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Posted to by Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Aurre <> on 2007/04/27 11:53:21 UTC

Spamd/spamc and queues

Hi all,

I'm using spamd/spamc software for mail scanning on my mail server... I'm running spamassassin from (debian sarge 3.1 r1 dvd, it's I think spamassassin 3.0.3). My problem is that I have a mail "firewall" with 25 spamd proccesses but when arriving this limit I have read that spamd queues till "perl -MSocket -e'print SOMAXCONN" value of connections queued. This number is too small (128) how could I increase this value? is this number shared with another applicacionts connection queue... as for example apache too? because in this case the number would be lower then.... what could happen if I increase this number? should I increase some /proc file value too? Please help me I'm quite desperate with this... or how could I do here? 

Thanks a lot everybody

Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Aurre
Dpto sistemas y empresas
Infobiok C.B.