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[3/7] incubator-beam git commit: Merge branch 'master' into temp-option
diff --cc sdks/java/core/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/dataflow/sdk/runners/
index 0000000,c5f2d3f..300d5d5
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/sdks/java/core/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/dataflow/sdk/runners/
+++ b/sdks/java/core/src/test/java/com/google/cloud/dataflow/sdk/runners/
@@@ -1,0 -1,1370 +1,1368 @@@
+ /*
+  * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
+  *
+  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+  * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+  * the License at
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+  * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+  * the License.
+  */
+ package;
+ import static;
+ import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder;
+ import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
+ import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf;
+ import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;
+ import static org.hamcrest.collection.IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains;
+ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+ import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+ import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+ import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
+ import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+ import static;
+ import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
+ import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString;
+ import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
+ import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+ import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import org.hamcrest.Description;
+ import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
+ import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher;
+ import org.joda.time.Instant;
+ import org.junit.Rule;
+ import org.junit.Test;
+ import org.junit.internal.matchers.ThrowableMessageMatcher;
+ import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
+ import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
+ import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+ import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
+ import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
+ import org.mockito.Mockito;
+ import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
+ import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import;
+ import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
+ import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
+ import java.nio.file.Files;
+ import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
+ import java.util.ArrayList;
+ import java.util.Arrays;
+ import java.util.Collections;
+ import java.util.LinkedList;
+ import java.util.List;
+ import java.util.Map;
+ /**
+  * Tests for DataflowPipelineRunner.
+  */
+ @RunWith(JUnit4.class)
+ public class DataflowPipelineRunnerTest {
+   private static final String PROJECT_ID = "some-project";
+   @Rule
+   public TemporaryFolder tmpFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
+   @Rule
+   public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
+   // Asserts that the given Job has all expected fields set.
+   private static void assertValidJob(Job job) {
+     assertNull(job.getId());
+     assertNull(job.getCurrentState());
+   }
+   private DataflowPipeline buildDataflowPipeline(DataflowPipelineOptions options) {
+     options.setStableUniqueNames(CheckEnabled.ERROR);
+     DataflowPipeline p = DataflowPipeline.create(options);
+     p.apply(TextIO.Read.named("ReadMyFile").from("gs://bucket/object"))
+         .apply(TextIO.Write.named("WriteMyFile").to("gs://bucket/object"));
+     return p;
+   }
+   private static Dataflow buildMockDataflow(
+       final ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor) throws IOException {
+     Dataflow mockDataflowClient = mock(Dataflow.class);
+     Dataflow.Projects mockProjects = mock(Dataflow.Projects.class);
+     Dataflow.Projects.Jobs mockJobs = mock(Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.class);
+     Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create mockRequest =
+         mock(Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create.class);
+     Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List mockList = mock(Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List.class);
+     when(mockDataflowClient.projects()).thenReturn(mockProjects);
+     when(;
+     when(mockJobs.create(eq(PROJECT_ID), jobCaptor.capture()))
+         .thenReturn(mockRequest);
+     when(mockJobs.list(eq(PROJECT_ID))).thenReturn(mockList);
+     when(mockList.setPageToken(anyString())).thenReturn(mockList);
+     when(mockList.execute())
+         .thenReturn(new ListJobsResponse().setJobs(
+             Arrays.asList(new Job()
+                               .setName("oldJobName")
+                               .setId("oldJobId")
+                               .setCurrentState("JOB_STATE_RUNNING"))));
+     Job resultJob = new Job();
+     resultJob.setId("newid");
+     when(mockRequest.execute()).thenReturn(resultJob);
+     return mockDataflowClient;
+   }
+   private GcsUtil buildMockGcsUtil(boolean bucketExists) throws IOException {
+     GcsUtil mockGcsUtil = mock(GcsUtil.class);
+     when(mockGcsUtil.create(any(GcsPath.class), anyString()))
+         .then(new Answer<SeekableByteChannel>() {
+               @Override
+               public SeekableByteChannel answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
+                 return
+                     Files.createTempFile("channel-", ".tmp"),
+                     StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.DELETE_ON_CLOSE);
+               }
+             });
+     when(mockGcsUtil.isGcsPatternSupported(anyString())).thenReturn(true);
+     when(mockGcsUtil.expand(any(GcsPath.class))).then(new Answer<List<GcsPath>>() {
+       @Override
+       public List<GcsPath> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
+         return ImmutableList.of((GcsPath) invocation.getArguments()[0]);
+       }
+     });
+     when(mockGcsUtil.bucketExists(any(GcsPath.class))).thenReturn(bucketExists);
+     return mockGcsUtil;
+   }
+   private DataflowPipelineOptions buildPipelineOptions() throws IOException {
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     return buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor);
+   }
+   private DataflowPipelineOptions buildPipelineOptions(
+       ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor) throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setProject(PROJECT_ID);
+     options.setTempLocation("gs://somebucket/some/path");
+     // Set FILES_PROPERTY to empty to prevent a default value calculated from classpath.
+     options.setFilesToStage(new LinkedList<String>());
+     options.setDataflowClient(buildMockDataflow(jobCaptor));
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     return options;
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testRun() throws IOException {
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor);
+     DataflowPipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(options);
+     DataflowPipelineJob job =;
+     assertEquals("newid", job.getJobId());
+     assertValidJob(jobCaptor.getValue());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testRunReturnDifferentRequestId() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+     Dataflow mockDataflowClient = options.getDataflowClient();
+     Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create mockRequest = mock(Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create.class);
+     when(mockDataflowClient.projects().jobs().create(eq(PROJECT_ID), any(Job.class)))
+         .thenReturn(mockRequest);
+     Job resultJob = new Job();
+     resultJob.setId("newid");
+     // Return a different request id.
