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git commit: AMBARI-7068. BE: HDP 2.0.6 should be tolerant of services not owned by it

Repository: ambari
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk 24dea68d6 -> dc269bb15

AMBARI-7068. BE: HDP 2.0.6 should be tolerant of services not owned by it


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: dc269bb1588bee0bf6619f8a70ad1f144591ca09
Parents: 24dea68
Author: Srimanth Gunturi <>
Authored: Wed Sep 3 14:28:25 2014 -0700
Committer: Srimanth Gunturi <>
Committed: Wed Sep 3 16:16:20 2014 -0700

 .../src/main/resources/scripts/ |  19 +-
 .../stacks/HDP/1.3.2/services/  | 377 +++++--------------
 .../stacks/HDP/1.3.3/services/  |   4 -
 .../stacks/HDP/1.3/services/    |   4 -
 .../stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/  | 308 +++------------
 .../stacks/HDP/2.1/services/    |  64 ++--
 .../src/main/resources/stacks/  | 271 +++++++++++++
 .../src/test/python/         | 323 ++++++++++++++--
 .../stacks/2.0.6/common/   |   2 +-
 9 files changed, 738 insertions(+), 634 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
index ed50866..566fe7f 100755
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/scripts/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ USAGE = "Usage: <action> <hosts_file> <services_file>\nPossible actions are: {0}
 SCRIPT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 STACK_ADVISOR_IMPL_PATH_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, './../stacks/{0}/{1}/services/')
@@ -113,9 +114,10 @@ def instantiateStackAdvisor(stackName, stackVersion, parentVersions):
   """Instantiates StackAdvisor implementation for the specified Stack"""
   import imp
-  stackAdvisorPath = STACK_ADVISOR_PATH_TEMPLATE.format(stackName)
-  with open(stackAdvisorPath, 'rb') as fp:
-    stack_advisor = imp.load_module( 'stack_advisor', fp, stackAdvisorPath, ('.py', 'rb', imp.PY_SOURCE) )
+  with open(STACK_ADVISOR_PATH_TEMPLATE, 'rb') as fp:
+    default_stack_advisor = imp.load_module('stack_advisor', fp, STACK_ADVISOR_PATH_TEMPLATE, ('.py', 'rb', imp.PY_SOURCE))
+  stack_advisor = default_stack_advisor
   versions = [stackVersion]
@@ -123,20 +125,21 @@ def instantiateStackAdvisor(stackName, stackVersion, parentVersions):
   for version in reversed(versions):
       path = STACK_ADVISOR_IMPL_PATH_TEMPLATE.format(stackName, version)
-      className = STACK_ADVISOR_IMPL_CLASS_TEMPLATE.format(stackName, version.replace('.', ''))
       with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
-        stack_advisor_impl = imp.load_module('stack_advisor_impl', fp, path, ('.py', 'rb', imp.PY_SOURCE))
+        stack_advisor = imp.load_module('stack_advisor_impl', fp, path, ('.py', 'rb', imp.PY_SOURCE))
+      className = STACK_ADVISOR_IMPL_CLASS_TEMPLATE.format(stackName, version.replace('.', ''))
       print "StackAdvisor implementation for stack {0}, version {1} was loaded".format(stackName, version)
-    except Exception, e:
+    except Exception:
       print "StackAdvisor implementation for stack {0}, version {1} was not found".format(stackName, version)
-    clazz = getattr(stack_advisor_impl, className)
+    clazz = getattr(stack_advisor, className)
+    print "Returning " + className + " implementation"
     return clazz()
   except Exception, e:
     print "Returning default implementation"
-    return stack_advisor.StackAdvisor()
+    return default_stack_advisor.DefaultStackAdvisor()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3.2/services/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3.2/services/
index 17a26e2..c9b119f 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3.2/services/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3.2/services/
@@ -18,169 +18,19 @@ limitations under the License.
 import re
-import socket
 import sys
-from stack_advisor import StackAdvisor
+from stack_advisor import DefaultStackAdvisor
-class HDP132StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
+class HDP132StackAdvisor(DefaultStackAdvisor):
-  def recommendComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
-    """
-    Returns Services object with hostnames array populated for components
-    If hostnames are populated for some components (partial blueprint) - these components will not be processed
-    """
-    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
-    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
-    hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    recommendations = {
-      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
-      "hosts": hostsList,
-      "services": servicesList,
-      "recommendations": {
-        "blueprint": {
-          "host_groups": [ ]
-        },
-        "blueprint_cluster_binding": {
-          "host_groups": [ ]
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    hostsComponentsMap = {}
-    #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with MASTER components
-    for service in services["services"]:
-      masterComponents = [component for component in service["components"] if isMaster(component)]
-      for component in masterComponents:
-        componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-        hostsForComponent = []
-        if isAlreadyPopulated(component):
-          hostsForComponent = component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]
-        else:
-          availableHosts = hostsList
-          if len(hostsList) > 1 and self.isNotPreferableOnAmbariServerHost(component):
-            availableHosts = [hostName for hostName in hostsList if not isLocalHost(hostName)]
-          if isMasterWithMultipleInstances(component):
-            hostsCount = defaultNoOfMasterHosts(component)
-            if hostsCount > 1: # get first 'hostsCount' available hosts
-              if len(availableHosts) < hostsCount:
-                hostsCount = len(availableHosts)
-              hostsForComponent = availableHosts[:hostsCount]
-            else:
-              hostsForComponent = [self.getHostForComponent(component, availableHosts)]
-          else:
-            hostsForComponent = [self.getHostForComponent(component, availableHosts)]
-        #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with 'hostsForComponent'
-        for hostName in hostsForComponent:
-          if hostName not in hostsComponentsMap:
-            hostsComponentsMap[hostName] = []
-          hostsComponentsMap[hostName].append( { "name":componentName } )
-    #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with Slave and Client Components
-    componentsListList = [service["components"] for service in services["services"]]
-    componentsList = [item for sublist in componentsListList for item in sublist]
-    usedHostsListList = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] for component in componentsList if not self.isNotValuable(component)]
-    utilizedHosts = [item for sublist in usedHostsListList for item in sublist]
-    freeHosts = [hostName for hostName in hostsList if hostName not in utilizedHosts]
-    for service in services["services"]:
-      slaveClientComponents = [component for component in service["components"] if isSlave(component) or isClient(component)]
-      for component in slaveClientComponents:
-        componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-        hostsForComponent = []
-        if isAlreadyPopulated(component):
-          hostsForComponent = component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]
-        elif component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"] == "ALL":
-          hostsForComponent = hostsList
-        else:
-          if len(freeHosts) == 0:
-            hostsForComponent = hostsList[-1:]
-          else: # len(freeHosts) >= 1
-            hostsForComponent = freeHosts
-            if isClient(component):
-              hostsForComponent = freeHosts[0:1]
