You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2007/09/21 12:37:48 UTC

svn commit: r578051 [13/31] - in /lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src: java/org/apache/lenya/cms/content/flat/ webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/ webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/contrib/ webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/examples/ webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/images/ webap...

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/images.php
--- lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/images.php (added)
+++ lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/images.php Fri Sep 21 03:36:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ * ExtendedFileManager images.php file. Shows folders and files.
+ * Authors: Wei Zhuo, Afru, Krzysztof Kotowicz, Raimund Meyer
+ * Version: Updated on 08-01-2005 by Afru
+ * Version: Updated on 04-07-2006 by Krzysztof Kotowicz
+ * Version: Updated on 29-10-2006 by Raimund Meyer
+ * Package: ExtendedFileManager (EFM 1.1.3)
+ *
+ */
+	if(isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) $insertMode=$_REQUEST['mode'];
+	if(!isset($insertMode)) $insertMode="image";
+//default path is /
+$relative = '/';
+$manager = new ExtendedFileManager($IMConfig, $insertMode);
+//process any file uploads
+//process any file renames
+//process paste
+$pasteStatus = (isset($_GET['paste'])) ? 	$manager->processPaste() : false;
+$refreshFile = ($manager->deleteFiles()) ? true : false;
+$refreshDir = false;
+//process any directory functions
+if($manager->deleteDirs() || $manager->processNewDir() || $pasteStatus || $renameStatus )
+	$refreshDir = true;
+//check for any sub-directory request
+//check that the requested sub-directory exists
+//and valid
+	$path = rawurldecode($_REQUEST['dir']);
+	if($manager->validRelativePath($path))
+		$relative = $path;
+$afruViewType = (isset($_REQUEST['viewtype'])) ? $afruViewType=$_REQUEST['viewtype'] : '';
+if($afruViewType!="thumbview" && $afruViewType!="listview")
+  $afruViewType=$IMConfig['view_type'];
+//get the list of files and directories
+$list = $manager->getFiles($relative);
+/* ================= OUTPUT/DRAW FUNCTIONS ======================= */
+ * Draw folders and files. Changed by Afru
+ */
+function drawDirs_Files($list, &$manager) 
+	global $relative, $afruViewType, $IMConfig, $insertMode;
+    switch ($afruViewType) {
+        case 'listview':
+    		$maxNameLength = 30;
+    		?>
+            <table class="listview">
+            <thead>
+            <tr><th colspan="2">Name</th><th>Size</th><th>Image Size</th><th>Date Modified</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr></thead>
+            <tbody>
+            <?php
+    		// start of foreach for draw listview folders .
+    		foreach($list[0] as $path => $dir)
+    		{ ?>
+    			<tr>
+    			<td><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>icons/folder_small.gif" alt="" /></td>
+    			<th nowrap="nowrap"><a href="<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url']; ?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo rawurlencode($path); ?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" onclick="updateDir('<?php echo $path; ?>')" title="<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>">
+    			<?php
+    			if(strlen($dir['entry'])>$maxNameLength) echo substr($dir['entry'],0,$maxNameLength)."..."; else echo $dir['entry'];
+    			?>
+    			</a></th>
+    			<td colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap">Folder</td>
+    			<td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo date("d.m.y H:i",$dir['stat']['mtime']); ?></td>
+    			<td class="actions" nowrap="nowrap">
+    				<a href="<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url']; ?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo $relative; ?>&amp;deld=<?php echo rawurlencode($path); ?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" title="Trash" onclick="return confirmDeleteDir('<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>', <?php echo $dir['count']; ?>);" style="border:0px;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_trash.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Trash" border="0" /></a>
+			    	<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_rename']) { ?>
+			                    <a href="#" title="Rename" onclick="renameDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_rename.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Rename" border="0" /></a>
+			        <?php }  ?>
+    				<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_cut_copy_paste']) { ?>
+                    <a href="#" title="Cut" onclick="copyDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>','move'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_cut.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Cut" /></a>
+                     <a href="#" title="Copy" onclick="copyDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>','copy'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_copy.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Copy" /></a>
+     		   		<?php }  ?>
+    			</td>
+    			</tr>
+    		  <?php
+    		} // end of foreach for draw listview folders .
+    		clearstatcache();
+    		// start of foreach for draw listview files .
+    		foreach($list[1] as $entry => $file)
+    		{
+    			?>
+                <tr>
+        		  <td><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url']; if(is_file('icons/'.$file['ext'].'_small.gif')) echo "icons/".$file['ext']."_small.gif"; else echo $IMConfig['default_listicon']; ?>" alt="" /></td>
+                  <th><a href="#" class="thumb" style="cursor: pointer;" ondblclick="this.onclick();;" onclick="selectImage('<?php echo $file['relative'];?>', '<?php echo preg_replace('#\..{3,4}$#', '', $entry); ?>', <?php echo $file['image'][0];?>, <?php echo $file['image'][1]; ?>);return false;" title="<?php echo $entry; ?> - <?php echo Files::formatSize($file['stat']['size']); ?>" <?php if ($insertMode == 'image') { ?> onmouseover="showPreview('<?php echo $file['relative'];?>')" onmouseout="showPreview(window.parent.document.getElementById('f_url').value)" <?php } ?> >
+        			<?php
+        			if(strlen($entry)>$maxNameLength) echo substr($entry,0,$maxNameLength)."..."; else echo $entry;
+        			?>
+                  </a></th>
+                  <td><?php echo Files::formatSize($file['stat']['size']); ?></td>
+                  <td><?php if($file['image'][0] > 0){ echo $file['image'][0].'x'.$file['image'][1]; } ?></td>
+    			  <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo date("d.m.y H:i",$file['stat']['mtime']); ?></td>
+                  <td class="actions">
+                    <?php if($IMConfig['img_library'] && $IMConfig['allow_edit_image'] && $file['image'][0] > 0) { ?>
+                    <a href="javascript:;" title="Edit" onclick="editImage('<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>');"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_pencil.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Edit" border="0" /></a>
+                    <?php }  ?>  
+                    <a href="<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url']; ?>__function=images&amp;dir=<?php echo $relative; ?>&amp;delf=<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" title="Trash" onclick="return confirmDeleteFile('<?php echo $entry; ?>');"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_trash.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Trash" border="0" /></a>
+        			<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_rename']) { ?>
+                    <a href="#" title="Rename" onclick="renameFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_rename.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Rename" border="0" /></a>
+                    <?php }  ?>
+        			<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_cut_copy_paste']) { ?>
+                    <a href="#" title="Cut" onclick="copyFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($entry);?>','move'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_cut.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Cut" /></a>
+                     <a href="#" title="Copy" onclick="copyFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($entry);?>','copy'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_copy.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Copy" /></a>
+                    <?php }  ?>
+                  </td>
+                </tr>
+    		  <?php
+    		}//end of foreach of draw listview files
+            ?>
+            </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <?php
+        break;
+        case 'thumbview': // thumbview is default
+        default:
+    		$maxFileNameLength=16;
+    		$maxFolderNameLength=16;
+    		// start of foreach for draw thumbview folders.
