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Posted to by on 2012/09/11 01:57:44 UTC

[35/52] [abbrv] [partial] re-org
diff --git a/src/cordova-win8/js/file.js b/src/cordova-win8/js/file.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 80a7c93..0000000
--- a/src/cordova-win8/js/file.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1645 +0,0 @@
-var Metadata = function (time) {
-    this.modificationTime = (typeof time != 'undefined' ? new Date(time) : null);
-var FileSystemPersistentRoot = (function () {
-    var filePath = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder.path;
-    return filePath;
-var FileSystemTemproraryRoot = (function () {
-    var filePath = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.temporaryFolder.path;
-    return filePath;
-function LocalFileSystem() {
-LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY = 0;
-LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT = 1;
- /**
- * Look up file system Entry referred to by local URI.
- * @param {DOMString} uri  URI referring to a local file or directory
- * @param successCallback  invoked with Entry object corresponding to URI
- * @param errorCallback    invoked if error occurs retrieving file system entry
- */
-function resolveLocalFileSystemURI (uri, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-        // error callback
-    var fail = function(error) {
-        if (typeof errorCallback === 'function') {
-            errorCallback(new FileError(error));
-        }
-    };
-    // if successful, return either a file or directory entry
-    var success = function(entry) {
-        var result;
-        if (entry) {
-            if (typeof successCallback === 'function') {
-                // create appropriate Entry object
-                result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new DirectoryEntry(, entry.fullPath) : new FileEntry(, entry.fullPath);
-                try {
-                    successCallback(result);
-                }
-                catch (e) {
-                    console.log('Error invoking callback: ' + e);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            // no Entry object returned
-            fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-        }
-    };
-    var path = uri;
-    path = path.split(" ").join("\ ");
-    // support for file name with parameters
-    if (/\?/g.test(path)) {
-        path = String(path).split("\?")[0];
-    };
-    // support for encodeURI
-    if (/\%5/g.test(path)) {
-        path = decodeURI(path);
-    };
-    // support for special path start with file:/// 
-    if (path.substr(0, 8) == "file:///") {
-        path = FileSystemPersistentRoot + "\\" + String(path).substr(8).split("/").join("\\");
-        Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(path).then(
-            function (storageFile) {
-                success(new FileEntry(, storageFile.path));
-            },
-            function () {
-                Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(path).then(
-                    function (storageFolder) {
-                        success(new DirectoryEntry(, storageFolder.path));
-                    },
-                    function () {
-                        fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-                    }
-                )
-            }
-        )
-    } else {
-        Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(path).then(
-            function (storageFile) {
-                success(new FileEntry(, storageFile.path));
-            },
-            function () {
-                Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(path).then(
-                    function (storageFolder) {
-                        success(new DirectoryEntry(, storageFolder.path));
-                    },
-                    function () {
-                        fail(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);
-                    }
-                )
-            }
-        )
-    }
-function requestFileSystem(type, size, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var fail = function (code) {
-        if (typeof errorCallback === 'function') {
-            errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-        }
-    };
-    if (type < 0 || type > 3) {
-        fail(FileError.SYNTAX_ERR);
-        return;
-    }
-    // if successful, return a FileSystem object
-    var success = function (file_system) {
-        if (file_system) {
-            if (typeof successCallback === 'function') {
-                // grab the name and root from the file system object
-                var result = new FileSystem(, file_system.root);
-                successCallback(result);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            // no FileSystem object returned
-            fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-        }
-    };
-    var filePath = "";
-    var result = null;
-    var fsTypeName = "";
-    switch (type) {
-        case LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY:
-            filePath = FileSystemTemproraryRoot;
-            fsTypeName = "temporary";
-            break;
-        case LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT:
-            filePath = FileSystemPersistentRoot;
-            fsTypeName = "persistent";
-            break;
-    }
-    var MAX_SIZE = 10000000000;
-    if (size > MAX_SIZE) {
-        fail(FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR);
-        return;
-    }
-    var fileSystem = new FileSystem(fsTypeName, new DirectoryEntry(fsTypeName, filePath));
-    result = fileSystem;
-    success(result);
-function FileSystem(name, root) {
- = name || null;
-    if (root) {
-        this.root = new DirectoryEntry(, root.fullPath);
-    }
-function FileError(error) {
-    this.code = error || null;
-// File error codes
-// Found in DOMException
-FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;
-FileError.SECURITY_ERR = 2;
-FileError.ABORT_ERR = 3;
-// Added by File API specification
-FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR = 4;
-FileError.ENCODING_ERR = 5;
-FileError.SYNTAX_ERR = 8;
-FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 11;
-FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR = 12;
-function File(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size) {
- = name || '';
-    this.fullPath = fullPath || null;
-    this.type = type || null;
-    this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate || null;
-    this.size = size || 0;
-function Flags(create, exclusive) {
-    this.create = create || false;
-    this.exclusive = exclusive || false;
- * Represents a file or directory on the local file system.
- *
- * @param isFile
- *            {boolean} true if Entry is a file (readonly)
- * @param isDirectory
- *            {boolean} true if Entry is a directory (readonly)
- * @param name
- *            {DOMString} name of the file or directory, excluding the path
- *            leading to it (readonly)
- * @param fullPath
- *            {DOMString} the absolute full path to the file or directory
- *            (readonly)
- */
-function Entry(isFile, isDirectory, name, fullPath, fileSystem) {
-    this.isFile = (typeof isFile != 'undefined' ? isFile : false);
-    this.isDirectory = (typeof isDirectory != 'undefined' ? isDirectory : false);
- = name || '';
-    this.fullPath = fullPath || '';
-    this.filesystem = fileSystem || null;
- * Look up the metadata of the entry.
- *
- * @param successCallback
- *            {Function} is called with a Metadata object
- * @param errorCallback
- *            {Function} is called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.getMetadata = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var success = typeof successCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (lastModified) {
-        var metadata = new Metadata(lastModified);
-        successCallback(metadata);
-    };
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    if (this.isFile) {
-        Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(this.fullPath).done(
-            function (storageFile) {
-                storageFile.getBasicPropertiesAsync().then(
-                    function (basicProperties) {
-                        success(basicProperties.dateModified);
-                    },
-                    function () {
-                        fail(FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR);
-                    }
-                )
-            },
-            function () {
-                fail(FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR);
-            }
-        )
-    }
-    if (this.isDirectory) {
-        Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(this.fullPath).done(
-            function (storageFolder) {
-                storageFolder.getBasicPropertiesAsync().then(
-                    function (basicProperties) {
-                        success(basicProperties.dateModified);
-                    },
-                    function () {
-                        fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-                    }
-                );
-            },
-            function () {
-                fail(FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR);
-            }
-        )
-    }
- * Move a file or directory to a new location.