-        #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with 'hostsForComponent'
-        for hostName in hostsForComponent:
-          if hostName not in hostsComponentsMap:
-            hostsComponentsMap[hostName] = []
-          hostsComponentsMap[hostName].append( { "name": componentName } )
-    #prepare 'host-group's from 'hostsComponentsMap'
-    host_groups = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint"]["host_groups"]
-    bindings = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint_cluster_binding"]["host_groups"]
-    index = 0
-    for key in hostsComponentsMap.keys():
-      index += 1
-      host_group_name = "host-group-{0}".format(index)
-      host_groups.append( { "name": host_group_name, "components": hostsComponentsMap[key] } )
-      bindings.append( { "name": host_group_name, "hosts": [{ "fqdn": socket.getfqdn(key) }] } )
-    return recommendations
-  pass
-  def getHostForComponent(self, component, hostsList):
-    componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-    scheme = self.defineSelectionScheme(componentName)
-    if len(hostsList) == 1:
-      return hostsList[0]
-    else:
-      for key in scheme.keys():
-        if isinstance(key, ( int, long )):
-          if len(hostsList) < key:
-            return hostsList[scheme[key]]
-      return hostsList[scheme['else']]
-  def defineSelectionScheme(self, componentName):
-    scheme = self.selectionScheme(componentName)
-    if scheme is None:
-      scheme = {"else": 0}
-    return scheme
-  def selectionScheme(self, componentName):
-    return {
-      'NAMENODE': {"else": 0},
-      'SECONDARY_NAMENODE': {"else": 1},
-      'HBASE_MASTER': {6: 0, 31: 2, "else": 3},
-      'HISTORYSERVER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
-      'RESOURCEMANAGER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
-      'OOZIE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 3},
-      'HIVE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
-      'HIVE_METASTORE': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
-      'WEBHCAT_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
-      }.get(componentName, None)
-  def isNotPreferableOnAmbariServerHost(self, component):
-    componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-    service = ['GANGLIA_SERVER', 'NAGIOS_SERVER']
-    return componentName in service
-  def validateComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
+  def getLayoutValidationItems(self, services, hosts):
     """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with hostnames components assigned to"""
-    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
-    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
-    validations = {
-      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
-      "items": [ ]
-    }
-    items = validations["items"]
+    items = []
     # Validating NAMENODE and SECONDARY_NAMENODE are on different hosts if possible
     hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
     hostsCount = len(hostsList)
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
     componentsListList = [service["components"] for service in services["services"]]
     componentsList = [item for sublist in componentsListList for item in sublist]
@@ -198,32 +48,28 @@ class HDP132StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
     # Validating cardinality
     for component in componentsList:
       if component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"] is not None:
-         componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-         componentHostsCount = 0
-         if component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] is not None:
-           componentHostsCount = len(component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"])
-         cardinality = str(component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"])
-         # cardinality types: null, 1+, 1-2, 1, ALL
-         hostsMax = -sys.maxint - 1
-         hostsMin = sys.maxint
-         hostsMin = 0
-         hostsMax = 0
-         if "+" in cardinality:
-           hostsMin = int(cardinality[:-1])
-           hostsMax = sys.maxint
-         elif "-" in cardinality:
-           nums = cardinality.split("-")
-           hostsMin = int(nums[0])
-           hostsMax = int(nums[1])
-         elif "ALL" == cardinality:
-           hostsMin = hostsCount
-           hostsMax = hostsCount
-         else:
-           hostsMin = int(cardinality)
-           hostsMax = int(cardinality)
-         if componentHostsCount > hostsMax or componentHostsCount < hostsMin:
-           items.append( { "type": 'host-component', "level": 'ERROR', "message": 'Cardinality violation, cardinality={0}, hosts count={1}'.format(cardinality, str(componentHostsCount)), "component-name": str(componentName) } )
+        componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
+        componentHostsCount = 0
+        if component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] is not None:
+          componentHostsCount = len(component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"])
+        cardinality = str(component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"])
+        # cardinality types: null, 1+, 1-2, 1, ALL
+        if "+" in cardinality:
+          hostsMin = int(cardinality[:-1])
+          hostsMax = sys.maxint
+        elif "-" in cardinality:
+          nums = cardinality.split("-")
+          hostsMin = int(nums[0])
+          hostsMax = int(nums[1])
+        elif "ALL" == cardinality:
+          hostsMin = hostsCount
+          hostsMax = hostsCount
+        else:
+          hostsMin = int(cardinality)
+          hostsMax = int(cardinality)
+        if componentHostsCount > hostsMax or componentHostsCount < hostsMin:
+          items.append( { "type": 'host-component', "level": 'ERROR', "message": 'Cardinality violation, cardinality={0}, hosts count={1}'.format(cardinality, str(componentHostsCount)), "component-name": str(componentName) } )
     # Validating host-usage
     usedHostsListList = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] for component in componentsList if not self.isNotValuable(component)]
@@ -232,52 +78,11 @@ class HDP132StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
     for host in nonUsedHostsList:
       items.append( { "type": 'host-component', "level": 'ERROR', "message": 'Host is not used', "host": str(host) } )
-    return validations
-  pass
-  def isNotValuable(self, component):
-    componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-    return componentName in service
-  def recommendConfigurations(self, services, hosts):
-    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
-    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
-    hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    components = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-                  for service in services["services"]
-                  for component in service["components"]]
-    clusterData = self.getClusterData(servicesList, hosts, components)
-    recommendations = {
-      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
-      "hosts": hostsList,
-      "services": servicesList,
-      "recommendations": {
-        "blueprint": {
-          "configurations": {},
-          "host_groups": []
-        },
-        "blueprint_cluster_binding": {
-          "host_groups": []
-        }
-      }
-    }
+    return items
-    configurations = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint"]["configurations"]
-    for service in servicesList:
-      calculation = self.recommendServiceConfigurations(service)
-      if calculation is not None:
-        calculation(configurations, clusterData)
-    return recommendations
-  def recommendServiceConfigurations(self, service):
+  def getServiceConfiguratorDict(self):
     return {
-    }.get(service, None)
+    }
