components/CommonExpanded';
-export default class NimbusConfigSummary extends Component{
-  constructor(props){
-    super(props);
-    this.fetchData();
-    this.state = {
-      entity : [],
-      filterValue: '',
-      collapse : true,
-      activePage : 1,
-      expandPanel : false
-    };
-  }
-  fetchData = () => {
-    TopologyREST.getClusterConfig().then((result) => {
-      if(result.errorMessage !== undefined){
-        FSReactToastr.error(
-          <CommonNotification flag="error" content={result.errorMessage}/>, '', toastOpt);
-      } else {
-        this.setState({entity : result});
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  handleFilter = (e) => {
-    this.setState({filterValue:});
-  }
-  handleCollapseClick = (e) => {
-    this.setState({collapse : !this.state.collapse});
-  }
-  callBackFunction = (eventKey) => {
-    this.setState({activePage : eventKey});
-  }
-  onSelectFunction = (type) => {
-    let tempState = _.cloneDeep(this.state);
-    tempState[type] = !tempState[type];
-    this.setState(tempState);
-  }
-  render(){
-    const {entity,collapse,filterValue,activePage,expandPanel} = this.state;
-    const filteredEntities = Utils.filterByKey(_.keys(entity), filterValue);
-    const paginationObj = {
-      activePage,
-      pageSize,
-      filteredEntities
-    };
-    const panelHeader = <h4>Nimbus Configuration
-                        <CommonExpanded  expandFlag={expandPanel}/></h4>;
-    return(
-      <Accordion>
-        <Panel header={panelHeader} eventKey="1" expanded={expandPanel} onSelect={this.onSelectFunction.bind(this,'expandPanel')}>
-          <div className="input-group col-sm-4">
-            <input type="text" onKeyUp={this.handleFilter} className="form-control" placeholder="Search By Key" />
-            <span className="input-group-btn">
-            <button className="btn btn-primary" type="button"><i className="fa fa-search"></i></button>
-            </span>
-          </div>
-          <Table className="table no-margin"  noDataText="No nimbus configuration found !"  currentPage={activePage-1} itemsPerPage={pageSize}>
-            <Thead>
-              <Th column="Key">Key</Th>
-              <Th column="value">Value</Th>
-            </Thead>
-            {
-    , (k,i) => {
-                return(
-                  <Tr key={i}>
-                    <Td column="Key">{k}</Td>
-                    <Td column="value">{entity[k]}</Td>
-                  </Tr>
-                );
-              })
-            }
-          </Table>
-          {
-            filteredEntities.length !== 0
-            ? <CommonPagination  {...paginationObj} callBackFunction={this.callBackFunction.bind(this)}/>
-            : ''
-          }
-        </Panel>
-      </Accordion>
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/NimbusSummary.jsx b/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/NimbusSummary.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d56b39..0000000
--- a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/NimbusSummary.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import _ from 'lodash';
-import {
-  Table,
-  Thead,
-  Th,
-  Tr,
-  Td,
-  unsafe
-} from 'reactable';
-import FSReactToastr from '../components/FSReactToastr';
-import {toastOpt, pageSize} from '../utils/Constants';
-import TopologyREST from '../rest/TopologyREST';
-import CommonNotification from '../components/CommonNotification';
-import {OverlayTrigger, Tooltip} from 'react-bootstrap';
-import Breadcrumbs from '../components/Breadcrumbs';
-import CommonPagination from '../components/CommonPagination';
-import Utils from '../utils/Utils';
-import Footer from '../components/Footer';
-export default class NimbusSummary extends Component{
-  constructor(props){
-    super(props);
-    this.fetchData();
-    this.state = {
-      entities : [],
-      filterValue: '',
-      activePage: 1
-    };
-  }
-  fetchData = () => {
-    TopologyREST.getSummary('nimbus').then((results) => {
-      if(results.errorMessage !== undefined){
-        FSReactToastr.error(
-          <CommonNotification flag="error" content={results.errorMessage}/>, '', toastOpt);
-      } else {
-        this.setState({entities : results.nimbuses});
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  getLinks(){
-    var links = [
-      {link: '#/', title: 'Dashboard'},
-      {link: '#/nimbus', title: 'Nimbus Summary'}
-    ];
-    return links;
-  }
-  activeClass = (status) => {
-    let classname="label ";
-    switch(status){
-    case 'Leader':
-      classname += "label-success";
-      break;// case 'Follower':
-    //   classname += "label-warning";
-    //   break;default:
-      classname += "label-warning";
-      break;
-    }
-    return classname;
-  }
-  handleFilter = (e) => {
-    this.setState({filterValue:});
-  }
-  callBackFunction = (eventKey) => {
-    this.setState({activePage : eventKey});
-  }
-  render(){
-    const {entities, filterValue, activePage} = this.state;
-    const {fromDashboard} = this.props;
-    const filteredEntities = Utils.filterByKey(entities, filterValue, 'host');
-    const paginationObj = {
-      activePage,
-      pageSize,
-      filteredEntities
-    };
-    return(
-      <div className={fromDashboard ? "" : "container-fluid"}>
-        {!fromDashboard ? <Breadcrumbs links={this.getLinks()} /> : ''}
-        <div className="box">
-            <div className="box-header">
-                <h4>Nimbus Summary</h4>
-                {fromDashboard ?
