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cvs commit: tcl-moddtcl/docs commands.html directives.html index.html install.html nav.html other.html style.css top.html documentation.html

davidw      01/06/15 10:19:49

  Modified:    docs     documentation.html
  Added:       docs     commands.html directives.html index.html
                        install.html nav.html other.html style.css top.html
  Major documentation reorganization.  Added frame-based system.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +2 -402    tcl-moddtcl/docs/documentation.html
  Index: documentation.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/tcl-moddtcl/docs/documentation.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
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  +++ documentation.html	2001/06/15 17:19:46	1.9
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  -<!-- $Id: documentation.html,v 1.8 2001/05/01 15:56:02 davidw Exp $ -->
  -      <h2>mod_dtcl Documentation</h2>
  -      <h3>1) Installation</h3>
  -      <ol>
  -	<li><b>Check dependencies</b><br>
  -	  To install mod_dtcl, you will need <b>Tcl 8.2</b> or greater
  -	  and <b>Apache 1.3.xx</b>.  It is known to run on Linux,
  -	  FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Solaris and HPUX.  NT is also possible -
  -	  please see the directions in the distribution.
  -	</li>
  +<!-- $Id: documentation.html,v 1.9 2001/06/15 17:19:46 davidw Exp $ -->
  -	<li><b>Get mod_dtcl</b><br>
  -	  If you are running a Debian or FreeBSD system, there
  -	  are pre-built packages available at:
  -	  <a href=""></a> 
  -	  or
  -	  <a
  -	     href=""></a>.<br>
  -	  Otherwise, download the sources at <a href="download/"></a>.
  -	  <br>
  -	</li>
  -	<li><b>Uncompress the sources</b><br>
  -	  <code>
  -	    gunzip apache-1.3.X.tar.gz<br>
  -	    tar -xvf apache-1.3.X.tar.gz<br>
  -	  </code>
  -	  You don't need the Apache sources if you are building a shared
  -	  object module.  You do, however, need the header files.
  -	  Some systems, such as Debian GNU/Linux, provide these
  -	  independently - otherwise, you probably still need the sources.<br>
  -	  <code>
  -	    gunzip mod_dtcl-X.X.X.tar.gz<br>
  -	    tar -xvf mod_dtcl-X.X.X.tar.gz<br>
  -	  </code>
  -	</li>
  -	<li><b>Configuring,, etc...</b><br> 
  -	  Do you want to build mod_dtcl as a shared object (such as a
  -	  .so file on Linux, or a .dll on windows), or compile it
  -	  directly as a part of the Apache executable?  The Apache
  -	  Software Foundation has put together a nice <a
  -	  href="">manual</a>
  -	  which explains things in detail.
  -	  <ul>
  -	    <li><b>For shared objects</b><br>
  -	      <code>cd ../mod_dtcl/<br></code>
  -	      Edit the <code></code> script.  The 3
  -	      variables you may need to change are: 
  -	      <ul>
  -		<li><code>TCLSH</code><br>
  -		  Name of the tclsh program on your computer.
  -		</li>
  -		<li><code>APACHE</code><br>
  -		  Location of the Apache sources (for static builds only).
  -		</li>
  -		<li><code>INC</code><br>
  -		  Location of the Apache headers (you will need this even
  -		  for building shared objects).
  -		</li>
  -	      </ul>
  -	      <code>
  -		./ shared
  -	      </code><br>
  -	      <code>
  -		cp
  -		/usr/lib/apache/wherever/the/other/shared/objects/reside
  -		</code> For shared object builds, you need to copy the
  -		object into the directory where the other shared
  -		objects are kept for your Apache build.  On Debian
  -		GNU/Linux systems, for instance, this is in
  -		<code>/usr/lib/apache/1.3/</code>.
