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Posted to by on 2018/01/23 14:38:30 UTC

[04/24] cayenne git commit: Update docs included into assembly
diff --git a/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/modelMap8.html b/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/modelMap8.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ccaf43..0000000
--- a/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/modelMap8.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html
-  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="">
-   <head>
-      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
-      <title>Schema documentation for component cay:post-persist</title>
-      <link rel="stylesheet" href="xsdDocHtml.css" type="text/css" /><script type="text/javascript">
-         <!--
-        var propertiesBoxes= new Array('properties_id54', 
-				'properties_id55');
-        var usedByBoxes= new Array('usedBy_id54', 
-				'usedBy_id55');
-        var sourceBoxes= new Array('source_id54', 
-				'source_id55');
-        var diagramBoxes= new Array('diagram_id54');
-        var attributesBoxes= new Array('attributes_id54');
-        var button_prefix = 'button_';
-        /**
-        * Returns an element in the current HTML document.
-        *
-        * @param elementID Identifier of HTML element
-        * @return               HTML element object
-        */
-        function getElementObject(elementID) {
-            var elemObj = null;
-            if (document.getElementById) {
-                elemObj = document.getElementById(elementID);
-            }
-            return elemObj;
-        }
-        /**
-        * Switches the state of a collapseable box, e.g.
-        * if it's opened, it'll be closed, and vice versa.
-        *
-        * @param boxID Identifier of box
-        */
-        function switchState(boxID) {
-            var boxObj = getElementObject(boxID);
-            var buttonObj = getElementObject(button_prefix + boxID);
-            if (boxObj == null || buttonObj == null) {
-                // Box or button not found
-            } else if ( == "none") {
-                // Box is closed, so open it
-                openBox(boxObj, buttonObj);
-            } else if ( == "block") {
-                // Box is opened, so close it
-                closeBox(boxObj, buttonObj);
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * Opens a collapseable box.
-        *
-        * @param boxObj       Collapseable box
-        * @param buttonObj Button controlling box
-        */
-        function openBox(boxObj, buttonObj) {
-            if (boxObj == null || buttonObj == null) {
-                // Box or button not found
-            } else {
-                // Change 'display' CSS property of box
-       = "block";
-                // Change text of button
-                if ( == "block") {
-                    buttonObj.src = "images/button_minus.gif";
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * Closes a collapseable box.
-        *
-        * @param boxObj       Collapseable box
-        * @param buttonObj Button controlling box
-        */
-        function closeBox(boxObj, buttonObj) {
-            if (boxObj == null || buttonObj == null) {
-                // Box or button not found
-            } else {
-                // Change 'display' CSS property of box
-       = "none";
-                // Change text of button
-                if ( == "none") {
-                    buttonObj.src = "images/button_plus.gif";
-                }
-            }
-        }
-       function switchStateForAll(buttonObj, boxList) {
-            if (buttonObj == null) {
-                // button not found
-            } else if (buttonObj.value == "+") {
-                // Expand all
-                expandAll(boxList);
-                buttonObj.value = "-";
-            } else if (buttonObj.value == "-") {
-                // Collapse all
-                collapseAll(boxList);
-                buttonObj.value = "+";
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * Closes all boxes in a given list.
-        *
-        * @param boxList Array of box IDs
-        */
-        function collapseAll(boxList) {
-            var idx;
-            for (idx = 0; idx < boxList.length; idx++) {
-                var boxObj = getElementObject(boxList[idx]);
-                var buttonObj = getElementObject(button_prefix + boxList[idx]);
-                closeBox(boxObj, buttonObj);
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * Open all boxes in a given list.
-        *
-        * @param boxList Array of box IDs
-        */
-        function expandAll(boxList) {
-            var idx;
-            for (idx = 0; idx < boxList.length; idx++) {
-                var boxObj = getElementObject(boxList[idx]);
-                var buttonObj = getElementObject(button_prefix + boxList[idx]);
-                openBox(boxObj, buttonObj);
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the message presented in the title of the html page.
-         * - If the documentation was splited by namespace we present something like: "Documentation for namespace 'ns'"
-         * - If the documentation was splited by location we present somehing like: "Documentation for 'Schema.xsd'"
-         * - If no split we always present: "Documentation for 'MainSchema.xsd'"
-         */
-        function updatePageTitle(message) {
-            top.document.title = message;
-        }
-         /**
-          * Finds an HTML element by its ID and makes it floatable over the normal content.
