You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2010/07/09 01:14:21 UTC

svn commit: r961978 [8/13] - in /incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework: ./ app/ app/controllers/ app/helpers/ app/models/ app/views/ app/views/accounts/ app/views/credentials/ app/views/images/ app/views/instances/ app/views/layouts/ app/views/root/ con...

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/precompiler.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/precompiler.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/precompiler.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
+require 'strscan'
+require 'haml/shared'
+module Haml
+  # Handles the internal pre-compilation from Haml into Ruby code,
+  # which then runs the final creation of the HTML string.
+  module Precompiler
+    include Haml::Util
+    # Designates an XHTML/XML element.
+    ELEMENT         = ?%
+    # Designates a <tt><div></tt> element with the given class.
+    DIV_CLASS       = ?.
+    # Designates a <tt><div></tt> element with the given id.
+    DIV_ID          = ?#
+    # Designates an XHTML/XML comment.
+    COMMENT         = ?/
+    # Designates an XHTML doctype or script that is never HTML-escaped.
+    DOCTYPE         = ?!
+    # Designates script, the result of which is output.
+    SCRIPT          = ?=
+    # Designates script that is always HTML-escaped.
+    SANITIZE        = ?&
+    # Designates script, the result of which is flattened and output.
+    FLAT_SCRIPT     = ?~
+    # Designates script which is run but not output.
+    SILENT_SCRIPT   = ?-
+    # When following SILENT_SCRIPT, designates a comment that is not output.
+    # Designates a non-parsed line.
+    ESCAPE          = ?\\
+    # Designates a block of filtered text.
+    FILTER          = ?:
+    # Designates a non-parsed line. Not actually a character.
+    PLAIN_TEXT      = -1
+    # Keeps track of the ASCII values of the characters that begin a
+    # specially-interpreted line.
+      ELEMENT,
+      DIV_CLASS,
+      DIV_ID,
+      COMMENT,
+      DOCTYPE,
+      SCRIPT,
+      SANITIZE,
+      ESCAPE,
+      FILTER
+    ]
+    # The value of the character that designates that a line is part
+    # of a multiline string.
+    # Regex to match keywords that appear in the middle of a Ruby block
+    # with lowered indentation.
+    # If a block has been started using indentation,
+    # lowering the indentation with one of these won't end the block.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #   - if foo
+    #     %p yes!
+    #   - else
+    #     %p no!
+    #
+    # The block is ended after <tt>%p no!</tt>, because <tt>else</tt>
+    # is a member of this array.
+    MID_BLOCK_KEYWORD_REGEX = /-\s*(#{%w[else elsif rescue ensure when end].join('|')})\b/
+    # The Regex that matches a Doctype command.
+    DOCTYPE_REGEX = /(\d\.\d)?[\s]*([a-z]*)/i
+    # The Regex that matches a literal string or symbol value
+    LITERAL_VALUE_REGEX = /:(\w*)|(["'])([^\\#'"]|\\.)*\2/
+    private
+    # Returns the precompiled string with the preamble and postamble
+    def precompiled_with_ambles(local_names)
+      preamble = <<END.gsub("\n", ";")
+extend Haml::Helpers
+_hamlout = @haml_buffer =, #{options_for_buffer.inspect})
+_erbout = _hamlout.buffer
+__in_erb_template = true
+      postamble = <<END.gsub("\n", ";")
+@haml_buffer = @haml_buffer.upper
+      preamble + locals_code(local_names) + precompiled + postamble
+    end
+    def locals_code(names)
+      names = names.keys if Hash == names
+ do |name|
+        # Can't use || because someone might explicitly pass in false with a symbol
+        sym_local = "_haml_locals[#{name.to_sym.inspect}]" 
+        str_local = "_haml_locals[#{name.to_s.inspect}]" 
+        "#{name} = #{sym_local}.nil? ? #{str_local} : #{sym_local}"
+      end.join(';') + ';'
+    end
+    class Line <, :unstripped, :full, :index, :precompiler, :eod)
+      alias_method :eod?, :eod
+      def tabs
+        line = self
+        @tabs ||= precompiler.instance_eval do
+          break 0 if line.text.empty? || !(whitespace = line.full[/^\s+/])
+          if @indentation.nil?
+            @indentation = whitespace
+            if @indentation.include?(?\s) && @indentation.include?(?\t)
+              raise"Indentation can't use both tabs and spaces.", line.index)
+            end
+            @flat_spaces = @indentation * @template_tabs if flat?
+            break 1
+          end
+          tabs = whitespace.length / @indentation.length
+          break tabs if whitespace == @indentation * tabs
+          break @template_tabs if flat? && whitespace =~ /^#{@indentation * @template_tabs}/
+          raise<<END.strip.gsub("\n", ' '), line.index)
+Inconsistent indentation: #{Haml::Shared.human_indentation whitespace, true} used for indentation,
+but the rest of the document was indented using #{Haml::Shared.human_indentation @indentation}.
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def precompile
+      @haml_comment = @dont_indent_next_line = @dont_tab_up_next_text = false
+      @indentation = nil
+      @line = next_line
+      resolve_newlines
+      newline
+      raise"Indenting at the beginning of the document is illegal.", @line.index) if @line.tabs != 0
+      while next_line
+        process_indent(@line) unless @line.text.empty?
+        if flat?
+          push_flat(@line)
+          @line = @next_line
+          newline
+          next
+        end
+        process_line(@line.text, @line.index) unless @line.text.empty? || @haml_comment
+        if !flat? && @next_line.tabs - @line.tabs > 1
+          raise"The line was indented #{@next_line.tabs - @line.tabs} levels deeper than the previous line.", @next_line.index)
+        end
+        resolve_newlines unless @next_line.eod?
+        @line = @next_line
+        newline unless @next_line.eod?
+      end
+      # Close all the open tags
+      close until @to_close_stack.empty?
+      flush_merged_text
+    end
+    # Processes and deals with lowering indentation.
+    def process_indent(line)
+      return unless line.tabs <= @template_tabs && @template_tabs > 0
+      to_close = @template_tabs - line.tabs
+      to_close.times { |i| close unless to_close - 1 - i == 0 && mid_block_keyword?(line.text) }
+    end
+    # Processes a single line of Haml.
+    #
+    # This method doesn't return anything; it simply processes the line and
+    # adds the appropriate code to <tt>@precompiled</tt>.
+    def process_line(text, index)
+      @index = index + 1
+      case text[0]
+      when DIV_CLASS; render_div(text)
+      when DIV_ID
+        return push_plain(text) if text[1] == ?{
+        render_div(text)
+      when ELEMENT; render_tag(text)
+      when COMMENT; render_comment(text[1..-1].strip)
+      when SANITIZE
+        return push_plain(text[3..-1].strip, :escape_html => true) if text[1..2] == "=="
+        return push_script(text[2..-1].strip, :escape_html => true) if text[1] == SCRIPT
+        return push_flat_script(text[2..-1].strip, :escape_html => true) if text[1] == FLAT_SCRIPT
+        return push_plain(text[1..-1].strip, :escape_html => true) if text[1] == ?\s
+        push_plain text
+      when SCRIPT
+        return push_plain(text[2..-1].strip) if text[1] == SCRIPT
+        push_script(text[1..-1])
+      when FLAT_SCRIPT; push_flat_script(text[1..-1])
+      when SILENT_SCRIPT
+        return start_haml_comment if text[1] == SILENT_COMMENT
+        raise<<END.rstrip, index) if text[1..-1].strip == "end"
+You don't need to use "- end" in Haml. Use indentation instead:
+- if foo?
+  %strong Foo!
+- else
+  Not foo.
+        push_silent(text[1..-1], true)
+        newline_now
+        # Handle stuff like - end.join("|")
+        @to_close_stack.first << false if text =~ /-\s*end\b/ && !block_opened?
+        case_stmt = text =~ /-\s*case\b/
+        block = block_opened? && !mid_block_keyword?(text)
+        push_and_tabulate([:script]) if block || case_stmt
+        push_and_tabulate(:nil)      if block && case_stmt
+      when FILTER; start_filtered(text[1..-1].downcase)
+      when DOCTYPE
+        return render_doctype(text) if text[0...3] == '!!!'
+        return push_plain(text[3..-1].strip, :escape_html => false) if text[1..2] == "=="
+        return push_script(text[2..-1].strip, :escape_html => false) if text[1] == SCRIPT
+        return push_flat_script(text[2..-1].strip, :escape_html => false) if text[1] == FLAT_SCRIPT
+        return push_plain(text[1..-1].strip, :escape_html => false) if text[1] == ?\s
+        push_plain text
+      when ESCAPE; push_plain text[1..-1]
+      else push_plain text
+      end
+    end
+    # Returns whether or not the text is a silent script text with one
+    # of Ruby's mid-block keywords.
+    def mid_block_keyword?(text)
+    end
+    # Evaluates <tt>text</tt> in the context of the scope object, but
+    # does not output the result.
+    def push_silent(text, can_suppress = false)
+      flush_merged_text
+      return if can_suppress && options[:suppress_eval]
+      @precompiled << "#{text};"
+    end
+    # Adds <tt>text</tt> to <tt>@buffer</tt> with appropriate tabulation
+    # without parsing it.
+    def push_merged_text(text, tab_change = 0, indent = true)
+      text = !indent || @dont_indent_next_line || @options[:ugly] ? text : "#{'  ' * @output_tabs}#{text}"
+      @to_merge << [:text, text, tab_change]
+      @dont_indent_next_line = false
+    end
+    # Concatenate <tt>text</tt> to <tt>@buffer</tt> without tabulation.