+    		foreach($list[0] as $path => $dir)
+    		{ ?>
+    <div class="dir_holder">
+      <a class="dir" href="<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url'];?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo rawurlencode($path); ?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" onclick="updateDir('<?php echo $path; ?>')" title="<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/folder.gif" height="80" width="80" alt="<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>" /></a>
+      <div class="fileName">
+      <?php if(strlen($dir['entry']) > $maxFolderNameLength)
+                echo substr($dir['entry'], 0, $maxFolderNameLength) . "...";
+              else
+                echo $dir['entry']; ?>
+      </div>
+      <div class="edit">
+        <a href="<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url'];?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo $relative; ?>&amp;deld=<?php echo rawurlencode($path); ?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" title="Trash" onclick="return confirmDeleteDir('<?php echo $dir['entry']; ?>', <?php echo $dir['count']; ?>);"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_trash.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Trash" /></a>
+    	<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_rename']) { ?>
+                    <a href="#" title="Rename" onclick="renameDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_rename.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Rename" border="0" /></a>
+        <?php }  ?>
+        <?php if ($IMConfig['allow_cut_copy_paste']) { ?>
+                    <a href="#" title="Cut" onclick="copyDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>','move'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_cut.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Cut" /></a>
+                     <a href="#" title="Copy" onclick="copyDir('<?php echo rawurlencode($dir['entry']);?>','copy'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_copy.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Copy" /></a>
+        <?php }  ?>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    		  <?php
+    		} // end of foreach for draw thumbview folders.
+    		// start of foreach for draw thumbview files.
+    		foreach($list[1] as $entry => $file)
+    		{
+    			$afruimgdimensions=$manager->checkImageSize($file['relative']);
+    			$thisFileNameLength = $maxFileNameLength;
+    			?>
+                <div class="thumb_holder" id="holder_<?php echo asc2hex($entry) ?>">
+                  <a href="#" class="thumb" style="cursor: pointer;" ondblclick="this.onclick();;" onclick="selectImage('<?php echo $file['relative'];?>', '<?php echo preg_replace('#\..{3,4}$#', '', $entry); ?>', <?php echo $file['image'][0];?>, <?php echo $file['image'][1]; ?>);return false;" title="<?php echo $entry; ?> - <?php echo Files::formatSize($file['stat']['size']); ?>">
+                    <img src="<?php print $manager->getThumbnail($file['relative']); ?>" alt="<?php echo $entry; ?> - <?php echo Files::formatSize($file['stat']['size']); ?>" />
+                  </a>
+                   <div class="fileName">
+                   <?php
+            			if(strlen($entry) > $thisFileNameLength + 3) echo strtolower(substr($entry,0,$thisFileNameLength))."..."; else echo $entry;
+            		?>
+                   </div>
+                  <div class="edit">
+                    <?php if($IMConfig['img_library'] && $IMConfig['allow_edit_image'] && $file['image'][0] > 0 )
+                    { ?>
+                    <a href="javascript:;" title="Edit" onclick="editImage('<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>');"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_pencil.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Edit" /></a>
+            		<?php $thisFileNameLength -= 3; } ?>
+                    <a href="<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url']; ?>__function=images&amp;mode=<?php echo $insertMode;?>&amp;dir=<?php echo $relative; ?>&amp;delf=<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>&amp;viewtype=<?php echo $afruViewType; ?>" title="Trash" onclick="return confirmDeleteFile('<?php echo $entry; ?>');"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_trash.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Trash" /></a>
+        			<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_rename']) { ?>
+                    <a href="#" title="Rename" onclick="renameFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($file['relative']);?>'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_rename.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Rename" /></a>
+                    <?php $thisFileNameLength -= 3; }  ?>
+                	<?php if ($IMConfig['allow_cut_copy_paste']) { ?>
+                    <a href="#" title="Cut" onclick="copyFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($entry);?>','move'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_cut.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Cut" /></a>
+                     <a href="#" title="Copy" onclick="copyFile('<?php echo rawurlencode($entry);?>','copy'); return false;"><img src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>img/edit_copy.gif" height="15" width="15" alt="Copy" /></a>
+                    <?php $thisFileNameLength -= 6; }  ?>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+    		  <?php
+    		}//end of foreach of draw thumbview files
+    }
+}//end of function drawDirs_Files
+ * No directories and no files.
+ */
+function drawNoResults() 
+<div class="noResult">No Files Found</div>
+ * No directories and no files.