-          *
-          * @param x_displacement The difference in pixels to the right side of the window from 
-          *           the left side of the element.
-          * @param y_displacement The difference in pixels to the right side of the window from 
-          *           the top of the element.          
-          */
-         function findAndFloat(id, x_displacement, y_displacement){
-            var element = getElementObject(id);            
-            window[id + "_obj"] = element;
-            if(document.layers) {
-      = element;
-            }
-            element.current_y = y_displacement;      
-            element.first_time = true;
-            element.floatElement = function(){
-               // It may be closed by an user action.
-               // Target X and Y coordinates.
-               var x, y;
-               var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0;
-               if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
-                  //Non-IE
-                  myWidth = window.innerWidth;
-                  myHeight = window.innerHeight;
-               } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
-                  //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
-                  myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
-                  myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
-               } else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
-                  //IE 4 compatible
-                  myWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
-                  myHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
-               }
-               x = myWidth - x_displacement;
-               var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1);               
-               y = ns ? pageYOffset : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ? 
-                  document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;               
-               y = y + y_displacement;               
-               // The current y is the current coordinate of the floating element.
-               // This should be at the limit the y target coordinate.
-               this.current_y += (y - this.current_y)/1.25;
-               // Add the pixels constant after the values
-               // and move the element.
-               var px = document.layers ? "" : "px";
-      =  x + px;
-      =  this.current_y + px;
-               setTimeout( + "_obj.floatElement()", 100);
-            }
-            element.floatElement();
-            return element;
-          }
-         /**
-          * Finds an HTML element by its ID and makes it floatable over the normal content.
-          *
-          * @param x_displacement The difference in pixels to the right side of the window from 
-          *           the left side of the element.
-          * @param y_displacement The difference in pixels to the right side of the window from 
-          *           the top of the element.          
-          */
-         function selectTOCGroupBy(id){
-            var selectIds = new Array('toc_group_by_namespace', 'toc_group_by_location', 'toc_group_by_component_type');
-            // Make all the tabs invisible.
-            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
-               var tab = getElementObject(selectIds[i]);
-      = 'none';
-            }
-            var selTab = getElementObject(id);
-   = 'block';            
-         }
-    --></script></head>
-   <body>
-      <div id="global_controls" class="globalControls" style="position:absolute;right:0;">
-         <table class="rt">
-            <tr>
-               <td class="rt_cornerTopLeft"></td>
-               <td class="rt_lineTop"></td>
-               <td class="rt_cornerTopRight"></td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-               <td class="rt_lineLeft"></td>
-               <td class="rt_content">
-                  <h3>Showing:</h3>
-                  <table>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, attributesBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Attributes </span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, diagramBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Diagrams</span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, propertiesBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Properties </span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, sourceBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Source</span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, usedByBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Used by </span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                  </table>
-                  <div align="right"><span><input type="button"
-                               onclick="getElementObject('global_controls').style.display = 'none';"
-                               value="Close" /></span></div>
-               </td>
-               <td class="rt_lineRight"></td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-               <td class="rt_cornerBottomLeft"></td>
-               <td class="rt_lineBottom"></td>
-               <td class="rt_cornerBottomRight"></td>
-            </tr>
-         </table>
-      </div><a id="id54"></a><div class="componentTitle">Element <span class="qname">cay:post-persist</span></div>
-      <table class="rt">
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_cornerTopLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_lineTop"></td>
-            <td class="rt_cornerTopRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_lineLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_content">
-               <table class="component">
-                  <tbody>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Namespace</b></td>
-                        <td></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Diagram</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_diagram_id54" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('diagram_id54');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td class="diagram">
-                           <div id="diagram_id54" style="display:block"><img alt="Diagram" border="0" src="images/modelMap.html13.jpeg"
-                                   usemap="#modelMap_46_html13" /><map name="modelMap_46_html13" id="modelMap_46_html13">
-                                 <area alt="modelMap8.tmp#id55" href="modelMap8.html#id55" coords="140,43,264,85" /></map></div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Properties</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_properties_id54" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif"
-                                     value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('properties_id54');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="properties_id54" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="propertiesTable">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn">content:
-                                    </td>
-                                    <td><b>complex</b></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Used by</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_usedBy_id54" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('usedBy_id54');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="usedBy_id54" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="usedByTable">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn">Elements </td>
-                                    <td><b><a href="modelMap6.html#id51" target="mainFrame"
-                                             title=""
-                                             onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component cay:entity-listener')">cay:entity-listener</a></b>, <b><a href="modelMap1.html#id33" target="mainFrame"
-                                             title=""