+    def concat_merged_text(text)
+      @to_merge << [:text, text, 0]
+    end
+    def push_text(text, tab_change = 0)
+      push_merged_text("#{text}\n", tab_change)
+    end
+    def flush_merged_text
+      return if @to_merge.empty?
+      text, tab_change = @to_merge.inject(["", 0]) do |(str, mtabs), (type, val, tabs)|
+        case type
+        when :text
+          [str << val.inspect[1...-1], mtabs + tabs]
+        when :script
+          if mtabs != 0 && !@options[:ugly]
+            val = "_hamlout.adjust_tabs(#{mtabs}); " + val
+          end
+          [str << "\#{#{val}}", 0]
+        else
+          raise"[HAML BUG] Undefined entry in Haml::Precompiler@to_merge.")
+        end
+      end
+      @precompiled <<
+        if @options[:ugly]
+          "_erbout << \"#{text}\";"
+        else
+          "_hamlout.push_text(\"#{text}\", #{tab_change}, #{@dont_tab_up_next_text.inspect});"
+        end
+      @to_merge = []
+      @dont_tab_up_next_text = false
+    end
+    # Renders a block of text as plain text.
+    # Also checks for an illegally opened block.
+    def push_plain(text, options = {})
+      if block_opened?
+        raise"Illegal nesting: nesting within plain text is illegal.", @next_line.index)
+      end
+      if contains_interpolation?(text)
+        push_script unescape_interpolation(text), :escape_html => options[:escape_html]
+      else
+        push_text text
+      end
+    end
+    # Adds +text+ to <tt>@buffer</tt> while flattening text.
+    def push_flat(line)
+      text = line.full.dup
+      text = "" unless text.gsub!(/^#{@flat_spaces}/, '')
+      @filter_buffer << "#{text}\n"
+    end
+    # Causes <tt>text</tt> to be evaluated in the context of
+    # the scope object and the result to be added to <tt>@buffer</tt>.
+    #
+    # If <tt>opts[:preserve_script]</tt> is true, Haml::Helpers#find_and_flatten is run on
+    # the result before it is added to <tt>@buffer</tt>
+    def push_script(text, opts = {})
+      raise"There's no Ruby code for = to evaluate.") if text.empty?
+      return if options[:suppress_eval]
+      opts[:escape_html] = options[:escape_html] if opts[:escape_html].nil?
+      args = %w[preserve_script in_tag preserve_tag escape_html nuke_inner_whitespace]
+! {|name| opts[name.to_sym]}
+      args << !block_opened? << @options[:ugly]
+      no_format = @options[:ugly] &&
+        !(opts[:preserve_script] || opts[:preserve_tag] || opts[:escape_html])
+      output_temp = "(haml_very_temp = haml_temp; haml_temp = nil; haml_very_temp)"
+      out = "_hamlout.#{static_method_name(:format_script, *args)}(#{output_temp});"
+      # Prerender tabulation unless we're in a tag
+      push_merged_text '' unless opts[:in_tag]
+      unless block_opened?
+        @to_merge << [:script, no_format ? "#{text}\n" : "haml_temp = #{text}\n#{out}"]
+        concat_merged_text("\n") unless opts[:in_tag] || opts[:nuke_inner_whitespace]
+        @newlines -= 1
+        return
+      end
+      flush_merged_text
+      push_silent "haml_temp = #{text}"
+      newline_now
+      push_and_tabulate([:loud, "_erbout << #{no_format ? "#{output_temp}.to_s;" : out}",
+        !(opts[:in_tag] || opts[:nuke_inner_whitespace] || @options[:ugly])])
+    end
+    # Causes <tt>text</tt> to be evaluated, and Haml::Helpers#find_and_flatten
+    # to be run on it afterwards.
+    def push_flat_script(text, options = {})
+      flush_merged_text
+      raise"There's no Ruby code for ~ to evaluate.") if text.empty?
+      push_script(text, options.merge(:preserve_script => true))
+    end
+    def start_haml_comment
+      return unless block_opened?
+      @haml_comment = true
+      push_and_tabulate([:haml_comment])
+    end
+    # Closes the most recent item in <tt>@to_close_stack</tt>.
+    def close
+      tag, *rest = @to_close_stack.pop
+      send("close_#{tag}", *rest)
+    end
+    # Puts a line in <tt>@precompiled</tt> that will add the closing tag of
+    # the most recently opened tag.
+    def close_element(value)
+      tag, nuke_outer_whitespace, nuke_inner_whitespace = value
+      @output_tabs -= 1 unless nuke_inner_whitespace
+      @template_tabs -= 1
+      rstrip_buffer! if nuke_inner_whitespace
+      push_merged_text("</#{tag}>" + (nuke_outer_whitespace ? "" : "\n"),
+                       nuke_inner_whitespace ? 0 : -1, !nuke_inner_whitespace)
+      @dont_indent_next_line = nuke_outer_whitespace
+    end
+    # Closes a Ruby block.
+    def close_script
+      push_silent "end", true
+      @template_tabs -= 1
+    end
+    # Closes a comment.
+    def close_comment(has_conditional)
+      @output_tabs -= 1
+      @template_tabs -= 1
+      close_tag = has_conditional ? "<![endif]-->" : "-->"
+      push_text(close_tag, -1)
+    end
+    # Closes a loud Ruby block.
+    def close_loud(command, add_newline, push_end = true)
+      push_silent('end', true) if push_end
+      @precompiled << command
+      @template_tabs -= 1
+      concat_merged_text("\n") if add_newline
+    end
+    # Closes a filtered block.
+    def close_filtered(filter)
+      filter.internal_compile(self, @filter_buffer)
+      @flat = false
+      @flat_spaces = nil
+      @filter_buffer = nil
+      @template_tabs -= 1
+    end
+    def close_haml_comment
+      @haml_comment = false
+      @template_tabs -= 1
+    end
+    def close_nil
+      @template_tabs -= 1
+    end
+    # Iterates through the classes and ids supplied through <tt>.</tt>
+    # and <tt>#</tt> syntax, and returns a hash with them as attributes,
+    # that can then be merged with another attributes hash.
+    def parse_class_and_id(list)
+      attributes = {}
+      list.scan(/([#.])([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) do |type, property|
+        case type
+        when '.'
+          if attributes['class']
+            attributes['class'] += " "
+          else
+            attributes['class'] = ""
+          end
+          attributes['class'] += property
+        when '#'; attributes['id'] = property
+        end
+      end
+      attributes
+    end
+    def parse_static_hash(text)
+      attributes = {}
+      scanner =
+      scanner.scan(/\s+/)
+      until scanner.eos?
+        return unless key = scanner.scan(LITERAL_VALUE_REGEX)
+        return unless scanner.scan(/\s*=>\s*/)
+        return unless value = scanner.scan(LITERAL_VALUE_REGEX)
+        attributes[eval(key).to_s] = eval(value).to_s
+        scanner.scan(/[,\s]*/)
+      end
+      text.count("\n").times { newline }
+      attributes
+    end
+    # This is a class method so it can be accessed from Buffer.
+    def self.build_attributes(is_html, attr_wrapper, attributes = {})
+      quote_escape = attr_wrapper == '"' ? "&quot;" : "&apos;"
+      other_quote_char = attr_wrapper == '"' ? "'" : '"'
+      result = attributes.collect do |attr, value|
+        next if value.nil?
+        if value == true
+          next " #{attr}" if is_html
+          next " #{attr}=#{attr_wrapper}#{attr}#{attr_wrapper}"
+        elsif value == false
+          next
+        end
+        value = Haml::Helpers.preserve(Haml::Helpers.escape_once(value.to_s))
+        # We want to decide whether or not to escape quotes
+        value.gsub!('&quot;', '"')
+        this_attr_wrapper = attr_wrapper
+        if value.include? attr_wrapper
+          if value.include? other_quote_char
+            value = value.gsub(attr_wrapper, quote_escape)
+          else
+            this_attr_wrapper = other_quote_char
+          end
+        end
+        " #{attr}=#{this_attr_wrapper}#{value}#{this_attr_wrapper}"
+      end
+      result.compact.sort.join
+    end
+    def prerender_tag(name, self_close, attributes)
+      attributes_string = Precompiler.build_attributes(html?, @options[:attr_wrapper], attributes)
+      "<#{name}#{attributes_string}#{self_close && xhtml? ? ' /' : ''}>"
+    end
+    # Parses a line into tag_name, attributes, attributes_hash, object_ref, action, value
+    def parse_tag(line)
+      raise"Invalid tag: \"#{line}\".") unless match = line.scan(/%([-:\w]+)([-\w\.\#]*)(.*)/)[0]
+      tag_name, attributes, rest = match
+      new_attributes_hash = old_attributes_hash = last_line = object_ref = nil
+      attributes_hashes = []
+      while rest
+        case rest[0]
+        when ?{
+          break if old_attributes_hash
+          old_attributes_hash, rest, last_line = parse_old_attributes(rest)
+          attributes_hashes << [:old, old_attributes_hash]
+        when ?(
+          break if new_attributes_hash
+          new_attributes_hash, rest, last_line = parse_new_attributes(rest)
+          attributes_hashes << [:new, new_attributes_hash]
+        when ?[
+          break if object_ref
+          object_ref, rest = balance(rest, ?[, ?])
+        else; break
+        end
+      end
+      if rest
+        nuke_whitespace, action, value = rest.scan(/(<>|><|[><])?([=\/\~&!])?(.*)?/)[0]
+        nuke_whitespace ||= ''
+        nuke_outer_whitespace = nuke_whitespace.include? '>'
+        nuke_inner_whitespace = nuke_whitespace.include? '<'
+      end
+      value = value.to_s.strip
+      [tag_name, attributes, attributes_hashes, object_ref, nuke_outer_whitespace,
+       nuke_inner_whitespace, action, value, last_line || @index]
+    end
+    def parse_old_attributes(line)
+      line = line.dup
+      last_line = @index
+      begin
+        attributes_hash, rest = balance(line, ?{, ?})
+      rescue SyntaxError => e
+        if line.strip[-1] == ?, && e.message == "Unbalanced brackets."