   def putProperty(self, config, configType):
     config[configType] = {"properties": {}}
@@ -361,17 +166,9 @@ class HDP132StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
     return cluster
-  def validateConfigurations(self, services, hosts):
+  def getConfigurationsValidationItems(self, services, hosts):
     """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with configuration values provided in services"""
-    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
-    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
-    validations = {
-      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
-      "items": [ ]
-    }
-    items = validations["items"]
+    items = []
     recommendations = self.recommendConfigurations(services, hosts)
     recommendedDefaults = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint"]["configurations"]
@@ -388,50 +185,88 @@ class HDP132StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
           if siteProperties is not None:
             resultItems = method(siteProperties, recommendedDefaults[siteName]["properties"])
-    return validations
-    pass
+    return items
+  def getServiceConfigurationValidators(self):
+    return {}
   def validateServiceConfigurations(self, serviceName):
-    return {
-    }.get(serviceName, None)
+    return self.getServiceConfigurationValidators().get(serviceName, None)
-  def toConfigurationValidationErrors(self, items, siteName):
+  def toConfigurationValidationProblems(self, validationProblems, siteName):
     result = []
-    for item in items:
-      if item["message"] is not None:
-        error = { "type": 'configuration', "level": 'ERROR', "message": item["message"], "config-type": siteName, "config-name": item["config-name"] }
-        result.append(error)
+    for validationProblem in validationProblems:
+      validationItem = validationProblem.get("item", None)
+      if validationItem is not None:
+        problem = {"type": 'configuration', "level": validationItem["level"], "message": validationItem["message"],
+                   "config-type": siteName, "config-name": validationProblem["config-name"] }
+        result.append(problem)
     return result
+  def getWarnItem(self, message):
+    return {"level": "WARN", "message": message}
+  def getErrorItem(self, message):
+    return {"level": "ERROR", "message": message}
   def validatorLessThenDefaultValue(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, propertyName):
     if not propertyName in properties:
-      return "Value should be set"
+      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
     value = to_number(properties[propertyName])
     if value is None:
-      return "Value should be integer"
+      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be integer")
     defaultValue = to_number(recommendedDefaults[propertyName])
     if defaultValue is None:
       return None
     if value < defaultValue:
-      return "Value is less than the recommended default of {0}".format(defaultValue)
+      return self.getWarnItem("Value is less than the recommended default of {0}".format(defaultValue))
     return None
   def validateXmxValue(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, propertyName):
     if not propertyName in properties:
-      return "Value should be set"
+      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
     value = properties[propertyName]
     defaultValue = recommendedDefaults[propertyName]
     if defaultValue is None:
-      return "Config's default value can't be null or undefined"
+      return self.getErrorItem("Config's default value can't be null or undefined")
     if not checkXmxValueFormat(value):
-      return 'Invalid value format'
+      return self.getErrorItem('Invalid value format')
     valueInt = formatXmxSizeToBytes(getXmxSize(value))
     defaultValueXmx = getXmxSize(defaultValue)
     defaultValueInt = formatXmxSizeToBytes(defaultValueXmx)
     if valueInt < defaultValueInt:
-      return "Value is less than the recommended default of -Xmx" + defaultValueXmx
+      return self.getWarnItem("Value is less than the recommended default of -Xmx" + defaultValueXmx)
     return None
+  def getMastersWithMultipleInstances(self):
+  def getNotValuableComponents(self):
+  def getNotPreferableOnServerComponents(self):
+  def getCardinalitiesDict(self):
+    return {
+      'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER': {"min": 3},
+      'HBASE_MASTER': {"min": 1},
+      }
+  def selectionSchemes(self):
+    return {
+      'NAMENODE': {"else": 0},
+      'SECONDARY_NAMENODE': {"else": 1},
+      'HBASE_MASTER': {6: 0, 31: 2, "else": 3},
+      'HISTORYSERVER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
+      'RESOURCEMANAGER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
+      'OOZIE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 3},
+      'HIVE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      'HIVE_METASTORE': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      'WEBHCAT_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      }
 # Validation helper methods
 def getSiteProperties(configurations, siteName):
@@ -474,46 +309,6 @@ def formatXmxSizeToBytes(value):
     modifier == 'g': 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
     modifier == 't': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
     modifier == 'p': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
-    }[1]
+  }[1]
   return to_number(value) * m
-# Recommendation helper methods
-def isAlreadyPopulated(component):
-  if component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] is not None:
-    return len(component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]) > 0
-  return False
-def isClient(component):
-  return component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_category"] == 'CLIENT'
-def isSlave(component):
-  componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-  isSlave = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_category"] == 'SLAVE'
-  return isSlave
-def isMaster(component):
-  componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-  isMaster = component["StackServiceComponents"]["is_master"]
-  return isMaster
-def isLocalHost(hostName):
-  return socket.getfqdn(hostName) == socket.getfqdn()
-def isMasterWithMultipleInstances(component):
-  componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-  return componentName in masters
-def defaultNoOfMasterHosts(component):
-  componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-  return cardinality(componentName)[min]
-# Helper dictionaries
-def cardinality(componentName):
-  return {
-    'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER': {min: 3},
-    'HBASE_MASTER': {min: 1},
-    }.get(componentName, {min:1, max:1})
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3.3/services/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3.3/services/
index f91efd8..40fac9c 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3.3/services/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3.3/services/
@@ -17,9 +17,5 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
-import socket
-from stack_advisor import StackAdvisor
 class HDP133StackAdvisor(HDP132StackAdvisor):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3/services/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3/services/
index 998ecaa..9360646 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3/services/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/1.3/services/
@@ -17,9 +17,5 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
-import socket
-from stack_advisor import StackAdvisor
 class HDP13StackAdvisor(HDP133StackAdvisor):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/
index 4eb8f02..dd4fae3 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/
@@ -18,169 +18,19 @@ limitations under the License.