-                                             onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component cay:obj-entity')">cay:obj-entity</a></b></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Attributes</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_attributes_id54" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif"
-                                     value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('attributes_id54');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="attributes_id54" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="attributesTable">
-                                 <thead>
-                                    <tr>
-                                       <th>QName</th>
-                                       <th>Type</th>
-                                       <th>Fixed</th>
-                                       <th>Default</th>
-                                       <th>Use</th>
-                                       <th>Annotation</th>
-                                    </tr>
-                                 </thead>
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn"><b><a href="modelMap8.html#id55" target="mainFrame" title="No namespace"
-                                             onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component method-name')">method-name</a></b></td>
-                                    <td><b>xs:string</b></td>
-                                    <td></td>
-                                    <td></td>
-                                    <td>required</td>
-                                    <td>
-                                       <div class="annotation"></div>
-                                    </td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Source</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_source_id54" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('source_id54');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="source_id54" style="display:block">
-                              <table style="table-layout:fixed;white-space:pre-wrap;white-space:-moz-pre-wrap;white-space:-pre-wrap;white-space: -o-pre-wrap;word-wrap: break-word;_white-space:pre;"
-                                     class="preWrapContainer">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td width="100%"><pre><span class="tokenElement">&lt;xs:element</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> name=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"post-persist"</span><span class="tokenElement">&gt;</span><span class="tokenIndent">
-  </span><span class="tokenElement">&lt;xs:complexType</span><span class="tokenElement">&gt;</span><span class="tokenIndent">
-    </span><span class="tokenElement">&lt;xs:attribute</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> name=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"method-name"</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> use=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"required"</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> type=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"xs:string"</span><span class="tokenElement">/&gt;</span><span class="tokenIndent">
-  </span><span class="tokenElement">&lt;/xs:complexType&gt;</span><span class="tokenIndent">
-</span><span class="tokenElement">&lt;/xs:element&gt;</span></pre></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Schema location</b></td>
-                        <td>file:/Users/ari/svn/cayenne/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/resources/org/apache/cayenne/schema/3.0/modelMap.xsd</td>
-                     </tr>
-                  </tbody>
-               </table>
-            </td>
-            <td class="rt_lineRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_cornerBottomLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_lineBottom"></td>
-            <td class="rt_cornerBottomRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-      </table><a id="id55"></a><div class="componentTitle">Attribute <span class="qname"><b><a href="modelMap8.html#id54" target="mainFrame"
-                  title=""
-                  onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component cay:post-persist')">cay:post-persist</a></b>/@method-name</span></div>
-      <table class="rt">
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_cornerTopLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_lineTop"></td>
-            <td class="rt_cornerTopRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_lineLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_content">
-               <table class="component">
-                  <tbody>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Namespace</b></td>
-                        <td>No namespace</td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Type</b></td>
-                        <td><b>xs:string</b></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Properties</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_properties_id55" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif"
-                                     value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('properties_id55');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="properties_id55" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="propertiesTable">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn">use:
-                                    </td>
-                                    <td><b>required</b></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Used by</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_usedBy_id55" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('usedBy_id55');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="usedBy_id55" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="usedByTable">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn">Element </td>
-                                    <td><b><a href="modelMap8.html#id54" target="mainFrame"
-                                             title=""
-                                             onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component cay:post-persist')">cay:post-persist</a></b></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Source</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_source_id55" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('source_id55');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="source_id55" style="display:block">
-                              <table style="table-layout:fixed;white-space:pre-wrap;white-space:-moz-pre-wrap;white-space:-pre-wrap;white-space: -o-pre-wrap;word-wrap: break-word;_white-space:pre;"
-                                     class="preWrapContainer">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td width="100%"><pre><span class="tokenElement">&lt;xs:attribute</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> name=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"method-name"</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> use=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"required"</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> type=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"xs:string"</span><span class="tokenElement">/&gt;</span></pre></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Schema location</b></td>
-                        <td>file:/Users/ari/svn/cayenne/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/resources/org/apache/cayenne/schema/3.0/modelMap.xsd</td>
-                     </tr>
-                  </tbody>
-               </table>
-            </td>
-            <td class="rt_lineRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_cornerBottomLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_lineBottom"></td>
-            <td class="rt_cornerBottomRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-      </table>
-      <div class="footer">
-         <hr />
-         <div align="center">XML Schema documentation generated by <a href="" target="_parent"><span class="oXygenLogo"><span class="redX">&lt;</span>o<span class="redX">X</span>ygen<span class="redX">/&gt;</span></span></a><sup>®</sup> XML Editor.
