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[GitHub] [apisix] ShaoZeMing edited a comment on issue #6404: plugin.lua:109: load_plugin(): failed to load plugin [auth-hook] err: /usr/local/apisix/apisix/init.lua:21: changing jit stack size is not allowed when some regexs have already been compiled and cached, context: init_worker_by_lua*

ShaoZeMing edited a comment on issue #6404:

   Currently using a custom plugin, which works normally in version 2.6. After the current version was updated to 2.12.1, this plugin also added config.yml, but this error was reported. Here is my profile info:
   # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
   # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   # limitations under the License.
   # If you want to set the specified configuration value, you can set the new
   # value in the conf/config.yaml file.
     # node_listen: 9080               # APISIX listening port
     node_listen:                      # This style support multiple ports
       - 9080
     #   - port: 9081
     #     enable_http2: true          # If not set, the default value is `false`.
     #   - ip:               # Specific IP, If not set, the default value is ``.
     #     port: 9082
     #     enable_http2: true
     enable_admin: true
     enable_admin_cors: true           # Admin API support CORS response headers.
     enable_dev_mode: false            # Sets nginx worker_processes to 1 if set to true
     enable_reuseport: true            # Enable nginx SO_REUSEPORT switch if set to true.
     enable_ipv6: true
     config_center: etcd               # etcd: use etcd to store the config value
                                       # yaml: fetch the config value from local yaml file `/your_path/conf/apisix.yaml`
     #proxy_protocol:                  # Proxy Protocol configuration
     #listen_http_port: 9181           # The port with proxy protocol for http, it differs from node_listen and port_admin.
                                       # This port can only receive http request with proxy protocol, but node_listen & port_admin
                                       # can only receive http request. If you enable proxy protocol, you must use this port to
                                       # receive http request with proxy protocol
     #listen_https_port: 9182          # The port with proxy protocol for https
     #enable_tcp_pp: true              # Enable the proxy protocol for tcp proxy, it works for stream_proxy.tcp option
     #enable_tcp_pp_to_upstream: true  # Enables the proxy protocol to the upstream server
     enable_server_tokens: true        # Whether the APISIX version number should be shown in Server header.
                                       # It's enabled by default.
     # configurations to load third party code and/or override the builtin one.
     extra_lua_path: ""                # extend lua_package_path to load third party code
     extra_lua_cpath: ""               # extend lua_package_cpath to load third party code
     #lua_module_hook: "my_project.my_hook"  # the hook module which will be used to inject third party code into APISIX
     proxy_cache:                      # Proxy Caching configuration
       cache_ttl: 10s                  # The default caching time in disk if the upstream does not specify the cache time
       zones:                          # The parameters of a cache
         - name: disk_cache_one        # The name of the cache, administrator can specify
                                       # which cache to use by name in the admin api (disk|memory)
           memory_size: 50m            # The size of shared memory, it's used to store the cache index for
                                       # disk strategy, store cache content for memory strategy (disk|memory)
           disk_size: 1G               # The size of disk, it's used to store the cache data (disk)
           disk_path: /tmp/disk_cache_one  # The path to store the cache data (disk)
           cache_levels: 1:2           # The hierarchy levels of a cache (disk)
         #- name: disk_cache_two
         #  memory_size: 50m
         #  disk_size: 1G
         #  disk_path: "/tmp/disk_cache_two"
         #  cache_levels: "1:2"
         - name: memory_cache
           memory_size: 50m
     allow_admin:                  #
       -              # If we don't set any IP list, then any IP access is allowed by default.
       #- "::/64"
     #admin_listen:                # use a separate port
     #  ip:              # Specific IP, if not set, the default value is ``.
     #  port: 9180
     #port_admin: 9180             # Not recommend: This parameter should be set via the `admin_listen`.
     #https_admin: true            # enable HTTPS when use a separate port for Admin API.
