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+<h2 title="Annotation Type ConfigurationDependency" class="title">Annotation Type ConfigurationDependency</h2>
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+<div class="description">
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+ @Target(value=METHOD)
+public @interface <span class="memberNameLabel">ConfigurationDependency</span></pre>
+<div class="block">Annotates a method for injecting a Configuration Dependency. 
+ <p> A configuration dependency 
+ is required by default, and allows you to depend on the availability of a valid configuration 
+ for your component. This dependency requires the OSGi Configuration Admin Service.
+ Configuration Dependency callback is always invoked before any service dependency callbacks, and before init/start callbacks.
+ The annotation can be applied on a callback method which accepts the following parameters:
+ <ul>
+ <li>callback(Dictionary) 
+ <li>callback(Component, Dictionary) 
+ <li>callback(Component, Configuration ... configTypes) // type safe configuration interface(s)
+ <li>callback(Configuration ... configTypes) // type safe configuration interface(s)
+ <li>callback(Dictionary, Configuration ... configTypes) // type safe configuration interfaces(s)
+ <li>callback(Component, Dictionary, Configuration ... configTypes) // type safe configuration interfaces(s)
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Usage Examples</h3>
+ <p> In the following example, the Printer components depends on a configuration
+ whose PID name is "sample.Printer". This service will initialize
+ its ip/port number from the provided configuration.
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ package sample;
+ &#64;Component
+ public class Printer {
+     &#64;ConfigurationDependency(propagate=true) // Will use the fqdn of the  Printer interface as the pid.
+     void updated(Dictionary cnf) {
+         if (cnf != null) {
+             String ip = cnf.get("address");
+             int port = Integer.parseInt(cnf.get("port"));
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ You can also define your own component properties using a custom type-safe interface:
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ package sample;
+ interface PrinterConfig {
+     String getAddress();       
+     int getPort();
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ Next, we define our Printer service which depends on the PrinterConfig:
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ package sample;
+ &#64;Component
+ public class Printer {
+     &#64;ConfigurationDependency // Will use the fqdn of the  PrinterConfig interface as the pid.
+     void updated(PrinterConfig cnf) {
+         if (cnf != null) {
+             String ip = cnf.getAddress();
+             int port = cnf.getPort();
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ In the above example, the updated callback accepts a type-safe configuration type (and its fqdn is used as the pid).
+ <p> Configuration type is a new feature that allows you to specify an interface that is implemented 
+ by DM and such interface is then injected to your callback instead of the actual Dictionary.
+ Using such configuration interface provides a way for creating type-safe configurations from a actual <code>Dictionary</code> that is
+ normally injected by Dependency Manager.
+ The callback accepts in argument an interface that you have to provide, and DM will inject a proxy that converts
+ method calls from your configuration-type to lookups in the actual map or dictionary. The results of these lookups are then
+ converted to the expected return type of the invoked configuration method.<br>
+ As proxies are injected, no implementations of the desired configuration-type are necessary!
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The lookups performed are based on the name of the method called on the configuration type. The method names are
+ "mangled" to the following form: <tt>[lower case letter] [any valid character]*</tt>. Method names starting with
+ <tt>get</tt> or <tt>is</tt> (JavaBean convention) are stripped from these prefixes. For example: given a dictionary
+ with the key <tt>"foo"</tt> can be accessed from a configuration-type using the following method names:
+ <tt>foo()</tt>, <tt>getFoo()</tt> and <tt>isFoo()</tt>.<p>
+ If the property contains a dot (which is invalid in java method names), then dots (".") can be converted using the following conventions: 
+ <ul>
+ <li> if the method name follows the javabean convention and/or kamel casing convention, then each capital letter is assumed to map to a "dot", 
+ followed by the same letter in lower case. This means only lower case properties are 
+ supported in this case. Example: getFooBar() or fooBar() will map to "" property.
+ <li> else, if the method name follows the standard OSGi metatype specification, then dots  
+ are encoded as "_"; and "_" is encoded as "__". (see OSGi r6 compendium, chapter 105.9.2).