-         </div>
-      </div><script type="text/javascript">
-         <!--                     
-                     // The namespace is the selected option in the TOC combo.
-                     // The corresponding div is already visible conf. to its style attr.                     
-                            var selectToc = getElementObject('selectTOC');
-                            if(selectToc != null){
-                                // It can be null when having chunking, the combo of the TOC is in another frame.
-                                selectToc.selectedIndex = 2;
-                            }
-                     // Floats the toolbar.
-                     var globalControls = getElementObject("global_controls"); 
-                     if(globalControls != null){
-	                     var browser=navigator.appName;
-						 var version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split('MSIE')[1]);
-						 var IE6 = false;
-						 if ((browser=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (version < 7)){
-						 	IE6 = true;
-						 }
-	                     //alert (IE6 + " |V| " + version);
-	                     if(IE6){
-	                     	// On IE 6 the 'fixed' property is not supported. We must use javascript. 
-	               'absolute';                         
-	                         // The global controls will do not exist in the TOC frame, when chunking.
-	                         findAndFloat("global_controls", 225, 30);    
-	                     } else {
-	               'fixed';                     	
-	                     }
-	           '0';                       
-                     }
-                --></script></body>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/modelMap9.html b/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/modelMap9.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c597586..0000000
--- a/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/modelMap9.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html
-  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="">
-   <head>
-      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
-      <title>Schema documentation for component cay:pre-update</title>
-      <link rel="stylesheet" href="xsdDocHtml.css" type="text/css" /><script type="text/javascript">
-         <!--
-        var propertiesBoxes= new Array('properties_id56', 
-				'properties_id57');
-        var usedByBoxes= new Array('usedBy_id56', 
-				'usedBy_id57');
-        var sourceBoxes= new Array('source_id56', 
-				'source_id57');
-        var diagramBoxes= new Array('diagram_id56');
-        var attributesBoxes= new Array('attributes_id56');
-        var button_prefix = 'button_';
-        /**
-        * Returns an element in the current HTML document.
-        *
-        * @param elementID Identifier of HTML element
-        * @return               HTML element object
-        */
-        function getElementObject(elementID) {
-            var elemObj = null;
-            if (document.getElementById) {
-                elemObj = document.getElementById(elementID);
-            }
-            return elemObj;
-        }
-        /**
-        * Switches the state of a collapseable box, e.g.
-        * if it's opened, it'll be closed, and vice versa.
-        *
-        * @param boxID Identifier of box
-        */
-        function switchState(boxID) {
-            var boxObj = getElementObject(boxID);
-            var buttonObj = getElementObject(button_prefix + boxID);
-            if (boxObj == null || buttonObj == null) {
-                // Box or button not found
-            } else if ( == "none") {
-                // Box is closed, so open it
-                openBox(boxObj, buttonObj);
-            } else if ( == "block") {
-                // Box is opened, so close it
-                closeBox(boxObj, buttonObj);
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * Opens a collapseable box.
-        *
-        * @param boxObj       Collapseable box
-        * @param buttonObj Button controlling box
-        */
-        function openBox(boxObj, buttonObj) {
-            if (boxObj == null || buttonObj == null) {
-                // Box or button not found
-            } else {
-                // Change 'display' CSS property of box
-       = "block";
-                // Change text of button
-                if ( == "block") {
-                    buttonObj.src = "images/button_minus.gif";
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * Closes a collapseable box.