+          line << "\n" << @next_line.text
+          last_line += 1
+          next_line
+          retry
+        end
+        raise e
+      end
+      attributes_hash = attributes_hash[1...-1] if attributes_hash
+      return attributes_hash, rest, last_line
+    end
+    def parse_new_attributes(line)
+      line = line.dup
+      scanner =
+      last_line = @index
+      attributes = {}
+      scanner.scan(/\(\s*/)
+      loop do
+        name, value = parse_new_attribute(scanner)
+        break if name.nil?
+        if name == false
+          text = (Haml::Shared.balance(line, ?(, ?)) || [line]).first
+          raise"Invalid attribute list: #{text.inspect}.", last_line - 1)
+        end
+        attributes[name] = value
+        scanner.scan(/\s*/)
+        if scanner.eos?
+          line << " " << @next_line.text
+          last_line += 1
+          next_line
+          scanner.scan(/\s*/)
+        end
+      end
+      static_attributes = {}
+      dynamic_attributes = "{"
+      attributes.each do |name, (type, val)|
+        if type == :static
+          static_attributes[name] = val
+        else
+          dynamic_attributes << name.inspect << " => " << val << ","
+        end
+      end
+      dynamic_attributes << "}"
+      dynamic_attributes = nil if dynamic_attributes == "{}"
+      return [static_attributes, dynamic_attributes],, last_line
+    end
+    def parse_new_attribute(scanner)
+      unless name = scanner.scan(/[-:\w]+/)
+        return if scanner.scan(/\)/)
+        return false
+      end
+      scanner.scan(/\s*/)
+      return name, [:static, true] unless scanner.scan(/=/) #/end
+      scanner.scan(/\s*/)
+      unless quote = scanner.scan(/["']/)
+        return false unless var = scanner.scan(/(@@?|\$)?\w+/)
+        return name, [:dynamic, var]
+      end
+      re = /((?:\\.|\#[^{]|[^#{quote}\\#])*#?)(#{quote}|#\{)/
+      content = []
+      loop do
+        return false unless scanner.scan(re)
+        content << [:str, scanner[1].gsub(/\\(.)/, '\1')]
+        break if scanner[2] == quote
+        content << [:ruby, balance(scanner, ?{, ?}, 1).first[0...-1]]
+      end
+      return name, [:static, content.first[1]] if content.size == 1
+      return name, [:dynamic,
+        '"' + {|(t, v)| t == :str ? v.inspect[1...-1] : "\#{#{v}}"}.join + '"']
+    end
+    # Parses a line that will render as an XHTML tag, and adds the code that will
+    # render that tag to <tt>@precompiled</tt>.
+    def render_tag(line)
+      tag_name, attributes, attributes_hashes, object_ref, nuke_outer_whitespace,
+        nuke_inner_whitespace, action, value, last_line = parse_tag(line)
+      raise"Illegal element: classes and ids must have values.") if attributes =~ /[\.#](\.|#|\z)/
+      # Get rid of whitespace outside of the tag if we need to
+      rstrip_buffer! if nuke_outer_whitespace
+      preserve_tag = options[:preserve].include?(tag_name)
+      nuke_inner_whitespace ||= preserve_tag
+      preserve_tag &&= !options[:ugly]
+      case action
+      when '/'; self_closing = true
+      when '~'; parse = preserve_script = true
+      when '='
+        parse = true
+        value = unescape_interpolation(value[1..-1].strip) if value[0] == ?=
+      when '&', '!'
+        if value[0] == ?= || value[0] == ?~
+          parse = true
+          preserve_script = (value[0] == ?~)
+          value =
+            if value[1] == ?=
+              unescape_interpolation(value[2..-1].strip)
+            else
+              value[1..-1].strip
+            end
+        elsif contains_interpolation?(value)
+          parse = true
+          value = unescape_interpolation(value)
+        end
+      else
+        if contains_interpolation?(value)
+          parse = true
+          value = unescape_interpolation(value)
+        end
+      end
+      if parse && @options[:suppress_eval]
+        parse = false
+        value = ''
+      end
+      escape_html = (action == '&' || (action != '!' && @options[:escape_html]))
+      object_ref = "nil" if object_ref.nil? || @options[:suppress_eval]
+      attributes = parse_class_and_id(attributes)
+! do |syntax, attributes_hash|
+        if syntax == :old
+          static_attributes = parse_static_hash(attributes_hash)
+          attributes_hash = nil if static_attributes || @options[:suppress_eval]
+        else
+          static_attributes, attributes_hash = attributes_hash
+        end
+        Buffer.merge_attrs(attributes, static_attributes) if static_attributes
+        attributes_hash
+      end.compact!
+      raise"Illegal nesting: nesting within a self-closing tag is illegal.", @next_line.index) if block_opened? && self_closing
+      raise"Illegal nesting: content can't be both given on the same line as %#{tag_name} and nested within it.", @next_line.index) if block_opened? && !value.empty?
+      raise"There's no Ruby code for #{action} to evaluate.", last_line - 1) if parse && value.empty?
+      raise"Self-closing tags can't have content.", last_line - 1) if self_closing && !value.empty?
+      self_closing ||= !!( !block_opened? && value.empty? && @options[:autoclose].include?(tag_name) )
+      dont_indent_next_line =
+        (nuke_outer_whitespace && !block_opened?) ||
+        (nuke_inner_whitespace && block_opened?)
+      # Check if we can render the tag directly to text and not process it in the buffer
+      if object_ref == "nil" && attributes_hashes.empty? && !preserve_script
+        tag_closed = !block_opened? && !self_closing && !parse
+        open_tag  = prerender_tag(tag_name, self_closing, attributes)
+        if tag_closed
+          open_tag << "#{value}</#{tag_name}>"
+          open_tag << "\n" unless nuke_outer_whitespace
+        else
+          open_tag << "\n" unless parse || nuke_inner_whitespace || (self_closing && nuke_outer_whitespace)
+        end
+        push_merged_text(open_tag, tag_closed || self_closing || nuke_inner_whitespace ? 0 : 1,
+                         !nuke_outer_whitespace)
+        @dont_indent_next_line = dont_indent_next_line
+        return if tag_closed
+      else
+        flush_merged_text
+        content = value.empty? || parse ? 'nil' : value.dump
+        if attributes_hashes.empty?
+          attributes_hashes = ''
+        elsif attributes_hashes.size == 1
+          attributes_hashes = ", #{attributes_hashes.first}"
+        else
+          attributes_hashes = ", (#{attributes_hashes.join(").merge(")})"
+        end
+        args = [tag_name, self_closing, !block_opened?, preserve_tag, escape_html,
+                attributes, nuke_outer_whitespace, nuke_inner_whitespace
+               ].map { |v| v.inspect }.join(', ')
+        push_silent "_hamlout.open_tag(#{args}, #{object_ref}, #{content}#{attributes_hashes})"
+        @dont_tab_up_next_text = @dont_indent_next_line = dont_indent_next_line
+      end
+      return if self_closing
+      if value.empty?
+        push_and_tabulate([:element, [tag_name, nuke_outer_whitespace, nuke_inner_whitespace]])
+        @output_tabs += 1 unless nuke_inner_whitespace
+        return
+      end
+      if parse
+        push_script(value, :preserve_script => preserve_script, :in_tag => true,
+          :preserve_tag => preserve_tag, :escape_html => escape_html,
+          :nuke_inner_whitespace => nuke_inner_whitespace)
+        concat_merged_text("</#{tag_name}>" + (nuke_outer_whitespace ? "" : "\n"))
+      end
+    end
+    # Renders a line that creates an XHTML tag and has an implicit div because of
+    # <tt>.</tt> or <tt>#</tt>.
+    def render_div(line)
+      render_tag('%div' + line)
+    end
+    # Renders an XHTML comment.
+    def render_comment(line)
+      conditional, line = balance(line, ?[, ?]) if line[0] == ?[
+      line.strip!
+      conditional << ">" if conditional
+      if block_opened? && !line.empty?
+        raise'Illegal nesting: nesting within a tag that already has content is illegal.', @next_line.index)
+      end
+      open = "<!--#{conditional} "
+      # Render it statically if possible
+      unless line.empty?
+        return push_text("#{open}#{line} #{conditional ? "<![endif]-->" : "-->"}")
+      end
+      push_text(open, 1)
+      @output_tabs += 1
+      push_and_tabulate([:comment, !conditional.nil?])
+      unless line.empty?
+        push_text(line)
+        close
+      end
+    end
+    # Renders an XHTML doctype or XML shebang.
+    def render_doctype(line)
+      raise"Illegal nesting: nesting within a header command is illegal.", @next_line.index) if block_opened?
+      doctype = text_for_doctype(line)
+      push_text doctype if doctype
+    end
+    def text_for_doctype(text)
+      text = text[3..-1].lstrip.downcase
+      if text.index("xml") == 0
+        return nil if html?
+        wrapper = @options[:attr_wrapper]
+        return "<?xml version=#{wrapper}1.0#{wrapper} encoding=#{wrapper}#{text.split(' ')[1] || "utf-8"}#{wrapper} ?>"
+      end
+      if html5?
+        '<!DOCTYPE html>'
+      else
+        version, type = text.scan(DOCTYPE_REGEX)[0]
+        if xhtml?
