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Posted to by Mikel Astiz <> on 2005/10/14 17:31:13 UTC

Fw: Help needed

(NOTE: this is the second time I send this message, but I wasn't previously subscribed to the mailing list and I doubt wether the mail has been accepted)


    I am developing a web application using Xalan C++ but I have a problem with a stylesheet: some XML documents cannot be transformed! I mean, Xalan seems to crash due to a memory fault or something. I don't know how I could find out the reason, but this is the assertion that fails:
    assert(m_referenceCount == 0) in file "xalanreferencecountedobject.cpp" line 44, called from Xalan-C_1_8D.dll.

    And the questions are: where should I ask for help? Is there any chance to solve this problem? Should I do a bug report (I haven't done one yet)?

    Thanks for your attention and sorry if this is not the right place to ask.

    P.S.: In case someone is interested, I have stored the call stack in Windows XP (see below). In Linux, using 'XalanTransform' from the command line, it gives "Error: InvalidStackContextException: Invalid stack context  (, line -1, column -1)".


Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XalanReferenceCountedObject::~XalanReferenceCountedObject()  Line 43 + 0x1d C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XObject::~XObject()  Line 214 + 0x8 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XStringBase::~XStringBase()  Line 61 + 0x1a C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XStringCached::~XStringCached()  Line 50 + 0x1a C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XStringCached::`vector deleting destructor'()  + 0x54 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short>::~ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short>()  Line 125 + 0x25 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short>::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 0x16 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XalanDestroyFunctor<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> >::operator()(xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> & theArg={...})  Line 47 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XalanDestroyFunctor<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> >::operator()(xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> * theArg=0x01e57ea8, xercesc_2_6::MemoryManager & theMemoryManager={...})  Line 70 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XalanDestroyFunctor<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> >::operator()(const xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> * theArg=0x01e57ea8, xercesc_2_6::MemoryManager & theMemoryManager={...})  Line 80 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::DeleteFunctor<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> >::operator()(const xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> * thePointer=0x01e57ea8)  Line 127 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!std::for_each<xalanc_1_9::XalanListIteratorBase<xalanc_1_9::XalanListIteratorTraits<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> *>,xalanc_1_9::XalanList<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> *>::Node>,xalanc_1_9::DeleteFunctor<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> > >(xalanc_1_9::XalanListIteratorBase<xalanc_1_9::XalanListIteratorTraits<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> *>,xalanc_1_9::XalanList<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> *>::Node> _First={...}, xalanc_1_9::XalanListIteratorBase<xalanc_1_9::XalanListIteratorTraits<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> *>,xalanc_1_9::XalanList<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> *>::Node> _Last={...}, xalanc_1_9::DeleteFunctor<xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> > _Func={...})  Line 21 + 0x13 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::ArenaAllocator<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,xalanc_1_9::ReusableArenaBlock<xalanc_1_9::XStringCached,unsigned short> >::reset()  Line 203 + 0x3a C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XStringCachedAllocator::reset()  Line 66 + 0xd C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XObjectFactoryDefault::reset()  Line 516 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XSLTEngineImpl::reset()  Line 183 + 0x15 C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::StylesheetExecutionContextDefault::reset()  Line 1917 + 0x1b C++
Xalan-C_1_8D.dll!xalanc_1_9::XalanTransformer::EnsureReset::~EnsureReset()  Line 1138 + 0x1d C++
msvcr71d.dll!_CallSettingFrame(unsigned long funclet=1235012, unsigned long pRN=259, unsigned long dwInCode=0)  + 0x27 Asm
msvcr71d.dll!__FrameUnwindToState(EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012d844, void * pDC=0x0012c720, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x00f751d4, int targetState=1)  + 0xbf C++
msvcr71d.dll!CatchIt(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012c74c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012d844, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012c76c, void * pDC=0x0012c720, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x00f751d4, const _s_HandlerType * pCatch=0x00f75170, const _s_CatchableType * pConv=0x00f5a958, const _s_TryBlockMapEntry * pEntry=0x00f751c0, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000, unsigned char IsRethrow=0)  + 0x63 C++
msvcr71d.dll!FindHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012c74c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012d844, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012c76c, void * pDC=0x0012c720, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x00f751d4, unsigned char recursive=0, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000)  + 0x23b C++
msvcr71d.dll!__InternalCxxFrameHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012c74c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012d844, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x0012c76c, void * pDC=0x0012c720, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x00f751d4, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000, unsigned char recursive=0)  + 0xe4 C++
msvcr71d.dll!__CxxFrameHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0012c74c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x0012d844, void * pContext=0x0012c76c, void * pDC=0x0012c720)  + 0x2c C++

Re: Fw: Help needed

Posted by David Bertoni <>.
Mikel Astiz wrote:
> (NOTE: this is the second time I send this message, but I wasn't 
> previously subscribed to the mailing list and I doubt wether the mail 
> has been accepted)

The list is not moderated, so it should have appeared.

 > P.S.: In case someone is interested, I have stored the call stack
 > in Windows XP (see below). In Linux, using 'XalanTransform' from the
 > command line, it gives "Error: InvalidStackContextException: Invalid
 > stack context  (, line -1, column -1)".


This a known bug which is fixed in the latest CVS code:


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Re: Fw: Help needed

Posted by Mikel Astiz <>.
> If you're fairly sure the problem is Xalan rather than your code, file a
> bug report and attach (preferably small) sample files that can be used to
> reproduce the problem.

    Certainly. But I do have a source XML document and a stylesheet that 
cannot be combined successfully even using an official binary of 
'XalanTransform' (Error: InvalidStackContextException...). I wouldn't like 
to put them in a mailing list, but I would willingly send them to any 
interested Xalan developer. Of course, I would try to reduce the size of the 
stylesheet, as the original is quite complex.


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Re: Fw: Help needed

Posted by Joseph Kesselman <>.
If you're fairly sure the problem is Xalan rather than your code, file a
bug report and attach (preferably small) sample files that can be used to
reproduce the problem.

Joe Kesselman, IBM Next-Generation Web Technologies: XML, XSL and more.
"The world changed profoundly and unpredictably the day Tim Berners Lee
got bitten by a radioactive spider." -- Rafe Culpin, in r.m.filk

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