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svn commit: r934721 - in /websites/staging/directory/trunk/content: ./ apacheds/advanced-ug/2.2.1-debian-instance-layout.html

Author: buildbot
Date: Thu Jan  1 19:42:50 2015
New Revision: 934721

Staging update by buildbot for directory

    websites/staging/directory/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/directory/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Thu Jan  1 19:42:50 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@

Added: websites/staging/directory/trunk/content/apacheds/advanced-ug/2.2.1-debian-instance-layout.html
--- websites/staging/directory/trunk/content/apacheds/advanced-ug/2.2.1-debian-instance-layout.html (added)
+++ websites/staging/directory/trunk/content/apacheds/advanced-ug/2.2.1-debian-instance-layout.html Thu Jan  1 19:42:50 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
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+<h1 id="221-debian-instance-layout">2.2.1 - <img alt="debian" src="images/debian.png" /> Debian Instance Layout</h1>
+<p>When you run the installer ( <em>sudo dpkg -i apacheds-&lt;version&gt;-&lit;arch&gt;.deb</em> ) on your debian system, it will install the server on your disk, using this layout :</p>
+ /
+ |
+ +-- etc/
+ |    |
+ |    +-- init.d/
+ |         |
+ |         +-- apacheds-<version>-<instance>    The daemon used to start the server
+ +-- opt/
+ |    |
+ |    +-- conf/
+ |    |    |
+ |    |    +-- wrapper.conf  The wrapper default configuration
+ |    |
+ |    +-- bin/
+ |    |    |
+ |    |    +-- apacheds*  The script that starts the server
+ |    |    |
+ |    |    +-- wrapper*  The binary that starts the server
+ |    |
+ |    +-- lib
+ |    |    |
+ |    |    +-- wrapper-3.2.3.jar
+ |    |    |
+ |    |    +--
+ |    |    |
+ |    |    +-- apacheds-wrapper-2.0.0-M20-SNAPSHOT.jar
+ |    |    |
+ |    |    +-- apacheds-service-2.0.0-M20-SNAPSHOT.jar
+ |    |
+ |    +-- NOTICE
+ |    |
+ |    +-- LICENSE
+ |
+ +-- var/
+      |
+      +--lib/
+          |
+          +-- apacheds-<version>/
+            |
+            +-- <instance>/   
+                 |
+                 +-- run/
+                 |    |
+                 |    +--  The PID of the running process
+                 |
+                 +-- partitions/  This is were your data will be stored
+                 |    |
+                 |    +-- schema/
+                 |    |
+                 |    +-- system/
+                 |    |
+                 |    +-- example/
+                 |
+                 +-- log/  This is were the logs are stored
+                 |    |
+                 |    +-- apacheds.log
+                 |    |
+                 |    +-- wrapper.log
+                 |
+                 +-- cache/  This is where the various caches are stored
+                 |    |
+                 |    +--
+                 |    |
+                 |    +--
+                 |    |
+                 |    +--
+                 |    |
+                 |    +--
+                 |
+                 +-- conf/
+                      |
+                      +-- wrapper-instance.conf  The specific instance wrapper configuration
+                      |
+                      +--  The log configuration file
+                      |
+                      +-- config.ldif  The server configuration. Don't manipulate this file with a text editr !
+<p>As we can have more than one instance, we have more than one directory in <em>/var/lib/apacheds</em> that can be installed. Each one of these instance can be started using the <em>/etc/init.d/apacheds</em> daemon, passing the instancz as a parameter :</p>
+<div class="codehilite"><pre>$ <span class="n">sudo</span> <span class="o">/</span><span class="n">etc</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">init</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">d</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">apacheds</span><span class="o">-&lt;</span><span class="n">version</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="n">start</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="n">instance</span><span class="o">&gt;</span>
+<p>The default instance name is 'default'.</p>
+<p>All the data for a given instance are stored into this <em>/var/lib/apacheds-<version><em> directory.</p>
+<h2 id="configuring-each-instance">Configuring each instance</h2>
+<p>You can configure a specific settings. This is done by modifying the configuration files in <em>/var/lib/apacheds-<version>/<instance></em>.</p>
+<h3 id="jvm-setting">JVM setting</h3>
+<p>Were you to change the memory you want to use for a given instance, you will have to modify the <em>/var/lib/apacheds-<version>/<instance>/<conf>/wrapper-instance.conf</em> file. Here are the parameter you can configure in this file :</p>
+<div class="codehilite"><pre><span class="c">##</span>
+<span class="c">## In this file you can override parameters specified in the default</span>
+<span class="c">## Apache Directory Server config file which is usually at</span>
+<span class="c">## /opt/apacheds-2.0.0-M20-SNAPSHOT/conf/wrapper.conf</span>
+<span class="c">##</span>
+<span class="c">## See also</span>
+<span class="c">## For a list of properties that can be set.</span>
+<span class="c">##</span>
+<span class="c">## Override the JRE used</span>
+<span class="c">#;path-to-java-executable&gt;</span>
+<span class="c">## Override the JVM memory settings</span>
+<span class="c">## Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)</span>
+<span class="c">#</span>
+<span class="c">## Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)</span>
+<span class="c">#</span>
+<p>You mainly want to change the memory used by the JVM.</p>
+<h3 id="log-configuration">Log configuration</h3>
+<p>You can configure the log level and content by changing the content of the <em>/var/lib/apacheds-<version>/<instance>/<conf>/</em> file.</p>
+<p>The default configuration is given below :</p>
+<div class="codehilite"><pre>log4j.rootCategory=WARN, R, stdout
+log4j.appender.R.File=<span class="cp">${</span><span class="n">apacheds</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">log</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">dir</span><span class="cp">}</span>/apacheds.log
+# Keep some backup files
+log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{HH:mm:ss}] %p [%c] - %m%n
+log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{HH:mm:ss}] %p [%c] - %m%n
+# with these we&#39;ll not get innundated when switching to DEBUG
+# Replication logs
+# Search log
+# Other logs
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