-                <div className="box-control">
-                  <a className="primary" href="#/nimbus"><i className="fa fa-external-link"></i></a>
-                </div>
-                : ''}
-            </div>
-            <div className={fromDashboard ? "box-body paddless" : "box-body"}>
-              {!fromDashboard ?
-              <div className="input-group col-sm-4">
-                <input type="text" onKeyUp={this.handleFilter} className="form-control" placeholder="Search By Host" />
-                <span className="input-group-btn">
-                <button className="btn btn-primary" type="button"><i className="fa fa-search"></i></button>
-                </span>
-              </div>
-              : ''}
-              <Table className="table topology-table" noDataText="No records found." currentPage={0} >
-                <Thead>
-                  <Th column="host:Port"><OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Nimbus hostname and port number</Tooltip>}><span>Host:Port</span></OverlayTrigger></Th>
-                  <Th column="status"><OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Leader if this host is leader, Not a Leader for all other live hosts, note that these hosts may or may not be in leader lock queue, and Dead for hosts that are part of nimbus.seeds list but are not alive.</Tooltip>}><span>Status</span></OverlayTrigger></Th>
-                  <Th column="uptime"><OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Time since this nimbus host has been running.</Tooltip>}><span>Uptime</span></OverlayTrigger></Th>
-                </Thead>
-                {
-        , (entity, i) => {
-                    return (
-                      <Tr key={i}>
-                        <Td column="host:Port"><a href={entity.nimbusLogLink} target="_blank">{':'+entity.port}</a></Td>
-                        <Td column="status"><span className={this.activeClass(entity.status)}>{entity.status}</span></Td>
-                        <Td column="uptime"><small>{entity.nimbusUpTime}</small></Td>
-                      </Tr>
-                    );
-                  })
-                }
-              </Table>
-              {
-                !fromDashboard && filteredEntities.length !== 0
-                ? <CommonPagination  {...paginationObj} callBackFunction={this.callBackFunction.bind(this)}/>
-                : ''
-              }
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        {!fromDashboard ? <Footer /> : null}
-      </div>
-    );
-  }
diff --git a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/SupervisorSummary.jsx b/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/SupervisorSummary.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index ac96a17..0000000
--- a/contrib/views/storm/src/main/resources/ui/app/scripts/containers/SupervisorSummary.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-import React, {Component} from 'react';
-import _ from 'lodash';
-import {
-  Table,
-  Thead,
-  Th,
-  Tr,
-  Td,
-  unsafe
-} from 'reactable';
-import RadialChart  from '../components/RadialChart';
-import FSReactToastr from '../components/FSReactToastr';
-import {toastOpt, pageSize} from '../utils/Constants';
-import TopologyREST from '../rest/TopologyREST';
-import CommonNotification from '../components/CommonNotification';
-import Breadcrumbs from '../components/Breadcrumbs';
-import {OverlayTrigger, Tooltip} from 'react-bootstrap';
-import CommonPagination from '../components/CommonPagination';
-import Utils from '../utils/Utils';
-import Footer from '../components/Footer';
-export default class SupervisorSummary extends Component{
-  constructor(props){
-    super(props);
-    this.fetchData();
-    this.state = {
-      entities : [],
-      filterValue: '',
-      activePage: 1
-    };
-  }
-  fetchData = () => {
-    TopologyREST.getSummary('supervisor').then((results) => {
-      if(results.errorMessage !== undefined){
-        FSReactToastr.error(
-          <CommonNotification flag="error" content={results.errorMessage}/>, '', toastOpt);
-      } else {
-        this.setState({entities : results.supervisors});
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  getLinks(){
-    var links = [
-      {link: '#/', title: 'Dashboard'},
-      {link: '#/supervisor', title: 'Supervisor Summary'}
-    ];
-    return links;
-  }
-  handleFilter = (e) => {
-    this.setState({filterValue:});
-  }
-  callBackFunction = (eventKey) => {
-    this.setState({activePage : eventKey});
-  }
-  render(){
-    const {entities, filterValue, activePage} = this.state;
-    const {fromDashboard} = this.props;
-    const filteredEntities = Utils.filterByKey(entities, filterValue, 'host');
-    const paginationObj = {
-      activePage,
-      pageSize,
-      filteredEntities
-    };
-    return(
-      <div className={fromDashboard ? "" : "container-fluid"}>
-        {!fromDashboard ? <Breadcrumbs links={this.getLinks()} /> : ''}
-        <div className="box">
-            <div className="box-header">
-                <h4>Supervisor Summary</h4>
-                {fromDashboard ?