+ */
+function drawErrorBase(&$manager) 
+<div class="error"><span>Invalid base directory:</span> <?php echo $manager->getImagesDir(); ?></div>
+ * Utility to convert ascii string to hex
+ */
+function asc2hex ($temp)
+  $data = '';
+  $len = strlen($temp);
+  for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) $data.=sprintf("%02x",ord(substr($temp,$i,1)));
+  return $data;
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+    "">
+<html xmlns="">
+	<title>File List</title>
+  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+	<link href="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/imagelist.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/dialog.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+    var _backend_url = "<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url']; ?>";
+	if(
+		Xinha =;
+	function hideMessage()
+	{
+		var topDoc =;
+		var messages = topDoc.getElementById('messages');
+		if(messages)
+ = "none";
+	}
+	init = function()
+	{
+        __dlg_translate('ExtendedFileManager');
+		hideMessage();
+		<?php
+		if(isset($uploadStatus) && !is_numeric($uploadStatus) && !is_bool($uploadStatus))
+		echo "alert(i18n('$uploadStatus'));";
+		else if(isset($uploadStatus) && $uploadStatus==false)
+		echo 'alert(i18n("Unable to upload File. \nEither Maximum file size [$max_size='.($insertMode == 'image' ? $IMConfig['max_filesize_kb_image'] : $IMConfig['max_filesize_kb_link'] ).'$ KB] exceeded or\nFolder doesn\'t have write permission."));';
+		?>
+		<?php
+		if(isset($renameStatus) && !is_numeric($renameStatus) && !is_bool($renameStatus))
+		echo 'alert(i18n("'.$renameStatus.'"));';
+		else if(isset($renameStatus) && $renameStatus===false)
+		echo 'alert(i18n("Unable to rename file. File of the same name already exists or\nfolder doesn\'t have write permission."));';
+		?>
+		<?php
+		if (isset($pasteStatus) && is_numeric($pasteStatus))
+		{
+			switch ($pasteStatus)
+			{
+				case 100 :
+					$pasteStatus = 'Source file/folder not found.';
+				break;
+				case 101 :
+					$pasteStatus = 'Copy failed.\nMaybe folder doesn\'t have write permission.';
+				break;
+				case 102 :
+					$pasteStatus = 'Could not create destination folder.';
+				break;
+				case 104 :
+					$pasteStatus = 'Destination file/folder already exists.';
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(isset($pasteStatus) && !is_bool($pasteStatus))
+		{
+			echo 'alert(i18n("'.$pasteStatus.'"));';
+		}
+		?>
+		var topDoc =;
+	//we need to refesh the drop directory list
+	//save the current dir, delete all select options
+	//add the new list, re-select the saved dir.
+	if($refreshDir) 
+	{ 
+		$dirs = $manager->getDirs();
+		var selection = topDoc.getElementById('dirPath');
+		var currentDir = selection.options[selection.selectedIndex].text;
+		while(selection.length > 0)
+		{	selection.remove(0); }
+		selection.options[selection.length] = new Option("/","<?php echo rawurlencode('/'); ?>");
+		<?php foreach($dirs as $relative=>$fullpath) { ?>
+		selection.options[selection.length] = new Option("<?php echo $relative; ?>","<?php echo rawurlencode($relative); ?>");
+		<?php } ?>
+		for(var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++)
+		{
+			var thisDir = selection.options[i].text;
+			if(thisDir == currentDir)
+			{
+				selection.selectedIndex = i;
+				break;
+			}
+		}		
+<?php } ?>
+	}
+	function editImage(image) 
+	{
+		var url = "<?php print $IMConfig['backend_url']; ?>__function=editor&img="+image+"&mode=<?php print $insertMode ?>";
+        Dialog(url, function(param)
+		{
+			if (!param) { // user must have pressed Cancel
+				return false;
+			} else
+			{
+				return true;
+			}
+		}, null);
+	}
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/images.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print $IMConfig['base_url'];?>assets/popup.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// Koto: why emptying? commented out
+<?php if(isset($diskInfo)) echo 'updateDiskMesg(i18n(\''.$diskInfo.'\'));'; ?>
+<?php if ($manager->isValidBase() == false) { drawErrorBase($manager); }
+	elseif(count($list[0]) > 0 || count($list[1]) > 0) { ?>
+	<?php drawDirs_Files($list, $manager); ?>
+<?php } else { drawNoResults(); } ?>

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/1x1_transparent.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/1x1_transparent.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/2x2.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/2x2.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/2x2_w.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/2x2_w.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btnFolderNew.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btnFolderNew.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btnFolderNew1.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btnFolderNew1.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btnFolderUp.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btnFolderUp.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btnFolderUp1.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btnFolderUp1.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btn_cancel.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btn_cancel.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btn_ok.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/btn_ok.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/crop.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/crop.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/default.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/default.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/div.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/div.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/dots.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/dots.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/ed_linkfile.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/ed_linkfile.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/ed_linkfile1.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/ed_linkfile1.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_active.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_active.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_copy.