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Posted to by Tony Chemit <> on 2014/05/08 13:41:10 UTC

[ANN] License Maven Plugin 1.7 released

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the License 
Maven Plugin, version 1.7. 

This plugin manages the license of a maven project and its dependencies
(update file headers, download dependencies licenses, check thirdparty
licenses, ...).


This License Plugin has the following goals:

* license:add-third-party
  Goal to generate the third-party license file. This file contains a list of
  the dependencies and their licenses. Each dependency and it's license is
  displayed on a single line in the format
   (<license-name>) <project-name> <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version> -
  It will also copy it in the class-path (says add the generated directory as a
  resource of the build).

* license:aggregate-add-third-party
  This aggregator goal (will be executed only once and only on pom projects)
  executed the add-third-party on all his modules (in a parellel build cycle)
  then aggreates all the third-party files in final one in the pom project.

* license:check-file-header
  The goal to check if the state of header on project source files.

* license:comment-style-list
  Displays all the available comment style to box file headers.

* license:download-licenses
  Download the license files of all the current project's dependencies, and
  generate a summary file containing a list of all dependencies and their

* license:license-list
  Display all available licenses.

* license:third-party-report
  Generates a report of all third-parties detected in the module.

* license:update-file-header
  The goal to update (or add) the header on project source files. This goal
  replace the update-header goal which can not deal with Copyright. This goal
  use a specific project file descriptor project.xml to describe all files to
  update for a whole project.

* license:update-project-license
  Updates (or creates) the main project license file according to the given
  license defines as licenseName. Can also generate a bundled license file (to
  avoid collision names in class-path). This file is by default generated in
  META-INF class-path directory.

Useful links


To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


The artifacts have been deployed to the mojo repository and will be
mirrored to central.

Release Notes

** Bug
    * [MLICENSE-55]  - "could not rename" warning whenever the header of a source file is updated
    * [MLICENSE-79]  - add-third-party mojo may add unwanted dependencies to the generated third party file when executing in multiple projects in a single maven build.
    * [MLICENSE-86]  - [WARNING] could not rename
    * [MLICENSE-105] - Fix some log messages

** Improvement
    * [MLICENSE-103] - Don't show each single file name


The Mojo team.