 import re
-import socket
 import sys
-from stack_advisor import StackAdvisor
+from stack_advisor import DefaultStackAdvisor
-class HDP206StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
+class HDP206StackAdvisor(DefaultStackAdvisor):
-  def recommendComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
-    """
-    Returns Services object with hostnames array populated for components
-    If hostnames are populated for some components (partial blueprint) - these components will not be processed
-    """
-    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
-    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
-    hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    recommendations = {
-      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
-      "hosts": hostsList,
-      "services": servicesList,
-      "recommendations": {
-        "blueprint": {
-          "host_groups": [ ]
-        },
-        "blueprint_cluster_binding": {
-          "host_groups": [ ]
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    hostsComponentsMap = {}
-    #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with MASTER components
-    for service in services["services"]:
-      masterComponents = [component for component in service["components"] if isMaster(component)]
-      for component in masterComponents:
-        componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-        hostsForComponent = []
-        if isAlreadyPopulated(component):
-          hostsForComponent = component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]
-        else:
-          availableHosts = hostsList
-          if len(hostsList) > 1 and self.isNotPreferableOnAmbariServerHost(component):
-            availableHosts = [hostName for hostName in hostsList if not isLocalHost(hostName)]
-          if isMasterWithMultipleInstances(component):
-            hostsCount = defaultNoOfMasterHosts(component)
-            if hostsCount > 1: # get first 'hostsCount' available hosts
-              if len(availableHosts) < hostsCount:
-                hostsCount = len(availableHosts)
-              hostsForComponent = availableHosts[:hostsCount]
-            else:
-              hostsForComponent = [self.getHostForComponent(component, availableHosts)]
-          else:
-            hostsForComponent = [self.getHostForComponent(component, availableHosts)]
-        #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with 'hostsForComponent'
-        for hostName in hostsForComponent:
-          if hostName not in hostsComponentsMap:
-            hostsComponentsMap[hostName] = []
-          hostsComponentsMap[hostName].append( { "name":componentName } )
-    #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with Slave and Client Components
-    componentsListList = [service["components"] for service in services["services"]]
-    componentsList = [item for sublist in componentsListList for item in sublist]
-    usedHostsListList = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] for component in componentsList if not self.isNotValuable(component)]
-    utilizedHosts = [item for sublist in usedHostsListList for item in sublist]
-    freeHosts = [hostName for hostName in hostsList if hostName not in utilizedHosts]
-    for service in services["services"]:
-      slaveClientComponents = [component for component in service["components"] if isSlave(component) or isClient(component)]
-      for component in slaveClientComponents:
-        componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-        hostsForComponent = []
-        if isAlreadyPopulated(component):
-          hostsForComponent = component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]
-        elif component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"] == "ALL":
-          hostsForComponent = hostsList
-        else:
-          if len(freeHosts) == 0:
-            hostsForComponent = hostsList[-1:]
-          else: # len(freeHosts) >= 1
-            hostsForComponent = freeHosts
-            if isClient(component):
-              hostsForComponent = freeHosts[0:1]
-        #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with 'hostsForComponent'
-        for hostName in hostsForComponent:
-          if hostName not in hostsComponentsMap:
-            hostsComponentsMap[hostName] = []
-          hostsComponentsMap[hostName].append( { "name": componentName } )
-    #prepare 'host-group's from 'hostsComponentsMap'
-    host_groups = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint"]["host_groups"]
-    bindings = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint_cluster_binding"]["host_groups"]
-    index = 0
-    for key in hostsComponentsMap.keys():
-      index += 1
-      host_group_name = "host-group-{0}".format(index)
-      host_groups.append( { "name": host_group_name, "components": hostsComponentsMap[key] } )
-      bindings.append( { "name": host_group_name, "hosts": [{ "fqdn": socket.getfqdn(key) }] } )
-    return recommendations
-  pass
-  def getHostForComponent(self, component, hostsList):
-    componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-    scheme = self.defineSelectionScheme(componentName)
-    if len(hostsList) == 1:
-      return hostsList[0]
-    else:
-      for key in scheme.keys():
-        if isinstance(key, ( int, long )):
-          if len(hostsList) < key:
-            return hostsList[scheme[key]]
-      return hostsList[scheme['else']]
-  def defineSelectionScheme(self, componentName):
-    scheme = self.selectionScheme(componentName)
-    if scheme is None:
-      scheme = {"else": 0}
-    return scheme
-  def selectionScheme(self, componentName):
-    return {
-      'NAMENODE': {"else": 0},
-      'SECONDARY_NAMENODE': {"else": 1},
-      'HBASE_MASTER': {6: 0, 31: 2, "else": 3},
-      'HISTORYSERVER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
-      'RESOURCEMANAGER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
-      'OOZIE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 3},
-      'HIVE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
-      'HIVE_METASTORE': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
-      'WEBHCAT_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
-      }.get(componentName, None)
-  def isNotPreferableOnAmbariServerHost(self, component):
-    componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-    service = ['GANGLIA_SERVER', 'NAGIOS_SERVER']
-    return componentName in service
-  def validateComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
+  def getLayoutValidationItems(self, services, hosts):
     """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with hostnames components assigned to"""
-    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
-    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
-    validations = {
-      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
-      "items": [ ]
-    }
-    items = validations["items"]
+    items = []
     # Validating NAMENODE and SECONDARY_NAMENODE are on different hosts if possible
     hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
     hostsCount = len(hostsList)
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
     componentsListList = [service["components"] for service in services["services"]]
     componentsList = [item for sublist in componentsListList for item in sublist]
@@ -204,10 +54,6 @@ class HDP206StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
            componentHostsCount = len(component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"])
          cardinality = str(component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"])
          # cardinality types: null, 1+, 1-2, 1, ALL
-         hostsMax = -sys.maxint - 1
-         hostsMin = sys.maxint
-         hostsMin = 0
-         hostsMax = 0
          if "+" in cardinality:
            hostsMin = int(cardinality[:-1])
