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Posted to by "damccorm (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/04/03 19:14:03 UTC

[GitHub] [beam] damccorm commented on a diff in pull request #25823: Featue/online clustering

damccorm commented on code in PR #25823:

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import argparse

Review Comment:
   Could you please:
   1) Add apache headers to these files
   2) Add a writeup of how to run this?

@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+from operator import itemgetter
+from typing import Optional
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
+import apache_beam as beam
+from apache_beam import pvalue
+from apache_beam.coders import PickleCoder, VarIntCoder
+from import PredictionResult
+from apache_beam.transforms import core
+from apache_beam.transforms import ptransform
+from apache_beam.transforms.userstate import ReadModifyWriteStateSpec
+class SelectLatestModelState(beam.CombineFn):
+  """Selects that latest version of a model after training"""
+  def create_accumulator(self):
+    # create and initialise accumulator
+    return None, 0
+  def add_input(self, accumulator, element):
+    # accumulates each element from input in accumulator
+    if element[1] > accumulator[1]:
+      return element
+    return accumulator
+  def merge_accumulators(self, accumulators):
+    # Multiple accumulators could be processed in parallel,
+    # this function merges them
+    return max(accumulators, key=itemgetter(1))
+  def extract_output(self, accumulator):
+    # Only output the tracker
+    return accumulator[0]
+class AssignClusterLabels(core.DoFn):
+  """Takes a trained model and input data and labels all data instances using the trained model."""
+  def process(self, keyed_batch, model, model_id):
+    # 1. Remove the temporary assigned key
+    _, batch = keyed_batch
+    # 2. Calculate cluster predictions
+    cluster_labels = model.predict(batch)
+    for e, i in zip(batch, cluster_labels):
+      yield PredictionResult(example=e, inference=i, model_id=model_id)
+class ClusteringAlgorithm(core.DoFn):
+  """Abstract class with the interface that clustering algorithms need to follow."""
+  MODEL_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec("clustering_model", PickleCoder())
+  ITERATION_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec(
+      'training_iterations', VarIntCoder())
+  MODEL_ID = 'ClusteringAlgorithm'
+  def __init__(self, n_clusters: int, cluster_args: dict):
+    super().__init__()
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.cluster_args = cluster_args
+  def process(
+      self,
+      keyed_batch,
+      model_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(MODEL_SPEC),
+      iteration_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(ITERATION_SPEC)):
+    raise NotImplementedError
+class OnlineKMeans(ClusteringAlgorithm):
+  """Online K-Means function. Used the MiniBatchKMeans from sklearn
+    More information:"""
+  MODEL_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec("clustering_model", PickleCoder())
+  ITERATION_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec(
+      'training_iterations', VarIntCoder())
+  MODEL_ID = 'OnlineKmeans'
+  def process(
+      self,
+      keyed_batch,
+      model_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(MODEL_SPEC),
+      iteration_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(ITERATION_SPEC)):
+    # 1. Initialise or load states
+    clustering = or MiniBatchKMeans(
+        n_clusters=self.n_clusters, **self.cluster_args)
+    iteration = or 0
+    iteration += 1
+    # 2. Remove the temporary assigned keys
+    _, batch = keyed_batch
+    # 3. Calculate cluster centroids
+    clustering.partial_fit(batch)
+    # 4. Store the training set and model
+    model_state.write(clustering)
+    iteration_state.write(iteration)
+    yield clustering, iteration
+class TypeConversion(core.DoFn):
+  """Helper function to convert incoming data to numpy arrays that are accepted by sklearn"""
+  def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs):
+    if isinstance(element, (tuple, list)):
+      yield np.array(element)
+    elif isinstance(element, np.ndarray):
+      yield element
+    elif isinstance(element, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
+      yield element.to_numpy()
+    else:
+      raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type: {type(element)}")
+class ClusteringPreprocessing(ptransform.PTransform):
+  def __init__(
+      self, n_clusters: int, batch_size: int, is_batched: bool = False):
+    """ Preprocessing for Clustering Transformation
+        The clustering transform expects batches for performance reasons,
+        therefore this batches the data and converts it to numpy arrays,
+        which are accepted by sklearn. This transform also adds the same key
+        to all batches, such that only 1 state is created and updated during
+        clustering updates.
+          Example Usage::
+            pcoll | RunInference(
+                        XGBoostModelHandlerNumpy(
+                            model_class="XGBoost Model Class",
+                            model_state="my_model_state.json")))
+          Args:
+          n_clusters: number of clusters used by the algorithm
+          batch_size: size of the data batches
+          is_batched: boolean value that marks if the collection is already batched
+           and thus doesn't need to be batched by this transform
+          """
+    super().__init__()
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.batch_size = batch_size
+    self.is_batched = is_batched
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    pcoll = (
+        pcoll
+        | "Convert element to numpy arrays" >> beam.ParDo(TypeConversion()))
+    if not self.is_batched:
+      pcoll = (
+          pcoll
+          | "Create batches of elements" >> beam.BatchElements(
+              min_batch_size=self.n_clusters, max_batch_size=self.batch_size))
+    return (pcoll | "Add a key" >> beam.Map(lambda record: (1, record)))
+class OnlineClustering(ptransform.PTransform):
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      clustering_algorithm,
+      n_clusters: int,
+      cluster_args: dict,
+      batch_size: int = 1024,
+      is_batched: bool = False):
+    """ Clustering transformation itself, it first preprocesses the data,
+        then it applies the clustering transformation step by step on each
+        of the batches.
+          Example Usage::
+            pcoll | OnlineClustering(
+                        clustering_algorithm=OnlineKMeansClustering
+                        batch_size=1024,
+                        n_clusters=6
+                        cluster_args={}))
+          Args:
+          clustering_algorithm: Clustering algorithm (DoFn)
+          n_clusters: Number of clusters
+          cluster_args: Arguments for the sklearn clustering algorithm (check sklearn documentation for more information)
+          batch_size: size of the data batches
+          is_batched: boolean value that marks if the collection is already batched
+           and thus doesn't need to be batched by this transform
+          """
+    super().__init__()
+    self.clustering_algorithm = clustering_algorithm
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.batch_size = batch_size
+    self.cluster_args = cluster_args
+    self.is_batched = is_batched
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    data = (
+        pcoll
+        | ClusteringPreprocessing(
+            n_clusters=self.n_clusters,
+            batch_size=self.batch_size,
+            is_batched=self.is_batched))
+    model = (
+        data
+        | 'Cluster' >> core.ParDo(
+            self.clustering_algorithm(
+                n_clusters=self.n_clusters, cluster_args=self.cluster_args))
+        | 'Select latest model state' >> core.CombineGlobally(
+            SelectLatestModelState()))

