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Posted to by on 2015/09/02 08:01:31 UTC

[2/3] stratos git commit: Fixing Stratos hanging at integration tests issue
diff --git a/products/stratos/modules/integration/src/test/resources/scaling.drl b/products/stratos/modules/integration/src/test/resources/scaling.drl
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d9111..0000000
--- a/products/stratos/modules/integration/src/test/resources/scaling.drl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.stratos.autoscaler
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Service;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Cluster;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.context.AutoscalerContext;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.context.member.MemberStatsContext;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.util.AutoscalerConstants;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.PolicyManager;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.autoscale.AutoscalePolicy;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.autoscale.RequestsInFlight;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.autoscale.LoadThresholds;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.autoscale.MemoryConsumption;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.autoscale.LoadAverage;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.algorithms.PartitionAlgorithm;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.algorithms.partition.OneAfterAnother;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.algorithms.partition.RoundRobin;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.context.partition.ClusterLevelPartitionContext;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.rule.AutoscalerRuleEvaluator;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.context.cluster.ClusterInstanceContext;
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.autoscale.LoadAverage
-import org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.autoscale.MemoryConsumption
-global org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.rule.RuleLog log;
-global org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.rule.RuleTasksDelegator delegator;
-global org.apache.stratos.autoscaler.pojo.policy.autoscale.AutoscalePolicy autoscalePolicy;
-global java.lang.String applicationId;
-global java.lang.String clusterId;
-global java.lang.Boolean rifReset;
-global java.lang.Boolean mcReset;
-global java.lang.Boolean laReset;
-global java.lang.Boolean arspiReset;
-global java.lang.String algorithmName;
-rule "Scaling Rule"
-dialect "mvel"
-	when
-       clusterInstanceContext : ClusterInstanceContext ()
-        loadThresholds : LoadThresholds() from  autoscalePolicy.getLoadThresholds()
-        partitionAlgorithm : PartitionAlgorithm() from  delegator.getPartitionAlgorithm(algorithmName)
-        eval(log.debug("Running scale up rule: [network-partition] " + clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId() +
-            " [cluster] " + clusterId))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] [network-partition] " + clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId() + " [cluster] "
-            + clusterId + " Algorithm name: " + algorithmName))
-        rifThreshold : Float() from  loadThresholds.getRequestsInFlightThreshold()
-        rifAverage : Float() from  clusterInstanceContext.getAverageRequestsInFlight()
-        rifGradient : Float() from  clusterInstanceContext.getRequestsInFlightGradient()
-        rifSecondDerivative : Float() from  clusterInstanceContext.getRequestsInFlightSecondDerivative()
-	    rifPredictedValue : Double() from delegator.getPredictedValueForNextMinute(rifAverage, rifGradient, rifSecondDerivative, 1)
-        mcThreshold : Float() from  loadThresholds.getMemoryConsumptionThreshold()
-        mcPredictedValue : Double() from delegator.getMemoryConsumptionPredictedValue(clusterInstanceContext)
-        laThreshold : Float() from  loadThresholds.getLoadAverageThreshold()
-        laPredictedValue : Double() from delegator.getLoadAveragePredictedValue(clusterInstanceContext)
-        activeInstancesCount : Integer() from clusterInstanceContext.getActiveMemberCount()
-        maxInstancesCount : Integer() from clusterInstanceContext.getMaxInstanceCount()
-        minInstancesCount : Integer() from clusterInstanceContext.getMinInstanceCount()
-        requestsServedPerInstance : Float() from  clusterInstanceContext.getRequestsServedPerInstance()
-        averageRequestsServedPerInstance : Float() from  clusterInstanceContext.getAverageRequestsServedPerInstance()
-        numberOfInstancesReuquiredBasedOnRif : Integer() from delegator.getNumberOfInstancesRequiredBasedOnRif(
-            rifPredictedValue, rifThreshold)