- *
- * @param parent
- *            {DirectoryEntry} the directory to which to move this entry
- * @param newName
- *            {DOMString} new name of the entry, defaults to the current name
- * @param successCallback
- *            {Function} called with the new DirectoryEntry object
- * @param errorCallback
- *            {Function} called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.moveTo = function (parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var fail = function (code) {
-        if (typeof errorCallback === 'function') {
-            errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-        }
-    };
-    // user must specify parent Entry
-    if (!parent) {
-        fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-        return;
-    }
-    // source path
-    var srcPath = this.fullPath,
-        // entry name
-        name = newName ||,
-        success = function (entry) {
-            if (entry) {
-                if (typeof successCallback === 'function') {
-                    // create appropriate Entry object
-                    var result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new DirectoryEntry(, entry.fullPath) : new FileEntry(, entry.fullPath);
-                    try {
-                        successCallback(result);
-                    }
-                    catch (e) {
-                        console.log('Error invoking callback: ' + e);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                // no Entry object returned
-                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            }
-        };
-    //name can't be invalid
-    if (/\?|\\|\*|\||\"|<|>|\:|\//g.test(name)) {
-        fail(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);
-        return;
-    };
-    var moveFiles = "";
-    if (this.isFile) {
-        moveFiles = function (srcPath, parentPath) {
-            Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(srcPath).then(function (storageFile) {
-                Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-                    storageFile.moveAsync(storageFolder, name, Windows.Storage.NameCollisionOption.replaceExisting).then(function () {
-                        success(new FileEntry(name, storageFile.path));
-                    }, function () {
-                        fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                    });
-                }, function () {
-                    fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-                });
-            },function () {
-                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            })
-        };
-    }
-    if (this.isDirectory) {
-        moveFiles = function (srcPath, parentPath) {
-            return new WinJS.Promise(function (complete) {
-                Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(srcPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-                    storageFolder.createFileQuery().getFilesAsync().then(function (fileList) {
-                        var filePromiseArr = [];
-                        Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function (dstStorageFolder) {
-                            if (fileList) {
-                                for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
-                                    filePromiseArr.push(fileList[i].moveAsync(dstStorageFolder));
-                                }
-                            }
-                            WinJS.Promise.join(filePromiseArr).then(function () {
-                                storageFolder.createFolderQuery().getFoldersAsync().then(function (folderList) {
-                                    var folderPromiseArr = [];
-                                    if (folderList.length == 0) {
-                                        // If failed, we must cancel the deletion of folders & files.So here wo can't delete the folder.
-                                        complete();
-                                    }
-                                    else {
-                                        Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function (storageFolderTarget) {
-                                            var tempPromiseArr = [];
-                                            var index = 0;
-                                            for (var j = 0; j < folderList.length; j++) {
-                                                tempPromiseArr[index++] = storageFolderTarget.createFolderAsync(folderList[j].name).then(function (targetFolder) {
-                                                    folderPromiseArr.push(moveFiles(folderList[j].path, targetFolder.path));
-                                                })
-                                            }
-                                            WinJS.Promise.join(tempPromiseArr).then(function () {
-                                                WinJS.Promise.join(folderPromiseArr).then(complete);
-                                            });
-                                        })
-                                    }
-                                })
-                            }, function () { })
-                        });
-                    })
-                });
-            })
-        }
-    }
-    // move
-    var isDirectory = this.isDirectory;
-    var isFile = this.isFile;
-    var moveFinish = function (srcPath, parentPath) {
-        if (isFile) {
-            //can't copy onto itself
-            if (srcPath == parentPath + "\\" + name) {
-                fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                return;
-            }
-            moveFiles(srcPath, parent.fullPath);
-        }
-        if (isDirectory) {
-            Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(srcPath).then(function (originFolder) {
-                Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-                    storageFolder.createFolderAsync(name, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.openIfExists).then(function (newStorageFolder) {
-                        //can't move onto directory that is not empty
-                        newStorageFolder.createFileQuery().getFilesAsync().then(function (fileList) {
-                            newStorageFolder.createFolderQuery().getFoldersAsync().then(function (folderList) {
-                                if (fileList.length != 0 || folderList.length != 0) {
-                                    fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                                    return;
-                                }
-                                //can't copy onto itself
-                                if (srcPath == newStorageFolder.path) {
-                                    fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                                    return;
-                                }
-                                //can't copy into itself
-                                if (srcPath == parentPath) {
-                                    fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                                    return;
-                                }
-                                moveFiles(srcPath, newStorageFolder.path).then(function () {
-                                    var successCallback = function () { success(new DirectoryEntry(name, newStorageFolder.path)); }
-                                    new DirectoryEntry(, originFolder.path).removeRecursively(successCallback, fail);
-                                }, function () { console.log("error!"); });
-                            })
-                        })
-                    }, function () { fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR) })
-                }, function () { fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR) })
-            }, function () { fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR); });
-        }
-    };
-    moveFinish(srcPath, parent.fullPath);
- * Copy a directory to a different location.
- *
- * @param parent
- *            {DirectoryEntry} the directory to which to copy the entry
- * @param newName
- *            {DOMString} new name of the entry, defaults to the current name
- * @param successCallback
- *            {Function} called with the new Entry object
- * @param errorCallback
- *            {Function} called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.copyTo = function (parent, newName, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var fail = function (code) {
-        if (typeof errorCallback === 'function') {
-            errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-        }
-    };
-    // user must specify parent Entry
-    if (!parent) {
-        fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-        return;
-    }
-    // source path
-    var srcPath = this.fullPath,
-        // entry name
-        name = newName ||,
-        // success callback
-        success = function (entry) {
-            if (entry) {
-                if (typeof successCallback === 'function') {
-                    // create appropriate Entry object
-                    var result = (entry.isDirectory) ? new DirectoryEntry(, entry.fullPath) : new FileEntry(, entry.fullPath);
-                    try {
-                        successCallback(result);
-                    }
-                    catch (e) {
-                        console.log('Error invoking callback: ' + e);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                // no Entry object returned
-                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            }
-        };
-    //name can't be invalid
-    if (/\?|\\|\*|\||\"|<|>|\:|\//g.test(name)) {
-        fail(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);
-        return;
-    };
-    // copy
-    var copyFiles = "";
-    if (this.isFile) {
-        copyFiles = function (srcPath, parentPath) {
-            Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(srcPath).then(function (storageFile) {
-                Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-                    storageFile.copyAsync(storageFolder, name, Windows.Storage.NameCollisionOption.failIfExists).then(function (storageFile) {
-                        success(new FileEntry(, storageFile.path));
-                    }, function () {
-                        fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                    });
-                }, function () {
-                    fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-                });
-            }, function () {
-                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            })
-        };
-    }
-    if (this.isDirectory) {
-        copyFiles = function (srcPath, parentPath) {
-            return new WinJS.Promise(function (complete) {
-                Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(srcPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-                    storageFolder.createFileQuery().getFilesAsync().then(function (fileList) {
-                        var filePromiseArr = [];
-                        if (fileList) {
-                            Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function (targetStorageFolder) {
-                                for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
-                                    filePromiseArr.push(fileList[i].copyAsync(targetStorageFolder));
-                                }
-                                WinJS.Promise.join(filePromiseArr).then(function () {
-                                    storageFolder.createFolderQuery().getFoldersAsync().then(function (folderList) {
-                                        var folderPromiseArr = [];
-                                        if (folderList.length == 0) { complete(); }
-                                        else {
-                                            Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function (storageFolderTarget) {
-                                                var tempPromiseArr = [];
-                                                var index = 0;
-                                                for (var j = 0; j < folderList.length; j++) {
-                                                    tempPromiseArr[index++] = storageFolderTarget.createFolderAsync(folderList[j].name).then(function (targetFolder) {
-                                                        folderPromiseArr.push(copyFiles(folderList[j].path, targetFolder.path));
-                                                    })
-                                                }
-                                                WinJS.Promise.join(tempPromiseArr).then(function () {
-                                                    WinJS.Promise.join(folderPromiseArr).then(complete);
-                                                });
-                                            })
-                                        }
-                                    })
-                                })
-                            })
-                        }
-                    })
-                })
-            })
-        }
-    }
-    // copy
-    var isFile = this.isFile;
-    var isDirectory = this.isDirectory;
-    var copyFinish = function (srcPath, parentPath) {
-        if (isFile) {
-            copyFiles(srcPath, parentPath);
-        }
-        if (isDirectory) {
-            Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function(storageFolder){
-                storageFolder.createFolderAsync(name, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.openIfExists).then(function (newStorageFolder) {
-                    //can't copy onto itself
-                    if (srcPath == newStorageFolder.path) {
-                        fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    //can't copy into itself
-                    if (srcPath == parentPath) {
-                        fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    copyFiles(srcPath, newStorageFolder.path).then(function () {
-                        Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(newStorageFolder.path).done(
-                            function (storageFolder) {
-                            success(new DirectoryEntry(, storageFolder.path));
-                            },
-                            function () { fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR) }
-                        )
-                    })
-                }, function () { fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR); })
-            }, function () { fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);})
-        }
-    };
-    copyFinish(srcPath, parent.fullPath);
- * Return a URL that can be used to identify this entry.