+          if version == "1.1"
+            '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">'
+          else
+            case type
+            when "strict";   '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">'
+            when "frameset"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">'
+            when "mobile";   '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN" "">'
+            when "basic";    '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN" "">'
+            else             '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">'
+            end
+          end
+        elsif html4?
+          case type
+          when "strict";   '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">'
+          when "frameset"; '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">'
+          else             '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">'
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # Starts a filtered block.
+    def start_filtered(name)
+      raise"Invalid filter name \":#{name}\".") unless name =~ /^\w+$/
+      raise"Filter \"#{name}\" is not defined.") unless filter = Filters.defined[name]
+      push_and_tabulate([:filtered, filter])
+      @flat = true
+      @filter_buffer =
+      # If we don't know the indentation by now, it'll be set in Line#tabs
+      @flat_spaces = @indentation * @template_tabs if @indentation
+    end
+    def raw_next_line
+      text = @template.shift
+      return unless text
+      index = @template_index
+      @template_index += 1
+      return text, index
+    end
+    def next_line
+      text, index = raw_next_line
+      return unless text
+      # :eod is a special end-of-document marker
+      line =
+        if text == :eod
+ '-#', '-#', '-#', index, self, true
+        else
+ text.strip, text.lstrip.chomp, text, index, self, false
+        end
+      # `flat?' here is a little outdated,
+      # so we have to manually check if either the previous or current line
+      # closes the flat block,
+      # as well as whether a new block is opened
+      @line.tabs if @line
+      unless (flat? && !closes_flat?(line) && !closes_flat?(@line)) ||
+          (@line && @line.text[0] == ?: && line.full =~ %r[^#{@line.full[/^\s+/]}\s])
+        if line.text.empty?
+          newline
+          return next_line
+        end
+        handle_multiline(line)
+      end
+      @next_line = line
+    end
+    def closes_flat?(line)
+      line && !line.text.empty? && line.full !~ /^#{@flat_spaces}/
+    end
+    def un_next_line(line)
+      @template.unshift line
+      @template_index -= 1
+    end
+    def handle_multiline(line)
+      if is_multiline?(line.text)
+        line.text.slice!(-1)
+        while new_line = raw_next_line.first
+          break if new_line == :eod
+          newline and next if new_line.strip.empty?
+          break unless is_multiline?(new_line.strip)
+          line.text << new_line.strip[0...-1]
+          newline
+        end
+        un_next_line new_line
+        resolve_newlines
+      end
+    end
+    # Checks whether or not +line+ is in a multiline sequence.
+    def is_multiline?(text)
+      text && text.length > 1 && text[-1] == MULTILINE_CHAR_VALUE && text[-2] == ?\s
+    end
+    def contains_interpolation?(str)
+      str.include?('#{')
+    end
+    def unescape_interpolation(str)
+      res = ''
+      rest = Haml::Shared.handle_interpolation str.dump do |scan|
+        escapes = (scan[2].size - 1) / 2
+        res << scan.matched[0...-3 - escapes]
+        if escapes % 2 == 1
+          res << '#{'
+        else
+          res << '#{' + eval('"' + balance(scan, ?{, ?}, 1)[0][0...-1] + '"') + "}"# Use eval to get rid of string escapes
+        end
+      end
+      res + rest
+    end
+    def balance(*args)
+      res = Haml::Shared.balance(*args)
+      return res if res
+      raise"Unbalanced brackets.")
+    end
+    def block_opened?
+      !flat? && @next_line.tabs > @line.tabs
+    end
+    # Pushes value onto <tt>@to_close_stack</tt> and increases
+    # <tt>@template_tabs</tt>.
+    def push_and_tabulate(value)
+      @to_close_stack.push(value)
+      @template_tabs += 1
+    end
+    def flat?
+      @flat
+    end
+    def newline
+      @newlines += 1
+    end
+    def newline_now
+      @precompiled << "\n"
+      @newlines -= 1
+    end
+    def resolve_newlines
+      return unless @newlines > 0
+      @precompiled << "\n" * @newlines
+      @newlines = 0
+    end
+    # Get rid of and whitespace at the end of the buffer
+    # or the merged text
+    def rstrip_buffer!
+      if @to_merge.empty?
+        push_silent("_hamlout.rstrip!", false)
+        @dont_tab_up_next_text = true
+        return
+      end
+      last = @to_merge.last
+      case last.first
+      when :text
+        last[1].rstrip!
+        if last[1].empty?
+          @to_merge.pop
+          rstrip_buffer!
+        end
+      when :script
+        last[1].gsub!(/\(haml_temp, (.*?)\);$/, '(haml_temp.rstrip, \1);')
+      else
+        raise"[HAML BUG] Undefined entry in Haml::Precompiler@to_merge.")
+      end
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/shared.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/shared.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/shared.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+require 'strscan'
+module Haml
+  # This module contains functionality that's shared between Haml and Sass.
+  module Shared
+    extend self
+    # Scans through a string looking for the interoplation-opening `#{`
+    # and, when it's found, yields the scanner to the calling code
+    # so it can handle it properly.
+    #
+    # The scanner will have any backslashes immediately in front of the `#{`
+    # as the second capture group (`scan[2]`),
+    # and the text prior to that as the first (`scan[1]`).
+    #
+    # @yieldparam scan [StringScanner] The scanner scanning through the string
+    # @return [String] The text remaining in the scanner after all `#{`s have been processed
+    def handle_interpolation(str)
+      scan =
+      yield scan while scan.scan(/(.*?)(\\*)\#\{/)
+    end
+    # Moves a scanner through a balanced pair of characters.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     Foo (Bar (Baz bang) bop) (Bang (bop bip))
+    #     ^                       ^
+    #     from                    to
+    #
+    # @param scanner [StringScanner] The string scanner to move
+    # @param start [Character] The character opening the balanced pair.
+    #   A `Fixnum` in 1.8, a `String` in 1.9
+    # @param finish [Character] The character closing the balanced pair.
+    #   A `Fixnum` in 1.8, a `String` in 1.9
+    # @param count [Fixnum] The number of opening characters matched
+    #   before calling this method
+    # @return [(String, String)] The string matched within the balanced pair
+    #   and the rest of the string.
+    #   `["Foo (Bar (Baz bang) bop)", " (Bang (bop bip))"]` in the example above.
+    def balance(scanner, start, finish, count = 0)
+      str = ''
+      scanner = unless scanner.is_a? StringScanner
+      regexp ="(.*?)[\\#{start.chr}\\#{finish.chr}]", Regexp::MULTILINE)
+      while scanner.scan(regexp)
+        str << scanner.matched
+        count += 1 if scanner.matched[-1] == start
+        count -= 1 if scanner.matched[-1] == finish
+        return [str.strip,] if count == 0
+      end
+    end
+    # Formats a string for use in error messages about indentation.
+    #
+    # @param indentation [String] The string used for indentation
+    # @param was [Boolean] Whether or not to add `"was"` or `"were"`
+    #   (depending on how many characters were in `indentation`)
+    # @return [String] The name of the indentation (e.g. `"12 spaces"`, `"1 tab"`)
+    def human_indentation(indentation, was = false)
+      if !indentation.include?(?\t)
+        noun = 'space'
+      elsif !indentation.include?(?\s)
+        noun = 'tab'
+      else
+        return indentation.inspect + (was ? ' was' : '')
+      end
+      singular = indentation.length == 1
+      if was
+        was = singular ? ' was' : ' were'
+      else
+        was = ''
+      end
+      "#{indentation.length} #{noun}#{'s' unless singular}#{was}"
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+require 'haml/engine'
+module Haml
+  # The class that keeps track of the global options for Haml within Rails.
+  module Template
+    extend self
+    @options = {}
+    # The options hash for Haml when used within Rails.
+    # See { the Haml options documentation}.
+    #
+    # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>]
+    attr_accessor :options
+  end
+if defined?(RAILS_ENV) && RAILS_ENV == "production"
+  Haml::Template.options[:ugly] = true
+# Decide how we want to load Haml into Rails.
+# Patching was necessary for versions <= 2.0.1,
+# but we can make it a normal handler for higher versions.
+if defined?(ActionView::TemplateHandler)
+  require 'haml/template/plugin'
+  require 'haml/template/patch'
+if defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
+  # Update init.rb to the current version
+  # if it's out of date.
+  #
+  # We can probably remove this as of v1.9,
+  # because the new init file is sufficiently flexible
+  # to not need updating.
+  rails_init_file = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'vendor', 'plugins', 'haml', 'init.rb')
+  haml_init_file = Haml::Util.scope('init.rb')
+  begin
+    if File.exists?(rails_init_file)
+      require 'fileutils'
+      FileUtils.cp(haml_init_file, rails_init_file) unless FileUtils.cmp(rails_init_file, haml_init_file)
+    end
+  rescue SystemCallError
+    warn <<END
+#{rails_init_file} is out of date and couldn't be automatically updated.
+Please run `haml --rails #{File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT)}' to update it.
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template/patch.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template/patch.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template/patch.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This file makes Haml work with Rails
+# by monkeypatching the core template-compilation methods.
+# This is necessary for versions <= 2.0.1 because the template handler API
+# wasn't sufficiently powerful to deal with caching and so forth.
+# This module refers to the ActionView module that's part of Ruby on Rails.
+# Haml can be used as an alternate templating engine for it,
+# and includes several modifications to make it more Haml-friendly.
+# The documentation can be found
+# here[].
+module ActionView
+  class Base
+    def delegate_template_exists_with_haml(template_path)
+      template_exists?(template_path, :haml) && [:haml]
+    end
+    alias_method :delegate_template_exists_without_haml, :delegate_template_exists?
