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[8/9] CLEREZZA-435: repaced tabs with spaces in scala files
diff --git a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/IPC.scala b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/IPC.scala
index 01f3092..ddd09f7 100644
--- a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/IPC.scala
+++ b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/IPC.scala
@@ -29,65 +29,65 @@ import{InetAddress, ServerSocket, Socket}
 object IPC
-	private val portMin = 1025
-	private val portMax = 65536
-	private val loopback = InetAddress.getByName(null) // loopback
-	def client[T](port: Int)(f: IPC => T): T =
-		ipc(new Socket(loopback, port))(f)
-	def pullServer[T](f: Server => T): T =
-	{
-		val server = makeServer
-		try { f(new Server(server)) } 
-		finally { server.close() }
-	}
-	def makeServer: ServerSocket =
-	{
-		val random = new java.util.Random
-		def nextPort = random.nextInt(portMax - portMin + 1) + portMin
-		def createServer(attempts: Int): ServerSocket =
-			if(attempts > 0)
-				try { new ServerSocket(nextPort, 1, loopback) }
-				catch { case _: Exception => createServer(attempts - 1) }
-			else
-				error("Could not connect to socket: maximum attempts exceeded")
-		createServer(10)
-	}
-	def server[T](f: IPC => Option[T]): T = serverImpl(makeServer, f)
-	def server[T](port: Int)(f: IPC => Option[T]): T =
-		serverImpl(new ServerSocket(port, 1, loopback), f)
-	private def serverImpl[T](server: ServerSocket, f: IPC => Option[T]): T =
-	{
-		def listen(): T =
-		{
-			ipc(server.accept())(f) match
-			{
-				case Some(done) => done
-				case None => listen()
-			}
-		}
-		try { listen() }
-		finally { server.close() }
-	}
-	private def ipc[T](s: Socket)(f: IPC => T): T =
-		try { f(new IPC(s)) }
-		finally { s.close() }
-	final class Server private[IPC](s: ServerSocket) extends NotNull
-	{
-		def port = s.getLocalPort
-		def close() = s.close()
-		def connection[T](f: IPC => T): T = IPC.ipc(s.accept())(f)
-	}
+  private val portMin = 1025
+  private val portMax = 65536
+  private val loopback = InetAddress.getByName(null) // loopback
+  def client[T](port: Int)(f: IPC => T): T =
+    ipc(new Socket(loopback, port))(f)
+  def pullServer[T](f: Server => T): T =
+  {
+    val server = makeServer
+    try { f(new Server(server)) } 
+    finally { server.close() }
+  }
+  def makeServer: ServerSocket =
+  {
+    val random = new java.util.Random
+    def nextPort = random.nextInt(portMax - portMin + 1) + portMin
+    def createServer(attempts: Int): ServerSocket =
+      if(attempts > 0)
+        try { new ServerSocket(nextPort, 1, loopback) }
+        catch { case _: Exception => createServer(attempts - 1) }
+      else
+        error("Could not connect to socket: maximum attempts exceeded")
+    createServer(10)
+  }
+  def server[T](f: IPC => Option[T]): T = serverImpl(makeServer, f)
+  def server[T](port: Int)(f: IPC => Option[T]): T =
+    serverImpl(new ServerSocket(port, 1, loopback), f)
+  private def serverImpl[T](server: ServerSocket, f: IPC => Option[T]): T =
+  {
+    def listen(): T =
+    {
+      ipc(server.accept())(f) match
+      {
+        case Some(done) => done
+        case None => listen()
+      }
+    }
+    try { listen() }
+    finally { server.close() }
+  }
+  private def ipc[T](s: Socket)(f: IPC => T): T =
+    try { f(new IPC(s)) }
+    finally { s.close() }
+  final class Server private[IPC](s: ServerSocket) extends NotNull
+  {
+    def port = s.getLocalPort
+    def close() = s.close()
+    def connection[T](f: IPC => T): T = IPC.ipc(s.accept())(f)
+  }
 final class IPC private(s: Socket) extends NotNull
-	def port = s.getLocalPort
-	private val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream))
-	private val out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream))
-	def send(s: String) = { out.write(s); out.newLine(); out.flush() }
-	def receive: String = in.readLine()
+  def port = s.getLocalPort
+  private val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream))
+  private val out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream))
+  def send(s: String) = { out.write(s); out.newLine(); out.flush() }
+  def receive: String = in.readLine()
diff --git a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/NameFilter.scala b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/NameFilter.scala
index 38ac454..4bf5c68 100644
--- a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/NameFilter.scala
+++ b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/NameFilter.scala
@@ -29,65 +29,65 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern
 trait FileFilter extends with NotNull
-	def || (filter: FileFilter): FileFilter = new SimpleFileFilter( file => accept(file) || filter.accept(file) )
-	def && (filter: FileFilter): FileFilter = new SimpleFileFilter( file => accept(file) && filter.accept(file) )
-	def -- (filter: FileFilter): FileFilter = new SimpleFileFilter( file => accept(file) && !filter.accept(file) )
-	def unary_- : FileFilter = new SimpleFileFilter( file => !accept(file) )
+  def || (filter: FileFilter): FileFilter = new SimpleFileFilter( file => accept(file) || filter.accept(file) )
+  def && (filter: FileFilter): FileFilter = new SimpleFileFilter( file => accept(file) && filter.accept(file) )
+  def -- (filter: FileFilter): FileFilter = new SimpleFileFilter( file => accept(file) && !filter.accept(file) )
+  def unary_- : FileFilter = new SimpleFileFilter( file => !accept(file) )
 trait NameFilter extends FileFilter with NotNull
-	def accept(name: String): Boolean
-	final def accept(file: File): Boolean = accept(file.getName)
-	def | (filter: NameFilter): NameFilter = new SimpleFilter( name => accept(name) || filter.accept(name) )
-	def & (filter: NameFilter): NameFilter = new SimpleFilter( name => accept(name) && filter.accept(name) )
-	def - (filter: NameFilter): NameFilter = new SimpleFilter( name => accept(name) && !filter.accept(name) )
-	override def unary_- : NameFilter = new SimpleFilter( name => !accept(name) )
+  def accept(name: String): Boolean
+  final def accept(file: File): Boolean = accept(file.getName)
+  def | (filter: NameFilter): NameFilter = new SimpleFilter( name => accept(name) || filter.accept(name) )
+  def & (filter: NameFilter): NameFilter = new SimpleFilter( name => accept(name) && filter.accept(name) )
+  def - (filter: NameFilter): NameFilter = new SimpleFilter( name => accept(name) && !filter.accept(name) )
+  override def unary_- : NameFilter = new SimpleFilter( name => !accept(name) )
 object HiddenFileFilter extends FileFilter {
-	def accept(file: File) = file.isHidden && file.getName != "."
+  def accept(file: File) = file.isHidden && file.getName != "."
 object ExistsFileFilter extends FileFilter {
-	def accept(file: File) = file.exists
+  def accept(file: File) = file.exists
 object DirectoryFilter extends FileFilter {
-	def accept(file: File) = file.isDirectory
+  def accept(file: File) = file.isDirectory
 class SimpleFileFilter(val acceptFunction: File => Boolean) extends FileFilter
-	def accept(file: File) = acceptFunction(file)
+  def accept(file: File) = acceptFunction(file)
 class ExactFilter(val matchName: String) extends NameFilter
-	def accept(name: String) = matchName == name
+  def accept(name: String) = matchName == name
 class SimpleFilter(val acceptFunction: String => Boolean) extends NameFilter
-	def accept(name: String) = acceptFunction(name)
+  def accept(name: String) = acceptFunction(name)
 class PatternFilter(val pattern: Pattern) extends NameFilter
-	def accept(name: String) = pattern.matcher(name).matches
+  def accept(name: String) = pattern.matcher(name).matches
 object AllPassFilter extends NameFilter
-	def accept(name: String) = true
+  def accept(name: String) = true
 object NothingFilter extends NameFilter
-	def accept(name: String) = false
+  def accept(name: String) = false
 object GlobFilter
-	implicit def apply(expression: String): NameFilter =
-	{
-		require(!expression.exists(java.lang.Character.isISOControl), "Control characters not allowed in filter expression.")
-		if(expression == "*")
-			AllPassFilter
-		else if(expression.indexOf('*') < 0) // includes case where expression is empty
-			new ExactFilter(expression)
-		else
-			new PatternFilter(Pattern.compile(expression.split("\\*", -1).map(quote).mkString(".*")))
-	}
-	private def quote(s: String) = if(s.isEmpty) "" else Pattern.quote(s.replaceAll("\n", """\n"""))
+  implicit def apply(expression: String): NameFilter =
+  {
+    require(!expression.exists(java.lang.Character.isISOControl), "Control characters not allowed in filter expression.")