- */
-Entry.prototype.toURL = function () {
-    // fullPath attribute contains the full URL
-    return this.fullPath;
- * Returns a URI that can be used to identify this entry.
- *
- * @param {DOMString} mimeType for a FileEntry, the mime type to be used to interpret the file, when loaded through this URI.
- * @return uri
- */
-Entry.prototype.toURI = function (mimeType) {
-    console.log("DEPRECATED: Update your code to use 'toURL'");
-    // fullPath attribute contains the full URI
-    return this.fullPath;
- * Remove a file or directory. It is an error to attempt to delete a
- * directory that is not empty. It is an error to attempt to delete a
- * root directory of a file system.
- *
- * @param successCallback {Function} called with no parameters
- * @param errorCallback {Function} called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.remove = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    if (this.isFile) {
-        Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(this.fullPath).done(function (storageFile) {
-            storageFile.deleteAsync().done(successCallback, function () {
-                fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-            });
-        });
-    }
-    if (this.isDirectory) {
-        var fullPath = this.fullPath;
-        var removeEntry = function () {
-            var storageFolder = null;
-            Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(fullPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-                //FileSystem root can't be removed!
-                var storageFolderPer = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder;
-                var storageFolderTem = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.temporaryFolder;
-                if (fullPath == storageFolderPer.path || fullPath == storageFolderTem.path) {
-                    fail(FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
-                    return;
-                }
-                storageFolder.createFileQuery().getFilesAsync().then(function (fileList) {
-                    if (fileList.length == 0) {
-                        storageFolder.createFolderQuery().getFoldersAsync().then(function (folderList) {
-                            if (folderList.length == 0) {
-                                storageFolder.deleteAsync().done(successCallback, function () {
-                                    fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                                });
-                            } else {
-                                fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                            }
-                        })
-                    } else {
-                        fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-                    }
-                });
-            }, function () {
-                fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-            })
-        }
-        removeEntry();
-    }
- * Look up the parent DirectoryEntry of this entry.
- *
- * @param successCallback {Function} called with the parent DirectoryEntry object
- * @param errorCallback {Function} called with a FileError
- */
-Entry.prototype.getParent = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var win = typeof successCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (result) {
-        var entry = new DirectoryEntry(, result.fullPath);
-        successCallback(entry);
-    };
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    var fullPath = this.fullPath;
-    var storageFolderPer = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder;
-    var storageFolderTem = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.temporaryFolder;
-    if (fullPath == FileSystemPersistentRoot) {
-        win(new DirectoryEntry(, storageFolderPer.path));
-        return;
-    } else if (fullPath == FileSystemTemproraryRoot) {
-        win(new DirectoryEntry(, storageFolderTem.path));
-        return;
-    }
-    var splitArr = fullPath.split(new RegExp(/\/|\\/g));
-    var popItem = splitArr.pop();
-    var result = new DirectoryEntry(popItem, fullPath.substr(0, fullPath.length - popItem.length - 1));
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(result.fullPath).done(
-        function () { win(result) },
-        function () { fail(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR) }
-    );
-function FileEntry(name, fullPath) {
-    FileEntry.__super__.constructor.apply(this, [true, false, name, fullPath]);
-utils.extend(FileEntry, Entry);
- * Creates a new FileWriter associated with the file that this FileEntry represents.
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new FileWriter
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-FileEntry.prototype.createWriter = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    this.file(function (filePointer) {
-        var writer = new FileWriter(filePointer);
-        if (writer.fileName === null || writer.fileName === "") {
-            if (typeof errorCallback === "function") {
-                errorCallback(new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR));
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (typeof successCallback === "function") {
-                successCallback(writer);
-            }
-        }
-    }, errorCallback);
- * Returns a File that represents the current state of the file that this FileEntry represents.
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new File object
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-FileEntry.prototype.file = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var win = typeof successCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (f) {
-        var file = new File(, f.fullPath, f.type, f.lastModifiedDate, f.size);
-        successCallback(file);
-    };
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(this.fullPath).done(function (storageFile) {
-        storageFile.getBasicPropertiesAsync().then(function (basicProperties) {
-            win(new File(, storageFile.path, storageFile.fileType, basicProperties.dateModified, basicProperties.size));
-        }, function () {
-            fail(FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR);
-        })
-    }, function () { fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR) })
- * An interface representing a directory on the file system.
