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[13/15] incubator-sdap-edge git commit: SDAP-1 Import all code under the SDAP SGA
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc11a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import datetime
+import urllib
+from edge.opensearch.atomresponsebysolr import AtomResponseBySolr
+from edge.dateutility import DateUtility
+class DatasetAtomResponse(AtomResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, portalUrl, host, url, datasets):
+        super(DatasetAtomResponse, self).__init__()
+        self.portalUrl = portalUrl
+ = host
+        self.url = url
+        self.datasets = datasets
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        self.variables.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url+self.searchBasePath+'podaac-granule-osd.xml', 'rel': 'search', 'type': 'application/opensearchdescription+xml' }})
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        persistentId = doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0]
+        idTuple = ('datasetId', persistentId)
+        if persistentId == '':
+            idTuple = ('shortName', doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0])
+        item.append({'name': 'title', 'value': doc['Dataset-LongName'][0]})
+        item.append({'name': 'content', 'value': doc['Dataset-Description'][0]})
+        item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url + self.searchBasePath + 'dataset?' + urllib.urlencode(dict([idTuple, ('full', 'true')])), 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'application/atom+xml', 'title': 'PO.DAAC Metadata' }})
+        item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url + self.metadataBasePath + 'dataset?' + urllib.urlencode(dict([idTuple, ('format', 'iso')])), 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/xml', 'title': 'ISO-19115 Metadata' }})
+        item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url + self.metadataBasePath + 'dataset?' + urllib.urlencode(dict([idTuple, ('format', 'gcmd')])), 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/xml', 'title': 'GCMD Metadata' }})
+        #Only generate granule search link if dataset has granules
+        if (doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0] in self.datasets):
+            supportedGranuleParams = dict([(key,value) for key,value in self.parameters.iteritems() if key in ['bbox', 'startTime', 'endTime']])
+            if persistentId == '':
+                supportedGranuleParams['shortName'] = doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]
+            else:
+                supportedGranuleParams['datasetId'] = persistentId
+            item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url + self.searchBasePath + 'granule?' + urllib.urlencode(supportedGranuleParams), 'rel': 'search', 'type': 'application/atom+xml', 'title': 'Granule Search' }})
+        if 'Dataset-ImageUrl' in doc and doc['Dataset-ImageUrl'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': doc['Dataset-ImageUrl'][0], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'image/jpg', 'title': 'Thumbnail' }})
+        if 'DatasetLocationPolicy-Type' in doc and 'DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath' in doc:
+            url = dict(zip(doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-Type'], doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath']))
+            if 'LOCAL-OPENDAP' in url:
+                item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': url['LOCAL-OPENDAP'], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/html', 'title': 'OPeNDAP URL' }})
+            elif 'REMOTE-OPENDAP' in url:
+                item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': url['REMOTE-OPENDAP'], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/html', 'title': 'OPeNDAP URL' }})
+            if 'LOCAL-FTP' in url:
+                item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': url['LOCAL-FTP'], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/plain', 'title': 'FTP URL' }})
+            elif 'REMOTE-FTP' in url:
+                item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': url['REMOTE-FTP'], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/plain', 'title': 'FTP URL' }})
+        if doc['DatasetPolicy-ViewOnline'][0] == 'Y' and doc['DatasetPolicy-AccessType-Full'][0] in ['OPEN', 'PREVIEW', 'SIMULATED', 'REMOTE']:
+            portalUrl = self.portalUrl+'/'+doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]
+            item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': portalUrl, 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/html', 'title': 'Dataset Information' }})
+        updated = None
+        if 'DatasetMetaHistory-LastRevisionDateLong' in doc and doc['DatasetMetaHistory-LastRevisionDateLong'][0] != '':
+            updated = DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['DatasetMetaHistory-LastRevisionDateLong'][0])
+        else:
+            updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+'Z'
+        item.append({'name': 'updated', 'value': updated})
+        item.append({'name': 'id', 'value': persistentId})
+        item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': 'datasetId', 'value': doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0]})
+        item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': 'shortName', 'value': doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]})
+        if doc['DatasetCoverage-WestLon'][0] != '' and doc['DatasetCoverage-SouthLat'][0] != '' and  doc['DatasetCoverage-EastLon'][0] != '' and  doc['DatasetCoverage-NorthLat'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'georss', 'name': 'where', 'value': {'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'Envelope', 'value': [{'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'lowerCorner', 'value': ' '.join([doc['DatasetCoverage-WestLon'][0], doc['DatasetCoverage-SouthLat'][0]]) }, {'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'upperCorner', 'value': ' '.join([doc['DatasetCoverage-EastLon'][0], doc['DatasetCoverage-NorthLat'][0]])}]}})
+        if 'DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong' in doc and doc['DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'time', 'name': 'start', 'value': DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong'][0])})
+        if 'DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong' in doc and doc['DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'time', 'name': 'end', 'value': DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong'][0])})
+        if 'full' in self.parameters and self.parameters['full']:
+            if 'DatasetLocationPolicy-Type' in doc and 'DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath' in doc:
+                for i, x in enumerate(doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-Type']):
+                    item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': self._camelCaseStripHyphen(x.title()), 'value': doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath'][i]})
+                del doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-Type']
+                del doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath']
+            multiValuedElementsKeys = ('DatasetRegion-', 'DatasetCharacter-', 'DatasetCitation-', 'DatasetContact-Contact-', 'DatasetDatetime-', 
+                                       'DatasetInteger-', 'DatasetParameter-', 'DatasetProject-', 'DatasetReal-', 'DatasetResource-', 
+                                       'DatasetSoftware-', 'DatasetSource-', 'DatasetVersion-', 'Collection-')
+            self._populateItemWithPodaacMetadata(doc, item, multiValuedElementsKeys)
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..002bdc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from edge.opensearch.gcmdresponsebysolr import GcmdResponseBySolr
+class DatasetGcmdResponse(GcmdResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, configuration):
+        super(DatasetGcmdResponse, self).__init__(configuration)
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        pass
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9c62a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+from types import *
+import logging
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+import httplib
+from xml.dom.minidom import Document
+import json
+import xml.sax.saxutils
+import datetime
+import codecs
+from edge.opensearch.responsewriter import ResponseWriter
+from edge.dateutility import DateUtility
+from edge.httputility import HttpUtility
+from edge.spatialsearch import SpatialSearch
+import re
+class DatasetGranuleWriter(ResponseWriter):
+    def __init__(self, configFilePath, requiredParams = None):
+        super(DatasetGranuleWriter, self).__init__(configFilePath, requiredParams)
+        self.solrGranuleResponse = None
+    def get(self, requestHandler):
+        super(DatasetGranuleWriter, self).get(requestHandler)
+        #logging.debug('uri: '+str(requestHandler.request.headers))
+        startIndex = 0
+        try:
+            startIndex = requestHandler.get_argument('startIndex')
+        except:
+            pass
+        entriesPerPage = self._configuration.getint('solr', 'entriesPerPage')
+        try:
+            entriesPerPage = requestHandler.get_argument('itemsPerPage')
+            #cap entries per age at 400
+            if (int(entriesPerPage) > 400):
+                entriesPerPage = 400
+        except:
+            pass
+        #pretty = True
+        try:
+            if requestHandler.get_argument('pretty').lower() == 'false':
+                self.pretty = False
+        except:
+            pass
+        parameters = ['startTime', 'endTime', 'keyword', 'granuleName', 'datasetId', 'shortName', 'bbox', 'sortBy']
+        #variables = {}
+        for parameter in parameters:
+            try:
+                value = requestHandler.get_argument(parameter)
+                self.variables[parameter] = value
+            except:
+                pass
+        if 'keyword' in self.variables:
+            self.variables['keyword'] = self.variables['keyword'].replace('*', '')
+            self.variables['keyword'] = self.variables['keyword'].lower()
+        """
+        if 'bbox' in variables:
+            points = variables['bbox'].split(',')
+            if len(points) == 4:
+                spatialSearch = SpatialSearch(
+                    self._configuration.get('service', 'database')
+                )
+                spatialResult = spatialSearch.searchGranules(
+                    int(startIndex),
+                    int(entriesPerPage),
+                    float(points[0]),
+                    float(points[1]),
+                    float(points[2]),
+                    float(points[3])
+                )
+                if len(spatialResult[0]) > 0:
+                    variables['granuleIds'] = spatialResult[0]
+                    variables['granuleIdsFound'] = spatialResult[1]
+            del variables['bbox']
+        """
+        try:
+            self._getSolrResponse(startIndex, entriesPerPage, self.variables)
+            """
+            solrJson = json.loads(solrResponse)
+            if len(solrJson['response']['docs']) >= 1:
+                dataset = solrJson['response']['docs'][0]['Dataset-ShortName'][0];
+                logging.debug('Getting solr response for dataset ' + dataset)
+                solrDatasetResponse = self._getSingleSolrDatasetResponse({'shortName' : dataset})
+            """
+        except:
+            logging.exception('Failed to get solr response.')
