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Posted to by Alexander Mueller <> on 2009/03/20 08:26:37 UTC

RapidSVN 0.9.8 released

The new release of RapidSVN is out.

You can download the Windows installer, a Mac OS/X disk image and the 
Source tarball here:

You will find binary packages for different Linux/Unix distributions 
like Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Fedora Core... some time after this release 
depending on the release policy of the distribution.

You can find binaries of nightly builds for development and testing 
purposes here:

This is the excerpt of the CHANGES file for this release:

User-visible changes

     * 582 Migrated license to GPLv3
     * 73  New Feature: Implement display filters
     * 607 New Feature: Basic support for subversion 1.5
     * 630 New Feature: Recursive Revert
     * 639 Enhancement: Added toolbar tool to toggle "Show
     * 514 Fixed: Log Dialog: log column line-endings not converted
     * 516 Fixed: Pre-fill Name for Checkout/Export Command doesnt work
     * 526 Fixed: Filelist update failed when there were special
                  characetrs in the uri
     * 527 Fixed: Dialogs showed on Wrong Monitor on Multi-Monitor
                  Windows Systems
     * 534 Fixed: Assertion failed when trying to move a file up one
     * 560 Fixed: Windows/wxMSW 2.6.4: "Mondrian" logo displayed in
     * 564 Fixed: Selection not updated correctly
     * 571 Fixed: Fails to build on gcc 4.3
     * 578 Fixed: Packaging problem: rapidsvn_generated.h was missing in
     * 583 Fixed: Localized date format broken
     * 589 Fixed: Mac: File list column disappeared
     * 590 Fixed: Right-clicking doesn't select tree item
     * 593 Fixed: Startup crash on WinXP with svn-1.4.6 for Apache 2.2.x
     * 594 Fixed: Warning after checkout
     * 598 Fixed: DnD: Needless prompting for import log
     * 599 Fixed: Refresh with update: DnD on file list failed
     * 604 Fixed: Cannot explicitly add ignored files
     * 605 Fixed: Error during filelist refresh prevents further diplay
     * 615 Fixed: Multiple File Delete Triggers Multiple Commits
     * 626 Fixed: Copy/Move dialog does not cancel on escape key
     * 631 Fixed: Build broken for Linux/Subversion 1.5.1 (on Ubuntu
     * 640 Dropped Subversion 1.4.x support in binary packages

Developer-visible changes

     * 628 Changed coding style to ANSI + parent outer
     * 585 Enhancement: added version identifier in the headers

Work in progress (not completed)

     * 632 New Feature: Ability to commit specific files
     * 413 Focus lost from file view after app switch
     * 477 Concurrent actions - lack of visual feedback
     * 555 Linux+Mac: locale files not installed by default
     * 581 Refresh with update: doubleclick on folders doesnt work

Unresolved issues

     * 467 Log History - Get command mingles the file if modified locally
     * 494 SegFault when using diff on two revisions
     * 542 Right-clicking doesn't select the file before popping up
     * 545 Occassionally not saving bookmarks
     * 547 Mac: Update/Commit enabled only for files (not directory)
     * 548 Mac: Update dialog doesnt respond to ENTER key
     * 634 Mac: Filelist order broken (first files and then folders,
                folders in wrong order)
     * 586 svn::Info implementation incomplete


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