+    alias_method :delegate_template_exists?, :delegate_template_exists_with_haml
+    def compile_template_with_haml(extension, template, file_name, local_assigns)
+      return compile_haml(template, file_name, local_assigns) if extension.to_s == "haml"
+      compile_template_without_haml(extension, template, file_name, local_assigns)
+    end
+    alias_method :compile_template_without_haml, :compile_template
+    alias_method :compile_template, :compile_template_with_haml
+    def compile_haml(template, file_name, local_assigns)
+      render_symbol = assign_method_name(:haml, template, file_name)
+      locals = local_assigns.keys
+      @@template_args[render_symbol] ||= {}
+      locals_keys = @@template_args[render_symbol].keys | locals
+      @@template_args[render_symbol] = Haml::Util.to_hash( {|k| [k, true]})
+      options = Haml::Template.options.dup
+      options[:filename] = file_name || 'compiled-template'
+      begin
+, options).def_method(CompiledTemplates, render_symbol, *locals_keys)
+      rescue Exception => e
+        if logger
+          logger.debug "ERROR: compiling #{render_symbol} RAISED #{e}"
+          logger.debug "Backtrace: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
+        end
+        base_path = if defined?(extract_base_path_from)
+                      # Rails 2.0.x
+                      extract_base_path_from(file_name) || view_paths.first
+                    else
+                      # Rails <=1.2.6
+                      @base_path
+                    end
+        raise, file_name || template, @assigns, template, e)
+      end
+      @@compile_time[render_symbol] =
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template/plugin.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template/plugin.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/template/plugin.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# This file makes Haml work with Rails
+# using the > 2.0.1 template handler API.
+module Haml
+  class Plugin < ActionView::TemplateHandler
+    include ActionView::TemplateHandlers::Compilable if defined?(ActionView::TemplateHandlers::Compilable)
+    def compile(template)
+      options = Haml::Template.options.dup
+      # template is a template object in Rails >=2.1.0,
+      # a source string previously
+      if template.respond_to? :source
+        # Template has a generic identifier in Rails >=3.0.0
+        options[:filename] = template.respond_to?(:identifier) ? template.identifier : template.filename
+        source = template.source
+      else
+        source = template
+      end
+, options).send(:precompiled_with_ambles, [])
+    end
+    def cache_fragment(block, name = {}, options = nil)
+      @view.fragment_for(block, name, options) do
+        eval("_hamlout.buffer", block.binding)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+if defined? ActionView::Template and ActionView::Template.respond_to? :register_template_handler
+  ActionView::Template
+  ActionView::Base
+end.register_template_handler(:haml, Haml::Plugin)
+# In Rails 2.0.2, ActionView::TemplateError took arguments
+# that we can't fill in from the Haml::Plugin context.
+# Thus, we've got to monkeypatch ActionView::Base to catch the error.
+if ActionView::TemplateError.instance_method(:initialize).arity == 5
+  class ActionView::Base
+    def compile_template(handler, template, file_name, local_assigns)
+      render_symbol = assign_method_name(handler, template, file_name)
+      # Move begin up two lines so it captures compilation exceptions.
+      begin
+        render_source = create_template_source(handler, template, render_symbol, local_assigns.keys)
+        line_offset = @@template_args[render_symbol].size + handler.line_offset
+        file_name = 'compiled-template' if file_name.blank?
+        CompiledTemplates.module_eval(render_source, file_name, -line_offset)
+      rescue Exception => e # errors from template code
+        if logger
+          logger.debug "ERROR: compiling #{render_symbol} RAISED #{e}"
+          logger.debug "Function body: #{render_source}"
+          logger.debug "Backtrace: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
+        end
+        # There's no way to tell Haml about the filename,
+        # so we've got to insert it ourselves.
+        e.backtrace[0].gsub!('(haml)', file_name) if e.is_a?(Haml::Error)
+        raise || view_paths.first, file_name || template, @assigns, template, e)
+      end
+      @@compile_time[render_symbol] =
+      # logger.debug "Compiled template #{file_name || template}\n ==> #{render_symbol}" if logger
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/util.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/util.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/util.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+require 'erb'
+require 'set'
+require 'enumerator'
+module Haml
+  # A module containing various useful functions.
+  module Util
+    extend self
+    # An array of ints representing the Ruby version number.
+    RUBY_VERSION = ::RUBY_VERSION.split(".").map {|s| s.to_i}
+    # Returns the path of a file relative to the Haml root directory.
+    #
+    # @param file [String] The filename relative to the Haml root
+    # @return [String] The filename relative to the the working directory
+    def scope(file)
+      File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', file)
+    end
+    # Converts an array of `[key, value]` pairs to a hash.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     to_hash([[:foo, "bar"], [:baz, "bang"]])
+    #       #=> {:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"}
+    #
+    # @param arr [Array<(Object, Object)>] An array of pairs
+    # @return [Hash] A hash
+    def to_hash(arr)
+      arr.compact.inject({}) {|h, (k, v)| h[k] = v; h}
+    end
+    # Maps the keys in a hash according to a block.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     map_keys({:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"}) {|k| k.to_s}
+    #       #=> {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "bang"}
+    #
+    # @param hash [Hash] The hash to map
+    # @yield [key] A block in which the keys are transformed
+    # @yieldparam key [Object] The key that should be mapped
+    # @yieldreturn [Object] The new value for the key
+    # @return [Hash] The mapped hash
+    # @see #map_vals
+    # @see #map_hash
+    def map_keys(hash)
+      to_hash( {|k, v| [yield(k), v]})
+    end
+    # Maps the values in a hash according to a block.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     map_values({:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"}) {|v| v.to_sym}
+    #       #=> {:foo => :bar, :baz => :bang}
+    #
+    # @param hash [Hash] The hash to map
+    # @yield [value] A block in which the values are transformed
+    # @yieldparam value [Object] The value that should be mapped
+    # @yieldreturn [Object] The new value for the value
+    # @return [Hash] The mapped hash
+    # @see #map_keys
+    # @see #map_hash
+    def map_vals(hash)
+      to_hash( {|k, v| [k, yield(v)]})
+    end
+    # Maps the key-value pairs of a hash according to a block.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     map_hash({:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"}) {|k, v| [k.to_s, v.to_sym]}
+    #       #=> {"foo" => :bar, "baz" => :bang}
+    #
+    # @param hash [Hash] The hash to map
+    # @yield [key, value] A block in which the key-value pairs are transformed
+    # @yieldparam [key] The hash key
+    # @yieldparam [value] The hash value
+    # @yieldreturn [(Object, Object)] The new value for the `[key, value]` pair
+    # @return [Hash] The mapped hash
+    # @see #map_keys
+    # @see #map_vals
+    def map_hash(hash, &block)
+      to_hash(
+    end
+    # Computes the powerset of the given array.
+    # This is the set of all subsets of the array.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     powerset([1, 2, 3]) #=>
+    #       Set[Set[], Set[1], Set[2], Set[3], Set[1, 2], Set[2, 3], Set[1, 3], Set[1, 2, 3]]
+    #
+    # @param arr [Enumerable]
+    # @return [Set<Set>] The subsets of `arr`
+    def powerset(arr)
+      arr.inject([].to_set) do |powerset, el|
+        new_powerset =
+        powerset.each do |subset|
+          new_powerset << subset
+          new_powerset << subset + [el]
+        end
+        new_powerset
+      end
+    end
+    # Concatenates all strings that are adjacent in an array,
+    # while leaving other elements as they are.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     merge_adjacent_strings([1, "foo", "bar", 2, "baz"])
+    #       #=> [1, "foobar", 2, "baz"]
+    #
+    # @param enum [Enumerable]
+    # @return [Array] The enumerable with strings merged
+    def merge_adjacent_strings(enum)
+      e = enum.inject([]) do |a, e|
+        if e.is_a?(String) && a.last.is_a?(String)
+          a.last << e
+        else
+          a << e
+        end
+        a
+      end
+    end
+    # Whether or not this is running under Ruby 1.8 or lower.
+    #
+    # @return [Boolean]
+    def ruby1_8?
+      Haml::Util::RUBY_VERSION[0] == 1 && Haml::Util::RUBY_VERSION[1] < 9
+    end
+    # Checks to see if a class has a given method.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     Haml::Util.has?(:public_instance_method, String, :gsub) #=> true
+    #
+    # Method collections like `Class#instance_methods`
+    # return strings in Ruby 1.8 and symbols in Ruby 1.9 and on,
+    # so this handles checking for them in a compatible way.
+    #
+    # @param attr [#to_s] The (singular) name of the method-collection method
+    #   (e.g. `:instance_methods`, `:private_methods`)
+    # @param klass [Module] The class to check the methods of which to check
+    # @param method [String, Symbol] The name of the method do check for
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the given collection has the given method
+    def has?(attr, klass, method)
+      klass.send("#{attr}s").include?(ruby1_8? ? method.to_s : method.to_sym)
+    end
+    # A version of `Enumerable#enum_with_index` that works in Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.
+    #
+    # @param enum [Enumerable] The enumerable to get the enumerator for
+    # @return [Enumerator] The with-index enumerator
+    def enum_with_index(enum)
+      ruby1_8? ? enum.enum_with_index : enum.each_with_index
+    end
+    # The context in which the ERB for \{#def\_static\_method} will be run.
+    class StaticConditionalContext
+      # @param set [#include?] The set of variables that are defined for this context.
+      def initialize(set)
+        @set = set
+      end
+      # Checks whether or not a variable is defined for this context.
+      #
+      # @param name [Symbol] The name of the variable
+      # @return [Boolean]
+      def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
+        super unless args.empty? && block.nil?