+        """
+        if 'granuleIdsFound' in variables:
+            #solrJson = json.loads(solrResponse)
+            numFound = solrJson['response']['numFound']
+            solrJson['response']['numFound'] = int(variables['granuleIdsFound'])
+            solrJson['response']['start'] = int(startIndex)
+            solrJson['responseHeader']['params']['rows'] = numFound
+            solrResponse = json.dumps(solrJson)
+        searchText = ''
+        if 'keyword' in variables:
+            searchText = variables['keyword']
+        try:
+            openSearchResponse = self._generateOpenSearchResponse(
+                solrResponse,
+                solrDatasetResponse,
+                searchText,
+                self._configuration.get('service', 'url')+requestHandler.request.uri,
+                pretty
+            )
+            requestHandler.set_header("Content-Type", "application/xml")
+            requestHandler.write(openSearchResponse)
+        except Exception as exception:
+            logging.exception(exception)
+            requestHandler.set_status(404)
+            requestHandler.write('ERROR - ' + str(exception))
+        """
+    def _getSolrResponse(self, startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables):
+        query = self._constructSolrQuery(startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables)
+        url = self._configuration.get('solr', 'granuleUrl')
+        httpUtility = HttpUtility()
+        httpUtility.getResponse(url+'/select/?'+query, self._onSolrGranuleResponse)
+    def _constructSolrQuery(self, startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables):
+        #set default sort order
+        sort='Granule-StartTimeLong+desc'
+        queries = []
+        for key, value in variables.iteritems():
+            #query = ''
+            if key == 'startTime':
+                startTime = DateUtility.convertISOToUTCTimestamp(value)
+                if startTime is not None:
+                    query = 'Granule-StartTimeLong:'
+                    query += '['+str(startTime)+'%20TO%20*]'
+                    queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'endTime':
+                stopTime = DateUtility.convertISOToUTCTimestamp(value)
+                if stopTime is not None:
+                    query = 'Granule-StartTimeLong:'
+                    query += '[*%20TO%20'+str(stopTime)+']'
+                    queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'keyword':
+                newValue = urllib.quote(value)
+                query = 'SearchableText-LowerCased:('+newValue+')'
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'datasetId':
+                query = 'Dataset-PersistentId:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'shortName':
+                query = 'Dataset-ShortName-Full:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'granuleName':
+                query = 'Granule-Name-Full:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'granuleIds':
+                granuleIds = []
+                for granuleId in value:
+                    granuleIds.append(str(granuleId))
+                query = 'Granule-Id:('+'+OR+'.join(granuleIds)+')'
+                queries.append(query)
+                startIndex = 0
+            elif key == 'sortBy':
+                sortByMapping = {'timeAsc': 'Granule-StartTimeLong+asc', 'archiveTimeDesc': 'Granule-ArchiveTimeLong+desc'}
+                if value in sortByMapping.keys():
+                    sort = sortByMapping[value]
+            elif key == 'archiveTime':
+                query = 'Granule-ArchiveTimeLong:['+str(value)+'%20TO%20*]'
+                queries.append(query)
+            #if query != '':
+            #    queries.append('%2B'+query)
+        if len(queries) == 0:
+            queries.append('*')
+        query = 'q='+'+AND+'.join(queries)+'&fq=Granule-AccessType:(OPEN+OR+PREVIEW+OR+SIMULATED+OR+REMOTE)+AND+Granule-Status:ONLINE&version=2.2&start='+str(startIndex)+'&rows='+str(entriesPerPage)+'&indent=on&wt=json&sort='+sort
+        logging.debug('solr query: '+query)
+        return query
+    def _readTemplate(self, path):
+        file =, encoding='utf-8')
+        data =
+        file.close()
+        return data
+    def _generateOpenSearchResponse(self, solrGranuleResponse, solrDatasetResponse, pretty):
+        pass
+    def _onSolrGranuleResponse(self, response):
+        if response.error:
+            self._handleException(str(response.error))
+        else:
+            self.solrGranuleResponse = response.body
+            solrJson = json.loads(response.body)
+            if len(solrJson['response']['docs']) >= 1:
+                dataset = solrJson['response']['docs'][0]['Dataset-ShortName'][0];
+                logging.debug('Getting solr response for dataset ' + dataset)
+                self._getSingleSolrDatasetResponse({'shortName' : dataset}, self._onSolrDatasetResponse)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    openSearchResponse = self._generateOpenSearchResponse(
+                        None,
+                        None,
+                        self.pretty
+                    )
+                    self.requestHandler.set_header("Content-Type", "application/xml")
+                    self.requestHandler.write(openSearchResponse)
+                    self.requestHandler.finish()
+                except BaseException as exception:
+                    self._handleException(str(exception))
+    def _onSolrDatasetResponse(self, response):
+        if response.error:
+            self._handleException(str(response.error))
+        else:
+            try:
+                openSearchResponse = self._generateOpenSearchResponse(
+                    self.solrGranuleResponse,
+                    response.body,
+                    self.pretty
+                )
+                self.requestHandler.set_header("Content-Type", "application/xml")
+                self.requestHandler.write(openSearchResponse)
+                self.requestHandler.finish()
+            except BaseException as exception:
+                self._handleException(str(exception))
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..823d24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from edge.opensearch.isoresponsebysolr import IsoResponseBySolr
+class DatasetIsoResponse(IsoResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(DatasetIsoResponse, self).__init__()
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        pass
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53e89ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from edge.opensearch.responsebysolr import ResponseBySolr
+class DatasetResponseBySolr(ResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, portalUrl):
+        super(DatasetResponseBySolr, self).__init__()
+        self.portalUrl = portalUrl
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        item.append({'name': 'title', 'value': doc['Dataset-LongName'][0]})
+        item.append({'name': 'description', 'value': doc['Dataset-Description'][0]})
+        item.append({'name': 'link', 'value': self.portalUrl+'/'+doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]})
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9194bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import urllib
+from edge.opensearch.rssresponsebysolr import RssResponseBySolr
+from edge.dateutility import DateUtility
+class DatasetRssResponse(RssResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, portalUrl, url, datasets):
+        super(DatasetRssResponse, self).__init__()
+        self.portalUrl = portalUrl
+        self.url = url
+        self.datasets = datasets
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        self.variables.append({'namespace': 'atom', 'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url+self.searchBasePath+'podaac-granule-osd.xml', 'rel': 'search', 'type': 'application/opensearchdescription+xml' }})
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        persistentId = doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0]
+        idTuple = ('datasetId', persistentId)
+        if persistentId == '':
+            idTuple = ('shortName', doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0])
+        portalUrl = ""
+        if doc['DatasetPolicy-ViewOnline'][0] == 'Y' and doc['DatasetPolicy-AccessType-Full'][0] in ['OPEN', 'PREVIEW', 'SIMULATED', 'REMOTE']:
+            portalUrl = self.portalUrl+'/'+doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]
+            item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': portalUrl, 'type': 'text/html', 'length': '0'}})
+        item.append({'name': 'title', 'value': doc['Dataset-LongName'][0]})
+        item.append({'name': 'description', 'value': doc['Dataset-Description'][0]})
+        item.append({'name': 'link', 'value': portalUrl})
+        item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': self.url + self.searchBasePath + 'dataset?' + urllib.urlencode(dict([idTuple, ('full', 'true'), ('format', 'rss')])), 'type': 'application/rss+xml', 'length': '0'}})
+        item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': self.url + self.metadataBasePath + 'dataset?' + urllib.urlencode(dict([idTuple, ('format', 'iso')])), 'type': 'text/xml', 'length': '0'}})
+        item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': self.url + self.metadataBasePath + 'dataset?' + urllib.urlencode(dict([idTuple, ('format', 'gcmd')])), 'type': 'text/xml', 'length': '0'}})
+        #Only generate granule search link if dataset has granules
+        if (doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0] in self.datasets):
+            supportedGranuleParams = dict([(key,value) for key,value in self.parameters.iteritems() if key in ['bbox', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'format']])
+            if persistentId == '':
+                supportedGranuleParams['shortName'] = doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]
+            else:
+                supportedGranuleParams['datasetId'] = persistentId
+            item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': self.url + self.searchBasePath + 'granule?' + urllib.urlencode(supportedGranuleParams), 'type': 'application/rss+xml', 'length': '0'}})
+        if 'Dataset-ImageUrl' in doc and doc['Dataset-ImageUrl'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': doc['Dataset-ImageUrl'][0], 'type': 'image/jpg', 'length': '0'}})
+        if 'DatasetLocationPolicy-Type' in doc and 'DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath' in doc:
+            url = dict(zip(doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-Type'], doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath']))
+            if 'LOCAL-OPENDAP' in url:
+                item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': url['LOCAL-OPENDAP'], 'type': 'text/html', 'length': '0'}})
+            elif 'REMOTE-OPENDAP' in url:
+                item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': url['REMOTE-OPENDAP'], 'type': 'text/html', 'length': '0'}})
+            if 'LOCAL-FTP' in url:
+                item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': url['LOCAL-FTP'], 'type': 'text/plain', 'length': '0'}})
+            elif 'REMOTE-FTP' in url:
+                item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': url['REMOTE-FTP'], 'type': 'text/plain', 'length': '0'}})
+        updated = None
+        if 'DatasetMetaHistory-LastRevisionDateLong' in doc and doc['DatasetMetaHistory-LastRevisionDateLong'][0] != '':
+            updated = DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['DatasetMetaHistory-LastRevisionDateLong'][0])
+        else:
+            updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+'Z'
+        item.append({'name': 'pubDate', 'value': updated})
+        item.append({'name': 'guid', 'value': persistentId})
+        item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': 'datasetId', 'value': doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0]})
+        item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': 'shortName', 'value': doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]})
+        if doc['DatasetCoverage-WestLon'][0] != '' and doc['DatasetCoverage-SouthLat'][0] != '' and  doc['DatasetCoverage-EastLon'][0] != '' and  doc['DatasetCoverage-NorthLat'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'georss', 'name': 'where', 'value': {'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'Envelope', 'value': [{'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'lowerCorner', 'value': ' '.join([doc['DatasetCoverage-WestLon'][0], doc['DatasetCoverage-SouthLat'][0]]) }, {'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'upperCorner', 'value': ' '.join([doc['DatasetCoverage-EastLon'][0], doc['DatasetCoverage-NorthLat'][0]])}]}})
+        if 'DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong' in doc and doc['DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'time', 'name': 'start', 'value': DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong'][0])})
+        if 'DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong' in doc and doc['DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'time', 'name': 'end', 'value': DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong'][0])})
+        if 'full' in self.parameters and self.parameters['full']:
+            if 'DatasetLocationPolicy-Type' in doc and 'DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath' in doc:
+                for i, x in enumerate(doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-Type']):
+                    item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': self._camelCaseStripHyphen(x.title()), 'value': doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath'][i]})
+                del doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-Type']
+                del doc['DatasetLocationPolicy-BasePath']
+            multiValuedElementsKeys = ('DatasetRegion-', 'DatasetCharacter-', 'DatasetCitation-', 'DatasetContact-Contact-', 'DatasetDatetime-', 
+                                       'DatasetInteger-', 'DatasetParameter-', 'DatasetProject-', 'DatasetReal-', 'DatasetResource-', 
+                                       'DatasetSoftware-', 'DatasetSource-', 'DatasetVersion-', 'Collection-')
+            self._populateItemWithPodaacMetadata(doc, item, multiValuedElementsKeys)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec56cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+from types import *
+import json
+import logging
+import urllib
+import requestresponder
+from edge.dateutility import DateUtility
+from edge.httputility import HttpUtility
+from edge.opensearch.responsewriter import ResponseWriter
+import re
+class DatasetWriter(ResponseWriter):
+    def __init__(self, configFilePath):
+        super(DatasetWriter, self).__init__(configFilePath)
+        self.datasets = []
+    def get(self, requestHandler):
+        super(DatasetWriter, self).get(requestHandler)
+        #searchParameters = {}
+        #logging.debug('uri: '+str(requestHandler.request.headers))
+        startIndex = 0
+        try:
+            startIndex = requestHandler.get_argument('startIndex')
+        except:
+            pass
+        entriesPerPage = self._configuration.getint('solr', 'entriesPerPage')
+        try:
+            entriesPerPage = requestHandler.get_argument('itemsPerPage')
+            #cap entries per age at 400
+            if (int(entriesPerPage) > 400):
+                entriesPerPage = 400
+            self.searchParameters['itemsPerPage'] = entriesPerPage
+        except:
+            pass
+        #pretty = True
+        try:
+            if requestHandler.get_argument('pretty').lower() == 'false':
+                self.pretty = False
+                self.searchParameters['pretty'] = 'false'
+        except:
+            pass
+        try:
+            if requestHandler.get_argument('full').lower() == 'true':
+                self.searchParameters['full'] = 'true'
+        except:
+            pass
+        try:
+            self.searchParameters['format'] = requestHandler.get_argument('format')
+        except:
+            pass
+        parameters = ['startTime', 'endTime', 'keyword', 'datasetId', 'shortName', 'instrument', 'satellite', 'fileFormat', 'status', 'processLevel', 'sortBy', 'bbox', 'allowNone']
+        #variables = {}
+        for parameter in parameters:
+            try:
+                value = requestHandler.get_argument(parameter)
+                self.variables[parameter] = value
+                self.searchParameters[parameter] = value
+            except:
+                pass
+        if 'keyword' in self.variables:
+            self.variables['keyword'] = self.variables['keyword'].replace('*', '')
+            self.variables['keyword'] = self.variables['keyword'].lower()
+        """
+        else:
+            variables['keyword'] = '""'
+        """
+        #If generating OpenSearch response, need to make additional call to solr
+        #to determine which datasets have granules 
+        try:
+            if 'search' in requestHandler.request.path:
+                callback = self._getSolrHasGranuleResponseCallback(startIndex, entriesPerPage)
+                self._getSolrHasGranuleResponse(callback)
+            else:
+               self._getSolrResponse(startIndex, entriesPerPage, self.variables)
+        except:
+            logging.exception('Failed to get solr response.')
+        """
+        searchText = ''
+        if 'keyword' in variables:
+            searchText = variables['keyword']
+        openSearchResponse = self._generateOpenSearchResponse(
+            solrResponse,
+            searchText,
+            self._configuration.get('service', 'url') + requestHandler.request.path,
+            searchParameters,
+            pretty
+        )
+        requestHandler.set_header("Content-Type", "application/xml")
+        #requestHandler.set_header("Content-Type", "application/rss+xml")
+        #requestHandler.write(solrResponse)
+        requestHandler.write(openSearchResponse)
+        """
+    def _getSolrResponse(self, startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables):
+        query = self._constructSolrQuery(startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables)
+        url = self._configuration.get('solr', 'datasetUrl')
+        httpUtility = HttpUtility()
+        httpUtility.getResponse(url+'/select/?'+query, self._onSolrResponse)
+    def _constructSolrQuery(self, startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables):
+        queries = []
+        sort = None
+        filterQuery = None
+        for key, value in variables.iteritems():
+            #query = ''
+            if key == 'startTime':
+                startTime = DateUtility.convertISOToUTCTimestamp(value)
+                if startTime is not None:
+                    query = 'DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong-Long:'
+                    query += '['+str(startTime)+'%20TO%20*]'
+                    queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'endTime':
+                stopTime = DateUtility.convertISOToUTCTimestamp(value)
+                if stopTime is not None:
+                    query = 'DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong-Long:'
+                    query += '[*%20TO%20'+str(stopTime)+']'
+                    queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'keyword':
+                newValue = urllib.quote(value)
+                query = 'SearchableText-LowerCased:('+newValue+')'
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'datasetId':
+                query = 'Dataset-PersistentId:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'shortName':
+                query = 'Dataset-ShortName-Full:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'satellite':
+                query = 'DatasetSource-Source-ShortName-Full:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'instrument':
+                query = 'DatasetSource-Sensor-ShortName-Full:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'fileFormat':
+                query = 'DatasetPolicy-DataFormat-LowerCased:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'status':
+                query = 'DatasetPolicy-AccessType-LowerCased:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'processLevel':
+                query = 'Dataset-ProcessingLevel-LowerCased:'+value
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'sortBy':
+                sortByMapping = {'timeDesc': 'DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong-Long+desc', 'timeAsc': 'DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong-Long+asc', 
+                                 'popularityDesc': 'Dataset-AllTimePopularity+desc', 'popularityAsc': 'Dataset-AllTimePopularity+asc'}
+                if value in sortByMapping.keys():
+                    sort = sortByMapping[value]
+            elif key == 'bbox':
+                filterQuery = self._constructBoundingBoxQuery(value)
+            #if query != '':
+            #    queries.append('%2B'+query)
+        if len(queries) == 0:
+            queries.append('*')
+        query = 'q='+'+AND+'.join(queries)+'&fq=DatasetPolicy-AccessType-Full:(OPEN+OR+PREVIEW+OR+SIMULATED+OR+REMOTE)+AND+DatasetPolicy-ViewOnline:Y&version=2.2&start='+str(startIndex)+'&rows='+str(entriesPerPage)+'&indent=on&wt=json'
+        if sort is not None:
+            query += '&sort=' + sort
+        if filterQuery is not None:
+            query += '&' + filterQuery
+        logging.debug('solr query: '+query)
+        return query
+    def _getSolrHasGranuleResponse(self, callback):
+        url = self._configuration.get('solr', 'granuleUrl')
+        httpUtility = HttpUtility()
+        return httpUtility.getResponse(url+'/select?q=*:*&facet=true&facet.field=Dataset-ShortName-Full&facet.limit=-1&rows=0&indent=on&wt=json&version=2.2', callback)
+    def _getSolrHasGranuleResponseCallback(self, startIndex, entriesPerPage):   
+        def onSolrHasGranuleResponse(response):
+            try:
+                solrJson = json.loads(response.body)
+                logging.debug("Got response for dataset facet")
+                datasetCounter = solrJson['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['Dataset-ShortName-Full']
+                self.datasets = [datasetCounter[i] for i in range(len(datasetCounter)) if i % 2 == 0]
+                self._getSolrResponse(startIndex, entriesPerPage, self.variables)
+            except:
+                logging.exception('Failed to get solr response.')