                                   # Admin API will use conf/apisix_admin_api.crt and conf/apisix_admin_api.key as certificate.
     admin_api_mtls:               # Depends on `port_admin` and `https_admin`.
       admin_ssl_cert: ""          # Path of your self-signed server side cert.
       admin_ssl_cert_key: ""      # Path of your self-signed server side key.
       admin_ssl_ca_cert: ""       # Path of your self-signed ca cert.The CA is used to sign all admin api callers' certificates.
     # Default token when use API to call for Admin API.
     # *NOTE*: Highly recommended to modify this value to protect APISIX's Admin API.
     # Disabling this configuration item means that the Admin API does not
     # require any authentication.
         name: admin
         key: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1
         role: admin                 # admin: manage all configuration data
                                     # viewer: only can view configuration data
         name: viewer
         key: 4054f7cf07e344346cd3f287985e76a2
         role: viewer
     delete_uri_tail_slash: false    # delete the '/' at the end of the URI
     global_rule_skip_internal_api: true     # does not run global rule in internal apis
                                             # api that path starts with "/apisix" is considered to be internal api
       http: radixtree_uri         # radixtree_uri: match route by uri(base on radixtree)
                                     # radixtree_host_uri: match route by host + uri(base on radixtree)
                                     # radixtree_uri_with_parameter: like radixtree_uri but match uri with parameters,
                                     #   see for
                                     #   more details.
       ssl: radixtree_sni          # radixtree_sni: match route by SNI(base on radixtree)
     #stream_proxy:                  # TCP/UDP proxy
     #  only: true                   # use stream proxy only, don't enable HTTP stuff
     #  tcp:                         # TCP proxy port list
     #    - addr: 9100
     #      tls: true
     #    - addr: ""
     #  udp:                         # UDP proxy port list
     #    - 9200
     #    - ""
     #dns_resolver:                  # If not set, read from `/etc/resolv.conf`
     #  -
     #  -
     #dns_resolver_valid: 30         # if given, override the TTL of the valid records. The unit is second.
     resolver_timeout: 5             # resolver timeout
     enable_resolv_search_opt: true  # enable search option in resolv.conf
       enable: true
       listen:                       # APISIX listening port in https.
         - 9443
       #   - port: 9444
       #     enable_http2: true      # If not set, the default value is `false`.
       #   - ip:           # Specific IP, If not set, the default value is ``.
       #     port: 9445
       #     enable_http2: true
       enable_http2: true            # Not recommend: This parameter should be set via the `listen`.
       # listen_port: 9443           # Not recommend: This parameter should be set via the `listen`.
       #ssl_trusted_certificate: /path/to/ca-cert  # Specifies a file path with trusted CA certificates in the PEM format
                                                   # used to verify the certificate when APISIX needs to do SSL/TLS handshaking
                                                   # with external services (e.g. etcd)
       ssl_protocols: TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
       ssl_session_tickets: false              #  disable ssl_session_tickets by default for 'ssl_session_tickets' would make Perfect Forward Secrecy useless.
                                               #  ref:
       key_encrypt_salt: edd1c9f0985e76a2      #  If not set, will save origin ssl key into etcd.
                                               #  If set this, must be a string of length 16. And it will encrypt ssl key with AES-128-CBC
                                               #  !!! So do not change it after saving your ssl, it can't decrypt the ssl keys have be saved if you change !!
       #fallback_sni: "my.default.domain"      # If set this, when the client doesn't send SNI during handshake, the fallback SNI will be used instead
     enable_control: true
     #  ip:
     #  port: 9090
     disable_sync_configuration_during_start: false  # safe exit. Remove this once the feature is stable
   nginx_config:                     # config for render the template to generate nginx.conf
     #user: root                     # specifies the execution user of the worker process.
