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Posted to by Skely Vengaboy <> on 2005/04/01 05:19:07 UTC

Single Sign On not working (Tomcat 5.5.7)


Please help me... I'm really struggling with implemting SSO for my 2 webapps... I've done all that is said in the documentation pages of tomcat. For some reason, tomcat is not linking the 2 web-apps with SSO. 
When I try to reach from one web-app to the other, its repeatedly showing the login screen. 

Please help... 
This is my server.xml file... 

<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">  <Service name="Catalina">    <Connector port="8080" />    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">      <Realm  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"             driverName=""          connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost/authority"         connectionName="root" connectionPassword="password"              userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"          userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name" />                 <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" >        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" debug="2"/>        <Context displayName="Brown-SSO Application" docBase="brown-sso" path="/brown-sso" workDir="work\Catalina\localhost\brown-sso">        </Context>        <Context displayName="Blue-SSO Application" docBase="blue-sso" path="/blue-sso" workDir="work\Catalina\localhost\blue-sso">        </Context>                </Host>   
 </Engine>      </Service></Server>

I'm using two simple struts web-apps named "brown-sso" and "blue-sso".

kind regards,

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