+        return onSolrHasGranuleResponse
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8738ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import logging
+from jinja2 import Environment, Template
+import re
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+from edge.opensearch.response import Response
+class FgdcResponse(Response):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.namespaces = {}
+        self.env = Environment()
+        self.env.trim_blocks = True
+        self.env.autoescape = True
+        self.variables = {}
+    def setTemplate(self, template):
+        self.template = self.env.from_string(template.replace('>\n<', '><'))
+    def addNamespace(self, name, uri):
+        self.namespaces[name] = uri
+    def removeNamespace(self, name):
+        del self.namespaces[name]
+    def generate(self, pretty=False, xmlDeclaration=""):
+        logging.debug('FgdcResponse.generate is called.')
+        fgdcStr = self.template.render(self.variables).encode('utf-8')
+        if fgdcStr != "" and pretty:
+            #xmlDeclaration ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE metadata SYSTEM \"\">\n"
+            tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(fgdcStr)
+            self._indent(tree)
+            for namespace in self.namespaces.keys():
+                xml.etree.ElementTree.register_namespace(namespace, self.namespaces[namespace])
+            return xmlDeclaration + xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring(tree, encoding='utf-8')
+        else:
+            return fgdcStr
+    # Provided by
+    def _indent(self, elem, level=0):
+        i = "\n" + level * "   "
+        if len(elem):
+            if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
+                elem.text = i + "   "
+            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+                elem.tail = i
+            for elem in elem:
+                self._indent(elem, level + 1)
+            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+                elem.tail = i
+        else:
+            if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
+                elem.tail = i
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..562dc08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+import json
+import logging
+from edge.opensearch.fgdcresponse import FgdcResponse
+from datetime import datetime
+class FgdcResponseBySolr(FgdcResponse):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(FgdcResponseBySolr, self).__init__()
+    def generate(self, solrDatasetResponse, solrGranuleResponse = None, pretty=False):
+        self._populate(solrDatasetResponse, solrGranuleResponse)
+        return super(FgdcResponseBySolr, self).generate(pretty, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE metadata SYSTEM \"\">\n")
+    def _populate(self, solrDatasetResponse, solrGranuleResponse = None):
+        if solrDatasetResponse is not None:
+            solrJson = json.loads(solrDatasetResponse)
+            logging.debug('dataset count: '+str(len(solrJson['response']['docs'])))
+            if len(solrJson['response']['docs']) == 1:
+                # ok now populate variables!
+                doc = solrJson['response']['docs'][0]
+                self.variables['doc'] = doc
+                # Round spatial to 3 decimal places
+                doc['DatasetCoverage-WestLon'][0] = '%.3f' % round(float(doc['DatasetCoverage-WestLon'][0]), 3)
+                doc['DatasetCoverage-EastLon'][0] = '%.3f' % round(float(doc['DatasetCoverage-EastLon'][0]), 3)
+                doc['DatasetCoverage-NorthLat'][0] = '%.3f' % round(float(doc['DatasetCoverage-NorthLat'][0]), 3)
+                doc['DatasetCoverage-SouthLat'][0] = '%.3f' % round(float(doc['DatasetCoverage-SouthLat'][0]), 3)
+                # Base on the value of Dataset-ProcessingLevel, we query the SOLR differently.
+                # For 2 or 2P, we look for these 2 attributes:
+                #
+                #   ACROSS_TRACK_RESOLUTION           NUMBER
+                #   ALONG_TRACK_RESOLUTION            NUMBER
+                #
+                # Because the units of 2 and 2P products are in meters, we have to convert to decimal degrees.
+                #
+                # The formula is:
+                #
+                #    1 degree = 111.16 km or 111160.0 meters 
+                # 
+                # Calculate latitude and longitude resolution for 2 and 2P products
+                if (doc['Dataset-ProcessingLevel'][0] == '2' or doc['Dataset-ProcessingLevel'][0] == '2P'):
+                    self.variables['Dataset_LatitudeResolution'] = '%.17f' % round(float(doc['Dataset-AlongTrackResolution'][0]) / 111160.0, 17)
+                    self.variables['Dataset_LongitudeResolution'] = '%.17f' % round(float(doc['Dataset-AcrossTrackResolution'][0]) / 111160.0, 17)
+                # For value of Dataset-ProcessingLevel of 3 or 4, we look for different attributes:
+                #
+                # LATIUDE_RESOLUTION
+                # LONGITUDE RESOLUTION
+                elif (doc['Dataset-ProcessingLevel'][0] == '3' or doc['Dataset-ProcessingLevel'][0] == '4'):
+                    self.variables['Dataset_LatitudeResolution'] = doc['Dataset-LatitudeResolution'][0]
+                    self.variables['Dataset_LongitudeResolution'] = doc['Dataset-LongitudeResolution'][0]
+                # Format dates
+                try:
+                    self.variables['DatasetCitation_ReleaseDateTime'] = self._convertTimeLongToString(doc['DatasetCitation-ReleaseDateLong'][0])
+                    self.variables['DatasetCitation_ReleaseDate'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(doc['DatasetCitation-ReleaseDateLong'][0]) / 1000).strftime('%Y%m%d')
+                    self.variables['DatasetCitation_ReleaseTime'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(doc['DatasetCitation-ReleaseDateLong'][0]) / 1000).strftime('%H%M%S')+'Z'
+                    self.variables['DatasetCoverage_StartTime'] = self._convertTimeLongToString(doc['DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong'][0])
+                except:
+                    pass
+                # Create list of unique dataset sensor
+                self.variables['UniqueDatasetSensor'] = {}
+                for i, x in enumerate(doc['DatasetSource-Sensor-ShortName']):
+                    self.variables['UniqueDatasetSensor'][x] = i
+                self.variables['UniqueDatasetSensor'] = self.variables['UniqueDatasetSensor'].values()
+                # Create list of unique dataset source
+                self.variables['UniqueDatasetSource'] = {}
+                for i, x in enumerate(doc['DatasetSource-Source-ShortName']):
+                    self.variables['UniqueDatasetSource'][x] = i
+                self.variables['UniqueDatasetSource'] = self.variables['UniqueDatasetSource'].values()
+                # Create dictionary for dataset_resource
+                self.variables['DatasetResource'] = dict(zip(doc['DatasetResource-Type'], doc['DatasetResource-Path']))
+                # Get index of dataset Technical Contact
+                self.variables['TechnicalContactIndex'] = -1
+                for i, x in enumerate(doc['DatasetContact-Contact-Role']):
+                    if (x.upper() == 'TECHNICAL CONTACT'):
+                        logging.debug('tech contact is ' + str(i))
+                        self.variables['TechnicalContactIndex'] = i
+                        break;
+                if 'Dataset-Provider-ProviderResource-Path' not in doc:
+                    doc['Dataset-Provider-ProviderResource-Path'] = ['']
+            else:
+                raise Exception('No dataset found')
+        else:
+            raise Exception('No dataset found')
+        if solrGranuleResponse is not None:
+            solrGranuleJson = json.loads(solrGranuleResponse)
+            logging.debug('granule count: '+str(len(solrGranuleJson['response']['docs'])))
+            if (len(solrGranuleJson['response']['docs']) == 0):
+                raise Exception('No granules found')
+            for doc in solrGranuleJson['response']['docs']:
+                self._populateItem(solrGranuleResponse, doc, None)
+                doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0] = self._convertTimeLongToString(doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0])
+                doc['Granule-StopTimeLong'][0] = self._convertTimeLongToString(doc['Granule-StopTimeLong'][0])
+                # Create dictionary for bounding box extent
+                '''
+                if ('GranuleReal-Value' in doc and 'GranuleReal-DatasetElement-Element-ShortName' in doc):
+                    # Round real value to 3 decimal places
+                    doc['GranuleReal-Value'] = ['%.3f' % round(float(value), 3) for value in doc['GranuleReal-Value']]
+                    doc['GranuleBoundingBox'] = dict(zip(doc['GranuleReal-DatasetElement-Element-ShortName'], doc['GranuleReal-Value']))
+                '''
+                if 'GranuleSpatial-NorthLat' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-EastLon' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-SouthLat' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-WestLon' in doc:
+                    doc['GranuleBoundingBox'] = dict([('southernmostLatitude', '%.3f' % round(float(doc['GranuleSpatial-SouthLat'][0]), 3)), 
+                                                      ('northernmostLatitude', '%.3f' % round(float(doc['GranuleSpatial-NorthLat'][0]), 3)),
+                                                      ('westernmostLongitude', '%.3f' % round(float(doc['GranuleSpatial-WestLon'][0]), 3)),
+                                                      ('easternmostLongitude', '%.3f' % round(float(doc['GranuleSpatial-EastLon'][0]), 3))])