                                     # the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges.
                                     # if you're not root user,the default is current user.
     error_log: logs/error.log
     error_log_level:  warn          # warn,error
     worker_processes: auto          # if you want use multiple cores in container, you can inject the number of cpu as environment variable "APISIX_WORKER_PROCESSES"
     enable_cpu_affinity: true       # enable cpu affinity, this is just work well only on physical machine
     worker_rlimit_nofile: 20480     # the number of files a worker process can open, should be larger than worker_connections
     worker_shutdown_timeout: 240s   # timeout for a graceful shutdown of worker processes
     max_pending_timers: 16384       # increase it if you see "too many pending timers" error
     max_running_timers: 4096        # increase it if you see "lua_max_running_timers are not enough" error
       worker_connections: 10620
     #envs:                          # allow to get a list of environment variables
     #  - TEST_ENV
       enable_access_log: false         # enable access log or not, default false
       access_log: logs/access_stream.log
       access_log_format: "$remote_addr [$time_local] $protocol $status $bytes_sent $bytes_received $session_time"
                                               # create your custom log format by visiting
       access_log_format_escape: default       # allows setting json or default characters escaping in variables
         etcd-cluster-health-check-stream: 10m
         lrucache-lock-stream: 10m
         plugin-limit-conn-stream: 10m
     # As user can add arbitrary configurations in the snippet,
     # it is user's responsibility to check the configurations
     # don't conflict with APISIX.
     main_configuration_snippet: |
       # Add custom Nginx main configuration to nginx.conf.
       # The configuration should be well indented!
     http_configuration_snippet: |
       # Add custom Nginx http configuration to nginx.conf.
       # The configuration should be well indented!
     http_server_configuration_snippet: |
       # Add custom Nginx http server configuration to nginx.conf.
       # The configuration should be well indented!
     http_server_location_configuration_snippet: |
       # Add custom Nginx http server location configuration to nginx.conf.
       # The configuration should be well indented!
     http_admin_configuration_snippet: |
       # Add custom Nginx admin server configuration to nginx.conf.
       # The configuration should be well indented!
     http_end_configuration_snippet: |
       # Add custom Nginx http end configuration to nginx.conf.
       # The configuration should be well indented!
     stream_configuration_snippet: |
       # Add custom Nginx stream configuration to nginx.conf.
       # The configuration should be well indented!
       enable_access_log: true         # enable access log or not, default true
       access_log: logs/access.log
       access_log_format: "$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $http_host \"$request\" $status $body_bytes_sent $request_time \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\" $upstream_addr $upstream_status $upstream_response_time \"$upstream_scheme://$upstream_host$upstream_uri\""
       access_log_format_escape: default       # allows setting json or default characters escaping in variables
       keepalive_timeout: 60s          # timeout during which a keep-alive client connection will stay open on the server side.
       client_header_timeout: 60s      # timeout for reading client request header, then 408 (Request Time-out) error is returned to the client
       client_body_timeout: 60s        # timeout for reading client request body, then 408 (Request Time-out) error is returned to the client
       client_max_body_size: 0         # The maximum allowed size of the client request body.
                                       # If exceeded, the 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error is returned to the client.
                                       # Note that unlike Nginx, we don't limit the body size by default.
       send_timeout: 10s              # timeout for transmitting a response to the client.then the connection is closed
       underscores_in_headers: "on"   # default enables the use of underscores in client request header fields
       real_ip_header: X-Real-IP      #
       real_ip_recursive: "off"       #
       real_ip_from:                  #
         - "unix:"
       #custom_lua_shared_dict:       # add custom shared cache to nginx.conf
       #  ipc_shared_dict: 100m       # custom shared cache, format: `cache-key: cache-size`
       # Enables or disables passing of the server name through TLS Server Name Indication extension (SNI, RFC 6066)
       # when establishing a connection with the proxied HTTPS server.
       proxy_ssl_server_name: true
         keepalive: 320                # Sets the maximum number of idle keepalive connections to upstream servers that are preserved in the cache of each worker process.
                                       # When this number is exceeded, the least recently used connections are closed.
         keepalive_requests: 1000      # Sets the maximum number of requests that can be served through one keepalive connection.