+    if(expression == "*")
+      AllPassFilter
+    else if(expression.indexOf('*') < 0) // includes case where expression is empty
+      new ExactFilter(expression)
+    else
+      new PatternFilter(Pattern.compile(expression.split("\\*", -1).map(quote).mkString(".*")))
+  }
+  private def quote(s: String) = if(s.isEmpty) "" else Pattern.quote(s.replaceAll("\n", """\n"""))
diff --git a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Pack.scala b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Pack.scala
index 562d443..c7dc287 100644
--- a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Pack.scala
+++ b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Pack.scala
@@ -30,29 +30,29 @@ import IO._
 object Pack
-	def pack(jarPath: File, out: File): Unit = pack(jarPath, out, defaultPackerOptions)
-	def pack(jarPath: File, out: File, options: Iterable[(String, String)])
-	{
-		val packer = Pack200.newPacker
-		import collection.JavaConversions._
- ++= options
-		Using.jarFile(false)(jarPath) { f =>
-			Using.fileOutputStream()(out) { stream =>
-				packer.pack(f, stream)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	def unpack(packedPath: File, toJarPath: File)
-	{
-		val unpacker = Pack200.newUnpacker
-		Using.fileOutputStream()(toJarPath) { fileStream =>
-			Using.jarOutputStream(fileStream) { jarOut =>
-				unpacker.unpack(packedPath, jarOut)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	def defaultPackerOptions = scala.collection.immutable.Map()
+  def pack(jarPath: File, out: File): Unit = pack(jarPath, out, defaultPackerOptions)
+  def pack(jarPath: File, out: File, options: Iterable[(String, String)])
+  {
+    val packer = Pack200.newPacker
+    import collection.JavaConversions._
+ ++= options
+    Using.jarFile(false)(jarPath) { f =>
+      Using.fileOutputStream()(out) { stream =>
+        packer.pack(f, stream)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def unpack(packedPath: File, toJarPath: File)
+  {
+    val unpacker = Pack200.newUnpacker
+    Using.fileOutputStream()(toJarPath) { fileStream =>
+      Using.jarOutputStream(fileStream) { jarOut =>
+        unpacker.unpack(packedPath, jarOut)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def defaultPackerOptions = scala.collection.immutable.Map()
@@ -60,41 +60,41 @@ import
 * on scalaz and it is difficult to determine whether a jar is both signed and valid.  */
 object SignJar
-	final class SignOption private[SignJar](val toList: List[String], val signOnly: Boolean)
-	{
-		override def toString = toList.mkString(" ")
-	}
-	def keyStore(url: URL) = new SignOption("-keystore" :: url.toExternalForm :: Nil, true)
-	def signedJar(p: Path) = new SignOption("-signedjar" :: p.asFile.getAbsolutePath :: Nil, true)
-	def verbose = new SignOption("-verbose" :: Nil, false)
-	def sigFile(name: String) = new SignOption("-sigfile" :: name :: Nil, true)
-	def storeType(t: String) = new SignOption("-storetype" :: t :: Nil, false)
-	def provider(p: String) = new SignOption("-provider" :: p :: Nil, false)
-	def providerName(p: String) = new SignOption("-providerName" :: p :: Nil, false)
-	def storePassword(p: String) = new SignOption("-storepass" :: p :: Nil, true)
-	def keyPassword(p: String) = new SignOption("-keypass" :: p :: Nil, true)
-	private def VerifyOption = "-verify"
-	/** Uses jarsigner to sign the given jar.  */
-	def sign(jarPath: File, alias: String, options: Seq[SignOption])(fork: (String, List[String]) => Int)
-	{
-		require(!alias.trim.isEmpty, "Alias cannot be empty")
-		val arguments = options.toList.flatMap(_.toList) ::: jarPath.getAbsolutePath :: alias :: Nil
-		execute("signing", arguments)(fork)
-	}
-	/** Uses jarsigner to verify the given jar.*/
-	def verify(jarPath: File, options: Seq[SignOption])(fork: (String, List[String]) => Int)
-	{
-		val arguments = options.filter(!_.signOnly).toList.flatMap(_.toList) ::: VerifyOption :: jarPath.getAbsolutePath :: Nil
-		execute("verifying", arguments)(fork)
-	}
-	private def execute(action: String, arguments: List[String])(fork: (String, List[String]) => Int)
-	{
-		val exitCode = fork(CommandName, arguments)
-		if(exitCode != 0)
-			error("Error " + action + " jar (exit code was " + exitCode + ".)")
-	}
-	private val CommandName = "jarsigner"
+  final class SignOption private[SignJar](val toList: List[String], val signOnly: Boolean)
+  {
+    override def toString = toList.mkString(" ")
+  }
+  def keyStore(url: URL) = new SignOption("-keystore" :: url.toExternalForm :: Nil, true)
+  def signedJar(p: Path) = new SignOption("-signedjar" :: p.asFile.getAbsolutePath :: Nil, true)
+  def verbose = new SignOption("-verbose" :: Nil, false)
+  def sigFile(name: String) = new SignOption("-sigfile" :: name :: Nil, true)
+  def storeType(t: String) = new SignOption("-storetype" :: t :: Nil, false)
+  def provider(p: String) = new SignOption("-provider" :: p :: Nil, false)
+  def providerName(p: String) = new SignOption("-providerName" :: p :: Nil, false)
+  def storePassword(p: String) = new SignOption("-storepass" :: p :: Nil, true)
+  def keyPassword(p: String) = new SignOption("-keypass" :: p :: Nil, true)
+  private def VerifyOption = "-verify"
+  /** Uses jarsigner to sign the given jar.  */
+  def sign(jarPath: File, alias: String, options: Seq[SignOption])(fork: (String, List[String]) => Int)
+  {
+    require(!alias.trim.isEmpty, "Alias cannot be empty")
+    val arguments = options.toList.flatMap(_.toList) ::: jarPath.getAbsolutePath :: alias :: Nil
+    execute("signing", arguments)(fork)
+  }
+  /** Uses jarsigner to verify the given jar.*/
+  def verify(jarPath: File, options: Seq[SignOption])(fork: (String, List[String]) => Int)
+  {
+    val arguments = options.filter(!_.signOnly).toList.flatMap(_.toList) ::: VerifyOption :: jarPath.getAbsolutePath :: Nil
+    execute("verifying", arguments)(fork)
+  }
+  private def execute(action: String, arguments: List[String])(fork: (String, List[String]) => Int)
+  {
+    val exitCode = fork(CommandName, arguments)
+    if(exitCode != 0)
+      error("Error " + action + " jar (exit code was " + exitCode + ".)")
+  }
+  private val CommandName = "jarsigner"
diff --git a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Path.scala b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Path.scala
index ea9d6f9..44c8ae8 100644
--- a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Path.scala
+++ b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Path.scala
@@ -34,260 +34,260 @@ import scala.collection.{generic, immutable, mutable, TraversableLike}
 * @see sbt.PathFinder*/
 sealed abstract class Path extends PathFinder
-	/** Creates a base directory for this path.  This is used by copy and zip functions
-	* to determine the relative path that should be used in the destination.  For example,
-	* if the following path is specified to be copied to directory 'd',
-	* 
-	* <code>((a / b) ###) / x / y</code>
-	*
-	* the copied path would be 
-	*
-	* <code>d / x / y</code>
-	*
-	* The <code>relativePath</code> method is used to return the relative path to the base directory. */
-	override def ### : Path = new BaseDirectory(this)
-	private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	{
-		if(asFile.exists)
-			pathSet += this
-	}
-	override def / (component: String): Path = if(component == ".") this else new RelativePath(this, component)
-	/** True if and only if the file represented by this path exists.*/
-	def exists = asFile.exists
-	/** True if and only if the file represented by this path is a directory.*/
-	def isDirectory = asFile.isDirectory
-	/** The last modified time of the file represented by this path.*/
-	def lastModified = asFile.lastModified
-	/* True if and only if file that this path represents exists and the file represented by the path 'p'
-	* does not exist or was modified before the file for this path.*/
-	def newerThan(p: Path): Boolean = exists && (!p.exists || lastModified > p.lastModified)
-	/* True if and only if file that this path represents does not exist or the file represented by the path 'p'
-	* exists and was modified after the file for this path.*/
-	def olderThan(p: Path): Boolean = p newerThan this
-	/** The file represented by this path.*/
-	def asFile: File
-	/** The file represented by this path converted to a <code>URL</code>.*/
-	def asURL = asFile.toURI.toURL
-	/** The string representation of this path relative to the base directory.  The project directory is the
-	* default base directory if one is not specified explicitly using the <code>###</code> operator.*/
-	lazy val relativePath: String = relativePathString(sep.toString)
-	def relativePathString(separator: String): String
-	final def projectRelativePath: String = projectRelativePathString(sep.toString)
-	def projectRelativePathString(separator: String): String
-	def absolutePath: String = asFile.getAbsolutePath
-	private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String): String
-	/** The last component of this path.*/
-	def name = asFile.getName
-	/** The extension part of the name of this path.  This is the part of the name after the last period, or the empty string if there is no period.*/
-	def ext = baseAndExt._2
-	/** The base of the name of this path.  This is the part of the name before the last period, or the full name if there is no period.*/
-	def base = baseAndExt._1
-	def baseAndExt: (String, String) =
-	{
-		val nme = name
-		val dot = nme.lastIndexOf('.')
-		if(dot < 0) (nme, "") else (nme.substring(0, dot), nme.substring(dot+1))
-	}
-	/** Equality of Paths is defined in terms of the underlying <code>File</code>.*/
-	override final def equals(other: Any) =
-		other match
-		{
-			case op: Path => asFile == op.asFile
-			case _ => false
-		}
-	/** The hash code of a Path is that of the underlying <code>File</code>.*/
-	override final def hashCode = asFile.hashCode
+  /** Creates a base directory for this path.  This is used by copy and zip functions
+  * to determine the relative path that should be used in the destination.  For example,
+  * if the following path is specified to be copied to directory 'd',
+  * 
+  * <code>((a / b) ###) / x / y</code>
+  *
+  * the copied path would be 
+  *
+  * <code>d / x / y</code>
+  *
+  * The <code>relativePath</code> method is used to return the relative path to the base directory. */
+  override def ### : Path = new BaseDirectory(this)
+  private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  {
+    if(asFile.exists)
+      pathSet += this
+  }
+  override def / (component: String): Path = if(component == ".") this else new RelativePath(this, component)
+  /** True if and only if the file represented by this path exists.*/
+  def exists = asFile.exists
+  /** True if and only if the file represented by this path is a directory.*/
+  def isDirectory = asFile.isDirectory
+  /** The last modified time of the file represented by this path.*/
+  def lastModified = asFile.lastModified
+  /* True if and only if file that this path represents exists and the file represented by the path 'p'
+  * does not exist or was modified before the file for this path.*/
+  def newerThan(p: Path): Boolean = exists && (!p.exists || lastModified > p.lastModified)
+  /* True if and only if file that this path represents does not exist or the file represented by the path 'p'
+  * exists and was modified after the file for this path.*/
+  def olderThan(p: Path): Boolean = p newerThan this
+  /** The file represented by this path.*/
+  def asFile: File
+  /** The file represented by this path converted to a <code>URL</code>.*/
+  def asURL = asFile.toURI.toURL
+  /** The string representation of this path relative to the base directory.  The project directory is the
+  * default base directory if one is not specified explicitly using the <code>###</code> operator.*/
+  lazy val relativePath: String = relativePathString(sep.toString)
+  def relativePathString(separator: String): String
+  final def projectRelativePath: String = projectRelativePathString(sep.toString)
+  def projectRelativePathString(separator: String): String
+  def absolutePath: String = asFile.getAbsolutePath
+  private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String): String
+  /** The last component of this path.*/
+  def name = asFile.getName
+  /** The extension part of the name of this path.  This is the part of the name after the last period, or the empty string if there is no period.*/
+  def ext = baseAndExt._2
+  /** The base of the name of this path.  This is the part of the name before the last period, or the full name if there is no period.*/
+  def base = baseAndExt._1
+  def baseAndExt: (String, String) =
+  {
+    val nme = name
+    val dot = nme.lastIndexOf('.')