+ Example: "foo_BAR()" is mapped to "foo.BAR" property; "foo__BAR_zoo()" is mapped to "foo_BAR.zoo" property.
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ The return values supported are: primitive types (or their object wrappers), strings, enums, arrays of
+ primitives/strings, <code>Collection</code> types, <code>Map</code> types, <code>Class</code>es and interfaces. When an interface is
+ returned, it is treated equally to a configuration type, that is, it is returned as a proxy.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Arrays can be represented either as comma-separated values, optionally enclosed in square brackets. For example:
+ <tt>[ a, b, c ]</tt> and <tt>a, b,c</tt> are both considered an array of length 3 with the values "a", "b" and "c".
+ Alternatively, you can append the array index to the key in the dictionary to obtain the same: a dictionary with
+ "arr.0" =&gt; "a", "arr.1" =&gt; "b", "arr.2" =&gt; "c" would result in the same array as the earlier examples.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Maps can be represented as single string values similarly as arrays, each value consisting of both the key and value
+ separated by a dot. Optionally, the value can be enclosed in curly brackets. Similar to array, you can use the same
+ dot notation using the keys. For example, a dictionary with 
+ <pre><code> "map" =&gt; "{key1.value1, key2.value2}"</code></pre> 
+ and a dictionary with
+ <pre><code> "map.key1" =&gt; "value1", "map2.key2" =&gt; "value2"</code></pre> 
+ result in the same map being returned.
+ Instead of a map, you could also define an interface with the methods <tt>getKey1()</tt> and <tt>getKey2</tt> and use
+ that interface as return type instead of a <code>Map</code>.
+ <p>
+ In case a lookup does not yield a value from the underlying map or dictionary, the following rules are applied:
+ <ol>
+ <li>primitive types yield their default value, as defined by the Java Specification;
+ <li>string, <code>Class</code>es and enum values yield <code>null</code>;
+ <li>for arrays, collections and maps, an empty array/collection/map is returned;
+ <li>for other interface types that are treated as configuration type a null-object is returned.
+ </ol></div>
+<div class="summary">
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+<!-- =========== ANNOTATION TYPE OPTIONAL MEMBER SUMMARY =========== -->
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+<h3>Optional Element Summary</h3>
+<table class="memberSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Optional Element Summary table, listing optional elements, and an explanation">
+<caption><span>Optional Elements</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
+<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
+<th class="colLast" scope="col">Optional Element and Description</th>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.String</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/ConfigurationDependency.html#name--">name</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">The name for this configuration dependency.</div>
+<tr class="rowColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.String</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/ConfigurationDependency.html#pid--">pid</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">Returns the pid for a given service (by default, the pid is the service class name, of the FQDN of 
+ the configuration type found in the updated callback signature.</div>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.Class&lt;?&gt;</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/ConfigurationDependency.html#pidClass--">pidClass</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">Returns the pid from a class name.</div>
+<tr class="rowColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/ConfigurationDependency.html#propagate--">propagate</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">Returns true if the configuration properties must be published along with the service.</div>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/ConfigurationDependency.html#required--">required</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">Sets the required flag which determines if this configuration dependency is required or not.</div>
+<div class="details">
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+<h3>Element Detail</h3>
+<a name="pid--">
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+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;java.lang.String&nbsp;pid</pre>
+<div class="block">Returns the pid for a given service (by default, the pid is the service class name, of the FQDN of 
+ the configuration type found in the updated callback signature.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the pid for a given service (default = Service class name)</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="pidClass--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;java.lang.Class&lt;?&gt;&nbsp;pidClass</pre>
+<div class="block">Returns the pid from a class name. The full class name will be used as the configuration PID.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the pid class whose FQDN name is used as the configuration PID.</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="propagate--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;boolean&nbsp;propagate</pre>
+<div class="block">Returns true if the configuration properties must be published along with the service. 
+ Any additional service properties specified directly are merged with these. The configuration
+ dependency properties take precedence over the component service properties, meaning that a given configuration
+ property will override the same property that is already present in the component service properties.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>true if configuration must be published along with the service, false if not.</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="required--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;boolean&nbsp;required</pre>
+<div class="block">Sets the required flag which determines if this configuration dependency is required or not.