-        numberOfInstancesReuquiredBasedOnMemoryConsumption : Integer() from
-            delegator.getNumberOfInstancesRequiredBasedOnMemoryConsumption(mcThreshold, mcPredictedValue, minInstancesCount,
-            maxInstancesCount)
-        numberOfInstancesReuquiredBasedOnLoadAverage : Integer() from
-            delegator.getNumberOfInstancesRequiredBasedOnLoadAverage(laThreshold, laPredictedValue, minInstancesCount)
-        numberOfRequiredInstances : Integer() from delegator.getMaxNumberOfInstancesRequired(
-            numberOfInstancesReuquiredBasedOnRif, numberOfInstancesReuquiredBasedOnMemoryConsumption, mcReset,
-            numberOfInstancesReuquiredBasedOnLoadAverage, laReset)
-        scaleUp : Boolean() from (activeInstancesCount < numberOfRequiredInstances)
-        scaleDown : Boolean() from (activeInstancesCount > numberOfRequiredInstances || (numberOfRequiredInstances == 1 && activeInstancesCount == 1))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " RIF Resetted?: " + rifReset))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " RIF predicted value: " + rifPredictedValue))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " RIF threshold: " + rifThreshold))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " MC predicted value: " + mcPredictedValue))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " MC threshold: " + mcThreshold))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " LA predicted value: " + laPredictedValue))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " LA threshold: " + laThreshold))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " Scale-up action: " + scaleUp))
-        eval(log.debug("[scaling] " + "[cluster] " + clusterId + " Scale-down action: " + scaleDown))
-	then
-	    log.debug("[scaling] Number of required instances based on stats: " + numberOfRequiredInstances + " " +
-	        "[active instances count] " + activeInstancesCount + " [network-partition] " +
-	        clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId() + " [cluster] " + clusterId);
-        int nonTerminatedMembers = clusterInstanceContext.getNonTerminatedMemberCount();
-        if(scaleUp){
-            int clusterMaxMembers = clusterInstanceContext.getMaxInstanceCount();
-            if (nonTerminatedMembers < clusterMaxMembers) {
-                int additionalInstances = 0;
-                if(clusterMaxMembers < numberOfRequiredInstances){
-                    additionalInstances = clusterMaxMembers - nonTerminatedMembers;
-          "[scale-up] Required member count based on stat based scaling is higher than max, hence"
-                            + " notifying to parent for possible group scaling or app bursting. [cluster] " + clusterId
-                            + " [instance id]" + clusterInstanceContext.getId() + " [max] " + clusterMaxMembers
-                            + " [number of required instances] " + numberOfRequiredInstances
-                            + " [additional instances to be created] " + additionalInstances);
-                    delegator.delegateScalingOverMaxNotification(clusterId, clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                        clusterInstanceContext.getId());
-                } else {
-                    additionalInstances = numberOfRequiredInstances - nonTerminatedMembers;
-                }
-                clusterInstanceContext.resetScaleDownRequestsCount();
-                log.debug("[scale-up] " + " [has scaling dependents] " + clusterInstanceContext.hasScalingDependants() +
-                    " [cluster] " + clusterId );
-                if(clusterInstanceContext.hasScalingDependants()) {
-                    log.debug("[scale-up] Notifying dependencies [cluster] " + clusterId);
-                    delegator.delegateScalingDependencyNotification(clusterId, clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                        clusterInstanceContext.getId(), numberOfRequiredInstances, clusterInstanceContext.getMinInstanceCount());
-                } else {
-                    boolean partitionsAvailable = true;
-                    int count = 0;
-                    while(count != additionalInstances && partitionsAvailable){
-                        ClusterLevelPartitionContext partitionContext = (ClusterLevelPartitionContext) partitionAlgorithm.getNextScaleUpPartitionContext(clusterInstanceContext.getPartitionCtxtsAsAnArray());
-                        if(partitionContext != null){
-                  "[scale-up] Partition available, hence trying to spawn an instance to scale up! " +
-                                " [application id] " + applicationId +
-                                " [cluster] " + clusterId + " [instance id] " + clusterInstanceContext.getId() +