-                <div className="box-control">
-                    <a className="primary" href="#/supervisor"><i className="fa fa-external-link"></i></a>
-                </div>
-                : ''}
-            </div>
-            <div className={fromDashboard ? "box-body paddless" : "box-body"}>
-              {!fromDashboard ?
-              <div className="input-group col-sm-4">
-                <input type="text" onKeyUp={this.handleFilter} className="form-control" placeholder="Search By Host" />
-                <span className="input-group-btn">
-                <button className="btn btn-primary" type="button"><i className="fa fa-search"></i></button>
-                </span>
-              </div>
-              : ''}
-              <Table className="table no-margin supervisor-table" noDataText="No records found." currentPage={0} >
-                <Thead>
-                  <Th column="host"><OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The hostname reported by the remote host. (Note that this hostname is not the result of a reverse lookup at the Nimbus node.)</Tooltip>}><span>Host</span></OverlayTrigger></Th>
-                  <Th column="slots"><OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Slots are Workers (processes).</Tooltip>}><span>Slots</span></OverlayTrigger></Th>
-                  <Th column="cpu"><OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">CPU that has been allocated.</Tooltip>}><span>CPU</span></OverlayTrigger></Th>
-                  <Th column="memory"><OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">Memory that has been allocated.</Tooltip>}><span>Memory</span></OverlayTrigger></Th>
-                  <Th column="uptime"><OverlayTrigger placement="bottom" overlay={<Tooltip id="tooltip1">The length of time a Supervisor has been registered to the cluster.</Tooltip>}><span>Uptime</span></OverlayTrigger></Th>
-                </Thead>
-                {
-        , (entity, i) => {
-                    return (
-                      <Tr key={i}>
-                        <Td column="host"><a href={entity.logLink} target="_blank">{}</a></Td>
-                        <Td column="slots">
-                          <RadialChart
-                            data={[entity.slotsUsed,entity.slotsTotal]}
-                            labels={['Used','Total']}
-                            innerRadius={19}
-                            outerRadius={21}
-                            color={["#bcbcbc", "#235693"]}
-                          />
-                        </Td>
-                        <Td column="cpu">
-                          <RadialChart
-                            data={[entity.usedCpu,entity.totalCpu]}
-                            labels={['Used','Total']}
-                            innerRadius={19}
-                            outerRadius={21}
-                            color={["#bcbcbc", "#235693"]}
-                          />
-                        </Td>
-                        <Td column="memory">
-                          <RadialChart
-                            data={[entity.usedMem,entity.totalMem]}
-                            labels={['Used','Total']}
-                            innerRadius={19}
-                            outerRadius={21}
-                            color={["#bcbcbc", "#235693"]}
-                          />
-                        </Td>
-                        <Td column="uptime"><small>{entity.uptime}</small></Td>
-                      </Tr>
-                    );
-                  })
-                }
-              </Table>
-              {
-                !fromDashboard && filteredEntities.length !== 0
-                ? <CommonPagination  {...paginationObj} callBackFunction={this.callBackFunction.bind(this)}/>
-                : ''
-              }
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        {!fromDashboard ? <Footer /> : null}
-      </div>
-    );
-  }