  -	    </li>
  -	    <li><b>For static builds</b><br>
  -	      <code>
  -		cd apache-1.3.X/<br>
  -		./configure<br>
  -	      </code>
  -	      <code>cd ../mod_dtcl/<br></code>
  -	      Edit the <code></code> script.  The 3
  -	      variables you may need to change are: 
  -	      <ul>
  -		<li><code>TCLSH</code><br>
  -		  Name of the tclsh program on your computer.
  -		</li>
  -		<li><code>APACHE</code><br>
  -		  Location of the Apache sources (for static builds only).
  -		</li>
  -		<li><code>INC</code><br>
  -		  Location of the Apache headers (you will need this even
  -		  for building shared objects).
  -		</li>
  -	      </ul>
  -	      <code>
  -		./ static
  -	      </code><br>
  -	      <code>
  -		./ install
  -	      </code><br>
  -	      <code>cd ../apache-1.3.X<br></code>
  -	      <code>./configure
  -		--activate-module=src/modules/mod_dtcl/mod_dtcl.a [ other configure
  -		options ]<br></code>
  -	      <code>export EXTRA_LIBS="-ltcl8.X -lm"</code><br>
  -	      <code>make -e<br></code>
  -	      <code>make install<br></code>
  -	    </li>
  -	  </ul>
  -	</li>
  -	<li><b>Configure Apache<br></b>		
  -	  <ul>
  -	    <li>
  -	      <b>http.conf</b><br> <code>LoadModule dtcl_module
  -		/usr/lib/apache/1.3/</code><br> 
  -	      This points Apache to the shared object if
  -	      mod_dtcl is being used as a loadable module.
  -	    </li>
  -	    <li>
  -	      <b>srm.conf</b><br> 
  -	      <code>AddType application/x-httpd-tcl .ttml</code><br>
  -	      <code>AddType application/x-dtcl-tcl .tcl</code>
  -	      (optional)<br>
  -	      These add the .ttml and .tcl (if desired) types to
  -	      Apache, so that they are processed by mod_dtcl.
  -	    </li>
  -	  </ul>
  -	</li>
  -      </ol>
  -      <h3>2) Apache Directives</h3>
  -      <ul>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>Dtcl_Script GlobalInitScript <i>"script"</i></code></b><br>
  -	  Tcl script that is run when each interpreter is
  -	  initialized.  <code>"script"</code> is actual Tcl
  -	  script, so to run a file, you would do
  -	  <code>Dtcl_Script GlobalInitScript "source /var/www/foobar.tcl"</code>.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>Dtcl_Script ChildInitScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>		
  -	  Script to be evaluated when each apache child is
  -	  initialized. This is the best place to load modules.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>Dtcl_Script ChildExitScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>	      
  -	  Script to be evaluated when each apache child exits.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>Dtcl_Script BeforeScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>		
  -	  Script to be evaluated before each .ttml page.
  -	  <strong>Note</strong> that you cannot use
  -	  <code>hputs</code> in the BeforeScript, but must
  -	  instead use <code>buffer_add</code>.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>Dtcl_Script AfterScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>	      
  -	  Script to be called after each .ttml page.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>Dtcl_Script ErrorScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>	      
  -	  This code is called in place of the standard 'error' pages
  -	  generated for mod_dtcl.  This directive may be useful if you
  -	  have sensitive logic that you wish to protect.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>Dtcl_CacheSize <i>cachesize</i></b></code><br> 
  -	  Number of ttml scripts to cache as Tcl Objects.
  -	  Default is MaxRequestsPerChild / 2, or 50, if
  -	  MaxRequestsPerChild is 0.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>Dtcl_UploadFilesToVar <i>1/0</i></b></code><br> 
  -	  If set to 1, files will be uploaded to the variable
  -	  UPLOAD(data).  Be careful with this, as large files could
  -	  use up your memory.
  -	</li>
  -      </ul>
  -      <h3>3) mod_dtcl specific Tcl commands and variables</h3>
  -      <ul>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>buffer_add <i>string</i></b></code><br>	      
  -	  Add text to output_buffer for later printing. Used
  -	  internally.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>hputs <i>?-error? text</i></b></code><br>	      
  -	  The mod_dtcl version of "puts".  Outputs to the
  -	  client, instead of to stdout.