            hostsMax = sys.maxint
@@ -232,54 +78,13 @@ class HDP206StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
     for host in nonUsedHostsList:
       items.append( { "type": 'host-component', "level": 'ERROR', "message": 'Host is not used', "host": str(host) } )
-    return validations
-  pass
-  def isNotValuable(self, component):
-    componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-    return componentName in service
+    return items
-  def recommendConfigurations(self, services, hosts):
-    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
-    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
-    hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    components = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-                  for service in services["services"]
-                  for component in service["components"]]
-    clusterData = self.getClusterData(servicesList, hosts, components)
-    recommendations = {
-      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
-      "hosts": hostsList,
-      "services": servicesList,
-      "recommendations": {
-        "blueprint": {
-          "configurations": {},
-          "host_groups": []
-        },
-        "blueprint_cluster_binding": {
-          "host_groups": []
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    configurations = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint"]["configurations"]
-    for service in servicesList:
-      calculation = self.recommendServiceConfigurations(service)
-      if calculation is not None:
-        calculation(configurations, clusterData)
-    return recommendations
-  def recommendServiceConfigurations(self, service):
+  def getServiceConfiguratorDict(self):
     return {
       "YARN": self.recommendYARNConfigurations,
       "MAPREDUCE2": self.recommendMapReduce2Configurations
-    }.get(service, None)
+    }
   def putProperty(self, config, configType):
     config[configType] = {"properties": {}}
@@ -379,17 +184,9 @@ class HDP206StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
     return cluster
-  def validateConfigurations(self, services, hosts):
+  def getConfigurationsValidationItems(self, services, hosts):
     """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with configuration values provided in services"""
-    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
-    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
-    validations = {
-      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
-      "items": [ ]
-    }
-    items = validations["items"]
+    items = []
     recommendations = self.recommendConfigurations(services, hosts)
     recommendedDefaults = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint"]["configurations"]
@@ -406,22 +203,24 @@ class HDP206StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
           if siteProperties is not None:
             resultItems = method(siteProperties, recommendedDefaults[siteName]["properties"])
-    return validations
-    pass
+    return items
-  def validateServiceConfigurations(self, serviceName):
+  def getServiceConfigurationValidators(self):
     return {
       "MAPREDUCE2": ["mapred-site", self.validateMapReduce2Configurations],
       "YARN": ["yarn-site", self.validateYARNConfigurations]
-    }.get(serviceName, None)
+    }
+  def validateServiceConfigurations(self, serviceName):
+    return self.getServiceConfigurationValidators().get(serviceName, None)
   def toConfigurationValidationProblems(self, validationProblems, siteName):
     result = []
     for validationProblem in validationProblems:
       validationItem = validationProblem.get("item", None)
       if validationItem is not None:
-        problem = { "type": 'configuration', "level": validationItem["level"], "message": validationItem["message"],
-                  "config-type": siteName, "config-name": validationProblem["config-name"] }
+        problem = {"type": 'configuration', "level": validationItem["level"], "message": validationItem["message"],
+                   "config-type": siteName, "config-name": validationProblem["config-name"] }
     return result
@@ -476,6 +275,36 @@ class HDP206StackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
                         {"config-name": 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb')} ]
     return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "yarn-site")
+  def getMastersWithMultipleInstances(self):
+  def getNotValuableComponents(self):
+  def getNotPreferableOnServerComponents(self):
+  def getCardinalitiesDict(self):
+    return {
+      'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER': {"min": 3},
+      'HBASE_MASTER': {"min": 1},
+      }
+  def selectionSchemes(self):
+    return {
+      'NAMENODE': {"else": 0},
+      'SECONDARY_NAMENODE': {"else": 1},
+      'HBASE_MASTER': {6: 0, 31: 2, "else": 3},
+      'HISTORYSERVER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
+      'RESOURCEMANAGER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
+      'OOZIE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 3},
+      'HIVE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      'HIVE_METASTORE': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      'WEBHCAT_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      }
 # Validation helper methods
 def getSiteProperties(configurations, siteName):
@@ -519,45 +348,4 @@ def formatXmxSizeToBytes(value):
     modifier == 't': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
     modifier == 'p': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
-  return to_number(value) * m
-# Recommendation helper methods
-def isAlreadyPopulated(component):
-  if component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] is not None:
-    return len(component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]) > 0
-  return False
-def isClient(component):
-  return component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_category"] == 'CLIENT'
-def isSlave(component):
-  componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-  isSlave = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_category"] == 'SLAVE'
-  return isSlave
-def isMaster(component):
-  componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-  isMaster = component["StackServiceComponents"]["is_master"]
-  return isMaster
-def isLocalHost(hostName):
-  return socket.getfqdn(hostName) == socket.getfqdn()
-def isMasterWithMultipleInstances(component):
-  componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-  return componentName in masters
-def defaultNoOfMasterHosts(component):
-  componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-  return cardinality(componentName)[min]
-# Helper dictionaries
-def cardinality(componentName):
-  return {
-    'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER': {min: 3},
-    'HBASE_MASTER': {min: 1},
-    }.get(componentName, {min:1, max:1})
+  return to_number(value) * m
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.1/services/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.1/services/
index 98fee5d..bcf3f61 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.1/services/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.1/services/
@@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
-import socket
-from stack_advisor import StackAdvisor
 class HDP21StackAdvisor(HDP206StackAdvisor):
   def recommendServiceConfigurations(self, service):
@@ -58,35 +54,45 @@ class HDP21StackAdvisor(HDP206StackAdvisor):
                    "-server -Xmx" + str(int(0.8 * clusterData["amMemory"]))
                    + "m -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseParallelGC")
-  def isNotPreferableOnAmbariServerHost(self, component):
-    componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-    return componentName in service
+  def getNotPreferableOnServerComponents(self):