-        *
-        * @param boxObj       Collapseable box
-        * @param buttonObj Button controlling box
-        */
-        function closeBox(boxObj, buttonObj) {
-            if (boxObj == null || buttonObj == null) {
-                // Box or button not found
-            } else {
-                // Change 'display' CSS property of box
-       = "none";
-                // Change text of button
-                if ( == "none") {
-                    buttonObj.src = "images/button_plus.gif";
-                }
-            }
-        }
-       function switchStateForAll(buttonObj, boxList) {
-            if (buttonObj == null) {
-                // button not found
-            } else if (buttonObj.value == "+") {
-                // Expand all
-                expandAll(boxList);
-                buttonObj.value = "-";
-            } else if (buttonObj.value == "-") {
-                // Collapse all
-                collapseAll(boxList);
-                buttonObj.value = "+";
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * Closes all boxes in a given list.
-        *
-        * @param boxList Array of box IDs
-        */
-        function collapseAll(boxList) {
-            var idx;
-            for (idx = 0; idx < boxList.length; idx++) {
-                var boxObj = getElementObject(boxList[idx]);
-                var buttonObj = getElementObject(button_prefix + boxList[idx]);
-                closeBox(boxObj, buttonObj);
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-        * Open all boxes in a given list.
-        *
-        * @param boxList Array of box IDs
-        */
-        function expandAll(boxList) {
-            var idx;
-            for (idx = 0; idx < boxList.length; idx++) {
-                var boxObj = getElementObject(boxList[idx]);
-                var buttonObj = getElementObject(button_prefix + boxList[idx]);
-                openBox(boxObj, buttonObj);
-            }
-        }
-        /**
-         * Update the message presented in the title of the html page.
-         * - If the documentation was splited by namespace we present something like: "Documentation for namespace 'ns'"
-         * - If the documentation was splited by location we present somehing like: "Documentation for 'Schema.xsd'"
-         * - If no split we always present: "Documentation for 'MainSchema.xsd'"
-         */
-        function updatePageTitle(message) {
-            top.document.title = message;
-        }
-         /**
-          * Finds an HTML element by its ID and makes it floatable over the normal content.
-          *
-          * @param x_displacement The difference in pixels to the right side of the window from 
-          *           the left side of the element.
-          * @param y_displacement The difference in pixels to the right side of the window from 
-          *           the top of the element.          
-          */
-         function findAndFloat(id, x_displacement, y_displacement){
-            var element = getElementObject(id);            
-            window[id + "_obj"] = element;
-            if(document.layers) {
-      = element;
-            }
-            element.current_y = y_displacement;      
-            element.first_time = true;
-            element.floatElement = function(){
-               // It may be closed by an user action.
-               // Target X and Y coordinates.
-               var x, y;
-               var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0;
-               if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
-                  //Non-IE
-                  myWidth = window.innerWidth;
-                  myHeight = window.innerHeight;
-               } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
-                  //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
-                  myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
-                  myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
-               } else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
-                  //IE 4 compatible
-                  myWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
-                  myHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
-               }
-               x = myWidth - x_displacement;
-               var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1);               
-               y = ns ? pageYOffset : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ? 
-                  document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;               
-               y = y + y_displacement;               
-               // The current y is the current coordinate of the floating element.
-               // This should be at the limit the y target coordinate.
-               this.current_y += (y - this.current_y)/1.25;
-               // Add the pixels constant after the values
-               // and move the element.
-               var px = document.layers ? "" : "px";
-      =  x + px;
-      =  this.current_y + px;
-               setTimeout( + "_obj.floatElement()", 100);
-            }
-            element.floatElement();
-            return element;
-          }
-         /**
-          * Finds an HTML element by its ID and makes it floatable over the normal content.
-          *
-          * @param x_displacement The difference in pixels to the right side of the window from 
-          *           the left side of the element.
-          * @param y_displacement The difference in pixels to the right side of the window from 
-          *           the top of the element.          
-          */
-         function selectTOCGroupBy(id){
-            var selectIds = new Array('toc_group_by_namespace', 'toc_group_by_location', 'toc_group_by_component_type');
-            // Make all the tabs invisible.
