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Posted to by jkoorts <> on 2017/02/16 11:32:33 UTC

Auto generated web server not working when transport changed

So we have a wsdl-xsd setup where the links don't resolve since they're
sitting behind a firewall.

For wsdl2java to work I created:

<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog"
    <system systemId="http://localhost/wsdl/PortfolioViewGetService.wsdl"

It worked a treat and now I have all my java classes, and my soap calls to
our QA environment works great. With the -all switch I also got a free
WebServer which looks like this: 

@WebService(wsdlLocation =

No problem so far as I want to only use the webservice for my unit tests.
Starting up my unit test I get a failure that TransportBinding: TLS is not
enabled which is expected since I'm running http in my server setup (https
wont work because of the http://localhost bit and I don't care really).

So I understand that the client call mandates TLS, but can I 'hack' the
server to allow the call to pass so that my unit tests pass?


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