+ A configuration dependency is required by default.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>this service dependency</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="name--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockListLast">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;java.lang.String&nbsp;name</pre>
+<div class="block">The name for this configuration dependency. When you give a name a dependency, it won't be evaluated
+ immediately, but after the component's init method has been called, and from the init method, you can then return 
+ a map in order to dynamically configure the configuration dependency (the map has to contain a "pid" and/or "propagate" 
+ flag, prefixed with the dependency name). Then the dependency will be evaluated after the component init method, and will
+ be injected before the start method.
+ <p> Usage example of a Configuration dependency whose pid and propagate flag is configured dynamically from init method:
+ <blockquote><pre>
+  &#47;**
+    * A Service that dynamically defines an extra dynamic configuration dependency from its init method. 
+    *&#47;
+  &#64;Component
+  class X {
+      private Dictionary m_config;
+      // Inject initial Configuration (injected before any other required dependencies)
+      &#64;ConfigurationDependency
+      void componentConfiguration(Dictionary config) {
+           // you must throw an exception if the configuration is not valid
+           m_config = config;
+      }
+      &#47;**
+       * All unnamed dependencies are injected: we can now configure our dynamic configuration whose dependency name is "global".
+       *&#47;
+      &#64;Init
+      Map init() {
+          return new HashMap() {{
+              put("", m_config.get(""));
+              put("global.propagate", m_config.get("globalConfig.propagate"));
+          }};
+      } 
+      // Injected after init, and dynamically configured by the init method.
+      &#64;ConfigurationDependency(name="global")
+      void globalConfiguration(Dictionary globalConfig) {
+           // you must throw an exception if the configuration is not valid
+      }
+      &#47;**
+       * All dependencies are injected and our service is now ready to be published.
+       *&#47;
+      &#64;Start
+      void start() {
+      }
+  }
+  </pre></blockquote></div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the dependency name used to configure the dependency dynamically from init callback</dd>
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+<h2 title="Annotation Type Destroy" class="title">Annotation Type Destroy</h2>
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+ @Target(value=METHOD)
+public @interface <span class="memberNameLabel">Destroy</span></pre>
+<div class="block">Annotates a method which is invoked when the component is destroyed.
+ The method is called when the component's bundle is stopped, or when one of its
+ required dependency is lost (unless the dependency has been defined as an "instance bound" 
+ dependency using the Dependency Manager API).
+ <h3>Usage Examples</h3>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;Component
+ class MyComponent {
+     &#64;ServiceDependency
+     private LogService logService; // Required dependency over the log service.
+     &#64;Destroy
+     void destroyed() {} // called if bundle is stopped or if we have lost some required dependencies.     
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote></div>
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+ @Target(value=METHOD)
+public @interface <span class="memberNameLabel">Init</span></pre>
+<div class="block">Annotates a method used to configure dynamic dependencies.
+ When this method is invoked, all required dependencies (except the ones declared with a <code>name</code> 
+ attribute) are already injected, and optional dependencies on class fields 
+ are also already injected (possibly with NullObjects).
+ The purpose of the @Init method is to either declare more dynamic dependencies using the DM API, or to
+ return a Map used to dynamically configure dependencies that are annotated using a <code>name</code> attribute. 
+ After the init method returns, the added or configured dependencies are then tracked, and when all dynamic 
+ dependencies are injected, then the start method (annotated with @Start) is then invoked.
+ <h3>Usage Examples</h3>
+ In this sample, the "PersistenceImpl" component dynamically configures the "storage" dependency from the "init" method. 
+ The dependency "required" flag and filter string are derived from an xml configuration that is already injected before the init 
+ method.
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;Component
+ public class PersistenceImpl implements Persistence {
+     // Injected before init.
+     &#64;ServiceDependency
+     LogService log;
+     // Injected before init.
+     &#64;ConfigurationDependency
+     void updated(Dictionary conf) {
+        if (conf != null) {
+           _xmlConfiguration = parseXmlConfiguration(conf.get("xmlConfiguration"));
+        }
+     }
+     // Parsed xml configuration, where we'll get our storage service filter and required dependency flag.
