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Posted to by Nicolas Vahlas <> on 2005/12/02 15:25:41 UTC

SOAP Request without method name

I have the following problem:

I am developing Web Services using Axis 1.3
I wrote my own WSDL (document/literal) and used the WSDL2Java tool to 
generate all (Client and Server) code.
I implemented the *BindingImpl Java class and deployed the Web Service 
on Tomcat
I use the generated *Service and *ServiceLocator to access my WebService 
from a client
I monitor the SOAP Request and Responses using the tcpmon utility

When running my client, I noticed that some methods were called instead 
of others.
After investigations, I ended to the following conclusion: when I call a 
method of my Service which has parameters the method name is not 
specified in the SOAP request. Only the parameters are transmitted in 
the request. As far as I understand, the result is that, the first 
method which matches the signature is called.

Can anyone help me solve this ?

VAHLAS Nicolas 
Senior Software Engineer

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