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_copy.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_cut.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_cut.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_paste.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_paste.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_pencil.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_pencil.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_rename.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_rename.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_trash.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/edit_trash.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/folder.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/folder.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/hand.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/hand.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/islocked2.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/islocked2.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/locked.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/locked.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/measure.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/measure.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/noimages.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/noimages.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/rotate.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/rotate.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/save.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/save.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/scale.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/scale.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/spacer.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/spacer.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/t_black.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/t_black.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/t_white.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/t_white.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/unlocked.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/unlocked.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/unlocked2.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/unlocked2.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/unlocked_empty.gif
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/img/unlocked_empty.gif
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/de.js
--- lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/de.js (added)
+++ lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/de.js Fri Sep 21 03:36:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "de", ENCODING: UTF-8
+// translated: sven schomacker,,
+  "File Manager": "Dateimanager",
+  "Insert Image": "Bild einfügen",
+  "Directory": "Verzeichnis",
+  "Directory Up": "Aufwärts",
+  "New Folder": "Neues Verzeichnis erstellen",
+  "Trash": "Papierkorb",
+  "Edit": "Bearbeiten",
+  "Image File": "Bilddatei",
+  "Upload": "Hochladen",
+  "Width": "Breite",
+  "Height": "Höhe",
+  "Width:": "Breite:",
+  "Height:": "Höhe:",
+  "Constrain Proportions": "Proportionen beibehalten",
+  "Border": "Rahmen",
+  "Margin": "Aussenabstand",
+  "Padding": "Innenabstand",
+  "Refresh": "Aktualisieren",
+  "Uploading...": "Lade hoch...",
+  "Uploading": "Hochladen",
+  "Crop": "Beschneiden",
+  "Resize": "Größe ändern",
+  "Rotate": "Drehen",
+  "Measure": "Maße",
+  "Marker": "Marker",
+  "Save": "Speichern",
+  "Filename:": "Dateiname:",
+  "Image Format": "Bildformat:",
+  "Quality:": "Qualität",
+  "JPEG High": "JPEG hoch",
+  "JPEG Medium": "JPEG mittel",
+  "JPEG Low": "JPEG niedrig",
+  "File saved.": "Datei gespeichert.",
+  "File was not saved.": "Datei wurde nicht gespeichert.",
+  "Start X:": "Start X",
+  "Start Y:": "Start Y",
+  "Lock": "Feststellen",
+  "Flip Image": "Bild spiegeln",
+  "Flip Horizontal": "hor. spiegeln",
+  "Flip Vertical": "ver. spiegeln",
+  "Rotate Image": "Bild drehen",
+  "Rotate 180 °": "Drehung um 180°",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CW": "Drehung um 90° im Uhrzeigersinn",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CCW": "Drehung um 90° gegen Uhrzeigersinn",
+  "Angle:": "Winkel:",
+  "W:": "W:",
+  "Clear": "Löschen",
+  "Loading": "Laden",
+  "Invalid base directory:": "Ungültiges Basisverzeichnis:",
+  'Delete file "$file"?': 'Datei "$file" löschen?',
+  "Please delete all files/folders inside the folder you wish to delete first.": "Bitte zuerst alle untergeordneten Ordner löschen.",
+  'Delete folder "$dir"?': 'Verzeichnis "$dir" löschen?',
+  "Folder Name:": "Verzeichnisname",
+  "No Files Found": "Keine Dateien gefunden",
+  "Invalid folder name, please choose another folder name.": "Ungültiger Verzeichnisname - bitte neu wählen.",
+  "GIF format is not supported, image editing not supported.": "GIF-Format nicht unterstützt, bearbeiten nicht möglich.",
+  "No Image Available": "Kein Bild verfügbar",
+  "No Image selected.": "Kein Bild ausgewählt.",
+  "Description:": "Beschreibung:",
+  "Align": "Anordnung",
+  "Margin": "Aussenabstand",
+  "Padding": "Innenabstand",
+  "Border": "Rahmen",
+  "Color": "Farbe",
+  "Border Color": "Rahmenfarbe",
+  "Upload": "Hochladen",
+  "Alt": "Alt",
+  "File Name": "Dateiname",
+  "Thumbnail View": "Miniaturansicht",
+  "List View": "Listenansicht",
+  "Title (tooltip)": "Titel (Tooltip)",
+  "Target Window": "Zielfenster",
+  "Name": "Name",
+  "Size": "Größe",
+  "Date Modified": "Datum letzte Änderung",
+  "Total Size": "Gesamtgröße",
+  "Free Space": "Freier Speicher",
+  "Positioning of this image" : "Anordnung dieses Bildes",
+  "Insert File Link": "Dateilink einfügen",
+  "Untitled": "Unbetitelt",
+  'Please enter name for new folder...': "Bitte Namen für neuen Ordner eingeben...",
+  "You must select some text before making a new link.": "Bitte zuerst Text markieren.",
+  "Folder is not empty. Please delete all Files and Subfolders inside.": "Verzeichnis ist nicht leer. Bitte zuerst alle Unterordner und Dateien löschen.",
+  "Image Size": "Bildgröße",
+  "Other" : "Andere...",
+  "Rename": "Umbenennen",