+     resultJob.setClientRequestId("different_request_id");
+     when(mockRequest.execute()).thenReturn(resultJob);
+     DataflowPipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(options);
+     try {
+       fail("Expected DataflowJobAlreadyExistsException");
+     } catch (DataflowJobAlreadyExistsException expected) {
+       assertThat(expected.getMessage(),
+           containsString("If you want to submit a second job, try again by setting a "
+             + "different name using --jobName."));
+       assertEquals(expected.getJob().getJobId(), resultJob.getId());
+     }
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testUpdate() throws IOException {
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor);
+     options.setUpdate(true);
+     options.setJobName("oldJobName");
+     DataflowPipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(options);
+     DataflowPipelineJob job =;
+     assertEquals("newid", job.getJobId());
+     assertValidJob(jobCaptor.getValue());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testUpdateNonExistentPipeline() throws IOException {
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage("Could not find running job named badJobName");
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+     options.setUpdate(true);
+     options.setJobName("badJobName");
+     DataflowPipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testUpdateAlreadyUpdatedPipeline() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+     options.setUpdate(true);
+     options.setJobName("oldJobName");
+     Dataflow mockDataflowClient = options.getDataflowClient();
+     Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create mockRequest = mock(Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create.class);
+     when(mockDataflowClient.projects().jobs().create(eq(PROJECT_ID), any(Job.class)))
+         .thenReturn(mockRequest);
+     final Job resultJob = new Job();
+     resultJob.setId("newid");
+     // Return a different request id.
+     resultJob.setClientRequestId("different_request_id");
+     when(mockRequest.execute()).thenReturn(resultJob);
+     DataflowPipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(options);
+     thrown.expect(DataflowJobAlreadyUpdatedException.class);
+     thrown.expect(new TypeSafeMatcher<DataflowJobAlreadyUpdatedException>() {
+       @Override
+       public void describeTo(Description description) {
+         description.appendText("Expected job ID: " + resultJob.getId());
+       }
+       @Override
+       protected boolean matchesSafely(DataflowJobAlreadyUpdatedException item) {
+         return resultJob.getId().equals(item.getJob().getJobId());
+       }
+     });
+     thrown.expectMessage("The job named oldjobname with id: oldJobId has already been updated "
+         + "into job id: newid and cannot be updated again.");
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testRunWithFiles() throws IOException {
+     // Test that the function DataflowPipelineRunner.stageFiles works as
+     // expected.
+     GcsUtil mockGcsUtil = buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */);
+     final String gcsStaging = "gs://somebucket/some/path";
+     final String gcsTemp = "gs://somebucket/some/temp/path";
+     final String cloudDataflowDataset = "somedataset";
+     // Create some temporary files.
+     File temp1 = File.createTempFile("DataflowPipelineRunnerTest", "txt");
+     temp1.deleteOnExit();
+     File temp2 = File.createTempFile("DataflowPipelineRunnerTest2", "txt");
+     temp2.deleteOnExit();
+     String overridePackageName = "alias.txt";
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setFilesToStage(ImmutableList.of(
+         temp1.getAbsolutePath(),
+         overridePackageName + "=" + temp2.getAbsolutePath()));
+     options.setStagingLocation(gcsStaging);
+     options.setTempLocation(gcsTemp);
+     options.setTempDatasetId(cloudDataflowDataset);
+     options.setProject(PROJECT_ID);
+     options.setJobName("job");
+     options.setDataflowClient(buildMockDataflow(jobCaptor));
+     options.setGcsUtil(mockGcsUtil);
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     DataflowPipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(options);
+     DataflowPipelineJob job =;
+     assertEquals("newid", job.getJobId());
+     Job workflowJob = jobCaptor.getValue();
+     assertValidJob(workflowJob);
+     assertEquals(
+         2,
+         workflowJob.getEnvironment().getWorkerPools().get(0).getPackages().size());
+     DataflowPackage workflowPackage1 =
+         workflowJob.getEnvironment().getWorkerPools().get(0).getPackages().get(0);
+     assertThat(workflowPackage1.getName(), startsWith(temp1.getName()));
+     DataflowPackage workflowPackage2 =
+         workflowJob.getEnvironment().getWorkerPools().get(0).getPackages().get(1);
+     assertEquals(overridePackageName, workflowPackage2.getName());
+     assertEquals(
+         "",
+         workflowJob.getEnvironment().getTempStoragePrefix());
+     assertEquals(
+         cloudDataflowDataset,
+         workflowJob.getEnvironment().getDataset());
+     assertEquals(
+         DataflowReleaseInfo.getReleaseInfo().getName(),
+         workflowJob.getEnvironment().getUserAgent().get("name"));
+     assertEquals(
+         DataflowReleaseInfo.getReleaseInfo().getVersion(),
+         workflowJob.getEnvironment().getUserAgent().get("version"));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void runWithDefaultFilesToStage() throws Exception {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+     options.setFilesToStage(null);
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+     assertTrue(!options.getFilesToStage().isEmpty());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void detectClassPathResourceWithFileResources() throws Exception {
+     File file = tmpFolder.newFile("file");
+     File file2 = tmpFolder.newFile("file2");
+     URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{
+         file.toURI().toURL(),
+         file2.toURI().toURL()
+     });
+     assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(file.getAbsolutePath(), file2.getAbsolutePath()),
+         DataflowPipelineRunner.detectClassPathResourcesToStage(classLoader));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void detectClassPathResourcesWithUnsupportedClassLoader() {
+     ClassLoader mockClassLoader = Mockito.mock(ClassLoader.class);
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage("Unable to use ClassLoader to detect classpath elements.");
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.detectClassPathResourcesToStage(mockClassLoader);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void detectClassPathResourceWithNonFileResources() throws Exception {
+     String url = "";
+     URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{
+         new URL(url)
+     });
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage("Unable to convert url (" + url + ") to file.");
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.detectClassPathResourcesToStage(classLoader);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testGcsStagingLocationInitialization() throws Exception {
+     // Test that the staging location is initialized correctly.