                                       # After the maximum number of requests is made, the connection is closed.
         keepalive_timeout: 60s        # Sets a timeout during which an idle keepalive connection to an upstream server will stay open.
       charset: utf-8                  # Adds the specified charset to the "Content-Type" response header field, see
       variables_hash_max_size: 2048   # Sets the maximum size of the variables hash table.
         internal-status: 10m
         plugin-limit-req: 10m
         plugin-limit-count: 10m
         prometheus-metrics: 10m
         plugin-limit-conn: 10m
         upstream-healthcheck: 10m
         worker-events: 10m
         lrucache-lock: 10m
         balancer-ewma: 10m
         balancer-ewma-locks: 10m
         balancer-ewma-last-touched-at: 10m
         plugin-limit-count-redis-cluster-slot-lock: 1m
         tracing_buffer: 10m
         plugin-api-breaker: 10m
         etcd-cluster-health-check: 10m
         discovery: 1m
         jwks: 1m
         introspection: 10m
         access-tokens: 1m
         ext-plugin: 1m
     host:                           # it's possible to define multiple etcd hosts addresses of the same etcd cluster.
       - ""     # multiple etcd address, if your etcd cluster enables TLS, please use https scheme,
                                     # e.g.
     prefix: /apisix                 # apisix configurations prefix
     timeout: 30                     # 30 seconds
     #resync_delay: 5                # when sync failed and a rest is needed, resync after the configured seconds plus 50% random jitter
     #health_check_timeout: 10       # etcd retry the unhealthy nodes after the configured seconds
     #user: root                     # root username for etcd
     #password: 5tHkHhYkjr6cQY       # root password for etcd
       # To enable etcd client certificate you need to build APISIX-OpenResty, see
       #cert: /path/to/cert          # path of certificate used by the etcd client
       #key: /path/to/key            # path of key used by the etcd client
       verify: true                  # whether to verify the etcd endpoint certificate when setup a TLS connection to etcd,
                                     # the default value is true, e.g. the certificate will be verified strictly.
       #sni:                         # the SNI for etcd TLS requests. If missed, the host part of the URL will be used.
   # HashiCorp Vault storage backend for sensitive data retrieval. The config shows an example of what APISIX expects if you
   # wish to integrate Vault for secret (sensetive string, public private keys etc.) retrieval. APISIX communicates with Vault