+  "Please enter new name for this file...": "Bitte neuen Namen für diese Datei eingeben...",
+  "Unable to rename file. File of the same name already exists or\nfolder doesn't have write permission.": "Umbenennen nicht möglich. Evtl. Dateiname schon vorhanden oder keine Schreibrechte.",
+  "Cancelled rename.": "Umbenennen abgebrochen.",
+  'File "$file" successfully uploaded.': 'Datei "$file" erfolgreich hochgeladen.',
+  "Cannot upload. Maximum folder size reached. Delete unwanted files and try again.":"Die maximale Ordnergröße ist erreicht. Bitte löschen Sie Dateien, die Sie nicht mehr benötigen.",
+  "Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded.":"Maximale Dateigröße [$max_size KB] überschritten.",
+  "Cannot upload $extension Files. Permission denied.": "$extension Dateien dürfen nicht hochgeladen werden.",
+  "Unable to upload File. \nEither Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded or\nFolder doesn\'t have write permission.":"Konnte Datei nicht hochladen.\nEntweder die maximale Dateigröße [$max_size KB] ist überschritten\noder das Verzeichnis hat keine Schreibrechte.",
+  "Total Size : $max_foldersize_mb MB, Free Space: $free_space": "Max. Ordergröße: $max_foldersize_mb MB, noch frei: $free_space",
+  "Please enter new name for this folder...":"Bitte neuen Namen für diesen Ordner eingeben...",
+  "Cut":"Ausschneiden",
+  "Copy":"Kopieren",
+  "Paste":"Einfügen",
+  'Copy "$file" from "$dir" here': '"$file" aus Ordner "$dir" hierher kopieren',
+  'Copy folder "$file" from "$dir" here' : '"Ordner $file" aus "$dir" hierher kopieren',
+  'Move "$file" from "$dir" here':'"$file" aus Ordner "$dir" hierher verschieben',
+  'Move folder "$file" from "$dir" here':'Ordner "$file" aus "$dir" hierher verschieben',
+  "Source file/folder not found.":"Quelldatei/-ordner nicht gefunden",
+  "Paste failed.\nMaybe folder doesn't have write permission.": "Einfügen fehlgeschlagen.\nMöglicherweise hat der Ordner keine Schreibberechtigung.",
+  "Could not create destination folder.":"Konnte Zielordner nicht erstellen.",
+  "Destination file/folder already exists.":"Zieldatei/-ordner existiert bereits"

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/ja.js
--- lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/ja.js (added)
+++ lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/ja.js Fri Sep 21 03:36:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "ja", ENCODING: UTF-8
+  "File Manager": "ファイルマネージャ",
+  "Insert Image": "画像の挿入",
+  "Directory": "ディレクトリ",
+  "Directory Up": "親ディレクトリへ",
+  "New Folder": "新規フォルダ",
+  "Trash": "削除",
+  "Edit": "編集",
+  "Image File": "画像ファイル",
+  "Upload": "アップロード",
+  "Width": "幅",
+  "Height": "高さ",
+  "Width:": "幅:",
+  "Height:": "高さ:",
+  "Constrain Proportions": "縦横比を固定",
+  "Border": "ボーダー",
+  "Margin": "間隔",
+  "Padding": "余白",
+  "Refresh": "更新",
+  "Uploading...": "アップロード中...",
+  "Uploading": "アップロード中",
+  "Crop": "切り抜き",
+  "Resize": "サイズ変更",
+  "Rotate": "回転",
+  "Measure": "計測",
+  "Marker": "マーカー",
+  "Save": "保存",
+  "Filename:": "ファイル名:",
+  "Image Format": "画像形式",
+  "Quality:": "画質:",
+  "JPEG High": "JPEG 高画質",
+  "JPEG Medium": "JPEG 標準",
+  "JPEG Low": "JPEG 低画質",
+  "File saved.": "ファイルを保存しました。",
+  "File was not saved.": "ファイルを保存できませんでした。",
+  "Start X:": "開始 X",
+  "Start Y:": "開始 Y",
+  "Lock": "ロック",
+  "Flip Image": "画像を反転",
+  "Flip Horizontal": "左右反転",
+  "Flip Vertical": "上下反転",
+  "Rotate Image": "画像を回転",
+  "Rotate 180 °": "180°",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CW": "90° 時計回り",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CCW": "90° 反時計回り",
+  "Angle:": "角度:",
+  "W:": "W:",
+  "Clear": "クリア",
+  "Loading": "ロード中",
+  "Invalid base directory:": "無効なディレクトリ:",
+  'Delete file "$file"?': 'ファイル "$file" を削除しますか?',
+  "Please delete all files/folders inside the folder you wish to delete first.": "削除したいフォルダ内のファイルとフォルダを全て削除しておいてください。",
+  'Delete folder "$dir"?': 'フォルダ "$dir" を削除しますか?',
+  "Folder Name:": "フォルダ名:",
+  "No Files Found": "ファイルがありません",
+  "Invalid folder name, please choose another folder name.": "無効なフォルダ名です。別のフォルダ名を選んでください。",
+  "GIF format is not supported, image editing not supported.": "GIF形式はサポートされていないため、画像編集できません。",
+  "No Image Available": "画像がありません",
+  "No Image selected.": "画像が選択されていません。",
+  "Description:": "詳細:",
+  "Align": "行揃え",
+  "Description:": "説明:",
+  "Margin:": "間隔:",
+  "Padding:": "余白:",
+  "Border:": "境界線:",
+  "Color:": "色:",
+  "Border Color:": "境界色:",
+  "Upload:": "アップロード:",
+  "Alt": "Alt",
+  "Alt": "Alt",
+  "File Name": "ファイル名",
+  "Thumbnail View": "サムネール表示",
+  "List View": "一覧表示",
+  "Title (tooltip)": "タイトル",
+  "Target Window": "ターゲット",
+  "Name": "名前",
+  "Size": "サイズ",
+  "Date Modified": "更新日",
+  "Total Size": "合計サイズ",
+  "Free Space": "空き容量",
+  "Positioning of this image" : "この画像の配置",
+  "Insert File Link": "ファイルへのリンクを挿入",
+  "Untitled": "無題",
+  'Please enter name for new folder...': "新規フォルダの名前を入力してください...",
+  "You must select some text before making a new link.": "リンクを作成するにはテキストを選択する必要があります。",
+  "Folder is not empty. Please delete all Files and Subfolders inside.": "フォルダは空ではありません。中のファイルとサブフォルダをすべて削除してください。",
+  "Image Size": "画像サイズ",
+  "Other" : "その他",
+  "Rename": "名前の変更",
+  "Please enter new name for this file...": "ファイルの新しい名前を入力してください...",
+  "Unable to rename file. File of the same name already exists or\nfolder doesn't have write permission.": 
+  "ファイル名を変更できません。同名のファイルが存在するか、\nフォルダに書き込み権限がありません。",
+  "Cancelled rename.": "名前変更を中止しました。",
+  'File "$file" successfully uploaded.': 'ファイル "$file" のアップロードに成功しました。',
+  "Cannot upload. Maximum folder size reached. Delete unwanted files and try again.":"アップロードできません。フォルダ容量の上限に達しました。不要なファイルを削除して、再試行してください。",
+  "Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded.":"ファイルサイズ上限 [$max_size KB] を超えています。",
+  "Cannot upload $extension Files. Permission denied.": "$extension ファイルをアップロードできません。操作は禁止されています。",
+  "Unable to upload File. \nEither Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded or\nFolder doesn\'t have write permission.":"ファイルをアップロードできません。\nファイルサイズ上限 [$max_size KB] を超えているか、\nフォルダに書き込み権限がありません。",
+  "Total Size : $max_foldersize_mb MB, Free Space: $free_space": "合計サイズ: $max_foldersize_mb MB, 空き容量: $free_space",
+  "Please enter new name for this folder...":"このフォルダの新しい名前を入力してください...",