+     String gcsTemp = "gs://somebucket/some/temp/path";
+     // Set temp location (required), and check that staging location is set.
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setTempLocation(gcsTemp);
+     options.setProject(PROJECT_ID);
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+     assertNotNull(options.getStagingLocation());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testNonGcsFilePathInReadFailure() throws IOException {
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     Pipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor));
+     p.apply(TextIO.Read.named("ReadMyNonGcsFile").from(tmpFolder.newFile().getPath()));
+     thrown.expectCause(Matchers.allOf(
+         instanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class),
+         ThrowableMessageMatcher.hasMessage(
+             containsString("expected a valid 'gs://' path but was given"))));
+     assertValidJob(jobCaptor.getValue());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testNonGcsFilePathInWriteFailure() throws IOException {
+     Pipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(buildPipelineOptions());
+     PCollection<String> pc = p.apply(TextIO.Read.named("ReadMyGcsFile").from("gs://bucket/object"));
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage(containsString("expected a valid 'gs://' path but was given"));
+     pc.apply(TextIO.Write.named("WriteMyNonGcsFile").to("/tmp/file"));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testMultiSlashGcsFileReadPath() throws IOException {
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     Pipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor));
+     p.apply(TextIO.Read.named("ReadInvalidGcsFile")
+         .from("gs://bucket/tmp//file"));
+     thrown.expectCause(Matchers.allOf(
+         instanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class),
+         ThrowableMessageMatcher.hasMessage(containsString("consecutive slashes"))));
+     assertValidJob(jobCaptor.getValue());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testMultiSlashGcsFileWritePath() throws IOException {
+     Pipeline p = buildDataflowPipeline(buildPipelineOptions());
+     PCollection<String> pc = p.apply(TextIO.Read.named("ReadMyGcsFile").from("gs://bucket/object"));
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage("consecutive slashes");
+     pc.apply(TextIO.Write.named("WriteInvalidGcsFile").to("gs://bucket/tmp//file"));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testInvalidTempLocation() throws IOException {
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor);
+     options.setTempLocation("file://temp/location");
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage(containsString("expected a valid 'gs://' path but was given"));
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+     assertValidJob(jobCaptor.getValue());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testInvalidStagingLocation() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+     options.setStagingLocation("file://my/staging/location");
+     try {
+       DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+       fail("fromOptions should have failed");
+     } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+       assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("expected a valid 'gs://' path but was given"));
+     }
+     options.setStagingLocation("my/staging/location");
+     try {
+       DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+       fail("fromOptions should have failed");
+     } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+       assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("expected a valid 'gs://' path but was given"));
+     }
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testNonExistentTempLocation() throws IOException {
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     GcsUtil mockGcsUtil = buildMockGcsUtil(false /* bucket exists */);
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor);
+     options.setGcsUtil(mockGcsUtil);
+     options.setTempLocation("gs://non-existent-bucket/location");
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage(containsString(
+         "Output path does not exist or is not writeable: gs://non-existent-bucket/location"));
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+     assertValidJob(jobCaptor.getValue());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testNonExistentStagingLocation() throws IOException {
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     GcsUtil mockGcsUtil = buildMockGcsUtil(false /* bucket exists */);
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor);
+     options.setGcsUtil(mockGcsUtil);
+     options.setStagingLocation("gs://non-existent-bucket/location");
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage(containsString(
+         "Output path does not exist or is not writeable: gs://non-existent-bucket/location"));
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+     assertValidJob(jobCaptor.getValue());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testNoProjectFails() {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     // Explicitly set to null to prevent the default instance factory from reading credentials
+     // from a user's environment, causing this test to fail.