- *
- * {boolean} isFile always false (readonly)
- * {boolean} isDirectory always true (readonly)
- * {DOMString} name of the directory, excluding the path leading to it (readonly)
- * {DOMString} fullPath the absolute full path to the directory (readonly)
- * {FileSystem} filesystem on which the directory resides (readonly)
- */
-function DirectoryEntry(name, fullPath) {
-    DirectoryEntry.__super__.constructor.apply(this, [false, true, name, fullPath]);
-utils.extend(DirectoryEntry, Entry);
-     * Creates a new DirectoryReader to read entries from this directory
-     */
-DirectoryEntry.prototype.createReader = function () {
-    return new DirectoryReader(this.fullPath);
-     * Creates or looks up a directory
-     *
-     * @param {DOMString} path either a relative or absolute path from this directory in which to look up or create a directory
-     * @param {Flags} options to create or excluively create the directory
-     * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new entry
-     * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
-     */
-DirectoryEntry.prototype.getDirectory = function (path, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var flag = "";
-    if (options != null) {
-        flag = new Flags(options.create, options.exclusive);
-    } else {
-        flag = new Flags(false, false);
-    }
-    var win = typeof successCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (result) {
-        var entry = new DirectoryEntry(, result.fullPath);
-        successCallback(entry);
-    };
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    path = String(path).split(" ").join("\ ");
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(this.fullPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-        if (flag.create == true && flag.exclusive == true) {
-            storageFolder.createFolderAsync(path, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.failIfExists).done(function (storageFolder) {
-                win(new DirectoryEntry(, storageFolder.path))
-            }, function () {
-                fail(FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR);
-            })
-        }
-        else if (flag.create == true && flag.exclusive == false) {
-            storageFolder.createFolderAsync(path, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.openIfExists).done(function (storageFolder) {
-                win(new DirectoryEntry(, storageFolder.path))
-            }, function () {
-                fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-            })
-        }
-        else if (flag.create == false) {
-            if (/\?|\\|\*|\||\"|<|>|\:|\//g.test(path)) {
-                fail(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);
-                return;
-            };
-            storageFolder.getFolderAsync(path).done(function (storageFolder) {
-                win(new DirectoryEntry(, storageFolder.path))
-            }, function () {
-                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            })
-        }
-    }, function () {
-        fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR)
-    })
-     * Deletes a directory and all of it's contents
-     *
-     * @param {Function} successCallback is called with no parameters
-     * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
-     */
-DirectoryEntry.prototype.removeRecursively = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(this.fullPath).done(function (storageFolder) {
-        var storageFolderPer = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder;
-        var storageFolderTem = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.temporaryFolder;
-        if (storageFolder.path == storageFolderPer.path || storageFolder.path == storageFolderTem.path) {
-            fail(FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
-            return;
-        }
-        var removeFolders = function (path) {
-            return new WinJS.Promise(function (complete) {
-                Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(path).then(function (storageFolder) {
-                    var fileListPromise = storageFolder.createFileQuery().getFilesAsync();
-                    var filePromiseArr = [];
-                    fileListPromise.then(function (fileList) {
-                        if (fileList != null) {
-                            for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
-                                var filePromise = fileList[i].deleteAsync();
-                                filePromiseArr.push(filePromise);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        WinJS.Promise.join(filePromiseArr).then(function () {
-                            var folderListPromise = storageFolder.createFolderQuery().getFoldersAsync();
-                            folderListPromise.then(function (folderList) {
-                                var folderPromiseArr = [];
-                                if (folderList.length != 0) {
-                                    for (var j = 0; j < folderList.length; j++) {
-                                        folderPromiseArr.push(removeFolders(folderList[j].path));
-                                    }
-                                    WinJS.Promise.join(folderPromiseArr).then(function () {
-                                        storageFolder.deleteAsync().then(complete);
-                                    });
-                                } else {
-                                    storageFolder.deleteAsync().then(complete);
-                                }
-                            }, function () { });
-                       });
-                    }, function () { })
-                });
-            });
-        }   
-        removeFolders(storageFolder.path).then(function () {
-            Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(storageFolder.path).then(
-                function () {
-                }, 
-                function () {
-                    if (typeof successCallback != 'undefined' && successCallback != null) { successCallback(); }
-                })
-        });
-    })
-     * Creates or looks up a file
-     *
-     * @param {DOMString} path either a relative or absolute path from this directory in which to look up or create a file
-     * @param {Flags} options to create or excluively create the file
-     * @param {Function} successCallback is called with the new entry
-     * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
-     */
-DirectoryEntry.prototype.getFile = function (path, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var flag = "";
-    if (options != null) {
-        flag = new Flags(options.create, options.exclusive);
-    } else {
-        flag = new Flags(false, false);
-    }
-    var win = typeof successCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (result) {
-        var entry = new FileEntry(, result.fullPath);
-        successCallback(entry);
-    };
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    path = String(path).split(" ").join("\ ");
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(this.fullPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-        if (flag.create == true && flag.exclusive == true) {
-            storageFolder.createFileAsync(path, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.failIfExists).done(function (storageFile) {
-                win(new FileEntry(, storageFile.path))
-            }, function () {
-                fail(FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR);
-            })
-        }
-        else if (flag.create == true && flag.exclusive == false) {
-            storageFolder.createFileAsync(path, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.openIfExists).done(function (storageFile) {
-                win(new FileEntry(, storageFile.path))
-            }, function () {
-                fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-            })
-        }
-        else if (flag.create == false) {
-            if (/\?|\\|\*|\||\"|<|>|\:|\//g.test(path)) {
-                fail(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);
-                return;
-            };
-            storageFolder.getFileAsync(path).done(function (storageFile) {
-                win(new FileEntry(, storageFile.path))
-            }, function () {
-                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-            })
-        }
-    }, function () {
-        fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR)
-    })
-var ProgressEvent = (function() {
-        return function ProgressEvent(type, dict) {
-            this.type = type;
-            this.bubbles = false;
-            this.cancelBubble = false;
-            this.cancelable = false;
-            this.lengthComputable = false;
-            this.loaded = dict && dict.loaded ? dict.loaded : 0;
-   = dict && ? : 0;
-   = dict && ? : null;
-        };
- * This class reads the mobile device file system.
- *
- * For Android:
- *      The root directory is the root of the file system.
- *      To read from the SD card, the file name is "sdcard/my_file.txt"
- * @constructor
- */
-function FileReader() {
-    this.fileName = "";
-    this.readyState = 0; // FileReader.EMPTY
-    // File data
-    this.result = null;
-    // Error
-    this.error = null;
-    // Event handlers
-    this.onloadstart = null;    // When the read starts.
-    this.onprogress = null;     // While reading (and decoding) file or fileBlob data, and reporting partial file data (progess.loaded/
-    this.onload = null;         // When the read has successfully completed.
-    this.onerror = null;        // When the read has failed (see errors).
-    this.onloadend = null;      // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).
-    this.onabort = null;        // When the read has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.
-// States
-FileReader.EMPTY = 0;
-FileReader.LOADING = 1;
-FileReader.DONE = 2;
- * Abort reading file.
- */
-FileReader.prototype.abort = function () {
-    this.result = null;
-    if (this.readyState == FileReader.DONE || this.readyState == FileReader.EMPTY) {
-        return;
-    }
-    this.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-    // If abort callback
-    if (typeof this.onabort === 'function') {
-        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent('abort', { target: this }));
-    }
-    // If load end callback
-    if (typeof this.onloadend === 'function') {
-        this.onloadend(new ProgressEvent('loadend', { target: this }));
-    }
- * Read text file.
- *
- * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties
- * @param encoding      [Optional] (see
- */
-FileReader.prototype.readAsText = function (file, encoding) {
-    // Figure out pathing
-    this.fileName = '';
-    if (typeof file.fullPath === 'undefined') {
-        this.fileName = file;
-    } else {
-        this.fileName = file.fullPath;
-    }
-    // Already loading something
-    if (this.readyState == FileReader.LOADING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // LOADING state
-    this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING;
-    // If loadstart callback
-    if (typeof this.onloadstart === "function") {
-        this.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent("loadstart", { target: this }));
-    }
-    // Default encoding is UTF-8
-    var enc = encoding ? encoding : "Utf8";
-    var me = this;
-    // Read file
-        // Success callback
-    var win = function (r) {
-        // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-        if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // Save result
-        me.result = r;
-        // If onload callback
-        if (typeof me.onload === "function") {
-            me.onload(new ProgressEvent("load", { target: me }));
-        }
-        // DONE state
-        me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-        // If onloadend callback
-        if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-            me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", { target: me }));
-        }
-    };
-        // Error callback
-    var fail = function (e) {
-            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-            if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // DONE state
-            me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-            // null result
-            me.result = null;
-            // Save error
-            me.error = new FileError(e);
-            // If onerror callback
-            if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", { target: me }));
-            }
-            // If onloadend callback
-            if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", { target: me }));
-            }
-    };
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(this.fileName).done(function (storageFile) {
-        var value = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.utf8;
-        if(enc == 'Utf16LE' || enc == 'utf16LE'){
-            value = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.utf16LE;
-        }else if(enc == 'Utf16BE' || enc == 'utf16BE'){
-            value = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.utf16BE;
-        }
-        Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(storageFile, value).done(function (fileContent) {
-			win(fileContent);
-        }, function () { fail(FileError.ENCODING_ERR) });
-    }, function () { fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR) })
- * Read file and return data as a base64 encoded data url.