+  "Cut":"切り取り",
+  "Copy":"コピー",
+  "Paste":"貼り付け",
+  'Copy "$file" from "$dir" here': '"$file" を "$dir" からここにコピー',
+  'Copy folder "$file" from "$dir" here' : 'フォルダ "$file" を "$dir" からここにコピー',
+  'Move "$file" from "$dir" here':'"$file" を "$dir" からここに移動',
+  'Move folder "$file" from "$dir" here':'フォルダ "$file" を "$dir" からここに移動',
+  "Source file/folder not found.":"転送元ファイル/フォルダが見つかりません。",
+  "Paste failed.\nMaybe folder doesn't have write permission.": "貼り付けに失敗しました。\nフォルダに書き込み権限がない可能性があります。",
+  "Could not create destination folder.":"転送先フォルダを作成できませんでした。",
+  "Destination file/folder already exists.":"転送先ファイル/フォルダはすでに存在します。"
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/nb.js
--- lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/nb.js (added)
+++ lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/nb.js Fri Sep 21 03:36:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "nb", ENCODING: UTF-8
+// translated: Kim Steinhaug,,
+  "File Manager": "Filbehandler",
+  "Insert Image": "Sett inn bilde",
+  "Directory": "Mappe",
+  "Directory Up": "Opp et nivå",
+  "New Folder": "Ny mappe",
+  "Trash": "Søppel",
+  "Edit": "Rediger",
+  "Image File": "Bildefil",
+  "Upload": "Last opp",
+  "Upload:": "Last opp:",
+  "Width": "Bredde",
+  "Height": "Høyde",
+  "Constrain Proportions": "Beholde proposjoner",
+  "Border": "Ramme",
+  "Margin": "Marg",
+  "Padding": "Innvendig marg",
+  "Refresh": "Oppfrisk side",
+  "Uploading...": "Laster opp...",
+  "Uploading": "Laster opp",
+  "Crop": "Beskjær",
+  "Resize": "Endre størrelse",
+  "Rotate": "Roter",
+  "Measure": "MÃ¥l",
+  "Marker": "Markør",
+  "Save": "Lagre",
+  "Filename:": "Filnavn:",
+  "Image Format": "Bildeformat:",
+  "Quality:": "Kvalitet",
+  "JPEG High": "JPEG høy",
+  "JPEG Medium": "JPEG middels",
+  "JPEG Low": "JPEG lav",
+  "File saved.": "Fil er lagret.",
+  "File was not saved.": "Filen ble ikke lagret.",
+  "Start X:": "Start X",
+  "Start Y:": "Start Y",
+  "Lock": "LÃ¥s",
+  "Flip Image": "Vend bilde",
+  "Flip Horizontal": "Vend horisontal",
+  "Flip Vertical": "Vend vertikal",
+  "Rotate Image": "Roter bilde",
+  "Rotate 180 °": "Roter 180°",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CW": "Roter 90° med klokka",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CCW": "Roter 90° mot klokka",
+  "Angle:": "Vinkel:",
+  "W:": "L:",
+  "Clear": "Tøm",
+  "Loading": "Laster",
+  "Invalid base directory:": "Ugyldig sti til mappe:",
+  'Delete file "$file"?': "$file\n\nSlette fil?",
+  "Please delete all files/folders inside the folder you wish to delete first.": "Vennligst slett alle filer og mapper i mappen du ønsker å slette først!",
+  'Delete folder "$dir"?': "$dir\n\nSlette mappe?",
+  "Folder Name:": "Mappe navn",
+  "No Files Found": "Ingen filer funnet",
+  "Invalid folder name, please choose another folder name.": "Ugyldig mappenavn, vennligst velg et annet mappenavn",
+  "GIF format is not supported, image editing not supported.": "GIF format er ikke støttet og bilderedigering er derfor ikke tilgjengelig.",
+  "No Image Available": "Inget bilde tilgjengelig.",
+  "No Image selected.": "Inget bilde valgt.",
+  "Description:": "Beskrivelse:",
+  "Align": "Juster",
+  "Color:": "Farge:",
+  "Border Color:": "Ramme farge:",
+  "Alt": "Alt",
+  "File Name": "Filnavn",
+  "Thumbnail View": "Miniatyrbilde",
+  "List View": "Liste",
+  "Title (tooltip)": "Tittel (tooltip)",
+  "Target Window": "MÃ¥l",
+  "Name": "Navn",
+  "Size": "Størrelse",
+  "Date Modified": "Siste endret",
+  "Total Size": "Total størrelse",
+  "Free Space": "Ledig plass",
+  "Positioning of this image" : "Bildepossisjon",
+  "Insert File Link": "Sett inn lenke til fil",
+  "Untitled": "Uten navn",
+  'Please enter name for new folder...': "Skriv inn navn for ny mappe...",
+  "You must select some text before making a new link.": "Du må velge noe tekst før du kan lage en ny lenke.",
+  "Folder is not empty. Please delete all Files and Subfolders inside.": "Mappen er ikke tom. Du må slette alle filer og mapper i mappen først.",
+  "Image Size": "Bilde størrelse",
+  "Other" : "Andre...",
+  "Rename": "Nytt navn",
+  "Please enter new name for this file...": "Vennligst skriv inn nytt navn for denne fil...",
+  "Unable to rename file. File of the same name already exists or\nfolder doesn't have write permission.": "Kan ikke omdøpe fil. En fil har allerede samme navn eller\nmappen har ikke skriverettigheter.",
+  "Cancelled rename.": "Omdøping av filnavn avbrutt.",
+   'File "$file" successfully uploaded.':  'File "$file" successfully uploaded.',
+  "Cannot upload. Maximum folder size reached. Delete unwanted files and try again.":"Cannot upload. Maximum folder size reached. Delete unwanted files and try again.",
+  "Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded.":"Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded.",
+  "Cannot upload $extension Files. Permission denied.": "Cannot upload $extension Files. Permission denied.",
+  "Unable to upload File. \nEither Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded or\nFolder doesn\'t have write permission.":"Unable to upload File. \nEither Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded or\nFolder doesn\'t have write permission.",
+  "Total Size : $max_foldersize_mb MB, Free Space: $free_space": "Total Size : $max_foldersize_mb MB, Free Space: $free_space",
+  "Please enter new name for this folder...":"Please enter new name for this folder...",
+  "Cut":"Cut",
+  "Copy":"Copy",
+  "Paste":"Paste",
+  'Copy "$file" from "$dir" here': 'Copy "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Copy folder "$file" from "$dir" here' : 'Copy folder "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Move "$file" from "$dir" here':'Move "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Move folder "$file" from "$dir" here':'Move folder "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  "Source file/folder not found.":"Source file/folder not found.",
+  "Paste failed.\nMaybe folder doesn't have write permission.": "Paste failed.\nMaybe folder doesn't have write permission.",
+  "Could not create destination folder.":"Could not create destination folder.",
+  "Destination file/folder already exists.":"Destination file/folder already exists."