-  def isNotValuable(self, component):
-    componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-    return componentName in service
+  def getNotValuableComponents(self):
-  def selectionScheme(self, componentName):
-    scheme = super(HDP21StackAdvisor, self).selectionScheme(componentName)
-    if scheme is None:
-      return {
+  def selectionSchemes(self):
+    return {
+      'NAMENODE': {"else": 0},
+      'SECONDARY_NAMENODE': {"else": 1},
+      'HBASE_MASTER': {6: 0, 31: 2, "else": 3},
+      'HISTORYSERVER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
+      'RESOURCEMANAGER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
+      'OOZIE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 3},
+      'HIVE_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      'HIVE_METASTORE': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      'WEBHCAT_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 4},
+      }
+  def selectionScheme(self):
+    parentSchemes = super(HDP21StackAdvisor, self).selectionSchemes()
+    childSchemes = {
         'APP_TIMELINE_SERVER': {31: 1, "else": 2},
         'FALCON_SERVER': {6: 1, 31: 2, "else": 3}
-        }.get(componentName, None)
-    else:
-      return scheme
-  def validateServiceConfigurations(self, serviceName):
-    validator = super(HDP21StackAdvisor, self).validateServiceConfigurations(serviceName)
-    if validator is None:
-      return {
-        "HIVE": ["hive-site", self.validateHiveConfigurations],
-        "TEZ": ["tez-site", self.validateTezConfigurations]
-      }.get(serviceName, None)
-    else:
-      return validator
+    }
+    parentSchemes.update(childSchemes)
+    return parentSchemes
+  def getServiceConfigurationValidators(self):
+    parentValidators = super(HDP21StackAdvisor, self).getServiceConfigurationValidators()
+    childValidators = {
+      "HIVE": ["hive-site", self.validateHiveConfigurations],
+      "TEZ": ["tez-site", self.validateTezConfigurations]
+    }
+    parentValidators.update(childValidators)
+    return parentValidators
   def validateHiveConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults):
     validationItems = [ {"config-name": 'hive.tez.container.size', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'hive.tez.container.size')},
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/
index 5f66fff..dca2834 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
+import socket
 class StackAdvisor(object):
   def recommendComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
@@ -35,3 +37,272 @@ class StackAdvisor(object):
     """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with configuration values provided in services"""
+class DefaultStackAdvisor(StackAdvisor):
+  def recommendComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
+    """Returns Services object with hostnames array populated for components"""
+    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
+    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
+    hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
+    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
+    layoutRecommendations = self.provideLayout(services, hosts)
+    recommendations = {
+      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
+      "hosts": hostsList,
+      "services": servicesList,
+      "recommendations": layoutRecommendations
+    }
+    return recommendations
+  def provideLayout(self, services, hosts):
+    recommendations = {
+      "blueprint": {
+        "host_groups": [ ]
+      },
+      "blueprint_cluster_binding": {
+        "host_groups": [ ]
+      }
+    }
+    hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
+    hostsComponentsMap = {}
+    for hostName in hostsList:
+      if hostName not in hostsComponentsMap:
+        hostsComponentsMap[hostName] = []
+    #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with MASTER components
+    for service in services["services"]:
+      masterComponents = [component for component in service["components"] if self.isMaster(component)]
+      for component in masterComponents:
+        componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
+        if self.isAlreadyPopulated(component):
+          hostsForComponent = component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]
+        else:
+          availableHosts = hostsList
+          if len(hostsList) > 1 and self.isNotPreferableOnAmbariServerHost(component):
+            availableHosts = [hostName for hostName in hostsList if not self.isLocalHost(hostName)]
+          if self.isMasterWithMultipleInstances(component):
+            hostsCount = self.defaultNoOfMasterHosts(component)
+            if hostsCount > 1: # get first 'hostsCount' available hosts
+              if len(availableHosts) < hostsCount:
+                hostsCount = len(availableHosts)
+              hostsForComponent = availableHosts[:hostsCount]
+            else:
+              hostsForComponent = [self.getHostForComponent(component, availableHosts, hostsComponentsMap)]
+          else:
+            hostsForComponent = [self.getHostForComponent(component, availableHosts, hostsComponentsMap)]
+        #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with 'hostsForComponent'
+        for hostName in hostsForComponent:
+          hostsComponentsMap[hostName].append( { "name":componentName } )
+    #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with Slave and Client Components
+    componentsListList = [service["components"] for service in services["services"]]
+    componentsList = [item for sublist in componentsListList for item in sublist]
+    usedHostsListList = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] for component in componentsList if not self.isNotValuable(component)]
+    utilizedHosts = [item for sublist in usedHostsListList for item in sublist]
+    freeHosts = [hostName for hostName in hostsList if hostName not in utilizedHosts]
+    for service in services["services"]:
+      slaveClientComponents = [component for component in service["components"]
+                               if self.isSlave(component) or self.isClient(component)]
+      for component in slaveClientComponents:
+        componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
+        if self.isAlreadyPopulated(component):
+          hostsForComponent = component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]
+        elif component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"] == "ALL":
+          hostsForComponent = hostsList
+        else:
+          if len(freeHosts) == 0:
+            hostsForComponent = hostsList[-1:]
+          else: # len(freeHosts) >= 1
+            hostsForComponent = freeHosts
+            if self.isClient(component):
+              hostsForComponent = freeHosts[0:1]
+        #extend 'hostsComponentsMap' with 'hostsForComponent'
+        for hostName in hostsForComponent:
+          if hostName not in hostsComponentsMap:
+            hostsComponentsMap[hostName] = []
+          hostsComponentsMap[hostName].append( { "name": componentName } )
+    #prepare 'host-group's from 'hostsComponentsMap'
+    host_groups = recommendations["blueprint"]["host_groups"]
+    bindings = recommendations["blueprint_cluster_binding"]["host_groups"]
+    index = 0
+    for key in hostsComponentsMap.keys():
+      index += 1
+      host_group_name = "host-group-{0}".format(index)
+      host_groups.append( { "name": host_group_name, "components": hostsComponentsMap[key] } )
+      bindings.append( { "name": host_group_name, "hosts": [{ "fqdn": socket.getfqdn(key) }] } )
+    return recommendations
+  pass
+  def prepareValidationResponse(self, services, validationItems):
+    """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with hostnames components assigned to"""
+    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
+    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