+     XmlConfiguration _xmlConfiguration;
+     // Injected after init (dependency filter is defined dynamically from our init method).
+     &#64;ServiceDependency(name="storage")
+     Storage storage;
+     // Dynamically configure the dependency declared with a "storage" name.
+     &#64;Init
+     Map&#60;String, String&#62; init() {
+        log.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, "init: storage type=" + storageType + ", storageRequired=" + storageRequired);
+        Map&#60;String, String&#62; props = new HashMap&#60;&#62;();
+        props.put("storage.required", Boolean.toString(_xmlConfiguration.isStorageRequired()))
+        props.put("storage.filter", "(type=" + _xmlConfiguration.getStorageType() + ")");
+        return props;       
+     }
+     // All dependencies injected, including dynamic dependencies defined from init method.
+     &#64;Start
+     void start() {
+        log.log(LogService.LOG_WARNING, "start");
+     }
+     &#64;Override
+     void store(String key, String value) {
+, value);
+     }
+ }
+ </pre>
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+ @Target(value=FIELD)
+public @interface <span class="memberNameLabel">Inject</span></pre>
+<div class="block">Inject classes in a component instance field.
+ The following injections are currently performed, depending on the type of the
+ field this annotation is applied on:
+ <ul>
+ <li>BundleContext: the bundle context of the bundle
+ <li>DependencyManager: the dependency manager instance
+ <li>Component: the component instance of the dependency manager
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Usage Examples</h3>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;Component
+ class X implements Z {
+     &#64;Inject
+     BundleContext bundleContext;
+     &#64;Inject
+     Component component;
+     &#64;Inject
+     DependencyManager manager;
+     OtherService otherService;
+     &#64;Init
+     void init() {
+         System.out.println("Bundle Context: " + bundleContext);
+         System.out.println("Manager: " + manager);
+         // Use DM API for defining an extra service dependency
+         componnent.add(manager.createServiceDependency()
+                               .setService(OtherService.class)
+                               .setRequired(true)
+                               .setInstanceBound(true));
+     }
+     &#64;Start
+     void start() {
+         System.out.println("OtherService: " + otherService);
+     }
+ }
+ </pre>
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+ @Target(value=FIELD)
+public @interface <span class="memberNameLabel">LifecycleController</span></pre>
+<div class="block">Injects a <code>Runnable</code> object in a Service for starting/stopping it programatically.
+ By default, a Service is implicitly started when the service's bundle is started and when 
+ all required dependencies are satisfied. However, it is sometimes required to programatically 
+ take control of when the service is started or stopped. In this case, the injected <code>Runnable</code> 
+ can be invoked in order to start/register (or stop/unregister) a Service at any time. When this annotation 
+ is used, then the Service on which this annotation is applied is not activated by default, and you have to 
+ call the injected Runnable yourself. 
+ <h3>Usage Examples</h3>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#47;**
+   * This Service will be registered programmatically into the OSGi registry, using the LifecycleController annotation.
+   *&#47;
+ &#64;Component
+ class X implements Z {
+     &#64;LifecycleController
+     Runnable starter
+     &#64;LifecycleController(start=false)
+     Runnable stopper
+     &#64;Init
+     void init() {
+         // At this point, all required dependencies are there, but we'll activate our service in 2 seconds ...
+         Thread t = new Thread() {
+            public void run() {
+              sleep(2000);
+              // start our "Z" service (our "start" method will be called, juste before service registration
+    ;
+              sleep(2000);
+              // now, stop/unregister the "Z" service (we'll then be called in our stop() method
+    ;
+            }
+          };
+          t.start();
+     }
+     &#64;Start
+     public void start() {
+         // This method will be called after we invoke our starter Runnable, and our service will be
+         // published after our method returns, as in normal case.
+     }
+     &#64;Stop
+     public void stop() {
+         // This method will be called after we invoke our "stop" Runnable, and our service will be
+         // unregistered before our method is invoked, as in normal case. Notice that the service won't
+         // be destroyed here, and the "starter" runnable can be re-invoked later.