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/nl.js
--- lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/nl.js (added)
+++ lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/nl.js Fri Sep 21 03:36:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "de", ENCODING: UTF-8
+// translated: Alun Jones
+  "File Manager": "Bestandsbeheer",
+  "Insert Image": "Beeld invoegen",
+  "Directory": "Map",
+  "Directory Up": "Bovenliggende map",
+  "New Folder": "Nieuw map",
+  "Trash": "Prullenbak",
+  "Edit": "Bewerken",
+  "Image File": "Beeldbestand",
+  "Upload": "Upload",
+  "Upload:": "Upload:",
+  "Width": "Breed",
+  "Height": "Hoog",
+  "Constrain Proportions": "Proportie behouden",
+  "Border": "Kader",
+  "Margin": "Inspringen",
+  "Padding": "Uitvullen",
+  "Refresh": "Vernieuwen",
+  "Uploading...": "Uploaden...",
+  "Uploading": "Uploaden",
+  "Crop": "Uitsneden",
+  "Resize": "Formaat wijzigen",
+  "Rotate": "Draaien",
+  "Measure": "Opmeten",
+  "Marker": "Markeren",
+  "Save": "Opslaan",
+  "Filename:": "Bestandsnaam:",
+  "Image Format": "Beeldformaat:",
+  "Quality:": "Kwaliteit",
+  "JPEG High": "JPEG hoog",
+  "JPEG Medium": "JPEG midden",
+  "JPEG Low": "JPEG laag",
+  "File saved.": "Bestand opgeslagen.",
+  "File was not saved.": "Bestand niet opgeslagen.",
+  "Start X:": "Start X",
+  "Start Y:": "Start Y",
+  "Lock": "Op-slot",
+  "Flip Image": "Beeld spiegelen",
+  "Flip Horizontal": "hor. spiegelen",
+  "Flip Vertical": "ver. spiegelen",
+  "Rotate Image": "Beeld draaien",
+  "Rotate 180 °": "Draai 180° om",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CW": "Draai rechts om 90°",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CCW": "Draai links om 90°",
+  "Angle:": "Hoek:",
+  "W:": "W:",
+  "Clear": "Wissen",
+  "Loading": "Laden",
+  "Invalid base directory:": "Ongeldig pad:",
+  'Delete file "$file"?': 'Bestand "$file" verwijderen?',
+  "Please delete all files/folders inside the folder you wish to delete first.": "Vewijder alle onderliggende bestanden/mappen eerst.",
+  'Delete folder "$dir"?': 'Wis map "$dir"?',
+  "Folder Name:": "Map naam",
+  "No Files Found": "Geen bestaand gevonden",
+  "Invalid folder name, please choose another folder name.": "Ongeldig map naam, kies een andere naam s.v.p..",
+  "GIF format is not supported, image editing not supported.": "GIF-format niet ondersteund, beeldbewerking niet ondersteund.",
+  "No Image Available": "Geen beeld beschikbaar",
+  "No Image selected.": "Geen beeld geselecteerd.",
+  "Description:": "Beschrijving:",
+  "Align": "Uitlijnen",
+  "Description:": "Beschrijving:",
+  "Margin": "Inspringen",
+  "Padding": "Uitvullen",
+  "Border": "Kader",
+  "Color:": "Kleur:",
+  "Border Color:": "Kaderkleur:",
+  "Upload:": "Upload:",
+  "Alt": "Alt",
+  "Alt": "Alt",
+  "File Name": "Bestandsnaam",
+  "Thumbnail View": "Miniatuuransicht",
+  "List View": "Listenansicht",
+  "Title (tooltip)": "Titel (tooltip)",
+  "Target Window": "Doel venster",
+  "Name": "Naam",
+  "Size": "Grote",
+  "Date Modified": "Datum aangepast",
+  "Total Size": "Totaalgrootte",
+  "Free Space": "Vrije ruimte",
+  "Positioning of this image" : "Uitlijnen van dit beeld",
+  "Insert File Link": "Hypelink van bestandinvoegen",
+  "Untitled": "Geen titel",
+  'Please enter name for new folder...': "Naam van nieuwe map...",
+  "You must select some text before making a new link.": "Eerst tekst selecteren.",
+  "Folder is not empty. Please delete all Files and Subfolders inside.": "Map is niet leeg. Verwijder eerst alle bestanden en onderliggendemappen.",
+  "Image Size": "Beeld grote",
+  "Other" : "Andere...",
+  "Rename": "Naam wijzigen",
+  "Please enter new name for this file...": "Nieuwe bestandsnaam...",
+  "Unable to rename file. File of the same name already exists or\nfolder doesn't have write permission.": "Herbenoemen niet mogelijk. Bestand bestaat al of\nmap heeft geen schrijf toestemming.",
+  "Cancelled rename.": "Herbenoemen geannuleerd.",
+  'File "$file" successfully uploaded.': '"$file" bestand upload komplet.',
+  "Cannot upload. Maximum folder size reached.": "Uploaden niet mogelijk. Map is vol.",
+  "Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded.": "Maximale bestandgrootte [$max_size KB] overschreden.",
+  "Cannot upload $extension Files. Permission denied.": "Niet mogelijk om $extension bestanden te uploaden.",
+  "Unable to upload File. \nEither Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded or\nFolder doesn\'t have write permission.": "Bestands upload niet mogelijk.\nMaximale bestandsgrootte [$max_size KB] overtreden\nof map heeft geen schrijf toestemming.",
+  "Total Size : $max_foldersize_mb MB, Free Space: $free_space": "Totaalgrootte: $max_foldersize_mb MB, noch vrij: $free_space",
+  "Please enter new name for this folder...":"Please enter new name for this folder...",
+  "Cut":"Cut",
+  "Copy":"Copy",
+  "Paste":"Paste",
+  'Copy "$file" from "$dir" here': 'Copy "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Copy folder "$file" from "$dir" here' : 'Copy folder "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Move "$file" from "$dir" here':'Move "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Move folder "$file" from "$dir" here':'Move folder "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  "Source file/folder not found.":"Source file/folder not found.",
+  "Paste failed.\nMaybe folder doesn't have write permission.": "Paste failed.\nMaybe folder doesn't have write permission.",
+  "Could not create destination folder.":"Could not create destination folder.",
+  "Destination file/folder already exists.":"Destination file/folder already exists."
