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commons-release-plugin git commit: COMMONSSITE-99: checkstyle, fb integration

Repository: commons-release-plugin
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master ab57c00a2 -> 74fb915c8

COMMONSSITE-99: checkstyle, fb integration


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 74fb915c84a808ee88fb435fd70e82b0cea9cf1d
Parents: ab57c00
Author: Rob Tompkins <>
Authored: Sun Jan 7 15:05:15 2018 -0500
Committer: Rob Tompkins <>
Committed: Sun Jan 7 15:05:15 2018 -0500

 checkstyle-suppressions.xml |  30 +++
 checkstyle.xml              | 207 +++++++++++++++
 fb-excludes.xml             |  18 ++
 pom.xml                     | 532 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 4 files changed, 594 insertions(+), 193 deletions(-)
diff --git a/checkstyle-suppressions.xml b/checkstyle-suppressions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f31b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checkstyle-suppressions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE suppressions PUBLIC
+        "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Suppressions 1.0//EN"
+        "">
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+    <suppress checks="AvoidInlineConditionals" files=".+\.java" lines="0-99999" />
+    <suppress checks="FinalParameters" files=".+\.java" lines="0-99999" />
+    <suppress checks="HiddenField" files=".+\.java" lines="0-99999" />
+    <suppress checks="DesignForExtension" files=".+\.java" lines="0-99999" />
+    <suppress checks="HideUtilityClassConstructor" files=".+\.java" lines="0-99999" />
+    <suppress checks="VisibilityModifier" files=".+\.java" lines="0-99999" />
+    <suppress checks="MagicNumber" files=".*[/\\]test[/\\].*" />
+    <suppress checks="MethodName" files=".*[/\\]test[/\\].*" />
+    <suppress checks="Javadoc" files=".*[/\\]test[/\\].*" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/checkstyle.xml b/checkstyle.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d10962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checkstyle.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+        "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Configuration 1.2//EN"
+        "">
+  Checkstyle configuration that checks the sun coding conventions from:
+    - the Java Language Specification at
+    - the Sun Code Conventions at
+    - the Javadoc guidelines at
+    - the JDK Api documentation
+    - some best practices
+  Checkstyle is very configurable. Be sure to read the documentation at
+ (or in your downloaded distribution).
+  Most Checks are configurable, be sure to consult the documentation.
+  To completely disable a check, just comment it out or delete it from the file.
+  Finally, it is worth reading the documentation.
+<module name="Checker">
+    <!--
+        If you set the basedir property below, then all reported file
+        names will be relative to the specified directory. See
+        <property name="basedir" value="${basedir}"/>
+    -->
+    <!-- Checks that each Java package has a Javadoc file used for commenting. -->
+    <!-- See       -->
+    <module name="JavadocPackage">
+        <property name="allowLegacy" value="true"/>
+    </module>
+    <!-- Checks whether files end with a new line.                        -->
+    <!-- See -->
+    <module name="NewlineAtEndOfFile">
+        <property name="lineSeparator" value="lf" />
+    </module>
+    <!-- Checks that property files contain the same keys.         -->
+    <!-- See -->
+    <module name="Translation"/>
+    <module name="FileLength"/>
+    <!-- Following interprets the header file as regular expressions. -->
+    <!-- <module name="RegexpHeader"/>                                -->
+    <module name="FileTabCharacter">
+        <property name="eachLine" value="true"/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="RegexpSingleline">
+        <!-- \s matches whitespace character, $ matches end of line. -->
+        <property name="format" value="\s+$"/>
+        <property name="message" value="Line has trailing spaces."/>
+    </module>
+    <module name="TreeWalker">
+        <property name="cacheFile" value="${checkstyle.cache.file}"/>
+        <!-- Checks for Javadoc comments.                     -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="JavadocMethod">
+            <property name="allowUndeclaredRTE" value="true"/>
+        </module>
+        <module name="JavadocType"/>
+        <module name="JavadocVariable" />
+        <module name="JavadocStyle"/>
+        <!-- Checks for Naming Conventions.                  -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="ConstantName"/>
+        <module name="LocalFinalVariableName"/>
+        <module name="LocalVariableName"/>
+        <module name="MemberName"/>
+        <module name="MethodName"/>
+        <module name="PackageName"/>
+        <module name="ParameterName"/>
