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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/08/11 06:57:33 UTC

[GitHub] [camel-k] squakez opened a new issue, #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

squakez opened a new issue, #3536:

   `golangci-lint` used in github actions is now `1.47.2` version and it is reporting several issues. 
   cmd/util/vfs-gen/multifs/multidir.go:43:10                                   exhaustruct   entries is missing in dirInfo
   cmd/util/vfs-gen/multifs/multidir.go:87:45                                   exhaustruct   entries is missing in dirInfo
   cmd/util/vfs-gen/multifs/multidir.go:110:11                                  exhaustruct   pos is missing in dir
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/create.go:33:10                           exhaustruct   baseAction is missing in createAction
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize.go:37:10                       exhaustruct   baseAction is missing in initializeAction
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize.go:134:10                      exhaustruct   Status is missing in PersistentVolumeClaim
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize.go:139:15                      exhaustruct   GenerateName, SelfLink, UID, ResourceVersion, Generation, CreationTimestamp, DeletionTimestamp, DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, Annotations, OwnerReferences, Finalizers, ClusterName, ManagedFields are missing in ObjectMeta
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize.go:146:9                       exhaustruct   Selector, VolumeName, StorageClassName, VolumeMode, DataSource, DataSourceRef are missing in PersistentVolumeClaimSpec
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize.go:150:15                      exhaustruct   Limits is missing in ResourceRequirements
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/integrationplatform_controller.go:74:66   exhaustruct   MaxConcurrentReconciles, RateLimiter, Log, CacheSyncTimeout, RecoverPanic are missing in Options
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/integrationplatform_controller.go:80:36   exhaustruct   TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec, Status are missing in IntegrationPlatform
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/integrationplatform_controller.go:82:3    exhaustruct   CreateFunc, GenericFunc are missing in FilteringFuncs
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/integrationplatform_controller.go:111:31  exhaustruct   client, reader, scheme, recorder are missing in reconcileIntegrationPlatform
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/integrationplatform_controller.go:138:10  exhaustruct   Requeue, RequeueAfter are missing in Result
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/integrationplatform_controller.go:151:11  exhaustruct   Requeue, RequeueAfter are missing in Result
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/integrationplatform_controller.go:160:10  exhaustruct   Requeue, RequeueAfter are missing in Result
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/integrationplatform_controller.go:222:9   exhaustruct   Requeue is missing in Result
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/kaniko_cache.go:49:9                      exhaustruct   Status is missing in Pod
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/kaniko_cache.go:54:15                     exhaustruct   GenerateName, SelfLink, UID, ResourceVersion, Generation, CreationTimestamp, DeletionTimestamp, DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, Annotations, OwnerReferences, Finalizers, ClusterName, ManagedFields are missing in ObjectMeta
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/kaniko_cache.go:61:9                      exhaustruct   EphemeralContainers, TerminationGracePeriodSeconds, ActiveDeadlineSeconds, DNSPolicy, NodeSelector, ServiceAccountName, DeprecatedServiceAccount, AutomountServiceAccountToken, NodeName, HostNetwork, HostPID, HostIPC, ShareProcessNamespace, SecurityContext, ImagePullSecrets, Hostname, Subdomain, Affinity, SchedulerName, Tolerations, HostAliases, PriorityClassName, Priority, DNSConfig, ReadinessGates, RuntimeClassName, EnableServiceLinks, PreemptionPolicy, Overhead, TopologySpreadConstraints, SetHostnameAsFQDN are missing in PodSpec
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/kaniko_cache.go:98:20                     exhaustruct   HostPath, EmptyDir, GCEPersistentDisk, AWSElasticBlockStore, GitRepo, Secret, NFS, ISCSI, Glusterfs, RBD, FlexVolume, Cinder, CephFS, Flocker, DownwardAPI, FC, AzureFile, ConfigMap, VsphereVolume, Quobyte, AzureDisk, PhotonPersistentDisk, Projected, PortworxVolume, ScaleIO, StorageOS, CSI, Ephemeral are missing in VolumeSource
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/kaniko_cache.go:99:31                     exhaustruct   ReadOnly is missing in PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/monitor.go:30:10                          exhaustruct   baseAction is missing in monitorAction
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm.go:34:10                             exhaustruct   baseAction is missing in warmAction
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm.go:54:9                              exhaustruct   Spec, Status are missing in Pod
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm.go:59:15                             exhaustruct   GenerateName, SelfLink, UID, ResourceVersion, Generation, CreationTimestamp, DeletionTimestamp, DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, Labels, Annotations, OwnerReferences, Finalizers, ClusterName, ManagedFields are missing in ObjectMeta
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/create_test.go:36:8                       exhaustruct   TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec, Status are missing in IntegrationPlatform
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize_test.go:37:8                   exhaustruct   TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec, Status are missing in IntegrationPlatform
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:42:9                         exhaustruct   Spec is missing in Pod
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:47:15                        exhaustruct   GenerateName, SelfLink, UID, ResourceVersion, Generation, CreationTimestamp, DeletionTimestamp, DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, Labels, Annotations, OwnerReferences, Finalizers, ClusterName, ManagedFields are missing in ObjectMeta
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:51:11                        exhaustruct   Conditions, Message, Reason, NominatedNodeName, HostIP, PodIP, PodIPs, StartTime, InitContainerStatuses, ContainerStatuses, QOSClass, EphemeralContainerStatuses are missing in PodStatus
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:77:9                         exhaustruct   Spec is missing in Pod
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:82:15                        exhaustruct   GenerateName, SelfLink, UID, ResourceVersion, Generation, CreationTimestamp, DeletionTimestamp, DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, Labels, Annotations, OwnerReferences, Finalizers, ClusterName, ManagedFields are missing in ObjectMeta
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:86:11                        exhaustruct   Conditions, Message, Reason, NominatedNodeName, HostIP, PodIP, PodIPs, StartTime, InitContainerStatuses, ContainerStatuses, QOSClass, EphemeralContainerStatuses are missing in PodStatus
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:112:9                        exhaustruct   Spec is missing in Pod
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:121:11                       exhaustruct   Conditions, Message, Reason, NominatedNodeName, HostIP, PodIP, PodIPs, StartTime, InitContainerStatuses, ContainerStatuses, QOSClass, EphemeralContainerStatuses are missing in PodStatus
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize_test.go:36:6                   nosnakecase   TestTimeouts_Default contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize_test.go:59:6                   nosnakecase   TestTimeouts_MavenComputedFromBuild contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/initialize_test.go:89:6                   nosnakecase   TestTimeouts_Truncated contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:35:6                         nosnakecase   TestWarm_Succeeded contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:70:6                         nosnakecase   TestWarm_Failing contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integrationplatform/warm_test.go:105:6                        nosnakecase   TestWarm_WarmingUp contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/util/util.go:277:39                                                      nosnakecase   O_RDWR contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/util/util.go:565:27                                                      nosnakecase   O_RDWR contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/util/camel/camel_dependencies.go:57:98                                   exhaustruct   Classifier, Exclusions are missing in Dependency
