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Posted to by Harald Meier <> on 2004/09/29 15:19:41 UTC

how to parse arguments

Dear list members,

I am using Apache-2.0.50 and mod_perl-1.99_16.
I would like to know the most secure, best, and fastest way to parse 
I tried libapreq, but got some strange errors, arguments stayed persistent 
from one request to the next and other strange things happened.

Now I am using the following function and I am happy with it,
but I dont think that it is really the best way to go.

Thanks for your help!

$$g_hSession and $$g_hArgs are global hashrefs

sub untaintString
    $_[0] =~ tr/+/ /;
    $_[0] =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
    $_[0] =~ s/[\;\|\\ ]/ /ig;
    $_[0] =~ s/\r//g;
    $_[0] =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
    $_[0] =~ s/{LF}/\n/g;
    $_[0] =~ s/'/ยด/g;

sub parseArgs
    my $hENV=$$g_hSession->{REQUEST}->subprocess_env;

    my $sParams;

    if    ($hENV->{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'GET' )  { 
$sParams=$hENV->{QUERY_STRING};                  }
    elsif ($hENV->{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'POST')  { read (STDIN, $sParams, 
        logging($LOG_ERR, "error: invalid REQUEST_METHOD: 

    if ($sParams =~ /-{28,29}(\w+)/) 
# if multipart -> parse version number
        my $sVerNum=$1;
        foreach my $sParam (split( /-{28,29}$sVerNum-*[\r]\n/g, $sParams )) 
# and split param string using version number
            if ($sParam =~ /^.*; 
name=\"(.*)\"[\r]\n[\r]\n((.|\r|\n)*)[\r]\n/)                              # 
normal parameter -> add key/value pair to $$g_hArgs

            } else {
                if ($sParam =~ /^.*; name=\"(.*)\"; 
filename=\"(.*)\"[\r]\n.*[\r]\n[\r]\n((.|\r|\n)*)/)     # parameter is a 
file -> add key/value pair to $$g_hArgs
                    $_=substr($2, rindex($2, '\\')+1);
# parse file name
# parse file content
    } else 
# if not multipart -> normal split param1=value1&param2=value2&...
        map { ($a,$b)=split /=/; untaintString($a); untaintString($b); 
$$g_hArgs->{$a}=$b; } (split /&/, $sParams);


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Re: how to parse arguments

Posted by Tom Schindl <>.
Harald Meier wrote:
> Dear list members,
> I am using Apache-2.0.50 and mod_perl-1.99_16.
> I would like to know the most secure, best, and fastest way to parse 
> arguments.
> I tried libapreq, but got some strange errors, arguments stayed 
> persistent from one request to the next and other strange things happened.

That happens when creating closures and has **nothing** todo with 
libapreq but is most of time an "error" in your application code (show 
us the app-code where libapreq caches params). I'd advise you to not use 
any param functions yourself. You could also use

> Now I am using the following function and I am happy with it,
> but I dont think that it is really the best way to go.


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