  -	  The error option permits you to send an 'error message' to the
  -	  apache log file, at the NOTICE level.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>hgetvars</b></code><br>
  -	  Get environmental, CGI and Cookie variables. This is
  -	  in a seperate command so as not to make the server do
  -	  this every time you load a .ttml file. ENVS, VARS, and
  -	  COOKIES are the associative arrays created.  ENVS
  -	  contains environmental variables, VARS contains all
  -	  the 'cgi' variables, and COOKIES, any cookies recieved
  -	  from the client. 
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>include <i>filename</i></b></code><br>	      
  -	  Include a file without parsing it.  This is the best
  -	  way to include an HTML file or any other static content.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>parse <i>filename</i></b></code><br>	      
  -	  "Source" a .ttml file.  This is the way to include
  -	  other .ttml files.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>hflush</b></code><br>	      
  -	  Flush the output buffers to the client.  Use this if
  -	  you want to incrementally update a page.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>headers redirect <i>uri</i></b></code><br>	      
  -	  Redirect from the current page to a new
  -	  URI. <b>Must</b> be done in the first block of TCL code.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>headers setcookie <i>-name cookie-name
  -		-value cookie-value ?-expires date/time? ?-domain domain?
  -		?-path path? ?-secure?</i></b></code><br>
  -	  This command is for setting cookies.  Cookie-name is
  -	  the name of the cookie, cookie-value is the data
  -	  associated with the variable.  Expires sets an
  -	  expiration date for the cookie, and must be in the
  -	  format 'DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS', path sets the path for
  -	  which the cookie is valid, and secure specifies that
  -	  the cookie is only to be transmitted if the connection
  -	  is secure (HTTPS).
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>headers type
  -	      <i>content-type</i></b></code><br>
  -	  This command sets the "Content-type:" header returned
  -	  by the script, which is useful if you wish to create a
  -	  PNG (image), for example, with mod_dtcl.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>headers set <i>headername value</i></b></code><br>
  -	  Set arbitrary header names and values.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  <code><b>dtcl_info</b></code><br>	      
  -	  Prints information on the internals of the module in
  -	  HTML.  Currently, only the PID and size of the object
  -	  cache are reported.
  -	</li>
  -	<li>
  -	  Note that these variables may be lists if more than one file
  -	  is uploaded at a time.<br>
  -	  <code><b>$::request::UPLOAD(filename)</b></code><br>
  -	  The filename of the uploaded file.<br>
  -	  <code><b>$::request::UPLOAD(name)</b></code><br>
  -	  The form variable name of the upload.<br>
  -	  <code><b>$::request::UPLOAD(size)</b></code><br>
  -	  The size of the uploaded file.<br>
  -	  <code><b>$::request::UPLOAD(type)</b></code><br>
  -	  The content type of the file upload. <i>Not always available!</i><br>
  -	  <code><b>$::request::UPLOAD(channelname)</b></code><br> The
  -	  name of a Tcl channel which may be used to manipulate the
  -	  uploaded file.  If Dtcl_UploadFilesToVar is set, this
  -	  variable doesn't get created.  If no file is passed to the
  -	  server, this variable does not exist!  Be sure to check for
  -	  this.<br>
  -	  <code><b>$::request::UPLOAD(data)</b></code><br>
  -	  Contents of the uploaded file, if Dtcl_UploadFilesToVar is
  -	  set.<br>
  -	</li>
  -      </ul>
  -      <h3>4) Internals</h3>
  -      <ul>
  -	<li><b>Read the code!</b></li>
  -	<li>		
  -	  <b>Initialization</b><br>
  -	  When Apache is started, (or when child Apache
  -	  processes are started if a threaded Tcl is used),
  -	  <code>tcl_init_stuff</code> is called, which creates
  -	  a new interpreter, and initializes various things,
  -	  like the <code>apache_channel</code> channel system.
