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Posted to by Martijn Dashorst <> on 2013/09/27 11:18:48 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Wicket 6.11.0 released!

The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 6.11.0!

This release marks the eleventh minor release of Wicket 6. Starting
with Wicket 6 we use semantic versioning for the future development
of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present in this release
compared to 6.0.0.

New and noteworthy

* New HTML5Attributes behavior

HTML5 attribute support in Wicket continues to be improved upon. Add
the new HTML5Attributes behavior to your text fields or buttons and
Wicket will add the relevant HTML5 attributes based on the state of
your components:

 - adds "required" if your form component is required
 - adds "placeholder" for the label of your form component
 - adds "pattern" if your form component has a PatternValidator
 - adds "formnovalidate" if your button has default form processing
   set to false

* BeanValidation receives french translation

The BeanValidation project now has a french translation for
validation errors:

 - Le champ '${label}' ne doit pas être null
 - Le champ '${label}' pourrait contenir du contenu HTML dangereux

Bonne chance!

JQuery update in 6.9.0

As of Wicket 6.9 we ship JQuery 1.10.1. The JQuery project has
decided to remove deprecated APIs from their codebase from JQuery 1.9
and up. This means that JQuery plugins using these deprecated APIs no
longer work. See the JQuery migration guide for more information,
available from

If your application depends on these deprecated APIs you can easily
downgrade to JQuery 1.8.3-the previously provided JQuery that still
contains these APIs. Download the 1.8.3 release of jquery and add it
to your project in its application's init method:

    protected void init() {

CDI injection issue

In the CDI releases of Weld 2.0.1 and prior, it was assumed that
injection in anonymous inner classes was not legal and when
attempted, it resulted in an exception:

    Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException:
    WELD-000070 Simple bean [EnhancedAnnotatedTypeImpl] private class
    com.example.HomePage$AForm cannot be a non-static inner class

This was reported as, as it became an
issue in Glassfish 4, which ships with Weld 2.0.1 (or earlier). We
implemented a fix for this particular issue by not injecting into
anonymous inner classes.

Unfortunately this was not a bug that needed fixing on our part, but
rather in the Weld framework (see

Therefore we reverted the commits done for WICKET-5226 and hope that
Glassfish will upgrade their Weld implementation soon. For the whole
story read

Glassfish has fixed this in trunk according to

but the fix has yet to be integrated into a release.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):


Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
convenience binary package

 * Source:
 * Binary:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 6.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
you come from a version prior to 6.0.0, please read our Wicket 6
migration guide found at


Have fun!

— The Wicket team

Release Notes - Wicket - Version 6.11.0

** Bug

 * [WICKET-5313] - Wrong HTML attribute used in SizeTagModifier
 * [WICKET-5315] - PriorityHeaderItem+OnDomReadyHeaderItem has no
                   priority in Ajax response
 * [WICKET-5316] - Wicket Atmosphere CouldNotLockPageException
 * [WICKET-5319] - CryptoMapper encrypts external URLs in
                   ResourceReferences making the resources inaccessible
 * [WICKET-5322] - "Source code" link doesn't work at
 * [WICKET-5325] - ComponentRenderer.renderComponent does not
                   render markup for ListView
 * [WICKET-5329] - "Required" flag initialized too early in
 * [WICKET-5332] - Autocomplete throws error when initialized in an
 * [WICKET-5334] - KittenCaptcha example is broken in IE10
 * [WICKET-5335] - After selecting a file MultiFileUploadField does
                   not render properly input field
 * [WICKET-5339] - Broadcast.EXACT does not notify Behaviors of
                   target Component
 * [WICKET-5343] - AutoCompleteTextField suggestions popup position
                   is wrong when its container has scrollbar
 * [WICKET-5345] - Url.canonical() breaks when there are two
                   consecutive "parent" segments followed by a normal
 * [WICKET-5348] - JavaDoc for IColumn#getSortProperty() in misleading

** Improvement

 * [WICKET-5327] - CryptoMapper: insecure default encryption provider
 * [WICKET-5331] - Make html5 form validation configurable
 * [WICKET-5333] - wicket-bean-validation french translation
 * [WICKET-5341] - JavaDoc for IFormValidator
 * [WICKET-5354] - Make ResourceBundles and related classes easier
                   for extension

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