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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2011/09/09 00:46:29 UTC

[Hadoop Wiki] Update of "HowToSetupYourDevelopmentEnvironment" by TomWhite

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The "HowToSetupYourDevelopmentEnvironment" page has been changed by TomWhite:

   * attempt to run ''ant test''
    *  If you get any strange errors (other than JUnit test failures and errors), then consult the ''Build Errors'' section below.
   * run ''ant'' to compile (this may not be necessary if you've already run ''ant test'')
-  * follow GettingStartedWithHadoop to learn how to run Hadoop (use this guide if you use Ubuntu:
+  * follow GettingStartedWithHadoop or the instructions below to learn how to run Hadoop (use this guide if you use Ubuntu:
    *  Use the hadoop-core-trunk folder just as you would a downloaded version of Hadoop (symlink hadoop-core-trunk to hadoop)
    *  If you run in to any problems, refer to the ''Runtime Errors'' below, along with the troubleshooting document here: TroubleShooting
+ = Run HDFS in pseudo-distributed mode from the dev tree =
+ Build the packaging from the top level. This will build the distribution in an exploded format that we can run directly (i.e. no need to untar):
+ {{{
+ mvn clean package -Pdist -DskipTests -P-cbuild
+ }}}
+ {{{
+ export HADOOP_COMMON_HOME=$(pwd)/$(ls -d hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/target/hadoop-common-*-SNAPSHOT)
+ export HADOOP_HDFS_HOME=$(pwd)/$(ls -d hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/target/hadoop-hdfs-*-SNAPSHOT)
+ }}}
+ Set the {{{}}} to local HDFS:
+ {{{
+ cat > $HADOOP_COMMON_HOME/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml  << EOF
+ <?xml version="1.0"?><!-- core-site.xml -->
+ <configuration>
+   <property>
+     <name></name>
+     <value>hdfs://localhost/</value>
+   </property>
+ </configuration>
+ }}}
+ You can now run HDFS daemons. E.g.:
+ {{{
+ # Format the namenode
+ hdfs namenode -format
+ # Start the namenode
+ hdfs namenode
+ # Start a datanode
+ hdfs datanode
+ }}}
+ Note that the {{{}} script will not work with this set up, since it assumes that HADOOP_COMMON_HOME and HADOOP_HDFS_HOME are the same directory.
  = Build Errors =