  -	  The caching system is also set up, and if there is a
  -	  GlobalScript, it is run.
  -	</li>
  -	<li><b>Achan/apache_channel</b><br>
  -	  The "Apache Channel" system was created so that it is
  -	  possible to have an actual Tcl channel that we could
  -	  redirect standard output to.  This lets us use, for
  -	  instance, the regular "puts" command in .ttml pages.
  -	  It works by creating commands that write to memory
  -	  that is slated to be sent to the client.
  -	</li>
  -	<li><b>Page parsing/execution</b><br>
  -	  In <code>send_parsed_file</code> Each .ttml file is
  -	  loaded and run within its own namespace.  No new
  -	  interpreter is created for each page.  This lets you
  -	  share variables, and most importantly, loaded modules,
  -	  from a common parent (such as one of the InitScripts).
  -	  When a file is loaded, it is transformed into a Tcl
  -	  script by putting everything outside of &lt;? and
  -	  ?&gt; into large hputs statements.  When the script is
  -	  complete, it is then inserted into the cache, for
  -	  future use.  In fact, if the file modification
  -	  information doesn't change, mod_dtcl will execute the
  -	  cached version of the script the next time it is
  -	  encountered.
  -	</li>
  -	<li><b>Binary data</b><br>
  -	  mod_dtcl is capable of outputing binary data, such as
  -	  images, or loading binary data with 'include'.
  -	</li>
  -      </ul>
  -      <h3>5) Upgrading From Older (< 0.9.3) Versions</h3>
  -      <ul>
  -	<li><b>New tags</b><br> As of version 0.9.4, mod_dtcl uses
  -	  &lt;? and ?&gt; instead of &lt;+ and +&gt; to delimit
  -	  sections of Tcl code.  By default, dtcl is still compiled
  -	  with code to parse the &lt;?  ?&gt; tags, but it will run
  -	  faster if <code>USE_OLD_TAGS</code> is set to 0 in
  -	  <code>mod_dtcl.h</code>.  You can automatically change your
  -	  .ttml files to the new format by using the
  -	  <code></code> script in the contrib/ directory.
  -	  Run it at the top level of your DocumentRoot.
  -	</li>
  -	<li><b>headers setcookie</b><br>
  -	  The <code>headers setcookie</code> command now uses the
  -	  <code>-name</code> and <code>-value</code> flags for those
  -	  arguments, whereas this was not necessary in the past.
  -	</li>
  -      </ul>
  -      <h3>6) Getting Help</h3>
  -      <ul>
  -	<li><b>Mailing list</b><br>
  -	  <p>
  -	    The mod_dtcl mailing list is the best place to go for help
  -	    when you have problems.
  -	  </p>
  -	  <p>
  -	    See the <a
  -		       href="">Contact</a>
  -		       page for information on sending
  -		       mail/subscribing.
  -	  </p>
  -	  <p>
  -	    Mailing list archives are also available at <a
  -	    href=""></a>,
  -	    at the bottom of the page.
  -	  </p>
  -	</li>
  -      </ul>
         <!-- The load dtd is so that I can work on the documentation
  1.1                  tcl-moddtcl/docs/commands.html
  Index: commands.html
  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
      <!-- $Id: commands.html,v 1.1 2001/06/15 17:19:45 davidw Exp $ -->
      <title>mod_dtcl tcl commands</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
      <h2 align="center">mod_dtcl specific Tcl commands and variables</h2>
  	<code><b>buffer_add <i>string</i></b></code><br>	      
  	Add text to output_buffer for later printing. Used
  	<code><b>hputs <i>?-error? text</i></b></code><br>
  	The mod_dtcl version of "puts".  Outputs to the
  	client, instead of to stdout.
  	The error option permits you to send an 'error message' to the
  	apache log file, at the NOTICE level.