+    if(dot < 0) (nme, "") else (nme.substring(0, dot), nme.substring(dot+1))
+  }
+  /** Equality of Paths is defined in terms of the underlying <code>File</code>.*/
+  override final def equals(other: Any) =
+    other match
+    {
+      case op: Path => asFile == op.asFile
+      case _ => false
+    }
+  /** The hash code of a Path is that of the underlying <code>File</code>.*/
+  override final def hashCode = asFile.hashCode
 private final class BaseDirectory(private[sbt] val path: Path) extends Path
-	override def ### : Path = this
-	override def toString = path.toString
-	def asFile = path.asFile
-	def relativePathString(separator: String) = ""
-	def projectRelativePathString(separator: String) = path.projectRelativePathString(separator)
-	private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String) = "." + sep + s
+  override def ### : Path = this
+  override def toString = path.toString
+  def asFile = path.asFile
+  def relativePathString(separator: String) = ""
+  def projectRelativePathString(separator: String) = path.projectRelativePathString(separator)
+  private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String) = "." + sep + s
 private[sbt] final class FilePath(file: File) extends Path
-	lazy val asFile = absolute(file)
-	override def toString = absolutePath
-	def relativePathString(separator: String) = asFile.getName
-	def projectRelativePathString(separator: String) = relativePathString(separator)
-	private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String) = absolutePath + sep + s
+  lazy val asFile = absolute(file)
+  override def toString = absolutePath
+  def relativePathString(separator: String) = asFile.getName
+  def projectRelativePathString(separator: String) = relativePathString(separator)
+  private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String) = absolutePath + sep + s
 // toRoot is the path between this and the root project path and is used for toString
 private[sbt] final class ProjectDirectory(file: File, toRoot: Option[Path]) extends Path
-	def this(file: File) = this(file, None)
-	lazy val asFile = absolute(file)
-	override def toString = foldToRoot(_.toString, ".")
-	def relativePathString(separator: String) = ""
-	def projectRelativePathString(separator: String) = ""
-	private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String) = foldToRoot(_.prependTo(s), "." + sep + s)
-	private[sbt] def foldToRoot[T](f: Path => T, orElse: T) =
+  def this(file: File) = this(file, None)
+  lazy val asFile = absolute(file)
+  override def toString = foldToRoot(_.toString, ".")
+  def relativePathString(separator: String) = ""
+  def projectRelativePathString(separator: String) = ""
+  private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String) = foldToRoot(_.prependTo(s), "." + sep + s)
+  private[sbt] def foldToRoot[T](f: Path => T, orElse: T) =
 private[sbt] final class RelativePath(val parentPath: Path, val component: String) extends Path
-	checkComponent(component)
-	override def toString = parentPath prependTo component
-	lazy val asFile = new File(parentPath.asFile, component)
-	private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String) =  parentPath prependTo (component + sep + s)
-	def relativePathString(separator: String) = relative(parentPath.relativePathString(separator), separator)
-	def projectRelativePathString(separator: String) = relative(parentPath.projectRelativePathString(separator), separator)
-	private def relative(parentRelative: String, separator: String) =
-	{
-		if(parentRelative.isEmpty)
-			component
-		else
-			parentRelative + separator + component
-	}
+  checkComponent(component)
+  override def toString = parentPath prependTo component
+  lazy val asFile = new File(parentPath.asFile, component)
+  private[sbt] def prependTo(s: String) =  parentPath prependTo (component + sep + s)
+  def relativePathString(separator: String) = relative(parentPath.relativePathString(separator), separator)
+  def projectRelativePathString(separator: String) = relative(parentPath.projectRelativePathString(separator), separator)
+  private def relative(parentRelative: String, separator: String) =
+  {
+    if(parentRelative.isEmpty)
+      component
+    else
+      parentRelative + separator + component
+  }
-	import
-	import File.pathSeparator
+  import
+  import File.pathSeparator
 trait PathExtra extends Alternatives with Mapper
-	implicit def fileToPath(file: File): Path = Path.fromFile(file)
-	implicit def pathToFile(path: Path): File = path.asFile
-	implicit def pathsToFiles[CC[X] <: TraversableLike[X,CC[X]]](cc: CC[Path])(implicit cb: generic.CanBuildFrom[CC[Path], File, CC[File]]): CC[File] =
-	implicit def filesToPaths[CC[X] <: TraversableLike[X,CC[X]]](cc: CC[File])(implicit cb: generic.CanBuildFrom[CC[File], Path, CC[Path]]): CC[Path] =
-	implicit def filesToFinder(cc: Traversable[File]): PathFinder = finder(cc)
-	implicit def pathsToFinder(cc: Traversable[Path]): PathFinder = lazyPathFinder(cc)
+  implicit def fileToPath(file: File): Path = Path.fromFile(file)
+  implicit def pathToFile(path: Path): File = path.asFile
+  implicit def pathsToFiles[CC[X] <: TraversableLike[X,CC[X]]](cc: CC[Path])(implicit cb: generic.CanBuildFrom[CC[Path], File, CC[File]]): CC[File] =
+  implicit def filesToPaths[CC[X] <: TraversableLike[X,CC[X]]](cc: CC[File])(implicit cb: generic.CanBuildFrom[CC[File], Path, CC[Path]]): CC[Path] =
+  implicit def filesToFinder(cc: Traversable[File]): PathFinder = finder(cc)
+  implicit def pathsToFinder(cc: Traversable[Path]): PathFinder = lazyPathFinder(cc)
 object Path extends PathExtra
-	def fileProperty(name: String) = Path.fromFile(System.getProperty(name))
-	def userHome = fileProperty("user.home")
-	def absolute(file: File) = new File(file.toURI.normalize).getAbsoluteFile
-	/** Constructs a String representation of <code>Path</code>s.  The absolute path String of each <code>Path</code> is
-	* separated by the platform's path separator.*/
-	def makeString(paths: Iterable[Path]): String = makeString(paths, pathSeparator)
-	/** Constructs a String representation of <code>Path</code>s.  The absolute path String of each <code>Path</code> is
-	* separated by the given separator String.*/
-	def makeString(paths: Iterable[Path], sep: String): String =
+  def fileProperty(name: String) = Path.fromFile(System.getProperty(name))
+  def userHome = fileProperty("user.home")
+  def absolute(file: File) = new File(file.toURI.normalize).getAbsoluteFile
+  /** Constructs a String representation of <code>Path</code>s.  The absolute path String of each <code>Path</code> is
+  * separated by the platform's path separator.*/
+  def makeString(paths: Iterable[Path]): String = makeString(paths, pathSeparator)
+  /** Constructs a String representation of <code>Path</code>s.  The absolute path String of each <code>Path</code> is
+  * separated by the given separator String.*/
+  def makeString(paths: Iterable[Path], sep: String): String =
-	def makeString(paths: Seq[File]): String = makeString(paths, pathSeparator)
-	def makeString(paths: Seq[File], sep: String): String =
-	/** Constructs a String representation of <code>Path</code>s.  The relative path String of each <code>Path</code> is
-	* separated by the platform's path separator.*/
-	def makeRelativeString(paths: Iterable[Path]): String =
-	def splitString(projectPath: Path, value: String): Iterable[Path] =
-	{
-		for(pathString <- pathSplit(value) if pathString.length > 0) yield
-			Path.fromString(projectPath, pathString)
-	}
-	/** A <code>PathFinder</code> that always produces the empty set of <code>Path</code>s.*/
-	def emptyPathFinder =
-		new PathFinder
-		{
-			private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path]) {}
-		}
-	/** A <code>PathFinder</code> that selects the paths provided by the <code>paths</code> argument, which is
-	* reevaluated on each call to the <code>PathFinder</code>'s <code>get</code> method.  */
-	def lazyPathFinder(paths: => Traversable[Path]): PathFinder =
-		new PathFinder
-		{
-			private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path]) = pathSet ++= paths
-		}
-	def finder(files: => Traversable[File]): PathFinder =  lazyPathFinder { fromFiles(files) }
-	/** The separator character of the platform.*/
-	val sep =
-	/** Checks the string to verify that it is a legal path component.  The string must be non-empty,
-	* not a slash, and not '.' or '..'.*/
-	def checkComponent(c: String): String =
-	{
-		require(c.length > 0, "Path component must not be empty")
-		require(c.indexOf('/') == -1, "Path component '" + c + "' must not have forward slashes in it")
-		require(c.indexOf('\\') == -1, "Path component '" + c + "' must not have backslashes in it")
-		require(c != "..", "Path component cannot be '..'")
-		require(c != ".", "Path component cannot be '.'")
-		c
-	}
-	/** Converts a path string relative to the given base path to a <code>Path</code>. */
-	def fromString(basePath: Path, value: String): Path =
-	{
-		if(value.isEmpty)
-			basePath
-		else
-		{
-			val f = new File(value)
-			if(f.isAbsolute)
-				fromFile(f)
-			else
-			{
-				val components = value.split("""[/\\]""")
-				(basePath /: components)( (path, component) => path / component )
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	def baseAncestor(path: Path): Option[Path] =
-		path match
-		{
-			case pd: ProjectDirectory => None
-			case fp: FilePath => None
-			case rp: RelativePath => baseAncestor(rp.parentPath)
-			case b: BaseDirectory => Some(b.path)
-		}
-	def relativize(basePath: Path, path: Path): Option[Path] = relativize(basePath, path.asFile)
-	def relativize(basePath: Path, file: File): Option[Path] =
-		basePathString(basePath) flatMap { baseString => relativize(basePath, baseString, file) }
-	def relativize(basePath: Path, basePathString: String, file: File): Option[Path] =
-	{
-		val pathString = file.getAbsolutePath
-		if(pathString.startsWith(basePathString))
-			Some(fromString(basePath, pathString.substring(basePathString.length)))
-		else
-			None
-	}
-	def relativizeFile(baseFile: File, file: File): Option[File] = relativize(baseFile, file).map { path => new File(path) }
-	private[sbt] def relativize(baseFile: File, file: File): Option[String] =
-	{
-		val pathString = file.getAbsolutePath
-		baseFileString(baseFile) flatMap
-		{
-			baseString =>
-			{
-				if(pathString.startsWith(baseString))
-					Some(pathString.substring(baseString.length))
-				else
-					None
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	private[sbt] def basePathString(basePath: Path): Option[String] = baseFileString(basePath.asFile)
-	private def baseFileString(baseFile: File): Option[String] =
-	{
-		if(baseFile.isDirectory)
-		{
-			val cp = baseFile.getAbsolutePath
-			assert(cp.length > 0)
-			if(cp.charAt(cp.length - 1) == File.separatorChar)
-				Some(cp)
-			else
-				Some(cp + File.separatorChar)
-		}
-		else
-			None
-	}
-	def fromFile(file: String): Path = fromFile(new File(file))
-	def fromFile(file: File): Path = new FilePath(file)
-	import collection.generic.{CanBuildFrom, FilterMonadic}
-	def fromFiles[Repr, That](files: FilterMonadic[File, Repr])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, Path, That]): That =
+  def makeString(paths: Seq[File]): String = makeString(paths, pathSeparator)
+  def makeString(paths: Seq[File], sep: String): String =
+  /** Constructs a String representation of <code>Path</code>s.  The relative path String of each <code>Path</code> is
+  * separated by the platform's path separator.*/
+  def makeRelativeString(paths: Iterable[Path]): String =
+  def splitString(projectPath: Path, value: String): Iterable[Path] =
+  {
+    for(pathString <- pathSplit(value) if pathString.length > 0) yield
+      Path.fromString(projectPath, pathString)
+  }
+  /** A <code>PathFinder</code> that always produces the empty set of <code>Path</code>s.*/
+  def emptyPathFinder =
+    new PathFinder
+    {
+      private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path]) {}
+    }
+  /** A <code>PathFinder</code> that selects the paths provided by the <code>paths</code> argument, which is
+  * reevaluated on each call to the <code>PathFinder</code>'s <code>get</code> method.  */
+  def lazyPathFinder(paths: => Traversable[Path]): PathFinder =
+    new PathFinder
+    {
+      private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path]) = pathSet ++= paths
+    }
+  def finder(files: => Traversable[File]): PathFinder =  lazyPathFinder { fromFiles(files) }
+  /** The separator character of the platform.*/
+  val sep =
+  /** Checks the string to verify that it is a legal path component.  The string must be non-empty,
+  * not a slash, and not '.' or '..'.*/
+  def checkComponent(c: String): String =
+  {
+    require(c.length > 0, "Path component must not be empty")
+    require(c.indexOf('/') == -1, "Path component '" + c + "' must not have forward slashes in it")
+    require(c.indexOf('\\') == -1, "Path component '" + c + "' must not have backslashes in it")
+    require(c != "..", "Path component cannot be '..'")