+     options.setProject(null);
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage("Project id");
+     thrown.expectMessage("when running a Dataflow in the cloud");
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testProjectId() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setProject("foo-12345");
+     options.setStagingLocation("gs://spam/ham/eggs");
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testProjectPrefix() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setProject("");
+     options.setStagingLocation("gs://spam/ham/eggs");
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testProjectNumber() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setProject("12345");
+     options.setStagingLocation("gs://spam/ham/eggs");
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage("Project ID");
+     thrown.expectMessage("project number");
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testProjectDescription() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setProject("some project");
+     options.setStagingLocation("gs://spam/ham/eggs");
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage("Project ID");
+     thrown.expectMessage("project description");
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testInvalidNumberOfWorkerHarnessThreads() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setProject("foo-12345");
+     options.setStagingLocation("gs://spam/ham/eggs");
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage("Number of worker harness threads");
+     thrown.expectMessage("Please make sure the value is non-negative.");
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testNoStagingLocationAndNoTempLocationFails() {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setProject("foo-project");
+     thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
 -    thrown.expectMessage("Missing required value for group");
 -    thrown.expectMessage(DataflowPipelineOptions.DATAFLOW_STORAGE_LOCATION);
 -    thrown.expectMessage("getStagingLocation");
 -    thrown.expectMessage("getTempLocation");
++    thrown.expectMessage(
++        "Missing required value: at least one of tempLocation or stagingLocation must be set.");
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testStagingLocationAndNoTempLocationSucceeds() throws Exception {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     options.setProject("foo-project");
+     options.setStagingLocation("gs://spam/ham/eggs");
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testTempLocationAndNoStagingLocationSucceeds() throws Exception {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     options.setProject("foo-project");
+     options.setTempLocation("gs://spam/ham/eggs");
+     options.setGcsUtil(buildMockGcsUtil(true /* bucket exists */));
+     DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testInvalidJobName() throws IOException {
+     List<String> invalidNames = Arrays.asList(
+         "invalid_name",
+         "0invalid",
+         "invalid-");
+     List<String> expectedReason = Arrays.asList(
+         "JobName invalid",
+         "JobName invalid",
+         "JobName invalid");
+     for (int i = 0; i < invalidNames.size(); ++i) {
+       DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+       options.setJobName(invalidNames.get(i));
+       try {
+         DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options);
+         fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException for jobName "
+             + options.getJobName());
+       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+         assertThat(e.getMessage(),
+             containsString(expectedReason.get(i)));
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testValidJobName() throws IOException {
+     List<String> names = Arrays.asList("ok", "Ok", "A-Ok", "ok-123",
+         "this-one-is-fairly-long-01234567890123456789");
+     for (String name : names) {
+       DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+       options.setJobName(name);
+       DataflowPipelineRunner runner = DataflowPipelineRunner
+           .fromOptions(options);
+       assertNotNull(runner);
+     }
+   }
+   /**
+    * A fake PTransform for testing.
+    */
+   public static class TestTransform
+       extends PTransform<PCollection<Integer>, PCollection<Integer>> {
+     public boolean translated = false;
+     @Override
+     public PCollection<Integer> apply(PCollection<Integer> input) {
+       return PCollection.<Integer>createPrimitiveOutputInternal(
+           input.getPipeline(),
+           WindowingStrategy.globalDefault(),
+           input.isBounded());
+     }
+     @Override
+     protected Coder<?> getDefaultOutputCoder(PCollection<Integer> input) {
+       return input.getCoder();
+     }
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testTransformTranslatorMissing() throws IOException {
+     // Test that we throw if we don't provide a translation.
+     ArgumentCaptor<Job> jobCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Job.class);
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions(jobCaptor);
+     DataflowPipeline p = DataflowPipeline.create(options);
+     p.apply(Create.of(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)))
+      .apply(new TestTransform());
+     thrown.expect(IllegalStateException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage(Matchers.containsString("no translator registered"));
+     DataflowPipelineTranslator.fromOptions(options)
+         .translate(p, p.getRunner(), Collections.<DataflowPackage>emptyList());
+     assertValidJob(jobCaptor.getValue());
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testTransformTranslator() throws IOException {
+     // Test that we can provide a custom translation
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+     DataflowPipeline p = DataflowPipeline.create(options);
+     TestTransform transform = new TestTransform();
+     p.apply(Create.of(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)).withCoder(BigEndianIntegerCoder.of()))
+         .apply(transform);
+     DataflowPipelineTranslator translator = DataflowPipelineRunner
+         .fromOptions(options).getTranslator();
+     DataflowPipelineTranslator.registerTransformTranslator(
+         TestTransform.class,
+         new DataflowPipelineTranslator.TransformTranslator<TestTransform>() {
+           @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+           @Override
+           public void translate(
+               TestTransform transform,
+               DataflowPipelineTranslator.TranslationContext context) {
+             transform.translated = true;
+             // Note: This is about the minimum needed to fake out a
+             // translation. This obviously isn't a real translation.
+             context.addStep(transform, "TestTranslate");
+             context.addOutput("output", context.getOutput(transform));
+           }
+         });
+     translator.translate(
+         p, p.getRunner(), Collections.<DataflowPackage>emptyList());
+     assertTrue(transform.translated);
+   }
+   /** Records all the composite transforms visited within the Pipeline. */
+   private static class CompositeTransformRecorder implements PipelineVisitor {
+     private List<PTransform<?, ?>> transforms = new ArrayList<>();
