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Posted to by Philippe Kernevez <> on 2007/08/11 03:01:18 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] fitnesse-maven-plugin 1.0-beta-1

Hi everyone,


The fitnesse plugin team is pleased to announce the release of the



 <> FitNesse is an acceptance testing framework and wiki.

This plugin allows to run fitnesse during your build (remotly or locally)
and aggregates a tests execution report into your site.


** Bug

    * [MFITNESSE-1] - Can't execute plugin

    * [MFITNESSE-2] - The FitNesse process is not killed when we stop the
Maven build.

    * [MFITNESSE-3] - The plugin doesn't use properly the fitnesse
conventions for page naming. It neiher use properly the <type> tags to
override this conventions.

    * [MFITNESSE-4] - No picture in the result html page

    * [MFITNESSE-5] - Can't execute a single FitNesse Page Test

    * [MFITNESSE-6] - Can't use 'Expand All' or 'Collapse All' on a 'Command
Line Test Results' html page

    * [MFITNESSE-7] - The Fitnesse plugin isn't compatible with JDK 1.4

    * [MFITNESSE-8] - Error when creating report index

    * [MFITNESSE-10] - Can't execute Test twice


** Improvement

    * [MFITNESSE-13] - Add timestamp to the FitNesse result page



** Task

    * [MFITNESSE-11] - Mock FitnesseRunnerMojo logger in order to clean the
tests execution log

    * [MFITNESSE-12] - Create a Jira project for Fitnesse mojo



** Wish

    * [MFITNESSE-14] - Have the "output captured" on the suite result page



We'll publish a 1.0 soon.


Thanks (specially to Arnaud),
