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Posted to by Matus UHLAR - fantomas <> on 2011/11/02 16:04:36 UTC

Re: Disable a Rule

On 31.10.11 02:33, Jeremy McSpadden wrote:
>Thanks Ned, my question being now - why create a rule that can reduce 
> the spam count

the DNSWL rules are not created to reduce spam count, but to reduce FP 

> when the provider decides to enforce such a policy; 

any provider can enforce any policy - should we stop using shared 
databases too?

You can be denied from running sa-update if you will abuse it. should 
SA stop recommending using it?

> and start returning incorrect queries.  Denied or not, it should 
> NEVER return any value that would lower the spam count, if it cannot 
> provide the correct answer to the query, it should send a null 
> result; not some crap answer because they're systems cannot provide 
> sufficient queries to the demand the public puts on their 
> infrastructure.

afaik your problem was that you are using (or forced to use) your 
providers' DNS servers.  Blame your provider, not SA.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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