+    require(c != ".", "Path component cannot be '.'")
+    c
+  }
+  /** Converts a path string relative to the given base path to a <code>Path</code>. */
+  def fromString(basePath: Path, value: String): Path =
+  {
+    if(value.isEmpty)
+      basePath
+    else
+    {
+      val f = new File(value)
+      if(f.isAbsolute)
+        fromFile(f)
+      else
+      {
+        val components = value.split("""[/\\]""")
+        (basePath /: components)( (path, component) => path / component )
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def baseAncestor(path: Path): Option[Path] =
+    path match
+    {
+      case pd: ProjectDirectory => None
+      case fp: FilePath => None
+      case rp: RelativePath => baseAncestor(rp.parentPath)
+      case b: BaseDirectory => Some(b.path)
+    }
+  def relativize(basePath: Path, path: Path): Option[Path] = relativize(basePath, path.asFile)
+  def relativize(basePath: Path, file: File): Option[Path] =
+    basePathString(basePath) flatMap { baseString => relativize(basePath, baseString, file) }
+  def relativize(basePath: Path, basePathString: String, file: File): Option[Path] =
+  {
+    val pathString = file.getAbsolutePath
+    if(pathString.startsWith(basePathString))
+      Some(fromString(basePath, pathString.substring(basePathString.length)))
+    else
+      None
+  }
+  def relativizeFile(baseFile: File, file: File): Option[File] = relativize(baseFile, file).map { path => new File(path) }
+  private[sbt] def relativize(baseFile: File, file: File): Option[String] =
+  {
+    val pathString = file.getAbsolutePath
+    baseFileString(baseFile) flatMap
+    {
+      baseString =>
+      {
+        if(pathString.startsWith(baseString))
+          Some(pathString.substring(baseString.length))
+        else
+          None
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private[sbt] def basePathString(basePath: Path): Option[String] = baseFileString(basePath.asFile)
+  private def baseFileString(baseFile: File): Option[String] =
+  {
+    if(baseFile.isDirectory)
+    {
+      val cp = baseFile.getAbsolutePath
+      assert(cp.length > 0)
+      if(cp.charAt(cp.length - 1) == File.separatorChar)
+        Some(cp)
+      else
+        Some(cp + File.separatorChar)
+    }
+    else
+      None
+  }
+  def fromFile(file: String): Path = fromFile(new File(file))
+  def fromFile(file: File): Path = new FilePath(file)
+  import collection.generic.{CanBuildFrom, FilterMonadic}
+  def fromFiles[Repr, That](files: FilterMonadic[File, Repr])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, Path, That]): That =
-	def getFiles(files: Traversable[Path]): immutable.Set[File] =
-	def getURLs(files: Traversable[Path]): Array[URL] =
+  def getFiles(files: Traversable[Path]): immutable.Set[File] =
+  def getURLs(files: Traversable[Path]): Array[URL] =
-	def toURLs(files: Seq[File]): Array[URL] =
+  def toURLs(files: Seq[File]): Array[URL] =
 /** A path finder constructs a set of paths.  The set is evaluated by a call to the <code>get</code>
@@ -295,147 +295,147 @@ object Path extends PathExtra
 * has changed.*/
 sealed abstract class PathFinder extends NotNull
-	/** The union of the paths found by this <code>PathFinder</code> with the paths found by 'paths'.*/
-	def +++(paths: PathFinder): PathFinder = new Paths(this, paths)
-	/** Excludes all paths from <code>excludePaths</code> from the paths selected by this <code>PathFinder</code>.*/
-	def ---(excludePaths: PathFinder): PathFinder = new ExcludePaths(this, excludePaths)
-	/** Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches <code>filter</code> and are
-	* descendents of paths selected by this finder.*/
-	def **(filter: FileFilter): PathFinder = new DescendentOrSelfPathFinder(this, filter)
-	def *** : PathFinder = **(AllPassFilter)
-	/** Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches <code>filter</code> and are
-	* immediate children of paths selected by this finder.*/
-	def *(filter: FileFilter): PathFinder = new ChildPathFinder(this, filter)
-	/** Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with name <code>literal</code> that are immediate children
-	* of paths selected by this finder.*/
-	def / (literal: String): PathFinder = new ChildPathFinder(this, new ExactFilter(literal))
-	/** Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with name <code>literal</code> that are immediate children
-	* of paths selected by this finder.*/
-	final def \ (literal: String): PathFinder = this / literal
+  /** The union of the paths found by this <code>PathFinder</code> with the paths found by 'paths'.*/
+  def +++(paths: PathFinder): PathFinder = new Paths(this, paths)
+  /** Excludes all paths from <code>excludePaths</code> from the paths selected by this <code>PathFinder</code>.*/
+  def ---(excludePaths: PathFinder): PathFinder = new ExcludePaths(this, excludePaths)
+  /** Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches <code>filter</code> and are
+  * descendents of paths selected by this finder.*/
+  def **(filter: FileFilter): PathFinder = new DescendentOrSelfPathFinder(this, filter)
+  def *** : PathFinder = **(AllPassFilter)
+  /** Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with a name that matches <code>filter</code> and are
+  * immediate children of paths selected by this finder.*/
+  def *(filter: FileFilter): PathFinder = new ChildPathFinder(this, filter)
+  /** Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with name <code>literal</code> that are immediate children
+  * of paths selected by this finder.*/
+  def / (literal: String): PathFinder = new ChildPathFinder(this, new ExactFilter(literal))
+  /** Constructs a new finder that selects all paths with name <code>literal</code> that are immediate children
+  * of paths selected by this finder.*/
+  final def \ (literal: String): PathFinder = this / literal
-	/** Makes the paths selected by this finder into base directories.
-	* @see Path.###
-	*/
-	def ### : PathFinder = new BasePathFinder(this)
+  /** Makes the paths selected by this finder into base directories.
+  * @see Path.###
+  */
+  def ### : PathFinder = new BasePathFinder(this)
-	def x_![T](mapper: File => Option[T]): Traversable[(File,T)] = x(mapper, false)
-	/** Applies `mapper` to each path selected by this PathFinder and returns the path paired with the non-empty result.
-	* If the result is empty (None) and `errorIfNone` is true, an exception is thrown.
-	* If `errorIfNone` is false, the path is dropped from the returned Traversable.*/
-	def x[T](mapper: File => Option[T], errorIfNone: Boolean = true): Traversable[(File,T)] =
-	{
-		val apply = if(errorIfNone) mapper | fail else mapper
-		for(file <- getFiles; mapped <- apply(file)) yield (file, mapped)
-	}
-	/** Pairs each path selected by this PathFinder with its relativePath.*/
-	def xx: Traversable[(File, String)] = => (path.asFile, path.relativePath))
+  def x_![T](mapper: File => Option[T]): Traversable[(File,T)] = x(mapper, false)
+  /** Applies `mapper` to each path selected by this PathFinder and returns the path paired with the non-empty result.
+  * If the result is empty (None) and `errorIfNone` is true, an exception is thrown.
+  * If `errorIfNone` is false, the path is dropped from the returned Traversable.*/
+  def x[T](mapper: File => Option[T], errorIfNone: Boolean = true): Traversable[(File,T)] =
+  {
+    val apply = if(errorIfNone) mapper | fail else mapper
+    for(file <- getFiles; mapped <- apply(file)) yield (file, mapped)
+  }
+  /** Pairs each path selected by this PathFinder with its relativePath.*/
+  def xx: Traversable[(File, String)] = => (path.asFile, path.relativePath))
-	/** Selects all descendent paths with a name that matches <code>include</code> and do not have an intermediate
-	* path with a name that matches <code>intermediateExclude</code>.  Typical usage is:
-	*
-	* <code>descendentsExcept("*.jar", ".svn")</code>*/
-	def descendentsExcept(include: FileFilter, intermediateExclude: FileFilter): PathFinder =
-		(this ** include) --- (this ** intermediateExclude ** include)
-	/** Evaluates this finder.  The set returned by this method will reflect the underlying filesystem at the
-	* time of calling.  If the filesystem changes, two calls to this method might be different.*/
-	final def get: immutable.Set[Path] =
-	{
-		val pathSet = new mutable.HashSet[Path]
-		addTo(pathSet)
-		pathSet.toSet
-	}
-	/** Only keeps paths for which `f` returns true.  It is non-strict, so it is not evaluated until the returned finder is evaluated.*/
-	final def filter(f: Path => Boolean): PathFinder = Path.lazyPathFinder(get.filter(f))
-	/* Non-strict flatMap: no evaluation occurs until the returned finder is evaluated.*/
-	final def flatMap(f: Path => PathFinder): PathFinder = Path.lazyPathFinder(get.flatMap(p => f(p).get))
-	/** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to an `Array` of `URL`s..*/
-	final def getURLs: Array[URL] = Path.getURLs(get)
-	/** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Set` of `File`s.*/
-	final def getFiles: immutable.Set[File] = Path.getFiles(get)
-	/** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Set` of absolute path strings.*/
-	final def getPaths: immutable.Set[String] = strictMap(_.absolutePath)
-	/** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Set` of relative path strings.*/
-	final def getRelativePaths: immutable.Set[String] = strictMap(_.relativePath)
-	final def strictMap[T](f: Path => T): immutable.Set[T] =
-	private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  /** Selects all descendent paths with a name that matches <code>include</code> and do not have an intermediate
+  * path with a name that matches <code>intermediateExclude</code>.  Typical usage is:
+  *
+  * <code>descendentsExcept("*.jar", ".svn")</code>*/
+  def descendentsExcept(include: FileFilter, intermediateExclude: FileFilter): PathFinder =
+    (this ** include) --- (this ** intermediateExclude ** include)
+  /** Evaluates this finder.  The set returned by this method will reflect the underlying filesystem at the
+  * time of calling.  If the filesystem changes, two calls to this method might be different.*/
+  final def get: immutable.Set[Path] =
+  {
+    val pathSet = new mutable.HashSet[Path]
+    addTo(pathSet)
+    pathSet.toSet
+  }
+  /** Only keeps paths for which `f` returns true.  It is non-strict, so it is not evaluated until the returned finder is evaluated.*/
+  final def filter(f: Path => Boolean): PathFinder = Path.lazyPathFinder(get.filter(f))
+  /* Non-strict flatMap: no evaluation occurs until the returned finder is evaluated.*/
+  final def flatMap(f: Path => PathFinder): PathFinder = Path.lazyPathFinder(get.flatMap(p => f(p).get))
+  /** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to an `Array` of `URL`s..*/
+  final def getURLs: Array[URL] = Path.getURLs(get)
+  /** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Set` of `File`s.*/
+  final def getFiles: immutable.Set[File] = Path.getFiles(get)
+  /** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Set` of absolute path strings.*/
+  final def getPaths: immutable.Set[String] = strictMap(_.absolutePath)
+  /** Evaluates this finder and converts the results to a `Set` of relative path strings.*/
+  final def getRelativePaths: immutable.Set[String] = strictMap(_.relativePath)
+  final def strictMap[T](f: Path => T): immutable.Set[T] =
+  private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	/** Create a PathFinder from this one where each path has a unique name.