   pkg/util/camel/camel_dependencies.go:139:58                                  exhaustruct   Name is missing in Repository
   pkg/util/camel/camel_dependencies.go:142:17                                  exhaustruct   UpdatePolicy is missing in RepositoryPolicy
   pkg/util/camel/camel_dependencies.go:146:18                                  exhaustruct   UpdatePolicy is missing in RepositoryPolicy
   pkg/util/camel/camel_dependencies.go:166:12                                  exhaustruct   Dependencies is missing in Plugin
   pkg/util/camel/camel_dependencies.go:183:11                                  exhaustruct   Version, Type, Classifier, Scope, Exclusions are missing in Dependency
   pkg/util/camel/camel_dependencies.go:209:10                                  exhaustruct   Version, Type, Classifier, Scope, Exclusions are missing in Dependency
   pkg/util/camel/camel_runtime_catalog.go:28:13                                exhaustruct   CamelCatalogSpec, artifactByScheme, artifactByDataFormat, schemesByID, languageDependencies, javaTypeDependencies are missing in RuntimeCatalog
   pkg/util/camel/catalog.go:69:33                                              exhaustruct   ApplicationClass, Dependencies, Capabilities are missing in RuntimeSpec
   pkg/util/camel/catalog.go:129:13                                             exhaustruct   TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Status, Spec are missing in CamelCatalog
   pkg/util/camel/catalog.go:178:12                                             exhaustruct   Dependencies is missing in Plugin
   pkg/util/camel/catalog.go:194:13                                             exhaustruct   Extensions is missing in Build
   pkg/util/camel/camel_util_test.go:30:10                                      exhaustruct   Artifacts, Loaders are missing in CamelCatalogSpec
   pkg/util/camel/camel_util_test.go:31:10                                      exhaustruct   Artifacts, Loaders are missing in CamelCatalogSpec
   pkg/builder/types.go:77:2                                                    containedctx  found a struct that contains a context.Context field
   cmd/util/doc-gen/generators/traitmetadatagen.go:111:36                       nosnakecase   O_RDWR contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/cmd/local/local_test.go:29:6                                             nosnakecase   TestValidatePropertyFiles_ShouldSucceed contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/cmd/local/local_test.go:45:6                                             nosnakecase   TestValidatePropertyFiles_ShouldFailNotAPropertiesFile contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/cmd/local/local_test.go:62:6                                             nosnakecase   TestValidatePropertyFiles_ShouldFailNotFound contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/trait_types.go:174:2                                               containedctx  found a struct that contains a context.Context field
   pkg/trait/jvm.go:82:1                                                        maintidx      Function name: Apply, Cyclomatic Complexity: 41, Halstead Volume: 6379.68, Maintainability Index: 18
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:197:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_Default contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:219:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_Disabled contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:244:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_Configure_IntegrationKitOnly contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:258:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_Host contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:284:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_TLS_From_Secret_reencrypt contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:319:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_TLS_wrong_secret contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:348:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_TLS_secret_wrong_key contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:376:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_TLS_secret_missing_key contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:404:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_TLS_reencrypt contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:439:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_TLS_edge contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:473:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_TLS_passthrough contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/route_test.go:505:6                                                nosnakecase   TestRoute_WithCustomServicePort contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/trait/util_test.go:159:6                                                 nosnakecase   TestMigrateLegacyConfiguration_invalidConfiguration contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integration/kits_test.go:37:6                                 nosnakecase   TestLookupKitForIntegration_DiscardKitsInError contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integration/kits_test.go:114:6                                nosnakecase   TestLookupKitForIntegration_DiscardKitsWithIncompatibleTraits contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integration/kits_test.go:247:6                                nosnakecase   TestHasMatchingTraits_KitNoTraitShouldNotBePicked contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/controller/integration/kits_test.go:287:6                                nosnakecase   TestHasMatchingTraits_KitSameTraitShouldBePicked contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/util/cancellable/cancellable.go:45:2                                     containedctx  found a struct that contains a context.Context field
   pkg/install/cluster.go:43:1                                                  maintidx      Function name: SetupClusterWideResourcesOrCollect, Cyclomatic Complexity: 44, Halstead Volume: 4245.09, Maintainability Index: 19
   pkg/install/operator.go:76:1                                                 maintidx      Function name: OperatorOrCollect, Cyclomatic Complexity: 63, Halstead Volume: 7841.09, Maintainability Index: 12
   pkg/install/cluster.go:97:27                                                 nosnakecase   Convert_v1_CustomResourceDefinition_To_apiextensions_CustomResourceDefinition contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/install/cluster.go:102:31                                                nosnakecase   Convert_apiextensions_CustomResourceDefinition_To_v1beta1_CustomResourceDefinition contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/cmd/uninstall.go:130:2                                                   ifshort       variable 'uninstallViaOLM' is only used in the if-statement (pkg/cmd/uninstall.go:150:2); consider using short syntax
   pkg/cmd/install.go:214:1                                                     maintidx      Function name: install, Cyclomatic Complexity: 78, Halstead Volume: 10097.10, Maintainability Index: 6
   pkg/cmd/run.go:497:1                                                         maintidx      Function name: createOrUpdateIntegration, Cyclomatic Complexity: 48, Halstead Volume: 7726.13, Maintainability Index: 15
   pkg/cmd/root.go:47:2                                                         nosnakecase   _client contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/cmd/root.go:225:13                                                       nosnakecase   _client contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/cmd/root.go:226:18                                                       nosnakecase   _client contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/cmd/run_help_test.go:45:6                                                nosnakecase   TestExtractProperties_SingleKeyValue contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/cmd/run_help_test.go:56:6                                                nosnakecase   TestExtractProperties_FromFile contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/util/registry/registry_test.go:26:6                                      nosnakecase   TestAuth_GenerateDockerConfig contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   pkg/util/registry/registry_test.go:55:6                                      nosnakecase   TestAuth_Validate contains underscore. You should use mixedCap or MixedCap.
   _Originally posted by @squakez in