+     @Override
+     public void enterCompositeTransform(TransformTreeNode node) {
+       if (node.getTransform() != null) {
+         transforms.add(node.getTransform());
+       }
+     }
+     @Override
+     public void leaveCompositeTransform(TransformTreeNode node) {
+     }
+     @Override
+     public void visitTransform(TransformTreeNode node) {
+     }
+     @Override
+     public void visitValue(PValue value, TransformTreeNode producer) {
+     }
+     public List<PTransform<?, ?>> getCompositeTransforms() {
+       return transforms;
+     }
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testApplyIsScopedToExactClass() throws IOException {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options = buildPipelineOptions();
+     DataflowPipeline p = DataflowPipeline.create(options);
+     Create.TimestampedValues<String> transform =
+         Create.timestamped(Arrays.asList(TimestampedValue.of("TestString",;
+     p.apply(transform);
+     CompositeTransformRecorder recorder = new CompositeTransformRecorder();
+     p.traverseTopologically(recorder);
+     assertThat("Expected to have seen CreateTimestamped composite transform.",
+         recorder.getCompositeTransforms(),
+         Matchers.<PTransform<?, ?>>contains(transform));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testToString() {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setJobName("TestJobName");
+     options.setProject("test-project");
+     options.setTempLocation("gs://test/temp/location");
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     options.setPathValidatorClass(NoopPathValidator.class);
+     assertEquals("DataflowPipelineRunner#TestJobName",
+         DataflowPipelineRunner.fromOptions(options).toString());
+   }
+   private static PipelineOptions makeOptions(boolean streaming) {
+     DataflowPipelineOptions options =;
+     options.setRunner(DataflowPipelineRunner.class);
+     options.setStreaming(streaming);
+     options.setJobName("TestJobName");
+     options.setProject("test-project");
+     options.setTempLocation("gs://test/temp/location");
+     options.setGcpCredential(new TestCredential());
+     options.setPathValidatorClass(NoopPathValidator.class);
+     return options;
+   }
+   private void testUnsupportedSource(PTransform<PInput, ?> source, String name, boolean streaming)
+       throws Exception {
+     String mode = streaming ? "streaming" : "batch";
+     thrown.expect(UnsupportedOperationException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage(
+         "The DataflowPipelineRunner in " + mode + " mode does not support " + name);
+     Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(makeOptions(streaming));
+     p.apply(source);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testBoundedSourceUnsupportedInStreaming() throws Exception {
+     testUnsupportedSource(
+         AvroSource.readFromFileWithClass("foo", String.class), "Read.Bounded", true);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testBigQueryIOSourceUnsupportedInStreaming() throws Exception {
+     testUnsupportedSource(
+         BigQueryIO.Read.from("project:bar.baz").withoutValidation(), "BigQueryIO.Read", true);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testAvroIOSourceUnsupportedInStreaming() throws Exception {
+     testUnsupportedSource(
+         AvroIO.Read.from("foo"), "AvroIO.Read", true);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testTextIOSourceUnsupportedInStreaming() throws Exception {
+     testUnsupportedSource(TextIO.Read.from("foo"), "TextIO.Read", true);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testReadBoundedSourceUnsupportedInStreaming() throws Exception {
+     testUnsupportedSource(Read.from(AvroSource.from("/tmp/test")), "Read.Bounded", true);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testReadUnboundedUnsupportedInBatch() throws Exception {
+     testUnsupportedSource(Read.from(new TestCountingSource(1)), "Read.Unbounded", false);
+   }
+   private void testUnsupportedSink(
+       PTransform<PCollection<String>, PDone> sink, String name, boolean streaming)
+           throws Exception {
+     thrown.expect(UnsupportedOperationException.class);
+     thrown.expectMessage(
+         "The DataflowPipelineRunner in streaming mode does not support " + name);
+     Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(makeOptions(streaming));
+     p.apply(Create.of("foo")).apply(sink);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testAvroIOSinkUnsupportedInStreaming() throws Exception {
+     testUnsupportedSink("foo").withSchema(String.class), "AvroIO.Write", true);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testTextIOSinkUnsupportedInStreaming() throws Exception {
+     testUnsupportedSink("foo"), "TextIO.Write", true);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testBatchViewAsListToIsmRecordForGlobalWindow() throws Exception {
+     DoFnTester<String, IsmRecord<WindowedValue<String>>> doFnTester =
+         DoFnTester.of(new BatchViewAsList.ToIsmRecordForGlobalWindowDoFn<String>());
+     // The order of the output elements is important relative to processing order
+     assertThat(doFnTester.processBatch(ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c")), contains(
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(GlobalWindow.INSTANCE, 0L), valueInGlobalWindow("a")),
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(GlobalWindow.INSTANCE, 1L), valueInGlobalWindow("b")),
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(GlobalWindow.INSTANCE, 2L), valueInGlobalWindow("c"))));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testBatchViewAsListToIsmRecordForNonGlobalWindow() throws Exception {
+     DoFnTester<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<Long>>>>,
+                IsmRecord<WindowedValue<Long>>> doFnTester =
+         DoFnTester.of(
+             new BatchViewAsList.ToIsmRecordForNonGlobalWindowDoFn<Long, IntervalWindow>(
+                 IntervalWindow.getCoder()));
+     IntervalWindow windowA = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(0), new Instant(10));
+     IntervalWindow windowB = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(10), new Instant(20));
+     IntervalWindow windowC = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(20), new Instant(30));
+     Iterable<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<Long>>>>> inputElements =
+         ImmutableList.of(
+             KV.of(1, (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<Long>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                 KV.of(
+                     windowA, WindowedValue.of(110L, new Instant(1), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 KV.of(
+                     windowA, WindowedValue.of(111L, new Instant(3), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 KV.of(
+                     windowA, WindowedValue.of(112L, new Instant(4), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 KV.of(
+                     windowB, WindowedValue.of(120L, new Instant(12), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 KV.of(
+                     windowB, WindowedValue.of(121L, new Instant(14), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING))
+                 )),