        <li><code><b>var</b></code><br> These commands retrieve or
  	retrieve information about "CGI" variables that are passed to
  	the dtcl script via GET or POST operations.  
  	<code><b>var get <i>varname</i></b></code><br> Returns the
  	value of variable 'varname' as a string (even if there are
  	multiple values).
  	<code><b>var list <i>varname</i></b></code><br>
  	Returns the value of variable 'varname' as a list, if there
  	are multiple values.
  	<code><b>var exists <i>varname</i></b></code><br>
  	Returns 1 if <i>varname</i> exists, 0 if it doesn't.
  	<code><b>var number</b></code><br>
  	Returns the number of variables.
  	<code><b>var all</b></code><br>
  	Return a list of variable names and values.
  	<code><b>hgetvars</b></code><br> Get environmental, and Cookie
  	variables. This is in a seperate command so as not to make the
  	server do this every time you load a .ttml file. <code>ENVS</code> and
  	<code>COOKIES</code> are the associative arrays created.  <code>ENVS</code> contains
  	environmental variables, and <code>COOKIES</code> contains any cookies
  	recieved from the client.
  	<code><b>include <i>filename</i></b></code><br>	      
  	Include a file without parsing it.  This is the best
  	way to include an HTML file or any other static content.
  	<code><b>parse <i>filename</i></b></code><br>	      
  	"Source" a .ttml file.  This is the way to include
  	other .ttml files.
  	Flush the output buffers to the client.  Use this if
  	you want to incrementally update a page.
  	<code><b>headers redirect <i>uri</i></b></code><br>	      
  	Redirect from the current page to a new
  	URI. <b>Must</b> be done in the first block of TCL code.
  	<code><b>headers setcookie <i>-name cookie-name
  	      -value cookie-value ?-expires date/time? ?-domain domain?
  	      ?-path path? ?-secure?</i></b></code><br>
  	This command is for setting cookies.  Cookie-name is
  	the name of the cookie, cookie-value is the data
  	associated with the variable.  Expires sets an
  	expiration date for the cookie, and must be in the
  	format 'DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS', path sets the path for
  	which the cookie is valid, and secure specifies that
  	the cookie is only to be transmitted if the connection
  	is secure (HTTPS).
  	<code><b>headers type
  	This command sets the "Content-type:" header returned
  	by the script, which is useful if you wish to create a
  	PNG (image), for example, with mod_dtcl.
  	<code><b>headers set <i>headername value</i></b></code><br>
  	Set arbitrary header names and values.
  	Prints information on the internals of the module in
  	HTML.  Currently, only the PID and size of the object
  	cache are reported.
  	Note that these variables may be lists if more than one file
  	is uploaded at a time.<br>
  	The filename of the uploaded file.<br>
  	The form variable name of the upload.<br>
  	The size of the uploaded file.<br>
  	The content type of the file upload. <i>Not always available!</i><br>
  	<code><b>$::request::UPLOAD(channelname)</b></code><br> The
  	name of a Tcl channel which may be used to manipulate the
  	uploaded file.  If Dtcl_UploadFilesToVar is set, this
  	variable doesn't get created.  If no file is passed to the
  	server, this variable does not exist!  Be sure to check for
  	Contents of the uploaded file, if Dtcl_UploadFilesToVar is
  1.1                  tcl-moddtcl/docs/directives.html
  Index: directives.html
  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <!-- $Id: directives.html,v 1.1 2001/06/15 17:19:46 davidw Exp $ -->
      <title>mod_dtcl Apache directives</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
      <h2 align="center">mod_dtcl Apache directives</h2>
  	<code><b>Dtcl_Script GlobalInitScript <i>"script"</i></code></b><br>
  	Tcl script that is run when each interpreter is
  	initialized.  <code>"script"</code> is actual Tcl
  	script, so to run a file, you would do
  	<code>Dtcl_Script GlobalInitScript "source /var/www/foobar.tcl"</code>.