Review Comment:
   I'm a little concerned with how this approach will interact with Beam's windowing. Specifically, in the scenario where you have multiple windows, since state is scoped to key/window we will discard all progress when we enter a new window (and we'll start a new clustering algorithm).
   I think a better approach here might be to repeatedly emit the newly trained model and pick that value up in our side input - that way the data is always being labeled by the most recent version of the clustering algorithm.
   This has some drawbacks - specifically, it will label data with potentially unknown versions of the model because side inputs aren't guaranteed to update before we process the data used to train the side input.

@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+from operator import itemgetter
+from typing import Optional
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
+import apache_beam as beam
+from apache_beam import pvalue
+from apache_beam.coders import PickleCoder, VarIntCoder
+from import PredictionResult
+from apache_beam.transforms import core
+from apache_beam.transforms import ptransform
+from apache_beam.transforms.userstate import ReadModifyWriteStateSpec
+class SelectLatestModelState(beam.CombineFn):
+  """Selects that latest version of a model after training"""
+  def create_accumulator(self):
+    # create and initialise accumulator
+    return None, 0
+  def add_input(self, accumulator, element):
+    # accumulates each element from input in accumulator
+    if element[1] > accumulator[1]:
+      return element
+    return accumulator
+  def merge_accumulators(self, accumulators):
+    # Multiple accumulators could be processed in parallel,
+    # this function merges them
+    return max(accumulators, key=itemgetter(1))
+  def extract_output(self, accumulator):
+    # Only output the tracker
+    return accumulator[0]
+class AssignClusterLabels(core.DoFn):
+  """Takes a trained model and input data and labels all data instances using the trained model."""
+  def process(self, keyed_batch, model, model_id):
+    # 1. Remove the temporary assigned key
+    _, batch = keyed_batch
+    # 2. Calculate cluster predictions
+    cluster_labels = model.predict(batch)
+    for e, i in zip(batch, cluster_labels):
+      yield PredictionResult(example=e, inference=i, model_id=model_id)
+class ClusteringAlgorithm(core.DoFn):
+  """Abstract class with the interface that clustering algorithms need to follow."""
+  MODEL_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec("clustering_model", PickleCoder())
+  ITERATION_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec(
+      'training_iterations', VarIntCoder())
+  MODEL_ID = 'ClusteringAlgorithm'
+  def __init__(self, n_clusters: int, cluster_args: dict):
+    super().__init__()
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.cluster_args = cluster_args
+  def process(
+      self,
+      keyed_batch,
+      model_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(MODEL_SPEC),
+      iteration_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(ITERATION_SPEC)):
+    raise NotImplementedError
+class OnlineKMeans(ClusteringAlgorithm):
+  """Online K-Means function. Used the MiniBatchKMeans from sklearn
+    More information:"""
+  MODEL_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec("clustering_model", PickleCoder())
+  ITERATION_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec(
+      'training_iterations', VarIntCoder())
+  MODEL_ID = 'OnlineKmeans'
+  def process(
+      self,
+      keyed_batch,
+      model_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(MODEL_SPEC),
+      iteration_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(ITERATION_SPEC)):
+    # 1. Initialise or load states
+    clustering = or MiniBatchKMeans(
+        n_clusters=self.n_clusters, **self.cluster_args)
+    iteration = or 0
+    iteration += 1
+    # 2. Remove the temporary assigned keys
+    _, batch = keyed_batch
+    # 3. Calculate cluster centroids
+    clustering.partial_fit(batch)
+    # 4. Store the training set and model
+    model_state.write(clustering)
