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Posted to by "" <> on 2009/09/28 12:22:43 UTC

invoke external service


this is the correct soap msg i have to send to an external webservice HelloWs and it works:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><ns2:hello xmlns:ns2=""><name>pippo</name></ns2:hello></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>

so i try to call with invoke ina  bpel process:

valuating FROM expression "{Literal <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<literal xmlns="">
<ns2:hello xmlns:ns2="">

This is the firts part of intialize a variable HelloIn that is the input of invoke. 
defining a literal for instanciate a message to send is ok but in the second step why when i copy this into the HelloIn variable whose type is hello it give me a different soap message ( ns2: namespace prefix disappear and also the tag name get a bpel namespace..this is not correct!)

ASSIGN Writing variable 'HelloIn' value '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<message><parameters><hello xmlns="">
<name xmlns=""/>

this is wrong.. why???? so i get a SelectionFailure exception when i try to write into HelloIn.. 


my wsdl contain <types> <schema....
and elementFormDefault= "unqualified"
instead bpel schema is qualified and so tns:input is the input of bpel process (Caller.bpel), that is:

message><payload><CallerRequest xmlns="" xmlns:S=""><input xmlns="">pippo</input></CallerRequest></payload></message>

Can help me?

this is the bpel:


    <!--schema def for bpel, adding to process tag-->

     <!-- wsdl Caller + partnerLink defintion-->
    <import namespace="" location="Caller.wsdl" importType=""/>
     <!-- wsdl Ws Helloname + PartenrLinkType definition-->
    <import namespace="" location="Helloname.wsdl" importType=""/>
    <!-- xsd xhema for HellonameWs -->
    <!--import namespace="" location="Helloname.xsd" importType=""/-->
        <partnerLink name="HelloWs" partnerLinkType="ns2:Helloname" partnerRole="WriteHelloMsgRole"/>
        <partnerLink name="Caller" partnerLinkType="tns:Caller" myRole="CallerProvider"/>
        <variable name="CallerOut" messageType="tns:CallerResponseMessage"/>
        <variable name="HelloOut" messageType="ns2:helloResponse"/>
        <variable name="HelloIn" messageType="ns2:hello" />
        <variable name="ProcessIn" messageType="tns:CallerRequestMessage"/>
        <receive name="ReceiveFromclient"
        operation="process" xmlns:tns=""
        <assign name="Assign1">
<!-- first part soap message correct-->
                        <ns2:hello xmlns:ns2="">
<!-- second part soap message wrong -->
                <to variable="HelloIn" part="parameters"></to>
        <invoke name="InvokeHelloname"
        <assign name="Assign2">
                <to part="payload" variable="CallerOut"/>
                <!-- this is work fine without namespace(it depends on web service response)-->
        <reply name="ReplyToClient" partnerLink="Caller" operation="process" portType="tns:Caller" variable="CallerOut"/>

Re: invoke external service

Posted by Tammo van Lessen <>.

looks like a namespace issue. The name element you're creating in your
literal-copy is not in the null-namespace but rather in the BPEL
namespace (the default namespace), which is wrong. Try the following
literal assign expression:

    <ns2:hello xmlns:ns2="">
        <name xmlns=""/>

  Tammo wrote:
> hi,
> this is the correct soap msg i have to send to an external webservice HelloWs and it works:
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><ns2:hello xmlns:ns2=""><name>pippo</name></ns2:hello></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
> so i try to call with invoke ina  bpel process:
> valuating FROM expression "{Literal <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <literal xmlns="">
> <ns2:hello xmlns:ns2="">
>    <name/>
> </ns2:hello>
> </literal>}".
> This is the firts part of intialize a variable HelloIn that is the input of invoke. 
> defining a literal for instanciate a message to send is ok but in the second step why when i copy this into the HelloIn variable whose type is hello it give me a different soap message ( ns2: namespace prefix disappear and also the tag name get a bpel namespace..this is not correct!)
> ASSIGN Writing variable 'HelloIn' value '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <message><parameters><hello xmlns="">
> <name xmlns=""/>
>  </hello></parameters></message>'
> this is wrong.. why???? so i get a SelectionFailure exception when i try to write into HelloIn.. 
> :(
> my wsdl contain <types> <schema....
> and elementFormDefault= "unqualified"
> instead bpel schema is qualified and so tns:input is the input of bpel process (Caller.bpel), that is:
> message><payload><CallerRequest xmlns="" xmlns:S=""><input xmlns="">pippo</input></CallerRequest></payload></message>
> Can help me?
> this is the bpel:
> <process
>     name="Caller"
>     targetNamespace=""
>     xmlns=""
>     xmlns:xsd=""
>     xmlns:sxt="" 
>     xmlns:sxed=""
>     xmlns:tns=""
>     xmlns:ns2="">
>     <!--schema def for bpel, adding to process tag-->
>     <!--xsd:schemaLocation="ws_bpel_executable.xsd"-->
>      <!-- wsdl Caller + partnerLink defintion-->
>     <import namespace="" location="Caller.wsdl" importType=""/>
>      <!-- wsdl Ws Helloname + PartenrLinkType definition-->
>     <import namespace="" location="Helloname.wsdl" importType=""/>
>     <!-- xsd xhema for HellonameWs -->
>     <!--import namespace="" location="Helloname.xsd" importType=""/-->
>     <partnerLinks>
>         <partnerLink name="HelloWs" partnerLinkType="ns2:Helloname" partnerRole="WriteHelloMsgRole"/>
>         <partnerLink name="Caller" partnerLinkType="tns:Caller" myRole="CallerProvider"/>
>     </partnerLinks>
>     <variables>
>         <variable name="CallerOut" messageType="tns:CallerResponseMessage"/>
>         <variable name="HelloOut" messageType="ns2:helloResponse"/>
>         <variable name="HelloIn" messageType="ns2:hello" />
>         <variable name="ProcessIn" messageType="tns:CallerRequestMessage"/>
>     </variables>
>     <sequence>
>         <receive name="ReceiveFromclient"
>         createInstance="yes"
>         partnerLink="Caller"
>         operation="process" xmlns:tns=""
>         portType="tns:Caller"
>         variable="ProcessIn"/>
>         <assign name="Assign1">
>             <copy>
> <!-- first part soap message correct-->
>                 <from>
>                     <literal>
>                         <ns2:hello xmlns:ns2="">
>                             <name/>
>                         </ns2:hello>
>                     </literal>
>                 </from>
> <!-- second part soap message wrong -->
>                 <to variable="HelloIn" part="parameters"></to>
>             </copy>
>             <copy>
>                 <from>$ProcessIn.payload/tns:input</from>
>                 <to>$HelloIn.parameters/name</to>
>             </copy>
>         </assign>
>         <invoke name="InvokeHelloname"
>         partnerLink="HelloWs"
>         operation="hello"
>         portType="ns2:Helloname"
>         inputVariable="HelloIn"
>         outputVariable="HelloOut"/>
>         <assign name="Assign2">
>             <copy>
>                 <from>
>                     <literal>
>                         <tns:CallerResponse>
>                             <tns:result/>
>                         </tns:CallerResponse>
>                     </literal>
>                 </from>
>                 <to part="payload" variable="CallerOut"/>
>             </copy>
>             <copy>
>                 <!-- this is work fine without namespace(it depends on web service response)-->
>                 <from>$HelloOut.parameters/return</from>
>                 <to>$CallerOut.payload/tns:result</to>
>             </copy>
>         </assign>
>         <reply name="ReplyToClient" partnerLink="Caller" operation="process" portType="tns:Caller" variable="CallerOut"/>
>     </sequence>
> </process>

Tammo van Lessen -