-	* A single path is arbitrarily selected from the set of paths with the same name.*/
-	def distinct: PathFinder = Path.lazyPathFinder((Map() ++ => (p.asFile.getName, p))) .values.toList )
+  /** Create a PathFinder from this one where each path has a unique name.
+  * A single path is arbitrarily selected from the set of paths with the same name.*/
+  def distinct: PathFinder = Path.lazyPathFinder((Map() ++ => (p.asFile.getName, p))) .values.toList )
-	/** Constructs a string by evaluating this finder, converting the resulting Paths to absolute path strings, and joining them with the platform path separator.*/
-	final def absString = Path.makeString(get)
-	/** Constructs a string by evaluating this finder, converting the resulting Paths to relative path strings, and joining them with the platform path separator.*/
-	final def relativeString = Path.makeRelativeString(get)
-	/** Constructs a debugging string for this finder by evaluating it and separating paths by newlines.*/
-	override def toString = get.mkString("\n   ", "\n   ","")
+  /** Constructs a string by evaluating this finder, converting the resulting Paths to absolute path strings, and joining them with the platform path separator.*/
+  final def absString = Path.makeString(get)
+  /** Constructs a string by evaluating this finder, converting the resulting Paths to relative path strings, and joining them with the platform path separator.*/
+  final def relativeString = Path.makeRelativeString(get)
+  /** Constructs a debugging string for this finder by evaluating it and separating paths by newlines.*/
+  override def toString = get.mkString("\n   ", "\n   ","")
 private class BasePathFinder(base: PathFinder) extends PathFinder
-	private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	{
-		for(path <- base.get)
-			pathSet += (path ###)
-	}
+  private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  {
+    for(path <- base.get)
+      pathSet += (path ###)
+  }
 private abstract class FilterPath extends PathFinder with FileFilter
-	def parent: PathFinder
-	def filter: FileFilter
-	final def accept(file: File) = filter.accept(file)
-	protected def handlePath(path: Path, pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	{
-		for(matchedFile <- wrapNull(path.asFile.listFiles(this)))
-			pathSet += path / matchedFile.getName
-	}
+  def parent: PathFinder
+  def filter: FileFilter
+  final def accept(file: File) = filter.accept(file)
+  protected def handlePath(path: Path, pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  {
+    for(matchedFile <- wrapNull(path.asFile.listFiles(this)))
+      pathSet += path / matchedFile.getName
+  }
 private class DescendentOrSelfPathFinder(val parent: PathFinder, val filter: FileFilter) extends FilterPath
-	private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	{
-		for(path <- parent.get)
-		{
-			if(accept(path.asFile))
-				pathSet += path
-			handlePathDescendent(path, pathSet)
-		}
-	}
-	private def handlePathDescendent(path: Path, pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	{
-		handlePath(path, pathSet)
-		for(childDirectory <- wrapNull(path.asFile.listFiles(DirectoryFilter)))
-			handlePathDescendent(path / childDirectory.getName, pathSet)
-	}
+  private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  {
+    for(path <- parent.get)
+    {
+      if(accept(path.asFile))
+        pathSet += path
+      handlePathDescendent(path, pathSet)
+    }
+  }
+  private def handlePathDescendent(path: Path, pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  {
+    handlePath(path, pathSet)
+    for(childDirectory <- wrapNull(path.asFile.listFiles(DirectoryFilter)))
+      handlePathDescendent(path / childDirectory.getName, pathSet)
+  }
 private class ChildPathFinder(val parent: PathFinder, val filter: FileFilter) extends FilterPath
-	private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	{
-		for(path <- parent.get)
-			handlePath(path, pathSet)
-	}
+  private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  {
+    for(path <- parent.get)
+      handlePath(path, pathSet)
+  }
 private class Paths(a: PathFinder, b: PathFinder) extends PathFinder
-	private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	{
-		a.addTo(pathSet)
-		b.addTo(pathSet)
-	}
+  private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  {
+    a.addTo(pathSet)
+    b.addTo(pathSet)
+  }
 private class ExcludePaths(include: PathFinder, exclude: PathFinder) extends PathFinder
-	private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
-	{
-		val includeSet = new mutable.HashSet[Path]
-		include.addTo(includeSet)
-		val excludeSet = new mutable.HashSet[Path]
-		exclude.addTo(excludeSet)
-		includeSet --= excludeSet
-		pathSet ++= includeSet
-	}
+  private[sbt] def addTo(pathSet: mutable.Set[Path])
+  {
+    val includeSet = new mutable.HashSet[Path]
+    include.addTo(includeSet)
+    val excludeSet = new mutable.HashSet[Path]
+    exclude.addTo(excludeSet)
+    includeSet --= excludeSet
+    pathSet ++= includeSet
+  }
diff --git a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/PathMapper.scala b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/PathMapper.scala
index c48b3fb..3a48360 100644
--- a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/PathMapper.scala
+++ b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/PathMapper.scala
@@ -24,58 +24,58 @@
 package sbt
-	import
+  import
 trait Mapper
-	type PathMap = File => Option[String]
-	type FileMap = File => Option[File]
+  type PathMap = File => Option[String]
+  type FileMap = File => Option[File]
-	val basic: PathMap = f => Some(f.getPath)
-	def relativeTo(base: File): PathMap = IO.relativize(base, _)
-	def rebase(oldBase: File, newBase0: String): PathMap =
-	{
-		val newBase = normalizeBase(newBase0)
-		(file: File) =>
-			if(file == oldBase)
-				Some( if(newBase.isEmpty) "." else newBase )
-			else
-				IO.relativize(oldBase, file).map(newBase + _)
-	}
-	def fail: Any => Nothing = f => error("No mapping for " + f)
-	val flat: PathMap = f => Some(f.getName)
-	def flatRebase(newBase0: String): PathMap =
-	{
-		val newBase = normalizeBase(newBase0)
-		f => Some(newBase + f.getName)
-	}
-	def some[A,B](f: A => B): A => Some[B] = x => Some(f(x))
+  val basic: PathMap = f => Some(f.getPath)
+  def relativeTo(base: File): PathMap = IO.relativize(base, _)
+  def rebase(oldBase: File, newBase0: String): PathMap =
+  {
+    val newBase = normalizeBase(newBase0)
+    (file: File) =>
+      if(file == oldBase)
+        Some( if(newBase.isEmpty) "." else newBase )
+      else
+        IO.relativize(oldBase, file).map(newBase + _)
+  }
+  def fail: Any => Nothing = f => error("No mapping for " + f)
+  val flat: PathMap = f => Some(f.getName)
+  def flatRebase(newBase0: String): PathMap =
+  {
+    val newBase = normalizeBase(newBase0)
+    f => Some(newBase + f.getName)
+  }
+  def some[A,B](f: A => B): A => Some[B] = x => Some(f(x))
-	def normalizeBase(base: String) = if(!base.isEmpty && !base.endsWith("/"))  base + "/" else base
+  def normalizeBase(base: String) = if(!base.isEmpty && !base.endsWith("/"))  base + "/" else base
-	def abs: FileMap = f => Some(f.getAbsoluteFile)
-	def resolve(newDirectory: File): FileMap = file => Some(new File(newDirectory, file.getPath))
-	def rebase(oldBase: File, newBase: File): FileMap =
-		file =>
-			if(file == oldBase)
-				Some(newBase)
-			else
-				IO.relativize(oldBase, file) map { r => new File(newBase, r) }
+  def abs: FileMap = f => Some(f.getAbsoluteFile)
+  def resolve(newDirectory: File): FileMap = file => Some(new File(newDirectory, file.getPath))
+  def rebase(oldBase: File, newBase: File): FileMap =
+    file =>
+      if(file == oldBase)
+        Some(newBase)
+      else
+        IO.relativize(oldBase, file) map { r => new File(newBase, r) }
-	def flat(newDirectory: File): FileMap = file => Some(new File(newDirectory, file.getName))
+  def flat(newDirectory: File): FileMap = file => Some(new File(newDirectory, file.getName))
 trait Alternative[A,B] { def | (g: A => Option[B]): A => Option[B] }
 trait Alternatives
-	implicit def alternative[A,B](f:A => Option[B]): Alternative[A,B] =
-		new Alternative[A,B] { def | (g: A => Option[B]) =
-			(a: A) => f(a) orElse g(a)
-		}
-	final def alternatives[A,B](alts: Seq[A => Option[B]]): A => Option[B] =
-		alts match
-		{
-			case Seq(f, fs @ _*) => f | alternatives(fs)
-			case Seq() => a => None
-		}
+  implicit def alternative[A,B](f:A => Option[B]): Alternative[A,B] =
+    new Alternative[A,B] { def | (g: A => Option[B]) =
+      (a: A) => f(a) orElse g(a)
+    }
+  final def alternatives[A,B](alts: Seq[A => Option[B]]): A => Option[B] =
+    alts match
+    {
+      case Seq(f, fs @ _*) => f | alternatives(fs)
+      case Seq() => a => None
+    }
diff --git a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Resources.scala b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Resources.scala
index cdb560a..d8fb52f 100644
--- a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Resources.scala
+++ b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Resources.scala
@@ -30,59 +30,59 @@ import Resources.error
 object Resources
-	def apply(basePath: String) =
-	{
-		require(basePath.startsWith("/"))
-		val resource = getClass.getResource(basePath)
-		if(resource == null)
-			error("Resource base directory '" + basePath + "' not on classpath.")
