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Posted to by Marshall Schor <> on 2010/12/13 20:22:53 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache UIMA Java SDK 2.3.1 released

The Apache UIMA team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache UIMA Java
SDK, version 2.3.1.

Apache UIMA is a component architecture and framework for the analysis of
unstructured content like text, video and audio data.

This release only includes the UIMA Java SDK, and does not yet have the other
components (UIMA-AS, UIMA-CPP, and the AddOns).
It is backward compatible with the 2.3.0-incubating release; however please note
that UIMA-AS is tied to a specific version of the UIMA Java SDK, and so UIMA-AS
version 2.3.0-incubating continues to require UIMA Java SDK 2.3.0-incubating.

UIMA graduated from the Apache Incubator in March 2010, and we are now making
our first non-incubator release as an official top level project at Apache.

This is mainly a bug fix release, but does include some enhancements: some fixes
for edge cases involving the Results Specification, a performance fix for the
Component Descriptor Editor when editing descriptors which specify remote
components, and several improvements to the CAS editor.  For a complete list
please see the download pages, and click on the RELEASE_NOTES.

 -Marshall Schor, for the Apache UIMA development team