+    iteration_state.write(iteration)
+    yield clustering, iteration
+class TypeConversion(core.DoFn):
+  """Helper function to convert incoming data to numpy arrays that are accepted by sklearn"""
+  def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs):
+    if isinstance(element, (tuple, list)):
+      yield np.array(element)
+    elif isinstance(element, np.ndarray):
+      yield element
+    elif isinstance(element, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
+      yield element.to_numpy()
+    else:
+      raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type: {type(element)}")
+class ClusteringPreprocessing(ptransform.PTransform):
+  def __init__(
+      self, n_clusters: int, batch_size: int, is_batched: bool = False):
+    """ Preprocessing for Clustering Transformation
+        The clustering transform expects batches for performance reasons,
+        therefore this batches the data and converts it to numpy arrays,
+        which are accepted by sklearn. This transform also adds the same key
+        to all batches, such that only 1 state is created and updated during
+        clustering updates.
+          Example Usage::
+            pcoll | RunInference(
+                        XGBoostModelHandlerNumpy(
+                            model_class="XGBoost Model Class",
+                            model_state="my_model_state.json")))
+          Args:
+          n_clusters: number of clusters used by the algorithm
+          batch_size: size of the data batches
+          is_batched: boolean value that marks if the collection is already batched
+           and thus doesn't need to be batched by this transform
+          """
+    super().__init__()
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.batch_size = batch_size
+    self.is_batched = is_batched
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    pcoll = (
+        pcoll
+        | "Convert element to numpy arrays" >> beam.ParDo(TypeConversion()))
+    if not self.is_batched:
+      pcoll = (
+          pcoll
+          | "Create batches of elements" >> beam.BatchElements(
+              min_batch_size=self.n_clusters, max_batch_size=self.batch_size))
+    return (pcoll | "Add a key" >> beam.Map(lambda record: (1, record)))
+class OnlineClustering(ptransform.PTransform):
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      clustering_algorithm,
+      n_clusters: int,
+      cluster_args: dict,
+      batch_size: int = 1024,
+      is_batched: bool = False):
+    """ Clustering transformation itself, it first preprocesses the data,
+        then it applies the clustering transformation step by step on each
+        of the batches.
+          Example Usage::
+            pcoll | OnlineClustering(
+                        clustering_algorithm=OnlineKMeansClustering
+                        batch_size=1024,
+                        n_clusters=6
+                        cluster_args={}))
+          Args:
+          clustering_algorithm: Clustering algorithm (DoFn)
+          n_clusters: Number of clusters
+          cluster_args: Arguments for the sklearn clustering algorithm (check sklearn documentation for more information)
+          batch_size: size of the data batches
+          is_batched: boolean value that marks if the collection is already batched
+           and thus doesn't need to be batched by this transform
+          """
+    super().__init__()
+    self.clustering_algorithm = clustering_algorithm
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.batch_size = batch_size
+    self.cluster_args = cluster_args
+    self.is_batched = is_batched
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    data = (
+        pcoll
+        | ClusteringPreprocessing(
+            n_clusters=self.n_clusters,
+            batch_size=self.batch_size,
+            is_batched=self.is_batched))
+    model = (
+        data
+        | 'Cluster' >> core.ParDo(
+            self.clustering_algorithm(
+                n_clusters=self.n_clusters, cluster_args=self.cluster_args))
+        | 'Select latest model state' >> core.CombineGlobally(
+            SelectLatestModelState()))

