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Posted to by Apache Pulsar Slack <> on 2019/01/16 09:11:04 UTC

Slack digest for #general - 2019-01-16

2019-01-15 16:20:20 UTC - Ivan Kelly: ```include_directories(pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/include)``` ?
2019-01-15 16:51:52 UTC - Harald Gustafsson: When having a proxy in front of 2 brokers and deleting a persistent topic before deleting a namespace containing that topic. Will it take some time before the topic is removed on both brokers? For example if the topic deletion goes to one broker and the namespace deletion goes to the other. The client waiting for the response for the topic deletion before the namespace deletion request. Would then still the broker that is handling the namespace deletion be unaware that the topic is deleted and reject the namespace deletion? Is that inter-broker communication handled by the broker-client?
2019-01-15 18:17:15 UTC - Vardhman: So I added that in my CMakeLists.txt file and modified pulsar's CMakeLists.txt to generate the .so and .a files. However, I still cannot call any functions from the pulsar project. For example, I have a file called `pulsar.c` and in my main method I have `pulsar_client_configuration_t *conf = pulsar_client_configuration_create();` but I get an error saying

(pulsar.c.o): In function `cb_pulsar_init':
pulsar.c:(.text+0x18c): undefined reference to `pulsar_client_configuration_create'

Not sure what to do here, to import the functions correctly.

PS. my imports look like this
#include &lt;pulsar/c/client.h&gt;
#include &lt;pulsar/c/client_configuration.h&gt;
2019-01-15 18:26:09 UTC - Grant Wu: TIL you can’t delete non-empty namespaces
2019-01-15 18:27:21 UTC - Grant Wu: ```
grant.wu@MBP00245s-MacBook-Pro:~/fakebin/apache-pulsar-2.2.1 ⇒ bin/pulsar-admin namespaces delete public/default
Cannot delete non empty namespace

Reason: Cannot delete non empty namespace
2019-01-15 18:29:40 UTC - Harald Gustafsson: Yes, I can't remove non empty namespace, that is why I delete the topics. But it seems not being empty anyway. 
2019-01-15 18:51:02 UTC - Grant Wu: Yeah I was just noting that I learned this today as well.
2019-01-15 18:51:10 UTC - Grant Wu: I am curious as to what the correct way to clean up a namespace is, too.
2019-01-15 23:14:33 UTC - Dave Southwell: Question around the `parallelism` property within the scope of functions.  I have a function defined that shows `"parallelism": 1,`  I assume this means for each running pulsar node there's one worker for this function.  Is that correct?  Also, what considerations do I need to make when increasing this value?
2019-01-15 23:16:42 UTC - Grant Wu: That’s not how I’m reading <>
2019-01-15 23:18:56 UTC - Dave Southwell: Indeed:  ```By default, only one instance of a Pulsar Function runs when you create and run it in cluster run mode. You can also, however, run multiple instances in parallel. You can specify the number of instances when you create the function, or update an existing single-instance function with a new parallelism factor.```
2019-01-15 23:19:46 UTC - Dave Southwell: So, default looks like it's one per cluster, not one per node.
2019-01-15 23:45:21 UTC - Sanjeev Kulkarni: that is correct. Its one instance of the function accross the entire pulsar cluster
2019-01-16 02:31:16 UTC - Brian: @Brian has joined the channel
2019-01-16 02:31:59 UTC - Brian: are there any examples of setting up a broker to talk to a bookkeeper cluster using tls?
2019-01-16 05:15:31 UTC - zhuxiang: @zhuxiang has joined the channel
2019-01-16 06:07:34 UTC - bossbaby: i look for error when connect broker ssl in client:
06:05:52.271 [pulsar-io-21-1] WARN - Failed to initialize a channel. Closing: [id: 0xbb4e7acc, L:/ - R:/] failed to set cipher suite: [TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA]

can you help me fix it?
2019-01-16 06:40:50 UTC - Ivan Kelly: That's a linker error. If you're pulling in the whole library to your repo, why are you compiling the .so for pulsar separately? Have you tried compiling all the pulsar code into the same binary as your main code?
2019-01-16 07:28:22 UTC - jia zhai: Hi @bossbaby how do you meet this error?
2019-01-16 07:32:50 UTC - bossbaby: i installed tls in pulsar broker and config TLS Protocol Version and Cipher

Client connect with url:
2019-01-16 07:50:13 UTC - jia zhai: @bossbaby, Are you following the instructions here: <>
2019-01-16 07:50:35 UTC - jia zhai: ```
A list of supported cipher can be acquired from the openssl ciphers command, i.e. openssl ciphers
2019-01-16 07:54:49 UTC - jia zhai: We need set supported ciphers type get from `openssl ciphers`?
2019-01-16 08:04:41 UTC - bossbaby: openssl ciphers output

now, what shoud i do in next step( sorry, im newbie)
2019-01-16 08:05:36 UTC - Nguyễn Hữu Phong: hello
+1 : jia zhai
2019-01-16 08:09:52 UTC - jia zhai: I thinks we could set one value as listed above for tlsCiphers=
2019-01-16 08:10:07 UTC - jia zhai: to have atry
2019-01-16 08:21:36 UTC - Nguyễn Hữu Phong: I do not understand Ledgers, Fragments and Entries in BookKeeper and different with image <>
2019-01-16 08:24:11 UTC - bossbaby: thanks you, i am try
2019-01-16 08:41:17 UTC - bossbaby: unsucessfull, i can't connected server
2019-01-16 08:43:02 UTC - jia zhai: ledger is a BookKeeper concept,it  is also called segment in Pulsar's doc.
2019-01-16 08:43:56 UTC - jia zhai: still the same error?
2019-01-16 08:45:33 UTC - jia zhai: normally, one segment in bk contains one fragment, and onecontains a lot entries
2019-01-16 08:47:41 UTC - bossbaby: yes, if i remove tls and ciphers , occur error "Invalid Url, unable to parse" when i connecting by port ssl 6651
if i not use tls and use port 6650, connected is normally
2019-01-16 09:02:26 UTC - jia zhai: <>
2019-01-16 09:02:45 UTC - jia zhai: are you following thislink?
2019-01-16 09:03:59 UTC - jia zhai: I tried it about 1 month ago, it worked at that time.
2019-01-16 09:05:31 UTC - jia zhai: i am out of my computer at present:joy:
2019-01-16 09:07:35 UTC - jia zhai: @Nguyễn Hữu Phong 