+                else:
+                    # Encounter granule with no bounding box so raise an exception
+                    raise Exception('granule ' + doc['Granule-Name'][0] + ' has no bounding box')
+            self.variables['granules'] = solrGranuleJson['response']['docs']
+        else:
+            raise Exception('No granules found')
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        pass
+    def _convertTimeLongToString(self, time):
+        isoTime = ''
+        try:
+            isoTime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(time) / 1000).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        return isoTime
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..588fc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+import json
+import logging
+from edge.opensearch.isoresponse import IsoResponse
+from datetime import date, datetime
+class GcmdResponseBySolr(IsoResponse):
+    def __init__(self, configuration):
+        super(GcmdResponseBySolr, self).__init__()
+        self._configuration = configuration
+    def generate(self, solrResponse, pretty=False, allowNone=False):
+        self._populate(solrResponse, allowNone)
+        return super(GcmdResponseBySolr, self).generate(pretty)
+    def _populate(self, solrResponse, allowNone):
+        if solrResponse is not None:
+            solrJson = json.loads(solrResponse)
+            logging.debug('dataset count: '+str(len(solrJson['response']['docs'])))
+            if len(solrJson['response']['docs']) == 1:
+                # ok now populate variables!
+                doc = solrJson['response']['docs'][0]
+                #self.variables['Dataset_ShortName'] = doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]
+                #self.variables['Dataset_ShortName'] = u'unko'
+                #Filter response from solr, if value contains none, N/A, null set to empty string
+                if not allowNone:
+                    for key, value in doc.iteritems():
+                        if key not in ['DatasetPolicy-AccessConstraint', 'DatasetPolicy-UseConstraint'] and isinstance(value[0], basestring) and len(value[0].strip()) <= 4 and value[0].strip().lower() in ['none', 'na', 'n/a', 'null']:
+                            doc[key][0] = ""
+                self.variables['doc'] = doc
+                # Entry_ID
+                self.variables['Entry_ID'] = doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0] if doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0] != "" else doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]
+                # Entry_Title
+                self.variables['Entry_Title'] = doc['Dataset-LongName'][0]
+                # Dataset_Citation
+                datasetCitationCol = ['Dataset_Creator', 'Dataset_Title', 'Dataset_Series_Name', 'Dataset_Release_Date', 'Dataset_Release_Place', 'Dataset_Publisher', 'Version', 'Other_Citation_Details', 'Online_Resource']
+                if 'DatasetCitation-Creator' in doc:
+                    for i, x in enumerate(doc['DatasetCitation-ReleaseDateLong']):
+                        try:
+                            doc['DatasetCitation-ReleaseDateLong'][i] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(x) / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+                        except:
+                            pass
+                    self.variables['Dataset_Citation'] = [dict(zip(datasetCitationCol,x)) for x in zip(doc['DatasetCitation-Creator'], doc['DatasetCitation-Title'], doc['DatasetCitation-SeriesName'], doc['DatasetCitation-ReleaseDateLong'], doc['DatasetCitation-ReleasePlace'], doc['DatasetCitation-Publisher'], doc['DatasetCitation-Version'], doc['DatasetCitation-CitationDetail'], doc['DatasetCitation-OnlineResource'])]
+                # Personnel
+                datasetPersonnelCol = ['Role', 'First_Name', 'Middle_Name', 'Last_Name', 'Email', 'Phone', 'Fax', 'Provider_Short_Name']
+                if 'DatasetContact-Contact-Role' in doc:
+                    self.variables['Personnel'] = [dict(zip(datasetPersonnelCol, x)) for x in zip(doc['DatasetContact-Contact-Role'], doc['DatasetContact-Contact-FirstName'], doc['DatasetContact-Contact-MiddleName'], doc['DatasetContact-Contact-LastName'], doc['DatasetContact-Contact-Email'], doc['DatasetContact-Contact-Phone'], doc['DatasetContact-Contact-Fax'], doc['DatasetContact-Contact-Provider-ShortName'])]
+                # Locate dataset provider contact
+                self.variables['Provider_Personnel'] = next((item for item in self.variables['Personnel'] if item["Provider_Short_Name"] == doc['Dataset-Provider-ShortName'][0]), None)
+                # Parameter
+                datasetParameterCol = ['Category', 'Topic', 'Term', 'Variable_Level_1', 'Detailed_Variable']
+                if 'DatasetParameter-Category' in doc:
+                    # Replace all none, None values with empty string
+                    doc['DatasetParameter-VariableDetail'] = [self._filterString(variableDetail) for variableDetail in doc['DatasetParameter-VariableDetail']]
+                    self.variables['Parameters'] = [dict(zip(datasetParameterCol, x)) for x in zip(doc['DatasetParameter-Category'], doc['DatasetParameter-Topic'], doc['DatasetParameter-Term'], doc['DatasetParameter-Variable'], doc['DatasetParameter-VariableDetail'])]
+                # Format dates
+                try:
+                    self.variables['Start_Date'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(doc['DatasetCoverage-StartTimeLong'][0]) / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+                    self.variables['Stop_Date'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(doc['DatasetCoverage-StopTimeLong'][0]) / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+                except:
+                    pass
+                # Project
+                projectCol = ['Short_Name', 'Long_Name']
+                if 'DatasetProject-Project-ShortName' in doc:
+                    self.variables['Project'] = [dict(zip(projectCol, x)) for x in zip(doc['DatasetProject-Project-ShortName'], doc['DatasetProject-Project-LongName'])]
+                # Create list of unique dataset sensor
+                self.variables['UniqueDatasetSensor'] = {}
+                if 'DatasetSource-Sensor-ShortName' in doc:
+                    for i, x in enumerate(doc['DatasetSource-Sensor-ShortName']):
+                        self.variables['UniqueDatasetSensor'][x] = i
+                    self.variables['UniqueDatasetSensor'] = self.variables['UniqueDatasetSensor'].values()
+                # Create list of unique dataset source
+                self.variables['UniqueDatasetSource'] = {}
+                if 'DatasetSource-Source-ShortName' in doc:
+                    for i, x in enumerate(doc['DatasetSource-Source-ShortName']):
+                        self.variables['UniqueDatasetSource'][x] = i
+                    self.variables['UniqueDatasetSource'] = self.variables['UniqueDatasetSource'].values()
+                # Last_DIF_Revision_Date
+                self.variables['Last_DIF_Revision_Date'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(doc['DatasetMetaHistory-LastRevisionDateLong'][0]) / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+                # DIF_Revision_History
+                self.variables['DIF_Revision_History'] = doc['DatasetMetaHistory-RevisionHistory'][0]
+                # DIF_Creation_Date
+                self.variables['DIF_Creation_Date'] = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+                # Set configurable DIF Author contact information
+                self.variables['author'] = dict(self._configuration.items('author'))
+                # Set configurable PO.DAAC and NODC contact information
+                self.variables['podaac'] = dict(self._configuration.items('podaac'))
+                self.variables['nodc'] = dict(self._configuration.items('nodc'))
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        pass
+    def _filterString(self, str):
+        if str.lower() == 'none':
+            return ''
+        else:
+            return str
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b38347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import datetime
+import urllib
+from edge.opensearch.atomresponsebysolr import AtomResponseBySolr
+from edge.dateutility import DateUtility
+class GranuleAtomResponse(AtomResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, linkToGranule, host, url):
+        super(GranuleAtomResponse, self).__init__()
+        self.linkToGranule = linkToGranule.split(',')
+ = host
+        self.url = url
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        self.variables.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url+self.searchBasePath+'podaac-dataset-osd.xml', 'rel': 'search', 'type': 'application/opensearchdescription+xml' }})
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        item.append({'name': 'title', 'value': doc['Granule-Name'][0]})
+        #item.append({'name': 'content', 'value': doc['Granule-Name'][0]})
+        updated = None
+        startTime = None
+        if 'Granule-StartTimeLong' in doc and doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            updated = DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0])
+            startTime = updated
+        else:
+            updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+'Z'
+        item.append({'name': 'updated', 'value': updated})
+        item.append({'name': 'id', 'value': doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0] + ':' + doc['Granule-Name'][0]})
+        parameters = {'datasetId': doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0], 'granuleName': doc['Granule-Name'][0]}