-                                " [network-partition] " + clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId() +
-                                " [partition] " + partitionContext.getPartitionId() +
-                                " scaleup due to RIF: " + (rifReset && (rifPredictedValue > rifThreshold)) +
-                                " [rifPredictedValue] " + rifPredictedValue + " [rifThreshold] " + rifThreshold +
-                                " scaleup due to MC: " + (mcReset && (mcPredictedValue > mcThreshold)) +
-                                " [mcPredictedValue] " + mcPredictedValue + " [mcThreshold] " + mcThreshold +
-                                " scaleup due to LA: " + (laReset && (laPredictedValue > laThreshold)) +
-                                " [laPredictedValue] " + laPredictedValue + " [laThreshold] " + laThreshold);
-                            log.debug("[scale-up] " + " [partition] " + partitionContext.getPartitionId() + " [cluster] " + clusterId );
-                            delegator.delegateSpawn(partitionContext, clusterId, clusterInstanceContext.getId());
-                            count++;
-                        } else {
-                            log.warn("[scale-up] No more partition available even though " +
-                             "cartridge-max is not reached!, [cluster] " + clusterId +
-                            " Please update deployment-policy with new partitions or with higher " +
-                             "partition-max");
-                            partitionsAvailable = false;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-      "[scale-up] Trying to scale up over max, hence not scaling up cluster itself and
-                        notifying to parent for possible group scaling or app bursting.
-                        [cluster] " + clusterId + " [instance id]" + clusterInstanceContext.getId() +
-                        " [max] " + clusterMaxMembers);
-                delegator.delegateScalingOverMaxNotification(clusterId, clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                    clusterInstanceContext.getId());
-            }
-        } else if(scaleDown){
-            if(nonTerminatedMembers > clusterInstanceContext.getMinInstanceCount){
-                log.debug("[scale-down] Decided to Scale down [cluster] " + clusterId);
-                if(clusterInstanceContext.getScaleDownRequestsCount() >= 0 ){
-                    log.debug("[scale-down] Reached scale down requests threshold [cluster] " + clusterId + " Count " +
-                        clusterInstanceContext.getScaleDownRequestsCount());
-                    if(clusterInstanceContext.hasScalingDependants()) {
-                        log.debug("[scale-up] Notifying dependencies [cluster] " + clusterId);
-                        delegator.delegateScalingDependencyNotification(clusterId, clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                            clusterInstanceContext.getId(), numberOfRequiredInstances, clusterInstanceContext.getMinInstanceCount());
-                    } else{
-                        MemberStatsContext selectedMemberStatsContext = null;
-                        double lowestOverallLoad = 0.0;
-                        boolean foundAValue = false;
-                        ClusterLevelPartitionContext partitionContext = (ClusterLevelPartitionContext) partitionAlgorithm.getNextScaleDownPartitionContext(clusterInstanceContext.getPartitionCtxtsAsAnArray());
-                        if(partitionContext != null) {
-                  "[scale-down] Partition available to scale down " +
-                                " [application id] " + applicationId +
-                                " [cluster] " + clusterId + " [instance id] " + clusterInstanceContext.getId() +
-                                " [network-partition] " + clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId() +
-                                " [partition] " + partitionContext.getPartitionId() +
-                                " scaledown due to RIF: " + (rifReset && (rifPredictedValue < rifThreshold)) +
-                                " [rifPredictedValue] " + rifPredictedValue + " [rifThreshold] " + rifThreshold +
-                                " scaledown due to MC: " + (mcReset && (mcPredictedValue < mcThreshold)) +
-                                " [mcPredictedValue] " + mcPredictedValue + " [mcThreshold] " + mcThreshold +
-                                " scaledown due to LA: " + (laReset && (laPredictedValue < laThreshold)) +
-                                " [laPredictedValue] " + laPredictedValue + " [laThreshold] " + laThreshold
-                            );
-                            for(MemberStatsContext memberStatsContext: partitionContext.getMemberStatsContexts().values()){
