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[sling-org-apache-sling-installer-provider-jcr] annotated tag created (now af50a4b)

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rombert pushed a change to annotated tag
in repository

      at af50a4b  (tag)
 tagging 0d1c3a7c7c55e389da3b438f4aec8b271ac58c6f (commit)
      by Carsten Ziegeler
      on Tue Sep 21 07:19:48 2010 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

     new 13349c4  SLING-734 - jcrinstall integration tests, main module moved to 'service' and 'testing' module created
     new 9d1fba3  SLING-734 - fix parent pom locations
     new 7bdd32c  SLING-747 - HTTP interface at /system/sling/jcrinstall to enable/disable jcrinstall, simulating the repository going away. Needed for integration tests
     new 83ca038  SLING-734 - jcrinstall integration tests, first simple InstallClonedBundlesTest works
     new 769e239  SLING-755 -  Move /system/sling/jcrinstall servlet to its own bundle
     new 706db6d  SLING-756 - log bundle startup time
     new b58d7af  SLING-747 - make refreshPackages() call pseudo-synchronous to avoid race conditions when that's called right before changing the start level
     new f02b009  SLING-762 - jcrinstall does not change start level anymore when stopped
     new b40c1fd  SLING-763 - Install bundles at the default framework start level
     new 6400cd4  SLING-769 Explicit Jackrabbit Dependency Versions SLING-794 Adapt to new commons/testing functionality
     new 5c5a622  SLING-794 Remove unneeded test-config folder
     new 4fe31b4  SLING-810 - _jcr_config_path property added to Configurations created by jcrinstall
     new 665ab29  SLING-811 Reduce DependencyManagement in the parent pom and add explicit versions to the modules
     new 0bf9135  SLING-829 Cosmetics to the bundle/project names
     new cb3ecc3  SLING-829 Ensure Apache Sling prefix on all configuration names
     new d3e0f84  SLING-738 - remove useless variables
     new ff5f7ab  SLING-738 - make jcrinstall folder names runmode-aware
     new 6f4bc9a  SLING-865 : Move to bundles
     new c964ebe  SLING-865 : Move to contrib
     new 4cfb09e  SLING-904 - remove unused return value
     new bf3423c  SLING-904 - OsgiControllerTask added, refactoring operations for a future worker thread
     new 5bba261  SLING-904 - OsgiControllerTaskExecutor added, executes install/update/uninstall tasks in a separate thread
     new 2727b7f  SLING-904 - InstallableDataWrapper stores bundle data locally, in case InputStream is gone when installing
     new 8732267  SLING-904 - moving OSGi code to osgiworker bundle
     new 9149829  SLING-904 - osgiworker bundle implemented, all tests pass
     new 0a4c5b3  SLING-904 - move ConfigInstallableData to osgiworker as DictionaryInstallableData, it's of general use
     new e67997b  SLING-904 - remove jcrinstall in the name of osgiworker bundle and packages, it is not JCR specific
     new 1f6f8ba  SLING-904 - remove start level changes in RepositoryObserver, should not be needed with modified osgi controller
     new db2a1d8  Use released versions
     new 8180672  Move Sling to new TLP location
     new ae951c1  SLING-1011 : Adjust svn location
     new 63deb1d  SLING-1011 : Remove disclaimer from readme's, adjust links to webite, fix versions in poms.
     new 888572d  SLING-1019 : Correct bind/unbind methods, don't process anything while in activate or bind. Disable tests for now.
     new 52c9951  Convert parent pom to reactor pom.
     new c4fc24b  SLING-1033 Upgrade to Sling parent POM 6 (and ensure web app has the leglize stuff, too)
     new 7e824ab  SLING-1044 - jcrinstall should only accept .jar, .cfg and .properties files as installable resources, work in progress
     new fe6c353  SLING-1044 - jcrinstall should only accept .jar, .cfg and .properties files as installable resources
     new 12ed82c  SLING-1072 - configurable max depth for scanning install folders
     new d2cb2dd  SLING-1078 - moving jcrinstall code to new installer module
     new 0e98847  SLING-1078 - moving jcrinstall code to new installer module
     new 2ab749f  SLING-1078 - jcrinstall partially adapted to new osgicontroller, work in progress
     new bc29ec6  SLING-1078 - jcrinstall partially adapted to new osgicontroller, work in progress
     new 4eb03ab  SLING-1078 - add jcrinstall module, and use consistent names
     new f9aa9f0  SLING-1078 - FindPathsToWatchTest and support classes added
     new 07c780e  SLING-1078 - RegisteredResourceTest re-implemented (and much simpler ;-)
     new ca46178  SLING-1078 - ResourceDetectionTest: test deletion of resources
     new fb0ceb5  SLING-1078 - use empty InstallableResource for resource removal (as data is not available anymore ;-)
     new 240d34f  SLING-1078 - test*update added
     new d960490  SLING-1078 - avoid unnecessary scans in loop
     new e19e1cc  SLING-1078 - OsgiInstaller ignores invalid and non-bundle jars
     new 54c2a73  SLING-1078 - remove dependency on o.a.s.jcr.resource
     new f491f8c  SLING-1078 - get properties from BundleContext first, we want system properties to override configs
     new 509bf3c  SLING-1078 - resource digest ignored in RegisteredResource comparisons
     new 5221cd2  SLING-1078 - log watched root folders
     new f5ed256  SLING-1078 - correctly handle deletion and moving of root folders