Review Comment:
   Another option would be to add the clustering transform and the AssignClusterLabels transform as independent transforms that can be linked together (but aren't inherently linked outside the context of an example). That gives users the full expressiveness of being able to define whatever implementation they desire. That's probably actually what I'd recommend here - have them be independent transforms linked together by the california_housing_clustering examples).

@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+from operator import itemgetter
+from typing import Optional
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
+import apache_beam as beam
+from apache_beam import pvalue
+from apache_beam.coders import PickleCoder, VarIntCoder
+from import PredictionResult
+from apache_beam.transforms import core
+from apache_beam.transforms import ptransform
+from apache_beam.transforms.userstate import ReadModifyWriteStateSpec
+class SelectLatestModelState(beam.CombineFn):
+  """Selects that latest version of a model after training"""
+  def create_accumulator(self):
+    # create and initialise accumulator
+    return None, 0
+  def add_input(self, accumulator, element):
+    # accumulates each element from input in accumulator
+    if element[1] > accumulator[1]:
+      return element
+    return accumulator
+  def merge_accumulators(self, accumulators):
+    # Multiple accumulators could be processed in parallel,
+    # this function merges them
+    return max(accumulators, key=itemgetter(1))
+  def extract_output(self, accumulator):
+    # Only output the tracker
+    return accumulator[0]
+class AssignClusterLabels(core.DoFn):
+  """Takes a trained model and input data and labels all data instances using the trained model."""
+  def process(self, keyed_batch, model, model_id):
+    # 1. Remove the temporary assigned key
+    _, batch = keyed_batch
+    # 2. Calculate cluster predictions
+    cluster_labels = model.predict(batch)
+    for e, i in zip(batch, cluster_labels):
+      yield PredictionResult(example=e, inference=i, model_id=model_id)
+class ClusteringAlgorithm(core.DoFn):
+  """Abstract class with the interface that clustering algorithms need to follow."""
+  MODEL_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec("clustering_model", PickleCoder())
+  ITERATION_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec(
+      'training_iterations', VarIntCoder())
+  MODEL_ID = 'ClusteringAlgorithm'
+  def __init__(self, n_clusters: int, cluster_args: dict):
+    super().__init__()
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.cluster_args = cluster_args
+  def process(
+      self,
+      keyed_batch,
+      model_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(MODEL_SPEC),
+      iteration_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(ITERATION_SPEC)):
+    raise NotImplementedError
+class OnlineKMeans(ClusteringAlgorithm):
+  """Online K-Means function. Used the MiniBatchKMeans from sklearn
+    More information:"""
+  MODEL_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec("clustering_model", PickleCoder())
+  ITERATION_SPEC = ReadModifyWriteStateSpec(
+      'training_iterations', VarIntCoder())
+  MODEL_ID = 'OnlineKmeans'
+  def process(
+      self,
+      keyed_batch,
+      model_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(MODEL_SPEC),
+      iteration_state=core.DoFn.StateParam(ITERATION_SPEC)):
+    # 1. Initialise or load states
+    clustering = or MiniBatchKMeans(
+        n_clusters=self.n_clusters, **self.cluster_args)
+    iteration = or 0
+    iteration += 1
+    # 2. Remove the temporary assigned keys
+    _, batch = keyed_batch
+    # 3. Calculate cluster centroids
+    clustering.partial_fit(batch)
+    # 4. Store the training set and model
+    model_state.write(clustering)
+    iteration_state.write(iteration)
+    yield clustering, iteration
+class TypeConversion(core.DoFn):
+  """Helper function to convert incoming data to numpy arrays that are accepted by sklearn"""
+  def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs):
+    if isinstance(element, (tuple, list)):
+      yield np.array(element)
+    elif isinstance(element, np.ndarray):