+        <module name="StaticVariableName"/>
+        <module name="TypeName"/>
+        <!-- Checks for Headers                                -->
+        <!-- See   -->
+        <!-- <module name="Header">                            -->
+        <!-- The follow property value demonstrates the ability     -->
+        <!-- to have access to ANT properties. In this case it uses -->
+        <!-- the ${basedir} property to allow Checkstyle to be run  -->
+        <!-- from any directory within a project. See property      -->
+        <!-- expansion,                                             -->
+        <!--        -->
+        <!-- <property                                              -->
+        <!--     name="headerFile"                                  -->
+        <!--     value="${basedir}/java.header"/>                   -->
+        <!-- </module> -->
+        <!-- Checks for imports                              -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="AvoidStarImport"/>
+        <module name="IllegalImport"/> <!-- defaults to sun.* packages -->
+        <module name="RedundantImport"/>
+        <module name="UnusedImports"/>
+        <!-- Checks for Size Violations.                    -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="LineLength">
+            <property name="max" value="120"/>
+        </module>
+        <module name="MethodLength"/>
+        <module name="ParameterNumber"/>
+        <!-- Checks for whitespace                               -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="EmptyForIteratorPad"/>
+        <module name="MethodParamPad"/>
+        <module name="NoWhitespaceAfter"/>
+        <module name="NoWhitespaceBefore"/>
+        <module name="OperatorWrap"/>
+        <module name="ParenPad"/>
+        <module name="TypecastParenPad"/>
+        <module name="WhitespaceAfter"/>
+        <module name="WhitespaceAround"/>
+        <!-- Modifier Checks                                    -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="ModifierOrder"/>
+        <module name="RedundantModifier"/>
+        <!-- Checks for blocks. You know, those {}'s         -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="AvoidNestedBlocks"/>
+        <module name="EmptyBlock"/>
+        <module name="LeftCurly"/>
+        <module name="NeedBraces"/>
+        <module name="RightCurly"/>
+        <!-- Checks for common coding problems               -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="AvoidInlineConditionals"/>
+        <module name="EmptyStatement"/>
+        <module name="EqualsHashCode"/>
+        <module name="HiddenField"/>
+        <module name="IllegalInstantiation"/>
+        <module name="InnerAssignment"/>
+        <module name="MagicNumber"/>
+        <module name="MissingSwitchDefault"/>
+        <module name="SimplifyBooleanExpression"/>
+        <module name="SimplifyBooleanReturn"/>
+        <!-- Checks for class design                         -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="DesignForExtension"/>
+        <module name="FinalClass"/>
+        <module name="HideUtilityClassConstructor"/>
+        <module name="InterfaceIsType"/>
+        <module name="VisibilityModifier"/>
+        <!-- Miscellaneous other checks.                   -->
+        <!-- See -->
+        <module name="ArrayTypeStyle"/>
+        <module name="FinalParameters"/>
+        <module name="TodoComment"/>
+        <module name="UpperEll"/>
+    </module>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fb-excludes.xml b/fb-excludes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceca29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fb-excludes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index d0bc295..31ed813 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -17,209 +17,355 @@
 <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
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-  <parent>
-    <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>
-    <artifactId>commons-parent</artifactId>
-    <version>42</version>
-  </parent>
-  <artifactId>commons-release-plugin</artifactId>
-  <packaging>maven-plugin</packaging>
-  <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
-  <name>Apache Commons Release Plugin Maven Mojo</name>
+    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+    <parent>
+        <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>
+        <artifactId>commons-parent</artifactId>
+        <version>43</version>
+    </parent>
+    <artifactId>commons-release-plugin</artifactId>
+    <packaging>maven-plugin</packaging>
+    <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <name>Apache Commons Release Plugin</name>
-  <description>
-    Apache Maven Mojo for Apache Commons Release tasks.
-  </description>
+    <description>
+        Apache Maven Mojo for Apache Commons Release tasks.