+     }
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote></div>
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+<table class="memberSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Optional Element Summary table, listing optional elements, and an explanation">
+<caption><span>Optional Elements</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
+<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
+<th class="colLast" scope="col">Optional Element and Description</th>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>boolean</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/LifecycleController.html#start--">start</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">Specifies the action to be performed when the injected runnable is invoked.</div>
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+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;boolean&nbsp;start</pre>
+<div class="block">Specifies the action to be performed when the injected runnable is invoked. By default, the
+ Runnable will fire a Service Component activation, when invoked. If you specify this attribute
+ to false, then the Service Component will be stopped, when the runnable is invoked.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>true if the component must be started when you invoke the injected runnable, or false if
+ the component must stopped when invoking the runnable.</dd>
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+<h2 title="Annotation Type Property" class="title">Annotation Type Property</h2>
+<div class="contentContainer">
+<div class="description">
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+ @Target(value={TYPE,ANNOTATION_TYPE})
+ @Repeatable(value=<a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/RepeatableProperty.html" title="annotation in">RepeatableProperty.class</a>)
+public @interface <span class="memberNameLabel">Property</span></pre>
+<div class="block">Annotation used to describe a property key-value(s) pair. Such annotation can be applied on components.<p>
+ Property value(s) type is String by default, and the type is scalar if the value is single-valued, 
+ or an array if the value is multi-valued. You can apply this annotation on a component class multiple times
+ (it's a java8 repeatable property).
+ Eight primitive types are supported:
+ <ul>
+ <li> String (default type)
+ <li> Long
+ <li> Double
+ <li> Float
+ <li> Integer
+ <li> Byte
+ <li> Boolean
+ <li> Short
+ </ul>
+ You can specify the type of a property either using a combination of <code>value</code> and <code>type</code> attributes,
+ or using one of the <code>longValue/doubleValue/floatValue/intValue/byteValue/charValue/booleanValue/shortValue</code> attributes.
+ Notice that you can also specify service properties dynamically by returning a Map from a method
+ annotated with <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Start.html" title="annotation in"><code>Start</code></a>.
+ <h3>Usage Examples</h3>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;Component
+ &#64;Property(name="p1", value="v")                      // String value type (scalar)
+ &#64;Property(name="p2", value={"s1", "s2"})             // Array of Strings
+ &#64;Property(name="service.ranking", intValue=10)       // Integer value type (scalar)
+ &#64;Property(name="p3", intValue={1,2})                 // Array of Integers
+ &#64;Property(name="p3", value="1", type=Long.class)     // Long value (scalar)
+ class ServiceImpl implements Service {
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote></div>
+<div class="summary">
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<!-- =========== ANNOTATION TYPE REQUIRED MEMBER SUMMARY =========== -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="annotation.type.required.element.summary">
+<!--   -->
+<h3>Required Element Summary</h3>
+<table class="memberSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Required Element Summary table, listing required elements, and an explanation">
+<caption><span>Required Elements</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
+<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
+<th class="colLast" scope="col">Required Element and Description</th>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.String</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#name--">name</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">Returns the property name.</div>
+<!-- =========== ANNOTATION TYPE OPTIONAL MEMBER SUMMARY =========== -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="annotation.type.optional.element.summary">
+<!--   -->
+<h3>Optional Element Summary</h3>
+<table class="memberSummary" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" summary="Optional Element Summary table, listing optional elements, and an explanation">
+<caption><span>Optional Elements</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
+<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Modifier and Type</th>
+<th class="colLast" scope="col">Optional Element and Description</th>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>boolean[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#booleanValue--">booleanValue</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">A Boolean value or an array of Boolean values.</div>
+<tr class="rowColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>byte[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#byteValue--">byteValue</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">A Byte value or an array of Byte values.</div>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>char[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#charValue--">charValue</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">A Character value or an array of Character values.</div>
+<tr class="rowColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>double[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#doubleValue--">doubleValue</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">A Double value or an array of Double values.</div>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>float[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#floatValue--">floatValue</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">A Float value or an array of Float values.</div>
+<tr class="rowColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>int[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#intValue--">intValue</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">An Integer value or an array of Integer values.</div>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>long[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#longValue--">longValue</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">A Long value or an array of Long values.</div>