  	<code><b>Dtcl_Script ChildInitScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>		
  	Script to be evaluated when each apache child is
  	initialized. This is the best place to load modules.
  	<code><b>Dtcl_Script ChildExitScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>	      
  	Script to be evaluated when each apache child exits.
  	<code><b>Dtcl_Script BeforeScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>		
  	Script to be evaluated before each .ttml page.
  	<strong>Note</strong> that you cannot use
  	<code>hputs</code> in the BeforeScript, but must
  	instead use <code>buffer_add</code>.
  	<code><b>Dtcl_Script AfterScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>	      
  	Script to be called after each .ttml page.
  	<code><b>Dtcl_Script ErrorScript <i>"script"</i></b></code><br>	      
  	This code is called in place of the standard 'error' pages
  	generated for mod_dtcl.  This directive may be useful if you
  	have sensitive logic that you wish to protect.
  	<code><b>Dtcl_CacheSize <i>cachesize</i></b></code><br> 
  	Number of ttml scripts to cache as Tcl Objects.
  	Default is MaxRequestsPerChild / 2, or 50, if
  	MaxRequestsPerChild is 0.
  	<code><b>Dtcl_UploadFilesToVar <i>1/0</i></b></code><br> 
  	If set to 1, files will be uploaded to the variable
  	UPLOAD(data).  Be careful with this, as large files could
  	use up your memory.
  1.1                  tcl-moddtcl/docs/index.html
  Index: index.html
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      <h2 align="center">mod_dtcl Installation</h2>
        <li><b>Check dependencies</b><br>
  	To install mod_dtcl, you will need <b>Tcl 8.2</b> or greater
  	and <b>Apache 1.3.xx</b>.  It is known to run on Linux,
  	FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Solaris and HPUX.  NT is also possible -
  	please see the directions in the distribution.
        <li><b>Get mod_dtcl</b><br>
  	If you are running a Debian or FreeBSD system, there
  	are pre-built packages available at:
  	<a target="_top" href=""></a> 
  	  target="_top" href=""></a>.<br>
  	Otherwise, download the sources at <a target="_top"
        <li><b>Uncompress the sources</b><br>
  	  gunzip apache-1.3.X.tar.gz<br>
  	  tar -xvf apache-1.3.X.tar.gz<br>
  	You don't need the Apache sources if you are building a shared
  	object module.  You do, however, need the header files.
  	Some systems, such as Debian GNU/Linux, provide these
  	independently - otherwise, you probably still need the sources.<br>
  	  gunzip mod_dtcl-X.X.X.tar.gz<br>
  	  tar -xvf mod_dtcl-X.X.X.tar.gz<br>
        <li><b>Configuring,, etc...</b><br> 
  	Do you want to build mod_dtcl as a shared object (such as a
  	.so file on Linux, or a .dll on windows), or compile it
  	directly as a part of the Apache executable?  The Apache
  	Software Foundation has put together a nice <a target="_top"
  	href="">manual</a> which
  	explains things in detail.
  	  <li><b>For shared objects</b><br>
  	    <code>cd ../mod_dtcl/<br></code>
  	    Edit the <code></code> script.  The 3
  	    variables you may need to change are: 
  		Name of the tclsh program on your computer.
  		Location of the Apache sources (for static builds only).
  		Location of the Apache headers (you will need this even
  		for building shared objects).
  	      ./ shared
  	    </code> For shared object builds, you need to copy the
  	    object into the directory where the other shared
  	    objects are kept for your Apache build.  On Debian
  	    GNU/Linux systems, for instance, this is in
  	  <li><b>For static builds</b><br>
  	      cd apache-1.3.X/<br>
  	    <code>cd ../mod_dtcl/<br></code>
  	    Edit the <code></code> script.  The 3
  	    variables you may need to change are: 
  		Name of the tclsh program on your computer.
  		Location of the Apache sources (for static builds only).
  		Location of the Apache headers (you will need this even
  		for building shared objects).