+        parameters['full'] = 'true'
+        item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url+self.searchBasePath + 'granule?' + urllib.urlencode(parameters), 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'application/atom+xml', 'title': 'PO.DAAC Metadata' }})
+        del parameters['full']
+        parameters['format'] = 'iso'
+        item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url+self.metadataBasePath + 'granule?' +  urllib.urlencode(parameters), 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/xml', 'title': 'ISO-19115 Metadata' }})
+        parameters['format'] = 'fgdc'
+        item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url+self.metadataBasePath + 'granule?' +  urllib.urlencode(parameters), 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/xml', 'title': 'FGDC Metadata' }})
+        #item.append({'name': 'description', 'value': doc['Dataset-Description'][0]})
+        #item.append({'name': 'link', 'value': self.portalUrl+'/'+doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]})
+        #link = self._getLinkToGranule(doc)
+        #if link['href'] is not None:
+        #    item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': link})
+        if 'GranuleReference-Type' in doc:
+            if 'Granule-DataFormat' in doc:
+                type = 'application/x-' + doc['Granule-DataFormat'][0].lower()
+            else:
+                type = 'text/plain'
+            #Look for ONLINE reference only
+            granuleRefDict = dict([(doc['GranuleReference-Type'][i], doc['GranuleReference-Path'][i]) for i,x in enumerate(doc['GranuleReference-Status']) if x=="ONLINE"])
+            if 'LOCAL-OPENDAP' in granuleRefDict:
+                item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': granuleRefDict['LOCAL-OPENDAP'], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/html', 'title': 'OPeNDAP URL' }})
+            elif 'REMOTE-OPENDAP' in granuleRefDict:
+                item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': granuleRefDict['REMOTE-OPENDAP'], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': 'text/html', 'title': 'OPeNDAP URL' }})
+            if 'LOCAL-FTP' in granuleRefDict:
+                item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': granuleRefDict['LOCAL-FTP'], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': type, 'title': 'FTP URL' }})
+            elif 'REMOTE-FTP' in granuleRefDict:
+                item.append({'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': granuleRefDict['REMOTE-FTP'], 'rel': 'enclosure', 'type': type, 'title': 'FTP URL' }})
+        item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': 'datasetId', 'value': doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0]})
+        item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': 'shortName', 'value': doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]})
+        if 'GranuleSpatial-NorthLat' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-EastLon' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-SouthLat' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-WestLon' in doc:
+            item.append({'namespace': 'georss', 'name': 'where', 'value': {'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'Envelope', 'value': [{'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'lowerCorner', 'value': ' '.join([doc['GranuleSpatial-WestLon'][0], doc['GranuleSpatial-SouthLat'][0]])}, {'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'upperCorner', 'value': ' '.join([doc['GranuleSpatial-EastLon'][0], doc['GranuleSpatial-NorthLat'][0]])}]}})
+        if startTime is not None:
+            item.append({'namespace': 'time', 'name': 'start', 'value': startTime})
+        if 'Granule-StopTimeLong' in doc and doc['Granule-StopTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'time', 'name': 'end', 'value': DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['Granule-StopTimeLong'][0])})
+        if 'full' in self.parameters and self.parameters['full']:
+            multiValuedElementsKeys = ('GranuleArchive-', 'GranuleReference-')
+            self._populateItemWithPodaacMetadata(doc, item, multiValuedElementsKeys)
+    '''
+    def _getLinkToGranule(self, doc):
+        attr = {}
+        link = None
+        if 'GranuleReference-Type' in doc and len(self.linkToGranule) > 0:
+            granuleRefDict = dict(zip(doc['GranuleReference-Type'], zip(doc['GranuleReference-Path'], doc['GranuleReference-Status'])))
+            for type in self.linkToGranule:
+                # check if reference type exists
+                if type in granuleRefDict:
+                    # check if reference is online
+                    if granuleRefDict[type][1] == 'ONLINE':
+                        link = granuleRefDict[type][0]
+                        break
+            if link is not None:
+                attr['rel'] = ''
+                attr['title'] = 'Granule File'
+                if 'GranuleArchive-Name' in doc and 'GranuleArchive-Type' in doc and 'GranuleArchive-FileSize':
+                    granuleArchiveDict  = dict(zip(doc['GranuleArchive-Type'], zip(doc['GranuleArchive-Name'], doc['GranuleArchive-FileSize']))) 
+                    if link.endswith(granuleArchiveDict['DATA'][0]):
+                        attr['size'] = granuleArchiveDict['DATA'][1]
+                if 'Granule-DataFormat' in doc:
+                    attr['type'] = 'application/x-' + doc['Granule-DataFormat'][0].lower()
+        else:
+            #No link to granule download provided so create link back to opensearch to retrieve granule metadata
+            link = "http://" + + "/granule/opensearch.atom?granule=" + doc['Granule-Name'][0]
+        attr['href'] = link
+        return attr
+    '''
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24b5dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import logging
+from edge.dateutility import DateUtility
+from edge.opensearch.datacastingresponsebysolr import DatacastingResponseBySolr
+class GranuleDatacastingResponse(DatacastingResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, portalUrl, linkToGranule, archivedWithin):
+        super(GranuleDatacastingResponse, self).__init__(portalUrl, archivedWithin)
+        self.linkToGranule = linkToGranule.split(',')
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0] = DateUtility.convertTimeLongToRFC822(doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0])
+        doc['Granule-StopTimeLong'][0] = DateUtility.convertTimeLongToRFC822(doc['Granule-StopTimeLong'][0])
+        doc['Granule-ArchiveTimeLong'][0] = DateUtility.convertTimeLongToRFC822(doc['Granule-ArchiveTimeLong'][0])
+        doc['GranuleLink'] = self._getLinkToGranule(doc)
+        doc['GranuleFileSize'] = dict(zip(doc['GranuleArchive-Type'], doc['GranuleArchive-FileSize']))
+        if 'GranuleReference-Type' in doc:
+            doc['GranuleReference'] = dict([(doc['GranuleReference-Type'][i], doc['GranuleReference-Path'][i]) for i,x in enumerate(doc['GranuleReference-Status']) if x=="ONLINE"])
+    def _getLinkToGranule(self, doc):
+        link = None
+        if 'GranuleReference-Type' in doc and len(self.linkToGranule) > 0:
+            granuleRefDict = dict(zip(doc['GranuleReference-Type'], zip(doc['GranuleReference-Path'], doc['GranuleReference-Status'])))
+            for type in self.linkToGranule:
+                # check if reference type exists
+                if type in granuleRefDict:
+                    # check if reference is online
+                    if granuleRefDict[type][1] == 'ONLINE':
+                        link = granuleRefDict[type][0]
+                        break
+        return link
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0582f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import datetime
+from edge.opensearch.fgdcresponsebysolr import FgdcResponseBySolr
+class GranuleFgdcResponse(FgdcResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(GranuleFgdcResponse, self).__init__()
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        pass
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9b0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import datetime
+from edge.opensearch.isoresponsebysolr import IsoResponseBySolr
+class GranuleIsoResponse(IsoResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, linkToGranule):
+        super(GranuleIsoResponse, self).__init__()
+        self.linkToGranule = linkToGranule.split(',')
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        link = self._getLinkToGranule(doc)
+        if link is not None:
+            doc['link'] = link
+    def _getLinkToGranule(self, doc):
+        link = None
+        if 'GranuleReference-Type' in doc and len(self.linkToGranule) > 0:
+            granuleRefDict = dict(zip(doc['GranuleReference-Type'], zip(doc['GranuleReference-Path'], doc['GranuleReference-Status'])))
+            for type in self.linkToGranule:
+                # check if reference type exists
+                if type in granuleRefDict:
+                    # check if reference is online
+                    if granuleRefDict[type][1] == 'ONLINE':
+                        link = granuleRefDict[type][0]
+                        break
+        return link
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b1ca80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from edge.opensearch.responsebysolr import ResponseBySolr
+class GranuleResponseBySolr(ResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, linkToGranule):
+        super(GranuleResponseBySolr, self).__init__()
+        self.linkToGranule = linkToGranule
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        pass