+        @set.include?(name)
+      end
+    end
+    # This is used for methods in {Haml::Buffer} that need to be very fast,
+    # and take a lot of boolean parameters
+    # that are known at compile-time.
+    # Instead of passing the parameters in normally,
+    # a separate method is defined for every possible combination of those parameters;
+    # these are then called using \{#static\_method\_name}.
+    #
+    # To define a static method, an ERB template for the method is provided.
+    # All conditionals based on the static parameters
+    # are done as embedded Ruby within this template.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     def_static_method(Foo, :my_static_method, [:foo, :bar], :baz, :bang, <<RUBY)
+    #       <% if baz && bang %>
+    #         return foo + bar
+    #       <% elsif baz || bang %>
+    #         return foo - bar
+    #       <% else %>
+    #         return 17
+    #       <% end %>
+    #     RUBY
+    #
+    # \{#static\_method\_name} can be used to call static methods.
+    #
+    # @overload def_static_method(klass, name, args, *vars, erb)
+    # @param klass [Module] The class on which to define the static method
+    # @param name [#to_s] The (base) name of the static method
+    # @param args [Array<Symbol>] The names of the arguments to the defined methods
+    #   (**not** to the ERB template)
+    # @param vars [Array<Symbol>] The names of the static boolean variables
+    #   to be made available to the ERB template
+    # @param erb [String] The template for the method code
+    def def_static_method(klass, name, args, *vars)
+      erb = vars.pop
+      powerset(vars).each do |set|
+        context = {binding}
+        klass.class_eval(<<METHOD)
+def #{static_method_name(name, * {|v| set.include?(v)})}(#{args.join(', ')})
+  #{}
+      end
+    end
+    # Computes the name for a method defined via \{#def\_static\_method}.
+    #
+    # @param name [String] The base name of the static method
+    # @param vars [Array<Boolean>] The static variable assignment
+    # @return [String] The real name of the static method
+    def static_method_name(name, *vars)
+      "#{name}_#{ {|v| !!v}.join('_')}"
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/version.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/version.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/version.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+require 'haml/util'
+module Haml
+  # Handles Haml version-reporting.
+  # Haml not only reports the standard three version numbers,
+  # but its Git revision hash as well,
+  # if it was installed from Git.
+  module Version
+    include Haml::Util
+    # Returns a hash representing the version of Haml.
+    # The `:major`, `:minor`, and `:teeny` keys have their respective numbers as Fixnums.
+    # The `:name` key has the name of the version.
+    # The `:string` key contains a human-readable string representation of the version.
+    # The `:number` key is the major, minor, and teeny keys separated by periods.
+    # If Haml is checked out from Git, the `:rev` key will have the revision hash.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     {
+    #       :string => "",
+    #       :rev    => "9616393b8924ef36639c7e82aa88a51a24d16949",
+    #       :number => "2.1.0",
+    #       :major  => 2, :minor => 1, :teeny => 0
+    #     }
+    #
+    # @return [Hash<Symbol, String/Fixnum>] The version hash
+    def version
+      return @@version if defined?(@@version)
+      numbers ='VERSION')).strip.split('.').map { |n| n.to_i }
+      name ='VERSION_NAME')).strip
+      @@version = {
+        :major => numbers[0],
+        :minor => numbers[1],
+        :teeny => numbers[2],
+        :name => name
+      }
+      @@version[:number] = [:major, :minor, :teeny].map { |comp| @@version[comp] }.compact.join('.')
+      @@version[:string] = @@version[:number].dup
+      if File.exists?(scope('REVISION'))
+        rev ='REVISION')).strip
+        rev = nil if rev !~ /^([a-f0-9]+|\(.*\))$/
+      end
+      if (rev.nil? || rev == '(unknown)') && File.exists?(scope('.git/HEAD'))
+        rev ='.git/HEAD')).strip
+        if rev =~ /^ref: (.*)$/
+          rev =".git/#{$1}")).strip
+        end
+      end
+      if rev
+        @@version[:rev] = rev
+        unless rev[0] == ?(
+          @@version[:string] << "." << rev[0...7]
+        end
+        @@version[:string] << " (#{name})"
+      end
+      @@version
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift dir unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(dir)
+require 'haml/version'
+# The module that contains everything Sass-related:
+# * {Sass::Engine} is the class used to render Sass within Ruby code.
+# * {Sass::Plugin} is interfaces with web frameworks (Rails and Merb in particular).
+# * {Sass::SyntaxError} is raised when Sass encounters an error.
+# * {Sass::CSS} handles conversion of CSS to Sass.
+# Also see the { full Sass reference}.
+module Sass
+  extend Haml::Version
+  # A string representing the version of Sass.
+  # A more fine-grained representation is available from {Sass.version}.
+  VERSION = version[:string] unless defined?(Sass::VERSION)
+require 'haml/util'
+require 'sass/engine'
+require 'sass/plugin' if defined?(Merb::Plugins)

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass/css.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass/css.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass/css.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../sass'
+require 'sass/tree/node'
+require 'strscan'
+module Sass
+  module Tree
+    class Node
+      # Converts a node to Sass code that will generate it.
+      #
+      # @param tabs [Fixnum] The amount of tabulation to use for the Sass code
+      # @param opts [Hash<Symbol, Object>] An options hash (see {Sass::CSS#initialize})
+      # @return [String] The Sass code corresponding to the node
+      def to_sass(tabs = 0, opts = {})
+        result = ''
+        children.each do |child|
+          result << "#{'  ' * tabs}#{child.to_sass(0, opts)}\n"
+        end
+        result
+      end
+    end
+    class RuleNode
+      # @see Node#to_sass
+      def to_sass(tabs, opts = {})
+        str = "\n#{'  ' * tabs}#{rules.first}#{children.any? { |c| c.is_a? PropNode } ? "\n" : ''}"
+        children.each do |child|
+          str << "#{child.to_sass(tabs + 1, opts)}"
+        end
+        str
+      end
+    end
+    class PropNode
+      # @see Node#to_sass
+      def to_sass(tabs, opts = {})
+        "#{'  ' * tabs}#{opts[:old] ? ':' : ''}#{name}#{opts[:old] ? '' : ':'} #{value}\n"
+      end
+    end
+    class DirectiveNode
+      # @see Node#to_sass
+      def to_sass(tabs, opts = {})
+        "#{'  ' * tabs}#{value}#{ {|c| c.to_sass(tabs + 1, opts)}}\n"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # This class converts CSS documents into Sass templates.
+  # It works by parsing the CSS document into a {Sass::Tree} structure,
+  # and then applying various transformations to the structure
+  # to produce more concise and idiomatic Sass.
+  #
+  # Example usage:
+  #
+  #"p { color: blue }").render #=> "p\n  color: blue"
+  class CSS
+    # @param template [String] The CSS code
+    # @option options :old [Boolean] (false)
+    #     Whether or not to output old property syntax
+    #     (`:color blue` as opposed to `color: blue`).
+    def initialize(template, options = {})
+      if template.is_a? IO
+        template =
+      end
+      @options = options.dup
+      # Backwards compatibility
+      @options[:old] = true if @options[:alternate] == false
+      @template =
+    end
+    # Converts the CSS template into Sass code.
+    #
+    # @return [String] The resulting Sass code
+    def render
+      begin
+        build_tree.to_sass(0, @options).strip + "\n"
+      rescue Exception => err
+        line = @template.string[0...@template.pos].split("\n").size
+        err.backtrace.unshift "(css):#{line}"
+        raise err
+      end
+    end
+    private
+    # Parses the CSS template and applies various transformations
+    #
+    # @return [Tree::Node] The root node of the parsed tree
+    def build_tree
+      root =
+      whitespace
+      rules              root
+      expand_commas      root
+      parent_ref_rules   root
+      remove_parent_refs root
+      flatten_rules      root
+      fold_commas        root
+      root
+    end
+    # Parses a set of CSS rules.
+    #
+    # @param root [Tree::Node] The parent node of the rules
+    def rules(root)
+      while r = rule
+        root << r
+        whitespace
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses a single CSS rule.
+    #
+    # @return [Tree::Node] The parsed rule
+    def rule
+      rule = ""
+      loop do
+        token = @template.scan(/(?:[^\{\};\/\s]|\/[^*])+/)
+        if token.nil?
+          return if rule.empty?
+          break
+        end
+        rule << token
+        break unless @template.match?(/\s|\/\*/)
+        whitespace
+        rule << " "
+      end
+      rule.strip!
+      directive = rule[0] == ?@
+      if directive
+        node =
+        return node if @template.scan(/;/)
+        assert_match /\{/
+        whitespace
+        rules(node)
+        return node
+      end
+      assert_match /\{/
+      node =
+      properties(node)
+      return node
+    end
+    # Parses a set of CSS properties within a rule.
+    #
+    # @param rule [Tree::RuleNode] The parent node of the properties
+    def properties(rule)
+      while @template.scan(/[^:\}\s]+/)
+        name = @template[0]
+        whitespace
+        assert_match /:/
+        value = ''
+        while @template.scan(/[^;\s\}]+/)
+          value << @template[0] << whitespace
+        end
+        assert_match /(;|(?=\}))/
+        rule <<, value, nil)
+      end
+      assert_match /\}/
+    end
+    # Moves the scanner over a section of whitespace or comments.
+    #
+    # @return [String] The ignored whitespace
+    def whitespace
+      space = @template.scan(/\s*/) || ''
+      # If we've hit a comment,
+      # go past it and look for more whitespace
+      if @template.scan(/\/\*/)
+        @template.scan_until(/\*\//)
+        return space + whitespace
+      end
+      return space
+    end
+    # Moves the scanner over a regular expression,
+    # raising an exception if it doesn't match.