-		else
-		{
-			val file = toFile(resource)
-			if(file.exists)
-				new Resources(file)
-			else
-				error("Resource base directory '" + basePath + "' does not exist.")
-		}
-	}
-	def error(msg: String) = throw new ResourcesException(msg)
-	private val LoadErrorPrefix = "Error loading initial project: "
+  def apply(basePath: String) =
+  {
+    require(basePath.startsWith("/"))
+    val resource = getClass.getResource(basePath)
+    if(resource == null)
+      error("Resource base directory '" + basePath + "' not on classpath.")
+    else
+    {
+      val file = toFile(resource)
+      if(file.exists)
+        new Resources(file)
+      else
+        error("Resource base directory '" + basePath + "' does not exist.")
+    }
+  }
+  def error(msg: String) = throw new ResourcesException(msg)
+  private val LoadErrorPrefix = "Error loading initial project: "
 class ResourcesException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
 class Resources(val baseDirectory: File)
-	import Resources._
-	// The returned directory is not actually read-only, but it should be treated that way
-	def readOnlyResourceDirectory(group: String, name: String): File =
-	{
-		val groupDirectory = new File(baseDirectory, group)
-		if(groupDirectory.isDirectory)
-		{
-			val resourceDirectory = new File(groupDirectory, name)
-			if(resourceDirectory.isDirectory)
-				resourceDirectory
-			else
-				error("Resource directory '" + name + "' in group '" + group + "' not found.")
-		}
-		else
-			error("Group '" + group + "' not found.")
-	}
-	def readWriteResourceDirectory[T](group: String, name: String)(withDirectory: File => T): T =
-	{
-		val file = readOnlyResourceDirectory(group, name)
-		readWriteResourceDirectory(file)(withDirectory)
-	}
+  import Resources._
+  // The returned directory is not actually read-only, but it should be treated that way
+  def readOnlyResourceDirectory(group: String, name: String): File =
+  {
+    val groupDirectory = new File(baseDirectory, group)
+    if(groupDirectory.isDirectory)
+    {
+      val resourceDirectory = new File(groupDirectory, name)
+      if(resourceDirectory.isDirectory)
+        resourceDirectory
+      else
+        error("Resource directory '" + name + "' in group '" + group + "' not found.")
+    }
+    else
+      error("Group '" + group + "' not found.")
+  }
+  def readWriteResourceDirectory[T](group: String, name: String)(withDirectory: File => T): T =
+  {
+    val file = readOnlyResourceDirectory(group, name)
+    readWriteResourceDirectory(file)(withDirectory)
+  }
-	def readWriteResourceDirectory[T](readOnly: File)(withDirectory: File => T): T =
-	{
-		require(readOnly.isDirectory)
-		def readWrite(readOnly: File)(temporary: File): T =
-		{
-			val readWriteDirectory = new File(temporary, readOnly.getName)
-			copyDirectory(readOnly, readWriteDirectory)
-			withDirectory(readWriteDirectory)
-		}
-		withTemporaryDirectory(readWrite(readOnly))
-	}
+  def readWriteResourceDirectory[T](readOnly: File)(withDirectory: File => T): T =
+  {
+    require(readOnly.isDirectory)
+    def readWrite(readOnly: File)(temporary: File): T =
+    {
+      val readWriteDirectory = new File(temporary, readOnly.getName)
+      copyDirectory(readOnly, readWriteDirectory)
+      withDirectory(readWriteDirectory)
+    }
+    withTemporaryDirectory(readWrite(readOnly))
+  }
diff --git a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/SourceModificationWatch.scala b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/SourceModificationWatch.scala
index 9795905..bd22211 100644
--- a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/SourceModificationWatch.scala
+++ b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/SourceModificationWatch.scala
@@ -24,46 +24,46 @@
 package sbt
-	import annotation.tailrec
+  import annotation.tailrec
 object SourceModificationWatch
-	@tailrec def watch(sourcesFinder: PathFinder, pollDelaySec: Int, state: WatchState)(terminationCondition: => Boolean): (Boolean, WatchState) =
-	{
-			import state._
+  @tailrec def watch(sourcesFinder: PathFinder, pollDelaySec: Int, state: WatchState)(terminationCondition: => Boolean): (Boolean, WatchState) =
+  {
+      import state._
-		def sourceFiles: Iterable[] = sourcesFinder.getFiles
-		val (lastModifiedTime, fileCount) =
-			( (0L, 0) /: sourceFiles) {(acc, file) => /*println("processing "+file);*/ (math.max(acc._1, file.lastModified), acc._2 + 1)}
+    def sourceFiles: Iterable[] = sourcesFinder.getFiles
+    val (lastModifiedTime, fileCount) =
+      ( (0L, 0) /: sourceFiles) {(acc, file) => /*println("processing "+file);*/ (math.max(acc._1, file.lastModified), acc._2 + 1)}
-		//println("lastModifiedTime:"+new java.util.Date(lastModifiedTime))
-		//println("lastModifiedTime - lastCallbackCallTime"+(lastModifiedTime - lastCallbackCallTime))
-		val sourcesModified =
-			lastModifiedTime > lastCallbackCallTime ||
-			previousFileCount != fileCount
+    //println("lastModifiedTime:"+new java.util.Date(lastModifiedTime))
+    //println("lastModifiedTime - lastCallbackCallTime"+(lastModifiedTime - lastCallbackCallTime))
+    val sourcesModified =
+      lastModifiedTime > lastCallbackCallTime ||
+      previousFileCount != fileCount
-		val (triggered, newCallbackCallTime) =
-			if (sourcesModified) {
-				(false, System.currentTimeMillis)
-			}
-			else
-				(awaitingQuietPeriod, lastCallbackCallTime)
+    val (triggered, newCallbackCallTime) =
+      if (sourcesModified) {
+        (false, System.currentTimeMillis)
+      }
+      else
+        (awaitingQuietPeriod, lastCallbackCallTime)
-		val newState = new WatchState(newCallbackCallTime, fileCount, sourcesModified, if(triggered) count + 1 else count)
-		if(triggered)
-			(true, newState)
-		else
-		{
-			Thread.sleep(pollDelaySec * 1000)
-			if(terminationCondition)
-				(false, newState)
-			else
-				watch(sourcesFinder, pollDelaySec, newState)(terminationCondition)
-		}
-	}
+    val newState = new WatchState(newCallbackCallTime, fileCount, sourcesModified, if(triggered) count + 1 else count)
+    if(triggered)
+      (true, newState)
+    else
+    {
+      Thread.sleep(pollDelaySec * 1000)
+      if(terminationCondition)
+        (false, newState)
+      else
+        watch(sourcesFinder, pollDelaySec, newState)(terminationCondition)
+    }
+  }
 final class WatchState(val lastCallbackCallTime: Long, val previousFileCount: Int, val awaitingQuietPeriod:Boolean, val count: Int)
 object WatchState
-	def empty = new WatchState(0L, 0, false, 0)
+  def empty = new WatchState(0L, 0, false, 0)
diff --git a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Using.scala b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Using.scala
index c87f955..0b1698c 100644
--- a/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Using.scala
+++ b/bundledevtool/src/main/scala/sbt/io/Using.scala
@@ -39,81 +39,81 @@ import Using._
 abstract class Using[Source, T]
-	protected def open(src: Source): T
-	def apply[R](src: Source)(f: T => R): R =
-	{
-		val resource = open(src)
-		try { f(resource) }
-		finally { close(resource) }
-	}
-	protected def close(out: T): Unit
+  protected def open(src: Source): T
+  def apply[R](src: Source)(f: T => R): R =
+  {
+    val resource = open(src)
+    try { f(resource) }
+    finally { close(resource) }
+  }
+  protected def close(out: T): Unit
 import scala.reflect.{Manifest => SManifest}
 abstract class WrapUsing[Source, T](implicit srcMf: SManifest[Source], targetMf: SManifest[T]) extends Using[Source, T]
-	protected def label[S](m: SManifest[S]) = m.erasure.getSimpleName
-	protected def openImpl(source: Source): T
-	protected final def open(source: Source): T =
-		translate("Error wrapping " + label(srcMf) + " in " + label(targetMf) + ": ") { openImpl(source) }
+  protected def label[S](m: SManifest[S]) = m.erasure.getSimpleName
+  protected def openImpl(source: Source): T
+  protected final def open(source: Source): T =
+    translate("Error wrapping " + label(srcMf) + " in " + label(targetMf) + ": ") { openImpl(source) }
 trait OpenFile[T] extends Using[File, T]
-	protected def openImpl(file: File): T
-	protected final def open(file: File): T =
-	{
-		val parent = file.getParentFile
-		if(parent != null)
-			IO.createDirectory(parent)
-		openImpl(file)
-	}
+  protected def openImpl(file: File): T
+  protected final def open(file: File): T =
+  {
+    val parent = file.getParentFile
+    if(parent != null)
+      IO.createDirectory(parent)
+    openImpl(file)
+  }
 object Using
-	def wrap[Source, T<: Closeable](openF: Source => T)(implicit srcMf: SManifest[Source], targetMf: SManifest[T]): Using[Source,T] =
-		wrap(openF, closeCloseable)
-	def wrap[Source, T](openF: Source => T, closeF: T => Unit)(implicit srcMf: SManifest[Source], targetMf: SManifest[T]): Using[Source,T] =
-		new WrapUsing[Source, T]
-		{
-			def openImpl(source: Source) = openF(source)
-			def close(t: T) = closeF(t)
-		}
+  def wrap[Source, T<: Closeable](openF: Source => T)(implicit srcMf: SManifest[Source], targetMf: SManifest[T]): Using[Source,T] =
+    wrap(openF, closeCloseable)
+  def wrap[Source, T](openF: Source => T, closeF: T => Unit)(implicit srcMf: SManifest[Source], targetMf: SManifest[T]): Using[Source,T] =
+    new WrapUsing[Source, T]
+    {
+      def openImpl(source: Source) = openF(source)
+      def close(t: T) = closeF(t)
+    }
-	def resource[Source, T <: Closeable](openF: Source => T): Using[Source,T] =
-		resource(openF, closeCloseable)
-	def resource[Source, T](openF: Source => T, closeF: T => Unit): Using[Source,T] =
-		new Using[Source,T]
-		{
-			def open(s: Source) = openF(s)
-			def close(s: T) = closeF(s)
-		}
-	def file[T <: Closeable](openF: File => T): OpenFile[T] = file(openF, closeCloseable)
-	def file[T](openF: File => T, closeF: T => Unit): OpenFile[T] =
-		new OpenFile[T]
-		{
-			def openImpl(file: File) = openF(file)
-			def close(t: T) = closeF(t)
-		}
-	private def closeCloseable[T <: Closeable]: T => Unit = _.close()
+  def resource[Source, T <: Closeable](openF: Source => T): Using[Source,T] =
+    resource(openF, closeCloseable)
+  def resource[Source, T](openF: Source => T, closeF: T => Unit): Using[Source,T] =
+    new Using[Source,T]
+    {
+      def open(s: Source) = openF(s)
+      def close(s: T) = closeF(s)
+    }
+  def file[T <: Closeable](openF: File => T): OpenFile[T] = file(openF, closeCloseable)