- * A data url is of the form:
- *      data:[<mediatype>][;base64],<data>
- *
- * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties
- */
-FileReader.prototype.readAsDataURL = function (file) {
-    this.fileName = "";
-    if (typeof file.fullPath === "undefined") {
-        this.fileName = file;
-    } else {
-        this.fileName = file.fullPath;
-    }
-    // Already loading something
-    if (this.readyState == FileReader.LOADING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // LOADING state
-    this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING;
-    // If loadstart callback
-    if (typeof this.onloadstart === "function") {
-        this.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent("loadstart", { target: this }));
-    }
-    var me = this;
-    // Read file
-        // Success callback
-    var win = function (r) {
-        // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-        if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // DONE state
-        me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-        // Save result
-        me.result = r;
-        // If onload callback
-        if (typeof me.onload === "function") {
-            me.onload(new ProgressEvent("load", { target: me }));
-        }
-        // If onloadend callback
-        if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-            me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", { target: me }));
-        }
-    };
-        // Error callback
-    var fail = function (e) {
-        // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-        if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // DONE state
-        me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;
-        me.result = null;
-        // Save error
-        me.error = new FileError(e);
-        // If onerror callback
-        if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-            me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", { target: me }));
-        }
-        // If onloadend callback
-        if (typeof me.onloadend === "function") {
-            me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent("loadend", { target: me }));
-        }
-    };
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(this.fileName).then(function (storageFile) {
-        Windows.Storage.FileIO.readBufferAsync(storageFile).done(function (buffer) {
-            var strBase64 = Windows.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicBuffer.encodeToBase64String(buffer);
-            //the method encodeToBase64String will add "77u/" as a prefix, so we should remove it
-            if(String(strBase64).substr(0,4) == "77u/"){
-                strBase64 = strBase64.substr(4);
-            }
-            var mediaType = storageFile.contentType;
-            var result = "data:" + mediaType + ";base64," + strBase64;
-			win(result);
-        })
-    }, function () { fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR) });
- * Read file and return data as a binary data.
- *
- * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties
- */
-FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function (file) {
-    // TODO - Can't return binary data to browser.
-    console.log('method "readAsBinaryString" is not supported in cordova API.');
- * Read file and return data as a binary data.
- *
- * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties
- */
-FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer = function (file) {
-    // TODO - Can't return binary data to browser.
-    console.log('This method is not supported in cordova API.');
-function DirectoryReader(path) {
-    this.path = path || null;
- * Returns a list of entries from a directory.
- *
- * @param {Function} successCallback is called with a list of entries
- * @param {Function} errorCallback is called with a FileError
- */
-DirectoryReader.prototype.readEntries = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var win = typeof successCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (result) {
-        var retVal = [];
-        for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
-            var entry = null;
-            if (result[i].isDirectory) {
-                entry = new DirectoryEntry();
-            }
-            else if (result[i].isFile) {
-                entry = new FileEntry();
-            }
-            entry.isDirectory = result[i].isDirectory;
-            entry.isFile = result[i].isFile;
-   = result[i].name;
-            entry.fullPath = result[i].fullPath;
-            retVal.push(entry);
-        }
-        successCallback(retVal);
-    };
-    var fail = typeof errorCallback !== 'function' ? null : function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileError(code));
-    };
-    var result = new Array();
-    var path = this.path;
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(path).then(function (storageFolder) {
-        var promiseArr = [];
-        var index = 0;
-        promiseArr[index++] = storageFolder.createFileQuery().getFilesAsync().then(function (fileList) {
-            if (fileList != null) {
-                for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
-                    result.push(new FileEntry(fileList[i].name, fileList[i].path));
-                }
-            }
-        })
-        promiseArr[index++] = storageFolder.createFolderQuery().getFoldersAsync().then(function (folderList) {
-            if (folderList != null) {
-                for (var j = 0; j < folderList.length; j++) {
-                    result.push(new FileEntry(folderList[j].name, folderList[j].path));
-                }
-            }
-        })
-        WinJS.Promise.join(promiseArr).then(function () {
-            win(result);
-        })
-    }, function () { fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR) })
-function FileWriter(file) {
-    this.fileName = "";
-    this.length = 0;
-    if (file) {
-        this.fileName = file.fullPath || file;
-        this.length = file.size || 0;
-    }
-    // default is to write at the beginning of the file
-    this.position = 0;
-    this.readyState = 0; // EMPTY
-    this.result = null;
-    // Error
-    this.error = null;
-    // Event handlers
-    this.onwritestart = null;   // When writing starts
-    this.onprogress = null;     // While writing the file, and reporting partial file data
-    this.onwrite = null;        // When the write has successfully completed.
-    this.onwriteend = null;     // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).
-    this.onabort = null;        // When the write has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.
-    this.onerror = null;        // When the write has failed (see errors).
-// States
-FileWriter.INIT = 0;
-FileWriter.WRITING = 1;
-FileWriter.DONE = 2;
- * Abort writing file.
- */
-FileWriter.prototype.abort = function () {
-    // check for invalid state
-    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.DONE || this.readyState === FileWriter.INIT) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // set error
-    this.error = new FileError(FileError.ABORT_ERR);
-    this.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-    // If abort callback
-    if (typeof this.onabort === "function") {
-        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent("abort", { "target": this }));
-    }
-    // If write end callback
-    if (typeof this.onwriteend === "function") {
-        this.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", { "target": this }));
-    }
- * Writes data to the file
- *
- * @param text to be written
- */
-FileWriter.prototype.write = function (text) {
-    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file
-    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // WRITING state
-    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;
-    var me = this;
-    // If onwritestart callback
-    if (typeof me.onwritestart === "function") {
-        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent("writestart", { "target": me }));
-    }
-    // Write file
-        // Success callback
-    var win = function (r) {
-        // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-        if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // position always increases by bytes written because file would be extended
-        me.position += r;
-        // The length of the file is now where we are done writing.
-        me.length = me.position;
-        // DONE state
-        me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-        // If onwrite callback
-        if (typeof me.onwrite === "function") {
-            me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent("write", { "target": me }));
-        }
-        // If onwriteend callback
-        if (typeof me.onwriteend === "function") {
-            me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", { "target": me }));
-        }
-    };
-        // Error callback
-    var fail = function (e) {
-        // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-        if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // DONE state
-        me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-        // Save error
-        me.error = new FileError(e);
-        // If onerror callback
-        if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-            me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", { "target": me }));
-        }
-        // If onwriteend callback
-        if (typeof me.onwriteend === "function") {
-            me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", { "target": me }));
-        }
-    }; 
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(this.fileName).done(function (storageFile) {
-        Windows.Storage.FileIO.writeTextAsync(storageFile,text,Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.utf8).done(function(){
-            win(String(text).length);
-        }, function () {
-            fail(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR);
-        });
-    },function(){
-        fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR)
-    })
- * Moves the file pointer to the location specified.
- *
- * If the offset is a negative number the position of the file
- * pointer is rewound.  If the offset is greater than the file
- * size the position is set to the end of the file.
- *
- * @param offset is the location to move the file pointer to.