   # server HTTP APIs. By default, APISIX doesn't need this configuration.
   # vault:
   #   host: ""   # The host address where the vault server is running.
   #   timeout: 10                   # request timeout 30 seconds
   #   token: root                   # Authentication token to access Vault HTTP APIs
   #   prefix: kv/apisix             # APISIX supports vault kv engine v1, where sensitive data are being stored
                                     # and retrieved through vault HTTP APIs. enabling a prefix allows you to better enforcement of
                                     # policies, generate limited scoped tokens and tightly control the data that can be accessed
                                     # from APISIX.
   #discovery:                       # service discovery center
   #  dns:
   #    servers:
   #      - ""         # use the real address of your dns server
   #  eureka:
   #    host:                        # it's possible to define multiple eureka hosts addresses of the same eureka cluster.
   #      - ""
   #    prefix: /eureka/
   #    fetch_interval: 30           # default 30s
   #    weight: 100                  # default weight for node
   #    timeout:
   #      connect: 2000              # default 2000ms
   #      send: 2000                 # default 2000ms
   #      read: 5000                 # default 5000ms
     max_size: 1048576               # the maximum size limitation of graphql in bytes, default 1MiB
     #cmd: ["ls", "-l"]
   plugins:                          # plugin list (sorted by priority)
     - real-ip                        # priority: 23000
     - client-control                 # priority: 22000
     - proxy-control                  # priority: 21990
     - ext-plugin-pre-req             # priority: 12000
     - zipkin                         # priority: 11011
     - request-id                     # priority: 11010
     - fault-injection                # priority: 11000
     - serverless-pre-function        # priority: 10000
     #- batch-requests                # priority: 4010
     - cors                           # priority: 4000
     - ip-restriction                 # priority: 3000
     - ua-restriction                 # priority: 2999
     - referer-restriction            # priority: 2990
     - uri-blocker                    # priority: 2900
     - request-validation             # priority: 2800
     - openid-connect                 # priority: 2599
     - authz-casbin                   # priority: 2560
     - wolf-rbac                      # priority: 2555
     - ldap-auth                      # priority: 2540
     - hmac-auth                      # priority: 2530
     - basic-auth                     # priority: 2520
     - jwt-auth                       # priority: 2510
     - key-auth                       # priority: 2500
     - consumer-restriction           # priority: 2400
     - forward-auth                   # priority: 2002
     - opa                            # priority: 2001
     - authz-keycloak                 # priority: 2000
     - auth-hook                      # priority: 1998
     #- error-log-logger              # priority: 1091
     - proxy-mirror                   # priority: 1010
     - proxy-cache                    # priority: 1009
     - proxy-rewrite                  # priority: 1008
     - api-breaker                    # priority: 1005
     - limit-conn                     # priority: 1003
     - limit-count                    # priority: 1002
     - limit-req                      # priority: 1001
     #- node-status                   # priority: 1000
     - gzip                           # priority: 995
     - server-info                    # priority: 990
     - traffic-split                  # priority: 966
     - redirect                       # priority: 900
     - response-rewrite               # priority: 899
     #- dubbo-proxy                   # priority: 507
     - grpc-transcode                 # priority: 506
     - grpc-web                       # priority: 505
     - prometheus                     # priority: 500
     - datadog                        # priority: 495
     - echo                           # priority: 412
     - http-logger                    # priority: 410
     - splunk-hec-logging             # priority: 409
     - skywalking-logger              # priority: 408
     - google-cloud-logging           # priority: 407
     - sls-logger                     # priority: 406
     - tcp-logger                     # priority: 405
     - kafka-logger                   # priority: 403
     - rocketmq-logger                # priority: 402
     - syslog                         # priority: 401
     - udp-logger                     # priority: 400
     #- log-rotate                    # priority: 100
     # <- recommend to use priority (0, 100) for your custom plugins
     - example-plugin                 # priority: 0
     #- skywalking                    # priority: -1100
     - aws-lambda                     # priority: -1899
     - azure-functions                # priority: -1900
     - openwhisk                      # priority: -1901
     - serverless-post-function       # priority: -2000
     - ext-plugin-post-req            # priority: -3000
   stream_plugins: # sorted by priority
     - ip-restriction                 # priority: 3000
     - limit-conn                     # priority: 1003
     - mqtt-proxy                     # priority: 1000
     # - auth-hook                      # priority: 1998
     # <- recommend to use priority (0, 100) for your custom plugins
       #- name: wasm_log
         #priority: 7999
         #file: t/wasm/log/main.go.wasm
       interval: 3600    # rotate interval (unit: second)
       max_kept: 168     # max number of log files will be kept
       enable_compression: false    # enable log file compression(gzip) or not, default false
       service_name: APISIX
       service_instance_name: APISIX Instance Name
       export_uri: /apisix/prometheus/metrics
       metric_prefix: apisix_
       enable_export_server: true
         port: 9091
       report_interval: 60  # server info report interval (unit: second)
       report_ttl: 3600     # live time for server info in etcd (unit: second)
       upstream_multiplex_count: 32
         enable: false
         snowflake_epoc: 1609459200000   # the starting timestamp is expressed in milliseconds
         data_machine_bits: 12           # data machine bit, maximum 31, because Lua cannot do bit operations greater than 31
         sequence_bits: 10               # each machine generates a maximum of (1 << sequence_bits) serial numbers per millisecond
         data_machine_ttl: 30            # live time for data_machine in etcd (unit: second)
         data_machine_interval: 10       # lease renewal interval in etcd (unit: second)

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