+    </description>
-  <url></url>
+    <url></url>
-  <issueManagement>
-    <system>jira</system>
-    <url></url>
-  </issueManagement>
+    <issueManagement>
+        <system>jira</system>
+        <url></url>
+    </issueManagement>
-  <inceptionYear>2008</inceptionYear>
+    <inceptionYear>2008</inceptionYear>
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-    </developerConnection>
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-  </scm>
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+    </scm>
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-      <id></id>
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-      <url>scm:svn:${commons.scmPubUrl}</url>
-    </site>
-  </distributionManagement>
+    <distributionManagement>
+        <site>
+            <id></id>
+            <name>Apache Commons Site SVN</name>
+            <url>scm:svn:${commons.scmPubUrl}</url>
+        </site>
+    </distributionManagement>
-  <developers>
-    <developer>
-      <name>Rob Tompkins</name>
-      <id>chtompki</id>
-      <email>chtompki AT</email>
-      <timezone>-5</timezone>
-    </developer>
-  </developers>
+    <developers>
+        <developer>
+            <name>Rob Tompkins</name>
+            <id>chtompki</id>
+            <email>chtompki AT</email>
+            <timezone>-5</timezone>
+        </developer>
+    </developers>
-  <properties>
-    <maven.compiler.source>1.7</maven.compiler.source>
-    <>1.7</>
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-    <commons.manifestfile/>
-    <commons.componentid>commons-release-plugin</commons.componentid>
-    <>12310466&amp;amp;component=12312401</>
-    <commons.release.version>${project.version}</commons.release.version>
-    <commons.rc.version>RC1</commons.rc.version>
-    <>commons-release-plugin</>
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-    </commons.scmPubUrl>
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+        <>1.7</>
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+        <commons.componentid>commons-release-plugin</commons.componentid>
+        <>COMMONSSITE</>
+        <>12310466&amp;amp;component=12312401</>
+        <commons.release.version>${project.version}</commons.release.version>
+        <commons.rc.version>RC1</commons.rc.version>
+        <>commons-release-plugin</>
+        <commons.scmPubUrl>
+  ${}
+        </commons.scmPubUrl>
+        <commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory>site-content</commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory>
+        <checkstyle.plugin.version>2.17</checkstyle.plugin.version>
+        <checkstyle.version>6.19</checkstyle.version>
+    </properties>
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-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId>
-      <artifactId>maven-core</artifactId>
-      <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId>
-      <artifactId>maven-plugin-api</artifactId>
-      <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
-    </dependency>
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-      <artifactId>maven-artifact</artifactId>
-      <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
-      <scope>provided</scope>
-    </dependency>
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-      <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugin-tools</groupId>
-      <artifactId>maven-plugin-annotations</artifactId>
-      <version>3.5</version>
-    </dependency>
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-      <artifactId>maven-artifact</artifactId>
-      <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
-    </dependency>
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-      <artifactId>maven-scm-api</artifactId>
-      <version>1.9.5</version>
-    </dependency>
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-      <version>1.9.5</version>
-    </dependency>
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-      <artifactId>maven-scm-provider-svn-commons</artifactId>
-      <version>1.9.5</version>
-    </dependency>
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-      <groupId>commons-codec</groupId>
-      <artifactId>commons-codec</artifactId>
-      <version>1.10</version>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>
-      <artifactId>commons-compress</artifactId>
-      <version>1.15</version>
-    </dependency>
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-      <artifactId>maven-plugin-testing-harness</artifactId>
-      <version>3.3.0</version>
-      <scope>test</scope>
-    </dependency>
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-      <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId>
-      <artifactId>maven-compat</artifactId>
-      <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
-      <scope>test</scope>
-    </dependency>
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-      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
-      <version>4.12</version>
-      <scope>test</scope>
-    </dependency>
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+        </dependency>
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+            <artifactId>maven-plugin-api</artifactId>
+            <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <artifactId>maven-artifact</artifactId>
+            <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
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+            <artifactId>maven-plugin-annotations</artifactId>
+            <version>3.5</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <artifactId>maven-artifact</artifactId>
+            <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <artifactId>maven-scm-api</artifactId>
+            <version>1.9.5</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <artifactId>maven-scm-provider-svnexe</artifactId>
+            <version>1.9.5</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <artifactId>maven-scm-provider-svn-commons</artifactId>
+            <version>1.9.5</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <groupId>commons-codec</groupId>
+            <artifactId>commons-codec</artifactId>
+            <version>1.10</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId>