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        item.append({'name': 'title', 'value': doc['Granule-Name'][0]})
+        item.append({'name': 'description', 'value': doc['Granule-Name'][0]})
+        #item.append({'name': 'description', 'value': doc['Dataset-Description'][0]})
+        #item.append({'name': 'link', 'value': self.portalUrl+'/'+doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]})
+        link = self._getLinkToGranule(doc)
+        if link is not None:
+            item.append({'name': 'link', 'value': link})
+    def _getLinkToGranule(self, doc):
+        link = None
+        if 'GranuleReference-Type' in doc:
+            types = doc['GranuleReference-Type']
+            typeIndex = -1
+            for index, type in enumerate(types):
+                if type == self.linkToGranule:
+                    typeIndex = index
+                    break
+            if typeIndex >= 0:
+                if ('GranuleReference-Path' in doc) and (len(doc['GranuleReference-Path']) > typeIndex):
+                    link = doc['GranuleReference-Path'][typeIndex]
+        return link
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a514cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import urllib
+from edge.opensearch.rssresponsebysolr import RssResponseBySolr
+from edge.dateutility import DateUtility
+class GranuleRssResponse(RssResponseBySolr):
+    def __init__(self, linkToGranule, host, url):
+        super(GranuleRssResponse, self).__init__()
+        self.linkToGranule = linkToGranule.split(',')
+ = host
+        self.url = url
+    def _populateChannel(self, solrResponse):
+        self.variables.append({'namespace':'atom', 'name': 'link', 'attribute': {'href': self.url+self.searchBasePath+'podaac-dataset-osd.xml', 'rel': 'search', 'type': 'application/opensearchdescription+xml' }})
+    def _populateItem(self, solrResponse, doc, item):
+        item.append({'name': 'title', 'value': doc['Granule-Name'][0]})
+        item.append({'name': 'description', 'value': doc['Granule-Name'][0]})
+        #item.append({'name': 'description', 'value': doc['Dataset-Description'][0]})
+        #item.append({'name': 'link', 'value': self.portalUrl+'/'+doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]})
+        updated = None
+        startTime = None
+        if 'Granule-StartTimeLong' in doc and doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            updated = DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0])
+            startTime = updated
+        else:
+            updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+'Z'
+        item.append({'name': 'pubDate', 'value': updated})
+        item.append({'name': 'guid', 'value': doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0] + ':' + doc['Granule-Name'][0]})
+        link = self._getLinkToGranule(doc)
+        if link is not None:
+            item.append({'name': 'link', 'value': link})
+        parameters = {'datasetId': doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0], 'granuleName': doc['Granule-Name'][0]}
+        parameters['full'] = 'true'
+        parameters['format'] = 'rss'
+        item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': self.url+self.searchBasePath + 'granule?' + urllib.urlencode(parameters), 'type': 'application/rss+xml', 'length': '0'}})
+        del parameters['full']
+        parameters['format'] = 'iso'
+        item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': self.url+self.metadataBasePath + 'granule?' +  urllib.urlencode(parameters), 'type': 'text/xml', 'length': '0'}})
+        parameters['format'] = 'fgdc'
+        item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': self.url+self.metadataBasePath + 'granule?' +  urllib.urlencode(parameters), 'type': 'text/xml', 'length': '0'}})
+        if 'GranuleReference-Type' in doc:
+            if 'Granule-DataFormat' in doc:
+                type = 'application/x-' + doc['Granule-DataFormat'][0].lower()
+            else:
+                type = 'text/plain'
+            #Look for ONLINE reference only
+            granuleRefDict = dict([(doc['GranuleReference-Type'][i], doc['GranuleReference-Path'][i]) for i,x in enumerate(doc['GranuleReference-Status']) if x=="ONLINE"])
+            if 'LOCAL-OPENDAP' in granuleRefDict:
+                item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': granuleRefDict['LOCAL-OPENDAP'], 'type': 'text/html', 'length': '0'}})
+            elif 'REMOTE-OPENDAP' in granuleRefDict:
+                item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': granuleRefDict['REMOTE-OPENDAP'], 'type': 'text/html', 'length': '0'}})
+            if 'LOCAL-FTP' in granuleRefDict:
+                item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': granuleRefDict['LOCAL-FTP'], 'type': type, 'length': '0'}})
+            elif 'REMOTE-FTP' in granuleRefDict:
+                item.append({'name': 'enclosure', 'attribute': {'url': granuleRefDict['REMOTE-FTP'], 'type': type, 'length': '0'}})
+        item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': 'datasetId', 'value': doc['Dataset-PersistentId'][0]})
+        item.append({'namespace': 'podaac', 'name': 'shortName', 'value': doc['Dataset-ShortName'][0]})
+        if 'GranuleSpatial-NorthLat' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-EastLon' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-SouthLat' in doc and 'GranuleSpatial-WestLon' in doc:
+            item.append({'namespace': 'georss', 'name': 'where', 'value': {'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'Envelope', 'value': [{'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'lowerCorner', 'value': ' '.join([doc['GranuleSpatial-WestLon'][0], doc['GranuleSpatial-SouthLat'][0]])}, {'namespace': 'gml', 'name': 'upperCorner', 'value': ' '.join([doc['GranuleSpatial-EastLon'][0], doc['GranuleSpatial-NorthLat'][0]])}]}})
+        if 'Granule-StartTimeLong' in doc and doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'time', 'name': 'start', 'value': DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['Granule-StartTimeLong'][0])})
+        if 'Granule-StopTimeLong' in doc and doc['Granule-StopTimeLong'][0] != '':
+            item.append({'namespace': 'time', 'name': 'end', 'value': DateUtility.convertTimeLongToIso(doc['Granule-StopTimeLong'][0])})
+        if 'full' in self.parameters and self.parameters['full']:
+            multiValuedElementsKeys = ('GranuleArchive-', 'GranuleReference-')
+            self._populateItemWithPodaacMetadata(doc, item, multiValuedElementsKeys)
+    def _getLinkToGranule(self, doc):
+        link = None
+        if 'GranuleReference-Type' in doc and len(self.linkToGranule) > 0:
+            granuleRefDict = dict(zip(doc['GranuleReference-Type'], zip(doc['GranuleReference-Path'], doc['GranuleReference-Status'])))
+            for type in self.linkToGranule:
+                # check if reference type exists
+                if type in granuleRefDict:
+                    # check if reference is online
+                    if granuleRefDict[type][1] == 'ONLINE':
+                        link = granuleRefDict[type][0]
+                        break
+        else:
+            #No link to granule download provided so create link back to opensearch to retrieve granule metadata
+            link = "http://" + + "/granule/opensearch.rss?granule=" + doc['Granule-Name'][0]
+        return link
diff --git a/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddbb194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/python/libraries/edge/opensearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+from types import *
+import logging
+import urllib
+import json
+from edge.opensearch.responsewriter import ResponseWriter
+from edge.dateutility import DateUtility
+from edge.httputility import HttpUtility
+from edge.spatialsearch import SpatialSearch
+import re
+class GranuleWriter(ResponseWriter):
+    def __init__(self, configFilePath, requiredParams = None):
+        super(GranuleWriter, self).__init__(configFilePath, requiredParams)
+        self.startIndex = 0
+        self.entriesPerPage = self._configuration.getint('solr', 'entriesPerPage')
+    def get(self, requestHandler):
+        super(GranuleWriter, self).get(requestHandler)
+        #searchParameters = {}
+        #logging.debug('uri: '+str(requestHandler.request.headers))
+        #startIndex = 0
+        try:
+            self.startIndex = requestHandler.get_argument('startIndex')
+        except:
+            pass
+        #entriesPerPage = self._configuration.getint('solr', 'entriesPerPage')
+        try:
+            self.entriesPerPage = requestHandler.get_argument('itemsPerPage')
+            #cap entries per age at 400
+            if (int(self.entriesPerPage) > 400):
+                self.entriesPerPage = 400
+            self.searchParameters['itemsPerPage'] = self.entriesPerPage
+        except:
+            pass
+        #pretty = True
+        try:
+            if requestHandler.get_argument('pretty').lower() == 'false':
+                self.pretty = False
+                self.searchParameters['pretty'] = 'false'
+        except:
+            pass
+        try:
+            if requestHandler.get_argument('full').lower() == 'true':
+                self.searchParameters['full'] = 'true'
+        except:
+            pass
+        try:
+            self.searchParameters['format'] = requestHandler.get_argument('format')
+        except:
+            pass
+        parameters = ['startTime', 'endTime', 'keyword', 'granuleName', 'datasetId', 'shortName', 'bbox', 'sortBy']
+        #variables = {}
+        for parameter in parameters:
+            try:
+                value = requestHandler.get_argument(parameter)
+                self.variables[parameter] = value
+                self.searchParameters[parameter] = value