+             KV.of(2, (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<Long>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                 KV.of(
+                     windowC, WindowedValue.of(210L, new Instant(25), windowC, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING))
+                 )));
+     // The order of the output elements is important relative to processing order
+     assertThat(doFnTester.processBatch(inputElements), contains(
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(windowA, 0L),
+             WindowedValue.of(110L, new Instant(1), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(windowA, 1L),
+             WindowedValue.of(111L, new Instant(3), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(windowA, 2L),
+             WindowedValue.of(112L, new Instant(4), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(windowB, 0L),
+             WindowedValue.of(120L, new Instant(12), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(windowB, 1L),
+             WindowedValue.of(121L, new Instant(14), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(ImmutableList.of(windowC, 0L),
+             WindowedValue.of(210L, new Instant(25), windowC, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING))));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testToIsmRecordForMapLikeDoFn() throws Exception {
+     TupleTag<KV<Integer, KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>> outputForSizeTag = new TupleTag<>();
+     TupleTag<KV<Integer, KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>> outputForEntrySetTag = new TupleTag<>();
+     Coder<Long> keyCoder = VarLongCoder.of();
+     Coder<IntervalWindow> windowCoder = IntervalWindow.getCoder();
+     IsmRecordCoder<WindowedValue<Long>> ismCoder = IsmRecordCoder.of(
+         1,
+         2,
+         ImmutableList.<Coder<?>>of(
+             MetadataKeyCoder.of(keyCoder),
+             IntervalWindow.getCoder(),
+             BigEndianLongCoder.of()),
+         FullWindowedValueCoder.of(VarLongCoder.of(), windowCoder));
+     DoFnTester<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<KV<Long, IntervalWindow>, WindowedValue<Long>>>>,
+                IsmRecord<WindowedValue<Long>>> doFnTester =
+         DoFnTester.of(new BatchViewAsMultimap.ToIsmRecordForMapLikeDoFn<Long, Long, IntervalWindow>(
+             outputForSizeTag,
+             outputForEntrySetTag,
+             windowCoder,
+             keyCoder,
+             ismCoder,
+             false /* unique keys */));
+     doFnTester.setSideOutputTags(TupleTagList.of(
+         ImmutableList.<TupleTag<?>>of(outputForSizeTag, outputForEntrySetTag)));
+     IntervalWindow windowA = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(0), new Instant(10));
+     IntervalWindow windowB = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(10), new Instant(20));
+     IntervalWindow windowC = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(20), new Instant(30));
+     Iterable<KV<Integer,
+                 Iterable<KV<KV<Long, IntervalWindow>, WindowedValue<Long>>>>> inputElements =
+         ImmutableList.of(
+             KV.of(1, (Iterable<KV<KV<Long, IntervalWindow>, WindowedValue<Long>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                 KV.of(KV.of(1L, windowA),
+                     WindowedValue.of(110L, new Instant(1), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 // same window same key as to previous
+                 KV.of(KV.of(1L, windowA),
+                     WindowedValue.of(111L, new Instant(2), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 // same window different key as to previous
+                 KV.of(KV.of(2L, windowA),
+                     WindowedValue.of(120L, new Instant(3), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 // different window same key as to previous
+                 KV.of(KV.of(2L, windowB),
+                     WindowedValue.of(210L, new Instant(11), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 // different window and different key as to previous
+                 KV.of(KV.of(3L, windowB),
+                     WindowedValue.of(220L, new Instant(12), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)))),
+             KV.of(2, (Iterable<KV<KV<Long, IntervalWindow>, WindowedValue<Long>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                 // different shard
+                 KV.of(KV.of(4L, windowC),
+                     WindowedValue.of(330L, new Instant(21), windowC, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)))));
+     // The order of the output elements is important relative to processing order
+     assertThat(doFnTester.processBatch(inputElements), contains(
+         IsmRecord.of(
+             ImmutableList.of(1L, windowA, 0L),
+             WindowedValue.of(110L, new Instant(1), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(
+             ImmutableList.of(1L, windowA, 1L),
+             WindowedValue.of(111L, new Instant(2), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(
+             ImmutableList.of(2L, windowA, 0L),
+             WindowedValue.of(120L, new Instant(3), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(
+             ImmutableList.of(2L, windowB, 0L),
+             WindowedValue.of(210L, new Instant(11), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(
+             ImmutableList.of(3L, windowB, 0L),
+             WindowedValue.of(220L, new Instant(12), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+         IsmRecord.of(
+             ImmutableList.of(4L, windowC, 0L),
+             WindowedValue.of(330L, new Instant(21), windowC, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING))));
+     // Verify the number of unique keys per window.
+     assertThat(doFnTester.takeSideOutputElements(outputForSizeTag), contains(
+         KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowA)),
+             KV.of(windowA, 2L)),
+         KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowB)),
+             KV.of(windowB, 2L)),
+         KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowC)),
+             KV.of(windowC, 1L))
+         ));
+     // Verify the output for the unique keys.
+     assertThat(doFnTester.takeSideOutputElements(outputForEntrySetTag), contains(
+         KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowA)),
+             KV.of(windowA, 1L)),
+         KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowA)),
+             KV.of(windowA, 2L)),
+         KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowB)),
+             KV.of(windowB, 2L)),
+         KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowB)),
+             KV.of(windowB, 3L)),
+         KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowC)),
+             KV.of(windowC, 4L))
+         ));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testToIsmRecordForMapLikeDoFnWithoutUniqueKeysThrowsException() throws Exception {
+     TupleTag<KV<Integer, KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>> outputForSizeTag = new TupleTag<>();
+     TupleTag<KV<Integer, KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>> outputForEntrySetTag = new TupleTag<>();
+     Coder<Long> keyCoder = VarLongCoder.of();
+     Coder<IntervalWindow> windowCoder = IntervalWindow.getCoder();