+    #
+    # @param re [Regexp] The regular expression to assert
+    def assert_match(re)
+      if @template.scan(re)
+        whitespace
+        return
+      end
+      line = @template.string[0..@template.pos].count "\n"
+      pos = @template.pos
+      after = @template.string[pos - 15...pos]
+      after = "..." + after if pos >= 15
+      # Display basic regexps as plain old strings
+      expected = re.source == Regexp.escape(re.source) ? "\"#{re.source}\"" : re.inspect
+      was =[0...15]
+      was += "..." if >= 15
+      raise<<MESSAGE)
+Invalid CSS on line #{line + 1} after #{after.inspect}:
+  expected #{expected}, was #{was.inspect}
+    end
+    # Transform
+    #
+    #     foo, bar, baz
+    #       color: blue
+    #
+    # into
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       color: blue
+    #     bar
+    #       color: blue
+    #     baz
+    #       color: blue
+    #
+    # @param root [Tree::Node] The parent node
+    def expand_commas(root)
+! do |child|
+        next child unless Tree::RuleNode === child && child.rules.first.include?(',')
+        child.rules.first.split(',').map do |rule|
+          node =
+          node.children = child.children
+          node
+        end
+      end
+      root.children.flatten!
+    end
+    # Make rules use parent refs so that
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       color: green
+    #
+    #       color: blue
+    #
+    # becomes
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       color: green
+    #       &.bar
+    #         color: blue
+    #
+    # This has the side effect of nesting rules,
+    # so that
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       color: green
+    #     foo bar
+    #       color: red
+    #     foo baz
+    #       color: blue
+    #
+    # becomes
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       color: green
+    #       & bar
+    #         color: red
+    #       & baz
+    #         color: blue
+    #
+    # @param root [Tree::Node] The parent node
+    def parent_ref_rules(root)
+      current_rule = nil
+ { |c| Tree::RuleNode === c }.each do |child|
+        root.children.delete child
+        first, rest = child.rules.first.scan(/^(&?(?: .|[^ ])[^.#: \[]*)([.#: \[].*)?$/).first
+        if current_rule.nil? || current_rule.rules.first != first
+          current_rule =
+          root << current_rule
+        end
+        if rest
+          child.rules = ["&" + rest]
+          current_rule << child
+        else
+          current_rule.children += child.children
+        end
+      end
+      root.children.each { |v| parent_ref_rules(v) }
+    end
+    # Remove useless parent refs so that
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       & bar
+    #         color: blue
+    #
+    # becomes
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       bar
+    #         color: blue
+    #
+    # @param root [Tree::Node] The parent node
+    def remove_parent_refs(root)
+      root.children.each do |child|
+        if child.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode)
+          child.rules.first.gsub! /^& +/, ''
+          remove_parent_refs child
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # Flatten rules so that
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       bar
+    #         color: red
+    #
+    # becomes
+    #
+    #     foo bar
+    #       color: red
+    #
+    # and
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       &.bar
+    #         color: blue
+    #
+    # becomes
+    #
+    #
+    #       color: blue
+    #
+    # @param root [Tree::Node] The parent node
+    def flatten_rules(root)
+      root.children.each { |child| flatten_rule(child) if child.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode) }
+    end
+    # Flattens a single rule
+    #
+    # @param rule [Tree::RuleNode] The candidate for flattening
+    # @see #flatten_rules
+    def flatten_rule(rule)
+      while rule.children.size == 1 && rule.children.first.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode)
+        child = rule.children.first
+        if child.rules.first[0] == ?&
+          rule.rules = [child.rules.first.gsub(/^&/, rule.rules.first)]
+        else
+          rule.rules = ["#{rule.rules.first} #{child.rules.first}"]
+        end
+        rule.children = child.children
+      end
+      flatten_rules(rule)
+    end
+    # Transform
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       bar
+    #         color: blue
+    #       baz
+    #         color: blue
+    #
+    # into
+    #
+    #     foo
+    #       bar, baz
+    #         color: blue
+    #
+    # @param rule [Tree::RuleNode] The candidate for flattening
+    def fold_commas(root)
+      prev_rule = nil
+! do |child|
+        next child unless child.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode)
+        if prev_rule && prev_rule.children == child.children
+          prev_rule.rules.first << ", #{child.rules.first}"
+          next nil
+        end
+        fold_commas(child)
+        prev_rule = child
+        child
+      end
+      root.children.compact!
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass/engine.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass/engine.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/sass/engine.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+require 'strscan'
+require 'digest/sha1'
+require 'sass/tree/node'
+require 'sass/tree/rule_node'
+require 'sass/tree/comment_node'
+require 'sass/tree/prop_node'
+require 'sass/tree/directive_node'
+require 'sass/tree/variable_node'
+require 'sass/tree/mixin_def_node'
+require 'sass/tree/mixin_node'
+require 'sass/tree/if_node'
+require 'sass/tree/while_node'
+require 'sass/tree/for_node'
+require 'sass/tree/debug_node'
+require 'sass/tree/import_node'
+require 'sass/environment'
+require 'sass/script'
+require 'sass/error'
+require 'sass/files'
+require 'haml/shared'
+module Sass
+  # A Sass mixin.
+  #
+  # `name`: `String`
+  # : The name of the mixin.
+  #
+  # `args`: `Array<(String, Script::Node)>`
+  # : The arguments for the mixin.
+  #   Each element is a tuple containing the name of the argument
+  #   and the parse tree for the default value of the argument.
+  #
+  # `environment`: {Sass::Environment}
+  # : The environment in which the mixin was defined.
+  #   This is captured so that the mixin can have access
+  #   to local variables defined in its scope.
+  #
+  # `tree`: {Sass::Tree::Node}
+  # : The parse tree for the mixin.
+  Mixin =, :args, :environment, :tree)
+  # This class handles the parsing and compilation of the Sass template.
+  # Example usage:
+  #
+  #     template = File.load('stylesheets/sassy.sass')
+  #     sass_engine =
+  #     output = sass_engine.render
+  #     puts output
+  class Engine
+    include Haml::Util
+    # A line of Sass code.
+    #
+    # `text`: `String`
+    # : The text in the line, without any whitespace at the beginning or end.
+    #
+    # `tabs`: `Fixnum`
+    # : The level of indentation of the line.
+    #
+    # `index`: `Fixnum`
+    # : The line number in the original document.
+    #
+    # `offset`: `Fixnum`
+    # : The number of bytes in on the line that the text begins.
+    #   This ends up being the number of bytes of leading whitespace.
+    #
+    # `filename`: `String`
+    # : The name of the file in which this line appeared.
+    #
+    # `children`: `Array<Line>`
+    # : The lines nested below this one.
+    class Line <, :tabs, :index, :offset, :filename, :children)
+      def comment?
+        text[0] == COMMENT_CHAR && (text[1] == SASS_COMMENT_CHAR || text[1] == CSS_COMMENT_CHAR)
+      end
+    end
+    # The character that begins a CSS property.
+    PROPERTY_CHAR  = ?:
+    # The character that designates that
+    # a property should be assigned to a SassScript expression.
+    SCRIPT_CHAR     = ?=
+    # The character that designates the beginning of a comment,
+    # either Sass or CSS.
+    COMMENT_CHAR = ?/
+    # The character that follows the general COMMENT_CHAR and designates a Sass comment,
+    # which is not output as a CSS comment.
+    # The character that follows the general COMMENT_CHAR and designates a CSS comment,
+    # which is embedded in the CSS document.
+    # The character used to denote a compiler directive.
+    # Designates a non-parsed rule.
+    ESCAPE_CHAR    = ?\\
+    # Designates block as mixin definition rather than CSS rules to output
+    # Includes named mixin declared using MIXIN_DEFINITION_CHAR
+    # The regex that matches properties of the form <tt>name: prop</tt>.
+    PROPERTY_NEW_MATCHER = /^[^\s:"]+\s*[=:](\s|$)/
+    # The regex that matches and extracts data from
+    # properties of the form <tt>name: prop</tt>.
+    PROPERTY_NEW = /^([^\s=:"]+)(\s*=|:)(?:\s+|$)(.*)/
+    # The regex that matches and extracts data from
+    # properties of the form <tt>:name prop</tt>.
+    PROPERTY_OLD = /^:([^\s=:"]+)\s*(=?)(?:\s+|$)(.*)/
+    # The default options for Sass::Engine.
+      :style => :nested,
+      :load_paths => ['.'],
+      :cache => true,
+      :cache_location => './.sass-cache',
+    }.freeze
+    # @param template [String] The Sass template.
+    # @param options [Hash<Symbol, Object>] An options hash;
+    #   see { the Sass options documentation}
+    def initialize(template, options={})
+      @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options)
+      @template = template
+      # Backwards compatibility
+      @options[:property_syntax] ||= @options[:attribute_syntax]
+      case @options[:property_syntax]
+      when :alternate; @options[:property_syntax] = :new
+      when :normal; @options[:property_syntax] = :old
+      end
+    end
+    # Render the template to CSS.
+    #
+    # @return [String] The CSS
+    # @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] if there's an error in the document
+    def render
+      to_tree.render
+    end
+    alias_method :to_css, :render
+    # Parses the document into its parse tree.
+    #
+    # @return [Sass::Tree::Node] The root of the parse tree.
+    # @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] if there's an error in the document
+    def to_tree
+      root =
+      append_children(root, tree(tabulate(@template)).first, true)
+      root.options = @options
+      root
+    rescue SyntaxError => e; e.add_metadata(@options[:filename], @line)
+    end
+    private
+    def tabulate(string)
+      tab_str = nil
+      first = true
+      lines = []
+      string.gsub(/\r|\n|\r\n|\r\n/, "\n").scan(/^.*?$/).each_with_index do |line, index|
+        index += (@options[:line] || 1)
+        if line.strip.empty?