+    validations = {
+      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
+      "items": validationItems
+    }
+    return validations
+  def validateComponentLayout(self, services, hosts):
+    """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with hostnames components assigned to"""
+    validationItems = self.getLayoutValidationItems(services, hosts)
+    return self.prepareValidationResponse(services, validationItems)
+  def validateConfigurations(self, services, hosts):
+    """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with hostnames components assigned to"""
+    validationItems = self.getConfigurationsValidationItems(services, hosts)
+    return self.prepareValidationResponse(services, validationItems)
+  def getLayoutValidationItems(self, services, hosts):
+    return []
+  def getClusterData(self, servicesList, hosts, components):
+    pass
+  def getConfigurationsValidationItems(self, services, hosts):
+    return []
+  def recommendConfigurations(self, services, hosts):
+    stackName = services["Versions"]["stack_name"]
+    stackVersion = services["Versions"]["stack_version"]
+    hostsList = [host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
+    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
+    components = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
+                  for service in services["services"]
+                  for component in service["components"]]
+    clusterData = self.getClusterData(servicesList, hosts, components)
+    recommendations = {
+      "Versions": {"stack_name": stackName, "stack_version": stackVersion},
+      "hosts": hostsList,
+      "services": servicesList,
+      "recommendations": {
+        "blueprint": {
+          "configurations": {},
+          "host_groups": []
+        },
+        "blueprint_cluster_binding": {
+          "host_groups": []
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    configurations = recommendations["recommendations"]["blueprint"]["configurations"]
+    for service in servicesList:
+      calculation = self.recommendServiceConfigurations(service)
+      if calculation is not None:
+        calculation(configurations, clusterData)
+    return recommendations
+  def recommendServiceConfigurations(self, service):
+    return self.getServiceConfiguratorDict().get(service, None)
+  def getServiceConfiguratorDict(self):
+    return {}
+  # Recommendation helper methods
+  def isAlreadyPopulated(self, component):
+    hostnames = self.getComponentAttribute(component, "hostnames")
+    if hostnames is not None:
+      return len(hostnames) > 0
+    return False
+  def isClient(self, component):
+    return self.getComponentAttribute(component, "component_category") == 'CLIENT'
+  def isSlave(self, component):
+    return self.getComponentAttribute(component, "component_category") == 'SLAVE'
+  def isMaster(self, component):
+    return self.getComponentAttribute(component, "is_master")
+  def getComponentAttribute(self, component, attribute):
+    serviceComponent = component.get("StackServiceComponents", None)
+    if serviceComponent is None:
+      return None
+    return serviceComponent.get(attribute, None)
+  def isLocalHost(self, hostName):
+    return socket.getfqdn(hostName) == socket.getfqdn()
+  def isMasterWithMultipleInstances(self, component):
+    componentName = self.getComponentName(component)
+    masters = self.getMastersWithMultipleInstances()
+    return componentName in masters
+  def isNotValuable(self, component):
+    componentName = self.getComponentName(component)
+    service = self.getNotValuableComponents()
+    return componentName in service
+  def defaultNoOfMasterHosts(self, component):
+    componentName = self.getComponentName(component)
+    return self.cardinality(componentName)["min"]
+  # Helper dictionaries
+  def cardinality(self, componentName):
+    return self.getCardinalitiesDict().get(componentName, {"min": 1, "max": 1})
+  def getHostForComponent(self, component, hostsList, hostsComponentsMap):
+    componentName = self.getComponentName(component)
+    if len(hostsList) == 1:
+      return hostsList[0]
+    else:
+      scheme = self.defineSelectionScheme(componentName)
+      if scheme is not None:
+        for key in scheme.keys():
+          if isinstance(key, ( int, long )):
+            if len(hostsList) < key:
+              return hostsList[scheme[key]]
+      return self.getLeastOccupiedHost(hostsList, hostsComponentsMap)
+  def getLeastOccupiedHost(self, hostsList, hostComponentsMap):
+    hostOccupations = dict((host, len(components)) for host, components in hostComponentsMap.iteritems() if host in hostsList)
+    return min(hostOccupations, key=hostOccupations.get)
+  def defineSelectionScheme(self, componentName):
+    return self.selectionSchemes().get(componentName, None)
+  def getComponentName(self, component):
+    return self.getComponentAttribute(component, "component_name")
+  def isNotPreferableOnAmbariServerHost(self, component):
+    componentName = self.getComponentName(component)
+    service = self.getNotPreferableOnServerComponents()
+    return componentName in service
+  def getMastersWithMultipleInstances(self):
+    return []
+  def getNotValuableComponents(self):
+    return []
+  def getNotPreferableOnServerComponents(self):
+    return []
+  def getCardinalitiesDict(self):
+    return {}
+  def selectionSchemes(self):
+    return {}
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/test/python/ b/ambari-server/src/test/python/
index 5a1a242..3f56816 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/test/python/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/test/python/
@@ -38,40 +38,41 @@ class TestStackAdvisorInitialization(TestCase):
     instantiate_stack_advisor_method = getattr(self.stack_advisor, instantiate_stack_advisor_method_name)
     stack_advisor = instantiate_stack_advisor_method("XYZ", "1.0.1", ["1.0.0"])
     self.assertEquals("XYZ101StackAdvisor", stack_advisor.__class__.__name__)
-    services = {"Versions":
-                  {
-                    "stack_name":"XYZ",
-                    "stack_version":"1.0.1"
-                  },
-                "services":[
-                  {
-                    "StackServices":{
-                      "service_name":"YARN"
-                    },
-                    "components":[
-                      {
-                        "StackServiceComponents": {
-                          "component_name": "RESOURCEMANAGER"
-                        }
-                      },
-                      {
-                        "StackServiceComponents": {
-                          "component_name": "APP_TIMELINE_SERVER"
-                        }
-                      },
-                      {
-                        "StackServiceComponents": {
-                          "component_name":"YARN_CLIENT"
-                        }
-                      },
-                      {
-                        "StackServiceComponents": {
-                          "component_name": "NODEMANAGER"
-                        }
-                      }
-                    ]
-                  }
-                ]
+    services = {
+      "Versions":
+        {
+          "stack_name":"XYZ",
+          "stack_version":"1.0.1"
+        },
+      "services":[
+        {
+          "StackServices":{
+            "service_name":"YARN"
+          },
+          "components":[
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents": {
+                "component_name": "RESOURCEMANAGER"
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents": {
+                "component_name": "APP_TIMELINE_SERVER"
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents": {
+                "component_name":"YARN_CLIENT"
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents": {
+                "component_name": "NODEMANAGER"
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ]