-            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
-               var tab = getElementObject(selectIds[i]);
-      = 'none';
-            }
-            var selTab = getElementObject(id);
-   = 'block';            
-         }
-    --></script></head>
-   <body>
-      <div id="global_controls" class="globalControls" style="position:absolute;right:0;">
-         <table class="rt">
-            <tr>
-               <td class="rt_cornerTopLeft"></td>
-               <td class="rt_lineTop"></td>
-               <td class="rt_cornerTopRight"></td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-               <td class="rt_lineLeft"></td>
-               <td class="rt_content">
-                  <h3>Showing:</h3>
-                  <table>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, attributesBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Attributes </span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, diagramBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Diagrams</span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, propertiesBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Properties </span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, sourceBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Source</span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td><span><input type="checkbox" value="-" checked="checked"
-                                     onclick="switchStateForAll(this, usedByBoxes);"
-                                     class="control" /></span><span class="globalControlName">Used by </span></td>
-                     </tr>
-                  </table>
-                  <div align="right"><span><input type="button"
-                               onclick="getElementObject('global_controls').style.display = 'none';"
-                               value="Close" /></span></div>
-               </td>
-               <td class="rt_lineRight"></td>
-            </tr>
-            <tr>
-               <td class="rt_cornerBottomLeft"></td>
-               <td class="rt_lineBottom"></td>
-               <td class="rt_cornerBottomRight"></td>
-            </tr>
-         </table>
-      </div><a id="id56"></a><div class="componentTitle">Element <span class="qname">cay:pre-update</span></div>
-      <table class="rt">
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_cornerTopLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_lineTop"></td>
-            <td class="rt_cornerTopRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_lineLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_content">
-               <table class="component">
-                  <tbody>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Namespace</b></td>
-                        <td></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Diagram</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_diagram_id56" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('diagram_id56');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td class="diagram">
-                           <div id="diagram_id56" style="display:block"><img alt="Diagram" border="0" src="images/modelMap.html26.jpeg"
-                                   usemap="#modelMap_46_html26" /><map name="modelMap_46_html26" id="modelMap_46_html26">
-                                 <area alt="modelMap9.tmp#id57" href="modelMap9.html#id57" coords="134,43,258,85" /></map></div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Properties</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_properties_id56" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif"
-                                     value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('properties_id56');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="properties_id56" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="propertiesTable">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn">content:
-                                    </td>
-                                    <td><b>complex</b></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Used by</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_usedBy_id56" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('usedBy_id56');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="usedBy_id56" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="usedByTable">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn">Elements </td>
-                                    <td><b><a href="modelMap6.html#id51" target="mainFrame"
-                                             title=""
-                                             onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component cay:entity-listener')">cay:entity-listener</a></b>, <b><a href="modelMap1.html#id33" target="mainFrame"
-                                             title=""
-                                             onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component cay:obj-entity')">cay:obj-entity</a></b></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Attributes</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_attributes_id56" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif"
-                                     value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('attributes_id56');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="attributes_id56" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="attributesTable">
-                                 <thead>
-                                    <tr>
-                                       <th>QName</th>
-                                       <th>Type</th>
-                                       <th>Fixed</th>
-                                       <th>Default</th>
-                                       <th>Use</th>
-                                       <th>Annotation</th>
-                                    </tr>
-                                 </thead>
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn"><b><a href="modelMap9.html#id57" target="mainFrame" title="No namespace"
-                                             onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component method-name')">method-name</a></b></td>
-                                    <td><b>xs:string</b></td>
-                                    <td></td>
-                                    <td></td>
-                                    <td>required</td>
-                                    <td>
-                                       <div class="annotation"></div>
-                                    </td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Source</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_source_id56" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('source_id56');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="source_id56" style="display:block">
-                              <table style="table-layout:fixed;white-space:pre-wrap;white-space:-moz-pre-wrap;white-space:-pre-wrap;white-space: -o-pre-wrap;word-wrap: break-word;_white-space:pre;"
-                                     class="preWrapContainer">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td width="100%"><pre><span class="tokenElement">&lt;xs:element</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> name=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"pre-update"</span><span class="tokenElement">&gt;</span><span class="tokenIndent">