-                                LoadAverage loadAverage = memberStatsContext.getLoadAverage();
-                                log.debug("[scale-down] " + " [cluster] "
-                                    + clusterId + " [member] " + memberStatsContext.getMemberId() + " Load average: " + loadAverage);
-                                MemoryConsumption memoryConsumption = memberStatsContext.getMemoryConsumption();
-                                log.debug("[scale-down] " + " [partition] " + partitionContext.getPartitionId() + " [cluster] "
-                                    + clusterId + " [member] " + memberStatsContext.getMemberId() + " Memory consumption: " +
-                                    memoryConsumption);
-                                double predictedCpu = delegator.getPredictedValueForNextMinute(loadAverage.getAverage(),
-                                    loadAverage.getGradient(),loadAverage.getSecondDerivative(), 1);
-                                log.debug("[scale-down] " + " [partition] " + partitionContext.getPartitionId() + " [cluster] "
-                                    + clusterId + " [member] " + memberStatsContext.getMemberId() + " Predicted CPU: " + predictedCpu);
-                                double predictedMemoryConsumption = delegator.getPredictedValueForNextMinute(
-                                    memoryConsumption.getAverage(),memoryConsumption.getGradient(),memoryConsumption.getSecondDerivative(), 1);
-                                log.debug("[scale-down] " + " [partition] " + partitionContext.getPartitionId() + " [cluster] "
-                                    + clusterId + " [member] " + memberStatsContext.getMemberId() + " Predicted memory consumption: " +
-                                        predictedMemoryConsumption);
-                                double overallLoad = (predictedCpu + predictedMemoryConsumption) / 2;
-                                log.debug("[scale-down] " + " [partition] " + partitionContext.getPartitionId() + " [cluster] "
-                                    + clusterId + " [member] " + memberStatsContext.getMemberId() + " Overall load: " + overallLoad);
-                                if(!foundAValue){
-                                    foundAValue = true;
-                                    selectedMemberStatsContext = memberStatsContext;
-                                    lowestOverallLoad = overallLoad;
-                                } else if(overallLoad < lowestOverallLoad){
-                                    selectedMemberStatsContext = memberStatsContext;
-                                    lowestOverallLoad = overallLoad;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if(selectedMemberStatsContext != null) {
-                      "[scale-down] Trying to terminating an instace to scale down!" );
-                                log.debug("[scale-down] " + " [partition] " + partitionContext.getPartitionId() + " [cluster] "
-                                    + clusterId + " Member with lowest overall load: " + selectedMemberStatsContext.getMemberId());
-                                delegator.delegateTerminate(partitionContext, selectedMemberStatsContext.getMemberId());
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            log.warn("Partition is not available to scale-down..!!!!");
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else{
-                     log.debug("[scale-down] Not reached scale down requests threshold. " + clusterId + " Count " +
-                        clusterInstanceContext.getScaleDownRequestsCount());
-                     clusterInstanceContext.increaseScaleDownRequestsCount();
-                }
-            } else {
-                log.debug("[scale-down] Min is reached, hence not scaling down [cluster] " + clusterId + " [instance id]"
-                    + clusterInstanceContext.getId());
-                //if(clusterInstanceContext.isInGroupScalingEnabledSubtree()){
-                    delegator.delegateScalingDownBeyondMinNotification(clusterId, clusterInstanceContext.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                        clusterInstanceContext.getId());
-                //}
-            }
-        }  else{
-            log.debug("[scaling] No decision made to either scale up or scale down ... [cluster] " + clusterId + " [instance id]"
-             + clusterInstanceContext.getId());
-        }
diff --git a/products/stratos/modules/integration/src/test/resources/test-conf/ b/products/stratos/modules/integration/src/test/resources/test-conf/
index a26383c..e856975 100644
--- a/products/stratos/modules/integration/src/test/resources/test-conf/
+++ b/products/stratos/modules/integration/src/test/resources/test-conf/
@@ -23,4 +23,8 @@ carbon.port.offset=0
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