     hosts= {
       "items": [
@@ -84,10 +85,258 @@ class TestStackAdvisorInitialization(TestCase):
     '''Check that value is populated from child class, not parent'''
     self.assertEquals("-Xmx101m", yarn_configs["yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb"])
-  def test_stackAdvisorSuperClassIsFoundAndReturnedAsDefaultImpl(self):
+  def test_stackAdvisorDefaultImpl(self):
     instantiate_stack_advisor_method_name = 'instantiateStackAdvisor'
     instantiate_stack_advisor_method = getattr(self.stack_advisor, instantiate_stack_advisor_method_name)
     '''Not existent stack - to return default implementation'''
     default_stack_advisor = instantiate_stack_advisor_method("HDP1", "2.0.6", [])
-    self.assertEquals("StackAdvisor", default_stack_advisor.__class__.__name__)
+    self.assertEquals("DefaultStackAdvisor", default_stack_advisor.__class__.__name__)
+    services = {
+      "Versions":
+        {
+          "stack_name":"HDP1",
+          "stack_version":"2.0.6"
+        },
+      "services" : [
+        {
+          "StackServices" : {
+            "service_name" : "GANGLIA",
+            "service_version" : "3.5.0",
+          },
+          "components" : [
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "ALL",
+                "component_name" : "GANGLIA_MONITOR",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1",
+                "component_name" : "GANGLIA_SERVER",
+                "is_master" : True,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "StackServices" : {
+            "service_name" : "HBASE",
+            "service_version" : ""
+          },
+          "components" : [
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1+",
+                "component_name" : "HBASE_CLIENT",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1+",
+                "component_name" : "HBASE_MASTER",
+                "is_master" : True,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1+",
+                "component_name" : "HBASE_REGIONSERVER",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "StackServices" : {
+            "service_name" : "HDFS",
+            "service_version" : ""
+          },
+          "components" : [
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1+",
+                "component_name" : "DATANODE",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            }, {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1+",
+                "component_name" : "HDFS_CLIENT",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            }, {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "0+",
+                "component_name" : "JOURNALNODE",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1-2",
+                "component_name" : "NAMENODE",
+                "is_master" : True,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1",
+                "component_name" : "SECONDARY_NAMENODE",
+                "is_master" : True,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "0+",
+                "component_name" : "ZKFC",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "StackServices" : {
+            "service_name" : "PIG",
+            "service_version" : ""
+          },
+          "components" : [
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "0+",
+                "component_name" : "PIG",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "StackServices" : {
+            "service_name" : "TEZ",
+            "service_version" : ""
+          },
+          "components" : [
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "0+",
+                "component_name" : "TEZ_CLIENT",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "StackServices" : {
+            "service_name" : "ZOOKEEPER",
+            "service_version" : "",
+          },
+          "components" : [
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1+",
+                "component_category" : "CLIENT",
+                "component_name" : "ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT",
+                "is_master" : False,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+              }
+            },
+            {
+              "StackServiceComponents" : {
+                "cardinality" : "1+",
+                "component_name" : "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER",
+                "is_master" : True,
+                "hostnames" : [ ]
+             }
+           }
+          ]
+        }
+      ],
+      "configurations" : {}
+    }
+    hosts= {
+      "items": [
+        {"Hosts": {"host_name": "host1"}},
+        {"Hosts": {"host_name": "host2"}}
+      ]
+    }
+    actualValidateConfigResponse = default_stack_advisor.validateConfigurations(services, hosts)
+    actualValidateLayoutResponse = default_stack_advisor.validateComponentLayout(services, hosts)
+    expectedValidationResponse = {
+      "Versions": {"stack_name": "HDP1", "stack_version": "2.0.6"},
+      "items": []
+    }
+    self.assertEquals(actualValidateConfigResponse, expectedValidationResponse)
+    self.assertEquals(actualValidateLayoutResponse, expectedValidationResponse)
+    actualRecommendConfigResponse = default_stack_advisor.recommendConfigurations(services, hosts)
+    expectedRecommendConfigResponse = {
+      "Versions": {"stack_name": "HDP1", "stack_version": "2.0.6"},
+      "hosts": ["host1", "host2"],
+      "services": ['GANGLIA', 'HBASE', 'HDFS', 'PIG', 'TEZ', 'ZOOKEEPER'],
+      "recommendations": {
+        "blueprint": {
+          "configurations": {},
+          "host_groups": []
+        },
+        "blueprint_cluster_binding": {
+          "host_groups": []
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    self.assertEquals(actualRecommendConfigResponse, expectedRecommendConfigResponse)
+    actualRecommendLayoutResponse = default_stack_advisor.recommendComponentLayout(services, hosts)
+    expectedRecommendLayoutResponse = {
+      "Versions": {"stack_name": "HDP1", "stack_version": "2.0.6"},
+      "hosts": ["host1", "host2"],
+      "services": ['GANGLIA', 'HBASE', 'HDFS', 'PIG', 'TEZ', 'ZOOKEEPER'],
+      "recommendations": {
+        "blueprint": {
+          "host_groups": [
+            {
+              "name": "host-group-1",
+              "components": [
+                {"name": "GANGLIA_SERVER"},
+                {"name": "NAMENODE"},
+                {"name": "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER"}
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "host-group-2",
+              "components": [
+                {"name": "HBASE_MASTER"},
+                {"name": "SECONDARY_NAMENODE"},
+                {"name": "ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT"}
+              ]
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        "blueprint_cluster_binding":
+          {
+            "host_groups": [
+              {
+                "name": "host-group-1",
+                "hosts": [{"fqdn": "host2"}]
+              },
+              {
+                "name": "host-group-2",
+                "hosts": [{"fqdn": "host1"}]
+              }
+            ]
+          }
+      }
+    }
+    self.assertEquals(actualRecommendLayoutResponse, expectedRecommendLayoutResponse)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.0.6/common/ b/ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.0.6/common/
index b1b9f7a..aa86242 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.0.6/common/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.0.6/common/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class TestHDP206StackAdvisor(TestCase):
       stack_advisor_impl = imp.load_module('stack_advisor_impl', fp, hdp206StackAdvisorPath, ('.py', 'rb', imp.PY_SOURCE))
     clazz = getattr(stack_advisor_impl, hdp206StackAdvisorClassName)
     self.stackAdvisor = clazz()
   def test_recommendationCardinalityALL(self):
     servicesInfo = [