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/pl.js
--- lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/pl.js (added)
+++ lenya/branches/revolution/1.3.x/src/webapp/lenya/modules/xinha/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/pl.js Fri Sep 21 03:36:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// I18N constants
+// LANG: "pl", ENCODING: UTF-8
+// translated: Krzysztof Kotowicz,,
+  "File Manager": "Menedżer plików",
+  "Insert Image": "Wstaw obrazek",
+  "Directory": "Katalog",
+  "Directory Up": "Katalog wyżej",
+  "New Folder": "Nowy katalog",
+  "Trash": "Usuń",
+  "Edit": "Edytuj",
+  "Image File": "Plik obrazka",
+  "Upload": "Wgraj",
+  "Width": "Szerokość",
+  "Height": "Wysokość",
+  "Width:": "Szerokość:",
+  "Height:": "Wysokość:",
+  "Constrain Proportions": "Zachowaj proporcje",
+  "Border": "Ramka",
+  "Margin": "Odstęp",
+  "Padding": "Wcięcie",
+  "Refresh": "Odśwież",
+  "Uploading...": "Wgrywanie...",
+  "Uploading": "Wgrywam",
+  "Crop": "Przytnij",
+  "Resize": "Przeskaluj",
+  "Rotate": "Obróć",
+  "Measure": "Zmierz",
+  "Marker": "Zaznacz",
+  "Save": "Zapisz",
+  "Filename:": "Nazwa pliku:",
+  "Image Format": "Format pliku:",
+  "Quality:": "Jakość",
+  "JPEG High": "JPEG wysoka",
+  "JPEG Medium": "JPEG średnia",
+  "JPEG Low": "JPEG niska",
+  "File saved.": "Zapisano plik.",
+  "File was not saved.": "Nie zapisano pliku.",
+  "Start X:": "Początek X:",
+  "Start Y:": "Początek Y:",
+  "Lock": "Zablokuj",
+  "Flip Image": "Odwróć",
+  "Flip Horizontal": "Odwróć poziomo",
+  "Flip Vertical": "Odwróć pionowo",
+  "Rotate Image": "Obróć",
+  "Rotate 180 °": "Obróć 180°",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CW": "Obróć 90° w prawo",
+  "Rotate 90 ° CCW": "Obróć 90° w lewo",
+  "Angle:": "Kąt:",
+  "W:": "L:",
+  "Clear": "Wyczyść",
+  "Loading": "Ładowanie",
+  "Invalid base directory:": "Nieprawidłowy katalog bazowy:",
+  'Delete file "$file"?': "$file\n\nUsunąć plik?",
+  "Please delete all files/folders inside the folder you wish to delete first.": "Najpierw usuń wszystkie pliki i podkatalogi katalogu.",
+  'Delete folder "$dir"?': "$dir\n\nUsunąć katalog ?",
+  "No Files Found": "Nie znaleziono plików",
+  "Invalid folder name, please choose another folder name.": "Nieprawidłowa nazwa katalogu, wybierz inną.",
+  "GIF format is not supported, image editing not supported.": "Brak obsługi plików GIF, edycja jest niemożliwa.",
+  "No Image Available": "Obrazek niedostępny",
+  "No Image selected.": "Nie zaznaczono obrazka.",
+  "Align": "Wyrównanie",
+  "Color": "Kolor",
+  "Border Color": "Kolor ramki",
+  "Alt": "Alt",
+  "File Name": "Nazwa pliku",
+  "Thumbnail View": "Miniaturki",
+  "List View": "Lista",
+  "Title (tooltip)": "Tytuł",
+  "Target Window": "Docelowe okno",
+  "Name": "Nazwa",
+  "Size": "Rozmiar",
+  "Date Modified": "Data ost.modyf.",
+  "Total Size": "Miejsce na serwerze",
+  "Free Space": "Pozostało",
+  "Positioning of this image" : "Wyrównanie tego obrazka na stronie",
+  "Insert File Link": "Wstaw odnośnik do pliku na serwerze",
+  "Untitled": "Bez_nazwy",
+  'Please enter name for new folder...': "Podaj nazwę nowego folderu...",
+  "You must select some text before making a new link.": "Zaznacz tekst przed dodaniem odnośnika.",
+  "Folder is not empty. Please delete all Files and Subfolders inside.": "Folder nie jest pusty. Najpierw usuń wszystkie pliki i podfoldery tego folderu.",
+  "Image Size": "Wymiary",
+  "Other" : "Inne...",
+  "Rename": "Zmień nazwę",
+  "Please enter new name for this file...": "Podaj nową nazwę dla tego pliku...",
+  "Unable to rename file. File of the same name already exists or\nfolder doesn't have write permission.": "Nie mogłem zmienić nazwy pliku. Plik o nowej nazwie już istnieje\nlub prak praw zapisu do katalogu.",
+  "Cancelled rename.": "Anulowano zmianę nazwy pliku.",
+  'File "$file" successfully uploaded.':  'Plik "$file" wgrano na serwer.',
+  "Cannot upload. Maximum folder size reached. Delete unwanted files and try again.":"Wgrywanie nie powiodło się.\n\nPrzekroczono dozwolony limit miejsca. Usuń niechciane pliki i spróbuj ponownie.",
+  "Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded.":"Wgrywanie nie powiodło się.\n\nPrzekroczono maksymalny rozmiar pliku [$max_size KB].",
+  "Cannot upload $extension Files. Permission denied.": "Nie można było wgrać pliku.\n\nNiedozwolone rozszerzenie pliku [$extension].",
+  "Unable to upload File. \nEither Maximum file size [$max_size KB] exceeded or\nFolder doesn\'t have write permission.":"Wgrywanie nie powiodło się.\n\nPrzekroczono maksymalny rozmiar pliku [$max_size KB] lub nie ma ustawionych praw zapisu do folderu.",
+  "Total Size : $max_foldersize_mb MB, Free Space: $free_space": "Dostępny limit: $max_foldersize_mb MB, Wolne: $free_space",
+  "Please enter new name for this folder...":"Please enter new name for this folder...",
+  "Cut":"Cut",
+  "Copy":"Copy",
+  "Paste":"Paste",
+  'Copy "$file" from "$dir" here': 'Copy "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Copy folder "$file" from "$dir" here' : 'Copy folder "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Move "$file" from "$dir" here':'Move "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  'Move folder "$file" from "$dir" here':'Move folder "$file" from "$dir" here',
+  "Source file/folder not found.":"Source file/folder not found.",
+  "Paste failed.\nMaybe folder doesn't have write permission.": "Paste failed.\nMaybe folder doesn't have write permission.",
+  "Could not create destination folder.":"Could not create destination folder.",
+  "Destination file/folder already exists.":"Destination file/folder already exists."
\ No newline at end of file

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