+            <artifactId>commons-compress</artifactId>
+            <version>1.15</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugin-testing</groupId>
+            <artifactId>maven-plugin-testing-harness</artifactId>
+            <version>3.3.0</version>
+            <scope>test</scope>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId>
+            <artifactId>maven-compat</artifactId>
+            <version>${maven.dependency.version}</version>
+            <scope>test</scope>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>junit</groupId>
+            <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+            <version>4.12</version>
+            <scope>test</scope>
+        </dependency>
+    </dependencies>
-  <build>
-    <resources>
-      <resource>
-        <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
-        <targetPath>resources</targetPath>
-      </resource>
-      <resource>
-        <directory>${basedir}</directory>
-        <targetPath>META-INF</targetPath>
-        <includes>
-          <include>NOTICE.txt</include>
-          <include>LICENSE.txt</include>
-        </includes>
-      </resource>
-    </resources>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
-        <configuration>
-          <descriptors>
-            <descriptor>src/assembly/src.xml</descriptor>
-          </descriptors>
-          <tarLongFileMode>gnu</tarLongFileMode>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId>
-        <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId>
-        <configuration>
-          <useDefaultExcludes>true</useDefaultExcludes>
-          <excludes>
-            <!-- template files which will be inserted into the middle of resulting page -->
-            <exclude>src/main/resources/commons-xdoc-templates/download-page-body.xml</exclude>
-            <exclude>src/main/resources/commons-xdoc-templates/download-page-foot.xml</exclude>
-          </excludes>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
-        <artifactId>versions-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <!-- Version 2.2 causes an NPE with Maven 3.3.9 -->
-        <version>2.3</version>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </build>
-  <reporting>
-    <plugins>
+    <build>
+        <resources>
+            <resource>
+                <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
+                <targetPath>resources</targetPath>
+            </resource>
+            <resource>
+                <directory>${basedir}</directory>
+                <targetPath>META-INF</targetPath>
+                <includes>
+                    <include>NOTICE.txt</include>
+                    <include>LICENSE.txt</include>
+                </includes>
+            </resource>
+        </resources>
+        <pluginManagement>
+            <plugins>
+                <plugin>
+                    <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId>
+                    <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId>
+                    <configuration>
+                        <excludes>
+                            <exclude>site-content/**</exclude>
+                            <exclude>src/site/resources/download_lang.cgi</exclude>
+                            <exclude>src/test/resources/stringEscapeUtilsTestData.txt</exclude>
+                            <exclude>src/site/resources/release-notes/RELEASE-NOTES-*.txt</exclude>
+                        </excludes>
+                    </configuration>
+                </plugin>
+            </plugins>
+        </pluginManagement>
+        <plugins>
+            <plugin>
+                <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
+                <version>${checkstyle.plugin.version}</version>
+                <configuration>
+                    <enableRulesSummary>false</enableRulesSummary>
+                    <configLocation>${basedir}/checkstyle.xml</configLocation>
+                    <headerLocation>${basedir}/license-header.txt</headerLocation>
+                    <suppressionsLocation>${basedir}/checkstyle-suppressions.xml</suppressionsLocation>
+                    <suppressionsFileExpression>${basedir}/checkstyle-suppressions.xml</suppressionsFileExpression>
+                    <includeTestSourceDirectory>true</includeTestSourceDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+                <dependencies>
+                    <dependency>
+                        <groupId></groupId>
+                        <artifactId>checkstyle</artifactId>
+                        <version>${checkstyle.version}</version>
+                    </dependency>
+                </dependencies>
+            </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
+                <configuration>
+                    <descriptors>
+                        <descriptor>src/assembly/src.xml</descriptor>
+                    </descriptors>
+                    <tarLongFileMode>gnu</tarLongFileMode>
+                </configuration>
+            </plugin><plugin>
+            <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+            <artifactId>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+            <!-- Use version from parent pom as that is adjusted according to the Java version used to run Maven -->
+            <version>${commons.findbugs.version}</version>
+            <configuration>
+                <excludeFilterFile>${basedir}/fb-excludes.xml</excludeFilterFile>
+            </configuration>
+        </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
+                <configuration>
+                    <descriptors>
+                        <descriptor>src/assembly/bin.xml</descriptor>
+                        <descriptor>src/assembly/src.xml</descriptor>
+                    </descriptors>
+                    <tarLongFileMode>gnu</tarLongFileMode>
+                </configuration>
+            </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+                <artifactId>maven-scm-publish-plugin</artifactId>
+                <configuration>
+                    <ignorePathsToDelete>
+                        <ignorePathToDelete>javadocs</ignorePathToDelete>