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[GitHub] [camel-k] squakez commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
squakez commented on issue #3536:

   Are you on golang version 1.17 as well? or maybe it's a matter of operating system!?

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[GitHub] [camel-k] tadayosi commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
tadayosi commented on issue #3536:

   Hmm, what's the exact command you've run?  Just `make lint`?

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[GitHub] [camel-k] tadayosi commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
tadayosi commented on issue #3536:

   Yes I ran it with golangci-lint v1.47.2. Now I upgraded it to v1.47.3 and it still passes fine. The `main` branch also passes fine with v1.47.3 now:

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[GitHub] [camel-k] squakez closed issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
squakez closed issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

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[GitHub] [camel-k] squakez commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
squakez commented on issue #3536:

   I'm not on a Mac either :)

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[GitHub] [camel-k] tadayosi commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
tadayosi commented on issue #3536:

   Yes, I'm using Go version 1.17.10. I use Linux (Fedora 36) and CI is Ubuntu 20.04 so perhaps it's an issue specific to macOS? 

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[GitHub] [camel-k] squakez commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
squakez commented on issue #3536:

   I've updated the golangci-lint to version 1.47.2 and that log in the description is the result of `make lint` execution. Can you try running the same command with that version upgraded?

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[GitHub] [camel-k] squakez commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
squakez commented on issue #3536:

   Yes, that one.

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[GitHub] [camel-k] tadayosi commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
tadayosi commented on issue #3536:

   @squakez Where do you see this?  I don't see such errors in the validate CI and also with `make lint` locally.
   `exhaustruct` and `nosnakecase` should be explicitly disabled in `.golangci.yml`. Other lints such as `containedctx` and `maintidx` must have been explicitly nolinted per code. I wonder why they don't take effect.

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[GitHub] [camel-k] squakez commented on issue #3536: `golangci-lint` version `1.47.2` reports more errors

Posted by GitBox <>.
squakez commented on issue #3536:

   It seems was some kind of flakiness. Now it works correctly :)

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