-  </span><span class="tokenElement">&lt;xs:complexType</span><span class="tokenElement">&gt;</span><span class="tokenIndent">
-    </span><span class="tokenElement">&lt;xs:attribute</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> name=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"method-name"</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> use=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"required"</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> type=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"xs:string"</span><span class="tokenElement">/&gt;</span><span class="tokenIndent">
-  </span><span class="tokenElement">&lt;/xs:complexType&gt;</span><span class="tokenIndent">
-</span><span class="tokenElement">&lt;/xs:element&gt;</span></pre></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Schema location</b></td>
-                        <td>file:/Users/ari/svn/cayenne/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/resources/org/apache/cayenne/schema/3.0/modelMap.xsd</td>
-                     </tr>
-                  </tbody>
-               </table>
-            </td>
-            <td class="rt_lineRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_cornerBottomLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_lineBottom"></td>
-            <td class="rt_cornerBottomRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-      </table><a id="id57"></a><div class="componentTitle">Attribute <span class="qname"><b><a href="modelMap9.html#id56" target="mainFrame"
-                  title=""
-                  onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component cay:pre-update')">cay:pre-update</a></b>/@method-name</span></div>
-      <table class="rt">
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_cornerTopLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_lineTop"></td>
-            <td class="rt_cornerTopRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_lineLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_content">
-               <table class="component">
-                  <tbody>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Namespace</b></td>
-                        <td>No namespace</td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Type</b></td>
-                        <td><b>xs:string</b></td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Properties</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_properties_id57" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif"
-                                     value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('properties_id57');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="properties_id57" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="propertiesTable">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn">use:
-                                    </td>
-                                    <td><b>required</b></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Used by</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_usedBy_id57" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('usedBy_id57');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="usedBy_id57" style="display:block">
-                              <table class="usedByTable">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td class="firstColumn">Element </td>
-                                    <td><b><a href="modelMap9.html#id56" target="mainFrame"
-                                             title=""
-                                             onclick="updatePageTitle('Schema documentation for component cay:pre-update')">cay:pre-update</a></b></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn">
-                           <div class="floatLeft"><b>Source</b></div>
-                           <div class="floatRight"><input id="button_source_id57" type="image" src="images/button_minus.gif" value="-"
-                                     onclick="switchState('source_id57');"
-                                     class="control" /></div>
-                        </td>
-                        <td>
-                           <div id="source_id57" style="display:block">
-                              <table style="table-layout:fixed;white-space:pre-wrap;white-space:-moz-pre-wrap;white-space:-pre-wrap;white-space: -o-pre-wrap;word-wrap: break-word;_white-space:pre;"
-                                     class="preWrapContainer">
-                                 <tr>
-                                    <td width="100%"><pre><span class="tokenElement">&lt;xs:attribute</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> name=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"method-name"</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> use=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"required"</span><span class="tokenAttrName"> type=</span><span class="tokenAttrValue">"xs:string"</span><span class="tokenElement">/&gt;</span></pre></td>
-                                 </tr>
-                              </table>
-                           </div>
-                        </td>
-                     </tr>
-                     <tr>
-                        <td class="firstColumn"><b>Schema location</b></td>
-                        <td>file:/Users/ari/svn/cayenne/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/resources/org/apache/cayenne/schema/3.0/modelMap.xsd</td>
-                     </tr>
-                  </tbody>
-               </table>
-            </td>
-            <td class="rt_lineRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td class="rt_cornerBottomLeft"></td>
-            <td class="rt_lineBottom"></td>
-            <td class="rt_cornerBottomRight"></td>
-         </tr>
-      </table>
-      <div class="footer">
-         <hr />
-         <div align="center">XML Schema documentation generated by <a href="" target="_parent"><span class="oXygenLogo"><span class="redX">&lt;</span>o<span class="redX">X</span>ygen<span class="redX">/&gt;</span></span></a><sup>®</sup> XML Editor.
-         </div>
-      </div><script type="text/javascript">
-         <!--                     
-                     // The namespace is the selected option in the TOC combo.
-                     // The corresponding div is already visible conf. to its style attr.                     
-                            var selectToc = getElementObject('selectTOC');
-                            if(selectToc != null){
-                                // It can be null when having chunking, the combo of the TOC is in another frame.
-                                selectToc.selectedIndex = 2;
-                            }
-                     // Floats the toolbar.
-                     var globalControls = getElementObject("global_controls"); 
-                     if(globalControls != null){
-	                     var browser=navigator.appName;
-						 var version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split('MSIE')[1]);
-						 var IE6 = false;
-						 if ((browser=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (version < 7)){
-						 	IE6 = true;
-						 }
-	                     //alert (IE6 + " |V| " + version);
-	                     if(IE6){
-	                     	// On IE 6 the 'fixed' property is not supported. We must use javascript. 
-	               'absolute';                         
-	                         // The global controls will do not exist in the TOC frame, when chunking.
