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Posted to by Kevin Meyer - KMZ <> on 2011/04/10 22:21:42 UTC

DateTime changes

Dear all,

I think I am nearly done with my changes to Date, Time and DateTime.

Please note that I have added seconds to the Time class, there is a 
new constructor to handle this. For some reason, though, if the string 
parser is used, you can't specify "8:45:32" and get the seconds 
parsed.. the HH:mm format seems to take precedence over the 
HH:mm:ss format.

Aside from this, I have tried to introduce a "Defaults" class in the applib 
and the (for the moment) in the SQL object store. This class provides 
static access to the default jodatime DateTimeZone and 
java.util.Calendar, for use with time zone conversions.  
The Calendar is synchronised with the time zone, in the 
setTimeZone(...) setter.

This is one step closer to being able to explicitly set the applib and the 
datastore timezones (at the moment, they use UTC).

One issue that I'd like resolved: In the DateTime class, there several 
methods of the form "startOfMonth()".
I am assuming that since there are 3 classes: Date, Time, and 
DateTime, if you're using DateTime, you are using the Date *and* 
Time portions (e.g. a scheduled meeting). Thus, these helper methods 
*preserve the time portion* of the original DateTime.

Please can you confirm this?