- */ = function (offset) {
-    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file
-    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    if (!offset && offset !== 0) {
-        return;
-    }
-    // See back from end of file.
-    if (offset < 0) {
-        this.position = Math.max(offset + this.length, 0);
-    }
-        // Offset is bigger then file size so set position
-        // to the end of the file.
-    else if (offset > this.length) {
-        this.position = this.length;
-    }
-            // Offset is between 0 and file size so set the position
-            // to start writing.
-    else {
-        this.position = offset;
-    }
- * Truncates the file to the size specified.
- *
- * @param size to chop the file at.
- */
-FileWriter.prototype.truncate = function (size) {
-    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file
-    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {
-        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // WRITING state
-    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;
-    var me = this;
-    // If onwritestart callback
-    if (typeof me.onwritestart === "function") {
-        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent("writestart", { "target": this }));
-    }
-    // Write file
-        // Success callback
-    var win = function (r) {
-        // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-        if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // DONE state
-        me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-        // Update the length of the file
-        me.length = r;
-        me.position = Math.min(me.position, r);
-        // If onwrite callback
-        if (typeof me.onwrite === "function") {
-            me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent("write", { "target": me }));
-        }
-        // If onwriteend callback
-        if (typeof me.onwriteend === "function") {
-            me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", { "target": me }));
-        }
-    };
-        // Error callback
-    var fail = function (e) {
-        // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything
-        if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // DONE state
-        me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;
-        // Save error
-        me.error = new FileError(e);
-        // If onerror callback
-        if (typeof me.onerror === "function") {
-            me.onerror(new ProgressEvent("error", { "target": me }));
-        }
-        // If onwriteend callback
-        if (typeof me.onwriteend === "function") {
-            me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent("writeend", { "target": me }));
-        }
-    };
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(this.fileName).done(function(storageFile){
-        //the current length of the file.
-        var leng = 0;
-        storageFile.getBasicPropertiesAsync().then(function (basicProperties) {
-            leng = basicProperties.size;
-            if (Number(size) >= leng) {
-                win(this.length);
-                return;
-            }
-            if (Number(size) >= 0) {
-                Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(storageFile, Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.utf8).then(function (fileContent) {
-                    fileContent = fileContent.substr(0, size);
-                    var fullPath = storageFile.path;
-                    var name =;
-                    var entry = new Entry(true, false, name, fullPath);
-                    var parentPath = "";
-                    do {
-                        var successCallBack = function (entry) {
-                            parentPath = entry.fullPath;
-                        }
-                        entry.getParent(successCallBack, null);
-                    }
-                    while (parentPath == "");
-                    storageFile.deleteAsync().then(function () {
-                        Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(parentPath).then(function (storageFolder) {
-                            storageFolder.createFileAsync(name).then(function (newStorageFile) {
-                                Windows.Storage.FileIO.writeTextAsync(newStorageFile, fileContent).done(function () {
-                                    win(String(fileContent).length);
-                                }, function () {
-                                    fail(FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);
-                                });
-                            })
-                        })
-                    })
-                }, function () { fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR) });
-            }
-        })
-    }, function () { fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR) })
diff --git a/src/cordova-win8/js/filetransfer.js b/src/cordova-win8/js/filetransfer.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 294590e..0000000
--- a/src/cordova-win8/js/filetransfer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-function FileTransferError (code , source , target) {
-    this.code = code || null;
-    this.source = source || null;
- = target || null;
-FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;
-FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR = 2;
-FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR = 3;
- * FileTransfer uploads a file to a remote server.
- * @constructor
- */
-function FileTransfer() { };
-* Given an absolute file path, uploads a file on the device to a remote server
-* using a multipart HTTP request.
-* @param filePath {String}           Full path of the file on the device
-* @param server {String}             URL of the server to receive the file
-* @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed
-* @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error
-* @param options {FileUploadOptions} Optional parameters such as file name and mimetype
-FileTransfer.prototype.upload = function (filePath, server, successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-    // check for options
-    var fileKey = null;
-    var fileName = null;
-    var mimeType = null;
-    var params = null;
-    var chunkedMode = true;
-    if (options) {
-        fileKey = options.fileKey;
-        fileName = options.fileName;
-        mimeType = options.mimeType;
-        if (options.chunkedMode !== null || typeof options.chunkedMode !== "undefined") {
-            chunkedMode = options.chunkedMode;
-        }
-        if (options.params) {
-            params = options.params;
-        }
-        else {
-            params = {};
-        }
-    }
-    var error = function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileTransferError(code));
-    }
-    var win = function (fileUploadResult) {
-        successCallback(fileUploadResult);
-    }
-    if (filePath == null || typeof filePath == 'undefined') {
-        error(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (String(filePath).substr(0, 8) == "file:///") {
-        filePath = FileSystemPersistentRoot + String(filePath).substr(8).split("/").join("\\");
-    }
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromPathAsync(filePath).then(function (storageFile) {
-        storageFile.openAsync( (stream) {
-            var blob = MSApp.createBlobFromRandomAccessStream(storageFile.contentType, stream);
-            var formData = new FormData();
-            formData.append("source\";filename=\"" + + "\"", blob);
-            WinJS.xhr({ type: "POST", url: server, data: formData }).then(function (response) {
-                var code = response.status;
-                storageFile.getBasicPropertiesAsync().done(function (basicProperties) {
-                    Windows.Storage.FileIO.readBufferAsync(storageFile).done(function (buffer) {
-                        var dataReader = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.fromBuffer(buffer);
-                        var fileContent = dataReader.readString(buffer.length);
-                        dataReader.close();
-                        win(new FileUploadResult(basicProperties.size, code, fileContent));
-                    })
-                })
-            }, function () {
-                error(FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR);
-            })
-        })
-    },function(){error(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR);})
- * Downloads a file form a given URL and saves it to the specified directory.
- * @param source {String}          URL of the server to receive the file
- * @param target {String}         Full path of the file on the device
- * @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed
- * @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error
- */ = function (source, target, successCallback, errorCallback) {
-    var win = function (result) {
-        var entry = null;
-        if (result.isDirectory) {
-            entry = new DirectoryEntry();
-        }
-        else if (result.isFile) {
-            entry = new FileEntry();
-        }
-        entry.isDirectory = result.isDirectory;
-        entry.isFile = result.isFile;
- =;
-        entry.fullPath = result.fullPath;
-        successCallback(entry);
-    };
-    var error = function (code) {
-        errorCallback(new FileTransferError(code));
-    }
-    if (target == null || typeof target == undefined) {
-        error(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (String(target).substr(0, 8) == "file:///") {
-        target = FileSystemPersistentRoot + String(target).substr(8).split("/").join("\\");
-    }
-    var path = target.substr(0, String(target).lastIndexOf("\\"));
-    var fileName = target.substr(String(target).lastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
-    if (path == null || fileName == null) {
-        error(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR);
-        return;
-    }
-    var download = null;
-    Windows.Storage.StorageFolder.getFolderFromPathAsync(path).then(function (storageFolder) {
-        storageFolder.createFileAsync(fileName, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.generateUniqueName).then(function (storageFile) {
-            var uri = Windows.Foundation.Uri(source);
-            var downloader = new Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundDownloader();
-            download = downloader.createDownload(uri, storageFile);
-            download.startAsync().then(function () {
-                win(new FileEntry(, storageFile.path));
-            }, function () {
-                error(FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR);
-            });
-        })
-    })
- * Options to customize the HTTP request used to upload files.