+     IsmRecordCoder<WindowedValue<Long>> ismCoder = IsmRecordCoder.of(
+         1,
+         2,
+         ImmutableList.<Coder<?>>of(
+             MetadataKeyCoder.of(keyCoder),
+             IntervalWindow.getCoder(),
+             BigEndianLongCoder.of()),
+         FullWindowedValueCoder.of(VarLongCoder.of(), windowCoder));
+     DoFnTester<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<KV<Long, IntervalWindow>, WindowedValue<Long>>>>,
+                IsmRecord<WindowedValue<Long>>> doFnTester =
+         DoFnTester.of(new BatchViewAsMultimap.ToIsmRecordForMapLikeDoFn<Long, Long, IntervalWindow>(
+             outputForSizeTag,
+             outputForEntrySetTag,
+             windowCoder,
+             keyCoder,
+             ismCoder,
+             true /* unique keys */));
+     doFnTester.setSideOutputTags(TupleTagList.of(
+         ImmutableList.<TupleTag<?>>of(outputForSizeTag, outputForEntrySetTag)));
+     IntervalWindow windowA = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(0), new Instant(10));
+     Iterable<KV<Integer,
+                 Iterable<KV<KV<Long, IntervalWindow>, WindowedValue<Long>>>>> inputElements =
+         ImmutableList.of(
+             KV.of(1, (Iterable<KV<KV<Long, IntervalWindow>, WindowedValue<Long>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                 KV.of(KV.of(1L, windowA),
+                     WindowedValue.of(110L, new Instant(1), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                 // same window same key as to previous
+                 KV.of(KV.of(1L, windowA),
+                     WindowedValue.of(111L, new Instant(2), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)))));
+     try {
+       doFnTester.processBatch(inputElements);
+       fail("Expected UserCodeException");
+     } catch (UserCodeException e) {
+       assertTrue(e.getCause() instanceof IllegalStateException);
+       IllegalStateException rootCause = (IllegalStateException) e.getCause();
+       assertThat(rootCause.getMessage(), containsString("Unique keys are expected but found key"));
+     }
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testToIsmMetadataRecordForSizeDoFn() throws Exception {
+     TupleTag<KV<Integer, KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>> outputForSizeTag = new TupleTag<>();
+     TupleTag<KV<Integer, KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>> outputForEntrySetTag = new TupleTag<>();
+     Coder<Long> keyCoder = VarLongCoder.of();
+     Coder<IntervalWindow> windowCoder = IntervalWindow.getCoder();
+     IsmRecordCoder<WindowedValue<Long>> ismCoder = IsmRecordCoder.of(
+         1,
+         2,
+         ImmutableList.<Coder<?>>of(
+             MetadataKeyCoder.of(keyCoder),
+             IntervalWindow.getCoder(),
+             BigEndianLongCoder.of()),
+         FullWindowedValueCoder.of(VarLongCoder.of(), windowCoder));
+     DoFnTester<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>>,
+                IsmRecord<WindowedValue<Long>>> doFnTester = DoFnTester.of(
+         new BatchViewAsMultimap.ToIsmMetadataRecordForSizeDoFn<Long, Long, IntervalWindow>(
+             windowCoder));
+     doFnTester.setSideOutputTags(TupleTagList.of(
+         ImmutableList.<TupleTag<?>>of(outputForSizeTag, outputForEntrySetTag)));
+     IntervalWindow windowA = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(0), new Instant(10));
+     IntervalWindow windowB = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(10), new Instant(20));
+     IntervalWindow windowC = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(20), new Instant(30));
+     Iterable<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>>> inputElements =
+         ImmutableList.of(
+             KV.of(1,
+                 (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                     KV.of(windowA, 2L),
+                     KV.of(windowA, 3L),
+                     KV.of(windowB, 7L))),
+             KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowB)),
+                 (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                     KV.of(windowC, 9L))));
+     // The order of the output elements is important relative to processing order
+     assertThat(doFnTester.processBatch(inputElements), contains(
+         IsmRecord.<WindowedValue<Long>>meta(
+             ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowA, 0L),
+             CoderUtils.encodeToByteArray(VarLongCoder.of(), 5L)),
+         IsmRecord.<WindowedValue<Long>>meta(
+             ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowB, 0L),
+             CoderUtils.encodeToByteArray(VarLongCoder.of(), 7L)),
+         IsmRecord.<WindowedValue<Long>>meta(
+             ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowC, 0L),
+             CoderUtils.encodeToByteArray(VarLongCoder.of(), 9L))
+         ));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testToIsmMetadataRecordForKeyDoFn() throws Exception {
+     TupleTag<KV<Integer, KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>> outputForSizeTag = new TupleTag<>();
+     TupleTag<KV<Integer, KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>> outputForEntrySetTag = new TupleTag<>();
+     Coder<Long> keyCoder = VarLongCoder.of();
+     Coder<IntervalWindow> windowCoder = IntervalWindow.getCoder();
+     IsmRecordCoder<WindowedValue<Long>> ismCoder = IsmRecordCoder.of(
+         1,
+         2,
+         ImmutableList.<Coder<?>>of(
+             MetadataKeyCoder.of(keyCoder),
+             IntervalWindow.getCoder(),
+             BigEndianLongCoder.of()),
+         FullWindowedValueCoder.of(VarLongCoder.of(), windowCoder));
+     DoFnTester<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>>,
+                IsmRecord<WindowedValue<Long>>> doFnTester = DoFnTester.of(
+         new BatchViewAsMultimap.ToIsmMetadataRecordForKeyDoFn<Long, Long, IntervalWindow>(
+             keyCoder, windowCoder));
+     doFnTester.setSideOutputTags(TupleTagList.of(
+         ImmutableList.<TupleTag<?>>of(outputForSizeTag, outputForEntrySetTag)));
+     IntervalWindow windowA = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(0), new Instant(10));
+     IntervalWindow windowB = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(10), new Instant(20));
+     IntervalWindow windowC = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(20), new Instant(30));
+     Iterable<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>>> inputElements =
+         ImmutableList.of(
+             KV.of(1,
+                 (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                     KV.of(windowA, 2L),
+                     // same window as previous
+                     KV.of(windowA, 3L),
+                     // different window as previous
+                     KV.of(windowB, 3L))),
+             KV.of(ismCoder.hash(ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowB)),
+                 (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, Long>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                     KV.of(windowC, 3L))));
+     // The order of the output elements is important relative to processing order
+     assertThat(doFnTester.processBatch(inputElements), contains(
+         IsmRecord.<WindowedValue<Long>>meta(
+             ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowA, 1L),