-	                         findAndFloat("global_controls", 225, 30);    
-	                     } else {
-	               'fixed';                     	
-	                     }
-	           '0';                       
-                     }
-                --></script></body>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/xsdDocHtml.css b/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/xsdDocHtml.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 17a1575..0000000
--- a/docs/doc/src/main/resources/doc/schema/3.0/xsdDocHtml.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-    Global 
-body, table {
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-    font-size:12px;
-@media print{
-    body, table {
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-    Source code in the instance, source or 
-    annotations.
-span.tokenElement {
-    color: #000096;
-    background-color:inherit;
-span.tokenAttrName {
-    color: #F5844C;
-    background-color:inherit;
-span.tokenAttrValue {
-    color: #993300;
-    background-color:inherit;
-span.tokenIndent {
-    color: #000000;
-    background-color:inherit;
-span.tokenText {
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-span.tokenComment {
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-    background-color:inherit;
-span.tokenCDATA {
-    color: #008C00;
-    background-color:inherit;
-span.tokenPI {
-    color: #8B26C9;
-    background-color:inherit;
-span.tokenEntity {
-    color: #969600;
-    background-color:inherit;
-    color:#000096;
-    background-color:inherit;
-    Documentation sections.
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-    font-size:1.4em;
-    font-weight:bold;
-    text-align:left;
-    margin-top:1.4em;
-    margin-bottom:0.7em;
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-    padding:2px 2px 2px 5px;
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-    vertical-align:top;
-tr > th {
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-    color:inherit;
-/* Contrast for the titles*/
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-@media print{
-    table.component{
-        border:1px solid gray;
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-    table.component td{
-        border:1px solid gray;
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-table.component td.firstColumn{
-/* pink */
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-    /* background-color:#C0F0A0;*/
-    /*background-color:#89C6E2;*/
-    /*background-color:#FFD697;*/
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-    width:12%;
-table.component table td.firstColumn{
-    border:none;
-    background-color:#EAF1FB;
-    color: inherit;
-td.firstColumn b{
-    font-weight:normal;
-/* The Name and Expand/Collapse control are on the same line
- but at different ends.*/
-td.firstColumn div.floatLeft{
-    float:left;
-td.firstColumn div.floatRight{
-    float:right;
-/* Subtables */
-table.component table{
-    width:100%;
-table.component table,
-table.component table td,
-table.component table th{
-    border:0;
-/* Properties table */
-table.propertiesTable {
-    border-spacing:1px;
-table.propertiesTable td.firstColumn{
-    width:140px;
-    text-transform:capitalize;        
-/* Used by table */
-table.usedByTable {
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-table.usedByTable td.firstColumn{
-    width:140px;
-    text-transform:capitalize;        
-/* Facets table*/
-table.facetsTable {
-    border-spacing:1px;
-table.facetsTable td.firstColumn{
-    width:140px;
-    text-transform:capitalize;        
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-table.attributesTable th{
-    font-weight:normal;
-table.attributesTable tr:hover{
-    color:inherit;
-    background-color:#EAF1FB;
-/* Identity constraints table */
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-    border-spacing:1px;
-table.identityConstraintsTable th{
-    font-weight:normal;
-table.identityConstraintsTable tr:hover{
-    color:inherit;
-    background-color:#EAF1FB;
-    The diagram.    
-table.component td.diagram {
-    background-color:white;
-    color:inherit;
-/* This table is a workaround for an IE bug regarding pre-wrap */
-table.preWrapContainer td{
-    border:0;
-    margin:0;
-    padding:0;
-/* Annotations. */
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-    Controls for bulk showing/hidding sections 
-    from the documentation.
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-    Navigation.
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-  The second level of index. Floating DIVs
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-    The footer. 
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deleted file mode 100644
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-   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-   distributed with this work for additional information
-   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-   specific language governing permissions and limitations
-   under the License.
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-    border-collapse: collapse;
-/* Added as a temporary fix for CONF-4223. The table elements appear to be inheriting the border: none attribute from the sectionMacro class */
-table.confluenceTable td.confluenceTd
-    border-width: 1px;
-    border-style: solid;
-    border-color: #ccc;
-    padding: 3px 4px 3px 4px;
-/* Added as a temporary fix for CONF-4223. The table elements appear to be inheriting the border: none attribute from the sectionMacro class */
-table.confluenceTable th.confluenceTh
-    border-width: 1px;
-    border-style: solid;
-    border-color: #ccc;
-    padding: 3px 4px 3px 4px;
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