+      yield element
+    elif isinstance(element, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
+      yield element.to_numpy()
+    else:
+      raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type: {type(element)}")
+class ClusteringPreprocessing(ptransform.PTransform):
+  def __init__(
+      self, n_clusters: int, batch_size: int, is_batched: bool = False):
+    """ Preprocessing for Clustering Transformation
+        The clustering transform expects batches for performance reasons,
+        therefore this batches the data and converts it to numpy arrays,
+        which are accepted by sklearn. This transform also adds the same key
+        to all batches, such that only 1 state is created and updated during
+        clustering updates.
+          Example Usage::
+            pcoll | RunInference(
+                        XGBoostModelHandlerNumpy(
+                            model_class="XGBoost Model Class",
+                            model_state="my_model_state.json")))
+          Args:
+          n_clusters: number of clusters used by the algorithm
+          batch_size: size of the data batches
+          is_batched: boolean value that marks if the collection is already batched
+           and thus doesn't need to be batched by this transform
+          """
+    super().__init__()
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.batch_size = batch_size
+    self.is_batched = is_batched
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    pcoll = (
+        pcoll
+        | "Convert element to numpy arrays" >> beam.ParDo(TypeConversion()))
+    if not self.is_batched:
+      pcoll = (
+          pcoll
+          | "Create batches of elements" >> beam.BatchElements(
+              min_batch_size=self.n_clusters, max_batch_size=self.batch_size))
+    return (pcoll | "Add a key" >> beam.Map(lambda record: (1, record)))
+class OnlineClustering(ptransform.PTransform):
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      clustering_algorithm,
+      n_clusters: int,
+      cluster_args: dict,
+      batch_size: int = 1024,
+      is_batched: bool = False):
+    """ Clustering transformation itself, it first preprocesses the data,
+        then it applies the clustering transformation step by step on each
+        of the batches.
+          Example Usage::
+            pcoll | OnlineClustering(
+                        clustering_algorithm=OnlineKMeansClustering
+                        batch_size=1024,
+                        n_clusters=6
+                        cluster_args={}))
+          Args:
+          clustering_algorithm: Clustering algorithm (DoFn)
+          n_clusters: Number of clusters
+          cluster_args: Arguments for the sklearn clustering algorithm (check sklearn documentation for more information)
+          batch_size: size of the data batches
+          is_batched: boolean value that marks if the collection is already batched
+           and thus doesn't need to be batched by this transform
+          """
+    super().__init__()
+    self.clustering_algorithm = clustering_algorithm
+    self.n_clusters = n_clusters
+    self.batch_size = batch_size
+    self.cluster_args = cluster_args
+    self.is_batched = is_batched
+  def expand(self, pcoll):
+    data = (
+        pcoll
+        | ClusteringPreprocessing(
+            n_clusters=self.n_clusters,
+            batch_size=self.batch_size,
+            is_batched=self.is_batched))
+    model = (
+        data
+        | 'Cluster' >> core.ParDo(
+            self.clustering_algorithm(
+                n_clusters=self.n_clusters, cluster_args=self.cluster_args))
+        | 'Select latest model state' >> core.CombineGlobally(
+            SelectLatestModelState()))

Review Comment:
   I think regardless, we should probably move this to the examples directory for now (it can sit next to california_housing_clustering) since this story isn't fully fleshed out. I'd still request that we unlink the 2 pieces of the transform since I think its a better/more expressive pattern.
   Putting it in the examples directory is probably for the best until we have a fuller suite of these algorithms anyways.

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