+            except:
+                pass
+        if 'keyword' in self.variables:
+            self.variables['keyword'] = self.variables['keyword'].replace('*', '')
+            self.variables['keyword'] = self.variables['keyword'].lower()
+        #Fetch dataset metadata from Solr
+        datasetVariables = {}
+        if 'datasetId' in self.variables:
+            datasetVariables['datasetId'] = self.variables['datasetId']
+        if 'shortName' in self.variables:
+            datasetVariables['shortName'] = self.variables['shortName']
+        self._getSingleSolrDatasetResponse(datasetVariables, self._onSolrDetermineProcessLevelResponse)
+    def _getSolrResponse(self, startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables):
+        query = self._constructSolrQuery(startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables)
+        url = self._configuration.get('solr', 'granuleUrl')
+        httpUtility = HttpUtility()
+        httpUtility.getResponse(url+'/select/?'+query, self._onSolrResponse)
+    def _constructSolrQuery(self, startIndex, entriesPerPage, variables):
+        #set default sort order
+        sort='Granule-StartTimeLong+desc'
+        filterQuery = None
+        queries = []
+        for key, value in variables.iteritems():
+            #query = ''
+            if key == 'startTime':
+                startTime = DateUtility.convertISOToUTCTimestamp(value)
+                if startTime is not None:
+                    query = 'Granule-StopTimeLong:'
+                    query += '['+str(startTime)+'%20TO%20*]'
+                    queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'endTime':
+                stopTime = DateUtility.convertISOToUTCTimestamp(value)
+                if stopTime is not None:
+                    query = 'Granule-StartTimeLong:'
+                    query += '[*%20TO%20'+str(stopTime)+']'
+                    queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'keyword':
+                newValue = urllib.quote(value)
+                query = 'SearchableText-LowerCased:('+newValue+')'
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'datasetId':
+                query = 'Dataset-PersistentId:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'shortName':
+                query = 'Dataset-ShortName-Full:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'granuleName':
+                query = 'Granule-Name-Full:'+self._urlEncodeSolrQueryValue(value)
+                queries.append(query)
+            elif key == 'granuleIds':
+                granuleIds = []
+                for granuleId in value:
+                    granuleIds.append(str(granuleId))
+                query = 'Granule-Id:('+'+OR+'.join(granuleIds)+')'
+                queries.append(query)
+                startIndex = 0
+            elif key == 'sortBy':
+                sortByMapping = {'timeAsc': 'Granule-StartTimeLong+asc'}
+                if value in sortByMapping.keys():
+                    sort = sortByMapping[value]
+            elif key == 'bbox':
+                filterQuery = self._constructBoundingBoxQuery(value)
+            #if query != '':
+            #    queries.append('%2B'+query)
+        if len(queries) == 0:
+            queries.append('*')
+        query = 'q='+'+AND+'.join(queries)+'&fq=Granule-AccessType:(OPEN+OR+PREVIEW+OR+SIMULATED+OR+REMOTE)+AND+Granule-Status:ONLINE&version=2.2&start='+str(startIndex)+'&rows='+str(entriesPerPage)+'&indent=on&wt=json&sort='+sort
+        if filterQuery is not None:
+            query += '&' + filterQuery
+        logging.debug('solr query: '+query)
+        return query
+    def _onSolrDetermineProcessLevelResponse(self, response):
+        try:
+            #Determine dataset processing level
+            processingLevel = None
+            solrJson = json.loads(response.body)
+            if len(solrJson['response']['docs']) >= 1:
+                if 'bbox' in self.variables:
+                    processingLevel = solrJson['response']['docs'][0]['Dataset-ProcessingLevel-Full'][0]
+                    if processingLevel is not None and processingLevel.find('2') != -1:
+                        if self._configuration.get('service', 'bbox') == 'l2':
+                            #Call Matt's L2 Search Service
+                            #raise Exception(self._configuration.get('service', 'l2')+'?'+requestHandler.request.query)
+                            httpUtility = HttpUtility()
+                            url = self._configuration.get('service', 'l2') + '?'
+                            if 'format' not in self.requestHandler.request.arguments:
+                                url += 'format=atom&'
+                            url += self.requestHandler.request.query
+                            logging.debug("Calling L2 Service: " + url)
+                            result = httpUtility.getResponse(url, self._onL2Response)
+                        else:
+                            points = self.variables['bbox'].split(',')
+                            if len(points) == 4:
+                                spatialSearch = SpatialSearch(
+                                    self._configuration.get('service', 'database')
+                                )
+                                spatialResult = spatialSearch.searchGranules(
+                                    int(self.startIndex),
+                                    int(self.entriesPerPage),
+                                    float(points[0]),
+                                    float(points[1]),
+                                    float(points[2]),
+                                    float(points[3])
+                                )
+                                logging.debug("Granule spatial search returned")
+                                #if len(spatialResult[0]) > 0:
+                                self.variables['granuleIds'] = spatialResult[0]
+                                self.variables['granuleIdsFound'] = spatialResult[1]
+                            del self.variables['bbox']
+                            solrJson = {'responseHeader': {'params': {}}, 'response': {}}
+                            solrJson['response']['numFound'] = int(self.variables['granuleIdsFound'])
+                            solrJson['response']['start'] = int(self.startIndex)
+                            solrJson['responseHeader']['params']['rows'] = int(self.entriesPerPage)
+                            solrJson['response']['docs'] = []
+                            for name in self.variables['granuleIds']:
+                               solrJson['response']['docs'].append({'Granule-Name': [name]})
+                            solrResponse = json.dumps(solrJson)
+                            searchText = ''
+                            if 'keyword' in self.variables:
+                                searchText = self.variables['keyword']
+                            openSearchResponse = self._generateOpenSearchResponse(
+                                solrResponse,
+                                searchText,
+                                self._configuration.get('service', 'url')+self.requestHandler.request.path,
+                                self.searchParameters,
+                                self.pretty
+                            )
+                            self.requestHandler.set_header("Content-Type", "application/xml")
+                            #requestHandler.set_header("Content-Type", "application/rss+xml")
+                            #requestHandler.write(solrResponse)
+                            self.requestHandler.write(openSearchResponse)
+                            self.requestHandler.finish()
+                    else:
+                        #Dataset is not an L2 dataset so handle search via Solr
+                        try:
+                            self._getSolrResponse(self.startIndex, self.entriesPerPage, self.variables)
+                        except:
+                            logging.exception('Failed to get solr response.')
+                else:
+                    #Not a bounding box search so handle search via Solr
+                    try:
+                        self._getSolrResponse(self.startIndex, self.entriesPerPage, self.variables)
+                    except:
+                        logging.exception('Failed to get solr response.')
+            else:
+                #Dataset metadata cannot be retreived so return empty search result
+                solrJson = {'responseHeader': {'params': {}}, 'response': {}}
+                solrJson['response']['numFound'] = 0
+                solrJson['response']['start'] = int(self.startIndex)
+                solrJson['responseHeader']['params']['rows'] = int(self.entriesPerPage)
+                solrJson['response']['docs'] = []
+                solrResponse = json.dumps(solrJson)
+                self._writeResponse(solrResponse)
+        except BaseException as exception:
+            logging.exception('Failed to determine dataset processing level for bbox search ' + str(exception))
+            self._handleException(str(exception))
+    def _onL2Response(self, response):
+        if response.error:
+            self._handleException(str(response.error))
+        else:
+            try:
+                logging.debug('header: Content-Type '+response.headers['Content-Type'])
+                self.requestHandler.set_header('Content-Type', response.headers['Content-Type'])
+                logging.debug('header: Content-Length '+response.headers['Content-Length'])
+                self.requestHandler.set_header('Content-Length', response.headers['Content-Length'])
+            except:
+                pass
+            self.requestHandler.write(response.body)
+            self.requestHandler.finish()