+  def file[T](openF: File => T, closeF: T => Unit): OpenFile[T] =
+    new OpenFile[T]
+    {
+      def openImpl(file: File) = openF(file)
+      def close(t: T) = closeF(t)
+    }
+  private def closeCloseable[T <: Closeable]: T => Unit = _.close()
-	def bufferedOutputStream = wrap( (out: OutputStream) => new BufferedOutputStream(out) )
-	def bufferedInputStream = wrap( (in: InputStream) => new BufferedInputStream(in) )
-	def fileOutputStream(append: Boolean = false) = file(f => new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f, append)))
-	def fileInputStream = file(f => new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)))
-	def urlInputStream = resource( (u: URL) => translate("Error opening " + u + ": ")(u.openStream))
-	def fileOutputChannel = file(f => new FileOutputStream(f).getChannel)
-	def fileInputChannel = file(f => new FileInputStream(f).getChannel)
-	def fileWriter(charset: Charset = IO.utf8, append: Boolean = false) =
-		file(f => new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f, append), charset)) )
-	def fileReader(charset: Charset) = file(f => new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), charset)) )
-	def jarFile(verify: Boolean) = file(f => new JarFile(f, verify), (_: JarFile).close())
-	def zipFile = file(f => new ZipFile(f), (_: ZipFile).close())
-	def streamReader = wrap{ (_: (InputStream, Charset)) match { case (in, charset) => new InputStreamReader(in, charset) } }
-	def gzipInputStream = wrap( (in: InputStream) => new GZIPInputStream(in, 8192) )
-	def zipInputStream = wrap( (in: InputStream) => new ZipInputStream(in))
-	def zipOutputStream = wrap( (out: OutputStream) => new ZipOutputStream(out))
-	def gzipOutputStream = wrap((out: OutputStream) => new GZIPOutputStream(out, 8192), (_: GZIPOutputStream).finish())
-	def jarOutputStream = wrap( (out: OutputStream) => new JarOutputStream(out))
-	def jarInputStream = wrap( (in: InputStream) => new JarInputStream(in))
-	def zipEntry(zip: ZipFile) = resource( (entry: ZipEntry) =>
-		translate("Error opening " + entry.getName + " in " + zip + ": ") { zip.getInputStream(entry) } )
+  def bufferedOutputStream = wrap( (out: OutputStream) => new BufferedOutputStream(out) )
+  def bufferedInputStream = wrap( (in: InputStream) => new BufferedInputStream(in) )
+  def fileOutputStream(append: Boolean = false) = file(f => new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f, append)))
+  def fileInputStream = file(f => new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)))
+  def urlInputStream = resource( (u: URL) => translate("Error opening " + u + ": ")(u.openStream))
+  def fileOutputChannel = file(f => new FileOutputStream(f).getChannel)
+  def fileInputChannel = file(f => new FileInputStream(f).getChannel)
+  def fileWriter(charset: Charset = IO.utf8, append: Boolean = false) =
+    file(f => new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f, append), charset)) )
+  def fileReader(charset: Charset) = file(f => new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), charset)) )
+  def jarFile(verify: Boolean) = file(f => new JarFile(f, verify), (_: JarFile).close())
+  def zipFile = file(f => new ZipFile(f), (_: ZipFile).close())
+  def streamReader = wrap{ (_: (InputStream, Charset)) match { case (in, charset) => new InputStreamReader(in, charset) } }
+  def gzipInputStream = wrap( (in: InputStream) => new GZIPInputStream(in, 8192) )
+  def zipInputStream = wrap( (in: InputStream) => new ZipInputStream(in))
+  def zipOutputStream = wrap( (out: OutputStream) => new ZipOutputStream(out))
+  def gzipOutputStream = wrap((out: OutputStream) => new GZIPOutputStream(out, 8192), (_: GZIPOutputStream).finish())
+  def jarOutputStream = wrap( (out: OutputStream) => new JarOutputStream(out))
+  def jarInputStream = wrap( (in: InputStream) => new JarInputStream(in))
+  def zipEntry(zip: ZipFile) = resource( (entry: ZipEntry) =>
+    translate("Error opening " + entry.getName + " in " + zip + ": ") { zip.getInputStream(entry) } )
diff --git a/jaxrs.stanbol.fragments/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/jaxrs/stanbol/webfragements/WebFragmentRunner.scala b/jaxrs.stanbol.fragments/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/jaxrs/stanbol/webfragements/WebFragmentRunner.scala
index b40d430..ab23e75 100644
--- a/jaxrs.stanbol.fragments/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/jaxrs/stanbol/webfragements/WebFragmentRunner.scala
+++ b/jaxrs.stanbol.fragments/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/jaxrs/stanbol/webfragements/WebFragmentRunner.scala
@@ -229,13 +229,13 @@ class WebFragmentRunner extends javax.servlet.Filter with GlobalMenuItemsProvide
   override def doFilter(request: ServletRequest, response: ServletResponse,
-			chain: FilterChain){
-		chain.doFilter(request, response);
-	}
+      chain: FilterChain){
+    chain.doFilter(request, response);
+  }
-	override def destroy() {
+  override def destroy() {
-	}
+  }
   def getMenuItems() : java.util.Set[GlobalMenuItem]  = {
@@ -249,10 +249,10 @@ class WebFragmentRunner extends javax.servlet.Filter with GlobalMenuItemsProvide
         def wrapped = servletContext;
         new ServletContext() {
           def getServletContextName() :String = { wrapped.getServletContextName()}
-			def removeAttribute(name: String) :Unit = { wrapped.removeAttribute(name)}
-			def setAttribute(name: String, value: Any) :Unit = { wrapped.setAttribute(name, value)}
-			def getAttributeNames() :java.util.Enumeration[_] = { wrapped.getAttributeNames()}
-			def getAttribute(name: String) :Object = { 
+      def removeAttribute(name: String) :Unit = { wrapped.removeAttribute(name)}
+      def setAttribute(name: String, value: Any) :Unit = { wrapped.setAttribute(name, value)}
+      def getAttributeNames() :java.util.Enumeration[_] = { wrapped.getAttributeNames()}
+      def getAttribute(name: String) :Object = { 
               val result = wrapped.getAttribute(name)
               if (result != null) {
@@ -263,29 +263,29 @@ class WebFragmentRunner extends javax.servlet.Filter with GlobalMenuItemsProvide
                 } else null
-			def getInitParameterNames() :java.util.Enumeration[_] = { wrapped.getInitParameterNames()}
-			def getInitParameter(name: String) :String = { wrapped.getInitParameter(name)}
-			def getServerInfo() :String = { wrapped.getServerInfo()}
-			def getRealPath(name: String) :String = { wrapped.getRealPath(name)}  
-			def log(message: String, exception: Throwable) :Unit = { wrapped.log(message,exception)}
-			def log(exception: Exception, message: String) :Unit = { wrapped.log(exception, message)}
-			def log(message: String) :Unit = { wrapped.log(message)}
-			@Deprecated
-			def getServletNames() :java.util.Enumeration[_] = { wrapped.getServletNames()}
-			@Deprecated
-			def getServlets() :java.util.Enumeration[_] = { wrapped.getServlets()}
-			@Deprecated
-			def getServlet(name: String) :javax.servlet.Servlet = { wrapped.getServlet(name)}
-			def getNamedDispatcher(name: String) :javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher = { wrapped.getNamedDispatcher(name)}
-			def getRequestDispatcher(path: String) :javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher = { wrapped.getRequestDispatcher(path)}
-			def getResourceAsStream(path: String) = { wrapped.getResourceAsStream(path)}
-			def getResource(path: String) = { wrapped.getResource(path)}
-			def getResourcePaths(path: String) :java.util.Set[_] = { wrapped.getResourcePaths(path)}
-			def getMimeType(file: String) :String = { wrapped.getMimeType(file)}
-			def getMinorVersion() :Int = { wrapped.getMajorVersion()}
-			def getMajorVersion() :Int = { wrapped.getMajorVersion()}
-			def getContext(uripath: String) :javax.servlet.ServletContext = { wrapped.getContext(uripath)}
-			def getContextPath() :String = { wrapped.getContextPath()}
+      def getInitParameterNames() :java.util.Enumeration[_] = { wrapped.getInitParameterNames()}
+      def getInitParameter(name: String) :String = { wrapped.getInitParameter(name)}
+      def getServerInfo() :String = { wrapped.getServerInfo()}
+      def getRealPath(name: String) :String = { wrapped.getRealPath(name)}  
+      def log(message: String, exception: Throwable) :Unit = { wrapped.log(message,exception)}
+      def log(exception: Exception, message: String) :Unit = { wrapped.log(exception, message)}
+      def log(message: String) :Unit = { wrapped.log(message)}
+      @Deprecated
+      def getServletNames() :java.util.Enumeration[_] = { wrapped.getServletNames()}
+      @Deprecated
+      def getServlets() :java.util.Enumeration[_] = { wrapped.getServlets()}
+      @Deprecated
+      def getServlet(name: String) :javax.servlet.Servlet = { wrapped.getServlet(name)}
+      def getNamedDispatcher(name: String) :javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher = { wrapped.getNamedDispatcher(name)}
+      def getRequestDispatcher(path: String) :javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher = { wrapped.getRequestDispatcher(path)}
+      def getResourceAsStream(path: String) = { wrapped.getResourceAsStream(path)}
+      def getResource(path: String) = { wrapped.getResource(path)}
+      def getResourcePaths(path: String) :java.util.Set[_] = { wrapped.getResourcePaths(path)}
+      def getMimeType(file: String) :String = { wrapped.getMimeType(file)}
+      def getMinorVersion() :Int = { wrapped.getMajorVersion()}
+      def getMajorVersion() :Int = { wrapped.getMajorVersion()}
+      def getContext(uripath: String) :javax.servlet.ServletContext = { wrapped.getContext(uripath)}
+      def getContextPath() :String = { wrapped.getContextPath()}
diff --git a/ b/
index 3bb8fad..0239818 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,84 +30,84 @@ import org.osgi.framework.{ServiceRegistration, BundleContext, BundleActivator}
 trait ActivationHelper extends BundleActivator {
-	/**
-	 * this is intended to be used exclusively in the argument to the register-methods
-	 */
-	protected var context: BundleContext= null
+  /**
+   * this is intended to be used exclusively in the argument to the register-methods
+   */
+  protected var context: BundleContext= null
-	/**
-	 * Registers a JAX-RS Root Resource
-	 */
-	protected def registerRootResource(rootResource: =>Object) {
-		registerService(rootResource, classOf[Object], "" -> true)
-	}
+  /**