+<tr class="rowColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>short[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#shortValue--">shortValue</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">A Short value or an array of Short values.</div>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.Class&lt;?&gt;</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#type--">type</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">Specifies how the <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#value--"><code>value()</code></a> or <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#values--"><code>values()</code></a> attributes are parsed.</div>
+<tr class="rowColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.String[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#value--">value</a></span></code>
+<div class="block">Returns the property value(s).</div>
+<tr class="altColor">
+<td class="colFirst"><code>java.lang.String[]</code></td>
+<td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#values--">values</a></span></code>
+<div class="block"><span class="deprecatedLabel">Deprecated.</span>&nbsp;
+<div class="block"><span class="deprecationComment">use <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#value--"><code>value()</code></a> attribute.</span></div>
+<div class="details">
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<!-- ============ ANNOTATION TYPE MEMBER DETAIL =========== -->
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+<h3>Element Detail</h3>
+<a name="name--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockListLast">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;java.lang.String&nbsp;name</pre>
+<div class="block">Returns the property name.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>this property name</dd>
+<!-- ============ ANNOTATION TYPE MEMBER DETAIL =========== -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="value--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;java.lang.String[]&nbsp;value</pre>
+<div class="block">Returns the property value(s). The property value(s) is (are) 
+ parsed using the <code>valueOf</code> method of the class specified in the #type attribute 
+ (which is <code>String</code> by default). When the property value is single-value, then 
+ the value type is scalar (not an array). If the property value is multi-valued, then the value type 
+ is an array of the type specified in the <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#type--"><code>type()</code></a> attribute (String by default).</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>this property value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="type--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;java.lang.Class&lt;?&gt;&nbsp;type</pre>
+<div class="block">Specifies how the <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#value--"><code>value()</code></a> or <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#values--"><code>values()</code></a> attributes are parsed.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the property value type (String by default) used to parse <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#value--"><code>value()</code></a> or <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#values--"><code>values()</code></a> 
+ attribtues</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="longValue--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;long[]&nbsp;longValue</pre>
+<div class="block">A Long value or an array of Long values.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the long value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="doubleValue--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;double[]&nbsp;doubleValue</pre>
+<div class="block">A Double value or an array of Double values.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the double value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="floatValue--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;float[]&nbsp;floatValue</pre>
+<div class="block">A Float value or an array of Float values.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the float value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="intValue--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;int[]&nbsp;intValue</pre>
+<div class="block">An Integer value or an array of Integer values.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the int value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="byteValue--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;byte[]&nbsp;byteValue</pre>
+<div class="block">A Byte value or an array of Byte values.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the byte value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="charValue--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;char[]&nbsp;charValue</pre>
+<div class="block">A Character value or an array of Character values.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the char value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="booleanValue--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;boolean[]&nbsp;booleanValue</pre>
+<div class="block">A Boolean value or an array of Boolean values.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the boolean value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="shortValue--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;short[]&nbsp;shortValue</pre>
+<div class="block">A Short value or an array of Short values.</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>the short value(s).</dd>
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList"><a name="values--">
+<!--   -->
+<ul class="blockListLast">
+<li class="blockList">
+<pre>public abstract&nbsp;java.lang.String[]&nbsp;values</pre>
+<div class="block"><span class="deprecatedLabel">Deprecated.</span>&nbsp;<span class="deprecationComment">use <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html#value--"><code>value()</code></a> attribute.</span></div>
+<div class="block">Returns an array of property values.
+ The property value are parsed using the <code>valueOf</code> method of the class specified in the #type attribute 
+ (which is <code>String</code> by default).</div>
+<dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
+<dd>an array of property values.</dd>
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+<h2 title="Annotation Type PropertyType" class="title">Annotation Type PropertyType</h2>
+<div class="contentContainer">
+<div class="description">
+<ul class="blockList">
+<li class="blockList">
+ @Target(value=ANNOTATION_TYPE)
+public @interface <span class="memberNameLabel">PropertyType</span></pre>
+<div class="block">When defining component service properties, one way to achieve this is to apply the <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html" title="annotation in"><code>Property</code></a> annotation on your component class name.