- * @constructor
- * @param fileKey {String}   Name of file request parameter.
- * @param fileName {String}  Filename to be used by the server. Defaults to image.jpg.
- * @param mimeType {String}  Mimetype of the uploaded file. Defaults to image/jpeg.
- * @param params {Object}    Object with key: value params to send to the server.
- */
-function FileUploadOptions (fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params) {
-    this.fileKey = fileKey || null;
-    this.fileName = fileName || null;
-    this.mimeType = mimeType || null;
-    this.params = params || null;
- * FileUploadResult
- * @constructor
- */
-function FileUploadResult (bytesSent , responseCode , response) {
-    this.bytesSent = bytesSent || 0;
-    this.responseCode = responseCode || null;
-    this.response = response || null;
diff --git a/src/cordova-win8/js/geolocation.js b/src/cordova-win8/js/geolocation.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 6a97b61..0000000
--- a/src/cordova-win8/js/geolocation.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
- * This class contains position information.
- * @param {Object} lat
- * @param {Object} lng
- * @param {Object} alt
- * @param {Object} acc
- * @param {Object} head
- * @param {Object} vel
- * @param {Object} altacc
- * @constructor
- */
-function Coordinates(lat, lng, alt, acc, head, vel, altacc) {
-    /**
-     * The latitude of the position.
-     */
-    this.latitude = lat;
-    /**
-     * The longitude of the position,
-     */
-    this.longitude = lng;
-    /**
-     * The accuracy of the position.
-     */
-    this.accuracy = acc;
-    /**
-     * The altitude of the position.
-     */
-    this.altitude = alt;
-    /**
-     * The direction the device is moving at the position.
-     */
-    this.heading = head;
-    /**
-     * The velocity with which the device is moving at the position.
-     */
-    this.speed = vel;
-    /**
-     * The altitude accuracy of the position.
-     */
-    this.altitudeAccuracy = (altacc !== undefined) ? altacc : null;
- * Position error object
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param code
- * @param message
- */
-function PositionError(code, message) {
-    this.code = code || null;
-    this.message = message || '';
-PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1;
-PositionError.TIMEOUT = 3;
-function Position(coords, timestamp) {
-    this.coords = new Coordinates(coords.latitude, coords.longitude, coords.altitude, coords.accuracy, coords.heading, coords.speed, coords.altitudeAccuracy);
-    this.timestamp = (timestamp !== undefined) ? timestamp : new Date().getTime();
-var geolocationTimers = {};   // list of timers in use
-// Returns default params, overrides if provided with values
-function geolocationOptions(options) {
-    var opt = {
-        maximumAge: 10000,
-        enableHighAccuracy: false,
-        timeout: 10000
-    };
-    if (options) {
-        if (options.maximumAge !== undefined) {
-            opt.maximumAge = options.maximumAge;
-        }
-        if (options.enableHighAccuracy !== undefined) {
-            opt.enableHighAccuracy = options.enableHighAccuracy;
-        }
-        if (options.timeout !== undefined) {
-            opt.timeout = options.timeout;
-        }
-    }
-    return opt;
- * This class provides access to device GPS data.
- * @constructor
- */
-function Geolocation() { }
-   * Asynchronously aquires the current position.
-   *
-   * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the position data is available
-   * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the heading position. (OPTIONAL)
-   * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the position data. (OPTIONAL)
-   */
-Geolocation.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function (successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-    options = geolocationOptions(options);
-    var win = function (p) {
-        successCallback(new Position(
-                {
-                    latitude: p.latitude,
-                    longitude: p.longitude,
-                    altitude: p.altitude,
-                    accuracy: p.accuracy,
-                    heading: p.heading,
-                    speed: p.speed,
-                    altitudeAccuracy: p.altitudeAccuracy
-                },
-                p.timestamp || new Date()
-            ));
-    };
-    var fail = function (e) {
-        errorCallback(new PositionError(e.code, e.message));
-    };
-    if (options.timeout <= 0 || options.maximumAge <= 1000) {
-        var e = new Object();
-        e.message = "getCurrentPosition error callback should be called if we set timeout to 0 and maximumAge to a very small number";
-        e.code = PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE;
-        fail(e);
-    }
-    var geolocator = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geolocator();
-    if (options.enableHighAccuracy) {
-        geolocator.desiredAccuracy = Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionAccuracy.high;
-    }
-    geolocator.getGeopositionAsync(options.maximumAge, options.timeout).done(function (geoposition) {
-        // Win8 JS API coordinate Object
-        var coordinate = geoposition.coordinate;
-        win(coordinate);
-    }, function () {
-        var e = new Object();
-        switch (geolocator.locationStatus) {
-            case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.ready:
-                // Location data is available
-                e.message = "Location is available.";
-                e.code = PositionError.TIMEOUT;
-                fail (e);
-                break;
-            case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.initializing:
-                // This status indicates that a GPS is still acquiring a fix
-                e.message = "A GPS device is still initializing.";
-                e.code = PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE;
-                fail(e);
-                break;
-            case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.noData:
-                // No location data is currently available
-                e.message = "Data from location services is currently unavailable.";
-                e.code = PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE;
-                fail(e);
-                break;
-            case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.disabled:
-                // The app doesn't have permission to access location,
-                // either because location has been turned off.
-                e.message = "Your location is currently turned off. " +
-                "Change your settings through the Settings charm " +
-                " to turn it back on.";
-                e.code = PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED;
-                fail(e);
-                break;
-            case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.notInitialized:
-                // This status indicates that the app has not yet requested
-                // location data by calling GetGeolocationAsync() or
-                // registering an event handler for the positionChanged event.
-                e.message = "Location status is not initialized because " +
-                "the app has not requested location data.";
-                e.code = PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE;
-                fail(e);
-                break;
-            case Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus.notAvailable:
-                // Location is not available on this version of Windows
-                e.message = "You do not have the required location services " +
-                "present on your system.";
-                e.code = PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE;
-                fail(e);
-                break;
-            default:
-                e.code = PositionError.TIMEOUT;
-                fail(e);
-                break;
-        }
-    })
-     * Asynchronously watches the geolocation for changes to geolocation.  When a change occurs,
-     * the successCallback is called with the new location.
-     *
-     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the location data is available
-     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the location data. (OPTIONAL)
-     * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the location data such as frequency. (OPTIONAL)
-     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.
-     */
-Geolocation.prototype.watchPosition = function (successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
-    options = geolocationOptions(options);
-    var id = createUUID();
-    geolocationTimers[id] = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geolocator().getGeopositionAsync(options.maximumAge, options.timeout).done(function () {
-        new Geolocation().getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-    })
-    return id;
-     * Clears the specified heading watch.
-     *
-     * @param {String} id       The ID of the watch returned from #watchPosition
-     */    
-Geolocation.prototype.clearWatch = function (id) {
-    if (id && geolocationTimers[id] !== undefined) {
-        //window.clearInterval(geolocationTimers[id]);
-        delete geolocationTimers[id];
-    }
-if (typeof navigator.geolocation == "undefined") {
-    // Win RT support the object geolocation , and is Read-Only , So for test , must to change the methods of Object
-    var _geo = new Geolocation();
-    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition = _geo.getCurrentPosition;
-    navigator.geolocation.clearWatch = _geo.clearWatch;
-    navigator.geolocation.watchPosition = _geo.watchPosition;
diff --git a/src/cordova-win8/js/media.js b/src/cordova-win8/js/media.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dafd6b..0000000
--- a/src/cordova-win8/js/media.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-    Notes
-    Windows 8 supports by default mp3, wav, wma, cda, adx, wm, m3u, and wmx. This
-    can be expanded on by installing new codecs, but needs
-    to updated. 