+   * Registers a JAX-RS Root Resource
+   */
+  protected def registerRootResource(rootResource: =>Object) {
+    registerService(rootResource, classOf[Object], "" -> true)
+  }
-	/**
-	 * Register a Renderlet
-	 * Note: renderlet must implement org.apache.clerezza.platform.typerendering.TypeRenderlet, argument not decalred on
-	 * this type to avoid dependency
-	 */
-	protected def registerRenderlet(renderlet: =>Object) {
-		registerServiceStringInterfaces(renderlet, Seq("org.apache.clerezza.platform.typerendering.TypeRenderlet"), Map[String, Any]())
-	}
+  /**
+   * Register a Renderlet
+   * Note: renderlet must implement org.apache.clerezza.platform.typerendering.TypeRenderlet, argument not decalred on
+   * this type to avoid dependency
+   */
+  protected def registerRenderlet(renderlet: =>Object) {
+    registerServiceStringInterfaces(renderlet, Seq("org.apache.clerezza.platform.typerendering.TypeRenderlet"), Map[String, Any]())
+  }
-	/**
-	 * Register a TypeHandler
-	 */
-	protected def registerTypeHandler(typeHandler: => Object) {
-		registerService(typeHandler, classOf[Object], "org.apache.clerezza.platform.typehandler" -> true)
-	}
+  /**
+   * Register a TypeHandler
+   */
+  protected def registerTypeHandler(typeHandler: => Object) {
+    registerService(typeHandler, classOf[Object], "org.apache.clerezza.platform.typehandler" -> true)
+  }
-	/**
-	 * Register a service exposing a specified interface with an arbitrary number of
-	 * arguments
-	 */
-	protected def registerService(instance: => AnyRef, interface:Class[_],
-																arguments: (String, Any)*) {
-		registerService(instance, Seq(interface), Map(arguments:_*))
-	}
+  /**
+   * Register a service exposing a specified interface with an arbitrary number of
+   * arguments
+   */
+  protected def registerService(instance: => AnyRef, interface:Class[_],
+                                arguments: (String, Any)*) {
+    registerService(instance, Seq(interface), Map(arguments:_*))
+  }
-	/**
-	 * Registers a service for a Seq of interfaces and a map of arguments
-	 */
-	protected def registerService(instance: => AnyRef, interfaces: Seq[Class[_]],
-																arguments: Map[String, Any]) {
-		  registerServiceStringInterfaces(instance, for (i <- interfaces) yield i.getName, arguments)
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Registers a service for a Seq of interfaces and a map of arguments
-	 */
-	private def registerServiceStringInterfaces(instance: => AnyRef, interfaces: Seq[String],
-																arguments: Map[String, Any]) {
-		managedServices ::= ((() => instance, interfaces, arguments))
-	}
+  /**
+   * Registers a service for a Seq of interfaces and a map of arguments
+   */
+  protected def registerService(instance: => AnyRef, interfaces: Seq[Class[_]],
+                                arguments: Map[String, Any]) {
+      registerServiceStringInterfaces(instance, for (i <- interfaces) yield i.getName, arguments)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Registers a service for a Seq of interfaces and a map of arguments
+   */
+  private def registerServiceStringInterfaces(instance: => AnyRef, interfaces: Seq[String],
+                                arguments: Map[String, Any]) {
+    managedServices ::= ((() => instance, interfaces, arguments))
+  }
-	/**
-	 * invoked by the OSGi environment when the bundle is started, this method registers
-	 * the services for which the register-methods hqave been called (during object construction)
-	 */
-	def start(context: BundleContext) {
-		this.context = context
-		registeredServices = Nil
-		for (entry <- managedServices) {
-			val args = asJavaDictionary(mutable.Map(entry._3.toSeq:_*))
-			registeredServices ::= context.registerService(
-				entry._2.toArray, entry._1(), args)
-		}
-		this.context = null
-	}
+  /**
+   * invoked by the OSGi environment when the bundle is started, this method registers
+   * the services for which the register-methods hqave been called (during object construction)
+   */
+  def start(context: BundleContext) {
+    this.context = context
+    registeredServices = Nil
+    for (entry <- managedServices) {
+      val args = asJavaDictionary(mutable.Map(entry._3.toSeq:_*))
+      registeredServices ::= context.registerService(
+        entry._2.toArray, entry._1(), args)
+    }
+    this.context = null
+  }
-	/**
-	 * called when the bundle is stopped, this method unregisters the provided service
-	 */
-	def stop(context: BundleContext) {
-		for(sr <- registeredServices) {
-			sr.unregister();
-		}
-		registeredServices = null
-	}
+  /**
+   * called when the bundle is stopped, this method unregisters the provided service
+   */
+  def stop(context: BundleContext) {
+    for(sr <- registeredServices) {
+      sr.unregister();
+    }
+    registeredServices = null
+  }
-	private var managedServices: List[(() => Any, Seq[String], Map[String, Any])] = Nil
+  private var managedServices: List[(() => Any, Seq[String], Map[String, Any])] = Nil
-	private var registeredServices: List[ServiceRegistration[_]] = null
+  private var registeredServices: List[ServiceRegistration[_]] = null
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 15f952c..6d0f245 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,75 +23,75 @@ import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
 class ServicesDsl(bundleContext: BundleContext) {
-	/**
-	 * returns an instance of a service exposing T
-	 */
-	def $[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]): T = {
-		getService(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[T]])
-	}
+  /**
+   * returns an instance of a service exposing T
+   */
+  def $[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]): T = {
+    getService(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[T]])
+  }
-	private def getService[T](clazz : Class[T]) : T= {
-		val serviceReference = bundleContext.getServiceReference(clazz.getName)
-		if (serviceReference != null) {
-			bundleContext.getService(serviceReference).asInstanceOf[T]
-		} else null.asInstanceOf[T]
-	}
+  private def getService[T](clazz : Class[T]) : T= {
+    val serviceReference = bundleContext.getServiceReference(clazz.getName)
+    if (serviceReference != null) {
+      bundleContext.getService(serviceReference).asInstanceOf[T]
+    } else null.asInstanceOf[T]
+  }
-	/**
-	 * executes action as soon as a service exposing T is available, if such
-	 * a service is already available the action is executed immedtely and the
-	 * method blocks until the action finished executing, otherwise the method
-	 * returns and action will be executed when a respective becomes available.
-	 */
-	def doWith[T](action: T => Unit)(implicit m: Manifest[T]) {
-		val clazz = m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
-		val service = getService(clazz)
-		if (service != null) {
-			action(service)
-		} else {
-			lazy val serviceListener: ServiceListener = new ServiceListener {
-					def serviceChanged(e: ServiceEvent) = {
-						if (e.getType == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED) {
-							bundleContext.removeServiceListener(serviceListener)
-							action(bundleContext.getService(e.getServiceReference).asInstanceOf[T])
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			bundleContext.addServiceListener(serviceListener,
-											 "("+Constants.OBJECTCLASS+"="+clazz.getName+")")
-		}
-	}
+  /**
+   * executes action as soon as a service exposing T is available, if such
+   * a service is already available the action is executed immedtely and the
+   * method blocks until the action finished executing, otherwise the method
+   * returns and action will be executed when a respective becomes available.
+   */
+  def doWith[T](action: T => Unit)(implicit m: Manifest[T]) {
+    val clazz = m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
+    val service = getService(clazz)
+    if (service != null) {
+      action(service)
+    } else {
+      lazy val serviceListener: ServiceListener = new ServiceListener {
+          def serviceChanged(e: ServiceEvent) = {
+            if (e.getType == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED) {
+              bundleContext.removeServiceListener(serviceListener)
+              action(bundleContext.getService(e.getServiceReference).asInstanceOf[T])
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      bundleContext.addServiceListener(serviceListener,
+                       "("+Constants.OBJECTCLASS+"="+clazz.getName+")")
+    }
+  }
-	def doWith[T,U](action: (T,U) => Unit)(implicit mt: Manifest[T], mu: Manifest[U]) {
-		doWith[T] {
-			t: T => {
-				val clazz = mu.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[U]]
-				val service = getService(clazz)
-				if (service != null) {
-					action(t, service)
-				} else {
-					doWith[U,T] {
-						(iu: U, it: T) => action(it,iu)
-					}
-					}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+  def doWith[T,U](action: (T,U) => Unit)(implicit mt: Manifest[T], mu: Manifest[U]) {
+    doWith[T] {
+      t: T => {
+        val clazz = mu.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[U]]
+        val service = getService(clazz)
+        if (service != null) {
+          action(t, service)
+        } else {
+          doWith[U,T] {
+            (iu: U, it: T) => action(it,iu)
+          }
+          }
+      }
+    }
+  }
-	def doWith[T,U,V](action: (T,U,V) => Unit)(implicit mt: Manifest[T],
-												mu: Manifest[U], mv: Manifest[V]) {
-		doWith[T,U] {
-			(t: T, u: U) => {
-				val clazz = mv.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]]
-				val service: V = getService(clazz)
-				if (service != null) {
-					action(t, u, service)
-				} else {
-					doWith[U,V,T] {
-						(iu: U, iv: V, it: T) => action(it,iu,iv)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+  def doWith[T,U,V](action: (T,U,V) => Unit)(implicit mt: Manifest[T],
+                        mu: Manifest[U], mv: Manifest[V]) {
+    doWith[T,U] {
+      (t: T, u: U) => {
+        val clazz = mv.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]]
+        val service: V = getService(clazz)
+        if (service != null) {
+          action(t, u, service)
+        } else {
+          doWith[U,V,T] {
+            (iu: U, iv: V, it: T) => action(it,iu,iv)
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }