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Posted to by Steve Hay <> on 2004/05/25 11:25:05 UTC

[PATCH] Re: t/SMOKE not working properly? [was Re: apr/pool makes compat/send_fd & driective/setupenv fail on Win32]

Stas Bekman wrote:

>Steve Hay wrote:
>>>That what t/SMOKE is for. It does the job of finding such sequences for you.
>>I'd forgotten about that, but now that I come to try it (to see if it 
>>finds the correct result, now that I know what the correct result is 
>>:-), it seems to not work properly.
>I have never tried running it on windows, it's quite possible that it doesn't 
>work there. But I remember that Randy was successful running it. That's why we 
>changed it to use IPC::Run. If we can fix it that would be good.
I remember the IPC::Run3 stuff myself; it definitely *did* do something 
useful on Win32 at the time.

>>I know that the failure sequence lies in apr/ and compat/ so I ran "perl 
>>t/SMOKE apr compat".
>>The first time I tried it did this:
>>[warning] Using random number seed: 1148777795 (autogenerated)
>>[   info] Report file: 
>>[warning] [001-00-00] trying all tests 10 times
>>[  error] recorded a positive failure ('t\compat/conn_authen.t'), will 
>>try to minimize the input now
>>[warning] [001-01-01] trying 't\compat/conn_authen.t' on its own
>>iteration 1 (1 tests):
>>        C:\apache2\perl5\bin\perl.exe C:/Temp/mod_perl-1.99_14/t/TEST 
>>(made 1 successful reductions)
>>What does "positive failure" mean?  Why does it stop there? - does it 
>>think there is a problem with compat/conn_authen?  
>The logic is explained in the module's docs. If it finds a test that fails on 
>its own, there is no point to run smoke, since it'll always fails on that 
>test. So it doesn't to make your CPU's life shorter.
Right, so it's thinking that a test failed when it (almost certainly) 

>>There doesn't seem to 
>>be when I run it manually, even running it after apr/pool.
>>I tried another two times and the output each time was exactly as above, 
>>except that it picked a different test each time to complain about -- 
>>compat/request_body then compat/request, neither of which seem to have 
>>any trouble that I'm aware of either.
>Perhaps on windows it thinks that a test fails when it doesn't. It just parses 
>the output of Test::Harness and looks for 'ok' and fails otherwise. You can run:
>   t/SMOKE -v ...
>to get the verbose output of what it does. (it's different from -v in the 
>t/TEST land).
Ah, yes - it's all coming back to me now.  I haven't tried this for a 
while.  Here's some typical output with -v:

C:\Temp\modperl-2.0>perl t/SMOKE -v apr compat
[warning] Using random number seed: 1178930015 (autogenerated)
[   info] Report file: 
[warning] [001-00-00] trying all tests 10 times
[  error] ------------------------------------------------------------
[  error]               *** run log ***
    [  error] unknown opts or test names: t\compat/apache.t
    -help will list options

[  error] ------------------------------------------------------------
[  error] recorded a positive failure ('t\compat/apache.t'), will try to 
minimize the input now
[warning] [001-01-01] trying 't\compat/apache.t' on its own
[  error] ------------------------------------------------------------
[  error]               *** run log ***
    [  error] unknown opts or test names: t\compat/apache.t
    -help will list options

[  error] ------------------------------------------------------------
iteration 1 (1 tests):
        C:\apache2\perl5\bin\perl.exe C:/Temp/modperl-2.0/t/TEST 
-verbose t\compat/apache.t
(made 1 successful reductions)

So it appears to not even try the test because it doesn't like the test 
name argument "t\compat/apache.t".  This is quite reproducible: "perl 
t/TEST t\compat/apache.t" produces the same complaint as seen above.

I guess the mess of backslashes and forward slashes should really be 
cleaned up, but t/TEST should also probably be tolerant of it, just in 
case -- perl.exe itself is quite happy when given such a path.

I've had a look at Apache::TestRun::split_test_args().

When running "perl t/TEST t/compat/apache.t", the line

        $arg =~ s@^(?:\./)?t/@@;

removes the leading "t/" so that the $file which is subsequently tested 
for is "C:\Temp\modperl-2.0\t\compat\apache.t" (catfile runs its return 
values through canonpath, hence the /'s have become \'s), which is 
correctly identified as a test and added to @tests.

But when running "perl t/TEST t\compat/apache.t" the above s/// fails to 
remove the leading "t\".  The $file tested for is then 
"C:\Temp\modperl-2.0\t\t\compat\apache.t", which doesn't exist, so 
nothing gets added to @tests, and the t\compat/apache.t argument gets 
thrown into @leftovers instead.

The attached patch allows for t\ and .\t\ at the start of the test name, 
and also makes sure that the paths finally placed in $self->{tests} are 
nicely cleaned up.

With this patch in place, t/SMOKE now works a treat:

[warning] [001-00-00] trying all tests 10 times
[  error] recorded a positive failure ('t\compat\send_fd.t'), will try 
to minimize the input now
[warning] [001-01-01] trying 't\compat\send_fd.t' on its own
[001-02-01] trying 12 tests
[  error] *** reduction 2 succeeded (12 tests) ***
[001-03-01] trying 6 tests
[001-03-02] trying 6 tests
[  error] *** reduction 3 succeeded (6 tests) ***
[001-04-01] trying 3 tests
[001-04-02] trying 3 tests
[  error] *** reduction 4 succeeded (3 tests) ***
[001-05-01] trying 2 tests
[  error] *** reduction 5 succeeded (2 tests) ***
[001-06-01] trying 1 tests
[001-06-02] trying 1 tests
[  error] *** reduction 6 succeeded (1 tests) ***
iteration 1 (2 tests):
        C:\apache2\perl5\bin\perl.exe C:/Temp/modperl-2.0/t/TEST 
t\apr\pool.t t\compat\send_fd.t
(made 6 successful reductions)

- Steve

Radan Computational Ltd.

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Re: [PATCH] Re: t/SMOKE not working properly? [was Re: apr/pool makes compat/send_fd & driective/setupenv fail on Win32]

Posted by Stas Bekman <>.
Steve Hay wrote:
> With this patch in place, t/SMOKE now works a treat:
> =====
> [warning] [001-00-00] trying all tests 10 times
> [  error] recorded a positive failure ('t\compat\send_fd.t'), will try 
> to minimize the input now
> [warning] [001-01-01] trying 't\compat\send_fd.t' on its own
> [warning]
> [001-02-01] trying 12 tests
> [  error] *** reduction 2 succeeded (12 tests) ***
> [warning]
> [001-03-01] trying 6 tests
> [warning]
> [001-03-02] trying 6 tests
> [  error] *** reduction 3 succeeded (6 tests) ***
> [warning]
> [001-04-01] trying 3 tests
> [warning]
> [001-04-02] trying 3 tests
> [  error] *** reduction 4 succeeded (3 tests) ***
> [warning]
> [001-05-01] trying 2 tests
> [  error] *** reduction 5 succeeded (2 tests) ***
> [warning]
> [001-06-01] trying 1 tests
> [warning]
> [001-06-02] trying 1 tests
> [  error] *** reduction 6 succeeded (1 tests) ***
> iteration 1 (2 tests):
>         C:\apache2\perl5\bin\perl.exe C:/Temp/modperl-2.0/t/TEST 
> t\apr\pool.t t\compat\send_fd.t
> (made 6 successful reductions)

Nice :)

Thanks for the research and the patch, Steve, no committed!

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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