     new b8fbf62  SLING-1078 - more robust definition of root folders priorities
     new 7370033  SLING-1078 - improved handling of JcrInstaller background thread, and fix tests that failed due to changes in go idle behavior
     new 41ebeff  SLING-1078 - safer timings
     new 592f5c1  SLING-1205 Upgrade all projects to parent POM 8 and use OSGi provided OSGi libraries
     new 76f3bb3  SLING-1234 - jcrinstall ignored install folders with paths that contain dots
     new 5f00b63  Clean up code - no functional changes.
     new b7bf6ca  Clean up code - no functional changes.
     new 408b4e6  SLING-1334 - jcrinstall should log folder priority values for troubleshooting
     new 5379cb3  SLING-1337 - config property should be trimmed
     new 5fb6972  SLING-1334 - indicate regexp match in debug logging messages
     new 34ff518  Use latest jcr api to decouple modules from jcr 1.0 (contained in older jcr api releases)
     new d0d310f  SLING-1262 : Add close() method to ResourceResolver and add an empty method to all implementations (this isn't necessary, but avoid's problems later on)
     new 7b83b45  Use released parent pom.
     new 7fd65f6  SLING-1560 : Improve and clean up code Make InstallableResource an interface and create two implementations. Factor out digest handling into an utility class.
     new 48ca330  SLING-1560 : Improve and clean up code Make InstallableResource an implementation again and remove different sub classes.
     new 601b118  SLING-1560 : Improve and clean up code Make InstallableResource an interface again and create a factory service
     new 66ad508  SLING-1560 : Improve and clean up code Make DigestUtil private
     new 061737f  JcrInstaller is not an OSGi service, it's a component
     new ce4b141  Code cleanup and implement new methods of resource resolver.
     new 60e693e  Optimize path handling (trailing slashes)
     new d806abf  Fix path handling
     new e8f7555  SLING-1560 : Improve and clean up code Removed the input stream support for dictionaries from the osgi installer - reading configurations is up to the providers like jcr install. By removing this we can reduce the complexity of the installer. Moved logging to a Logger class to avoid passing around the installer context just for logging Moved statistics methods to own interface as this is just used for testing and should not be part of the public api Cleaned up installabl [...]
     new 7d3ca05  SLING-1560 : Improve and clean up code Slightly change installer interface and separate between scheme and resource identifier for more api consistency Fixed one IT test case
     new 932d44d  Fix test cases
     new e48e848  Fix test cases
     new c4a1557  SLING-1560 : Convert installable resource back to a class and remove the need for an additional factory
     new 19263b7  SLING-1560 : Remove unused Sling API reference.
     new 8d4912f  SLING-1644 : Use configuration reader from Apache Felix ConfigAdmin
     new bb2aa7d  SLING-1651 - Integrate RunMode module into new Settings Module
     new 64923eb  SLING-1488 : Move EventHelper from JCRInstall to Commons Testing
     new 485ced9  SLING-1560 : Remove statistics interface; it is not used anymore
     new ca56d44  adding quiet deletion method
     new 291c3a4  update test for JR 2.1 issues
     new 85d1fb7  using logback in testing
     new 6b5c0cf  SLING-1560 - removing path checking on observation events within the watched trees as this fails to account for cases where a non-matching path was moved
     new a511388  removing unused imports
     new 103d71a  SLING-1560 : InstallabeResource should just be a data object
     new ec7aaa4  removing MOVED event. thought it would help, but it didn't.
     new 23923f6  Some pom formatting, set export version and make dependencies provided
     new fb3eb32  SLING-1689 : Change the OSGi installer interface
     new 88faf15  SLING-1690 : Reduce startup time of jcr install
     new a694251  SLING-1681 : Remove intermediate reactor pom
     new 4fec8be  Cleanup ununsed watched folders.
     new 96b0952  Interrupt thread on shutdown
     new a1914cd  Use Sling Settings 1.0.0
     new b0c9622  SLING-1737 : Add state management for resources
     new e5c9a2a  Prepare release
     new 18e5cbd  Prepare release
     new 8a872ec  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
     new 8070bdd  [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
     new bb35d09  Go back to latest snapshots
     new 2a945f4  Use released version of commons testing.
     new 451af20  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new d3438e1  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new 809d48c  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new 4494a8f  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new 75d0281  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new 9921165  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new ffebd51  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new 561d3a1  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new aa0d01d  SLING-1787 : Unify symbolic names and check package names
     new 9a5573d  Prepare release
     new b8586a4  [maven-release-plugin] prepare release
     new 0d1c3a7  [maven-scm] copy for tag

The 119 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

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