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Posted to by Gimbal <> on 2008/10/04 21:41:03 UTC

Re: Creating custom archetypes

Geirgp had said: 

geirgp wrote:
> I am in the process of creating an archetype to serve as a project
> template
> for our organization. I have not worked with archetypes before and I am
> finding it a struggle to find documentation and good examples/tutorials.
> Googling various combinations of "maven", "archetype", "velocity" mainly
> results in simple articles on how to use already existing archetypes. 

I found something I thought should be mentioned here, in regards to using
Velocity templates within Maven archetypes, some helpful info from our
friend Raphaël[1]:

Raphaël wrote:
> velocity templates used in archetypes are just plain text files with VTL
> Hope this helps.

As documentation about Velocity, is
also available, might seve as an introduction to Velocity.

My question: Are all files within Maven archetype JARs interpreted as
velocity templates? 

Given the syntax of Velocity templates, in how it resembles shell-script
syntax in some ways, I wonder if there will be any issues with including
shell scripts in archetype JARs.

(In saying so, I'm jumping to the conclusion that all archetypes packages
would be distributed as JARs. Looking at maven-archetype-quickstart it looks
like that's a safe jump. If it's not, c'est la vie, or how they say it.)

-- Sean


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