+             CoderUtils.encodeToByteArray(VarLongCoder.of(), 2L)),
+         IsmRecord.<WindowedValue<Long>>meta(
+             ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowA, 2L),
+             CoderUtils.encodeToByteArray(VarLongCoder.of(), 3L)),
+         IsmRecord.<WindowedValue<Long>>meta(
+             ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowB, 1L),
+             CoderUtils.encodeToByteArray(VarLongCoder.of(), 3L)),
+         IsmRecord.<WindowedValue<Long>>meta(
+             ImmutableList.of(IsmFormat.getMetadataKey(), windowC, 1L),
+             CoderUtils.encodeToByteArray(VarLongCoder.of(), 3L))
+         ));
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testToMapDoFn() throws Exception {
+     Coder<IntervalWindow> windowCoder = IntervalWindow.getCoder();
+     DoFnTester<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<KV<Long, Long>>>>>,
+                   IsmRecord<WindowedValue<TransformedMap<Long,
+                                                          WindowedValue<Long>,
+                                                          Long>>>> doFnTester =
+         DoFnTester.of(new BatchViewAsMap.ToMapDoFn<Long, Long, IntervalWindow>(windowCoder));
+     IntervalWindow windowA = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(0), new Instant(10));
+     IntervalWindow windowB = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(10), new Instant(20));
+     IntervalWindow windowC = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(20), new Instant(30));
+     Iterable<KV<Integer,
+              Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<KV<Long, Long>>>>>> inputElements =
+         ImmutableList.of(
+             KV.of(1,
+                 (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<KV<Long, Long>>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                     KV.of(windowA, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(1L, 11L), new Instant(3), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                     KV.of(windowA, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(2L, 21L), new Instant(7), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                     KV.of(windowB, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(2L, 21L), new Instant(13), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                     KV.of(windowB, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(3L, 31L), new Instant(15), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)))),
+             KV.of(2,
+                 (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<KV<Long, Long>>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                     KV.of(windowC, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(4L, 41L), new Instant(25), windowC, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)))));
+     // The order of the output elements is important relative to processing order
+     List<IsmRecord<WindowedValue<TransformedMap<Long,
+                                                 WindowedValue<Long>,
+                                                 Long>>>> output =
+                                                 doFnTester.processBatch(inputElements);
+     assertEquals(3, output.size());
+     Map<Long, Long> outputMap;
+     outputMap = output.get(0).getValue().getValue();
+     assertEquals(2, outputMap.size());
+     assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(1L, 11L, 2L, 21L), outputMap);
+     outputMap = output.get(1).getValue().getValue();
+     assertEquals(2, outputMap.size());
+     assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(2L, 21L, 3L, 31L), outputMap);
+     outputMap = output.get(2).getValue().getValue();
+     assertEquals(1, outputMap.size());
+     assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(4L, 41L), outputMap);
+   }
+   @Test
+   public void testToMultimapDoFn() throws Exception {
+     Coder<IntervalWindow> windowCoder = IntervalWindow.getCoder();
+     DoFnTester<KV<Integer, Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<KV<Long, Long>>>>>,
+                   IsmRecord<WindowedValue<TransformedMap<Long,
+                                                          Iterable<WindowedValue<Long>>,
+                                                          Iterable<Long>>>>> doFnTester =
+         DoFnTester.of(
+             new BatchViewAsMultimap.ToMultimapDoFn<Long, Long, IntervalWindow>(windowCoder));
+     IntervalWindow windowA = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(0), new Instant(10));
+     IntervalWindow windowB = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(10), new Instant(20));
+     IntervalWindow windowC = new IntervalWindow(new Instant(20), new Instant(30));
+     Iterable<KV<Integer,
+              Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<KV<Long, Long>>>>>> inputElements =
+         ImmutableList.of(
+             KV.of(1,
+                 (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<KV<Long, Long>>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                     KV.of(windowA, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(1L, 11L), new Instant(3), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                     KV.of(windowA, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(1L, 12L), new Instant(5), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                     KV.of(windowA, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(2L, 21L), new Instant(7), windowA, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                     KV.of(windowB, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(2L, 21L), new Instant(13), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)),
+                     KV.of(windowB, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(3L, 31L), new Instant(15), windowB, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)))),
+             KV.of(2,
+                 (Iterable<KV<IntervalWindow, WindowedValue<KV<Long, Long>>>>) ImmutableList.of(
+                     KV.of(windowC, WindowedValue.of(
+                         KV.of(4L, 41L), new Instant(25), windowC, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)))));
+     // The order of the output elements is important relative to processing order
+     List<IsmRecord<WindowedValue<TransformedMap<Long,
+                                                 Iterable<WindowedValue<Long>>,
+                                                 Iterable<Long>>>>> output =
+                                                 doFnTester.processBatch(inputElements);
+     assertEquals(3, output.size());
+     Map<Long, Iterable<Long>> outputMap;
+     outputMap = output.get(0).getValue().getValue();
+     assertEquals(2, outputMap.size());
+     assertThat(outputMap.get(1L), containsInAnyOrder(11L, 12L));
+     assertThat(outputMap.get(2L), containsInAnyOrder(21L));
+     outputMap = output.get(1).getValue().getValue();
+     assertEquals(2, outputMap.size());
+     assertThat(outputMap.get(2L), containsInAnyOrder(21L));
+     assertThat(outputMap.get(3L), containsInAnyOrder(31L));
+     outputMap = output.get(2).getValue().getValue();
+     assertEquals(1, outputMap.size());
+     assertThat(outputMap.get(4L), containsInAnyOrder(41L));
+   }
+ }