-    ##Todo
-    find better method to implement filetype checking to allow for installed codecs
-    record audio
-    implement more error checking
-// Object to represnt a media error
-function MediaError(code, message) {
-    this.code = code || null;
-    this.message = message || null;
-// Values defined by W3C spec for HTML5 audio
-MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED = 1;
-MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK = 2;
-MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3;
-function Media(src, mediaSuccess, mediaError, mediaStatus) {
- = createUUID();
-    this.src = src;
-    this.mediaSuccess = mediaSuccess || null;
-    this.mediaError = mediaError || null;
-    this.mediaStatus = mediaStatus || null;
-    this._position = 0;
-    this._duration = -1;
-    // Private variable used to identify the audio
-    this.node = null;
-    this.mediaCaptureMgr = null;
-// Returns the current position within an audio file
-Media.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function (success, failure) {
-    this._position = this.node.currentTime;
-    success(this._position);
-// Returns the duration of an audio file
-Media.prototype.getDuration = function () {
-    this._duration = this.node.duration;
-    return this._duration;
-// Starts or resumes playing an audio file. = function () {
-    this.node = new Audio(this.src);
-    var filename = this.src.split('.').pop(); // get the file extension
-    if (filename === 'mp3' ||
-        filename === 'wav' ||
-        filename === 'wma' ||
-        filename === 'cda' ||
-        filename === 'adx' ||
-        filename === 'wm' ||
-        filename === 'm3u' ||
-        filename === 'wmx') {  // checks to see if file extension is correct
-        if (this.node === null) {
-            this.node.load();
-            this._duration = this.node.duration;
-        };
-    } else {
-        //invalid file name
-        this.mediaError(new MediaError(MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED, "Invalid file name"));
-    };
-// Pauses playing an audio file.
-Media.prototype.pause = function () {
-    if (this.node) {
-        this.node.pause();
-    }
-// Releases the underlying operating systems audio resources.
-Media.prototype.release = function () {
-    delete node;
-// Sets the current position within an audio file.
-Media.prototype.seekTo = function (milliseconds) {
-    if (this.node) {
-        this.node.currentTime = milliseconds / 1000;
-        this.getCurrentPosition();
-    }
-// Starts recording an audio file.
-Media.prototype.startRecord = function () {
-    // Initialize device
-    var captureInitSettings = new Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();
-    captureInitSettings.streamingCaptureMode =;
-    this.mediaCaptureMgr = new Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCapture();
-    this.mediaCaptureMgr.addEventListener("failed", mediaError);
-    this.mediaCaptureMgr.initializeAsync(captureInitSettings).done(function (result) {
-        this.mediaCaptureMgr.addEventListener("recordlimitationexceeded", mediaError);
-        this.mediaCaptureMgr.addEventListener("failed", mediaError);
-    }, mediaError);
-    // Start recording
-    Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.musicLibrary.createFileAsync(src, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting).done(function (newFile) {
-        var storageFile = newFile;
-        var fileType = this.src.split('.').pop();
-        var encodingProfile = null;
-        switch (fileType) {
-            case 'm4a':
-                encodingProfile = Windows.Media.MediaProperties.MediaEncodingProfile.createM4a(;
-                break;
-            case 'mp3':
-                encodingProfile = Windows.Media.MediaProperties.MediaEncodingProfile.createMp3(;
-                break;
-            case 'wma':
-                encodingProfile = Windows.Media.MediaProperties.MediaEncodingProfile.createWma(;
-                break;
-            default:
-                mediaError();
-                break;
-        };
-        this.mediaCaptureMgr.startRecordToStorageFileAsync(encodingProfile, storageFile).done(function (result) { }, mediaError);
-    }, mediaError);
-// Stops recording an audio file.
-Media.prototype.stopRecord = function () {
-    this.mediaCaptureMgr.stopRecordAsync().done(mediaSuccess, mediaError);
-// Stops playing an audio file.
-Media.prototype.stop = function () {
-    if (this._position > 0) {
-        this.node.pause();
-        this.node.currentTime = 0;
-        this._position = this.node.currentTime;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cordova-win8/js/network.js b/src/cordova-win8/js/network.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 46bc37b..0000000
--- a/src/cordova-win8/js/network.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-function Connection() {
-    // Accesses Windows.Networking get the internetConnection Profile.
-    this.type = function () {
-        var ret;
-        var profile = Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkingInformation.getInternetConnectionProfile();
-        if (profile) {
-			// IANA Interface type represents the type of connection to the computer.
-			// Values can be found at
-			// Code should be updated to represent more values from the above link
-            ret = profile.networkAdapter.ianaInterfaceType;
-            switch (ret) {
-                case 6:		// 6 represents wired ethernet
-                    ret = Connection.ETHERNET;
-                    break;
-                case 71:	// 71 represents 802.11 wireless connection
-                    ret = Connection.WIFI;
-                    break;
-                default:	// Other values may exist
-                    ret = Connection.UNKNOWN;
-                    break;
-            };
-        } else {
-			// If no profile is generated, no connection exists
-            ret = Connection.NONE;
-        };
-        return ret;
-    };
-function Network() {
-        this.connection = new Connection();
-Connection.UNKNOWN = "unknown";
-Connection.ETHERNET = "ethernet";
-Connection.WIFI = "wifi";
-Connection.CELL_2G = "2g";
-Connection.CELL_3G = "3g";
-Connection.CELL_4G = "4g";
-Connection.NONE = "none";
-if (typeof == "undefined") {
-    // Win RT support the object network , and is Read-Only , So for test , must to change the methods of Object
- = new Network();
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5a1c50c..0000000
--- a/src/cordova-win8/js/notification.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * This class provides access to the notification code.
- */
-function Notification() { };
-Notification.prototype.alert = function (message, alertCallback, title, buttonName) {
-    title = title || "Alert";
-    buttonName = buttonName || "OK";
-    var md = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(message, title);
-    md.commands.append(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand(buttonName));
-    md.showAsync().then(alertCallback);
-function alert(message) {
-    navigator.notification.alert(message, function () { });
-Notification.prototype.confirm = function (message, confirmCallback, title, buttonLabels) {
-    title = title || "Confirm";
-    buttonLabels = buttonLabels || "OK,Cancel";
-    var md = new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog(message, title);
-    var button = buttonLabels.split(',');
-    md.commands.append(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand(button[0]));
-    md.commands.append(new Windows.UI.Popups.UICommand(button[1]));
-    md.showAsync().then(confirmCallback);
-Notification.prototype.beep = function (times) {
-	var src = //filepath//
-	var playTime = 500; // ms
-	var quietTime = 1000; // ms
-	var media = new Media(src, function(){});
-	var hit = 1;
-	var intervalId = window.setInterval( function () {
-		sleep(playTime);
-		media.stop();
-		media.seekTo(0);
-		if (hit < times) {
-			hit++;
-		} else {
-			window.clearInterval(intervalId);
-		}
-	}, playTime + quietTime);
-} */
-if (typeof navigator.notification == "undefined") {
-    navigator.notification = new Notification;
\ No newline at end of file