  	      ./ static
  	      ./ install
  	    <code>cd ../apache-1.3.X<br></code>
  	      --activate-module=src/modules/mod_dtcl/mod_dtcl.a [ other configure
  	      options ]<br></code>
  	    <code>export EXTRA_LIBS="-ltcl8.X -lm"</code><br>
  	    <code>make -e<br></code>
  	    <code>make install<br></code>
        <li><b>Configure Apache<br></b>		
  	    <b>http.conf</b><br> <code>LoadModule dtcl_module
  	    This points Apache to the shared object if
  	    mod_dtcl is being used as a loadable module.
  	    <code>AddType application/x-httpd-tcl .ttml</code><br>
  	    <code>AddType application/x-dtcl-tcl .tcl</code>
  	    These add the .ttml and .tcl (if desired) types to
  	    Apache, so that they are processed by mod_dtcl.
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  	    <a target="right" href="install.html">Installation</a>
  	    <a target="right" href="directives.html">Apache Directives</a>
  	  <td><a target="right" href="commands.html">Dtcl Tcl
  	  <td><a target="right" href="other.html">Other</a></td>
  	  <td><a target="_top" href="">mod_dtcl
  	      web site</a></td>
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      <h2>Other mod_dtcl Documentation</h2>
        <li><b>Read the code!</b></li>
  	When Apache is started, (or when child Apache
  	processes are started if a threaded Tcl is used),
  	<code>tcl_init_stuff</code> is called, which creates
  	a new interpreter, and initializes various things,
  	like the <code>apache_channel</code> channel system.
  	The caching system is also set up, and if there is a
  	GlobalScript, it is run.
  	The "Apache Channel" system was created so that it is
  	possible to have an actual Tcl channel that we could
  	redirect standard output to.  This lets us use, for
  	instance, the regular "puts" command in .ttml pages.
  	It works by creating commands that write to memory
  	that is slated to be sent to the client.
        <li><b>Page parsing/execution</b><br>
  	In <code>send_parsed_file</code> Each .ttml file is
  	loaded and run within its own namespace.  No new
  	interpreter is created for each page.  This lets you
  	share variables, and most importantly, loaded modules,
  	from a common parent (such as one of the InitScripts).
  	When a file is loaded, it is transformed into a Tcl
  	script by putting everything outside of &lt;? and
  	?&gt; into large hputs statements.  When the script is
  	complete, it is then inserted into the cache, for
  	future use.  In fact, if the file modification
  	information doesn't change, mod_dtcl will execute the
  	cached version of the script the next time it is
        <li><b>Binary data</b><br>
  	mod_dtcl is capable of outputing binary data, such as
  	images, or loading binary data with 'include'.
      <h3>Upgrading From Older (< 0.9.3) Versions</h3>
        <li><b>New tags</b><br> As of version 0.9.4, mod_dtcl uses
  	&lt;? and ?&gt; instead of &lt;+ and +&gt; to delimit
  	sections of Tcl code.  By default, dtcl is still compiled
  	with code to parse the &lt;?  ?&gt; tags, but it will run
  	faster if <code>USE_OLD_TAGS</code> is set to 0 in
  	<code>mod_dtcl.h</code>.  You can automatically change your
  	.ttml files to the new format by using the
  	<code></code> script in the contrib/ directory.
  	Run it at the top level of your DocumentRoot.
        <li><b>headers setcookie</b><br>
  	The <code>headers setcookie</code> command now uses the
  	<code>-name</code> and <code>-value</code> flags for those
  	arguments, whereas this was not necessary in the past.
      <h3>Getting Help</h3>
        <li><b>Mailing list</b><br>
  	  The mod_dtcl mailing list is the best place to go for help
  	  when you have problems.
  	  See the <a
  	    target="_top" href="">Contact</a>
  	  page for information on sending
  	  Mailing list archives are also available at <a
  	    target="_top" href=""></a>,
  	  at the bottom of the page.
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