+ Now, you can also define your own component property type interfaces and apply them directly on your components (instead of the 
+ <a href="../../../../../../org/apache/felix/dm/annotation/api/Property.html" title="annotation in"><code>Property</code></a> annotation). The PropertyType annotation is closely similar to standard OSGi r7 declarative service @ComponentPropertyType 
+ (which is also supported by dependency manager annotations).
+ <h3>Usage Examples</h3>
+ Let’s assume your write an OSGi r7 jax rs servlet context which needs the two following service properties: 
+ <p><ul>
+ <li>
+ <li> osgi.http.whiteboard.context.path
+ </ul>
+ <p> Then you can first define your own annotation (but you could also reuse the default annotations provided by the jaxrs whiteboard r7 api):
+ (notice that in the annotation, you can define default service property values):
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;PropertyType
+ &#64;interface ServletContext {
+     String osgi_http_whiteboard_context_name() default AppServletContext.NAME;
+     String osgi_http_whiteboard_context_path();
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ In the above, the underscore is mapped to ".".
+ Then you can apply the above annotation on top of your component like this:
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;Component
+ &#64;ServletContext(osgi_http_whiteboard_context_path="/game")
+ public class AppServletContext extends ServletContextHelper {
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ You can also use configuration admin service in order to override the default service properties:
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;Component
+ &#64;ServletContext(osgi_http_whiteboard_context_path="/game")
+ public class AppServletContext extends ServletContextHelper {
+     &#64;ConfigurationDependency(propagate=true, pid="")
+     void updated(ServletContext cnf) {
+        // if some properties are not present in the configuration, then the ones used in the annotation will be used.
+        // The configuration admin properties, if defined, will override the default configurations defined in the annotations
+     }
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ You can also define multiple property type annotations, and possibly single valued annotation. In this case, you can use
+ the standard R7 PREFIX_ constants in order to specify the property prefix, and the property name will be derived from the
+ single valued annotation (using camel case convention):
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;PropertyType
+ &#64;interface ContextName { // will map to "" property name
+     String PREFIX="osgi.http.whiteboard.";
+     String value();
+ }
+ &#64;PropertyType
+ &#64;interface ContextPath { // will map to "osgi.http.whiteboard.context.path" property name
+     String PREFIX="osgi.http.whiteboard.";
+     String value();
+ }
+ &#64;Component
+ &#64;ContextName(AppServletContext.NAME)
+ &#64;ContextPath("/game")
+ public class AppServletContext extends ServletContextHelper {
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ Same example as above, but also using configuration admin service in order to override default service properties: Here, as in OSGi r7 declarative service,
+ you can define a callback method which accepts as arguments all (or some of) the defined property types:
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;Component
+ &#64;ContextName(AppServletContext.NAME)
+ &#64;ContextPath("/game")
+ public class AppServletContext extends ServletContextHelper {
+     &#64;ConfigurationDependency(propagate=true, pid="")
+     void updated(ContextName ctxName, ContextPath ctxPath) {
+        // if some properties are not present in the configuration, then the ones used in the annotation will be used.
+        // The configuration admin properties, if defined, will override the default configurations defined in the annotations
+     }
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ The following is the same example as above, but this time the configuration callback can also define a Dictionary in the first argument
+ (in case you want to also get the raw configuration dictionary:
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+ &#64;Component
+ &#64;ContextName(AppServletContext.NAME)
+ &#64;ContextPath("/game")
+ public class AppServletContext extends ServletContextHelper {
+     &#64;ConfigurationDependency(propagate=true, pid="")
+     void updated(Dictionary&lt;String, Object&gt; rawConfig, ContextName ctxName) {
+        // if some properties are not present in the configuration, then the ones used in the annotation will be used.
+        // The configuration admin properties, if defined, will override the default configurations defined in the annotations
+     }
+ }
+ </pre>
+ </blockquote></div>
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