+                    </ignorePathsToDelete>
+                </configuration>
+            </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+    </build>
+    <reporting>
+        <plugins>
-      <!-- exclude surefire report -->
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-surefire-report-plugin</artifactId>
-        <reportSets>
-          <reportSet/>
-        </reportSets>
-      </plugin>
+            <!-- exclude surefire report -->
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+                <artifactId>maven-surefire-report-plugin</artifactId>
+                <reportSets>
+                    <reportSet/>
+                </reportSets>
+            </plugin>
-      <!-- exclude jdepend report -->
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
-        <artifactId>jdepend-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <reportSets>
-          <reportSet/>
-        </reportSets>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </reporting>
+            <!-- exclude jdepend report -->
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+                <artifactId>jdepend-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+                <reportSets>
+                    <reportSet/>
+                </reportSets>
+            </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
+                <version>${checkstyle.plugin.version}</version>
+                <configuration>
+                    <enableRulesSummary>false</enableRulesSummary>
+                    <configLocation>${basedir}/checkstyle.xml</configLocation>
+                    <headerLocation>${basedir}/license-header.txt</headerLocation>
+                    <suppressionsLocation>${basedir}/checkstyle-suppressions.xml</suppressionsLocation>
+                    <suppressionsFileExpression>${basedir}/checkstyle-suppressions.xml</suppressionsFileExpression>
+                    <includeTestSourceDirectory>true</includeTestSourceDirectory>
+                </configuration>
+                <reportSets>
+                    <reportSet>
+                        <reports>
+                            <report>checkstyle</report>
+                        </reports>
+                    </reportSet>
+                </reportSets>
+            </plugin>
+            <!-- Requires setting 'export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m" ' -->
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+                <artifactId>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+                <!-- Use version from parent pom as that is adjusted according to the Java version used to run Maven -->
+                <version>${commons.findbugs.version}</version>
+                <configuration>
+                    <excludeFilterFile>${basedir}/fb-excludes.xml</excludeFilterFile>
+                </configuration>
+            </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+                <artifactId>clirr-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+                <configuration>
+                    <minSeverity>info</minSeverity>
+                </configuration>
+            </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <artifactId>maven-pmd-plugin</artifactId>
+                <version>3.8</version>
+                <configuration>
+                    <targetJdk>${}</targetJdk>
+                </configuration>
+                <reportSets>
+                    <reportSet>
+                        <reports>
+                            <report>pmd</report>
+                            <report>cpd</report>
+                        </reports>
+                    </reportSet>
+                </reportSets>
+            </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+                <artifactId>taglist-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+                <version>2.4</version>
+                <configuration>
+                    <tagListOptions>
+                        <tagClasses>
+                            <tagClass>
+                                <displayName>Needs Work</displayName>
+                                <tags>
+                                    <tag>
+                                        <matchString>TODO</matchString>
+                                        <matchType>exact</matchType>
+                                    </tag>
+                                    <tag>
+                                        <matchString>FIXME</matchString>
+                                        <matchType>exact</matchType>
+                                    </tag>
+                                    <tag>
+                                        <matchString>XXX</matchString>
+                                        <matchType>exact</matchType>
+                                    </tag>
+                                </tags>
+                            </tagClass>
+                            <tagClass>
+                                <displayName>Noteable Markers</displayName>
+                                <tags>
+                                    <tag>
+                                        <matchString>NOTE</matchString>
+                                        <matchType>exact</matchType>
+                                    </tag>
+                                    <tag>
+                                        <matchString>NOPMD</matchString>
+                                        <matchType>exact</matchType>
+                                    </tag>
+                                    <tag>
+                                        <matchString>NOSONAR</matchString>
+                                        <matchType>exact</matchType>
+                                    </tag>
+                                </tags>
+                            </tagClass>
+                        </tagClasses>
+                    </tagListOptions>
+                </configuration>
+            </plugin>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+                <artifactId>javancss-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+            </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+    </reporting>