+          lines.last.text << "\n" if lines.last && lines.last.comment?
+          next
+        end
+        line_tab_str = line[/^\s*/]
+        unless line_tab_str.empty?
+          tab_str ||= line_tab_str
+          raise"Indenting at the beginning of the document is illegal.", index) if first
+          if tab_str.include?(?\s) && tab_str.include?(?\t)
+            raise"Indentation can't use both tabs and spaces.", index)
+          end
+        end
+        first &&= !tab_str.nil?
+        if tab_str.nil?
+          lines <<, 0, index, 0, @options[:filename], [])
+          next
+        end
+        if lines.last && lines.last.comment? && line =~ /^(?:#{tab_str}){#{lines.last.tabs + 1}}(.*)$/
+          lines.last.text << "\n" << $1
+          next
+        end
+        line_tabs = line_tab_str.scan(tab_str).size
+        raise<<END.strip.gsub("\n", ' '), index) if tab_str * line_tabs != line_tab_str
+Inconsistent indentation: #{Haml::Shared.human_indentation line_tab_str, true} used for indentation,
+but the rest of the document was indented using #{Haml::Shared.human_indentation tab_str}.
+        lines <<, line_tabs, index, tab_str.size, @options[:filename], [])
+      end
+      lines
+    end
+    def tree(arr, i = 0)
+      return [], i if arr[i].nil?
+      base = arr[i].tabs
+      nodes = []
+      while (line = arr[i]) && line.tabs >= base
+        if line.tabs > base
+          if line.tabs > base + 1
+            raise"The line was indented #{line.tabs - base} levels deeper than the previous line.", line.index)
+          end
+          nodes.last.children, i = tree(arr, i)
+        else
+          nodes << line
+          i += 1
+        end
+      end
+      return nodes, i
+    end
+    def build_tree(parent, line, root = false)
+      @line = line.index
+      node_or_nodes = parse_line(parent, line, root)
+      Array(node_or_nodes).each do |node|
+        # Node is a symbol if it's non-outputting, like a variable assignment
+        next unless node.is_a? Tree::Node
+        node.line = line.index
+        node.filename = line.filename
+        if node.is_a?(Tree::CommentNode)
+          node.lines = line.children
+        else
+          append_children(node, line.children, false)
+        end
+      end
+      node_or_nodes
+    end
+    def append_children(parent, children, root)
+      continued_rule = nil
+      children.each do |line|
+        child = build_tree(parent, line, root)
+        if child.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode) && child.continued?
+          raise"Rules can't end in commas.", child.line) unless child.children.empty?
+          if continued_rule
+            continued_rule.add_rules child
+          else
+            continued_rule = child
+          end
+          next
+        end
+        if continued_rule
+          raise"Rules can't end in commas.", continued_rule.line) unless child.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode)
+          continued_rule.add_rules child
+          continued_rule.children = child.children
+          continued_rule, child = nil, continued_rule
+        end
+        check_for_no_children(child)
+        validate_and_append_child(parent, child, line, root)
+      end
+      raise"Rules can't end in commas.", continued_rule.line) if continued_rule
+      parent
+    end
+    def validate_and_append_child(parent, child, line, root)
+      unless root
+        case child
+        when Tree::MixinDefNode
+          raise"Mixins may only be defined at the root of a document.", line.index)
+        when Tree::ImportNode
+          raise"Import directives may only be used at the root of a document.", line.index)
+        end
+      end
+      case child
+      when Array
+        child.each {|c| validate_and_append_child(parent, c, line, root)}
+      when Tree::Node
+        parent << child
+      end
+    end
+    def check_for_no_children(node)
+      return unless node.is_a?(Tree::RuleNode) && node.children.empty?
+      warning = (node.rules.size == 1) ? <<SHORT : <<LONG
+Selector #{node.rules.first.inspect} doesn't have any properties and will not be rendered.
+  #{node.rules.join("\n  ")}
+doesn't have any properties and will not be rendered.
+      warn(warning.strip)
+    end
+    def parse_line(parent, line, root)
+      case line.text[0]
+      when PROPERTY_CHAR
+        if line.text[1] != PROPERTY_CHAR
+          parse_property(line, PROPERTY_OLD)
+        else
+          # Support CSS3-style pseudo-elements,
+          # which begin with ::
+        end
+      when Script::VARIABLE_CHAR
+        parse_variable(line)
+      when COMMENT_CHAR
+        parse_comment(line.text)
+      when DIRECTIVE_CHAR
+        parse_directive(parent, line, root)
+      when ESCAPE_CHAR
+        parse_mixin_definition(line)
+        if line.text[1].nil? || line.text[1] == ?\s
+        else
+          parse_mixin_include(line, root)
+        end
+      else
+        if line.text =~ PROPERTY_NEW_MATCHER
+          parse_property(line, PROPERTY_NEW)
+        else
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def parse_property(line, property_regx)
+      name, eq, value = line.text.scan(property_regx)[0]
+      if name.nil? || value.nil?
+        raise"Invalid property: \"#{line.text}\".", @line)
+      end
+      expr = if (eq.strip[0] == SCRIPT_CHAR)
+        parse_script(value, :offset => line.offset + line.text.index(value))
+      else
+        value
+      end
+, expr, property_regx == PROPERTY_OLD ? :old : :new)
+    end
+    def parse_variable(line)
+      name, op, value = line.text.scan(Script::MATCH)[0]
+      raise"Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath variable declarations.", @line + 1) unless line.children.empty?
+      raise"Invalid variable: \"#{line.text}\".", @line) unless name && value
+, parse_script(value, :offset => line.offset + line.text.index(value)), op == '||=')
+    end
+    def parse_comment(line)
+      if line[1] == CSS_COMMENT_CHAR || line[1] == SASS_COMMENT_CHAR
+, line[1] == SASS_COMMENT_CHAR)
+      else
+      end
+    end
+    def parse_directive(parent, line, root)
+      directive, whitespace, value = line.text[1..-1].split(/(\s+)/, 2)
+      offset = directive.size + whitespace.size + 1 if whitespace
+      # If value begins with url( or ",
+      # it's a CSS @import rule and we don't want to touch it.
+      if directive == "import" && value !~ /^(url\(|")/
+        raise"Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath import directives.", @line + 1) unless line.children.empty?
+        value.split(/,\s*/).map {|f|}
+      elsif directive == "for"
+        parse_for(line, root, value)
+      elsif directive == "else"
+        parse_else(parent, line, value)
+      elsif directive == "while"
+        raise"Invalid while directive '@while': expected expression.") unless value
+, :offset => offset))
+      elsif directive == "if"
+        raise"Invalid if directive '@if': expected expression.") unless value
+, :offset => offset))
+      elsif directive == "debug"
+        raise"Invalid debug directive '@debug': expected expression.") unless value
+        raise"Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath debug directives.", @line + 1) unless line.children.empty?
+        offset = line.offset + line.text.index(value).to_i
+, :offset => offset))
+      else
+      end
+    end
+    def parse_for(line, root, text)
+      var, from_expr, to_name, to_expr = text.scan(/^([^\s]+)\s+from\s+(.+)\s+(to|through)\s+(.+)$/).first
+      if var.nil? # scan failed, try to figure out why for error message
+        if text !~ /^[^\s]+/
+          expected = "variable name"
+        elsif text !~ /^[^\s]+\s+from\s+.+/
+          expected = "'from <expr>'"
+        else
+          expected = "'to <expr>' or 'through <expr>'"
+        end
+        raise"Invalid for directive '@for #{text}': expected #{expected}.", @line)
+      end
+      raise"Invalid variable \"#{var}\".", @line) unless var =~ Script::VALIDATE
+      parsed_from = parse_script(from_expr, :offset => line.offset + line.text.index(from_expr))
+      parsed_to = parse_script(to_expr, :offset => line.offset + line.text.index(to_expr))
+[1..-1], parsed_from, parsed_to, to_name == 'to')
+    end
+    def parse_else(parent, line, text)
+      previous = parent.last
+      raise"@else must come after @if.") unless previous.is_a?(Tree::IfNode)
+      if text
+        if text !~ /^if\s+(.+)/
+          raise"Invalid else directive '@else #{text}': expected 'if <expr>'.", @line)
+        end
+        expr = parse_script($1, :offset => line.offset + line.text.index($1))
+      end
+      node =
+      append_children(node, line.children, false)
+      previous.add_else node
+      nil
+    end
+    def parse_mixin_definition(line)
+      name, arg_string = line.text.scan(/^=\s*([^(]+)(.*)$/).first
+      raise"Invalid mixin \"#{line.text[1..-1]}\".", @line) if name.nil?
+      offset = line.offset + line.text.size - arg_string.size
+      args =, @line, offset).parse_mixin_definition_arglist
+      default_arg_found = false
+, args)
+    end
+    def parse_mixin_include(line, root)
+      name, arg_string = line.text.scan(/^\+\s*([^(]+)(.*)$/).first
+      raise"Invalid mixin include \"#{line.text}\".", @line) if name.nil?
+      offset = line.offset + line.text.size - arg_string.size
+      args =, @line, offset).parse_mixin_include_arglist
+      raise"Illegal nesting: Nothing may be nested beneath mixin directives.", @line + 1) unless line.children.empty?
+, args)
+    end
+    def parse_script(script, options = {})
+      line = options[:line] || @line
+      offset = options[:offset] || 0
+      Script.parse(script, line, offset, @options[:filename])
+    end
+  end